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Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691 704

Fault-tolerant control for outdoor ventilation air $ow rate in

buildings based on neural network
Shengwei Wanga; , Youming Chena; b
a Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
b Department of Building Environment and Services Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, Hunan,
Peoples Republic of China
Received 9 August 2000; accepted 13 September 2001


This paper describes a supervisory control scheme that adapts to the presence of the measurement faults in outdoor air $ow rate control
using sensor-based demand-controlled ventilation, maintains an adequate indoor air quality and minimizes the resulting increase in energy
consumption. A strategy, which is based on neural network models, is employed to diagnose the measurement faults of outdoor and
supply $ow sensor, and accomplishes the fault-tolerant control of outdoor air $ow when faults occur. The neural network models are
trained using the data collected under various normal conditions. The residuals between the measurements of $ow sensors and the outputs
of the neural network models are used to diagnose the faults. When the fault of outdoor or supply air $ow sensor occurs, the recovered
estimate of outdoor or supply air $ow rate obtained on the basis of the neural network models is used in the feedback control loop to
regain the control of outdoor air $ow. Tests using dynamic system simulation are conducted to validate the strategy. The control, IAQ and
energy performances of the system under fault-tolerant control strategy in the presence of the faults in air $ow sensor are also presented.
c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fault tolerant control; Ventilation control; Sensor fault; Fault diagnosis; Neural network

1. Introduction Research on the automatic FDD of HVAC system started

since 1980s [1,2]. The e<orts have been mainly focused on
There has been much concern in fault detection and di- the HVAC system or component faults. Various faults in
agnosis (FDD) on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC systems have been addressed. The FDD techniques
(HVAC) in recent years. Reliable and accurate monitoring were developed mainly for detecting and diagnosing the
and control of air-handling units (AHU) are essential for complete failure of fan, control valve and supply air tem-
building automation systems (BASs) to realize the intelli- perature sensors [3 6], coiling fouling and leaking valve
gent and optimal control to maintain adequate indoor air [7,8], poor performance and leakage of heat exchanger [9],
quality with least energy consumption. The typical circum- faults that in$uence chiller performance [10 12] and faults
stances causing improper air $ow controls of AHU control of outdoor air ventilation systems with economizers [13].
are faults of sensors and damper motor, stuck air damper The FDD approaches applied to HVAC system include ARX
and improper control setting or algorithm. These problems model extended Kalman =lter [5], residual and recursive pa-
result in either inadequate outdoor air to meet ventilation rameter identi=cation methods [3], arti=cial neural network
requirements, causing poor indoor air quality, or too much methods [6,14,15] and knowledge-based expert system ap-
outdoor air resulting in energy waste for cooling. The ap- proach [16,17] and rule-based method [13]. Arti=cial neural
plication of BASs o<ers the possibility of automatic FDD networks are trained on idealized residual patterns [6,14] or
in air-conditioning system. In recent years, FDD on HVAC fault patterns [15] and used to diagnose faults in AHU or
systems has been concerned as one of the important topics heating systems.
in the HVAC =eld. Most of the e<orts on fault diagnosis in HVAC =eld are

focused on the development of techniques for the FDD of
Corresponding author. Department of Building Services Engineering,
HVAC components. However, faults or reliability of sensors
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel.:
+852-27665858; fax: +852-27746146. or measurements are the key issues for proper and reliable
E-mail address: (S. Wang). control, optimization and FDD. To improve the operational

0360-1323/02/$ - see front matter  c 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 1 3 2 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 7 6 - 2
692 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

standard deviation
A 2
area (m ) volume of $ow rate (m3 s1 )
C CO2 concentration (ppm)
DVR design ventilation rate (m3 s1 ) Subscripts
Eac ventilation e<ectiveness
B building
N strength of CO2 source (kg s1 ) M measurement
P number of occupants NN neural network
R residual or outdoor air requirement O outdoor air
S strength of CO2 source (106 m3 s1 ) P occupant
uD damper position or control signal S supply air
V volume of air (m3 ) R room
SS =lter output Rtn return air
S actual measurement

