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Chronicles of the Imperium

Designers: Owen Seyler with Christian Moore and Matthew Colville
Creative Consultants: Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
ICON System: Christian Moore, Steve Long with Kenneth Hite, Ross Isaacs
DUNE : Chronicles of the Imperium" Line Developer: Owen Seyler
Contributing Authors: Steve Bishop, Matthew Colville, Richard Dakan, Jack Emmert, Matthew Grau, Steve Long,
Christian Moore, Owen Seyler
Editing: Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson
Additional Design and Contributions: Steve Bishop, Matthew Grau, Ross Isaacs
Graphic Design: Charles Ryan
Art Direction: Matthew Colville
Cover Illustration: Mark Zug
Interior Illustration: Eric Anderson, Doug Beekman, Doug Chaffee, John Bridges, Thomas Gianni, Anthony
Hightower, Matt Innis, Doug Keith, Mark Maxwell, Val Mayerik, Studio Parente, Zac Plucinski, Alan Pollack,
Walter Velez, Matt Wilson and Mark Zug

Playtesting: Steve Berge, Matt Colville, Tim Cooper, Scott Davis, Darren Gagne, Daniel S. Haasenritter, Greg
Harper, Ross Isaacs, Steven Long, Kenneth Hite, Shane Koestner, Russell D. McKown, Albert McKracken-Barber,
Matt McVey, Michael McVey, Christian Moore, Ryan Moore, Douglas Penney, Bobby Perkins, Derek Slowikowski,
Darryl Veigel, and Sandra Veigel
Special Thanks: Greg Orman, Bernard R. Cahill II, Mary Alice Kier, Holly Hildebrandt, Charles Ryan, George
Vasilakos, Inman Young, Jay Longino, Sheila Ralston, Janice Sellers, Paul Timm, Nathan Regener, Steve Fritz and
Susie Cahill
Disclaimer: The DUNE RPG is based on the DUNE Universe created by Frank Herbert and is presented with the
approval of the Herbert Limited Partnership. Additional game materials do not necessarily represent official DUNE

Last Unicorn Games, Inc.

12240Venice Blvd., Suite 15
LosAngeles, CA 90066

Please visit us online at:

Limited Collector's Edition Printing- August 2000

This limited collector's edition of the DUNE RPG features Last Unicorn Games' ICON System" and includes every-
thing needed to play countless adventures in Frank Herbert's Dune universe. Future editions of the DUNE RPGwill
employ the d20 System, and conversion notes will be available online at

DUNpM and 1999 Herbert Limited Partnership. Last Unicorn Games authorized user.
2000 Herbert Limited Partnership and Last Unicorn Games, Inc.
Int rod uct io n 4

Book One: Imperium Familia 10

I. The History of the Imperium 12
II. Houses of the Landsraad 24
III. Character Creation 48
IV. Characteristics 74
V. Rules of the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Book Two: DU N E Oracle 140

VI. Voice from the Outer World 142
VII. Pillars of the Universe 152
VIII. Shortening of the Way 170
IX. Chusuk, the "Music Planet" 182
X. Instrument of Kanly 192

Book Three: Imperial Archives 208

XI. The Culture of the Imperium " 210
XII. The Technology of the Imperium 222
XIII. The SpacingIndustry 242
XlV. Impenal Planetology 254
XV. Imperial Personages 272

Index 281

Character Record 285


Foreword by Bri8n Herbert

ing games differ from novels because they are
. In a good RPG adventure , the story is not lin-
characters are not "locked" into a specific plot.
; the choices you make help to shape the story and
c an,ge it. Stories in the DUNE RPG are organic and
Anterilctive; their eventual outcomes depend almost
exclusively on the actions of your characters and the
decisions you make as a player. A few simple rules help
you determine the consequences of your actions; does
your slow pellet stunner penetrate your rival's activated
body shield? Do you evade the hunter-seeker controlled
by the assassin lurking in the Wings? Does the Bene
Gesserit Sisterhood agree to your request for sanctuary?
The answers to these questions, and countless others like
them , result from the rules which tell you when to roll
dice and how to interpret their results .
If you are using only this volume, most player charac-
ters will serve one of the nob le families of the Imperium.
Future books and supplements will show players how to
create all manners of characters, including Smugglers,
What Are Truthsayers, Spice Miners, Water Merchants, Imperial
Planetologists, Spies and even Sandriders.
Roleplaying Games?
The DUNE: Chronicles of the Imperium
Roleplaying Game plays a little differently than the Who are the players in the DUNE RPG? Unless you've
games you're probabl y used to. The game includes decided to take on the role of Narrator, you are ! Using the
, . no board, no playing pieces , no computer or video simple guidelines presented in the Character Creation
. . " screen. But the game is as rich and engaging as you chapter, you and your friends can create any household
care to make it; after all, everything you "see" and agents you want , from Atreides nobles to Moritani assas-
experience while playing comes from your own sins. When you're finished, you' ll be ready to embark on
imagination, and the imaginations of your friends. your first exciting adventure in the DUNE universe.
All you need is an open mind , a handful of six- When playing the DUNE RPG, all of the characters
~ sided dice, and the desire to contribute to an inter- are collectively known as the House Entourage or
active story. Entourage for short . In some roleplaying games, it can be
Roleplaying games resemble novels and drama s difficult to bring characters together at the beginning of a
in many ways. In the DUNE RPG, each player ere- new chronicle or adventure. In the DUNE RPG, the
Introduction: Welcome to DUNE
where the characters are invincible
lack any sort of tension or danger.
Finally, it's the Narrator's job to cre-
ate engaging stories and adventures, and
to "play" the roles of any supporting cast
characters with whom the players inter-
act. While challenging at times, it can
be a lot of fun to play a roguish
Swordmaster one minute and an
Imperial Suk doctor the next. So
practice those knaveries and
rehearse your philosophies; you've
got some dramatic acting ahead of
In many ways, the Narrator has
the most demanding job in the game .
He needs to be able to wear several
hats at once, and keep each element
of an chapter-story, supporting
cast, rules, descriptions-in constant
motion . It's a big job , but once you
get the hang of it, it can also be
House makes this easy. Normally, each character will be the most rewarding role in the game . We give Narrators
a member of a noble House Minor, assigned various plenty of advice in Chapters 6, 7 and 8 in addition to a
roles and duties according to his vocational condition ing. sample setting, cast and adventure in Chapter's 9 and
As you and your group become more experienced, House 10. So there 's nothing to worry about. In no time at all
Entourages prosper, bringing power and wealth to their you' ll be narrating your own tales as if you were an
patron House who aspires to rising among the ranks of Imperial historian.
the Great Houses of the Landsraad.
This is your chance to explore the wonders of the
DUNE universe on your own, in your own way. Although
The Rules
it can occasionally be fun to re-create favorite chapters or There are no winners or losers in a roleplaying game.
characters from the novels, true entertainment results Although the DUNE RPG may be unusual compared to
from creating your own adventures, going beyond what the games you're used to (like chess or backgammon, for
you 've read in the series of DUNE novels. Think of the example), it does have something in common with these
DUNE universe as a grand stage, with you and your decidedly more traditional past-times: it has rules that
friends as the actors . You're playing original characters, govern what you can and cannot do. But unlike tradi-
having adventures of your own. And you can tell the tional games that are often shaped entirely by their rules,
story you want. the DUNE RPG is shaped by the stories players tell. The
rules exist to enhance a chapter or chronicle and allow it
to flow more smoothly. And hopefully, rules will prevent
Narrator any misunderstandings that might crop up among play-
So you 've assembled an Entourage and you're ready ers during the game.
to play your first game of DUNE. First, you'll need to The DUNE RPG uses the Icon System, a basic rules
choose one player to be the Narrator. Think of the system that attempts to explain and account for the ran-
Narrator as the author of the games your group will play. dom occurrences your characters will face during the
It's his job to describe and pace the action in an chapter, course of a narrative . The Icon System was designed to
recounting the story to the players as events unfold. In a be simple, elegant and easy-to-use. It was also designed
sense, the Narrator "becomes" the universe , telling the to be open-ended and flexible; we know players enjoy
players what their characters see, hear and feel. tailoring systems to their own tastes and the tastes of
It's also the Narrator's job to interpret the rules and their group, and the DUNE RPG encourages such cus-
use them wisely. Players don 't want to spend all night tomization .
rolling dice or arguing over rules. They want to have fun! The guidelines presented here are yours to use or
Using the rules properly is a balancing act; while the modify as you see fit. If you don't like something, change
game hinges on adventure and storytelling, interpreting it. If you think we forgot something , make it up. This is
the rules too loosely can lead to abuse. You need to your game now and the story, never the rules, should
retain some structure in order to maintain drama. Games always remain your primary focus.
adventures, source books, miniatures and boxed supple-
How to Use this Game ments. While none of these products are required to play
the game, each of them is designed to expand and
This game is divided into three distinct sections- enhance your DUNE gaming experience. Look for them
Imperium Familia , DUNE Oracle and Imperial Archives. at a book, game or comic store near you.
Playersshould familiarize themselves with the chapters
found in the "Imperium Familia" section of the game. The Icon Link
These chapters show you how to create and play charac-
ters; they also describe Imperial civilization and intro- The graphic you see floating behind this text is Last
duce the rules of the game. While you don't need to Unicorn Games' proprietary Icon Link. Keyed to particu-
familiarize yourselfwith all of the material in the "DUNE lar topics, the icon means ou can find bonus material at
Oracle" and "Imperial Archives" sections of the game, the Last Unicorn Game www.Iastuni-
you may find some of these chapters highlyinformative, The related material has
especially if you're new to the DUNE milieu. Feel free to been instituted as an or our readers.
read it at your leisure, but be warned that "Chapter 10" Examples of additiona erials might include
contains a sample adventure your Narrator may want to supplemental archetypes, .anced histories, sidebar
lead you through. Reading this chapter before you play commentaries, further examples, untested materials or
will spoil the surprises and much of the fun you'll experi- experimental rules variants. See you on the web!
ence if you skip this chapter for the time being.
Narrators need to become familiar with all three sec-
tions of the game. The chapters found in the "DUNE
Oracle" sectionare of particular interest to the Narrator,
since these deal with the intricacies of telling good DUNE The following game terms appear throughout the
RPG stories. The "DUNE Oracle" section contains infor- DUNE RPG. Each of the terms is described more com-
mation about creating and narrating DUNE chapters and pletely in the appropriate section of the game; they are
chronicles, Entourage interactions and House evolution. collected here for ease of reference.
In short, the heart of any good DUNE story probably origi-
nates in one of the "DUNE Oracle" chapters. Advantage: Traitbenefits; conferring advantages that
If the chapters presented by the "DUNE Oracle" give a character possesses. Examples include having a
you the pages foryour own DUNEchronicles, the Ally in a Great House, possessing Machine Logic, or
"Imperial Archives" provide the narrative details that give having Imperial Conditioning. Advantages cost a
it life. Chapters in the "Imperial Archives" detail many of number of Development Points equal to their value;
the wonders and anomalies found throughout the DUNE for example, a +2 Advantage costs 2 Development
universe, from the formal dueling rituals of Kanly to the Points.
marvels of fold-space navigation. If you need new home- Allegiance: an oath of fealty sworn to a House Minor
worlds or supporting characters foryour existing game, be or Great House by a subject or vassal; Allegiance
sure to review the "Imperial Planetology" and "Imperial imparts familiarity with household customs and pro-
Personages" chapters. Imperial Technology occupies its tocol.
own chapter, as do space travel and Imperial customs. Allegiance Template : A character creation tool rep-
resentingthe character's fealty to their patron
House, such as Atreides or Harkonnen. Each
Tools of the Trade Template includes the basic attributes and other
In addition to pencil and paper, you'll need some six- abilities common to an average member of the
sided dice to play the DUNE Roleplaying Game. You can household.
find dice in any good book or hobby store, or you can Attribute: A character's innate capabilities, such as
simplyborrowa few from a couple of those dusty old his agility or intelligence. There are five attributes:
board games lost in the back of your closet. But make Physique, Coordination, Intellect, Charisma and
sure that one die is a different color or size than the oth- Prescience. attributes range in value from I to 5
ers, that's an important aspect of the dice rolling system. (and, rarely, reach level 6 through special advan-
Attribute Test: A Test (q.v.) made using only an
It's a Vast Imperium... attribute (no skill is involved).
If you like what you see in this game, guess what? Combined Test: A Test made by several characters
There's plenty more on the way! Although this volume working together. The best Test Result acts as a
contains everything you need to play and enjoy the base, and each additional successful result adds +1
DUNE RPG foryears to come, Last Unicorn also pro- to it; failures may subtract from the total or delay
duces many other DUNE RPG products. These include completion of the task.

Introduction: Welcome to DUNE
Conditioning Overlay: A character creation tool Dramatic Failure: A failed Test measuring six or
representing the character's vocational Conditioning more below the Difficulty Number (forexample, a
and house profession, such as Noble, Mentat or Test Result of 5 when the Difficulty is 12) or any
Swordmaster. Each Overlay includes the basic Skills Failure resulting from a 1 on the Drama Die. This
and other abilities needed to perform the profession. indicates a grievous failure which may have terrible
d6 : A six-sided die. Six-sided dice are used to make all consequences for the character.
Tests in the DUNE RPG. Dramatic Success: A successful Test measuring six
Development Poi nts: Points characters use to buy or more above the Difficulty Number (forexample, a
attributes, edges and advantageous Traits. Test Result of 12 when the Difficulty is 5) or any
Characters receive a certain number of Development Success resulting from a 6 on the Drama Die. This
Points at each stage of their Background History, indicates an amazing success that may have espe-
and receive additional Development points for cially beneficial results for the character.
selectingdisadvantageous Traits. Edge: Aspects of attributes representing a character's
Difficulty: How easy or hard it is to accomplish a particular level of talent (or lack of talent) with some
task. Each task is given a Difficulty (or Difficulty functions of an attribute. For example, the edges
Number) indicating how hard it i&--the higher the associated with Intellect are Perception and Logic.
number, the harder the task. Difficulty Numbers are Edges range in value from +2 to -2, and act as modi-
organized into categories (from lowest to highest, fiers to related Tests.
Routine [3-5], Moderate [6-8], Challenging [9-11], Extended Test: A Test that requires an extensive
Difficult [12-14], and Nearly Impossible [15+]). amount of time, or which is broken up into segments
When trying to accomplish a task, a character rolls so that the Narrator can gauge the character's
a Test (q.v.); if his Test Result equals or exceeds the progress by requiring multiple Skill Tests.
Difficulty, he succeeds. House Minor: A lesser House or subfamily of a
Disadvantage: Trait limitations: hindrances or other Great House, governing planetary subfiefs and hold-
problems which afflict a character. Examples include ing titles of minor nobility.
having a Sworn Enemy, being Physically Impaired Great House: One of the rulingclans of the
(for example, blind) or hiding one's emotions. Imperium distlnguished by their governance of an
Drama Die: When a player rolls a Test, one of the entire planetary fief (siridar fief) and membership in
dice he rolls is a different color or size. This die is the Federated Houses of the Landsraad.
called the Drama Die. If the Drama Die rolls a 6, it Household: any noble family
indicates a great degree of success; if it rolls a I, it Initiative: Determines whogoes first in combat or simi-
may indicate a great failure. lar situations. If surprised, characters must make
Initiative Test, rolling the Drama Die (rule of 6 applies)
and adding the result to their current initiative.
Karama Points: Karama represents a
character's divine luck and cosmic des-
tiny, resulting from miraculous interven-
tion of the spirit world. Characters use
Karama points to improve rolls and
increase Test Results. A character's overall
Karama Point total is sometimes referred
to as his Karma Pool.
Level: A character's level of ability in a
skill or attribute. For example, a charac-
ter who buys a skill has a level of 1 in
that skill; as his ability improves, the
level increases to 2, 3, 4 and so on.
Narrative: A segment or body of a
story, ranging from individual scenes to
episodic chronicles.
Opposed Test: A Test (q.v.) which is
opposed or resisted by another character;
for example, a character who uses his
Stealth skill to sneak past a guard will
engage in an Opposed Test with the
guard, who uses his Observation
(search) skill in an attempt to locate the character. Skill Test : A Test (q.v.) in which a character rolls a
The character who rolls the highest Test Result in an number of dice equal to the attribute upon which a
Opposed Test wins the Test. skill is based, and adds the highest result on any die
Option: Almost anything a character does can be to his skill level. If the total equals or exceeds the
described by options. Making an attack, dodging a Difficulty Number for the task, the character suc-
blow and using a skill are all options, divided into ceeds.
actions and reactions. Depending on your charac- Specialization: Areas of particular expertise and
ter's Coordination you can perform a number of ability within a skill. Many skills require a character
options each round, with each subsequent action to specialize, since they are so broad that few char-
and reaction costing slightly more Option Points to acters will ever learn all aspects of the skill in-depth.
simulate the extra time needed to shift from offen- Test: Tests are dice rolls used to determine whether a
sive to defensive posturing. character succeeds with a particular action. Most
Renown: Renown measures how well-known a char- Tests are based on a skill + attribute, but there are
acter is. Renown has four aspects (Valor, Learning, also Tests based solely on an attribute. Typically, the
Justice and Prayer). All characters start the game highest die rolled in a Test is added to the relevant
with at least 1 point of Renown in one aspect skill level; if that total, or Test Result, equals or
(according to Conditioning Overlay). exceeds the Difficulty of a task, the character suc-
Resistance: A character's ability to withstand dam- ceeds.
age. Resistance equals a character's (Fitness + Test Modifier: Circumstances that modify a Test.
Vitality). If the character wears armor or other pro- These include edges, poor visibility, using the off
tection, it will add to his Resistance. hand, being wounded or trying to perform tasks in
Result: Test Result. See Test. zero gravity.
Round: A measure of time in combat, equal to five Wound Level : An indication of a character's current
seconds. injury status. There are seven Wound Levels:
Skill: A character's learned abilities, aptitudes and Healthy, Stunned, Injured, Wounded, Incapacitated,
knowledge. Examples include the ability to adminis- Near Death and Killed. A character can withstand a
trate holdings, make Mentat computations or fight number of points of damage equal to his Physique
with blade weapons. Skills range in value from 1 to attribute + Constitution edge per Wound Level;
5 (and, rarely, higher). Most skills have specializa- when he takes more damage than that, he drops to
tions (q.v.). the next level.

Ch2pter I: The
History of the

Manipulation of artificial intelligence and sentient
. Its legacy was born of suffering, dependence on weapons allowed upstart regimes and makeshift
ologyand disregard for the morality of its applica- "Houses" to seize entire worlds. It gave them the power
ew era of human understanding and enlighten- to utterly dominate and oppress entire populations and
d, one that has expanded the frontiers of planets. Coupled with the decadence thriving on so
. I into realms hitherto undreamed... many of the ancient worlds, these new abuses served as
things possesses a kind of truth, inform- the fi nal affront to the ideals of the old Imperium.
er that the current state of the uni- Revolution was imminent, and once begun it spread like
meously come into being. Instead, the a holy flame throughout the Known Universe.
eals a legacy of untold hardship, of Revolts and uprisings erupted on many worlds, and
f fantastic human evolution and of spread throughout the old Imperium. Worlds were over-
ces precipitated by such events. thrown, rulers expelled, and a wholesale destruction of
r it is a difficult one to forget. technology initiated. Entire noble bloodlines-many of
which had existed for thousands of years-simply ended,
extinguished by the riots sweeping across a seemingly
endless string of worlds throughout the Imperial core.
Although a handful of planets survived more or less
understand the modern Imperium, intact (including such modern technocracies as Ix,
ouses within it, or the basis for the Richese, and Tleilax), destruction and chaos reigned
em without first understanding the throughout much of the Known Universe. In addition to
Imperium. To truly grasp the import the rulers and their machines, billions of innocents per-
Clays, one must recognize the motiva- ished in the widespread destruction spawned by the
reat Revolt-the Butlerian Jihad, as it is Jihad. The Great Revolt changed the fabric of the uni-
ffects of this period on the social and verse, plungingthe Imperium into a new dark age from
ment of the Imperium. which it would not soon recover.
e old Imperium had endured for thousands
ts legacy-indeed, its destiny-had been
enturies before the first revolt on Nitzevine. The Butleri8n Proscriptions
ar-flung worlds existed in relative harmony, their The Butlerian Jihad left an indelible mark on Imperial
rnments and rulers linked by a complex system history, written in the blood of the period's countless vic-
eudal loyaltiesand alliances. It was a time of tims. The Revolt also left a lasting mark on Imperial civi-
peace, of technological marvels, and of complacency. lization, one that would not soon be forgotten. The after-
A once magnificent galactic community- united by a math of the Jihad gave birth to an entire collection of
common vision of expansion, discovery, and unity- new social mandates, the chief commandment of which
had reached the apex of its stagnation. survives in the Orange Catholic Bible as "Thou shalt not
Havinggrown increasingly dependent on the tech- make a machine in the likeness of a human mind."
nological wonders they had once controlled, the Great These mandates-commonly known as the Butlerian
Houses grew lethargic, losingthemselves in the deca- Proscriptions-remain perhaps the most lasting contribu-
dence and debaucheries that often accompany such tion of this dark time. Ten thousand years later, the
decay. Their horizons exhausted, their goals eclipsed humanist philosophy embodied by these directives con-
by the demands of the flesh, the planets and Houses tinues to guide the course of social development within
... of the old Imperium did nothing to stem the growing the Imperium . Their spirit captures the essence of this
. tides of dissent and dissatisfaction among their sub- tenuous period in galactic history perhaps better than
jects. Instead, they retreated even further behind anything else.
technological barriers of their own devising. The Butlerian Proscriptions forbid any sort of reliance
In other regions of the galaxy, technology became on automated machinery or artificial intelligence. Such
less an escape and more a living instrument of terror. changes caused a radical reassessment of human expec-
Chapter I: The History of the Imperium
tations and capabilities, and led to a number of critical planets enjoyed no outside contact for centuries, further
social and cultural adaptations. The most direct result of exacerbating a paranoia that had already spun out of
the proscriptions took the form of a new reliance on control. The true dark age arrived with a whisper.
human methods. Over time, this reliance would lead to
the formation of the Great Schools-the Bene Gesserit
Sisterhood, the Spacing Guild, the Mentat School, and An Imperial Dark Age
the Swordmaster's School of Ginaz. The Jihad and its fallout ruined many of the ancient
Houses and noble families, seriouslyweaken-
ing many others. Planetary governments fell
and new regimes emergedto take their
places. While many of these old bloodlines
did not survive the ensuing turmoil, others
adapted. Although most pre-Jihad histories
were destroyed with the computers during
the Great Revolt, the survivors preserved
the 'Oral histories.' The importance of
these ancient records would become
apparent as a new feudal system began to
take shape amid the ashes of the old.
In time, many of the surviving planetary
governors and noble Houses of the old
Imperium re-emerged. The savviest of these
groups had spent the years following the
Jihad and its aftermath consolidating their
remaining power; in many cases, astute
Houses were able to increase their holdings
during this chaotic period. As contact among
worlds began again in earnest, these groups
began to enter into formal alliances. Blood unit-
ed some, while common ideologies, territories, or
Science, medicine, academia-all such disciplines were commerce brought others together. In time, these new
initially viewed with suspicion in the wake of the revolu- Houses would form the bedrock of a new Imperial order.
tion, and their practice was cause for actual punishment After generations of military and political maneuver-
on some worlds. While these attitudes wouldchange con- ing, a new feudal system began to coalesce. Most of the
siderably after the establishment of the Great Schools, newly formed Houses chose to unite under the leader-
these disciplines still carry stigmas with them today. ship and guidance of powerful, individual Houses, which
Emerging technologies that did not require a human were in turn granted dominion over individual planets. In
operator, or direct human control of some kind, were accordance with the ancient traditions, these powerful
abandoned. True automation had ceased to exist. While new Houses claimed legitimacy on the basis of noble
the surviving technocracies of Ix, Richese, and Tleilax ancestry or ancient bloodlines, thus creatinga connec-
began to develop new technologies following the letter of tion between the old Imperium and the emerging territo-
the Proscriptions, such advances would not become ries that would soon form the new Imperium. Military
widely known, or indeed widely available, for several and economicconcerns were for a time relegated to sec-
thousand years. In the early years following the Jihad, ond place. These so-called Great Houses began the long
such development remained carefully secret. process of re-establishing links among the far-flung insu-
All spacecraft depending on artificial intelligence for lar regions of the now-shatteredgalactic community.
navigation or propulsion were either destroyed or aban- Upon recognizing a Great House as the rightful ruler
doned. Worlds severed contact with each other and with all of a planet, the lesser Houses of the world became
previously centralized authority, leading to Widespread known as Houses Minor. These lesser Houses customari-
breakdowns in both commerce and communication. As a ly enjoyed an array of rights and privileges; these
consequence of this self-imposed isolation on many worlds, Stipulations, as they became known, were traditionally
the government of the old Imperium finally collapsed. worked into the treaty documents that led to the nomina-
In the wake of its expiration, each planet struggled in tion of a Great House on a particular world. Since
its own way to survive; not only were they forced to pro- Stipulations often differed from one world to the next, a
vide for their own populations, but they were also forced panoply of multi-hued rights and responsibilities evolved,
to defend themselves against Imperial remnants and with those of one system being markedly different from
internal threats without any hope of assistance. Many those in another.
As the Great Houses began to reach out to one anoth- the still-disparate natures of many Great Houses, prob-
er over the ensuing centuries, these differences would lems arose immediately.
become the cause of much conflict. Before a true Because the Landsraad League possessed no enforcing
Imperial reunification could occur, a universal resolution agency or universal accountability, the attempt to create a
would become necessary. While such a resolution universal set of preceptsand governing laws provedpre-
remained the stated goal of most of the Houses, the road mature. The members ignored or circumvented the body's
to unification was destined to be long and bloody. resolutions, and its arbitration efforts proved largely inef-
fective . Many of the more powerful Great Houses contin-
ued their military campaigns, and in many cases the for-
Reunification: Visions of mation of the League actually served to heighten the ten-
sions and suspicions among its powerful members.
The Battle of Corrin and the Founding of
Once the consolidation process was underway, the need
the Imperium
for increased resources and commerce became quickly
apparent. The Great Houses began looking to their neigh- Lofty ambitions and noble intentions could not save
bors for the additional wealth and materials needed to con- the floundering Landsraad League. Its members quickly
tinue the long recovery process and ensure their future realized that it was ineffective as a governing body, and
prosperity. The Widely varying differences in the substance woefully inadequate as an arbitrating force. These real-
and style of the planetarygovernments would prove the izations served to re-ignite the old House conflicts with
greatest obstacle to lasting cooperation. Many Great renewed ferocity. Great Houses rose and fell , and the
Houses began to take what they needed through the use of universe once again descended dangerously close to
military force, warring with each other for the resources wholesale war.
and territory they required to provide fortheir own welfare. As the conflict wore on, new alliances took shape
Lineage and heritage became the paramount stan- and greater powers formed. Centuries of war and political
dards in the ensuing conflicts, with numerous Great maneuveringfinally came to a head at the Battle of
Houses claiming Imperial legitimacy by right of blood or Corrin , where the remnants of the allied Landsraad
noble ancestry. Modern Imperial scholars rememberthe League faced a seemingly unstoppable force under the
early period of reunification as the era of the crusade, direction of the vastly powerful House Sarda. House
with one Great House after another manipulating the Sarda, supported by its fanatical Sardaukar legions, had
fanaticism of its subjects in an attempt to reunify the old been makingconsiderable inroads throughout the
Imperium under their own House banner. Imperial core for decades, and its rivals knew that their
These kin wars quickly escalated throughout the only hope of victory lay in a final alliance and a final
Known Universe. While not as bloodyor all-encompass- stand against the powerful House and its suicide troops.
ing as the time of the Jihad, still hundreds of millions lost But such a victory was not to be. The Battle of
their lives. Many of the rivalries established duringthis Corrin established the preeminence of the deadly
periodcontinue into the modern day, with current Great Sardaukar on the battlefield, and the remaining
Houses fanning the flames of vendettas nearingten thou- Landsraad allies were decimated. The Battle also saw
sand years of age. The specter of the Great Revolt was an the germination of one of the most notable rivalries in
ever-present shadow looming over these conflicts, and the history of the Imperium. During the battle, Bashar
many of the House leaders realized that some form of Abulurd Harkonnen abandoned his station in a grave
final resolution would be necessaryto prevent the conflict act of cowardice that would later dictate the exile of
from erupting into another galaxy-spanning holocaust. House Harkonnen. Leadinghis lancers to fill the
Level heads eventually prevailed, and after a series of Bashar's now-open rearguard position at the flank of the
failed attempts the leaders of the Great Houses success- forward Sardaukar legion, Demetrios Atreides saved the
fully reached a truce. The negotiations that followed led Sarda forces from the final Landsraad offensive, thus
swiftly to the formation of the Landsraad League. Styled earning House Atreides lasting accolades for the valor-
after the Landsraad Coalition of the old Imperium and ous conduct of its scion.
created expresslyto avert further conflict and unneces- After the Battleof Corrin, the remaining Landsraad
sary bloodshed, the League was a loose confederation of forces were decisively crippled. Few Houses could refuse
mutual support and arbitration. the subsequent summons to Salusa Secundus, where the
United under this tenuous association, the new surviving Great Houses gathered to pay tribute and bear
League set forth a collection of basic rights and privt- witness to the coronation of Sheseut Sarda as the first
leges. These benefits would be accorded to all member Emperor of the Golden Lion Throne . Immediately follow-
Houses so long as they remained in good standing with ing his coronation, the new Emperor addressed the
the League, and the membership agreed to be bound by assembled nobles, formally claiming the Corrino name
this set of informal codes and conventions. As a result of for the Imperial House so that none would ever forget the

Chapter I: The History of the Imperium
genesis of the reborn Imperium. Sheseut's coronation In later times, it became apparent to Bene Gesserit
commenced the line of Padishah Emperors that would missionaries assignedto the world that its mysterious
rule the Known Universe for the next ten thousand years. desert tribes-known as the Fremen-were descendants of
Thus ended the opening convocation of the reunited ancient Zensunni forbears. And the planet that served
Landsraad, now securely within the grasp of the new briefly as their home, a planet that would one day become
Imperial providence. the true center of the universe, was called Arrakis.
Following the coronation ceremonies, the representa-
tives of the Landsraad assembled to negotiate terms for a
lasting Pax Imperium. It was during this fi rst convention
that EmperorSheseut banished Abulurd Harkonnen for
An Imperial Renaissance
ignominious cowardice in the face of the enemy. It was
also during these meetings that Sheseut bestowedgreat Arrakis and the Discovery of
honor upon House Atreides, for valor in the same con-
flict. And so the ancient enmity between the Houses the Spice
Atreides and Harkonnen began, on the floor of the Modern scholars suspect that the spice, melange, was
Landsraad before their fellow peers of the realm. first discovered on Arrakis during the Zensunni migrations,
Over the course of the three-week conclave, the new and that its secrets were carriedoff-planet when the
Emperorgranted certain concessions to the defeated refugees once again took flight. It is also believed that this
Houses in order to buy their fealty and ongoing loyalty. knowledge made its way into the closely guarded halls of
Thus was the Order of the Faufreluches born, alongwith a the foundling Spacing Guild near the same time. Of course
basic set of governmental edicts distilled from the origi- with the Fremen and Spacing Guild beingso notoriously
nal precepts set forth by the old Landsraad League. In reluctant to give details to outsiders, much of the history
time, these original edicts would form the basis for the of melange and Arrakis proves highly speculative.
Great Convention . The founders of the Guild, along with several of its
With the aid of the reunited Houses of the Landsraad, most trusted scientists and Navigators, conducted an
House Corrino embarked on a policyof outright extended series of deep experiments into the mind-alter-
Imperialism, gradually bringing the whole of the Known ing and consciousness-raising propertiesof the spice-
Universe under its standard. Most citizens rememberthis drug. The success of these early experiments eventually
period of expansion and conquest as a golden age, a led to the development of an advanced program of
time of colonization and discovery. The manifest destiny human conditioning, ultimately resulting in the discovery
of the Imperial House seemed ordained by some higher of the foldspace metaphysics and prescience-driven navi-
power, as the Imperium itselfgrew to contain not hun- gational techniques employed by the Guild today.
dreds or thousands of worlds, but tens of thousands of With the discovery of the spice-drug also came
inhabited planets. The old empire had been reborn, and knowledge of its unique geriatric properties, its ability to
its splendor and gloryoutshone anything the universe prolong life at the considerable cost of irreversib e phys-
had ever known. iological addiction. Some scholars believe that it was
By the advent of the Spacing Guild monopoly in the those Zensunni who had become addicted to the spice
year 0 BG, the Imperium had expanded many times that elected to remain when most of the Zensunni left
beyond its ancient borders. The combined Greater and Arrakis. Presumably, these stragglers took refuge in the
Lesser Houses of the Landsraad now numbered in the planet's deserts to escape the Imperial scouring of the
thousands, an amazing fact considering how little time world; and after centuries of such existence, they adapt-
had passed since the coronation of Sheseut. The unend- ed completely to their new home, evolving into the
ing spread of this new Imperialism spawned vast migra- Ichwan Bedwine, the brotherhood of all Fremen on
tions, with millions of refugees fleeing the relentless Arrakis.
approach of the conquerors and their now-legendary It may also be worth noting that the geriatric proper-
Sardaukar legions. ties of the spice may be partly responsible for the strong
Most notable among these movements, the Zensunni Zensunni influence remaining in modern Fremen tradi-
Migrations continued forgenerations, jumping from world tion. Certainly, longer life spans would contribute to the
to world, and system to system. As Imperial troops proliferation of cultural myth and folklore among the
advanced to conquer their most recent "homeworld," the Zensunni remnants in their new home. Because of the
Zensunni would flee to the next system. At some point circumstances of the migration, the wanderers would
during the course of their wanderings, the Zensunni have had limited technological resources at their dispos-
stopped for a time on a seemingly barren world of end- al. This, in conjunction with the harsh demands of a
less deserts and fierce storms. Although they did not real- planet like Arrakis, probably explains the rich oral histo-
ize it at the time, their habitation of this savage planet ries that developed on the world. It could also explain
may have been the most momentous event in the history the strong Zensunni cultural grounding that remains
of the Known Universe. apparent in Fremen tradition today.
Although its geriatric properties are
well known, the spice-drug is perhaps
most famous for the strange metaphysical
properties it possessesand the connec-
tions these properties provide to the two
Great Schools-the Spacing Guild and
Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. When the scien-
tific forefathers of the Spacing Guilddis-
covered the metaphysical properties of
the spice, the subsequent revelation was
reminiscent of Prometheus delivering the
proto-fire on the mountain. With the time
awareness and limited prescience provid-
ed by large doses of the spice-drug, com-
plex folds pace metaphysics became possi-
ble in the absence of navigational comput-
ers or sophisticated machines.
The spice provided new hope for
replacing the computers and sensors that
had once gulded starships through the
uncertainties of foldspace. Using the powers
imbued by the drug, Guild Navigators would become
human navigational computers, more sophisticatedand the wake of the Jihad. Severely hampered by the proscrip-
far-reach ing than any machine had ever been. Their tions against technology, these reemergingdisciplines were
heightened awareness could see roads that normal forced to turn inward for continued development.
humans had no hope of comprehending, and this ability Their leaders recognized the need to open new
would pave the way for a renewed age of space travel and avenues of human understanding, to institute programs
exploration. It would also create a monopoly the likesof designed to explore the possibly limitless vistas of human
which had never before existed in the Known Universe. potential. Such programs would eventually succeed in
The spice also played a pivotal role in the founding replacing machines with competent and enlightened
and early development of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. human counterparts. Their success would open the way
Thought to be the fabled Truthsayer Drug, it remains for the evolving humanist attitudes that would eventually
uncertain whether the prescient properties of the spice prevail in the new Imperium.
were known to the Sisterhood prior to the advent of the Although numerous movements began during this
first Reverend Mothers and Truthsayers. What is known is period, several Great Schools fi nally emerged, having
that the spice has played a prominent role in the assimilated or integrated various lesser schools to consol-
Sisterhood's quest to understand the limits of human idate their efforts toward a common goal. The most infl u-
potential and ability. Its awareness-enhancing properties ential of these Schools were the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood
have certainly affected the direction of the Sisterhood's and the Spacing Guild, with the Mentat School, the
varied programs and experiments into the deepest reaches Swordmaster's School of Ginaz and the Imperial Suk
of human experience, and these properties have also had School emerging as prominent institutions that would
lastingeffects on deeper rituals upon which the Sisterhood endure to shape the modern Imperium.
was founded.
Although the Sisterhood guards its secrets tightly, it is The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood
known that the Bene Gesserit use an array of awareness
spectrum narcotics to enter the Truthtrance. Whether these Seeing how the Great Houses were faltering in their
substances were derived or developed as substitutes for political endeavors, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood recog-
melange, or whether the spice itself proved to be the most nized the need to develop a new school for human train-
effective of a pre-existing selection, remains a carefully ing and development. On its surface, the Sisterhood
guarded mystery. embraced the caste system of the faufreluche s. The feu-
dal system's emphasis on pure bloodlines and ancient
Foundation of the Great genealogy played perfectly into the Sisterhood's long-term
breeding plans, furthering both their ambitions and their
Schools secret programs.
While the Great Houses of the Landsraad strove to The foundation of the Sisterhood was based on three
reshape an empire and realize their political agendas, the guiding principles. The first principle taught adepts that
emerging academic and scientific communities struggled in non-enlightened civilization requires tangible and recog-

