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The following gas phase reaction is taking 5

place in a plug flow reactor. A The reaction rate constants at two different
+ 12 BC12 BC temperature T1 and T2 are related by
A stoichiometric mixture of A and B at 300 K A. In(K2K1)=ER(1T21T1)(K2K1)=ER(1T2-1T1)
is fed to the reactor. At 1 m along the length B. In(K2K1)=ER(1T11T2)(K2K1)=ER(1T1-
of the reactor, the temperature is 360 K. The 1T2)
pressure drop is negligible and an ideal gas C. exp (K2K1)=ER(1T11T2)(K2K1)=ER(1T1-
behaviour can be assumed. Identify the 1T2)
correct expression relating the concentration D. exp (K2K1)=ER(1T21T1)(K2K1)=ER(1T2-
of A at the inlet (CA0), concentration of A at 1m 1T1)
(CA) and the corresponding conversion of A 6
(X). A second order liquid
phase reaction, A B, is carried out
A. CA=1.2CAo(1x)(10.33x)CA=1.2CAo(1-x)
B. CA=1.2CAo(1x)(10.5x)CA=1.2CAo(1-x)(1- in a mixed flow reactor operated in semi
0.5x) batch mode (no exit stream). The reactant A
C. CA=0.83CAo(1x)(10.33x)CA=0.83CAo(1- at concentration CAF is fed to the reactor at a
x)(1-0.33x) volumetric flow rate of F. The volume of the
D. CA=0.83CAo(1x)(10.5x)CA=0.83CAo(1-x) reacting mixture is V and the density of the
(1-0.5x) liquid mixture is constant. The mass balance
for A is
2 A. d(VCA)dt=F(CAFCA)KC2AVd(VCA)dt=-
Concentration of the limiting reactant (with F(CAF-CA)-KCA2V
initial concentration of a moles/litre) after B. d(VCA)dt=F(CAFCA)
time t is (a-x). Then 't' for a first order reaction KC2AVd(VCA)dt=F(CAF-CA)-KCA2V
is given by C. d(VCA)dt=F(CAKC2AVd(VCA)dt=-F(CA-
A. K.t=InaaxK.t=Inaa-x KCA2V
B. K.t=xa(ax)K.t=xa(a-x) D. d(VCA)dt=F(CAFKC2AVd(VCA)dt=F(CAF-
C. K.t=InaxaK.t=Ina-xa KCA2V
D. K.t=a(ax)aK.t=a(a-x)a
3 The exit age distribution curve E(t) for an
The mean conversion in the exit stream, for a ideal CSTR with the average residence time,
second order, liquid phase reaction in a non- , is given by
ideal flow reactor is given by A. et/Te-t/T
A. 0K2.CAo.t1+K2.KAo.tE(t).dt0K2.CAo.t1 B. et/TTe-t/TT
+K2.KAo.tE(t).dt C. 1et/T1-e-t/T
B. 011+K2.KAo.tE(t).dt011+K2.KAo.tE(t).dt D. 1et/TT1-e-t/TT
C. 0K2.CAo.t1+K2.KAo.t[1E(t)i].dt0K2.CAo
.t1+K2.KAo.t[1-E(t)i].dt 8
D. 0exp(K2CAo.t)1+K2.CAo.tE(t).dt0exp(- From collison theory, the reaction rate
K2CAo.t)1+K2.CAo.tE(t).dt constant is proportional to
A. exp(ERT)(-ERT)
4 B. exp(E2RT)(-E2RT)
If n = overall order of a chemical reaction. a = D. TmTmexp(ERT)(-ERT)
initial concentration of reactant. t = time
required to complete a definite fraction of the 9
reaction. Then pick out the correct Pick out the wrong statement
relationship. A. For the same conversion, the holding time
A. t1ant1an required in a batch reactor, is always equal to
B. t1an1t1an-1 the space time required in a PFR
C. t1an+1t1an+1 B. Two mixed reactors of unequal size are
D. tantan available for producing a specified product,
formed by a homogenous second order reaction. and A S (undesired) are to
To achieve maximum production rate, the
smaller reactor should be placed in series before
the larger reacto take place. The ratio of the reaction rates is
C. Arrehenius equation describing the effect of rRrs=(K1/2)CabArRrs=(K1/2)CAa-
temperature on rate constant is given by, K =
D. The mechanism for the decomposition b
of CH3CHOCH3CHO intoCH4CH4 and CO in A. use high pressure and eliminate inerts, when
presence a>b
ofI2I2 is: CH3CHOCH3CHO+I2I2 CH3ICH3I+ B. avoid recycle, when a > b.
HI + CO; slow CH3ICH3I+ HI CH4CH4 +I2I2; C. use batch reactor or plug flow reactor, when a
fast Then the rate of disappearance >b
ofCH3CHOCH3CHO is equal to D. use CSTR with a high conversion, when a >
K.CCH3I.CCH3I.CHICHI and acts b.

10 Consider the 'n' th order irreversible liquid
phase reaction A B. Which one
Which of the following is not a dimension-less
group used in catalysis ? (where, D =
dispersion co-efficient, cm2 /sec.D1 = diffusion of the following plots involving half life of
co-efficient; cm2/sec L = length of the reactor, the reaction (t1/2) and the initial reactant
cm t = time, sec, v = volumetric flow rate, concentration (CA0) gives a straight line plot ?
cm3/sec . V = volume, cm3.)
A. Reactor dispersion number (D/vL) A. CAoCAo Vs t1/2t1/2
B. Reduced time vtVvtV B. inCAoCAo Vs t1/2t1/2
C. Thiele modulus (LKD1)(LKD1) C. CAoCAo Vs int1/2t1/2
D. None of these D. inCAoCAo Vs int1/2t1/2
According to Arhenious equation of 15
temperature dependency of rate constant for A chemical reaction is of zero order, when
an elementary reaction the reaction rate is (where, CA =
A. KTKT concentration of reactant
D. none of these C. independent of temperature.
D. none of these.
12 16
When the reaction is dominated by in- For a first order reaction carried out in a plug
traparticle diffusion, the apparent order flow reactor, the space time is
of reaction (nD) as measured is related to the A. 1KInCpC1KInCpC
true order (n) as B. 1KInCCp1KInCCp
A. nD=n+12nD=n+12 C. KInCpCKInCpC
B. nD=n2nD=n2 D. KInCCpKInCCp
C. nd=n+1nd=n+1
D. none of these 17
Transition state theory relates the above
13 quantities as
Pick the WRONG design guideline for a A. KeE/RTKe-E/RT
reactor in which B. KTeE/RTKTeE/RT
the reactions, A R (desired) C. KTKT
D. KT1.5KT1.5

The rate controlling step for the
heterogeneous irreversible 22
catalytic reaction A(g) + B(g) To maximise the formation of R in the
simultaneous reaction
A + B R , rR = 2CA0.5.CB2
C(g) is the surface reaction of absorbed A
with absorbed B to give adsorbed C. The rate
expression for this reaction can then be A + B S , rS = 1.5 CA . CB
written as (where, KA, KB and KC are the
equilibrium constants and is the rate constant
of the rate controlling step.) We should have
BPAPB[1+KAPA+KBPB+KCPC]2 The exit age distribution of a fluid leaving a
vessel (denoted by E) is used to study the
19 extent of non-ideal flow in the vessel. The
If CA is the quantity of reactants initially value of 00 E.dt is
present, the quantity left after 'n' half periods
will be equal to
A. (CA2)n(CA2)n
B. (12)nCA(12)nCA A. 0
C. (CA2)1/n(CA2)1/n B. 1
D. (CA)1/2n(CA)1/2n C.
D. 22
A first order gaseous phase reaction is 24
catalysed by a non-porous solid. The kinetic For a vapour phase catalytic reaction
rate constant and the external mass transfer (A + B P) which follows the
co-efficients are k and kg respectively. The
effective rate constant (keff) is given by
Ridel mechanism and the reaction step is
rate controlling, the rate of reaction is given
A. Keff=K+KgKeff=K+Kg by (reaction rate is irreversible, product also
B. Keff=(K+Kg)/2Keff=(K+Kg)/2 absorbs).
C. Keff=(KKg)1/2Keff=(KKg)1/2
D. 1Keff=1K+1Kg1Keff=1K+1Kg A. rA-rA = K.PA.PB1+KA.PA+Kp.PpK.PA.PB
21 1+KA.PA+Kp.Pp
The rate expression for a heterogenous B. rA-rA = K.P2AK1.Pp1+KA.PA+Kp.PpK.PA2
catalytic reaction is given by, - rA = K.KA PA(1 -K1.Pp1+KA.PA+Kp.Pp
+ KA.PA + KR.PR), where K is surface reaction C. rA-rA = K.PA.PB1+KA.PB+KB.PB.KpPpK.P
rate constant and KA and KR are absorption A.PB1+KA.PB+KB.PB.KpPp
equilibrium constants of A and R respectively. D. rA-rA = K.PA.PB1+KA.PAK.PA.PB1+KA.PA
If KR PR >> (1 + KA PA), the apparent
activation energy EA is equal to (given E is 25
the activation energy for the reaction Effective diffusivity (DE) in a catalyst pellet is
and HR and HA are the activation related to molecular diffusivity (DN) and
energies of adsorption of R and A) Knudsen diffusivity (DK) as
26 B. same as that of Q
Rate of a gaseous phase reaction is given by, C. half of that of Q.
- dpAdt=k.p2AdpAdt=k.p2A . The D. 2/3rd of that of Q.
he residence time distribution of an ideal
unit of rate constant is CSTR is
A. (atm)1(atm)-1 A. 1t1texp(-t/p)
B. (hr)1(hr)-1 B. T exp(-t/T)
C. (atm)1.(hr)1(atm)-1.(hr)-1 C. exp(-t/T)
D. (atm).(hr)1(atm).(hr)-1 D. 1p1p(-t/T)

27 32
Reaction rate equation for the reaction, R + The concentration of A in a first
2S x + y .is - dCRdtdCRdt = order reaction, A B, decreases

k. CR.C2sCR.Cs2 If S at is present in large A. linearly with time.

excess, what is the order of this reaction? B. exponentially with time.
A. zero C. very abruptly towards the end of the reaction.
B. one D. logarithmically with time.
C. two
D. three 33
The conversion for a first order liquid
28 phase reaction. A B in a CSTR
A first order reaction A

is 50%. If another CSTR of the same volume

B occurs in an isothermal porous catalyst is connected in series, then the % conversion
pellet of spherical shape. If the concentration at the exit of the second reactor will be
of A at the centre of the pellet is much less A. 60
than at the external surface, the process is B. 75
limited by C. 90
A. . diffusion within the pellet D. 100
B. reaction.
C. external mass transfer. 34
D. none of the above.. The temperature dependence of reaction rate
constant (K) by Arhenius law is given by
29 A. Ke-E/RT
What is the value of 'n' if the reaction rate of B. KeE/RT
the chemical reaction A B, is C. KT e-E/RT

proportional to CAn and it is found that 35

the reaction rate triples, when the Collision theory gives the rate constant for
concentration of 'A' is increased 9 times ? bimolecular reaction as
A. 1/2 A. KTT.e-E/RT
B. 1/3 B. KT.eE/RT
C. 1/9 C. K.e-E/RT
D. 3 D. none of these
30 If the pore diffusion controls in a
For reaction, P + 2 3R, molar catalytic reaction, the apparent activation
energy Ea is equal to
A. the intrinsic activation energy E.
rate of consumption of P is B. (E + ED) where ED is activation due to
A. double of that of Q. diffusion.
C. (E + ED)/2 D. 3
D. ED/2 41
If 'n' is the order of reaction, then unit of rate
37 constant is
For the gaseous reaction 2A B, A. 1/(time)(concentration)n - 1
B. (time)-1 (concentration)n - 1
C. (time)n - 1 (concentration)
where the feed consists of 50 mole % A and D. none of these
50 mole % inerts, the expansion factor is
A. 1 42
B. -0.5 Knudsen diffusion is directly proportional to
C. -0.25 A. T
D. 0 B. TT
C. 1TT
38 D. T2
With the same reaction time, initial
concentration and feed rate, 43
the reaction 2A B is carried out The following gas phase reactions are carried
out isothermally in a CSTR.
A 2R ; r1 = k1pA ;
separately in CSTR and P.F. reactor of equal
volumes. The conversion will be
A. higher in P.F. reactor k1 = 20mole/(sec.m3 bar)
B. higher in CSTR A 3S ; r2 = k2 pA ;
C. same in both the reactors
D. data insufficient; can't be predicted
k2 = 40mole/(sec.m3 .bar)
39 What is the maximum possible value
The value of 'n' for of FR(mole/sec.) ?
a chemical reaction A B, A. 1/3
B. 1/2
C. 2/3
whose reaction rate is CAn, will D. 2