reliability of control systems, it is necessary to validate sen- reliability of CO2 -based DCV systems strongly depends on
sors (or measurement) online, isolate failed sensors, recover the sensors used in the systems. To maintain acceptable in-
the failed measurements, and therefore regain the relevant door air quality and minimize the increase of energy con-
control. Thus, one of the main tasks of FDD is to detect sumption in the presence of faults in outdoor air control sys-
the faults of sensors that are used in the control systems tems, it is essential for the BASs to detect and identify the
and accomplish fault-tolerant control when the failures oc- sensor faults by validating the measurements, and regain the
cur. However, only few e<orts of dressing sensor and mea- control as far as possible in case of failure.
surement faults in HVAC =eld were reported. A regression This paper =rst describes the faults and fault patterns
equation was presented to recover an estimate of supply air of concern in DCV control systems. A fault-tolerant con-
temperature sensor, which is used in the feedback loop to re- trol strategy based on neural networks is then presented to
gain control of the actual supply air temperature [6]. A =rst accomplish exact control of outdoor air $ow rate in the
law-based strategy is developed to estimate sensor bias of presence of sensor faults. Three neural network models are
central chilling system [18]. Fault-tolerant control scheme developed to regain the control of AHU outdoor air $ow
was presented to adapt to the presence of degradation faults rate. The neural network models are =rst used to detect and
and minimize any resulting increase in energy consumption identify the faults of the control system. They are then used
or deterioration in occupant comfort [19]. to recover the measurement of the outdoor air or supply
Sensor fault is one of the common faults found in HVAC air $ow sensor when the $ow sensor failure occurs and re-
system. It includes complete and soft faults. The complete gains the control of outdoor air $ow rate to maintain ac-
fault is that sensor or the contact is broken down and the ceptable energy performance and indoor air quality. The
measurement does not respond to the changes of measured air-conditioning system using DCV in an oLce building was
variable at all. The soft fault refers to the drift and bias of simulated to validate the fault-tolerant control strategy. Data
sensors, which have serious e<ects on the control precision for training the neural network models were obtained from
of the control systems. In a control system, the complete the simulation tests under normal operating conditions. The
fault of a sensor will result in some symptoms that are help- fault-tolerant control strategy and the models used in the
ful to detect and diagnose the fault. However, when a soft strategies are presented. Validation of the strategy by sim-
fault appeared in the sensors of a control system, there are ulation tests are also presented that verify the IAQ and en-
no noticeable symptoms that indicate that a fault has oc- ergy performance of the system under fault-tolerant control
curred. Some particular methods must be used to detect and strategy in the presence of faults on the outdoor or supply
diagnose this kind of faults. air $ow sensor.
To provide adequate ventilation for an acceptable indoor
air quality, ASHARE Standard 62-1999 [20] requires that
the outdoor air ventilation rate should be based on the occu- 2. Overall approach of study and outdoor air ow
pancy in a space. CO2 -based demand-controlled ventilation control using DCV
(DCV) is a suitable choice for HVAC systems, which
satis=es the requirement on outdoor air ventilation rate. The general approach or steps of this study are illustrated
Demonstrations of the bene=ts in reducing energy consump- in a $ow chart shown in Fig. 1. First, the simulation mod-
tion from the use of CO2 -based DCV systems have been els were programed for the air-conditioning system on the
presented for many di<erent applications [2123]. The TRNSYS platform and the performance data were obtained
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 693

control strategy, which adapts DCV to ensure the necessary

indoor air quality in dynamic occupancy conditions. When
the outdoor temperature (or enthalpy) is high (region IV) or
very low (region I), outdoor air is controlled at its minimum
level acceptable for maintaining adequate indoor air quality
using sensor-based demanded ventilation control. Between
these two extreme outdoor conditions, the outdoor air is
controlled to at maximum (region III) or at proper level to
cool the building using outdoor air only (region II). As the
outdoor air enthalpy in the Hong Kong zone is high during
large part of a year, DCV control within region IV is a typical
optimal outdoor air $ow control in the Hong Kong climate.
Therefore, the fault-tolerant control for DCV is presented in
this paper. However, same strategy can be applied to other
regions of outdoor air control.
A DCV system satisfying the previous ASHRAE Stan-
dard 62-1989 can control CO2 concentration and other
pollutants generated by occupants within an acceptable
level. However, it cannot e<ectively control the concen-
tration of nonoccupant-generated pollutants, such as those
produced by building materials, furnishings, etc., which
may be harmful to occupants or make them uncomfortable
when they dominate the indoor pollutants [24,25]. Based on
the problem of pollutants generated by building materials,
furnishings, the ventilation systems, etc., ASHRAE consid-
ered to update its ventilation standard (ASHRAE Standard
62-1989R) [26] suggesting that the minimum requirement
for the outdoor air ventilation rate shall be determined not
Fig. 1. General approach of study.
only by the actual occupancy but also the occupied area as
shown in Eq. (1). This standard on the outdoor air ventila-
tion rate provides a solution for eLciently removing both
occupant-generated and nonoccupant-generated pollutants,
from simulation tests under normal operating conditions. but it requires identi=cation of the actual occupancy in a
Second, after being added random measurement noise, the space. A steady-state method to detect the occupancy based
simulation data can be regarded and used as the measured on CO2 concentration measurement is proposed rather than
data from the real system. Third, the neural network models controlling the CO2 level within a limit in the previous
were trained using the measured data. Fourth, a DCV su- standard:
pervisory controller with FDD and fault-control strategy was
developed and added to the simulated air-conditioning and DVR = P + B = RP P + RB A: (1)
its control systems. Once the supervisory controller detects The steady-state detection method is employed in the oc-
the faults of the air $ow sensors, the corresponding neural cupancy detector. The method uses the steady-state balance
network model would be used to regain the measurement simpli=ed as Eq. (2). The actual space occupancy can be
signal of the sensor to implement the fault-tolerant control calculated using Eq. (3), where S is an average genera-
of outdoor air. Finally, the FDD and fault-tolerant control tion rate of CO2 per person and Eac is the ventilation e<ec-
strategy were validated by comparing among the simulated tiveness. The CO2 concentration of supply air is calculated
results under normal, faulty and fault-tolerant control using the supply and outdoor air $ow rates and the CO2
conditions. concentrations of the return and outdoor air:
In the applications of the fault-tolerant control strategy
to BASs to monitor the real air-conditioning systems, data N + S CS S CRtn = 0; (2)
measured by BASs will be used to train the neural network
models, to detect and diagnose the sensor faults and to S Eac (CR CS )
P= : (3)
regain the measurement signals of faulty air $ow S
sensors. Previous studies [27,28] show that the occupancy estimated
The split-range control strategy is commonly accepted using Eqs. (2) and (3) has signi=cant delay when the air
as an optimal control strategy for outdoor air $ow control. change per hour (AC) is not very high. For example, the
The strategy shown in Fig. 2 is an advanced vision of this delay is over 1 h when AC is 4. It increases over 2 h when
694 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