Chapter I: The History of the Imperium
nizable threads of continuity in human affairs. Since the ways simulated by the great thinking machines of
political leaders and governments represent those ele- old. It allowed a trained Navigator to see many possible
ments of society most able to support or hinder this secu- paths, and gave him the enhanced insight to choose the
rity, the Sisterhood targeted politics as its key focus and proper way.
made its practice the means of realizing its grand In many ways, this direct experience allows a
schemes. To this day, the Sisterhood remains a key play- Navigator to tap into the unused portions of the brain to
er behind the Imperial scene, manipulating entire worlds "instinctively" interpolate the pattern of time-space, using
from the shadows of relative anonymity. the conscious mind to then select a course from point A
The second principle taught the importance of genetic to point B through the N-dimension of foldspace . In
evolution and human supremacy. The Bene Gesserit other words, Navigation Trance is like a combination of
breeding program resulted from the belief that without Mentat capacity and true prescience, except that the
separating true humans from animals, genetic de-evolu- computational part occurs unconsciously as an instinc-
tion would threaten the fate of the human race. Clearly tive manipulation of data not previously available to the
only those possessing ideal genetic qualities were fit to human experience. The trance guides the Navigator
rule in the new humanist order, thus ensuring both the down the correct path.
progressive evolution of human civilization and the Using this knowledge and these abilities as a foun-
preservation of social and cultural continuity. dation, a small group of visionary scientists and theo-
The third principle was one of preparation against reticians founded the Spacing Guild. Little did these
adversity or times of crisis; it taught the importance of early pioneers understand the impact their researches
cultural manipulation and preparation. The Missionaria would have on the long-term development of the
Protectiva consisted of teams of Sisterhood myth makers, Imperium. Because their knowledge remained a closely
adepts dispatched throughout the Known Universe to guarded secret, the Guild developed and began practic-
seed primitive cultures with legends and superstitions ing their enlightened version of foldspace navigation in
designed to aid adepts who mightvisit the cultures at a the absence of any real competition. The result became
later time. Any adept could manipulate the resulting a galaxy-spanning monopoly on interstellar travel that
myths to assist in their own survival, should one become had become nearly all-powerful only a few decades
lost or stranded on one of the visited worlds. after the founders' initial experiments.
Unofficially, such manipulation facilitated the
Sisterhood's other ambitionsby imbuing adepts with
increasedstatus within these societies. Such manipulation
also allowed adepts to infiltrate a societyto search for
An Imperial Golden Age
candidates to add to their breeding matrices. In the later Scholars remember the years following the reunification
Imperium, many worlds seeded longago were actually for- of the Landsraad and the formation of the Great Schools as
gotten. Arrakis was just such a planet. a kind of golden age for the Imperium. Most of the larger
worlds formed planetary Sysselraads to govern planetary
affairs. Modeled after the Landsraad, these individual
The Spacing Guild
Sysselraads were overseen by a Great House and counted
The fou ndation of the Spacing Guild was predicated on all of a world's Houses Minor as members. On enlightened
the discovery of the spice-drug melange on the planet worlds, a Sysselraad served to protect the political and
Arrakis. The enhanced awareness and limited prescience legal rights of these lesser Houses, giving their nobles a
the drugafforded Guild Navigators allowed them once voice in the larger affairs of their Great House sponsors.
again to perform the delicate calculations necessary for suc- On less-enlightened planets, a Sysselraad might serve as
cessful foldspace navigation, this time without the benefit of simple window dressing to satisfy Imperial overseers.
sophisticated technology. The formation of the Guild served This period also saw significant advancements in space
as one of the first real benchmarks in the newconcentra- travel and interstellar communication, this time under the
tion on human potential and capability. direction and auspices of the newly formed Spacing Guild.
Though the science of foldspace astrophysics was not The construction of the first massive Guild Heighliners
lost during the Jihad, the act of navigating foldspace was meant that Houses could nowtravel from world to world,
far too complex for humans to assay without relying on complete with extensive retinues and materiel. A new era of
the advanced navigational computers and sensors aban- House movement and occupation had begun. Connected to
doned in the aftermath of the Great Revolt. The discov- these movements was the establishment of Junction as the
ery of the time-awareness state imbued by spice over- Guild horneworld, and the planet or planets of Tupile as the
dose offered a solution to this problem. When heavily political haven for renegade Houses. Although the Emperor
saturated with the spice-drug, a properlytrained human initially tried to keep the Guild under his wing, these efforts
mind could awaken to the complexabstractions of the ultimately proved fru itless. By the end of this period of
space-time continuum, allowing the practitioner to see growth, the legendary neutrality and independent political
multiple lines of movement and spatial relationships in power of the Guild had become an established fact.
The continued pursuit of human experience and its indeed outreached anything heretofore imagined. The
resulting advances also reached its apex duringthis time. reunited Imperium would assume its lofty place in histo-
The Bene Gesserit breeding programs had their tendrils in ry as the Age of the Human.
almost everypolitical structure in the Imperium, their
massive genealogies reaching longingly for the "perfect
human." The myth engineering of the Sisterhood's
Consolidation and Expansion
Missionaria Protectiva wing also continued apace, seeding The centuries following the Great Revolt saw not only
countlessworlds against the coming of another dark age. an aggressive expansion of the Imperium itself, but also a
The Commission of Ecumenical Translators rc.E. T.) con- sweeping consolidation within the Imperial frontiers. Many
venedon Old Earth, meeting "in the common belief that Great Houses entrenchedthemselves on distant home-
there exists a Divine Essence in the universe." Their stated worlds, concentrating on internal resource and materiel
purpose was a harmonic marriage of religion, a universal development. Newalliances were born, and old ties sev-
religious unification that would remove, once and for all, ered. During this tumultuous period, several Great Houses
"any claim to the one and only revelation." The resultof rose to positions of leadership and preeminence among
these meetings, which stretched several years past their their Landsraad peers. The actions of these Houses, as well
intended duration, was the Orange Catholic Bible. as those of the Great Schools duringthe period, largely
The unveiling of this new ecumenism, while greeted with shaped the evolution of the modern Imperium.
initial praise and fanfare, did not become quite the new
standard its creators had hoped. Instead, the members of
House Corrino
the Commission were gradually vilified, due in no small part
to new"spiritual" movements they had failed to addressand House Corrino remains the most powerful of the
the" hubris of reason" evidenced in theirwork. Great House in the Imperium, having used its leverage
Nonetheless, ninety generations laterthe Orange Catholic as the House Imperial to manipulate its most ambitious
Bible and accompanying c.E. T. Commentaries saturated the rivals and consolidate its considerable gains for millen-
Imperium and captured the hearts of the religious majority. nia. In the wake of an atomic disaster-resulting from an
The concentration on human potential began to reach attempt to obliterate the Imperial family-House Corrino
into other disciplines during this era as well. The establish- moved the seat of Imperialgovernment from Salusa
ment of the legendary Mentat School legitimized the role of Secundus to the more removed and secure, planet
these "human computers," and carriedhuman-centric logic Kaitain. After the nuclear winter had ended, the
accomplishments to new heights. Every Great House soon Padishah Emperors converted Salusa Secundus into an
had Mentats attached to its retinue, and no House head Imperial prison planet, a fitting use for the ruined, inhos-
would think of entering into complex negotiations or politi- pitable world. Today, Salusa Secundus secretly functions
cal machinations without the benefit of Mentat analysis. as a planet-wide breeding and training preserve for the
Other disciplines also began to solidify as coherent dreaded Imperial terror troops, the Sardaukar.
areas of study and training. Dueling academies and war Long known for its internal power struggles and
colleges were founded on many worlds to compete with intrigues, an ancient saying goes that Corrino heirs meet
the eminent Swordmaster's School of Ginaz, and trained assassins before they meet their own mothers. While this
Swordmasters, Warmasters and Weapons Masters is obviouslyan exaggeration, early and untimelydeaths
became valuable additions to House forces across the do seem to visit the House with alarming regularity.
Imperium. The Imperial Suk College was founded on Short-lived Emperors aside, House Corrino rules the
Salusa Secundus (although the First School was later Imperium with a steady hand. The House motto-"Law
relocated to Kaitain along with the Imperial seat); and for is the ultimate science"-speaks volumes about the
exorbitant fees, Suk doctors bearing the diamond tattoo measured surety with which the House approaches both
of the Imperial Conditioning were dispatched to care for problems and threats. Although its actions remain care-
the wealthiest of the Imperial Houses. New centers of ful, measured, and deliberate, its legions of Sardaukar
scholastic learning, assassin guilds and training centers, ensure that none challenge its authority lightly.
artistic schools of every proclivity-a human renaissance
was sweeping across the Imperium, bearing standards of House Atreides
art, culture, and deep human understanding before it.
The legacy of the Jihad, while predictable in many Held in high esteem since the earliest days of the new
ways, was perhaps also unlocked-for, While the age of Imperium, House Atreides has produced a long lineof hon-
computers and machines now seemed a distant memory, orable scions. Universally beloved by its subjects, the House
had the Imperium not embarked on a new age of think- has ruled its ancestral slrldar-fief, the Duchy of Caladan, for
ing machines? Did flesh and blood dampen the potential some 26 generations. Not known for being one of the
of these new examples of enlightened human potential? wealthier Houses, House Atreides has long been esteemed
Human development had far outstripped anything ever for its honorable conduct, and has held the respect of its
thought possible in the days of the old Imperium, had Landsraad peers since the Battle of Corrin long ago.

Chapter I: The History of the Imperium
House Wallach
The siridar-fief of Wallach VII was granted
to Burseg-General Maximillian Banarc during
the sixth millennium, some 20 years after
leading Imperial legions to victory during the
massacre at Poritrin. House Banarc adopted
the Wallach surname after being given
the title of Siridar-Baron von Wallach VII
in recognition of his loyal service to the
Emperor. Rallying beneath a standard bear-
ing the ancient motto, "God, Imperium, House,"
House Wallach was renowned in past centuries for
its considerable military prowess and resource-
fulness. Although its heirs are still sent to
Salusa Secundus for military training and edu-
cation, in recent centuries the House has pre-
ferred to concentrate on diplomatic pursuits
and statecraft. Its ambassadors and arbitra-
tors have risen to prominence in many conflicts,
Recognized for their fairness , morality, and unflagging serving both the Landsraad and the Emperor with honor.
sense of justice, other members of the Landsraadoften House Wallach also enjoys unusual political influence
turn to the Atreides for leadership in times of crisis. The because of its uncertain association with the Bene
House is currently beginning to feel the burden such lead- Gesserit Sisterhood. Accepting an invitation from then-
ership brings. Widely admired among the more placid Baron Hurdan von Wallach, the Sisterhood moved their
Houses for taking a firm stand during the Ginaz Incident Mother School to the House-governed principality of
(as the Atreides call the Ginaz-Moritani War of Wallach IX, taking control of the planet by way of some
Assassins) , the political repercussions among the more inscrutable agreement. The arrangement seems to have
powerful Houses remain uncertain. While open action on benefited both parties, since relations between the House
the part of its enemies remains doubtful, covert movement and the Sisterhood remain deeply intertwined to the
and intrigue are another matter. As Menelaus Atreides present day.
himself once said during an early Council session: "Calling
the Landsraadan 'august body'-now that's duplicity."
House Moritani
Descended from an ancient order of assassins, House
House Harkonnen
Moritani has worked for generations to shake its black
Readmitted to the Landsraad after a long exile reputation. The House is perhaps best known for its
brought on by the actions of Abulurd Harkonnen during wholesale destruction of the Ginaz, Atreides allies and
the Battle of Corrin, House Harkonnen quickly rose to age-old rivals of the Moritani, during a lightning-quick
prominence through a fortuitous series of economic suc- war of assassins on the planet Grumman in 10,166.
cesses. The House's monopoly on the whale-fur and Officially sanctioned by the current Emperor, Shaddam
other luxury markets allowed it to build a vast commer- IV, the events which transpired reminded the Landsraad
cial infrastructure, eventually making the House an unri- membership that the old forms were far from dead.
valed industrial power. Of course, its enemies are quick As the undisputed rulers of Grumman, House Moritani
to point out that House Harkonnen has achieved this then retreated into relative obscurity once more, its
power through ruthless exploitation of its homeworlds ancient honor having been satisfied. Rumors persist that
and debasement of its human subjects. the House has initiated a Widespread military and materiel
Although the House's ancestral fief remains the slridar- buildup on the world, perhaps in an effort to restore social
barony of Giedi Prime, its growing economic powerand order, or perhaps to rebuild the Moritani forces sacrificed
Imperial associations earned it governance over the during the war. Other rumorswhisper that the Moritani
quasi-fief of Arrakis, which it has now governed for some have revived one of the ancient Bhotani assassins schools;
fifty-odd years. Since replacing House Richese as siridar- but so far, the rumors remain unconfirmed.
governors of Arrakis, control of the spice and the resulting
power this accorded solidified House Harkonnen's place House Tseida
as one of the most powerful Houses in the Imperium. Its
managementof Arrakis will dictate the House's long-term Caught up in the fervor of the Butlerian Jihad, the reli-
rospects, which seem bright indeed. gious populace of Sikun produced some of the most
ardent supporters of the reactionary movement. Legal vir- ects of the Missionaria Protectiva. Sowing the Panoplia
tuosos enlisted with religious fanatics to lead the Propheticus across a thousand primitive worlds, the
Sunnivean Inquisition that oppressed the planet for Sisterhood was paving the way for its agents and repre-
innumerable generations. Though the resulting theocratic sentatives centuries before such interaction might occur.
regime lost its hold early in the second millennium, it Always looking to the future, the Sisterhood had pre-
was during those formative centuries that the great legal pared thousands of bases and subject worlds at their
tradition of Sikun was born. disposal by the end of the tenth millennium. Their meld-
Specializing at first in Butlerian strictures and ing of politics, myth, and ritual had proved powerful
Imperial Law, the Sunnivas Academy spawned many sis- indeed.
ter schools in later generations. With the Inquisition in During this period, the Spacing Guild kept apace of
full force , the legal profession flourished on Sikun; and the BG Sisterhood and other Great Schools. With the
many of the schools began to earn reputations through- establishment of the Guild Bank, the order's virtual
out the Imperium. But it wasn't until the theocratic monopoly over commercial transport and banking was
regime had perished that newly risen House Tseida-pro- complete. Using spice as a valuation tool, branches of
moted by the Spacing Guild-began to peddle its highly the Guild Bank were established throughout the
specialized legal services to a broad base of Imperial Imperium, becoming the centers around which all mone-
clients. As House Sunnivas (and its advocates) declined tary exchange revolved.
in both influence and popularity, the 'separatist move- Control over the movement of House monies and
ment' led by House Tseida now moved with increasing commerce made the Guild the primary agent of CHOAM,
audacity. Volunteering advocates to represent other Great and the dual nature of Imperial commerce and trade that
Houses in Landsraad and CHOAM litigation, House exists today began in earnest. Byvirtue of its monopoly
Tseida staunchly supported all of its legal schools, earn- over space travel, the Guild was able to enforce the Guild
ing them varying degrees of fame and wealth as their vic- Peace through a combination of fees, sanctions, and
tories began to accrue. unprecedented economic controls. Its agents had to
approve all new CHOAM-sanctioned trade routes and
commercial schedules, thus giving it extensive knowledge
The Great Schools and power over all inter-House trade.
The centuries of consolidation were not limited to the The practice known as the Guild Security began with
Great Houses alone. The pioneers in the ongoingquest the adoption of the new Shipping Contract, whereby
for human potential-Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, the none except Guild representatives would know the
Spacing Guild and other so-called Great Schools- nature of a given transport's cargo or personnel mani-
evolved during this period into the modern Imperial pow- fests. A Great House could be engaged in open vendetta
ers they have become. Of these, the Sisterhood and with a rival, and frigates from each House could be
Guild reveal the most dynamic of changes. placed next to one another in the vast hold of a Guild
For the Sisterhood, this meant significant advance- Heighliner without either House fearing attack. While the
ment along several fronts. After centuries of manipula- Guild Security remained a necessary control in the new
tion, their breeding program had become sophisticated era of monitored commercialism, its secretive nature only
and far-reaching enough to warrant a sub-school of its served to make the already enigmatic Guild that much
own. Ten millennia of selective breeding and genetic more mysterious in the eyes of the Houses.
guidance had created many successes, many within the
highest circles of the Sisterhood felt they were growing
Into the Present
close to the culmination of their efforts-the so-called
Kwisatz Haderach. The current political climate in the Imperium can best
As an enhancement and aid to the Sisterhood's breed- be described as a hidden stand-off. With the rising popu-
ing and political programs, the tradition of educating larity of the Atreides Duke, Leto the Just, in the
female members of both the Great and Minor Houses Landsraad, other Houses have begun to establish secret
began during this time, as well. While the Sisterhood may allegiances behind the scenes. The Harkonnens do little
have seemed a logical teacher for young noblewomen, the to hide their open contempt for the Atreides, as do the
shadowy purpose behind these efforts was never far from Moritani. Houses Wallach and Tseida, with their mysteri-
the surface. As the Sisterhood gained more and more con- ous connections to the Great Schools, have retreated to
trol over the young women most important to their breed- positions of distant observation. House Corrino has
ing experiments, they were able to accelerate the steps become the greatest unknown in an increasingly tense
needed to attain their ultimate goal-the creation and con- political atmosphere; it is common knowledge that
trol of the Kwisatz Haderach, the male enlightened super- Shaddam IV, the current Emperor, considers the Atreides
being capable of being "many places at once." leadership among the Landsraad Houses a threat.
The early centuries after the founding of the Guild Whether the Imperial House will eventually act on these
also saw the acceleration of the so-called Shari-A proj- concerns remains uncertain.

Chapter I: The History of the Imperium
ends in the death of one of the participants. Wars of
Institutions of the Assassins entail concerted efforts over time to extinguish
all members of a particular House through the formalized
Imperium codes and conventions. Nearly anything short of atomics
is permitted according to the Articles of Kanly.
One of the seminal documents in the long history of the
Imperium, the Great Convention sets forth the guiding prin-
ciples of law for the member Houses of the Landsraad. The Landsraad Council
Considered a "universal truce" establishedduring the early The Landsraad High Council remains the principal
meetings of the Great Houses in the wake of the Jihad, the governing body of the Imperium. The Council consists of
Convention is maintained by the tripartite powers of the members and delegates from every Great House, all of
Emperor, the Great Houses of the Landsraad, and the whom remain formally bound to obey the edicts and
Spacing Guild. The Convention also details the structure laws set forth by the Great Convention. With the
and formation of the Imperial CHOAM Company, the chief Padishah Emperorat its head, the Council enacts resolu-
development and economic instrument of both the tions, disperses aid and other funding, initiates Imperial
Emperor and the Great Houses. It is no wonder, then, that programs and projects, and hears grievances from its
most modern Imperial scholars look to this document as a members. While the Emperor is not required to abide by
kind of blueprint for the reunited Imperium. In its pages the decisions of the Council, the awesome power of the
can be found the social and cultural mores that would Landsraad in the modern Imperium means that he will
guide an empire for ten thousand years. usually act in accordance with the body's wishes.
Landsraad memberships carry numerous rewards.
Members Houses gain voting participation on Imperial
The Great Convention referendums, a direct voice in Imperial affairs, and ongo-
Founded in the years following the Great Revolt, the ing support in the form of diplomatic, legal, military, or
Convention defines House rights and obligations, and economic aid. In return, member Houses must abide by
sets forth the intricate hierarchies and relationships that the decisions of the Landsraad and its representatives,
perpetuate the Order of the Fau freluches. It also serves to keeping their affairs and their retinues in obeisance of
formally establish the organization of the Imperium, lay- the Great Convention, the Guild Peace and Rights of
ing out the structure of the Landsraad High Council, the Kanly. They must also provide both financial and person-
Rightsof Succession , and the Articles of Kanly. nel support to the Emperor.
The rules of the Convention were primarily designed to In addition to the legal and political intricacies at
minimize human casualties during periods of vendetta or work beneath the surface of the Landsraad structure, the
open House warfare. Mandated in part to prevent whole- Guild Peace places additional economic restrictionson
sale slaughters such as those which occurred during the warfare among Houses. Since all military transport is
Jihad, each commandment of the Convention begins, "The arranged through the Guild, the Guild can effectively
forms must be obeyed..." The Convention's primary direc- stop a campaign before it begins. The Guild Peace also
tive remains the most important: thatno atomics shall be sanctions the Spacing Guild to use financial deterrents to
directed against human targets. The consequences of quell upstart Houses; such deterrents include prohibitive
Convention violation differ according to the severity of the transport rates, broad commercial embargoes, and mate-
offense; such punishment can range from the sanctioned rial confiscation or extortion.
destruction of the House by the combined Landsraad The Great Convention prevents any House from tak-
membership, to loss of title, holdings, or caste. ing direct retributive action against the Guild; Tupile
The Articles of Kanly are those portions of the Great itself is protected by the Guild Peace. Although its loca-
Convention dealing specifically with vendettas among tion remains a carefully guarded secret, no House would
individual nobles and their families . The Articles support dare move against the Guild homeworld. It sanctity is
three different forms for the legal settlement of such dis- inviolate. While the Guild rarely involves itself directly in
putes-Kanly Negotiation , Formal Duels, and the War of such matters, its ultimate agenda remains a mystery to
Assassins. Kanly Negotiation remains the preferred the Houses, and a Guild interdiction can ruin a House
method of settlement; including such options as mar- more surely than enemy troops ever could.
riage, ransom, political hostages, and financial or legal
remuneration, such negotiations result in a peaceful reso-
lution to a dispute. The CHOAM Company
Formal duels and Wars of Assassins, while rare in the Established by the Great Convention as the Imperial
modern Imperium, still receive Imperial sanction from financial reserve, the CHOAM (an acronym for Combine
time to time. Such "open" forms of vendetta are largely Honette OberAdvancer Mercantiles) company also serves
self-explanatory. A formal duel involves personal combat as the principal development corporation within the
between two House members; such combat normally Imperium. With offices and representatives on nearly
everyworld and outpost, CHOAM and its countless sub- extensive participants in the commercial and mercantile
sidiaries reach into the daily livesof every Imperial citi- life of the Imperium. The Great Convention and the
zen. Since it is controlled by the Emperor and the Great CHOAJ\J! Company charter set forth the general parame-
Houses themselves (With the Guild and Bene Gesserit as ters for such commerce, regulating certain types of trade
silent partners), CHOAM's interests extend into every goods (weapons, technology, narcotics, etc.), establishing
conceivable area of production, research, and develop- the standard transport rates found in the Guild Shipping
ment. From the gas mines of Avara to the wilderness pre- Contract, and generally monitoring the Widespread
serves on Ecaz, from petrochemicals on Giedi Prime to exchange of goods and services within the Imperium.
vat-grown biologicals on Tleilax, the CHOAM banner is Individual Houses bear responsibility for regulating
an ever-present symbol of the all-encompassing nature of their own planetary marketplaces-i-certaln goods deemed
Imperial power. acceptable by the Guild or CHOAJ\J! may be banned by a
CHOAM control and influence permeates Imperial House or planetary Sysselraad in the common planetary
commerce and production. CHOAM representatives can or interstellar marketplace. Similarly, on some worlds
be found on homeworlds throughout the Known Universe, goods produced domestically may be banned by
overseeing the means of production and manufacturing on CHOAM but still deemed legal in the domestic or sys-
thousands of worlds. These representatives are responsible tem-wide marketplace. Obviously, such goods cannot be
for enforcing and setting production quotas, collecting legally transported out-system by the Guild.
tithes, debts and company fees, maintaining the balance A growing smuggler trade has become a prominent
of trade in assigned regions, and supporting or instituting feature in many systems in the latter-day Imperium. Such
official sanctions, bans or embargoes. Since they derive black market enterprises generally concentrate on plane-
their powerdirectly from the company's Board, such tary or system-Wide commerce, preferring to avoid the
agentsare considered untouchable by outside interests. added attention and difficulties of involving the Spacing
Most of the Great Houses control small interests in the Guild. These organizations bow to no law, and most
CHOAM Corporation, with the Emperor and a small hand- openly defy both the CHOAM Company charter and any
ful of powerful Houses retaining the controlling interest. local or domestic legal enforcement. It is rumored that
The CHOAM Board of Directors hold the economic fate of some of the boldest of these smugglers do traffic with the
the universe in their hands, and Board decisions reverber- Guild, but such rumors cannot be confirmed.
ate throughout the Known Universe, dictating the fates of The sanctioned unit of exchangewithin the Imperium
worlds. The Great Houses, including the House Imperial, remains the sotari, or sol. Once based on a convoluted
control approximately 60% of CHOAJ\J!, with an additional precious metals standard, since the establishment of the
6% held by various Houses Minor, and a final 34% con- Guild Bank safaris have been valued according to the
trolled by a number of silent partners (including the Bene current price of the spice-drug, melange, on the Imperial
Gesserit Sisterhood and the Spacing Guild). CHOAM Exchange. This sets up a rather unique system
CHOAM Directors enjoy enormous power, and seats of checks and balances, with the Guild controlling actual
on the CHOAM board remain one of the most coveted currency valuation and the Great Houses and the
Imperial appointments for any Great House. These seats Emperor controlling the price of the spice. If the preemi-
are allocated according to CHOAM ownership, and at nence of Arrakis was ever in doubt following the discov-
any time the Board represents a significant portion of the ery of the spice, that changed when the world became
company's overall House-controlled assets. With the the de facto center of Imperial currency valuation.
company'svirtual monopoly over the spice-drug On the floor of the CHOAM Exchange and within the
melange, among other things, its power serves as a signif- currency pools of the Guild Bank, stocks, notes and
icant counterbalance to the tremendous influence exert- vouchers change hands daily, representing billions of
ed by the Spacing Guild and the Guild Bank.The com- solaris in fiscal trade. In out-freyn societies and Imperial
plex relationship between these two Imperial economic backwaters, hard currency remains the tender of choice.
powersdemands cooperation where there mightother- On certain worlds, Houses and merchants still maintain
wise exist only conflict. the barter system, trading goods and services according to
an accepted Sol Face (or solariface value, as it is known).
While trade and commerce have become prevalent in
Commerce in the Imperium
this age of Guildtransport and communication, the stran-
In the modern Imperium, interplanetary and interstel- glehold enjoyed by CHOAM and the Guildover the spice
lar trade have both once again become commonplace. The ensures that modern enterprise is anything but free. Most
controlled economy of the Imperium makes the wholesale routes and deals are scrutinized by CHOAM or Guild rep-
exchange of goods and services a simple, if not particular- resentatives, and enterprising merchants or Houses must
ly exciting, matter. Most Great Houses have become satisfy their tribute to these powers above anything else.

Chapter II

of the
The chronicle of the Imperium-its history, laws and
customs-emerges as a collection of tales about each of
its ruling Houses. Lording over the myriad worlds of the
Imperium. the Federated Houses of the Landsraad rule the
ad Great Houses
Known Universe according to a feudalistic hierarchy Ho e Homeworld
headed by the Padishah Emperor and the Imperial Now; Argosa IV
household-House Corrino. Serving as the Emperor's Hou Caladan
vassals, the federated Houses assume their feudal sta- Hou DhoVar
tions as planetary governors. each ruling a homeworld in Hou Canid r Navascon
siridar fief, and participating in the govern ing assembly House Corrino Kaitan
called the Landsraad Council. Though the member Great Hou Desivine Gamont
Houses share in the Emperor 's noble heritage and politi- Hou D'murjzin Omrezhij
cal authority, not one of them rivals the power of the House Dyvetz III Septimus
lmperial House . Only in their combined strength do the House Ebee Nitzevine
Federated Houses of the Landsraad counter-balance House Fazeel Sutanae
the Emperor's immense political, economic and mili- House Harkonnen Giedi Prime
tary might. House Hurata Poritrin
House Imota Zeitral
House Jongleur longleur
Role of the Great Houses House Iordanaan Lybrium
First among the Emperor's sub jects, the noble fami- House Khirmae Francgammon
lies who rule the Great Houses each bear the respon- House l.azo Milius Prime
sibility of ruling one or more planets under the aegis House Luzurenne Vintershein
of the Golden Lion Throne. In return for their noble House Marcion Perdus
titles and planetary hold ings, the Great Houses owe House Moritani Grumman
fealty to the Emperor and homage to the throne, House Mutelli Faranz V
paid in the currency of monetary tithes and military House O'Garee Hagal
conscripts. As due compensation. the Great House Olin RispVII
Houses enjoy political representation in the House Pantherin Daranglo
Landsraad Council, and share in the profits of House Richese Richese
the universal development corporation known as House Sor IV Anbus
the CHOAM Company. Controlled by the House Teranos Golumina
Emperor and the member Great Houses, these House Traveleyn Leere VI
time-honored institutions form the heart of House Tseida Sikun
Imperial civilization, establishing the forms and tra- House Varota Chusuk
ditions that regulate all political and economic House Vernius Ix
interchange. House Vidal Ecaz
House Wallach Wallach VII
House Wayku none (dispossessed)
- l.andsraad Membership
House Ysalamud Quistorahz
Linder the leadership of the Emperor, the
-e Landsraad Council admin isters the body of
r! Imperial laws dubbed the Great Convention. In
accordance with the ancient traditions fixed some
10,000 yea rs ago, the Houses of the Landsraad are forth by the Guild Peace , or observing the codified
charged with upholding its forms and enforcing its Articles of Kanly-the member Houses of the Landsraad
conventions. Whether adhering to the terms set must abide by the laws of the Great Conven tion . Failure
Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad
----l.':::;p::::;\-=;$isn;ili(~piii~~::r--- Landsraad tradition honors birthright and bloodline
above all material wealth or economic holdings.
In addition to legislating Imperial matters in the
Great Convention Landsraad Council , their membership obligates the
The Great Convention sets forth thebody of Imperial Great Houses to establish and maintain order within
Law by which all noble Houses must abide. It presents their native homeworld and planetary fiefs. Because
two comprehensive documents-the Guild Peace and the autonomy confers legal responsibility, most Houses
Articles of Kanly. See page 211 for more information. draft constitutions incorporating the spirit, if not the
1. Noted mainly for itsprohibition against theuse of letter, of the Great Convention. Such documents
House atomics, the Guild Peace serves as theuniversal invariably maintain the rigid caste-system of the
truce under which theGreat Houses conduct inter-House faufreluches, ensuring "a place for every man, and
conflict. Recognizing armed conflict as theultimate means every man in his place." Thus the Houses help to
for resolving long-lasting enmity, the Guild Peace estab- cement the social hierarchy that constitutes the basis
lishes thelawful forms for conducting warfare-placing for Imperial civilization and planetary rule .
bans on certain weapons, establishing formal initiation rit-
uals, and setting forth penalties for unlawfultransgres-
CHOAM Membership
2. Aiming to minimize human casualties and massive Chaired by the Emperor and an elect board of direc-
destruction, the Articles of Kanly encourage small-scale tors , the CHOAM Company (or Combine Honnete Ober
feuding over all-out warfare by sanctioning legal alterna- Advancer Mercantiles) controls all Imperial commerce
tives to military conflict. Namely, theArticles of Kanly and enterprise. The Great Houses hold ownership inter-
establish Formal Duels, Kanly Negotiations and Wars of est in the CHOAM Company, sharing in its regulation
Assassins as three alternates to mass warfare. The articles and profit. In addition to holder shares. most of the
cover each form at length, detailing itsformal declaration, Great Houses enjoy CHOAM entitlements, comprised of
ritual procedure and lawful consequences. "The forms mercantile charters and governing directorships. Such
must be obeyed ...." grants enable Houses to control production , manipulate
markets and make investments that contribute to the
welfare of CHOAM in addition to the House itself.
Of the Houses holding CHOAM charters and director-
to conform bears terrible consequences. and willful trans- ships, each must answer for production setbacks. quota
gression constitutes high treason-the most serious crime failures or trade deficits. As custodians the Great Houses
in the Imperium. As a member of the Landsraad, each bear full responsibility for CHOAM profits, and may lose
Great House enjoys one or more seats in that powerful their charters or directorships for abusive stewardship and
assembly-based largely on their planetary holdings and poor administration. Though embezzlement and kickbacks
political favor. While some of the wealthiest Houses have remain commonplace , mismanagement of CHOAM entitle-
leveraged additional influence throu~h CHOAM, the ments can result in serious fines or punitive measures.

House Characteristics
In addition to their Landsraad and
CHOAM obligations, the Great Houses
share certain characteristics-House legacy.
ruling ethos , family entourage, inter-House
relations and noble ancestry. While such
factors distinguish the Great Houses from
other political institutions, they also
accentuate the differences among the
Houses. revealing their unique cultural
and familial identities.

House Legacy
The chronicle of the Imperium
begins with the Great Houses. Older
than any other Imperial institution, the
Great Houses predate the Spacing
Guild and Bene Gesserit Sisterhood,
remembering times prior to the Butlerian Jihad. Living ---9~~~iii!~
relics born of antiquity, the Houses send their legacies
form a processional history, each generation bringing
new hope for evolution, each millennia revealing how lit-
Great House Titles
tle has changed. Lord (Noble Cousinel
For over 10,000 years, such existence chronicles Baronette (siridar governor)
Imperial history. Still clutching to their hoary traditions, Baron (siridar lord)
the Great Houses revel in their ancient heritage. From Viscount
generation to generation, the ruling patriarchs pass the Count / Earl
mantle of power from father to son, noble to heir, know- Marquess (Royal Cousinel
ing that each new successor engenders hope for the Duke
bloodline to survive. Emperor
For their legacy, successors inherit the planetary fief-
dorns, noble titles and CHOAM entitlements, treasures
greater than the most priceless of jewels or most valuable
of heirlooms. Only when Great Houses fall or their
bloodlines perish do the family holdings and noble titles
Noble Title
revert to the Emperor's charge. Thus the legacy of the
Houses defines their moment in history, each a unique Noble titles identify the scope and importance of the
story, one small part of the whole. family Holdings. If a House governs a slridar-duchy
then it will hold the title Duke (or siridar-Duke for for-
mal occasions). If it holds an additional fiefdom, such
Holdings as barony or quasi-fief, then titles such siridar-Baron or
Each Great House rules one siridar-fief as its native siridar-governor may also be claimed. In addition to its
homeworld, a whole planet over which the House lords highest titles, Great Houses also claim ownership of all
as sole and absolute authority. Houses may also govern the lesser titles bequeathed to the Houses Minor who
additional siridar fiefs as well as any number of lesser govern as their vassals . The Great Houses reserve titles
quasi-fiefs-planets governed by Imperial appointment, such as Magistrate, Chevalier and lord for the Houses
subject to Imperial regulation and retraction. Nearly of Minor who rule portions of their fiefdoms at their com-
equal importance, CHOMv! entitlements, such as inter- mand.
minable charters and irrevocable directorships, constitute
a major portion of a House's holdings.
House Ethos
What stamp each House leaves on history results
largely from their ruling ethos. Embracing a plethora of
ideologies, agendas and ruling tendencies, the Great
House Holdings Houses gain much of their identity from their individual
Fiefs (Planetary holdings) mystique. Whether a House becomes renowned for just
Siridar Fief (Earldom, Barony, Marquisate, Duchy) governance, venerated for honor or reviled for tyranny
Quasi-fief (Fief-complete orSiridar governorship) depends on its ethos. Considering the immense responsi-
Subfief (Governorship, usually under a siridar-Caid) bility that a House bears for its subject, House ethos
Fee (a Familial holding) often draws the line between the famous and infamous,
serving as a hallmark of the individual House.
Charters (Mercantile holdings)
Industrial Contracts (Whale-fur market, Plasteel Foundries)
Commercial Enterprises (MiniaturizationTechnologies,
Imperial Foundations)
Trade Accords (Lasgun Exports, Commodity Markets)
House Ethos & Culture
Pioneering & Colonization (Planetological surveying, Gas
Mining) House Ethos
Some Houses live in the past, reveling and honoring
Directorships (CHOAM titles) their glorious ancestors and trying to live up totheirexam-
Irrevocable Directorship ple. Others subscribe toa particular religious belief, and
Appointed Directorship try to rule in accordance with the Orange Catholic Bible
Inherited Directorship orother religious teachings as closely as possible. Many
Houses observe no such ideologies but rather focus on
achieving greater power and glory for themselves. These

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad
Houses train theiryoungto be fierce competitors andare
usually among the most crafty and poweriul Houses in the
House Entourage
Culture Immediate household
Houses resemble nations more than traditional, obleman, head of noble House
nuclear families. Some Great Houses hold their fiefs for Heir-Designate, sanctioned successor to House legacy
hundreds of generations, sometimesenduring for millen- lady, wife of House obleman
nia. Over such long periods oftime, House andcivilian Heir, noble family members eligible to inherit House titles
cultures intermingle to theextent that they become some- and holdings
thing quite unique inthe Imperium. Many Houses develop Bound-Concubine, legal mistress of lord, capable ofpro-
theirown languages, social customs, festivals, andmoral ducing heir offspring
teachings, evolved from theintermarriage ofdiverse cus- Concubine, illegitimate mistress, incapable ofproducing
toms. For the most part theindividual culture descends heirs
from theGreat House & Houses Minor, butsometimes the Demi-progeny Ideml-brothers, demi-sisters), illegitimate
common man influences thenobles aswell. The only stric- offspring. sometimes ineligible to inherit legacy
ture to such cultural evolution resides inthe Imperial man-
date to enforce thefaufreluches caste system. Extended Household
Members oftheRoyal Court
House CHOAM Advisor
House Mentat
Within the jurisdiction of their siridar holdings each House Swordmaster
House prevails as the autonomous source of law and House Quartermaster
order. House Law governs everything within their plane- House Wam1aster
tary domain, from commerce to citizenship, from misde- House Security Commander
meanors to capital crimes. Laws vary tremendously House Sp master
from planet to planet, resulting from the divergent ten- House Weapon Master
dencies and ethos of the governing Houses. Master ofAssassin
Master Statesman
House Entourage
To govern their holdings and subjectswell requires each
House to employ a competent and diversified entourage.
House Relations
The House entourage includes the immediate kin of the rul-
ingfamily and its innermost circle of household retainers. As members of the Landsraad Councilor CHOAM
More removed, the extended entourage encompasses the board of directors, the Great Houses interact on numer-
entire body of household retainers, the governing staffand ous fronts, establishing historical relationships among
the Houses Minor. their allies and rivals. Though the Great Convention
exists to foster peace among the Houses, inter-House
; ~--=1-_-1
~j=~::::::r---- warfare remains the traditional, if not inevitable, means
for resolving long-standing enmity between adversaries.
Yet political necessity dictates that the Houses cooperate,
Faufreluches Caste System settlingtheir differences to find common ground.
Caste ame le\'el Description
Regis-Familia S Emperor, Great House nobility,
Hous es Minor
House Minor nobility, RO'il1
Court Each of the Great Houses takes pride in its noble her-
'a-Familia 4 I amed famil , Household vas- itage and ancestral bloodline. Typically the ruling House
sals, Imperial citizens can trace its genealogy to the Imperial dynasty, while their
Bondsman 3 Bonded professionals, landed lesser kindred, the lords and ladies of the Houses Minor,
merchants share more distant ties to the royal family by virtue of the
1')'011 2 Bonded laborers, landed peasants lineage they share with their patron Great House.
Maula 1 Slaves, Outlaws, Criminals Because the survival of a House depends upon the
See Chaper 11, page 213 for more information. preservation of its bloodline, noble households treat their
lesser kindred as extended fam ily, favoring them with
titles and entrusting them with lesser planetary holdings.
In the event the Great House should ever be deprived of
an heir, the worthiest of the Houses Minor could-upon assistance, the Houses Minor owe tribute to their ruling
the Emperor's decree-ascend as the House successor, House, paid in the form of tithesand military conscripts just
inheriting the familial name in addition to the House's as the Great Houses supportthe Imperial House.
aggregate holdings and titles. Of the Houses Minor who
serve each Great House, three of the most prominent
families are listed. House Minor Characteristics
The Houses Minoralso share characteristics similar to
their Great House idols. While the body of Houses
House Descriptions descended from a given Great House bear closersimilarity
to one another than they do to those under another Great
Governing the myriad planets of the vast Imperium, House, even minorhouseholds reveal substantial differ-
the Great Houses of the Landsraad number in the thou- ences among their shared characteristics.
sands-impossible to detail and impractical to list. The
following families represent six of the mightiest Great
House Leg8cy
Houses. Each is described in terms of its House Legacy,
prevailing Ethos, family Entourage and inter-House The legacy of the Houses Minor invariably results from
Relations. Each description also features three Houses their noble heritage. Sharing the same bloodas their patron
Minor, one bearing complete numerical statistics as Great Houses, Houses Minor inherit lesser ancestry, hold-
needed for play. For a more complete listingof some of ings and titles. These they pass along from generation to
the other Great Houses, see the chart "Landsraad Great generation within their family bloodline, continuing the tra-
Houses," page 25. Each of the six Great Houses is fur- dition established by the Great Houses.
ther defined in "Chapter 14," pages 257 to 265. In addi-
tion, watch for the forthcoming game supplement
House Ancestry
Federated Houses of the Landsraad for more information
about these and other powerful noble families. Most Houses Minor trace their bloodlines to one of
the Great Houses of the Landsraad. From their House
ancestry, Houses Minor trace their family lineage to an
Houses Minor original progenitor, or common ancestor who is consid-
ered the founder of their line. Genealogical descent from
Scions of the Great Houses, the Houses Minor serve the mother's family is called distaff, or maternal lineage.
their patrons in much the same manner as the Great Ancestry traced back to the father's family yields paternal
Houses serve the Imperium. Ruling holdings and titles lineage, called spear lineage. Regardless of the type of
delegated by their Great Houses, the Houses Minor gov- heritage they share, Houses Minor all claim blood rela-
ern subfiefs of their parent homeworld and manage sub- tion and noble birth as a result of their Great House
sidiaries of their sponsor's CHOAM industries. Whereas ancestry.
the Great Houses abide the Great Convention and assem- (continues on page 42)
ble before the Emperor in the Landsraad
Council, Houses Minoranswerto House law,
congregating in the planetarySysselraad.
And like their noble kin, the Houses
Minor fight and squabble amongst them-
selves, vying to rise above their peers
and bring their households to greatness.
The role of the Houses Minor is
twofold-serving their Great House by
governing subfiefs, and managing sub-
sidiary industries guided by House eco-
nomic policy. While the burden of admin-
istrating entireplanets and major
CHOAM industries falls upon the Great
Houses, much of the day-to-day, routine
management filters down to the Houses
Minor. Fortunately, the feudal hierarchy
subordinating the vassal Houses to their
patron House entitles them to economic,
political and military assistance as their
liege is able to give. In return for such

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

Atreides Profile
Noble lilies:Siridar Dukes ofCaladan
Houses Minor: House Demios, House Parthenope,
and House Spiridon
House Holdings: Caladan (Siridar Duchy)

Atreides House Minor-House Demios

Most closely related of the Houses Minor,
House Demios traces itsspearlineage back
to the pre-Caladanan era. House Demios is
favored by the Atreides for itsstrident politi-
cal support and deft statesmanship. Of
those tools of statecraft held within
itsarsenal, House Demios special-
izes in political intrigue and adroit

Demios Profile
Name: Demios
Ancestry: Atreides
Homeworld: Caladan
Title: 3 (Regent-Governor)
Fiefdom: 2 (Free City)
Renown: 1
Assets: 10
Attributes (House Favorite archetype)
Status: 3
Favor +1
Wealth: 2
Influence: 3
Popularity -1
Security: 2

Atreides House Minor-

House Parthenope
The eldest ofthe Houses Minor, House
Parthenope has served House Atreides for
nearly 1800 generations, tracing its ancestry
through thedistaff side ofthefamily. Known for its
amassed influence and popularity within the
Sysselraad, the Parthenope family exercises extreme
caution to thepoint of reactionary conservatism.

