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-Research results and testing hypotheses:

-Sample characteristics of the study:

Table ( 1 ) : Title (demographic characteristics of the sample)

% frequency demographic
49.0 49 -Male
51.0 51 -Female
100.0 100 Total
93.0 93 -18-25
4.0 4 -25-35
2.0 2 -35-45
1.0 1 -45 and above
100.0 100 Total
17.9 10 -Financial manager
10.7 6 -Accountant
8.9 5 -Assistant
62.5 35 -other
64.6 64 -Student
19.2 19 -Undergraduate
8.1 8 -Graduate
8.1 8 -Postgraduate
100 100 Total
The following table describes how the company manages a good
relation with you.

table ( 2 ): Title (Management gives training on what frequency )

% Frequency Variables
Does your company
provided you training
during your within work
37.0 37 -Many times
50.0 50 -few times
15.0 15 -no unfortunately
When your company
give you training ?
56.0 56 -before my work in the
37.0 37 -during my work

7.0 7 -the company not give


Most answers refer to the company manage and improve the employees
skills and capabilities through provide training many times 50% of total
answers of the first question and most companies provide training only
before work in the company 56%.
Research results and testing hypotheses :

H1: there's a significant and relation between training and development on the
employees performance.

Table (3):

Title : Descriptive analysis

Strongl Mean total

Strongly Disagre
Neutral Agree y
Statement Disagree e
5 4 3 2 1
Training practices help the organization to reduce 2.39 100
4 8 28 43 17
the costs of human resource
The management give importance to Cost- Effective 2.30 100

Training 2 7 30 41 20
2.35 100
The management give importance to Strategic
3 8 32 35 22

Training and developmental practices support 1.88 100

business goals of the organization 5 1 14 37 43

You think the management give importance to 2.27 100

2 9 29 34 26
training and development of the employees
There is a formal Training programs to teach new 2.41 100
employees 6 7 25 30 32
the skills they need to perform their job
2.00 100
Training has helped me in improving
2 10 11 40 37
my overall required skills for work
Training motivates employees to be more 2.08 100
committed towards organizational goals 5 8 14 36 37

2.12 100
Employees enhancement come through Training 3 4 25 38 30
2.17 100
Training and Development brings
7 1 21 44 27
positive attitude in employees

With training and development job 2.24 100

4 9 20 41 26
knowledge increase in employees
Training and development teach the 2.07 100
6 8 11 37 38
technique of performing a job to employees
Training and development enhance 2.11 100
4 7 16 42 31
the skills of job of employees
Most of the employees consider 2.28 100
2 9 27 39 23
training and development vital for job
2.21 100
Most of the employers give training to their
2 6 29 37 26
2.19 100
Training and development reduce
2 9 23 38 28
the conflict of doing the job for the employees
2.10 100
Productivity of the employee's increase
6 2 20 40 32
as result of your training

- Most of people choose Agree with training

practices help the organization to reduce the
costs of human resource (43) and the
management give importance to Cost-
Effective Training(41), The management give
importance to Strategic Training(35),
management give importance to training and
development of the employees(34), Training
has helped me in improving my overall
required skills for work(40), Employees
enhancement come through Training(38)
,Training and Development brings(44), positive
attitude in employees with training and
development job (41) ,knowledge increase in
employees(39) Training and development
enhance the skills of job of
employees(37),Most of the employees
consider training and development vital for job
Most of the employers give training to their
employees ,Training and development reduce
the conflict of doing the job for the employees

- Most of people choose Agree with Training

and developmental practices support business
goals of the organization(43) ,There is a formal
Training programs to teach new employees the
skills they need to perform their job(32),
Training motivates employees to be more
committed towards organizational goals(37),
and Training and development teach the
technique of performing a job to employees.
Table (4):

Model Summary
Mod R R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate
el Square Square
1 .726a .528 .463 .759

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regress
55.934 12 4.661 8.100 .000b
50.066 87 .575
Total 106.000 99
a. Dependent Variable: Training has helped me in improving my
overall required skills for work

There's positive effect between Training has helped me in improving my

overall required skills for work because if 1% change in usage explained
by .463 of demographic factors and the employees performance.

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Fractio Relative Relative Efficiency

Coefficients Coefficients n Increase

B Std. Beta Missing Variance

Error Info.

