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MALACAANG include all kinds and types of vessels or boats

Manila used in fishing.

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 532 August 8, 1974 c. Philippine Highway. It shall refer to any road,
street, passage, highway and bridges or other
ANTI-PIRACY AND ANTI-HIGHWAY ROBBERY LAW OF parts thereof, or railway or railroad within the
1974 Philippines used by persons, or vehicles, or
locomotives or trains for the movement or
circulation of persons or transportation of goods,
WHEREAS, reports from law-enforcement agencies reveal articles, or property or both.
that lawless elements are still committing acts of
depredations upon the persons and properties of innocent
and defenseless inhabitants who travel from one place to d. Piracy. Any attack upon or seizure of any
another, thereby distributing the peace, order and tranquility vessel, or the taking away of the whole or part
of the nation and stunting the economic and social progress thereof or its cargo, equipment, or the personal
of the people; belongings of its complement or passengers,
irrespective of the value thereof, by means of
violence against or intimidation of persons or force
WHEREAS, such acts of depredations constitute either upon things, committed by any person, including a
piracy or highway robbery/brigandage which are among the passenger or member of the complement of said
highest forms of lawlessness condemned by the penal vessel, in Philippine waters, shall be considered
statutes of all countries; and, as piracy. The offenders shall be considered as
pirates and punished as hereinafter provided.
WHEREAS, it is imperative that said lawless elements be
discouraged from perpetrating such acts of depredations by e. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. The seizure of
imposing heavy penalty on the offenders, with the end in any person for ransom, extortion or other unlawful
view of eliminating all obstacles to the economic, social, purposes, or the taking away of the property of
educational and community progress of the people; another by means of violence against or
intimidation of person or force upon things of other
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President unlawful means, committed by any person on any
of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by Philippine Highway.
the Constitution and pursuant to proclamation No. 1081,
dated September 21, 1972 and No. 1104, dated January 17, Section 3. Penalties. Any person who commits piracy or
1973 and General Order No. 1, dated September 22, 1972, highway robbery/brigandage as herein defined, shall, upon
do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the land the conviction by competents court be punished by:

a. Piracy. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its

Section 1. Title. This Decree shall be known as the Anti- medium and maximum periods shall be imposed.
Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974. If physical injuries or other crimes are committed
as a result or on the occasion thereof, the penalty
Section 2. Definition of Terms. The following terms shall of reclusion perpetua shall be imposed. If rape,
mean and be understood, as follows: murder or homicide is committed as a result or on
the occasion of piracy, or when the offenders
a. Philippine Waters. It shall refer to all bodies of abandoned the victims without means of saving
water, such as but not limited to, seas, gulfs, bays themselves, or when the seizure is accomplished
around, between and connecting each of the by firing upon or boarding a vessel, the mandatory
Islands of the Philippine Archipelago, irrespective penalty of death shall be imposed.
of its depth, breadth, length or dimension, and all
other waters belonging to the Philippines by b. Highway Robbery/Brigandage. The penalty of
historic or legal title, including territorial sea, the reclusion temporal in its minimum period shall be
sea-bed, the insular shelves, and other submarine imposed. If physical injuries or other crimes are
areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty committed during or on the occasion of the
or jurisdiction. commission of robbery or brigandage, the penalty
of reclusion temporal in its medium and maximum
b. Vessel. Any vessel or watercraft used for periods shall be imposed. If kidnapping for ransom
transport of passengers and cargo from one place or extortion, or murder or homicide, or rape is
to another through Philippine Waters. It shall committed as a result or on the occasion thereof,
the penalty of death shall be imposed.
Section 4. Aiding pirates or highway robbers/brigands or
abetting piracy or highway robbery/brigandage. Any person Before the AntiHijacking Law or R.A. 6235
who knowingly and in any manner aids or protects pirates or may apply, the aircraft must be of Philippine registry
highway robbers/brigands, such as giving them information and it must be in flight.
about the movement of police or other peace officers of the An aircraft is considered in flight from the moment
government, or acquires or receives property taken by such all exterior doors are closed following the
pirates or brigands or in any manner derives any benefit embarkation until such time when the same doors
therefrom; or any person who directly or indirectly abets the are again opened for disembarkation. (Sec. 1). This
commission of piracy or highway robbery or brigandage, means that there are passengers that boarded. The
shall be considered as an accomplice of the principal aircraft shall be deemed to be already in flight even
if its engine has not yet been started.
offenders and be punished in accordance with the Rules
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code. If the aircraft is of Philippine registry but it is not in
flight and any of the four circumstances mentioned
It shall be presumed that any person who does any of the under R.A. 6235 is committed, the Anti Hijacking
acts provided in this Section has performed knowingly, Law will not apply and the acts will be punished
accordingly under the RPC or the applicable special
unless the contrary is proven.
penal laws. The correlative crime may be one of
grave coercion or grave threat. If somebody is killed,
Section 5. Repealing Clause. Pertinent portions of Act No. the crime is homicide or murder, as the case may
3815, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code; and all be.
laws, decrees, or orders or instructions, or parts thereof,
If the aircraft is of foreign registry, it is not required
insofar as they are inconsistent with this Decree are hereby that it is in flight before R.A. 6235 applies because
repealed or modified accordingly. aircrafts of foreign registry are considered in transit
while they are in foreign countries.
Section 6. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect upon
There is no hijacking in the attempted stage. R.A.
approval. 6235 is a special law, where the attempted stage is
not punishable.
Done in the City of Manila, this 8th day of August, in the year
of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-four. Where in the course of the hijacking, a passenger or
complement was shot and killed . The crime remains
to be a violation of the AntiHijacking law, but the
penalty thereof shall be higher because a passenger
or complement of the aircraft had been killed. The
crime of homicide or murder per se is not punished.
The following are the punishable acts: Republic Act 9372 ( Human Security Act of 2007)
1. Usurping or seizing control of an aircraft of AN ACT TO SECURE THE STATE AND PROTECT OUR
Philippine registry while it is in flight, compelling the PEOPLE FROM TERRORISM
pilots thereof to change the course or destination of
the aircraft; Sec. 3 Terrorism Any person who commits an act
punishable under any of the following provisions of the
2. Usurping or seizing control of an aircraft of Revised Penal Code:
foreign registry while within Philippine territory,
compelling the pilots thereof to land in any part of a. Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in the High
the Philippine territory; Seas or in Philippine Waters);
b. Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection);
3. Carrying or loading on board an aircraft operating c. Article 143-A (Coup d Etat), including acts committed
as a public utility passenger aircraft in the by private persons;
Philippines, any flammable, corrosive, explosive, d. Article 248 (Murder);
substances; or poisonous e. Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention);
f. Article 324 (Crimes Involving Destruction);
4. Loading, shipping or transporting on board a
cargo aircraft operating as a public utility in the or under
Philippines, any flammable, corrosive, explosive, or
poisonous substance if this was done in accordance (1) Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Law on Arson);
with the rules and regulations set and promulgated (2) Republic Act No. 6969 (Toxic Substances and
by the Air Transportation Office on this matter; Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990);
(3) Republic Act No. 5207 (Atomic Energy Regulatory and
Aggravating circumstances to nos. 1 and 2: Liability Act of 1968);
a. When the offender has fired upon the pilot, (4) Republic Act No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law);
member of the crew, or passenger of the aircraft; (5) Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and Anti-
b. When the offender has exploded or attempted to Highway Robbery Law of 1974) and,
explode any bomb or explosive to destroy the (6) Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended (Decree
aircraft; Codifying the Laws on Illegal and Unlawful Possession,
c. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, Manufacture, Dealing in, Acquisition or Disposition of
homicide, serious physical injuries or rape; Firearms, Ammunitions or Explosives)
The restrictions above-mentioned shall be terminated upon
thereby sowing and creating a condition of widespread and the acquittal of the accused or of the dismissal of the case
extraordinary fear and panic among the populace, in order to filed against him or earlier upon the discussion of the court
coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand, on motion of the prosecutor or of the accused.
