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Hazard Control

Cars in the street Have a clearly visible

speed limit in place
Ensure paving slabs are
secure and tarmac paths in
good condition to give a
flat, even surface

Holes/ damaged surfaces and cracks Car park surface and other
in the street external areas are checked
on a weekly basis for
broken glass, hazardous
conditions and pot holes
Putting guards or covers
around/over openings
when not in use.
Mark the edges of all
Maintain parking area free
of potholes
demonstrations Separate car parking and
demonstrations area
Provide handrails where
Adjacent cars second line Arrange your parking
Impose fines on second
lined cars
Blind corners Mark edging of steps using
visible paint
Put standing mirrors at
parking areas
People crossing the street Clearly mark walkways.
Have a clearly visible
speed limit in place
Separate car parking and
pedestrian walk areas
Traffic management
system should be in place
Assembly points for
emergency evacuations
are clearly marked and are
not located in an area
likely to be required by the
emergency services

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