Quick Start Monarch

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Monarch Quick Start Guide

Monarch Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents

About Monarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Navigating Monarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What type of data transfer should I choose? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
How do I transfer all data? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
How to map fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Confirming Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
How do I transfer selected objects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
How to filter data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Save Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
How do I transfer a single object and related objects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Multiple Orgs on One Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
How do I transfer DreamFactory application data? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
How do I replay a previous transfer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
How to transfer data between Orgs in Amazon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
How to transfer data from any platform to your Desktop Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
How to import and export data to a CSV file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

What are the different transfer types?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
What does replay a previous transfer mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
How do I know what edition of Amazon Web Services I am running? . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Why am I not prompted for a password when I select Current Platform? . . . . . . . . . 44
Can I transfer data between the same platforms? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
How can I undo any manual mappings I created? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
What does Save This Map mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
What does Save Transaction mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
What is a Desktop Database? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
How can I ensure that I am logged into the correct Org?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
What if I want to change the Orgs I am logged into? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Monarch Quick Start Guide

About Monarch

Monarch allows you to seamlessly move your CRM and DreamFactory Application data from one platform to
another. Monarch supports, transfer between Amazon Web Services, Salesforce.com, Intuit Quickbase, and
WebEx Connect. You can also use Monarch to create or update your own Desktop Database.

Navigating Monarch

When you login to the DreamTeam Suite you will notice three menu options at the top of the page.

Menu Option Description

Full Screen / Click Full Screen to expand the application to fit your full screen. You wont see the
Restore Screen buttons or Toolbars on your Browser. Your Taskbar is still visible at the bottom of
your screen.

Click Restore Screen to collapse the application and view it inside the Browser.

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Menu Option Description

Applications You can open a DreamFactory application from the Applications drop-down menu.
You can choose from Project Manager, Collaborative Calendar, Document Manager,
Timesheet Editor, TableTop, and Monarch.

Support You can open a variety of support options from this menu. You can choose between:

Live Chat - start a live chat with a DreamFactory Support Engineer

Phone Callback - request a call back from a DreamFactory Support Engineer

Product Support - access the DreamFactory support web site for further web
training and documentation

Suggestion Box - send a bug report or feature request to our DreamFactory


What type of data transfer should I choose?

The first step you should take when using Monarch is to determine which type of data transfer you want to use.
Each data transfer type allows you to control the amount of data that is transferred between platforms. You can
transfer all data from one platform to another or you can filter down to transfer specific objects and related
objects. You can choose between five different transfer types.

Transfer all data

Transfer selected objects

Transfer single object + related objects

Transfer DreamFactory application data

Replay a previous transfer

Lets look at some examples of using the various types of data transfer.

How do I transfer all data?

You may want to transfer all data from one platform to another or between different Orgs in the same platform.
For example, if you previously used Salesforce to store all your data, but now you want to use the Amazon
platform instead, this is the transfer option you should select. To transfer all data from your Salesforce.com
platform to Amazon, follow these steps;

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1. Select Transfer all data from the drop-down list.

2. Select Salesforce.com from the Source drop-down list.

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3. Enter your Salesforce.com Username and Password in the corresponding text boxes and click Authenticate.

An Authentication Successful message is displayed.

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4. Select Amazon Web Services from the Destination drop-down list.

5. Select the edition of Amazon you are running from the drop-down list. You can choose from Free Trial,
Enterprise or Professional. Check back to your confirmation emails if you are unsure what edition of
Amazon Web Services you are running.

6. Enter your Amazon Web Service Username and Password in the corresponding text boxes.

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7. Click Authenticate.

You will notice that the Source and Destination platforms are listed at the bottom of the Login page. This is
displayed on every page in Monarch, so you can know which Source and Destination platform you are logged in

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8. Click Next to move to the next stage of the Wizard. You move to the Map Fields page.

Custom Field

How to map fields

By default, all the fields that could be mapped by Monarch were automapped. These are displayed in the
Mapped Fields list. All other fields that could not be mapped by Monarch are displayed in the Unmapped Source
Fields and Unmapped Destination Fields lists. When you select an object from the Objects drop-down list, all
the fields couldnt be mapped for that object that are displayed in the Unmapped Source Fields and Unmapped
Destination Fields list. You can manually map any remaining unmapped fields.

As well as mapping standard fields, you can also map custom fields. A custom field can be identified as any field
name that has _c appended on the end. For example, in the screenshot above, you can see Active_C or

For the remainder of this example, lets assume you want to make two more mapping choices, one regular map
and one custom field map.

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9. Select Account from the drop-down list.

