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s1;.sJClc.h'on oJ ~ 1.o'1ldh(
*.'~J:J . 1. Cl~Hvi{;,
(J ,()
.. .
cot)(,(oiq -tbe t econototc b~,
food J shd-c-f,{_:, 0:1ticab'Ofl dotf,;-,"g/
J he.aLth e.1::L .

BuLlion: =--r ~.d:um fOA: S;we.<e arrl 'iJdd.

9_oLd.,Stnnda1l.d. ~.. Curr4 'liD te.. We.Ye. pJ1'T1/:ud bas ed em aOlcf

. '-_ 1- _ .1
_. h rl
Ell( (to(J1! J CCtyyeh~ on .
81.0. of I'.<1I-tllL
- Y ... vQltLe .
4 "'0..<;. t.).\.l'l1bd b Md em ~oLd sl::an.d.w.d
~11 1.930.5) qold sb;t !.'XU Ji}.c.otde..d be.c.o.u~e. of
.&LJPPta aold. ~

vol130n 1. fconom'l:
NcrntWlC.J>e.ofle ~ Baflex.SU's~~m ......-'j' rni:?1-b.'n'q ef'. foi~ -7.

~ cu."rr~ -? qotcl _C\:-dnclw.d ~ d-:aNla..t.dthoJiOl)

'If Cuyye.n~~. [ie. e-cOl1Omj'] . ..

MiS,lO .lev~Cc--: e.Ylte..YpJlI..e. !.c.vd> Unit lev~L .

.,\<!. . 1>emaod
~. ~nII., 0. de"tye_ b:tcJ: bJ pu r charSin3 fOux..t.
lY1one.ijJcorr:~od.a;e~ .' , :-

fc onO'(lli!!>t.'!. ct.vlckcl deman.d i'l1Q. d. ijpes.

Q8{fic.flVe'J.e.rn..unct -" C'lestre back. b(f a FUychollirj yOlLE''{,

_. -._ .. -- .- ...------.--.-~. -~


~Fo.ctD)?!,sf ,prod.umrm:, LQ~d" ".' '-. '.

CctbOui_ '" . '. -'

,,-At mlc.kDLe.vd., ' O~o.'l'lillo.l:-;on"
- tnkYpcrleJirs tnke. -a,to Q.Cc.ounf -'", ~und., cost, c(Jsl:-(_u.ttI~,
VuQ.U~. fliU...-kel:i d ,_--- ,I "" >' "

1<- ~ oe.alh L.9Hh ~{)P c.i>J1~'acihi:Jeiio:n1 ;

4' ' ',",

, " \6tud.i:Qh the. e.conoml C$ 'if e:c~riornd ah ~h~

Il " va,:rlous ,<> a'f-"~ ,J_
=u, J rnese !::l:udlJ '" ' <j, rip
<.L ' ,1'1\ ' eounb:}, me.u'u. ....
es I-

s.\:imu~ ~ pll.od.utbbo) ,,4'1"o.!:.:S, <:L.m~n:l, ~~s SUPf~'

poll DJ' :f o'staL pO ltUJ ~ - .'
... :.

4-" ~ ~ , (~S:<lJ +~sJ

, , iileiL' :
~hat ib 'fe.! i !lnf la.Hon L"I\ 1ndla. ~ -,

r k:lhaJ i'0 ~ntla.h'on ?

,,~ ",hal aTe ~e. topes cf- 1nfLa.l:-lo"f'\ ,?

6 ~nQt tt-e of ~f LuJ:;I01l ( ,


1-.)1'.0:1; -th= Ca.u~~s ? , ,


"LoO"a~ me o cuves "o.:re to be. rate.!) -to to.c.kle. 1nl~a~iOT)?

"'MJ -1t\.!\..the..9,_ tnw.suYe5 o.Ye: to tai::n ,....

, ., C
C O"1c.~""H:i 011 crc' ',' .

Q) ,
.:rn-flQtror\ ml:-ei'> CDme d,oc'(1l') meao.J3,' ~'l'\+eM\:t:J cf InflaClo'l)

5l~k-e. hClS CQI)1e. J..otrJ'l\ l~) .?>pee.d. ",q: \:nc.r~~",,\.'Y'\J\:I~c.orne doo.)1) ,

Deflation me:a~ "pilC.e.S come. dotoT1 . "

food {'l\jlahon - OI."eya.~e 1-food.H:ecM" ,


ASHW~THAXEROX 9290700200 ...

- _.,, ---

Feed LnfluHim - ~k~ bQSI5

e cvhDte sale.- P-..{lC.e. 1nde-a. [uue.u:l.(je.) - Monthly b(l~"'S .
s./ [,.(K~DbeA-lit tt), "'DV tit th . - -. ]
~ u v-.e_ ye_Le.ased i's) .
-r ~1.lo-t\0
~ Oc_1:- 2.0 1.1 : 'l -13-t_

'''''- knOUY1\ .~'Q.t 3nfla.i:ion,

@ Tjpes "
~ lOSe. . t't\ co!:c Of suppl(t ,
G" p;oducb'(YJ\ Cmd rri.C1Tk.e.l:i'n(J ,

* .1>erncmd ull ~I"I f.cttio1\ f'tce.e.~i'1lS 8ufPl.,.J,

0.."( e e.ffect-cl..
~: rV\D:(~t"'ol-jaY"me.."(~,
-t"r< bCt.l.i) Mli~):'
tJnemr-O-j e.d ' I

un OiU-fo.w):, ~<;\ se(lo~ , ' ,'

(e -to COSt o'Ve..t_ )'1..\1)

~ cad:' cf- f.La~uti:;O'f\. ~oe>;.\.)f ',- -' bec_au.~e of-' ~ t1'u.\:s 5~Qe~up , V
- _-
-' -..
.. .
.' .

,.' ..
* comlY\Qr) mOrl 0 fllshe.d out the. ma>rI:e.L.

mQn.~ CO~(1)odi-t.fef 'f'lto'r) ~~trrJd "-tre C(lfi)1TiOrl p~cple.

U e.s rmn 'lnj-Iahoo :
"l!Y cod

'* the. cosb cf SuPPld l'1\c.rea.'>e s fMC.ts 1 UP' 0

C<!)sl:- cf. <;;upplu + -

o .)h,~ 'i'r"Qfl..'>POtl
cos~ t I

J !oJ!,<,

j)!e..ce.l tod: l'

c.a~c.o.d''J)3 effec.t: .he. e..ffe.& l~ to ~~'1\ ,(wd:;00'L

f'l-1~ Ollt<.?aMIl: SeJ\.i.u 1-.yyite:ltlAesGn c.1

auk.tiu._:, *h~
-to l'1lf La'Ho'1\ <1\. eve, COo.)\~ OPE:-C

Fo.rm _oQ:ce pAlce - a.t- faYme~ ~ ~ f.ti c.e.l.h -too tow,

~J--the.. -I:rurv..po~ cod; ':.'l'\G{ e.aSe t , H' le.a.:V, ~ Ll ()t vez sol, ''7\tlo.l::l~_

::J)epyecia.ilon 'it Rupee le.ruk t; ')nflatlo'(\.

".. t;" more, YUpe.e$ .-fol\. the. .!:o.~ d..olla.t...

I.e.. l-l-J'~heL pnc.e -to~ ~ dollCl"- - - - bea:u..tre ~ .-/-f:rocl:f1

[ .:rf: ' 01\ cL.I'!\.Qf\d o.ru1 SufPUU' . h\Ve.~ ro-r>3 .

.,Y>"d ---fo~ oiL.

,i,"j J)e.~1-e.c.ia:-t\OOrf. rupee. '10& flD~ eA.pOllter?. Qnd boA :fat ~'ft\pox!e,...s
-*'- E,\po.t.1:. (J,wr.oth to.-l.-e Coh1e dow'l')
4-") r
~I0.'( poUa ~ if the. 30\1I .
'1l'(\po~J p.tlc.e. PMi.~ _ - - _- -t:> a..l:tt&ci -foofci3'i) ,'l\\I(" (C-Olri;;.

(.Ohef\eve.t e.lec1--Cid 1 (OS~'" ~(l-Up, __ L<'Clds, 1:0 .'il)jlo.-I: lan .

i'YI. ce.eage pJ...odutb'o'1l (osl- - L...o-&.s to c:astCtd['l\J e.Hett

'1ovt:- p0~at'S - POlOe",- Purchase f1'dYee.fflrrJ

C': cosf d f<rx1uch'OYl + PXojit


. ..~ ...
..' -. --:-.:..::..... ~.:::.; .-..._ ----
.-.. ---.-~.-~---.--
. ~-
-- ... ~.-.-~
_ .
. -

R.QI-:) fllQt-en'Ql .'

p,uC"-1 lJeJ,
PlriCe 1- c!Uh~cal item 'dC l>p
x: cool

Ex' :indla_

~ n~&e.!f-(lte e (DOlO f'() 'rH 1- S:('Qle.. .

1'r0Llttx_ 1'.01 vnrhp~ocltJ_eeJ_. J

les: t: th=. pex- o (')1 t- co~l:- t p.t-o cl tJ,.tk i OTt -

o ih_o.~ CDmpe:til:fo'1).

*- -tf-tuh ccs]- E-c.ot\Q~ lw.dt To eos.t fush !lnflaHvn..

~~ : -conom~ w" -th; cos+ cf r~odu_(_HC1\-""low'

Ex: Tapo'l'l J (h<'lUl.

IY f) 2.e.frlaricl fUll l'1'\ftQH~It:

:!)e.mQl'\ct f!.Il_ce.eO\\'

-!I'll'" t-(t, c.o.l,
)!,holtl: S.\)PP~ cCtIH~4
~ mall t'1rt-.~f>l:-io'l\a.\l~

R" CI!Or>. '.

<> Fo1w.I 1 <rIOlY>oon8

..~~r' __
- ht~he.t the pY'COf f).4'~1' o powex s ho-ti:(J_ffe
4- I<e.ep~'l'\~the ~oO'h'(I') oodOton~ Nan__Qvallab,lt~ 1 c'-ificol
arc} '()ci- "('e.le.~t\nj -them mTh m(l'1i~e:t ttemil 'e )l._(\U) rnaie:l..ictb._
!,L,hCIIE:V<?A tre. \i:_cJ .sl_)W\,_~ Sl,';\h\:'\'j \Du._)~~ -
iCy: _< ,-0" C'nc; J rO(1J " n.,r-,be !t...
-th(\l'\ -t)\e.. de.l'Y\\ .. _ l"-o.c;k U, \'bO.yd'~ .
o 1n-te.rt-'Q{lal cuttino ?,,{_()d-(.b~.

- ._
'""'" ._;_---."
ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700-200
_- -_-
_-. --
--- - - --- ---
~:-'-More f(\O-~:~s: l7etlt
:Tnd.ia. ~et mat-Iml)m 'zernltrunc~' ~Tt-tNt w60cl
Ie bO ~'\\iOi1do\\nys.

Re.mHiunc.e._ -'the 2m i o.llll wodi 'Il~ h) a6.t oo.d ?,{1\d.''YI.3 tkq_

,1!1'~1 mone~ to 5nc!,;o ,

M~a.i:ur~ -tu_ken to cont~o! CO~\::- fU>-h laHon:


r.,: I:XU 1-
:- .:J",po.u- d u He ( Ol\ (" .s: 0 i' l b L (1UJhl:- <loW1l !.O i{._ -;l;e2(1 cv:z.z_

-tk_ ~eo:o~-
1e, NO! WfC5,d: clu 1:(1 01) c,w_k rAt- _
~ .!!rnpo.<J:;d.u~~ CYr't ~1:-,to1 ,d 'e.set b-tou3hl- dOWl) to R-5'!
&_c.l~e- du~ OJ] dle,g,eL b,(ou-~hr&cum to ~ ~< 1e,( It-b-e _
C -- - f'TUne,,-oii]
.... pd:To( ; I If- .~'S Rupees-pu Ui:re] --
Petlfol ricet Ci.Ye. decO'n-\:~otte_d
;If 'D\~e..l ,that( n9t- be u~ed Qi' Q c(lmmodt~ .!ike r=' ..becCU1.(.
"tri&~ l-n d;en.~t p<rr c.<'!>-ro.s: <:_Ct~_::-o-d-l~_~.-e~
_ _-.-__ -that to _
~nIY-e~s:;'Chvf lalton ,
- :DeLon+rolkJ mean,& hJ th&- (Alce i Pd:.(d (()CY<?o.S.l"f 1:'l1 the
n~ mq:Jh_t- -iloaJ i,p('U ejte<t -t~ pn'ce, ~ peb<J_ <'1\ J~


te_L_\a.Y~ N:eroh ~ 'II -tht: ce()t-rul ~ovt- annoul1<:.e~ an ih:rn

qJ,. Te.cI thlT) -tDe() -the sf-ate' ~ovc- '17f1fCU cm~ (eM than
1- 'fa'S.. em the.le._ ,items,
~ -Amend -the. CO&tplll!' rc:i(l cd 11) [/ ecfr, ci~ seadl. _

*,- f1 Rrp ~ H07Iorot~ Resh-;riiv-t:' TfI__ode. p,xo.J,'cc A(~ ) e n(l(h~,di1)

1'16'15 f2,~anJhi dovf tatel aby pv, N_arabl'mha RaoJov~

_" ' ..... ----~.-- -_ .':':::;-:.:~-.~

---- - ._-:' .. _--_ ....-
.~ ..- ~ ...~ --. --. _ ..
-_._ ---~..
.. _

- 1-'- N01\ mOl'OpOll<li we.e.prefeyed i'f'l (j(.V~~lice.nsl!s -

,. .. -And uJ"mpa 'nj af.,~eA.t:l value. if, W LTD)'es. ~ above ~- M.O'31.0F~ .

-AccoRd ('TId Lo {hi" p.<.ovFMD'rl> -the. bl~ COJT\po.YlI~- d{d Ylob deb
,L:cel\ces nd &maU cornpanl'o, & tel. not- esl::ubtil>h the b,'d plan.h ru:ut~
do 'nOt p~odLlce bheo.f FJ{odLlctr: S:o -th"" C0ru Qq -

'4 ,he aMel;\S vo.tu.e 'V. mc~e.Qse.d t5 1.00 v(_MeS ~ above

_- f() ono'1' o~

-Afce_ ih~omendment) N)Qn~ 0'3 rOIfiPQl1?eJ e.s1:ubL.hnec\ 813 ptanlJ

ts p'(odud p.(oduc1 wHh le>.s cod: . ASHWITHA XEROX

Gill! : 9290700200
~- q d !.lS.'T\UJ.
~~?1 _n L _I
po I'0j
..f.ronn a.s::>.d.~ limIt- t-o rna.<rte!:-.hha~
le mQ" leI:- .sha.y-e. fJl. the
- f
:foR. e-cO'l)om!,,- ~c.o.le.

- - - ;>\:-

~011 '<

I)orttln b' C'l1

.e -H-e P--I.OdLlC..b'CfI\ t'J\"~ but l10t l'n plopo~H1!Y11tot1:h tnt'. -
(Ylc.(ea"e. l'1\ porula.tIOll.
*' PD~ tNa..-, lpobll.c Di.d:T~b<.ttlO1\ 5~~,lerf\J

Ne.t-LOO'1rk. rfW, .s:r.DpA ~ ltnm.J)Y) cU. 'PbS. ~

- ASJ-IWITHA XEROX 9290700200
...._,._ _- _- -- -. -
~~e.ol-) ;.J.ce J ;S~Ja-,\ ) pcdm oil, teYo&eo _ - - - -!.:hes.,,",. CCIJ)

be ~ UPpll,,-d undeR.. PDS _


"1oc\Qd- PD. ~ o.bL-e check 'r>ll.>e ~'l1p.tices due. to hOilyd_l_'n.% b'<1--' -t;ra_de:r~_
* ('ornpeHtl(,)~ CornmlMlOl\ <'1\ 3nd'Q - .__ - __ took~ ''I\!-o cOIl~I"~al:1av
=-- 0 fl)0 d;f ,eel ( ror;_j <?J::e.d. p Ds
pll'olltdt'l1J the. -rece.-.sult_:j ~ooJt 'd'\ Jubf,ld~.sLales_

E)<: Ap 3cvt- _. __ 1.'(..V pee ~ ~ ~"pee. .

__ r
F Ot!JQ ~e_Cu/JlJ
l-' f. I til _
bll\ LUtlI01l <.1/1'-) _
'lZq0 >t1c.a.: . 3J-
e e: s:"S<2.lI-Hal'es. fld- to chec.l:. hoo'lfdrn.f
-mih 'hnpcs.ed. -the r c.etlt'tl_8!: ern srvc..k.s

l?p~xl~(_naol l.; [No lic.<!l1ce]

, _

/D_7 :lmpp.d IUIl+hoLLi- e. .

~, 5IJd.lan JOv~ pe.uni lted Mnp0,tl:- f pu.ll.ti.l:, edib b. Bit
U'rld~L 90L
_ 0 Abo! <I>h impo"l- (-hl~ Ch, Cl e_dibLe chI .
8 . ,Qe_duce4 l"lYlfo.<..t-&.u.~ on ~e_}:ne.d c::d.~bl.a_ oi\s. tete pa.1~eJ)
~:;, 1
0lA) st>'nf owe.t
ei.. , coconut Ol'~,
- I
(j''rOllna.ntr D\
I .\ 10 =1.S'}.

a fovt- Of ..?nel,a p,tovt'J.edi'gave subMdlf mJ edibLe Dd if I~-o.k;J.

o :Du~ -f'f<!e. lnrou ~ pul..~e.f - _ ~.. rl r~rri'liC'd

o Sl..\.bos;, cf 10J- ct t'.l 01\ pu.'s~s
.. ~(\f'lfI<!.d ~" ~ ",heat, p().d.~ - - _. \..0hc::.n-th~Te'", 1.hO.Q- 5UW~ -,

TO~~~~~~ Recti shc~~~r~ ;

"'0 ~h)FOVl'!.o. ~'(.i(JCltloTi &~b\:er,\

- .-1..1Vf<owe. :Do..r1\., c.o.lloJ.. ~ JJ~\X.'i'(r'(jo.h'Ol\ ~~'r-e.fI'\

" v ~.~ASt;jWlru~f\,w&tft4~OV..QW>OO

-_. --_. .--. -- ' . ..... _-_--.
-- --- -- - --"_._

~~ ~ Ihe. ra.l:-f"--<h~ch -the RB:t

ba.'OIi:: to.<. ~hcvJ: term fU"1ose~.
. -, ( ".