Atreides House Minor-House Spiridon

Climbing in popularity, House Spiridon presents thetalons
oftheAtreides warbird. Sponsoring a military academy, House
Spiridon trains cadres ofthefinest soldiers andmilitary commanders to be found on
the planet Caladan.
purchased from the Bene Gesserit Mother School on
Wallach IX, graces Castle Caladan as the Duke's bound
House Atreides concubine and mother of the ducal heir-the young
Long venerated for its honorable conduct and pursuit Paul Atreides. In military matters the Duke relies not
of justice , House Atreides exemplifies the noble traditions only on Thufir Hawat, but also on two valorous souls-
and high ideals upon which the Great Convention and the troubadour-warrior Gurney Halleck, and Duncan
Landsraad are founded. House Atreides has faithfully Idaho, legendary Swordmaster of the Ginaz School.
served the Imperium for some ten thousand years, build - Rescued from the Harkonnen slave pits on Giedi Prime ,
ing its considerable reputation over millennia of proven Gurney Halleck repays his debt serving as Atreides
leadership, unyielding courage, and steadfast morality. Warmaster and House minstrel. Sharing Gurn ey's
hatred of the Harkonnens, Duncan Idaho pledges his
military expertise and legendary swordmanship, serving
House Legacy
Ho use Atreides as one of the finest duelists in the
More than once an Atreides nobleman has boasted Known Unive rse. And not to be overlooked, Dr.
descent from the mythical House of Atreus named in Wellington Yueh, a Suk grad uate of the Inner School ,
ancient Terran legends; bu t such prideful jests hardly serves as House Physician and scientific advisor for
diminish the noble an cestry of the vene rable Atreides House Atreides .
bloodline. Their progenitor being a distaff cousin to the
Emperor Sarda I and a Bashar of the Corps serving in the
House Relations
Imperial fleet, House Atreides has proven its loyalty on
many occasions, earning numerous Imperial titles and House Corrino - The Golden Lion Throne must be
holdings. Having governed the siridar-duchy of Caladan preserved, though the Padishah Emperor needs to reform
now for some twenty-six generations, the Atreides seem his policies if he's to rule with the consent of the gov-
content to rule over Caladan as their adopted home- erned.
world. House Harkonnen - The Harkonnens are perverse
animals-nothing more . In time , their unbridled lust for
power will once again prove their undoi ng.
House Ethos
House Moritani - Though responsi ble for the
Now led by Duke Leto Atreides, oft du bbed Duke destruction of our former allies House Ginaz , the
Leto the Just , House Atreides stands as the informal Moritani are unwitting pawns in a greater game.
spokesman for the federated Houses of the Landsraad. House Tseida - We admire their legal acumen and
Revered by the lesser members as a staunch supporter of diplomatic grace. In the past they have served our allies,
House rights, House Atreides enjoys great popularity by and we're happy to act as their proxy in the Landraad
maintaining its reputa tion as a champion of reformation Hall of Oration.
within the Landsraad High Council. House Wallach - The strongest of our rema ining
Though not one of the wealthier Houses, House allies , House Wallach shares many of our traditions and
Atreides wields considerable political influence as a supports our struggle against tyrannical abu se of power.
result of its noble titles and benevolent ideology. Because
it contends that personal honor, just governance , and
conven tional morality are traits to be prized above all
othe rs, House Atreides lays an attractive hearth around
which many Houses assemble. While detractors of House
Atreides argue that its ideals show signs of tarnish and its
methods grow brittle with age, few deny that the Atreides
hone sincerity to a fine edge-pledging loyalty for loyalty-
and paying such debts from coffersof seemingly infinite

House Entourage
Son of Duke Paulus Atreides-whose spectacular
demise in the corrida has become legend among the
Atreides subjects-and Lady Helena of Richese, Duke
Leto Atreides stands as the titular head of House
Atreides. His Mentat and Master of Assassins Thufir
Hawat serves at his side , ente ring a second generation
of service to House Atreides . The La dy Jessica, an adept

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

Corrina Profile
Noble TItles: Padishah Emperor, Siridar-rulers of Salusa
Secundus and Kaitain
Houses Minor: House Aingeru, House Evangelos, and
House Schiavonna
House Holdings: Kaitain (Imperial Seat) and
Salusa Secundus
Corrina House Minor-House Aingeru
The perennial favorite of theCorrino, House
Aingeru claims spear lineage dating back to
Salusa Secundus. Considered to be the Champion
of theGolden Lion Throne, House Aingeru
embraces a strict military doctrine inherited from
theirtraditional servitude among the

Padishah's Sardaukar legions.

Aingeru Profile
Name: Aingeru
., .~
Ancestry: Corri no
Homeworld: Kaitain
Title: 2 (Governor)
Fiefdom: 2 (FreeCity)
Renown: 1
Assets: 11
Attributes (House Defender archetype)
Status: 3
Wealth: 2
Holdings -1
Influence: 2
Security: 3
Military +1

Corrina House Minor-

House Evangelos
A distaff linedescended from an illegiti-
mate son of Elrood II, House Evangelos isthe
most withdrawn and secretive of theCorrino
Houses Minor. Specializing in erudite knowl-
edge, House Evangelos serves from the shadows,
striking fear intothe hearts of itsenemies.

Corrina House Minor-House Schiavonna

Splintered from the legionnaire's Order ofthe Lion,
House Schiavonna owes itsnoble status to itsprogenitor
Valdeshar I, exalted formilitary genius. Unpopular in the
Sysselraad, House Schiavonna favors returning the Imperial seat to
Salusa, fearing the Sardaukar grow soft in the absence of a strong
supreme commander.
House Entourage
House Corrino Directly descended from Sarda I, Padishah Emperor
For more than 10,000 years, House Corrino has ruled Shaddam IV rules the Imperium in House Carrino's
the Known Universe from its Golden Lion Throne situat- name. Succeeding Elrood IX who succumbed to chau-
ed at first on Salusa Secundus, and later on the Imperial murky (poisoned drink), Shaddam IV is assisted by a for-
homeworld Kaitain. Sarda I established himself as the midable council of noble delegates from the Corrino
first of the Padishah Emperors-a dynasty continued by Houses Minor. Among them, Count Hasimir Fenring-
the Imperial House, taking the name 'Carrino' upon product of the Bene Gesserit breeding program and leg-
Sarda's coronation. Still backed by its dreaded legions of endary swordsman-serves the Imperium as Shaddam's
Sardaukar fanatics, the military might of House Corrino closest friend. While the Count's wife Lady Margot faith-
remains the key to its power. But over the millennia fully serves the Sisterhood, she accompanies the Count
House Corrino has fortified its sovereignty by amassing on most missions of import, and currently resides on
vast holdings, negotiating artful diplomatic treaties, and Arrakis where her Count serves as Imperial ambassador.
establishing firm control of the CHOAM Company. The Emperor's Truthsayer, Reverend Mother Gaius Helen
Mohiarn, also owes her allegiance to the Sisterhood, as
do the Emperor's five daughters, Irulan, Chalice,
House Legacy
Wensicia, Iosifa and Rugi. Shaddam's wife Anirul died a
Head of the Landsraad High Council and inter- few years hence, leaving him without any legal sons from
minable chairman of the CHOAM Company, the which to designate a royal heir. Rumors supported by the
Padishah Emperor commands such might that his official heavy impregnation of the Corrino entourage with Bene
duties overshadow his role as leader of House Corrino. Gesserit agents, suggest Anirul denied Shaddam a son at the
Often his responsibilities demand he put the interests of command of the Sisterhood, whom she apparently servedas
the Imperium before those of his House, inevitably caus- a Sister of Hidden Rank.
ing strife and conflict among the Corrino Houses Minor.
Though the same holds true for most Great Houses, so
House Relations
alluring is the promise of the Imperial throne that House
Corrino suffers more insurrection and in-fighting than House Atreides - We admire the Atreides, but regret
any other Great House. In their private journals, more the political necessities that make us enemies. Of all the
than one Emperor has lamented the notion that instead Houses, they've become our most ardent detractors.
of greatness and riches, internal conflict and self-preda- House Harkonnen - The Harkonnens move too
tion have become the true legacy of House Corrina. boldly for our liking, but they unwittingly serve our
greater interests. We indulge them in their audacity.
House Moritani - Their allegiance more assured than
House Ethos
the Harkonnens', the Moritani have proven reliable agents
Both envied and feared by the Great Houses of the in undermining the Atreides' Landsraad support.
Landsraad, House Corrino rules the Imperium with a House Tseida - We are not fooled by the Tseidan
deliberate and purposeful hand. Though as quick to facade . Theirs is a meddlesome House with hands in too
anger as any great lord, the Padishah Emperors have per- many pockets when they should be pulling strings.
fected the art of statecraft, exercising patience, tolerance House Wallach - Retired to his books, the Baron Von
and even beneficence to quell impending conflict or pre- Wallach presents no immediate threat. His antiquated views
empt political discontent. However, such regal magna- and Sardaukarindoctrination provide the leash to guide
nimity always carries with it the implicit threat of vio- him.
lence, a subtle reminder of the real power behind the
Emperor's will and authority.
Proclaiming "law is the ultimate science" as its mani-
festo, House Corrino militarily enforces its will only as a
last resort. Nonetheless, it keeps its fanatic legions of
Sardaukar at the ready, and continues to supplement its
militia with the obligatory conscripts required from each
of the Landsraad Houses. In addition, House Corrino's
intelligence network stands without equal, infiltrating
nearly every homeworld within the Known Universe.
With such resources at its command, House Corrino
remains invulnerable to external assault, historically
finding its greatest threats to originate from within the
ranks of its own nobility.

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

llarkormen Profile
NobleTitles: Siridar Baron of Giedi Prime, Siridar Governor of
Houses Minor: House Ivilonette, House Ruymandiaz,
and House Truscantos
House Holdings: Giedi Prime (Siridar Barony),
Arra kis (Siridar Governorship)

H arkonnen H o use Minor-

Hou se Ivil on ette
Deviously clever, House Ivilonette enjoys the
epithet"villainsof Narsai re". Of piratical heritage,
the Ivilonette lead the mercantile Houses Minor
in wealth and favor, distributingcontraband
and illegal goods in return for favors
within theSysselraad.

Ivil on ette Profile

Name: Ivilonette
Ancestry: Harkonnen
Homeworld: Giedi Prime
Title: 2 (Governor)
Fiefdom: 3 (Territory)
Renown: 1
Assets: 10
Attributes (House Pretender archetype)
Status: 2
Favor: -1
Wealth: 3
Holdings +1
Influence: 3
Popularity +1
Authority -1
Security: 2

Harkonnen Hou se Minor-

House Ruyrnan di az
Brashest of Houses Minor, House
Ruymandiaz traces para llel ancestry to thefamily
Rabban, emulatingtheir penchant forbrutal
oppression. Feared for its military prowess andfavor -1
with the Baron, House Ruymandiaz enjoys its reputa-
tion as House defender.

Harkonnen House Minor-H o use Tru sc ant o s

An ancient family, House Truscantosmaster the artof politi-
cal intrigue. Risen from thevaunted Cantosaar Assassins' Guild,
House Truscantos has relinquished thestalker's ways to perfect their
skills in thesubtle craft of statesmanship.
Unabashed, House Harkonnen is proudof its opprobri-
ous success, perhaps madecallous from its many years of
House Harkonnen inglorious exile. They embrace the ideology of the carnivore,
The antithesis of House Atreides, the name accepting the natural orderof predator and prey. While this
Harkonnen is reviled throughout the Imperium for its philosophy makes them unpopular in the Landsraad, they
tyrannical brutality and flagrant contempt for the high accept condemnation from the "lesser beasts who flock
traditions of the Landsraad. Spurned by the assembled together for their mutual protection." Nonplussed by their
Houses for an act of cowardiceat the Battle of Corrin, censure, House Harkonnen aims to cut them from the herd,
House Harkonnen fled into exile upon decree of Emperor permitting no shepherd. especially the damnable Atreides
Sarda I. After nearly a millenniaof disgrace and hard- Duke, to thwart them in their return to the top of the politi-
ship, the Harkonnens earned pardon for its crimes and cal food chain.
began building a dynasty from the ruins of its ignominy.
House Entoumge
House Leg8cy
A man of megalomaniacal delusion and insatiable
Through deft manipulation of the whale-fur market appetite, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen rules House
and careful investment in other luxury markets, the lords Harkonnen with a clenched and brutal fist. At his side
Harkonnen methodically increased their station to Great stands the twisted Mentat Piter de Vries, a sadistic killer and
House status, achieving a siridar-barony on Giedi Prime accomplished assassin. Though the Baron's deviant perver-
as fi nal recogn ition of their economic prowess. sions leave himwithout a direct heir, his young nephew
Grudgingly acceded by the Landsraad council, readmis- Glossu Rabban , former Count of Lankivell, now serves him
sion brought House Harkonnen once again within strik- as regent-governor of Arrakis. While the handsome Feyd-
ing distance of their ancient enemies-the House Rautha is yet too young to be designated heir, he shows
Atreides who were directly responsible for their banish- amazing potential and seems the perfect candidate for con-
ment so many millennia ago. The Harkonnens have not tinuingthe Baron's designs to claim the Golden Lion Throne
forgotten the shame suffered by their progenitor Bashar for House Harkonnen.
Abulurd Harkonnen, unjustly accused by the Atreides,
self-styled heroes of Corrin. But the Harkonnens learned House Relations
patience in their years of exile, and secretly anticipate
the day their vengeance upon the Atreides will be com- House Atreides - Though we must crush our ancient
plete. enemies, our vengeance will taste sweeter if Duke realizes
Driven by their hatred and yearning for revenge, the fate of his line before he meets his mortal maker.
House Harkonnen initiated a voracious campaign to Hous e Corrino - We conspire with the Emperor, let-
increase their strength. Having established a power-base ting him believe it is we who serve in removing the Atreides
on their heavily polluted and overly exploited homeworld threat. But in the end, a Harkonnen will control the throne.
of Giedi Prime, the Harkonnens chose Arrakis- source of Hou se Moritani - Able schemers are the Moritani, but
melange, the most precious commodity in the universe- their vision is limited to pettygains. Their defeat of the
as their most ambitious project. Years of diligent enter- Ginaz hurt the Atreides, so we count them as allies.
prise paid offwhen the Emperor and CHOAM Company Hou se Tseida - TheTseida are too disinterested to be
awarded the siridar governorship of Arrakis to House trusted. Their strange ways rankle of conspiracy. In discover-
Harkonnen. And in the fifty odd years of their control, ing their secrets, we'll find theirweakness.
the Harkonnens have pleased the Emperor by plundering Ho us e Wallach - This "noble" House deserves noth-
Arrakis of its spice, meeting CHOAM's ever-increasing ing but contempt. Like the Atreides whom they support,
quotas while still managing to secretly stockpile a hoard we'll bring them to their knees.
of wealth unimagined by its fellow Landsraad Houses.

House Ethos
Directed by the nefarious Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, a
grossly corpulent tyrant notorious for his perversion and
cunning, House Harkonnen exploits its immense power and
wealth to make bold and daring gains. Committingthe worst
abuses and enacting the most vile of practices, the
Harkonnens mercilessly drive their subjects, oppress their
territories, and defile their titles, inspiring fear and loathing
among the majority of the other Great Houses.

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

Moritani Profile
NobleTitles: Siridar-Governor of Grumman and Count of the
Houses Minor: House Laurentii, House Kazimierz, and
House Prinzporio
House Holdings: Grumman

Moritani House Minor-House Laurentii

Greatest proponent of theyoung na-Count,
House Laurentii governs the Irbasan steppes,
wilderness preserve for the primal saber-tooth
tigers employed by the Bhotani assassins longago.
Since the revival theirBhotani ways, House
Laurentii's fiscal prospects have improved dra-

laurentii Profile
Name: Laurentii
Ancestry: Moritani
Homeworld: Grumman
Title: 3 (Regent-Governor)
Fiefdom: 3 (Territory)
Renown: 1
Assets: 9
Attributes: (House Defender archetype)
Status: 3
Wealth: 2
Holdings -1
Influence: 2
Security: 3
Intelligence +1

Moritani House Minor-

House Kazirnierz
House Kazimierz-ardent supporter of
theMoritani-Ginaz war-now suffers neglect
in thecourt of the head-strong young na-
Count. Having heard whispers of the
na-Count's interest in resurrecting the Bhotani
order of assassins, House Kazimierz fears the
days of itsown Indrin school are numbered.

Moritani House Minor-House Prinzporio

A merchant House Minor specializing in legal vices,
House Prinzporio manages nearly one twelfth of all Moritani
commercial contracts. Operating from itsfamily owned spaceport
near Fal-Dansken, the Prinzporio household controls enormous
wealth, brokering favors among the other Houses Minor to increase its
ever-growing enterprise.
of self-promotion or a sincere resurrection of their Bhotani
heritage, such acts mayturn their supporters against House
House Morit.ani Moritani should further evidence manifest itself.
Descended from the ancient Bhotani assassins-merce-
nary killers employed during the earlywars of assassins-
House Entourage
House Moritani climbed to eminence somesix millennia
ago, risen under the auspicesof a bloody moon. The fore- Son of the crazedCount Ferdinand, the na-Count Tycho
runners in a political battle to determine the successors of di Moritani nowpresides overall household affairs. Advised
House D'artanna, House Moritani narrowly escaped a by Delbreth Umbrico, his father's aging Swordmaster-
Process Verbal several months aftertheir inauguration, Mentat, young Tycho broodsin council awaiting the day his
when House Ginaz brought a Bill of Particulars before the father eitherabdicates office or succumbs to chronic mad-
Landsraad Council. Ofall the charges, the mostdamning ness. His mother, the Bene Gesserit-trained Lady Redolyn
alleged the Moritani responsible for the false Suk, Reginald has proven instrumental in wresting much of Ferdinand's
Demian, blamedfor the rash of deaths wiping out the entire power, entrusting all Landsraad affairs to the na-Count.
D'artanna family within a span of a single year. Because Tycho's third influence answers to the name Paimon
Demian escapedarrest, the Bill of Particulars lacked suffi- Pradisek, a tall, swarthy monolith eternally stooping overhis
cientconviction to bring the matter to trial. To this day, the lordship to whisper into the young master's ear. Obviously
mostcomplete, though largely fantastic accountappears in distrusted by both Delbreth and Redolyn, Paimon officiously
the popular drama "Diamond Reggie," recounting the tragic rebukes his detractors. He reminds them his was the first
tale of D'artanna'sdefeat and the Moritani's rise to power. appointment Tycho made of his own recognizance, a fact
that should be of special interest to those who wish to
remain in the lord's goodgraces. Witnessing such exchanges
House Leg~cy
from the shadows, Valdemar and Eguski-Tycho's fickle
Forthe personal grudge they harbored against the Ginaz, deml-sisters-s-observe the proceedings with apparent dis-
House Moritani sought retribution for their defamation. After pleasure, all too aware that should some mishap befall the
scores of private skirmishes and clandestine intrigues, the na-Count one of them would be eligible to marry and con-
current Emperor Shaddam IV sanctioned an official War of ceive the heir to the Moritani household.
Assassins, finally granting the Moritani their revenge. In a
relatively short span of time, House Moritani succeeded in
House Rel~tions
routing their ancient rivals, forcing the remaining Ginaz loy-
alists to flee Grumman-either seeking refuge on Tupile or House Atreides - Friends of our enemies, the Atreides
enlisting with other Houseswho owed social debts to the remain too powerful to opposeopenly. We must tread with
Ginaz family. caution.
House Corrino - We appreciate the Emperor's non-
interference in our war against the Ginaz. Yet we remain
House Ethos
waryof his underlying motives.
Though the Moritani's history runs blackwith treachery, House Harkonnen - The Harkonnens are a great
its ideals seem no more malevolent than the other Great power within the Imperium. Though daring what we dare
Houses. Seeking prosperity through the customary political, not, we learn from them what we may.
economic and military avenues, House Moritanl balances its House Tseid a - Our arrangement with the Tseida
approach to planetary governance. Since its recent victory prove our salvation if everwe need to defendour House
over House Ginaz, the Moritani nowseem focused on inter- projects against Landsraad opposition.
nal development, devoting their attention to healing the House Wallach - Knowing that they consort with the
wounds left by the war. Though possibly an attempt to dis- Sisterhood may provide the lever to move their planet.
engage from political controversy, most of the Great Houses
hope the Moritani feel vindicated, having finally vanquished
their longstanding enemies.
Now enjoying unopposed rule overtheir homeworld
Grumman, House Moritani strives to fill the void of purpose
left from victory overtheir foes. In recentyears, Imperial
agents report an increase in military and security exercises
on planet, though the nature of the maneuvers seem bent
toward planetary defense and civil control. Butmore dis-
turbing intelligence suggests the Moritani have revived sev-
eral ancient training schools, including the Fraternus Electi,
a secret orderof assassins nowbased within the compound
of the ancient monestery of Dur. Whethersimply a measure

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

Tseida Profile
Noble Titles: Siridar-Marquisate of Sikun, Marquis de Tseida
Houses Minor: House lkeni, House Sunnivas, and House
House Holdings: Sikun (siridar fief

Tseida House Minor-House Ikeni

House Ikeni acts as thesole legal rep-
resentatives of theTseidan royal family.
Specializing in Imperial law as it pertains to
thegovernment of Houses and theconduct of
landed nobility, House Ikini truly serves as the
defenders of theTseidan name.

Ikeni Profile
Name: Ikeni
Ancestry: Tseida
Homeworld: Sikun
Title: 2 (Governor)
Fiefdom: 2 (Free City)
Renown: 1
Assets: 11
Attributes (House Defender archetype)
Status: 3
Wealth: 2
Holdings -1
Influence: 2
Security: 3
Intelligence +1

Tseida House Minor-

House Sunnivas
A fanatical supporter of theButlerian
Jihad, the forebears of House Sunnivas
once ruled Sikun under an oppressive theo-
cratic regime. The noble family founded
the Sunnivas Academy-specializing in the
Butlerian strictures-and was reinstated as its
controlling House Minor in theseventh millenni-

Tseida House Minor-House Wyrkiru

Acting in secret partnership with theGuild, House
Wyrkiru often acts as a liaison, translating thecomplicat-
ed terms of theGuild'stransport contracts into layterms. In
addition to handling much of the legal documentation and
bureaucratic legwork, House Wyrkiru also acts in a limited capacity
as legal consultants, registrars of disputes or arbiters of claims, subject
to thevarious terms of theiragreement with various clients.
profits from all forms of legal representation-from criminal
proceedings and kanly diputes to spacing violations and
House Tseida Butlerian infractions. While its isolationist tendencies and
The least conventional of the Great Houses, the House exotic cultural identity give its detractors plenty of fodder for
of the Phoenix presents an enigmatic history and isolationist ridicule, House Tseida conducts all of its affairs with stately
facade which few of the other Houses can truly understand. diplomacy and consummate detail, ever mindful of their
Descended from staunch supporters of the Butlerian Jihad, public perception and self-created mystique.
House Tseida arose from a fanatical theocratic regime (led
by House Sunnivas) early in the second millennium.
House Entourage
Sponsored by Emperor Faradan II (a proven agnostic) and
underwritten by the Spacing Guild, House Tseida emerged Since the passing of her father, the Marquise Catriona
as an immediate power, inviting jealous hostility and petty Tseida presides as Daughter-Regent of Sikun, until her
bitterness from manyof the member Houses. Further nephew Iorgu comes of legal age to assume the marquisate.
incensed by the Tseida's exotic grace, eloquentdiplomacy, Iorgu's mother Ilema, a Bene Gesserit Sister of unknown
and formidable legal mastery, several Houses banded rank, tutors her son in the fundamentals of politics, while
together forming an anti-Tseidan league, disseminating mali- his aunt Catriona frequently permits him to spy on the func-
cious propaganda tainting the Tseidan reputation to this tionsof court, using a hidden device monitoring all activities
day. In a display of support, Duke Aramis Atreides is said to occurring in the official reception hall. The Mentat-Suk,
have spoken, "such was the splendor of the risen phoenix Dorian Mu, serves as Iorgu's distinguished chaperone and
that the lesser birdscould naught but call and hoot for all private instructor, teaching lessons in science, law, ethics
their plainness." and customs in both galach and the native Sikunese tongue.
Guarding the heir apparent falls upon the capableshoulders
of Hiro Okusa, aging Swordmaster of House Tseida. Quick
House Legacy
to discipline with his blunted kendo, Hiro's harsh discipline
Rising from the ashes brought on by the Great Revolt, has oft brought him before the Daughter-Regent to explain
House Tseida did in truth resemble the phoenix as it strug- his rough methodology. Yet in spite of this, Iorgu promises to
gled for centuries in the aftermath of its own holy be one of the finest duelists on the planet Sikun.
Inquisition-a period of theocratic tyranny marked by legal
oppression and a largely profit-driven anti-technological
House Relations
movement. Recovering their technological roots and reli-
gious stability during the second millennia, by its end House House Atreides - The Atreides have been gracious
Tseida had routed the last of House Sunnivas' avid support- supporters, and we are happy to return the favor.
ers. Soon afterthe House proved successful in its campaign House Corrino - We owe the Imperial House our grat-
to earn the Emperor's support in its bid for the slrdiar-mar- itude, but we tire of their meddling in our affairs.
quisateof Sikun. Firmly established as a legalistic culturein House Harkonnen - Though we admire their ability
the earlysecond millennium, the Tseida joined the to wriggle through loopholes, we foresee a day when the
Landsraad at the beginning of its golden age, and has con- loophole becomes a noose.
tinued its growth to become a forerunner in legal consulta- House Moritani - Though the Moritani retain the
tion-from Landsraad ordeals and CHOAM acquisitions to services of our best legal schools, we take no responslbillry
Spacing regulations and Kanly disputes. for their actions or intentions.
House Wallach - Though we fight our battles in dif-
ferent arenas, we both understand the needs of Imperial
House Ethos
Adapting its ancient legal traditions to createa prosper-
ous, service-based economy, House Tseida owes its identity
to its strange heritage of reformation and perseverance, sym-
bolized by theircomplementary emlems-the pheonix and
the willow. House Tseida emulates the Spacing Guild in
composing its facade-s-finding a mask of political neutrality
and reclusive self-interest less threatening to its peersand
more conducive to business.
Well cognizant of the dangers arising from popularrevo-
lution, House Tseida has withdrawn from the incendiary
politics of the Landsraad community. Rather than taking a
stance on this side or that, House Tseida straddles the line
riding most issues with a foot in each cart. Regarded for its
almost unparalleled mastery in matters of law, House Tseida

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad

Wallach Profile
Noble Titles; Siridar Baron ofWallach VII
Houses Minor: House Brugge, House Ottovaar, and
House Roinesprit
House Holdings: Wallach IX (Siridar Fief)

Wallach House Minor-House Bru88e

Noted for their gift ofintellect, House Brugge
tempers its militarism with scholarship, renowned as
the most learned oftheWallach Houses Minor.
Having established anongoing relationship with the
Sisterhood, House Brugge enjoys theappointment of
a Bene Gesserit proctor who tutors their heirs and
advises their lords.

Bru88e Profile
Name: Brugge
Ancestry: Wallach
Homeworld: Wallach VII
Title: 3 (Regent-Governor)
Fiefdom: 2 (Free City)
Renown: 1
Assets: 10
Attributes (House Favorite archetypes)
Status: 3
Aegis +1
Wealth: 2
Intluence: 3
Popularity -1
Security: 2

Wallach House Minor-

House Ortovsar
Tracing its roots toSalusa Secundus,
House Ottovaar exerts strict military discipline
throughout its landed holdings. Perhaps themost
ardent ofthe Wallach Houses Minor, the Ottovaar
family frowns upon the Sisterhood's meddling in
House affairs, often voicing their resentment before
theother Houses Minor ofthe Sysselraad.

Wallach House Minor-House Roinesprit

Champions oftheir patron, House Roinesprit spon-
sors a military academy dedicated to training thefinest guard
commanders andsecurity personnel. Assigning their most loyal
graduates to thecourt of House Wallach, House Roinespril's
unswerving devotion earns it great favor with its patron House.
by sending all of its noble scions to be trained with the
Sardaukar. Raised in accordance with tradition, Baron
Wolfram von Wallach served the Imperium as Colonel-
Renownedas a conqueror of worlds House Wallach pro- Bashar of the Corps for nearly three decades before finally
cured its name and titles nearly 5 millennia past, under the retiring to assume his rightful station as head of House
leadership of Maximillian Banarc, a former Burseg General Wallach. Having sired numerous offspring overhis decades
of the Imperial Sardaukar. Designated Caid of the home- of military campaigning, the Baron claims but a single heir
world Wallach VII , Maximillian demonstrated extraordinary for his fortunes, the ria-Baron Christhaad von Silgaimar. His
aptitude in his newly appointed station. After nearly a mother- a Bene Gesserit concubine specially appointed to
decade of planetary governance, Maximillian was honored Wolfram by the Mother School on Wallach IX-the Lady
by the Emperor Marasuet II, given the noble title of Sirldar- Gersha maintains her youthful appearance in spite of her
Baron and full charge of his adopted home on Wallach VII. many years. Preparing Christhaad in the secret 'weirding
In appreciation of this honor and out of love for his planet, ways: Gersha insists she abides her liege's commandments,
the Baron relinquished his given surname, choosing giving theirson special training certain to make him excel in
"Wallach" for his House banner and Imperial monogram. his service to the Sardaukar. The Baron's wily Mentat Olifer
Mangrove supports his Lady's arguments, often chiding the
Baron not to interfere with the Sisterhood's unspoken agen-
House Legacy
das. Now making ready to ship off to Salusa Secundus, the
From that day forth , the House of Wallach swore a courageous Christhaad has proven a most formidable young
chivalric oath to defend the Imperium with the bloodof its man, strong like the father, sharp like the Mentat, and keen-
line. And in emblazoning the motto "God, Imperium, ly observant like the Bene Gesserit mother.
House" upon his coat of arms, the Baron instituted a tradi-
tion of Imperial service that House Wallach perpetuates
House Relations
even to the present day.
Perhaps the most fortuitous of their sovereign acts, Hous e Atreides - A puissant and honorable family,
House Wallach enticed the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood to relo- the Atreides are our allies, though we've been fierce com-
cate their Mother School to Wallach IX. Accepting theirgra- petitors in the past.
ciousoffer, the Sisterhood moved their headquarters under Hou se Corrino - Longrule the Padishah Emperors! As
secret agreement, entering into a mysterious relationship His Majesty commands, so shallwe lend our blades.
adding to House Wallach's already formidable influence. House Harkonnen - Avile menace to the Emperor
and the noble Duke, His Majesty should declare a pogrom
against Giedi Prime, purging the rot of the Harkonnen
House Ethos
Once preoccupied with strict discipline and the glory of Hou se Moritani - The sly little fox cannot forever
battle, House Wallach currently affects a much more placid evade the royal huntsmen. So may the Moritani find them-
demeanor, reflecting the mellowing attitudeof its aging ruler. selves cornered by a pack of Imperial wolfhounds.
Baron Wolframvon Wallach, once a Colonel-Bashar in the House Tseida - Their ways are not our own; but we
Imperial Sardaukar, now spends most of his leisure time acknowledge their service to the Imperium. There mayyet
recounting his military exploits, filling volumes of journals come a day when all battles are fought in the private cham-
and shigawire reels. Admitting his pastimeappears some- bers of the Landsraad Hall.
what self-indulgent, the Baron argues that such activity
keeps his mindsharp, providing invaluable perspective on
the art of governance and political tradition.
Whether true or not, the fact remains that Baron
Wolfram von Wallach is perhaps one of the greatest states-
man to be found in the Landsraad. Still fit enough to best
three men in physical combat, the Baron nowapplies his
strategic thinking to matters of social and political nature.
While not overly affluent in holdings or monies, House
Wallach presents the calmassurance and steadfast convic-
tion found only in those who are rich in self-assurance.

House frrtourage
As the direct descendants of Burseg-General Maximillian
Banarc, commander of countless legions of Imperial
Sardaukar, House Wallach continues its ancestral heritage

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad
42 (continued from page 29)
Name - Houses Minor adopt traditional surnames to lies. Most importantly, titles denote the House's status
identify theirclan lineage, noble ancestry, or familial rela- within the regional Sysselraad, representing a certain
tions. Examples of family names appearing in DUNE number of elective votes in addition to a certain amount
include the surnames Rabban and Rautha, both of which of political sway. Titles may also provide historical or
share Harkonnen pedigree and family genealogy. genealogical information about your family ancestry,
Homeworld - Except for the rarest of cases, Houses identifying various holdings (e.g. Count of Lankiveil) or
Minor maintain residence upon their ancestral home- governing status (e.g. siridar-absentia).
worlds. Claiming noble titles and territorial fiefdoms as a
result of their ancestral ties, Houses Minorhave a decided
interest in supporting their governing Great House, and
House Renown
may further prosperby demonstrating astute governance Over time, Houses Minor develop renown for their
and proper stewardship of their familial holdings. More actions, performance and character, gainingany number
than once historytells of lesser families rising to greatness of positive or negative reputations. As family renown
as a result of sickness or infirmity leaving the ruling House increases, so does their general clout and social recogni-
without a suitable heir. In such cases, the most able and tion. Though a House's renown does not directly affect
honored of the Houses Minor may be called upon by the their innate status or influence, it does affecttheir negoti-
Emperor to assume the mantle of the Household name, ations with their Great House patron and noble peers
raising their familial station to that of a Great House. within the the planetary Sysselraad.

House Holdings (Fiefdom & Title) LCif~~~~1-

Entrusted with the administration and governance of

particular territories or regions of their homeworld, Renown
Houses Minor rule fiefdoms or "fees" under the aegis of level Description
their patron House. Typically inherited along with noble 1 Celebrated throughout yourfee; acknowl-
titles and other economic holdings. Fees, like fiefdoms, edged by yourpatron
confer political, economic, and military power unto their 2 Prominent among the Houses Minorof the
governing families . In addition, fees provlde natural Sysselraad
resources, indigenous labor forces, and the requlred infra- 3 Renowned within your homeworld capital
structure to make the locality self-sufficient, if not in fact, and several subfiefs
profitable to the governing family. 4 Noted throughout your homeworld
5 Recognized on other homeworlds

Sample Topics for Reputations

Attributes, legacy, holdings, ethos, entourage, relations
House Minor Fees
Fiefdom Levels
level/Cost Description
1 City District House Renown also factors whenever there exists a
2 Free City question of name recognition. In game terms, House
3 Territory Renown determines the number of dice the Narrator rolls
4 Province to determine if another individual recognizes a House
5 Subfief Minor by name, associating them with one or more of
their common reputations. During such Recognition
Noble Titles Tests, the Narrator rolls a number of dice equal to the
level/Cost Description House's Renown level (see "Renown," page 119).
1 Magistrate
2 Governor
House Assets
3 Regent-Governor/KnightlChevalier
4 Lord/Noble Cousine House Assets represents the entirety of household collat-
5 Siridar Governor/Baronet eral reserves, measured in leveraged status, solvent wealth ,
expendable influence and security infrastructure. Much like
personal experience or savedearnings, Assets embody the
aggregate experience and resources upon which the House
Along with fiefdoms, Houses Minor inherit titles of maydrawto implement its programs and further its agenda.
rank and nobility from their ancestral Houses. Titles con- During Narrative Interludes, players may spend
fer political and social privileges to their custodian fami- Assets to initiate House Ventures (see "House Ventures,"
page 11 7 and 179). Like character experience, House
Assets fluctuate upward and downward as ventures pay
off or fall short of their objectives.
House Minor Attributes
House Attributes Status-Range (1- 5) House Influence-Range (1- 5)
Attributes represent the family's innate social and materi- Rank Description Rank Description
al qualities, providing an overview of its political clout, eco- 1 Recognized 1 Tolerated
nomic resources, social reputation, and defensive capabili- 2 Indulged 2 Respected
ties. Attribute levels range from 1 to 5 for Houses Minor, 3 Favored 3 Supported
higher levelsindicating greater degrees of achievement. 4 Privileged 4 Admired
House attributes come into play whenever characters 5 Honored 5 Revered
embark on House Ventures, specific family missions initi-
ated and resolved in the course of play or during Wealth-Range (1- 5) Security- Range (1 - 5)
Narrative Interludes. When attempting Ventures on Rank Description Rank Description
behalf of his House, characters perform Skill Tests receiv- 1 Moneyed 1 Capable
ing a number of dice determined by the governing House 2 Prosperous 2 Proficient
attribute (instead of the character's attribute). See 3 Affluent 3 Accomplished
"Tests," page III and "Ventures," page 11 7. 5 Rich 4 Potent
5 Opulent 5 Formidable
Status (Aegis, Favor)
Status measures the degree of social privilege and politi-
cal favor the family holdswith its governing Great House.
Houses Minor can exploit status to petition ruling Houses House influence ranges from 1 to 5 and encompasses
for political, military, or financial support. Alternately, a fam- two edges-Popularity and Authority.
ily can leverage its status to oppose rival families in their
ownpursuits, using their Sysselraad votes to countermand
their rival's propositions, or manipulating their favor to
Security (Military, Intelligence)
undermine their rival's support. House status ranges from 1 Securityrefers to the House's military strength and
to 5 and incorporates two edges-Aegis and Favor. covert intelligence. Houses Minor employ Security to
defend their interests-securing their holdings, protecting
their households or gathering information. Aggressive
Wealth (Holdings, Stockpiles) families may also leverage their Security to infiltrate
Wealth measures the House Minor's economic enemy territories, attack rival holdings, or sabotage
strength and financial wherewithal. Resulting primarily enemy resources. House Securityranges from 1 to 5 and
from its vested holdings and accumulated stockpiles, comprises two edges-Military and Intelligence.
wealth comprisesannual revenue from tithes and invest-
ments, financial assets such as charters and director-
ships, economic infrastructure such as mining facilities or
House Minor Creation
industrial plants, and economic resources such as natu- The rise and fall of noble Houses is central to the
ral timberlands or an indigenous labor force . Houses DUNE milieu. How could the legend of Paul Atreides be
Minor use wealth primarily to overcome economic setbacks conveyed without recounting the great rivalry between
or financial recessions; however, wealth may also be used to House Atreides and its mortal enemy House Harkonnen?
elevate status, acquire influence, implement policies or How could the reader understand the motivations behind
negotiate settlements. House wealth ranges from 1 to 5 and the Padishah Emperor, Ginaz Swordmaster Duncan Idaho,
consists of twoedges-Holdings and Stockpiles. or even the Lady Jessicaof the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood
without detailed knowledge of the political framework and
familial relationships extant between the ruling Houses of
Influence (Popularity, Authority) the Imperium? Thus the concept of House, with its political
Influence measures the House's political sway and and social implications, sets the stage for much of the char-
esteem among its noble peers and governed subjects. acterization and drama occurring in the DUNE milieu.
Houses Minor use influence to arrange marriages, negoti- The DUNE RPG portrays this symbiosis between char-
ate alliances, sway popular opinion and rally support acter and House by encouraging the players and narrator
among the other noble families. Houses Minor also use to share in the creation of their own, unique families. By
influence to garner popular consent, encourage loyalty, populating the Imperium with your own noble Houses,
bolster morale and, in dire circumstances, curb rebellion. you'll not only fill in the gaps where DUNE leaves off, but

Chapter II: Houses of the Landsraad
also establish a firm basis for telling original, politically- Titl e - Spenda number of your Development Points to
charged narratives. Your characters who share the bur- purchase a title from the House Minor Fees chart. You may
dens of the family household will engendergripping not spend more points than your current Status. Record the
drama, their acts of self-sacrifice or strides toward glory titleon your House profile, detailing the specific circum-
deciding the fate of their parent House. By binding char- stances surroundingyour family's acquisition of the titleas
acters to House so inextricably, you'll not only make your you wish.
stories more true to the DUNE milieu, but also you'll Fiefd om - Spend a number of your Development
raise your character's actions to heroic magnitude or trag- Points to purchase a fiefdom from the accompanying
ic dimension as their personal fate determines the destiny table. You may not spend more points than your current
of an entire House Minor bloodline. Wealth. Note the type of fief purchased on your House
Players unfamiliar with the DUNE universe can begin profile, and give the fiefdom a name (e.g. Attica, Gateway
playing immediately by selecting one of the Houses Minor to the Emerald Isthmus). Feel free to detail the sub-
described within any of the preceding House descriptions regions, urban centers, and geographic features of your
(see "House Descriptions," pages 30-41). Read over the fiefdom , detailing its location and history, or describing
Great House descriptions and select the one you find most its various features as you wish.
interesting. Next, examine the three Houses Minor listed
foryour chosen Great House and select one that appeals
to your group. Record the information and proceed to
character creation (see "Chapter 3," page 49). Your House Renown begins at level 1. You may not
To create your House Minor from scratch, your spend Development points to increase your House's
Entourage gets to choose one House Minor Archetype starting Renown. Based on your House attributes or
and spend 15 Development Points on various House characteristics, create two interesting reputations for your
aspects. Observe the following guldelines, noting each of House. One should be favorable, perhaps being tied to a
your selections on your House Minor record. For more House strength or historic victory; the other should be
about creating Houses, see Federated Houses of the unfavorable, perhaps relatingto a household weakness
Landsraad by Last Unicorn Games. or historic crisis.

