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Basic Addition and Nome

A Reoding Contest
Reod eoch problem corefully. Check whether you will odd or sublroct, Then write the
problem ond the onswer on the line.

l, ln September, the fourth grode hod o book-reoding contest, George reod 9 books,
Roberl reod 5, Kirk reod 4, Soro reod B, Kristin reod I l, ond Moro reod 3 books.
Who reod the most books, the girls or the boys?
odd subtroct
2. How mony more books did George reod thon Soro?
odd subtroci
3, How mony more books did Kristin reod thon Roberl?
odd subfrocl
4, 14 boys ond 25 girls from the fourth grode hod public librory cords, How mony more
girls thon boys hod public librory cords?

odd sublrocl
5, At the end of the first week Room 10.l hod reod l2l books, Room ]02 hod reod
ond Room 103 hod reod I l2 books, How mony books hod students from these
three fourl-h-grode rooms reod?
odd subtroct
6, The Pizzo Compony gove free books to eoch fourth grode clossroom in o reoding
contest. The first ploce closs received l5 books, the second ploce closs received l0
books, ond the third ploce closs received 5 books, How mony books did the Piuo
Compony give to the whole fourth-grode closs?
odd subtrocl


To buy more books for the clossroom, the porents of the fourth-grode students pledged to
give 2C for eoch book reod during September. Room l0l reod 468 books, Room reod
32.l books ond Room reod 395 books. How mony books did they reod, ond how
much money did they get to buy new books for the clossroom?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Basic Addition and Nome
Bellinq's Best Problems
Ms. Corruthers osked her students to write o poge of moth word problems, Bettino hod
worked for her fother in o greenhouse oll summer. Her group wrote these problems.
Con you solve them? Check whether you will odd or sublrocl. Write the problem ond
onswer on the line.
L ln one morning, Bettino wotered 400 morigold plonts, 300 vincos, 200 petunios, ond
250 begonios. How mony plonts did she woter?

odd sublrocl
2. She corefully weighed seeds ond put them in pockets. She prepored 850 pockets
of zinnios. She prepored 300 pockets of lorkspur seeds, How mony more zinnio thon
lorkspur pockets did she prepore?

odd sublrocl
3. Eoch week, Bettino mode sure the rose food shelves were full, During June, she put
25 pockoges up the first week, 32 pockoges the second week, 15 pockoges the third
week, ond l7 pockoges the fourth week. How mony pockoges of rose food were
offered for sole during June?
odd sublrocl
4. Beftino counted the bulbs thot were sold in one week, She counted 43 conno bulbs,
25 glodiolo bulbs, ond l2 lily bulbs. How mony bulbs were sold thot week?

odd subtroct
5. Bettino's fother osked her to prune the fruit trees, For fun, before she storted she
predicted how mony trees she would hove to prune, She estimoted thot there were
200 trees, She kept coreful trock ond found thot she pruned only I l9 trees, How
mony fewer trees were there thon she hod predicted?
odd sublrocl


At the end of the night, Bettino counted the money in the cosh register, She counted
$485,00 in bills, 512.25 in quorters, $3..l 0 in dimes, S I .75 in nickels, ond $ .79 in pennies,
How much money wos in the cosh register thot night?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. 2 lFSl33 Moth Word Problems

Basic Addition and Nome
A Night Oul ot the Movies
Corefully reod eoch problem obout Tom's birthdoy, Decide whether to odd or sublrocl,
Write the problem ond onswer on the line,

L Tom's mom took him ond o friend to o movie for Tom's birthdoy. His friend, Stonley,
wolked 2 blocks to get to Tom's house, Then Tom, his mother ond Stonley wolked
7 more blocks to get to the movie. How mony blocks did Stonley wolk by the time he
got bock home loter thot night?
odd subtroct
2. An odult ticket costs $6.00. A child's ticket costs holf thot much, How much did Mom
poy for the tickets to the movie?
odd subtroct
3, Mom, Tom ond Stonley were stonding in line of the ticket counter, There were 5
people stonding in front of them ond 3 people stonding behind them, How mony
people were stonding in line?
odd subtroct
4, Mom bought 3 bogs of popcorn, The popcorn cost S.l.00 for eoch bog, Whot would
her chonge hove been if she gove the clerk o 55.00 bill?
odd sublrocl
5. Tom's birthdoy is on September 3, Stonley's birthdoy is 3 weeks loter, Whot is the dote
of Stonley's birthdoy?
odd subtrocl
6. Stonley bought Tom o book thot cost 57.95. He poid for it with o $10,00 bill. How
much chonge did he get bock?
odd sublrocl


The movie thot Mom, Tom, ond Stonley sow wos 90 minutes long. lt wos such o good
movie thot the boys osked Mom if they could stoy ond wotch it ogoin. Since it wos Tom's
birthdoy, she soid "yes," ond they wotched it one more time, How mony minutes were
they wotching o movie? How mony hours is thot?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. 3 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
No Renamlng

