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11/16/2016 Provisionofaairwellforthepurposeofnaturallight,andventilationcourtyard

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Provision of a air well for the purpose of natural light, and ventilation court yard
58 (1) The provision of airwell for the purpose of natural lighting and ventilation shall be restricted to
buildings of not more than 10 storeys in height and the airwell shall have a minimum width of 3.0
m. The minimum size for such air well shall be 12 square meters for buildings under 4 storeys and it
shall be increased progressively at the rate of 1 square meter for every additional storey. For
buildings of more than 10 storeys, an internal courtyard having a minimum dimension of 6.0 m shall
be provided in place of an airwell. for buildings less than 2 storeys shall have an air well of a
minimum size of 6 sq.m. with a width of one side shall be minimum of 2.3 m.

(2) No internal airwell or courtyard required for the purpose of natural lighting and ventilation shall be
roofed over. However if the shortest side of the Air Well is less than 5.0 m., overhangs, canopies,
wings, sun shading devices, eaves or balconies should not exceed 0.5 m.
(3) The floor of an internal courtyard shall either be paved with concrete which falls to a gully or turfed
and maintained as an internal garden and adequately drained to the satisfaction of the Authority.
Provision of facilities for disabled persons
59. The application for the approval to construct a public building, such as a Hospital, Theatre, Grand
stand, Assembly hall, Departmental Stores or any other building that will be utilised by disabled persons,
, shall endeavour to take measures so that the entrance/exits; corridors, stairs, elevatory equipment,
lavatories and other facilities can be used easily by the above category of persons and shall adhere to
the provisions of Schedule II in order to give effect to section 23 (2) of the Protection of the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Act, No 28 of 1996.

Provisions for approval of "Prescribed Projects" under the Environmental Act.

60. The applications for the approval under the provisions of Part IV C of the National Environmental Act.
No. 47 of 1990 as amended by Act No. 56 of 1993, should be adhered to when preparing "prescribed
projects" under the above mentioned Environmental Act.

Fire Safety
61. (1) Every building shall conform to fire safety requirements applicable to the area or type of building or
as may be specified by the Authority with a view to providing a greater measure of safety to the
inhabitants of such buildings.
(2) All Intermediate Rise, Middle Rise, High Rise buildings and Public buildings of more than 300 sq.m.
in floor area, factories and ware houses, shall conform to fire safety requirements as may be
recommended by the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade
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