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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: January 12
Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response
(What Happened?)

The day started with a devotion. When - The students were paying
the teacher was telling the story, she attention to her voice and also
used various volumes of her voice. answering her questions very

Between the classes and after the lunch - The students are still at their
time, the teacher made students to stand young age so they need to move
up and dance with a song. And the their body in order to
teachers danced with them too. concentrate. It helped them to
concentrate more during the
lesson. Also dancing with them
and engaging with the students
shows that teachers enthusiasm.
I think this is a very helpful
classroom management method.

There are two teachers in this class. In - It is easier to manage the

Math class, the teachers divided the students. In one group, there
students into two groups. In first period, were seven students. The
there will be two sessions at the same teachers can give each student
time in the classroom at different area. In more attention and time to
second period, the teachers will change explain clearly. Also teaching
the students group. And give the same same content with various
lesson that they gave in first period. But methods is helpful for the
with the different methods. students because they are all
different. Using differentiated
lesson is something that is
essential for the teachers.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: January 19

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

In Math class, the teacher was - This is most common method for
frequently asking students for the formative assessment during the
answers. The teacher was asking what class. Especially for Math class,
step is next ex) What is our next step? the students need to follow the
The students were raising their hands, process of problem solving, so it
and came up to the board and answered is very helpful.
the question step by step. In every step
the teacher asked different student to
come up.
- Not leaving anyone back. The
In Math class, there was a girl who was teacher tries to make everyone to
not raising her hands. The teacher asked understand. The teacher gives
her to come up and said ____ do you everyone a chance to
think you can come up and do arry? demonstrate their understanding.
Come on up here if you need help, we The teacher made students to
will help you out! and the girl solved the feel comfortable and safe to get a
problem. wrong answer. She encouraged
the students to confident and
After the teacher goes over the methods, understand.
she gave the students a worksheet.
Some of the students finished it faster - The teacher knew what to do with
than other students. The teacher was the students who are advanced
checking the students one by one. She than others. It helps them to learn
gave the students who finished early more. Also by having them to do
markers, and had them to chose few something, the teacher can
questions on the board. The students spend more time with the
were excited to solve the problems with students who needs extra
the markers. explanation and time.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: January 30

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

When the students were sitting on the - When the teacher need to deal
carpet(each student has a square on the with students behaviors, the
carpet), one student was melting down instruction should be specific and
on the floor. The teacher was telling a direct. Let the students know that
story. After she finished the story, she what the teachers expectations
said to the student can you sit up? but are. It is very important especially
the student did not change his position. when the students age is young.
The teacher said I need you to stay in
your box so you dont disturb other
friends who are next you

- For the classroom management,

The teacher continually reminds the the teacher should be consistent.
students to put their hand up if they want And I was able to learn to be
to talk. more patient from the teacher.
Also teachers need to wait for
students to react on what the
teacher want them to do.

- The teacher helped the student

During the English lesson, the teacher to pay attention by giving him a
and students were creating a poem role in the class. The student felt
together. The teacher was asking his responsibility and he was
students ideas. Couple of students were engaged with the lesson. This is
telling their ideas to the teacher. The a positive way to solve a problem
teacher saw a student who were not in class. Also by giving the
paying attention,and asked him to pick student the choice, teacher was
whose sentence they should use. fair to everyone. If the teacher
choose the idea, other students
who did not get picked, might feel
disappointed and discouraged.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: January 31

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

During the Biblical Study lesson, the - This is an example of simple

teacher and students were reviewing scaffolding. When the students
what they learned so far. The topic was could not answer the question,
about Jesus disciples. When the teacher the teacher did not give the
asked what the word was that they answer right away, but gave
learned yesterday. The students could them a hint so they can think by
not answer. Teacher said It starts with a themself. This way the students
d. The students could not answer. can remember longer and they
Teacher said Deeeee. Finally one will take initiative in learning. In
student answered Disciples! order for the scaffolding to
happen, the teacher needs to
understand her students well.
She needs to know what the
students already know and what
they dont.

In the beginning of every lesson, the - This shows me how important it

teacher reviewed last class. is to review in every class. And
make connections with what the
students already know. I learned
in the class and when we make
lesson plans. We learned to
review in the beginning of the
lesson. It was impressive to see it
in a real class setting. Also I was
able to see how helpful that is for
the students.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 2

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

When the teacher was having a lesson - Telling the students what the
at the carpet area, she asked students to teacher expects from them
bring the clipboard and a pencil. When clearly is very important. Also the
she said Go and counted up to five 1, teacher gave them the
2, 3, 4, 5 the students quickly went to measurable time so the students
their desk and grabbed clipboard and a were on task. It was an effective
pencil, sat back on the carpet. way.

