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Hemanta Saikia
Debraj Roy College


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ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013



Hemanta Saikia*

From 1990s, India witnessed significant changes in the
macroeconomic policy regime along the neoliberal route which
has resulted in a weakening of the interventions by the State, in
many important economic and social arenas. In this paper an
attempt has been made to highlight the major issues of the present
contemporary Indian economy as well as some recent debates. The
paper highlights that economic growth is not only important from
internal economic and social perspective but also external
economic front. But, full market deregulation is more prone to
external shocks and instabilities of world economy. At the same
time, social improvement and government spending are also not a
free flow mechanism unless guided by proper regulation. So, for
inclusive growth of India, both development paradigms are
important as given by Sen and Bhagwati which should be used
with proper care and national requirements.

Dr. Hemanta Saikia is Assistant professor at the Dept. of Economics, Debraj Roy College.
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

1. Introduction not yet fully addressed, including poverty,

India is developing into a framework inadequate physical and social
of open-market economy and economic infrastructure, limited non-agricultural
liberalization, including industrial employment opportunities, inadequate
deregulation, privatization of state-owned availability of quality basic and higher
ventures, and reduced controls on foreign education, and accommodating rural-urban
trade and investment, began in the early migration. In the mean time, large sections
1990s and has served to accelerate the of the Indian population continue to suffer,
country's growth, which has averaged more very acutely, with reference to a whole
than 7 per cent per year since 1997. range of development deficits. Since the
Accelerated economic growth rates and the early 1990s, significant changes in the
presumed progress in poverty reduction are macroeconomic policy regime along the
the key goals of the present Indian neoliberal trajectory has resulted in a
development outlooks. Indian diverse weakening of the interventions by the State,
economy covers traditional farming, modern in many important economic and social
agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of arenas, and consequently a whole range of
modern industries, and mass of services. positive impulses have suffered a good deal
Slightly more than half of the work forces (Baruah, 2012). In this paper an attempt has
are in agriculture, but services are the major been made to highlight and discuss the
source of economic growth, accounting for major issues of the present contemporary
nearly two-thirds of India's output, with less Indian economy as well as some recent
than one-third of its labor force. In 2010, the debates.
Indian economy rebounded back robustly The economy of India is the ninth-
from the global financial crisis in large part largest in the world by nominal GDP and the
because of strong domestic demand and third-largest by purchasing power parity
growth exceeded 8 per cent per year in real (PPP). The country is one of the G-20 major
terms (CIA, 2013). However, India's economies and per-capita income basis,
economic growth began with sluggishness in India ranked 141st by nominal GDP and
2011 because of a tight monetary policy, 130th by GDP (PPP) in 2012, according to
intended to address persistent inflation, and the IMF. India is the 19th-largest exporter
a decline in investment, caused by investor and the 10th-largest importer in the world.
pessimism about domestic economic The economy slowed to around 5.0 per cent
reforms and about the global situation. High for the 201213 fiscal year compared with
international crude prices have exacerbated 6.2% in the previous fiscal. On August 22,
the government's fuel subsidy expenditures, 2013 rupee hit an all time low of 65.56
contributing to a higher fiscal deficit and a against US dollar. In order to control the fall
worsening current account deficit. In late in rupee, the government introduced capital
2012, the Indian Government announced controls on outward investment by both
reforms and deficit reduction measures to corporate and individuals. In this outlook,
reverse India's slowdown. The India's the main objectives of the paper are to
medium-term growth is positive due to a analyze the trend and pattern of Indian
young population and corresponding low Economy with special reference to recent
dependency ratio, healthy savings and development paradigm. The paper is mostly
investment rates, and increasing integration analytical and based on secondary data
into the global economy etc. However, India collected from various sources such as CSO,
has many long-term challenges that it has
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol--IX (I) 2012-2013

World Bank,, published and unpublished papers collected from journals etc.

