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Oracle Performance (Talent) Management

EBS-R12 Vs Fusion

Author : Rajesh Arangi

Version : 1
This document describes some of the differences between EBS and Fusion Talent management.
Core modules in Fusion Talent Management include,

Goal Management
Performance Management
Talent Review
Compensation Management
Incentive Compensation
New solutions in Fusion Talent Management include Network at Work, Workforce Directory
Management, Workforce Predictions etc.

Challenges in R12 Performance (Talent) Management and its related solutions in Fusion Talent

Objective (Goal) Setting & Tracking

Objective Setting in R12 is built within Performance Management tasks list.
o R12 - One of the major challenges is that the objective setting and tracking process is
built within the Performance Management tasks list. These tasks are tightly
integrated to certain Start Dates and End Dates. The managers and workers are
required to set and finish objectives within that particular window. Once the Objective
Setting process is finished, there was no option to include any objectives or modify
current objectives, during the performance review period. If there are any new
objectives to be added, as per business requirements, the managers and workers had to
wait until the Appraisal period opens, to add and evaluate those objectives
o Fusion HCM - Enables the setting and tracking of goals across the various levels of the
organization, and supports an ongoing performance conversation throughout the year.
Fusion Goal Management also integrates with Oracle Fusion Performance Management
to enable a point In-time evaluation of goal achievement.

Objectives (Goals) Categorization and evaluation

o R12 - Though there is a way to categorize whether an Objective is Performance,
Developmental or Personal, its limited for certain reporting purposes. For a manager or
worker, there is very limited option to clearly categorize Performance, Developmental
and Personal Goals to focus and track progress on those
o Fusion HCM - Development goals become a part of the employees development plan
and performance goals flow into a performance document within Oracle Fusion
Performance Management. When setting performance goals, workers have the ability
to align to the goals of the organization, a manager or a peer. The goals flow into
performance evaluations to be rated during the performance period. Setting
development goals separately gives employees and managers the flexibility to define
goals that may be short term or long term and may span multiple periods. It also allows
individuals to set personal goals not formalized with managers.

Track Objectives (Goals) Progress

o R12 - The Track Objectives task as part of the Performance Management Task in R12
though gives an option to update the objectives progress, doesnt allow options to
capture continuous review on the objectives progress, and capture comments over a
period of time. A Manager doesnt have an option to keep track of teams progress. It
can be done only at an individual employee level, to a limited extent
o Fusion HCM Provides embedded analytics, which gives managers insight for each
direct report with an easy to interpret bar chart showing progress. This enables
managers to quickly ascertain team member progress towards goals. Managers can also
assign new goals to employees or shift goals among the team as needed.
Performance Management

Performance process, to match the business practice

o R12 The Performance Evaluation process in R12, though not impossible, but difficult to
configure. There is an option to categorize the Appraisal either as Standard Appraisal
or 360 degree appraisal, as part of the Performance Management task, but its quite
o Fusion HCM Provides a flexible, configurable template-driven setup, which can be
molded to fit the performance processes of an organization, without giving up control

Navigation and moving through the process

o R12 In R12, its challenging for the Managers and Workers to keep track of the exact
status of the appraisal, and for the Managers to see the appraisal progress of their
direct reports, and where actions needs to be taken
o Fusion HCM Provides a flexible, configurable template-driven setup, which can be
molded to fit the performance processes of an organization, without giving up control.
It also enables workers and managers to easily see where they are and move smoothly
through the process. Guidance and decision support are provided to users in context to
help them easily complete evaluations.
Insight into Performance Management Business Process
o R12 In R12, managers and executives have little insight into how performance ratings
are distributed, without generating paper reports or Excel graphs.
o Fusion HCM Embedded business intelligence provides meaningful insight into the
performance process. Through drop-down menus, parameters can quickly be changed
to hone in on different areas of interest. Management can take any corrective action
required, and better manage the performance process.

Performance Review Document

o R12 One of the major pain points in R12 Performance Management is that there is no
seeded Performance Evaluation Document (Appraisal Document). Any report requires
to be custom built
o Fusion HCM allows for easy viewing of any current or historical performance
documents in an easy to read PDF format. This will give managers the ability to quickly
review past performance documents as a guide to creating a new employee
performance review, and can provide employees the same opportunity to review the
past as they create or comment on a current review. Performance document PDF links
are available in many parts of Fusion HCM such as Manager Dashboard, Person Portrait,
Compensation Management, during the promotion process, Talent Review and other
Performance Review Meeting
o R12 The Employee Review is a separate function in R12, as part of the Self -Service
module. There is no option to register that a review meeting was held, between a
Manager and an Employee.
o Fusion HCM Requires the Manager and Employee to indicate that a meeting was held,
and the date on which the meeting was held. This data will be captured as a part of the
Performance Review Document.

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