In Math class, the students were learning - The teacher provided the
about comparing fractions.The teacher students a real life object. It
used square white bread to compare makes the lesson more relevant
different equal parts. For example, for the students. Also many of
one-half, one-third, students who are in this age
one-quarter,one-fifth,etc. She gave each group are still concrete thinkers.
student a bread and a fraction, told them It is very helpful that the teacher
to cut the bread into the number of equal provided real object. And they cut
parts that was given. Students cut the the bread by themselves. Which
bread. The teacher compared the bread help them to take initiative in
pieces on the middle of the table. learning. Also this activity fosters
Students understood that one-half is students intrinsic motivation by
bigger than one-fifth. After the allowing them to eat the bread at
comparison, the students were allowed the end of the lesson. The
to eat the bread with cinnamon butter. teacher asked Did someone eat
more than others? the students
answered No we had equal
whole bread. I found this lesson
as a great example of teaching
Math in a fun way.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 3

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

- The teacher was assessing the

In English class, the teacher separated students ability of spelling by
students into three different groups differentiating the levels of the
according to their spelling level. And words for the spelling test. If I
separately did the spelling test with the were the teacher, I would do the
words that has specific sound. spelling test all together with
different levels of the words. The
students might lose confidence in
spelling if they find out the words
they are being tested are way
easier than other groups. If we
give everyone the same words in
the test with the mixed levels of
words, the advanced level
students can build more
confidence by getting easy words
right, the students who needs
more support can be challenged
by the difficult words. If we use
this method, it can expose the
students to the dynamic
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 6

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

In UOI (Unit of integrity) class, the - The teacher did not scold M right
students were working on a report away and gave him chances to
worksheet. It was individual working time fix his behavior. Even though the
for everyone. One student M was warnings did not work, she was
struggling to sit still and answer the merciful and trying to help M to
questions on the worksheet. M started to be able to work by having him to
distract other students because he did stand. Because he could not sit
not understand the questions. The still. I think it helped M but the
teacher gave him two warnings to work Ms struggles main point was not
quietly. But M still could not concentrate sitting. I think M was not
on his work and asked questions to other concentrating because he did not
students who were working on their own know what to answer on the
paper quietly. The teacher told him to worksheet. I do not know why he
work at the separated table that was did not ask the teacher. It would
higher than other tables. It did not have a been better if the teacher asked
chair. M what did he not understand
from the worksheet. And giving
him the directions for the
worksheet to help him to answer
by himself without asking other
students. Sometimes in the
classroom the teacher will not be
able to understand what is going
on. Still need to try our best to
figure out the needs of the
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 7

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

The students are observing their own - First, the purpose of this
plants for the science project. Each experiment is to see how the
student have their own plant to water. plant will react and grow
They can chose from salt water, sugar differently by different kinds of
water, or plain water. But it has to be the water in one week of time which
same kind of water everyday. In a plastic is not enough time for the plants
cup, there are green bean seed but did to grow significantly. The
not start to grow yet. On first day of the teachers did not have enough
observation, the class went out to the time for this experiment but they
garden area of the school. And they had to teach students because it
were given a dropper and need to was part of the curriculum.
measure 6ml to water the plants. Second, there was not enough
The students did not know how much is time for teachers to prepare and
6ml. And the dropper did not work explain, the students were
properly. It was hard for the students to confused even though they were
water the plants 6ml. The teachers had happy to go outside from the
to help every students to water the classroom. I think this experiment
plants. could be done better if the
curriculum(from the school) gave
the teachers more time.
- Also the measuring the water 6ml
was too confusing for 2nd
graders. If I were the teacher, I
would use a measuring spoon or
something that can simply
measured without confusion.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 8

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

During the Math class, the teacher asked - The teacher did not just let C give
few students to come up and change up and not try. At first, she
fractions into decimals. One boy C, was showed one more example.
asked by the teacher. But he said I dont When C still did not want to try,
know, I cant do it, I dont understand. she gave C some time to
Then the teacher showed the process of process the content by himself
converting fraction to decimal one more while watching other students. C
time and asked C again. C was still could been discouraged yet the
refusing to try it. The teacher asked teacher did not say anything that
Would you like to see few more times will make C embarassed. After
and try? and C said Yes. The teacher giving C some time, the teacher
asked few more students to try on the consistently encouraged C to try.
board. Asked C again. And C was able When C was able to do it, the
to do it. She asked the whole class if he teacher engaged the whole class
did it right and everyone said yes. to the lesson by asking them to
check Cs work.
- This is a great example of
teachers patience and classroom
management. The teacher
created a safe learning
environment by not making C
ashamed or embarrassed
because he could not solve the
problem. Instead, she taught the
students it is okay to not know
but need to try until they
- I believe safety in classroom
physically and psychologically is
very important for the students.
Effective learning and teaching
can happen when the students
feel safe in their own classroom.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 9