House Minor Archetypes House Minor Attributes

Though the Houses Minor possess vastly different lega- Your base House attributes are determined by the
cies, histories, demeanors and goals, many of them exhibit Archetype you select foryour House Minor(see right). You
stereotypical characteristics grouping them into one of sev- may spend Development Points to increase any House
eral "archetypes." Peruse the House MinorArchetypes attributes or edge at the cost of 5 Development Points per
presented at right, and select one that fits your concept of + 1 attribute, or 3 points per + I edge, respectively. To
your family's driving ethos. increase any attribute or edge, pay the listed Development
House Minor Archetypes cost 0 Development Points. PointCost and note the change on your House record.
After selecting an Archetype, you may customize it with
15 Development Points.

Ancestry Example House Minor

Choose the Great House from which your family is House Minor Profile
descended, and list its name on your House worksheet Name: lthakos
(e.g. House Atreides). Then proceed to name your House Ancestry: Atreides
Minor and list its native homeworld. Horneworld: Caladan
Name - Choose a surname foryour noble family Title: 2 (Governor:Warden of Syrakyusl
and record it on the House record (e.g. Demios) Fiefdom: 3 (Territory: Province of Syrakyus
Homeworld - List the name of your ancestral Renown: 1 (Lo al, Secretive)
Homeworld, determined by the Great House listed by Assets: 10
your ancestry (e.g. Caladan). Attributes (House Favorite archetype)
Status: 3 (Favor +1)
Wealth: 2
Inlluence: 3 (Popularity -1 )
Your Holdings consist of your noble TItle and your Security: 2
ancestral Fiefdom. Spend a number of your Development
Points to purchase a title and fiefdom for your House.
See "House Minor Fees" chart, page 42.
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House Minor Archetypes

House Defender House Pawn

Champion of the its patron'sethos, the House Trusting the mandates of its liege, theHouse Pawn car-
Defender shows itstrue colors when times are tough. The ries out itsorders to the letter, never questioning House
House Minor never succumbs to adversity, dedicating the authority. The House Minor seeks approval through
lives of its household and theblood of itssubjects to unswerving loyalty, confident thattheruling House knows
achieve victory for the ruling House. best how to govern itsdomain.

Attributes Status: 3 Attributes Status: 4

Wealth: 2 Aegis +1
Holdings -1 Wealth: 2
Influence: 2 Influence: 2
Security: 3 Popularity-1
Military +1 Security: 1

House Favor ite House Reformer

Eager to please itssponsor, the House Favorite imple- Spokesman for political reformation, theHouse
ments House policywith unnatural zeal and efficiency. Reformer seeks to change House institutions and tradi-
The House Minorenjoys political favor resulting from its tions, promoting radical change or pleading for a return to
legacy and traditional performance, seeking to maintain antiquated traditions. The House Minor staunchly supports
thestatus quo. itsaltruistic beliefs, considering reformation theanswer to
House salvation.
Attributes Status: 3
Favor +1 Attributes Status: 2
Wealth: 2 Favor: -1
Influence: 3 Wealth: 2
Popularity -1 Stockpiles -1
Security: 2 Influence: 3
Popularity +1, Authority +1
Security: 3

Ho use Pretender House Sleeper

Weathervane of thepolitical currents, theHouse The wolf in sheep'sclothing, the House Sleeper owes
Pretender champions whatever popular ideology prevails. allegiance to a House other than theirplanetary liege (i.e.
The House Minor seeks political influence through popu- Caladanian Sleeper owing allegiance to House Corrino).
larityin the Sysselraad, and hopes to one day inherit the The House Minor lurks in theeves of the political arena,
House legacy should theruling Great House fail to pro- undermining theruling House'sagenda by fomenting
duce a suitable heir. inter-House conflict.

Attributes Status: 2 Attributes Status: 2

Favor -1 Wealth: 3
Wealth: 3 Stockpi les +1
Holdings +1 Influence: 2
Influence: 3 Authority -1 , Popularity -1
Popularity +1, Authority -1 Security: 3
Security: 2 Intelligence +1

Chapter II : Houses of the Landsraad
House Minor Assets ship, and Sysselraad representation. While Nobles typi-
cally command such operations, it is not uncommon for
Once you have fi nished spending Development Points Bene Gesserit Adepts and Master Strategists to head up
to designate Holdings, Renown and attributes, allocate one or more agencies responsible for administrating
the remaining points to the Assets reserves listed on your House Affairs.
House Minor profile. It's a good idea to save sufficient Of primary importance, each household must success-
points for initiating House Ventures and future House fully govern its allottedsubfief, whether administrating a
development. Though your House Assets will increase city district or ruling an entire province. Beginning in their
through play, unforeseen circumstances may be weath- early childhoodlessons, Nobles train in the art of state-
ered more successfully by maintaining healthy Assets craft, preparing for the day they'll assume their position as
reserves. governors of the family holdings. To ease the burden of
the voluminous paperwork and regimental bureaucracy,
reigning Nobles typically employ Mentats and Master
House Service Strategists to assist them in implementing matters of poli-
cy and executive orders.
Least of the Imperial aristocracy, the Houses Minor Of more immediate concern, each household must effi-
still enjoy luxury beyond the imagining of the Imperial ciently administrate the family compound and cadres of
citizenryand lower castes. But immense responsibility householdretainers. This duty typically falling on the
accompanies such privilege; and the Houses Minor must nobleman's wife or bound concubine, bondedAdepts make
loyally serve their House and Emperor or suffer social consummate stewards-their powers of observation and
disgrace and political ruin. To accomplish their lofty supreme administrative talents ensuring that no threat,
objectives, the Houses Minor emulate their patron however small, goes unnoticed by House security. Though
Houses in selecting the finest men and women to serve seemingly mundane in nature, household stewardship
as members of their household retinue. These honored proves vital to family security and essential for household
vassals benefit from their elevated stations, gaining sig- organizational efficiency.
nificant responsibility and authority as members of their Sysselraad representation, includinginter-House rela-
household entourage. tions, House legislation and secularlaw, accounts forthe
Assuming advisory roles and positions of command, third main division falling under House affairs. While
House vassals manifest a wide array of skills and Nobles commonly attend the Sysselraad conclaves, the
knowledge, replete with field experience and ongoing day-to-day administration falls on household Mentats or
training. House Mentats, Swordmasters, Warmasters Master Strategists speciallzlng in diplomacy, law and public
and Spymasters typically round out the household relations. Serving these functionaries, teams of advocates
entourage led by a Noble heir or Sysselraad and leagues of clerks manage the volumes of legal paper-
Spokesman. Bene Gesserit Adepts, Suk physicians and work and bureaucratic minutia.
House Assassins fill in the gaps, providing an arsenal of
personal expertise capable of handling even the most
Mercantile Enterprises
arduous of tasks.
Under the direct command of the household vassals House Minor mercantile enterprises deal mainly with
serve the managingbureaucrats, teams of analysts, the routine administration of cottage industries and com-
departments of professionals and divisions of workers mercial ventures occurring within the family fiefdom.
who all strive to implement the policiesand programs Agriculture, mining, manufacturing-as well as service-
directed by the division commander. In any given family, based industries and merchant enterprises-represent
all household operatives, including the commandingoffi- some of the mercantile enterprises falling under the juris-
cer, fall within one of three primary divisions-House diction of the Houses Minor. In addition, most families
Affairs, Mercantile Enterprises and House Security. Each sponsorone or more primary industries, establishing the
division contains one or more House agencies responsi- basis of their family revenue which, of course, is supple-
ble for the administration and handling of specific types mented by property tithes, regional taxes and export tariffs.
of issues such as diplomatic relations, commercial indus- In cases where the Houses Minor are entrusted to
tries or covert operations. supervise their patron's CHOAM entitlements, strict produc-
tion quotas or profit goalsdefine the House's expectations
which must be met if the family intends to retain theirsub-
House Affairs
contract. In addition, most Great Houses impose a flat rate
House Affairs covers a broad spectrum of official tithe (usually 25% of House Minor profits) the Houses
duties relatingto planetary government and House poli- Minor must pay as tribute for their entrusted holdings.
tics. Every household devotes at least three entire agen- To oversee their revenue-generating operations,
cies, or divisions, to handle the various aspects of House Houses Minor usually assign a lesser Noble or CHOAM
affairs, including fief administration, Household steward- Advisor as the director of mercantileenterprises. Under
his guldance, bureaus of analysts, investors, finan-
ciers and bankers busy themselves with the
numerous economic challenges associated with
successful economic administration. Beneath
these, a small army of accountants, clerks and go-
betweens handle the routine details of business
operations and tax collection.

Household Security
Headed by the SecurityCommander, household
security covers everything from guarding the family
compound to establishing underground spy net-
works to patrolling the streets. Though Houses
Minor rarely seek permission to wage war against
one another, the possibility of civil war and public
rioting warrant assembling House militias and mili- .
tary armament. Maintaining active militias for such
reasons, the Houses Minor also develop significant
intelligence operations for monitoring Imperial
affairs as well as inter-House intrigue. The tradition
of covert warfare runs strong among the Houses Minor as
well as the Great Houses, each House engaging in covert Intelligence Operations
operations for the purpose of political dominance and The most pervasive of all departments, household intelli-
self-preservation. gence plays a greater or lesser role in nearly every other
division. More important than battalions, more effective
Military Operations than even House atomics, information serves as the most
Responsible for overseeing all large-scale military powerful weapon in the family arsenal. To know when an
operations, the House Warmaster attends to strategic attack will come, to estimate its form or direction and to cal-
planning, personnel deployment and mission logistics. culate the best counter-measures-theseare the tasks
Expeditionary invasions and defense of the territorial fief- required of household intelligence.
dom fall under his supervision, including the administra- With no detail too trivial, no factor unworthy of
tion of all military installations, armament and person- intensive exploration and analysis, Mentats handle
nel. Though few Houses Minor possess atomics, demoli- such information with ease , processing data and calcu-
tions arsenals, lasgun batteries and vehicular support lating solutions with speed and precision surpassing
also count among the Warmaster's many responsibilities. even the "thinking machines" of the pre-Butlerian era.
Whereas Warmasters plan and coordinate military Generalizing in information analysis and computation,
campaigns and territorial defense, matters of family secu- Mentats coordinate the efforts of the House Spymasters
rity-including protection of the family stronghold, train- and Masters of Assassins, combining intelligence and
ing of the Noble heirs, and management of the House espionage efforts of both divisions into a manageable
guard-typically fall within the domain of the household weapon to be wielded with deadly cunning.
Swordmaster. Experts in armament, weapon instruction Spymasters direct all intelligence-gathering house-
and skirmishing tactics, House Swordmasters are directly hold operations. From establishing secret spy networks
responsible for protecting the nobility from physical to inserting agents in rival families, House Spymasters
harm, whether the threat manifests from external supervise most espionage activity, consulting the
invaders or internal sleeper agents. Toward this end, all Security Commander on domestic matters such as the
security divisions within the family compound answer deployment of household security systems, such as pru-
directly to the family Swordmaster. dence-barriers, palm locks and poison snoopers.
Matters of law enforcement and civil patrol fall upon Masters of Assassins assume a much more proactive
the shoulders of the household Security Commander. The role, focusing on the commissioning and training of
Security Commander administrates garrisons, the arsenals, household assassins, saboteurs and anti-terrorist person-
police headquarters and watch stations located in the nel. Working with the Spymaster in addition to the
household precincts. Occasionally, Security Commanders House Warmaster or possibly the House Swordmaster,
coordinate intelligence efforts with a Spymaster, establish- Masters of Assassins lend their special forces to each of
ing cadres of secret police, networks of informants and these commanders as needed, deploying personnel and
teams covert agents. equipment to achieve swift and decisive results.


~e1 0fD Jn8 the Initial
Creating a character begins with an initial con-
ception . This doesn't have to be specific; you only
need a general idea of who your character will be.
Think about what you want to play. Will you be a
devoted Atreides Swordmaster or a haughty Noble
. from Kaitan? Typically, players have only a vague
idea for their characters based on the character's
House Allegiance-Atreides, Harkonnen, Moritani-
Chapter III: Character Creation
important duties for House Atreides. But whileall Bene through learning, or maybe he believes his talents would
Gesserit Adepts must be female, there are no gender be best employed protecting such noble pursuits even
restrictions for the family Warmaster, Suk or Mental. though the y have little place in his own, warrior life.
Female Nobles, Assassinsor Swordmasters might prove an Asking yourself why you chose the character you did is
interesting variation to thestandard archetype. always a good place to start. In some cases, the Narrator
Each player should choose a character with a distinct might have suggestions for characters, based on the type
rolewithin theEntourage. One player might like to play of stories or chronicle he has in mind .
the House's Suk Physician whileanother might liketo por-
tray theirMental. The Narrator'sgoal is to find out what Ross begins to create an Atreides Mentat for an
roles theplayers are interested in, and thekinds of stories upcoming game. That is his base concept. He then
everyone wants to tell. Ultimately, theplayercharacters contemplates this vassal. Why did he become a
are thefocus of theirstory. They are theprotagonists; no Mentat? Ross envisions his character as an
matter where they are or what they'redoing, adventure is Alexander the Great , using his Mentat faculties to
sure to find them. innovate tactics and implement military strategies.
Why, Ross asks , is his character concerned with
military matters? The answer comes easily-House
Atreides is honorable and just , but their mortal
and their vocational Conditioning-Assassin , Mentat, or enemy, House Harkonnen, has sworn to defeat them
Master Strategist. Consider the characters portrayed in by whatever means necessary, allowing for the pos-
DUNE. Each can be described and conceived according sibility of inter-House warfare. A nephew of Count
to his Allegiance and vocational Conditioning. Duncan Demios, Ross's character showed early promise as a
Idaho is an Atreides Swordmaster. Piter de Vries is a potential Mentat. Since money is no object for the
Harkonnen Mentat. Lady Jessica is a Bene Gesserit education of noble kin, House Demios sent his char-
Adept divided in her allegiance between House Atreides acter to the expensive Mentat school. There, he
and the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. trained as a Mentat and later returned to House
Notice, however, how this basic idea doesn't even Demios who now employs him under an oath of alle-
begin to describe the depth and subtlety of those charac- giance to House Atreides. Putting this all together,
ters. Where is Jessica 's forbidden love for her Duke , or Ross imagines his Atreides Mentat as more of a mil-
Piter's twisted lust for power? Character concepts simply itary tactician than a data-crunching analyst.
define these individuals according to their most basic
components. At this early stage they are reduced to gen- While thinking about his character concept, Ross
eral 'archetypes', needing further description and defini- also decides his Atreides Mentat is not beyond tak-
tion to be portrayed as believable, life-like individuals. ing up a blade in defense of his House. If the situa-
Players should next add personality to their character tion arises, his character should be competent on
concepts. Personality can include how the character looks- the battle field as well as in the war room.
grossly obese or trim and athletic-or focus on the attitude
or demeanor the character conveys to others-sincere, jocu- Certain concepts might not be appropriate for agents
lar or sadistic. Think about how people might perceive your of a Great House. Though furtive smugglers or vengeful
character and determine if he meets these expectations. This prisoners are interesting concepts, they do not easily con-
is generally a first impression; a pampered , overbearing form to the roles typically required of House vassals. If
Noble might actually be generous and fair to those who any player insists on creating a character that doesn't
serve him honorably. suit the House ideal, the Narrator may accommodate the
As you create your character, try to furnish more player by finding a way to fit such a character into the
detail, adding layers of depth to your initial concept. The DUNE milieu . Usually the best method is to incorporate
question "why" always yields interesting results. No mat- the concept into the background development, advancing
ter where you begin or how far you go, asking "why" con- the character to a point in his history where he has
fers additional complexity to the character. adapted in his role as an agent of his household. Though
For example, suppose a player wants to playa char- such characters would by necessity have had to over-
acter who courts death in the dusty fighting arenas of his come the major challenges implicit in their original con-
homeworld. Why is the character like this? Perhaps he cept , they could continue to struggle with the vestiges of
lost his desire to live since the demise of his betrothed, or their troublesome past. Characters such as Gurney
maybe he seeks to distinguish himself with an impressive Halleck, who strives to overcome his tragic history and
record of victories . The way you answer leads to com- obsessive hatred, illustrate the lingering evils and hidden
pletely different conceptions of the character. Why , then, injustices persisting in Imperial civilization.
did he pledge his allegiance to House Varota, a relatively Players should also consider the rest of the House
peaceful House known for its support of the arts and Entourage (the group of player characters) when creating
scholastics? Maybe he 's seeking spiritual transcendence characters. Telling successful stories can become a bit diffi-
cult if the House Entourage contains two Mentats or three that's constantly at odds with the rest of his House ruins
Swordmasters. Talk with the other players to figure out the fun for everyone.
howyour character fits in with the other characters. By
doingso it is fairly easy to see whetherthe characterswill During character creation , Steve thinks it would be
be able to work well as a group. Forexample, if two play- interesting if his Atreides Suk physician were polit-
ers wanted to play Nobles, both holding the same title ically vocal, railing against military action as a
(such as Heir Designate trait), the Narrator's obviously got means to an end. He envisions a strong dislike for
a problem on her hands. To avoid argument, she could military strategy and considers the concept of
suggest that one playerforgo the Heir Designate trait, play- "acceptable losses " intolerable. In talking with the
inga black sheep sibling who answers the call of a mysteri- Narrator, Steve describes a character that clearly
ous benefactor. Or she might coax a player to modify their will not function well if assigned to a military
concept, perhaps playing a renegade Swordmaster, who excursion, severely limiting his compatibility with
hides his Highborn lineage to evade cadres of hired assas- his group . The Narrator thinks this is too strong-
sins seeking a bounty placed upon his head. after all , Houses won't tolerate insubordination,
Lastly, character personalities should generally be com- and the players must work together as a team. So
patible. It's all right if characters engage in friendly rivalry, he convinces Steve to tone it down somewhat. Steve
good-natured kidding or mild friction , but a character revises his concept, conceding that his character

Non-House Characters
The DUNE RPG assumes all player characters serve as leading staff members ofthesameHouse Minor. There will be times, how-
ever, when a player wants to assume the role ofa character associated with someother Imperial faction-a Spacing Guild Navigator,
a Reverend Mother or Great House nobleman, to name a few examples. These characterscan prove difficult to fit into thetypical
game because there's insufficient reason for them to enlist with theHouse Minor Entourage on a permanent basis. Several methods
exist to get around this dilemma.

O pt ion 1- Guest Appearances

First, thecharacter canappear as a "special guest," appea ring only occasionally, as the campaign permits. If the adventure this
session callsfor a Guild Navigator, for example, the Narrator can let the player know inadvance, and the player can play his
Navigator (whi leallowi nghisregular character to be played bythe Narrator).

O pt ion 2 - Mult iple Roles .

The second option is toallow a singleplayer toplay more than one character at a time, the HouseSwordmaster and Reverend
Mother, for instance. This way, thesame player would be ableto participate inthe action no matter where it took place.

Option 3 - C haracter-driven Subplot

The third option is for the Narratortocraft anongoing subplot with thecharacter in mind. In thecase ofa Great Noble, for example,
the Entourage could beassigned to handle anextended diplomatic mission ona foreign world. This gives the Narrator the opportunity to
focus onone planet in detail and give the player a chance to play his secondary character over a series ofchapters.

Option 4 - Protracted Assignment

The fourth, and perhaps easiest, option isfor the Narrator and player to work together to craft a rationale for thecharacter to be
assigned to the Entourage for a protracted duration. For example: CHOAM might appoint a delegate on special assignment to join the
family and report on their exploits. AReverendMother might be sent to study oneoftheother players (don't say who!) for an extend-
ed period, allowing herto participate in theiradventures.
It isalso possible to create characters that have little ifany association with the Imperium, such as a native, slave or any other
character beyond theorder ofthefaufreluches. While these characters rarely warrant inclusion inthe Entourage, a player may wish to
play such a role. Some character types, such as Guild agents, operate ina certainsense beyond thefa ufreluches and, as a result,
have their own laws, restrictions andcustoms. Upcoming supplements will introduce many such characters, expanding on the core
game to define their abilities, duties and customs.

Chapter III: Character C reation
privately holds a moral distaste for wanton blood- more likeyour own creation than a generic archetype,
shed , voicing his ethos with mild sarcasm only devoid of flavor or originality.
when affronted by the worst displays of brutish,
hawk mentality. Ryan wants to play an Atreides Swordmaster, so he
chooses the House Swordmaster archetype. Looking
over the character, he decides he wants his character
Character Archetypes to play the baliset , so he buys Performance (Baliset)
Players who want to start playing immediately can J(1) for 3 Development Points, With another 3
choose one of the pre-generated characters detailed on points , he gives his character an additional skill and
the following pages. These are referred to as character speciali:ation level in Armed Combat (dueling arms) .
Archetypes . Rather than going through the process of des- Finally, Ryan buys one advantage-Heroism (2)-for
ignating their character's Allegiance, Conditioning and 2 additional Development Points. Having spent more
Background. players can simply choose an Archetype, than five Development Points, Ryan must give his
spend a few Development Points to customize their char- character one or more disadvantages to compensate
acteristics and start playing in a matter of minutes. Each for the extra points he's spent. He chooses Renegade
Archetype incorporates the various stages of character (2) and Rival (1). With his points spent, Ryan has
creation (Allegiance, Conditioning, Background, etc.) as if finished preparing his character for play.
the character were created from scratch. But the
Archetypes present House Allegiance and its component
characteristics in generic terms, requiring players to sub- The Character Creation Process
stitute their particular House name in each instance they If none of the Archetypes match the sort of character
find the word "House." For example, if a skill reads you want to play, you can create your character from
"History (House) 1(2)," then they should substitute their scratch, using the four-step process outlined here:
name (Atreides, for instance) so it reads "History 1) Choose Alle giance to a House: Choose your
(Atreides) 1(2)." Once done, each Archetype provides a House Allegiance. Allegiance represents your character's
ready-made character, containing all the data you need affiliation with a House Minor and its Great House
to start playing. patron. The DUNE RPG presents six Great Houses and
18 Families Minor for your consideration. But if your
group desires to create its own House Minor, see page 43
to learn how. Regardless of its individual nature, your
Allegiance instills the basic attributes and skills for an
Character Restrictions average member of the House retinue.
Narrators concerned with milieu authenticity may wish 2) Choose vocational Conditioning: After select-
to restrict the selection of certain character Archetypes ing Allegiance, choose your Conditioning. Conditioning
(includingcomponent Conditioningoverlays and/or defines a character's vocational training-Noble, Mcntat,
Background packages), based on the Great House the Assassin or whatever the Narrator agrees to permit in the
player Entourage opts to serve. For example, if the player game. Conditioning supplements and enhances the basic
Entourage decides to servea House Minor supporting attributes and skills acquiredwith Allegiance. This repre-
House Atreides, then the Narrator might reasonably bar sents the basic competency shown by an average graduate
players from selectingthe House Assassin archetype. After of the vocational school in question.
all, House Atreides is an honorable House; and despite of 3) Customize your character: Use Background
the Great Convention's tolerance of assassins, House History packages, supplemental Development Points,
Atreides would only use them as a last resort; makingsuch and reinforcing traits. No character excels as a faceless,
a character an unlikely member of anyAtreides House stereotypical member of his House-instead, he must
Minor Entourage. distinguish himself with individuality and achievement.
At this stage in the process, you get the chance to bring
such development to light, by tracing their backgrounds
with the DUNE RPG "Background History" system.
When complete, the historical outline traces your
Personalizing the Arch etype
character's life from the years of childhood on his native
Although the Archetypes are prepared for use as-is, horneworld to his oath of allegiance to his chosen House.
players are encouraged to personalize their characters. Your character didn't become such a skilled member of
Take five Development Points to improve any attribute or his profession overnight-it took many years of condi-
edge, purchase new skills, increase existing skill levels or tioning and practice. The Background Histories help you
obtain an advantage or disadvantage. (Each of these steps determine what major experiences he's had to date, and
is detailed hereafter. See the "Development Point Cost" what life's lessons have taught him along the way.
chart, on page 66.) In this way, your final character feels (continues on page 60)
House Adept
As a BeneGesserit-trained Adept, you exist only to
serve. Your covenant with the Sisterhood binds you to pre-
serving its secret ways, a pact your House finds disconcert-
ing. Through confidential reports to the Mother School,
you play historian for the family lineage also acting as sen-
tinel for the family bloodline-services for which you are
tolerated, if not gratefully employed.
The Bene Gesserit recognize your "weirding ways"
inspire fear and suspicion among the uninitiated. But your
highly developed talents result from rigorous Prana-Bindu
conditioningand intensive training in self-awareness-not
from witchcraft as your Missionaria Protectiva induces
primitive cultures to believe.

Attributes Physique: 2
Constitution +2
Coordination: 3
Reaction + 1
Intellect: 2
Perception +2
Charisma: 3
Presence +1
Prescience: 0
Skills BG Way (any) 4(3)
Ritual (any) 2(3)
Voice 2
Administration 1
Athletics (acrobatics) 2(3)
Charm (seduction) 2(1)
Culture (House, BG Sisterhood) 2(1,2)
Dodge (evade) 2(3)
History (House) 1(I)
Observation (any) 1(2)
Persuasion 1
Politics (House, Imperial) 2(1,3)
Hunting Language (Chakobsa) 1
Subterfuge 1
Unarmed Combat (martial training) 1(3)
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(I)
Traits Dual Allegiance +2, Enhanced Sense
(any) I, Human 2, Metabolic Clock I,
Patron 3, Prana-Bindu Conditioning 3,
Weirding Combat 2
Caste 4 (Na-Familia)
Renown 2 Learning 1 (witchery)
Prayer 1 (secret motives)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, House uniform,
Knife and Personal affects

Chapter III: Character Creation
House Assassin
Thereare many fine distinctions to the art of Kanly. By
the way you kill a man you translate your revenge into
any number of exquisite phrases-from a poignant knife
thrust, short and sweet, to the buzzing terror of a
hunter-seeker. Studied in the secret disciplines of the
ancient Bhotani assassins, you commanda vast arsenal of
lethal devices, exotic poisons and cunning pitfalls.
Through craftyou speak the language of vendetta, com-
municating subtle messages or audacious statements by
the legion nuances of the assassin's art.

Attributes Physique: 2
Strength +1
Coordination: 3
Dexterity + 1
Intellect: 2
Perception + 1
Charisma: 2
Willpower +1
Prescience: a
Skills Assassination (any) 3(3)
Impersonation (appearance) 1(2)
Infiltration (any) 2(2)
Athletics 1
Armed Combat (concealed, esoteric) 2(1 ,1 )
Bargaining 1
Chemistry (pharmacy) 1(2)
Concealment 1
Culture (House) 1(1)
Dodge 2
Espionage (reconnaissance) 1(2)
History (House) 1(I)
Observation 2
Politics (House) I(I)
Racketeering 1
Ranged Combat (stunner) 2(2)
Sabotage 1
Secret Language (Chakobsa) 1
Stealth (stalking) 3(2)
Subterfuge (guile) 2(1)
Underworld 2
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(I)
Traits Alertness I, Assassins Code 2, Adversary
+2, Contraband 2, Immunity (poison) I,
Information Network 3, Rogue +2
Caste 3 (Bondsman)
Renown 3 Valor 1 (Stealth)
Learning 1 (Assassin's art)
Prayer 1 (Assassin's Code)
Equipment Flip-Dart, House uniform,
Hunter-Seeker, Knife, Krimskell rope,
Maula pistol, Minimic recorder & film ,
Shigawire garrote, Poison (Types I and
IV) , Slip-tip, ComNet transmitter and
Personal affects
House Strategist (CHOAM Advisor)
As a Master Strategist (a member of the House strategy
staff), you advise your liege according to your particular
field of tactical expertise-from the letterof diplomacy to
the art of war. Whetherserving in the capacity of CHOAM
Advisor, Warmaster, Spymaster or Security Commander, you
are well-versed in the administration of routine Houseoper-
ations and understand the basic affairs pertainingto your
House's political, economic, and military agendas.
As CHOAM Advisor, you counsel your House in all
CHOAM affairs, specifically CHOAM regulations, industrial
development, mercantile ventures and House finances. You
regularlyreview all House fiscal accounts, from property tithes
to commerce tariffs, searching for accounting discrepancies
and legal loopholes to safeguard the House treasury. You also
develop financial strategies and fiscal tactics for handling
CHOAM negotiations, commercial acquistions and commodity
exchanges, attempting to increase House assets while bank-
rupting political rivals or thwarting powerful guilds.

Attributes Physique: 2
Constitution + I
Coordination: 2
Intellect: 3
Logic + I, Perception + I
Charisma: 2
Willpower + I
Prescience: a
Skills Economics (any) 2(2)
Law (CHOAM) 3(3)
Mercantilism (any, any) 3(3 ,2)
Diplomacy (negotiation) 2(2)
Administration (any) 4(3)
Armed Combat (personal) 1(2)
Bargain I
Culture (House) I(I)
Dodge I
Equipment I
First Aid (any) 1(I)
History (House) 2(I)
Observation I
Politics (House, Imperial) 3(2,I)
Persuasion (debate) I (I)
Racketeering I
Subterfuge I
World Knowledge (homeworld) I(I)
Traits Ally I, Byzantine Corruption (greed) + I,
Unrealized Potential (3), Bonded Allegiance
+2, Commendation (Master) 2, Honorarium
Familia 2, Mnemonic Conditioning 2
Caste 3 (Bondsman)
Renown 3 Learning I (specialist)
Justice 2 (administration)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, Filmbooks (CHOAM
Regulations) , House Uniform, Knife Shigawire
imprinter & reels and Personal affects

Chapter III: Character Creation
House Mentat
Your liege does not withholdcomputation lines from
his Mental. More accomplished than the ancient thinking
machines of the pre-Butlerian era, you represent the ulti-
mate achievement in human mental training. From confi-
dential reports you assimilate and process volumes of
data, recalling minutia or computing probabilities with
accurate and casual precision. You lead fact-finding mis-
sions with the zeal of an inquisitor, embracing espionage,
propaganda and interrogations to wring information from
every shadow. In effect, your broad mental training makes
you the ultimate advisor to your liege. Able to assimilate
and process any variety of data, you find yourself readily
adaptable to any House office-from Spymaster or
Warmaster to Security Commander or Master of

Attributes Physique: 2
Coordination: 2
Dexterity + 1
Intellect: 4
Logic +2, Perception +1
Charisma: 2
Willpower + 1
Prescience: 0
Skills Proj ection (approximation analysis)
Mentat Trance (memorize) 3(2)
Computatio n (straight -li ne) 2(2)
Administration (intelligence) 2(2)
Culture (House) 1(3)
Economics (any) 1(1)
Equipment (any) 2(1)
Espionage (counter-intelligence) 2(1)
History (House) 1(3)
Interrogation (questioning) 2(2)
Observation 2
Politics (House) 1(1)
Propaganda (misinformation)1(2)
Racketeering 1
Ranged Combat (dart projector) 1(I)
Security (procedures) 1(1)
Subterfuge (equivocation) 1(1)
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(2)
Traits Compounded by Whispers 3,
Information Network 3, Mentat
Awareness 2, Machine Logic 2, Sapho
Addiction +2, Trained Intelligence 3
Caste 3 (Bondsman)
Renown 3 Learning 2 (computation and intellect)
Prayer 1 (fierce cunning)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, Needlegun, House
uniform , Knife, Solido projector, Solido
recorder & shigawire reels and Personal
House Noble
From your lofty station in the Imperial faufreluches,
you perch as sentinel above your land-bound subjects.
You monitor your fee with the falcon 's eye, protecting your
nest from rival predators. Let no man hunt on House
grounds, there you stand and there you remain.
From birth you have been taught in the art of statecraft
and rightfulgovernance-from early lessons in economics
and politics to advanced studies in diplomacy and law.
Your House mentorsversed you in all the ways of treach-
ery and intrigue, from snoopinglethal poisons to assas-
sin's devices. As heir to the fiefdom your mentors instruct-
ed you in self-defense, drilling you in the art of dueling
and the use of shields. Your family spared no expense
grooming you for the mantle of command; and perhaps
one day, it will be you who rules as lord of your House.

Attributes Physique: 2
Coordination: 2
Intellect: 2
Logic +1, Perception +1
Charisma: 4
Presence +2, Willpower +1
Prescience: 0
Skills Command (any) 3(3)
Persuasion (oratory) 3(3)
Statecraft (any) 2(2)
Administration (House) 2(3)
Athletics 1
Armed Combat (dueling arms) 2(2)
Charm 1
Culture (House) 1(1)
Diplomacy (any) 2(2)
Dodge 2
Equipment 1
History (House) 1(1)
Law (House, Great Convention) 2(1,1)
Observation (any) 1
Politics(House, Imperial) 3(3,2)
Propaganda 2
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(1)
Traits Ally 2, Heir 1, Dueling 2, Magnanimous
Appeal 3, Noble TItle 1, Plasteel Will l ,
Shield Fighting 1
Caste 5 (Regis Familia)
Renown 1 Justice (nobliliry)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, House uniform,
Indicia of birthright, Knife , Kindjal or
Sword, Personal shield, Poison snooper
and Personal affects

Chapter III: Character Creation
House Swordmaster
Whereyour lordcommands, there shall you place your
blade: thus goes your sacredoath. To the noble heirs you teach
the art of dueling, instructing them in sword and shieldin addi-
tion to the ritual forms of Kanly. Killing with the tip lacks
artistry, move slow on attack fast on defense, never let an
armedopponent inside yourguard-these are the lessons
imparted by your masters at the academy, grave truths by
which to live or die.
Your other duties include attending to either House securi-
ty or military affairs. AsSecurity Commander you monitor all
security procedures, attending to household surveillance and
counter-intelligence. In such matters, the Houseguard
answers to your command, putting the householdarsenal at
your disposal. Or as Warmaster you command the House bat-
talions, ordering House defenses and planning military expe-
ditions. In either capacityyou remain ever vigilant of external
threats; and by your Swordmaster Code you are a man of
action. To live a purposeful existence and die an honorable
death are mete rewards for a lifetime of valorous service.

Attributes Physique: 3
Constitution + 1
Coordination: 3
Dexterity +1, Reaction +2
Intellect: 2
Perception +2
Charisma: 2
Prescience: a
Skills Armament (any) 2(2)
Leadership (any) 2(2)
Military Operations (any) 2(2)
Athletics (any) 2(2)
Armed Combat (dueling) 3(4)
Culture (House) 1(2)
Dodge (evade) 2(2) .
FirstAid 1
History (House) 1(1)
Interrogation 1
Observation (any) 3(1)
Ranged Combat (stunner) 2(2)
Secret Language (House Battle) 1(1)
Security(systems) 2(3)
Stealth 2
Unarmed Combat 2
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(1)
Traits Alertness 1, Bimanual Fighting 2,
Commendation 1, Code of Conduct +3,
Dueling 3, Olympian Physique 3, Shield
Fighting 1
Caste 3 (Bondsman)
Renown 3 Valor 2 (combat and martial prowess)
Justice 1 (martial leadership)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, House uniform, Knife,
Personal shield, Slip-tip, Sword, Stunner
and Personal affects
House Suk
You are the caretakerof the noble bloodline. The dia-
mond Suk tattoo branded on your forehead proclaims your
loyalty and competence forall to see. Your pyretic con-
science so rigorously conditions you against taking human
life that you can be trusted to treat even the Emperor's per-
son. Butyour value as a surgeon only touches on your
entireworth to your patron household.
More than a physician, you are also trained in the art
of pharmacology and psychology. You concoct serums
and antivenins to counteract poisons or loosen a sleeper
agent's tongue. You can administer drugs to weaken an
informant's resistance or employ hypnosis to aid in the
most delicate of interrogations. Andyour broad knowledge
of anatomy and science makes you the ideal candidate to
lead forensic investigations into medical enigmas or mys-
terious deaths.

Attributes Physique: 2
Coordination: 2
Dexterity + 1
Intellect: 3
Logic +1
Perception + 1
Charisma: 2
Presence + 1, Willpower + 1
Prescience: a
Skills Medical Arts (surgery) 4(4)
Pharmacy (any) 3(4)
Psychology (psychiatry) 2(2)
Administration (medical) 1(2)
Biology (anatomy) 2(4)
Chemistry (biochemistry) l(3)
Culture (House) 1(2)
Equipment (any) 2(l)
FirstAid (any) 2(2)
History (House) 2(l)
Indoctrination (Conditioning) 1(l)
Interrogation (questioning) I(l)
Observation 1
Persuasion 1
Ranged Combat (stunner) l(1)
Subornation 1
Survival 1
Theology 1
World Knowledge (homeworld) 1(1)
Traits Hand of God 3, Commendation 1, Imperial
Conditioning 2, Information Network 1,
Spice Diet3, Pyretic Conscience +3
Caste 4 (Na-familia)
Renown 2 Learning 1 (medicine)
Prayer 1 (Imperial Conditioning)
Equipment ComNet transmitter, Cutteray (las-
scalpel), Filmbooks (medical), House
uniform , Poison Snooper, Surgical medkit
and personal affects

Chapter III: Character Creation
60 (continued from page 52)
At each stage along the History, you choose a Back- weight he can lift, to how quickly he reacts to how smart
ground package to enhance your character's attributes, he is. Attribute scores are "open-ended," meaning there is
edges, and current skills, or to buy entirely new edges no absolute limit to how high they can go, though normal-
and skills. A character an also purchase advantages, ly they range from 1 to 5. Your character's base attributes
special abilities (such as Whipcord Reflexes, or Prana- come from his Allegiance, representing your character's
Bindu Conditioning), or take disadvantages , drawbacks House lineage and native homeworld.
and limitations (such as having an enemy or rival, or Edges constitute the various components of an attrib-
being blind), which personalize him and give him more ute. For example, two characters may both have
Development Points to spend. All of these things identi- Physique 2, but one might be more muscular, while the
fy the character and differentiate him from all the other other character possesses greater physical stamina or for-
members of his House and vocation. titude. Each attribute consists of two edges (as shown on
4) Fin ishing touches: Determine your character's the accompanying chart) which are expressed in terms of
Karama, Caste and Renown. "+" or values. Edges make the core attributes a bit
more flexible. Edges range from -2 to +2 though charac-
ters rarely suffer negative edges unless they gain disad-
The Basics of Creation vantages that specifically bear on their attributes.
Characters in the DUNE RPG consist of three basic
elements: attributes (and edges), skills and traits. Each of 1 c::o:ti~-::i ?:4
these elements is discussed later in this chapter. When
creating your character, you will receive some attributes,
skills and traits for free, given by the Allegiance and Attribute Edges
Conditioning you choose. You can also purchase addi- Physique Strength, Constitution
tional characteristics with Development Points, as Coordination Dexterity, Reaction
described in the following sections. Intellect Perception, Logic
In addition to your standard allotment of Charisma Presence, Willpower
Development Points, you can elect to give your character Prescience Sight, Vision
one or more disadvantages to gain additional points.
Disadvantages represent things about the character that
make him less than perfect, or which may cause him
problems during the course of play. Electing disadvan- Skills represent a character's expert abilities and
tages results in your receiving more Development Points knowledge-everything from how to fire a maula pistol,
to spend on other characteristics. to how to speak an ancient hunting language. Skills
range from 1 to 5, representing your character's proficien-
cy in that field. A Swordmaster with ArmedCombat
(dueling arms) 3 is more skilled in the art of dueling than
a Noble with Armed Combat (dueling arms) 1.
Attribute Scale Many skills require a character to choose a specializa-
Attribute levels measure a character'sinnate qualities tion to indicate his area of particular expertise in a broad
relative to human norms. and complex subject. For example, a character who
knows the Administration skill could choose to specialize
Level Meaning in such areas as intelligence, medical or military
o Nonexistent Administration. The character understands the basics of
1 Weak the field, and can still attempt a Skill Test in related
2 Average areas. For example, even though a character specializes
3 Superior in Administration (medical), she understands the basics
4 Formidable of personnel leadership and delegation of authority; in a
5 Legendary pinch, she coordinate troop movements or bolster morale
6 Peak of human potential in the trenches. Similarly, an Assassin who specializes in
Assassination (devices) can still employ a variety of poi-
Without the benefit of certain Traits (e.g. Whipcord sons, in addition to laying traps to snare or eliminate her
Reflexes), characters may develop attributes no higher than intended mark.
levelS. Some skills can be used untrained. That is to say,
anyone can use them without formal training, albeit
poorly. These are noted by "0+" on the Master Skills
chart in "Chapter 4." See page 78 and 118 for more infor-
Attributes represent the character's innate physical mation. Other skills require at least a rudimentary level
and mental characteristics--everything from how much of training in order to be attempted by characters: such
skills are designated by "1+" on the Skill chart. template. When his Mentat overlay gives him
Vocational disciplines require special training, and may Intellect (Logic, Perception) +1(1,1) he increases his
only be acquired by members of a certain vocation. Such Intellect from 2 to 3, gains the Logic edge at +1,
disciplines are also noted (e.g. "Mentats") on the Master but cannot raise his Perception edge which is
Skills chart. already +2. So instead, he increases his Intellect by
Traits represent a variety of advantages and disadvan- another 1 point and reduces his perception edge to
tages further distinguishing your character from similar +0. His final Intellect (edges) reads "Intellect 4
members of his homeworld, household or vocation. (logic +1, perception +0).
Whetherbeneficial or detrimental, traits cover a wide spec-
trum of distinctive features including a variety of personal, Skill X (specialization Y) - Gain or increase the skill
societal, material and vocational qualities. level by X and the specialization by Y. If the word "any"
Advantages represent a character's special merits, tal- appears in place of a namedspecialization, gaina new spe-
ents or conditioning--things that distinguish from others cialization at the designated level or increase an existing
who share his homeworld, household or vocation. specialization by a like amount.
Advantages run the gamut, ranging from social benefits Sample: Transport (piloting) 1(1) - Increase the
(such as Ally or Honorarium Familia), to material bene- Transport skill level and piloting specialization level by 1
fits (like Noble Title or Contraband), to innate physical each, or gain the Transportskill and piloting specializa-
aspects (Resilience or Prana-Bindu Conditioning). Player tion at levels 1(1).
characters generally receive two or three advantages from
their Allegiance and Conditioning, but player characters Haldran the SlVordmaster possesses the Transport
warrant at least a few additional advantages to distin- (driving) skill and speciali:ation at levels 1(1).
guish them from their immediate peers. When acquiring Transport (piloting) 1(1), she
Similarly, many characters possess disadvantages rep- increases her Transport skill from 1 to 2, and gains
resentingtroublesome idiosyncrasies or cruel twists of the new speciali:ation (piloting) at level 1. Her
fate. No one's perfect, and sometimes being a hero final skill (speciali:ation) notation reads
requires overcoming one's own limitations. Character "Transport (driving, piloting) 2(1,1) ." Had the new
concepts are improved by attributing one or more flaws skill(speciali:ation) read "Transport (any) 1(I) , ff

to liven the character. That's the purpose of disadvan- Haldran could have either increased her driving
tages-to represent personal defects or idiosyncrasies speciali:ation by 1 or gained another speciali:ation
that a character can struggle with over the course of play. (such as piloting) at level 1 instead.

