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Pack 54
Entitiy information


Hint helmet
When used it will reveal any hidden secrets in your game.

Will only show when the hint helmet is on.

-Tells the player to look for arrows

-Tells the player that they are moving the wrong way

-Random quote

- A secret keycode that requires the translationbook

-Random quote

-Hint that reveals in which order the lamps should be activated

Dive helmet:
When used it lets you breath under the water
Can be used either as scenery or as useful hints

-Standard commercial (Dynamic with shaders/static without shaders)

-Reveals a hidden message when activated

-Standard commercial (Dynamic with shaders/static without shaders)

-Someone has left a clue on this poster (Dynamic with shaders/static without

-Standard commercial (Dynamic with shaders/static without shaders)

-Someone has left a clue on this poster (Dynamic with shaders/static without

-Standard commercial (Dynamic with shaders/static without shaders)

-Someone has left a clue on this poster (Dynamic with shaders/static without

-Reveals a hidden message when activated

An easy way to show the player how to control the game

-How to aim down the sight

-How to crouch (Reacts on input)

-How to jump (Reacts on input)

-How to look around

-How to fire a weapon

-How to activate things (Reacts on input)

-How to move around (Reacts on input)

Puzzle entities:

A TV that reveals a hidden secret behind it when activated

A puzzle where the player needs to connect wires on one wide to the other, if the
combination is wrong then electrical damage is applied

A telephone that can be used for calling, dial a number on the businesscards to talk
to someone

One of 4 variations, should be activated in the correct way to open a door or

similar (symbols)

One of 4 variations, should be activated in the correct way to open a door or

similar (numbers)

One of 4 variations, should be activated in the correct way to open a door or

similar (symbols)

A bust that reveals a keypad when activated, the keypad will need a code in order
to open a door or similar

A bust that reveals a button when activated

A book that acts as a switch, should be placed in bookshelf_door

A bookshelf that opens when activated

The rest of the entities:
First person weapons:
Melee weapons:

Standard axe Standard hammer

Big sledgehammer An old pipe

Empty bottle Rusty machete

Small sledgehammer Improvised nailbar

Croquetclub For the miner

A rusty spanner

The classical crowbar

An industry steelhammer

An old fireaxe
Frying pan

Handheld collectible items/non-shooter weapons

A business card with a number than can be dialed on the ingame telephone

A business card with another number than can be dialed on the ingame telephone

May look like a map, but reveals in which order the lamps should be activated

A note that tells the player to Chop the head, could be used with the bust
keypad. Has lots of numbers in different colors that could form a keycode.

A random paper written by a survivor

A secret paper showing info about the A.I. robot

A photo stating that the player should find a bust

A photo stating that the player should infiltrate an area via a hidden vent duct

A photo stating that the player should eliminate the target on the photo

A photo stating that the player should steal the secret documents
A manual describing how to activate the powerpuzzle without getting harmed

A book that translates letters from the included font, a good way to encrypt

A handwritten book that translates letters from the included font, a good way to
encrypt messages

A tactical map, this map is most useful if you retexture it in gimp or photoshop or
similar. A .psd file is included that makes it easier to work with.

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