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

During the Math class, everyone was - The teacher was using the
marking their own homework with the projector and the students were
teacher. Teacher used projector and sitting on their seats. So it was
went over the questions one by one. The hard for the teacher to know what
students were responding to the teacher is going on with the students. If
and marking their own homework. One the teacher wanted students to
boy was marking his homework all listen the solving process of the
correct when the teacher did not even go questions, she could had
over that question. The boy just marked students to sit on the carpet area.
every question correct by himself. When And write the questions out on
I looked at his homework paper, there the whiteboard. That way the
were few questions that he got it wrong. teacher can have students
attention. Also many of the
questions, no one got it wrong.
But the teacher still explained the
process. If I were the teacher, I
would check the homework
questions by myself and mark the
ones that students got wrong
answers. And talk only the
problems that the students got it
wrong. This way, we can save
class time and marking
homework time will not be
meaningless for other students
who can easily solve the
homework problems.
- But I also know that it is
important repeat the problem
solving process for young
students. It can help them to
remember better.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 10

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

In the Biblical Study class, the students - In this class, the teacher is
were learning about Jesus disciples. practicing Head, Heart, and
Philip who was one of the Jesus Hands method that Dr.Kim taught
disciples. He was not Jewish but us in the Bible classes. In this
foreigner. As a whole class, the students way, the students can apply and
discussed about how the Gospel is for practice what the Bible tells us to
every people and nations. Also the do. The teacher made the lesson
teacher taught that no matter where the to be more relevant to students
person is from God loves everyone. lives. This kind of learning will
And asked the students When you hear remain students memory longer.
the Gospel is for everyone and nation, It can be a life long lesson.
what can you think about? One boy
said, We can tell other people the
teacher said Can you think of two
people that you can tell Jesus about?
Many students said they can tell the
Gospel to their workers and drivers.

When the students were practicing their - The teacher used this strategy to
memory verse for the week, the teacher help visual learners, auditory
showed the students the Bible verse. learners, and kinesthetic learners
They read it together few times. After at the same time. It is very helpful
that, the teacher separated the students for young students. This is a
into three groups. And gave different great example of differentiated
parts of the verse to different groups. teaching method. Also while the
When the teacher pointed one group, students are memorizing, also
they stood up and memorized the part they were having fun. After this
and next group memorized next part of activity, everyone was able to
the verse. After few times, the teacher memorize the Memory verse of
gave the different parts to different this week.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: February 23

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?)

Today was swimming day for our class. - First, the students who were not
The students went to the swimming pool swimming could have stayed in
area and the PE teachers made the the classroom with the other
students who were going swimming to sit teacher. Second, they could
under the shade. There were six sick brought some paper and pencil
students who could not go for swimming. so they can draw. Third, the
The teacher told them to sit by the other swimming time 40mins were too
side of the pool and read a book that long for the students to stay
they brought. The students who could calm. The students who were not
not swim, the read the book for a while. swimming did nothing but reading
Not long after, the students who were not the book and arguing with the
swimming started to jumping and running teachers.
around the area. The teachers were
having a hard time to keep them calm.

During the recess time, the students - One thing that I noticed in this
were playing at the playground area and school, the teachers know most
also in the hallway. Few teachers were of the students names. Even the
outside with the students and students who are not from their
supervising. One teacher played tag with class. I find that is this schools
the students. The other teacher was one of the many strengths.
kicking the ball with the students. Overall atmosphere of the school
is warm. I think students have a
strong relationship with the
teachers. It makes the students
to feel comfortable and safe in
the school. Which can leads to
the students effective learning.
Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Yerang Cho

Date: March 2

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

Field Trip: Ragunan Zoo

The students went on a field trip to - Field trip is one of the many
Ragunan Zoo. Because they were effective ways to teach children.
studying about endangered animals. It brings learning into students
The teachers gave students a booklet life by experiencing and
that has What do you see?, Habitat, observing by themselves.
Question sections. Also it had sketch
the animal section. We saw many
endangered animals like Komodo

When we were in Gorillas area, there - The teacher had a teaching

were many different looking monkeys. moment. She is telling the boy to
When we were passing by monkeys one think about in a different
of the boys said They look so ugly! Why perspective. Also teaching that
are they so ugly?. And he pointed the monkeys are also Gods creation
monkeys. The teacher said For them we just like us.
might look ugly. God made all of us
differently. That is not a nice thing to

When we were observing pelicans, the - When the student asked a

students were sketching the pelicans. question, the teacher did not just
One girl said Why is their beak so big? give the answer. And scaffolded
The teacher said What do you think? students to think deeper and find
What do you think they do with their the answer by herself.
beak? the girl said Eat?. Teacher said
Right, what do you think they eat? The
girl said Fish? Oh they want to eat a lot
of fish

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