Child Advocacy: Divorce, Separation, Custody

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Child Advocacy

Advocacy is voice of an individual, group and organization who stands for some issues which are wrongs.

Child Advocacy stands for issues related to children which involves children interests. Basically, in child

advocacy an individual, group or an organization speaks up for child rights which are abusing or speak up

for those children who are not able to speak for themselves. The main purpose of child advocacy is to

elevate the voice of youth. It prevent children from the things which may harmed them emotionally or

maybe physically. Sometime child need someone who can speak up on their behave and the parents of

the child are individual child advocate. However, there are many organization who stand up for children

and for their best and secure future some of them are Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada ,

Sheldon Kennedy Child Advocacy Centre. However there are many groups who support children are

save the children, stand for children.


Parents are role model of their child. Moreover, good parenting is must for child for their better

development and growth. If a child is not happy from their house than a child is also not performing

good in class or anywhere else. Parenting is the thing which effect a lot on child development. If

anything happens in the house like divorce, separation and custody than the child have to face a lot and

even it effects may harm on the child development. Divorce, separation have long term as well as short

term effects.
Short Term effects

Child become aggressive

Emotionally depressed

Feel guilty

Do not concentrate in their study

Long Term Effect

Child become uneducated

Sometime depression level increased that child never recover

Mentally disorder

Every child react differently for every situation. However, divorce and separation affect child

development but its upon child that they take the matter seriously or not. However, before taking these

steps parents need to be prepared themselves that how they gonna be handle their child or children so

that child/children need not to suffer a lot.

Organization which help children

Children of Divorce Intervention Programs (CODIP)
COIDP is designed to help children who are facing challenging family changes. This organization is
launched in 1982, and it helped thousands of children in countries in the world included United State,
Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Goals of this Organization are:

To minimize the behavioral and emotional problems

Increase child's ability to express their feeling regarding their parents separation

Increase child's ability to understand why this happened

Build confidence

How they works :

School personnel, community member and parents refer to this program.

Child Care Advocacy Association Of Canada:

This Organization help all type of children. They provide effective child care which help children to
improve their situation.

National Association for the Education of Young Children

It is the association of United States representing early childhood education teachers, families, trainers,
policy makers. This association focused on well-being of young children for their better development.
This association launched in 1985. They encourage the early childhood education to bring to the next
higher level.
Children are innocent. Even small fights between parents cause many bad effects on their children.

There are many organization which help children to face the problems and helps them in their proper

development but parents support are must for child's growth and to maintain their mental level stable.

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