CU~-.entrey0,tCltQ. ; 8,5

RefO 'l"'o.te t_ "-'n+"-e.~e.<;~ (o.~e~ t - ':> lecse~ tho_ 6oooowi~

,; (liT ~ E:1Lt!Il:e4 fYlOOi.hlJ 2.ncome Le.~eJ1
R B1 chonrr.w ~E'.. R!!.fo .tab.. : 13 tome-, L ...c s e s:\
. 'j ~cd. J

~~~~~~~~?t (_~RJ
ha~fa keep U!)cth the ..R.(3~..
Lu.rre.f\r CRR:b1.
C R.R t Cell: 9290700200

~~"-~ ~ [SlR]
B'j raw J
that CQI) ea61~ e'1._chanje
Cash/ ro1d
-:=;;= pe'f[ cf defOslq tohich a hank. hoff 10 keep l<9iih c'l-1e1j
e_c'-thc:y In the +:~ LO'n) :Jold 0, ;.c(.u.~5 s
--=-~"-'--:-. -
-- - ......... ---~
-- ------ ----_.!!!!::..- - - .
_- - --~ -
7,f~3~i5. _:_ 90vb Seu)J.iJ (J,cndY.
. .' ,.. " ,. ... t . ..,", " ..
hished: Sctfe~
f;,LR fi', I'(\al'l'lt-olri~d, "b(j, ke.eF'TIj "tho. mO'i1ej mo,~t~ i:n (,ov[- /'f'~J
NoU), SlR: :l. 5,.

SL R- s.towet. e.JJeLt' on fIlO'f'lVj Sllff1

C.R R. ~ fa.c.+e .e L<, .; . .....

~jv!'~i<:J .... Ie. reclucln:J -the. mOfle~ >cuppty.-

~ led. tv J.owep. B,lowt:h ,

P' _I .
I s..c.u.r. Ol.e.Q5:,".-e s .

.. ~ovl:- (ont-rot 1o.9~t-e:flll e.'xpe.nd'h.l.SZ.

i:e. ' R.e.duLe ihe. .~ lJ1\r0clu.U-iv~ ~rencl.lbJ,:r.s ,

@ ~~Ul'e.s. ~.
m' c~t-a-aL
--........-.. __ ..--J

* ~ClVI:-,~~ to re.duce,:c.o.d,''nj mit. [if!. co!.:tadi)'\_j *u-J

B'i11ri(j .Q)l~ t'O'X. ~ dle.~J .."" decJa'Te.d. Her() ,
;. .2l)be.Jlf:if~ Ot.t.t. eff=-I:r to L'J)cxerue. h~d~fO~ pkochHHoT)-,
f~ho.'1\ce. fhe biodie-set f.loduc.lil')l(\,

*- ~tha'nGt , ,p'(odud-j 6l) ~""om S:l-'daL>r,eS .

+- R ~ D c()!;t <'tltti'l'\~ L'1\ e.vv::J .saW..
~. t-v~ ho{)se. hob /:'olo..!\. 011,1: to p,",oduce. ele.d:-ri L1~ -JOR. hooS.
ho ld ru."fo~e\ .
.' .. - COillIouou~ cod (u-tfi(l~ mee,ho.1\y'>I1l- ... ' p_o&uclliO'J'l ~ low

cod ~oo~ lO1ath\~)

"+ .uf'P~ a. he.o..d. cf ,
... 50ve.St-meor (fc\'((lJ\-te f'~TOfI) ~p.{1a...-mex"
" 1ovt:- heM'l] twj tJ:>\ ~'((l)~l".P. rO~lls.~oI.

--_-----------_.- ._.~.,- - ._--_

~. P-..rJ.
~ v. \(. f?V. R 0.0,1'1" "f)

he. h;:d to CovelL A~r,culbne_ Sed:o., ,se:lIv[ce se.J:ffi...

olcm(l l.9.ith ::Lndud:c y i oJ s<cchrr,

I\ft-e_y J:llderedetlce, a cornrntltee t.:iQ.S. 1O.-mulC1.l::-d i'l1 ~ >

~ P"iof. P. c. Maho.Le%I}) OJ, d,Qi.rrnQJl')

. [sb:ttl.s{tca.l he.a.d b~ P1L NehT~

o f.-of b. R. d~:l
o P.tflf .

..-rh!~ comrn ilke. 0. F,u.l1m~')'\().)''jle.po.U:- 10) 1.q5 i

t: i "cal ~"-p<!)1..t ,:" 19':) <I

Re.comme.nde.d for CDnlltitt.lH on t.~fo~ fJ"era:lfi-ntt N1E

[ s!:u. H s; Hcal Or::J . .Ge.thoj

o ~ bC4.h'onal <5Qrnpl" .swcveJ o~ol- to OT~Q'I1i,;.e la."-3e.

~cale 1l:C1.ll1pt" "' .

-1t Nat fDhal Accounts s~ob,.,ti(c, [:lIl{-crf1o.~IDnC1I1J (lfr~ovl!_dJ

BOSe y ~XII .-fey N1 E 1'150.-'51) J'1bO-61'J j'J~g(\ .. ~1)



_._-_-_ --- _-
~- _'!!!!:.
- ... .---~. ---
~;. .' -' . ". . - ......
.' . (_ ~'fOSS Domei;h'c iloduc't]

Vo.lue addition::. ifa.tue of oUl:cpu.t .- value cf .'i'npul -

.,p ~: ..-he a.d'Jre.dcre of -the. ~...<W'> va.IUe. ruLled ~Dm Qlt -final.
~ood!:. o.rd l,eryiCC$ p'(odltced bj '(el',id1'.r)t~/ ...v.;idenl:ia.l

J-ns.t,tutlo!19, h9lthl'Y\ -the 'Je-o~YCl.phiC,ul c.()n.d(l::-1o~ cf (AlOUI1~d-

du''1l J the. ~ W!L.

[Dom~s4.-;(. ~ l.9t:th,l') the bO-ltnda rle3 of ~ou.n~

;Ie ~: lq""OM t-!Ql-ionol P.(odu.ti:" ]

q I\l P =- 1DP + Ne.t- ~'TOS' \/a.\ue. ruld..,d -t>orn AbJ{oa.d..

[ -q'rOM :vetl.w>- o:ddul b~ 1nJ.1onJ, an.d.1nd.~Cln_ .

JnstitU+lOM <'1\. ubl-oad) - q"'OI6 \/o.\.uJL Qdckcl

-foYILt.'1ne"-I',t i01e.I'j1l ~~ti-tuHon~ ~n1ncl~~.

.~: [tJd:- pome.d:-ic. ~lcdur.t]

.. NDP; ~DP--on~lJmp\;1on4 f~e.d Cofil:-a.1 [cJ:cJ /Dep c0.o.'tifH).


0;)1 r('o.~hi"e.'If~ nrd I:Vtlpmfn.r] - !=,'nonoo.l

. j:nte.Yrf'l~clLCI.h:" Se.rvlcer ~d\..-ec.1-~ .meQsured (,c I SIM)
_ JPSII1 .
g .J:1ln:-vest ld~ on. c..opll:OJ 6o....l5ow

[;"-_y'~P ::__~ DP_-C '~~;-I-~'~J

i<' ~~ [Net- NQnon<;J P.{(!>d.lHt J
NI-JP::: 9.Jl1P _. CF c - P1'SlfYl

qnp Cj NP NOP ~NP

N 1\11' if; \<'[)OU)'r) CU No.t'Drw.l.11nctlrY\Q.


- . '.:_;_'-- ~-~
- .--

t~: ,-he_ cos.1::: bo.s ed 011 -tk fa-dvyJ., 1f!Lodwl-i on - thaI: m eon) ~

.Lal1d lRe.I1I:-), (abou-t. C 1..9lJ_~e!), Co.fif-nL{ 'llh:_re.d:) o.nd o~Cp,(_ofd).

M-P ::.

~nd~: [pPPJ
Ufid.eL rpp, o, Os cloUO_JL ~ .. ll_ ha.l1e -the J,o.((le purchQhi3'l'}---

pouJel.. Ullcte'{" aOtf1e.:1>b'c ('-(__.[/TlOrYl-J o.s t'Yl -the us eco-noflttr - 7h::

C1DP cd. ppp facil'~a.l:--e?. c.0rYlfnrt\!)(JTl a.t-the .Infernarioro1 leveL-

" ~~~:
_The r=: prevallt-n3 d~Jtinj the base 'j e.a.-L


. _ C; DP -\- F- C -
- -~ !\IP fJ1.p To-t-Ql: d.4- es t,t"ncd"l
NDP r- r- p ( 4 r-?> )(2.)

<iD~ oJ-!'.\:- al C-OMroT\t - fQtll1I:-Q~e"_' to ?'I:-u&'j

-tl,,, 1~Qttlt-h "-are in -the eCf7(1of(\.'j (71. 're.aJ. h:r~-

(lDP at fad-D"!f c.od: a.t cuyyen\:: f~,(_e( -- fIlCl\Hcd:e-s [-0 "r-u.J.j

-I he_ ,I.-.
12_(__OT\O/'(\I(_(p"0wtll ('1\ NOml'7\_lJ_ l i:e.-rn'lh-

NNP cd: r:'-C ot cOr,;,hlnc p,,' v, KnoW1l C\JI NQ_I::~Of\al~ncome_

<Th ill -] to
ct t_;:l_; {-ah~~ tV 015 k. Dll t The -pe:r capl t Cl ~'l'\(o\"Y\ce ell: UIM Ia nl-

p-r-\ c.e?, _ 15

-AS_HWIT.HA XEROX 9290700200

- --.--.~
~.- -

=r \:0. t l'Y\.C.OtrR. QI:- -L II Yre. nt yn' ce.s _

- tjDP 01 M.o.~k_elpn'c_el> oJ- c.un"cnt prices __ 1--aLiI,\:--o(-~ to lccrrk

Ou-the_ ,,8a.vl'n't (Ute and <'l1.. ves hne_l1~ [capl ro1-fD;rmctt-icrn] ,
(jDP Qt- Ppp 0.1:- c.uyy-enl::- P.1r\ceS. _ f-otiut-al:e-t the compo:clsDfj

E>f 'the. econolY"j at- ik Jnt-O' I\.)ah'0 no.l Le.vd,

For f!''l13'-tho _qDP. -the wwle ecD'OOm'l M c!tvlcW

ento '1- sl:nnda.'1fd i1) l' DriB''!)'

---r\l'(e._e:. cliff app"fI9Ctc.he' '(eLQ.venl: to :3 'l'f'ldud::-d~
-- oj 01 'a' !\, . Q~c'.bd'f\~ Qrlop\:-e.J_
.. fj,oduc!-ID'l\ -AJffOo.CI)
E-"t.PCflcr;l: tuyc:. APP"">
<> 5:0(O[fle flppr~o.,-\j

.1)I}} (\"feJ;,o, to ,.gb_l~ ,

til ~";'~ll)tl) '-1\- --the e.cort)l'(Ii C ~ 'DP] -.' .

~;)Thj l.'Ln(__lul>iVe~M [se.J::OYa.\_ d_lI>l:rlbu\:]oi1~ -tk e_(__ono~

(jli) S-t--an&nd of Iiv~~~ Lpn lcritu 'lnc.offie. J

i.!V) +te.a1.{lj oJ Eco"{)Offi't mte o.t)cI, 'i'rwel\:{'(\e.vJ:-]
[So.VI1'I7->". .

(.'V) E ljic.ien(~ i-n. rre E:c.onom~ [~nc,(Cl)');_>ntcJ CC1fl-bV. 9P "ClM'DlI]

- (.1:COR)
t..i) '1nflutit9ll t:n the. e.conom J ['lmplttit- ~1P? defla_~

you.,!:h OfT) -the econornu:

9'Dr at COnl'>l.:-a.n:t PtiCe.0


-,_ .. .-.~---- .-.------ - "-- _-'-. _._--_--_-- -

__ ._ .._.-_._ -- -,.:.:::=-_-_- .

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$2.-{lO~-Ob 9 s-
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. -.t ..5e_ckvral Jt~tri.huH01) .

II if"(" ure: alld -A [it te.

o N.l'l1.1'l1.1'f1.3 oW Qua."JJ'?1j ..

,tS- 1-
. t-ia7lufClcl-uri.71 d
e:(e.(.hlci~ 'aa.s J SUr?)
. corv.;t-ruW01J
Trude > Hordll'~ Ylsrntimnt- is-S
""Urv,pOU, .t-oro.{}e ~ c.ommuniwl:-iOJ1 100

Fi'l1..anu, lJ1hUranc.e, 'fealulule ~ .J.b 't

buf(jne. ~ se'" V " u:.!
s octal , cornrnu'6lt'j and p('y~o71().L 142>
. .s e .tv'-a,. &wr e+:fY

_._-._-- - .

.:!Obe--D6 1- 8

[ q"T(Jw+h ro.Te im
)OO6-6f !! .1-
271come ~ '71 O1!- ~ 5:'~(1~ ..j
'.1 .
:lOO't - 08' TO"]

~DOe ~ D"J '1.",

Q..OO? - j!? 5 l.j

.s .

~'o ...
" Jr:_caooe - c.Dnsvrnt.1:-t'O>'ICe"'A.-fendtf:-~ it rr.ou: as SaVl'71y,

, !he.~dO!)'>')ciome~bc. =-r a.t.. btj dcvicll7l'J--

-tN..... eLtJ'11Drf1'j int;, house }1ol.d &e.c1-tfl, p1i.vate cO''tr0/(a}e .secM._
.ard I" 1:4'( ~e.tlvA-

AbouJ: =fir), 11 ~ic#.domehh'c ~avl'11Js are.

--- . b;;~~~o
~.- r':>'<lva.te [i>Tfo'(ali: Se J-dL.
6 OJ. - rubL;c. ~eC}-tIL

.1nveo~()t :
L/V\, r :: hL( de_fault i1)veri-mellt
:;avI'l'1t J J'

e :Inve,!;~~d::.:

l 'f '
.0el {o/,h:,J j[oUJ flD'(oad

(f-cJ 1(04) from l-lb.< oa.d -' (ayi{'m! flou.> (,-om

'irldia to ctb" Dnd,
J _

ForeLJIl e;'-LA"- \l..3( rfLCL"4J81T)1!rJ: fld- [fE M flJ


'.- -, -
_ 0--

o H1dhc,,- -fu{ ~v"'1)05 "{ale -_) /;,'Jhe!l. V:e :'Tlve;:i-men~ Yll.h-:_t fJ(ovlckJ.
~ (OU.?1.~:J ~ a.bk To odtro. c} -foTel'jtJ hoves crnent!,-

ErOS) JomecHi .rC1VI~ 910~s.ropttat 1ormaf:i1e;c %

r_qDS] ~ iol-<. Dome<. he Jhvesbm.Jc
[ '/, ;f t, DP
--- &J- JYtA7k
. _{jD!L-l ~ f ri cec a.-I ~{'fYV.l
;{C)D4-o5 3;;j_-?, 3!i 'S
200J- of; 3;)S-
:L{)o9- {)i ~-4-.6
~oo8 ~o~ 3J2;

~DD9 -;10 33-t DO &

.t'-t\~:Jf fccno'!'t} :
'The st(ti;,rS~)(al PQ,(Clrr>el::CA. it, htu.dJ th~ efJicievtc.r <n kne
gd~f(ffl t.<, . jf) C'1'1tCl~ aJ:F Ra~ [1CDRJ.
:JeoK ()!. d~f'llJ al -the 'r~ cf o.cJJitiO'Tla.l UOtti oj cOfil::(~
r~'jt:'d't, <'TIC re.CJ6(. OLI~l- .hd . i unit-

I.e-S5(-~ the :JeoR ~ -((lOft:. (_ff'ti.enOj ell -the. -%sl:-~m-

~ 'lcpR .j/(J."It'(J from 8eJ:Ol to 5cLl:1fL. and -thi/' ,/, ba &e.J OJ')

~fut Ourf-:d 1',,-cH)l,ac1,'oY) 'Icib[r!. [!lOT'f) -

* "!he [knnirj tOm/y)~m? bejo'fe w.unc.h(''TlJ every '5 ircu. plat)

e&f:imClteJ. the. 1coR = (7)tv ((lr)'."aenr.t,'CTf) - the r:" 1"-aJe
-Th be ~cLc;_evc.d{ the (1'\ve~rt'()e"r r'{I~e to I;:e f1'\O.intui71ecj .

~o~-4iJ\.~t\_ io\D\hMte - ..!ncr~a.t.~ l'f\v~hne..,J-
:QwI.p yolle. e1f, c.LcY\.L'iY
ASHWITHA XEROX 9290100200 -
..-'-~---.-~- -- -- -
---- ---- '.---- .-
---~.- ..

r;; oP de lQ.t~ :
-'1..-,- --- -. -- - - -_ ... - ... '
~ DP defLa}.i_ duiliii a_ tO~t-;cuJai_ifeaA_
1DF a.t ell rfUlt P.i~C:"d.uri'1l ct F"I:;CLl~ 'jea.-t.

9 DP at to~tar)( p.,.-leesdUl'JnJ tie. Same:

. to.;r/ (Ie~ .
""Th. II>
:d. c;.e.
J f'
u:nuT can he Ufi I[/;ed..c-"t,
I CorlVerr an;; ec.o-ooro: / !irJonciaJ

Va..<iobL= f'a:m Curren/: r= . t;, -the. babe.

!Je.m r=: /0<.. tul:1"'r
~d'cQ.L d~ctJon,l3,.
Jr'lcorre cf P.
pc TS cn)

. JI LOt!. /ocU d The"Fe. (c.J("L '!,

4- lakhs .s3~J_ 1 y;,<,e. (~ cncome

: k9 a' I\?Y(J'O)~J be. c. au ~I! the.

-(00 l( -0"
=--- r" cec ~ in _iooq -0'. are
4/ (. Le.~~. ~omt>Qyed to :JOOl> r ()'7 .
~OO&-o'1 It-. Laklu . .: 5~.s

________,. a: 3.1..)
".:J.? ~.
_- :..
or - . Ed 3 iak.h! 71,-,1:-
Ie.!e. cY\. t-ncome ih J5,800 Ol'. U .
~..,...._.... .
1 La HI"1 3' .lak/v!. . L) :"e.cti..'1\.CT ' I"\.
. . ,

J: -t. J of a po ...1:..c.t..d.o.,{_ L/ e. C1. A c..!)hc n

.1'nab'11 on 'j a.u 01.... a1:
t ne:. en I U

conrayed ~ith the bCt~~(jea,,{. ::::0 (.'hnrlicil ljD? d..ffla1-& -1.) )(10D '.

{;) .1njlah'orr 11t1)J.,: (r.::t~ _.1)"l<IO()

- DA -J. (200'1-D,5' -" 200s-0V'-



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men!- pia nn'n;t

1.'1c'{ '] - 30 - 0 'Y'<Z.a.r eft:pre 101).


Dnl'if "l1e couf)f,y esc.0pe({ -(rom this ie !}_~5R_, be_c_a.t...lSe_

if:- toar _S;tsbefTlaticaH'j delieCopc.d col1nh-'j T- - - - 5 'j"_Cl.-L ptof)l)i"'J .

*- ~evc::lormef\t- rlAnnt(j fl, a. Froc.e~s e_ncomp~n;;,

U) Uent;j"coJi{JJ) _'tr -the re.J00Uf(.q
lll) ForrnuLafit:rl)
- :Dehrmtni'Tl!J
1o~er1:-ilJeJ and
the. p,{LoJ;.He!
r'j pove..-c 1::1
Lt+i,:\he.. l'-cl..uc:.o.b'oo---
~'I~ .:End i. ta.h?"ld rn o-n i Ce...ahfe '1o.YJets. .
~") {ormu1a.h'on
1- !
pY0[Jramh sWeme.!. ke er~'J
'll 'rI VU:W
l _

-tt.e.. f n'OAL h'es. _.

LV) Jnptement-an'on 1PYDJyaf'(\J/s<J,em~s
LV,) f10 '11 (to y (nr- a ~J.6 valua1:1/71)

mDiJitOY("(IJ ~') .-me((_ng h9cthh ~ f.()ch~

-,he. bcu,jc_ {e.o-!:uyeJ tf rLanniTlJ a.Yc).

t1 j lllb'L[10 be.nefc'~ mojoN.~t>f ff-DflJ

ll;) t-f'' fU:::.1oj r Pl{bi,'(_ Sf f.tvate se.c.tdt']

,(iii) 8ato.'f)Ct:.i cl.evdo!mi:f'J~ [NO yel,'on f,/)(Xld be. nt!1/ecfe 1
lll:) r-tiY];m;~1j -lJ-e jorei(J'tJ Cl'M1'~I7{l)(e.

0. S hor! /-f:rm (1 'r1]
i .
!) f-/;"dium -{-etfY) [$ ~>I}

" LOn.3 {etlll 0\. pOSie.dive: ylAnni n..~ [n) -I s- U TsJ [0

.,. V")
. v.,)fI o~\. C 1"I\_'O'I'e. ~I\ ~ 2~
~')'S .

_ ASHWITHA X OX 929070020Q
. . ,---. ~.-.- .~.-.~-.

. 7he. .:1nd~ari:deve/
... ''.In Df)t-nQ--f~o(;ef<::'__baf~d-.-rrn-
17 V o ..--.
'C' -"
r.-CA.o __
0 0

a:;ual flan.
000 0 0 0 0 0 O

flan and e1..ew_-i-,;on of c 0 0 > 0

~ .~ {tJ~hru!s Mod~L]
:k. / ']:j-S J tJDA 1ovl:-, ~ru: ' 11 pD_t(}lf., r1(.d-ed ihih plan.

5" 'j" flo.., I l'ffl~m~nt- through G.rlf)un1 fan ..

ND/I lov-l ,/,wil-ihe..d OV~ to Roll~(fpl:an.

o"t ~,~: p--e_Y~PC-c.Bve.

. E-V<?.fv.-J annLtaJ. ~ le.a.d..t to 5 aO flo.'i\ f8... CO'fll,nLLi1

-1\ teL ~ {"CI.

G .,d'n'- LOt{\!!. til ~

,,\0' S,",e fol' 0 0

~o~~~ \aY'- -
--It oJ.t..d. f 0

'll'ld.' L1 0

: II-)~ ~'r\

e6v.1DM are. -~f)V~Tnecl

~ 1~hC.alpoltua a:rid 0\6I\t1:-Q~'J roli~.

* ~/fj'() dow"" a._- ooac.J,._ '.
_ -
_ [Je.ce.nfra..Uhd 'plonntYJ'j

~ .:1()st;f-uf,'onClL ScJu :

* piM()i'(l3 C{lmmtM)Oi\
~\: if:" an -J.d.\I11>1),t'ij bO~ r (on"tituh~-cl bQsed (}1)

CI. ~1:X"'e.t .esotu\:-~()'T),

t s t-o.b\thh~ 1.'6\ i.'" S' 0

P1'l\ ~ chal'l'rna.'I\
A 1u.ll t-~me, c;\'I\.-r oHt'clo.l. 6-... I\101\.OHi~oJ.J
ASHWITH'A )q'E,aol.S,~~QJ.Q~Q~l'

--=: - ---
--.--~.~ ~~~,--- ..--.--.-. -~- --.- - _-.'---- --_. - -. --------:__:__----- --- ---- -- --._-_--

/" niL."iJ
1k InD.I;~'",/, lLt~tt10f) cf F'-o.nni, ~;r(1mIMiD7) ..., ft~po rct~;01) r!-
[ -APf'C~ pa~J .. '.'

. ~ l\IoJien(1i f:Je_\Ie (i)~:,1:: COU:1Vil::, eN 1X)

Membcr.s: citctl"fman: PM
. <7'\ll t>1\~Drf\ CAbl't\e~ 1f)''I\(I,t-e.M
rAil the (:'M~ of the d:cd::s..

<71tl rul.m.('Tlt!>rra1:vY0 t UI)\(YO) l{T(cro,.-lf...\

,Be.Pu!j c.n.o..hmo'J) i planol-, com m ,

~ll ~e mernbeo..s i plo.nni.?\3 eOffim""""';vti

Gf the arr~OQ(h~ fTef;r'~c! b~ pLaJ)(\ l't\.3 cornrn ~h'<>iem Vs

a-rfTOIfe.d b~- ~ N DC. -then. 0'Jl7 ~b be.come.s 5 ye~ .J

-k. NDc I~ (\1'\ i'lYlp 1o'ifum to conHr\uou.s~ Tev~eco thJL dJt\j~Lofmw-
. rYO~~..Q.nd -tule OfprlJPriah Level de.u/Oio'l1..\ .
. Mod .. e-JJ\ve .9.n.d"iru t-IO~al /)\e_chanj>.m to e~u re ho.rmol)iO(J..t

cO~d.\'n(lH ()'J) Ql\.d po,lfl:ne~hhtp b/lO cenb-~ o,nd s.t-a_l:-e.{ . ...

. "~DC tOa.s (ory;Htu.1:-.d bo.,ge..d;~ the o.dvlce q_ ptanOlotjCClf()f(\i..<.%iDn.

";> ~: (j_~Si..!5GJ . . .
. ,jy),'7tj
rr,>p fT;:01..i~ \,9<U 3i_:;e.n Th Aij, fJY".iJ{\_/-ian]
~bj~: Rorrd, A~J.i(.u.Lh..(Yal J.evelofrT){'''l~ ft. eMu(21oocl

i:' 12.(, u',U ~

~[llL.;irrL3Cl'l:icm fJ(!)Jed-J BhaUlII1Qn{j!l( , JNrO,L.ta:

9,,(01)\ neffLt'Jellcl? to 'i:nJu.hial [c?eJdt. 1A..~(fh rYI("rl? ((Uoccr.h'(JTJ

A hucce~[l1. 'plan C'I\t-erl'Y\.-cl cf o..J,l~II(7lJ fYl.Cto.o e(ono/t1('C faraJ

23 t1.
. ASH~ITH.f\ XEROX 929Q700200
_"__ ~-
. -.- ..
., -

Ne:hTLl- Mo.holw16 \'T)od~rfrO ~co()Dmk evelopme.rJ- .

<lop P'(O~~" ~ndttShie.s~ espe:ciullj <:.clf1tt.( S'ndusb-Jr-'
MoJo.t. sl-e.e.lfLan~ e~\:obl~Ahe.d . [DtUQ"ftL{. fl.LlU It... - - .
. .' .-.'- '. "." ".
NOt- 0.. ~ucce~u.l pLaf\ d.ue to l)fvfo.\lotn-obl... se.O/:>onal COrdl'~WY
01 cliff fU'O~" t!- cou1h:J. +lotveve.t., q_ 1"J1'f) -fDund.aI:1M Wc:t.\

t' lo{c\. foy J:rd.u~t:-p'o.liAo.~On 2'11CO\JT\h~ .
~u~ ~[tq6i J -f,{;

-Apo..1:--from ~l'\Juye afld ~ndu!::tYj1'1nJra.5:t-ruc.h;..Ye,

M~ nv.,o 'f veri pIlOti..~ [tl1e.tffJ, <j'.o.~f0;d:- ard. c.otnJnu-nI(O_I:~J 0

. O~e.<.ti"e..: Sdf - Ye,li.a.Ilc.e a.1ltd self - r-ne.a.~W)

~OA_ lo.ndma.1Ib; : ....1"(cen Revobl:l.CfI1 uxtt tuunched

o lM-s. Swo.:m.t ~Qtha.'l)J c~c.J.
Ut-it"l> o.f:r'o'r) 6- tmp~oved0l>~ 0 0..,4 o+ ..Uh a.HllI) cf' t~~\\'.s .

.If s1:ale'ic.irJ Boc sds we.1fe. ~.:bubll'hh ...d.

* st:ctb:. Roa.d l''f' Q00'3"PO~a.!::~O'l/
wo.!. e.ctobt!,'IheJ

N e.hru. Lcrl,Sa.Wu.t. So.1~.ri) ~1'"l&rM ond.hi o~

. J .J.,
[J'oi JoWC>.1) ~ Ja.~ k(hQ~

AI c C P'(e. 'cO' d el)t: KCl'Yn l'~

51" +e.o1'l\'!.1 pe...lI'fo.rnul')CQ., tl--R. IY)Ds\:Mlhe.:mble. 'flQ.f\"" '?>~f1o.n

b~c.o..uteo f Chl.rnese. o...~O'Y~i01\. WO -Pa.l:. wcu. .!.coy). _

(116D (I'fGo')
,._ pL~1l holldo;j 'I tl.9Cll Je.dn re.c\ off; dat\6 afte K <')'YQ r-lctn ~ 5ndi7O,
~ NOt- ~vt-ruy24s"' '66 pla.1'\

. -~------- -_ ... _;-"", ---~:-:. .. __ ._- .- .. -~.~-

- - -
...---- --- .. ----- ...-
pldo , '3 ;nnualpbns
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d 7\-nnu.a1 plo.'I) D 6b - 1',7 J


-rhe.;nomj d0 no~lmf00V~J

4> Annu~plo.'I\ [196'1 -6i] .
-rhe. ~C.Ollori\.lj I:.m l~ .eLo"e.Ri 1r
b ~u.alpln'1l Clq s 8 - G'lJ.
lietS b_eef\ ().Chle.\Ie.d
fD~ \)~,Bl0G'


~. ~~.[li6<J-~l(J ~O~

. . Ap a.,U:- j'.5om a.~ lI'; .. &>,vic..F!S uxYe.

'cJ~D 3tV~r) p'coAi5'" .'. . ..
~bJ('_<-:v~: 1"ocoth_:-h9c:th ~m\:iltl~i fTtc.iS, Social :Jusb'c.e o.~

e-w-mt.. s
Lund llla.1:. ~ .NQ!:-~(.mollJ;a.1:10'l\ e(\'l1.~ . i
th . . '. . C
mojD.t. commezdo.l .Bal'l't.\)
~, [t~ry,t{ -'l-'t] .
~n~~J--plQ.n which WQ~ ttnT\\noFed berJo7ie. 'J ()=:L. .
:.L t0C\& hnplR..rn.enl:-ed
11\. I'l74 - :t8 .
t.'J "1'18
Tunat? qO'k co.f<'<.O_1
u, fOw,y '.
. (i) .
..Ll1dW!.h~.' ""VPciCUl+u,e a.nd bOtt'a.! s.e.ovl.c.ef ~ 1'V F;OXi~
..11 ..
Obi ec.hve.s p ove.t'J. 1-.. ~
Re.o.Ltc.l:1c:m am'\. EmI,o::J'ITl'-nl:- '-,

. r!)a.'Ok
. . PDS
'-l!:- WQ!.. tC1..U'I\ch.t.d. to AOpPl._t e.Y&"-nHQlc.o~ 1:1.& .

to fe.oPIe. W)ho a.'6'e. be.lCOlLO Fove~~ ll'JIf ct1: AuM\<tj p.ill!.

lP,\NP)'It:' IYll.1lLlliU"", rJeed., f<rD'J'I"O.mmt'. to cte.'Je.\op l\

Ne.eJs: 'Pot'fY1.o.~ e-J.u.catl'qn.) 'Putrna'll'~' H=t1th cCt-Ye,

4(u.a.L ""Ct-t-eo s'ff'~ an,i (\'1"\\ 'ta.I.:I<m RO' ...CI.\ ')'00...1.1.' <l.tI.J. yu~

hOU~~ .

-~ - -- - . ASHWliHA XEROX 9290700200

.. ~.
- .. -.~-.--. -
- -
RO((C'fl3 plan [j_9.-qg-gO J '.'
.',.. ~ -th . .... ..... .'. ". ' .' .. . .,-

.~ (;, 5-Yerl.1f plan [1-9&0-85J

, Afa.~l: from 1l3ti.cull::ure l! !lnJ.u~hy > CI) ~r(jd ~ also;f'vel')

fn'Df.1~ ,
-AYJtl fove_1f~ f'~o57'o.mmes OnA mflo)jmeTil!-tjl~neYn'HOTl.
pYo:r.-a.rnl7]~ Wa! LaunM, !lr1flnb'lJr) ~C1.P tnldu crmtn/ ....
A '-('u(ce ~fuJ {'tan in t-erm~ 1au,teVl? - tnocso ecorom:
A(j3"e.;;o..-tes _

Ind~:ra ~(1ndhl.wru a~aMinaa.d (PflJ)

F~'I1cince. 1'{2111.d:-e.f..' 'Wanab H ufc_h(J.~.iee

crop f-rlO~~: ,-f-ne"'OJ 1~I1()wecJ bJ goda} Je:rv'r:ceJ ':

. ,DIj<,t/;,ves: =r=: efjt'u'e.(1C1 qnJ .soclo1 Ju~tlw? .

7'Y C1J-er 31:- tess: "-'CiS Laid. Dl) flu man Rr_Co LP"(e !!e-velnf{'()O'll:-{I-lRij)
A hUCCe.C5jul fla.n ao~e.nn51- achte. V fry the. rn~C.fD eC01?DI'YUc.

+-a.'i:Jet : '
,he e.COT)0rr::i 1{ the -first- Hme: e',(j,i'hil:-ec{ Ye~ten(e.
. of
fDuh'cal U'flcer-ccu'nt'y> aftet -th~ pian -r= {

annuaL pla?'],,' '(?Y1pLl'.menl-ed b(J v-v cS'tf1(fh .'1) I ~r.5' chandra gn~khLL
tn iU'(~' -01"10-"'11 -' l"l"ll-'p-J

I-} P D fYl h ...I'~+ee : p~. Na rG glmho. 1?ao

ne became pM ) P,'nClTlCl'! ,.,ft')')I$t~. -' HanfVIohan ~Y1q~