Character Notation Step One: H o use Allegiance

Observe the following guidelineswhen adding Once you have your character concept, it is time to
Overlays and Background Packages to your base choose an Allegiance. Allegiance represents your charac-
Allegiance Template: . ter's service to one of the Great Houses of the Landsraad.
Attribute (edge) tX (Y) - Gain or increase the It defines your familial bonds and political allegiance,
attribute level by X and the edge level by +Y. The maxi- bestowing any edges, skills or traits acquired in service to
mum value for any edge is +2. In cases where develop- your patron House and House.
ment of an edge would yield a modifier greater than +2,
raise the attribute by 1 and reduce the edge to +0 unless
doing so would yield an attribute rank above the maxi-
mum limit (usually 5). In such cases, increase/maintain
the edge at +2 and gain I development point to add to
Great &- Minor H o uses
any existing skill specialization governed by the designat-
ed attribute. See "Chapter 4" for clarification. Allegia nce Houses M inor
If directed to increase "any" edge under a specific attrib- Atreides Dernios, Parthenope, Spiridon
ute, you may not choosean edge alreadyhaving a value of Corrino Aingeru, Evangelos, Schiavonna
+2 unless both edges under the attribute existat levels +2. Harkonnen lvilonette, Ruymandiaz, Truscantos
Sample: Intellect (Logic, Perception) + l(I, 1)- Gain or Moritani Laurentii, Kazimierz, Prinzporio
increase Intellect by 1 and the Logic and Perception Tseida lkeni, Sunniva, Wyrkiru
edges by 1 each. If the Logic or Perception edge is Wallach Brugge, Ottovaar, Roinesprit
already +2, increase Intellect by an additional 1 point
and reduce the corresponding edge to +0.

Paimon possesses Intellect at level 2 and the

Each Great House is presented in the form of an
Perception edge at +2 as a result of his Allegiance Allegiance template. At a glance, the templateoutlines a

Chapter III: Character Creation

Allegiance Templates
House Atreides
Attributes Physique2, Coordination 2, Intellect (perception) 2(+1), Charisma (presence) 2(+1), Prescience 0
Skills Culture (Atreides) 1(1), History (Atreides) 1(1), Secret Language (Atreides Battle) 1(1), World Knowledge (Caladan)1(1)
Add') Skills Choose 2 - Athletics(any) 1(1), Charm (any) 1(1), Dodge (any) 1(1), Security (any) 1(1 ),Transport (piloting) 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Enhanced Sense (vision) 1, Ally 1, or Moralizing Creed 1

House Corrina
Attributes Physique 2, Coordination 2, Intellect 2, Charisma (presence, willpower) 2(+1,+1),Prescience 0
Skills Culture (Corrino) 1(1 ), History (Corrino) 1(1 ), Politics (Corrino) 1(1), World Knowledge (Kaitain) 1(1)
Add'i Skills Choose 2 - Administration (any) 1(1), Armed Combat (any) 1(1),Dodge (any) 1(1), Observation (any) 1(1),
Persuasion (any) 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Ally 1, Information Network 1 or Plasteel Will 1

House Harkonnen
Attributes Physique (strength) 2(+1), Coordination 2, Intellect 2, Charisma (willpower) 2(+1), Prescience 0
Skills Culture (Harkonnen) 1(1), History (Harkonnen) 1(1), Politics (Harkonnen) 1(1), World Knowledge (Giedi Prime) 1(1)
Add') Skills Choose 2 - Athletics 1(1),Dodge 1(1),Economics 1(1), Persuasion 1(1),Subterfuge 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Commendation 1, Information Network 1 or Resilience 1

House Moritani
Attributes Physique 2, Coordination (reaction) 2(+1),Intellect (perception) 2(+1), Charisma: 2, Prescience: 0
Skills Culture (Moritani) 1(2), History (Moritani) 1(1), Hunting Language (Bhotani Jib) 1(1 ), World Knowledge (Grumman) 1(1)
Add'i Skills Choose 2 - Athletics (any)1(1), Concealment (any) 1(1), Observation (any) 1(1), Politics (any) 1(1), Subterfuge (any) 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Alertness 1, Direction Sense 1 or Immunity 1

House Tseida
Attributes Physique 2, Coordination (dexterity) 2(+ 1), Intellect (logic) 2(+1), Charisma 2, Prescience: 0
Skills Culture (Tseida) 1(2), History (Tseida) 1(1), Law (any) 1(1 ), World Knowledge (Sikun) 1(1)
Add'i Skills Choose 2 - Charm (any) 1(1), Economics (any) 1(1), Politics (any) 1(1), Language (any) 1(1), Theology (any) 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Contraband 1, Information Network 1 or Metabolic Clock 1

House Wallach
Attributes Physique (constitution) 2(+1), Coordination 2, Intellect 2, Charisma (willpower) 2(+1), Prescience: 0
Skills Culture (Wallach) 1(1 ), History (Wallach) 1(1 ), Politics (Wallach) 1(1) , World Knowledge (Wallach VII) 1(1)
Add') Skills Choose 2 - Administration (any) 1(1), Armed Combat (any) 1(1), Dodge (any) 1(1), First Aid (any) 1(1),
Survival (any) 1(1)
Traits Choose 1 - Ally 1, Moralizing Creed 1 or Resilience 1
character's base attributes and skills, revealing her initial Conditioning, thereby destroying the Suk's professional
strengths and weaknesses: How strong is she? How fast credibility.
are her reflexes? How intelligent? Every character possess- On the next page, you will find Conditioning overlays
es four basic attributes-Physique, Coordination, Intellect, for each of the vocational schools. After consideringthe
Charisma-while only a few possess the rare, Prescience type of character you want to play, choose the overlay
attribute. Record the listed attribute and skill levels on that best suits your concept. Conditioning overlays are
your character sheet. Later, when you choose your charac- free ; they impart all of the listed characteristics (and cor-
ter's Conditioning, you'll modifyher base characteristics to responding levels) at no Development Point cost. But
reflect professional achievement and skill refi nement. If once you've recorded the results of your Conditioning,
you fi nd the skill (specialization) terminology or numerical you'll want to modify your character's numerical levels
system confu sing, see "Character Notation" for guidance. by spending additional Development Points later in the
On the previous page, you will find templates for six of creation process. Additional information about the voca-
the Great Houses of the Landsraad. When choosing your tional schools can be found "Chapter11: The Culture of
Allegiance, don't forget to note your character's House. the Imperium," page 218.
Record all of the characteristics from your Allegiance tem-
plate on your character sheet. For further information
about House Allegiance, see "Allegiance Templates" (left Step Three: Background History
page) and "Chapter 14: Imperial Planetology." After putting together Allegiance and Conditioning,
you should have a solid basis for a good character. You
know how strong or smart he is, and you know what he
Step Two: Vocational Conditioning can do. Yet not all Atreides Swordmasters are the same;
After deciding upon an Allegiance, choose your char- one might be stronger than another, or faster than anoth-
acter's Conditioning overlay. Conditioning represents er. One may have specialized in planetary invasions,
the character's schooling and vocational training- while the other is an expert in security techniques.
Swordmaster or Mentat, for example. 'Whereas your Players can personalize their characters through the
Allegiance represents whom you serve, Conditioning Background History process.
represents how you serve. The overlay details all of the Every character has a past. When your character was
attribute refinements, skill proficiencies, and occupa- a child, did he learn the art of dueling from the House
tional traits developed as a result of the character's Swordmaster? While at the Imperial College, did she
vocational Conditioning. You can think of the overlay as study on a foreign homeworld? How did your character
resume of sorts, a short list of the basic proficiencies spend her time between graduating from his program and
qualifying her as a graduate of her chosen school, guild enlisting with his current House? The Background
or program. History allows you to customize your characters, while at
Within each overlay, the group of skills listed in ital- the same time detailinginterestingbiographies to distin-
ics are considered the primary skills, or vocational disci- guish them from their peers.
plines, conferred by the character's Conditioning.
Comprised of three skills each, disciplines
measure the character's proficiency and
progress in relation to fellow professionals,
and affect the character's career advance-
ment and personal renown. For more
information, see "Promotions" on page
Overlays also list a series of traits, some
of which are merely suggestions, while oth-
ers are required. Traits listed in italics are
mandatory; and as a general rule, cannot
be "bought off" later with experience points
as can most ordinary disadvantages (see
"Traits," page 97, and "Experience," page
173). For example, all Suks gain Pyretic
Conscience as part of their vocational
Conditioning. Since Pyretic Conscience (tied
to their Imperial Conditioning) is what distin-
guishes Suks from ordinary medics and
House physicians, the disadvantage may not
be removed without breaking the Imperial

Chapter III: Character Creation

Conditioning Overlays
Bene Gesseri t Adept
Attributes Physique (constitution)+0(1),Coordination +1, Intellect (perception) +0(1 }
Skills BG Way (any) 3(3}, Ritual (any) 2(3}, Voice 2, Athletics 1, Charm (seduction) 1(1), Culture(BG
Sisterhood) 1(1}, Dodge (evade) 1(2}, Observation (any) 1(2), Politics(Imperial) 1(1}, Hunting
Language(Chakobsa) 1, Subterfuge 1, Unarmed Combat (martial training) 1(2)
Traits Weirding Combat 2, DualAllegiance +2 and Prana-bindu Conditioning3

Attributes Coordination (any) +1 (1), Intellect (perception) +0(1 )
Skills Assassination (any) 3(3}, Impersonation (any) 1(2), Infiltration (any) 2(2}, Athletics 1, Armed
Combat (concealed, esoteric) 1(1,1),Chemistry (pharmacy) 1(1), Concealment 1, Dodge 1,
Observation 1, Ranged Combat (stunner) 1(2), Secret Language (Chakobsa) 1, Stealth (stalking)
1(2), Subterfuge (guile) 1(1 ), Underworld 1
Traits Assassins Code 2, Adversary +2 and Immunity (poison) 1

Master Strategist
Attributes Intellect +1, Any2 edges, +1 each
Skills Select 1 Strategist Specialty and gain all skills therein.
Specialty: Choam Advisor - Economics (any) 2(2), Law (CHOAM) 2(2}, Mercantilism (any)
2(3}, Diplomacy (negotiation) 1(2)
Specialty: Spymaster - Espionage (any) 2(3}, Interrogation (any) 2(2), Propaganda (any) 2(2), Subornation (any) 1(2)
Sysselraad Delegate - Diplomacy 2, Law (Great Convention, House) 2 (2,2), Persuasion (debate) 1(2), Statesmanship
(any) 2(3}
Warmaster - Armament (any) 2(2}, Leadership (any) 2(2}, Military 2(3), Security 1(2)
Add'i Skills Administration (any) 2(2), Armed Combat (personal) 1(2), Dodge 1, Equipment 1, History 1,
Observation 1, Politics(Imperial) 1(1), Persuasion (debate) 1(1)
Traits Unrealized Potential (3), Bonded Allegiance +2 and Commendation (Master) 2

Attributes Intel lect(logic, perception) +1(1,1),Charisma (willpower) +0(1 )
Skills Projection (apprOXimation analysis) 3(3}, Mentat Trance (memorize) 2(2), Computation
(straight-line) 2(2}, Administration (intelligence) 1(2), Equipment 1, Espionage Icounter-intelll-
gence) 1(1 }, Interrogation (questioning) 1(2), Observation 1, Politics 1, Propaganda (any) 1(2),
Racketeering 1,Subterfuge (equivocation) 1(1)
Traits Mentat Awareness 2, Machine Logic 2, Sapho Addiction +2

Attributes Intellect (any) +0(1 }, Charisma (any) +1(1 )
Skills Command (any) 3(3), Persuasion (oratory) 2(2), Statecrait (any) 2(2}, Administration (House)
1(2), Athletics 1, Armed Combat (dueling or personal) 1(I), Charm 1, Diplomacy (any) 1(2 ),
Dodge 1, Equipment 1, Law (House, Great Convention) 1(1, l}, Observation 1, Pol itics (House)
Traits Heir 1, obleTitle 1, Shield Fighting 1

Attributes Physique (constitution)+0(1 ), Coordination (reaction) +1(1)
Skills Armament (any) 2(2}, Leadership (any) 2(2}, Military Operations (any) 2(2), Athletics (any)
1(1),Armed Combat (duelingl 2(3), Dodge (evade) 1(2}, First Aid 1, Observation (any) 1,
Ranged Combat (stunner) 1(1 ), Security (systems) 1(2), Stealth 1, Unarmed Combat 1
Traits Bimanual Fighting 2, Dueling 3, Shield Fighting and Code of Conduct +3
Suk Physician
Attributes Intellect+1, Charisma (willpower) +0(1), Any 1 edge +1
Skills Medical Arts (surgery) 3(3), Pharmacy (any) 2(3), Psychology (psychiatry) 2(2),Administration
(medical) 1(2), Biology (anatomy) 1(2), Chemistry(biochemistry) 1(2), Equipment (any) 1, First Aid 1,
Indoctrination (conditioning)1(1), Interrogation (questioning) 1(1).Observation 1, Survival 1
Traits Imperial Conditioning 2, Spice Diet 3, Pyretic Conscience +3

The Background History is designed to help you vive on the streets. But later, an uncle who also escaped
explore these aspects of your character by tracing his the carnage discovered the character and bought her
growth from early age to House service. During each of admission into the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, sending her
the three stages of development, you may choose one of to Wallach IXfor formal education.
the suggested packages free of cost, or receive an equal Throughout this process, additional ideas and refine-
number of Development Points with which to improve ments may occur to you. This is natural, and you should
your character at your discretion. If you opt to go with follow these instincts; you might end up with a more
Development Points, you should consult the Narrator to interesting character. Whereas your Allegiance and
make certain you spend appropriately. If your character Conditioning form the core of your initial concept, at this
is a Suk Physician, for example, the Narrator would be stage you add flesh to bare skeleton, adding layer upon
justifiedin forbidding heavy expenditures on skills or layer until you've reached a finish ed character, far more
traits having a decidedlyviolent nature. lifelike and personal than your original two-word concept.

Sb:lges of Background
Background Histories consist of three
'stages' of character development-Early
Life, House Service and Personal Calling.
Early Life encompasses the experience
gained prior to entering the school or pro-
gram imparting your character's
Conditioning. House Service describes
what professional role your character
assumed between graduating and entering
play. Personal Calling covers an array of
activitiescoinciding with your character's
Early Life, Conditioning or House Service,
and may even describe circumstances con-
tinuing into the present.
On the following pages, you will find
packages for each stage of the Background
History. At each stage you may either choose
a package or receive a commensurate
number of Development Points. Upon
selecting your packages or spending your points,
note all modifications to your characteristics on your
character record.
Background Package s
After choosing your packages and/or spending your
Development Points, you should explain how your char- When choosingfrom among the Background packages
acter's various background elements fit together. They you should consult the Narrator if you want to substitute
should form a biography of the character's life up to the a characteristic not listed within a particular category.
point of entering play. For example, a character might Under most circumstances the Narrator should permit
gain the Orphaned and the Off-world Education pack- attribute, skill or trait substitutions, provided the player
ages for Early Life and Personal Calling, respectively. You justifies the request with a reasonable explanation. For
and the Narrator might put these characteristics together example, a player conceiving his character's Early Life
by saying that the character's homeworld was ravaged Academic Education to occur in a House Embassy is
during a military pogrom leavingyour character to sur- entirely justified for wanting to substitute Diplomacy or

Chapter III: Character Creation
Law for Economics or Science consider ing the specific may only develop one attribute or edge during each stage
nature of the character's educational environment. of Background History. And unless a characte r possesses
On the other hand, some skills and traits may be the trait Latent Prescience, you may not develop her
inappropriate considering a character's Allegiance or Prescience attribute or any related edges by spending
Conditioning. For example, no Noble would practice the Development Points.
art of Assassination even though assassins make up a Skills - Each skill level costs 2 Development Points.
legitimate part of the household personnel. Similarly, no Specializations cost 1 Development Point apiece. No char-
Assassin would embody the trait Pacifism-it would acter may start the game with a skill higher than 4 (5),
mean an end to her career and professional reputation. except with the Narrator's permission.
Traits - Advantages cost a variable number of
1 pz:;~..,.~---i="==::::r--- points , depending on the degree of benefit , while disad-
vantages give a character more points to allocate , based
Adv8nced Character on the severity of the flaw. Unless sanctioned by the
Narrator, starting characters may possess no more than
Creation five advantages and five disadvantages. You may rarely
The character creation rules presented above are suffi- purchase an advantage or disadvantage more than once;
cient to create virtually any type of DUNE RPG character. but you may always increase or decrease the level of
When you become more comfortable with therules, or if traits carrying variable point costs (i.e. Commendation
you are an experienced role-player, going through all the trait, variable point range 1 - 3). All trait costs are listed
character creation steps described above may not benec- in "Chapter 4: Characteristics. "
essary, Instead, you can simply spend 130Development
Points to purchase theattributes, skills, and traits required
to flesh out your own, unique DUNE RPG character.
Egrly Life
Use theTemplates, Overlays and Background packages Where did your character grow up? What was his
provided as guidelines, Remember, theHouses entrust homeworld and family environment like? Did private
theirkey staff positions onlyto accomplished, well-round- tutors instruct him or did he learn to survive on the
ed professionals, Notwithstanding, no character may begin streets? This stage of development details your character's
thegame with attribute (edge) values exceeding 4(+2) or childhood and adolescence , giving you an idea of how he
skill (specialization)values exceeding 4(5), was raised and instructed through his formative years of
experience. It covers the period of your character's life
prior to the character's formal education and Conditioning.
Choose an Early Life package from the accompanying
chart (right), or spend seven (7) Development Points
among the listed attributes, skills and traits. Skills pur-
Point-based Bgckground Development
chased dur ing this stage represent your character's edu-
When spending Development Poin ts instead of cation and interests during childhood, while traits detail
choosing a package, observe the following guidelines the early life experiences or self-realizations.
with respect to development costs and restrictions. See
the accompanying table for a quick summary.
House Service
; c; C::;;;.,!iF();;~;S=;:i- i After completing his schooling , your character entered
the service of a House Minor under a short-term contract
of allegiance . There she spent three years in bonded
Development Point Cost service, app lying and develop ing her vocational expe rtise
Attributes 3 points as she embarked on a vocation al career within one of the
Edges 1 point House departments (military, security, intelligence and so
Skills 2 points on). With what House did your character enlist? Was it
Specializations 1 point her current House , or another House serving the same
Advantages Variable patron? How did the years of service earn her employ-
Disadvantages Variable (gain extra ment with her current House or advance her position
development points) within her chosen vocational path?
Choose a House Service package from the accompa-
nying chart (page 68). If none of these suit your tastes,
then spend twelve (12) Development Points on skills,
Attributes - When spending Development Points, advantages, and disadvantage s. Skills acquired during
attributes cost 3 Development Points per attribute level; this stage represent aptitudes learned on -the-job , while
edges cost 1 Development Point for each +1 gained. You skill improvements represent further refinement of her
(continues on page 70)
B~ckground History P~ck~8es

E:lrly Lite History

Academic Education - The character learned about the universe around him from volumes of filmbooks and sulido projections.
Skills: Choose three-Culture 1, Economics 1, History 1, Politics 1, Science 1, World Knowledge 1. Gain any specialization (1) in
one of thechosen skills.

Bene Gesserit Teaching - Whether a commissioned proctor or renegade sister trained thecharacter, he received preliminary training
in the secret "witching ways" of the Bene Gesserit.
Skills: BG Way 1, Athletics 1
Traits: Choose one-Prana-Bindu Conditioning 3 or Whipcord Reflexes 3

Dueling Instruction - Under the tutelage of a rogue blade master or family Weapons Master, thecharacter trained in the artof duel-
ing over a period of many years.
Skills: Armed Combat (dueling arms) 1(1), Dodge 1
Traits: Choose one-Dueling 2, Bimanual Fighting 2 or Heroism 2

Mentat Priming - Recognized for hermental prowess during infancy, the character was primed as a potential Mentat until reaching
the age at which a voluntary decision was required to continue with hiseducation. Recommended for Mentats.
Skills: MentatTrance 1, Observation 1
Traits: Trained Intelligence 3-or-Any Intellect edge +1 and Mentat Awareness 2 or Mnemonic Conditioning 2.

Noble Household - The character was reared under theauspices of a noble household, where he learned by observing theskills of
Skills: Politics (House) 1(1 ), Diplomacy 1
Traits: Choose one-Ally 2, Honorarium Familia 2, or Patron 2

Orphaned - A family tragedy leftthecharacter orphaned at an early age. The character survived on thestreets until a patron came to
his rescue.
Skills: Choose three-Armed Combat 1, Bargaining 1, First Aid 1, Observation 1, Survival 1, Stealth 1, Unarmed Combat 1,
Underworld 1
Traits: Choose one-Alertness 1, Enhanced Sense 1 or Resilience 1

Out-freya Upbringing - The character spent hisearly childhood as the ward of a foreign, non-Imperial culture, such as the Fremen,
Tleilaxu, or Spacing Guild.
Skills: Culture (any) 1(1), First Aid 1,World Knowledge (any) 0(1)
Traits: Moralizing Creed l-or-Any Physique or Coordination edge +1

Religious Household - Raised in a religious household, the character first learned about the universe through the eyes of a believer.
Skills: Theosophy 1 History 1
Traits: Hand of God 3

Slave Pits - Incarcerated within theslave pitsof a riva l household, the character survived a longperiod of torment and hard labor
before escaping his captors.
Skills: Choose two-Athletics 1, Concealment 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Unarmed Combat 1
Traits: Heroism 2 & Resilience l-or-Olympian Physique 3

Unique Circumstances - The character's Early Life is defined by some unique lifestyle or experience. Describe the lifestyle and spend
7 Development Points to gain and/or increase up to: one attribute (or edge), three Skills (and/or specializations) and twoTraits.
Sample Expenditure: Skill (specialization) 1(1), Skill 1 and Trait 2


Chapter III: Character Creation
Ho use Service
Academic Advisor - Thecharacter has served as an academic specialist, consultant, or tutelary. Having specialized in religious, his-
torical or cultural lessons, the character aspires to the post of Academic Advisor, counsel ing hisliegein addition to educating the
noble heirs.
Attributes/Edges: Intellect +1
Skills: Culture (any) 0(1 ) and (choose three)-Economics 1, History 1, Law 1, Performance 1, Science 1, Theosophy 1
Traits: Mnemonic Conditioning 2

CHOAM Advisor - The character has served the House as a financial officer, supervising various economic, financial and mercantile
ventures. Having served as a corporate officer, treasury exchequer, or financial officer, thecharacter aspires to the rank of
CHOAM Advisor.
Skills: Administration 1, Economics 1, Law (CHOAM) 1(1), Mercantilism (any) 1(1)
Traits: Mnemonic Conditioning 2

Diplomatic Spokesman - The character served hisHouse as a member of a Sysselraad delegation or Landsraad embassy. The charac-
ter may have served as a liaison, representative, or counsel aspiring to achieve therank of Diplomatic Spokesman.
Attribute/Edge: +1 to any Intellect or Charisma edge
Skills: Law 1, Diplomacy 1, Politics (any) 1(1) and Propaganda 1
Traits: Ally 2

House Physician - The character has operated as a chief medic, House physician or staff surgeon, having served in a military hospital
or household infirmary. The character aspires to one day claim theposition of House Physician. Recommended forSuks.
Attribute/Edge: Choose one-Constitution +1, Dexterity +1, Perception +1 or Presence +1
Skills: First Aid (any) 1(2), Medical Arts (surgery) 1(1) Pharmacy (Medicine) 1(1)
Traits: Commendation 1

Personal Confidante - The character has served as a personal confidante to a family noble, providing companionship, entertainment
and advice commensurate with his/her assigned role.
Attributes: Charisma +1
Skills: Administration 1, Charm 1-and- Performance 1 or Persuasion 1
Traits: Highborn 3 or Patron 3

Security Commander - The character operated as a House security agent, serving as a member of theeliteguard, brute squad or
secret police. The character aspires to hold the rank of Security Commander.
Attribute/Edge: Choose one-Strength +1, Reaction +1 or Perception +1
Skills: Interrogation 1, Observation 1, Ranged Combat (Stunner) 1(1),Security (any) 1(1)
Traits: Choose one-Alertness 1, Enhanced Sense 1 or Commendation 1

Spymaster - The character served as a covert agent within the House intelligence arm. The character may have performed as an
informant, spy, or provocateur, hoping to one day secure the position of House Spymaster.
Attributes/Edges: +1 to any Coordination or Intellect edge
Skills: Espionage (any) 1(1), Interrogation 1, Observation 1, and Stealth 1
Traits: information Network 2

Warmaster - The character has fulfilled one or more tours of dutyserving as a juniorofficer in the House military. The character may
have served as a troop leader, elitecommando or military advisor, aspiring to one day holdthe rank of Warmaster.
Skills: Armed Combat (personal) 1(1), Ranged Combat 1, Leadership 1 and Military 1
Traits: MilitaryGenius 3

Weapons Master - The character has served as a weapons instructor for the family nobility, House guard or military elite. in time, the
character may achieve the rank of Weapons Master presiding over all House-sponsored combat training programs.
Armed Combat (any) 1(2), Dodge 1, Ranged Combat 1 and Unarmed Combat 1
Traits: Shield Fighting 1 and Bimanual Fighting (or Dueling) 2 -or- Whipcord Reflexes 3

Unique Vocation - The character's House Service isdefined by some unique roleor vocation. Describe theposition and spend 12
Development Points to gain and/or increase up to: one attribute (or edge), four skills (and/or specializations) and two traits.
Sample Expenditure: Edge +1, Skill (specialization) 1(1), Skill (specialization) 1(1), Skill 1, and Trait 3
Personal Calling
Advocate - Gifted in verbal communication, the character excels as anadvocate or spokesman for some political organization such
as a household, school or combine.
Skills: Politics (any) 0(1 )-and-Administration 1 or Propaganda 1
Traits: Magnanimous Appeal 3

Arena Fighter - The character demonstrates remarkable skill and valor in the arena, fighting beasts, slaves or trained gladiators to cre-
atea spectacle for theadoring public.
Skills: Dodge 1, Armed Combat (any) 1(1)
Traits: Choose one-Shield Fighting 1, Resilience 1 or any Physique/Coordination edge +1

Breeder - Because of some extraordinary qualityin hergenetic make up, the BG Sisterhood grooms thecharacter to become a par-
ticipant in itsselective breeding program.
Skills: Charm (seduction) 1(1), Subterfuge 1
Traits: Prized Bloodline 2

Exile/Fugitive - As a result of criminal exileor fugitive flight, thecharacter survived as a renegade before enlisting with his current
House under bonded servitude.
Skills: Conceal 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Transport 1 and World Knowledge (any) 0(1 )
Traits: Bonded Allegiance +2, Renegade +1

Imperial Servant-The character serves the Emperor as an official observer and cultural attache to the House Entourage. Though obli-
gated to perform certain Imperial functions, the character is free to serve hispatron House in any number of official capacities.
Skills: Administration (any) 1(1), Culture (Imperial) 0(1), Diplomacy 1 and Observation 1
Traits: Dual Allegiance +2

Off-world Education - The character received hervocational conditioning on another homeworld, learning about theplanet and its
Skills: Culture (House) 0(1), History (House or homeworldl 0(1), Pol itics (House) 0(1) World Knowledge (homeworld] 0(1 )
Traits: Choose 1-Ally 2, Information I erwork 2 or Linguistic Talent 2

Privateer - Before enlisting with hercurrent House, the character survived as an enterprising criminal or mercenary.
Skills: Choose 3-Armed Combat 1, Mercantilism 1, Ranged Combat 1, Racketeering 1, Subterfuge 1, Underworld 1
Traits: Contraband 2, Rogue +2

Sleeper Agent - For years thecharacter has been serving as a secret mole, on assignment from another House. The character must
designate heroriginal House and homeworld for thefollowing specializations
Skills: Espionage 1, Culture (any House) 0(1), Stealth 1, Underground 1 and World Knowledge (homeworld) 0(1).
Traits: False Allegiance +3, Information Network 1

Umma - Gifted with prescient ability, thecharacter possesses the natural ability to glimpse or predict future events. Because prophets
are often mocked and scorned, thecharacter may choose to keep hispredictive talents secret.
Attributes: Prescience (any edge) +1(1 ) - resulting from Latent Prescience trait below
Skills: Prescience 1
Traits: Latent Prescience 3

Unique Calling - The character's Personal Calling reveals talent or experience unique to thecharacter. Describe thecalling and
spend 6 Development Points to gain andlor increase up to: oneattribute (or edge), three skills (andlor specializations) and two
Sample Expenditure: Edge +1, Skill 1t Skill 1, and Trait 1

Chapter III: Character Creation
70 (continued fTOm page 66)
vocational Conditioning. Similarly, traits imply personal birth, special advantages that a character gained at some
development or occupat ional accomplishments . point during his life or man y other things. It's limited
only by the player's imagination.
Personal Calling
At some time in your character's history, they took the
road less traveled , embarking on a personal journey or Cas te identifies your character's place within the
private enterprise. Whether stemming from the character's Imperial social hierarch y known as the faufreluches.
childhood dreams , tragic background, unusual aptitudes Because the order of the faufreluches is tied to blood lin-
or exceptional luck, the character's Personal Calling has eage, characters are born into their social Caste , finding
led him to experiences setting him apart from his peers. little opportunity to elevate their social expectations.
Choose a Personal Calling package from the accom- Your character's social privileges, legal rights, educational
pan ying chart (previous page), or gain six (6) develop- opportunities and vocational roles all result from your
ment points to invest in your characteristics. At this character's inherited Caste .
stage , skill acqu isition and enhancement represents
development traced to your character's unique pursuit. c;~~~=-~_
Traits detail the particular circumstances or achievements
associated with the character's calling.
Order of the Faufreluches
Caste Description
Advanced Conditioning
5 Regis-Familia (House Nobility)
Instead of entering service immediately upon gradua- 4 Na-Familia (House family members and high
tion , some characters show a talent for advanced ranking officers/advisors & merchant
Conditioning within one or more of the special programs gentry)
offered by his vocational institution. For example , a 3 Bondsman (artisans & skilled laborers)
promising Swordmaster may be recruited for advanced 2 Pyon (peasants & laborers-wards of the land)
training within the academy's war college. Or a promising 1 Maula (Slaves, Criminals and Outcasts)
Adept might find herself initiated into the Missionaria
Protectiva, an advanced religious program within the Conditioning Caste Level
Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. Additional education does not Adept 4
increase the Development Points a character can spend Assassin 3
during their development, but does offer a good explana- Master Strategist 3
tion for buying many new or unusual skills. Forthcoming Mentat 3
supplements from Last Unicorn Games will provide play- Noble 5
ers with additional packages for various specialty pro- Swordmaster 3
grams , but in the meantime , Narrator's should feel free to Suk 4
develop their own packages to accommodate the concept
of advanced Conditioning. As a general rule, Advanced
Conditioning packages should consist of eighteen (18)
Development Points , and substitute for both House Though caste may vary somewhat depending on the
Service and Personal Calling packages. character's background development, vocational
Conditioning firmly roots the character into one of the
five castes of the faufreluches. To determine your char-
Step Four: Finishing Touches acter's Caste , refer to the accompanying table. If your
By this time, you should have a fairly well developed character possesses any traits that modify its Caste ,
character, complete with attributes, skills, traits and his- implement those changes now to determine your final
tory. In this last step , you add the final remaining touch- Caste .
es needed to enter play. In performing the finishing
touches, you 'll determine your character's starting Caste ,
Renown Karama and Equipment.
Renown measures your character's fame or reputa-
tion. The higher your character's Renown, the more peo-
Universal Background Development
ple have heard of him or his exploits. For example , a
At this stage , every character gets five points to allo- character with a low Renown might only be recognized
cate among its attributes, edges, skills and traits . This is among household retainers , while one with extraordinari-
your last opportunity to personalize your character prior ly high Renown has made a name for himself throughout
to entering game play. They may be innate qualities from the Imperium .
In addition to representing general fame or notoriety,
Renown is divided into four aspects: Valor, Learning,
Justice and Prayer. Characters gain Renown in those
individual aspects; the total of those aspects is the char-
St8rting Equipment
acter 's overall Renown. All DUNE RPG characters begin play with the follow-
Starting characters typically begin play with 1 ingequipment: House Uniform, ComNet transmitter, Knife
Renown, in any aspect. However, if your character pos- and Personal affects (clothing, memorabilia, filrnbooks,
sesses any traits affecting its renown , implement those chronometer, etc.) Each character also gains the following
changes now. Record your final Renown and Renown equipment, according to their ConditioningOverlay:
aspects on your Character record.
Adept Filmbooks (BGl, Wardrobe appropriate to
Renown Aspects House function
Valor - Valor represents a character's reputation for
physical acts of bravery or heroism. This reputation Assassin Flip-dart, Hunter-Seeker, Krimskell rope,
may come from fighting in a slave arena or leading Maula pistol, Minimic recorder, Poison (Type I
armies of men in planetary assaults. Aspects may reflect & IV), Shigawire garrote and Slip-tip
personal Physique or Coordination, Valor skills and
traits, or feats of courage demonstrated during play. Master Strategist
Learning - Learning reflects a character's reputation Warmaster Battledress, Kindjal and Maula pistol or
for intelligence, scholarship and accomplishments of Stunner
mind. Learning aspects may include personal Intellect, Spymaster Need legun or Stunner, Minimic recorder &
Learning skills and traits, or intellectual accomplish- film, Poison snooper and Maula pistol
ments demonstrated during play. CHOAM Advisor
Justice - Justice reflects a character's reputation for CHOAM credentials, Filmbooks (CHOAM
sound leadership, political savvy or social esteem. This Regulations) and Shigawire imprinter
can be done through fear or inspi ring loyalty. Justice Diplomatic Spokesman
aspects may reflect personal Charisma, Justice skills Needlegun, Diplomatic passport, and
and traits, moral or ethical conduct, or stirring acts of Filmbooks (Great Convention) and Shigawire
leadership demonstrated during play. imprinter
Pray er - Prayer reflects the character's reputation
for personal wisdom, spiritual contemplation or esoteric Mentat Needlegun, Solido projector, Solido recorder
knowledge. Prayer aspects may reflect personal Intellect and Shigawirereels
or Charisma , Prayer skills and traits, character personal-
ity, spiritual or philosophical beliefs , or demonstration Noble Indicia of birthright (ring, circlet, etc.),
of any of the same during narrative situations. Personal shield, Poison snooper and Sword
or Kindjal,
Karama Swordmaster Personal shield, Slip-tip, Stunner and Sword
Each character receives 3 Karama . Karama can be
spent to earn automatic successes, thus allowing charac- Suk Filmbooks (medical), Poison snooper and
ters to perform heroic feats in times of stress . If charac- Surgical medkit (las-scalpel, shot injector,
ters have any remaining Development Points, they can medicines)
purchase additional Karama at a cost of 3 Development
Points per Karama. For rules regarding the use and
recovery of Karama, see pages lIS and 174.
world. See the accompanying chart and record the equip-
ment gained as a result of your character's Conditioning.
Personal Equipment
Narrators should feel free to limit or expand the normal
Each character begins play outfitted with personal selection of equipment, based on the needs of his chron i-
equipment standard to their profession and/or home- cle and/or style of play.

Chapter III: Character Creation

Quick-Reference Creation

I. BasicCharacter C reation Process

A. Choose Allegiance (your Great House & House Minor)

B. Choose Conditioning (your vocation)

C. Detail thecharacter's background using the History stages (Early Life, House Service and Personal Calling,)

D. Put on thefinishing touches: Caste, Renown, Karama & Equipment

II. Essential Elements of Character Creation

A. Attributes: Attributes represent a character's innate capabilities, such as his agility or intel ligence. There arefive
attributes: Physique, Coordination, Intellect, Charisma and Prescience attributes range in value from 1 to 5. Unless a char-
acter possesses theLatent Prescience trait, they may notdevelop their Prescience attribute (or related edges), meaning
they possess theattribute andedges at level O.
Attribute Cost: Itcosts 3 Development Points to raise an attribute by 1 point.

B. Edges: Edges are aspects ofattributes representing a character's particular level oftalent (or lack oftalent) within
theattribute category. For example, theedges associated with Intellect are Perception and Logic. Edges range in value
from +2 to -2, andactas modifiers to related Tests.
Edge Cost: Itcosts 1 Development Point to raise an edge by +1 (for example, fro m0 to +1, orfrom -2 to -1).
Reducing an edge by 1 or 2 confers an equal number of Development Points that may spentelsewhere duri ngthecre-
ation process.

C. Skills: Skills reflect a character's learned abilities andaptitudes. Examples incl ude the ability to command a subor-
dinate, operate a hunter seeker, and interrogate a subject. Most skills havespecializations representing related areas of
expertise. Skills range in val ue from 1 to 5 (certain traitsallow skills to reach level 6), while specializations range upto
one rank higher.
Skill Cost: Skills cost 2 Development Points each, with additional specialization(s) costing 1 Development Point per
level. Improving a skill byone level costs2 Development Points. Improving a specialization by one level costs 1
Development Point. Unless gained in a Conditioning overlay or Backgrou nd package, characterscannot purchase
Conditioning-relatedskills (such as those described as "Mentats only"). They may, however, increase such skills once
acqui red.

D. Traits (advantages): These arespecial abil ities, benefits, oradvantages that a character possesses. Examples include
having anAlly in theSpacing Guild, being physically Resilient, or having a particu larly well-developed characteristic.
Advantage Cost: Equal to thevalue oftheadvantage (see individual Advantage descriptions, pages 97-108). Unless
gained ina Conditioning overlay or Background package, characters cannotpurchase Conditioning-related traits (such as
those described as "Nobles only").They may, however, augment such traits once acquired.

