My Community and Me Poem Template 2017

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My Community and Me poem template

This is a writing exercise to help you think about yourself and your community (however you
define it -- your school, your neighborhood, the city,). What makes you feel good about yourself,
who you are and where you come from? What does your community need? What are the things
that need to change to make it better for you and others?

Section 1: Me
I'm from _______
(place of birth and/or family ancestry),

I am from _______
(something that makes you feel proud of yourself, family, or community),

from _______
(things in my family that make me feel happy or proud),

and _______
(things in my community that make me safe).

Section 2: My community
But I am from _______
(something that you want to address about your neighborhood or community).

I am from the _______

(an example of something that needs changing),

and the _______.

(something is not the way it should be)

In my community, we care about _______

(name something important to you)

and _______ .
(an important value in your community)

My community is strong, but it needs more _______ and more _______ .

(name some things that would help your community)

These are important to me/us because _______.

I want to be _______.
(describe your vision for yourself)

We deserve to live in a community that is ___________ and has ___________

(describe your vision for your community) (these resources)

I am ______. We are _______.

(describe yourself) (describe your community)

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