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4/20 19:20:15.753 (1f2c) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.

4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Wed Apr 20 19:20:15 2016
4/20 19:20:15.809 (1f2c) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
4/21 15:48:04.915 (e64) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'Pa
triot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Apr 21 15:48:04 2016
4/21 15:48:04.915 (e64) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_S
oftware_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:21
:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
4/21 15:57:25.302 (179c) StarBurn Development Kit for Windows Version V15.4 'P
atriot' ( 0x20150306 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2016. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) StarBurn Software 2009-2016. All rights reserved.
Started - Thu Apr 21 15:57:24 2016
4/21 15:57:25.304 (1a98) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
4/21 15:57:25.305 (179c) License number: 7651, licensed to Desmond_Wondershare_
Software_Co.,_Ltd.__-SDK_PRO_15.4_StarBurnSDK_v15_License_Key on Fri Jun 12 13:2
1:47 2015
Please report all licensing violations to software pir
acy fighting team.
4/21 15:57:28.189 (179c) StarBurn:StarBurn_DownShut(): EXITing with success

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