shall be guilty of the crime of terrorism and shall suffer the
penalty of forty (40) years of imprisonment, without the Sec. 39 Seizure and Sequestration The deposits and their
benefit of parole as provided for under Act No. 4103, outstanding balances, placements, trust accounts, assets,
otherwise known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law, as and records in any bank or financial institution, moneys,
amended. businesses, transportation and communication equipment,
supplies and other implements, and property of whatever
Sec. 6 Accessory Any person who, having knowledge of kind and nature belonging: (1) to any person suspected of or
the commission of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to charged before a competent Regional Trial Court for the
commit terrorism, and without having participated therein, crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit
either as principal or accomplice under Articles 17 and 18 of terrorism; (2) to a judicially declared and outlawed
the Revised Penal Code, takes part subsequent to its organization, association, or group of persons; or (3) to a
commission in any of the following manner: (a) by profiting member of such organization, association, or group of
himself or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of the persons shall be seized, sequestered and frozen in order to
crime; (b) by concealing or destroying the body of the crime, prevent their use, transfer, or conveyance for purposes that
or the effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent are inimical to the safety and security of the people or
discovery; (c) by harboring, concealing, or assisting in the injurious to the interest of the State.
escape of the principal or conspirator of the crime, shall The accused or a person suspected of may withdraw such
suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve sums as may be reasonably needed by the monthly needs of
years of imprisonment. his family, including the services of his or her counsel and his
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the penalties or her familys medical needs, upon approval of the court. He
prescribed for accessories shall not be imposed upon those or she may also use any of his property that is under seizure
who are such with respect to their spouses, ascendants, or sequestration or frozen because of his/her indictment as a
descendants, legitimate, natural and adopted brothers and terrorist upon permission of the court for any legitimate
sisters, or relatives by affinity within the same degree, with reason.
the single exception of accessories falling within the Any person who unjustifiably refuses to follow the order of
provisions of subparagraph (a). the proper division of the Court of Appeals to allow the
person accused of the crime of terrorism or of the crime of
Sec. 7 Surveillance of Suspects and Interception and conspiracy to commit terrorism to withdraw such sums from
Recording of Communications The provisions of Republic sequestered or frozen deposits, placements, trust accounts,
Act No. 4200 (Anti-Wire Tapping Law) to the contrary assets and records as may be necessary for the regular
notwithstanding, a police or law enforcement official and the sustenance of his/her family or to use any of his/her property
members of his team may, upon a written order of the Court that has been seized, sequestered or frozen for legitimate
of Appeals, listen to, intercept and record, with the use of purposes while his/her case is pending shall suffer the
any mode, form, kind or type of electronic or other penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
surveillance equipment or intercepting and tracking devices, imprisonment.
or with the use of any other suitable ways and means for that
purpose, any communication, message, conversation, Republic Act No. 9745 Anti-Torture Act of 2009
discussion, or spoken or written words between members of R.A. 9745 punishes torture inflicted by a person in
a judicially declared and outlawed terrorist organization, authority or agent of a person in
association, or group of persons or of any person charged authority upon another in his/her custody.
with or suspected of the crime of terrorism of conspiracy to Torture, as punished under the law, may either be
commit terrorism. physical or mental/psychological.
Provided, that surveillance, interception and recording of Physical torture is a form of treatment or punishment that
communications between lawyers and clients, doctors and causes severe pain,
patients, journalists and their sources and confidential exhaustion, disability or dysfunction of one or more parts of
business correspondence shall not be authorized. the body, such as:
(1) Systematic beating, head-banging, punching, kicking,
Sec. 26 Restriction on Travel In cases where evidence of striking with truncheon or rifle
guilt is not strong, and the person charged with the crime of butt or other similar objects, and jumping on the stomach;
terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is entitled to bail (2) Food deprivation or forcible feeding with spoiled food,
and is granted the same, the court, upon application by the animal or human excreta and
prosecutor, shall limit the right of travel of the accused to other stuff or substances not normally eaten;
within the municipality or city where he resides or where the (3) Electric shock;
case is pending, in the interest of national security and public (4) Cigarette burning; burning by electrically heated rods, hot
safety, consistent with Article III, Section 6 of the oil or acid, or by the
Constitution. Travel outside of said municipality or city, rubbing of pepper or other chemical substances on mucous
without the authorization of the court, shall be deemed a membranes, or acids or
violation of the terms and conditions of his bail, which shall spices directly on the wound(s);
then be forfeited as provided under the Rules of Court. (5) The submersion of the head in water or water polluted
He/she may also be placed under house arrest by order of with excrement, urine, vomit
the court at his or her usual place of residence. and/or blood until the brink of suffocation;
While under house arrest, he or she may not use (6) Being tied or forced to assume fixed and stressful bodily
telephones, cell phones, e-mails, computers, the internet or position;
other means of communication with people outside the (7) Rape and sexual abuse, including the insertion of foreign
residence until otherwise ordered by the court. objects into the sex organ or
rectum, or electrical torture of the genitals;
(8) Mutilation or amputation of the essential parts of the body detention places, solitary confinement, incommunicado or
such as the genitalia, ear, other similar forms of
tongue, etc.; detention, where torture may be carried out with impunity.
(9) Dental torture or the forced extraction of the teeth; The Philippine National Police (PNP), the Armed Forces
(10) Pulling out of fingernails; of the Philippines (AFP) and
(11) Harmful exposure to the elements such as sunlight and other law enforcement agencies, as well as their regional
extreme cold; offices, are required to submit to
(12) The use of plastic bag and other materials placed over the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and make
the head to the point of available to the public at all times, a
asphyxiation; list of all detention centers and facilities under their
(13) The use of psychoactive drugs to change the respective jurisdictions with the
perception, memory. alertness or will corresponding data on the prisoners or detainees
of a person, such as: incarcerated or detained in such
(i) The administration or drugs to induce confession and/or facilities, such as the names, date of arrest and
reduce mental incarceration, and the crime or offense
competency; or committed. The list should be updated within the first 5 days
(ii) The use of drugs to induce extreme pain or certain of every month at the
symptoms of a disease; minimum. Failure to comply with this requirement is
and punishable under the law and the
(14) Other analogous acts of physical torture. penalty will be imposed on the responsible officers or
Mental/psychological torture refers to acts calculated to personnel of the AFP, the PNP and
affect or confuse the mind other law enforcement agencies.
and/or undermine a persons dignity and morale, such as: Any confession, admission or statement obtained as a
(1) Blindfolding; result of torture is inadmissible in
(2) Threatening a person(s) or his/her relative(s) with bodily evidence in any proceeding, except if the same is used as
harm, execution or other evidence against a person or
wrongful acts; persons accused of committing torture.
