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Electromagnetic fields from high frequency currents harmonically distributed on

infinitely long circular cylinders
E. Ley Koo
Instituto de Fsica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico,
Apartado Postal 20-364, 01000 Mexico, D. F., Mexico.
M.A. Rosales*

Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica, Optica y Electronica,
Apartado Postal 51 y 216, Puebla 72000, Mexico.
Recibido el 21 de mayo de 2004; aceptado el 10 de noviembre de 2004

High frequency currents harmonically distributed around the surface of infinitely long circular cylinders, in the directions of the generatrices
and of the circles, are identified, and their associated electromagnetic fields are constructed. The latter are obtained as exact traveling wave
solutions of Maxwell equations in differential and boundary condition forms. The study of these systems is appropriate for Electromagnetic
Theory courses.
Keywords: Maxwells equations; exact solutions; radiation; cylindrical antennas.
Se identifican corrientes de alta frecuencia distribuidas alrededor de la superficie de cilindros circulares infinitamente largos, en las di-
recciones de las generatrices y de los crculos, y se construyen sus campos electromagneticos asociados. Los u ltimos se obtienen como
soluciones exactas de ondas viajantes de las ecuaciones de Maxwell en sus formas diferenciales y de condiciones a la frontera. El estudio de
estos sistemas es apropiado para cursos de teora electromagnetica.
Descriptores: Ecuaciones de Maxwell; soluciones exactas; radiacion; antenas cilndricas.

PACS: 41.20.Jb; 41.20.-q

1. Introduction the direction of the circles with harmonic distributions around

the cylinder. In Sec. 3, the Poynting vector, angular dis-
The electrostatic field of a straight line or a circular cylin- tribution and power associated with the electromagnetic ra-
der with uniform distributions of charge, and the magneto- diation emitted by the respective source cylinders are evalu-
static fields of circular cylinders with uniform distributions ated. Section 4 consists of a didactic discussion of the spe-
of electric current in the directions of the generatrices or of cific results of Secs. 2 and 3 and some of their extensions and
the circles, are studied in the introductory course of Electric- limit situations, which may be helpful to teachers and stu-
ity and Magnetism [1,2]. These fields can be directly evalu- dents interested in radiating systems. The Appendix contains
ated via Gausss law and Amp`eres law, respectively. Some mathematical results connecting Maxwell equations and the
natural extensions of these familiar results have been studied Helmholtz equation, and their solutions in circular cylindrical
as two-dimensional harmonic expansions of electrostatic and coordinates, which are used in Sec. 2.
magnetostatic fields for conical cylindrical geometries [3],
appropriate for the level of Electromagnetic Theory courses. 2. Radiation fields from high frequency cur-
Another work for this level has recently covered the study rents distributed on infinitely long circular
of electrostatic, magnetostatic and electromagnetic fields for
harmonically distributed sources on infinite planes [4].
On the other hand, the number of examples of radiat- Maxwell equations are the mathematical expression of the
ing systems studied in the Electromagnetic Theory courses is laws of Electromagnetism, which connect the space and
quite limited, including the electric and magnetic oscillating time variations of the electric intensity and magnetic induc-
dipoles and the oscillating current uniformly distributed on an tion fields with the electric charges and currents as their
infinite plane [5,6]. Reference [4] and the present article are sources. Here, the equations are written in their differential
written to provide additional examples of types of radiating and boundary condition form, for sources and fields with a
systems with exact solutions and accessible to the intermedi- time harmonic variation eit of frequency :
ate and advanced undergraduate level students. The rest of ~ = 4 ~2 E
~ 1) n
E (E = 4 (1a,b)
this work is organized in the following way: Sec. 2 contains
the formulation of the problem of constructing the electro- ~ = 4 ~ i ~ ~2 B
~ 1) n 4 ~
B J E (B = K (2a,b)
magnetic fields produced by the high frequency currents dis- c c c
tributed on the surface of infinitely long circular cylinders; i
~ =
E ~
B ~2 E
(E ~ 1) n
=0 (3a,b)
Subsec. 2A covers the cases of currents in the direction of c
the generatrices with the harmonic distributions around the
~ =0
B 2 B
(B 1 ) n
=0 (4a,b)
cylinder; Subsec. 2B corresponds to the cases of currents in

