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Eating Disorders (ED)

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(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Kids and ED
Humans need
_ _ _ and _ _ _ to
Kids, in particular, need to _ _ _enough
healthy food to _ _ _ and develop.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Kids and ED
Humans need
food and water to
Kids, in particular, need to eat enough
healthy food to grow and develop.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Dangerous habits
Not eating right
and _ _ _
can make people

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Dangerous habits
Not eating right
and enough
can make people

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Dangerous habits
Eating _ _ _ much
and then
throwing up can
cause _ _ _
with growing.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Dangerous habits
Eating too much
and then
throwing up can
cause problems
with growing.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Dangerous habits
If this goes on for a
long _ _ _, kids can
get _ _ _ sick and
need to go to _ _ _
to be fed through a tube.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Dangerous habits
If this goes on for a
long time, kids can
get very sick and
need to go to hospital
to be fed through a tube.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Dangerous habits

In some _ _ _
cases, this can even
lead to _ _ _ ...

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Dangerous habits

In some extreme
cases, this can even
lead to death...

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Why, then, would
anyone do it?
Most _ _ _ enjoy looking at
_ _ _ of celebrities...

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Why, then, would
anyone do it?
Most kids enjoy looking at
pictures of celebrities...

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Why, then, would
anyone do it?

...and wish to
look _ _ _ them:
slimmer, thinner,

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Why, then, would
anyone do it?

...and wish to
look like them:
slimmer, thinner,

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Why, then, would anyone do it?

This can _ _ _ to
dangerous diets,
which can be the
_ _ _ of unhealthy
eating problems.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Why, then, would anyone do it?

This can lead to

dangerous diets,
which can be the
start of unhealthy
eating problems.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Who can catch an ED?
Anyone can have an
Eating _ _ _ :
boys, girls;
teens, _ _ _.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Who can catch an ED?
Anyone can have an
Eating Disorder:
boys, girls;
teens, adults.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Who can catch an ED?
People around you can
influence _ _ _ and
how you _ _ _ yourself:
if your _ _ _ think
that its important to be _ _ _ , you may
start to feel that way too.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Who can catch an ED?
People around you can
influence you and
how you see yourself:
if your friends think
that its important to be thin, you may
start to feel that way too.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Who can catch an ED?
And if _ _ _ are doing
unhealthy things
to be thin, _ _ _
might feel
pressure to do
so, too.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Who can catch an ED?
And if they are doing
unhealthy things
to be thin, you
might feel
pressure to do
so, too.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Signs of ED
If a _ _ _ :
-is skipping _ _ _ ;
-becomes obsessed with _ _ _
-or starts exercising compulsively...
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Signs of ED
If a friend:
-is skipping meals;
-becomes obsessed with food
-or starts exercising compulsively...
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Signs of ED

...If you (or someone

you know) are losing
too _ _ _ weight, you _ _ _ talk with
an adult _ _ _ trust (a parent, a teacher,
a coach)!
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Signs of ED

...If you (or someone

you know) are losing
too much weight, you should talk with
an adult you trust (a parent, a teacher,
a coach)!
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ED

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more about ED

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

What is ANOREXIA nervosa?
Some people with a
_ _ _ self-esteem
think that their _ _ _
is too fat (even if this
isnt _ _ _ ).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
What is ANOREXIA nervosa?
Some people with a
low self-esteem
think that their body
is too fat (even if this
isnt true).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ANOREXIA

As they become very

afraid of gaining _ _ _ ,
they start extreme
dieting to _ _ _ a lot of
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ANOREXIA

As they become very

afraid of gaining weight,
they start extreme
dieting to lose a lot of
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ANOREXIA

...and _ _ _ of them also

might make themselves
_ _ _ after they _ _ _.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more about ANOREXIA

...and some of them also

might make themselves
vomit after they eat.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more about ANOREXIA
Symptoms of Anorexia include:
Feeling _ _ _ , sad, angry, depressed, worried;
Denying feeling _ _ _ (even if you are);
Losing _ _ _ of weight;
Feeling cold all the _ _ _ (no body fat);
Exercising too _ _ _ ;
Avoiding _ _ _ events
(parties, dinners....).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ANOREXIA
Symptoms of Anorexia include:
Feeling fat, sad, angry, depressed, worried;
Denying feeling hungry (even if you are);
Losing lots of weight;
Feeling cold all the time (no body fat);
Exercising too much;
Avoiding social events
(parties, dinners....).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about ANOREXIA
Health damages caused by Anorexia include:
Heart, liver and kidneys _ _ _ ;
Breathing, _ _ _ pressure and pulse drop;
_ _ _ delay or stop getting their period;
Fingernails _ _ _ and hair falls out;
Headaches, dizziness and
concentration issues.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more about ANOREXIA
Health damages caused by Anorexia include:
Heart, liver and kidneys problems;
Breathing, blood pressure and pulse drop;
Girls delay or stop getting their period;
Fingernails break and hair falls out;
Headaches, dizziness and
concentration issues.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

What is BULIMIA nervosa?
Sometimes, kids develop _ _ _
when something new or
stressful enters their _ _ _
(e.g.: moving to a _ _ _ town,
parents _ _ _ ...).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
What is BULIMIA nervosa?
Sometimes, kids develop Bulimia
when something new or
stressful enters their life
(e.g.: moving to a new town,
parents divorce...).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Kids _ _ _ Bulimia can
be harder to spot than
kids with Anorexia
_ _ _ their weight is
often _ _ _ .
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Kids with Bulimia can
be harder to spot than
kids with Anorexia
because their weight is
often normal.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA

People who have bulimia ( = get rid of food

will binge _ _ _ purge. you _ _ _ by
secretly vomiting
or by taking

( = eat a huge laxatives,
amount of _ _ _ _ _ _ exercising a
in two hours lot)
or so)
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA

People who have bulimia

( = get rid of food
will binge and purge. you eat by secretly
vomiting or by

( = eat a huge taking laxatives,
amount of food and exercising a
in two hours lot)
or so)
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Symptoms of Bulimia include:
Eating huge amounts of _ _ _ without weight gain;
Making excuses to go to the
_ _ _ immediately after
the meals;
Using _ _ _ or diuretics;
Avoiding social _ _ _
(parties, dinners...).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Symptoms of Bulimia include:
Eating huge amounts of food without weight gain;
Making excuses to go to the
bathroom immediately after
the meals;
Using laxatives or diuretics;
Avoiding social events
(parties, dinners...).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Health damages _ _ _ by Bulimia include:
Heart problems (vomiting means a loss
of _ _ _ , an important nutrient);
Tooth decay (puke is acidic);
Chipmunk cheecks
(too _ _ _ throwing up expands glands in the cheecks);
Constant stomach pain;
Kidney damage;
_ _ _ may stop menstruating.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BULIMIA
Health damages caused by Bulimia include:
Heart problems (vomiting means a loss
of potassium, an important nutrient);
Tooth decay (puke is acidic);
Chipmunk cheecks
(too much throwing up expands glands in the cheecks);
Constant stomach pain;
Kidney damage;
Girls may stop menstruating.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Get _ _ _against Anorexia and Bulimia!
It is _ _ _ for the
people with Anorexia
Nervosa and Bulimia
Nervosa to work with a
doctor, a therapist and
a nutritionist, as well as
the family, to get _ _ _ .
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Get help against Anorexia and Bulimia!
It is important for the
people with Anorexia
Nervosa and Bulimia
Nervosa to work with a
doctor, a therapist and
a nutritionist, as well as
the family, to get better.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
What _ _ _ BINGE EATING?
It is when people _ _ _-eat
compulsively while
feeling out of control
and powerless to _ _ _.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

It is when people over-eat
compulsively while
feeling out of control
and powerless to stop.

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more _ _ _ BINGE EATING
Binge eaters use food to try to cope
with stress and other negative
For them, over-eating
is regular _ _ _
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BINGE EATING
Binge eaters use food to try to cope
with stress and other negative
For them, over-eating
is regular and
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BINGE EATING
Symptoms of Binge Eating include:
Frequent episodes _ _ _ incontrollable over-
_ _ _ extremely distressed or upset during or
after bingeing;
Struggling with _ _ _ of guilt (they want to stop),
disgust (but they cant) and depression;
_ _ _ vomiting, fasting or over-exercising.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BINGE EATING
Symptoms of Binge Eating include:
Frequent episodes of incontrollable over-
Feeling extremely distressed or upset during
or after bingeing;
Struggling with feelings of guilt (they want to
stop), disgust (but they cant) and depression;
No vomiting, fasting or over-exercising.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
The Bing Eating _ _ _ Step 1

Step 3
Step 2

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

The Bing Eating cycle Step 1

Step 3
Step 2

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Lets find out more about BINGE EATING
Health damages caused by Binge Eating:
Type 2 _ _ _ ;
High cholesterol and blood _ _ _ ;
Joint and muscle pain;
Gastrointestinal problems;
Heart disease;
Certain _ _ _ of cancer;
_ _ _ apnea.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Lets find out more about BINGE EATING
Health damages caused by Binge Eating:
Type 2 Diabetes;
High cholesterol and blood pressure;
Joint and muscle pain;
Gastrointestinal problems;
Heart disease;
Certain types of cancer;
Sleep apnea.
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Get help against Binge Eating!
10 strategies to overcome it:
1. MANAGE _ _ _ (by meditating, breathing, relaxing, exercising);
2. EAT 3 _ _ _ AND 2 _ _ _ (eat in a balanced and healthy way, and
never skip a meal/snack);
3. AVOID TEMPTATION (clear your _ _ _ and cupboards of your
favourite junk food);
4. STOP DIETING (avoid food cravings by _ _ _ with moderation);
5. EXERCISE (youll reduce stress, _ _ _weight and fight depression);

(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

Get help against Binge Eating!
10 strategies to overcome it:
1. MANAGE STRESS (by meditating, breathing, relaxing,
2. EAT 3 MEALS AND 2 SNACKS (eat in a balanced and healthy way,
and never skip a meal/snack);
3. AVOID TEMPTATION (clear your fridge and cupboards of your
favourite junk food);
4. STOP DIETING (avoid food cravings by eating with moderation);
5. EXERCISE (youll reduce stress, lose weight and fight
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Get help against Binge Eating!

6. FIGHT BOREDOM (distract _ _ _ walking, reading or taking up a

7. GET ENOUGH _ _ _ (if youre tired, sleep instead of over-eating);
8. LISTEN TO YOUR _ _ _ (learn to distinguish between physical and
emotional hunger);
9. KEEP A FOOD _ _ _ (what/when/how much you eat and how youre
10. GET _ _ _ (either non-professional -family/friends- or professional
therapist/support group).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)
Get help against Binge Eating!

6. FIGHT BOREDOM (distract yourself walking, reading or taking up

a hobby);
7. GET ENOUGH SLEEP (if youre tired, sleep instead of over-eating);
8. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY (learn to distinguish between physical
and emotional hunger);
9. KEEP A FOOD DIARY (what/when/how much you eat and how
youre feeling);
10. GET SUPPORT (either non-professional -family/friends- or
professional therapist/support group).
(Slides by prof.ssa Tiziana S.I. SCIUTO)

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