be __________ if the rate of Pure A in gas phase enters a reactor 50% of
the reaction increases by a factor of 8, when this A is converted to B through
the concentration of is doubled. the reaction, A 3B. Mole
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2 fraction of A in the exit stream is
D. 3 A. 1/2
B. 1/3
40 C. 1/4
The value of 'n' for D. 1/5
a chemical reaction A B,
__________ gas is normally employed in
whose reaction rate is CAn, will B.E.T.method of finding out the surface area
of catalyst.
A. N2
be __________ if the rate of B. H2
the reaction increases by a factor of 8, when C. CO2
the concentration of is doubled. D. He
A. 0 46
B. 1
C. 2
The response curve for a step input signal For the reaction, A + B 2B + C
from a reactor is called C-curve. The variance
of C-curve in a 'tanks in series model'
comprising of 'm' tanks is equal to A. rA=rB
A. m B. rA=-rB
B. 1/m C. rA=2rB
C. mm D. rA=2rB/2
D. m2
47 The experimentally determined overall order
The rate of the heterogenous catalytic of the reaction, A + B C + D, is
reaction A(g) + B(g) C(g) is

two. Then the

given by -rA = k.KA.pA.PB/(1 + KA.PA + Kc.pc),
where KA and Kc are the adsorption A. reaction is elementary with a molecularity
equilibrium constants. The rate controlling of 2.
step for this reaction is B. molecularity of the reaction is 2, but the
A. absorption of A. B. reaction may not be elementary.
B. surface reaction between absorbed A and C. reaction may be elementary with molecularity
absorbed of 2.
C. surface reaction between absorbed A and D. reaction is elementary but the molecularity
B in the gas phase. may not be 2.
D. surface reaction between A in the gas phase
and absorbed B. 53
The conversion in a mixed
48 reactor/accomplishing a reaction A
Shift conversion reactio 3R is 50% when gaseous reactant
A. converts N2 and H2 into NH3
B. converts CO to CO2 with steam.
C. is non-catalytic. 'A' is introduced at the rate of 1 litre/second
D. is highly exothermic. and the leaving flow rate is 2 litres/second.
The holding time for this operation is
49 __________ second.
For the chemical reaction X Y, A. 0.5
B. 1
C. 2
it is observed that, on doubling the D. 3
concentration of 'X', the reaction rate
quadruples. If the reaction rate is proportional 54
to Cxn, then what is the value of 'n' Half life period of a first order irreversible
A. 4 reaction A B is
B. 1/4
C. 16
D. 2 A. k/2
B. ln k/2
50 C. ln 2/k
Transition state theory gives the rate constant D. ln 0.5/k
A. ke-E/RT 55
B. keE/RT For a heterogenous catalytic
C. kT.e-E/RT reaction, A + B C, with
D. kTT.e-E/RT
equimole feed of A and B, the initial rate
- rA0 is invariant with total pressure. The rate B. 0.03 min-1
controlling step is C. 0.03 hr-1
A. surface Kc/(1 + TS) reaction between D. 0.05 min-1
absorbed A and B in the gas phase.
B. surface reaction between absorbed A and 60
absorbed B. For a first order chemical reaction, the rate
C. surface reaction between A in the gas phase constant
and absorbed B. A. changes on changing the concentration units
D. desorption of C. B. is not a function of the unit of time
56 C. has unit of time-1
An irreversible aqueous D. none ofthese
phase reaction, A + B P, is 61
According to Arhenious equation of
temperature dependency of rate constant for
carried out in an adiabatic mixed flow reactor. an elementary reaction
A feed containing 4kmole/m3 of each A and B A. KT
enters the reactor at 8m3/hr. If the B. Ke-E/RT
temperature of the exit stream is never to C. KTe-E/RT
exceed 390 K, what is the maximum inlet D. none of these
feed temperature allowed?
Data: Heat of reaction = - 50 kJ/mole 62
Density of the reacting mixture = 1000kg/m3 The time needed to achieve the same
Specific heat of reacting mixture = 2kJ/kg.K fractional conversion for particles of different
The above data can be assumed to be sizes (d) when chemical reaction controls, is
independent of temperature and composition. proportional to
A. 190 A. d
B. 290 B. dd
C. 390 C. d1.5
D. 490 D. d2

57 63
Molecularity of an For the chemical reaction P Q,
elementary reaction, P + Q R

it is found that the rate of reaction doubles as

+ S is the concentration of 'P' is doubled. If the
A. 1 reaction rate is proportional to Cpn, then what
B. 2 is the value of 'n' for this chemical reaction ?
C. 3 A. 1
D. 4 B. 2
C. 3
58 D. 0
Calcination reaction of limestone
(CaCO3 CaO + CO2) goes to 64
A spherical porous catalyst particle of radius
R is subjected to reactant A which reacts to
completion in the rotary kiln, because form B by a zero order surface
A. CaO is not dissociated. reaction A B. Film mass
B. CO2 escapes continuously.
C. of high calcination temperature
D. CaO is more stable than CaCO3. transfer resistance is negligible and pore
diffusion of A is rate controlling. The
59 effectiveness factor of the catalyst is reported
Reaction rate of a first order reaction, which as 7/8. Which of the following statement is
is half completed in 23 minutes will be true?
A. 0.03 sec-1
A. Inner catalyst core of radius R/8 does not C. KT
participate in reaction. D. KT1.5
B. Inner catalyst core of radius R/2 does not
participate in reaction. 69
C. Inner catalyst core of radius 7R/8 does not The reaction A B is conducted
participate in reaction.
D. Effectiveness factor for a zero order reaction
can not be 7/8 as it must always be 1. in an adiabatic plug flow reactor (PFR). Pure
A at a concentration of 2 kmol/m3 is fed to the
65 reactor at the rate of 0.01 m3 /s and at a
A chemical reaction is of zero order, when the temperature of 500 K. If the exit conversion is
reaction rate is (where, CA = concentration of 20%, then the exit temperature (in k)is (Data:
reactant) Heat of reaction at 298 K = - 50000 kJ/ kmole
of A reacted Heat capacities CPA = CPB =
A. CA 100kJ/kmole. K (may be assumed to be
B. 1/CA independent of temperature))
C. independent of temperature. A. 400
D. none of these. B. 500
66 C. 600
For an isothermal second order aqueous D. 1000
phase reaction, A B, the ratio
Pure ethanol vapor is fed to a reactor packed
of the time required for 90% conversion to the with alumina catalyst, at the rate of 100
time required for 45% conversion is kmole / hr. The reactor products comprise:
A. 2 ethylene :95 kmole / hr, water vapour: 97.5 k
B. 4 mole / hr and diethyl ether :2.5 kmole/hr.
C. 11 The reactions occuring can be represented
D. 22 by:
C2H5OH C2H4 + H2O
A CSTR is to be designed in which an
exothermic liquid phase first order reaction of 2C2H5OH C2H5 - O - C2H5 +
the type, A R, is taking place.

The reactor is to be provided with a jacket in The percent conversion of ethanol in the
which coolant is flowing. Following data is reactor is
given: CA0= 5 kmole/m3 ; XA = 0.5; Feed A. 100
temperature = reactor temperature B. 97.5
= 4040C. Rate constant at 4040C = 1 C. 95
min-1 ; (H) = - 40kJ/mole; = D. 2.5
1000kg/m3 CP = 4 J/gmC ; q = 10-3 m3/min 71
(p and CP are same for the reactant and The reaction A B is conducted
product streams). The amount of heat to be
removed is
A. 2/3 kW in an isothermal batch reactor. If the
B. 1kW conversion of A increases linearly with
C. 5/3 kW holding time, then the order of the reaction is
D. 4kW A. 0
B. 1
68 C. 1.5
Transition state theory relates the above D. 2
quantities a
A. Ke-E/RT 72
B. KT.e-E/RT
The rate expression for a heterogenous The fractional volume change of the system
catalytic reaction is given by, - rA = K.KA PA(1 for the isothermal gas phase
+ KA.PA + KR.PR), where K is surface reaction reaction, A 3B , between no
rate constant and KA and KR are absorption
equilibrium constants of A and R respectively.
If KR PR >> (1 + KA PA), the apparent conversion and complete conversion is
activation energy EA is equal to (given E is A. 0.5
the activation energy for the B. 1
A. E C. 2
B. E+ HA D. 3
D. HA+HR 78
A batch adiabatic reactor at an initial
73 temperature of 373373K is being used for
The value of steric factor 'P' in the the reaction, A B. Assume the
equation k = PZeE/RT usually ranges from
A. l.0 to 10-8
B. 102 heat of reaction is - 1kJ/mole at 373373K
C. 0.1 to 0.9 and heat capacity of both A and B to be
D. none of these constant and equal to 50J/mole.K. The
temperature rise after a conversion of 0.5 will
74 be
The conversion XA and residence time data A. 55C
are collected for zero order liquid phase B. 1010C
reaction in a stirred tank reactor. Which of the C. 2020C
following will be a straight line ? D. 100100C
A. XA Vs .T
B. XA Vs ln T
C. XA/(1 - XA)Vs T 79
D. XA(1 - XA)Vs T The percent conversion of ethanol in the
reactor is. Pure ethanol vapor is fed to a
75 reactor packed with alumina catalyst, at the
A chemical reaction, A 3B, is rate of 100 kmole / hr. The reactor products
comprise: ethylene :95 kmole / hr, water
vapour: 97.5 k mole / hr and diethyl ether :2.5
conducted in a constant pressure vessel. kmole/hr. The reactions occuring can be
Starting with pure A, the volume of the represented by:
reaction mixture increases 3 times in 6 C2H5OH C2H4 + H2O
minutes. The fractional conversion is
A. 0.33
B. 0.5 2C2H5OH C2H5 - O - C2H5 +
C. 1
D. data insufficient, can't be predicted
76 H2O
.For a tubular reactor with space time 'T' and A. 100
residence time the following statement B. 97.5
holds good. C. 95
A. 'T' and are always equal. D. 2.5
B. 'T' and when the fluid density changes in
the reactor. 80
C. 'T' and for an isothermic tubular reactor A first order gaseous phase reaction is
in which the density of the process fluid is catalysed by a non-porous solid. The kinetic
constant. rate constant and the external mass transfer
D. 'T' and , for a non-isothermal reactor. co-efficients are k and kg respectively. The
effective rate constant (keff) is given by
77 A. keff = k + kg
B. keff = (k+ kg)/2 For the liquid phase zero order
C. keff = (kkg)1/2 irreversible reaction A B, the
D. 1keff1keff=1K1K+1kg1kg conversion of A in a CSTR is found to be 0.3
81 at a space velocity of 0.1min-1 . What will be
Given, the conversion for a PFR with a space
3H2 + CO = CH4 + H2O, KP = 101.84 and, velocity of 0.2 min-1? Assume that all the
4H2 + CO2 = CH4 + 2H2O, KP = 101.17 other operating conditions are the same for
the KP for the reaction CO + H2O = CO2 + CSTR and PFR.
H2 is A. 0.15
A. 103.01 B. 0.30
B. 10-0.67 C. 0.60
C. 10-3.01 D. 0.90
D. l00.67
82 For reactions in parallel viz A
The rate expression for a heterogenous
catalytic reaction is given by, - rA = K.KA PA(1
+ KA.PA + KR.PR), where K is surface reaction P (desired product) and A
rate constant and KA and KR are absorption
equilibrium constants of A and R respectively.
If KR PR >> (1 + KA PA), the apparent Q (unwanted product), if the order of the
activation energy EA is equal to (given E is desired reaction is higher than that of the
the activation energy for the reaction undesired reaction, a
and HR andHA are the activation A. batch reactor is preferred over a single
energies of adsorption of R and A) CSTR for high yield.
A. E B. tubular reactor is preferred over a single
B. E + HA CSTR for high yield.
C. E +HA - HR) C. both (a) and (b).
D. HA +HR D. single CSTR is the most suitable.