1 (Constant) -.077 . Table

.260 -.296-
- 768 (5):
The management give

importance to Cost- Effective .165 .105 .150 1.575 .119


Training and developmental

-.285 - .
practices support business .117 -.283-
- 2.427- 017
goals of the organization

You think the management

-.125 - .
give importance to training .101 -.122-
- 1.234- 221
and learing of the employees

There is a formal Training

programs to teach new .

.012 .037 .025 .325
employees the skills they 746

need to perform their job

Training motivates employees

to be more committed towards .379 .106 .416 3.577
organizational goals

Employees enhancement .
.114 .111 .109 1.030
come through Training 306

Training and Development

brings positive attitude in .161 .108 .165 1.491

With training and development

job knowledge increase in .084 .104 .087 .811

Training and development

-.115 - .
teach the technique of .100 -.129-
- 1.150- 253
performing a job to employees

Training and development

enhance the skills of job of .134 .110 .137 1.220

Training and development

reduce the conflict of doing .188 .096 .184 1.949
the job for the employees

Productivity of the employee's

increase as result of your .219 .096 .226 2.292

a. Dependent Variable: Training has helped me in improving my overall required skills for work
H2: there's significant relationship between, training and
development employees performance.

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .810 a
.656 .590 .726

a. Predictors: (Constant), Productivity of the employee's increase as result of your training, There is a formal Training programs to teach new employees the

skills they need to perform their job, Training practices help the organization to reducethe costs of human resource, Most of the employers give training to

their employees, The management give importance to Strategic Training, The management give importance to Cost- Effective Training, Training and

development teach the technique of performing a job to employees, Most of the employees consider training and development vital for job, Training has

helped me in improving my overall required skills for work, You think the management give importance to training and learing of the employees , Training

and development reduce the conflict of doing the job for the employees, With training and development job knowledge increase in employees, Employees

enhancement come through Training, Training and developmental practices support business goals of the organization, Training and Development brings

positive attitude in employees, Training and development enhance the skills of job of employees.

There's positive effect between training and development because if

1% change in usage explained by .590 the employees performance.


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Fract

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) .044 .306 .143 .887

Training practices help the organization to

.078 .087 .069 .901 .370
reducethe costs of human resource

The management give importance to Cost-

-.271- .099 -.224- -2.727- .008
Effective Training

The management give importance to Strategic

-.028- .084 -.025- -.333- .740

Training and developmental practices support

.452 .107 .409 4.202 .000
business goals of the organization

You think the management give importance to

.159 .097 .142 1.633 .106
training and learing of the employees

There is a formal Training programs to teach

new employees the skills they need to perform .006 .035 .011 .160 .873

their job

Training has helped me in improving my overall

.328 .097 .299 3.377 .001
required skills for work

Employees enhancement come through

.368 .103 .321 3.560 .001

Training and Development brings positive

.086 .106 .081 .811 .420
attitude in employees

With training and development job knowledge .083 .100 .078 .839 .404

increase in employees
Training and development teach the technique
.032 .098 .033 .324 .747
of performing a job to employees

Training and development enhance the skills of

-.126- .110 -.117- -1.144- .256
job of employees

Most of the employees consider training and

.079 .098 .068 .806 .422
development vital for job

Most of the employers give training to their

-.012- .085 -.010- -.139- .890

Training and development reduce the conflict of

-.117- .097 -.104- -1.205- .232
doing the job for the employees

Productivity of the employee's increase as

-.092- .095 -.087- -.973- .333
result of your training

a. Dependent Variable: Training motivates employees to be more committed towards organizational goals


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 83.565 16 5.223 9.898 .000b

Residual 43.795 83 .528

Total 127.360 99

a. Dependent Variable: Training motivates employees to be more committed towards organizational goals

b. Predictors: (Constant), Productivity of the employee's increase as result of your training, There is a formal Training programs to teach new employees the skills

they need to perform their job, Training practices help the organization to reducethe costs of human resource, Most of the employers give training to their

employees, The management give importance to Strategic Training, The management give importance to Cost- Effective Training, Training and development teach

the technique of performing a job to employees, Most of the employees consider training and development vital for job, Training has helped me in improving my

overall required skills for work, You think the management give importance to training and learing of the employees , Training and development reduce the conflict

of doing the job for the employees, With training and development job knowledge increase in employees, Employees enhancement come through Training, Training

and developmental practices support business goals of the organization, Training and Development brings positive attitude in employees, Training and

development enhance the skills of job of employees

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the


1 .699a .489 .390 .834

a. Predictors: (Constant), Training and development reduce the conflict of doing the job for the

employees, There is a formal Training programs to teach new employees the skills they need to perform

their job, Most of the employers give training to their employees, The management give importance to