Fig. 2. Relationship between control signals and outdoor air enthalpy of combined enthalpy and DCV.

Fig. 3. Illustration of a VAV air-conditioning system with a DCV supervisory controller.

AC reduces to 2 and it increases over 3:5 h when AC reduces 3. Fault detection and diagnosis method
to 1.
Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram of the DCV system 3.1. Fault description
for the AHU of VAV in accordance with the above require-
ments of the ASHRAE New Standard, 62-2000. The DCV Six typical faults are associated with sensor-based DCV
consists of an occupancy detector, outdoor air reset control control systems. Their dominant symptoms are described as
and outdoor air $ow controller. The occupancy detector follows. Most of them are dealt with in the strategy presented
detects the actual occupancy of the air-conditioned space in the paper.
using the above steady-state detection method. The outdoor Fault 1 stuck damper: If the fault has taken place, an
air reset control determines the set-point of outdoor air ven- occupancy change occurred will cause the control signal to
tilation rate according to the actual occupancy and building the actuator to saturate at either the minimum or the maxi-
area. The outdoor air $ow controller modulates the air mum voltage because the damper is unable to respond to the
dampers to maintain the outdoor air $ow rate at its control input. Generally, a linkage damper is used to con-
set-point. trol the outdoor, recirculating and exhaust air $ow rate. If
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 695