83 88
The value of steric factor 'P' in the A first order
equation k = PZeE/RT usually ranges from irreversible reaction, A B is
A. l.0 to 10-8
B. 102<.sup>
C. 0.1 to 0.9 carried out separately in a constant volume
D. none of these as well as in a variable volume reactor for a
particular period. It signifies that __________
84 in the two reactors.
The conversion XA and residence time data A. both conversion as well as concentration are
are collected for zero order liquid phase same
reaction in a stirred tank reactor. Which of the B. conversion in both will be the same but
following will be a straight line ? concentrations will be different
A. XA Vs . T C. both the conversion as well as concentrations
B. XA Vs ln T will be different
C. XA/(1 - XA)Vs T D. none of these.
D. XA(1 - XA)Vs T
85 Sulphuric acid is used as a catalyst in the
For a homogeneous reaction of nth order, the A. hydrogenation of oils.
dimension of the rate constant is given by B. gas phase oxidation of SO2 in chamber
A. l/(time)n process.
B. (concentration)1 - n/(time) C. alkylation of hydrocarbons.
C. (concentration)n - 1/(time) D. none of these.
D. none of these
86 90
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to Space time in flow reactor is
space velocity of flow reactors. A. usually equal to the residence time.
A. The unit of space velocity is (time)-1 . B. the reciprocal of the space velocity.
B. The space velocity of 3 hr-1 means that three C. a measure of its capacity.
reactor volumes of feed at specified conditions D. both (a) and (b).
are being fed into the reactor every hour. 96
C. The space velocity of 3 hr-1 means that For a packed bed reactor; the presence of a
one third reactor volume of feed at specified long tail in the residence time distribution
conditions are being fed into the reactor. curve is an indication of
D. none of these. A. ideal plug flow
91 B. bypass
A first order reaction A B occurs in C. dead zone
D. chanelling

an isothermal porous catalyst pellet of 97

spherical shape. If the concentration of A at An example of autothermal reactor
the centre of the pellet is much less than at operation is
the external surface, the process is limited by A. sulphur dioxide oxidation
A. diffusion within the pellet. B. ethylene oxidation
B. reaction. C. benzene oxidation
C. external mass transfer. D. ammonia synthesis
D. none of the above.
92 B.E.T. method of finding out surface area of
The preferred reacting system for oxidation of a catalyst, uses the extension of __________
o-xylene to phthalic anhydride is isotherm.
A. jacketted liquid phase CSTR. A. Langmuir
B. jacketted steam heated multitubular reactor. B. Freundlich
C. multitubular reactor with cooling. C. Tempkin
D. multistage multitubular reactor with interstage D. none of these
93 In an ideal P.F.R. at steady state conditions
Cold shot cooling is only practical when the A. the composition of reactants remains
feed temperature is __________ than the constant along a flow path.
reaction temperature. B. the conversion of the reactant varies from
A. higher point to point along a flow path.
B. much higher C. there is no lateral mixing of fluid.
C. lower D. there may be diffusion along the flow path.
D. much lower
94 __________ resistance is not involved in
.For a first order isothermal chemical reaction the combustion of a carbon particle.
in a porous catalyst, the effectiveness factor A. Gas film
is 0.3. The effectiveness factor will increase if B. Ash
the C. Chemical reaction
A. catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst D. none of these
diffusivity is reduced.
B. catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst 101
diffusivity is increased. Overall rate of reaction in a heterogenous
C. catalyst size is increased or the catalyst catalytic reaction depends upon the mass
diffusivity is reduced. and energy transfer from the fluid to solid
D. catalyst size is increased or the catalyst surface and its rate of reaction is usually
diffusivity is increased. __________ the concentration of catalyst, if it
does not entail a chain mechanism.
95 A. proportional to
B. independent of reaction rate triples, when the concentration
C. inversely proportional to of 'A' is increased 9 times ?
D. proportional to the square of A. 1/2
B. 1/3
102 C. 1/9
Rate of a chemical reaction is not affected by D. 3
A. catalyst. 108
B. temperature. The conversion of a reactant, undergoing a
C. reactant's concentration. first order reaction, at a time equal to three
D. number of molecules of reactants taking times the half life of the reaction is
part in the reaction. A. 0.875.
B. 0.5
103 C. 0.425
The rate of a gas phase reaction is given D. data insufficient to calculate
by K . CA . CB. If the volume of the reaction
vessel is reduced to l/4th of its initial volume, 109
then the reaction rate compared to the If pore diffusion is the controlling step in a
original rate will be __________ times. solid catalysed reaction, the catalyst
A. 4 A. porosity is very important.
B. 16 B. porosity is of less importance.
C. 8 C. internal surface area is utilised efficiently.
D. 2 D. none of these.

104 110
Integral method for analysing the kinetic data .For reaction, P + 2 > 3R, molar
is used
A. when the data are scattered.
B. for testing specific mechanisms with simple rate of consumption of P is
rate expressions. A. double of that of Q.
C. both (a) and (b). B. same as that of Q.
D. none of these. C. half of that of Q.
D. 2/3rd of that of Q.
105 111
Pick out the correct statement. The enzyme which can catalyse the
A. A catalyst speeds up the forward reaction but conversion of glucose to ethyl alcohol is
slows shown the reverse reaction. A. invertase
B. Addition of catalyst changes the equilibrium B. maltase
constant. C. diastase
C. Pressure changes do not change the D. zymase
equilibrium concentrations.
D. The composition of equilibrium is changed by 112
catalyst. A rise in temperature
106 A. normally tends to increase the reaction rate.
Inversion of cane sugar is an example of B. does not affect a catalysed reaction.
A. unimolecular reaction with first order. C. does not affect photo-chemical reaction rates.
B. bimolecular reaction with second order. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
C. bimolecular reaction with first order.
D. unimolecular reaction with second order. 113
.Catalyst is a substance, which __________
107 chemical reaction.
What is the value of 'n' if the reaction rate of A. increases the speed of a
the chemical reaction A > B, is B. decreases the speed of a
C. can either increase or decrease the speed
of a
proportional to CAn and it is found that the
D. alters the value of equilibrium constant in a B. decreases
reversible C. remains unchanged
D. increases exponentially
.A chemical reaction occurs, when the energy 120
of the reacting molecules is __________ the With increase in temperature, the rate
activation energy of reaction. constant obeying Arhenious equation
A. less than A. increases.
B. equal to B. decreases.
C. more than C. decreases exponentially.
D. equal to or more than D. can either increase or decrease ; depends on
the frequency factor.
115 121
The order of a chemical reaction is Rate of a chemical reaction is independent of
A. an experimentally determined quantity. the concentration of the reactants for a
B. always equal to the total stoichiometric __________ reaction.
number of reactants. A. zero order
C. never fractional. B. third order
D. none of these. C. consecutive
116 D. none of these
The equilibrium constant of chemical reaction
__________ in the presence of catalyst. 122
A. increases What is the dispersion number for a CSTR?
B. decreases A. 0
C. remains unaffected B. 1
D. can either increase or decrease (depends on C. <1
the type of catalyst) D.

117 123
The concentration of A in a first order The conversion for a first order liquid phase
reaction, A B, decreases reaction. A > B in a CSTR is 50%.

A. linearly with time. If another CSTR of the same volume is

B. exponentially with time. connected in series, then the % conversion at
C. very abruptly towards the end of the reaction. the exit of the second reactor will be
D. logarithmically with time. A. 60
B. 75
118 C. 90
Pick out the correct statement. D. 100
A. A chemical reaction accompanied by
absorption of heat is called an exothermic 124
reaction. A liquid decomposes by irreversible first order
B. A chemical reaction accompanied by kinetics and the half life period of this reaction
evolution of heat is called an endother-mic is 8 minutes. The time required for 75%
reaction. conversion of the liquid will be __________
C. The rate constant for a first order reaction minutes.
does not change on changing the A. 4
concentration units. B. 8
D. Chemical equilibrium state is dynamic in C. 12
nature. D. 16

119 125
Bulk diffusion in catalyst pore __________ Space time equals the mean residence time
with increase in pressure. A. when the density of the reaction mixture is
A. increases constant.
B. for large diameter tubular reactor. D. 20-25%
C. for narrow diameter tubular reactor.
D. for CSTR. 132
126 What is the dispersion number for a plug flow
.Fluidised bed reactor is characterised by reactor ?
A. uniformity of temperature. A. 0
B. comparatively smaller equipment. B.
C. very small pressure drop. C. 1
D. absence of continuous catalyst regeneration D. -1
127 Carbon particles accummulated on the
If helium is introduced in a reactor catalyst used in the gas oil cracking lies in the
containing O2, SO2 and SO3 at equilibrium, so category of __________ poison.
that total pressure increases while volume A. deposited
and temperature remains constant. In this B. chemisorbed
case the dissociation of SO3 (as per Le C. selectivity
Chatlier principle) D. stability
A. decreases
B. increases 134
C. remains unaltered Half-life period for a first order reaction is
D. changes unpredictably. __________ the initial concentration of the
A. directly proportional to
128 B. inversely proportional to
Backmixing is most predominant in C. independent of
A. a well stirred batch reactor. D. none of these
B. a plug-flow reactor.
C. a single CSTR. 135
D. CSTR's connected in series. With an increase in pressure in gaseous
phase chemical reactions, the fractional
129 conversion __________ when the number of
Velocity of a chemical reaction moles decreases.
A. decreases with increase in temperature. A. increases
B. increases with increase of pressure of B. decreases
reactants for all reactions. C. remains unaffected
C. decreases with increase of reactant D. unpredictable from the data
concentration. 136
D. none of these. The rate of reaction of a/an __________
reaction is not affected by temperature rise.
130 A. autocatalytic
A gaseous reactant is introduced in a mixed B. photochemical
reactor of 3 litres volume at the rate of 1 C. consecutive
litre/second. The space time is __________ D. ero order.
A. 1 137
B. 3 With increase in initial concentration, the
C. 1/3 fractional conversion of a first order reaction
D. 32 in a given time
131 A. increases
The catalytic converter for conversion of B. decreases
SO2 to SO3 by contact process should have a C. remains constant
feed with SO2 content between D. unpredictable
A. 2-5%
B. 7-10% 138
C. 12-15% A space velocity of 5 hr-1 means that
A. five reactor volumes of feed (at specified C. The intercept of the Arrhenious plot is
conditions) are being fed into the reactor per called the 'activation energy'.
hour. D. Non-ideal flow takes place in reactors due to
B. after every 5 hours, reactor is being filled with recycling, channeling or by creation of stagnant
the feed. regions.
C. cent per cent conversion can be achieved in
at least 5 hours. 145
D. a fixed conversion of a given batch of feed The synthesis of proteins and metabolism in
takes 5 hours. biological objects occur in the presence of
biocatalyst called
139 A. a ferment or an enzyme
In case of a/an __________ chemical B. haemoglobin
reaction, conversion increases with the rise in C. fungi
temperature. D. none of these
A. reversible exothermic 146
B. irreversible exothermic A Catalyst
C. irreversible endothermic A. increases the equilibrium concentration of the
D. reversible endothermic product.
B. changes the equilibrium constant of the
140 reaction.
Reactions with high activation energy are C. shortens the time to reach the equilibrium.
A. very temperature sensitive D. none of these.
B. temperature insensitive
C. always irreversible 147
D. always reversible Which of the following factors control the
141 design of a fluid-solid reactor ?
Exothermic reactions are best carried out in A. Reaction kinetics for single particle,
A. a CSTR. B. Size distribution of solids beingtreated.
B. CSTR in series. C. Flow patterns of solids and fluid in the
C. a plug flow reactor followed by CSTR. reactor.
D. CSTR followed by a plug flow reactor. D. All (a), (b) and (c).