E. Traits (disadvantages): The opposite ofadvantages, disadvantages are limitations, hindrances, orother problems efflict-
ing a character. Examples include having a chemical Addiction, social Adversary or psychological Perversion.
Disadvantage Cost: Disadvantages do notcost Development Points; instead, they confer additional Development
Points (equal to theDisadvantage's value) that characters canspend freely on other characteristics or Karama. See individ-
ual disadvantage descriptions, pages 99-109).

F. Caste: Caste represents thecharacter's position within thefa ufreluches, the Imperial hierarchy ofsocial status.
Caste Cost: Caste resu ltsfrom your character'sConditioning Overlay and is free of cost. Caste may be increased
through thepurchase of certain traits, but cannot otherwise bemodifiedthrough point expenditures.

G. Renown: Renown measures the scope of a character'spersonal reputation(s). Renown consists of fouraspects
(Valor, Learning, Justice and Prayer). Nobles start thegame with 1 point of Renown in oneaspect (player'Schoice). All
others begin with 2 points of Renown in oneor more aspects.
Renown Cost: Additional Renown cannot bepurchased; it must be earned through game play.

H. Karama: Karama is spent to increase Test Results during play. Each character starts thegame with 3 Karama Points.
Karama Point Cost: Extra Karama Points costs 3 Development Points each.

I. Equipment: Characters start with personal equipment appropriate to theirConditioning. Houses furnish this equip-
ment to thecharacter free of cost. In addition, each character starts thegame with 3000 solaris, which they may spend to
purchase additionalequ ipment (see page 240-241 for equipment costs and character restrictions) or save for use during

III. Character Creation Tools

A.Allegiance Templates: Templates represent a character's Allegiance to a Great and Minor House, such asAtreides
and Demios or Harkonnen and Ivilonette. They include thebasic attributes, skills and other elementscommon to the
House and homeworld.
Templates do notcost Development Points; each character chooses one for free.

B. Conditioning Overlays:Overlays
represent a character'svocational
Conditioning and active profession, such
as Adept or Swordmaster. It includes the
basic characteristics common to practic-
ing members of thenamed vocation.
Overlays do not cost Development
Points; each character chooses onefor

C. Background History: A character's

background helps theplayer trace the
character's development through his
early life, House service and persona l call-
ing priorto beginn ingplay. Each stage of a
character's Background History (Early Life,
House Service and Personal Calling)
includes one customizable package, giving
him a number of Development Points to
spend on appropriate character creation
elements listed with that stage'sHistory.

IV. Quick And Easy Character Generation

Select a Character Archetype (seepages 53-59) and personalize it. You get5 Development Pointsto spend to increas-
ingexisting characteristics or acquiringnew skills and/or traits. See alsotheDevelopment Point Cost table (page 66) for
the cost of increasing and/or acquiringvarious characteristics.

Chapter IV:
penchant for negotiating treaties, commanding sub-
'nates, or leadingbattalions are all linked to her
Prescience: Prescience representsa character'sorac-
r vision and time awareness. Sampling the futures
ugh dreams or tracingevents to their origins both
require prescientability. Unless a character possesses the
trait Latent Prescience, they have no innate Prescience,
indicated by an attribute score of zero. Characters having
Prescience a can neither develop Prescience edges nor
acquire Prescience skills; however, by spending Karama
Points characters may eventually 'discover' the Latent
Prescience trait duringplay, gaining the ability to explore
the full depths of their powers in future adventures.

Each attribute consists of two component aspects,
'.,Attri 0utes called edges. Edges make numerical attributes a bit more
flexible. One person may be slightly stronger than anoth-
Attributes form the basis of your character. They er, even though both have the same general Physique.
measure your character's physical capability, mental Edges are expressedin terms of "+" or "-" values. The
prowess and social graces, Attribute scores normally value of an edge indicatesa bonus or penalty modifying
range from 1 to 5, though some traits permit higher the number of dice players roll during certain situations.
scores.Your character's base attributes come from the For example, a Mentat might have a high Intellect, but
Allegiance template, a representation of your charac- she may also buckle under pressure (giving her a -1
ter's native homeworld and her genetic predisposition. Willpower edge). On the other hand, a Sysselraad
There are five attributes in the DUNE RPG: Delegate may be sorely lacking in Charisma, but his calm
Physique - Physique represents the physical demeanor and personal resolve gives him a +2 Willpower
condition of your character. It governs how much edge. Under normal circumstances, edges range from -2
the character can lift (see Athletics (Lifting), page to +2. For more about Tests, see "ChapterS," page lIS.
80), how much damage she can withstand before
falling unconscious, and her overall physical fitness.
oordinati on - Coordination defines a charac-
Physique Edges
ter's manual dexterity and physical agility, including Strength - Strength modifies a character's ability to
her grace in movement and sheer reaction speed. Her lift heavy objectsand exert physical force. The Strength
accuracy with a maula pistol, nimbleness in dodging score indicates that the character receives fewer or extra
and deftness with 'thopter controls are all determined dice when making Strength-based PhysiqueTests.
by the character's Coordination attribute. Constitution - Constitution modifies the health
Intellect - Intellect measures your character's and stamina of the character. Constitution modifies the
. general intelligence, including various cognitive abili- character's ability to endure the effects of fatigue , poi-
~ ties such as deductive reasoning, mnemonic recall sons, illness and injury,
- and personal insight. The ability to retain knowledge,
process information or innovate solutions all depend
on the character's mental intellect.
Coordination Edges
Charisma - Charisma establishes the charac- Dexterity - Dexterity modifies a character's physi-
ter's personal magnetism and leadership. The charac- cal agility and manual control-his ability to move grace-
Chapter IV: Characteristics
fully or to manipulate instruments with deft precision. It sponding attribute for each skill is listed in the skill's
modifies many Coordination Tests, such as jumping, description. Whenever a Test is required, Narrators
gymnastics, moving stealthily and aiming accurately. should employ Skill Tests instead of Attribute Tests,
Reaction - Reaction modifies a character's ability allowing attribute edges to modify the Test.
to respond to sudden changes-dodging a hunter-seeker, When deciding which skill is most applicable to a given
parrying melee attacks and so on. It also affectswho situation or Test, the Narrator should be flexible-industri-
gains the initiative in combat. ous players often find unorthodox, yet functional solutions
to the tasks set before them. Often the best method is sim-
ply to decide which skill would be most applicable in the
Intellect Edges situation, then increase the Difficulty Number needed to
Perception - Perception modifies a character's succeed should a less applicable skill be employed.
ability to notice subtle details in his environment or Many skills in the DUNE RPG represent certain
observe minutia with relative clarity. The Perception edge innate talents or abilities common to most Imperial
plays an important role in a variety of Skill Tests, such as denizens. Such "general" skills may be attempted, albeit
Observation, Bene Gesserit Way and Truthtrance Tests. poorly, without the benefit of formal training. This is
Logic - Logic modifies a character's problem-solv- referred to as "untrained skill usage" (skill level 0). Those
ing and deductive-reasoningability. Important to skills marked with a "0+" in the skills chart may be used
Mentats and Master Strategists who rely on deductive "untrained;" in other words, your character need not pos-
reasoning, Logic plays an important part in many sess the skill at level 1 or more to make Tests using that
Learning skills, such as Administration, Mentat skill. (See "Chapter 5," page 118, for more information
Computation and Interrogation. on untrained skill use.
But the majority of DUNE skills represent select disci-
plines or specific knowledge that characters learn only
Charisma Edges though their professional training or unique life experi-
Presence - Presence modifies the character's abili- ences. Such "acquired" skills (marked by "1+" on the
ty to stimulate emotion, promote loyaltyor inspire confi- accompanying skill chart) require characters to possess
dence in others. Important to Nobles and Master level 1 or higher in order to use them during Skill Tests.
Diplomats, charisma affects most influence-based skills, Some acquired skills also require the character to pos-
such as Charm, Leadership and Persuasion. sess a certain vocational Conditioning in order to acquire
Willpower - Willpower modifies a character's abil- and develop the skill, indicated by the words "Suks,"
ity to impose his will on others or to withstand emotional Mentats" and so forth. Some Background Packages con-
trauma, psychological manipulation or mental duress. An fer Conditioning-specific skills (such as Armament, BG
essential component of leadership, Willpower impacts Way or Statecraft) regardless of a character's
many influence-based skills such as Command, Conditioning. Aside from these exceptions though, char-
Diplomacy and Voice. acters cannot acquire vocation-related skills through
Development Point or Experience Point expenditures,
unless sanctioned by the Narrator.
Prescience Edges
Sight - Sight modifies the temporal magnitude (scope Hasifaryn needs to pass a shielded prudence door.
and range) perceptible to characters having prescient talent. The Narrator knows that a pass-coded dissembler
Vision - Vision modifies the degree of accuracy would grant access with a successful Equipment
and precision with which prescient characters can inter- Test. Unfortunately, Hasifaryn doesn't have access
pret portents, observe details or trace events through to a dissembler and must attempt to bypass the
with their oracular powers. pentashield another way. So the Narrator decides
that Hasifaryn could attempt a Security (systems)
Test to override the door's pass code sequence. But
Skills Hasifaryn doesn't have that skill, and it cannot be
used untrained. However, he does know Repair
Skills represent learned talents, trained aptitudes and (shields) so his player asks if that skill could be
acquired knowledge. Like attributes, skill levels generally used to jury-rig the electronic sensors . The
range from I to s. Higher skill levels indicate heightened Narrator rules that Hasifaryn can rely on his
degrees of expertise. For example, a Mentat with Repair to "reca librate" the lock, but since that skill
Propaganda (House) 2(3) can generally interpret and is only marginally related to Security (systems) , the
manipulate House propaganda better than a Mentat hav- Difficulty Number increases by 3 . What would have
ing Propaganda (House) 1(2). been a Moderate (7) Security (systems) Test to
Each skill corresponds to an attribute used during unlock the door is now a Challenging (l0) Repair
Skill Tests (see "Chapter 5," pages 111-115). The corre- (shields) Test.
such armament, installingvehicular hard points, rotating
turrets and the like. The Armament skill also confers the
Specialization ability to operate and service Holtzman shield genera-
Most skills require specialization. This represents the tors, including personal shields, vehicular shields and
character's area of expertise, such as Assassination (poi- House shield generators.
sons), Armed Combat(dueling arms) and Stealth (stalk- Specializations: Maintenance, Operation, Repair
ing). A character cannot hope to know everything there is Routine: Servicing armament; reloadingammunition
to know about broad, detailed subjectssuch as history, or replacing energy sources
law, or customs, so he must focus on one area of expertise. Moderate: Field-stripping equipment; retooling com-
Specializations are written in parentheses following ponents or making minor adjustments or repairs with the
the base level of the skill. For example, a character might necessary tools and facilities
know Ranged Weapon (Stunner) 2(3), meaning that he Challenging: Converting equipment to suit another
has the Ranged Weapon skill at level 2, but can use purpose; removing a jet-flare launcher from a 'thopter
stunners at level 3. Frequently, characters start with a and mounting it on a grav-tank. Repairing minor damage
specialization equal to their base skill. But during char- with inappropriate tools
acter creation, or as a result of experience, characters Difficult: Repairing major damages or making major
can increase their specialization, such as Ranged adjustments in the field
Weapon (Stunner) 2(5), which represents the character's Nearly Impossible: Constructing new devices from
extensive experience and training in that area. mismatched components, making major, precision repairs
Nonetheless, a character who specializes still knows without the proper instruments
the basics in his field and can attempt to use his skill in
other, related areas. An Assassin specializing in
Equipment (Devices) has learned the basic principles of
Armed Combat (Physique, 0+)
personal Equipment and can use any other specialization ArmedCombat training enables characters to attack
under Equipment at his base skill level. For example, an and defend with a variety of melee weapons such as
Assassin with Equipment (devices) 2(4) could operate a rapiers, knives, flip-darts, or garrotes. When acquiring
communinet transceiver in a pinch, because he knows the Armed Combat skill, characters must specialize in
the fundamentals that apply to all personal equipment- one particular group of weapons (concealed arms, duel-
but when operating the comnet tranceiver, he would only ing arms, personal arms or esoteric arms (see specializa-
roll two dice when making Skill Tests instead of the four tions hereafter). Skill and specialization confer the ability
he could roll when operating a Shield dissembler. to perform all of the combat options (maneuvers) listed
The specializations listed under each skill are not for the weapons of specialty; but in the case of dueling
exhaustive; they simply represent common examples. arms, the Duelingtrait is required to perform the fine
Players who think up other specializations for their char- range of Duelingoptions available to trained
acters to buy should be allowed to buy them, subject to Swordmasters and accomplished duelists. Similarly, the
the Narrator's approval. esoteric specialization confers training with only one of
the possible weapons; so in order to use more than one

Skill Descriptions
Valor of the brave
The following skills represent an array
of physical aptitudes. Characters who
demonstrate remarkable achievement in
the following skills may be recognized for
the Renown aspect (Valor).

*Armament (Intellect, 1+,

Armament confers the ability to oper-
ate, maintain and repair heavy weaponry
such as lasguns, artillery, vehicular
weaponry and even House atomics. It
includes the ability to secure and deploy

Chapter IV: Characteristics
---J;;:;;=~"2Siiiii~F~-=j""",=!==--- Law(Intellect, 0+)
CHOAM Law, Great Convention, House (specific),
Out-freyn (specific), Spacing
Master Skill List MedicalArts (Intellect, 1+, Suks)
, denotes skill may be used to perform a House Venture Anatomy, Forensics, General Medicine, Pathology,
Pharmacology, Neurology, Optometry, Surgery,
The Valor ofthe Brave Toxicology
' Armament (Intellect, 1+, Swordmasters) Mentat Trance(Intellect, 1+, Mentats)
Maintenance, Operation, Repair Factor, Memorize, Recall
Armed Combat (Physique, 0+) Pharmacy (Intellect, 1-t-, Suks)
Concealed, Dueling, Melee, and Esoteric Arms Medicine, Narcotics, Poisons
'Assassination (Coordination, 1+, Assassins) Politics (Intellect, 0+)
Devices, Poisons, Snares House (specific), Imperium, Institution (specific), Out-
Athletics (Physique, 0+) freyn (specific)
Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping, Lifting, Running, Projection (Intellect, 1+, Mentats)
Swimming, Throwing Approximation Analysis, Factual Analysis, Proximity
Dodge (Coordination, 0+) Hypothesis, Zero-bias Matrices
Evade, Sidestep Sciences (Intellect, 1+)
Concealment (Coordination, 0+) Biology - Anatomy, Biochemistry, Botany, Ecology,
Camouflage, Stash, Sleight of Hand Genetics, Microbiology, Paleontology, Zoology
Impersonation (Charisma, 1+, Assassins) Chemistry - Alchemy, Biochemistry, Pharmacy,
Disguise, Mimicry, Personality Laboratory Techniques
'Infiltration (Intellect, 1+, Assassins) Physics - Astrophysics, Engineering, Holtzman Field
Contingencies, Diversions, Escape, Security Theory and Metallurgy
'Military Operations (Intellect, 1+, Swordmasters) Theology (Intellect, 1+)
Guerrilla Warfare, Infantry, Mechanized Ground Ancient Teachings, Orange Catholicism, Zensunni
Warfare, Sea Combat, Aerial Combat Underworld (Intellect, 0+)
Performance (Coordination or Charisma, 1+) Blackmarkets, Crime Rings, Homeworld
Dance, Drama, Musical Instrument, Singing World Knowledge (Intellect. 0+)
Ranged Combat (Coordination, 0+) Specific Planet, Planetology, Geology, Demographics
Needlegun, Lasgun, Maula Pistol, Stunner and
Throwing Knife The Justice ofthe Great
Stealth (Coordination, 0+) 'Administration (Intellect. 1+)
Ambushing, Hiding, Prowling, Stalking Economic, Intelligence, Medical, Military, Political,
Survival (Physique, 0+) Security and Underground operations
Atmosphere, Climate, Gravity, Terrain, Subterranean, 'Command (Charisma, 1+, Nobles)
Wilderness Delegating, Inspiration, Orders
Transport (Coordination, 1+) 'Diplomacy (Charisma, 1+)
Driving, Operation, Piloting, Sailing Arbitration, Negotiation, Pacification, Subject
Unarmed Combat (Coordination, 0+) 'Espionage (Intellect, 1+)
Brawling, Martial Training, Wrestling Counter-Intelligence, Cryptography, Forgery,
The Learningofthe Wise Interrogation (Charisma, 1+)
Computation (Intellect, 1-t-, Mentats) Enticement, Coercion, Pain-induction, Questioning
Probability Computation, Straight-line Computation, 'Leadership (Charisma, 1+, Swordmasters)
Comparative Induction MilitaryAssaults, Prolonged Entrenchment, Guerrilla
Culture (Intellect, 0+) actions, Directed Retreat
Homeworld, House, Imperial, Out-freyn ' Mercantilism (Intellect. 1+)
Economics (Intellect, 0+) Accounting, Banking, Financing, Investing, Tithing,
CHOAM Industries, Homeworld, House, Out-freya, Acquisitions, Enterprising, Funding, Trade
Spacing Industry , Propaganda (Intellect, 1+)
History (Intellect, 0+) Analysis, Dissemination, Misinformation
Homeworld, House, Imperial, Out-freyn, Subject Psychology (Intellect, 1+, Suks)
Language (Intellect, 1+) Diagnosis, Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry
Secret Language (House or organization), Ancient 'Racketeering (Intellect, 1- )
Hunting Language (Bhotani jib, Chakobsa, Mirabhasa) Blackmail, Bribery, Extortion, False Testimony
or Out-freyn (any). 'Security (Intellect, 1+)
Enforcement, Shields, Surveillance, Systems
*Assassination (Coordination, 1+, Assassins)
' Statecraft (Intellect, 1+, Nobles)
Entreaty, Intrigue, Petition, Pressure, Threats Assassination skill confers the ability to execute a
Subornation (Intellect, 1+) marked target by means of trained methodology and
Brainwashing, Indoctrination, Hypne-ligation stealth. Assassination skill trains characters in the use,
Subterfuge (Intel lect, 0+) service and construction of lethal devices (such as
Artifice, Equivocation, Mind Games, Perjury hunter-seekers), deadly toxins (a pharmacopoeia of poi-
Voice (Charisma, 1+, Adepts) sons and acids) and fatal snares (such as tiger pits, shi-
Command, Intimidation, Suggestion gawire snares, and loaded spring-darts). Depending on
the methodology used, the Difficulty for Assassination
The Prayers ofthe Righteou s attempts vary pending Narrator discretion.
Artistry (Intellect, 1+) *Note: Successful Assassination Tests do not auto-
Composing, Illustration, Painting, Sculpting matically kill the intended target, but they do indicate
BG Way (Intellect, 1+, Adepts) successful use, insinuation or construction of devices,
Minutia, Petit Betrayals poisons and snares. See Poisons, pages 131-133 and
Bargaining (Charisma, 0+) Hunter-Seeker, page 231 for more information.
Market goods. Labor services, Contraband, Specializations: Devices, Poisons and Snares
Blackmarket services, Specialty services Routine: Brewing poisons in a controlled environ-
Charm (Charisma. 0+) ment; servicing an operable device or pre-installed snare
Flattery. Indulgence, Seduction Moderate: Preparing or administering poisons in the
Equipment (Intellect, 0+) field; assembling a device or snare under controlled con-
Devices, Forbidden Technology, Instrumentation. Systems ditions from prepared components
First Aid (Intellect, 0+) Challenging: Smuggling poisons past a snooper; oper-
CPR, Infection, Injury, Shock Trauma ating a hunter-seeker or bio-promptor; assembling a
Gaming (Intellect, 1+) device or snare in haste
Gambling, Games, Puzzles, Wagering Difficult: Operating a hunter-seeker or bio-promptor in
Observation (Intellect, 0+) dim lightingor poor environmental conditions. Manufact-
Inspection, Search, Study and Surveillance uring complex poisons outside of a lab environment.
Persuasion (Intellect, 0+) Nearly Impossible: Constructing a complex assassina-
Debate, Logic, Parable, Reason tion device, such as a hunter-seeker or high voltage
Prescience (Prescience, 0+) Holtzman field generator from raw components. Innovating
Prophesy (Prescience. 1+) highly-specialized poisons that will pass a poison snooper
Repair (Intellect, 1+)
Devices, Equipment, Systems, Vehicles
Athletics (Physique, 0+)
'Ritualism (Intellect, 1+, Adepts)
Exploitation, ldentification, Seeding Athletics measures a character's ability to perform a
'Sabotage (Intellect, 1+) variety of physical activities such as running, jumping,
Demolitions, Monkey-wrenching and Short-circuiting swimming and throwing, Athletics skill also includes any
Truthtrance (Intellect, 1+, Adepts) active sports and physical contests incorporating such
activities into a form of competition (such as a foot race).
For information about how Athletics skill relates to move-
ment Tests, see Movement, pages 127.
Specializations: Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping,
of the esoteric weapons a character must choose numer- Running, Swimming, Throwing
ous specializations. See Close Combat, pages 127-128 Routine: Walking (Iom/round) on slicklicy ground;
and Melee Weapons, pages 226-228. running on paved ground
Specializations: Concealed Arms (garrote, flip-dart, Moderate: Running (ISm/round) on ordinary ground;
knife, slip-tip), Dueling Arms (kindjal, rapier, slip-tip), sprinting on paved ground
Personal Arms (knife or klndjal) and Esoteric Arms (Gom Challenging: Sprinting (20m per round) on ordinary
Iabbar or Inkvine whip) ground; running on slicklicy ground
Routine: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge roll is 3-5 Difficult: Sprinting on slick/icy ground
Moderate: Hittingan opponent whose Dodge roll is 6-8 Nearly Impossible: Sprinting in a swamp
Challenging: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge roll is 9-11
Difficult: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge roll is 12- Acrobatics
14; repairing a weapon in combat Acrobatics allows the character to control their move-
Nearly Impossible: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge ment when performingquick, disorienting maneuvers
roll is 15+ such as tumbling, falling , rolling, diving or swinging. It

Chapter IV: Characteristics
based on the size of the obstacle itself. If
the obstacle is one quarter the charac-
ter's size (or smaller), the Difficulty is
Routine (4); if one half the character's
size, Moderate (7); if three quarters the
character's size, Challenging (10); if
equal to the character's size, Difficult
(13); if greater than the character's size,
'-( : Nearly Impossible (15).

Lifting measures a character's ability
to lift and carry objects. The overall
Difficulty of a task depends largely on an
object's weight, and how long the char-
acter attempts to carry it. When a char-
acter first lifts an object, he must roll a
Lifting Test (or a Physique Test if he
does not have this skill); the Difficulty
of the Test is determined by the amount
of weight lifted, as indicated by the chart
enables a character to alleviate some or all of the dam- below. Of course, the character's Strength edge adds to
age resulting from falling, and permits the character to this Test. At appropriate intervals, the Narrator may have
perform special movement maneuvers during combat the character make another Test to see if he continues to
(see Movement Options, page 127 and Falling Damage, hold on to the object. Should the character fail a Test, he
page 133). Perilous balancing maneuvers such as walk- immediately drops the object. If the character matches
ing a ledge or maintaining footing on a pitching deck also (but does not exceed) the Difficulty, he manages to hang
fall within the acrobatics specialization. onto the object but can take no other actions.

Climbing L t:t~~P~=r--
Characters use climbing when they need to scale
steep inclines, climb trees, free-climb large rocks or
engage in other similar activity. The character moves at a Lifti ng Tests
rate in meters equal to twice her Physique-Strength per Weight Difficulty
minute, or a maximum of 1m per round during combat; Up to 20kg No roll required
successful Tests allow her to move more quickly (see 21 -50kg Routine (2-4)
Movement, page 127). . 51-150kg Moderate (5-7)
151-300Kg Challenging (8-10)
Jumping 301-500kg Difficult (11-13)
Jumping allows characters to jump over obstacles (a Over 500kg Nearly Impossible
low wall, a large piece of furniture) or across them (a
chasm, a stream). Characters can jump 2m forward or
1m upward without having to make any Test (see
Movement, page 127). If a character makes a successful Running
Athletics (Jumping) or Physique Test against a Moderate This specialization measures a character's ability to
(7) Difficulty, they can add up to their skill level (or run quickly and to keep his balance while running, par-
Physique) in meters to their forward jump, or half that to ticularly over unsafe terrain. The Difficulty for Running
their vertical jump. If they make a Challenging (10) roll , Tests (if a Test is even necessary) is determined by the
they can add up to twice their skill level (or Physique); if type of terrain and the speed at which the character
a Difficult (13) roll, three times their skill level (or moves. See Movement, page 127.
Physique); if a Nearly Impossible roll, four times their
skill level (or Physique). Swimming
Obstacles also affect the Difficulty of a jump. If an Swimming covers all forms of aquatic activity, includ-
obstacle interferes with a jump made for distance, ing aerial diving, scuba diving, snorkling and so on.
increase the Difficulty of the jump by +1 to +3 (or even While all characters are assumed able to tread water and
by one or more categories). If the purpose of the jump is perform a number of basic aquatic maneuvers, this spe-
to clear or avoid the obstacle, the Difficulty is usually cialization assists characters when makingAthletics
(swimming) Tests as a result of rough waters, heavy Difficult: Camouflaging an ornithopter in the open
undercurrents, swimming while encumbered, and any desert, holsteringa stunner under a coat or jacket
sort of water rescue activity. This specialization also Nearly Impossible: Hiding a lasgun rifle under a
comes into play when characters attempt to move further House Uniform, camouflaging a frigate on a barren field
than the normal movement allowance per round (see
"Chapter 5: Movement," page 127).
Impersonation (Charisma, 1+, Assassins)
Throwing Impersonation allows a character to masquerade as
Throwing enables characters to hurl objects farther another person, either a specific individual, or a member
and more accurately than would be possible without ath- of a specific culture, organization or group. Impersonation
letic training. When characters throw weapons, such as enables characters to adopt the physical appearance, per-
knives, they may add their Strength edge to Ranged sonal behavior and speech mannerisms of the target indi-
Weapons Tests and resulting Damage rolls. vidual through the use of disguises, cosmetics, vocal
mimicry and a fair measure of acting.
Dodge (Coordination, 0+) Impersonation attempts require an Opposed Test
against either a target's Observation skill or Intellect,
Characters use Dodge to avoid attacks, from hand-to- modified by his Perception edge. Alternately, the Narrator
hand assaults to slow-pellet projectile fire. When a char- may allow a character to make an Impersonation Test
acter wishes to dodge an attack, he makes a Dodge Test; before venturing out into public. In this case, the charac-
his Test Result becomes the Difficulty Number for the ter's Test Result sets the Difficulty for anyone trying to
attack against him (although if this result is lowerthan detect the disguise. Of course, if someone knows the
the normal Accuracy of the attacker's weapon, the character or is expecting the character to be so disguised,
weapon Accuracy is used). For example, Hasifaryn has the Narrator should make the character easier to recog-
Coordination 3, Dodge 4. He decides to evade a maula nize by giving the observer a negative Difficulty modifier.
dart at Medium Range. The highest roll on her three A failed Test indicates the disguise doesn't fool the
Coordination dice is a 4, so the Difficulty to hit her is 8 observer.
(4+4). If he had only rolled a 2, her Test Result of 6 Specializations: Disguise, Mimicry, Personality
would be less than the attacker's normal Difficulty of 7 at Routine: The Impersonation attempt is intended to
Medium Range. In this case, the attacker would make his fool others for a short period of time at a fair distance
attack at a Difficulty 7. Moderate: The Impersonation attempt is intended to
Specializations: Evade (Ranged Combat), Sidestep fool observers at moderate range
(Melee Combat) Challenging: The Impersonation attempt is intended
to fool observers at close range
Difficult: The impersonation attempt is intended to
Concealment (Coordination, 0+) fool someone familiar with the individual
Concealment enables character to hide and stow Nearly Impossible: The impersonation attempt is
objects, protecting them from casual observance and rou- meant to fool a close friend or relative of the individual
tine inspection. Once successfully hidden, an object is
considered "concealed" and may not be discovered
"Infiltration (Intellect, 1+, Assassins)
unless someone actively searches for concealed objects.
An active search requires an Observation Tests (or Infiltration allows Assassins to successfully plan and
Intellect-Perception Tests), with the Test having a execute forays into secure locations, acquiring floor plans,
Difficulty equal to the character's Concealment Test memorizing security codes, planning alternate escape
Result. When characters succeed at concealing some- routes and so forth. Infiltration differs from stealth in that
thing, the Narrator should record their Test Result in the the Infiltration skill focuses on the intelligence measures
event someone searches at a later time. Once a character and contingency planning surrounding such intrusions,
removes an item from concealment, another while Stealth confers the physical ability to sneak past
ConcealmentTest is required to restore it to cover. guards, lurk in shadows, and stalk potential victims.
Specializations: Camouflage, Stashing, Sleight of Hand Prior to a hit, an Assassin can make an Infiltration
Routine: Stashing a signet ring in a survival pack; hid- Test to construct a workable plan for infiltrating an instal-
ing a poison vial in a coat pocket lation. The Difficulty of the Testdepends on the informa-
Moderate: Hiding a kindjal in a boot sheath, conceal- tion available at the time of planning. Successful Tests
ing a dart projector in the sleeve of a robe or jacket permit the Assassin to automatically recall details of the
Challenging: Secreting a flip-dart in an unadorned gir- primary plan at any time during the operation. Infiltration
dle, concealing a hunter-seeker in an modestly appointed Tests made later, during the operation, permit the
bedchamber Assassin to recall the details or one or more contingency

Chapter IV: Characteristics
plans, allowing him recall supplemental data ancillary to tol, servicing the pneumatic chamber on a stunner or
primary plan, but essential for alternate action. sharpening and balancing a blade.
Specializations: Contingencies, Diversions, Escape, Specializations: Lasgun, Maula Pistol, Needlegun,
Security Counter-measures Stunner and Throwing Knife
Routine: Planning to infiltrate a private home Routine: Firing at a target at Point Blank or Short range.
Moderate: Infiltrating a civilian building or unsecured Moderate: Firing at a target at Medium range; repair-
commercial structure ing a weapon out of combat
Challenging: Infiltrating a militarydepot or guarded Challenging: Firing at a target at Long range
compound Difficult: Firing from the hip; Repairing a lasgun in
Difficult: Infiltrating a House Keep, military command combat
post or secured vault Nearly Impossible: Firing at a target at extremelylong
Nearly Impossible: Infiltrating the Guild Bank or range with low visibility
Emperor's private quarters
Stealth (Coordination, 0+)
"Mllrtary Operations (Intellect, 1+,
Stealth measures a character's ability to hide and
Swordmasters) move quietly, eluding authorities, preparing an ambush
MilitaryOperations covers all tactical and strategic or pursuing someone unnoticed. Stealth enables charac-
military operations on the surface or in the atmosphere ters to evaluate the conditions of their environment, rec-
of a planet. Successful use of this skill by a commander ognizing possible cover or potential hazards pertaining to
can give his forces a -1 Difficulty modifier (for movement, stealth attempts. Stealth also permits characters to scout
attack and defense actions) for one round. out ideal locations for ambushes or to plan backdoor
Specializations: Guerrilla Warfare, Infantry, escape routes. Difficulty for most Stealth Tests results
Mechanized Ground Warfare, Sea Combat,Aerial Combat from physical, environmental conditions, such as bright
Routine: Defendinga well supplied strongpoint lighting, lack of physical cover, debris which could betray
against technologically inferiorattackers movement and so on.
Moderate: Defeating an outnumbered force in a single Specializations: Ambushing, Hiding, Prowling, Stalking
battle Routine: Hiding in a litter-strewn alleyway at night
Challenging: Defeatingan outnumbered army in a Moderate: Avoiding notice in a large crowd
single campaign Challenging: Stealing down a corridor lit by numerous
Difficult: Defeatinga superior force suspensor globes
Nearly Impossible: Defeating a superior force at odds Difficult: Hiding from a hunter-seeker in normal
greater than 10-1 lighting
Nearly Impossible: Moving unnoticed across a barren
stretch of desert in full daylight
Performance (Special, 1+)
Performance includes any form of artistic self-expres- Survival (Physique, 0+)
sion through a variety of performing arts. Depending on
the form of expression (dance, drama, instrumentation or Survival provides the knowledge and techniques
vocalization) performance relies upon differing attributes. needed to survive in hostile environments such as the
Bodily expression such as dance or instrumentation wastelands of Salusa Secundus or the jungles of Ecaz.
relies on the Coordination attribute, while dramatic or The skill enables characters to find edible food and
vocal specialties depend on Charisma. potable water, to find or create provisional shelter and to
Specializations: Dance, Drama, Musical Instrument, cope with the abnormal physiological impacts of extreme
Singing environmental conditions.
Routine: A simple scale Survival specializations represent the training
Average: Dancing the waltz required to endure the impact of extreme environmental
Challenging: Recognizing pitch and tuning conditions such as thin atmospheres, intense heat, hos-
Difficult: Composing a symphony tile weather, barren terrain or heavy gravity.
Nearly Impossible: Flawlessly imitating a virtuoso Specializations: Atmosphere, Climate, Gravity,
Subterranean, Urban and Wilderness
Routine: Findingedible food in a temperate wilder-
Ranged Combat (Coordination, 0+) ness (e.g. the forests of Caladan)
The character possesses training with ranged weapons Average: Finding potable water in a polluted urban
including needleguns, maula pistols, slow pellet stunners slum (e.g. the maula ghettos on Giedi Prime)
and throwing knives. The character can also clean and Challenging: Surviving in a hostile, barren tundra (e.g.
maintain weaponry, such as field-stripping a maula pis- the polar zone of Salusa Secundus)
Difficult: Finding suitable shelter
from an extreme storm such as a
Coriolis (e.g. Shield Wall basin of
Nearly Impossible: Surviving in an
"uninhabitable" region of wilderness
(e.g. surviving in Arrakis' deep desert)

Transport (Coordination, 1+)

Transport encompasses the ability to
operate a variety of vehicles, including
ground cars, ornithopters, industrial
vehicles (such as suspensor carts or spice
harvesters) and marine craft or spacing
vessels. Transport skill also enables the
operator to perform routine systems
checks to determine the functionality and
general fitness of the vehicle.
Specializations: Driving, Operation,
r ._ .~
Piloting, Sailing, Navigation
Routine: Operating a vehicle cautiously
under normal conditions. Flying a 'thopter in calm Specializations: Brawling, Martial Training, Wrestling
weather during daylight hours Routine: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge roll is 2-4
Average: Operating cautiously in substandard condi- Moderate: Hittingan opponent whose Dodge roll is 5-7
tions, or operating recklessly under normal conditions. Challenging: Hittingan opponentwhose Dodge roll is 8-10
Piloting a 'thoprer in lightwinds or at night Difficult: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge roll is 11 -13
Challenging: Operating cautiously under hazardous Nearly Impossible: Hitting an opponent whose Dodge
conditions, or operating recklessly under substandard roll was 14+
conditions. Hard banking a thopter in a rainstorm
Difficult: Operatingcautiously under severe condi-
tions, or operating recklessly under hazardous conditions. Le8rning of the Wise
Piloting a 'thopter through a hurricane or sandstorm The following skills represent an broad range of aca-
Nearly Impossible: Operating cautiously under per- demic knowledge and learned pursuits. Characters who
ilous conditions or operating recklessly under severe con- show extraordinary advancement in the following skills
ditions. Piloting a 'thopter through a Coriolis storm may be recognized for the Renown aspect (Learning).
Learning skills enable characters to recall facts, make
Unarmed Combat (Coordination, 0+) positive identifications or comprehend the significance of
events with a successful Skill Test. Where learning skills
This skill allows a characterto engage in unarmed, relate to skills in other categories, the Narrator may also
melee combat. Brawling and wrestling specializations focus rule that the character's knowledge increases her abilityto
on non-lethal combat tactics, inflicting stun damage or con- successfully perform the related skill. In such cases, the
ferring special advantages when performed successfully. Narrator may either reduce the Test Difficulty by an
Either of these specializations may be used untrained; how- amount equal to the character's learning skill (or special-
ever, doing so limits the effectiveness of the maneuvers per- ization), or permit the character to roll a number of extra
formed and may restrict the range of potential combat dice depending on the usefulness of such knowledge.
options (see UnarmedCombat Options on page 130).
Characters who choose the martial training specializa-
tion learn more advanced fighting techniques, honing
Computation (Intellect, 1+, Mentats)
their bodies to attack with lethal force and defend with Computation enables a Mentat to forecast future
agile grace. Nearly every House employs its own, unique actions, events or results based on accumulated data
fighting style based on the ancient forms of martial arts. including motives, facts, actions or events. Whether pre-
Consequently, the martial training specialty enables a dicting behavior stemming from identified motives or
much broader range of unarmed maneuvers than either inducing probable outcomes for intended courses of
the Brawling or Wrestling specialization. See Unarmed action, Mentat computation extrapolates future conse-
Combat, page 131, for more information on unarmed quences from a wealth of factual data, and represents the
combat. ultimate science of cause and effect.