1.1.Results and Discussion spokespersons, as well as the media, that the

1.2.1 Economic Growth Rate and Indian economys progress with respect to
Performance of Indian Economy most economic and social indicators has
The Indian Government has been been a remarkable one since the early 1990s.
rejoicing,, for some time now, the countrys If we look at the GDP trend, from 1991
recent macroeconomic performance, in onwards, it is clear that since the economic
particular, high growth rates of the gross liberalization of 1991, India's GDP has been
domestic product. An enveloping impression growing at a higher rate.
has been created by the official

Figure1: GDP Growth Rate

Source: World Bank, 2012

The data revealed that the GDP growth of services GDP has been
growth rate of India is at high level during significantly higher than the rate of growth
2005, 2006, 2007, and 2010. The GDP of overall GDP, and the share of the tertiary
growth rate of India during 2010 was even sector in the economy has gone up from
more impressive as India is able maintain a about 41 per cent in 1991 to around 54 per
high rate of growth even through world in 2005-06.
06. In fact, well over 60 per cent of
economy was facing a global melt down. the incremental growth in GDP since the
The economic privileged within the country mid-1990s
1990s is accounted for by the rate of
as welll as a very substantial section of the growth of the services sector. The
middle classes have coupled the carnival magnitude of the entire increase in the share
sleet India as the new growth miracle in of the tertiary sector in the countrys GDP
the developing world. As regards the since the early 1990s is almost equal to the
structure of growth, the most significant decline in the share of the primary sector,
feature of the recent years has been a and the proportion of the secondary sector
striking increase
se in the share of the tertiary has remained roughly the same during this
sector. Since the mid-1990s,
1990s, the rate of period.
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol--IX (I) 2012-2013

Figure: 2 GDP Per Capita, PPP (Constant 2005)

Source: World Bank, 2012

However, in front of GDP per capita rising saving rates, though rising tax
PPP (at Constant 2005 prices), India is far collection rates can also widen the gap. The
behind the as compared to world GDP per rise in consumption is a more gradual and
capita even though it is higher than South steady process, as any sharp changes in
Asian countries during last decades. India's income tends to get adjusted in the saving
per capita income, a measure for measuring rate.
living standard, is estimated to have gone up
11.7 per cent to Rs 5,729 per month in 2012-
13 at current prices, compared with Rs. Rs 1.2.2. External Debt and Fiscal Deficit
5,130 in the previous fiscal. The estimated Government External Debt in India
rate of growth in per capita income
come for the increased to 345819 USD Million in 2012
current fiscal, however, is lower than the from 305931 USD Million in 20112011(Ministry
previous fiscal when it grew by 13.7 per of Finance, Govt., 2012).. India Government
cent. The per capita income at current prices External Debt averaged 140319.65 USD
during 2012-13
13 is estimated to be Rs 68,747 Million from 1990 until 2012, reaching an
as compared to Rs 61,564 during 2011-12,
2011 all time high of 345819.00 USD Million in
showing a rise of 11.7 per cent
ent (CSO,
(CSO 2013). December of 2012 and a record low of
hus, even if one goes along the official 75858.00 USD Million in December of
view that during the reform period there has 1990.
been acceleration in the GDP growth rate, it
may still be prudent to hold back on the
judgment that the reform process has taken
the Indian economy to a significantly higher
growth flight. The average growth of
consumption is slower than the average
growth of income, primarily because of
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol--IX (I) 2012-2013

Figure 3: India Government External Debt

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

High levels of fiscal deficit relative the ratio of interest payments to revenue
to GDP tend not only to cause sharp receipts, and the share of revenue deficit in
increases in the debt-GDP GDP ratio, but also fiscal deficit.
adversely shape savings and investment, and
consequently growth. The usability of fiscal
policy as a tool of defy cyclical intervention 1.2.2. Inflation and Indian Economy
is also compromised when fiscal deficit is The inflation rate in India was
high and structural in nature. The combined recorded at 5.79 percent in July of
fiscal deficit of the centre and states stood at 2013(Ministry
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
9.3 percent of GDP in 1990-91. 91. There was a 2013). India Inflation Rate averaged 7.72
clear improvement in the early nineties. Percent from 1969 until 2013, reaching an
After falling to 6.26 percent in 1996-97,
1996 the all time high of 34.68 Percent in September
fiscal deficit to GDP ratio started rising of 1974 and a record low of -11.31 Percent
again and was around 10 percent in 2001-02
2001 in May of 1976. In India, the wholesale
and 2002-03.03. Although only marginally price index (WPI) is the main measure of
higher than that in 1990-91, 91, this level of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a
fiscal deficit was qualitatively much representative basket of wholesale goods.
different because it was accompanied by The trend of consumer
sumer price index is given
much higher levels of the debt-GDP
debt ratio, below.
Figure 4: Inflation
flation Rate in India (Annual Change on Consumer Price Index)