the damper is equipped with a position indictor, the position concentration sensor is signi=cantly lower than the value of
signal available from BASs maintains unchanged when the the outdoor air, or close=equal to the maximum value of its
fault occurs. In this case, the fault can be discerned from the measurement range, it could be discerned that the CO2 con-
two dominant symptoms of the position and control signals centration sensor has failed. Otherwise, there is no easy way
by a rule-based method. to determine whether the sensor has failed or not. When CO2
Fault 2 complete failure of the outdoor air 7ow sensor: sensors are faulty, it is diLcult to determine the number of
The measurement of the outdoor $ow sensor is used as the occupants when CO2 -based DCV is used.
feedback signal of outdoor air $ow control system to control
the outdoor air $ow rate at the set-point value according 3.2. Fault diagnosis method
to DCV requirements. When this fault occurs, a zero (or
maximum) reading is obtained for the outdoor $ow sensor A method is presented here, which is based on arti=cial
and the outdoor air $ow controller increases (or reduces) the neural network, to detect and diagnose the complete or soft
control signal to the actuator until its upper (or lower) limit. fault of three-$ow sensors.
Fault 3 complete failure of the supply air 7ow sen-
sor: The measurement of the supply $ow sensor is used to 3.2.1. Data preprocessing
detect the occupancy of the conditioned space and control To reduce the e<ects of random noises, =lters are applied
the di<erence between the total supply and return air $ow to the measurement of outdoor, supply and return air $ow
rates so as to maintain a positive pressure in the space within rates and CO2 concentrations of outdoor and return air. The
the upper and lower limits. When this sensor failed, a zero CO2 concentration sensor of return air is located in the return
(or maximum) reading is obtained for the supply $ow sen- duct. The control system measures CO2 concentration of the
sor and the return fan controller decreases (or increase) the outdoor air at the outdoor air intake. The measurements are
return fan speed to its minimum (maximum) value attempt- made after =lters are used by FDD, the occupancy detector
ing to maintain the $ow di<erence between the supply and and the outdoor air controller. The =lter model is presented
return ducts at the set-point value. in the following equation:
Fault 4 complete failure of the return air 7ow sen-
sor (i.e. air 7ow stations): When this sensor failed, a zero iSS =  iS + (1 ) SS ; (4)
(maximum) reading is obtained from the return $ow sensor
and the return fan controller increases the return fan speed where SS is the =lter output,  is a =ltering weight factor,
to its maximum (minimum) value attempting to maintain S is the actual measurement, and superscripts i and i 1
the $ow di<erence between the supply and return ducts at are the current and previous sampling instants.
the set-point value. Although the return air $ow sensor is
not a component of DCV control system, it is necessary to 3.2.2. Neural network model of mixing process
check whether its measurement is normal or not. When the An AHU is divided into mixing and cooling processes
outdoor or supply air $ow sensor fails, the measurement of when developing the strategy. The $ow characteristic of the
the return air $ow sensor is used to recover the outdoor or mixing process is nonlinearly related to damper position
supply air $ow rate. Only its normal measurement can be (control signal), the pressure of the mixing box, and the
used for the recovery of the other two $ow sensors and re- pressure at supply fan inlet and return fan outlet. The supply
alize fault-tolerance control of outdoor air $ow. $ow rate re$ects the pressure di<erence between the mixing
Fault 5 soft fault, such as bias or drift of outdoor, box and supply fan inlet. When the wind e<ect and the ef-
supply or return $ow sensors (i.e. air $ow stations). When fect of mechanical clearance of damper are neglected, there
the soft fault occurs, it does not cause obvious symptoms. is a nonlinear function among the damper position (control
A particular mathematical method should be employed to signal), the air $ow rate of outdoor, supply and return air.
detect and diagnose it. As far as the control of a system is For a =eld system, because it is diLcult to establish phys-
concerned, the soft and complete faults of sensors will lead ical models, neural network is a proper method to model
to quite di<erent results. The controlled variables will greatly the AHU sub-processes. The outdoor air $ow rate ( O ) is
deviate their set-point or the system cannot operate in the nonlinearly related to the damper position represented by
presence of the complete faults. However, in the presence of the control signal (uD ), the volume $ow rates of supply and
soft faults, the system usually operate normally except that return air ( S ; Rtn ) as
the controlled variable will be o<set up to a certain range. O; NN = fNN (uD ; S ; Rtn ): (5)
The soft and complete faults are discussed separately in this
study. Similarly, two neural functions are used to establish the
Fault 6 failure of the CO2 sensors: Generally, this inverse functions of Eq. (5), as
fault is referred to as the failure of the CO2 sensor of return
air (indicating CO2 concentration of rooms). The CO2 con- S; NN = gNN (uD ; O ; Rtn ); (6)
centration of return air varies as the space occupancy or out-
door air $ow changes. When the measurement of the CO2 Rtn; NN = hNN (uD ; O ; S ): (7)
696 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

a measurement of the last n samples, given in the following


1 n If RR i 3 then set RR i = 0;
RR i = Rik If 3 6 RR i 6 6 then set RR i = 1;
k=0 If RR i 6 then set RR i = 2;