Chapte r IV: Characteristics
A successful Computation Test also enables the Nearly Impossible: Near-complete knowledge of the
Mentat to deduce the hidden links contained within the subject (tracingthe Zensunni migrations from memory;
current scene or to glean connected facts and motiva- knowing evidence controverting the common belief that
tions contained in other scenes scripted further forward Ali Ben Ohashi was the leader of the original schism. etc.)
in the narrative chronology. See "Chapter 2" of Pathways * Note: Knowledge about a related field, such as
to Infinity: The DUNE RPG Narrator's Guide for more History or Theology presents a high degree of Difficulty
information about scene links and story chronologies. for Culture Tests; however, such information presents less
Specializations: Probability Computation, Straight-line Difficulty when testing the more appropriate skill.
Computation, Comparative Induction
Routine: Glean facts relevant to the immediate future
Economics (Intellect, 0 +)
of characters within this scene
Moderate: Predict the behavior of characters in future Economics relates to the sociological aspects pertain-
scenes based on information in this scene ing to the production, distribution and consumption of
Challenging: Deduce the motives of an organization goods and services within the Imperium or on a specific
based on the behavior of one member in this scene homeworld. Byanalyzing such economic factors, charac-
Difficult: Deduce the future behavior of a character in ters can determine much about a culture's driving social
a future scene based on current predictions of his motives. forces. Whether a culture leans toward militancy, how
Nearly Impossible: Deduce the future motives of a char- wealth is distributed among its populace, what sorts of
acter based on actions the Mentat predicts he will take technologyare consumed by the aristocracy-economics
allows the character to gather and analyze such informa-
tion to gain advanced insight about a Housegovernment
Culture (Intellect, 0+)
or homeworld culture.
Culture covers the broad topics of politics, economics, Specializations: CHOAM Industries. Homeworld (spe-
arts and religion shared by the denizens of a particular cific), House (specific) , Out-freyn (specific), Spacing
homeworld, House, or out-freyn culture. Unlike World Industry
Knowledge (planetology), which covers the physical fea- Routine: Recalling a major fact (Arrakis is the sole
tures of specific homeworlds, Culture doesn't confer source of the spice, melange)
knowledge about the geographic, biological, or physical Moderate: Recalling a more specific fact (A large por-
details of homeworldsexcept where such factors impinge tion of CHOAM profits depend on spice production)
on social customs or cultural practices. Culture provides Challenging: Recalling a fairly obscure fact (Several
minimal information relating to criminal or counter-cul- Great Houses have been stockpiling spice illegally)
tural groups-detailed knowledge requires the Underworld Difficult: Recalling a linked set of obscure facts (The
skill. Similarly, Culture touches only on the major reli- Harkonnens have stockpiled spice, they could realize
gious practices shared by the dominant culture of a plan- huge profits by letting spice production falter)
et or organization; the Theology skill is needed for Nearly Impossible: Near-total mastery of the topic
detailed information about the religious practices of (Though the Harkonnens could realize huge profits by
minority subcultures or out-freyn groups. subverting spice production, the other Great Houses
Specializations: Homeworld (specific-Caladan, Giedi would blame them for deliberate manipulation. Therefore
Prime, Arrakis), House (specific-House Atreides, House a scapegoat would be required to take the blame)
Corrino, House Harkonnen, etc.), Imperial (BG
Sisterhood, Orange Catholic Communes, Sardaukar) or
History (I ntellect, 0+)
Out-freyn (specific, Spacing Guild, Bene Tleilax, Fremen,
etc.) This skill bestows broad knowledge covering the histo-
Routine: Recall a general fact (the Fremen are descen- ry of the Imperium , from the Butlerian Jihad to the pres-
dants of the Zensunni Wanderers) ent day. Although much historical data can be researched
Moderate: Recall a more detailed series of facts in private libraries or House archives, records from cer-
(Arrakis was the sixth stopping planet for the Zensunni tain time periods (Ancient Terra, Pre-Butlerian Imperium)
migrations, those Wanderers who became addicted to or restricted subjects (Sardaukar training, Bene Tleilax)
spice dared not leave Arrakis and fled to the desert arc difficult or impossible to access. Specializations gener-
becoming the Fremen precursors) ally cover individual planets or cultures.
Challenging: Apply knowledge across fields (dis- Specializations: Homeworld (specific) , House (specif-
cussing Zensunni influences in Fremen traditions, dis- ic), Imperial (specific, i.e. Spacing Guild), Subject (specif-
cussing Zensunni inspired religious beliefs in other ic historical field, i.e. Military Battles, Famous Assassins)
Imperial subcultures) Routine: Recalling a major fact (Modern proscriptions
Difficult: Recall an obscure fact (Zensunni followers against thinking machines arose from the Butlerian Jihad)
were a schismatic sect that broke from the teachings of Moderate: Recalling a more specific fact (The Butlerian
Maometh, the "third Mohammed) circa 1381 B.G.) Jihad first erupted on the homeworld Nitzevine.)
Challenging: Recalling a fairly obscure fact (The first Challenging: Recalling the details of a complex legal
artificial intelligence network destroyed in the Jihad was system or document
named Hadrian VIII.) Difficult: Discerning and exploiting loopholes in legal
Difficult: Recalling a linked set of obscure facts systems; discovering the relationship between two com-
(Recalling that Albertus Cormath was the father of the plex laws
Hadrian artificial intelligence project; and recalling that Nearly Imposs ible: Discerning and exploiting loop-
he fled Nitzevine shortly after violence erupted there.) holes in the CHOAM Trading Act
Nearly Impossible: Near-total mastery of the topic
(Knowing that Albertus Cormath surfaced years later on
the homeworld Richese, that he bore twin daughters,
Medical Arts (Intellect, 1+, Suks)
Criseida and Mariesa, one of whom died when Medical Arts enables Suks to diagnose diseases,
Butlerian riots broke out on Richese, and the other who injuries or ailments, prescribing treatments, administer-
died some 15 years later while leading the Jihad onto ing care , performing surgery and so on. Specializations
Prada III.) focus on particular fields of medicine, such as patholo-
gy (the study of diseases), surgery and toxicology (how
toxins affect the body). Medicine skill not only includes
Langu8ge (Intellect, 1+) the ability to administer first aid, but also reduces the
Language skill provides the ability to converse in a Difficulty of any First Aid Test by -2. Suks employ
root language other than Galach. Characters skilled in a Medical Arts skill primarily to heal characters during
particular language enjoy oral and written fluency, and the course of play. See Damage And Healing, pages
may also converse using common dialects of the base 134-136.
language. When characters learn ancient and secret lan- Specializations: Anatomy, Forensics , General
guages that incorporate atypical forms of communication, Medicine , Pathology, Pharmacology, Neurology,
such as hand signals, body gestures, pictograms or hiero- Optometry, Surgery, TOXicology
glyphs , they also learn the internal symbolism of the lan- Routine : Diagnosing the common cold, healing an
guage. For each language a character learns, he must Injured character
acquire a new specialization, choosing the language that Moderate: Simple surgery (such as a tonsillectomy or
he has adopted. When attempting to use a known lan- appendectomy); diagnosing or treating an uncommon ail-
guage, Language Tests rely on the level of specialization, ment or disease, healing an Wounded character
rather than the level of the Language skill. Characters Challenging: Complex surgery; diagnosing or treating a
may only learn one specialization per level acquired in rare disease or malady, healing an Incapacitated character
the Language skill. Difficult: Experimental surgery; diagnosing or treating
Specializations: Ancient Language (any), Secret an unknown disease or ailment; healing a character Near
Language (House or Organization), Hunting Language Death
(Bhotani jib, Chakobsa, Mirabhasa) , or Out-freyn (any) Nearly Impossible: Performing an organ transplant
Routine: Gaining simple directions with crude or makeshift instruments; installing advanced,
Average: Holding a mundane conversation technological implants without the Equipment (forbidden
Challenging: Offering legal testimony tech) skill
Difficult: Expressing complex ideas or subtle nuances
Nearly Impossible: Composing eloquent and memo-
Mentat Trance (Intellect, 1+, Mentats)
rable prose
Mentat trance involves a mnemonic process by which
a Mentat organizes data, sorts facts, and memorizes
L8W (Intellect, 0+) information. Mentat Trance enables a Mentat to recall a
This skill covers knowledge of the laws, legal customs known fact or personal observation upon demand,
and regulations of a specific civilization or organization. regardless of whether she deemed the information to be
It enables characters to know the laws, recall standard important at the time of inception.
punishments and argue legal loopholes. Skill in Law does During the meditative state of Mentat Trance, a
not confer knowledge about law enforcement except for character can attempt Observation Tests to surmise
the legality of customary search and seizure procedures. the basic truth , nature or character of what he
Specializations: CHOAM Law, Great Convention, observes, filtering and organizing the minutia for use
House Law (specific), Out-freyn (specific) and Spacing when performing higher order Mentat functions (see
Regulations Projection and Computation skill descriptions) .
Routine: Recalling the details of a simple law or regu- Observation Tests performed during Mentat Trance
lation incur the standard Multiple Action Penalty unless the
Moderate: Recalling the details of a complex law or Mentat also possesses the trait Machine Logic (see
regulation "Traits, " page 102).

Chapter IV: Characteristics
-----1::::;::~=:j;~&fiilll~~~-=;j~==r-- Challenging: Obscure facts from the past week to a
month; obvious facts from the last month to a year
Difficult: Obvious facts from over a year ago, obscure
Optional Rule facts from the last month to a year
More mundane in nature, MentatTrance may also be Nearly Impossible: Obscure facts from over a year ago
used to assess and divulge theDifficulty Number of any
Skill Test (Mentat Trance excluded) being considered. A
successful Test means the Narrator must reveal (to the
Pharmacy (Intellect, 1+, Suks)
Mental) theDifficulty of theproposed action priorto its Pharmacy relates to the study and manufacture of
attempt or resolution. pharmaceuticals including medicine, poisons, and nar-
cotics. Though the practitioner need not possess
Medicine (Pharmacology) to manufacture biochemical
substances, lacking pharmacological expertise reduces
Any time a Mentat discovers a fact or motivation the practitioner to employing a cook-book methodology,
through the use of more conventional skills, she may working from pre-existing recipes and formulas.
attempt to enter Mentat Trance to analyze the detail Possession of both skills is required for the practitioner to
and commit it to memory. Successful Tests indicate the improvise or invent new pharmaceuticals using experi-
fact has been ana lyzed and stored accurately-it may mental or untested methods and materials.
be listed among accumulated data when making any Specializations: Medicines, Narcotics, Poisons
future Projection or Computation Tests. Failed Tests Routine: Manufacturing a simple, herbal decongestant
indicate that the Mentat has failed to comprehend some Moderate: Manufacturing an anesthetic following a
subtle nuance about the fact or motivation and cannot pharmaceutical recipe
process the detail at the current time. Upon discovering Challenging: Distilling an anti-venom from a ven-
another fact or detail, the Mentat may attempt another omous animal or plant
Test to recommit the factor to memory. Difficult: Manufacturingany but simple, herbal reme-
Specializations: Factor, Memorize, Recall dies without the necessary laboratory facilities
Routine: Obvious facts about the past few days; an Nearly Impossible: Innovating new remedies;
NPCs name, the color of someone's hair Manufacturinga complex chemical substance from mem-
Moderate: Obscure facts about the past few days (an ory without all of the recommended components
NPC's tendency to favor the right leg when walking, a
curious speech pattern, the make of all the silverware at
a dinner function); Obvious facts from the past week to a
Politics (I ntellect, 0+)
month Politics givescharacters comprehensive knowledge
about the key governmental agencies, political figures and
legislative bodies at workwithin the
Imperium. It enables character to identi-
fy political leaders, recalling important
facts about their public life or serv-
ice history. Political expertise also
allows characters to identify
branches and organizations with-
in a House's political infrastruc-
ture, or to comprehend the subtle
nuances of that government's
social agenda and/or policies.
Lastly, political knowledge also
allow characters to identify anti-
government groups and their noto-
rious leaders, understanding
somethingof their secret goals or pub-
lic agendas.
Specializations: House (specific),
Imperium, Institution (specific),
Out-freyn (specific)
Routine: Recalling common
knowledge; naming the members of
your patron Houses' strategy staff,
naming the Great Houses havingseats in the Landsraad upon the Mentat's described objectives and accumulated
High Council. information, the Narrator enjoys complete freedom in
Moderate: Recalling comprehensive information; iden- determining what information to reveal, and how relate
tifying the 500 most prominent Houses of the Landsraad, that information in a dramatic and compellingway.
Challenging: Recalling an obscure fact; citing the date To determine the Difficulty for a Projection Test, the
House Wallach was inaugurated into the Landsraad Narrator must evaluate the accumulated information the
Difficult: Recalling a series of obscure, but related facts; Mentat possesses in contrast to the information the
knowing which Houses opposed House Wallach's inaugu- Mentat seeks. The farther the Mentat has come toward
ration and naming their existing descendant families the information sought, the easier the Test Difficulty.
Nearly Impossible: Deducing a fact about a world Alternately, if the Narrator has structured the adven-
you've never visited or studied ture as outlined in Pathways to Infinity, he can employ the
following method: For each fact sharing the same scene ID
letter designation (A, H, C, etc.) as the scene during which
Projection (Intellect, 1+, Merrtats)
the Test is made, the Narrator should reduce the standard
Projection allows Mentats to gather information by Difficulty (13) by one. For each fact sharing the same
deducing facts and ascertaining motives based on accepted scene ID numerical designation as the current scene,
truths, verified motives, or substantive theories. With this reduce the Difficulty by 2. All reductions are cumulative.
skill a Mentat can analyze any datum, sorting fact from fic- Specializations: Approximation Analysis, Factual Analysis,
tion, interrelating evidentiaryinformation, and forming Proximity Hypothesis, Zero-bias Matrices
proximity hypothesis to construct elaborate logic matrices Routine: Basic information about the scene; why was
used for determining missing elements, invisible plot lines this setting chosen? Why were these NPCs selected to
and probable explanations. speak with the party?
At any time during a scene a Mentat may attempt to Moderate: Concealed information about this scene; the
uncover a hidden fact or underlying motivation presented NPCs are planning to surprise the players with violence
within the scene. Before permitting the Test, the Narrator Challenging: Obscure information about the plot lines
may require the player to describe the information that in this scene; the NPCs in this scene are planning vio-
he or she is generally seeking, in addition to listing the lence against someone else
accumulated data thus far committed to memory (see Difficult: Related plot-lines dependent on this scene
Mentat Trance skill description). For each factor recount- Nearly Impossible: Related plot-lines, independent of
ed, the Narrator may lower the Difficulty of the Test by I, this scene, taking place off-stage
selecting an appropriate fact or motivation based on the
player's description and accumulated knowledge should
the Test prove successful. Failed Tests do not indicate
Sciences (I ntellect, 1+)
that the fact or motive may not be discovered; however, it The Sciences skill confers basic knowledge in the
does mean that the Mentat and other characters must go three fundamental scientific disciplines-biology, chem-
about doing so using more conventional means. istry and physics. While a character possessing the
Sciences skill may recall basic facts or theories from any
I ~~'P~=r-- of these three branches, each discipline may also be
taken as an individual skill, opening further avenues of
specialization to the character. Each discipline is summa-
Opbional Rule rized in the following sections.
If the narrative is moving unusually slowly, orif she Base specializations: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
fee ls the Mentat's other skills orpast experiences provide Routine: Remembering a basic fact, law or formula;
sufficient justification, the Narrator may further reduce the classifying an unknown organism; testing for trace chemi-
Test Difficulty or declare the Test anautomatic success. cal in a lab environment; determining where to set a ful-
Though the Narrator should rarely induce the Mentat to crum for maximum efficiency
perform an Projection orComputation Test. fudging the Moderate: Recalling the a complex formula, law or
Test Difficulty is anexcellent way to provide players with theory; Identifying an unknown organism or chemical
the information needed to hasten the story, or to reveal compound, calculating the gravity of a planet
narrative subplots and opportunities that the players sofar Challenging: Applying advanced principles, laws or
missed or left unexplored. formulas to solve a problem; contrasting known phenom-
ena to unknown phenomena in order to form ulate edu-
cated hypotheses
Difficult: Combining knowledge from rNO or more dis-
When a successful Test is made, the Narrator must ciplines to solve a complex problem; Applying knowledge
exercise her own discretion in choosing which facts or from two or more disciplines to identify an unknown
motivations to reveal. Though the decision may be based phenomenon, and deduce additional unobservable facts

Chapter IV: Characteristics
the range of a projectile or devising a
conductor for an electric current-these
things are all possible through the study of
Specializations : Astrop hysics,
Engineering, Holtzman Field Theory and

Theology (Intellect, 1+)

Including the study of Orange
Catholicism, Zensunni Ilm and Pique ,
and general knowledge of the
so-called "Ancient Teachings,"
Theology enables characters to identify
religious beliefs or symbols, trace cul-
tural phenomena to religious origins , or
recall various religious parables, legends
and prophecies. Unlike the Bene
Gesserit-trained Ritualism skill, Theology
only covers general knowledge about
religious belief systems; it does not
Nearly Impossible: Recalling radical or highly special- extend to myth-engineering and manipulation of super-
ized theories to solve an exceedingly complex problem or stitions, which is the sole purview of the Missionaria
to comprehend phenomena so complex they defy con- Protectiva.
ventional explanation Specializations: Orange Catholicism, Zensunni,
Ancient Teachings (Buddislamic Variants, Mahayana
Biology Lankavatara , Navachristianity, Zen Hekiganshu , Tawrah
Biology primarily involves the study of various types and Talmuddic Zabur, Obeah Ritual , Muad Quran, etc .)
of organisms, from Botan y (the study of plants) to Routine: Recalling common precepts. Identifying com-
Genetics (the study of genomes). It includes the basic mon religious symbols
knowledge of anatomy, ecology, biochemistry, and micro- Moderate: Recalling comprehensive information ; trac-
biology and may be emplo yed to iden tify and/or class ify ing a new religion or cult to its root religion.
life forms or recall basic information. Challenging: Recalling an obscure practice or ritual;
Specializations: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Botany, citing passages from religious texts
Ecology, Genetics, Microbiology, Paleontology and Difficult: Recalling a series of obscure, but related
Zoology facts; guessing unknown practic es based on identified
similarities to known belief systems
Chemistry Nearl y Impossible: Masquerading as a religious
Chem istry involves the scientific study of matter, from leader; interpreting the secret symbols or esoteric tenets
the properties of atoms and molecules to complex, chem- of a splinter faction or cult
ical compounds. It also includes general knowledge
about ancient alchemy, biochemistry, pharmacy and lab-
Underworld (Intellect, 0+)
oratory procedure. Chem istry skill enables characters to
analyze and manufacture chemical compounds and con- Underworld represents a character's familiarity with
fers general familiarity with laboratory equipment and clandestine organizations and how they operate. This
procedures. skill can be used to locate individual criminals, make
Specializations: Alchemy, Biochemistry, Pharmacy contact with larger underworld organizations or acquire
and Laboratory Techniques contraband or illicit services. This also reflects a charac-
ter's knowledge of specific criminal magnates, intelligence
Physics agents, corrupt law enforcement officers, smugglers,
Physics enables characters to understand the natural underworld slang and the like.
laws at work in the universe around them . By making a Specializations: Blackmarkets, Crime Rings (Arms,
successful physics Test, a character can comprehend the Narcotics, Slaving, Smuggling) and spec ific Homeworlds
causes of natural phenomena and apply such knowledge (Arrakis, Giedi Prime, Richese etc. )
to their everyday situations. Calculating the manpowe r Routine : Finding an item or service common in an
needed to lift a 'thopter, guessing the affects of gravity on urban district
Moderate: The item or service is easy to find, but Administration skill permits an individual to coordi-
requires some discretion to acquire or exploit (bargaining nate group undertakings, orchestrating the combined
with a corrupt official) effort to perform the objective more efficiently. If a char-
Challenging: The item or service involves risk or is acter with the Administration skill "takes the lead" during
well-regulated (Lasgun shipment) certain Combined or Extended Tests, the Narrator may
Difficult: Finding a rare or forbidden item or service lower the target cumulative Test Result by an amount
within a House's governmental palace (Hunter-Seeker) equal to the character's Administration skill level or spe-
Nearly Impossible: Finding a sacred or illegal item out- cialty (assuming he makes a successful Skill Test first).
side of its native environment (Crysknife on Giedi Prime). Alternately, the Narrator may lower the Difficulty of sub-
sequent Tests by one (or two if the character achieves a
Dramatic Success). Administration represents pre-mis-
World Knowledge (Intellect, 0+)
sion planning-requisitioning the proper equipment,
World Knowledge confers academic familiarity with making sure the most qualified people are involved in a
the dominant demographics, geography and planetology task, ensuring that team members who work well togeth-
(climatology, ecology, meteorology, etc.) of a particular er are paired and so on.
homeworld. The character uses this skill to recall basic Specializations: Economic, Intelligence, Medical,
facts or make intelligent comparisons among phenomena Military, Political, Security and Underground operations
from diffe rent worlds. Each time a character learns about Routine: Managing a disciplined, professional group
a new homeworld, they gain the World Knowledge skill (e.g. House security personnel, medical staff, or logistics
and anyone specialization, naming the particular home- unit) under non-crisis conditions
world of study (e.g. Caladan Knowledge (climatology)). Moderate: Planning a mission to be executed in famil-
For example, upon discovering a strange, creeping iar or friendly territory
vine on Gamont, a Suk Physician could make a World Challenging: Planning a mission to be executed in for-
Knowledge (Planetology) Test to compare it to the hufuf eign or unknown regions; managing a disciplined, profes-
vine used in the making of Krimskell rope. A successful sional group under crisis conditions
Test would enable the Suk to roughly gauge the vine's Difficult: Administratingan entire House department
tensile strength and pliability, estimating its suitability for Nearly Impossible: Leading a House during a time of
use as a makeshift rope or binding. A high Test Result war (covert or open)
might even permit the Suk to guess other properties of the
vine, evaluating its nutritional or medicinal value as well.
Command (Charisma, 1+, Nobles)
Specializations: Specific Planet (Ecaz, Arrakls, Kaitain etc.)
Routine: Recalling a fact about your homeworld Command measures a Noble's ability to compel subor-
Moderate: Recalling a fact about a world you've visit- dinates and maintain discipline. It enables Nobles to
ed often or studied exhaustively coordinate projects involving many subordinates, in addi-
Challenging: Recalling a fact about a world you've vis- tion to influencing headstrong subordinates and visiting
ited a few times or studied intently dignitaries. When coordinating a Combined or Extended
Difficult: Recalling a fact about a world you've visited Test, a character who makes a successful Command Test
once or studied casually may subtract his skill level (or specialty level) from the
Nearly Impossible: Deducing a fact about a world cumulative Test Result needed to complete the task.
you've never visited or studied Alternately, the Narrator may rule that a successful use of
the Command skill reduces the Diffi culty of a Test by one
(two for a Dramatic Success). Of course, characters can
Justice of the Great also use Command to convince others to follow their
The fol lowing skills encompass a variety of leadership orders during times of emergency or crisis.
skills and bureaucratic knowledge. Characters revealing a It is critical that Narrators not permit Nobles to
penchan t for command in the any of the following skills attempt Commanding other player characters to do
may be recognized for the Renown aspect (Justice). something against their will. Under such circumstances,
the Noble's player must convince his fellow players
through role-playing interaction, not simple dice rolling.
*Administration (Intellect, 1+)
Specializations: Delegating, Inspiration, Orders
The Administration skill confers familiarity with Routine: Commanding House servants or slaves; com-
bureaucratic systems and their procedures, measuring manding any individual hav ing a Caste of 0
the ability to manage data-work, organize tasks within a Moderate: Commanding trained officers; commanding
department , and work within related systems and hierar- any individual having a Caste of I
chies. Administration also encompasses the science of Challenging: Commanding a rag-tag mob of civilian
logistics-the ability to organize supply and deployment volunteers; commanding any individual having a Caste
of personnel and materiel for an identified objective. of 2

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Difficult: Commanding an angry or fearful mob under ciphers , setting up secret communications systems to the
crisis situations; commanding any individual having a exterior and separating vital information from random
Caste of 3 or 4 data , propaganda , or misinformat ion .
Nearly Imposs ible: Commanding noblemen of equal Specializations: Counter-intelligence , Cryptography,
or higher caste or title; commanding any individual hav- Forgery, Surveillance
ing a Caste of 5 Routine : Gathering important information into a use-
ful report and relaying the report to your contact or supe-
"Diplomacy (Charisma, 1+)
Average: Using false credentials provided by an insid-
Diplomacy represents the character's ability to con- er to infiltrate a typical organ ization or operation having
duct negotiations between Houses, governments or other average security
Imperial organizations (such as the Bene Gesserit and Challenging: Forging credentials to infiltrating a secure
Spacing Guild). Diplomacy also covers knowledge of the organization without help from the inside; setting up a
state of intergalactic politics and alliances. communications relay to a local contact
Diplomacy is related to Persuasion and Charm , but Difficult: Establishing a spy ring within the organi-
these skills have significant differences as well. zation ; creating a secure communications relay; creat-
Diplomacy provides a character with knowledge of how ing an underground transport system which could be
to negotiate with others to reach a mutual solution (and, used to smuggle materials or individuals in and out of
one hopes, to achieve concessions from the persons with the organization; infiltrating a rival intelligence opera-
whom the character is negotiating) . Persuasion is the tion
ability to argue skillfully and forcefully, and thus con- Nearly Impossible: Infiltrating the Spacing Guild or
vince others to agree with you . Charm is the ability to the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood; gaining access to highly
use personal charisma and emotional appeals to win secured vaults and archives; rising to a position of high
friends and influence people. authority within the organizational hierarchy
A successful Diplomacy Test directly affects the reac-
tions of those involved in the negotiation; they view the
Interrogation (Charisma, 1+)
character's position in a more favorable light. In game
terms , reduce the Difficulty of any Tests involving the tar- Interrogation is the practice of coercing information
get's responses or reactions. An Opposed Diplomacy Test from uncooperative individuals by virtue of an implied or
can also be used at a critical juncture to determine if a explicit threat. Ranging from harsh questioning to
negotiation succeeds or fails. improvisational torture, some claim Interrogation is truly
Specializations: Arbitration , Negotiation, Pacification an art form. The Difficulty of Interrogation Tests depends
and Subject (CHOAM Affairs, Great Conventions, House on both the methods employed and the subject's innate
Affairs, Kanly Negotiations and Spacing Privileges) resistance. Interrogation Tests employing verbal entice-
Routine : Arranging transport with the Spacing Guild ment or psychological coercion require Opposed Tests
Moderate: Arranging a political marriage between two against the subject 's Charisma + Willpower attribute,
friendly Houses while Tests incorporating physical torture or pain induc-
Challenging : Negotiating a CHOAM contract to your tion challenge the subject's Physique + Constitution
family's advantage attribute.
Difficult: Arbitrating a peaceful Kanly settlement Specializations: Enticement, Coercion , Pain-induction,
between two ancient enemies Questioning
Nearly Impossible : Smoothing over a violation of the Routine: Gaining general information pertaining to the
Great Convention subject's whereabouts, activities, or motives
Moderate: Coaxing embarrassing or mildly incriminat-
ing admissions from the subject concerning his where-
* Espionage (Intellect, 1+) abouts, activities, motives or associations
Espionage is the art of infiltrating an organization for Challenging: Eliciting full, personal confessions from
the purpose of gathering information about its operations the subject or inspiring petite betrayals regarding the
or agendas. This skill provides thorough knowledge of SUbject's secret associates, co-conspirators or organiza-
the various espionage techniques employed by the tion
Imperial Houses, Schools and Combines, and allows the Difficult: Inducing the subject to betra y confidential
character to exploit such measures once installed. informat ion jeopardizing the success of an important
Espionage also enables the practitioner to perform all of mission or the safety of his professional associates
the routine operations of spycraft-forging convincing Nearly Impossible : Convincing the subject to betray
documents and credentials, gathering information into information endangering his loved ones , family or House,
comprehensive reports , initializing sets of codes and
or inducing the subject to violate a sworn oath, personal Nearly Impossible: Convincing the Emperor to assign
conviction , or sacrosanct pledge your House an irrevocable CHOAM directorship.

"Leadership (Charisma, 1+, Swordmasters) *Propaganda (Intellect, 1+)

Leadership enables Swordmasters to effectively Propaganda enables characters to analyze and dis-
lead su bordinates in the fog of battle-calming fears, seminate public information, manipulating its content to
raising morale and inspiring heroism among his fol- serve a social, political or religious purpose. When
lowers. Whether demonst rating calm assurance or examining any form of propaganda , characters can ana-
flamboya nt bravura, the character uses Leadership to lyze the information , 'reading between the lines ' to glean
rally reluctant troo ps or quell muti nous uprisings, important details about the organization's motives or
whipping his so ldie rs into strict obedience a nd opti- agenda. Similarly, when creating public statements,
mal efficiency. characters may use propaganda to put spin on the
Narra tors shou ld never permit the use of Leadership account, presenting the information in such a way as to
to compel other player characters agai nst the ir will. rally public support, suppress inquiries, calm rebellion
Instead, the player must convince his fellows through and so forth. Lastly, the Propaganda skill perm its char-
roleplaying interacti on, not simple dice rolling. However, acters to exp loit a wide range of media for rapidly dis-
if one or more players suffer negative modifiers resulting sem inati ng propaganda to the masses. Radio broadcasts,
from fea r or demoraliza tion, the character may attempt a paper leaflets and silent rumor mills present characters
Leadershi p Test to remove such hindra nces for the dura- with a variety of potential ways to get the 'word' on the
tion of the scene. streets.
Specializations: Military Assaults, Prolonged Specializations: Analysis, Dissemination, Misinfor-
Entrenchment, Guerrilla actions, Directed Retreat mation
Routine: Leading troops who serve the Swordmaster Routine: Interpreting the sub text of a governmental
on a regular basis report
Mode rate: Leading subordinates who work for the Moderate: Disseminating information to select audi-
sa me family, under a nother character ences
Challenging: Leading minions who work for a differ- Challenging: Creating propaganda to bolster popular
ent, aligned House opinion in support of a favored House; Analyzing propa-
Difficult: Leading troops who work for another, non- ganda to determine deliberate omissions or hidden facts
rival House Difficult: Using propaganda to raise popular mandate
Nea rly Impossible: Leading troops who serve a rival for an unpopular law or policy
House Nearly Impossible: Exploiting propaganda to divert a
rebellion ; disseminating propaganda among select audi-
ences using rumor mills
*Mercantilism (Intellect, 1+)
Mercant ilism encompasses the en tire range of skills
and knowledge needed to conduct success ful business
Psychology (Intellect, 1+, Suks)
dealin gs within the Imperium. The skill denotes knowl- Psychology enables Suks to penetrate the mysteries of
edge and compre hension of business operations, con- the human psyche , diagnosing mental disorders, treati ng
tracts, equipmen t, a nd personnel. Mercantilism also psychological illnesses, or alleviating psychosomatic
best ows the ability to incorporate such expertise into trauma . Versed in hypnotism, psychoanalysis , psy-
bu siness admi nistra tion, negotiations, and related pro- chotherapy and psych iatry, Suks may also employ psy-
ceed ings. cho logy to remove implanted hypno-ligatures or deep
Specializations: Accounting, Banking , Financing, seated biases that are related, in whole or in part , to the
Investing, Tithing, Acquisitions, Enterprising, Funding , subject's psychological conditioning and mental develop-
Trade ment.
Routine: Interpreting a routine business contract Specializations: Diagnosis, Psychoanalysis, Psych iatry
Average: Resolving subtle points of a labor dispute , or Routine : Diagnosing a minor neurosis
avert ing an embargo on House exports Moderate: Diagnos ing psychosis or serious illness;
Challenging: Entering into a partnership with an influ- calming a hysterical subject
entia l merchant guild , or convincing the Spacing Guild to Challenging: Diagnosing dangerous , manic illnesses;
lift an embargo treating menta l disorders with drugs and prolonged therapy
Difficult: Redefining the term or conditions of a Difficult: Diagnosing abnormal disorders ; treating
CHOAM contract or acquiring a CHOAM directorship for dangerous manic illnesses without the benefit of chemi-
your House cal therapy

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Nearly Impossible: Treating abnormal disorders with- Challenging: Disarmingor penetrating a customized
out proper time, medicine or facilities security system; defeating a palm lock without proper
*Racketeeri ng (I ntellect, 1+) Difficult: Disarming or penetrating a complex secu-
rity system
Racketeering enables characters to obtain money, Nearly Impossible: Disarming or penetrating a multi-
favors or influence by means of any illegal form of coer- level security system guarding a Treasury vault
cion such as blackmail, bribery, extortion and so on.
Soliciting money or favors through Racketeering initiates
an Opposed Test against the subject's Racketeering skill.
*Statecraft (Intellect, 1+, Nobles)
If the subject does not possess the skill, then substitute Through the art of Statecraft Nobles employ a vast
their Charisma + Willpower or Intellect + Perception, arsenal of tactics-from blackmail to flattery, from
whichever is higher. The Difficulty depends on the bribery to military threats-to prevail in political negotia-
amount of money or degree of favor being solicited, in tions and affairs of state. Whether appealing to their
comparison to the relative strength of the character's patron liege or coercinga rival peer, Nobles practice
incentive. Success indicates the subject concedes while Statecraft to further their House agendas while taking the
failure indicates the attempt fails, usually engendering path of least resistance. Though similar to Diplomacy.
lasting resentment or greater hostility. Statecraft emphasizes political intrigue and covert manip-
Racketeering should never be used against other play- ulation over open negotiation or objective arbitration.
er characters; nor should supporting characters necessar- Specialization: Entreaty, Intrigue, Petition, Pressure,
ily consent to outrageous demands, especially if the rack- Threats
eteer does not levy sufficient threat to warrant such Routine: Arranging a marriage with a House Minor
demands. The Narrator remains the ultimate judge in Moderate: Petitioningyour patron liege to give rea-
such matters, but should rely on the player'S roleplaying sonable assistance
to determine Difficulty and interpret the outcome. Challenging: Outmaneuvering a rival House Minor in
Specializations: Blackmail, Bribery, Extortion, False a Sysselraad plot
Testimony Difficult: Petitioning new holdings from a Great House
Routine: Gaining a small sum of money or favor for Nearly Impossible: Threatening your liege to elevate
withholding physical evidence of a serious crime or offense your noble title
Moderate: Gaining a moderate sum of money or favor
for withholding circumstantial evidence of a misde- Subornation (I ntellect, 1+)
meanor or felony
Challenging: Gaining a large sum of money influence Subornation enables characters to indoctrinate other
for withholding witness testimony concerning a minor persons, sometimes against their will. By using advanced
offense or misdemeanor medical. psychoanalytical, and torturous techniques, the
Difficult: Demanding moderate sums of money or practitioner may break strong, psychological conditioning
influence for withholding false testimony concerning an (such as Pyretic Conscience or Hypno-Iigation) or imprint
trivial offense new subconscious impulses. Subornation requires an
Nearly Impossible: Asking exorbitant sums for minor Opposed Test against an unwilling target's Charisma +
offenses; demanding anything for withholding false Willpower or Intellect + Perception, whichever is higher.
charges for non-offenses, or minor offenses for which the Depending on the method used, a target may get an addi-
subject has a strong alibi tional Testwhen ordered to act against his nature.
Specializations: Brainwashing, Indoctrination,
*Security (I ntellect, 1+) Routine: Generally. there is no routine use of
The character is familiar with security techniques and Subornation
procedures, as well as the laws and enforcement proce- Moderate: Removing a simple imprint from a willing
dures in his locale. The character also knows how to acti- subject
vate and disable (or circumvent) various types of locks, Challenging: Brainwashing an untrained draftee
alarms, warning systems such as palm locks and pru- Difficult: Implanting a hypno-Iigature; deep conditioning
dence doors. Nearly Impossible: Suborning the Imperial Conditioning
Specializations: Enforcement, Shields, Surveillance,
Systems Subterfuge (Charisma, 0+)
Routine: Activating a cone of silence; recalling a secu-
rity procedure Subterfuge incorporates the art of lying and deceit to
Moderate: Disarmingor penetrating a simple security conceal hidden motives, false allegiance and secret infor-
system; deactivating a timed, servok locking mechanism mation. Most often, characters use Subterfuge to lie their
wayout of difficult situations, eluding questions, lying requires manual skill and refined technique, the Artistry
under oath, and mitigating punishment with an abundance skill relies most heavily on the artist's imagination and
of innovative excuses. Underextreme circumstances, char- intellect. When creating works of art, the Narrator may
acters may make Subterfuge Tests to oppose Persuasion, also permit characters to add their Dexterity edge to their
Interrogation or BG Way skills used against them. Test Result.
Occasionally, characters may employ Subterfuge pro- Specializations: Cartography, Composing, Illustration,
actively, attempting to influence targets without directly Lyrics, Painting, Sculpting
attempting to charm or persuade them. By providing false Routine: Sketching a rough likeness of a person
information in advance, characters may preempt ques- Moderate: Modeling a realistic sculpture
tions or suspicions, makingthe targets believe they Challenging: Writing an epic poem
already know the reasons behind activities or behavior Difficult: Composing a memorable opera
that might otherwise arouse suspicion. Nearly Impossible: Creatinga legendarymasterwork
Specializations: Artifice, Equivocation, Mind Games,
Routine: Conveying a false emotional state at a social
BG Way (Intellect, 1+, Adepts only)
function The secret teachings of the Bene GesseritWay (also
Average: Feigning innocence while leaving a crime scene called the 'Way') confer superior observational powers to
Challenging: Maintainingeye contact with a close practicingAdepts. Using the Way, a character can dis-
associate while lying through your teeth cern not only the slightest minutia of physical detail, but
Difficult: Delivering false testimony before the author- also recognize 'petit betrayals' conveyed by an individ-
ities in a most convincing manner ual's mannerisms, demeanor or body language. By focus-
Nearly Impossible: Successful perjury before an ing on such revelations, the Adept can predict the sub-
Imperial Truthsayer ject's emotional state or behavioral predilections, surmis-
ing whether the character is lying about something, sup-
pressinggreat fear or preparingto do violence.
Voice (Charisma, 1+, Adepts) Use of the Way initiates an Opposed Testagainst the
The Voice enables BG Adepts to issue absolute com- subjects Way skill or Subterfuge skill, whichever is
mands by pitching their voices to register on the subject's greater. If the subject possesses neither of these skills,
subconscious mind, driving them to action even against then substitute his Charisma + Willpower instead. When
their own, conscious will. In order to use Voice, charac- opposing an Adept with either Subterfuge or Charisma,
ters must first make a successful BG Way skill Test to the character suffers a -2 penalty from their Test Result.
study their target for a brief moment, registering his or Successful Way Testsare required before a character
her personal behavior and mental predilections. may attempt a Voice Test (see Voice.for more informa-
Upon registering the subject, the Adept may attempt tion).
to issue a Voice command. Voice attempts require an Specializations: Minutia, Petit Betrayals
Opposed Test against a target's Voice skill (modified by Routine: Observing a child or person unaware of
the target's Perception). If the target has not trained in being watched
Voice, use the target's Charisma + Willpower instead. Moderate: Observing a subject who is aware of being
Specializations: Command, Intimidation, Suggestion observed, or observing any subject at moderate range
Routine: Commanding a child to step closer Challenging: Scrutinizing an untrained target who is
Moderate: Suggesting an adult to lay down their actively attempting to mask their emotions
weapon Difficult: Observing a trained Adept who is actively
Challenging: Intimidating a Noble or high ranking offi- attempting to conceal their emotional state
cer not to take a particular course of action, Suggesting a Nearly Impossible: Penetrating the mask of a
guard deactivate a prudence door Truthsayer or Reverend Mother
Difficult: Commanding a fellow Bene GesseritAdept,
such as a Reverend Mother
Nearly Impossible: Commanding an Imperial
Bargaining(Charisma, 0+)
Truthsayer Characters use bargainingfor makingdeals and set-
ting rates-arguing the salient points of any agreement
for goods or services. The result of a Bargaining Skill Test
Prayers of the Righteous determines whether or not a character can buy the item
at his desired price. Bargaining attempts initiate an
Artistry (Intellect, 1+) Opposed Testagainst the target's Bargaining skill (modi-
Artistry represents creative self-expression through fied by the target's Willpower). Use the target's Charisma
any of the fine arts-illustration, painting, sculpting, writ- if the target does not have the Bargaining skill.
ing or composition. Though creatingworks of fine art Specializations represent a character's expertise in valu-

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Difficu lt: Bargaining with an arrogant
Guild banker, or BG breeding mistress
Nearly Impossible: Bargaining with the
Spacing Guild to suspend the 'hazard rates'
charged for military transport

Charm (Charisma, 0+)

A character uses Charm to persuade
a target character to agree to perform
tasks or grant favors that he or she may
otherwise be unwilling to do. This is typi-
cally accomplished by "turning on the
charm"-the character uses his sense of
humor, physical attractiveness and other
such traits to foster affection-be it
friendship or romantic interest-in
another individual. This makes it easier
to get information or favors from the tar-
get character. Charm attempts require an
Opposed Test against a target's Charm skill
ing a particular commodity or working a particular mar- (modified by the target's Willpower). If the target does
ket. not have Charm, use the target's Charisma instead.
The Narrator decides what the value of goods are Specializations: Flattery, Indulgence, Seduction
prior to play; some goods in some marketplaces are very Routine: Indulging a relative
expensive (or inexpensive) compared to other locations. Moderate: Flattering a friend
Some sellers simply charge high fees- perhaps as part of Challenging: Seducing a stranger
the bargaining process, or due to local tariffs or because Difficult: Flattering someone hostile to you
of other factors specific to the situation. Nearly Impossible: Seducing someone who hates you
Most situations involving the Bargain skill should be
roleplayed, rather than simply resolvedwith Tests. The
EqUipment (Intellect, 0+)
dice result should reflect a target's reaction to the bar-
gaining attempt. For example, Warmaster Ravastine This skill allows the character to use standard items of
attempts to bargain with a Guild agent to lower the rate personal equipment-devices (such as poison snoopers,
for transporting goods off-planet. The die result indicates ComNet transmitters, solido projectors, etc.), instrumen-
a failure, so the Banker mocks Ravastines's attempt and tation (vehicular communications, palm locks, etc.) and
reminds him that he's dealing with the Guild. systems (House shield generators, suspensor lifts and so
Note: Anyone can elect to refuse a deal; players who on). This skill also covers the ability to perform minor
don't wish to proceed with the bargainingcan always adjustments and routine maintenance, including field
stop. Bythe same token, if a supporting cast character is servicing such equipment. In some cases, such as with
faced with a bad deal (either because the player has ComNet transmitters, characters may be allowed to use
made a blatantly poor offeror the player has rolled this skill untrained; however, training is essential for
extremelywell) , the Narrator's character can refuse the operating advanced equipment, such as specialty
deal as well. devices, delicate instrumentation or large systems (like a
Specializations: Market goods, Labor services, house shield generator or air recycling system).
Contraband, Blackmarket services, CHOAM commodi- Specializations: Devices, Forbidden Technology,
ties, Specialty services (Guild transport, BG services, Instrumentation, Systems
Forbidden technology, etc.) Routine: Communicating with base command
Routine: Bargaining with an average merchant from Moderate: Communicating through mild interference.
one's own horneworld such as a magnetized or radiatedarea; Cleaning equipment
Moderate: Bargaining with an astute merchant from Challenging: Communicating with the ship through
one's own homeworld, or a common merchant from strong interference, such as a sandstorm or hurricane;
another homeworld or House (except the Spacing Guild Field-stripping equipment
or Sisterhood) Difficult: Communicating with the ship through
Challenging: Bargaining with an astute member of extremely strong interference, such as from underground
House; bargainingwith most Guild agents or representa- or within a cone of silence; Exchanging components on
tives of the BG Sisterhood equipment: minor repairs.
Nearly Impossible: Making field repairs to damaged
equipment without the benefit of the proper tools
Observation confers the ability to locate concealed
persons and objects , or perce ive minute details in a char-
First Aid (I ntellect, 0+)
acter's physical environment. When searching for con-
FirstAid measures a character's ability to perform emer- cealed items or hidden persons, the character makes an
gency medical procedures in order to stabilize a wounded Opposed Test against the target's Concealment,
character's injuries. RenderingFirst Aid with makeshift sup- Impersonation or Stealth skill. If the character is observ-
plies or insufficient medicines raises the category of Difficulty ing details in his physical environment, the Test
one degree harder (for example, a Moderate task becomes Difficulty varies according to the subtlety of the detail the
Challenging). See "Healing", page 136. character is attempting to observe. The traits Enhanced
Specializations: CPR, Infection, Injury (wounds and Sense and Diminished Sense both modify Observation
broken bones) , Shock Trauma Tests (see Traits, page 101 and 103) depending on the
Routine: Halting minor bleeding or alleviating minor primary sensory mode employed.
shock; treating a Stunned character Specializations: Inspection, Search, Study and
Moderate: Performing CPR, disinfecting wounds, or Surveillance
slowing the effects of poison; treating an Injured character. Routine : Target is hiding in plain sight
Challenging: Stopping arterial bleeding, setting a bro- Average: Sighting a maula pistol hidden under a robe
ken bone ; treating a Wounded character Challenging: Spotting the right shigawire reel in a box
Difficult: Minor surgery, such as performing a tra- full of them
cheotomy on a choking victim; treating an Incapacitated Difficult: Noticing a small bead of sweat on a tar-
character get's neck
Nearly Impossible: Stopping internal bleeding, alleviat- Nearly Impossible : Finding the proverbial needle in a
ing the effects of poison; treating a character Near Death haystack

