The Deconstruction Festival and The Glass Corridor

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We have the pleasure to provide you with the first newsletter of the year 2017, which

is going to give an overview of what has happened at Makvrket during last year, and
introduce some of the activities that we are planning for 2017. Happy new now!

The Deconstruction Festival and The Glass Corridor

As you might remember, from the 18th to the 27th of March, at Makvrket we
organised The Deconstruction Festival to prepare this summers construction project:
The Glass Corridor. In August more than 30 travelling German craftspeople came and
took part in extending the corridor between the two factory buildings. The corridor
with a glass roof is necessary to protect the buildings construction against weather
conditions, but also to join the two halves of the factory, bring in daylight from above
and open a new space. Together with the craftsmen we had many after work activities
like peoples kitchen, sauna nights, cultural and social events. We spent time together
listening to each others travelling stories, experiences, and there was a vibrant
atmosphere of sharing and coming together.
Peoples Kitchen 1st Friday of every month at 19:00
Friday the 6th of May, Makvrket opened its doors for a cozy evening with lots of
delicious and nutritious homemade food, prepared in peoples kitchen style. The bar
was open serving coffee, tea, soda and apple juice. Donation for food was, as usual,
30-50 dkk.

This time, the jazzband Wild West came by and played for us. Like always, the people
who feel like helping preparing the food just show up a couple of hours before and join
the kitchen team.
Working day with creative and educational workshops
We are continuing the new tradition of having an activity-working day every second
month, where the neighbours, new and old friends as well as curious people can take
part and learn about the collective. Were doing this to be more reachable to
newcomers and involve people around us, so everyone will find their own way to be a
part of our lovely place and community Makvrket. These events create the space to
have some fun, inspire each other, learn useful
skills and meet up for doing things together.

The working day is from around 11am to 6pm. Afterwards we prepare the dinner
together and enjoy the company of each other after finishing a great day full of fun
and activities. In June, for example, the working day was dedicated to Naver-
preperations, gardening work and a workshop
to make your own champagne and beer. We
worked on improving the new kitchen to make
it nice and user-friendly, prepared the tools and
materials storages, demolished some masonry
walls and
nourished the

There have been some knitting workshops as well as

skill-sharing activities in the warm and cozy seminar

Volunteers at Makvrket are giving tours of the factory to people who are interested
in visiting the factory and its facilities. This happens every now and then, and while
there is no fixed schedule for tours, there is always a possibility to get somebody to
show you around Makvrket.
Weekly Neighbours dinner
The neighbours dinner is happening weekly.
People take turns to cook every week, so a team
of two to three people are preparing food for a
group of around 15-20 people. During this
dinner, we are having a cosy time together with
the people that live close to Makvrket. People
are coming from the neighbouring towns, too,
like Tllse, Undlse, Skamstrup, Knabstrup,
Mrkov and Sndre Jernlse.

Christmas market in Knabstrup Hallen and make your own

present workshop
The last weekend of November there was a Christmas market in Knabstrup
Hallen, where Makvrket was represented. There was a cosy Christmas feeling
around the Makvrket stand with variety of flavours of fresh apple juice. People
came to taste the juice and were fascinated to hear about the collective and
changes made in the well-known old ceramic and brick factory.
Gathered inspiration at the market, a week after Makvrket held a workshop
with friends and neighbours on how to make your own Christmas presents.
Apple juice season
Apple picking and juice making has again resulted in successful production of fresh
apple juice this year. Many people from the area have donated their apples which
wouldnt have been used otherwise, so we picked them up and produce a delicious,
organic, local, nutritious apple juice.

Makvrket has collaborated with Jyderup Hjskole on the 15th and 16th of October.
They borrowed our apple press and invited people in Jyderup and the surroundings to
come with their apples. The idea was to help people get their apples turned into juice
and take it home with them. It was a full weekend event, where volunteers of
Makvrket also gave a workshop on how to brew your own beer using natural
components. A good tip to remember: Apple juice with cinnamon and warm water can
easily be a healthy winter beverage, without an alcohol.
Working weekend - Recycling festival
In collaboration with NOAH Friends of the Earth and Holbk municipality a one
weekend recycling festival was organized in Makvrket. There were activities
for all ages: teaching grown ups to repair old broken equipment and got
creative together with kids on waste and recycling. The event was held to
debate about consumption and how to extend a life of a product, and overall to
get a better knowledge of waste and recycling.
Towards an Autonomous Europe conference
Makvrket was invited to tell our experience to people, who had gathered
together at a conference to represent their projects and movements coming
from all over the Europe. It was a weekend of sharing experiences and
knowledge, teaching each other working solutions and challenging our ideas to
improve and move towards an autonomous organisation.

How can you support Makvrket?

There are many ways to support Makvrket. Here, well focus on the financial ways.
Makvrket is 100% volunteer-run. Its a huge help for the project to receive funds not
bound up in needing to be used for certain purposes, funds which we can then use for
expenses such as catering for the volunteers, the car, the rent, energy bills etc.

Regardless of size or frequency, Makvrket thanks you for any contribution and will
return the favour by continuing its imaginative development of the factorys unique

Foreningen Makvrket
Teglvrksvej 30, 4420 Regstrup

Tlf. 59 22 69 96

Konto nr. 8401 1129719

IBAN: DK5984010001129719

Video of Makvrket a cultural and environmental collective in Knabstrup

Holbk, Sjlland Denmark

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