(3) Confinement in solitary cells or secret detention places; A victim of torture has the right:
(4) Prolonged interrogation; (a) To have an impartial investigation by the CHR and other
(5) Preparing a prisoner for a show trial, public display or concerned government
public humiliation of a agencies such as the Department of Justice (DOJ), the
detainee or prisoner; Public Attorney's Office
(6) Causing unscheduled transfer of a person deprived of (PAO), the PNP, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
liberty from one place to and the AFP;
another, creating the belief that he/she will be summarily (b) To have the investigation of the torture completed within
executed; a maximum period 60
(7) Maltreating a member/s of a person's family; working days from the time a complaint for torture is filed,
(8) Causing the torture sessions to be witnessed by the and to have any appeal
persons family, relatives or any resolved within the same period;
third party; (c) To have sufficient government protection for
(9) Denial of sleep/rest; himself/herself and other persons
(10) Shame infliction such as stripping the person naked, involved in the investigation/prosecution such as his/her
parading him/her in public lawyer, witnesses and
places, shaving the victims head or putting marks on his/her relatives, against all forms of harassment, threat and/or
body against his/her intimidation as a consequence
will; of the filing of the complaint for torture or the presentation of
(11) Deliberately prohibiting the victim to communicate with evidence for such
any member of his/her complaint;
family; and (d) To be given sufficient protection in the manner by which
(12) Other analogous acts of mental/psychological torture. he/she testifies and presents
R.A. 9745 also punishes the infliction of other cruel, evidence in any forum to avoid further trauma; and
inhuman and degrading (e) To claim for compensation under Republic Act No. 7309,*
treatment or punishment by a person in authority or agent of which in no case should
a person in authority be lower than P10,000.00, and under other existing laws and
against another person in custody. Other cruel, inhuman and regulations.
degrading treatment or A writ of habeas corpus or writ of amparo or writ of
punishment refers to a deliberate and aggravated treatment habeas data proceeding, if
or punishment, not falling instituted on behalf of the victim of torture or other cruel,
under physical or mental torture as defined in the law, which degrading and inhuman
attains a level of severity treatment or punishment, should be disposed of
sufficient to cause suffering, gross humiliation or expeditiously, and any order of release
debasement to the person in custody. by virtue of such proceeding, or other appropriate order of a
The assessment of the level of severity will depend on all the court relative to such
circumstances of the case, proceeding, should be executed or complied with
including the duration of the treatment or punishment, its immediately.
physical and mental effects The CHR and the PAO shall render legal assistance in the
and, in some cases, the sex, religion, age and state of health investigation and monitoring
of the victim. and/or filing of the complaint for a person who suffers torture
R.A. 9745 prohibits and punishes the establishment, and other cruel, inhuman
operation and maintenance of secret
and degrading treatment or punishment, or for any interested A state of war or a threat of war, internal political
party. The victim or instability, or any other public
interested party may also seek legal assistance from the emergency, or a document or any determination comprising
Barangay Human Rights Action an order of battle can
Center (BRRAC) nearest him/her as well as from human never be invoked as a justification for torture and other cruel,
rights non-government inhuman and degrading
organizations (NGOs). treatment or punishment.
The following are liable as principals for the crime of Order of Battle refers to any document or determination
torture or other cruel or inhuman made by the military, police or
and degrading treatment or punishment: any law enforcement agency of the government, listing the
(a) Any person who actually participated or induced another names of persons and
in the commission of torture organizations that it perceives to be enemies of the State
or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or and that it considers as
punishment, or who cooperated in legitimate targets as combatants that it could deal with,
the execution of the act of torture or other cruel, inhuman through the use of means allowed
and degrading treatment or by domestic and international law.
punishment by previous or simultaneous acts; The penalties under R.A. 9745 are:
(b) Any superior military, police or law enforcement officer or Reclusion perpetua if the torture:
senior government official (a) results in death of any person;
who issued an order to any lower ranking personnel to (b) results in mutilation;
commit torture for whatever (c) is committed with rape;
purpose; and (d) is committed with other forms of sexual abuse and, as a
(c) The immediate commanding officer of the unit concerned consequence, the victim
of the AFP or the becomes insane, imbecile, impotent, blind or maimed for life;
immediate senior public official of the PNP and other law or
enforcement agencies, if: (e) is committed against children.
1. By his act or omission, or negligence, he has led, Reclusion temporal if the torture results in insanity,
assisted, abetted or allowed, complete or partial amnesia, fear of
whether directly or indirectly, the commission of torture by becoming insane or suicidal tendencies of the victim due to
his/her subordinates; guilt, worthlessness or
or shame.
2. He/she has knowledge of or, owing to the circumstances Prision correccional if the torture results in psychological,
at the time, should have mental and emotional harm
known that acts of torture or other cruel, inhuman and other than those described in the preceding paragraph.
degrading treatment or Prision mayor in its medium and maximum periods if in
punishment will be committed, is being committed, or has consequence of torture, the
been committed by victim loses the power of speech or the power to hear or to
his/her subordinates or by others within his/her area of smell, or loses an eye, a hand,
responsibility and, despite a foot, an arm or a leg, or loses the use of any such member,
such knowledge, did not take preventive or corrective action or becomes permanently
either before, during incapacitated for labor.
or immediately after its commission, when he/she has the Prision mayor in its minimum and medium periods if, in
authority to prevent or consequence of torture, the
investigate allegations of torture or other cruel, inhuman and victim becomes deformed or loses any part of his/her body
degrading treatment other than those
or punishment but failed to prevent or investigate allegations aforementioned, or loses the use of such part, or becomes ill
of such act, whether or incapacitated for labor for
deliberately or due to negligence. more than 90 days.
Any public officer or employee will be liable as an Prision correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor
accessory if he/she has knowledge in its minimum period if,
that torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in consequence of torture, the victim becomes ill or
or punishment is being incapacitated for labor for more than
committed and without having participated in its commission, 30 days but not more than 90 days.
either as principal or Prision correccional in its minimum and medium period if,
accomplice, takes part subsequent to its commission: in consequence of torture,
(a) By profiting from or assisting the offender to profit from the victim becomesill or incapacitated for labor for 30 days or
the effects of the act of less.
torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or Arresto mayor if the act constitutes cruel, inhuman or
punishment; or degrading treatment or
(b) By concealing the act of torture or other cruel, inhuman punishment as defined in the law.
and degrading treatment or Prision correccional for those who establish, operate and
punishment and/or destroying the effects or instruments of maintain secret detention
torture in order to prevent places and/or effect or cause to effect solitary confinement,
its discovery; or incommunicado or other
(c) By harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the similar forms of prohibited detention where torture may be
principal/s in the act of carried out with impunity.
torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or Arresto mayor to be imposed on responsible officers or
punishment, provided the personnel of the AFP, the PNP
accessory acts are done with the abuse of the officials and other law enforcement agencies for failure to perform
public functions. his/her duty to maintain,
submit or make available to the public an updated list of under the circumstances.
detention centers and facilities The physical examination and/or psychological evaluation
with the corresponding data on the prisoners or detainees of the victim should be
incarcerated or detained in said contained in a medical report, duly signed by the attending
centers/facilities. physician and detailing the
If the commission of any crime punishable under Title victims medical history and the physicians findings,
Eight (Crimes Against Persons) including the nature and probable
and Title Nine (Crimes Against Personal Liberty and cause of the victims injury, pain, disease and/or trauma, and
Security) of the Revised Penal Code the approximate time and
is attended by any of the acts constituting torture and other date when it/they was/were sustained. The report shall be
cruel, inhuman and degrading attached to the custodial
treatment or punishment, the penalty to be imposed will be in investigation report and considered a public document.
its maximum period.
