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Lesson Date Activities Learning intention Success criteria (tasks to be completed)

1 7th Feb All activities on this sheet To understand how to carry out a - Make a new folder in your google drive
here. practical experiment safely. - Equipment checklist
Make a copy and add it to - Safety cards mix and match
your new folder. - Safety sheet

1b 8th Feb All activities on this sheet - carry out activity and identify all risks
here. - Fill in learning intention success criteria into your books
Make a copy and add it to - Tidy up experiment
your new folder. - Fill in target sheet

2 13th Transforming texts To understand how to effectively - Read the 3 texts about why steel is stainless
Feb worksheet lesson 1. research a topic - Copy the important text into column 1.
- Put everything that links up in column 2
- Put it in your own words in column 3

3 14th Transforming texts To understand how to effectively - Read the 3 texts about why water floats
Feb Next question research a topic - Copy the important text into column 1.
- Put everything that links up in column 2
- Put it in your own words in column 3
- Evaluate the sources
- Fill in target sheet

4 15th Transforming texts Ask your own question - Come up with a question to ask
Feb - Read the 3 texts about your chosen subject
- Copy the important text into column 1.
- Put everything that links up in column 2
- Put it in your own words in column 3
- Evaluate the sources
- Fill in target sheet
5 20th To carry out an experiment To understand how to use controls - Watch Miss Blake show you how to use the different
Feb into what indicators look like in an experiment indicators.
when exposed to acids, alkalis - Copy the results table into your computer or book.
and water (control) - Plan the experiment using the planning sheet.
Work here - Carry out the experiment and write down your
observations into your table and on your planning sheet.
- Fill in learning intention success criteria into your books

6 21st - To find out the answer to To understand the importance of - Plan an experiment to find out the answer to the question
22nd this question: controls in an experiment we will combine all our results to avoid doing repeats
- Carry out the experiment.
- Add results to the class results page (hand sheet in)
- Tidy up
- Fill in learning intention success criteria into your books

6b) 22nd Link to spreadsheet here To understand how to analyse data -Add to spreadsheet
Feb - Analyse graph
- Spurious graphs find correlations but not causations

6 c) 28th How to write a conclusion To be able to construct a graph Create your own spreadsheet
Feb How to write an evaluation and write a conclusion and Analyse your graph
evaluation. Write a conclusion
Write an evaluation
7 1st Planning sheet and results To plan and carry out a fair test - Plan a fair test
March table is here - Carry out a fair test safely
- Record results
Planning SOLO - Tidy up
- Fill in learning intention success criteria into your books

8a) 6/3/17 How to draw a graph in To be able to draw a graph to show 1. Only include the mean (average) results in your graph
sheets your results 2. a) If doing this on paper - Independent variable goes at
How to draw a graph on paper the base and dependant variable goes on the side. (use
crosses rather than dots)
2 b) If in sheets then make sure you use a scatter graph
3. Draw a line of best fit through the points
4. Tidy up and fill in success criteria

8b) 6/3/17 See lesson 6C How to evaluate your experiment 1. Look at your graph
and write a conclusion 2. Read information about how to write a conclusion (see
lesson 6c)
3. Write a conclusion using information from your graph.
4. Read information about how to write an evaluation (see
lesson 6c)
5. Write an evaluation about your experiment.

9 7/3/17 Designing the perfect paper 1. Come up with a design

aeroplane 2. Test the design
3. Evaluate the design and make changes
4. Re-test your design

10 8/3/17 Women in science To find out about what science and 1. Coloured fire from Miss Blake
scientists 2. International women's day find out about amazing
female scientists.
3. Present something (a presentation) to the class about
your findings
11 13/3/17 Hokitika Primary school To go to Hokitika primary school 1. You will have been useful to at least 3 students in your
to support their science roadshow. class.
2. You will have been helpful for at 7 primary school

12 14/3/17 Women in science You will have learnt about 1. Finish presentation (15 minutes)
presentation skills. 2. To present a presentation on a female scientist to the
rest of the class. Which should include:
a) Who was she?
b) What did she discover?
c) Why was it important?
3.. To give feedback to others in the class - two stars and
a wish.
4. To listen carefully with your eyes and ears.

13 15/3/17 Assessed task You will use your knowledge gained 1. Finish presentations in class
Transforming texts so far to answer the question; 2. Read the assessed task booklet
worksheet What materials could be used to 3. Start planning your experiment for Mondays lesson
insulate your house that will 4. Write a risk assessment for your experiment
prevent the most heat from 4. Research at least one of the questions on the worksheet
using the transforming tasks sheet.

14 20/3/17 Assessed task 1. You will plan an experiment

Transforming texts 2. You will have written a risk assessment before you do
worksheet the experiment.
2. Produce data from the experiment
3. Research at least one of the questions on the worksheet
using the transforming tasks sheet.

14a) 21/3/17 Worksheet You will observe mythbusters 1. Watch the programme to determine whether they are
experiments and see if they are performing a fair test.
performing fair tests 2. Fill in the worksheet and put it in your book
3. Complete the target sheet.
15 22/3/17 Assessed task You will use your knowledge gained 1. Produce a table with your results
Transforming texts so far to answer the question; 2. Put averages onto a graph
worksheet What materials could be used to 3. Write a conclusion
insulate your house that will 4. Write an evaluation of your work
prevent the most heat from

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