::- .. ""'!": ........... -

--.-- - -~ ..__ -_-
---:~ ....~ -.-~--.~ ... --~---;'".- -- - -

'it, ,. ,. . '."
7nf15 plan. 1:1 auG krioum OJ . 'Rao - ManN Dhan Sl('Jh Model cf:-
~omr'c_ Be.ve_lopmert}:. ECOflOrnk ~fD"'fY\\ we. ..e, Lao-Y\ ~~retlQ~t
Iof pYiD.ti.'J: E-ne.iJ't' /','" ',, ' ('~ d,,_ ~ndu.c~n'o.t ,~:
..2nyo\vt!!mco[- % PU'l)ChClO'at ~ boJle~J N~~pQl.tkru J NI]O_s
c A J!,u.(_ce~ju..L r'= duri~ -the ,~ 3'j7$ t 5:f~ flQ() . the.
qDP Ye..O{'t!.tc:.~dmore.
-:r1- 07\ 011 avu Q..c:~urncda.l:ion+
t= o nuro .
<> jnfloco f fo-relJ'l) 0t7ecl .2rl\Jeg~rnen!:- o.nd: f{J-reL,:JY) ~ ...clu'Y:Je. '!HE.}1)e'

00ld held l. R Bf (~d.Jhdd. b,Y R S.'L

. ":/ ..JardiTl (Ur>'cr>c:Y ~~

FO?rrlt;j"l cu.'orl!..t)ClJ (l~eri{, hdJ b'{ R8'l &-I(l' do!IcH>fD~ ..

(j , (J A.eld b:JfUJ~ - - - -)

bfe.a~ i)J..a.l!Oi?fLS~{3htJ {SOR)he.Ld H'y ~ovt '

'" r
. * 8
Pm: v~ PQ-t Jv-o,r!,_ob0
~lOf.(~. A(1.sutultu;te\. Ruw1.,s._uelopmenl '
!Beaive.l:' f.(i V('nJ Bc()l",'c f1\l.'I\~mrm s eirV tc.e,s %\(Y)t~ to inN P

e- .s ocrol. rnobil1l1atlOl1. It people. pa.<r h'Ufah'ml ,

" ~rrrott)e."me.l\t i (JJ()rre.~"J sc.l J S.T~, 08e', or<! rni'Y)~i~iq
o 9~O'tl\oH~ coope..oo.h\)e5:) 'Po.PC.h.Cl.:1ctl-1<.oj 11\,\:-Il-u~icm.) ,

Qnct ~etf - Help 9IrOl)PS (>H4)

Not CI. ?"UC C f"'fCjuJ rioT> t'1)!:-~lrM cj- o.c.hi~\/;Y1j
-m'"uet! .
COJ1Hf)uot(~ de. ~.,~do.:Han~ t",<.a.t A1tc.{cdr'OY\ [oQt-btand11l1J Sl\)\I~~'1"


form=\ b'1 /'fDA .... etf~el (O'1\-l:rnu."d.. b'j l)P~-'i ,

o..r?. 'Ru~al.r9~\Je.L~~mw.
Po-\om~: ,-("it.u1.tu.-e.) E-~l.~'j
- - -
- _, -------.--
- -
_" -.- " - -
-_- .-_ -.... ---.- - - - --
- - .- - ,,- -~b'-Clt-'7JY't<XlS c~mbi?-iC1.b'&l) oj Increased lnvert:rr:1en~-aLl~--
_-l"mp:ov~ ---c-ffl'QC(l(J _ -- -

liDjCV-. 0lyecHve__: 9~owUl tm'th r~ ctn.d 5~bib5 .

" /l.IOrllr /:.u(Le~ju.L pLu;) i'1\!:-e_m!f.> 4-
I _

ctt\d_ &o(jo_[ <{e.vetorint.n1- -t-o'Jds

.i1-t1) -5- ye.JJJ__ plo_'r) ~o-1- ~D1~

1''lo~,~: Social i(!_~vi(_e_s A-P-ithQuouf:-- f 301- cl 1:0/:al plan olll: lay

_ __ LrJuca:h'o'flJ f'ol0wel. by -enelf"fj/ll.JJ<'tiJ &~'/. -

*" 'i'~wa ~cV. feu I:--e~ Cl.!Xi mOll e.';' \I~~ 'ff.R_() tiltS-, -
If--- pLa.clnJ -the E-con0lnj 0\ _o !:U!;.rul noJjlq_ ~WJth "1ate.d:-cN:J
~-th U'1) n,'tnual. ()'I'OLOth !.ate cf- '7 'I. t7\ yectl tyDP.

A3;Uc.u1.h.l~a.l Recl-o,t. ~T(IJ)th r~ It "/- ,reo{ 'jeM.

2ndu.s/;-Y;j se.cJ-&"'''(;,jrOiV cd- .9-/. F lnti.t:rl

[;es utce .e:

se.c.< 4-'(._
~ o,.ow at: ....
'1. -I. fa anum :
.[,.;. - ~
= r (, .- If.'f. = D 6 '-I :J! (ecwth YCLW -faL/ _ .
::;a, {'l- 4.1"- COIl n& o,Ju'CV


(j). ~oli)lh rat ~ .
* ,!j(lVI'I1(f 'fate and 'lnVe(~rnent- Mte
t>7t a'l) n v(j p~,{. (feat.
_'in I'-eJ~mc{d' )..ah
.Ic o/(_ at '-t.1 i.
- S, b .::r ::: C; (a.ppr(1'1.~ ) -:-':
y. I
'If Re_cluci.nJ d--.e d~/P(l'l'ilie" a ('-00 (c(}1C>nA anq -c(Jmm()'Y)I.{i'e~

-_o/! e_'(l;3U>fl"7j Q(ce~1 ffi bulsic f~~cct.(_ jrfmr;frut1:lne cv,

weJj_ oj heCLLth CQ,(t:) eduutH1rrt aJ-\.d ot-/vz.{_ ~()tJ.'al St:wlw tcaJ).

--= __ _ _ _ _
..._ ------'I. _

'-----_ --------' .-:_-=.;~---. -_ --,

__ -,---_--_. __ ..~--~--~~- :.__---.---~

__ 11*'-11-1 MW-b:_vm
* -lhc_\l~ mode)l~ ;..\o..odoWfl';_'1l -Ihe fcancm), JW1. -4:, .

e'U:ept-iDNll~ E,'nrop LDII1:xudi01) l'l'\ -the c{p :~rrl-the \nJ.usl:-na.l ~

CJ/:, V',t-o.b~hcd -the.. yet1clience 4- econrm J,

* rhe.. hiO he.sL Yo.-I:eh 0} Jome,d:ic. )"o."l'fl.? aile\. the. Otveshn enL'-

1- ~mro"_~Q'Y\t Weojth<:,. of th:! eUlnol'O:1 h9hic.hWllA help U)&LW~ .

on en'If ~ Ii'e.l:-lt1'0 iV Iijh ~"(()LlJth.:

_* -Ar) irrp o.vea 4 (Ofl(.l'Tt:d ~ -t}e )\.':ie. ~ -the.. c.'?mbt'fl~a J!.
~ t Ce."he.. and tie ;"l::v.b> .
.,_ ~tuJ. pcLbtlc.. 0-tI\Cl fAi\Jate ,''Jli If\ .f\a,<..::wll:lJM_ ~
~ f~l'c.enc-a.:.(f 1 a.\lMC.LL:ttu~ 90P nru hnp",o\l~ ~ Us ve~ .
.6ucc .')f.1lt\ F~....
al"')ss ~uch M R((yY CRQ,d:-1t'd(\Krl~h{ Vik:.a..\ '/0)0.1"'\<1) :

Na.H0Z'ai ho,tt;L.LJ.,tuJ'e. m..:M-iU1) oru:l l'io.l:l1l'l'\.J Rxxl .sec.cLti 5 ff)!~o., .

'!' 'RJ1d' tnc!L1.Sb"lUk".,uh'00re.cpW,es ,eLe_a_.e. ~ LQnd fo~

~ndtV"I:'(,'aL nM In!ra/,!:-ruJ-ure 'l'.A.tjedI arx:1 thi)5 ~ becorre /1)Oye_

dif!,'wLt ova fc'me _

~; -fin ;rnp fr0[j'lGlJn CJ)nfrtbu1:i1 to ,oved!J 1edud-iOJ) fll the.

(uTol a,Y{>.Q./.I/.. H0 1\1 R_ t- q A:1: .

,h e_Y-e_ hru .heen a. commenda,bte 1'f1tYeo.l!.e l'T1 the tol-n.l
;. 'fIv e5 tn-t <:'1\.,L
l'r\ -the' j'''j-rOJ,hucht ye _ 'f'L.. 1-.'
", V(\L~ L..~ - l
I'1\Veo;LlTlcrv.. ho..q

dDl\e. belteo -tj--pn e'3.peJ-e.d ~hl\e public. i'Y\\lesl-mctti- h(l.~- /1'[\

faUe.l\.. .t t\ 0 lI' l: . ~
. " 1'0 ~\)fC\N\o..'lf~f:.e_ !"\1cl.t~ Ofr.a.l~o..l yevedlod ~ e(ooo~
hCl~ WIt the.?e.~SJ-WVn~M~~~~~0~.!'bal etol'Ctl\'l llhtW!-1{
...-...- ~ ..
--"""lIlt. -..-
- - ... -..
_" -
- .
.~- ~
. --------
.. A

__ ._

[0- t'rnpyolJe: --me

3T:<,;-g~~ejfo-t~:'?'r-f)eced.u!.. linP.kll}er;lub'c
8 9tio.I t':le_Uo;'_ F0;] '1'0.mme~, .

=9 1.2t~ 5-;leo:lfp\.n.n', [~bld-Fil

.pLa.nnt, Cl)mmiM)1)1)has alTeud~ pre.po-red. it-e. d..-a1+-
opp-roa.c.h Por~Ji AJte.L dl~cuM rna the_ pnpet -t+oY-()LL~h.~H\q__
NDc. .
~t- Q.ppY?veJ, t~ App'3"oath papex. 1m, lrnpto.meJ)l:- aH(lr)jro'rf)
.1 Rp<rLL. &D.1~.



---.-- -------.--==~~~

R-tces, P'I'c.ce.fodlceJ ~ '7njlnt-iiYtl


FOni)'() HOTVef.t pTtce_/ Kl.crCI'L. tOJ'.,!:-)e.t-jQc.ratlj cost _ p,,-~u.ce2... <:.osl::

who tebcl-le~<lLll_u.s.) fj'<

1 'Jrod,!_ lS
~\:;o.i_l.(de.o.lex~) I CQ1),<,umc.~S

Si'ncle1. 1)urrl:>er
A !>bat-lot-leal me-Ql>tk'ft.. to Atu.d~ ~e c\)(J'T i"f\a.n "'~uY)
M. Q p'he_noflleIlOl! . c.ornfTlMn_J f a. no 'If- ~\:-e_1T'}, O'I}ef...Q.. pWoJ 0}-
-1:\ ~ . 'il.
1.9 t u 1 TT r
enc.e. -to th~ I:ah e_ ~ e.o.i_ .

l\:- 'P'frc e I'll d(c:t',. (I.'H' ~ rno/J:: po?ultU. .

.rln OLI" CDU<1),,'(I'
IL- tt pol~e In dt(_e}). Q're bD:'f\tj "~mP"e
~ J LV ,Ud
I. me.
Jetol16 D.'ik M Jo~\cw}).

o corn'r~.edb~ the. (T\,t.,b-_'j 1(omme:n:e 'L inciuJ,l:-rj

D ~ bo.)!'e. ~cWJ_ i~ a.OO4-o5

a.l- bT()Cl.d~ con.lit~ ~ prima .... a-a-bcleA !.U-ith ct we1j*-

<i ~<l.'f, J f ud fOCDe.L, .t_'ahb Qfld lLtb~[ wnl:- with Cl tot ~. t If 1-.

Q'IId ma.lIt1o.c.J:u.e.J r"{)du.ct~ (Oitno. ~l-i 6~j.

e PTlmo..1fJ QoC-ic!eiI comF/he i food. aTbic!('~ 0/1\6.
. 'lI0'l) 100d 'Q15f:;de~ . Pood ~I')Jlal-ion t<, bei11j .,..e[en1>ed (j)e_et.~

b Q! D'f) the. LL)le.d<j pric.e~ endi'l13 SClh.1lfd.a.j ~th a. Hrr.e.lo;r

~ i d. ctC\.r .
, OVc.'Co.\1. 'lnl\.a.UO'II -tho~ !f\~o.n), iJlflClHc1'l ~ o.u.commodinr;

1J.)~\c.h II> QI.':.o te.:"med M Jilqo.d1t1\e. 2nfla\:lOl\ I" be.l~ ~ecI

. - (jlt\o(J.'!)\) 111\

~.- -- -- _-
- ---~------. ----_.-
... -------.
.,hi!> lnt1(_-.(n{)mb~_ ~~e'T)3
. ~,~)t;~~d.toJotudid. -the d0od. Jl)ftaJ-iOl) ..
..v,)e.e!.l(\ o.~. OIle"lo1l .9oflo.H!Yl1,!,ol)ih~ 'to lllil:l ate pol;:~ ri)tefvent-i1ffl:'3

,tt. c.ent-rot 5n!tnH~.

&. Comumex. tice fude.x. nulOW 11ndu~h"io.lU)D'l\.:t.rS ~[ cp,t .2.UJ]
. ~~~

G~~ ';j<U\.Q.!. ~oo1 (JO.n-de.<.)

o f'e.:rbd.tlir~ r... mO'flthbr, I'i're c.ompo~UM t c P5 '1'(,.,\ COVT6

tJ) ford ~ah toei:Jh.t i 'to ,/.

iJi) PU'I), ,g~J g'oba.C(O, l'l1t-o~lc.o.'ill I,9.(tll LOt t fL'/,

:i'!> J.l O~h)'l1d Wlitn lOt i 15"1 .

Il.v) . tu..el a'lld. U~h~ - :f -i,

lv) c.tothcnl -::J- 'J.

(y() m~}.,t&neow - l{3i.'

'1hi.~ Incle:.t.. f'I U mbe...'3 ':..h ~i.7\j utl\..:.I.I'd .)

li) r,(l '!'rud~ the. .1rjtoliOT\ :from C'OMu.metLpo'l'\\:: ~\llruJ

'ui) . 1'0 d~te~m,:ne -the 3lAIv(\'6ia.6le 'DR' 'iYls.htlmv\t to tn.

,e\!'\plo~,-IU, i'11. ~om1M.d 8e.clo}(,.

.. . .. 0"liJ 'I'D' up6..ate the."~~ttne " .

z. ,. , b r C.p'l ALJ

... COl'r\flte..d bj kabcLl~ Bu'TQ..o.u, .s,:m\.o...

C , BQ,se. ~ eQ.t lA 1'186-801 ..
l T\ . U"nO'fa-Ml>ld /l.e~l-o\.
~) IjIO -the.. ~~ pove.~ lIm '
'fi\ ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200

--_ -- .-..-'.~:"_ .. ~ ---- ._- -

---~--- ---- --- -
.. -.__:;~.-.-~


, ~ C.ol)'lpt~d b~.Cen~ral 9a.l"}I.bcol O,,{(/ ,Newde.1.h.

." ",
'" BaJe. 3Q.aJ...... I'H;f{,.g(" ( C so)
-c pQ..YI' U mD1lth~
'Thr~ indea.. '(1tJrJ"lbe.t. ~b:!'pe.cij..[ . au.a at r=" eo l)xba.,/

c.enHes. o-re cov<"'red

., '""!h,!> t,., be.i"13 uHLied -to dere.;r-m'ne -tM.. DA ;nS~Cf.lmenl;i 101
fhe.. e-mploye.eJ. In Some sec.h;rf:, cj- .send(.(~


I~ . de.f~(1e.d III IX fyoJ 're.rM ve: ;~Cre.a.!!? .~1\(je/)eya.1 level

of Ft'CVJ Clnd f-.H L?\ ~ht' PU'OChC).1ngpowe. of the /Tl()ne.b' .

9.n Dt"he..r U')0'6""&) --too much mi>'l"Ie(f cha/dJ'ng too few (jooc& ~
-ii, Ca..t(;Sel" be.h1ncl .2r1'l1.J:t'cYIl tli""e. b"1oad~ cLoNnjiul i"7i1o '0)'

@ ~~f~~"
p Nou'l"lt-~n~ oj 30\11: e'1'~ti:i.u ..
o )ejt'ci.l: f,'"(1Qt1un..;r W)ht'ch <'71(ye(lJ(1

e R ole. 'if Bta&. f()vnet"

.. /)'nco'>'lt-,-oILed. growth tj ;xrul.a1.;f)Y).
@ Cost- push 1od:o'r'!)

-/ILtCCuo.l:-iOM ~"()oulfl.lf awl hOJf'j

D I,;J. 'X. Ct.~io'Y)

'" rl(e~

e +H'Ke. I{\ 0\\ fr;'Cf.~3~1")d.~\!)\'ol1rfla.~(01\
ASI-:IWITHA XEROX 9290700200
'"-=' _._-
_......... -... _- _. .-
.-_. -_-
... I.a\"\-
1't\ > ..
.. .... _
. . .... Com fot~rne_owreS_-
-. . .
.......... ~.~

:De.mand meal.> U)lCS :

t Fl'-f,cnl fflUV,ureJ l-t(,~atiQf1)

~ l'-{orl(./:{JY/1 ~Q&ur!S ...:incre{l~i"!1 thefdtfl '(ale bj R8J'
~~s;c BMtrihul:ioo s:r'/:vn (PD::') ihrOLl~h t01Apnc.e. shop!!
"' j:nc..-ea(c tTl. .l)pp~ of foed r=: pul!.>et. und. ou. se ecy
. ~l:\,r6lu-ah impOls\;S if ne_ce~s,a~.. ..

co Fr~~n3-the /Y)Q'l-lmlJlT) rebaiL p?JLe fo,l._ -d<(Ill.na1icrtJ f!>/

hOqTCU~ and b/..a_d mark.e1:'i~ ..
~ 4VV'-J
rvvvvv- .
L Economic. Ye(.e'Nio1) io tno_n~ bed:O/..& oJ Cc.o"OO(l\jbeCClU/:,e. cf
el>o~n cf the \ tj in\lf.shnenl:;1) yeal -[elm!.,.

a, !lnc.!"eaht?> Fove:,r~ cl.u~. to decline (:1) purchaM~ pow('x_ cf

-tfe_ r~e- -
3. pu_t.Jl.:, (:;0 ~~I:-er~il::~~bE.s lea.dt~ to 0.. Yi~e'"Opxoject
LOI.,!;- C\J)d lnll e~bnlCf\\: .

~ .: 5:n cY"e.C\.~ei" lner~ll\:.ifJ oj i ncrrre al\d I0enUh.

S v, to c. 10-/. - )..')all<."'j :lnJ IaHan

10 ./. to -c. :J.o'!, .- Runni~t:)laJ'[JY\

- tictLa.ftn3 .'\.



.. - -- -....:: .. --.~--:..~- -- - -
- - ..... -,.

., g-

t if 5nflulion 'if., ~oti~d h91th Stoo"a:h'cJl in (:;mftD~me.n!:-

5u)e..ntiOJ1, t+ 16. knptJ)'n oJ. S~o:fflQl:-jon_.
't- ~~: It f)1e.a,.r,ure. cf Lo"'J te.U)) :i.n}Lo.Jlon rnove.menl-.

2.l- ~~{.LudfS +r-e, commod;l:,e.< WhOhe. p,uCfl> OTIC relahv~\.::J h"'TL~

. VDLa!ile R Bl Ll)O"l"McuJpuJ -!he (ore 10jla tc'en 10"(it)IUali~ polr'~

f(\e.a.~uves undex f110na~ fot{~.

"J!:- .1nfla.b'orrbte.d 01') wI'S for the (a~t:-.3j-(s joUou:J$

~D08-0'l SlJ.
~Ooq -10 5.&'1.
~19.10- 1 t '1: b 'J.

CtlI;; 92S0700:?nr

. ----------,.- ---.
~-- _-
._-- .......__ . -
--_. ._

~U-/~~~ ..._.
:,f>opu.la1:i on ~

c..~iSto."" 1me.'tO.l oj 1neL'a

(. c.~and.Ja mo..LL.I.i" t ,

. Poru.1atlon ce.m'JI, jo'( the Jtl' ",l- ..Hrn? co(\d.Ll.t!:e_dm .12='12 . , 0.. sds!:-e.maJic $jWrOI"'OUS' ('e.n~\.lSwa& concluded 1'1)i881..

'lhe fOfu.lab'on cell6W> , iJ,' LDnduJ:-ed bj "he. i Jl'ldb.
l)'r\cl.~R. the f'ltnibh"j oj finCl.ncio.l o..+}olrJ!. ,o..f:- pTe[,~nt &e R~.J.' ~

51;., (', chand n:tmQ~ , 0.1&0 known D..! Cent>W:I COrtlmWti oneX.

*' P"'-'('ma.nenk Loc.a.HD'tl code. CPl.,c)


M<o3nin~ toco,HoT) code" <Tl Cl ~3'~ fa.lohicm

sl:n:lf't-Irw ..-from tru_ NOl!:h-wesl:-cornex a.n~ .e.nd.l~ Soulh-

~Q.",t- cO'!'ne.x.. rrhiJ, conc_ept hM co'('nt', iT) -the rop~OIj ce_n,.guS ~oCrl...

~ ,~~ Ccen,<,uA toUJt0

e I\'\.l~tmL)m pop~?-:t/J1) ~ Ij.OOO ,
cAl:-Le..o..M-- :tS1- c{ ;nate. t.Do~\:'tl'j popu.lab'cm e.n3O{je..d ~T)

- t\on-o..3,uc.u.Uuya.!. ~d-ivlb'~. .
o J) e ~ t ~ oJ fOFlLlali on -ct-a.\:l ea..ill- 4-00 f'ex '<'01'1-', pe,t ~. 1<.m

~ ~TOWth:

A pO~l:ioooj (). \}l.Ua8e of.. a whole Vi.LlaJe which ,'~

<fY\fY\e:dio!-e..b adJa.cen.t- to Cl. ce_\VIU'-\ {gum o.l\~ hCl~ ?ye.dOIl\\l'.(.\I'U--
CJ1"D(\\ cho..l'J(\t! e.~i"ti(.;, b ltt ~2e~.!:'.ot_~g..\H~to be -tYeo..\:-ed OJ

t f\c\Qfe.nd.ent 'J'CDWO.

u-tb 0..1') Aq
I -I-'on' fl\\:ie)l, lY'Iuriufc.J I'
(.oYfOYCt~lonJ ,

~~LU. -mL\)r:A.~Al~~6*,'9;8}fuIDb~~ QttC1the.d to it- i~

- -_. -. - --.-_._.-. --
-.-..--:~ ...~~ - ~~-
- ~_- __-_---. -
...... .. -_ -
---..--,- -. -
-_-_ ..-
, 0"

" .-
hl~ ~ A PQl"~{)ll ~rof,., ~UTJS, Ctncl o.b(l\)e ~abte.. to reo.J. Grd \.Jxi.te_
lu~th !)nderhl-ivlCilnsinooJ \a~~e_" 1\\.0101('6'101 edLLcat,m i" nec.e.~Q'd

~: No of female! reL, 1DOO iroles ,

\'b._h'ono.[ Poru~ton Re.a"steJL - :'to! i CeMUS

[NPR] "
"" <: _~I I.- L 'Id op NPR tt,
,,1. +ime. -the ~~r:>_SU5 d_~~ hM pAOrO",,", to [UU

c..dJ.~d:: ,-the h~ad count-eLM. oJoro U9tth hOVl>e\ir,l:-ir:5 ~e.R_a.l:i'o~ .

'!he. 06j eel:; ve. i/, to cpclcd:--e thQ_ r~j',I::u. pe.5iodt Ul~ -\:-,Ll tkct I"\.e_ xl-

c.e.I")1> U" \b full 'nth ed "

The. ea,,! ;rrnship fic.t , iC)a55"

~ f~fr JoJ.1 0 ulo..b't5n :

~ p(Jp(,tLat~oo cg. !india. _ i~JOmtU1'l)n / i.:U cxore~> whim i6 C1\mo~

e.1f-l!1l tb' -the canblned rOF~ti-6n cf USA, 1ndonehia, (),.-u=:ctl)

Pak.l~ 1:-9.1), MQ eon~lLtdeh"

*" 2ndlof. foputahon occoo..h fo}" 11,5 "J, 1 lie L..Jq_-rldpCfula1-im '
Ii: irla:.le,,&, c.ory,UtuJ::e :51.. 54 .J" ," [Ea:Ir!ie.-If 'SI.T-J.}

*' 1he_ oj. ,~~{JtOtf-) dun, aDOl -aD'" ~ i.t-64

"[1"1'1I-l001 --;. ~j .lY/.]

*- to\J eo ClU ).',e'l.. .<.01;0' l'()cre.Ql>~d TV(ftY) ') 3~ to q ,+0


~ (_oU)eJ:.~ eve,t ~htld__~e1._),_~J{o o~ ~_

CO-b~"l0 0
~ Ii t-~-Ht(~r '6cJ:e IA (\bOu.l: =7 It "j. ) c,--oithmale l;~erQ.(d,.ah eV:ct&-

f6&_J.. Ql\d fell\o.lE' lit-e.lQCO "cili cJ>Ol-l~ 66'1-


",_ .... - -~ - ~
- ._-_
" 18j.1.aj}t
""C-r\lQtion-ctl (omro Wi ail 011 0 Wlo!): . .

A" P(\ll:- t Nab'ow f0r--1o.b'Otj potlca I\lQHonul commlNn't1l

0" porulatiO>l tOO! comb'cul-ej (.'1) &DOg-:,~

Pm 11\, the. chni:(mo.n @.nd ~u.I:J ch.Cll-rrnQn cf;r'"

CDtnfh'/Mon ~6 vice. c.hoiTrroT) cf N C P.

The .> t-ru b!ttJ for porulati D1) s !:ubllv.,. oHon h\J.ude

" Cln ~r0LOeK!l.d Gi7A u.d:ion lDI\ de.f()D3 rof'kal~ U)eD.\(e)t .stulq
tJ.!lhich a.C:COO{\t . -{nr 40/b f tk. popuLatiap f thu. eou'll~
o..nd. wnO'le. P. f: .t<, about ~.0 C 81 rn A R. ota.l:e~f oJ l/>hl)
o A <l-\lIo..l:l~ -the -rer}lod.ucti \Ie Ol\cl c.1I.iJJ hWlhrod"Cl..f(\~
o n';- cf PU'blic ctnd. p.ti\l.a.te ra....l:-net~h,p:fa!.. porl~
Co'l\trot .
e No (.()I ..,...~ . , J
" Ile.",."e.. Cfleo.5u:res tTl pOflt.laHon C01l~TlJI..

'Fe;rb'Cl~ re.duwrm thro~h .twucb'(1) of fOI/Wj )

empOtue.Ymenl of t<JOmef)and clwice.. m. Lcmli:lnJ tAo.. far(li~ 51H!..

c> /:'QUTlc},'irtf Na.h'onul Ru.ta.L He.alth ('(~07) ((\]R.HM)

~: J'YOVI d.i.'tlg j>Tovt'/(ion of a.cct'M-lble ~ e.HotthJhle." ac.wlJ1lr-uble ...
eff".ctive. and l'eliQbte. pwno.'rf/ he.alth Can jo.cild,'u ufeu:l).~
to the fOOt.. and vuln(Ytable. se.iliorn i po"waticm .
B "Aer' 'tl3 the oDf t'n 'n)'faJ. heo.Lth CD.'1e .!:e.lrviee -th'foLl{fIJ
C'e.a..bon If- a..' c.ud.e. i _AC.CX.e_cll"t-"-'" c:50cia.1 Heall:h,y

L*r-al'f'll'..d rCOml'Y)!)'I'Il~ he.alth coo~J "

-PemcJe .
Ent'>u..tri:r\.8 por uluu L'
bot, 'QL'
II V.'
and tnfc /)(Eel-a'"-a)

COl) ve..T(jehC?-
. ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200

" -.::.'~-'-~- __
. - - - ..
-. --_-_ .. '.
------. - .. _. ~~--~~- -- -
-- -
__ ._ -:-.--.----~ - -
...._...... . - D
- r-

, ay-c_ b~i'lJ e.{timohd bJ _Red/shu rp)(.raL af_~'f_ndc'~ Q'I) SQmE!:s Re.gtl5frab'fJ1) c5(f6ft=1l1. t'71dicarorJ h91'lt lfft'l e.-OK.

; d..a.a. a.bou.t lno'(ta.lit:J and mO/'~ cf tk.. fOfu}.olion -to foomlAl..ole.

'l'\ect'.~s:o:~ poltues tn contro! tk po pLllaJi an t0wth ,

i. ~ (8R_): No of bhtn" pe~ .1.000 pc.YAIXIS m tk fOFla.l:-ion .

:).CJO 'I ~ ~&. 5

a. ~DR).' Nt) cf- cle.a::th F~_lOCO fU~Or)'lin the

. :ZoO") - f~
3. ~ ~Tr:-R) _lhe.. Cl.\Iaroct chiLnnm fl'R...u:>orn~ l7\

-the lfer-< ~e. ()n>up. _~CJOq -0> d-1-

_t,_ ~n:f~;~~ NO
CrmR): cf mje:ntr ct?f(~ be.foe. CO~DIJ
i j_~..,.. ftl i-OOO ~1()

_ :109 - 50
6'. life. e.ltpe.d:u nt{J ~the.BLrth :
~.)~ . :.

000(,.-10) (YloJef -. bS"8 JT0

__ " Gg. i d's
Pove..1(ty :
tN\/VVV>- (J


l"h:. l'I\ol)-I:hL~ PI!.., wpito. ~_t(.pef\c!i -\:U,' e
pe_~ ca.rll:u re_ocla.~ C.Ctlar.e.. {'I'\n~ke.UJO.S &qoo c.a\. ;'1\ n.l."ral C\yc.a. .

a. r\ d.. a 1.oc c.oJ.. ; '1\ (.) Y-'cCl. n. 0- re. 0. .

01"\ the. basis. ~ l\',tl, 'tOL'~ 01 MS.:; clo.tu (1'J:t3-.:t~)-@"CYl CO~Untu.

e<Ape.nd.l-t-ure -the.. be.nc1\mo..ok \'lOf\tht'j pe.t CClfltq_ e"'ftf\di~UYE.

Y-~'-eA tn aek the qtolJe C.~b1iil2.l Ll)en= e5;!,-ill\>:e. cJ.yc:_
IL ~~. ,'~ _. ,~"b$HVY""tl;lA..x~OXm.sP(~J~hPO

--_- -------
----.~~-~------- --.--- ~ ..

mont_h\j e_i~er>dLrure_!n_YMaL[IYea8 11_'O!, ~S:~k--..
. ctl1d the_ -r~~
~Q~~\~r ~l-~ ~ipe_Y'>d-ii:v:ri~n urba~ a.e_a~ ruoi -..
RS:, ~~}-- ciLt;ri'n3 tlu.c tle.QL i<J!}?J-74 l:o ~e.b tk ctbove_ &tlob'~ .
~ .. - - .

J.n 1'\8~ ~ planotl1(1 tomm~Hrloo (ono.tltul-ed tin &pcl ~70Up

/ Drdet tl.e_ ch:thrr\QnshL? <f Lute pl..~r D J_ laaruk vole. The. corom \ H.-G!>_

~ ile. a c.c.ertl "!9 -the. clef f fOv (?~ lire,tI hJ -reno'> cJ c.alo-ri e)' ow th?
CDrre ...pondl~ mon-ttl.j po- COfl[a e".tpendil:-unc tevelA !1l{j3e5.led

-tM J

o opdtt.l:-e_ tht:.RuRil fO" e~ ll~ h.9l'th tk_ ~ d (Pi AL

e \)rdQ~ the ()'Crha."" p~\fe.'t~ U~ f..9ttl) the ~imp1Q_
uV3_ +
~PT _\>J on&. t.pi ul'lI'l\E. _
HQwe.vei, -the pl.anoln~ e_~rnmlh'o-io'I1 unde.t tha.. !.hahmCl.n;,h~p cf-
the_ then PM _ C 1 urk.) occer!:e4 -!:he- fl)ehodoto(J<t IoS-ith tl-e
~e_v 0

modlfiCQ:b'cm 1U~1t'Di\lo QP1.!f~ jo. updo.~~ u.tbon f<lvei1~ l'(lQ_.

'J;, i po~an below tW_ fovel"~ U~
Rv"oJ. . U~'oct'" . cOfflbt1'\~
1'1 TD-:t.lf <;>6.lj 19.0 5lf ''1
1'183-84 4S 6 4D'~ ctlf.(

1"1"13-qy 3!)'3 3~-lt SbO

:1.004 -os- :IllS"
~8'3 J.S1 ~

po V ~,,-t_;j t 1n e..,
~ .(OO~-Or- ~
Rum..l ""1>56 3Q
UR.ban ~ 503..00



___________ o__ _ _ .' ~ __ .~- -_-- - -

.-~-~~ ----...._~-'--------..~.
choIx mUl) !::hf 4- lat-e ~D~A 'feSh tj}_l\~ul~ to e. 'X..Cl.ll'line.the. cl1- of
pove.~ 'Q"d. ~I)We.d:- meJhrxl.o!o3j' 10T rre.palLt'T\j pove~~ Yal:ios - The.

6onl!Oi:\::I:ee- _1J(Jfst:-eJ tha!- if, no need, t?> ) .wAAl fOve.~ L':re t
cmd.. V~ba.'1l rove..t~ [i ne. Orld -th_Q_Ye !:.hl!)tLLd b~ O71e 1Dve~ li::'OIe_.
