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The Mahabharata Quiz

The Grand Finale

VGC , Feb 2017
The Ashtavasus are the eight elemental gods
representing aspects of nature.
They were cursed by a rishi to take the mortal
One of them plays a pivotal character in
Who was the rishi? And the mortal?


Yudhistiras chariot was unique.

What was its uniqueness?

And how does it lose it?

Who were Shrutasena and Shatanika?
Seneyoho Ubhayoho madhye, mama ratham
Who says this to whom in the Gita?
This sage taught Yudhishtra the secret art of
winning the dice through a parable.
Name the sage. What was the parable?
The Persian version of the Mahabharata is called
RazmNama. (The book of war)
The person who commissioned the translation is
credited with a establishment of a new religion
which borrows from all religions.
Who is this person? The name of the religion.
He is a very significant character in the epic who
was a demon by the name Dambhodbhava or
Sahasra-kavacha in a previous janma.
He was the eyes of Dhritarashra, relaying him
information on progress of the war
This famous weapon was bestowed upon
Dhananjaya by Varuna.
This mysterious beautiful palace was built by a
demon for the Pandavas.
She was one of the celestial apsaras at Indras court
along with Urvashi, Rambha and Tilottama
This set of verses sung by Vyasa were difficult for
Ganesha to decipher.
For how many days was Drona the commander of
the Kaurava army?
This astra doesnt harm the warrior who is
unarmed and was unleashed by Ashwathama in
the war.

What astra is it?

What revenge does Ashwathama seek for his
fathers death by treachery ?
How many parvas of the Mahabharata is devoted
to the actual war?
What astra was used to kill Karna in the war?
Duryodhana asks Karna If I make you the
commander of the Kaurava army, how long will
it take for us to be victorious?

How does Karna reply?

This river formed the boundary between the
warring factions of Pandavas and Kauravas in
the battle. Name this river.
Who were the three Chitrasenas in the epic?
Yudhishtra asked Bhishma this question In this
universe who is the only refuge for all?
What is Bhishmas reply famously known as?
Whose incarnation is Guru Drona ?
Arjuna summoned this weapon in the Virata
parva and used it to hypnotise the Kuru army?
What was the name of the shellac palace in

This kingdom is presently part of Bihar

This part of the Hastinapur empire was gifted
which led to a life-long friendship
Which Kingdom are we referring to?
The speaker is quoting the Gita on an event
which mushroomed into one of the
catastrophic events of the 20th century.
What is this event?
What do the following pictures have to do with
the Mahabharata?
This is one of Ravi Varmas famous paintings in
the Mahabharat series. Identify the characters.

One of the modern interpretations of The great
Indian novel Mahabharata famously recasts
and resets it in the context of the Indian
Independence movement.

Its popularity is a testimony to the diplomatic

skills of its author.

Name the author.

In Greek mythology, Thetis dips her son
Achilles in the magical river Styx to make him
invulnerable. However, the heels by which she
held him were not touched by the waters and
thus remained vulnerable.

We have a glaring parallel in Mahabharata.

Who are the characters involved and which part

was left unprotected.
Who is the (in)famous King of Chedi?
What was the condition which had to be fulfilled
by the suitors at Draupadis Swayamvara to win
her hand in marriage?
Who killed these warriors
This thunderous weapon is engraved on the
highest bravery award to the armed forces
honored by Government of India . What is it?
What role did the Shamshaptakas play in the
In the Gita, Sanjaya in reply to Drithrastras
question says X goes to Y and says the following
Pashyetam Pandu putranam mahateem chamum
Vyudam Drupada Putrena tava shishyena
Identify X and Y.
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