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The following simple instructions for building the rings were

copied from
4 pequeos imanes.
Cinta para pegar
Una tijera
Un comps

Step 1: Marke el polo Sur de los imanes con una lnea blanca.
Para cada iman, haga lo siguiente:
* Sostengo los suficientemente cerca a la brjula,Hold the magnet close enough to a
compass, so that the north-arrow of the compass aims in the direction of the magnet. If the
south-arrow aims at it, flip the magnet over.
* The side of the magnet, which the north-arrow of the compass is aiming at, must be
painted with a white line. This white line marks the south-pole of the magnet. (In fact the
north-pole of the planet is the south-pole of the planet's big magnet, so this is correct.
L16/L17/Magnetic_Poles/magnetic_poles.html and for proof)

So, now you have 4 magnets, which all have a line on one side. Check if you did them all
correct by sticking the magnets together and check to see if the marks are all in the same

Step 2: Pre-cut 4 slices of plastic tape

Step 3: Sticking the magnets to your small finger of your left hand:
South-Up, North-Down

Receive Free Immortality Rings

* Put one magnet on top of your left-hand small finger, with theline-marking facing
upwards. While holding your hand in a horizontal position with your nails upwards.

* Take a piece of plastic tape and wrap it around the magnet and stick it to your finger.
* Put one magnet below your left-hand small finger, again with theline-marking facing
upwards. Keep your hand in the same horizontal position with your nails upwards. The
picture shows the line facing towards the skin, and showing the clear (north-pole) side of
the magnet, because the hand is turned over.

Take a piece of plastic tape and wrap it around the magnet and stick it to your finger.
Step 4: Sticking the magnets to your small finger of your right hand:
North-Up, South-Down

* Put one magnet on top of your right-hand small finger, with the line-marking facing
*downwards*. While holding your hand in a horizontal position with your nails upwards.

* Take a piece of plastic tape and wrap it around the magnet and stick it to your finger.

* Put one magnet below your right-hand small finger, again with the line-marking facing
*downwards*. Keep your hand in the same horizontal position with your nails upwards.

* Take a piece of plastic tape and wrap it around the magnet and stick it to your finger.

Watch out
Make sure you tape the magnets stuck, because they must not move during sleep. If a
magnet flips over (north-south turns into south-north), there will be no healing or
rejuvenation, perhaps even sickening. Use more pieces of tape if needed..

A tip to remember the right polarities

Your left hand first. left start with an l, which is in fact a line. So this means: left hand, the
line faces upwards. Automatically this follows that the right hand has the line facing down.

Relax and feel the power flow

When you lie down and relax you will feel the tingling sensation in your finger and hand..
Women are more sensitive to this energy..

That's all there is to it..

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