They correspond successively to: 1) Gausss law, stat- In particular, we start by proposing
ing that electrical charges are sources of electric flux; and ~ c ( a, ) = B c< () sin m + B c<
that the normal components of the electric intensity field at B 0 0 () cos m (8)
a boundary surface have a discontinuity proportional to the ~ c ( a, ) = B c> () sin m + B
B c>
0 () cos m (9)
surface charge density. 2) Amp`ere Maxwell law identi-
fying two sources of magnetic circulation, electric currents for the case of the source of Eq. (6). The radial functions
and time rate of change of electric flux (Maxwell displace- B c< () must be connected with the regular Bessel functions
ment current); and that the tangential component of the mag- in Eq. (A9), and B c> () must be connected with outgoing
netic induction field at a boundary surface have a disconti- waves of Eq. (A11) with n = 1. The connections can be
nuity proportional to the perpendicular surface linear current identified through the condition that the fields of Eqs. (8) and
density. 3) Faradays law, which recognizes that the time rate (9) must be divergenceless, Eq. (4a):
of change of the magnetic flux is a source of electric circula- Since
c 1 c
~ = 1 B0
tion; and that the tangential components of the electric field
at a boundary surface are continuous. 4) Gausss law stating B () sin m + B0 () cos m

the nonexistence of magnetic monopoles; and the continuity
of the normal components of the magnetic induction field at 1 c c
= sin m B0 () mB0 ()
a boundary surface.
For the problems studied in this work, the currents are
distributed on the surface of cylinders, and consequently the must vanish, the radial functions inside and outside of the
volume charge density and the current density J~ vanish at source cylinder are chosen, respectively, as
all points inside and outside the cylinders. Therefore, both
c< Jm (k) d
the electric intensity and the magnetic induction fields must B0 () = B0c< m c<
B0 () = B0c< Jm (k)
be divergenceless, Eqs. (1a) and (4a), E ~ is proportional to the d
~ Eq. (2a), and B ~ is proportional to the curl of E,~ (11)
curl of B,
Eq. (3a). These four equations are shown in the Appendix to and
be equivalent to the Helmholtz equation, Eqs. (A3) and (A6). (1)
c> Hm (k) d (1)
In conclusion, both fields are constructed as solutions of the B0 () = B0c> m c>
B0 () = B0c> H (k).
d m
Helmholtz equation with vanishing divergences, and one be-
ing the curl of the other and vice versa; and, additionally, they
must satisfy the boundary conditions of Eqs. (1b) (4b). The coefficients B0c< and B0c> will be determined by the
boundary conditions of Eqs. (4b) and (2b), that the normal
component at the boundary must be continuous,
2.1. Currents along generatrices and harmonically dis-
tributed around cylinders c< Jm (ka) c> Hm (ka)
B0m m = B0m m (13)
a a
The geometry of the surfaces where the currents are dis- and the tangential components have a discontinuity propor-
tributed suggests the use of circular cylindrical coordinates tional to the linear current density
to describe pthe sources and fields. In terms of such coordi- " #
nates ( = x2 + y 2 , = tan1 y/x, z)and its associated c> dHm (k) c< dJm (k) 4
B0 B0 = K0 . (14)
unit vectors d d c

= i cos + j sin , = i sin + j cos , k (5) The coefficients in Eq. (13) can be written as
B0c< = B0c Hm
(ka), B0c> = B0c Jm (ka)
the linear current density is restricted to the surface of a cylin-
der of radius = a, in the k direction, and has a cosine or and Eq. (14) determines the value of the remaining unknown
sine distribution coefficient,
" #
0 cos m
~ c ( = a, , z) = kK c dHm (ka) (1) dJm (ka)
K (6) kB0 Jm (ka) Hm (ka)
d(ka) d(ka)
K 0 sin m.
~ s ( = a, , z) = kK (7)
= K0 . (15)
Since the sources are invariant under translations in the z
The bracket in this equation is identified as the Wronskian
direction the electric and magnetic fields depend only on the
of Eq. (A23), so that
circular coordinates and . It is necessary to distinguish
between the solutions of Maxwell Eqs. (1a) (4a) and the 4 ka 2
B0c = K0 = K0 ia (16)
Helmholtz Eq. (A8) inside and outside the source cylinder. ck 2i c

Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146


Thus, the magnetic induction fields of Eqs. (8) and (9) Eq. (2a),
take their final forms:
~ c (a, )= 2 K0 kaHm
E (1) m (k) cos m (19)
~c 2 (1) c
B ( a, ) = K0 iaHm (ka)
~ c (a, )= 2 K0 kaJm(ka)kH
E (1)(k)cos m. (20)
Jm (k) dJm (k) c
m sin m + cos m (17)
d Notice the continuity of the tangential components at the
~ c ( a, ) = 2 K0 iaJm (ka)
source cylinder. The reader can also check that the curls of
c Eqs. (19) and (20) lead back to Eqs. (17) and (18), via Fara-
" # days law, Eq. (3a).
(1) (1)
Hm (k) dHm (k) For the source of Eq. (7), the same procedure can be
m sin m + cos m (18)
d followed replacing the sine distribution for the cosine dis-
tribution in Eq. (6), and performing the exchange of the
The curls of these magnetic fields lead to the companion trigonometric functions in Eqs. (8) and (9). For the sake
electric fields inside and outside the source cylinder, via of brevity, here we give the resulting electromagnetic fields,
counterparts of Eqs. (17) (20):

~ s ( a, ) = 2 K0 iaHm
B (1)
(ka) m
Jm (k)
cos m +
dJm (k)
sin m (21)
c d
" #
(1) (1)
~ s ( a, ) = K0 iaJm (ka) H m (k) dHm (k)
B m cos m + sin m (22)
c d

~ s ( a, ) = 2 K0 kaHm
E (1) m (k) sin m
(ka)kJ (23)
~ s ( a, ) = 2 K0 kaJm (ka)kH
E (1) (k) sin m.
m (24)

The continuity of the normal components of B, ~ the dis-

continuity of its tangential components at the source cylinder
in Eqs. (21) and (22), and the corresponding continuity of
components of E ~ in Eqs. (23) and (24) can be directly ascer- i
tained. c ( = a, , z, t) = K0 m sin meit (27)
2.2. Currents along circles and harmonically dis- s ( = a, , z, t) = K0 m cos meit (28)
tributed around cylinders
where the complementary harmonicities of charges and cur-
The currents in this subsection share the same location and rents should be noticed.
the same harmonic distributions as those in the previous sec-
tion, but differ in their direction of motion which is now cir- In the case of the sources of Eqs. (25) and (27) we con-
cular: struct first the electric intensity fields inside and outside of
the source cylinder:
~ c ( = a, , z) = K
K 0 cos m (25)
~ c ( a, )=
E c<
E0 () sin m + E c<
0 () cos m (29)
~ s ( = a, , z) = K
K 0 sin m. (26)
~ c ( a, )=
E c>
E0 () sin m + E c>
0 () cos m. (30)
The difference leads to recognize the presence of surface
charge densities on the cylinders, as determined by the conti-
nuity equation, The condition that their divergences must vanish

~ + ~ = 1 d c
K = 0. E E0 () sin m
t d
In fact, the respective surface charge densities are imme- c 1 d
+E0 () (cos m) = 0. (31)
diately evaluated to be d

Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146


can be assured by the choices Thus, Eqs. (29) and (30) finally become
c< Jm (k)
E0 () = E0c< m (1)