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

The data revealed that the inflation is people have seen roughly the same levels of
somewhat declining during 2013 which was growth ranging between 35% and 40% in
high during 2011-2012. rural areas and between 40% and 50% in
urban areas over 12 years. That means that
for 90% of people, annual growth in income
1.2.3. Inequality of Income Growth was just over 3% in rural India, and just over
Inequality in earnings has doubled in 4% in urban India.
India over the last two decades, making it
the worst performer on this count of all 1.2.4. Corruption in India
emerging economies. The top 10% of wage Corruption in India is a major issue
earners now make 12 times more than the and adversely affects its economy. In 2005 a
bottom 10%, up from a ratio of six in the study conducted by Transparency
1990s. Moreover, wages are not smoothly International in India had found that more
spread out even through the middle of the than 62% of Indians had firsthand
distribution. The top 10% of earners make experience of paying bribes or influence
almost five times more than the median peddling to get jobs done in public offices
10%, but this median 10% makes just 0.4 successfully. In its 2008 study,
times more than the bottom 10%. There Transparency International reports about
is evidence of growing concentration of 40% of Indians had firsthand experience of
wealth among the elite. The consumption of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job
the top 20% of households grew at almost done in public office. In 2012 India has
3% per year in the 2000s as compared to 2% ranked 94th out of 176 countries in
in the 1990s, while the growth in Transparency International's Corruption
consumption of the bottom 20% of Perceptions Index, tied with Benin,
households remained unchanged at 1% per Colombia, Djibouti, Greece, Moldova,
year. In comparison, the income of the Mongolia, and Senegal. Most of the largest
bottom 20% of households in China grew at sources of corruption in India are
double the rate in the 2000s as compared to entitlement programmes and social spending
the 1990s, while the increase for the top schemes enacted by the Indian government;
20% of households was much slower. In for examples Mahatma Gandhi National
Brazil, household incomes have been Rural Employment Guarantee Act and
growing faster among the poorest National Rural Health Mission. Other daily
households than among the richest for the sources of corruption include India's
last two decades. The richest 10% of Indian trucking industry which is forced to pay
society have seen highest growth while the billions in bribes annually to numerous
poorest 10% have seen the slowest increase regulatory and police stops on its interstate
in incomes. The remaining 80% of the highways.
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

Table: 1 Index Trends In Major States by Respective Anti-Corruption Effort

State 199095 1996-00 200105 200610
Bihar 0.41 0.30 0.43 0.88
Gujarat 0.48 0.57 0.64 0.69
Andhra Pradesh 0.53 0.73 0.55 0.61
Punjab 0.32 0.46 0.46 0.60
Jammu & 0.13 0.32 0.17 0.40
Haryana 0.33 0.60 0.31 0.37
Himachal 0.26 0.14 0.23 0.35
Tamil Nadu 0.19 0.20 0.24 0.29
Madhya Pradesh 0.23 0.22 0.31 0.29
Karnataka 0.24 0.19 0.20 0.29
Rajasthan 0.27 0.23 0.26 0.27
Kerala 0.16 0.20 0.22 0.27
Maharashtra 0.45 0.29 0.27 0.26
U.P 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.21
Orissa 0.22 0.16 0.15 0.19
Assam 0.21 0.02 0.14 0.17
West Bengal 0.11 0.08 0.03 0.01
Source: CMS, India Corruption Study report 2010

CMS India claims in its 2010 India Assam and West Bengal. Consistent with
Corruption Study report that socio- the results in this table, in 2012, a BBC
economically weaker section of the Indian News report claimed the state of Bihar has
society is most adversely affected by transformed in recent years to become the
government corruption-these include the least corrupt state in India.
rural and urban poor. The study additionally
claims that corruption perception nationwide
has decreased between 2005-2010. Over the 1.2.5. DECLINING DOLLAR VALUE
5-year period, significantly more number of AGAINST RUPEE
people from the middle class as well as the In recent past, declining rupee has
poorest segments of Indian society surveyed, created concern in the Indian economy. In
in all parts of the India, claimed government the second week of June 2013, it came close
corruption had dropped over time, and they to breaching the psychological barrier of Rs
had lesser direct experiences with demands 60 to the dollar, and there is fear that even
for bribes. The table1 compares the this may not be a real bottoming out for its
perceived anti-corruption effort across some value. Of course those who are directly
of the major states in India. A rising index affected by the lower value of the rupee are
implies higher anti-corruption effort and concerned such as importers, those wishing
falling corruption. According to the table1, to travel abroad or spend on foreign
the states of Bihar and Gujarat have education, and so on. But the rupees decline
experienced significant improvements in affects everyone in the economy, because it
their anti-corruption efforts, while the feeds directly and indirectly into general
conditions have worsened in the state of inflation, which is a continuing problem
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

even as output growth decelerates, and and is the worst performer among major
therefore hits common people hard. The Asian currencies.
rupees recent decline has been against all
the major currencies, not just the US dollar
and in fact the decline has been even sharper
relative to the British pound and the
Japanese yen and in recent past, the Indian
rupee has been depreciating faster than the
currencies of most other emerging markets,