Torture as a crime will not absorb or will not be absorbed REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8294
by any other crime or felony AN ACT AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF
committed as a consequence, or as a means in the conduct PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1866, AS
or commission, of torture. AMENDED, ENTITLED "CODIFYING THE TAWS ON
Torture will be treated as a separate and independent ILLEGALruNLAWFUL POSSESSION,
criminal act, the penalties for MANUFACTURE, DEALING IN, ACQUISITION OR
which will be imposed without prejudice to any other criminal DISPOSITION OF FIREARMS,
and international laws. USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF
Persons who have committed any act of torture will not FIREARMS, AMMUNITION OR EXPLOSIVES, AND
benefit from any special IMPOSING STIFFER PENALTIES FOR
amnesty law or similar measures that will have the effect of CERTAIN VIOLATIONS THEREOF, AND FOR RELEVANT
exempting them from any PURPOSES."
criminal proceedings and sanctions. Section 1 . Sec. 1 Presidential oecree No. 1866, as
No person will be expelled, returned or extradited to emended, is hereby further amended to read
another State where there are as follows:cralaw
substantial grounds to believe that such person will be in "Sec. 1. Unlawful manuhcture, sale, acquisition, disposition
danger of being subjected to or possession of firearms or
torture. The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs ammunition or insfuments used or intended to be used in the
(DFA) and the Secretary of manufacture of firearms or
the DOJ, in coordination with the Chairperson of the CHR, ammunition.
will determine whether such -
grounds exist, taking into account all relevant considerations The penatty of prision coneccional in its maximum period
including the existence in and a fine of not less
the requesting State of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant than Fifteen thousend pesos (P15,000) shall be imposed
or mass violations of human upon any person who shall unlawfully
rights. (Refouler) manuhcture, deal in, acquire, dispose, or possess any low
The Department of Social Welfare and Development powered firearm, such as rimfire
(DSWD), the DOJ and the handgun, .380 or .32 and other firearm of similar firepower,
Department of Health (DOH) and such other concerned part of lirearm, ammunition, or
government agencies, and human machinery, tool or instrument used or intended to be used in
rights organizations are tasked to formulate a the manuractrre of any firearm or
comprehensive rehabilitation program ammunition: Provided, That no other crime was committed.
for torture victims and their families, and a parallel "The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period and a
rehabilitation program for persons fine of Thirty thousand pesos
who committed torture. (P30,000) shall be imposed if the firearm is classifred as
Every person arrested, detained or under custodial high po\,vered firearm which includes
investigation is given the right: those with bores bigger in diameter $an .38 caliber and I
(a) Before and after interrogation, to be informed of his/her millimeter such as calibet .40, .41, .44,
right to demand physical .45 and also lesser calibered firearms but considercd
examination by an independent and competent doctor of powerful such as caliber .357 and caliber
his/her own choice. If .22 center-fire magnum and other firearms with firing
he/she cannot afford the services of his/her own doctor, capabality of full automatic and by burst of
he/she will be provided by two or three: Provided, hor/ever, That no other crime was
the State with a competent and independent doctor to committed by the person an6ted.
conduct physical examination. "lf homicide or murder is committed with the use of an
If the person arrested is female, she will be attended to unlicensed firearm, such use of an
preferably by a female doctor. unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating
(b) To immediate access to proper and adequate medical circumstance.
treatment. "lf the viotation of this Sec. is in furherance of or incident to,
These rights may be waived by the person arrested, or in connection with the crime of
detained or under custodial rebellion or insunection, sedition, or atempted coup d'etat
investigation, provided the waiver was made knowingly and such violation shall be absorbed as
voluntarily, in writing, and an element of the crime of rebellion, or insunection, sedition,
executed in the presence and assistance of his/her counsel. or attempted coup d'etat
The State shall endeavor to provide the victim with '"The same penalty shall be imposed upon the o rner,
psychological evaluation if available president, manager, director or other
responsible officer of any public or private firm, mmpany, -
corporation or entity, who shall willfully The
or knowingly allo\ , any of the firearms owned by such firm, penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon any
company, corporation or entity to be person who shall unlawfully repack,
used by any pe6on or persons found guilty of violating the alter or modify the composition of any lawfully manufactured
provisions of the preceding explosives."
paragraphs or willfully or knowingly allow any of them b use Sec. 5. Coverage of the Term Unlicensed Firearm.
unlicensed firearms or firearms -
without any legal authority to be canied ouBide of their The term unlicensed firearm shall
residence in the course of tieir include:cralaw
employment. 1) fireerms with expired license; or
'The penatty of anesto mayor shall be imposed upon any 2) unauthorized use of licensed firearm in the commission of
person who shall cny any licensed the crime.
firearm outside his residence without legal authority Sec.6. Rules and regulations. -The Departnent of Justice
therefor." and the Deparfnent of the lnterior
Sec. 2. Sec. 3 of Pr6idential Decree No. 1866, as amended, and Local Government shalljointly issue, within ninety (90)
is hereby further amended to read days afrer the approval of this Act,
as follows:cralaw the necessary rules and regulations pertaining to the
"Sec. 3. Unhwful manufacture, sale, acquisition, disposition administrative aspect of the provisions
or possession of explosives. hereof, fumishing the Committee on Public Order and
- Security and the Committee on Justice
The and Human Rights of both Houses of Congress copies of
penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion such rules and regulations within thirty
temporal and a fine of not less than (30) days from the promulgation hereoi
Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) shall be imposed upon any Sec. 7. Separability clause.
person who shall unlawfully -
manufacture, assemble, deal in, acquire, dispose or possess lf, for any reason, any Sec. or ptovision of this Act is
hand grenade(s), rifle grenade(s), declared to
and other explosives, including but not limited to 'pillbox,' be unconstitutional or invalid, the other Sec.s or provisions
'molotov cocktail bombs,' 'fire bombs,' thereof which are not affected thereby
or other incendiary devices capable of producing destructive shall continue to be in full force and effect.
efect on conliguous objects or Sec. 8. Repealing clause. -All laws, decrees, orders, rules
causing injury or death to any person. and regulations or parb thereof
'When a person cornmits any of the crimes defined in the inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby
Revised Penal Code or special laws repealed, amended, or modified
with the use of the aforementioned explosives, detonation accordingly.
agenb or incendiary devices, which Sec. 9. Effectivity.
results in the death ofany person or persons, the use of such -
explosives, detonation agenB or This Act shall take effect afrer fifteen (15) days following its
incendiary devices shall be considered as an aggravating publication in
circumstance. the Offcial Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general
"lf the violation of this Sec. is in furtherance of, or incident to, circulation.
or in connection with the crime of Approved: June 6, 1997
rebellion, insunection, sedition or attempted coup d'etat such
violation shall be absorbed as an [SALIENT POINTS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10591]
element of the crimes of rebellion, insunection, sedition or This Act shall be known as the Comprehensive Firearms
attempted coup d'etat. and Ammunition Regulation Act.
'The same penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
president, manager, director or other of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
responsible officer of any public or private firm, company, This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 3397 and
corpoftltion or entity, wlro shall willfully House Bill No. 5484 was finally passed by the Senate and
or knowingly allow any of the explosives owned by such firm, the House of Representatives on February 4, 2013 and
cqnpany, corporation or entity, b February 5, 2013, respectively.
be used by any person or persons found guilty of violating It is the policy of the state to maintain peace and order and
the provisions of the preceding protect the people against violence. It recognizes the right of
paragraphs. " its qualified citizens to self-defense through, when it is the
Sec. 3. Sec. 5 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as reasonable means to repel the unlawful aggression under
amended, is hereby further amended to read the circumstances, the use of firearms. This law regulates
as follows:cralaw the ownership, possession, carrying, manufacture, dealing in
"Sec. 5. Tampering of firearm's serial number. and importation of firearms, ammunition, or parts thereof, in
- order to provide legal support to law enforcement agencies
The penalty of prision coneccional shall be in their campaign against crime, stop the proliferation of
imposed upon any person who shall unlawfully tamper, illegal firearms or weapons and the illegal manufacture of
change, defuce or erase the serial firearms or weapons, ammunition and parts thereof.
number of any firearm." In order to qualify and acquire a license to own and possess
Sec. 4. Sec. 6 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as a firearm or firearms and ammunition, the applicant must be
amended, is hereby further amended to read a Filipino citizen, at least twenty-one (21) years old and has
as follows:cralaw gainful work, occupation or business or has filed an Income
"Sec. 6. Repacking or altering the composition of lawfully Tax Return (ITR) for the preceding year as proof of income,
manufacturcd explosives. profession, business or occupation.