~ c ( a, ) = 2 K0 a dHm (ka)
c< d da
E0 () = E0c< Jm (k) (32)
d Jm (k) dJm (k)
m sin m + cos m (38)
and d
Hm (k)
E0 () = E0c> m ~ c ( a, ) = 2 K0 a dJm (ka)
" #
c> d (1) (1)
Hm (k)
dHm (k)
E0 () = E0c> H (k). (33) m sin m + cos m (39)
d m d
Then, the coefficients E0c< and E0c> are connected and
determined through the successive use of Faradays law,
Eq. (3b): The curls of Eqs. (38) and (39) lead to the companion
(1) magnetic induction fields, via Eq. (3a):
dJm (ka) dHm (ka)
E0c< = E0c> (34)
da da (1)
implying ~ c ( a, ) = i2 K0 a dHm (ka)
(1) c da
dHm (ka) dJm (ka)
E0c< = E0c , E0c> = E0c ; (35) m (k) cos m
kJ (40)
da da
~ c ( a, ) = i2 K0 a dJm (ka)
and Gausss law, Eq. (1b):
" # B
(1) c da
c m dJm (ka) (1) dHm (ka)
E0 Hm (ka) Jm (ka) (1) (k) cos m. (41)
a da da kH m

4iK0 m
= 4c = (36)
a Notice that their normal components vanish, thus sat-
where, in the last step, the surface charge amplitude of isfying Eq. (4b), and their tangential components at the
Eq. (27) is used. The quantity inside the brackets is identi- source cylinder are discontinuous reproducing the linear cur-
fied as the Wronskian of Eq. (A23) leading to the value of rent density of Eq. (25), via Eq. (2b). They are also di-
the coefficient vergenceless, Eq. (4a), and their curls reproduce Eqs. (38)
4iK0 a and (39), via (2a).
E0c = . (37)
2i For the sources of Eqs. (26) and (28), the corresponding
electromagnetic fields are simply given in their final forms:

~ s ( a, ) = i2 K0 a dHm (ka) kJ
B m (k) sin m (42)
c da
~ s ( a, ) = i2 K0 a dJm (ka) kH
B (1) (k) sin m
m (43)
c da
~ s ( a, ) = 2 K0 a dHm (ka) m Jm (k) cos m dJm (k) sin m
E (44)
da d
" #
(1) (1)
~ s ( a, ) = 2 dJm (ka) H m (k) dH m (k)
E K0 a m cos m sin m . (45)
da d

The reader can check that these fields satisfy Eqs. (1)(4) in their differential and boundary condition forms.

3. Poynting vector, angular distribution and

power of the electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic fields of Eqs. (18)(20). The correspond-
In this section, the successive evaluations of the energy den- ing results for the electromagnetic fields of Eqs. (22)(24),
sity flux, angular distribution, and the total power radiated (39)(41) and (43)(45) are also described, compared and
per unit length by the antennas are presented in detail for the commented upon.

Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146


The Poynting vector, is the radiative resistance per unit length of the antenna in
~ ~ stat ohms/cm [5].
S~ = cE B , (46) The longitudinal currents of Eqs. (6) and (7) produce the
longitudinal electric fields of Eqs. (19)(20) and (23)(24),
represents the energy per unit area per unit time associated
respectively. The respective radiation fields described by
with the electric and magnetic fields in each point in space
Eqs. (20) and (24) are correspondingly linearly polarized
and instant of time [5]. For the electromagnetic fields of our
in the longitudinal direction. The sources and electric
interest the time average of such an energy density flux is
fields under discussion differ in their respective cos m and
evaluated as
sin m dependences, leading to the corresponding differ-
D E cE ~ B~ ences in the associated magnetic induction fields contained
~ =
S . (47)
8 in Eqs. (17)(18) and (21)(22), and in the counterparts of
In the specific case of the electromagnetic fields described Eqs. (48)(50). The latter exhibit the difference between the
by Eqs. (18) and (20), the result for any position (, ) is cos2 m and sin2 m angular distributions, which have the
2 same shape with different orientations. On the other hand,
D E c 2
S = K0 kaJm (ka) Hm (1)
(k) cos m Eqs. (51) and (52) are valid for both situations.
8 c When we go from the longitudinal currents, Eqs. (6)
" #
im (1)
dHm (k) and (7), to the solenoidal currents, Eqs. (25) and (26),
Hm (k) sin m i cos m (48) we notice the same space dependence of the electric fields,
k d(k)
Eqs. (19)(20) and Eqs. (23)(24), and of the magnetic fields,
For the far zone, where k , the asymptotic form Eqs. (40)(41) and Eqs. (42)(43); and also of the magnetic
of the Hankel functions is given by Eq. (A17), and the time- fields, Eqs. (17)(18) and (21)(22), and of the electric fields,
averaged Poynting vector takes the form: Eqs. (38)(39) and (44)(45). The differences reside in the
D E 2 normalization factors, with the substitution of kZm (ka) by
~ c 2 2 idZm (ka)/da. Consequently, the radiation fields due to the
S = K0 kaJm (ka)
8 c k solenoidal currents are linearly polarized in the direction
and show cos2 m and sin2 m angular distributions. Their
im 2
sin m cos m + cos m , (49) common radiation resistance per unit length of the antenna is
Where only the dominant terms are kept, including the
k dH (1) (ka) 2
derivative of the exponential factor in Eq. (A17). It is clear m
Rrad =
that the azimuthal component will become negligible com- c d(ka)
pared with the radial component, so that the radiation propa-
gates radially away from the antenna. The azimuthal compo-
nent is associated with the electromagnetic induction of the
fields. 4. Discussion
The angular distribution of the radiated field at a large dis-
tance from the antenna is obtained by evaluating the energy The exact solutions of Maxwells equations (1)(4), for
crossing the area element ~a = dz per unit time: the axial currents of Eqs. (6)(7) and the solenoidal cur-
D E 2 rents of Eqs. (25)(26), have been explicitly constructed in
~ c 2 Sec. 2. The respective electromagnetic fields are given by
dP = S d~a = K0 kaJm (ka)
8 c Eqs. (17)(20), (21)(24), (38)(41) and (40)(45), respec-
2 tively. They are solenoidal fields, satisfying the Helmholtz
cos2 mdz. (50) equation, as well as Maxwells and Faradays laws, inside
Correspondingly, the total radiated average power is ob- and outside the source cylinders. Notice that the inside so-
tained by integration over all the azimuthal directions with lutions depend on the ordinary Bessel functions, while the
the final result outside solutions correspond to Hankel functions of the first
2 order. The latter describe asymptotically the outgoing circu-
c 2 z lar cylindrical waves of the electromagnetic radiation emitted
P = K0 kaJm (ka)
8 c k by the respective antenna, which additionally are linearly po-
1k 1 larized in the direction of the respective source current. The
2 2
= [Jm (ka)] [K0 ka] z = Rrad zI02 , (51) angular distributions, powers and radiation resistances are de-
2c 2
termined by the harmonicity of the source current, as evalu-
where K0 a is identified as the amplitude current I0 (in stat
ated and discussed in Sec. 3. The inside solutions and the
Amperes) around the circular cylinder, and
quasistatic solutions near the source cylinders are obtained
k 2 by taking the long wavelength limit, k 0, of the exact
Rrad = [Jm (ka)] (52)
c solutions via Eqs. (A12)(A14).

Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146


The static limit corresponds to = 0, k = 0, with the

surviving radial dependences of Eqs. (A12)(A14). For the
1 1 2 2
stationary currents along the generatrices, Eqs. (6)(7), only + + k f (, ) = 0 (A.8)
2 2
the magnetostatic fields persist, and the electric fields van-
ish. On the other hand, the circular currents, with m 6= 0 where k = /c is the wave number. The solutions are sepa-
of Eqs. (25)(26) cannot be stationary, but the static charge rable as products of radial Bessel functions and sine or cosine
densities of Eqs. (27) and (28) are well defined in the limit functions of integer multiples of the angular coordinate [7,8]:
K0 = 0, such that iK0 m/a = 0 , in which cases the elec-
f (, ) = [Am Jm (k) + Bm Ym (k)]
trostatic fields persist, and the magnetic fields vanish. For
the uniformly distributed current of Eq. (25) with m = 0, (Cm cos m + Dm sin m), m = 0, 1, 2, . . . (A.9)
the uniform magnetic induction field in the axial direction in-
side the cylinder is recovered from Eq. (40). Likewise, for Here, Jm (k) is the ordinary regular Bessel function,
the uniformly distributed charge of Eq. (28) with m = 0, Ym (k) is the Bessel function of the second kind, or Neu-
the radial electric intensity field, inversely proportional to the mann function, singular at = 0. Instead of the trigonomet-
radial distance, outside the cylinder follows from Eq. (45). ric functions in the angular coordinate, their complex combi-
A APPENDIX cos m i sin m = eim (A.10)