Collections, Colleclions
The Elmhurst School hod o "collection foir" in October, The students ond teochers
brought their different collections to compore, Reod the stories, then decide if you odd or
subtrocl, Write the problem ond onswer on the line,

l Ken ond Corl combined their collections of boseboll cords. Ken hod l3l ond Corl hod
247. Did they hove more or less cords thon Bob, who hod 342 cords?
odd sublrocl

2. Adom hod been collecting seoshells since he wos very young. He hod 172 bivolves
ond l48 other shells, How mony shells were in his collection?
odd sublroct

3, Anito, whose fother wos o trovel ogent, hod o collection of dolls from oround the
world. She hod 22 dolls from Europe, l4 dolls from Asio, ond l3 dolls from South
Americo, How mony dolls were in Anito's collection?
odd subtroct

4. Jomor collects professionol boseboll cops, He hos 7 Notionol Leogue cops ond
9 Americon Leogue cops. Eoch leogue hos l4 teoms, How mony cops does he need
from eoch leogue?
odd subtrocl Notionol:


For the collection foir, there were l4 entries from kindergorten, 23 entries from first grode,
37 entries from second grode, 4l entries from third grode, 53 entries from fourth grode,
ond 73 entries from fifth grode, There were l9 combined entries from the principol ond
teochers. How mony entries were of the collection foir?

O lnstructionol Foir, lnc, 6 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
No Rcnaming

A Trip to the Museum

The children in Mrs. Woshington's fourth-grode closs took o trip to the museum, They were
looking for interesting informotion to include in o moth report, Reod eoch problem, then
decide whether to odd or sublrocl. Write the problem ond onswer on the line,

l. The museum's moin holl wos 75 feet high, A dome extended 30 feet up from the
ceiling. How high wos the holl ot the highest port of the dome?
odd subtroct

2, Lost yeor 3,097 children took closses through the museum. This yeor 54 fewer children
took closses, How mony children took closses this yeor?
odd sublrocl

3. The museum wos built in I 845. A new wing wos odded in How mony yeors
ofter the museum wos built wos the new wing odded?
odd sublroci

4, The museum hos o morble stotue mode in the yeor
A.D, ln whot yeor will the
stotue be yeors old?
odd sublrocl

5, The museum exhibits only holf of its pointings of o time, Currently,1,443 pointings ore
on exhibit, How mony pointings does the museum own?
odd sublroct


Mrs, Woshington bought 2 posters of $6.95 eoch from the museum store, How much
chonge did she get bock from o $20 bill?

@ lnstruciionol Foir, lnc, 7 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
soccer clothes
Williom's grondmother gove him $.l00,00 to buy some new clothes for soccer comp. He
went to the sports store to estimote whot he could buy, Round eoch price to the neorest
dollor to help him determine the opproximote cost,

L The soccer shoes he wonted cost $39,95. rounded to

2, Shorts cost $6,95, rounded to

3, A two-piece sweot suit wos $29,95, rounded to

4, He wonted two T-shirts ot $5,95 eoch, rounded to

5, He picked out two poirs of heovy socks of $4.29 eoch. rounded to

6, A jocket with o teom nome on it cost $.l9,95. rounded to

7. A new soccer boll for home proctice cost $9.95, rounded to

8. A sports bog used to corry equipment cost S9,98, rounded to

Approximote cost

Williom's mother ogreed to poy the tox, Will he hove enough money to buy oll of
this equipment?

Williom hos obout $50,00 in his sovings occount, lf you were Williom, would you toke
the odditionol money out of the sovings occount, or would you not buy some of
the equipment?

lf he did choose to toke money out of the sovings occount, how much would he need to
toke out?

lf he were going to spend only the $.l00.00, which items should he choose of the
sports store?

O lnstructionol Foir. lnc. B lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
With Renarni-g
Librory Dqze
Beth's Uncle Horry worked of the librory. She liked to come to the librory ond help him
ofter school, Reod eoch problem, then decide whether to odd or subtrocl, Write the
problem ond onswer on the line,

l, The librory hours ore: Mondoy through Fridoy from 9 n,v, to 5 p,v., Soturdoy from
9 n.Htt, to l2 p.wt, How mony hours is the librory open from Mondoy through Fridoy?

odd subtroct

2. The librory is open only three hours on Soturdoy, How mony more hours is the librory
open on Fridoy thon on Soturdoy?
odd subiroct

3, Beth puts the returned books bock on the shelf in olphobeticol order, She put owoy
26 non-fiction books ond 46 novels in one hour, How mony books did she put owoy
thot hour?
odd sublroct