where i represents the current sampling instant, is the

standard deviation for a particular $ow sensor and 0, 1 and
2 represent the normal status, soft and complete faults, re-
spectively. In practical HVAC system, the standard devia-
tion of a sensor includes the e<ects of the imprecision of
sensor itself, the external disturbances (e.g. electromagnetic
disturbances) and the vibration of the measured medium.
This standard deviation in practical systems will be larger
than that indicated in the speci=cation of a sensor, which is
Fig. 4. Neural network architecture of the mixing-process of AHU. preferably and can be easily obtained by analyzing the mea-
surements of a sensor over a period in steady-state condi-
tions. In this study, a sensor is regarded as normal when the
The architecture of the above three neural network models
mean residual (i.e. the di<erence between actual measure-
is shown in Fig. 4. The activation functions of neurons in
ments and predicted reference) is not signi=cant (less than
the hidden layer are hyperbolic tangent f(x) = Kth(0 x=2),
3 ). It is regarded as biased (i.e. soft failure) when the mean
while the output layer uses the linear activation function
residual is signi=cant (between 3 and 6 ). It is considered
f(x) = K0 x, where, K and K0 are constants representing the
to be a complete failure and the measurement is not used
slope of the activation functions, respectively. The number
when the mean residual is large (over 6 ). That includes the
of neurons in each layer is 3 10 1. For the practical
cases when the sensors are biased actually but the biases are
air-conditioning system employing BASs, these neural net-
large resulting in low con=dence to use their measurements.
work models can be trained by the measured data available
from the sensors in BASs. The used data include two types
of data sensor measurements and control signals and are
collected by BASs under various normal operating condi- 4. Fault-tolerant control strategy
tions. In this study, the simulation data under various normal
operating conditions are used to train the neural network The major tasks of a fault-tolerant control system are fault
models. detection, fault identi=cation and control system recon=g-
uration. In this study, a sensor recovery method is used to
3.2.3. Fault diagnosis of 7ow sensors regain the outdoor or supply air $ow rate and recon=gure
The fault diagnosis method described by Lee et al. [6] DCV control system so as to achieve the required outdoor
identi=es the patterns of residuals that can be used as sig- air $ow rate and indoor air quality if any $ow sensor fails.
natures for various faults. An arti=cial neural network was When a reading of the outdoor or supply air $ow sensors
trained with these patterns and then used to diagnose the sta- in DCV system is found erroneous, it is necessary to estimate
tus of the AHU for actual experimental data. In this study, its true value using correlated measurement. The estimated
the residuals are directly used to identify the fault of corre- value is supplied to DCV control loop to realize the correct
sponding $ow sensor. The residuals used here are: outdoor air $ow control under faulty conditions. A simple
approach is used, which employs an estimating relation for
RO = O; NN O; M ; (8)
each sensor reading that needs to be recovered. To recover
the supply air temperature sensor by an estimate when it
RS = S; NN S; M ; (9)
fails, a regression equation is used to compute its expected
value in the study of Lee et al. [6]. In this study, two neural
RRtn = Rtn; NN Rtn; M ; (10)
networks shown in Eqs. (5) and (6) are used to predict the
where R is the residual, subscript NN is the prediction of expected value of the outdoor or supply air $ow rate. Once
neural network model using the measured data and control the fault of the outdoor or supply air $ow sensor has been
signal at the current sampling instant and subscript M is the diagnosed, the estimate of the outdoor air $ow rate is used
measured value at the current sampling instant. in the feedback control loop as the recovered measurement,
Mean residuals are used to diagnose the fault of the or the estimate of the supply air $ow rate is used to detect
three-$ow sensors so that the faults can be discerned cor- the actual occupancy and reset the outdoor air $ow rate
rectly. The mean residual is the mean value of residuals of set-point.
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 697

The neural network model is trained using a large num- other two are interior zones. Four of the perimeter zones ori-
ber of data collected under various normal operating condi- entating north are equipped with VAV and constant air vol-
tions. The outputs of the neural networks (i.e. the estimated ume (CAV) terminals, the others are equipped with VAV
outdoor or supply $ow rates) are expected to be accurate terminals only. The chilled water $ow rates of the VAV
assuming that the inputs to the neural networks are not erro- and CAV coils are modulated by two proportional, integral
neous. That is, if the conditions in the system deviate from and derivative (PID) controllers, respectively, to maintain
normal conditions (for instance, if the outdoor damper input the supply air temperature. Two variable blade angle fans
signal saturates at its maximum value) because of outdoor are equipped to be the VAV supply fan and return fan, re-
air $ow sensor fault, the neural network model should give spectively. The CAV supply fan is a constant fan. The pitch
an accurate value of the actual outdoor air $ow rate and, angle of the VAV supply fan is modulated by a PID con-
therefore, be used for regaining control of the DCV system. troller to maintain the ex=ltration $ow rate as desired. This
If, however, the conditions deviate because of another type controls the di<erence between the total supply and return
of fault, such as Fault 1 or 6, and this fault a<ects the inputs air $ow rates so as to maintain a positive pressure in the
to the neural network, the neural network will not provide space within the upper and lower limits by modulating the
an accurate estimate of the actual outdoor air $ow rate. The pitch angle of the return. The sensors and the their location
residual between the estimated and actual outdoor or supply in system are illustrated also in the =gure.
$ow rate will be used to diagnose the fault of the three-$ow A DCV supervisory controller, shown in Fig. 5,
sensors. If there is signi=cant residual, it is =rst to determine monitors and controls the outdoor air $ow rate of the
whether Fault 1 or 5 occurs or not. Hence, the neural network air-conditioning system. It includes the measurement =lter,
model is used for sensor recovery only when the outdoor or FDD, outdoor=supply air $ow rate recovery, occupancy de-
supply $ow sensor has been diagnosed as faulty. Test results tector, outdoor air $ow reset module and controller. A PID
for validating the fault-tolerant control of DCV system are controller is used to modulate the positions of the three air
presented in Section 5. dampers to control the outdoor air $ow rate at its set-point
set by the outdoor air $ow reset module. The feedback sig-
nal of the control loop is the measurement of the outdoor
5. Tests and validation air $ow sensor when the outdoor air $ow sensor is normal.
It is the recovered measurement when the outdoor air $ow
5.1. Description of air-conditioning and control system rate is faulty. An on-line steady-state occupancy detector
detects the actual occupancy, which is used to determine
Fig. 3 shows a schematic of the VAV air-conditioning the set-point of the outdoor air $ow rate as required by
system serving the oLce $oor, which is one open plan oLce ASHRAE 62-1989R.
$oor in a high-rise building. The oLce $oor has an area The VAV air-conditioning system is simulated on the
of around 1200 m2 , which is divided into eight zones in platform of the transient thermal system simulation program,
simulation. Six of the zones are perimeter zones and the TRNSYS [29]. The building, coil, DDC control and other

Fig. 5. Schematic of DCV supervisory controller.