Strategic Training, Training practices help the organization to reducethe costs of human resource, The

management give importance to Cost- Effective Training, Training and development teach the

technique of performing a job to employees, Training has helped me in improving my overall required

skills for work, Most of the employees consider training and development vital for job, You think the

management give importance to training and learing of the employees , With training and development

job knowledge increase in employees, Employees enhancement come through Training, Training and

developmental practices support business goals of the organization, Training and Development brings

positive attitude in employees, Training and development enhance the skills of job of employees,

Training motivates employees to be more committed towards organizational goals


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square

1 Regression 55.202 16 3.450

Residual 57.798 83 .696

Total 113.000 99

a. Dependent Variable: Productivity of the employee's increase as result of your training

b. Predictors: (Constant), Training and development reduce the conflict of doing the job for the employees, There is a formal Training programs to teach new employees the skills they need to

management give importance to Strategic Training, Training practices help the organization to reducethe costs of human resource, The management give importance to Cost- Effective Trainin

employees, Training has helped me in improving my overall required skills for work, Most of the employees consider training and development vital for job, You think the management give im

job knowledge increase in employees, Employees enhancement come through Training, Training and developmental practices support business goals of the organization, Training and Develo

the skills of job of employees, Training motivates employees to be more committed towards organizational goals


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Fract

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) .200 .351 .570 .570

Training practices help the organization to

-.083- .100 -.077- -.826- .411
reducethe costs of human resource

The management give importance to Cost-

-.014- .119 -.013- -.121- .904
Effective Training

The management give importance to Strategic

.039 .096 .037 .403 .688

Training and developmental practices support

.423 .128 .407 3.306 .001
business goals of the organization

You think the management give importance to

.151 .112 .144 1.350 .181
training and learing of the employees

There is a formal Training programs to teach -.020- .040 -.041- -.496- .621

new employees the skills they need to perform

their job
Training has helped me in improving my overall
.267 .115 .259 2.315 .023
required skills for work

Training motivates employees to be more

-.122- .125 -.130- -.973- .333
committed towards organizational goals

Employees enhancement come through

.147 .127 .136 1.163 .248

Training and Development brings positive

-.197- .121 -.196- -1.631- .107
attitude in employees

With training and development job knowledge

-.130- .114 -.129- -1.140- .258
increase in employees

Training and development teach the technique

.048 .112 .052 .428 .669
of performing a job to employees

Training and development enhance the skills of

.181 .126 .178 1.431 .156
job of employees

Most of the employees consider training and

.080 .112 .074 .715 .476
development vital for job

Most of the employers give training to their

.068 .097 .062 .700 .486

Training and development reduce the conflict of

.119 .112 .113 1.067 .289
doing the job for the employees

a. Dependent Variable: Productivity of the employee's increase as result of your training

Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Statement Disagree
4 3
5 2 Agree

Learning make easy to do my job 2.01

increase your job and knowledge and 26 45
rationality 6 5 18
Learning make easy to improve my job
6 7 15 38 34
position .
Learning concepts that will be covered in
2 5 34 34 25
the training program
Employees intend to learn the techniques
1 8 22 39 30
that will be emphasized in the job.
Learning make easy to do my job
7 2 12 31 48
efficiency and increase productivity

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the


1 .716 a
.513 .492 .816

a. Predictors: (Constant), Employees intend to learn the techniques that will be emphasized in the job.,

learning during your job increase your knowledge and rationality, Learning concepts that will be

covered in the training program, Learning make easy to improve my job position

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 66.554 4 16.639 24.997 .000b

Residual 63.236 95 .666

Total 129.790 99

a. Dependent Variable: Learning make easy to do my job efficiency and increase productivity

b. Predictors: (Constant), Employees intend to learn the techniques that will be emphasized in the job., learning during your job increase

your knowledge and rationality, Learning concepts that will be covered in the training program, Learning make easy to improve my job



Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Fraction Missing Info. Relative

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -.124- .236 -.526- .600

learning during your job increase your

.074 .087 .076 .850 .397
knowledge and rationality

Learning make easy to improve my job position .340 .099 .339 3.414 .001

Learning concepts that will be covered in the

.012 .113 .010 .105 .917
training program

Employees intend to learn the techniques that

.529 .100 .445 5.305 .000
will be emphasized in the job.

a. Dependent Variable: Learning make easy to do my job efficiency and increase productivity

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