4. Beth counted the returned books eoch doy, On Mondoy,329 books were returned,
On Tuesdoy, 136 were returned. Beth's uncle soid thot o lot of people finish o book on
the weekend ond return it on o Mondoy. How mony more books were returned on
Mondoy thon on Tuesdoy?
odd subtroct

5, Beth put stickers on bookmorks to give to the children who come to story hour,
She mode 100 bookmorks. On Tuesdoy ofternoon, l8 children come to story hour,
On Soturdoy, 54 children come to story hour, Did she moke enough bookmorks?
odd sublroct


The librory chorges 5c per doy for on overdue book, Mortin brought in o book thot wos
5 doys overdue. Suson's book wos 3 doys overdue, Jonet's book wos 4 doys overdue,
Kesho's book wos 6 doys overdue, How much money did the four children poy in over-
due fines?

O lnstructionol Foir, lnc. I lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
With Renaming

Zoo News
Megon gothered focts obout zoo onimols to moke moth problems for the children in her
fourth grode clossroom, Reod eoch problem, then decide whether to odd or subtrocl.
Write the problem ond onswer on the line,

l, A lorge brown beor weighed 384 pounds in the foll, ln the spring, when she come out
of hibernotion, she weighed 276 pounds, How much weight did she lose over the
winter during hibernotion?
odd sublroct

2. There ore 52 monkeys on Monkey lslond of the zoo, At the 2:00 p,rrlt, feeding, 19
monkeys did not come to the keeper, How mony monkeys did come to the keeper?
odd sublroct

3, Megon is 5l inches toll. A penguin is one foot shorter thon Megon.

How toll is o penguin?
odd sublrocl

4. The eogle in the birdhouse hos o wingspon of 68 inches, The olbotross hos o wingspon
of 94 inches. How much wider is the wingspon of the olbotross thon the eogle?
odd sublrocl

5. The old birdhouse held 620 birds. When the new oddition wos bui[, 4M of the birds
were moved there. How mony birds were left in the old port of the birdhouse?
odd subtroct


ln Jonuory, 306 pounds of birdseed were used of the birdhouse. ln Februory, 356 pounds
were used. ln Morch, 345 pounds of seed were used, ln April, 386 pounds were used, ln
Moy, 365 pounds were used, ln June, 382 pounds of seed were used, How much seed
wos used for the birds during the first holf of the yeor?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc, t0 lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
With Renarning

The Ploy Must Go On!

The fourth groders were putting on o ploy to roise money to buy books for the librory.
Reod eoch problem, then write the problem ond onswer on the line,

l, Ihe script colled for 43 doncers ond 26 octors, How mony more doncers thon octors
were used?

2, There ore 87 students working on the ploy, lf 43 ore doncers, ond 26 ore octors, how
mony ore left to help with other ports of the ploy?

3, All 43 doncers need o poper flower os o prop, l9 flowers hove olreody been mode.
How mony more flowers will need to be mode?

4. Anne ond Amy together hove 500 progroms to hond out, Anne took 275 of them, ond
Amy took the rest, How mony progroms did Amy hond out?

5, Kristin wos in chorge of ticket soles. The students sold 58.l odult tickets ond 416 student
tickets, How mony more odult tickets were sold thon student tickets?

6. Kristin odded up the soles ond found they hod mode o totol of Sl,57B, Miss Burlon
soid the expenses for putting on the ploy were $289. How much money did the fourth
groders roise for the librory to buy new books?


lf Miss Burton bought eoch of the 87 students o $ 10 book from the profit money, how
much money would be left?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. il lFsl33 Moth Word Problems

Addition and Subtraction Nome
With Renaming

Presidentiol Trivio
Josie ond Tonyo were studying the presidents. They mode o presidentiol trivio gome,
Reod eoch question; then write the problem ond onswer on the line.

l, Woshington lived from 1732to 1799. How old wos he when he died?

2. Woshington become president l0 yeors before he died, ln whot yeor wos he elected

3. Lincoln wos elected president in l86l. How mony yeors ofter Woshington wos Lincoln
elected president?

4. Lincoln wos born in I809, He wos ossossinoted in I865. How old wos he when he died?

5, Woshington lived 67 yeors, Lincoln 56 yeors, Jefferson 83 yeors, ond T, Roosevelt

61 yeors, lf odded together, how mony yeors did these fomous presidents live?

6. Lincoln become president in l86l , T. Roosevelt wos born in 1858, How old wos
Roosevelt when Lincoln become president?


The Mt, Rushmore Notionol Memoriol in South Dokoto wos coryed in o mountoin between
1927 ond 1941. lt honors Presidents Woshington, Jefferson, Lincoln, ond T. Roosevelt. Eoch
likeness is 60 feet toll, Altogether, how mony verticol feet of foces did the ortist, Gulzon
Borglum, corve?

@ lnstructionol Foir, lnc. 12 lF5'133 Moth Word Problems

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