698 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

Fig. 6. Ambient temperature and examples of sol-air temperature.

component models used in the simulation tests are the tion (e.g. sensor normal, sensor faulty with conventional
dynamic models presented in the previous publications control and sensor faulty with fault-tolerant control). The
[30,31]. fault-tolerant control strategy is used to control the outdoor
One VAV terminal and one CAV terminal in each zone air ventilation rate under the faulty conditions of the air
are simulated. The total capacities of the VAV and CAV of $ow sensors. The weather data for the 2 days were selected
each zone are simulated by multiplying the simulated $ow from the Hong Kong weather data in summer and spring,
rates with suitable factors. A fan model simulates the energy respectively, shown in Fig. 6. Each test lasts 24 h (from
and hydraulic performances of the supply and return fans. midnight to midnight). Two occupancy pro=les used in the
The pressure-$ow balance of the system under di<erent fan tests are shown in Fig. 7. The occupant activity level used
pitch angles and VAV damper positions is simulated using is 1:2 m.
a model, which simulates the pressure-$ow characteristics
of the coils, supply ducts, return duct, air dampers and VAV
terminals. 5.3. Data collection and neural network training
The energy and dynamic performances of the coils are
simulated by a model developed based on the model pro- The training data for neural network model are generated
posed in IEA Annex 17. The thermal capacitance of a duct by simulating the VAV air-conditioning system over the full
is considered when simulating the heat exchange with the operating ranges of the air dampers and the VAV supply fan.
local environment and the time lag is considered when In order to evaluate the fault-tolerant control strategy, the
simulating the moisture and air pollutants transfer in the IAQ and energy performance of the VAV air-conditioning
duct, which depends on the air velocity inside the duct. system controlled under the fault-tolerant control strategy,
The dynamics of sensors and actuation devices are the training data are collected only under the condition of
simulated. the occupancy I in spring. During the tests, two sinusoid
The realistic DDC models simulate the dynamic response signals with di<erent frequencies and initial phases are ap-
of the local PID DDC control loops and supervisory control plied, respectively, to modulate the air dampers and VAV
algorithms. The control loops simulated include the AHU supply fan. The outdoor, supply and return air $ow rates,
and VAV temperature control loops, the outdoor air con- and control signal of outdoor damper are collected at a sam-
trol loop, the ex=ltration $ow control loop and VAV static pling interval of 60 s. Random noises with zero mean are
pressure control loop. applied to all measurement of $ow rates collected from the
simulation tests. After the $ow rates being =ltered using =l-
ter model as Eq. (4), all of the collected signals are used to
5.2. Simulation test conditions train the three neural networks of the mixing process using
the LevenbergMarquardt algorithm [32]. Using the operat-
The results presented are the results in four test condi- ing data of 1 day with a sampling interval of 60 s, the com-
tions of 1 day (i.e. two outdoor conditions and two occu- putation time for training one neural network needs about
pancy pro=les). Several tests with di<erent sensor status 30 s. The terminating condition of network training is that
and control strategies were conducted in each test condi- the mean of the square of the error (MSE) between the target
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 699

Fig. 7. Total occupancy of the open oLce in simulation tests.

5.4.1. Validation of neural network models

Figs. 9 and 10 show sensors and neural network model
outputs of outdoor air $ow rates under normal DCV control
conditions in summer and spring test cases. It is observed
that the outdoor air $ow outputs of the neural network model
agrees well with the measured outdoor air $ow rate dur-
ing the tests under di<erent test conditions. In calculations,
it has also been found that the supply air $ow outputs of
the neural network model also fully agree with the outputs
of supply air $ow sensor under various test conditions. Ex-
perience shows that the neural networks have very good
$exibility to the wide change ranges of outdoor and supply
air $ow rates. In practice, the data to train the neural net-
works of the mixing process can be easily obtained by vary-
ing control signals of the mixing box dampers and supply

Fig. 8. The decreasing process of SME in training neural networks models.