tQ_ Nul:-\o'Ylol p<Dvut Line. 'Thl!, om.y coTrespond \::0 \:ha.. p-re&t!'t 'lI!U:::.oiI
, J a
pove.'c5 line. ~l'ih ihth orF?uc.h i.N.. ~J- t reol*e. be.\.oW tho. f ('.Q.5 N

l':nc rt\Cl.j be Qb~LL~I/o 'i.

, 'NS&O cond.ud:-ed ~ La.ted:- Co~()m& bltpendiWe ru"!'v:'j

dl.t '6"111 3 til
e. ~Q-O.R. ~ODq-10 (6Gth tlo(.lnd) O'lld tk.. cluta.. If, ~ti...'}-

'QY\olred to deknn'1le -the.. poV1'_3~ It'rl~ o.lI~ ~d::imctl:e -fhe. O.tio 4-

: feifLe be1cw th~fOve.1l'ne .

.s l-o tu.s: ~ p{)V~lIl~
, ~\\ \./VVVvvJ
A.. ' she. P~oFdt-tQn~
, ' rnooe. O'lS' Ie.!;.s: COIY.>Ca 1\1:--

, a.. , de, dille t'-e..'(e_ o.flell., -.{ - I _I

11)-: ae u;oe (()o.;',
"rUno..ol:oh Le. cIU'I -,~ ()'-lOS nrc
... b:x..
.. .

_ ~. 7hiA C.on be nl:b-il::ohu..d h:3he.t eConOl)1j

to J1"Owth, tffijTO\lemen!--
U\ Ye.o.l t.)~Q~ and 'mplernQ.l\l:-ah'tYD rj Fveilj llLliviltH(l1) FD3~o.~
3. J)espH:-e. -the --fo.\/OU~ a:Qle dec1;-oi~ -t.e.nd. ~\Ie.l'5 (('JT\a.i~ Q

S"-1f,out\ (Dn
C e,~ [)
~\'fIct' d-,,Lhe.n cOMl-Hure l_
11 rf ..LA
lJ)C fOOl(. -
~. Pov C?(IJ1-;.' .., nOr QI) E-c.oflotnic phf!.lI011lenon bur- a~o (\
..&:-c1o.l 0"",. b;'l1<:e 'f0ve1J~ .;.,' d''''pyopo,dinoJe h~h ~'T~ Qnd
Sc' S.


ASHWjTHA XEROX 9290700200

. --_. ~- -~---
.-~- .. --
f .'
.\-.'leu dOlle...-to ....
R~clute_. ove_~~ , '. '.
...... . .... . .
. .:
. . ..
.. ' '. ....
.. '.
'. . /he. d~vt- cf. l'nd~Q nOh been (j\vlnjilYlpo~t-OrlCe to di pOI/e}?_lJ-'
Qll~"~ub'o'l)f"tO(j.,.am~, . '

&. . <Jhe.oe. a..e c.e.ohul~ spolY>o,ecl 6Che.~e~ o..din'lnlsbred

~ frJ In,' .sh;~ oj Rural &velormenb. -,)lese Jnclude selJ crflpto~men}-
- (\ n d. t00Zje e.mpl.ojmtrJ:,

.3. SomQ. 6tate oov~~ 1he.l. oion fove~lj Q~e.lJlo.H(j()f(')3ClrTl~,

4, 2n a.d.dLt~cm, ~ovt cf ~f\(Ha. -throUUh fJb..~3eJ::e_cl f>qbl~( S1xhibubCll)
'g,opp\.J (JPDS) 6 e ~e_n~CI.L c()ml'DlodlH~ ab below ~a'6lcd P4'lceJ -

-l:hrDU.3h 4 S' lQkh ,f)o+ioW) w~de -pw~ fn,c_e_ ~oph-


. 110 d e.vQlu__aHo'n f:,tu_d_101,zhoto thol: -there.. leQ k..c~~r~

.In. t\oe_ tmpte.tnent-o.8on of f'0ve~ o.llte__~HO'r) ~'cq!QN:f 'i'PD~ .

".' :
Of, -th~ Cl.'Ye 6upp~ chiven <cit\-) tcP-00to'fl, .
~- !=-,(JCU.~il1~I'f\Dre Q!:te.ntiol'l 01l cltUlt- m';~nted Slherne (J.,Rxnol'1d . --
d'!iven) Q.nd.'i"'vohd~ ponchWjol- ROj' ~Ml:1h.thO~, . '. '.'
~, ,he.<re '..... 't)E:ed. to r beu'ofld -the.. e du,\:l.!<,>hmtllt ~ f.O(!'oJ - .

~o.felj -n~ -{oett?,i1t1 d<'l"eeJld D'O f"oV i'd,'I'\~ .em?~O~

me_~ (
'If( M'(\3 -the. ~'f\com~ 6 POO,l. th10U{J1) fotlC.~ 11tln lPerJ<l orn .



-- - -
..... - .. -

.. !in -the. a_O~ ~"-Dtf 4 15 - 59 a'-~ . .. - ,

.. CQ.j>able. and clel>i"(eJ)/% of U)o'--~n_(J-Ie" n.m\)'()('.Ut.oon
-.. BU- CI)'-e_ t)'()o.b\e_ to -fLnd eJ1Ipl(')j~nl: os. ~O'Yk are_ KnoUJJ"\

M tmemr\o~ee.5l-
['l\U noose '-9l ves r 5\:-ude_n.~-- - - o._..-e. ~x__cludd ]

!fo meo.huye -the. ur.empto:1lJ)rnt 1\1550 deve.~'3 (tJT1u(k ~ a~

a!> foU~:
1. ~: @ R~Je.Te.oc.e pe.o'DJ iJ, .l- f( f4!.1'iol. to the. dole

i -th~ -asPf-e su '3"ve:1-


. @ ~u those. I-.DW are in tne, iltJe... Q rour 115-59 (j'ri) WOIS'k:in'r

~ utlea.,,1::- I.j hOl)l'~ ;'0"'00 and fw a,tl.eoAI:.- l~D ~ J
1~ D... ea.9..

aoe.. "CeLolfd.e.d M emr\o~~ on a. ~l:unMnl Paho~ Ye.a'<;,rs_

I'\.ll...~__ .
IVU c.o6 Q,:.e.. kODW'O oJ., \)'llelY\flo~ed os r-t _tk \)tlXU
- r
A!:o..b.u> -
@l~I"'~e:M !.lYe. t-. move. apP'lrDF' cti:e to th~e_ 10 Aeo.c.o cf'
"''_ulO-r empl'r:)~men.C -m~ t" a. me.a,r,uy-e c:t crooiL vnen>pLojment
~ ~~
Ctlrren b. Vt:e.k~ ~l:a.hts '.
.. .. ~

. @ Rc..fe.,otiU, fe:nod ,'I. f &G.f' p..-e.ce.eJi1'1.j tte day-

<rho!' cO'f)cef~ 16 06W to. knew ---t:re. Qe!: v;~ s m.l-u6 If a re.AO)1
.du'I1J .=) dlJ.t' p,ec.e.e.dcng the tl,l.)yve:J d.wj .
@ 2.! Ct pe.'f~on f().il~tD9~o'tk. jar 1 hou.l... Dr a..n_'jo...Ci.j clUXi71j

ref llJeeIe ~l"\ 'the.. ~1f~on j)', de.elY\e_J_to be. \)~mploJ~Q. ,

2> CL-ly r V11;- <;(JoiL" sbatus :

~ miJ*- CO~~T Cl.c.HVI!'l &.h:ttup. or <tpe.:rl<OJ) foy
~c.h ~ -the..~vlllfPjYf-~ 91~200

- --_ .. -- _ ...... _
- -- -- .- --_ .... , _-- _ ..
. -_ - - .

if .the...fa;,~
C_Dnh1d~r~ l)o.vt'Oj' ~pt~e,d -!or ho.lla.dcut:
U')o1fk61oY:>1: "houriS 1'0. o.~ -the pe:rt.>an~' .
-, _., ..

, -tr'~ed oz ernp~~edfo~U)NJle__ ~ .
@ "'The Dthe...'( fQAO~ 1'6\ -the. hou.r.~hO\d o.'re_ eil:het'e:x_clwlti..d
-fro JY\ fue_ lob oIIR. -fo-.c.2. fir un emFlo;!ed . '"

of -the '3 CoOCe pLg.> -the.. (.4 r~1:-dail;{ 9ta.tub I19him QI;so tokJ
~ +--'
L'l\'-V C\.c.C.OUl'It- -the I.,~Dno.l unelY1f\.o~mE'.nt P,(OVI'd'~ .J..t..
e. flO*

app.0r-i:t.':I.k Ire(lhureh <j- lJIle.~~~meN: ord il, Y'elo.\IenL-10"-. pol,oa----

a..h v es .
I.'1'\ it~

~. Pone'
C'i:)U thohe 1.9 bo are ('I') -the
-fo~ r e.T'I\lJ1'\OJlcCtt-l Em [e.rnplo~e.e.J
ISmk a.liL R-"'-
~~p~(::oyce ,,
! No.cj ('o{}1'!tt '1'l3 pe~1000
p-e.r~ol)1. 4

f ,"eUD" . ~
, .". rn L'1e mrol PCYLLt.a.Hon.

ou i-'on.e.
IF = WD~t FO'fc:.e + Une.mrOje.e

N t)1l\'ce,t of pe.'ff.lor.s 00 emplo::Jed fe.r. tODD Frl\O~ IT\.

--the la.bollt 4o'rr..e. .'it iA a.~o "lfyeMo.I f7)toffi'i ~ pe.rc.l.'ntOje

i-'5 Cl0 44 "'\ )._. 110

S6 S(; 67' 101.j
() i\", I ...--." r ASI-MIITH~:EROX ~~907AQ200

:::::~:-:~-~----.-- _ ..
._._ -
-.__. --- _~---. ----.-
.-- .~ .-..!""'-:~ ._._ . .... '--
_..-.----_.---"'= _. - ----_--

3'10 ~.Ol
... J.

IlJ'J?>-<J4 -~004-D5 0'(1) ~':}D 0'1&

-thYDU-!Jh .
POVe.zr!9" .e..JUc}ID'f) m oux c.octl1tr(j "" 'I10~ ~ the se.n~ra.b'aJ) <$'

-the... e.mplo :irnel'l I:: .

... 'K.c.eMlve. l?,\{.re.o.Ae 1'1'\!:he.. rorulD.Eon.

.. slow (J1rOtdfu q. "the. erooom~'.

l 1~-I::-e.o.c:I.,..[labou.t..
.. e.!T\~~i/> 01) ca.yltal i1\,l~ tec.hno 08J 'j

.l: 7\>i Ife. +e chnol~ j .

" tad cf NQtlonul Emp\.o~11)el\.tpo t,l('~'

o D1J C!.cl:iVe.. e.duLCltirm


po llC~ . ll'le.n"L.l.l'"e, r~.(H.u'5"~

\A., ~ to .educ.e vnemnl o~e.nt
Vvvvv-.. ~r;:._ ~ :
o Adorb'ol) cf I.o..bOuZ-'Td:erhi\/e te.c.hl)oto~j'
,8 f-1')(OltTdernUlT- tb ,grncill eo:t-eop..,,<,e.8 (mto.o. eill::-erpYfl"e0 .
., Ub'U&a:h'()I() cf :full ln~ baUe.d Ca.Fa.d~ 1')') 1a.J:orit?D.

o -Re.$l:ru.(.t;~ the. educah'v'Y\ -r=: ,

H Ofno.n ment : . menno a. ~u.olLt-ah'v~ ch(l.n~e Whl'ch /)1 (t.\WC1-~

\ fD..%)\:ive.. "hI/, in<=.ot)!l, de\l e..lCffOlcn'c cunnol:: tu\<:e. place . Uf\le.~~
- -the...-e. j;, (If.'l oddlHo'll to t~ e.xv.rlT)!4 conJ,tiom "
Ace -to lJf\JDP [OOlHed NGl.b'oM <,t]evetopl"' P'{o3Y-o.mme.J\ ~\IelorN\.eA h.O-i be.f'l4iejme.d. w.. -tk ~l\)(e.M i e.f\W7"'(\.'ff"'
Pe.ofl~). ckotcd -
. ASHWITHA-XE'ROX 9290700200

_-- .__ .~--..-. -..

- .--
- -
.. - -- .... -~

& \I~~\... . '. . ". .' .

""..- . ~~ ONI:)_P. h~~"py~"(~n.:l j":he__ hL?mo.n-d~\}~mqJ_')'eF~l1-~~
_ "(ctnl:.["q oll -the. LOum-riM which fU'rIl'1>h -the. "reluVf)1.i; dal-a &h-ttt t"l90 .,.

The. o'Y'-~t'T\(l.t-O'rb <t Horan Beveloprnel1l:- .Tnde1. O'Ye Lute ptof.{\\ah a bubl Ott}
-f-y-orn po.ti,.,ron~ p~rj_ A1l10~6en .frOm W", _,
"he H1)1 l', txv"eA em -the -tol{VWl'fl'O,

L k-.~~ : ba.tcd em [tJe e';l.pec1-o.nCJjul. bi,Uh.

. GclucaHon oltoi'1\mw ; Bo~eJ on 0. tOmb,no_l:-ion sf-
d .,J _ lim nt- ~'i\
U l~l:-e_ya._Cj_".--ate J..9lth /3 We13hl:- Qlld 3'roN.> e.n'ICOr( e
POi: rno..'l1j,.se_(_on~ Q.t1d --re-Yil:Jo._~ ~/on p_,;:th 1/3 wct~ll .

.,.~oJ-~~ : 6a.&e.d_0'J\ pe.r corHu rre-'ll ~tl? me.aJ.urtci

a.l:- PPP.

10 st-QOd.Qvdihe.. ibf:> dime_~cm l.'fldlcu aYe. 1\90TWoul-

~ ~~ -jOI.. O')_y pa~me1-eA:- -:. /\(l:lLalval~-(l)h\Vohu.

- . . [T:lf.] t1.a'\w_ ~ tnm volw
_ _])1: a._lIOCUJ0 lle_;, bJu) 0 and 1. _
~ l'!b'" e ~.
".-l. ...J
_~ ox (\l\tl tOIJ~. (J., the. .-timple o..verooei- tie B d;n/eTlhlOl( _
tnul .
ce1) al\l. -thi_o aloo ,ta_~e~ :frOIl) 0 10 1 .
1-0. the. compilab'(1) 1 :D~meT1l61(}Y).1nd.w 'tht_uNDP ta,
the iJ~
ktt,Or.9[~ .
meYl QT)(~
ma'1 Va
luu' .
M <"1\
':I'- vCfe f;(pe.J-onw Q{ 0i-Jt~ 85
EctLtCQtiDn a.\tai'1lmeJ'\t ,0 .100
-h: :ro. t'iY
@ o.d. U_U:-- !~ .
q Y()1;S e. n rollrt1.e..u:-
0 i-oo

?e..1}' A~vvrrj:flf ~oXO~29070dQwO

_. __ -~-- -_ ----_--_ -- ----.-- ---~----
- ..__ .. ---' - _._-- '--'-
.. -~-.--:~-.- ._-_ -..
_-_" --':-~. _-.

t30.seJ on the Value. 1 H!)f 'k wun~Yie~are: c.Qfe(jf.I,(Lhed l~b,


"?hCf o.:l'e.
!-lui {" O'} f aboVe.

~- -+-h\~h #Vrn(ln (ik uel,o pm e.n.t ~ HDt/IX 1rurfl e.s to {I.8'1'1

4, [ow Ho(Y\Dn ~vdoFmuU:- 'f flo'i'. iii L D,5

*' Au -tD {al-ed:: )'e.po,u- reJeo&es.i b~

Of\lDP ,'j\ 2011, rut ~ i 8-,.
CDV'l1.t n: e;, ,
.1ndtQ OCLUf'U -the A.o.nk l' _11!1, ~il:h L\ H D'i' valuA

f O 51,'1,
.Tndt'a res hun>~d Q..~ 1--\.e.dtU'Jl1,


.~ ---- ~ -..,-
--_'-------.--~- .
" -
- .. .

-. ~5,-~~,~u~~~ .
&~ .
and il~8~~~CUn: 9~vel0'fmmtP"l'(jfJ~

;jc. Nat-{onaL'Sotlcd -Awil>mnc.e. ',(og~ [rJSAPJ:

" launcnd -the. :Je.~- :1.'1'15 _
.. Con" II;, t6 rf 2> cOl7'f'on~nIs
.7ndlTct ~ar)dh; NcrV~L old or- rerm(f() scheIN'-
L ' t'Tlto 8PL
~ho are . 60dTS and
qtu_ peti>Onh IU-'DVe oe O~31Mj _ .
d'amd.t'u (leJ:- a rnorrth~fenMl1 rf Rs:&ocj- -1f [he. Q(] the

ferAoa"l cA . 80 ~ above and I:htt peT,<,or> ~

BPb -10m '!:! (/W)

-the. . monthw penklon cf--, '[: 500 '_

eE)" ,N.a..Hol'll 1Qmi~ Be.n(fit fcheme.

, ~o"pe.hold o,U_~f)t-e.d)
<J.8e.~ -th.{'_ !!.Q;"e cf kQth oj the. prlma.'if b'(e_ad tv'~'I'(_t. who iJ, 11\
_i:hv3Ory 11 lS-5'9 (jUllP'> ond belo~I'(13 int-o 8pI.. fClm;l~ -' the
,<Z. Jarnl~ YeC~tve~ 1.0,000 Q~ IDl'1e time (vM,<, .

. .Nab'Clna.l MeJo.Tni~ .5c..herA'e_ _

-me. pYe..<J()c.n~ woman t )9 i1-1. Cl..nd nbove, betD'J''\~''1'Ijto .

pove.!:-(1 l{M'le -tumi~ iA d'r'bte to {'''rAi d. u, bt'f.l:h, an -
OO')OD'Y1. t! 1000/-' -lox. 3 mo"tN .

* TPDS ['i'o.'I''Bd'ed pu.bL'c D,;.o.-I:rlbutlon 4J51:-e_rI)]

~ tLa. uncl-led dl(~ln~ th2 ~e._w.. 13..1!
~ A tWCl h'I1..l'ed S,\icli~e.d f::.Os'te.rn fO';l' .BpI- o.nd APL {amih(J' .

Q -f01l Q.Pl fa.milie~ ~ufPt~ i jJc_e ond whroJ; o.f haff the.
~ ( 1\ (l1Y\ k c0oS t 0. t\d. ~ ~ 1a.If)i1~e.J .a.t -J-ull
fH~~ e.c en f.' rf)k Ci!lS~.


.- .. ::::::::-:. -.::- ~ -
._- - ------- _-- -~

-. -, '_.-.

tuch tomit~ t.9ouw. ad 35 fcr cj- focd V'rUl-ru . rex. n-xmth .

~-~~oJ~~ (AA'Y)
.. '. /.-ounthul du,u"nj -the. (jeaL {looD> (ove.t!'flj Doe ;o~ fOOTvk .
1UfIli:llV, t:>llt ~ tPe BpI-- 5ami\i.M covexed vn6(>,t lp D5.

.. ?J.OVLd1~ 35 Ko1> 4 jood_ 3'ra..l'T\b oJ R.t'ce ar :(~ 3/- pvt k3 .~

te>hea.v.. . CIt- ~/- feJl.. ~.
Ltxna. iJo"' ~& Y J
.. P-rO\lldi"'a ~ Se.CllKJ..i:J to the senio.t illi'l:e_n~l6o'j~s faboveJ
-thob3h el<'ible bu1- 001: Se.tH'flj the. pei)k\cm undek 1ncll'ffiC':ta..rdhi
~ 'lUll
,DAD... ar penf6l'~ .
schw\e_ -:
e IO.t:r i -Jooc\ 8 ral711.> pe~ pe.'Cf.rJI) pet- month fre.e_
* [; ,
~O-~JZJ~ ~O(!j.,
o~ :
. t
a'rlched = -tre. s'": . 1997 - -
'" -lflo0)',

__ .2nplac.e;.V- f\le/-rru_ ROJ 8 CLL '/0jCII10.. (rJ RV) (1m orheL IJ.L\:a.t)

e.mploymUlt-_ rr-=: pr6)8rc{mme,J,.

~ proVtd~ da1~:fu1 emrloyrrenr to r-he UAbQ/) fJnemflD:Jmenl pOCJ)_

Io:} u'(.()U:'Yo...f}""1!j to bet- up self earf~'yT1)enl:

o 21: Ye/:. t- D'l1 the jcfflclnh'an c:f cornmu1)i~ (rorJVi-.f. rn(.nl: and

(Dmrnvrr)i~ d.e.vJcpmUlt .

~ ~a:J~3~j~ [1~'l1]
Mu,nc}:l,e-d bJ me..Y(j"Ylj 'lRDP and otnCz.),lpra.L employment-

~e I,e.-.- C{ p'C'J3'YOlllme.s
c r,o bn'n3 fOOt 1ami U~ ahove Hl(:. poverty ll()t: bj prC!?vid,'~
-the.h1 wi-ih ()-,_comeJenantiM aA<\vds 1:hYOLL:Jh a. m!'lI. of &a~)c CYeJ.i1:

a_n.d <:;""/.
_,<,f},.Ji ... Tt;lA XE~OX 9290700200
- --
__ ....-
_- - - - - -_
_-. .--- -
~ .
Q .'k~~ .,_Lr,rnenh OT'!-.:'Chotc..ef Qc!-ivitlU, '~eJon\()c_ol Y-e&OU~~
" . II . . . ,.

. ~itu_d~ ru svel1 08 -the .ski LJs. of ~~~oJ 3M .

*- tlPs [owl Area 1)eve{o ~: [1'113J'

" each HP}~ entitleJ1 to 7{: 5 c_ro-re. ftl (je.CLL to e nctbk hirn/hei
. to tuk.e. up developmenl: tOCl~k~ \'lI hibJhe.l. c_o~titue.l\.c.'J-
-A RaJ'jo.. !.obhu MP co.r) t-ate up. one. 0--. two di&h-ich m CI,

--3t-ut-e 1'(00) wheye. he) "he 1.1, notrl''ll(}_ced.

1h~ Act ~(l3 Lau'()<.heA on :;{'t} Feb ,~DOb in ~cUu~ O~J"b\t1-

i -Andhvu. PTade.hh ..
" The. rrtlY\o.~ :olj~mve t,., to pocvide 100 ckt ~ lDClJe11~\O~
IT\. ():~.UQ.U. to. adLl~t me.mbe.,() U9lU,''OJ.-Ii; clo U'Yl ~k'\l<2.ct
l1\Utllriuai IiOOU:

.. 1:0 be. fyo\l iAed.. u.?l-th\'() 5 Krt) t(- o.ppti co n~. 'eh Ide'nee .

" ~ .&t--atut-o.tJ ffitTllrnurn L0CL8e ~fllc.Qb\ aJ..tic uU-llTcJ.

la.bou,J:. . l'T) the Abrte. _ .

G t,.,9acre& are. to be. fold e \I e"J we ek or ~'()an_j c.ase with 11'j
0. . +?fI:~'I'llaht.

G- ~Jthe e.mro~menl:- th nOt w<t\)in i5C~~ oj'-

re,JI/:,ria.bon vOl?mp\ -r= QQOUcl'l)t e_. h:u to be. fold. ol- the.
.ate ~. :{$ 'I. .~ cl.o;~ l.l)o...:r fo'5 the I~- 3od.~ and '50"1 1+>("

d.aily l.l)Q~e afte~ 30 clQ(f' -i:iU the cotrlpleJOon~. IODd~ ~-&.) -

PT{)\(rdl'f19 E'.N)plo\lment cnhlc.h C!.\H'~ I" Q.Qlfllo....

tht/\ ,~ -the r(lO~t II'(iP ?YO\lIMOT]

t tM 1\(.1- .


--~--.--------_-_.- --. --- - -.

._- -
-.,------_-_ --......:-~
- _-- --
_ .-

Lallnche.d du.Jirng (leal ;)DDr .

o A ...0 cl 0.1 /., er.u .ti~ sc:}on e. J'I~;tJ . .

. -:. J
p'a"cvlde)3 dwfh o.nd dl'<'Clb;ll~ benef!!' to tk head. ot the.
hDUbe.h(0\.d. OT ea.'l"nl'1l~ meJf1bu q.. hDlJS "hoW. .
211-the: e.vent of flUI:U.T"ctL deatD

~ ~: Elo,OOO.

~ 2n CO!>e.1 Jeaih due. t"o G.ctidenr DY p"Ymonent- dv-, Q.b;\t[j

:for acLLde~r cleath _ =15000', {o-l &.lOObiLL~: "1[;,000,

t06~ ~ ene ~Je_ ~ ore l':mb - 3;;,5001- .

.. <Jhe hcherne._al,.,o p~OVt'de), s-chO\OTShlp benejtt fOT th(C. (.~i.ldre.n

~ 1k. rne.mbm i AAa~- Sc.hoto.nh'f a.t- the. 'l'01e f iOO pe.t.mon'th

MlLl be. 3~\I~to mU'i i ~mcUh(.1) "tu..dt~ blw 'jth If> l'2.ths\:allcktd

Bh().~cttNiAIlI.O.'T\: fBOD5] .
. PTLf(\o."I~ o'tijl'.c}'lfe IJ.. to (t~ydop -tbc aural (l'(eG~ c.o\leZl'f\.j c:,
C"lI"l-i::,' _I
\ cru .(\Te.ab 1,. ~'!a ds, hou..nnj, d lfinldn2) \.UW:"e,{
... _1' > IYr~a.h~J
J _J.L. I-
()'lC\ \ ('(,)nl')<!.d'V;~-


-- - -- _-
ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200 .
. -;.::;::---
.. - ......... """"'-
- -- - ~.
",:t~~~ . .--
JI: Contrib,uceg <Ib~u1- tj'J-' ,_.__
-h'q'r'wlh.)_'(e_ 1"1) lry fD1
-Ani rrnl I)vrkx:tnckj i3lldF fQ~: AptJ. - mu...-c.I)
Fi6hnaM.u -A~II (.uLhl'lR. .~WI': JU1u -:Jure
fores.:.~ ,

-me. Oen.1.- book if R 131 TU~ Iii June.

SOuthW12it mo~WO'll -+ Tune -'<'1 (~h"-d. 1fQ.i.'n faU.)

No:U:hfa~~ mon~oon:-> o d: - ike,

'Cf -ford la"fld dD.Mij.'ca t/tm_

-A'TOq'lld 'tD'/' a ,~o. go~ u'1lc1I?.t =r

Lou1- 'd thf,s cml(f /yO'/. ~ tJ'1\de..c ;~"(ifaU(J'f) .
aboul: ~ 0'1 i a:re.Q lDWn ~ J"1f'j Land jO>'ffii,/
( &.) rai?l fed a,.-oo

.: ~",o~ Are.a !;oW'Y)

= 1.33
,vef, Are:a SOLim'

~rOI1 AY124SO(.07] z: ","'/-' a:re:,a foWn t 'Ilrea ~DUfl1 more tFx::n ,.;
{n')(p .

4 ~/Cli) lC(nd hD{cLi'tl3~aie c1!~fri bared

eo 1 L(lnd holdi'fl3S are (TIn 1 a ,'<ncJ (te f! than J }:e(tl\'>t)

;;'01 .. 8maU t :L.lal'.& L ~hett)

e {(l(ld 3t'1~iT)~ ('orY>;~1d t/ CI'.Y(!(l/"', m1U(~, puls{,.

L----.;:, '"-al- a LJO me' Ui (fI') ~(l'Y)1

~A Dil.c;e.e.d ((T.ioOcrnd nd,-),

" Oil 'Cecls. --')- -a.S-;>,o m;Ui(fl')fot).;

(1 otl'5i-'e. (jTOW J


'>t '. ~: [_ ~e{-{than 15 mon!h~

.. 10'( pU.I"chanl11(J seed/.) > -JerHllheI' , pel: b'uder , fodde,{ > --ked. ef,
c ShOAl: tam e.(edi~ rb el+efljNi ~ <f'O'fJ- ~'1Hl-/htbioncJ.

lrnQr(\t'j, --l-rade.,s, ccmmlM'an ~I'_nt,s) and l'l1hH t-uh'onal .!;ci-

up C R<:''jl(Yt\a_l_ Ro.tal t:)(v;nkJ,) ,

. e (YiQ;,/: cf thlo ci.ed~t ctvaU ---~ 1nTrn"rf, [f,. jrom IIDT\- r~h:-c-ub'~
~e:);-l.Jfb -m- hla}) (1)h~J'"Q-I:t ,.Qtl.C-es:, -
-t ~-I:-~ [15 mcmth~ to Lbo months]

~ POT ink.; '1\9 t:!p re:rm.o..nen.t

..~ to'r(]e ll..a!J cu.~u,{(d - (mpl1J'I'\e.r\~J
hlArves to rs d::c_ ,

, CommerClal fJo.'41k~and /o.'I1d fJelle(ofmcn!- ili1lkr ex/end

lon~ -term c'{edn-


* JI:- J~the_ apQ1. L'1lsL-tv__h'Gf)S at- the. t-/ai:toro.f level {c7 enAlJ. =r
((3tiU1.tCu.r-e and IJ_HaL ['te.d;:!: n9ith ct vial) to p~ornoh'71J ~n{-ea--rttk,l

QU~(1J. and e nbu,u'fl3 p~osrl''-i~ -l'TI rU,(l[ o rco, -

* poo\lI'de. <;.
'1seF'(\l)n(c ~Ml/'t-cu'"l(_~ to Coope._'a~\ve_ !:(!)ueh'e.g
53 I
-l:e..!?:,r a.nd. cQNlmeoctcJ OO'A\<:I'I Q,nd, lCt!A!l.- dvelDj>!l)ent" bO,n k~ whIch
_ .
- - ASHWITHA XEROX 92907002UO ---- -
. '
.'-~-'-'~ - - _,,_
.. prQ\Jl'de c:'"eLltc- ~. F()rr'(\\e _f~~duc1- .. ot!lvl~ l:t)_ ~ol a:7-~_
;+- 3U!!al !Inf-rCl&hwure_ )tvellOrmel\f- fun d CRT Dp)
10'0 p,tQvt'd~, :-o/he-lund;., OJ ~hoM-tall (Cited b'j RR6s 'f> t(!)rn(Y)~rthl~I
"i.'I) C~kndi''Jld 181- ~ the tot-01 (-<edit to!-he 0(l.ocuLl:UI7'.: .sechlL_

_ ~ -!<'ffu,,-e) t
. K; s,o.-n c.tdl~('o.'-(I::(()
l"f\d ,'(_a1,,~ the.. -:-. Nfl8AI<D
al.t.o F~
i.}, Snilhil-iimal . 1
lZeJ- q' . C,R_ e.J' b .Jbtu . ~n.iJi !:-ul:-;~

*- f2s1 ';.
~ AI> pa:B"1: i (flone.h-..I_"l"(f a-nd ("e.di l pol.I~ RIYi: P~ a CR.llcJa.\

"'IDle. Q~ itltl'fld OV~Qu. dt''(ec}r'on to RtluJ CAA-d,l:- and 6:1 e.u~eC\d\"

!l'l\c\'fllhl bUPf0tJ:-'to N A3ARD.

-"I< kil>a7\ C..(e.~i~ Card lKct) - 1'1.'1"t {DU";, NDA . t"'~
o ~bj<Z.thve.;~-to l'nal:e Qde.(v,-a.t-e Q'lld Hme.~ av allabik~
~ t: .tedff: to fci.'Tme~p.. _ _- .
. - . F. d.:r:rne.. r'" CCl""
,.,.",(,1I CR..ed 1[
''' l f l
(Hi I.-dl!~ "" henevp,(_
- y e.. q,ui.Te.l
y Lt

_on the. -b(\ht'l,,- i the C l e..dil:- co.7'd) Whl(h 11. Ll'T) ked to the ,y \o..-J_
hDld,', .Poi:te _

II <J'\U [omrnQl et'o.l 6a..,b RR 85 <,t)1'~~n'c1- Cooret.ul:ive c.e.n~,(al

b > >
(\"1") 1:( C DCCBs) CJ..we tne Ke(:- -
o J I'fl!. J.nh umCiCe_ ~ove "-(je. ,-{oo t~ credit ((I7ct holdey-~ pnyviJJ4

--the. fO:lfme..lf l<. lJitll'l1(1 to fO-j p"b"eroium.

N fH~ARl) ho.!> d.o1\e_ a}' lll..~ trIl the ell di l -f Ioto 10 till f anne'Y.r
Q lid -&.0.. 1clI-1!I to t~ a."I e tNl. 11\(}~.I/ mp eb~e ~\Ia!:! (l1tI t -

- 'ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200

--_-_- ~
-, - .. -_----.-- "-~. --_.--- . -----
. ..-"
II .he c)"e.,da flow to -the mral (\'(eO);16 ia-r -from !la-l;;;,fa-d-or:J ft"OTI)

-ihe O'r'~ (l'(),'hed [,'r~m .

$ ,he. DraUflu;ed cre.dt'b [;~stem .(1, l'eo-ch~1JC1l~ ~O'I- of -frej<.l"<Tne.'(S .