In addition, the applicant shall submit the following The failure to renew a license or registration within the
certification issued by appropriate authorities attesting the periods stated above on two (2) occasions shall cause the
following: holder of the firearm to be perpetually disqualified from
(a) The applicant has not been convicted of any crime applying for any firearm license. The application for the
involving moral turpitude: renewal of the license or registration may be submitted to
(b) The applicant has passed the psychiatric test the FEO of the PNP, within six (6) months before the date of
administered by a PNP-accredited psychologist or the expiration of such license or registration.
psychiatrist; The unlawful acquisition, possession of firearms and
(c) The applicant has passed the drug test conducted by an ammunition shall be penalized.
accredited and authorized drug testing laboratory or clinic;
(d) The applicant has passed a gun safety seminar which is REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9160
administered by the PNP or a registered and authorized gun (as amended by Republic Act No. 9194)
(e) The applicant has filed in writing the application to LAUNDERING, PROVIDING PENALTIES
possess a registered firearm which shall state the personal THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
circumstances of the applicant; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
(f) The applicant must present a police clearance from the of the Philippines in Congress
city or municipality police office; and assembled:
(g) The applicant has not been convicted or is currently an SECTION 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the
accused in a pending criminal case before any court of law "Anti-Money Laundering Act of
for a crime that is punishable with a penalty of more than two 2001."
(2) years. SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby declared the
The applicant shall pay the reasonable licensing fees as may policy of the State to protect and
be provided in the implementing rules and regulations of this preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts
Act. and to ensure that the Philippines shall
The Chief of the PNP, through the FEO of the PNP, shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of
issue licenses to qualified individuals and to cause the any unlawful activity. Consistent with
registration of firearms under the following categories; its foreign policy, the State shall extend cooperation in
Type 1 license allows a citizen to own and possess a transnational investigations and
maximum of two (2) registered firearms; prosecutions of persons involved in money laundering
Type 2 license allows a citizen to own and possess a activities wherever committed.
maximum of five (5) registered firearms; SEC. 3. Definitions. For purposes of this Act, the following
Type 3 license allows a citizen to own and possess a terms are hereby defined as
maximum of ten (10) registered firearms; follows:
Type 4 license allows a citizen to own and possess a (a) "Covered institution" refers to:
maximum of fifteen (15) registered firearms; and (1) banks, non-banks, quasi-banks, trust entities, and all
Type 5 license allows a citizen, who is a certified gun other institutions and their
collector, to own and possess more than fifteen (15) subsidiaries and affiliates supervised or regulated by the
registered firearms. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP);
For Types 1 to 5 licenses, a vault or a container secured by (2) insurance companies and all other institutions supervised
lock and key or other security measures for the safekeeping or regulated by the Insurance
of firearms shall be required. Commission; and
For Types 3 to 5 licenses, the citizen must comply with the (3) (i) securities dealers, brokers, salesmen, investment
inspection and bond requirements. houses and other similar entities
Only small arms may be registered by licensed citizens or managing securities or rendering services as investment
licensed juridical entities for ownership, possession and agent, advisor, or consultant, (ii) mutual
concealed carry. The licensed citizen or licensed juridical funds, close-end investment companies, common trust
entity shall register his/her/its firearms so purchased with the funds, pre-need companies and other
FEO of the PNP in accordance with the type of license such similar entities, (iii) foreign exchange corporations, money
licensed citizen or licensed juridical entity possesses. A changers, money payment, remittance,
certificate of registration of the firearm shall be issued upon and transfer companies and other similar entities, and (iv)
payment of reasonable fees. other entities administering or
The licenses granted to qualified citizens or juridical entities otherwise dealing in currency, commodities or financial
as provided in this Act shall include the license to possess derivatives based thereon, valuable
ammunition with a maximum of fifty (50) rounds for each objects, cash substitutes and other similar monetary
registered firearm: Provided; That the FEO of the PNP may instruments or property supervised or
allow more ammunition to be possessed by licensed sports regulated by Securities and Exchange Commission.
shooters. (b) 'Covered transaction' is a transaction in cash or other
All types of licenses to possess a firearm shall be renewed equivalent monetary
every two (2) years. Failure to renew the license on or before instrument involving a total amount in excess of Five
the date of its expiration shall cause the revocation of the hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
license and of the registration of the firearm/s under said within one (1) banking day. 1
licensee. (b-1) 'Suspicious transaction' are transactions with covered
The registration of the firearm shall be renewed every four institutions, regardless of
(4) years. Failure to renew the registration of the firearm on the amounts involved, where any of the following
or before the date of expiration shall cause the revocation of circumstances exist:2
the license of the firearm. The said firearm shall be
confiscated or forfeited in favor of the government after due Text in bold are amendments introduced in RA 9194. Text in
process. brackets [ ---] are original provisions that
have been repealed by RA 9194.
1 As amended by Sec. 1 of RA 9194. Original provison: (b) relation to the following:
Covered transaction" is a single, series, (1) Kidnapping for ransom under Article 267 of Act No. 3815,
or combination of transactions involving a total amount in otherwise known as the
excess of Four million Philippine pesos Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(Php4,000,000.00) or an equivalent amount in foreign (2) Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of
currency based on the prevailing exchange rate Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise
within five (5) consecutive banking days except those known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
between a covered institution and a person who, at 2002;4
the time of the transaction was a properly identified client (3) Section 3 paragraphs B, C, E, G, H and I of Republic Act
and the amount is commensurate with the No. 3019, as amended;
business or financial capacity of the client; or those with an otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act;
underlying legal or trade obligation, purpose, (4) Plunder under Republic Act No. 7080, as amended;
origin or economic justification. (5) Robbery and extortion under Articles 294, 295, 296, 299,
It likewise refers to a single, series or combination or pattern 300, 301 and 302 of the
of unusually large and complex Revised Penal Code, as amended;
transactions in excess of Four million Philippine pesos
(Php4,000,000.00) especially cash deposits and 2
investments having no credible purpose or origin, underlying New provision. Sec. 2 of RA 9194
trade obligation or contract. 3 As amended by Sec. 3 of RA 9194.
2 4 As amended by Sec. 3 of RA 9194. Original provision: (2)
1. there is no underlying legal or trade obligation, purpose or Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of Article
economic justification; Two of Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, otherwise
2. the client is not properly identified; known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
3. the amount involved is not commensurate with the 3
business or financial capacity of (6) Jueteng and Masiao punished as illegal gambling under
the client; Presidential Decree No. 1602;
4. taking into account all known circumstances, it may be (7) Piracy on the high seas under the Revised Penal Code,
perceived that the clients as amended and Presidential
transaction is structured in order to avoid being the subject Decree No. 532;
of reporting requirements (8) Qualified theft under Article 310 of the Revised Penal
under the Act; Code, as amended;
5. any circumstance relating to the transaction which is (9) Swindling under Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code,
observed to deviate from the as amended;
profile of the client and/or the clients past transactions with (10) Smuggling under Republic Act Nos. 455 and 1937;
the covered institution; (11) Violations under Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise
6. the transaction is in any way related to an unlawful activity known as the Electronic Commerce
or offense under this Act Act of 2000;
that is about to be, is being or has been committed; or (12) Hijacking and other violations under Republic Act No.