10. Select AccountNumber from the Unmapped Source Fields list.

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11. Select DunsNumber from the Unmapped Destination Fields list.

12. Click the Green Arrow to map the fields. The newly mapped fields appear at the start of the Mapped Fields
list highlighted in yellow.

Now lets assume you want to map some custom fields in Monarch.

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13. Select the Custom Field you want to map in the Unmapped Source Fields list and click the Plus (+) button.

The Custom Field Creation dialog box is displayed.

14. Enter the Field Label and a Field Name for the custom field. By default, the Field Name will be inherited from
the Field Label, however you can edit this as required.

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15. Select the custom Field Type from the drop-down list.

16. Set the User Permissions for the field by selecting the Read, Update or Required checkbox. These
permissions will determine what level of access a user has to the custom fields.

If you want to create another custom field, click Save & New, a new Custom Field Creation dialog box will

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appear, from here you can add all the details of the new custom field. Alternatively; move to step 17.

17. Click OK to close the dialog box. You will see the new custom field listed in the Unmapped Destination list.

18. Click the Green Arrow to move the selected fields to the Mapped Fields list.

If at this point you decide you want to unmap any fields. Select the fields in the Mapped Fields list, the fields will
be highlighted, then click the Blue Arrow. The fields are moved back to the Unmapped Source Fields and

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Unmapped Destination Fields list.

Alternatively, if you want to revert back to only those fields that were automapped by Monarch, select Default
Mappings from the Saved Maps drop-down list.

19. Click Save This Map if you want to save all the mappings made on this screen; including default mapping
and manual mapping choices.

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The Save Map dialog box is displayed.

20. Enter a suitable name for the new Map and click OK.

21. Click Next to move to the next stage of the Wizard. You have moved to the Confirm page.

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Confirming Data Transfer

The Confirm page shows a detailed breakdown of all the data that is about to be transferred. You can click on an
Object name (underlined blue text) to view all the records associated with that object. You can select any of the
displayed records and click Remove From List. However, we do not recommend you do this, we suggest you go
back to the source platform and delete the original record from there.

Select the Merge With Existing Records (if available) check box if you want to sync data to and from the Source
and Destination platforms.

After you are satisfied you want to transfer all the displayed data, you can move on by clicking Start Transfer.
However, it is important to note that once you click Start Transfer, the data transfer will begin immediately. This
task cannot be undone. You can cancel a transfer at any point after it has started, but after it has started, any
transferred data moved between clicking the Start Transfer and Cancel buttons cannot be undone.

22. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer the displayed data.

23. Click Cancel to cancel the data transfer at any time. Those records that were already transferred before you
clicked Cancel, cannot be undone. All those records transferred before you cancelled will be moved to the
Destination platform. A Transaction Report showing all transferred records is displayed on the Confirm

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When data transfer is complete the dialog box will display all of the data that has been moved to the Destination.
Two other buttons are also displayed on the final screen when the data transfer is complete;

Save Report allows you to save the final screen as a text file displaying all of the data that was moved.

Move More brings you back to the Login screen from where you can move more data.

24. Click Save Report if you want to save the Transaction Report as a text file on your local machine.

25. Browse to the location where you want to save your new text file and click Save.

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26. Click Move More if you want to go back to the Login screen and transfer more data.

How do I transfer selected objects?

You may want to limit the amount of data you transfer between platforms. For example, lets assume you have an
external contractor working in your company. You want to share a specific amount of sales data with them, but
they do not have a Salesforce license. You decide to set the contractor up with an Amazon Web Services account.
Now you want to transfer some sales data from Salesforce to Amazon. Since a lot of your data is confidential, you
only want to send that which is relevant to the contractor to the Amazon Web Services account. For this scenario,
you can select Transfer selected objects. This option will allow you to transfer only that data which is relevant to
the contractor. For this example, lets also assume that the contractor is already working inside the Amazon
platform and has already logged into their account.

1. Select Transfer selected objects from the drop-down list.

2. Select Salesforce.com from the Source drop-down list and enter your Username and Password in the
corresponding text boxes and click Authenticate.

3. Select Current Platform from the destination drop-down list. You will not be prompted for a username and
password because your credentials (username, password, and Org) are all passed into Monarch from
whatever landing page you enter from. The Authentication Successful message appears at the bottom of
the screen.

Note: When you select Current Platform, Monarch will default to the current Org you are using. If you want to
select a different Org in the current platform, you should login using the Amazon Web Services option and re-
enter your username and password.

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4. Click Next. You move to the Select objects page.