... NAGflRD ~ -for '(e~l'JfiTthe 3-"bOe" c"edit ft~l:-e/()"foy ruw.l ore.cU_,

l\{\m~) RRBs) Cl)opeY.(lt(ve ~oUe.Hf.( a"d Comme.rcia.l b:J'>1 ks . '1Densull

-that- the c.Le.d~t- flow from the DrfJQn/;,ed J(/!>hrn ye{lc.he.~ f1.1i""asl-
00 OJ.

of the -(a:rrne.fS "

~. Mi'l1lrnLl'ffi 61) of} f,t~ce L('()sP) ~~~ ..
e 'the. (Aep [ C:Of,,('()~M1'm{Of" A~~'c.u.U-U..teCOllI:- ~pTi(es] J

f\'li.'l\i&h~ t Aa.tluJJb..tit ~OlJL-cif- 'tndtCl 1"e.e~mr(\e.l\.d~ .th_: I"()~p. ,oJ:-

ihe. b~l.'I\ni~ i e.,:,-ck ~ '_':(.Qli-(.lrct1 l:e.aSm 1i.. :l!t cl!..r" .COVU-l'}-
bOth -fOod. aWl ~011 1cai.
" 3.~;~ l?af,e_4l\ the. cosl 1. c.ttU:ivo..H.,- rre. cyop. ba~ed OJ") fuU)l'fi,

srudie ~ c[%)dtu.l:-'eJ b! ts ~!fe.c}"ve a/i' u'fIlve nn ti(..\ J

,J " '-
Sllf larlO'l\ 'ratez ,ard '( (a!,o'n able M-re ~ re tUTn.
~ ,mr.p..!;. o.~~L1\creo..,;e4 (Y'LJ.'r~(YlC1~ b~ tl-'e horved:'"f\:t time.

. 'P'rO( Price'

~ ,he p.rtee.ok h9hit.h -the Fc.Y p....

owre 1rorn tM la.rme~ .

?~!T-l~~ mefre iron oR. e.ra! eo (I)!,p d..etend1'J l~ron tho ~~

~ f~~d.uc-e. l!c ~: -:food 8
CO<lfD~o.l-iOJ) :lnd,l(l]

-If, fCD'tlOmi( (os!:

:tt i'l1clude<.. F)l.~(u.emed- p.tic~ b.j fcT , (o60llr ch(J\YS _,

mo..' f<ees) +-'-Cl.'(\Il,fO~~ co!:.!: o.nd ~\:::or~e.. (_~Ct""2e.l: .

-it ~: The. l'liCe. o.I:-5~hlc~ I (Cc.1 i'8bu.e~ i:he e.~Ll")b'~ @

t..01l\I'I\O~l:\:t~ 1<, )ts~~~ReJ~~1&l~~. &1:- '~~ be'1.:. e(~

~-.. ,--
_ __ -<..

__ ('!'!!Ii' -

(.){)de,t TPDS_) ~<'(_e:t,oheo} k{jt'll ~urr,'ed- 10(_ BfJL -jarniUe.,f,_rit-I-xJF

~. 1i:h(!_e(ol?~Jc: tD:s~'a~ Yol fjPL 1ami.t;er' at- fLLII econDmlC corl.- .'
P . I'

'* f)'1.f:t}to'11o/ /VIGp and announri'1}J the scure. welL i'll advance. _

'l' 1}~c.oUT()'_~ ~'l1&-ire re.[JtOhCl.{ FTitl":} 5wstvn

_. >t-: s.fTe..n3~''l\j -the. e.:Nic.e. del1v<!.IJ \:'jbh:m i-n retpe.ct 4

~'nput";,I)om~, jelftLlll>e.~-") set!.cL d::-c..
* . '{'atl_' i'l'\l:0 COMldeT(I_!::;Oll f t+e fmrl{Cll:io~ ('{\{,'J.F"f-
fY0fl1{)b'()If\, u9htle 1i...~ ~ P'5lceb fOA. e'l.p0}: Of\enl::-ecl. Crops_

bJ CC>ITlfl',,-re~~(:-rop1~ u.ranc.e ~~I\"C (~iV crndhi pe.<Lotll

_..... . . .,J, _. l'ISS- _ (ec/s)
Na_Hona.l A(l-rl c.Ull-till... jnAl~n),nc.e sch~rn~ ( N A15)
IV eclheJl-. b Ct.~
. .t
e.a .
PAOd'Jtd Nat10~ Aa,R..:wJ.b.J ..t~ 2~u.ta..1\.I:~.:!>:c.W.tnQ (/1f\)f)}s)
~: .. _ [eels]
1\ i::Dmpune.ntiv-e c~p~lnan::~ $the.~ tOli<;: \.uunChed
&U.(i-, ~ .19't$b~ ':;I)'tha.~ sclierne, --t:re fa~e.Tt r.J-,oo..vcUW .J

_~Q~ 0" .' ....c.u1luiol'c.ud.;t from -tl--e l'J)slil:.ll~~QnoJ.seJ uf u-.en_ ~J

Love-red. The re.0frroph;col unit l.C)CU (\ _1Y\C1ndaL OJ. bloclt. ha.lI(U CI.

. iYlin e7.l:-e_r,f clLttiVQred tmclet.. ihe speuj,'c. V-cp- :ne OI:jeJ.-lVi'!Va.!

to t"J).o,u'e ~~eldguo.rronl:-ee bahd [Y1) 3ttOHj S\j"f',<, (l..vfJ aldd
Q Celfr-Ut'l') iilc!e.m~-:-; t<:.\}e.l.

Aff-er Ii del-a clc:-d evkw; em the im rc::.[1le_oro.rton f the Sthll11(_":-'

<1:- h(\~ be.en _!liod.if'<.>cl t1{o NA1s DIS Ra<;.tlSiJ'o. Krishi B~(l'2_a.zfdj~~.'3
(R.kgy) o.ndll:111 bd'nj bl1t>\.e.rl\g'~ed 8\y\C.~ RMi l}_~~


- -~~.-~ .. --. -
--_ .. --- ----. - _ ..__
--_ --" - .. _ -
--~ ---_." --_.
..... ,.'

eo.laM.d;r~~J ped-<lill
... ~ .
"Zr.l COf.;. 10 e.llcourozr p~OdTe~Ve {Qm11rlj prac.h'C<!'5.

o To he~ ~robilibe -fa.-om t'lKOme pa.lfh'aUo,l.Jj i'n_ d/'sru~Cl_'jeox.s _

. ~ Cove.r'1le t'l\clude ceilll.." rtltUC~1 pulses J oil J>ee~1> Cl11do.nnuol.
C:Dmr:'uda.l. CF.QP" o.nd hor~; U.CfS.

., PartiCipoJiO'11 l? (ornpWSOJ.j for furme-rl) who hove taken ()lOP

tOa.l1l', -from. .,''''ht-;u,rtOnCll zeh.f aild. {at ol~,(_ fa_1-mer-'} t1-e s ~e ~

. ofh'oora1-
. 0 ""rl>e premium yo.l:-e.c. (\1'"<2. dlH for d,t} (-{0p"'.

jJI ('_omfl"ehe.~'ve. R;sk.. :1n! to uveL ?Jtdd Losses d.ue to

l10"1 pTe vent-abl.e 7"i6 X.5.

"*.: ~-(Cf~~~ [fNB CiS1

o 7h;~ I.9(l.S L~unlhe__J
. Oil a f,iD
tt b
5D cI;~l-tlc1,f
. .. H~~ I
cf 0,. CO(('"1It-r~ frorq t/-e k:i)cn If ({DOg. ords: y- the . aberoe I <1f)nua

tl'Jfl1me"rc/nl ru'f~ Cl.r)({ hVrrrc.tltf-ure (ROr D~ {{JVCl'ecJ

o 'lhi-s hcheme f10vcdet (r1-5urance (t8a141d adverse c/{t';aj/crn jrt:rn')

--th~ ram/all, hUfYli at lj I .. heal- ere (0tti>ou-t dete.rml71IJ1_j the ,j"eLc1
Of ~~e.CA.Op r~ ~d-QTe .

~ ~~6~~!::_~~~~cj:('frR (MlliAI:')

.-~--. - ~- -- .. -...

~a '.. ._ -._ - ' . D

... -:lnctdejua~ mo-.rke/:. gl)fpo~1:- .sYSfeiti .coupled uilf; /acl{ of ne(eS~

z.2,Ctye)1,pu~l'Y\i -!ticiliHif, and mCl'Tkel:in:! i? l-.9iU C?1u.e('lSe'_

The. fU>TfI(!'f:6 {or d,'APOJllr&3 th(:. f).odu:e. 7herefoye, I:M. 9'0vl:- </
2ndlCl! e.vb{.ie.a.~. hroad ma'ttef(71J pOIlc:J and the jolloWi'YIJ are
mod: t'mp a..lp~ cf ~a~k~h'Y):J . PDUL1 : .
:t e.smld.,.,.,hi''I1j reSLLL<1l:e.d rrarke..ts.

"f COJ)I!>t-Tu(.HO< t>f .

h o!fes QA pex.. Y'i!'"'r. e.mcnl- hi
-J t:ncoUlI"oQt'71q
d <J

, JC._ . I h' [godcum.t1 .

If' I ..._ .)
. *
fr1vao.e pa'icneAs
V ..
. (II
I: '!ate& goc:.own!
~ _weL~hij ff meQmreL l.n' S ~G~"tf:

* .sllhai~ b"Qo.d.C:Cl61:;~ c:f ~CI..fb p-ttC e s 11'- (lO .ti.cuJl:uro.l

~CT'()rnod.iH~ -throU-ffh ~lllndio. Ra.d10, TV e.I:c..
;I> Gtren~HJe.nt'nj-the 'iranl:'fo.(t arrart8!.rneni: ~~th hiSh pT"D.u.~
it; ~UTal 'n) cW.b .
* ~"butl~"hme.nt-tJ- te de..ctt-,(\~.
NQ,h'onoJ.. Ao .ttCtLll:tlra.l ('(Jmmod'~ -f~ru-iOl'\..
7",bal. ~e.Ck~Clh'MrlYi~}: .

. .
cl~rrii'l'\llh'cri10} i'nt-ermeJ.lo.hlj_tr.~.

Re.~ula ..b' ()l') 1- tll.T1~"LLt

frol-e.c.h'0<i) i 'l.c'oal la~d~
ConAoLlda.h'Cft) i lond hDldL~ -. '" hl(ell~nE 1'1)/?lJTlj'@ F Hci~aY\J.

fit ~e. eff e.{.Hvd~ -the.~ o:...e lmrlome.ll~ed in tDe.d BeT1(Ja\ .. ~e,eo.l6. .

Cenrral Le't!,,.,lClf(o'1}t..9?-S' cl)otted en the (fI!OX j'l1;l.

,he 'joHot.!>l'nj t-re. mod, j,'or poo\.it-icrt)s 1rN. Act :
J.. E..[~C'f\.t"l\ctbon '6- 1.1\ I:~
'I: med~(~l 1'\0. m e.~ .:r-o. 11\ /-nd.o:rs .. ::p-~
e.t'\.Q.m.d.a.-;r. de. _ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200

-_~ --~-~ ...-~ "-- ----_- .. _~ ..._....._-
.~ .
_-; ..

~. R.Q';_l..a.ti'i1.~ :.the tertancrJ C.OV-ti""1 'rent J ~eUlrtij and. cC>'I1J<'r1..Ur)erJ-

1- OWne'fs.htp' . . .
z. Ceil;" onland hoLdi:, M92th -fOfl'\i.~ 0.. Q uni/:. Land holdhl.(J 5'ce.
ditfe. ..s d.eFtnai'l13 tJpm, --tk.. ;~r[~o.Uan &-aluA orid the d:-o_h~
!t. P.{ot-ed-ion oj -tribal land il'"lJ'lIl a.LL1C1Yla~ion{.

5. Corv,pLida1:i0'1) elf Lnnd holJi rys

gl:ci-ec fas.s;e_d lqnd reform Ad" (lnd ct'(~Qdt.dri.bu.\: ~d llTiJel land

'eto't"mh . o.CtOUilt- 1tJI:.. ('ffit~ clbout- .1:5'J. 4 -the toraL u.Lilillo~eJ Qlea.

Tenanc..y 't"e.f(Krfy; GI're. belteY ~'7\ ",Ied- &m-8al a-nd Ke..tlLla_

'!he. teas
(D~r(II'M1'D~ r.e.D..cL-d ~ j),. 1'/.$ buXIml'1'l(1/:hoo - tnajOl.
re.c.ol'r1lYle.nJo.UIJ~ Q.'Ye as follows:
.. -An a(.dDnDmo~~ (ll)d .st-ctl:-Uf-0;;i '~l-nl-u~-fOY [ACP; to f~~.qf':?{
-the YemL(ria.l..QHV(> price f{l{ i::Jtbfocd CtrJ .Ilonjrcd OI.OfS-
. '" ~ohil~ =r- ---th!_ Ye.rilCJTOyotiW f~'U: -~ fcnmry -<houlJ b?
(OT),-s idered (1& 11 ",k i Ued labou,l.. (.{nd defYF 0.'0. l ior: if m C1 chi ne r;r
(IT)c{ fa:rm tooll? al,!.{) to be ta.ken !'fIfo (Lecount.J! fu~(((CtaiI Co-e_

o-+cIl:en (''lito coo.r'deYatIOn -tIY: Yemu~ayaNve pn'ce_ Me'll. be atha.[~

.150 '/ ~ the'. pre! en!- f')s,p.

o ?he crcd,'i fl~ jo.rmC'T/' .sho(L[d hf at J;'j. ;7]lrre.~I:.

1# -An e-;(d.~~ive p6JllUq' fOK. r.sate~ 107. A3.licu.ttu.J..e, u9hich Ina 1:1.' (
y ,
ili'l1 I..?nlel. h(llVE'd-('f\~ mC1nc\.clli.>1r~.

D 8 <'..tre'6. rLtYQL 'r-1ICU.trLlJ:-LlYe, -tro.LI\ed. I'I\QIl p<!)loeR. anda(lus~Q

Gfr'QQ~ ft>l" H-,e ~"'-<!:lloth ct -?L~-m.\._NO'fI"fu.'B11\ ~(.I-Illl 0.11d.(ted/on 4'
(n_oYe rrh ODD!'){hAtDlH.WrTHA XEROX 929Q700200 . 2--'7
- - -
.:~- . -. _~ .. _-- ._.

o 70: ailiacr ~.Ottt-J: ti>}lfl_Ucufl:u_;-e.~n.: fO:rri]i7l3 ~ diMe

'~'1lcetlec1-tm'j'~li(Y)U1ClnnU and econOlYljCa~ r(!0o.tdiii[!_

~"iJj;J.J1.1. A~?ic_ulbJ.Ye. lndebtedne~:

ALL Q) -the. .(uT'\l('.~b~ NSSO,D-bOill 50"/. cf ~io:rme.~/)
bJ - .,: ,".1". '. "_'-'" -_ -._ .', . .

l0e..rt:. 'mJi1-eA. Cl"l'lcl aboci 6D1. f -them were rn.a"-O''nol,mpll,

-fo..rmc.Yh. 1[- i..?iv, 0.1"0 cb~lved ollt"rord:; ~
~ ~bou1- "to 1. r-f
tl-t: ~
o.rnoPnrJ:i We...e rom,r Il)On~
" ILen
~ de' 'd er 6 0 lid. commi$JlJ1l
rA _ rtxo: ' Off"r)(b.
..1. '
"Y\D'l't-1TlA 8tu.b'ona.l I.ou."iCU ,
tiU )
~ " ' R~k~
1\ e, d 1..0 I.)f u"()de r the Chctirrmanc5ht'p' ~ iJ( ),< ' Q a Y1 TX:I

Gu Fes (.1')(-, he 1'6 the chni'll"rno.1) tj Nah'o'lYll r!:al-~l:-jra.{ CDll\mi~

Th eUt.mi'JY_ the ctk>cve. t0U.e. aru::l ~~ve ~u.ib~ble.'re.commenda.c,'ot}1

tz, rn: , ,
''l'1tlYiliSe. u9.t(c_u.U:uye
to tlowin(J
' I-l._
Ct7e u.z:: rnOSL

c'r{)f fe.commU)da.b'on,g :

, ~ Need to, fTUk.e, foYfl'li., a ruf,lnble e.nt~~r"l"l/Se..and' Aleppt'Yl<fr"

If qf tly_ j.\)If~ cf t"Y)~~;tuh'ona! c ~.uI~~. " ,'

'.t ~ 'pOMh've.. tLP911~nt C.LllrUY~ shoutd be. ad\vd~ fYDmol;e_~

{'Y] the.. l'!Yfl3t-e:rrn I'Yll-eyed- cf- the- fLnancial G'i1~te...,WJ.itha. .., .
( t ttf\ce.nH ve i i'fl'~' fOl .~ f1ornfl: )"{!-faym(' if .

,-If f\) ee.d to oft? Va mp ''Ylj the. '1u,taL {t'nCloci OJ D."'tch, l:-e c.b.l..,y-e

(~ith UYl{ha,{j), 0 e'Xf(!'(W';OT) oj the Ru-ral Bo.()b'''I\J r\)ctwou. I

(' r ,,--eli L C OU'l'l d t'l13 > mobt'Le. ba~ti')1g, l71(-p'if'Tah''fl'J (l"J1'cKDjt''T10rla .

[L'llfh ba')"Jli~.
[The (or1(.ef~ oj mcao j;/(Iance come jt'(lm B(!~{ctderhJ



- . - _'- ..- "_ -~.. '. - .. .. --
----- -- - --,-----.--.-~--- -

. --.~

. ' ... ', .. _

o -Aboul: eo'/' cf Y)~I:- cut~;va.b,,:d Q'(<!.Q. II:, unde i'Tt 1eJ. fa..m I~ '-

'Pitt~d; DEi 6e.e_Jf..

e_ and du~at<OT\ Clt0r~ Ct'l'"e uttf:lv~'
.ulcIei_9.D1'nf~ ~rmt~ .
. 9t: t'l1vot\l~ ~lah -rr6k, loW) l'llve,tmeht- o.rJ low Uie.ld?, .
* -A twD f.i.DInT OfpJ.. Dad Id~"(Q~e.d't+&. Acu_,n_ t<:cl fl3lrm l~

ti) 2mF~old'rl1-the ~ozl condU-ilfll &-emOVi'ltj ~lc0 [<~~~-..:'llilj b~ +yeo.l:-;'(\~ -4:i)e ian:!. ~lti) mlc_,(o hutne.n ~'-<-~,
. . -. ~
'2i'1\t, -' 9:Jps.u:rr. ere.) .
. at> 'J)!or'~ . '1\e__u) s.l:-rQl'l"1&Cv(\'Y,et~)cf. dYOU3hl:- re_~'hl:-ar,(e,
~h~tc!uYl.'tHorrl ()rJ hi.jh ~'-e.Ldi'1lJ vo:.i~ 0} C~O?!:>. (ICR1silT) .
In-te.r()a.tiO'l1a{ (to? Re.,-=y-cl) 'lngf-d:-u.le_~"( ~emt (vl1d
) ~d _ J)o't\e ;e s:e.a.ych 01) -thl;, CCVl_C12ft .
- . .
*" R J1,h"ljet
k ' I /'
. -
la.U'l)cite d d UN1\_9. -tk 'J"-cU_ ~001-
0%, --C:he ,~t- ueas: d'_._.
lift) La (] - rJ "T
p 11 - The"ve l'
'10 lTl
o 1-L_' -.I,.;te"
"1<:: P''-' A ~ ~'V_l'J'.j 1.00:t _ J~anr
. 1-;' .,___
..,,0 eM LO
r u
l?1,VI!!t- m enl- r'n ()Jl q J{i cuLt-l1~
aI and aWe s((;ur.:.

Ii Tv ' (/.'
. r,ovld( fle~ib[L,:~ and auf:-onorr:J -to the .sfa_iel in/:k
?roc.e1-6 cf flanrll''flJ and {';(etuf:icm oj lyJf/..J.' (.uL/:(.(.I'e " al1i( sec.toA,.
f'58yo.r-nme:; -

fI 10 e())!, the fY,,!'o.a.l:ion cj! ~,(icLlU(.trprLa71 10, tfe diA/:-Y;t.b,

ba:~ed 01) A~i.o- c/in'll.ti'c 'CD?1J-t'(('Orl6, {)'V(1_l.labiLi~ oj l:-C"chnolt:?J'J

arJ natural. Ye.rource~. .

_~SHWITHA XEROX 9290700200

-. - _-- .. ':'"- -.

. 10 mo\11m~Ae 'rel-uYn~ to ~ -fa~e_I'&_: t"rl -O_nd~(W_;~-

'. ,~~'t" ri~clfc bR.l'll3 OtU'- --~L{(l'llf(f['a~leChafl:JQ~. h) --u--e p)(Dd~~~ -.-
ard P~Dd.uchlIt9 1 vO.... {lur (0ll1f0-nellh cf- Q(} ....I culture.
" ii")te3'rat-d deve topment- 4- mctjo.t ~_Dd c.':O?)1, iuth as I;9reo.i-- ,
pctdd.'J) C_~ye..cJ_t J (Y)i:'l\OK. mtlL~ ,Wll.v-,ie Cl~' pW..,er _

~ (N F~M)
-- -.-J...e ~OVt 1Jnd,'Q_ LaUnche4 - l\laHond.t )Coed ~e(_tJ!.i ~ M IMiOT) ,
t'l\ the. ae_Q~ &OOG - Df _ .~. m\#()'OfJ cU ms at- tnc_ ye_(l_I)t'-ru:J -~

'3 ~O;_nl':. f'-9. oducl-ID'I} under' YlCE', wheal- o.rd pulses: th.-o~h Qr~
e_~ra'Ms)'o'r) a;'d. pJ._od_u.d:-ivi~\i; ~n 0. f-,L:lf.l-al'n.!lbie,

f'YlAnll es:

!he I\b.bO'l)aA -food .{'e_CUti~ ('{\1M101\ ~d.'~ COmrD'I)ell~t)

ro._{l)e_l~) N FSM lOR..

'1\1 F~M +O'Y _ICe.
N j:' S M --f-o~' PUI!d

* - ~t~~ ~--C){VK)_ - -
-- h- r -~ tee hnl)\oq ical.
"'- k V K f,J<:,:rese!vp --th'(ou~hcut- the. cou n 'J TD _ .J

Irnl:--e_'(ve_~fn'OYl _ The KVK.s;, 'rovi:hl lo5l,th .e _connec1r'-'i~.~

to 1cttiLd:Q~e.. ~J'e.a-ex- --flow 4 f'rrjOI"l'Y''ltf.1DY) to tr:e fClYmexs.:



-~ _.- --_
"-'-~-"---"-'-""'-'-----'-' _---- - -
-. _..
---. .-_.--_._---_.-_.

_JridU:i.t~ c e.clor comri'~e.r of-

(r1t')j~<T1a ~. ~uCl'rf(~
.;.1 -. _
_m~~tlf{ld:u .. i'll;r
el"cb:iti~, rsard l{)aber~llPfr
CO'Tvsnuction _
J:l)u'r(e~ {O'Y mDnl r{)'Yl~ ~ndl1d:-rWl. oul: - ..

--'nde-;._ nUrr\be;!' ~ inctuth-iul p.{~clt1t1:-\OT\. (jtr.pJ

BQhe ~ e.o..L (1'. a_o0Lt-05.

pe..1n'odt{.r~ tf.. m(l'ntl.~ , (.t)itl) Cl Hm~!.n(j rf a.bout lp..~ __

C'ornyile.d and: -ye.le.a..sedb'j cenb--a! Sa-h'I>b'cal o~d' Ne.w 8dhi _

"1he (.OfYf0f,(iUcrn CDM;"'~

_. Mt'YI.l~
*' _ il. 'I. I0c4Q),t-
.., J

o . ,"La. 'Y\ u.1{ d'" 16 l "-

.. ~n~ .. '1't iO"I-- ..

_ ..

/he ~ovl--cf- jl)J1o. ldentij['ed. S (ore _AeJo'l's LOith [n tre 2'lP ..

Q:re cod, oil, fl!)olu rill _~ o.s , 1(0: f"l')ena.~!,
te",,HL-!;_e_'rs., s,+ee.l, b.ett)e.n.t- and ele.Lh-,'u1 __

'he.l:e '8' l'1\f.Cl ,) secl:or~ have Q ),')e1jh-ro~r-- cf M:i or.

d e,;( ~."
T _ 1"/\d-U ~[riQl px 0d UUC\{Jl).

----rhe_ IT)on,l::olrl.'';J .... mOlltH.r ..

NEsO Conc/uct- 'leaL The. ctnnu.ct./
.eve.'a'\-(_ Su.'Ovey of- '>1
'7ld _ 63(j {
l_ ur-t-riQ.l .. C(')~e.'fl"~ all {nth)'.,,> h9h;ch W ye_e.d:nblt')!hed lmdeL
_- .. _--
,._ ~. ~--
AsHwtTHA XEROX 9290700200.
- - -
.. _-
-~. ------_. --~

-:tAc rpV;hiO'Jl if liL Ml" aM.<1 /l'lli 1-. Po-c1-orr'~.l PJ.oclu.cbaf) ,4j~,
From th~hclci.ta. esc e!;~lritah>! -the 3ros~val7i:e CliJ.dd .j;or"rj
. fnarJlLjar..h.1 "{cry and it become the rc..xf c/- 0DP.
-Ul.T. du(hlru poliCl~ i'l'll j

*" the ltee nM"1 pyoceM --to.- edubL'bh,''II'jr'

lrriciu~t-rie.l. e.~(.eFr spec,jled 'Core and ~~""Cl.te.(I"c L'1\du .h-~-_
OL0C.1!l'Q3i:'fl'1 f~va..te fCl.~tn~,t.,<;h'pwhiLe;nj!nduS~TieJ -

"* FOY43T> .8i'(u} jnwstmenr- [FD1}1"n h!J~pto}"!!! indIJSt-n~

antl fOY'etjr) f e.chnoioq'j . afjree.rrenu and h;Yl'1lj cj !ore.iS7)

feL~nit.-~Ctn;t, ond {Of 10,('f!_i'Jn -te~U"()3 oj "71d"~e.nDWLy developed
-iec.hnoLog"es. CDn~ ~,[aNon of a AP~W:tL errro;e.e..ed~bOQ.JLd....
[F.fP13] Fo'tet'yYJ (~v~drn:-l1r p~omoh'an Bca~d, to n'1.goi-t'cd-e t0iff)

. a. "flo 1- fYlAJcs C1.ncl Dff~{)ve PDf in Se./e c.t-ed a"e a.5 .

~ l?pey)I'rn~ the Ctflral market foy {oreJ.fjT) i7Jsbh.J1,o'l'101

.. * ,._.R.e..c"'-.Vi~CDle ~ec!01r~J. S:! ce.d,r8 -(0"(,' public..

i:e~ lOl{ hecuP.ify cO'l"lcel'~ lt~e Ro..i.Lc.,:lll-r I a:O,,6 e..Xc:.

Dffe..1n.\'YI.3 Q 1)(\A.l- 4 "aovl:- hOldt'l1.~ ('1\ -t~ 'rublic s:ed-o~-s

-U- I'nl11:-u.ul -fu.ndi!.) :knQ'(}uo.l. t'1)Sl:-i\:u\:lDDJ>J ~e.rera1 pubt.:c Q-nd

~ WOtrte H etc
. R. rte.t~ cl60mtally
.' SICK. P<;U!: to t3'J r- R ,
Ll$oo:rd U J nelu.~tI I'~s {c>-t. 1t'f1o.'J1cla.l 'De cO'flJ>tlruu-iem. J
fD~' !"e.ylVcU. YehCl6i\,l:(ll-icm, ~O(J'a1 "e(uJj_~ to FJlot-eC}-'wolfker~

-t The. nell) Irnclut~r/ol pottDj a1.&o tove~e.d MRTP flJ, to .-

plreve.f\t m()~E>PQllhl:-l(.) . Q"f\C.l lYl\ tQtow. +ru.cle pm(}\u.!.

.... ,,!,:".
.~ ... - --_ -_ ----~~"" --
._".. .- .,-

.. :--

rhil ALt nowe.v-vt: b.~en 'Y<1.peot, ~'il..ih. p\.a.t~ <2ompeht-tcm Ac.t
'l.Oa."o, COme,

* _I~~~ Nal-ioncl. M_a1)tttaLhw_'il.~u,y


--rl->e_ 'iovl- announced -thi.& FQ~Uj c!..uR.t'lL} t:lu ~ea.y ~oji

M.Oj'01.. pOUL(j t1)f.>bnJ.n!enl--5 -rdaret to Cre.aI:c'Oil cf I\to.l:io'llal

:i:nved-rn enr- and f\\.a'l)u_fa.clLln'~ ~ne; -(NIM. Z;' ) f"SlH:h uJox-\.d c_\_Q_~
i'Y\_fy-Q_(;t-n.ld:ure -
-rhe_ Dbjective 19, to ('!)CreMe. ihe_cDnhibub'Cl7) cJ m(lf)ujo.du:u~
t'l\ qDP. froO') .16 'J. to ~5 '1- _
. .
---rl-,e pdlCif IJ) III make. -the (!?yn~~ ell.
fo.. new -techno10311'.,f,

-*- .::end tt{.t-y; ctL S..-ck.T)e SS .;

. ACCum(.llct~e_d tol:.)..e.( t'l'\, a~ i~no..ndcJ. ~Q.a..~wh\~ (lr~ more.

-thal1 fly evuru --to '5of. i ~c>-Va ne.rwo. k
du.jL'1\1' 4 ~"J!, ,;..

l !Y)lY\e.dt'a.l-c.~ p-.-e CP.,e.J.l", Al.(ch jLnCl'i\ual :1;?at.

Pai[ to ~e_fo.:j lh dqx .....l\9\thl'R (\"j ~ c(,>'lIlj'cuh've_
~o.'Ir!-~ D7\ de rro, nd i!\ade ./'l'j tt:0f'i'1I 0 Jo1- l~j,Y<?fG.jmenl- /a by
a. '-Ae doL
C..(~di~ol~ 0'"- rO l[O.~
oJ ~uc.h c[)mran'(j .
ovl,,1 JI'
Ca.use).. JOY
~_J~. SicJness'

Ca UI, e...: {lYe b700dly cafe-j0fi,.gecl ;7)/0 R. 11pl"f ~ name~ >

~"11-i~r'flat (J.(\d e x te Y('lQ_{ .

:In-l:erncJ.. u.)USes ''7ItL..tde d~/e.d-"ve fflachi?,le'J and ob"olate

--{ed"m1J{o(l~, m~ TYWr'l.D..8e.merrt ~ to tQcl:. ~ buM'neM 'QcQ1m~, 3V

- _-, -._-
.. -
- -- - - - ,.._
d,v~-'-s,;!~ 1f -fUhd;<, J _ QC tur:rwJab'et) f unpGt'd dtbl:- a~ non ~TT)~ _-

i> -the 'q>\C~l1_aAJ~, lo.bOlL( r~ob~ and - tmdct_ lJtlLxai:1~--f

Ln~tolle.d crcl5'
- _ E~t&ncJ ca.U6eJ!. mc.lude. -tk oovt pohtie.5 OIl e.lltf0'1:J., ,cr-oyoab
0Jtd. p9J.c.e\;m{, POl.Oe."( cub. ) e'T~LAUP~ t YCl.LO ~n~
and. non-a.vll.i\o.biL<5' ~ -trorur0xk faLlldleh .
. A (ommt[te.e. UJM OfpOtlll:-ti! lJ'I1der lYe. cholnnanl'>h,? 4-
l10!:lD<lmt 10 e.'l..Qmi:'I1e. i:}e_ i!.f.,u.s Y~ll?Je.d -to lndud:dol ~lckneJ..5,

"-The. faI1D,",(n~fY-'fhe 11)01:- imp le.comrilendo.Hcrn :

& :::rdeJ\hl~cali~ of .clc.kne.M od- et~ .g~~eb ~ de'llel.oftn(Y
g - f
ul mble... MiS /_!Y\a.l\.n.u.eme.1'J- .1f ~'f~em].
c, Re.sF0"Wbi(;_~ I>hQuW b>. jh.ed ern -the. rromol-er..!. tchcl-eve,(__/'Y'Oj
the 'Y"e.o.J7,cm
fo~ sid:.l)e~-
-'" _ctoAuxe ~ !;'I'd:.. tmil:- (!Ii-.{ (!. dll'fMol rf the aMe1r't!.

-A MlcR.o~('(\aLl a.rulme.dl/.Jrr) 8nrecr (,,~Je.~J:-: [MsrocD AdJ

_ [.2..006J
~ovt hove. isCLU-4D1r'iSd the. enre.Yf" byoctd{j i>ntD

--tho,,~ e.n~<l.CJ e.d. i'l\ )

.1.. f
I"\a.r)u. "(i'Y1..r
- :it. P'rV\lldl~f'(e.ndQTi'1lj sesvtces.
uoth (Clle..qoyii'~
mve. bl?l'n Ju'tJile'( c.l'j'
J '
1(Ja. I'll
to mec1/.0,- [.maJJ
f/ . t !. l'fl flan dncl
and me.dium e.l)l::e rf~iJ,ep, bCl~e..d 01'1. thei-r en ves men
IY'rQchi.'ne.o;j C mo.()~f(~cJ-~iTij) 0,( l'll e1f'"'frnenl- (p.covIdl115/7endex.i:r>g- -
sellv;ce_:) .



---. __ .::.::::=---.:.==-_---_ ..-_.

-- - ,_ -- --- - .. -_._- .-_-_-'.-_-
' .. -_- _- ~--.

. CCl.rge ro<j- eZI'07I'i,".
~~~:. IL ;;wru anqIe >.:"Pai.1 .'
Snve.&t-mB\b Lf to r: Te'Xi(/e .iec}d,__