142 148
In case of a __________ reactor, the The knowledge of initial concentration and
composition in the reactor and at the exit of rate constant is necessary to determine the
the reactor is the same. half life time of a reaction of __________
A. semi-batch order.
B. tubular A. zero
C. batch B. first
D. back-mix C. second
D. none of these
Kinetics of a catalytic reaction can be best 149
studied on a/an __________ reactor. In an ideal mixed reactor (at steady state),
A. mixed the
B. integral (plug flow) A. space time is equivalent to holding time for
C. differential (flow) constant density systems.
D. either (a), (b) and (c). B. composition throughout the reactor remains
144 C. exit stream has the same composition as the
Pick out the wrong statement. fluid within the reactor.
A. A particular chemical reaction is more D. all (a), (b) and (c).
temperature sensitive at low temperatures.
B. A very high value of equilibrium constant, K (K 150
>> 1) indicates that the reaction is practically For the liquid phase parallel reactions:
irreversible in nature.
R, rR = K1.CA2; E1 = 80 KJ/mole D. 0
S, rs = K1.CA ; E2 = 120 KJ/mole
The desired product is R. A higher selectivity 155
of R will be achieved, if the reaction is Reaction of benzene with chlorine gas to
conducted at produce tri-chlorobenzene exemplifies a/an
A. low temperature in a CSTR. __________ reaction.
B. high temperature in a CSTR. A. elementary
C. low temperature in a PFR. B. parallel
D. high temperature in a PFR. C. consecutive
D. none of these
151 156
A pollutant P degrades according to first With increase in the order of reaction (for all
order kinetics. An aqueous stream positive reaction orders), the ratio of the
containing P at 2 kmole/m3 and volumetric volume of mixed reactor to the volume of plug
flow rate 1m3 /h requires a mixed flow reactor flow reactor (for identical feed composition,
of volume V to bring down the pollutant level flow rate and conversion)
to 0.5 kmole/m3 . The inlet concentration of A. increases
the pollutant is now doubled and the B. decreases
volumetric flow rate is tripled. If the pollutant C. remains same
level is to be brought down to the same level D. increases linearly
of 0.5 kmole/m3 , the volume of the mixed
flow reactor should be increased by a factor 157
of The unit of frequency factor in Arhenious
A. 7 equation is
B. 6 A. same as that of rate constant.
C. 3 B. same as that of activation energy.
D. 7/3 C. dimensionless.
D. none of these.
The irreversible reaction is a special case of 158
reversible reaction, if the The sequence in which three CSTR's of
A. equilibrium constant is 1. volumes 5, 10 and 15 m3 will be connected in
B. conversion of the reactant at equilibrium series to obtain the maximum production in a
condition is zero. second order irreversible reaction is
C. reactant concentration at equilibrium A. 15, 10, 5
condition is zero. B. 5, 10, 15
D. all (a), (b) and (c). C. 10, 5, 15
D. 10, 15, 5
The molecularity and the order of reaction 159
respectively, for the hydrolysis of methyl Brunaur, Emmet and Teller (BET) equation
acetate in presence of acids are is used to determine the specific surface area
A. 2 & 1 of a porous particle but not the pore volume &
B. 11 & 2 the porosity of the catalyst bed. Which of the
C. 2 && 2 following postulates is not used to derive BET
D. 1 & 1 equation ?
A. Langmuir's assumption applies to every
154 adsorbed layer.
For the gaseous reaction 2A > B, B. There is no dynamic equilibrium between
successive layer.
C. The adsorbed layer may be polymolecular in
where the feed consists of 50 mole % A and thickness and the heat of adsorption in each
50 mole % inerts, the expansion factor is layer (except the first one) is involved in each of
A. 1 the evaporation process.
B. -0.5 D. none of these.
C. -0.25
160 Autocatalytic reactions are best carried out
.Which of the following is not a unit in a
of reaction rate ? A. CSTR
A. Moles for med/(surface of catalyst) (time) B. CSTR in series
B. Moles formed/volume of reactor) (time) C. plug flow reactor
C. Mole formed/volume of catalyst) (time) D. recycle reactor
D. None of these
161 167
The reaction rate almost gets doubled The use of space time is preferred over the
for 1010C rise in temperature. This is due mean residence time in the design of a/an
to the fact that the A. batch reactor
A. increased temperature reduces the activation B. ideal tubular-flow reactor
energy. C. slurry reactor
B. fraction of molecules having threshold D. CSTR
energy increases.
C. collision frequency increases. 168
D. value of threshold energy decreases. For any reaction, we may write conversion as
a function of
162 A. time
The equilibrium constant K of a chemical B. temperature
reaction depends on C. concentration
A. temperature only. D. all (a), (b) & (c)
B. pressure only.
C. temperature and pressure. 169
D. ratio of reactants. With the same reaction time, initial
concentration and feed rate, the reaction
163 2A B is carried out separately in
Half life period of a chemical reaction is
proportional to CA0-1 , if the reaction is of
__________ order. CSTR and P.F. reactor of equal volumes. The
A. first conversion will be
B. zero A. higher in P.F. reactor
C. second B. higher in CSTR
D. third C. same in both the reactors
D. data insufficient; can't be predicted
A first order reaction is to be treated in a 170
series of two mixed reactors. The total Batch process is preferred over continuous
volume of the two reactors is minimum, when process, when the
the reactors are A. product yields and quality can not be
A. equal in size. achieved in continuous process, because of long
B. of different sizes. residence time.
C. of such size that the ratio of their volumes is < B. sales demand of product is not steady.
5. C. ame equipment can not be used for several
D. none of these. processes of the same nature.
D. all (a), (b) & (c)
165 171
A batch reactor suffers from following Mean residence time is equal to the space
disadvantage. time, when
A. Poor product quality control. A. the feed rate is measured at temperature and
B. High labour and handling cost. pressure in the reactor.
C. High shutdown time requirement for B. the temperature, pressure and the density of
emptying, cleaning and refilling. reaction mixture remains constant throughout
D. All (a), (b)and(c). the reactor.
166 C. there is no change in number of moles in
gaseous reaction.
D. all (a), (b) and (c). Photo-chemical reactions occur in presence
172 A. sunlight.
The rate constant of a reaction is a function B. darkness,
of the C. solid catalysts.
A. time of reaction. D. monochromatic radiation only.
B. temperature of the system.
C. extent of reaction. 179
D. initial concentration of the reactants. In a first order reaction, the time required to
reduce the concentration of reactant from 1
173 mole/litre to 0.5 mole/litre will be _________
Promoter. that required to reduce it from 10 moles/litre
A. initiates a chemical reaction and is a catalyst to 5 moles/litre in the same volume.
by itself. A. more than
B. atlers the position of equilibrium in a B. less than
reversible reaction. C. same as
C. increases the number of active centres by D. data insufficient; can't be predicted.
increasing the unevenness of catalyst
surface and by creating discontinuities in the
crystals. 180
D. all (a), (b) and (c). Pick out the wrong statement.
A. A catalyst does not alter the final position of
174 equilibrium in a reversible reaction.
Participation of __________ is involved in B. A catalyst initiates a reaction.
the occurrence of a chemical reaction. C. A catalyst is specific in reaction.
A. protons D. A catalyst remains unchanged in chemical
B. neutrons composition at the end the reaction.
C. electrons 181
D. none of these As the chemical reaction proceeds, the rate
of reaction
175 A. increases.
Non-catalytic fluid-solid reactions are B. decreases.
represented by __________ model. C. remains same.
A. continuous reaction D. may increase or decrease depending on the
B. unreacted core type of reaction.
C. both (a) and (b)
D. neither (a) and (b) 182
176 .
Fractional conversion __________ for an The following gas phase reactions are carried
exothermic reversible chemical reaction, out isothermally in a CSTR.
when the temperature is maximum. A > 2R ; r1 = k1pA ;
A. increases
B. remains unchanged
C. decreases k1 = 20mole/(sec.m3 bar)
D. unpredictable from the data A > 3S ; r2 = k2 pA ;

'n' number of plug flow reactors (P.F.R) in k2 = 40mole/(sec.m3 .bar)
series with a total volume 'V' gives the same What is the maximum possible value
conversion as one P.F.R. of volume of FR(mole/sec.) ?
A. V/n
B. V A. 1/3
C. V.n B. 1/2
D. 1/V C. 2/3
D. 2
183 .Pure A in gas phase enters a reactor 50% of
In a CSTR __________ varies with time. this A is converted to B through the
A. reaction rate reaction, A >3B. Mole fraction of A in the exit
B. concentration stream is
C. both (a) & (b) A. 1/2
D. neither (a) nor (b) B. 1/3
C. 1/4
184 D. 1/5
With increase in temperature, the equilibrium
conversion of a reversible 190
exothermic reaction Vegetable oils are hydrogenated in a
A. decreases __________ reactor.
B. increases A. slurry
C. remains unaffected B. plug flow
D. decreases linearily with temperature C. homogeneous catalytic
D. none of these
185 191
Which of the following does not produce a In case of staged packed bed reactors
change in the value of rate constant of carrying out exothermic reaction, use
a reaction ? A. high recycle for pure gas.
A. Pressure B. plug flow for dilute liquid requiring no large
B. Temperature preheating of feed.
C. Concentration and catalyst C. cold shot operations for a dilute solution
D. None of these. requiring large preheating to bring the stream
186 upto the reaction temperature.
The heat of reaction D. all (a), (b) and (c).
A. depends on the pressure only.
B. depends on the mechanism of reaction only. 192
C. depends on both pressure and mechanism of For a __________ order reaction, the units of
reaction. rate constant and rate of reaction are the
D. is independent of the mechanism of same.
reaction. A. zero
B. first
187 C. second
For all positive reaction orders for a particular D. fractional
A. mixed reactor is always larger than the 193
plug-flow reactor. Time required for 50% decomposition of a
B. ratio of the volume of the mixed reactor to liquid in an isothermal batch reactor following
that of the plug-flow reactor decreases with first order kinetics is 2 minutes. The time
order. required for 75% decomposition will be about
C. reactor size is independent of the type of flow. __________ minutes.
D. density variation during reaction affects A. 3
design. B. 4
C. 6
188 D. 8
.The rate of reaction does not decrease
appreciably as the reaction proceeds in case 194
of __________ reactions. For identical flow rate and feed composition,
A. autocatalytic X plug flow reactors (PER) in series with a
B. exothermic total volume V gives the same conversion as
C. endothermic single
D. autothermal A. CSTR of volume V
B. PFR of volume V
189 C. CSTR of volume V/X
D. PFR of volume V/X
D. surface reaction between A in the gas phase
195 and absorbed B.
The rate constant of a reaction depends on 201
the .Which one is the rate controlling step in a
A. initial concentration of reactants. solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurring at
B. time of reaction. very high temperature?
C. temperature of the system. A. Pore diffusion
D. extent of reaction. B. Film diffusion
196 C. Ash layer diffusion
For the same residence time, which one will D. Chemical reaction
give the maximum conversion ?
A. Single stirred tank (v = 5 litres). 202
B. Two stirred tank (each of 2.5 litres) in series. A back mix reactor is
C. Stirred tank followed by tubular flow reactor A. suitable for gas phase reactions.
(each of 2.5 litres). B. ideal at very low conversion.
D. Single tubular flow reactor (v = 5 litres). C. same as plug flow reactor (PFR).
D. same as ideal stirred tank reactor.
For multiple reactions, the flow pattern within 203
the vessel affects the he importance of diffusion in a catalyst are
A. size requirement increased by
B. distribution of reaction products A. large catalyst particle size.
C. both (a) and (b) B. an active surface of the catalyst.
D. neither (a) nor (b) C. small pore diameter.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
The eddy diffusivity for a liquid in plug flow 204
must be In a/an __________ vessel, the fluid enters
A. 1 and leaves following plug flow.
B. 0 A. open
C. B. closed
D. between 0 and 1 C. open-closed
D. close-opened
.The ratio of moles of a reactant converted
into the desired product to that converted into 205
unwanted product is called The excess energy of the reactants required
A. operational yield to dissociate into products is known as the
B. relative yield __________ energy.
C. selectivity A. thermal
D. none of these B. activation
C. threshold
200 D. binding
The rate of the heterogenous catalytic 206
reaction A(g) + B(g) > C(g) is What is the order of a chemical reaction in
which doubling the initial concentration of the
reactants doubles the half life time of the
given by -rA = k.KA.pA.PB/(1 + KA.PA + Kc.pc), reaction ?
where KA and Kc are the adsorption A. 0
equilibrium constants. The rate controlling B. 1
step for this reaction is C. 2
A. absorption of A. D. 3
B. surface reaction between absorbed A and
absorbed B. 207
C. surface reaction between absorbed A and .A trickle bed reactor is the one, which
B in the gas phase.
A. has altogether three streams either entering D. slow reactions in catalyst of large pore
or leaving. diameter.
B. processes three reactants at different flow
C. processes three reactants with same flow 213
rate. For a first order chemical reaction in a porous
D. employs all the three phases (i.e.. .solid, catalyst, the Thiele modulus is 10. The
liquid and gas). effectiveness factor is approximately equal to
A. 1
208 B. 0.5
In a semi-batch reactor C. 0.1
A. velocity of reaction can be controlled. D. 0
B. maximum conversion can be controlled.
C. both the reactants flow counter-currently. 214
D. residence time is constant. When an exothermic reversible reaction is
conducted adiabatically, the rate of reaction
209 A. continuously increases.
Chemical reaction rate of a component B. continuously decreases.
depends upon the C. passes through a maximum.
A. composition of the component only. D. passes through a minimum.
B. temperature of the system.
C. pressure of the system. 215
D. all (a), (b) and (c). Maximum equilibrium conversion for
endothermic reaction is obtained at the
210 __________ temperature.
.For the chemical reaction X > Y, it A. highest possible
B. lowest possible
C. intermediate
is observed that, on doubling the D. room
concentration of 'X', the reaction rate 216
quadruples. If the reaction rate is proportional In a reversible reaction, a catalyst increases
to Cxn, then what is the value of 'n' ? the rate of forward reaction
A. 4 A. only.
B. 1/4 B. to a greater extent than that of the backward
C. 16 reaction.
D. 2 C. and decreases that of the backward reaction.
211 D. and the backward reaction equally.
Helium-mercury method can be used to
determine the __________ of the catalyst 217
particle. .Pick out the wrong statement.
A. pore volume A. Use of different catalysts in a reversible
B. solid density catalytic chemical reaction does not change the
C. porosity equilibrium composition.
D. all (a), (b), & (c). B. Alumina is added as a promoter to iron
catalyst in ammonia synthesis reaction.
212 C. Activation energy for a reaction is
In solid catalysed reactions the diffusional obtained from the intercept of the Ar-
effects are more likely to affect the overall rhenious plot.
rate of reaction for D. Presence of inerts affects the equilibrium
A. fast reactions in catalyst of small pore conversion of reactants in a chemical reaction.
B. fast reaction in catalyst of large pore 218
diameter. Which of the following factors control the
C. slow reactions in catalyst of small pore deactivation of a porous catalyst pellet ?
diameter. A. Decay reactions.
B. Pore diffusion.
C. Form of surface attack by poison. A space time of 3 hours for a flow reactor
D. All (a), (b) and (c). means that
A. the time required to process one reactor
219 volume of feed (measured at specified
The energy balance equation over a tubular conditions) is 3 hours.
reactor under transient conditions is B. three reactor volumes of feed can be
A. an ordinary non-linear differential equation. processed every hour.
B. an algebric differential equation. C. it takes three hours to dump the entire
C. a linear partial differential equation. volume of the reactor with feed. D.
D. a non-linear partial differential equation. D. conversion is cent per cent after three hours.