5. Check the checkbox beside any objects you want to transfer. Any existing relationships between the selected
objects will be maintained across the transfer. For example, if you select Account and Contact, any links
between records of those object types will be recreated on the Destination platform. No non-selected
objects or records will be added, just relationships between the selected-filtered data records.

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6. Click Next. You move to the Map fields page.

7. Map any unmapped fields. For more information on how to map fields, see How to map fields on page 7.

8. Click Next. You move to the Filter data page.

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How to filter data

You can create filters to select sub sets of the data being transferred. The Filter data page is broken down into
three tabs:

List of Filters - displays a list of the objects you selected to transfer and the content of any existing filters

Filter Criteria - you can create up to a maximum of four filters. You can toggle between And/Or.

Sample Data - displays the first ten results that match your filter criteria

To create a filter and continue with our example, follow these steps;

9. On the List of Filters tab, double-click the Source Object you want to filter on. The Filter Criteria tab opens.

10. Select your search criteria from the filter drop-down lists.

11. Click Show Sample Data. You move to the Sample Data tab. The first 10 records that match your filter criteria
are displayed on the Sample Data tab page.

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12. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

On the Confirm page you can see a summary of the data you are about to transfer to the Destination platform. If
you click on the name of an object, you can view all fields associated with that object.

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You can remove any fields by selecting them and clicking Remove From List, however this is not recommended.
We recommend you delete any data from its actual source, i.e. the database where it exists.

Save Transaction

On the Filter data page you will see a Save Transaction button. If you click this button, you will save the:

type of data transfer you selected

Source and Destination platforms you are logged into

Usernames for the Source and Destination platforms

all automated and manual mappings

all filter criteria

To save a transaction, follow these steps:

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1. Click Save Transaction, the Save Transaction dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter a name for the saved transaction in the text field.

3. The new transaction can now be selected from a pop-up dialog list after you select Replay a previous
transfer on the Login page. For more information, see How do I replay a previous transfer? on page 32.

After you have viewed the data displayed in the Summary Transaction list, click Start Transfer to start the data
transfer from Source to Destination platforms.

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Once data transfer is complete, you will see a Transaction Complete message.

How do I transfer a single object and related objects?

You may decide that you want to transfer just one object and all its related objects across to a your destination
platform. Lets look at an example of transferring a single object and all related objects.

1. Select Transfer single object and related objects from the drop-down list.

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2. Select Salesforce.com from the Source drop-down list and enter your Salesforce.com Username and
Password in the corresponding text boxes.

3. Click Authenticate.

4. Select Amazon Web Services from the Destination drop-down list.

5. Select the edition of Amazon you are running from the drop-down list. You can choose from Free Trial,
Enterprise or Professional. Check back to your confirmation emails if you are unsure what edition of Amazon
you are running.

6. Enter your Amazon Web Service Username and Password in the corresponding text boxes and click

Multiple Orgs on One Platform

If you have more than one Org in the platform you are logging into, an Organizations List dialog box will appear
after you click the Authenticate button. The Organizations List dialog box displays a list of all the Orgs in the
selected platform. Select the Org you want to transfer data from or to and click OK to confirm your choice and
close the dialog box. If you do not select a specific Org an error message will appear. Click OK to close to the
dialog box select an Org.

7. Click Next to move to the next stage of the Wizard. You move to the Select objects page.

8. Select an object from the Select a primary object drop-down list. All related objects associated with the
selected object are displayed in the pane below.

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9. Select all the related objects you want to transfer to the destination platform. You can select multiple related

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10. Click Next. You move to the Map fields page.

11. Map any unmapped fields and click Next. For more information on home to map fields, see How to map
fields on page 7.

12. Set your filter criteria and click Next. For more information on setting filtering data, see How to filter data
on page 20.

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13. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

14. Review the transaction summary data. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer all the data
displayed in the transaction summary.

How do I transfer DreamFactory application data?

You can transfer data from many DreamFactory applications; including, DreamTeam, Carousel, FormFactory and
Tabletop. You can transfer projects, slides, forms, snapshots, and so on. For this example, lets assume you want
to transfer all your DreamTeam data to your Amazon Documentation Org.

1. Select Transfer DreamFactory application data from the drop-down list. A second drop-down list appears
showing a selection of DreamTeam applications.

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2. Select DreamTeam from the drop-down list.

3. Select Salesforce.com from the Source drop-down list and enter your Username and Password. Then click

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4. Select Amazon Web Services from the Destination drop-down list and select the edition of Amazon you are
running from the drop-down list.