0_ ~'! ;;)5 lcihh& Cm;

" rAbDve. R.. ~5IQkh~ . vpo' Rs': sd'ore! (sirLCJJ)
Q'l6cJVe. f{f.: 5['(0,),05 upto RS:JDCro~e~Cmedtom'l -

" ...!J1v e,d-mel1l- Of to ,Rs ~j D InI:..h-5 (mtc/..o)
e -AbDve es: J.o lukh" urfE e: ,Q_U?'DT e. <; C smaLl)
.. fY'IDl'e -ts,Q.1). Rs.: ~ [JpCii Rs : "!i CTores (rnedivrn)
~ . . .
MSMe CtClDunl- -{Of._45'/. of ~ (DUrhle~ morufo.c.l:-o.Tinj ou.lp~\
101 . oj -the, e ~fOa~~. -rhe_ .l:ec.hrl emplnlfe.e,g ];0 mi IL2CfT) pearle. '71 .
<% tnilLio'1l unib, r-r= ove.1L GDDO dill f}l._ockcl:h.
le';(tiLe secror il) (!vad'TiJ -tre ~nefi~ unc:le~ the -telhr>Dl~:t(f-
UP(J!Qd.a.b'lY1) {~nd sdwre ('fUFs) cOh~re_in. -the U'1)its :lei: 5'/,,Jy
em. Loa'1.l.S [c Uf:Jra:dal:-iM Dj technol~Jl
* M.eth{\ ''(t.l:-Y\lV>
'>I,. ~ '"
a va 'aina5 :

'The. jot[OlO!nJ (~'ie '6' 1yeedoml> carffrDAed LlT) tvlaha Tclin~ anc/
Nc~Yct~nfncl.g ..
,J'r)LU_ ni.'>1(J c.op' r(l[ e.'J..pertdilu}'e,
1(;,.,,713 TeAOU'H,f'5 em thei7 OWl)

6e.t1I'rlJ 0f JOi"ll.t ven~u(ej Ql)d ilu)Y.,ida?if5 '7'] 2nd,-o. ~ flb>-(;(!d,

~ Dhhl.{'1\('l'L'j neLO+e.dJ9k>~y

- ~
----. - _-
- ... _.
-- - - -
.. --
QcL-uJl "3)
and e ~dll;-,.
- - ._-
. :_ t'TYlpLemt'nh"17 poliu'u. .efal:-ed t:, I-/f2D.

. M at ih~.~ d Ndv I ~OllJ tI-t: foi!oWlilg ate MaharatnlU .

. gAT/.. C ~l:-eeL-(lu.lhrr(~ 1- :i'ndc'a Jld)
.c T. J,. (c oaJ. !indio. I1d )
h7- .. . 15CfJO
the IY!!~ Q)'"Q free to [nvest- upto RJ..: Ecroreg ~i1DveA'see.-5

JOt'Ylt- ve1)h~ Ye& Drr full" olOlr\ed i'uMldcurie,&. fa t.eed;~ J 5iJcyo,e.freec(

-m pro . c:J
. .7iJ. <or e>.f~ova1 c! eab{7\et ..
. ,
e.)'"e Q<'fe J 6 /.JaVa rar.r1a~ . Tl.eAe NQva.a)-()a~ are free to (f1vest-
IJpto Rs: 10DO ClrD1reg OVe)'"5eG5 {o.( joiT)~ 'Veniure.<i or full:! DWTle.d

..g({b~I'dQ 1f, eJ. Bul:-, a~ (''1) veshnenl:- be:tond ne_e}J, Pl..iO,L cabinet:
arr 1fOva[.

Hi'1lirarna.,g :
:-Aul-onom>f tb a. lMt.t cleOTee. h9ah al.8.0 r= to psu I,,-, t..ohich
rna.:! ieM p},oft'1: am t-he..~ o-re .knot0) Ph mtnl..<.a.!:-nDl>. .
Iheif. aye cal-e:7lJrt'-Je..d p7.\cfeL cai-etl)JlJ -1and cah.:J0~ - fl ..

~~'j~;]:; -
Cf!.ntTat pvJ.)._('( secl-ot unde1fk:lb''t\fJJ (<:P5U~) have
Nlade p~&jil:- ':-1\ -the f..ctA(:- 3~T~-con'HnLlou~l~ . --rhe p'l"e!:all pil.Oft'l:-
&hou.ld hewe bee.l) 1(&: 30.ctOYe0 Of rnD-re. L71Ct.Hear};: me f 3'1'1"0

tlnd ,t,houLci n +ve f1ehro.-1.k. Ag at the I'nd 1- NOV/ /loll - 5i

. L '"",d U11J r..t .
l<!{e.qOTl/- IT ~ c p.s u..., nave bar) ca.~e3oT'Y-
(j~ oJ ~
-thi~ co}e30~' .
cps t= ~):
. .
ps 0'''' I.:>holtlc/ have made p~Dli! jO(l' -the [ali} ~:rr./:. -
cord{''lUOUA":! <Arid. t>holttd nuve 0. pol.,il;ve Ne\:~o'l;)<,-

The!'e CP5f'~ ,shall be ditbie /01 the. enhanced deL'~a.l;atl

1 flwe:r ,9, f'YOVC:d.ed --th.eN n~-t c-&_,fo.u..tte.d c'l1 -tile frj('(l e
CI....~ n11 (0011!
. ASHWlTHA XEROX 9290700200

______- __T_. __. .(._

~_.::-~ --." -
.__ ~ . ....-.::; --
~ __.~~~_ ..__.

c om,y,ooishs icvt ~
dv,inve.rtl1lmt- =r pivab-Jja};.

J)U,t'nv"-St,nent: if, a f~O(_eM lclna) thl!. 'ifovl:- ~Il},d~a.~-(l f--C.'i::/on

cf i V, erUi~ not roore. -than 1t9'l. 2'7l Q fSU _ .

._ '. !1f tnt. d,'h i71v~~tme(jf: to a+le.a~~ 61 7_ 1- uy-u~ ()ifhd raU'U.!
~ncL i?JJiu.cb.:o'Yl if f1ivale =r= theF/ iL- i~ eaUe.c{ f~vab'hal:I"oYt
[Ie. oel1ina a. ~?1if fry -the f,,;valL pO't-Da)
~ -the fo.~/:', ~ (offimi trees ondey the chrurman-sJ,'f tj &. c_ ~~"an,.
a_ftt:/ _Sri 1" v RamQ kyl~hlla f;(ami'lled -the lMue~ reloi ed to dl'.<,~})Y~<;:fme_n/-
afld I11i:l_de_ tre htUt--abLe recoml'f)tnd{1b'an!- =r biD W!e re[omrnenJulr~
arrl fakl-ng c:d-so' r''I1.Q, _ cQyS,'d eyo.h'on -dle dYf tMuet_ yelahl~ to;
d~l'nvesrrnen!:- -th~;~~
ev~rvu14 d~i'(\yt?st-ment F_lic;1-The.jollowi1j Q'I1?__

I}J04- try al:.fed-I>:

y<-e_ l:-ai'lllct'l\9 the e-x.1;, fin.c:J taatic: s ai na ~ naVCl-rar-nG-, ,n the_
Pt..(bLt(. _Sed-oy.

0ene_'1al~, froJil- rnakt~ ccmfanl'~ f,9dl nof h(' ?rrv~1:-",5ed-

~<{ t-e t)d,TtJ j.dL rno.~el.ia1 _and comme ru'al o..tLt-~tforTUj to. ,
'bU(ceMju/ and pt.oJd mab'nJ compani~ rre.ratl-nIJ ern a corry:el:ubve
en VIYOnrne_(j[ __
7he~e ty)u_~t_ be di'Y'ed- 1'1Ik ~w reva.l:i;,oh'an on:! ~orJal ne('d~
~Il the l;1e 1; p' ('va tit, oJ ;O'T\ h'venlte ,10'6 de '<ij'71o}e~fOLial ;.,cherne/!. _

fO's/ pSt',., will be encoci.tCLUe.d to (7f)te.i cO-fifal Ii>

'Ijf,~_ lre;,oua(("~ t:lnd offe,1_ neLU mVe!fmel1L- ctVenw:s t{, yef-at'L

rl\\le~~'l~ through _lnrtl'aL {NIJhli~ Df/er( (lPO~)/ fotio(oJ em flt'tliC_ J.Lt

- ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200 -. . _offer:<; .
_- . _- .. -
-- "--
-.. --
.. ,..._--~ .. -_ .---- .. -. -.-
to:20~anda O! :L?ndeY-BhlndIif [!-fDLJ J
~ - .., -
1-AjUl) Ceo ~[)ptu....
... .

. Which II> bated D? --Me renommendah'()hJ

. COfl\[r)IIte. <)~ 11>C\ ~e.I.a~{oo);hlp ~l() PSt ond wovt-. ~.I:-OU.ttl'nethe.

muht.a.t obli,}o.llOOb ~tO the.. 8ov~OJ1d pst.. IhlX lh al) alkmt .
.a.u.~onOffiJ . cHd. acclDLtn~Qbil(~.

f,ji-thi71 -the C1fjreeJ. pa.;rarne.l:er.s LE-O f pst- ~ (jlVel)QUronorflj

tv Qchl~Ve. -the 'fef,ull-".

~re -'1wed:-men~ cc.heff'l? :

'10 f-rol/{'de hVlfoM fOT tnve.d:-m.enc r/ Co,tll:aJ..noi:u.AA-fCil I::h~
fLlllfohe. 'Ye.mOVt7l.j :mjro,r, battLeneclvs and jac.ibtalee:r0.+.L.
-.L rrt.
..... . ..L .,_.
AII~ ).Jl(.f,be.. a foCal p,ttje.c1- cost bur-_00 adjunt -to - e:xi&"it'tJ 7he. tYlve.ll-me:nt rela~eiJ to -tf:e. p.(odutl've efa)dN::u){e.
fO"6 rernov ci cf -botHe.nw.& at po<{b~) ai-r p01.lA d.-c.

. . ..~I: ,t, a. forrn oj rl/,k. finance ?4~v'de.J. fo tfe enl-erpeh(.u)._,
who ~a.Y)r>ot. ~6ti+ rCuXe f(J.nd from the Ct<j>l'fvj mark-d:- D.J!.
bet "tIb~ ~$I--ell? 5:"1::' a cJualr',J,et.> the know Le.J3~e base. r'-nto((Jmmr?{lia./
. otl > He I"pIS In OJ{)II{''Tt1
toUXl~d6 Q
. {e.wI L'n the va lue
~hai.'Yl. .
~\\,.\'\ ~~~~ [7.005]
.* fo chlC\l'lo.:.U,g,e:tht:. rj"'r>m the fUbUc I,er10J..
di6 l'r\Vel> l- m e.nt fAD(eM
. ",. A'oot.t1- =15"'.1. the. ye.\le.nuel> f(om ci,,, t~e.1t-ne_n.!:- L()ouJd be.
LJheJ.10~ t"\.~ l1\ hocio..t J,~&(l)(. rl(eje.(~~:1 Lohith p,{omo~

e..d_ucori ~, h e..olth ~.Cl.'re. o..nd 7~rnptp~f(\e.n.t- ?I\eyc.d 1at\. .


.. __ . -. "-. -
~..- ---_ ... -. :.~.-:~. --=-- -_-- .
._._ -
---.~:~~-- ..
, ...

Te."1..\:i le s, ~
.~L ..

"The .Tndt'O-IA- Te ....I:-i te '71dusJ-.y u. one f tJ,e -oL::lea- wd. the

(1O()!:.t- g~~l)if!'c_an1:- l1tdtl_{f-:'(~.1nd,'o.n DfPQ'l"el i~S~ ~ ~ (OI olOj

~ -fw~ tI-e -tuiIoIL~ rro~\::el:- 10 (fMme.b. 'lhi6
run be. ct.l:Q-ibub:d::le io hlff>eL d/.1p~(),ble 't'Y'l.c.cmel J -the s-=:
-tctl:hiOS),' The +e1.l:ILt:8 o.c..COUN:- 10. O-boul- trl. I'll 6f'):)P .
o.M. W:.cui- ll:,_G a- toto.l e.?fDo~ tf ~c:unc.t::f 0A'\d ~4- '/.~ the ~~~

t'Od..u.s~ld f.l..w.uc1ion .

.lb i;b the.. LD.Y'3 ed." foTeJ~'JlJ' e;J..chD..i'je. eo.."'/)t~ .ce.J:U" tf)'63.~ 1f on t1f~. to .l/)J;a~ ~hare tn tile WDlld
~~k mo.:d:cd:) 0- c.omm.tree. tau C'oobti-!:-v1:-l'"J l)()de...f I:W. ~yrrun,
..sNf ~ S,i s;.4orn ""i\-e~'1oltOU)l' Cbye ~o~ .. '(ec..ornrY\~Uf\S .

4- thD.. Wl'\rru.-l:te e .
' ..:Incn:Ct.s:e. ifl cctfon f'"wUck',DTI bJ o.tleru.l; 15'/, l:'h<rou9i) -etiew't!:'.
~nrte.rnexrtU!::I'cm of t-echf)()[o~~macWl')eon co1bJr1.
L_ d. oee.d 10 ho..'V
'It l:.-I:- ... e,.0 J \hen tr:-j "tl'-.e.. '6UtO l"ia:te.; a) L'Uhe O.f'l.

cra.1i~ C.on(CiOu~nel/:. ,o.nd 1'~odud: d,ve,,:l><;,1-{tc:o!iCifl,

~ J:ncn?c.c.<: \0 e.'ltFh -thYClL\T 'lllncvo},1e mo,-tKel"in. y
s\YcJ--e_(jl<Z~ Cl'f\cl TOlO'AtmU"" cJnfo'jml?N-' 0f')'>Q~~(Jn\+te.! th~Ol)0 I-'\RO.
(1101'1\0.1\l1",s-cl..wc",- oe.\Jelopme rJ-) . .
~, elii:"5 up .0.. VQ.'r) tuye CGltl\ r-C& -\ur-J {OJ(' ~ kY\O(.l)tec~~
I. 71 I
>oQe e rU:-<?)'Fl?ne:",--;s. - - >i:
_ ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700200
-,.-_. -~
~ ..........----...
- _- _.~ .. .---
POtou: - _
.~ .- g---

-,41) :Iecl-~i'ti~ -A-Cl- UJM pQ6~~~ <?\ the. 'jear 2-003 io (1)i-i:-Iat-e.
Y'e-farro.c the. -foU:D tDl7l.~ OITe. hnf .te1o"~ cohich ho..ve_ bee.t; l'ml!)le/r)(~LR4
bJ m QJ\,:) q -The. ~h:tl-es .

