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traveling around mexico

Welcome to ADVENTURER Traveler BLOG...

Tired of the same websites with false advertising and no authentic
recommendations? -If so, this blog is for you.
This blog is about the trips and experiences that my colleagues and I had on
vacation in different states of the Mexican Republic. This blog will show you the
wonderful experiences and adventures that my colleagues and I live like festivals,
events, clubs, museum tours and important streets of these cities, monuments,
beaches, zoos, and food that we had the pleasure to try. You will love this blog.

Team members:
1.-Gilberto Aguirre Aguirre.
2.- Kevin Paredes Ramrez.
3.- Joel Baltazar Bustos Benavides.
4.- Nohem Rodrguez Altamirano.
5.- Karla Gudio Lara.
6.- Jorge Palominos Maldonado.

Guanajuato see located in the shaft Neo
volcanic regions and North Central. It
borders to the North with Zacatecas and
San Luis Potos, East with Quertaro, to
the South with Michoacn and West with
Jalisco. The climate of this State and its
capital the town of Guanajuato is a
temperate climate that is determined by
the latitude, distance from the sea, the
effects of masses of polar aires, as well
as phenomena orographic condensation
that develops on the slopes of mountains
with altitude contrasts between valleys,
shoals and mountain ranges. The
municipality of Guanajuato is located in
the Center-West of the State territory,
bordered on the Northwest by the municipality of Len, to the North with the
municipality of San Felipe, on the East by the municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna
of the national independence, to the Southeast by the municipality of Salamanca,
to the South with the municipality of Irapuato and the West with the municipality of

Museum of the mummies

of Guanajuato:
Pas e my holiday six days in
Guanajuato, went to this
incredible place surrounded
by beautiful, and old
architecture and cultural
sites. For the first time in my life, I really wanted to spend more time there, relax
and stroll through its beautiful streets taking pictures of the ancient buildings and
visit the Museum of the mummies of GUANAJUATO. This museum has things very
interesting and curious as small mummies babies found in the pantheons of this
municipality and throughout the State since it is a State law exhume the remains of
the deceased when the relatives of these do not pay the monthly fee to keep their
deceased aware, in the year of 1865 which was exhumed the first mummified body
of the Santa Paula pantheon.
Streets and architecture of
I and my family stroll through these
streets so beautiful and ancient
buildings, for me was a very
pleasant experience since it had
never seen constructions so
beautiful and in such good condition
for the year-old who had one of the
places we visited was the "alley of
the Kiss" since it is an emblematic
place by the history surrounding it since
legend has it that a couple of lovers
ended their relationship when the father
of the bride (Ana) riveting one dagger to
his own daughter before we see her with her
boyfriend (Carlos) that was the story we
hear on the tour had me and my family. I
still remember that tour was very
interesting and fun I hope to return

Restaurant (Casa Mercedes) of the

municipality of GUANAJUATO:

In this restaurant I and my family got to try the

typical food of this State was very rich this
meal since they have very special flavors
and is also very nice because the chefs
serve it very well and it has a nice
presentation, also this restaurant.
Is very nice and
has with a great service
since them rocking you is
attentive and quick to the
time that us served the
food to eat. My favorite
dish was a green mole
with chicharon and
cilantro is very and rico recommend it, I love this place
and I still remember the taste of rich food and hope someday return to this beautiful

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