Figure: 5 Exchange Rates of Currencies




60 US Dollar
Pound Sterling
20 Japanese Yen

Source: Reserve Bank of India

The dollar index has been rising on Oil imports consume he largest part
signs of growing economic momentum and of the foreign exchange reserves. A
the dollar is high across the board including depreciating rupee is bound to offset the
the rupee. At the same time, rising deficit is decrease in the international prices of
bad for India as it exposes the economy to commodities such as oil. As can be seen
the risk of sudden stop and reversal of from the figure below although the oil price
capital flows. In case of an event shock, for per barrel has fallen however the
example if the U.S. Fed withdraws its bond depreciating rupee has not given any respite
buying programme, there might be sudden to the importer as they actually have to shell
outward flow of money, leaving India out more money in order to purchase the
scrambling for dollars. The slowdown in the same quantity of oil. Take for instance crude
Indian economy has made the current oil imports. Brent crude oil price was
situation even more volatile because the $118.46 per barrel on April 2011 when
government is unable to generate heavy exchange rate for the rupee was Rs 44.4 to a
capital inflow. India's current account deficit dollar. On November, oil price had gone
was equivalent to a record 6.7 per cent of down to $109.03 per barrel and exchange
gross domestic product in December, 2012. rate was Rs 52.7 to a dollar. Thus, because
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

of the rupee depreciation not much benefit free market corner is Bhagwati, who argues
can be derived out of the lower oil price. that India should focus entirely on economic
growth through market deregulation which
will automatically lead to improved lives for
1.2.6. Amartya Sen and Gajdish the poorest. According to him growth has
Bahagwati Debate on Growth Paradigm made redistribution feasible, not the other
Inclusive growth basically means way round. On the other hand, Sen argued
broad based growth, shared growth, and pro- that economic growth is very important as a
poor growth. It decreases the rapid growth means for better lives but it has to be
rate of poverty in a country and increases the combined with devoting resources to
involvement of people into the growth remove illiteracy, ill health, under nutrition
process of the country. Inclusive growth by and other deprivations. In the long run, if
its very definition implies an equitable India raises the quality of education and
allocation of resources with benefits healthcare and improves the productivity of
incurred to every section of the society. But its citizens; the country could be a good
the allocation of resources must be focused place to invest. It is difficult to regain the
on the intended short and long term benefits high growth without an educated and
of the society such as availability of healthier labor force.
consumer goods, people access, The economists described the
employment, standard of living etc. It sets a Gujarat model as a metaphor for a primarily
direct relationship between macro and micro growth and private entrepreneurship driven
determinant of the economy and its growth. development and the Kerala model for a
To maintain rapid and sustainable growth is primarily redistribution and state-driven
some time very difficult because resources development. The Bhagwati duo argues that
are misplaced during the allocation and may whatever Kerala had achieved was thanks to
give rise to negative externality such as rise a growth-oriented approach. They suggest
in corruption which is major problem in that Kerala's high social indicators have
developing nations. But however it has much less to do with the so-called Kerala
created an environment of equality in model, and more to do with global trade,
opportunity in all dimension of livelihood. growth-oriented policies and private-sector
Such as employment creation, market, participation. However there is a difference
consumption, production, and has created a between level of change and rate of change.
platform for people who are poor to access Professor Bhagwati focuses more on rates of
good standard of living. change, while Sen argues that levels matter.
In the process of inclusive growth, For Gujarat some recent rates of change
war of words between two of Indias most look impressive, as it is on a small base,
prominent economists has been dominating while for Kerala even incremental changes
the countrys newspaper in recent past. on high levels are impressive. So, Gujarat
These two economists are Nobel Prize paradigm of development is growth
winning economist Amartya Sen and oriented, while Kerala's model is human
Jagdish Bhagwati, professor of law and development-led growth. The Infant
economics at Columbia University in New mortality rates (IMR) of both Gujarat and
York. In the social spending corner, Sen, India are very high and Kerala has made
says that economic growth must accompany remarkable progress in bringing it down.
social improvement and government must Rural IMR of Gujarat, which was below all
spend money on education, healthcare and India, has now caught up and converged
food subsidy programs. While over in the
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