.. Rat"onult'f>'\n~ -tte pou:x?R. m.7iif b{j> Gfectrt'O:~ 'Q.8u1ol-o~t

Ltu.thOl ~ r Ur) auronom048 b0:0,
9 ()nbu'Yld.ll"'2 1- .s!:ule E:ledrtdt.i Bcn.J,g' TO .c.e.ruxok 3ene~olfcn>
-Cra.I"I""I"(iI~D-n on4- d~-i:-..ibution 06 d:Att'-n<'.l:- o.tbviHe..s,

:Lmme.droJ::e me l:-eRi'flj nJ sub .smlioM and ;nt.{oducl'B7l if

OfP1.0P"~o.te. nus ((f)o.n~ffl)cnt2n} 5(jol:-erriJ tD locale FL}:.eb. '1f
T9D IOMes( 'frommlM)a1) and diJ..-tr2bublm IOMe0_

~ Na.u'ona.1 E:lec1-~icd-~POllgj oodeR the p"ovi~orn -f 6ecJ:{l1ll 3 rj-

elecr~r'(i ~ Prd' J 2003 - On Feb 2nd ~ Nah'onal ch:.chu'c..:t:J pol.:cy
tom Q(lnou'",cW' '

The followiYj , it:e IflD',t !rnp rupei:ls :

.. 'P-rc,vid'>Aj QCC~" (:0' E-ted-riUrJ -(or aU hOl)se.liold!.

<> f,{ov;d.Ln~ --t(U~el-er.l t~"IJj -tb all famtllt'.~ '!3PL- s;

o 1fle.e.UrlS."-the' F'~ c:knJnr,c\ bJ i~v~\\Ji..n3~' both pttbl.ic hc.1m

Q'-'\d. P.l..l\f m ..6e.dOt
.. .Svppl'fr'Y'ls. YE'i(lhk- C\nd ~'~ pou.)('j{__ 0.1: specirft'ed sfanda rds
i.rt oJ) _-(ff('tief\l- rrnnlte..l a.t Y~8.Aonab&.

" A(hievini ft'na.nlJ..'o..l -tu'1novex.. oj {-~efUb!,i(' 8f'cf.JJ, (,,/-u'0

1m beer) ~(tcU:J elfea-e.d (Cit{) rru~{ri vC-' fnan(lal losser.



---------. -_. . - -'_"-.

",="","". -
_._. -
,- -,'

-.'0' _.-

'., ,

FoY(:.lJ'fI lMJ_cle : SI:?lce 19 'H. , Q8 FQ.&- of the ecc:nomk .q_e_Jo'r~ .

!='O'rel~1I)f.l.Qd~ polloa hDf, beQ.n ~Wj~d__"_dt-o .u.yo'(fl).\ .,"'St':l> ('rl'\P0xM
11lto the lOU'l'It-'j toes.e. Libe.wll'<;~ ...b ti j_~dud'TL~ cmpoU JU~le'A j

e\'Lml,(lD.b:~ Uc.e.nM"'r} ~oval

ard othd.... 9-eelu-lalotj

corr,:t,oh -
i ~ttl:o..h'\fe.

D Y-~l::-dc1"1'on.:lC<V.R_V



- 0
,he f.,ho.~! cbjed-1V~J 1the. potlUj aTe J * ~
,. To (\YYv..l:-. ami ~e.v!!.tsethe dQ.tli?1.i~ t,lend of e.<'LfDlIb. .
(Dlti~ . .
.~ lJo pt.f)v{de.. a.clctil::lorot. &lfFo"J- ef,pe.lla.~J to thDf..e [,eliot'''' which
have bee.f\ h'l.-
[ b """"J
...~I..b~ 'Oe.ceM-iD'1l m. . -
'the. d<lvelo'P<4 r.oo.ud
., J\(.h'elli'l1..3 Q'1l anl'ltl.d.(:e~!..t- ~'(Dcoth,{~ 4 1,B-;. ~ltn ul)annu.a.j
e.\tf1J:- -hl"'d eJ; c.f us 4 &oob1.ltion b'j m.Q! J &Ol.t _ .

- In the. ye_maJrf\i~ 3 ~ r~ le..IJpl.-o~Dj~ l,_, -the. cou'Y\t-A-lj tJ,ou.ld le a..ble

... ~ C or7)e bctc.k. <D~ the. hi3heJ.. e.rapotJ: ~-~O[tJlh~t- 1- (l~ound 0. 5 7- pe y
. lA'f'ILlO') .

~ BJ OiiJ J -to clOllbk the cou'07hr~/3 G<tfoV-A cf ~o()d" andtSe;rvt'ce

(~P,om aboul: .11. -tv :I} 1. 171 ~ l.oo"{Jd .
-rhe_ {o~g -term 0Siedtve;J -ic, -tnple.. -the iha"('f. ' 11 7fnW

't 10 mM-mee.1: the. abo1l'!. O~'blivc;r, ? mil( cj folic:! meQ,Jure& lr.d.J.~J(Y\J

{e'local (fa ~a.tion) (11.. (e.ncive~, i'1l.stilLd:'; Dna! Chan[]e$, P~~(~.J.

).(l.};-;D'1latil>aUP7J~ e.nhanced maoke1:- accehl aCAD/~ t/te o.:JQ,dd. '<rtel.

J.~v e .. 1i(cd ('em of

f, ; eafO'(,k (rill>ke b,

1mFoveme.nt- ibl ,(ela.h~.d evol}J" bn'918''rlS doW1'\ @

*e. -tYc\n~QcJ-c'CfY1 C.Mt& and plJli't'd(~ 1uJ1 regLtrJ oJ- ali. tndlr<:ci
- ---__ _ -
_ -_ . ASHWITHA XEROX ~290700200
~ _;_- -~ _

..... .. ,.
~'(J <j)
. tA/\rvvv

jJ I'~ the. b:ilance b]w I2!{POK.t~. <lni i'Y1lfO?l,> I'r) rnerchQ.ntl~

-t:radl_ C ph~Mca!v-mrt~lry).. .
. MQ'OtUfQ&UJecl 8oodg. QccoUg\t- {ol1. cboul iao/~ 1e2tpotl-~. hror:J.
( -the..
1 _L. _J
Clu:uY"", ~Ouas>,J
__ I
-/h? mDilt-
l'l1\p :
J( 0''\

J e.~Jtle.~Af;
--..:.::. ~I..'.~
_ .J
.J~rn& rt 'Jllwdla3:-J r 15oJ.)
. .

. . . .~ ik ''mfOX.tx pd.l.oliurn and pe.l<ollulT) p<:odut.Q ctccoLnJI~

tOK 'ibe:
_ . Iflo.'t..
peoc.e 1I1:c~e. (5D'/. -follDwed hj
f 1_ '
Caj>it-aL 3DDd&tmacnc'I1e!J
.and. etp-UpmentJ f3aln.nce 1- Isode. U CO'Tll1nou<,> ill be.. rutVe.('6C'
("''nce .the impoil- btU {J.. more Mail exfa!:- bi/J. .
(3a1a-nce_,f_ t:h" OIe~ :

.: 9,/:- .I.~.the balanc.e. Ww --the YeLe.ip1!3 and pa:Jm~rJ:,., cd- 0.

(fltl:itt':f /'Illtg +ro.~arJj6>m with Ye~1- cf wox.ld. Tt t'nJUde!l bD~

L(I_~'''-n.t- Qc.c:ovllL~a'nd cOyl~ a.LCOtJ'1lt-

.. . . Cu y.enJ- accou'!It- 171(ltick_- balanc.e c:f t-~rukQIlol L''1lv,,f,-ibleJ

~ke. -t-1:~ve1I C'dI/-Loranc.e, gh''ppi'llj eli. {r:Jhl'e!' are,

a1:-. C.U-$tv 17/.& . .

Rupe.e futLy conve.tga.ble OIl curre_nt (tCCDunr.

C.o.pita1 aCCOI1Ylt fovert:f e<l..terflal a,.w!/, f-o. nee ~ elt-ef(nal

CO/Tlrne . Ct'~ bO'l"1.0Wi~r_ f'JRr L llYltf-o.nOJ 7 joOe{3'l l'(1veStll(en.i-de.

6 {<;r1. Ce.. La UI1 Ch'71.j 1- elOnom{c. ..{'1{I'a"m.8

",.I. fiJ''j'11r''f' call
I:- t."mf/{Dvemenl- .

1'11.I3~P .1nvll.>i ble.0 t)J')de~ (our-refit account 1
an d CDPIl-al
J 0

Q~~ Ahow,'lft3 ltfYlprc.-yy)ve.]ce .\J at!ou~1- c1efl'LiI:-

. rn~ll~ {-he.. dLf CJ'I: of
('7"\ the ba.!lt'hce -t,Ctde. f tire. c/cjicH/ !U.~s ii1,
ASHWITHA XEROX 9290700~tlAib\e.t .

- - ---
- .. --_. .. -- --.~
... ..--

, ;-rhD4jh ihe, bCilantfJ8U 1f_t'o.cb ,',5 -~e ,the, 80P Q(J'rltiy)UDUJ to be -/-)"1

reJLe.ti'iflJ the [;f:-re.n:il:h rf ('_(DnolYllj cf cOl.YTlb~.

"'\'\ ~ e curre.nt- aCCOun~
def/Lit ih L.91clen'''"''J' '1::"
For-eL[jn CDf' ILL iCY)Jlow5
-:to the_ c(JlIn~"'j h_Qve_ It(lhl(~dIbt~nifl'CQnt tmpo-rtance_ OVl'fl the '(jen)/.5 _
The.<;e_ +WW.h hCl_v~ beeiv i'1lfwe_nLed bj !;Ocrollj d.omei"l:-Ic. furtdofr'reTJpJ.

and bO~Jer)t HL,,_t_d "le_flect~"'5' ,o6u"t- COypo~ale ~echLpe:.YfoYmQ1ic(,

--rh? JtLlP~- ;,., not f~ converlulv\.e_ on caplW occounb -

5(~l0~~~~ fER]
FoYe.l~r) E-2lchanae. "e.s;e.nJU c_omri'hl'f)~ of fore.~'r)

C.ltyyent:f \Me.t~ (01< - pO()nci, E:~dOM ~y-l~e1d b'iJ RB_f_

a./ic! 5DR6 held h~jHie (jove.
s_ DR I~ - 110 ~ a_ co in o.{_ c.ur--renc(j nol:-e _ j'1:- t" bOJlec( on i1 bQfiJ;el: cfZ-- _
I-j (lU-r<4\u0 ~Lti-) d'fj 1J~'~h~ -ref1e(.h'nj -the.i:'1" impo:rt-al1ce J nOm~ I

LJ~ --: ~-} _1O-ll.~O tone,\; --:--

E-UW J VI( _ pound and JUpan.I':' YU) s:~f\s: are
maif1_tu.ll)~d-in -the Q!:COUht-A ~,.'DnF to meet- r/)" JllreTna.horoJ.

Q_'J ~ '( e.(f a.h'cy) : \_?\~,-,-.D ~~'BLOG',~

Fore.t.,') .1nv:esl:melll--' (~
VVV'-.v ~::'~f)r- ~a. frnlJD ,n:rpsl eJ'. ( indcvtcLu.~~fl
IT)~h'I.{Lh'~1) ~(fh af)- olrn to chta.ln an 1n!eyesl:- 1'(101) errh:"'pri.x.e 06'

e_-X_e'f(j_/,c_ 6Ijni fcco.'fl}- lnjlll_efi.e hi 'Ill MCV'D,~.{ine.(\~.

::n- (OlY>i!>r$~' r::Dl' l'0t\x: .form of e(V'li~ Olle\. yox1folio l'f\

coil\P~V,I.-nd Df- -fold()"1 .1nr..tltuh1)llo.-\. r'flv<?,tlY'cnl- (r:'rf) in thejoHI~.
tnC\ol:.d c\I'id r-E'~DU)Ce_ mobil1he iJW-lOu_~h}lic(lTl depo,...;\:
(A DQ:s) a nd. ~lobo.l de_po{>i~YeLeift.s (c,Dr/s) _

ASH_WITHA XEROX 9290-700200

-:;.:;;;::-- - . -~- --.....

FIX: ~ _ r-
. -'-". .' _. - '. .' - 11 ',

.. .1/: i"l)Yotve'::r;:-e fflych()J,e of .st-oc~, bondo anc} mon~ t?XJktl-

tf~t'(umen.~ bJ -fo'(e.t.j~ in6/:-itut-"0W, fo,r._ tfe_ pu.Yp<JtSe of !'t2.o1('hr71t

C{ fc' _ . . ,)
. =:':>, . .. (QFf's,_;
cfv~ =- domehfi(_ 9f'-lJ ma.'tr~t tv tlJifr/fo..-eijn mvesiors:

-nlLflouYlM 31bt be-c ion) O'l)~ FIt and NRJ ton~a.lIowe.d to

dtTediJ :i'llve.~1:me.nt- [1\ tnE Mfih:ll mO'Jteh 1.' '1k Qr::J~

would be, indiv <'duals/ ~ =r! OJihOCt'ab'vh5 re~id~m 11, fe.t'J'r}


DR :
&h~P:tll Share!
OCD'ne,< 4- an indian cunparw -filar -ho.Je l ('O} -us
-: ji'nunc}a1 mci~J:_ds, ADR~ elYJble U S '~l\ved'ot'~'tr, .~,~ ~ho.lrer I-r)

5ndtQn t0rnpo-re.L -IlDRs c.urrenLd price.!: l'D\ us dotlar~.)'and ~.a{) ,

. .' _.. F c{(!lJld<",dm UI "
be. palde cl ldce. -the ~ho.:re.A. 1- L).5: ba_.<:,e_d_C!rTJfO-WJ _ >

~; ..

A c!? d jf'\c~r('_ ill I/,r,u.ed 'n more ff)ci7). ()N! counfh.f yo/{

shar o, ,'1'. Qn .1~d.(Qn.tomro-nif _ -me >.hare.t.o:re J-,d;J 'J q f.)"rei~j'f)

brancJ.,-q_ .fh l'>lrernw'Qna1 Ba'l1J(. -rhe shq're/, (lr,z t-rQckd.a.~ dom('r;f,(_

.c hcue,s (''T) me refrectc've. cou,l1f-'n'o. bl{t Qn OJ/2 to? s.a/e i,.<. available
-thl'ou.~~ VQ.'Jiou,s fOl~':JY) bra.nche.t, if the . 1''nt-ernlll-;onof &'11/;:,

F D2 hoo~~).;-the. wurrl-T:I\ elOnOrnj, maU~3 it 0. globaLlIt-
CompeliCi:ve /iJi1c>'m ?,(~vid('~ Of((,M to h''Jh ~.~ O~I9c:Mand
.8eyvlc(l!> ,s, JrrterI\Clb'or\O_\ Se~v ife p\oce Jnd'(.L Dm<Tllj eM Tor
.3 mDf..t &ollShf. oJ- -tlie. de..t ~'t\C1tl~ f:'t rD~ ard 8~w~.

... -.---_ ... _.-

-. - '-
: .. ; ,

-The ~-itet,o#VNCT/J.D CVtJ confexence Of) n.Q_ck cu0 ckvelopmut-) 171 It

. YepD'-.t-- pla.c<?d .1ndt'o tb b~ o..monS -ifle._ moc. h-ac1ive.. de.l:t-l'n.o.1iCrt)
fg.. lnh:.Y'Maho'nOl
. ,

~DZpQliLv: ~~ ~
~'-"/~'VVV--U . b.. ",,0

* !-cure -(or ervu~ po.'ltid

'" /.
. _. hl d;ff ~e.d:()....-s/ d iff
o..ctivib'es . .'tnve.d:'or i& .Ol)~ Y~Te:J. .-to i7\1-orm -the. R.6'Z.
.. t CorLt'i" 'i'nve.drnen!- (Momon'@) 8oCl)l.~ ('7] -tl)e. depi- f e-cD~)ornl(

o.ffal-r~ ) -the min I&1:1] qJ- flounce 3-CClJ\~ OffTovo! fox i},e. jQY-~~3T).
polic.f<2_~ ---t'l'\ Cllbes. wh ich dorict roll'f.;! 1o-t Qu~omcth'(_ ,(Du.!Q. .

~ Pl2.1rmiM>'Mj 100 -free 'rept;t...,ml:-iDY) of. P Y I9{(/A and carL 1:-aJ.

l71ve~!:-men+-5. . .

S{'l')(jle.. Klt''Y\dow dearctf\te f:l(:.ill~Ql)d._lnvestoy ('_s~d {e1r.v lce.

are be.t't\3 p.(ovided. . .

greuci.l l7lCe~i-lve.s: and -tOt;( COIlLe.Nicn are r: fo/( eXf(J~ .
. . FCtYe.t'y'4) COT1)POJ)(~'.5 .can ~f vp -thet'K' bronche8 and ose t:j /o-re;jn
bQ'1da.QQ . +r(lcle m.((.. k~ for _gale of flood" D.f he.Yv/ar '11 -tJ-.e. counFr;r
. I) . . . aU owed .
. -* ,he buW cf 'FD!i .~ be,'n'J challnelled MID Service~.. ele.d-..(.or'II'cs,
Compureyp-., Y1(jJ ("dusf-du et--c. 70vf rod t'Mue.d nof-,/,'(al-/onJ,
peur'ith_'f'j FD'I throC-'J1> tile autotoafr'c. Youte in a. Ln'Je no f heco

~f~~,,-E:_~~: (Scl)
~E'I: f)cl ).DOl fo.Med dLUJ71.j HCUj 1)005 AfteR elf('I)XiVe

Con.c:ultoh'l'l) -{he Ad: came mro effect dUt..i~ red Q006. '1h~joUOtJ.)(~
UlIe_ mO&i- imp Q.{pe.c..:h ~ &E-} pOllU-j. ~

*: Mi.",,- blb::.of- . ~e.:z s;.ha.U f."Ot be: le0 tho.Y) UlOo heLb:tn:( . ~
..<::t-ASHtM_TWMIi~J?@O?AP~-fbr .gn:; ~ruod-
- ..,.mU.~~;
- -
.... .....
- .(,..
._--- - ....

.. ".. WQOeh~~hi.,cc;~n<'c.... C!JJ~ XrJ1T6i ,<:'8: ~ it-: JnJ~I:~~_~hctU-Aoh~_

....!:eM.. thQD.. .jOD he.(Jote. b, .ito'necfcarei
. _.'. .'.: ... ' .... ' '. . .
und 10
h' .L_
euur~q y-e-'fec1:-ive
1 .
.".' . ~.' No!:'
.. rno~ e... Clllon
..JL .
'r loll d',e.d
. -for SE-l ...:houtd be
. . d.ovhle c t.of ' .' ..... .'

I ... c-Ati8p~l'~at~!PuQ;Cl)Oi"ill
te.Jo-t. can I.>e.l-up Q 'O.E-I .

.~'.4'J0/. FD.r . #rro:u.3h ClUromat;C. ~Ou.te_

.~ fin .1n-fe.r~ohof')all:J compeh~tilie. h t?Mel free awcrorvrwrd-
-jo"(" e. A.f fi orrof.r'tJn , .
=? . Boaxcl cf -ht-ihon'~ [8DI!) headed by E:ecMtory i (ommeyCQ I'd)
-the. fYliYu's ITj ?f commerLe' ~ :tndu/:'I-~ tllve, ff.e for-rooi orf~ovoJ.
-fDr e(tn bL~hrne.n+ '(/ &1.., . f:{:-'i- f.f.ov;-cleJ proml/lr1r1j 0rratl(nr'h~.
ff) r J ene.yStb'Ot) of e.mflDynier,+, eCD Ilornt'c 'd-rO ~!)MarJ ;:()Jra$h'(G~
c:l evel.ofrne.nt - . .' .. ' .

. ~'( depyec1ct.hcm de ~vaLua.f:/07') ole tOOniH).,Q.U01l]

J >

. ~t-.J)e.,pte.t:.icd-rf:)o:. Jf ts due to ~1'ke~ fc~CM arcl.</: d.;te.n,~/5 cY).

~vf'P~ a.nd demand ef fo"('eiJ~ cu /)orne~, rJ.s 1> d-c: - .

;r;;sadvanf-aife: : ... . '. .

. 0 J"jlct fi'o'l) "-Q~U b-!. h~h M oil irnro.ded JD..d( Vt~pef1bl1u~
'. anct fl.odutiJ., ccril:a1 fJood~ ) eLethonic [/:ell){ l.Ooulc;f
be come Costltv,. . .
(10 (' ()![. Df [he r~ole{Ls l.9hich defend crt impOfhid mocni'1le11j a hcl
e1JM-fmenl: ) l;le. l'1n~D.h'crnfl.~(Jh) po(O?'{}nh, heQV::; _en(j~
plan;s h9(l[ i'n['(ease .t there I...9r'U'be cod- oveRrun ..
~ 'Foree-7'n d~bl I~ n)r~ 78 ierfrV\ i'{)[JeaS('5,


_- ,.- ... --- ...

-- . ---
_-.. -_-_.
.,.. - ...-
..' @vcink!Ja: ... '.-
tJ. f'i0rl:,<, incteas es- stoce , the ..t-x}'on fjo6d" becC{(i! che~t?J;. aE---
----HlI~_. _sr,t-e:rnah'onctl mo.~ke~.
.e 5:mp'l'ove{ -the B{)p -pol;l-ion nnce -the
de} seduc ed -
,p CLy>il-o} flowl:.
1'.1\ Ct e.a: e_


'"'/;Qb'un :

-. k9~en there I'j, a fClf,aUe1 economy' to u(;w~ bW f'()on~

- - - ., il? J9l{b n /"}=j8=
~emoriH-jh v.. reso.u-ecL .1~t-stu dO?1e /", tN.. (OUrJI:--Vj T

~ demonrb~j718 _hiJhel,_denomi'n(lb(m .Iauu , il-- ~a8 rxJ /;,uCc.eMjul.

rhe_ 1e_o~ -2.011 hah he.ef) one. 1- _tJ--e I,9D.~1--~e_oj_ fo< Me i'noli0'1

~fe.e--- -~~ =r: dfreu'u/:-ed -t:;; :J.6-_'/_ du~blj ~ 'leal <\1Dlf.

~, rance: and
C&3!!!~ ': .

Po?; BanfiYlj seJ:o~, R 61 if, the j'~ula1& ar-.d a_g - 6:JYt

. J"tl.O J ,.20 i J__ )1 -- B SLl.bbaR QO 4 the R B '1 (fv~~rae.

----Arf)on~ VCl.l5'; ouz, 'iuncHoM ':f -the R13r , --H~ rno,t,t <M po~~anl- ,~
--fulrroulC\J c'11g ~. annual rnonel-n')-~ pollCj 0-'--J. ieVieWl'llj m,'d tuo.'t-e~J,
1(J_a_~~1!-"'~_one), ~e_3U.lak the. c..t....d;~_ .
~: Jt- r... the tnte"'E'S~ ya1-e_ ett- (_uh ici) R5f rooYl'f)et"t l~nd-5
N\on~ to. the. cort)T'(le.7dal B(ltlK It;A !::he b08J';S 1(l.{ the. fTltt'..rli'st
a-ate I. lr) -t-h~ co L(ll t~ , . - ,)1.
ASI1WITHA XEROX 929070020_0
--- .-_. ---~-.
- ~~-.-.
/ .
~~~~~)~ (4JlI_[hH-e cqmme.ruOl Bb.n~0.Jl!i&
fre pO' l:~~i--~~~offi~ d~ld~ctt)d ,l}ab,:lib'(~tf: the (omrDeyud
bonkb to be l'()ai1it"Qi~d liYl/~d a&,U-,.. Itk.e 8ovtJeCU}1.ih'u ....Jlld.c.o.he

:Lt II'., ,0.1) iil)p-tool rf -the. monw::n'f1 poLi(.~. SLR hal, be(_()rn~
() mcfJOK --fvJ :flnanli~
tnJ.,~~{ pUblic dtht .

caM Rese~"eRa!lo LtHR)

!it Iti a -reTcent~~ cf ll\:-; es cf
fi(f)e_ ard demand 1<010;
C omme.rdal ba.'l')kA1:0 be kept- 1oMi:h RBi'.

.xi:: I~ -tbe. l.rrl:-~Ye$I:-.< I<9hic~-!:he R~e"(ve I3cin~ tnf(U.~

cw.,h ...t'1)lO the ban kinj ~!:em W lencl.ll1J :the. '0'nlJ {at {,hD,u; t:Zf'1Y! .

..::rl: if., the intt'fesl:- A.ul:e aI:- which:the ~ae.lIve Bank

llMO.tbu ~e. e'K..Ce~ CQ&h f-rom tfJe l:ank.L .'ll: ts: leiS l"emona.,Jivt'.'

. -:to part SUAfLu5 . ",;,Ql->eIj to bCl:nk~. by (J)t.Ol/.l..O.rt11J rrioce;

m one:! To -f::{)e_ fA Qdu.d:llre se.dos:
!3o.J,e t.(lre :
II:- J~ tt)e tnt-eYe'll: rate ,beiEJ(uwhich the bcmM can not-
le.nd mon~ --to a~ c.u.!fomex., :If hw, come t'n plO.ce 1- p.J{ime
le."ck~ A..ate (PLR),"
M ~rq(''f)alsf-andiY)(f ~-v"'-J
~ (J~,,",:j

BankJ, can bor-f"Oll) moT( fund", Uf to Ii'. below SLf? limit-

-iwr-Le II) CI. dD-(j -fl"orn -R B l' uncl.e.x. J'Os ~R 1atili~ .


tJ PfI.s ~e -tho~~ a.C.B<Jo'flt~ t th::- bO"rTOWe'6t:S who r-uve

de-fau1t-ed l<l\. rD.{im~~HfMtWk,~~'DXS29071t(fi<fo1
Jrrm()~ than 'Pdt

----~::':'- ,_ - -


, .. . ::rl-;/" tkmon7 en -the. m0?1l:- .lrcl {oi-nl. Sr ('nducle-s <u'n-enc

I.9lth.thepL{blic, (.t,trrw depo!ti~" lOtt/) bonlU and otheL J.cp~ti l.o..9ilhRB.'i.'

~~Cj [m:>]:
. . ,hi!., tncluJe~ M1, o.U ofhe.t drf.~l<9ilh Ix:tnkx),u~
clero~l)',> N R 'r d.cpo~ilr ~tc.
M.on~rJ e.xPo.o'illO'l1mean" OllOuJth hi 1'Il3. Onclie.~ed e x.~a.1)!8i01)
tf MD le.a.d& .ttl .Thtlol!OO. -ihe.Y'e.tllYe J COT1(-!'Qlti..1\j M3 cs an <m~

D~ecHve cf monehi~ pOl'oa . ~D~~BL~Q~.!,

._. "'"
FII s mone(/
M . ~ ~ h~
~~~C1:, ~.. o moner

<he. rno.i71 ~e.t1:.lVU of tk pol.,(.~(Q'H', 11117\,

C> C.OI)~a1'l1(tf\.~ l'1\:fla.b'Ol1 106 .3Ub~Cnl<)1.(\ni ~~()lOtI) mome.nhtrfY

e ~h6LlIli~ IT\CI.UQ. <:,c~I)OrnlL and 1'WIlU'ol ).,l(\bl~'S


"I'l.t- the beO~.nni71j ~ e.veXj f,'nC\()do1 0~ (tcil toedc:.. i A~~9

RM .
a.nIlOll'JlC('-5 (~~ mCI"Je~~ uno I (:~Q_.d\! Foll'(_~OJ onnoun(,~U'~

. 'rctHoh ond poLie J l)at-e l:.e.epif)J -the new qDP3~oU)tfJ an~. Qdueved.

ltlld ~~biu.pQ}-~d ('?tLQ~t'Cm AoJ:e. .it- ~educe ti-:e Fol ..~ ?f-aAl:el!J aklel
f'rIld t-tl.Q,\Je.lI ~ al""\d a.O()O\)1)(M tl-x;> chQn(je~ j71,:[Y', ~ pdr(_.:J ..ta[e~ .
-,he 1oltOLOi"13 o.'U wio!) one! pcllej '3'oJ e..<> $.elaUna 10 monela.Aj

rol1e~~ RBf. C'J(\Tl3;~Oj'l)

(Sq 'J\l rcdi (;/,
SLR 24"1.. '''eV<i'~'i>e, 1,5'/.
CLit b 'j. M8;;~~ - '1.51 ..
11<, 1]~ ~ "t.- ~S.HWITHAXEROX
- 9290700200 -
- . ... -~. -
.. ~
"-~" -.. _.- .

r<SJ hoi Ya.'i,'o"U,s lOWfOfl6 of ~e8ttl1lfi'11crthe (~eJ(;F. 7hesf:.

h~M CI"6"e b'(OCl"d~ drMij,'ed '(7]10 a , name~, jfUlnfitaffve and
. avuaUtah've .
~ (Qu.antit-a},'ve.~ 7h~seQrt!,. u~ed to re(ju.~ the volume if. c~ed,'f- artf
lll'\d.i7e~ Coney-a iYl{lah'ono.rJ a.ncl. d~flatt'onOtf_re"5ur4 cau se.d by
E7I..pan;""Oil O~ LOntfacHOTl of e~e.dLf:. 'rres a~e kl)owniV> r=:' c~d;t-
(o1\b'ol~ and con(;"''A/i of eRR, ,(e.pO, fe\{~1"5e l.1fO Qnd MSFP..

