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English IV Honors & CP Frankenstein Gothic Mock Trial Ms.


Team Victor's position: Victor is innocent and should not be held accountable for Frankies actions.
Team Frankie's position: Victor is guilty and should be held accountable for Frankies actions.

1. Frankie is suing his creator in civil court. Your challenge is to determine if Victor should be held accountable for the
murders that his creation commits. Since Victor created the being without assuming the responsibility to care for it and
acclimate it to the society in which it was "born," Victor is being tried in court for negligence and being held accountable
for Frankies actions. Witnesses from the novel will be called to the stand to testify in this situation.

2. You will be in assigned to either Team Victor or Team Frankie. Each team will choose 3 teammates for the role of attor-
neys. These attorneys will take turns representing their teams during the trial. Team Victor will choose their Victor. Team
Frankie will choose their Frankie. You will then choose 1 other witness from the list below to testify/examine during

3. All other students will choose a character from the novel. For the trial, you will sit in the audience as if you were your
character, and act/react like your character would. Dress up!

4. All members will be in charge of planning and researching for the trial. You will be handing in typed opening state-
ments, witness examination/cross examination sheet (evidence), and closing statements.

Witnesses (each team will choose 1 to examine) Roles

The ghost of William Frankenstein
The ghost of Justine Moritz Attorneys (3 per team)
The Delaceys Judge (1)
The ghost of Henry Clerval Defendant: Victor Frankenstein
The ghost of Elizabeth Lavenza Plaintiff: The monster
Alphonse Jurors (6 will be randomly chosen on the day of
Robert Walton trial)
Earnest Frankenstein
Mr. Krempe, Mr. Waldman
Medical experts, psychologists

5. The class will be carrying out the trial in the following order:
Opening statement by Frankies attorney
Opening statement by Victors attorney
Interrogation of Frankies witnesses by Frankies attorneys
Cross-examination of Frankies witnesses by Victors attorney
Interrogation of Victors witnesses by Victors attorneys
Cross-examination of Victors witnesses by Frankies attorneys
Closing arguments by both attorneys

6. The judge will invite the jury to deliberate in front of the class. The jury should submit a verdict in writing to the judge, who
will read it aloud.

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