220 225
Recycling back of outlet stream to the The size of plug flow reactor (PFR) for all
reactor from an ideal CSTR carrying out a positive reaction orders and for any given
first order liquid phase reaction will result in duty, is __________ that of mixed reactor.
__________ in conversion. A. greater than
A. decrease B. equal to
B. increase C. smaller than
C. no change D. unpredictable from the data
D. either (a) or (b), depends on the type of 226
reaction .The conversion in a mixed
221 reactor/accomplishing a reaction A
In a continuous flow stirred tank reactor, the
composition of the exit stream
A. is same as that in the reactor. 3R is 50% when gaseous reactant 'A' is
B. is different than that in the reactor. introduced at the rate of 1 litre/second and
C. depends upon the flow rate of inlet stream. the leaving flow rate is 2 litres/second. The
D. none of these. holding time for this operation is __________
222 A. 0.5
The experimentally determined overall order B. 1
of the reaction, A + B C + D, is two. C. 2
D. 3

Then the 227

A. reaction is elementary with a molecularity Equilibrium of a chemical reaction as viewed
of 2. by kinetics is a __________ state.
B. molecularity of the reaction is 2, but the A. dynamic steady
reaction may not be elementary. B. static steady
C. reaction may be elementary with molecularity C. dynamic unsteady
of 2. D. none of these
D. reaction is elementary but the molecularity
may not be 2. 228
An endothermic second order reaction is
223 carried out in an adiabatic plug flow reactor.
.If the time required for half change is The rate of heat generation is
inversely proportional to the square of initial A. maximum at the inlet of the reactor.
concentration and the velocity depends on B. maximum at the exit of the reactor.
the units in which the concentration term is C. maximum at the centre of the reactor.
expressed, then the order of reaction is D. constant throughout the reactor.
A. 1
B. 2 229
C. 3 For an ideal plug flow reactor, the value of
D. 0 Peclet number is
A. 0
224 B.
C. 1 'threshold energy '. Chemical reaction with
D. 10 low activation energy are
A. always irreversible.
230 B. insensitive to temperature changes.
An endothermic aqueous phase first order C. mostly irreversible.
irreversible reaction is carried out in an D. highly temperature sensitive.
adiabatic plug flow reactor. The rate 236
of reaction In a zero order reaction, reactants
A. is maximum at the inlet of the reactor. concentration does not change with time and
B. goes through a maximum along the length of the
the reactor. A. time for half change is half the time taken
C. goes through a minimum along the length of for completion of the reaction.
the reactor. B. time for half change is independent of the
D. is maximum at the exit of the reactor. initial concentration.
231 C. time for completion of the reaction is
Organic catalysts differ from the inorganic independent of the initial concentration.
catalyst in the sense that the former is D. reaction rate is trebled when the initial
A. active at cryogenic temperatures only. concentration is trebled.
B. prohibitively costly.
C. proteinous in nature. 237
D. active at very high temperature only. If G (free energy change) for a chemical
reaction is very large and negative, then the
232 reaction is
In Langmuir treatment of adsorption, A. not feasible.
A. whole surface of the catalyst does not have B. just feasible.
the same activity for adsorption and there is C. very much feasible.
attraction between the adsorbed molecule. D. unpredictable as G is no measure of
B. whole surface of the catalyst is essentially feasibility of a reaction.
uniform and the adsorbed molecule has no
effect on the rate of adsorption per site. 238
C. all the adsorption does not take place by the .For the non-catalytic reaction of particles
same mechanism. with surrounding fluid, the time needed to
D. extent of adsorption is more than one achieve the same fractional conversion for
complete monomolecular layer on the surface. particles of different but unchanging sizes is
proportional to the square of particle
233 diameter, when the __________ is the
Catalytic action in a catalytic chemical controlling resistance.
reaction follows from the ability of catalyst to A. film diffusion
change the B. diffusion through ash layer
A. activation energy C. chemical reaction
B. equilibrium constant D. either (a), (b) or (c)
C. heat of reaction
D. none of these 239
In case of a P.F.R., there
234 A. may be lateral mixing of fluid.
If Thiele modulus is __________ , then the B. should not be any mixing along the flow path.
pore diffusion resistance in a catalyst may be C. both (a) and (b).
considered as negligible. D. neither (a) nor (b).
A. 0
B. 240
C. < 0.5 .A catalyst promoter
D. > 0.5 A. improves the activity of a catalyst.
B. acts as a catalyst support.
235 C. itself has very high activity.
The minimum energy required to allow a D. all (a), (b) and (c).
chemical reaction to proceed is termed as the 241
With increase in the space time of an C. The fractional conversion at any time is same
irreversible isothermal reaction being carried for both the constant as well as the variable
out in a P.F. reactor, the conversion will volume system in case of an irreversible
A. increase unimolecular type first order reaction.
B. decrease D. Hydrolysis of ester in presence of alkali or
C. remain same acid is a zero order reaction.
D. data in insufficient; can't be predicted
242 Half life period of a first order irreversible
Half life period of decomposition of a liquid 'A' reaction A > B is
by irreversible first order reaction is 12
minutes. The time required for 75%
conversion of 'A' is __________ minutes. A. k/2
A. 18 B. ln k/2
B. 24 C. ln 2/k
C. 6 D. ln 0.5/k
D. 12
243 An irreversible aqueous phase
.Which of the following fixes the volume of a reaction, A + B > P, is carried out
batch reactor for a particular conversion and
production rate ?
A. Operating conditions (e.g. pressure and in an adiabatic mixed flow reactor. A feed
temperature) containing 4kmole/m3 of each A and B enters
B. Rate constant the reactor at 8m3 /hr. If the temperature of
C. Density of mixture the exit stream is never to exceed 390 K,
D. None of these what is the maximum inlet feed temperature
244 Data: Heat of reaction = - 50 kJ/mole
Chemical kinetics can predict the Density of the reacting mixture = 1000kg/m3
__________ of a chemical reaction. Specific heat of reacting mixture = 2kJ/kg.K
A. rate The above data can be assumed to be
B. feasibility independent of temperature and composition.
C. both (a) & (b) A. 190
D. neither (a) nor (b) B. 290
C. 390
245 D. 490
The energy of activation of a chemical
reaction 249
A. is same as heat of reaction at constant The dispersion number of perfect mixed flow
pressure. is
B. is the minimum energy which the A. 0
molecules must have before the reaction can B. > 150
take place. C.
C. varies as fifth power of the temperature. D. < 2100
D. both (b) and (c).
246 250
Pick out the wrong statement. The space time is equivalent to the holding
A. Autocatalytic reactions are exemplified by time in a steady state mixed reactor for
microbial fermentation reactions. A. non-isothermal gas reaction.
B. The slowest step has the greatest influence B. variable fluid density systems.
on the overall reaction rate in case of an C. constant fluid density systems.
irreversible series reaction. D. gas reactions with changing no. of moles.

251 Which of the following is not endothermic in

nature ?
A. Combustion of sulphur. B. For an ideal mixed reactor at steady state, the
B. Gasification of carbon. exit stream has the same composition as fluid
C. Thermal cracking of fuel oil. within the reactor and the space time is
D. Steam reforming of naphtha. equivalent to holding time for constant density
C. Plug flow reactor (PFR) is always smaller
252 than mixed reactor for all positive reactionorders
Molecularity of an for a particular duty.
elementary reaction, P + Q > D. Reaction rate does not decrease appreciably
as the reaction proceeds in case of an
autocatalytic reaction.
R + S is
A. 1 258
B. 2 For a tubular flow reactor with uniform
C. 3 concentration and temperature, the
D. 4 independent variable is
A. time
253 B. length
The reactions with low activation energy are C. diameter
A. always spantaneous D. none of these
B. slow
C. fast 259
D. non-spontaneous In an exothermic reaction, the energy of the
reacting substances as compared to that of
254 products is
Calcination reaction of limestone (CaCO3 A. more
> CaO + CO2) goes to completion B. less
C. same
D. either (a) or (b), depends on order of reaction.
in the rotary kiln, because
A. CaO is not dissociated. 260
B. CO2 escapes continuously. When a high liquid hold up is required in a
C. of high calcination temperature. reactor for gas liquid reaction, use
D. CaO is more stable than CaCO3. __________ coloumn.
A. packed
255 B. spray
Higher free energy of activation of C. tray
a chemical reaction (at a given temperature) D. bubble
implies 261
A. slower rate of reaction. An irreversible first order reaction is being
B. higher rate of reaction. carried out in a CSTR and PFR of same
C. higher equilibrium conversion. volume. The liquid flow rates are same. The
D. both (b) and (c). relative conversion will
256 A. be more in CSTR than in PFR.
The extent of a reaction is B. be more in PFR than in CSTR.
A. different for reactants and products. C. be same in both cases.
B. dimensionless. D. depend on the temperature.
C. depends on the stoichiometric co-efficient.
D. all of the above. 262
Promoter is added to the catalyst to improve
257 its
Pick out the wrong statement. A. porosity
A. For a first order consecutive reaction, a B. sensitivity
tubular flow reactor as compared to a stirred C. surface area
tank reactor provides higher overall D. none of these
263 B. P.F.R. and batch reactor.
Pick out the correct statement. C. P.F.R, batch reactor and backmix reactor.
A. A catalyst does not change AH of the D. batch reactor and backmix reactor.
B. A catalyst changes the equilibrium point. 269
C. Law of mass action was suggested by Le- Oil is hydrogenated using nickel catalyst in a
Chatelier. __________ reactor.
D. The difference between the energy of A. batch
reactants and that of the products is the B. slurry
activation energy. C. fluidised bed
D. fixed bed
In the fluid catalytic cracker (FCC), the 270
cracking reaction is __________ (A) and the The catalyst in a first order chemical reaction
regeneration is___(B) __________ changes the
A. (A) exothermic (B) endothermic A. equilibrium constant
B. (A) exothermic (B) exothermic B. activation energy
C. (A) endothermic (B) enodthermic C. heat of formation of the product
D. (A) endothermic (B) exothermic D. heat of reaction
265 When a catalyst increases the rate of
The rate of a homogeneous reaction is a chemical reaction, the rate constant
function of A. decreases
A. temperature and pressure only. B. increases
B. temperature and composition only. C. remains constant
C. pressure and composition only. D. becomes infinite
D. all temperature, pressure and
composition. 272
266 Arhenious equation shows the variation of
In case of calcination of limestone, CaCO3 __________ with temperature.
CaO + CO2, the addition of more of CaO will A. reaction rate
result in __________ in the concentration of B. rate constant
CO2. C. energy of activation
A. no change D. frequency factor
B. increase
C. decrease 273
D. unpredictable from the data Pick out the wrong statement.
A. In a multistep reaction, the slowest step is the
267 rate determining step.
Which of the following is the optimum B. In general, the rate of a reaction becomes
operating condition for an exothermic triple for every 10C10C rise in
reversible reaction taking place in a plug-flow temperature.
reactor ? C. Slow chemical reactions have generally high
A. Temperature should be high in the values of activation energy.
beginning and decreased towards the end of D. Molecularity of a reaction can not be zero but
the reaction. the order of a reaction can be zero.
B. Very low temperature should be used
throughout the reaction. 274
C. Very high temperature should be used Holding time for flow reactors is
throughout the reaction. __________ the space time, for constant fluid
D. none of these. density
A. double
268 B. triple
The performance equations for constant C. equal to
density systems are identical for D. none of these.
A. P.F.R. and backmix reactor.
A multiple reaction may be classified as a 282
__________ reaction. An isothermal irreversible reaction is being
A. consecutive or side carried out in an ideal tubular flow reactor.
B. parallel or side The conversion in this case will __________
C. mixed with decrease in space time.
D. all (a), (b) and (c) A. increase
276 B. increase exponentially
The performance of a cascade of CSTR's C. decrease
can be improved by adding D. remain unchanged
A. a P.F. reactor in series.
B. a P.F. reactor in parallel. 283
C. more CSTR's in series. When the reaction occurs in the diffusion
D. more CSTR's in parallel. controlled region, the apparent activation
energy as measured is only __________ the
277 true value.
Which of the following is an autocatalytic A. twice
reaction ? B. half
A. Photochemical reactions C. equal
B. Microbial fermentation reaction D. none of these
C. Enzyme fermentation reaction
D. Ammonia synthesis reaction 284
Carrier in a catalyst increases its
278 A. surface area
For a first order chemical reaction, the rate B. activity
constant C. performance
A. changes on changing the concentration units. D. none of these
B. is not a function of the unit of time.
C. has unit of time-1. 285
D. none ofthese. .BET apparatus is used to determine the
A. specific surface of a porous catalyst.
279 B. pore size distribution.
Which of the following is the most suitable for C. pore diameter.
isothermal operation ? D. porosity of the catalyst bed.
A. Batch reactor 286
B. Back-mix reactor Molecularity of a reaction
C. Plug-flow reactor A. is always equal to the overall order of
D. Fixed bed reactor reaction.
B. may not be equal to the order of reaction.
280 C. can't have a fractional value.
The reactions of high molecularity are rare, D. both (b) and (c).
A. of very large activation energy of many 287
bodies. The vessel dispersion number (D/L) for
B. of low probability of many body collisions. plug flow is
C. many body collisions are not favoured A. 0
energetically. B. 500
D. of requirement of very large concentration for C. 750
such reactions. D.
.Kinetics of a solid catalysed reaction can 288
best be studied in a __________ reactor. The role of a catalyst in a chemical reaction is
A. batch to change the
B. plug-flow A. equilibrium constant
C. mixed B. activation energy
D. none of these C. final products
D. heat of reaction A. (A) increases (B) decreases
B. (A) decreases (B) increases
289 C. (A) increases (B) increases
During manufacture of H2SO4, the oxidation D. A) decreases (B) decreases
of SO2 to SO3 by oxygen is an en-dothermic
reaction. The yield of SO3 will be maximised, 295
if the .From Arhenius law, a plot of loge K versus
A. temperature is increased. 1/T gives a straight line with a slope of (-E/R).
B. pressure is reduced. The unit of E/R is
C. temperature is increased and pressure is A. k cal
reduced. B. k cal/K
D. temperature is reduced and pressure is C. K
increased. D. k cal.K
290 The exit age distribution of fluid leaving a
Sum of the powers of the concentration terms vessel is used to know the
in the rate equation is called the __________ A. activation energies of a reaction.
of the reaction. B. reaction mechanism.
A. order C. extent of non-ideal flow in the vessel.
B. overall order D. none of these.
C. molecularity
D. none of these 297
Enzymes (a protein) are catalysts found in
291 Reverse reaction in a chemical organisms. Its efficiency of catalysing a
equilibrium is favoured by the reaction is due to its capacity to lower the
A. removal of one of the products regularly. activation energy of the reaction. The
B. increase in the concentration of oneof the enzyme ptyalin used for food digestion is
products. present in
C. increase in the concentration of one of the A. blood
reactants. B. saliva
D. none of these. C. intestine
D. gland
An exothermic reaction takes place in an 298
adiabatic reactor. The product temperature With increase in temperature, the equilibrium
__________ reactor feed temperature. __________ rises in case of endothermic
A. is always equal to reaction.
B. is always greater than A. constant .
C. is always less than B. conversion
D. may be greater or less than C. both (a) & (b)
D. neither (a) nor (b)
.A balanced chemical reaction equation 299
conforms to the law of The rate of forward reaction, at chemical
A. conservation of mass equilibrium is____the rate of backward
B. Avagadro's hypothesis reaction.
C. gaseous volumes A. more than
D. none ofthese B. less than
C. equal to
294 D. either (b) or (c)
In the converter of the contact process for the
manufacture of H2SO4 the equilibrium 300
conversion of SO2 __________ (A) Limiting reactant in a chemical reaction
__________ with increase in temperature decides the
and __________ (B) __________ with A. rate constant
increase in the mole ratio of SO2 to air. B. conversion
C. reaction speed C. plug flow
D. equilibrium constant. D. none of these