5. Enter your Amazon Web Service Username and Password in the corresponding text boxes and click

6. Click Next. You move to the Filter Data page.

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7. Set your filter criteria and click Next. For more information on setting filter criteria, see How to filter data
on page 20.

8. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

9. Review the transaction summary data. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer all the data
displayed in the transaction summary.

10. When data transfer is complete the dialog box will display all of the data that has been moved to the
Destination platform.

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11. Go to DreamTeam Project Manager to see a list the data that you transferred using Monarch.

How do I replay a previous transfer?

If you previously saved a transfer in Monarch, you can replay it rather than having to reselect your Source and
Destination platforms, login to both platforms, map fields and select new filter criteria. For more information on
saving a transfer, see Save Transaction on page 22. For this example, lets replay a previous transfer.

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1. Select Replay a previous transfer from the drop-down list. The Saved Transactions dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the transaction you want to replay from the list and click OK.

A second pop-up dialog box prompts you to re-enter your Source and Destination passwords. The saved
transaction has stored and populated your Source and Destination usernames.

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3. Re-enter your Source and Destination passwords and click Authenticate.

4. If prompted, select an Organization from the Organization list and click OK.

5. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

6. Review the Transaction Summary data. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer all the data
displayed in the transaction summary.

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7. When data transfer is complete the dialog box will display all of the data that has been moved to the

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How to transfer data between Orgs in Amazon

You can use Monarch to move data between Orgs within the same platform. For this example, lets assume you
want to move data from your Documentation Org in Amazon to your Marketing Org in Amazon. To move data
between Orgs, follow these steps;

1. Select your preferred type of data transfer from the drop-down list. For this example, select Transfer
selected objects.

2. Select Amazon Web Services from the Source drop-down list and then select the edition of Amazon you are
running from the drop-down list.

3. Enter your Username and Password and click Authenticate.The Organization List dialog box is displayed.

4. Select the Org you want to transfer data from and click OK.

5. Follow steps 2-6 again, but apply the steps to the Destination platform.

6. Click Next. You move to the Select objects page.

7. Check the checkbox beside all the objects you want to transfer. By default, Monarch will also transfer any

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related objects associated to the objects you select here.

8. Click Next. You move to the Map fields page.

9. Map any unmapped fields. For more information on how to map fields, see How to map fields on page 7.

10. Click Next. You move to the Filter data page.

11. Set your filter criteria and click Next. For more information on setting filtering data, see How to filter data
on page 20.

12. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

13. Review the Transaction Summary data. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer all the data
displayed in the Transaction Summary.

14. When data transfer is complete the dialog box will display all of the data that has been moved to the

How to transfer data from any platform to your Desktop Database

You can move data to and from a Desktop Database. Monarch creates a database to store all of the transferred
data on your local machine. The Desktop Database is a useful means of backing up your files locally. For this
example we will transfer selected objects from Salesforce to a Desktop database.

1. Select Transfer selected objects from the data transfer drop-down list.

2. Select Salesforce.com from the Source drop-down list and enter your Username and Password for
Salesforce.com and click Authenticate.

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3. Select Desktop Database from the Destination drop-down list.

4. Enter a valid email address in the Username field. You do not have to enter a password for the Desktop
Database login.

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5. Click Authenticate.

After you click Authenticate, Monarch will create a new object in the Database folder. The database is

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6. Click Next. You move to the Select objects page.

7. Select the objects you want to transfer and click Next. You move to the Map fields page.

8. If required, map any unmapped fields. For more information on mapping fields, see How to map fields on
page 7.

9. Click Next. You move to the Filter data page.

10. Set your filter criteria and click Next. For more information on setting filtering data, see How to filter data
on page 20.

11. Click Next. You move to the Confirm page.

12. Review the transaction summary data. Click Start Transfer to confirm you want to transfer all the data
displayed in the transaction summary.

13. When data transfer is complete the dialog box will display all of the data that has been moved to the

14. Go back to the Login page and select the View My Desktop Database link. The Desktop Database login page
is displayed.

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15. Enter your Desktop Username. The Password field is optional. Click Login.

You can now view all transferred data in the Desktop Database.

How to import and export data to a CSV file

You can import and export data to and from a .CSV file. When you import data from a CSV file, it is important that
it is in the correct format.

To import a .CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Select Transfer selected objects.

2. On the Source panel, select Import From CSV File(s). You will not be prompted for a password.

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3. On the Destination panel, select Current Platform. You will be automatically authenticated.

4. Click Next. A Browse For Folder dialog box is displayed.

5. Locate the CSV file you want to import and click OK.

6. Follow the Wizard through to the Confirm page and click Start Transfer. Your data is imported from the CSV
file to the current platform.

