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Report the direct speech using the verbs in brackets.

1.Dont forget to sign the documents, my boss told me. (remind)


2.I really dont think you should leave your job, Jacks friend told

him. (advise)


3.Why dont we go for a drive? said Katie. (suggest)


4.Shall I make the lunch? her husband said. (offer)

5.Dont park in this street, the man said to us. Its no parking. (warn)

. Fill in the appropriate verb forms in the following paragraph:

1. I usually ___________ late on Saturday (get up). 2. It _______ (be) the

beginning of the week-end and I like to ___________ (relax). 3. But on that
particular Saturday two months ago I ___________ (have to) get out of bed at
6:00 AM. 4. Terrible sounds of sirens and horns _______________ (come)
from the street straight into my room. 5. I ___________ (walk) over to the
window to see what _______________ (happen). 6. Two cars ___________
(crash) on the corner near the bakery. 7. Lots of angry people
______________ (scream) and ______________ (shout) at each other. 8.
The baker ______________ (try) to calm everybody. 9. So he ___________
(bring) out coffee and cookies for everyone. 10. What a nice neighbor!, I
___________ (think). 11. I ___________ (smile) to myself and ___________
(go) back to bed. What an exciting neighborhood!

Continue the following sentences :

1. If you want to read this book
2. Unless the light improves ..
3. If I were to win the competition .
4. If you hadnt offended him .
5. If you had lost that ticket
6. If I wanted to do the journey in one day only
7. I shouldnt be so pleased if you
8. I wouldnt have been able to find my way
9. I wouldnt need to wear glasses if
10. If I saw an accident

Word formation
1. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the
most in the

2. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance a plan to

murder a leading politician.cover

3. We should go and eat at "Franco's" which is a great little


4. I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in . My car was
nowhere to be seen. Someone had stolen it!believe

5. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very and
will tell you where to find what you

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