301 308
.Slurry reactors are characterised by the What is the unit of the rate constant in a
A. lack of intraparticle diffusion resistance. chemical reaction in which 10% of the
B. presence of two mobile phases. reactant decomposes in one hour, 20% in two
C. both (a) and (b). hours, 30% in three hours and so on ?
D. neither (a) nor (b). A. Litre/mole.second
B. Moles/litre.second
302 C. Litre/mole
A catalyst in a chemical reaction D. Litre/second
A. decreases the activation energy.
B. alters the reaction mechanism. 309
C. increases the frequency of collisions of Design of heterogeous catalytic reactor
reacting species. involves consideration of __________ steps.
D. all (a), (b) and (c). A. only chemical
B. only physical
303 C. both (a) & (b)
The most suitable reactor for carrying out an D. neither (a) nor (b)
auto-thermal reaction is a
A. batch reactor 310
B. CSTR Threshold energy in a reaction is equal to the
C. semi-batch reactor A. activation energy
D. plug-flow reactor B. normal energy of reactants
C. sum of (a) & (b)
304 D. neither (a) nor (b)
Thermodynamic equilibrium constant in a 311
system is affected by Velocity of a reaction depends upon the
A. inerts A. nature of the reactants.
B. pressure B. concentration of the reactants.
C. temperature C. temperature at which the reaction is carried.
D. all (a), (b) & (c) D. all (a), (b) and (c).

305 312
In a reaction, the threshold energy is equal to hich of the following is a characteristic of an
(where, A = activation energy N = normal ideal plug flow reactor ?
energy of reactants) A. Axial dispersion
A. A B. Flat velocity profile
B. N C. Uniform mixing
C. A+N D. None of these
D. A-N
306 313
The rate at which a chemical substance .For the chemical reaction P > Q,
reacts is proportional to its
A. active mass
B. molecular weight it is found that the rate of reaction doubles as
C. equivalent weight the concentration of 'P' is doubled. If the
D. atomic weight reaction rate is proportional to Cpn, then what
is the value of 'n' for this chemical reaction ?
307 A. 1
For a fluidised bed reactor, the most B. 2
suitable/relevant model is a __________ C. 3
model. D. 0
A. tank in series
B. bubbling bed 314
An imbalanced chemical reaction equation is the thermodynamic properties of substrates &
against the law of products.
A. multiple proportion
B. conservation of mass 319
C. constant proportion A chemical reaction is of zero order, when the
D. none of these reaction rate is (where, CA = concentration of
315 A. CA.
Which of the following is used for calcination B. 1/CA.
of limestone and dolomite in industrial C. independent of temperature.
practice ? D. none of these.
A. Fluidised bed reactor
B. Moving bed reactor 320
C. Fixed bed reactor For an isothermal second order aqueous
D. None of these phase reaction, A > B, the ratio of
.A spherical porous catalyst particle of radius
R is subjected to reactant A which reacts to the time required for 90% conversion to the
form B by a zero order surface reaction A time required for 45% conversion is
> B. Film mass transfer resistance A. 2
B. 4
C. 11
is negligible and pore diffusion of A is rate D. 22
controlling. The effectiveness factor of the 321
catalyst is reported as 7/8. Which of the .A batch reactor is
following statement is true? A. suitable for gas-phase reactions on
A. Inner catalyst core of radius R/8 does not commercial scale.
participate in reaction. B. suitable for liquid phase reactions
B. Inner catalyst core of radius R/2 does not involving small production rate.
participate in reaction. C. least expensive to operate for a given rate.
C. Inner catalyst core of radius 7R/8 does not D. most suitable for very large production rate.
participate in reaction.
D. Effectiveness factor for a zero order reaction 322
can not be 7/8 as it must always be 1. For an ideal gas mixture undergoing a
reversible gaseous phase chemical reaction,
317 the equilibrium constant
There is no correspondence between A. is independent of pressure.
stoichiometry and the rate equation in case of B. increases with pressure.
a/an __________ reaction. C. decreases with pressure.
A. elementary D. increases /decreases with pressure
B. multiple depending on the stoichiometric co-efficients of
C. autocatalytic the reaction.
D. non-elementary
318 In a chemical reaction, __________ are
.Pick out the wrong statement. conserved.
A. Catalytic activity of enzyme catalysed A. ions
reactions which is affected by temperature, pH B. masses
value & chemical agents, is maximum at a C. atoms
temperature of about 4545C. D. both(b) & (c)
B. Most of the enzyme catalysed reactions
involve at least two substrates. 324
C. Enzymes help in increasing the activation According to the 'law of mass action', the rate
energy of the reaction. of reaction is directly proportional to the
D. Equilibrium concentrations in enzyme A. equilibrium constant.
catalysed reactions can be calculated by using B. volume of the reaction vessel.
C. nature of the reactants. C. both (a) & (b).
D. molar concentration of the reactants. D. neither (a) nor (b).

325 330
.A CSTR is to be designed in which an .Ionic reactions occur in
exothermic liquid phase first order reaction of A. solid state only
the type, A > R, is taking place. B. liquid state only
C. solutions
D. any state
The reactor is to be provided with a jacket in 331
which coolant is flowing. Following data is For an autocatalytic reactor, the suitable
given: CA0= 5 kmole/m3 ; XA = 0.5; Feed reactor set up is
temperature = reactor temperature A. P.F. reactors in series.
= 4040C. Rate constant at 4040C = 1 B. CSTR in series.
min-1 ; (H) = - 40kJ/mole; = C. CSTR followed by P.F. reactor.
1000kg/m3 CP = 4 J/gmC ; q = 10-3 m3/min D. P.F. reactor followed by CSTR.
( and CP are same for the reactant and
product streams). The amount of heat to be 332
removed is Enzymes are destroyed, when the
A. 2/3 kW A. temperature is very high,
B. 1kW B. reactant's concentration is very high.
C. 5/3 kW C. reactant's concentration is very low.
D. 4kW D. reaction rate is independent of the reactant's
326 concentration.
Photochemical reaction rate does not depend
significantly on temperature, because 333
A. it is a reversible reaction. Which of the following is a controlling factor in
B. it is an exothermic reaction. very fast heterogeneous reaction ?
C. the energy of reacting molecules exceeds A. Heat and mass transfer effects
the activation energy by absorption of light. B. Pressure
D. none of these. C. Temperature
D. Composition of reactant
Half life period of a chemical reaction is 334
A. the time required to reduce the Most important characteristics of gas-liquid
concentration of the reacting substance to reactors are the
half its initial value. A. specific inter-facial area
B. half of the space time of a reaction. B. liquid hold-up
C. half of the residence time of a reaction. C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these D. none of these

328 335
The half life period of a first order reaction is In a semi-batch reactor,
given by (where, K = rate constant. ) A. mixing takes place in axial direction only.
A. 1.5 K B. velocity of reaction can be controlled.
B. 2.5 K C. condition similar to plug flow reactor exists.
C. 0.693/K D. residence time is constant.
D. 6.93 K 336
Which of the following is not a theory of
329 homogeneous reaction?
Sometimes, batch process is preferred over A. Collision theory and activated complex theory
continuous process, when the product B. Chain reaction theory
A. quality & yield can not be achieved in C. Radiation hypothesis
continuous processes, because of long D. None of these
residence time.
B. sales demand is fluctuating. 337
The reaction A > B is conducted identical feed composition, flow rate, conversion
and for all positive reaction orders.

in an adiabatic plug flow reactor (PFR). Pure 342

A at a concentration of 2 kmol/m3 is fed to the Pure ethanol vapor is fed to a reactor
reactor at the rate of 0.01 m3 /s and at a packed with alumina catalyst, at the rate of
temperature of 500 K. If the exit conversion is 100 kmole / hr. The reactor products
20%, then the exit temperature (in k)is (Data: comprise: ethylene :95 kmole / hr, water
Heat of reaction at 298 K = - 50000 kJ/ kmole vapour: 97.5 k mole / hr and diethyl ether :2.5
of A reacted Heat capacities CPA = CPB = kmole/hr. The reactions occuring can be
100kJ/kmole. K (may be assumed to be represented by:
independent of temperature)) C2H5OH C2H4 + H2O
A. 400
B. 500
C. 600 2C2H5OH C2H5 - O - C2H5 + H2O
D. 1000