7. any transaction that is similar or analogous to any of the 6235; destructive arson and
foregoing. murder, as defined under the Revised Penal Code, as
(c) "Monetary instrument" refers to: amended, including those perpetrated by
(1) coins or currency of legal tender of the Philippines, or of terrorists against non-combatant persons and similar targets;
any other country; (13) Fraudulent practices and other violations under
(2) drafts, checks and notes; Republic Act No. 8799, otherwise
(3) securities or negotiable instruments, bonds, commercial known as the Securities Regulation Code of 2000;
papers, deposit certificates, trust (14) Felonies or offenses of a similar nature that are
certificates, custodial receipts or deposit substitute punishable under the penal laws of other
instruments, trading orders, transaction tickets countries.
and confirmations of sale or investments and money market SEC. 4. Money Laundering Offense. Money laundering is a
instruments; and crime whereby the proceeds of
(4) other similar instruments where title thereto passes to an unlawful activity as herein defined5
another by endorsement, are transacted, thereby making them appear to have
assignment or delivery. originated from legitimate sources. It is committed by the
(d) "Offender" refers to any person who commits a money following:
laundering offense. (a) Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
(e) "Person" refers to any natural or juridical person. property represents, involves, or
(f) "Proceeds" refers to an amount derived or realized from relates to, the proceeds of any unlawful activity, transacts or
an unlawful activity. attempts to transact said monetary
(g) "Supervising Authority" refers to the appropriate instrument or property.
supervisory or regulatory agency, (b) Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
department or office supervising or regulating the covered property involves the proceeds of
institutions enumerated in Section 3(a). any unlawful activity, performs or fails to perform any act as
(h) "Transaction" refers to any act establishing any right or a result of which he facilitates the
obligation or giving rise to any offense of money laundering referred to in paragraph (a)
contractual or legal relationship between the parties thereto. above.
It also includes any movement of (c) Any person knowing that any monetary instrument or
funds by any means with a covered institution. property is required under this Act
(i) 'Unlawful activity' refers to any act or omission or series or to be disclosed and filed with the Anti-Money Laundering
combination thereof involving Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
or having direct3
SEC. 5. Jurisdiction of Money Laundering Cases. The (9) to develop educational programs on the pernicious
regional trial courts shall have effects of money laundering, the
jurisdiction to try all cases on money laundering. Those methods and techniques used in money laundering, the
committed by public officers and private viable means of preventing money
persons who are in conspiracy with such public officers shall laundering and the effective ways of prosecuting and
be under the jurisdic tion of the punishing offenders;
Sandiganbayan. (10) to enlist the assistance of any branch, department,
SEC. 6. Prosecution of Money Laundering. bureau, office, agency or
(a) Any person may be charged with and convicted of both instrumentality of the government, including government-
the offense of money laundering owned and -controlled corporations, in
and the unlawful activity as herein defined. undertaking any and all anti-money laundering operations,
(b) Any proceeding relating to the unlawful activity shall be which may include the use of its
given precedence over the personnel, facilities and resources for the more resolute
prosecution of any offense or violation under this Act without prevention, detection and investigation of
prejudice to the freezing and other money laundering offenses and prosecution of offenders;
remedies provided. and
SEC. 7. Creation of Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC). (11) to impose administrative sanctions for the violation of
6 laws, rules, regulations and
The Anti-Money orders and resolutions issued pursuant thereto.
Laundering Council is hereby created and shall be SEC. 8. Creation of a Secretariat. The AMLC is hereby
composed of the Governor of the Bangko authorized to establish a secretariat
Sentral ng Pilipinas as chairman, the Commissioner of the to be headed by an Executive Director who shall be
Insurance Commission and the appointed by the Council for a term of five
Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission as (5) years. He must be a member of the Philippine Bar, at
members. The AMLC shall act least thirty-five (35) years of age and of
unanimously in the discharge of its functions as defined good moral character, unquestionable integrity and known
hereunder: probity. All members of the Secretariat
must have served for at least five (5) years either in the
5 As amended by Sec. 4 of RA 9194. Insurance Commission, the Securities and
6 As amended by Sec. 5 of RA 9194. Exchange Commission or the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
4 (BSP) and shall hold full-time
(1) to require and receive covered or suspicious transaction permanent positions within the BSP.
reports from covered SEC. 9. Prevention of Money Laundering; Customer
institutions; Identification Requirements and Record
(2) to issue orders addressed to the appropriate Supervising Keeping. (a) Customer Identification. Covered institutions
Authority or the covered shall establish and record the true
institution to determine the true identity of the owner of any identity of its clients based on official documents. They shall
monetary instrument or property maintain a system of verifying the
subject of a covered transaction or suspicious transaction true identity of their clients and, in case of corporate clients,
report or request for assistance from a require a system of verifying their
foreign State, or believed by the Council, on the basis of legal existence and organizational structure, as well as the
substantial evidence, to be, in whole or authority and identification of all
in part, wherever located, representing, involving, or related persons purporting to act on their behalf.
to, directly or indirectly, in any
manner or by any means, the proceeds of an unlawful 7
activity. Original provision: (6) to freeze any monetary instrument or
(3) to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and all other property alleged to be proceeds of any
remedial proceedings through the unlawful activity.
Office of the Solicitor General; 5
(4) to cause the filing of complaints with the Department of The provisions of existing laws to the contrary
Justice or the Ombudsman for notwithstanding, anonymous accounts,
the prosecution of money laundering offenses; accounts under fictitious names, and all other similar
(5) to [initiate investigations of] investigate suspicious accounts shall be absolutely prohibited.
transactions and covered Peso and foreign currency non-checking numbered accounts
transactions deemed suspicious after an investigation by shall be allowed. The BSP may
AMLC, money laundering activities, conduct annual testing solely limited to the determination of
and other violations of this Act; the existence and true identity of the
(6) to apply before the Court of Appeals, ex parte, for the owners of such accounts.
freezing of any monetary (b) Record Keeping. All records of all transactions of
instrument or property alleged to be the proceeds of any covered institutions shall be
unlawful activity as defined in maintained and safely stored for five (5) years from the dates
Section 3(i) hereof;7 of transactions. With respect to
(7) to implement such measures as may be necessary and closed accounts, the records on customer identification,
justified under this Act to account files and business
counteract money laundering; correspondence, shall be preserved and safely stored for at
(8) to receive and take action in respect of, any request from least five (5) years from the dates
foreign states for assistance in when they were closed.
their own anti-money laundering operations provided in this (c) Reporting of Covered and Suspicious Transactions.8
Act; Covered institutions shall report to
the AMLC all covered transactions and suspicious receipt of the depositors explanation, the freeze order shall
transactions within five (5) working days automatically be dissolved. The fifteen (15)-
from occurrence thereof, unless the Supervising Authority day freeze order of the AMLC may be extended upon order
prescribes a longer period not of the court, provided that the fifteen (15)-day
exceeding ten (10) working days. period shall be tolled pending the courts decision to extend
Should a transaction be determined to be both a covered the period.
transaction and a suspicious 6
transaction, the covered institution shall be required to report any monetary instrument or property is in any way related to
the same as a suspicious an unlawful activity as
transaction. defined in Section 3(i) hereof, may issue a freeze order
When reporting covered or suspicious transactions to the which shall be effective immediately.