with all-India levels in an era of faster process. If we compare, Bhagwati and Sen
economic growth. However both Bhagwati Model, we can say that Bhagwati model is
and Sen have not paid enough attention to growth oriented capitalist model of growth
key flaws in India's record in implementing and want to achieve inclusiveness by
government programmes(Ullekh NP, ET adopting a free market oriented approach as
Bureau, 2013). Management and is attempted by India from 1991 even
institutional performance are areas ignored though inclusive growth was not the prime
by Sen. High expenditure in India is an objective at that time. We can say that
unwise option. India is country where public Bhagwati want to redistribute income by
delivery mechanisms have not worked well free market mechanism and has more faith
and to compare this system with countries in in market framework. On the other hand,
Asia as such as Korea, Taiwan etc. Besides, Sen consider social improvement and
Sen hasn't delved deep into issues related to government spend education, healthcare and
labour reforms or financing of political food subsidy programs etc. which implies a
parties, issues that are crucial in determining mixed mechanism or a regulative framework
the way our democracy functions. which formulate base of inclusive growth.
Amid raging debate over growth Now, the question is which is right or
models suggested by economists Amartya supportive for Indian economy. There are
Sen and Jagdish Bhagwati, Finance Minister two fronts: one is external front and one is
P Chidambaram endorsed both of them internal from which one can say
saying they were equally important and inclusiveness and exclusiveness. To become
emphasized the need to combine passion for a strong economy in external front with
growth with compassion for the poor. India market competitiveness, we need high
can never be a truly happy prosperous growth rate, the fruit of which can be
country unless our passion for growth is achieved by poor only at long run. But there
combined with compassion for the poor. A may be the problem of deprivation, poverty,
large number of people in this country are inequality in short run. So, there is dilemma
poor. While Sen's model for growth of growth oriented development paradigm.
advocates that India should invest more in On the other hand, the rural development
its social infrastructure, the model put forth process in India is not free from hassle.
by Bhagwati argues that mere focus on Corruption and long chain of distribution are
growth can yield enough resources for the main problems in government spend
investing in social sector schemes. A most education, healthcare and food subsidy
constructive economic policy is incomplete programs. Public distribution which is
without the element of compassion. There unless free from corruption creates the
should be passion for growth and equally environment of social inequality. Resources
support Sen's model which says there should are wasted and no positive results can be
be compassion for the poor. Bhagwati model found especially where there is a large
will never be complete unless informal sector. It is like carrying a bucket
complemented with Sen's model. of water with a hole at bottom. However, no
Economic growth is a process and one may deny development of human
the ultimate aim of the process is resources as well as social sector in India. It
development and upliftment of the society. is a short run process and it is somewhat
So, definitely, growth must be inclusive and direct process of getting inclusive growth.
consider poorest of the society. However, But, there are some wastage of money and
there are several model of inclusive growth growing seeds of corruption unless rural
ECO CENTRIC Journal of Economics: Vol-IX (I) 2012-2013

people are paid directly and linking them

with modern technology and providing Ullekh NP, ET Bureau (2013) Amartya Sen
social awareness. vs Bhagwati: Who is right in the debate on
Gujarat-Kerala growth models?, Economic
1.3. Conclusion
Times; Ullekh NP, ET Bureau Jul 28, 2013,
From the above analysis, it is clear
that India is able to achieve a robust growth 06.55AM IST
especially after the post reform era. The per
capita GDP growth rate of India is also
enhancing over the years; but if we compare
the world per capita GDP growth rate to
Indian scenario, it is very low. Growing ***************
fiscal deficit, inflation and corruption are the
main problem of Indian Economy. Looking
at these problems with growing income
inequality, India is following inclusive
growth model which is also full of
contradiction and debates. However, growth
is not only important from internal economic
and social perspective but also external
economic front. But in this process, full
market deregulation is more prone to
external shocks and instabilities of world
economy. At the same time, social
improvement and government spend are also
not a free flow mechanism unless guided by
proper regulation. So, for inclusive growth
of India, both development paradigms are
important and should be mixed with proper
care and national priority.

Baruah Joydeep (2012) Inclusive Growth
under India's Neo-liberal Regime: Towards
an Exposition Online at http://mpra.ub.uni- MPRA Paper No.
47248, posted 29. May 2013 13:24 UTC

Central Investing Agency (2013) The world

fact, Washington, D.C.
-world-factbook/fields/2116.html; visited on
15-08-2013 time 05:37 pm

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