Maxwell Eqs. (1a)(4a) are coupled first order partial differ- representing rotating waves can be used. Similarly, the com-
ential equations. They can be decoupled by taking the curls plex combinations of the stationary Bessel functions,
of Eqs. (2a) and (2b), respectively, and using the equations (n)
Jm (k) iYm (k) = Hm (k), n = 1, 2 (A.11)
themselves as needed:
( B)~ = 4 J~ i E ~ (A.1) which are Bessel functions of the third and fourth kind, or
c c Hankel functions of the first and second kind, represent cir-
2 cular cylindrical outgoing and incoming waves, respectively.
( B) ~ = 4 J~ + B
~ 2 B ~ (A.2) It is important to be familiar with the behavior of the
c c2
Bessel functions close to the origin, z 0,
2 ~ 4
2 + 2 B = J~ (A.3)
c c
J (z) , 6= 1, 1, 3, . . . (A.12)
( E)=( E) ~ i B
~ 2 E= ~ (A.4) ( + 1)
() z
2 Y (z) iH(1) (z) iH(2) (z) ,
4 2 E ~ = E ~ + 4i J~ (A.5) 2
c2 c2
Re > 0 (A.13)
2 ~ 4i ~
2 + 2 E = 4 2 J. (A.6) (1) (2) 2
c c Y0 (z) iH0 (z) iH0 (z) ln z, (A.14)

From Eq. (A1) to (A2), Eq. (3a) has been used, and
in the next step, Eq. (4a) is also used. Correspondingly, in and asymptotically, z ,
the next set of equations use is made of Eqs. (1a) and (2a). 2
Equations (A3) and (A6) are the inhomogeneous Helmholtz J (z) cos z (A.15)
z 2 4
equations for the respective fields. r
For the sources distributed on the surface of the cylinders, 2
Y (z) sin z (A.16)
= 0 and J = 0 for points inside and outside the cylinders, z 2 4
and each of the components of the fields in Eqs. (A3) and r
2 i(z
2 4 ) , n = 1, 2.

(A6) must satisfy the homogeneous Helmholtz equation H(n) (z) e (A.17)
2 2
+ 2 f (~r) = 0. (A.7) They also satisfy recurrence relations
For a given solution of this equation in Cartesian coor-
dinates f (x, y, z) it is recognized that its partial derivatives Z1 (z) + Z+1 (z) = Z (z) (A.18)
with respect to x, y and z are also solutions of the same equa- z
tion. Z1 (z) Z+1 (z) = 2Z0 (z) (A.19)
For the sources of Sec. 2, which are independent of the
z coordinate, the electromagnetic fields inherit the same in- Z0 (z) = Z1 (z) Z (z) (A.20)
dependence, and only depend on the and coordinates.
Correspondingly, we concentrate on the solutions of the Z0 (z) = Z+1 (z) + Z (z) (A.21)
Helmholtz equation (A7) in circular coordinates:
Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146

where Z (z) is any of the four kinds of Bessel functions. Some of their Wronskians are:

W {J (z), Y (z)} = J (z)Y0 (z) J0 (z)Y (z) = (22)
n o 2i
W J (z), H(1) (z) = J (z)H(1) 0 (z) J0 (z)H(1) (z) = (23)

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1. E.M. Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics 6. F.S. Crawford Jr., Waves, Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 3
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2. P. Lorrain and D.R. Corson, Electromagnetism Principles and
Applications (Freeman, New York, 1990). 7. G. Arfken, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Second Edi-
3. A. Gongora, E. Ley-Koo and M.A. Ortiz, Rev. Mex. Fs. 37 tion (Academic Press, New York, 1970).
(1991) 759. 8. M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical
4. E. Ley-Koo, Rev. Fs. Mex. E 50 E (2004) 132. Functions (Dover, New York, 1965).

Rev. Mex. Fs. 50 (2) (2004) 140146

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