*" &U.a.lit/1.Hve conho~. a<IT.MOwn 0,,5 ~ele d'ove con!:::.t,olll bo..&ed on ~

---.he. fU"lrfO&- 1011 uflic.h advQn~~ rno:J OT mllj. nor-be. ma.<k_ ..

,eJJU'Y1.3 Dtl ma~ Qmov1\t oj o.dvaflu to Qrw bO'f."OCoe.T,-6 .

", -lilt: rate of i'1lh~r~~1:-and D[-he~ t-erw., and concl,'tio/1.J like

?/..OV{'41'Onl'Yl.J lo~fJ~anfl7l.3 cuLVClflc.e. on -the recorrlmertlah'oru of comm<'tfe.e headed b'r

Sr-; NQ;ro..61'mnM ,'io"lmu 1ov~r&' R81 -the 'reform/, ,'rr) the. ba'l')l:t.~
oiecfc>." cove..<.;?1;j;~ Sn?, ~e.du.CJ.iJ eRR. 1i?tc'IlJ yo,f,aVe,
rhe .....

.'rt: (7) v,'uv the fbP 3.{owt-h t..ali.. aci.u'ev(d a rd . .u..c1.UCl.~

'Y/{)'fI pel. forml'"llf} aMeli.
'i3I~Z$, .'.

~~! {~ov~ Aecu,{i~il!& ma.~J:et]

:r 1',./\ LIe d th~ol~J, R8.1'
'the:! Q;re r01ft- 1- money mQ'lfte.l-_
'" '!o lYleet the ,,<;,horE lfJ'1m bo 0lOi71j f~()~rafr)
~ .
ra totKl~ .
. ~
i\Qtu.cJ. c..o..lo.mih'iI1 I.ohiC.h l.0E''lienot 1o"(ce.ive 1:I-f ~DV

.. <:t.I,"-Ye.YI-ct.:tJ --t:he.";I o:re. 14-8 k..t.1

~[dOJf) r81.dor f lll../da:r.s
A "_, A$HWITHA XE~OX 9290100200. .

_- ......
_._ .._-_ .. _._ -
.-.... _ ........
.. .:__.-_._--.---- .~-.----_.... ..---- ~-- .._..-..

.' T'(~.&l'U)'~rBill;, cO/Try an -lnl:-eYPs:1-- tate bos ed Of} !he ouu3o-n.t, .

i3a-saJ on xecommeodabiorw 1- -the coavntde e h2o..d..=/ b r

}1a.lh'H:w. ) { 1ova not. oj- R8:i. ---the. 'i/0llt- r'1'lc'rlai-edA efoTrn.g_ l'rj

l,,()ht.{.rct nee ge.Jot., - " , ('__TRDIl)

- Sn;;u'(~nce f'e8ulcJ.tiJ~y and ckve/opmenr au!ho-<-i!J t9J- co~
fQs.fui i'l1 n99. SO JRDA on aoiororoaa body bas been estabr L)<, hec[
i'Y) . ! ha.d. [(LI, On .3 Y~J an ' c2oJ.:l_ I!hc:--irrnon' .x.-Ha yi rJa-t~~ ,
P. . (~{otmeA c.h,.c!se.c,(~t.4)
<P :'<lvale tedo.{__ hag, bee~ ;"l{~O~d' <'~l..
., ... ~ ~ vt to the Jl),5LUCmC~ bU~fl~

a.Yld ti)e., tn()1/0rJ s calu s oJ- ~1

cane( if'c had bet fl enckd .

o~tu.:rns fu pol1C-lJ-

~~: iJhare_J
:u =r= to Y(l,j??:J rjnew cOfircJ
(c1Uifj) and aev~()ru)_~t)bo'()dl;, Crec.ut.i-H<J).

~~.: ".
'. .::d: scJe D)I. pll';r(h(\M~ 1- sJ-vTet(f.eCulI..ibe.r QI-vecul'j
';..c,ued b::l C'ornpar1,'.,J . .'fl,'?, 0\.;0 know'1). OJ! ~[.od: e'lcho\l"lJe o .stlJek:
mctoKe t '

IpO Q? O_() offe_z of- .s:hQ~gs 6~ o..comp(\~ .joy the I:c-- ft'(YJ e.@-
--w- ~ pLl:bli'c.- . ASHWITIjA XERO!_(9290700200
....... - -- -----_--_.-
_- _..". ..- .

FPO l~ cffcYc_dbJ ft~be._d ~"rY1pOill'eJ {or II'lQbillMlIJ fli,.Ory' yet';o lyq_g

~ tcllf'ilj pcu.t-cj- iJriy-er?i'

!t1-l.I~<J_. ~~ :- _ .'-
:-It 'iA, Q -f:erm' roosl- CDmmDn~ tJ.!d'in flnondol ,
. . . - . - '. -. .. . -:.1 - . - ' . . . ..
f('\Q,lte.t to Y-<?feR 10 -the 1fUr.6s fr-cffi one. COltnt-~ to GnQt:evt_

CY)o.w.e.\.. to e.D.m a ~ho.~-tc::.rfl) f5l.oflr On tnter-e,d:' lrofe. diHere_~

o.nd. O:;re Q'lTt-lciF-I:-ecI Q_a.c.ho~e fued-",p' '
.~lf';, i.nvesbr.e.nb, aYe t-exmed ~ hc* mo~ .

~~~0e_ se(\J:iHve. 1nd.e.-at_[Ss& s:.GNSE-X]

*' ~e. ~ea.,{

1-")'18 ~1-q_ comp't'l'~~' 1 00 m~1:- Q_cl:lve.~
ho.ded !:'c,up'U -01"1 BSE: .

-A 1- !:he c to ck (QJ().'IIKd: -

[' m~~ie.l:- .=." h<:,- r e )( no cf.
N~~1'f-50 ~ '. ~aI~~~i~.a~_~:_:__
~'""'- Nab'onal }!,t.-oc-t.~ch0-rl~e de.lfe.~ t~ oumJ t-nde..:.

bo.,~e..d 07) 50 rr'C!.t Qd:iv e_~ -b C\do_cl ,.{,C.<if2l:'-6. 21:A bose ~ wlc-ie-L
-th o.J' G S - Sf:-N SE)( ,
Ba.fe.. J ea5t - 1'l4 5

Gull f(\u.l<.d :
A ,.,t'cJc1 ffiUI)\ ie charQuetitSec\ ':t olhl~ pt.lCeA Ove-t

0. t01t~e{ pe.ttod f -lime be.cuu-te cf ~'l\ve.d--oA.'fHm,,...rn ctnd

economlc 01'owt-h.

-i3e.nA. rno:. ke_t-: .

A &\:-od mo.:dcet ie. eha. -r 0. tte. ,ilSed b'j for~ I') ~ !:-oc.k.
f) ....
0 I
e(~ i tl'ves 1:-'DT6 8~.,
peSlm1 &I"C\ -I
eCO'florOlC Ye c.eA+icrn.

-_-- -
-_-_._---_ ..__
._- "_ .._- -- --- - - -- . --.-- _. ----- .. -
...... -------.-~.

- . -.- "

. ..5tocJ~ Ha.rker; _.
~ ..
.:2011 a sea.!.. of dDW'T).d.icle. fw /:he. iTlved-o.s _ the
C.yil"r~ t'n C(O~O,Tohe. ) eiocs down ,n._ * 0.5 eCDfYYY){j anel
d.c>me~h'c . conci.ri)" ~uch Qi fUJh inflQb'o'1) POOlL C./_e.cL'~ ahc{

, cJ. eP'" eelLLb'1JrJ if. R.LIf ee. acJQ tns ~ --t},e_ doltlU W1d 0 I:hct- mpj Of CU Yr erx.1"e:,

,he. Sf:tJsex ended {~'YJ (i.J!t. b 'I. 9nd tho. NIF'TY loud abtnJ _<\)~.i
F:rf~ to be heav J ~dler6 in t2Lj;u' b'e5 ,'n ~D11 .

. .89meStic Ir)I,,hhd:l'ons a.e st-;Ll I'.a_UMCl(.l~ and mttl::ual {l..I.ndl5

~: LSecu Jtlie~' and e .!tcha~e BDU'U1. if lnd<~]

A~ Oill '11.1./1.( OJ-( S,"nha 1;; t~ cixlirrr)aT) ~ Sf!)J:.

q/, ye..guLQris -the =r=' ma'(keJ .

t J ~ W, u e & del-ai l eelI f/l/._{oe
,I t,
l' neS or
f COf' 'ta.L lMue -thyo{)._qh
,; ..
:tnth'al publiC offt!,(_ (JPO) ,

), ;.-

A c{eu'.h,'ron tC)(l.l' takef) b,y SfB.'I (\T) 3i1/QD12. tJ:, pe'(mll O(J)ne'.0

cf -fop roo cOIYlFn,'esto ~eU I.,ha1'e~ tn.oUjI).I..t<fJd: {>'J.(han.y PL

:Th.~1. move.- ~lll he..Lo tql1ct .l~l~9.... Q.lJ _th. cel'\trol qovl:- . ltv
-~ - -..- -- -
. ASHWITHA XE'KU'X 92907002000
- - -
'. -

.-.-~ ---~
. ;a.L.s [nve.s~ment.: .

. . . .~ 7ovI:: of _rndi'Cl Ii. (Oi)&idt>rl<n_J (1)I)ovtthire:-meal')~

hL1:W a~ blJ'j back and c ,tDh)., ho l(h'rtl~ cf ?~(

U. ~'!1 te.h ~..{:a:lflll:L'L
.se.cloif . enh.~pYisej (c ps f::'0 to fhbbi\~"e on omounl:- 1 LtOOODC.lrD~

--f.rom d~i'l'lve.stlnenl- Db fl<i3Au 1>.tOJI'.c.l-e:d l'l\ -the buAS eJ- fo.t th(
~ 12..~ :/..011-1'1 .


- .I(:. jA' <,ornpukor;j 10. mobilV. ~r:jYe/>ou..-CJi ' _4

- ~ihd.t'r~c:.I:--ta_':i e.,q, C cct sborns dt..L~, Q.e.nhal e.X.CL/s e. Ju~

ord sefvice.. tq_:) ci.ccolln~ -fOK about 51'/. f, ,tl.L O,OM
+0.'1.. Oe.venlle, <"'About: Ij'l.'~cj --the. qlrOM ....Oe.\le.nw..
'1'0:& ~
. UCCOO~ hcj. dt'lfe.cJ: ta.~e!{ pe'rtlona1I~i:OrN.. -l:q.'t... '
CO"( P ciiol-e.. to.'i.') ,
C1't'o/t.-m';(. ye.venue COl)hi:ih.l.h abotll: ..1.1. -12 -/' zf tfle

.. f u.blic .f)ebl;-:
- "-f..pre ..L c 1 bD1>"lfOWe'1)0/>
b ~"C 6 '10\!l:
n;' Le.t w ll:hl7J --f:k C0
l>~ ~ x-c-

D1f e_'~.:l:e'fnaJ. C(!)~me~tlcJ bO'('(('lWl'flf;,

lot L about q51. rL t~ l-oreJ

- jfltf..'f\ol bOl"'~otO~'n..(f Qor1hn ll[e "ij

QQt ot-o.ndl\3 t ta.'oi\;H ~ Cln.~~tif, Q-"''3n c~!: Je1!;--,


----- .. -
---- -- ,--

_ p' qbtic debt- lncreooO. rroneq

() $,~p'pl'l,
(', l eua(~:
~.. ~ In
10 <'i fl'Qr:i(Jl)-

.. 9e_f,'U:!__:f;nont\'Yl3:'
_ FiIU'l11up -tI--.e TP ~LV y-evenUe and e'XF"nditu,u b<J bl1).r(!)CJ.:)l~

-from the. R1?>l -thYl:)ll{1h -trQ_ci~ti~ biUb-

_ gUI>ioJ f.,ource DJ rnone~ orcl ,I: ha~, "hrxl)'I) olilJ'ffil'f\j

l.eo._dl'l1j to mor"c_~ (,upr~ ond '1nfLab'on .

o -public. E"llpl)(\ :
- -titfe_nd.tb.l;re_ on ('4\JYO-f,trllcl-un? ,ba~i(_ lndLlS'tie.J and. '"O'Jab'a,
P1..oJe.c!-!!. ~,,- "J!llde, ~'''-Q6Le.
---:Non de'llebpme_l\~ e'Lfend[~uYe_
tl\l:-exett_ pQ_~mel'\tA and f;UbhidieJ

c once Til),

P'<OVldC'n3 publ'(. J.,ecrVI'cPA

.e ,-Otl'rCe}, o_cco~dl'f\jto ~Jal-('<9~~- p,tiOAih'eI!.

" lY)( "'-Q_~t,l~ -the, tQ';( ye_venL.te ~jhav(n~ o, (,o~deA:bose, ,

" E Y)'l.>u.tln~ erlibflulli bu.t LUttl~ dDtOT) r.ondeve(opf'l)enlo.(

e_~perdtttn-e '
Q E-'tF"""io-n of -fo-tild-'u., {o~ E-ducCtH.:mJ ~kQtth((lre , pOpulcitl1:rf)
( [li)hro( povet~ I .{wu.c.h'O'l1 and f-(Y)plof'enl:- fJene rQt-izm .

o -1'b"omo-tin3 fno.'ti'let Dirle.nte-d d.elleloprr-enl: h,j .e.duch'15 the ~ole cf--

pu611c .sed-o.t ard.l'rlcreQ~;'lj ---/he:Fdd fo'( p.{illure ,g('ttox..,

~;~~d~e~cr~ ~: -
--rh \- N\)A '3;"')
e_ iol[DUJ~f'I~ Qre.. mo,'!:- imp a...spe_J-~ of ~ RP->llJ Pou '
" -'I'D ,I-
~'f\_ctt-e. -the.. Ye.\Ir)ue_ de.f.idl-- Cl~ bu.i lJ oe."'~ nue .su -a-ptw- ~>
ASHWITH_A XER9X 9290700200 -_
_ .......
"""It" _-
_' - -- -- -- -
a-- 0' ''10, briny dowl) -ii)~..fical dcjidt ~ 3-/. oj 1DP:.
o ~ "'~~'I( '-iYQMfci.rell d 111 },'6cal. 0fe9.ol;bn~ and cpu.r:tueiLr -
,.-rz.vr'e...w cf f"ow situa.h'o;-,_
.. R~(r'ttan(i~dlred- bo",.oWtlli/ from ,I)e R8] with a. v/elO to
, Check the f:oa-'Olot~ ard (onJ:~J e..'J..perJi1-U6e 1D ejJec1- j<,/:,(a) I'

dl'{ uf-i'l1e. Bon-oUJc''t1.(f d.(rli'.(}~ from tile R 81 on~ vnde~ .

<!.-:(ceph'o()(1l ~ /.,(, lite. nuJuml c[lIQmi~iej,

7he. oov~cf 1rrlio.. conl..tihtl:-ed &e.vl(ul LJmm,{t-eeA unde.-<;.

-the. r:ha.\)'ino.n~ip 5 E.::JQcho.Un.iah Of) boih d,'O~d- It c'l1.d.t're.cttatl!..>,': _ 0'1\ l'l\dhe.(.~'tcVi.e~ olld .<8.. v1fQy khe.ll:a1. on bothdi're.J:-

. ctncl !'\.dl"rW ta~e, 9

, ovl- oj .1:ndi'a. oah';na1"6e -the -kta ~h'uc1-u.u.
a..nd. wlde.nul.
-.' the. fu~bo.6e J .'
JDl' I1lDbllfftt'n.zr mDre l)e..t'ou T(. e.&
bct~~d.D't\ t~ -rQ(orncne.nd.Qh'DM 1ab!>ve' 2> comm~l:t-ee~ - One 'f'rre
..... rnO"t 1 .'. , .'.'
rrp -ta.~re.fg~1T) l,~ Va.tu..e. Th'Af [\fAT)'
== o Ta~ 0!1 th~ va.lue._ o.elded lO the ~60dJ which bY,n~( Vn
Q. mo'Ce ~Ho'l1o.l illcit',,( ed: -ta~ ~0.J:em ,
. ~ -A W~nt-!Jt(_ a.nd Blobalty ..'i'ndI')"~J to't ~r:,l<?TY)

rrnleA --the -to't evoft'on more d:-JiiUJ.ll- - '<OI)~ 4 .ctte~ fn&l:-eo.J of-
tct,, ~ rct~e0 1 '<';(1.1~.(,t-aa ' 'The roJes: o-r--e ~._(e~ernp1-ed fr~
t-o.",)) 1. 'I, , It "/. and a. 3el1E'ro.L Yare cf .1!l-5"1. . [f)Ol..r etsen/:,-a.,f -

~t1D<M Qae Ei-ther e. '( ef()p~t'd .f,-om V~T or jail I"f) -tAe '/'/, (o.fV{)~

& AI L~ mutt; <'>tct~e. -I:~~ B8


-----..... _ - _' , _

J-51Hh ihe O{fsetH'fIj ill la. on i')')fu~~ tJ.8o.i;'/- that ~

. c.LCLimlrt13 ~'IlFtta'X. [,.(e.cU~, unde..{ vflT en.6ure{ f.f.opell. ~I1YOW;y

10"1... re.uenue:
~. (t!l'Ibal aOv~ leivtJ 5 l'mp -ioses t; mObll~e -the r'e~ourc_e!;

namd~, -ta'X.

? ersotm] !lhcorne /:-0 '1
C(.ld-Olm c1 u tr,' er
Vm'on e'X.(I_'.t.ed(Lh'e c

-fhe~7 wo,.(lcl tt')t'ae trcoire ,whtle fore~ tomranlel a\Ye ta'JWhle

On ('l'\come tfu./:- aTl~eh out bf -their Jhdio.1) -r-r=: -mou.j->:7
- to~po,q,_ab'o'V) -tu'1 ~r, QI:- ll. f{a.J ..(QI::-ei:hele o.'r~_rov ~MOng 10.(. vcia-io~
-t-'jpel, 4 de 6at-e..s 0. nd e~empl:-iDnJ-

-lYllYll-mum _Al~e.(na1e IQ'X

e p,tofll:- of- 0.. compa-ttj o r e, (ol1'Fu1-ed "<t):-erf'()fl cf th~

cornpa.'n:j't.. ae} whr-le iI:,l, -tn.'XClble l'()come. v,. cakuLal-ec{ I'nl:-e.YTn_\'
i ~n(orne. -tn'l( At! '

e - l~e1re O.:!"(!(ompOl1ieJ khOW'I) Qh t:_e/..oto.'k. cornpo.nt'e_l Which ~how

boo1:- P~oJif- '1)t-e.lroh _~ fo~me;: ad- but- nO t-o.':(. wtll income..

j-ote ~fW, i Luh:,( - Q
t> fIlWf wo..; 11\tl"odu.ced iobYln~ .hu.("'coIY)Panl~ ~llto I+e
')'(\~ b_~e.- comp0."nie.\ CVho~e_a~t m'X.oble_ Income.~ leM tkClT\-3o,.

-- -
_. - -
----=---- ...
-_... _
..----~. -
.Pe_n:.0 'Oa.l ~nc orne. 'lei a. ~
'" ..I~~'; CI. 'Ta~ colle.d:-e d annuallj (t) ali form!', 1- t'nc.oT"f"le
e.';(_(.I.u.di''I\~ mcorne. -from ~Lic..ulh..tx.e .
-'7hl'.<, II, ./ em -the. t-omble ('I1(orne q t'ndlvl'oIua1~ Dr

HlncLu. und.tVI' fo.rnil~ (HOP)

'" --An tntiivld.u.oJ. o~ Hoj:' wh~e -oora1 I'r\c.ome ~" mo~e thell')
0. (.e4J'~Ql1l pyecle.h:.Ymt'Y\e.d e'IC!?rnph'm> llmir- AhoL\ be-i-Q.rr~
.10 P41j tt-e 1'ntome. --tu'&.. at the_ r-aie d bed from --nnt@ .lb
-time. .
11\11- "" . .
. . :.:l.ndlred 'ia'lef, '.
~ ~ -me c.enh-aJ..aovl; Ieives. du.t;e6 on both
.l.n)po.d:6 a.nd. ~<;lpDi5"rs. nod ~ have bec.orne lo~t
umen~. to yeal.Lla.Q
-'fwd~f) iXctde.: ft2, Cornpar"'.d. to ~ tmpott ciu\::i'e.( e7..poJX dul::i~
.'~Q'l'e' kl6' tmp -trom e:itel)ue' M we.u ru" foOel:Jl) tlClde Le.aul.oHf)(l
.ptxnt. ~ "LeW . ,
. Onl'Of) e.l.Mt' dub'e,s:. 5'& 10 n ('omrrodi~ +a'X. .~ ,~
. lelved. OT) p}'oduc.b'oy) o'nd hal> o.bJoLut:e~ no (_ooned:.IO'D with L~&.
a.clual h (L)_ e. .
-rhe c.~f)\:-ral~'D\lt h(\(i htu.di~ 11\(xeo6eJ -the ro 1co/'{)mod.)l:l~ [il'>t ~ ru. (Omr,eheh.%ive. M.Ojo~ Ye.Venue ~ou.t"(,.h'on

flaw 1l!>1"l"Offl ~:utAedur'E' .... (1) -+e-:thleA , _,gu(r'}l ) t-e:-.a J +0\:0.(('1) etc, -
Ex..(tl.>e.. du..t~,>I, -{Yorn (ornrnodi~ to ((ll!)n)OJll~ o.ndJi)e.


---.-.-- ..._----,-:-:--- ..- . ---<...-:.-~:.~.: ..=-. ---.-- ..'-'~---- ---- ----~--...... -.---~ .._

, ~~Y~lC_e ~ V'_'
J!:- l.t)M 'c",fy~du(_eC1
., V
J \
~'l1 u
llle r= '1 '1 'It, - 96' cf), '3 ,

6c:Yvice).;, =. -re.lephore SelSvfCE!., r=' t'w> It'rance oYd

~ha~ b,tOk~~,
rtal- ,
$lY)Ce., -then evel/1 'JeQJL -the ddT!:- had been k9iclenCL/ b;r-
~'l'1clcu:l.Ln~ more: ond mcne. .5e.IfV {ce~ . 7hOSe.~n cJ 6e:ifV fee.

.sedox- c.c>a8 moye thaI} 5-1'/._"'the revenue from senJtce rna:... Q.CL@uiIf-
. - wr on~ Ctl. 'I to tal Ta'it.

Se:r vcce izo:; 1.01.

(011 e.arh.-ierol<L) -
.the ifou&- of .'india I.9lAh to hA'0j re.jO?f1m 111 m't.o-h'oo aod , The.
ach'cm hQI$ be'.er) in 1Hctf ed _ 5't pro pD5~ to b~l7iJ 's:'C~ood.&at:l~ :

~e.:~V<ce>m'.l) Mflcue'/ l'l1CU-reU -tn~V{>totr> J..u.l;lts~ E'-~e.d~,

,se71Yice d~tj allct VAT -t-a'l:). .

IflC ~OVI: a.ko r-r= hti'l1[j q.. Ctimp"(ie he~l 've '])1C ISire(i-tQ1
l' _ .

1'l1 Jitace 1 the c1''X"~d- ra'X.e.<; (co'5f0j{a~ ond Frhvna.l ~n(om2.tQ"l);

-An Empowered ~70VP B' sinh,/, finonce mnr,d:e't {j(ldE'Y the.

tncU"I(no.nbhLp oj Sri Susil Mod~ > -the JrfcJj eM ho(d,'~ Finan(e

MiYl r&t"lj L(I 8, hQil ~ovt.


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Under ~ prD'J{&ion 1ftrHJe a.g~' deCLl"''I\j~lth Centre-
Stllte fl' ~d()Jiomh!p 1 ihe_ pTehideJ')r of 3.ndiU (CorY>bf:uJ:-e.! a..

. f\''1lonc..e CommlMr]()T) JOT eve."t 5'J1'15. The ehol-rmuo rf ..13Ii-) Pc '-f

~", V~lo.:f khelto..t. [yth'yed. ~inan(_e Se.u..('J-~ Ctfl~)), -.he.

..,-ecDmmendo-b'oh!l 1f 12, th F-C O!Ye._ vallA 10'( '5 J"'& -{rom

. nti, -
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>/: Ihe, Aha.....e of ,d:ul::-e!;.IT) nd: froce.e.dl.. of ho:ro.ble. (enh-ul.

lQ' <"i:hall be. 8&'}. tn e.ach of -tr.e r.lnonu'ctl ~ecu f)""D~ 2C.l~-!!

to ,a.Ol,-/-1.5-
~ The ve.\lI'.f)u.e def'<.i~ of -lte. ce.nhe need~ tv be. rY~~V~
'f"e.J.u.(.e.tJ.. ci~ dirnL'f\ctteJ. -:fOUOlC1~ bJ i ~re.venue.
/.>ulftlL\ by _~Oi4 -j'5~ lhe:re.1h av.,o 1te_~d10 b~i~ dow'n t"he

ftl>(l11 d e.j-t'tit- )D -:,,/, of EtDP ~ :l-01tr15-

* ,'1he; ce t ctt've.{!-L":j' plan a~~~C.lnc<!, . to ('I)e~

non p!.ct-n ne~d.,t,~f ~FCloJ. caJ:-e30tj /.>tarel. ~hol1 be dv, (01) finued.,
4' ~ fOU<J "Ie jQ,lcl,~"l'l_3 the. l}~e c1 pADlE' eel;, "from dih lIWI'S!:w.nt-
I\~dh to be ll.b~~o.l{,se.clto 0\--:'0 i",dude (Of~hd' e~per.d(~tuAe 011
c)"ir.'caL ir1T'Mtn.{aure. ana e_nvi"(of\rn~n"t,
*". -A +u~eI:' of 6~ ~_?r_~fo~ the combined Otl~h f-andr"'1-
de1t- 1 the c.~f)t.e. o.n4 ~to.tM at1u:eved b J <tOllr15.


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