5.4.2. Validation of fault-tolerant control strategy
Figs. 11 and 12 show the results of the average CO2
concentration in the summer and spring test cases with
two di<erent occupancy pro=les under normal, faulty and
values and the outputs of a neural network is 5:0 106 .
fault-tolerant control conditions. Under the normal condi-
Fig. 8 shows the decreasing process of the MSE of the neu-
tion, the measurement of outdoor air $ow sensor is used
ral network model in Eq. (5). To examine the fault-tolerant
as the feedback signal of DCV control system. The fault in
control method, the three trained neural networks are used
the tests presented in these =gures is the complete failure
on-line to diagnose the $ow measurement faults and accom-
of outdoor air $ow sensor. The neural network for outdoor
plish the fault-tolerant control of outdoor ventilation rate
air $ow is used to recover the outdoor air $ow using an
when the measurement fault of outdoor or supply air $ow
estimate, which is used as the feedback signal of the DCV
sensor occurs.
control system under the sensor faulty condition. The results
show that the system operation performance indicated by
5.4. Test results and discussion CO2 concentration, air $ow rates, etc., under fault-tolerant
control was very close to that under normal control in the
Part of the results under fault-tolerant control for same conditions.
failed outdoor air $ow measurements are presented here Under the normal, faulty outdoor air $ow measure-
and compared with those under normal control ments and their fault-tolerant control, the daily energy
conditions. consumption of the cooling coils and fans in the tests
700 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

Fig. 9. Sensor and neural network outputs of outdoor air $ow rate in summer.

Fig. 10. Sensor and neural network outputs of outdoor air $ow rate in spring.

is shown in Tables 1 and 2, and the maximum and vast increase of cooling load for outdoor air. Under the
average CO2 concentrations during occupied period are faulty condition of the test, the daily energy consumptions
given in Tables 1 and 2. When the complete failure of increased by 76.4% and 95% for Occupancy I and II
outdoor air $ow sensor occurred, the outdoor air $ow during summer and by 40.6% and 47.9% during spring,
controller fully opened the outdoor air damper and the respectively.
outdoor air $ow was at maximum rate, which was greatly When there was a bias of 10% on outdoor air $ow mea-
higher than that demanded. Therefore, the CO2 concen- surement, the controller controlled the outdoor air damper
tration was lower than that at normal control. The main up to about 10% higher than the demanded $ow rate. Al-
objective of DCV control is to come to a compromise be- though the CO2 concentrations are slightly lower than that
tween IAQ and energy consumption. Although the carbon under the fault free conditions, the daily energy consump-
dioxide concentration is rather low under the complete tions increased by 7.3% and 9.3% for Occupancy I and II
failure of outdoor air $ow measurement, the correspond- during summer, and by 3.2% and 4.0% during spring, re-
ing energy consumption increased dramatically due to the spectively. To correct this soft fault, an estimate of outdoor
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 701

Fig. 11. Space CO2 concentration in spring under the complete fault of outdoor air $ow sensor.

Fig. 12. Space CO2 concentration in spring under the complete fault of outdoor air $ow sensor.

air $ow recovered by the neural network models for outdoor failure or biased outdoor air $ow measurement occurs, the
air $ow is used as the feedback signal of the DCV control fault-tolerant control strategy for outdoor air $ow control
system to accomplish the fault-tolerant control. The system can meet the control requirements of DCV and achieve the
performance after employing fault-tolerant control was very satisfactory indoor air quality without resulting increase in
close to that under fault-free conditions. Under all condi- energy consumption.
tions tested, the total coil loads when using the output of Under the normal, faulty supply air $ow measurements
neural network as feedback signal under the complete failure and their fault-tolerant control, the daily energy consump-
or biased outdoor air $ow sensor were in very good agree- tion of the cooling coils and fans in the tests are shown in
ment with that under normal outdoor air $ow measurement. Tables 3 and 4, and the maximum average CO2 concen-
The fan and total energy consumption also has very good trations during occupied period are also given in Tables 3
agreement with each other under either normal or faulty out- and 4. When the complete failure of supply air $ow sensor
door air $ow measurement. Therefore, when the complete occurred, the occupancy detector detected a zero occupancy
702 S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704

Table 1
Daily energy consumption and maximum CO2 concentration in summer with faulty outdoor air $ow sensor

Occupancy Control Coil heat load (MJ) Fan (MJ) Overall Increasing Maximum
signal VAV CAV Total VAV Return CAV (MJ) (%) CO2 (ppm)

I Normal 4.020 1.029 5.049 0.667 0.514 0.160 6.390 1063

failure 7.621 2.279 9.900 0.590 0.622 0.160 11.272 76.4 516
10% bias 4.382 1.132 5.514 0.668 0.515 0.160 6.857 7.3 985
NN 4.021 1.030 5.051 0.666 0.514 0.160 6.391 0.0 1069