To export your data to a CSV file using Monarch, follow these steps:

1. Select Transfer selected objects.

1. On the Source panel, select Current Platform. You will not be prompted for a password.

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2. On the Destination panel, select Export to CSV File(s). You will not be prompted for a password.

3. Click Next. A Browse For Folder dialog box is displayed.

4. Browse to the location where you want to save the CSV file. Click OK.

5. Follow the Wizard through to the Confirm page and click Start Transfer. Your data is exported from the
current platform to the new CSV file.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different transfer types?

Monarch provides five data transfer options, this enables you to control the amount of data that is transferred
from one platform to another. Each transfer type and its description can be found in the table below;

Type of transfer Description

Transfer all data Transfers all data from source to destination.

Transfer multiple objects Transfers multiple objects. You can select particular objects to transfer, for
example, you can choose Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and so on.

Transfer a single object and Transfers a single object and any related objects.
related objects

Transfer DreamFactory Transfers all data from any DreamFactory application. These applications
application data include DreamTeam, Carousel, FormFactory and Tabletop. You can transfer
projects, slides, forms, snapshots, and so on.

Replay a previous Replays a transaction you previously saved. The saved transaction
transaction remembers the type of data transfer you selected, your Source and
Destination platforms, the usernames for your Source and Destination
platforms, both automated and manual mappings and any filter criteria you
set. For more information on saving a transaction, see Save Transaction on
page 22.

What does replay a previous transfer mean?

If you previously saved a transfer on the Confirm page, it will appear as an option on the data transfer drop-
down list. A saved transfer retains all the information about the type of data transfer you selected, your Source
and Destination platforms, the usernames for your Source and Destination platforms, both automated and
manual mappings and any filter criteria you set. For more information on saving a transaction, see Save
Transaction on page 22.

If you select Replay a previous transfer, all information from the previous transfer will be loaded for you. All you
need to do is enter your Source and Destination passwords and then click Next. You can review the data to be
transferred before clicking Confirm to begin the data transfer.

How do I know what edition of Amazon Web Services I am running?

Check back to the confirmation email you received from DreamFactory. The email will tell you which edition of
Amazon Web Services you have subscribed to. Alternatively, return to the Login page. The edition of Amazon
Web Services will appear at the top of the login screen.

Why am I not prompted for a password when I select Current Platform?

Because you have already logged into the Current Platform from the login screen, you will not be prompted for

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another password from the Monarch login page. Your login credentials; including username, password, and Org
are all passed from the landing page.

Can I transfer data between the same platforms?

Yes, you can transfer data between the same platforms, provided you are moving it to a different Org on the same

How can I undo any manual mappings I created?

There are two ways to undo manual mappings.

On the Map Fields page, select Default Mappings from the Saved Maps drop-down list. This will undo all
manual mappings and retain only the mappings that were automapped by Monarch.

You can select any mapped fields from the Mapped Fields list and click the Blue arrow to unmap the
selected fields and move them back to the unmapped fields lists.

What does Save This Map mean?

Save This Map enables you to save all automapped and manually mapped fields.

1. On the Map Fields page, ensure all fields you want to map have been successfully mapped and are dis-
played in the Mapped Field list.

2. Click Save This Map. The File Name dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter a name for the saved map set and click OK. The saved map is now available as a selectable option from
the Saved Maps drop-down list.

What does Save Transaction mean?

On the Confirm page you can click Save Transaction. The Save Transaction button will save the type of data
transfer you selected on the Login page, your Source and Destination platforms, the usernames for your Source
and Destination platforms, both automated and manual mappings and any filter criteria you set. For more
information on saving a transaction, see Save Transaction on page 22.

What is a Desktop Database?

A Desktop Database is a database created by Monarch on your local machine. You can create multiple desktop
databases on your local machine. The Desktop Database can be used if you want to work offline and still view
data in the database. It is also a useful means of backing up your files locally. For this example we will transfer
selected objects from Salesforce to a Desktop database.

Frequently Asked Questions - 45

Monarch Quick Start Guide

How can I ensure that I am logged into the correct Org?

When you login to a platform that has multiple Orgs, a pop-up dialog box is displayed showing a list of all your
Orgs for that particular platform. You can select the Org you want to transfer data to or from the list.

What if I want to change the Orgs I am logged into?

If you want to change the Org you are currently logged into, go back to the Monarch login page and click the
Authenticate button. This will log you out of the current platform and Org. You can then select a new platform
and/or Org to login to.

Frequently Asked Questions - 46

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