AMLC, covered institutions and The freeze order shall be for a period of twenty (20) days
their officers and employees [,representatives, agents, unless extended by the court.
advisors, consultants or associates] shall Note: SEC. 12 of RA 9194. Transitory Provision. Existing
not be deemed to have violated Republic Act No. 1405, as freeze orders issued
amended, Republic Act No. 6426, as by the AMLC shall remain in force for a period of thirty (30)
amended, Republic Act No. 8791 and other similar laws, but days after the
are prohibited from communicating, effectivity of this Act, unless extended by the Court of
directly or indirectly, in any manner or by any means, to any Appeals.
person, the fact that a covered or SEC. 11. Authority to Inquire into Bank Deposits.
suspicious transaction report was made, the contents 10
thereof, or any other information in relation Notwithstanding the provisions of
thereto. In case of violation thereof, the concerned officer Republic Act No. 1405, as amended[;], Republic Act No.
and employee [, representative, agent, 6426, as amended[;], Republic Act No.
advisor, consultant or associate] of the covered institution 8791, and other laws, the AMLC may inquire into or examine
shall be criminally liable. However, any particular deposit or
no administrative, criminal or civil proceedings, shall lie investment with any banking institution or non-bank financial
against any person for having made a institution upon order of any
covered or suspicious transaction report in the regular competent court in cases of violation of this Act when it has
performance of his duties in good faith, been established that there is
whether or not such reporting results in any crimina l probable cause that the deposits or investments involved are
prosecution under this Act or any other law. [in any way] related to an unlawful
When reporting covered or suspicious transactions to the activity as defined in Section 3(i) hereof or a money
AMLC, covered institutions and laundering offense under Section 4
their officers and employees [,representatives, agents, hereof; except that no court order shall be required in cases
advisors, consultants or associates] are involving unlawful activities
prohibited from communic ating directly or indirectly, in any defined in Sections 3(i)(1), (2) and (12) [:Provided, That this
manner or by any means, to any provision shall not apply to
person or entity, the media, the fact that a covered or deposits and investments made prior to the effectivity of this
suspicious transaction report was made, Act].
the contents thereof, or any other information in relation To ensure compliance with this Act, the Bangko Sentral ng
thereto. Neither may such reporting be Pilipinas (BSP) may inquire
published or aired in any manner or form by the mass media, into or examine any deposit or investment with any banking
electronic mail, or other similar institution or non-bank
devices. In case of violation thereof, the concerned officer financial institution when the examination is made in the
and employee [, representative, course of a periodic or special
agent, advisor, consultant or associate] of the covered examination, in accordance with the rules of examination of
institution and media shall be held the BSP.
criminally liable. SEC. 12. Forfeiture Provisions.
SEC. 10. Freezing of Monetary Instrument or Property . (a) Civil Forfeiture. When there is a covered transaction
9 report made, and the court has, in a
The Court of Appeals, upon petition filed for the purpose ordered seizure of any
application ex parte by the AMLC and after determination monetary instrument or property, in whole or
that probable cause exists that in part, directly or indirectly, related to said report, the
Revised Rules of Court on civil forfeiture
8 As amended by Sec. 6 of RA 9194. shall apply.
9 Aa amended by Sec. 7 of RA 9194. Original provision: (b) Claim on Forfeited Assets. Where the court has issued
SEC. 10.Authority to Freeze. Upon an order of forfeiture of the
determination that probable cause exists that any deposit or monetary instrument or property in a criminal prosecution for
similar account is in any way related to an any money laundering offense
unlawful activity, the AMLC may issue a freeze order, which defined under Section 4 of this Act, the offender or any other
shall be effective immediately, on the account person claiming an interest therein
for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. Notice to the may apply, by verified petition, for a declaration that the
depositor that his account has been frozen shall same legitimately belongs to him and for
be issued simultaneously with the issuance of the freeze segregation or exclusion of the monetary instrument or
order. The depositor shall have seventy-two (72) property corresponding thereto. The
hours upon receipt of the notice to explain why the freeze verified petition shall be filed with the court which rendered
order should be lifted. The AMLC has seventytwo the judgment of conviction and order
(72) hours to dispose of the depositors explanation. If it fails of forfeiture, within fifteen (15) days from the date of the
to act within seventy-two (72) hours from order of forfeiture, in default of which
the said order shall become final and executory. This (c) Obtaining Assistance from Foreign States. The AMLC
provision shall apply in both civil and may make a request to any
criminal forfeiture. foreign State for assistance in (1) tracking down, freezing,
(c) Payment in Lieu of Forfeiture. Where the court has restraining and seizing assets alleged to
issued an order of forfeiture of the be proceeds of any unlawful activity; (2) obtaining
monetary instrument or property subject of a money information that it needs relating to any
laundering offense defined under Section 4, covered transaction, money laundering offense or any other
and said order cannot be enforced because any particular matter directly or indirectly related
monetary instrument or property cannot, thereto; (3) to the extent allowed by the law of the foreign
with due diligence, be located, or it has been substantially State, applying with the proper court
altered, destroyed, diminished in value therein for an order to enter any premises belonging to or in
or otherwise rendered worthless by any act or omission, the possession or control of, any or
directly or indirectly, attributable to the all of the persons named in said request, and/or search any
offender, or it has been concealed, removed, converted or or all such persons named therein
otherwise transferred to prevent the and/or remove any document, material or object named in
same from being found or to avoid forfeiture thereof, or it is said request: Provided, That the
located outside the Philippines or has documents accompanying the request in support of the
been placed or brought outside the jurisdiction of the court, application have been duly authenticated
or it has been commingled with other in accordance with the applicable law or regulation of the
monetary instruments or property belonging to either the foreign State; and (4) applying for an
offender himself or a third person or order of forfeiture of any monetary instrument or property in
entity, thereby rendering the same difficult to identify or be the proper court in the foreign State:
segregated for purposes of forfeiture, Provided, That the request is accompanied by an
the court may, instead of enforcing the order of forfeiture of authenticated copy of the order of the regional
the monetary instrument or property trial court ordering the forfeiture of said monetary instrument
or part thereof or interest therein, accordingly order the or property of a convicted offender
convicted offender to pay an amount and an affidavit of the clerk of court stating that the
conviction and the order of forfeiture are final
No court shall issue a temporary restraining order or writ of and that no further appeal lies in respect of either.
injunction against any freeze order (d) Limitations on Requests for Mutual Assistance. The
issued by the AMLC except the Court of Appeals or the AMLC may refuse to comply with
Supreme Court. any request for assistance where the action sought by the
10 As amended by Sec. 8 of RA 9194. request contravenes any provision of the
7 Constitution or the execution of a request is likely to
equal to the value of said monetary instrument or property. prejudice the national interest of the
This provision shall apply in both civil Philippines unless there is a treaty between the Philippines
and criminal forfeiture. and the requesting State relating to the
SEC. 13. Mutual Assistance among States. provision of assistance in relation to money laundering
(a) Request for Assistance from a Foreign State. Where a offenses.