II Normal 3.879 1.156 5.035 0.607 0.471 0.175 6.288 1052

failure 8.290 2.483 10.773 0.637 0.681 0.175 12.266 95.0 515
10% bias 4.325 1.295 5.620 0.607 0.471 0.175 6.873 9.3 973
NN 3.882 1.156 5.038 0.606 0.471 0.175 6.290 0.0 1056

Table 2
Daily energy consumption and maximum CO2 concentration in spring with faulty outdoor air $ow sensor

Occupancy Control Coil heat load (MJ) Fan (MJ) Overall Increasing Maximum
signal VAV CAV Total VAV Return CAV (MJ) (%) CO2 (ppm)
I Normal 1.775 0.852 2.627 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.277 1038
failure 2.113 1.113 3.226 0.595 0.625 0.160 4.606 40.6 522
10% bias 1.846 0.887 2.733 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.383 3.2 961
NN 1.776 0.843 2.619 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.269 0.0 1039

II Normal 1.721 0.879 2.600 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.267 1027

failure 2.132 1.202 3.334 0.644 0.678 0.175 4.831 47.9 521
10% bias 1.808 0.923 2.731 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.398 4.0 949
NN 1.722 0.880 2.602 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.269 0.0 1030

Table 3
Daily energy consumption and maximum CO2 concentration in summer with faulty supply air $ow sensor

Occupancy Control Coil heat load (MJ) Fan (MJ) Overall Increasing Maximum
signal VAV CAV Total VAV Return CAV (MJ) (%) CO2 (ppm)

I Normal 4.020 1.029 5.049 0.667 0.514 0.160 6.390 1063

failure 3.413 0.854 4.267 0.666 0.515 0.160 5.608 12:2 1472
+10% bias 4.181 1.073 5.254 0.675 0.521 0.160 6.610 3.5 993
NN 4.022 1.031 5.053 0.666 0.514 0.160 6.393 0.0 1068

II Normal 3.879 1.156 5.035 0.607 0.471 0.175 6.288 1052

failure 3.181 0.934 4.115 0.606 0.472 0.175 5.368 14:6 1459
+10% bias 4.112 1.214 5.326 0.614 0.476 0.175 6.591 4.8 994
NN 3.881 1.157 5.038 0.606 0.471 0.175 6.290 0.0 1055

and the outdoor air $ow rate was set at a set-point that is the occupancy detector detected an occupancy which was
far less than that actually required. So, the CO2 concen- 10% higher than the actual occupancy and the outdoor air
tration increased over 1400 ppm, which was much higher $ow rate was set at a set-point higher than that required.
than that under normal condition. Thus, under faulty con- Although the CO2 concentrations were slightly lower than
dition, however, the daily energy consumptions reduced by that under normal conditions, the daily energy consump-
12.2% and 14.6% for Occupancy I and II during summer, tions increase by 3.5% and 4.8% for Occupancy I and II
and by 7.8% and 9.3% during spring, respectively. When during summer, and by 2.7% and 3.0% during spring,
there was a bias of +10% on supply air $ow measurement, respectively.
S. Wang, Y. Chen / Building and Environment 37 (2002) 691704 703

Table 4
Daily energy consumption and maximum CO2 concentration in spring with faulty supply air $ow sensor

Occupancy Control Coil heat load (MJ) Fan (MJ) Overall Increasing Maximum
signal VAV CAV Total VAV Return CAV (MJ) (%) CO2 (ppm)

I Normal 1.775 0.852 2.627 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.277 1038

failure 1.602 0.771 2.373 0.261 0.228 0.160 3.022 7:8 1446
+10% bias 1.823 0.893 2.716 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.366 2.7 984
NN 1.776 0.853 2.619 0.262 0.228 0.160 3.269 0.0 1039

II Normal 1.721 0.879 2.600 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.267 1027

failure 1.528 0.767 2.295 0.263 0.229 0.175 2.962 9:3 1434
+10% bias 1.834 0.897 2.731 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.365 3.0 978
NN 1.722 0.880 2.602 0.263 0.229 0.175 3.269 0.0 1029

For the complete failure and biased supply air $ow mea- train is very fast using algorithms currently available. There-
surement, an estimate recovered by the neural network for fore, it is not diLcult to adapt the fault-tolerant strategy into
supply air $ow was used as the input signal of the occupancy BASs.
detector to accomplish the fault-tolerant control. The con-
trol performances were very close to that under the healthy
supply air $ow measurement. Under various test conditions, Acknowledgements
the total coil load when using the output of neural network
as the input signal to the occupancy detector for the com- The research work presented in the paper is =nancially
plete failure and bias fault of supply air $ow measurement supported by a grant (RGC No. PolyU 5031=00E) of the
was nearly the same as that under healthy supply air $ow Research Grant Council (RGC) of the Hong Kong SAR.
measurement. The fan energy consumption and total energy
consumption were also almost the same under either healthy
or faulty supply air $ow measurement in same test condi- References
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