SWP For Screen Wall

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Century Construction SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Job Name: Metal Works for Steel Frame Hazards Present Fall rom height (Fall rough) Liting Hazard during Lifting Works ¥ Structure Colapse ¥ Cutting Hazards Electrical Hazard ¥ Fire Hazard ¥ Ergonomic Hazard ¥ Pinch Hazard ooquited Te [7 First day WSHE induction ¥ Tool box Meetings Personal P Required 7 Safely Inhouse walning 7 sane Pemtanes Are ones Geran ‘Sale Work Procedures ae a as aes saa a ees SiN cnnascagaee sane canna anes Aa coonciniecas eee Sto ruttopeeomeatemese® || Uae earepac coe mrne amen ect |] mn ama scarps ac cec eee Ee enw | RARE NO ERE be kept. 901-18 Sir 7, Metts rust we par acne woo up || secu area Bi coat coreg eee — snr WE one — eae os ee Century Construction SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Job Name: Metal Works for Steel Frame 10. Keep all materials with sharp edges away from the access way and those areas which workers need go often 11. Cordon off the storage area and cover the sharp edges 12. Workers to be tained with manual handling 19. For heavy materials, buddy system to adopt 14. Use pallet jack and trolley 10 assist the materials shiting 18. Materiais must not be stacked at very high ‘as it may cause materials collapse 46. Use the timber to raise up materials or keep the materials balanced. 17. Materiais must not be put a floor edge 38. Never remove any Gl-wire barricade 19. Materials must not lean to Gl-vire barricade ‘Buddy system for heavy and bulky materials, Hand gloves to be used for sifting materials. Fabrication of materials (circular saw cutting, ‘986 cutting, are welding otc) Al tools must be checked by site electrician and pasted with color code stickers 2. Tomimust te pave ches y operators 8. Nodogal upping an ony apprenes pe ot cables ‘Proper manual handling techniques 4, EleB tobousedoretonson boxes || PR al nding tet &. Newer overoea ne cei naason & On sto coctsanto cous ard ep the || eee temporary olectrical instalation and OB boxes. 7. Ensure cutting machine be in good working ‘condition and the disc and machine RPM is. ‘compatible, 8 Use proper PPE including face shield, ‘welding shield and goggles, ear plugs etc. ‘To check and confirm the machine guard at ‘correct positon XY” 4% Boe Res WSTESIE ‘Gaston WSHE Oo age 75 Rov 0 Merch 2015 ‘Austr Contry Copy righ Reserve0 Century Construction SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Job Name: Metal Works for Steel Frame 10. Permit To Work must be applied and approved by site manager 11. Provide fe extinguisher at work area 12. To ensure gas cyinders be at standing postion alltimes 13. Use soap water to check and ensure no gas leakage 14. No flammable materials is allowed nearby 1. Workers must be tained by RA & SWP. 2. Proper communication and coordination between workers if more than 2 workers work together 8 Never position finger at pinch points, hammering points or moving parts on the 2m height and <2m height), work at raiser openings, work inside ventilation shaft, work at floor edge ete 1. To implement Permit To Work system, 2. Establish FPP and implement onsite 3. Proper working platform must be provided before working (metal scaffold, approved type of working bench with sufficient height, boom, scissor it et) 4, Regularly inspection to the working platform || Permit to work for Working at with relevant checklists and check the || height and hot work working platform before using by workers. 5. Alworere muat be tained about usage of | Desetipon of work must be the working platform. aie ‘Supervisor to closely supervise the working. All opensides, openings at working area ‘must be properly closed. If opensides, ‘openings spotted, Immediate report to be made to sto WSHE Department | site ‘manager, 8. Workers must wear safely hamoss and anchorage to designated anchorage point. To regularly inspect all workers’ safety harness and ensure they are in good condition. 10. If the work requires barricade or floor ‘opening covers be removed, the working farea must be cordoned off and no irelevant || Prope platform with sufficient workers entry is allowed. All workers who || _ height to be provided for Reed work at opensides / openings must || working at height. hook up before removing the barricade or {oor opening covers. Base WERESTE ‘Casi WHE OTe Page vats Rov 0: March 2015, Aatr: Contry copy igh Reserved Job Name: Metal Works for Steel Frame Century Construction Ta ees es 228s 11. Job supervisor mus ist study the working ‘method and working sequence and reduce the possbilty of installation of raiser faling. “Eg. During openings wire-mesh Covers, 10 install from bottom fo up, level by level; The standing pe the ‘covers rather sition should be below than using bending position - an awkward position, 12. Groundifioor level below the working position to be cordoned off with danger | waening signs. 18. Materials / tools mu put on floor edge. 14. If buddy system be installation, proper coordination to be key 15. Release securing me: ist be secured and not ¢ Implemented during communication and pt in-batwoon workers. sures only aftr all the installation being compiotod. 46. Supervisor to ciosoly supenise the works. 47. Fire blanket to be provided just nearly below the hot work pasttion to prevent sparks / slug's drop down, 18. To remove any flammable materials around. 19. To provide fre exting xT cus hk Dae Ne WERE ovo Maren 2015.9, Bessa uisher, Follow proper working method All opensdes and openings to be barricaded, To provide sufficient and valid fire extinguishers, Page Sat copy gre

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