foreign State makes a request for (e) Requirements for Requests for Mutual Assistance from
assistance in the investigation or prosecution of a money Foreign States. A request for
laundering offense, the AMLC may mutual assistance from a foreign State must (1) confirm that
execute the request or refuse to execute the same and an investigation or prosecution is
inform the foreign State of any valid reason being conducted in respect of a money launderer named
for not executing the request or for delaying the execution therein or that he has been convicted of
thereof. The principles of mutuality any money laundering offense; (2) state the grounds on
and reciprocity shall, for this purpose, be at all times which any person is being investigated or
recognized. prosecuted for money laundering or the details of his
(b) Powers of the AMLC to Act on a Request for Assistance conviction; (3) give sufficient particulars as
from a Foreign State. The to the identity of said person; (4) give particulars sufficient to
AMLC may execute a request for assistance from a foreign identify any covered institution
State by: (1) tracking down, freezing, believed to have any information, document, material or
restraining and seizing assets alleged to be proceeds of any object which may be of assistance to the
unlawful activity under the procedures investigation or prosecution; (5) ask from the covered
laid down in this Act; (2) giving information needed by the institution concerned any information,
foreign State within the procedures document, material or object which may be of assistance to
laid down in this Act; and (3) applying for an order of the investigation or prosecution; (6)
forfeiture of any monetary instrument or specify the manner in which and to whom said information,
property in the court: Provided, That the court shall not issue document, material or object obtained
such an order unless the application pursuant to said request, is to be produced; (7) give all the
is accompanied by an authenticated copy of the order of a particulars necessary for the issuance
court in the requesting State ordering 8
the forfeiture of said monetary instrument or property of a by the court in the requested State of the writs, orders or
person who has been convicted of a processes needed by the requesting State;
money laundering offense in the requesting State, and a and (8) contain such other information as may assist in the
certification or an affidavit of a execution of the request.
competent officer of the requesting State stating that the (f) Authentication of Documents. For purposes of this
conviction and the order of forfeiture are Section, a document is authenticated
final and that no further appeal lies in respect of either. if the same is signed or certified by a judge, magistrate or
equivalent officer in or of, the
requesting State, and authenticated by the oath or herein prescribed, be deported without further proceedings
affirmation of a witness or sealed with an after serving the penalties herein
official or public seal of a minister, secretary of State, or prescribed. If the offender is a public official or employee, he
officer in or of, the government of the shall, in addition to the penalties
requesting State, or of the person administering the prescribed herein, suffer perpetual or temporary absolute
government or a department of the requesting disqualification from office, as the case
territory, protectorate or colony. The certificate of may be.
authentication may also be made by a secretary Any public official or employee who is called upon to testify
of the embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice and refuses to do the same or
consul, consular agent or any officer in purposely fails to testify shall suffer the same penalties
the foreign service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign prescribed herein.
State in which the record is kept, and
authenticated by the seal of his office. 11 As amended by Sec. 9 of RA 9194
(g) Extradition. The Philippines shall negotiate for the 9
inclusion of money laundering (d) Breach of Confidentiality. 12 The punishment of
offenses as herein defined among extraditable offenses in all imprisonment ranging from three (3) to
future treaties. eight (8) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred
SEC. 14. Penal Provisions. (a) Penalties for the Crime of thousand Philippine pesos (Php
Money Laundering. The penalty 500,000.00) but not more than One million Philippine pesos
of imprisonment ranging from seven (7) to fourteen (14) (Php 1,000,000.00) shall be imposed
years and a fine of not less than Three on a person convicted for a violation under Section 9(c). In
million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00) but not more the case of a breach of
than twice the value of the monetary confidentiality that is published or reported by media, the
instrument or property involved in the offense, shall be responsible reporter, writer,
imposed upon a person convicted under president, publisher, manager and editor-in-chief shall be
Section 4(a) of this Act. liable under this Act.
The penalty of imprisonment from four (4) to seven (7) years [SEC. 15.System of Incentives and Rewards. A system of
and a fine of not less than One special incentives and rewards is
million five hundred thousand Philippine pesos hereby established to be given to the appropriate
(Php1,500,000.00) but not more than Three government agency and its personnel that led
million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00), shall be and initiated an investigation, prosecution and conviction of
imposed upon a person convicted under persons involved in the offense
Section 4(b) of this Act. penalized in Section 4 of this Act]. Repealed by Sec. 10 of
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to four (4) RA 9194
years or a fine of not less than SEC. 16. Prohibitions Against Political Harassment. This
One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) Act shall not be used for
but not more than Five hundred political persecution or harassment or as an instrument to
thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall hamper competition in trade and
be imposed on a person convicted commerce.
under Section 4(c) of this Act. No case for money laundering may be filed against and no
(b) Penalties for Failure to Keep Records. The penalty of assets shall be frozen, attached or
imprisonment from six (6) months forfeited to the prejudice of a candidate for an electoral offic
to one (1) year or a fine of not less than One hundred e during an election period.
thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) SEC. 17. Restitution. Restitution for any aggrieved party
but not more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos shall be governed by the
(Php500,000.00), or both, shall be provisions of the New Civil Code.
imposed on a person convicted under Section 9(b) of this SEC. 18. Implementing Rules and Regulations. Within
Act. thirty (30) days from the effectivity
(c) Malicious Reporting.11 Any person who, with malice, or of this Act, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Insurance
in bad faith, reports or files a Commission and the Securities and
completely unwarranted or false information relative to Exchange Commission shall promulgate the rules and
money laundering transaction against any regulations to implement effectively the
person shall be subject to a penalty of six (6) months to four provisions of this Act. Said rules and regulations shall be
(4) years imprisonment and a fine of submitted to the Congressional
not less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php Oversight Committee for approval.
100,000.00) but not more than Five Covered institutions shall formulate their respective money
hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php 500,000.00), at the laundering prevention programs
discretion of the court: Provided, in accordance with this Act including, but not limited to,
That the offender is not entitled to avail the benefits of the information dissemination on money
Probation Law. laundering activities and its prevention, detection and
If the offender is a corporation, association, partnership or reporting, and the training of responsible
any juridical person, the penalty officers and personnel of covered institutions.
shall be imposed upon the responsible officers, as the case SEC. 19. Congressional Oversight Committee. There is
may be, who participated in, or hereby created a Congressional
allowed by their gross negligence, the commission of the Oversight Committee composed of seven (7) members from
crime [or who shall knowingly the Senate and seven (7) members
permitted or failed to prevent its commission]. If the offender from the House of Representatives. The members from the
is a juridical person, the court may Senate shall be appointed by the
suspend or revoke its license. If the offender is an alien, he Senate President based on the proportional representation
shall, in addition to the penalties of the parties or coalitions therein with
at least two (2) Senators representing the minority. The Act, and the application of such provision or section to other
members from the House of persons or circumstances, shall not
Representatives shall be appointed by the Speaker also be affected thereby.
based on proportional representation of the SEC. 22. Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, executive
parties or coalitions therein with at least two (2) members orders, rules and regulations or
representing the minority. parts thereof, including the relevant provisions of Republic
The Oversight Committee shall have the power to Act No. 1405, as amended; Republic
promulgate its own rules, to oversee the
implementation of this Act, and to review or revise the 12 As amended by Sec. 9 of RA 9194.
implementing rules issued by the AntiMoney 10
Laundering Council within thirty (30) days from the Act No. 6426, as amended; Republic Act No. 8791, as
promulgation of the said rules. amended and other similar laws, as are
SEC. 20. Appropriations Clause. The AMLC shall be inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed, amended or
provided with an initial appropriation modified accordingly.
of Twenty-five million Philippine pesos (Php25,000,000.00) SEC. 23. Effectivity . This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)
to be drawn from the national days after its complete
government. Appropriations for the succeeding years shall publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2)
be included in the General national newspapers of general circulation.
Appropriations Act. [The provisions of this Act shall not apply to deposits and
SEC. 21. Separability Clause. If any provision or section of investments made prior to its
this Act or the application effectivity.]- Repealed under Sec.11 of RA 9194 .
thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, Approved, September 29, 2001.
the other provisions or sections of this

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