338 The percent conversion of ethanol in the

Pick out the wrong statement: reactor is
A. Chemical reactions with high activation A. 100
energy are very temperature sensitive. B. 97.5
B. A flat velocity profile exists in a plug flow C. 95
reactor. D. 2.5
C. The residence time for all the elements of
fluid in case of a P.F.R. need not be same. 343
D. Half life of a reaction increases with For the non catalytic reaction of particles with
increased initial concentration for reaction orders surrounding fluid, the same needed to achive
more than one. the same fractional conversion for particles of
different unchanging sizes is proportional to
339 the particle diameter, when the __________
Rate of a chemical reaction is not influenced is the controlling resistance.
by the A. film diffusion
A. catalyst B. diffusion through ash layer
B. temperature C. chemical reaction
C. reactants concentration D. either (a), (b) or (c)
D. number of molecules of reactants taking
part in a reaction 344
A catalyst is said to be a negative catalyst, ifit
340 A. retards the rate of reaction.
A backmix reactor B. reduces the value of equilibrium constant.
A. is same as plug-flow reactor. C. does not initiate the reaction.
B. is same as ideal stirred tank reactor. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
C. employs mixing in axial direction only.
D. is most suitable for gas phase reaction. 345
341 The optimum performance for reactors
Pick out the wrong statement. operating in parallel is obtained when the
A. The integral method of analysing kinetic data feed stream is distributed in such a way, that
is used when the data is scattered. the
B. The differential method of analysing kinetic A. space time for each parallel line is same.
data requires more accurate or larger amounts B. space time for parallel lines is different.
of data. C. larger reactors have more space time
C. When the reaction rate is independent of compared to smaller ones.
temperature, the reaction is said to be of D. none of these.
zero order. 346
D. The ratio of volumes of plug flow reactor to A photochemical reaction is
that of mixed reactor is always less than one for A. accompanied with emission of light.
B. catalysed by light.
C. initiated by light. 352
D. all (a), (b) & (c). __________ catalytic reaction is involved in
the thermal cracking of gas oil.
347 A. Homogeneous
A batch adiabatic reactor at an initial B. Homogeneous non
temperature of 373373K is being used for C. Heterogeneous
the reaction, A B. Assume the heat D. Heterogeneous non

of reaction is - 1kJ/mole at 373373K and Arrhenious equation represents graphically
heat capacity of both A and B to be constant the variation between the __________ and
and equal to 50J/mole.K. The temperature temperature.
rise after a conversion of 0.5 will be A. rate of reaction
A. 55C B. frequency factor
B. 1010C C. rate constant
C. 2020C D. activation energy
D. 100100C
348 The reaction A > B is conducted
If the time required to change the
concentration of reactant to half its original
value is independent of the initial in an isothermal batch reactor. If the
concentration, the order of reaction is conversion of A increases linearly with
A. zero holding time, then the order of the reaction is
B. one A. 0
C. two B. 1
D. three C. 1.5
D. 2
Which of the following resistances is not 355
involved in a gas phase catalytic (gas-solid) The reaction in which the rate equation
reaction ? corresponds to a stoichiometric equation, is
A. Ash resistance. called a/an __________ reaction.
B. Gas film and pore surface diffusion A. elementary
resistances for reactants. B. non-elementary
C. Surface phenomenon resistance. C. parallel
D. Gas film and pore surface diffusion D. autokinetic
resistances for products. 356
In case of the irreversible unimolecular type,
350 first order reaction, the fractional conversion
A chemical reaction occurs when the energy at any time for constant volume system as
of the reacting molecules is __________ the compared to variable volume system is
activation energy of the reaction. A. more
A. less than B. less
B. equal to C. same
C. more than D. either (a) or (b), depends on other factors
D. equal to or more than
351 Differential method for analysing the kinetic
Variables affecting the rate of data is used
homogeneous reactions are A. for testing complicated mechanisms.
A. pressure and temperature only. B. when the data are scattered.
B. temperature and composition only. C. when rate expressions are very simple.
C. pressure and composition only. D. none of these.
D. pressure, temperature and composition.
358 oxidation of SO2 to SO3 is accomplished by a
Effectiveness factor of a catalyst pellet is a __________ reaction
measure of the __________ resistanc A. non-catalytic homogeneous
A. pore diffusion B. non-catalytic heterogeneous
B. gas film C. catalytic homogenous
C. chemical reaction D. catalytic heterogeneous
D. none of these

359 364
.A catalyst inhibitor
A. lessens its selectivity.
Pick out the wrong statement. B. may be useful for suppressing undesirable
A. 'Hold back' is defined as the fraction of side reactions.
material that stays longer than the mean C. is added in small quantity during the catalyst
residence time. manufacture itself.
B. Study of non-ideal flow reactor is done D. all(a), (b) and (c).
experimentally by stimulus-response technique.
C. For studying a chemical reaction, it is 365
desirable to monitor the reactants during initial A chemical reaction, A > 3B, is
stages and the products during the final stages
of reaction.
D. A batch reactor can not be used to study conducted in a constant pressure vessel.
the kinetics of catalytic reaction. Starting with pure A, the volume of the
reaction mixture increases 3 times in 6
360 minutes. The fractional conversion is
For a zero order reaction, the concentration A. 0.33
of product increases with the B. 0.5
A. increase of reaction time. C. 1
B. increase in initial concentration. D. data insufficient, can't be predicted
C. total pressure. 366
D. decrease in total pressure. A stirred tank reactor compared to tubular-
361 flow reactor provides
The rate of the reaction, X > Y, A. more uniform operating conditions.
B. permits operation at the optimum temperature
for a long reaction time.
quadruples when the concentration of 'X' is C. higher overall selectivity for a first order
doubled. The rate expression for the reaction consecutive reaction.
is, r = K Cxn, the value of 'n' in this case will D. all (a), (b) and (c)
A. 0 367
B. 1 A reaction which is catalysed by an acid is
C. 2 also catalysed by any substance, which has a
D. 3 tendency to
A. lose a proton.
362 B. gain a proton.
If the rate of a chemical reaction becomes C. lose an electron
slower at a given temperature, then the D. none of these.
A. initial concentration of the reactants remains
B. free energy of activation is lower. 368
C. entropy changes. The 'E' curve for a non-ideal reactor defines
D. free energy of activation is higher. the fraction of fluid having age
between t and t + dt
363 A. at the inlet
In chamber process of sulphuric acid B. at the outlet
manufacture in industry, the gas phase C. in the reactor
D. veraged over the inlet and outlet A. high capacity.
B. presence of axial mixing.
369 C. presence of lateral mixing.
or series reaction, the relative yield D. constant composition and temperature of
A. is always greater for plug-flow reactor than for reaction mixture.
the single CSTR of the same volume. 376
B. statement in (a) is wrong. The rate at which a chemical substance
C. decreases with increasing conversion. reacts is proportional to its
D. both (a) and (c) hold good. A. active mass
B. equivalent weight
370 C. molecular weight
Fluid flow in a real packed bed can be D. none of these
approximated as __________ model.
A. plug flow 377
B. dispersion Pick out the wrong statement.
C. mixed flow A. Visible radiation provides the necessary
D. tank in series activation energy in photochemical reactions.
371 B. The order and molecularity of a complex
For an ideal mixed flow reactor (CSTR), the reaction may not be the same.
exit age distribution E(t) is given by C. For a second order reaction, the slope of the
A. a dirac delta function graph/plot between rate and (concentration) is
B. a step function. equal to the rate constant (k).
C. a ramp function. D. Molecularity of the reaction is always a whole
D. none of the above number greater than zero.

372 378
Which of the following curves shows the What is the order of a chemical reaction
effect of temperature on the extent of gas- whose rate is deter-mined by the variation of
solid adsorption at a given pressure ? one concentration term only ?
A. Langmuir adsorption isotherm A. zero
B. Adsorption isobar B. first
C. Freundlich adsorption isotherm C. second
D. None of these D. third

373 379
Rate of an autocatalytic chemical reaction is Helium-mercury method is used for the
a function of measurement of the __________ of the
A. temperature only. catalyst.
B. pressure only. A. surface area
C. composition only. B. porosity
D. all (a), (b) and (c). C. pore volume
D. both (b) & (c).
For a tubular reactor with space time ' and 380
residence time , the following statement For identical flow rate, feed composition and
holds good. for elementary first order reactions, 'N' equal
A. and are always equal. sized mixed reactors in series with a total
B. , when the fluid density changes in the volume 'V' gives the same conversion as a
reactor. single plug flow reactor of volume 'V' for
C. , for an isothermic tubular reactor in constant density systems. This is true, when
which the density of the process fluid is the value of 'N' is
constant. A. 1
D. , for a non-isothermal reactor. B. >1
375 D. 1
A plug-flow reactor is characterised by 381
Exposure of a photographic plate to produce isothermal gas phase reaction, 2A
a latent image is an example of > R, is
__________ reaction.
A. very slow
B. very fast A. 0.5
C. photochemical B. -0.5
D. both (b) and (c) C. 1
D. 1.5
Semibatch reactor is preferred, when a/an 388
A. ighly exothermic reaction is to be controlled. A reaction which is catalysed by a base is
B. undersirable side reaction (at high catalysed by all substances which have a
concentration of one of the reactants) is to be tendency to
avoided. A. lose a proton
C. a gas is to be reacted with liquid (e.g. B. gain a proton
hydrogenation of fat). C. gain an electron
D. all (a), (b), and (c). D. none of these

383 389
In autocatalytic reactions, The rate of the chemical reaction A
A. one of the reactants acts as a catalyst. >B doubles as the concentration
B. one of the products acts as a catalyst. of A i.e.., CA is doubled. If rate of reaction is
C. catalysts have very high selectivity. proportional to CAn, then what is the value
D. no catalyst is used. of n for this reaction ?

384 A. 0.5
Study of chemical kinetics is the easiest in B. 1
the case of __________ reactions. C. 0
A. irreversible D. 2
B. reversible
C. surface 390
D. side Space velocity
A. describes the extensive operating
385 characteristics of a tubular flow reactor.
A typical example of an exothermic B. is the maximum feed rate pre unit volume of
reversible reaction conducted at high reactor for a given conversion.
pressure in industry is C. is a measure of the ease of the reaction.
A. dehydration of ethanol. D. all (a), (b) and (c)
B. methanol synthesis. 391
C. reformation of methane. In flow reactors, the performance equations
D. polymerisation of ethylene. interrelate the rate of reaction to the
386 A. feed rate.
The reaction in which one of the products of B. reactor volume,
reaction acts as a catalyst is called a/an C. extent of reaction.
__________ reaction. D. all (a), (b) and (c).
A. biochemical
B. photochemical 392
C. catalytic A high space velocity means that a given
D. autocatalytic A. reaction can be accomplished with small
387 B. conversion can be obtained with a high feed
The fractional volume change between no rate.
conversion and complete conversion, for the C. both (a) and (b).
D. none of these.

For the liquid phase zero order irreversible
reaction A>B, the conversion of A in a CSTR 399
is found to be 0.3 at a space velocity of A catalyst in a chemical reaction
0.1min-1 . What will be the conversion for a __________ free energy change in the
PFR with a space velocity of 0.2 min -1? reaction.
Assume that all the other operating A. increases
conditions are the same for CSTR and PFR. B. decreases
A. 0.15 C. either (a) or (b); depends on the type of
B. 0.30 catalyst
C. 0.60 D. neither (a) nor (b).
D. 0.90
394 The rate of a chemical reaction is almost
Catalyst carriers doubled for every 1010C rise in
A. have very high selectivity. temperature. The rate will increase
B. increase the activity of a catalyst. __________ times, if the temperature rises
C. provide large surface area with a small form 10 to 100100C.
amount of active material. A. 256
D. inhibit catalyst poisoning. B. 512
C. 112
395 D. 612
The catalyst in a second order reversible
reaction increases the rate of the forward
reaction 401
A. and decreases that of backward reaction. Rate determining step in a reaction consisting
B. and backward reaction equally. of a number of steps in series is the
C. only. __________ step.
D. to a greater extent than that of the backward A. fastest
reaction. B. slowest
396 C. intermediate
The half life period of a first order reaction is D. data insufficient; can't be predicted
A. always the same irrespective of the reaction.
B. dependent on initial concentration of the 402
reactants. When a catalyst increases the rate of
C. proportional to the initial concentration of forward reaction, the value of rate constant
reactants. A. increases
D. half the specific rate constant. B. decreases
C. remain same
397 D. becomes infinite
When all the limiting reactant is consumed in
the reaction, the operational yield 403
__________ the relative yield. A batch reactor is characterised by
A. is greater than A. constant residence time.
B. is smaller than B. variation in extent of reaction and
C. equals properties of the reaction mixture with time.
D. can be either greater or smaller than C. variation in reactor volume.
(depends on the type of reaction) D. very low conversion.

