Cow Essay 1

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Cow Essay 1 (100 words)

Cow is our mother. It is a most important domestic animal. It gives us a very healthy and nutritious
food called milk. It is a pet animal and many people keep her in their houses for many purposes. It is
not a wild animal and found in many parts of the world. Everyone gives respect to the cow like a
mother. Cow is worshiped in India as a goddess from the ancient time. People in India brings her at
home as a dhan Lakshmi. Cow is considered as the holiest animal among all the animals. It is found
in many varieties differentiating in the shape, size, colour, etc.

Cow Essay 2 (150 words)

Cow is very useful animal and gives us milk. Milk is considered as the complete and nutritious food.
Cow is a domestic and religious animal. In India, it is ritual and custom to worship Cow. Cows milk is
used in the pooja, abhisek and other holy purposes. Cow is called by everyone as Gau Mata to
give her mother like status in the Hindu religion. It has a large body, four legs, one long tail, two
horns, two ear, two eyes, one big nose, one big mouth and one head. It is found in almost every
regions of the country.
It is found in different shapes and sizes. Cow found in our country become small however big cows
are found in other countries. We should take good care of the cow and give her goods quality of food
and clean water. She eats green grasses, food, grains, hay and other things. First she chews the
food well and slowly and swallows to her stomach. Her back is long and wide.
Cow Essay 3 (200 words)

Cow is a domestic and very successful animal. It is of great importance for the people of Hindu
religion. It is a most important pet animal kept by almost all people of Hindu religion. It is female
animal who gives us milk daily two times, in the morning and evening. Some cow gives milk three
times a day according to their diet and capacity. Cow is considered by the Hindu people as a mother
and called as the Gau Mata. Hindu people respect cow very much and do worship. Cow milk is
offered to God during pooja and katha. It is also used to do abhishek of the God and Goddess statue
during festivals and pooja.
Cow milk is given high status in the society as it is very beneficial to us. She gives birth to a small
calf after 12 months. She does not give any practice to her child to walk or run, he/she starts walking
and running just after the birth. Her calf drinks her milk for some days or months and starts eating
food like her. Cow is a very sacred animal for all Hindus. It is a big domestic animal having four legs,
a tail, two ear, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, one head and a wide back.

Cow Essay 4 (250 words)

In India, people of Hindu religion denotes cow as cow is our mother. It is very useful and domestic
animal. It is gives us milk, a very healthy, nutritious and complete food. It is found in almost every
countries of the world. Cows milk is very healthy, nutritious and useful for all members of the family.
We drink cows milk on daily basis to keep our health good. It is told by the doctors to patients to
drink cow milk. It is considered that cow milk is good, healthy and easily digestible food for the newly
born babies. It is very gentle animal by nature. It has a large body, four legs, one long tail, two horns,
two ears, one mouth, one big nose and one head.
Cows differ in its shapes, sizes and colours. She eats food, grains, green grasses, fodder and other
eatable things. Generally, she is used to of grazing green grasses in the fields. Cow milk is used all
over the world to prepare several eatable items and things. We can make curd, dahi, whey, cheese,
ghee, butter, various types of sweets, khoya, paneer and so many things from the cow milk. Cow
milk is easily digestible and can be eaten by the patients with digestive disorders. Cow milk makes
us strong and healthy. It prevents us from various types of infections and diseases. It helps in
increasing our immunity power. Cow milk makes our mind sharp and memory strong if we drink

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