398 404
Signal normally used to study non-ideal flow Pick out the correct statement.
by stimulus response technique is A. A lower temperature favours the reaction
__________ input. of lower activation energy.
A. pulse B. The dispersion number for a reactor/vessel is
B. step uL/D.
C. both (a) & (b) C. The rate controlling step in a reaction
D. neither (a) nor (b). involving many steps is the fastetst step.
D. Pore volume and porosity of a catalyst is A. 8
measured by Brunaver-Emmet-Teller (BET) B. 16
technique. C. 1/8
D. 1/16
405 411
A first order reaction requires two unequal Which of the following is an independent
sized CSTR. Which of the following gives variable for a batch tank reactor with uniform
higher yield ? concentration and temperature ?
A. Large reactor followed by smaller one. A. Time
B. Smaller reactor followed by larger one. B. Useful volume of the tank
C. Either of the arrangement (a) or (b) will C. Diameter of the reactor
give the same yield. D. None of these
D. Data insufficient, can't be predicted.
406 412
The catalytic activity of enzymes is due to Rate constant for a first order reaction does
their capacity to lower the __________ not depend upon reaction time, extent of
energy. reaction and the initial concentration of
A. activation reactants ; but it is a function of reaction
B. potential temperature. In a chemical reaction, the time
C. kinetic required to reduce the concentration of
D. none of these reactant from 100 gm moles/litre to 50 gm
moles/litre is same as that required to reduce
407 it from 2 gm moles/litre to 1 gm mole/litre in
The rate constant of a chemical reaction the same volume. Then the order of this
increases by increasing the reaction is
A. temperature A. 0
B. pressure B. 1
C. reactant's concentration C. 2
D. none of these D. 3

408 413
The equilibrium constant of a catalytic B.E.T. method can be used to determine the
chemical reaction __________ due to the __________ of a porous catalyst
presence of a catalyst. A. solid density
A. increases B. pore volume
B. decreases C. surface area
C. remains unaffected D. all (a), (b) and (c)
D. unpredictable from the data
409 For nearly isothermal operation involving
In a reversible chemical reaction having two large reaction time in a liquid-phase reaction,
reactants in equilibrium, if the concentration the most suitable reactor is a __________
of the reactants are doubled, then the reactor.
equilibrium constant will A. stirred tank
A. remain the same B. tubular flow
B. be halved C. batch
C. also be. doubled D. fixed bed
D. become one fourth
410 In case of __________ reactions, the
For a gaseous phase reaction, rate of reaction rate does not decrease appreciably
reaction is equal to K. CA . CB. If the volume as the reaction proceeds.
of the reactor is suddenly reduced to l/4th of A. catalytic
its initial volume, then the rate of reaction B. parallel
compared to the original rate will be C. series
__________ times. D. auto catalytic
416 D. In a continuous flow reactor, both the
Which of the following is not a chemical step reactants and the products flow out continuously.
in a fluid solid catalytic reaction ?
A. Surface chemical reaction 422
B. Adsorption .A photochemical reaction is __________
C. Desorption light.
D. None of these A. initiated by
B. accompanied with emission of
417 C. catalysed by
The units of frequency factor in Arhenious D. used to convert heat energy into
A. are the same as those of the rate constant. 423
B. depend on the order of the reaction. Conversion increases with increase in
C. depend on temperature, pressure etc. of temperature in case of a an __________
the reaction. reaction.
D. are cycles per unit time. A. autocatalytic
B. irreversible
418 C. reversible endothermic
If a solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurs D. reversible exothermic
at very high temperature, the rate controlling
step is the __________ diffusion. 424
A. film Which of the following will favour the reverse
B. ash layer reaction in a chemical equilibrium reaction ?
C. pore A. Increasing the concentration of one of the
D. none of these reactants.
B. Increasing the concentration of one or
419 more of the products.
.'Unreacted core model' represents C. Removal of at least one of the products at
the reaction involving regular interval.
A. combustion of coal particles. D. None of these.
B. roasting of sulphide ores.
C. manufacture of carbon disulphide from 425
elements. The ratio of volume of mixed reactor to the
D. none of these. volume of P.F.R. (for identical flow rate, feed
composition and conversion) for zero order
420 reaction is
In a/an __________ reactor, there is A.
exchange of heat with the surroundings with B. 0
sizeable temperature variation. C. 1
A. adiabatic D. >1
B. isothermal 426
C. non-adiabatic A reaction in which one of the products
D. none of these. of reaction acts as a catalyst is called a/an
421 __________ reaction.
Pick out the wrong statement. A. catalytic
A. In a batch reactor, which is exclusively used B. autocatalytic
for liquid phase reactions; temperature pressure C. photochemical
and composition may vary with time. D. none of these
B. In a semi-batch reactor, one reactant is
charged batchwise, while the other reactant is 427
fed continuously. The rate constant of a first
C. In a continuous flow reactor, uniform order reaction depends on the
concentration can not be maintained A. concentration of the reactant.
throughout the vessel even in a well agitated B. temperature.
system. C. concentration of the product.
D. time.
C. both the conversion as well as concentrations
428 will be different
An autothermal reactor is D. none of these.
A. most suitable for a second order reaction.
B. most suitable for a reversible reaction. 434
C. completely self-supporting in its thermal The reason why a catalyst increases the rate
energy requirements. of reaction is that, it
D. isothermal in nature. A. decreases the energy barrier for reaction.
B. increases the activation energy.
429 C. decreases the molecular collision diameter.
__________ is the controlling step in a highly D. none of these.
temperature sensitive fluid-solid non-
catalytic reaction. 435
A. Gas film diffusion Pick out the wrong statement.
B. Ash diffusion A. The vessel dispersion number (D/UL) for plug
C. Chemical reaction flow and mixed flow approaches zero and infinity
D. none of these respectively.
B. Space time in a flow reactor is a measure of
430 its capacity and is equal to the residence time
At a given value of E/R (ratio of activation when the density of reaction mixture is constant.
energy and gas constant), the ratio of the rate C. Mixed reactor is always smaller than the
constants at 500500K and 400400K is plug flow reactor for all positive reaction
2, if Arrhenious law is used. What will be this orders for a particular duty.
ratio, if transition state theory is used with the D. In an ideal tubular flow reactor, mixing takes
same value of E/R? place in radial direction and there is no mixing in
A. 1.6 logitudinal direction.
B. 2 436
C. 2.24 Sulphuric acid is used as a catalyst in the
D. 2.5 A. hydrogenation of oils.
431 B. gas phase oxidation of SO2 in chamber
In an ideal tubular-flow reactor process.
A. there is no mixing in longitudinal direction. C. alkylation of hydrocarbons.
B. mixing takes place in radial direction. D. none of these.
C. there is a uniform velocity across the radius.
D. all (a), (b) and (c). 437
If the time required to complete a definite
432 fraction of reaction varies inversely as the
When the density of the reaction mixture is concentration of the reactants, then the order
constant in a chemical reaction, the ratio of of reaction is
the mean residence time to space time is A. 0
A. > 1 B. 1
B. <1 C. 2
C. 1 D. 3
D. 0
433 Pick out the correct statement
A first order irreversible reaction, A>B is A. Reactions with high activation energies
carried out separately in a constant volume are very temperature sensitive.
as well as in a variable volume reactor for a B. Chemical equilibrium is a static state.
particular period. It signifies that __________ C. A photochemical reaction is catalysed by
in the two reactors. light.
A. both conversion as well as concentration are D. A chemical reaction occurs when the energy
same of the reacting molecule is less than the
B. conversion in both will be the same but activation energy of the reaction.
concentrations will be different
The dimensions of rate constant for reaction C. products concentration increases linerarly
3A --->B are (l/gm mole)/min. Therefore the with time.
reaction order is D. all (a), (b) and (c).
A. 0 446
B. 1 Specific rate constant for a second order
C. 2 reaction
D. 3 A. s independent of temperature.
B. varies with temperature.
440 C. depends on the nature of the reactants.
Pick out the correct statement. D. both (b) and (c).
A. In catalytic reactions, the catalyst reacts with
the reactants. 447
B. A catalyst initiates a chemical reaction. 'N' plug flow reactors in series with a total
C. A catalyst lowers the activation energy of volume 'V' gives the same conversion as a
the reacting molecules. single plug flow reactor of volume 'V' for
D. A catalyst can not be recovered chemi cally __________ order reactions
unchanged at the end of the chemical reaction. A. first
441 B. second
For a solid catalysed chemical reaction, the C. third
effectiveness of solid catalyst depends upon D. any
the __________ adsorption.
A. physical 448
B. chemical A catalyst loses its activity due to
C. both (a) and (b) A. loss in surface area of the active component.
D. neither (a) nor (b) B. agglomeration of metal particles caused by
thermal sintering of the solid surface.
442 C. covering of the catalytic active sites by a
The excess energy of reactants in a chemical foregin substance
reaction required to dissociate into products D. all (a), (b) and (c).
is termed as the __________ energy.
A. activation 449
B. potential The increase in the rate of reaction with
C. binding temperature is due to
D. threshold A. increase in the number of effective collisions.
B. decrease in activation energy.
443 C. increase in the average kinetic energy of the
.Radioactive decay follows __________ order reacting molecules.
kinetics. D. none of these.
A. first
B. second 450
C. third For a heterogeneous catalytic reaction
D. zero. A. free energy of activation is lowered in the
presence of catalyst, which remains
444 unchanged at the end of reaction.
BET apparatus B. a relatively small amount of catalyst can
A. measures the catalyst surface area directly. cause the conversion of large amount of
B. is made entirely of stainless steel. reactants which does not mean that catalyst
C. is made entirely of stainless steel. concentration is important.
D. none of these. C. the catalyst does not form an intermediate
complex with the reactant.
445 D. the surface of the catalyst does not play an
For a zero order chemical reaction, the important role during reaction.
A. half life period is directly proportion to the 451
initial concentration of the reac-tants. batch reactor is suitable for
B. plot of products concentration with time is a A. achieving cent percent conversion of
straight line through the origin. reactants into products.
B. large scale gaseous phase reactions. B. Tubular flow reactor
C. liquid phase reactions. C. Stirred tank reactor
D. obtaining uniform polymerisation products in D. Fluidised bed reactor
highly exothermic reactions.
452 'If the catalyst pore size is small in
The rate constant of a chemical reaction comparison with the mean free path,
increases by 100 times when the temperature collisions with the pore wall controls the
is increased from 400400K to 500500K. process'. The diffusivity under this condition
Assuming transition state theory is valid, the is called 'Knudsen diffusivity', which is
value of E/R is affected by the
A. 89878987K A. pressure
B. 92109210K B. temperature
C. 87648764K C. both (a) & (b)
D. 86218621K D. neither (a) nor (b)

453 459
.A reversible liquid phase endothermic __________ is the response curve for a step
reaction is to be carried out in a plug flow input signal from a reactor.
reactor. For minimum reactor volume, it A. S-curve
should be operated such that the temperature B. C-curve
along the length C. I-curve
A. decreases. D. none of these
B. increases.
C. is at the highest allowable temperature 460
throughout. .The rate constant of a chemical reaction
D. first increases and then decreases. decreases by decreasing the
A. pressure
454 B. concentration of reactants
In an exothermic chemical reaction, the C. temperature
reactants compared to the products have D. duration of reaction
A. higher temperature 461
B. more energy 6 Kg of carbon is burnt with an amount of air
C. less energy containing 18 gm oxygen. The product
D. same energy. contains 16.5 gms CO2 and 2.8 gms CO
besides other constituents. What is the
455 degree of conversion on the basis of
.With decrease in temperature, the disappearance of limiting reactant ?
equilibrium conversion of a reversible A. 100%
endother-mic reaction B. 95%
A. decreases C. 75%
B. increases D. 20%
C. remains unaffected
D. increases linearly with temperature 462
456 A reactor is generally termed as an
The reaction between oxygen and organic autoclave, when it is a
material is a/an __________ reaction. A. high pressure batch reactor.
A. exothermic B. atmospheric pressure tank reactor.
B. endothermic C. high pressure tubular reactor.
C. biochemical D. atmospheric pressure CSTR.
D. photochemical
457 The most unsuitable reactor for carrying out
Which of the following is the most suitable for reactions in which high reactant
very high pressure gas phase reaction ? concentration favours high yields is
A. Batch reactor A. backmix reactor
B. plug flow reactor C. 16
C. series of CSTR D. 32
D. PFR in series
464 A catalyst
In case of physical adsorption, the heat of A. initiates a reaction.
adsorption is of the order of __________ B. lowers the activation energy of reacting
kcal/kg.mole. molecules.
A. 100 C. is capable of reacting with any one of the
B. 1000 reactants.
C. 10000 D. can not be recovered chemically unchanged
D. 100000 at the end of a chemical reaction.

465 469
A first order reaction requires two equal From among the following, choose one which
sized CSTR. The conversion is is not an exothermic process.
A. less when they are connected in series. A. Methanol synthesis
B. more when they are connected in series. B. Catalytic cracking
C. more when they are connected in parallel. C. Ammonia synthesis
D. same whether they are connected in series or D. Oxidation of sulphur
in parallel.
466 470
The single parameter model proposed for __________ explains the mechanism of
describing non-ideal flow is the __________ catalysis.
model. A. Activated complex theory
A. tank in series B. Collision theory
B. dispersion C. Thermodynamics
C. both (a) & (b) D. None of these
D. neither (a) nor (b). 471
Which of the following will give maximum
467 gas conversion ?
For every 1010C rise in temperature, the A. Fixed bed reactor.
rate of chemical reaction doubles. When the B. Fluidised bed reactor.
temperature is increased from 30 C. Semi-fluidised bed reactor.
to 7070C, the rate of reaction increases D. Plug-flow catalytic reactor.
__________ times.
A. 8
B. 12

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