Gaming (I ntellect, 0+) Persuasion (I ntellect, 0+)

Gaming represents the ability to play games such as The Persuasion skill represents the character's ability
chess, cards or backgammon well. To playa game, all to put forward plausible arguments in order to influence
competing characters make Gaming Tests , and the the beliefs or behavior of another character. Persuasion
highest Test Result wins . This skill includes wagering attempts should always be roleplayed when possible ; the
and playing the odds, but does not cover athletic com- Narrator adds or subtracts dice based on good or bad
petitions or physical contests (these rely on Athletics roleplaying. Persuasion attempts require an Opposed
Tests). Test against an unwilling target's Persuasion skill. If the
A character can also use this skill to cheat (or to target doesn't have the Persuasion skill, either use the
determine if other players play dishonestly). To cheat, the target's Intellect or allow the target to use Persuasion
character and the other characters involved in the game untrained.
each make an Opposed Gaming Test (to see which of Unlike Charm , the Persuasion skill involves convinc-
them spots the cheat). If all the other characters fail to ing someone without appealing to their emotions or
beat his Test Result, the character has successfully cheat- desires . The Charm skill downplays the reasoning behind
ed. The other game players can roll to detect the cheat the favors asked, elevating the personality and worthi-
once per round while the character is cheating. This ness of the character to win the target over to her way of
should be a roleplaying exercise ; the character cheating thinking. Persuasion, on the other hand, attempts to
should describe how he is cheating, and the Skill Test influence a target based upon the merit of the suggestion,
determines how well he succeeds. convinc ing the target that the suggestion is a good idea
Specializations: Gambling, Games (specific: Cheops, regardless of the his feelings for the character making the
Hangman's Hand, Smuggler's Bones, etc.), Puzzles , argument.
Wagering Specializations: Debate, Logic , Parable, Reason
Routine: Wagering on the favorite in an arena combat Routine : Persuading a friend, fellow crewman, or rela-
Moderate: Beating novice players at Hangman's hand tive who has similar views
Challenging: Cheating at smuggler's bones against vet- Moderate: Persuading a neutral subject to a position
eran dicers bolstered by obvious or well- documented facts
Difficult: Besting a Mentat at Cheops ; Running a con Challenging: Persuading a neutral sub ject to a posi-
game against experienced players; making books for profit tion the character does not actuall y believe in; persuad-
Nearly Impossible: Checkmating a Cheops Master in ing a hostile subject to a position bolstered by obvious or
fewer than 5 moves well documented facts

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Difficult: Persuading a hostile sub ject to a position Narrators should either give lengthier descriptions or
supported on ly by strong logic permit Prescience Tests more frequently, giving the play-
. Nearly Impossible: Persu ading an irrational, hostile er ample opportunity to decipher the meaning of the
subject during combat images. But often the best approach means combining
both symbols with realistic details (people and places)
to convey the true strangeness of the prescient experi-
Prescience (Prescience, 0+)
The Prescien ce skill ena bles a character to randomly Specializations: None
glimpse fut ure events. His visions may come as vivid, Routine: Having a vision, steeped in metaphor, of
waki ng images , or vag ue , symbolic portents. Thou gh future events while sleeping
Prescience does not automatically permit characters to Moderate: Having an accurate, realistic vision of
scrye into the fut ure, characters may deliberately over- future events while sleeping
dose on melan ge, enter meditative trances or willfully Challenging: Conjuring a waking, metaphorical vision
enter sleep with the hope of experiencing a prophetic of future events
vision. Narrators comfortable with such use of the skill Difficult: Conjuring a waking, accurate vision of future
may pe rmit Tests under such circumstances, interpret- events
ing the results to feed information to the character. Nearly Impossible : Conjuring a realistic, accurate
Alterna tely, Narrators may choose to implement vision of immediate events while awake
Prescience Tests only at the ir discretion , calling for
Tests when prescient glimpses could heighten the
drama or give vital clues to help the players understand
Prophesy (Prescience, 1+)
the unseen forces working against them in the narra- Prophesy allows the character to meditate on a per-
tive. son or place and gain an impression based on future
Successful Prescience Tests indicate the player events . Interpreting this impression is up to the player,
gleans an accurate vision of a forthcoming event in the and not all messages are clear. The Narrator may tell you
curren t cha pter. Beca use Prescience does not perm it that the Adept you' re talking to will attempt violence
against your ambassador. This does not impart any
idea as to how or why. The ambassador might
be a traitor, or the Adept may truly seek to
damage your House . Additionally, some
impressions may be false, changed by
events yet to come.
Specializations: None
Routine: Gleaning an impression of an
NPC close to the character
Moderate: Gleaning an impression of a
person or place after only brief exposure
to her/it
Challenging: Gleaning a detailed
impression of a person or place after limit-
ed exposure
Difficult: Gleaning an impression of a
place or person based on a description
Nearly Impossible : Gleaning an impres-
sion about another character with

Repa ir (Intellect, 1+)

characters to actively sea rch the future , the Narrator This skill allows the character to repair standard
must determine what or who the player sees, describing equipment, transport, and systems-ComNet transmit-
the event in realistic deta il or broad, archetypal sym- ters, ornithopters, security systems, etc.. This skill
bols. For instance , if the Narrator cares to reveal an includes the ability to make alterations or adjustments
assassin ambush in a future scene, he could describe to the design, refitting or converting equipment to oper-
the room or weapons in life-like detail, or use a ate better in particular conditions or to perform another,
metaphor to describe a falcon swooping down to tear at closely related task . Most minor repairs can be per-
the character's eyes. When relying on symbolism , formed with improvised tools , but comprehensive refits
may require specialized tools or facilities to be per- flees), often the saboteur's purpose requires a more
formed successfully. Lacking the necessary tools, or refined approach. Deactivating a prudence-barrier just
attempting to make repairs in haste increases the long enough to pass through, temporarily disabling a
Difficulty of most Repair Tests. ignition switch, or setting off a false alarm in the house
Specializations: Devices, Equipment, Systems, security system-such tasks require more delicate manip-
Vehicles ulation than sheer destruction, allowing for the disabled
Routine: Cleaninga device, or calibrating instrumen- object to be reactivated or easily repaired for times of
tation future need.
Moderate: Replacing standard components Specializations: Demolitions, Monkey-wrenching and
Challenging: Repairing damaged components, making Short-circuiting
minor design alterations Routine: Blowing up a simple structure such as a wall,
Difficult: Retooling components to work in a different dam or shack
apparatus, innovating major design alterations, working Moderate: Deactivating a simple mechanism
outside of a repair facility Challenging: Short-circuiting an alarm system
Nearly Impossible: Repairing severe damage or mak- Difficult: Destroying only a select portion of a struc-
ing major conversions without the proper tools, facilities ture with explosives; temporarily deactivatingan elec-
or required time tronic mechanism leaving no trace of tampering
Nearly Impossible: Deactivating a Prudence-barrier,
setting off a 'silent' explosion
*Ritualism (Intellect, 1+, Adepts)
Ritualism confers knowledge of the Dark Things, the Truthtrance (Intellect, 1+, Adepts)
infectious superstitions engineered and sewn by the
Missionaria Protectiva. Ritualism includes general famil- Induced by one of several "awareness spectrum" nar-
iarity with all major Imperial religions in addition to the cotics, Truthtrance skill enables an Adept observer to
forms of Canto and Respondu, the invocation rite of the enter a semi-hypnotic state, during which the petit
Panopolia Propheticus. Adepts can use Ritualism to betrayals of falsehood become more readily apparent.
identify the underlying significance of sectarian rituals Selection of this skill requires the character to possess
and symbolism; comprehendingits psychological impact the Truthsayertrait (page 103).
upon its disciples and native culture. Once so identified, Specializations: None
the Adept can manipulate key phrases and concepts to Routine: Discerning the truth of an event, as
pass herself off as one of the faithful , or perhaps even described by someone not trying to conceal the truth,
one of the spiritual elect, depending upon the degree of who experienced the event firsthand
success. Moderate: Discerning the truth of an event, as
Specializations: Exploitation, Identification, Seeding described by someone tryingto conceal the truth, who
Routine: Recognizing the significance of phrases from experienced the event first hand; Discerning the truth of
any major Imperial religion (Orange Catholicism, Ilm and an event, as described by someone not trying to conceal
Fiqu or Buddislamic Variants) the truth, who did not experience the event fi rsthand
Moderate: Passing herself offas a member of any reli- Challenging: Discerning the truth of an event,
gion, once its rituals and symbols have been identified described by someone familiar with the Truthtrance
Challenging: Calling on known religious forms to iden- inquest, who orchestrated the situation in such as way
tify the rituals of an obscure schism or sect; exploiting that he cannot know the truth
the protective superstitions present in a hostile culture Difficult: Discerning the truth of an event, described
Difficult: Convincing disciples that the Adept shares by an Adept attempting to conceal the truth she experi-
their secret ways and faith enced firsthand
Nearly Impossible: Convincing xenophobic cultures that Nearly Impossible: Discerning the truth of an event,
the Adept is qualified as a member of their spiritual elect described by an Reverend Mother who was not there

*Sabotage (Intellect, 1+)

Sabotage enables characters to efficiently deactivate,
disable or destroy man-made objects such as equipment, Traits help to customize a character during the char-
vehicles, buildingsor structures. Depending on the char- acter creation process. They describe interesting physical,
acter's purpose, sabotage permits them to employ a vari- mental, psychological and advantages and disadvantages
ety of means to accomplish the deed, including demoli- not quantified by attributes and skills. Traits often
tions, monkey-wrenching, electronic countermeasures increase or decrease Test dice, thus improving or reduc-
and so on. While large enough quantities of explosives ing a character's chances of successfully performing spe-
will effectively destroy anything (short of shielded edi- cific actions during play.

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Adversary (+ 1- 3)
Bonded Allegiance (+ 1-2)
Master Trait List Dual Allegiance (+2)
False Allegiance (+3)
Valo r ofthe Brave Renegade (+ 1)
Advantages Shaitan's Bargain (+2-5)
Alertness (1) Vendetta (+2- 3)
Bimanual Fighting (2)
Dueling (2, Swordmasters only) Prayers of t he Right eo us
Heroism (2) Advantages
Immun ity (1-3) Contraba nd (1-3)
Latent Prescience (3) Hand of God (3)
Olympian Physique (3) Heir (1-3, Nobles only)
Prana-Bindu Conditioning (3, Adepts only) Human (1-2)
Resilience (1) Moralizing Creed (1)
Shield Fighting (1) Noble Title (1-2 , Nobles only)
Weirding Combat(2, Adepts only) Prized Bloodline (2-3)
Whipcord Reflexes (3) Spice Diet (3)
Disadvantages Terrible Purpose (2-4)
Addiction (+ 1- 3) Unrealized Potential (3)
Chronic Pain (+2) Disadvantages
Physical Impairment (+1-3) Byzantine Corruption (+1)
DarkSecret (+1- 3)
Learning of t he Wise Code of Conduct (+ 1- 3)
Advantages Genetic Eunuch (+4)
Direction Sense (1) Rogue (+2)
Enhanced Sense (1) Superstitious (+1)
Imperial Conditioning(2, Suks only)
Information etwork (1-3)
Linguistic Talent (2)
Machine Logic (2, Mentats only) Advantages provide a DUNE RPG character with
Mentat Awareness (2, Mentats only) some kind of special ability or asset that aids him during
Metabolic Clock (1) play. They cost a number of Development Points noted
Mnemonic Conditioning(2) in parentheses after the name of the advantage (e.g.
Plasteel Will (1) Whipcord Reflexes (2)). Most advantages, particularly
Trained Intelligence (3) those providing bonus dice or similar benefits, can be
Truthsaying (3, Adepts only) purchased only once. The few advantages, such as Ally
Disadvantages or Information Network, that can be purchased multiple
Brash (+ 1) times are so noted within the context of their descrip-
Diminished Sense (+1) tions.
Hypno-ligature (+ 1- 2) Disadvantages portray hindrances or limitations the
Perversion (+1-3) character suffers-poor eyesight, illness, physical disabil-
Pyretic Conscience (+3) ity and so on. They confer additional Development
Twisted Conditioning (+ 1- 3) Points to be spent on developing other characteristics,
such as attributes or skills. The number of additional
Justice ofthe Great points conferred is indicated in parentheses after the
Advantages name of the disadvantage (e.g. Diminished Sense (+1)).
Ally (1- 5) When selectingtraits for their characters, players
Assassin 'sCode (2,Assassins only) should explain when and how the character came by
Commendation (1-3) them-many physical or mental traits may be inbred,
Compounded by Whispers (3) part of the character's genetic predisposition. Others,
Highborn (3) especially social or vocation traits, are best equated with
Honorarium Familia (2) the character's early life or vocational development. For
Ivlagnanimous Appeal (3) example, each stage of Background History instills char-
MilitaryGenius(3) acters with certain traits, advantages or disadvantages
Patron (2-4) acquired at that stage in their personal development. The
background packages themselves often
describe something about the character's
past, acting as a kind of summary
explaining when or how the character
gained the select traits (e.g. Off-world
Upbringing, Personal Confidant or Arena
Fighter). By putting each purchased trait
into similar context, players can add a
great deal of depth to their character's
history making them much more lifelike
and interesting.
Players should note that a few traits
require a character to possess a certain
vocational Conditioning as a prerequisite,
indicated by the words "Nobles,"
"Swordmasters" and so forth. Some
Background packages confer
Conditioning-specific traits (such as
Dueling or Prana Bindu Conditioning)
regardless of a character's Conditioning.
But aside from these exceptions. characters
cannot acquire vocation-related traits through
Development Point or Experience Point expenditures, sinister and so on) without suffering the standard "off-
unless sanctioned by the Narrator. hand" Difficulty penalty (see page 129).
So as a final guideline, choose those traits that best
complement and enhance the character's initial concept.
They'll help round out the character's proficiencies and
Dueling (2, Swordmasters)
life history as you integrate them into its life story. The character has trained under an accredited
Dueling instructor, adding the entire range of dueling
maneuvers to his repertoire. When fighting with blade
Trait Descriptions weapons (such as knives, kindjals, slip-tips or swords)
Like skills, traits are grouped into four categories, the character may perform any of the offensive or defen-
linked to one of the four aspects of Renown. Each is sive combat options listed for the arm, mastering such
described in the following sections. techniques as feint and counter-feint, parry and riposte.
This trait is best complimentedby the Bimanual Fighting
and Shield Fighting advantages.
Valor of the Brave Advantages
Heroism (2)
Alertness (1)
The heroic character can tolerate more pain than the
The character's innate "sixth sense" bristles alerting average person. Reduce any injury modifiers by I (for
him to potential danger. Emerging from the character's example, a Wounded hero would only suffer + I
subconscious powers of observation, Alertness is not a Difficulty to Skill Tests, not the standard +2). Add this to
mystical or psychic power, though it may appear so to the total penalty as a result of actual wounds (a charac-
superstitious people. The character receives a + I ter who is Stunned and then Injured would still suffer a
Perception edge (if it is not already +2) and gains the + I Difficulty, not 0). See "Effects of Injuries," page 134
benefit of an Observation Testany time the character for more information. Heroism also confers the benefit of
enters an ambush or otherwise potentially dangerous sit- an additional die to all Skill Tests requiring the character
uation. The Narrator rolls the Test secretlyand, if suc- to resist physical torture or painful trauma.
cessful, imparts an advisory warning such as "You feel
like someone you're being watched" or "Something does- Immunity (1 -3)
n't feel right."
Whether inherited naturally or acquired through a rig-
orous process of immunization, the character suffers no
Bimanual Fighting (2) effects from a particular illness, disease or substance. In
Duringcombat, the character can perform equally the DUNE universe, the most common immunities protect
wellwith either hand (firing a weapon, making attacks against narcotics or poisons often resulting from a forced

Chapter IV: Characteristics
metabolic change within the individual. When selecting of her body's prana-ne rvatu re and bindu-musculature.
immunity to poisons, the player must choose a single PracticedAdepts rely on their conditioning to perform
Poison Type (see Poisons, page 13 1- 133). To determine astounding feats of balance, grace or speed in addition to
the cost of this advantage, see the accompanying chart. any number of mysteriousexercises such as slowing their
metabolism, activating hormonal production or contort-
ing their bodies into impossible positions.
It is through Prana-Bindu conditioningthat Adepts
can enter Bindu Suspension, slowing their heartbeat to a
Imm un it y C o sts fraction of its normal rate to assume the semblance of
Cost Possible reagents death. In the suspended metabolic state, the Adept
1 Narcotics(Semuta, Refined Melange, requires one tenth of the water, food and oxygen normal-
Rachag); Poison (Type I or II); Minor ill- ly needed to survive, and slows the progress of blood
nesses (influenza, stomach viruses, etc.) contaminants (such as narcotics and poison) to one fifth
2 Narcotics (Elacca or Raw Melange); Poison their normal rate.
(Type III or IV); Seriousillnesses (pneu-
monia, pox, Waipingfever)
Resilience (1)
3 Narcotics (Spice Essence); Poison (Type V);
Chronic illnesses (leprosy, desert rot, The character recovers quickly from injury, halving the
Oolan arrhythmia) time required to heal naturally. He gains one extra die
when making Tests to heal naturally, and the Difficulty of
Medical Arts Tests performed on him are reduced by I. See
Healing, pages 136, for rules about recovering from injury.
Resilience differs from Heroism. Resilience represents a
Latent Prescience (3)
character'sability to recover from injuries quickly, whereas
Deep within the character's genes, the character pos- Heroism increases his ability to ignore the physical side-
sesses a dormant talent for Prescience. The character effects resulting from injuryand pain. Though both traits
opens his Prescience attribute at levelland may awaken relate to physical injury, characters enjoy enhanced resist-
his talent through the acquisition of Prescience-based ance by complementing one trait with the other.
skills (see accompanyingchart). In addition the character
can begin developing his Prescience attribute, edges or Shield Fighting (1)
skills by expending Experience Points during play.
The character's combat training relies extensively on
the use of personal shields. As a result, the character has
acquired the proficiencies needed to effectively negate
opposing shield defense, while maximizing the defensive
Prescience Levels advantages conferred by her own body shield. During
Attributelevel Available Skills armed combat, the character may perform any Shield
1 Prescience Fighting maneuver.
2-3 Prescience, Prophesy On the down side, intensive shield training has condi-
4-5 Any tioned the character to slow her attacks and rely to some
degree on her shield for protection. So ingrained are
these habits, that they persist even when the character
fights unshielded. During such circumstances, the char-
acter suffers a + I Option Point penalty for all non-Slow
Attacks, and loses one die when making any dodge or
Olympian Physique (3) parry attempts.
The character's body exemplifies the ultimate in phys-
ical conditioning, characterized by finely-honed muscula-
Weirding Combat (2, Adepts)
ture and amazing physical stamina. The character's
Physique attribute increases by +1, and may reach level The Adept has trained in the Bene Gesserit's secret
6 through the addition of this attribute or point-based ways of combat, incorporating the entire range of weird-
development. ing maneuvers to her personal repertoire. When fighting
unarmed, the character may perform any of the offensive
or defensive Weirding options such as False Opening,
Prana-Bindu Conditioning (3, A dept s ) Feigned Faint, or Precision Attack. This trait is best com-
Resulting from her Prana-Bindu Conditioning, the plemented by the Prana-Bindu Conditioning and
Adept has achieved preternatural awareness and control Bimanual Fighting traits.
Whipcord Reflexes (3)
The character's bodily motion reveals astounding The character suffers intense pain on a continual or
swiftness and grace, permittinghim to move with blind- recurring basis. Whether resulting from a battle injury,
ing speed and lethal precision. The character's congenital defect or physical stigma (such as the burning
Coordination attribute increases by + 1, and may reach scar left by an inkvine whip), the pain proves difficult to
level 6 through the addition of this attribute or point- ignore causing the character to suffer a -1 die penalty to
based development. all Physique or Coordination Tests attempted during a
flare-up. At least once every game session, the Narrator
should require a Physique Test (modified by Willpower)
Valor Disadvantages to determine if the character suffers a painful attack.
Addiction (+ 1-3) Failure indicates that agonizing pain consumes the char-
acter for the duration of the scene.
The character suffers intense cravings or painful
withdrawal resulting from a physical or psychological
addiction. At some point in their background, the char-
Physical Impairment (+1-3)
acter developed a dependency for an addictive sub- The character suffers from a severe physical impair-
stance such as a medicine, drug or chemical. Though ment-blindness, partial paralysis, a missing appendage
commonly resulting from medicinal or narcotic abuse, or similar handicap. The player should, at the time of
addictions can also result from natural, bodily chemi- character creation, determine the exact nature of the dis-
cals (such as adrenaline) predisposing characters to ability. The value of the disadvantage depends on the
sate their addiction by seeking intense emotional expe- extent of the impairment (see table).
riences, such as those evoked by the thrill of danger of
the flame of love. I ~ 5f 0:=2J---z:i- i
Though withdrawal symptoms rarely result in actual,
bodily injury, characters suffer negative Test modifiers
as if they were physically injured whenever they enter Physical Impairments
withdrawal. Whenever the character goes for more than Value Impairment
12 hours without feeding his addiction, he or she suf- o Missing Finger
fers the onset of withdrawal moving through each of +1 Mute; withered limb
the six stages of injury at a rate of one stage every 3 +2 Missing limb; deaf
hours. In most cases, characters can immediately +3 Blind; Body Paralysis
"heal" the complete effects of withdrawal by feeding the
addictive habit. But in cases where the character
advances to "near death " they collapse in a comatose
state, awakening hours or days later to resume activity Physical Impairments are permanent afflictions that
as normal. The advance of withdrawal can be alleviat- won't heal naturally; however it is possible that charac-
ed by medical treatment, subject to the Narrator's dis- ters may undergo corrective surgery, physical transplant
cretion. or bionic enhancement later in life; effectively negating
See the accompanying table to determine the relative the primary disadvantages resulting from the impairment.
point-value of different forms of addiction. If players wish to remedy their physical impairment in
such a manner, they may purchase a "Medical Remedy"
subject to Narrator approval, by expending a number of
- - _.....~-~~;y=:L;;;:;,,~:rI---- development equal to the value of the Impairment. If
allowed, the player and Narrator should cooperate in
describingwhat sort of remedy is needed and how the
Forms of Addiction character comes to acquire it. More information will be
Addiction Substances/Symptoms presented on bionic implants and mechanical prosthesis
+1 Adrenaline, Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine in forthcoming DUNE RPG supplements.
1/2 Injury Effect(round down)
+2 Rachag, Sernuta, Sapho, Verite
Full Effect
Learning of the Wise Advantages
+3 Melange, Poison Antidote
Real Injury and Death
Direction Sense (1)
The character possesses an unerring sense of direction.
He never loses his way when traveling within cities, building

Chapter IV: Characteristic s
complexes or natural environments. Along with this talent,
the characterenjoys the ability to estimate distances, espe-
lingUistic Talent (2)
cially with regard to how far he's traveled, or how longit will The character learns new languages instinctively,
take him to reach a destination within his range ofvision. grasping colloquial nuances and discerning dialectic
deviations with relative ease. The character's linguistic
talent entitles them to an extra die when making lan-
Enhanced Se nse (1) guage Skill Tests (though they must still possess the
The character enjoys unusually keen vision, deft hear- appropriate Language skill at level 1 or more). In addi-
ing, discriminatingolfactory perception or sensitive tion, when developing any language skill or specializa-
touch. Choose one sense when acquiring this trait. When tion, increasing the level costs 2 development points
making Observation Tests using his enhanced sense, the instead of the 3 points normally required.
character gains + 1 Test die.
Mac hine Logic (2, Mentats)
Imperial Cond itioning (2, Suks) The Mentat can perform an additional Intellect-based
The character received the highest order of condition- action each round without suffering a Subsequent Action
ing against taking human life, qualifying him as a graduate Penalty (see page 120-12 1). Further actions in a round
of the Suk medical school. The character now bears the result in standard Multiple Action Penalties (e.g., + 1 to
marks of Imperial Conditioning-wearinga diamond tat- all Difficulty Numbers for three actions, +2 for four and
too on his forehead and drawing his long hair drawn back so on). Off hand penalties still apply.
into the silverSuk ring-indicating his superior medical
training and absolute trustworthiness. Mentat Periman Gruys attempts to make a Mentat
Considered safe enough to administer treatment even Trance (Memori:zation) Skill Test while making an
to the Emperor, the character enjoys high demand for his Interrogation Test to coax a penta-shield frequency
services, deriving many social and material benefits as a from a captured security guard. Both are Intellect
result. The character fi nds that most people entrust him skills, so he does not incur the Subsequent Action
with matters having little to do with his medical training Penalty because of his Machine Logic. Later on,
or pacifistic conscience. They confide their personal Gruys attempts to enter Mentat Trance, recalling
problems, solicit his honest advice or confess their dark- the shield frequency while using a dissembler
est secrets as if he were their psychologist, counselor and (Equipment Test) to deactivate the shield barrier.
confessor, all combined. Whenever the Suk initiates any Mentat Trance is an Intellect skill, while Equipment
influence-based Tests (Bargain, Charm, Persuasion, is a Coordination skill, so again, Gruys suffers no
Interrogation, Subornation or Subterfuge) he gains the Subsequent Action Penalty (because he's allowed an
benefit of rollingan additional die. additional Intellect Test). Finally, Gruys finds him-
self attacked by two guards waiting inside the
deactivated portal, so he tries to shoot them both
Information Network (1-3) with his twin needleguns concealed in his sleeves.
The character has established an information network Because this requires simultaneous Ranged Weapon
with her House, school or similar organization. By culti- Tests (Coordination skill) his Machine Logic fails to
vating relationships with inside contacts, the character has help him and he suffers the standard Subsequent
access to unauthorized, if not confidential, information Action penalty.
about the organization's projects, agendas and resources.
Mentat Awareness (2, Merrtats)
Mentats instinctively know when something deserves
their attention. Like one wrong note in an orchestra, they
Information Network can see that something, someone or even some event is
Cost Example Contact out of place. Whether the Mentat properly responds to
1 NPC within thesame House, employee this information will depend on their other deductive
of an influentialmerchant powers. This trait complements the Mentat Trance skill,
2 NPC serva nt within an alliedHouse, which allows a Mentat to commit such an observation to
influential merchant memory for later analysis.
3 Influential aide of thesponsor Great
House, noble of an allied House
Metabolic Clock (1)
The character can innately measure the passage of
time by monitoring her internal biorhythms and metabo-
!ism. During normal waking hours the character can guess a Karama Point to check her brash impulses, she will
the time within 15 minutes; but after prolonged periods of take action-determined by the Narrator-that results at
sleep or unconsciousness, the margin of error increases to least in personal embarrassment (speaking out in the
an hour or more depending on the duration and circum- Sysselraad without being called upon) or at worst, in
stances of the character's unconscious lapse. physical danger to her person (leaping into a Gladiator
arena to stop a duel.)
Mnemonic Conditioning (2)
Diminished Sense (+1)
The character remembers everything she perceives,
easily remembering names, faces , facts read in books, or The character suffers unusually limitedvision, poor
smells from her homeworld. Characterscan use hearing, dulled olfactory perception or benumbed touch.
Mnemonic Conditioning to memorize and recount experi- Choose one sense when acquiring this trait. When mak-
ences with complete accuracy, though unlike Mentat ing Observation Tests using his enhanced sense, the
Trance, Mnemonic Conditioning only allows minute character loses 1 Test die.
details to be retained in short-term memory for a period of
hours or days (12 hours per level of Intellect). After that
Hypno-ligature (+1-2)
time, the character must either rehearse the experience or
allow it to convalesce into long-term memory, losing much Foreseenas a danger to the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood,
of the fine detail as it commingles with other memories. the character's psyche has been impregnated with a secret
"word-sound" (such as "Llroshnor") known to certain
Plasteel Wi II (1) individuals within the Sisterhood. If the character hears
the word-sound uttered, he suffers a synaptic misfire ,
The character possesses more willpower than the experiencing temporary paralysis or unconsciousness
average person, and gains an additional die when mak- depending on the depth and degree of the implantation.
ing Skill Tests to resist influence attempts (such as When selecting this trait, the Narrator must determine
Charm, Interrogation or Persuasion). PIasteel Will also who in the Sisterhood has access to the specific pass-
confers minimal protection against Bene Gesserit appli- word, and under what circumstances they would pass
cation of the Voice. such information along to other Sisters. Though the play-
er will know of it, the character remains unaware of his
Trained Intelligence (3) psychic impediment.

The character demonstrates astounding perspicacity Perversion (+1-3)

and presence of mind, permitting him to make precise
calculations, insightful inferences and logical deductions. The character suffers from moral perversion and
The character's Intellect attribute increases by + 1, and entertains one or more obsessions, compulsions or
may reach level 6 through the addition of this attribute or manias. Depending on the degree of affliction, the char-
point-based development. . . , ,:~

Truthsaying (3, Adepts)

Adepts with the Truthsaying trait can
survive the dangerous dosages of the
awareness-spectrum narcotics required to
enter Truthtrance (see Truthtrance skill,
page 97). Acquisition of this trait also
bestows upon an Adept the BG title of
"Truthsayer," conferring 2 points of
Renown (Prayer aspect).

Learning Disadvantages
Bmsh (+1)
The character often acts without
thinking, following impulses and failing to
consider consequences before rushing
into action. Unless the character spends

Chapter IV: Characteristics
acter may experience bouts of emotional imbalance only
once per session or he may constantly exhibit obsessive
behavior. The player and Narrator should work together
Ally (1-5)
when describing the nature of the character's perversion The character enjoys a close relationship with some-
and determining its point value. one in a position of power. Whether a friend or relative,
the ally will go out of his way to help the character. The
Pyretic Conscience (+3, Suks) cost of this advantage depends on the Ally's relative posi-
tion; see accompanying table for guidelines. The player
Resulting from his Imperial Conditioning, the character and Narrator should flesh out this character.
finds himselfbridled by the so-called "conscience of fire ,"
a restraining mechanism programmed at the inhibitory
level of his subconscious mind. Though his conditioning
does not force the character to adopt a pacifistic ideology,
the character finds himselfincapable of enacting any voli- Sample Ally Costs
tion to directlyendanger human life. The character can- Cost Example Ally
not take up arms against his fellow man, insinuate poison 2 Officer of thesame vocation or division
into his rivals drink, or withhold medical treatment from a (Mentat, Security, etc...) in an allied
dying enemy. The character not only finds such acts House
entirely unconscionable, but also quite impossible, given 3 Officer of a similar caste within another
the deeply ingrained Pyretic Conscience. organization (Merchant's Union,
Guild, Sisterhood)
5 Noble from a non-rival House
Twisted Conditioning (+1-3)
The character has undergone extensive psycho-alter-
ation aimed at breaking or perverting his vocational con-
ditioning or personal ideology. Creating killerMentats, a
specialty of the Bene Tleilax, requires some degree of
Commendation (1-3)
twisting since the higher order of Mentat logic resists For exceptional service to his House or family, the
killing for wanton or capricious reasons. Similarly, sub- character receives a commendation. Typically conferred
orning Imperial Conditioning against violence, subverting in the form of household titles, medals, badges or similar
an Adepts loyalty to the Sisterhood, or breaking a indicia, commendations heighten the character's authori-
Noble's allegiance to his family all become possible ty or esteem and increase one or more of his Renown
through Twisted Conditioning. The player and Narrator aspects by + 1. The Narrator and player must determine
must discuss the nature and consequences of this trait the precise nature of the award, subject to the number of
before allocating its point value. Typically, any behav- points spent on this advantage (see chart).
ioral impulse that runs contrary to a character's normal
vocational role or rational identity can be qualified and
handled under Twisted Conditioning. i::

justice of the Great Advantages Commendations

Cost Commendation
Assassin's Code (2, Assassins)
1 Commendation (Badge of the Lion,
During the course of their vocational Conditioning, Cluster of theHawk, Lieutenant)
the character assimilated the Code of Assassins into 2 MinorAward (Order of theSword, Peer
his personal identity binding him to its dearest pre- of the Realm, Captain)
cepts. More of a boon than a detriment , the Assassin's 3 MajorAward (House Champion, House
Code urges the character to perform his trade in strict Spokesman, Commander)
accordance with the Great Convention, giving him
legal justification for his otherwise criminal behavior.
In addition to this subconscious safeguard, the
Assassins Code compels the character to extend "pro-
fessional courtesy" to his fellow guildsmen, receiving
Compounded by Whispers (3)
the same treatment (occurring in the form of inviolate Preoccupied with intrigue and conspiracy, the charac-
secrecy, non-interference and possible sanctuary) in ter possesses a natural penchant for leading covert ven-
times of need. tures and intelligence operations. Deceit and conniving
come naturally to the character who benefits from her Armament, Leadership, Military Operations or Security-
mildly paranoid world view. When performing any of the the character can expend one Karama to consider one of
following ventures-Administration (intelligence), his Test dice an additional drama die.
Espionage, Interrogation, Propaganda or Subornation-
the character can expend one Karama to consider one of Patron (2-4)
her Test dice an additional drama die.
A powerful individual watches the character's career
with interest-possibly a household noble, or representa-
Highborn (3)
tive of the Bene Gesserit or Spacing Guild. When the
The character's noble pedigree entitles her to claim character gets into trouble, his Patron tries to smooth
the title Lord or Lady, even though her officially recog- things over on his behalf. The number of points spent on
nized Caste does not qualify her as a privileged member this advantage determines how influential the Patron is,
of the Regis-Familia caste. If the character is not a and how often he helps the character (see table).
Noble, her player must describe why she does not enjoy
such status and vocation. Perhaps the character is the
sole survivor of a noble House that turned renegade, or
perhaps the character was kidnapped or hidden during
infancy, and has adopted the lifestyle of her common fos- Sample Patron Costs
ter family. Often, Adepts fall within the latter category, Cost Example Patron
having relinquished their noble families upon joiningthe 1 Moderate Figure (Professor of the Suk
ranks of the Sisterhood. If the character's Caste is lower School, Head of the Spice Miner's
than rank 4, they gain + 1 Caste. Union)
2 Influential Figure(Guild Representative,
Sisterhood Adept)
Honorarium Familia (2)
3 Important Figure (Noble from a Great
The character has been honored as a named member House, Guild Navigator, Reverend
of his household, gaining all of the benefits associated Mother)
with the Na-Famllia caste of the faufreluches. The char-
acter gains full protection under the Article of Kanly
known as Dictum Familia, defending him against all
informal acts of treachery (such as assassination and
unrighteous prosecution). If the character's current Caste
is lower than rank 4, the character also gains + 1 Caste.
As a member of the family household, the character's
new honor obligates him to uphold Great Convention
Trait Frequency
and House Laws. Failure to act in accordance with the Information Network, Ally, and Patron are easi ly abused
letter and spirit of such legislation will result in revoca- advantages. Information Network isa useful tool andwill
tion of the Honorarium Familia, and may warrant more likely beutilized frequently. High level Patrons and Allies,
serious punishment depending on the nature of the char- onthe other hand are so influential that the player should
acter's infraction. ideally forget about them until the Narrator decides to have
them step in and intervene onthe player's behalf.
Any player who abuses his contacts should have to
Magnanimous Appeal (3) make a Challenging (10) Charm (Charisma) Test. If success-
The character exhibits lofty courage and noble grace, ful, the Ally or Patron comes through for the character.
especially in matters of public speaking or private dis- Subsequent Tests should have their Difficulty increased by
course. His graceful mien permits him to remain calm 1 until failure results. Failure indicates the NPC is unwill-
and compassionate even when suffering outrageous ingor unable to help at this time.
affronts to his personal morality or dignity. The charac-
ter's Charisma attribute increases by +1, and may reach
level 6 through the addition of this attribute or point-
based development.
justice Disadvantages
Military Genius (3) Adversary (+1 -3)
The character instinctively grasps the nuances of mili- The character has a adversary in a rival House-some-
tary tactics and security measures. When performing any one the character wronged or offended at some point in
of the following ventures-Administration (military), his background. The adversary treats his relationship with

Chapter IV: Characteristics
the character as a zero-sum game-when the character Similarly, Suks and Assassins (who owe minor allegiance
wins, he loses, and vice versa. Whenever he can, the rival to their fraternal schools) also commonly elevate their
tries to best the character by undermining his relation- obligations to warrant Dual Allegiance.
ships, sabotaging his missions or destroying his reputa-
tion. Though the enmity between the character and rival
may escalate to mortal consequence, the adversary does-
false Alle8i~nce (+3)
n't seek formal retribution by way of Kanly (that's the The character serves his current House under False
Vendetta disadvantage). The value of this disadvantage Allegiance, owing fidelity to no-one but his own con-
depends on the rival's power (see table). science, or perhaps, serving another household as a hid-
den sleeper. As long as the character maintains his
facade by acting in accordance with his liege's wishes,
his False Allegiance remains hidden; however, any infrac-
tion witnessed by a loyal house servant may be reported,
Sample Adversary Costs incriminating the character and subjecting him to formal
Value Adversary inquisition and persecution. Players who wish to play
+1 A character of lower station in a rival sleeper agents for another household should consider
House Minor taking the Background package Sleeper Agent (see
+2 A character of equal station in a rival "Chapter 3," page 69).
House Minor; a minor servantof a
Great House
Rene8~de (+1)
+3 An officer in a rival Great House
The character renounced former allegiance to another
household and joined his current employer as a fugitive .
Whether the character's previous family was destroyed in
a war of assassins or whether he fled for personal rea-
sons, the character now suffers a negative reputation (+ 1
Bonded Alle8i~nce (+1-2) to the appropriate Renown Aspect) as a Renegade. Before
The character serves his House under a contract of earning the complete trust of his new benefactor, the
bonded allegiance, forged between a household represen- character must distinguish himselfthrough exceptional
tative and the character's vocational school. Having paid loyalty or prolonged service.
for the character's education, his House demands loyal
service for a number of 3-year terms equal to the value of
the disadvantage. During that time, the family provides
Shartans B8r8~in (+2-5)
for all of the character's material needs, but may other- The character has entered into a proverbial "deal with
wise treat the character as any other member of the the devil," owing a major debt or obligation to a powerful
bondsman or pyon classes (one level lowerthan the individual or organization in return for prior favors. The
character's actual Caste). Upon expiration of the con- playerand Narratorshould work together to set the param-
tract, the character may opt to renew his service contract eters of the deal, defining its conditions and term while set-
or seek employment with another House. For this reason, ting the point award for the disadvantage. Regardless of
bonded characters are rarely treated as poorly as might the specific nature, the bargain should be of sufficient con-
be expected for others sharing their legal caste. sequence, usually placing the character, his relatives or his
household in mortal peril should he fail to honor the terms
of the bargain.
Du~1 Alle8i~nce (+2)
The character serves two masters who share the char-
Vendetta (+2-3)
acter's allegianceand servitude between them in accor-
dance with a mutual agreement. Though the character's The character's name appears on a formal proclama-
primary responsibility lies with his House, the character tion of Kanly, filed with an appointed Judge of the
must serve the interests of his other master from time to Change in the Emperor's service. Underwritten by anoth-
time, occasionally being caught in conflicts of interest er House, the legal suit enables a specific member of that
between the two employers. In such instances, the char- household to seek retribution for the character's prior
acter must either choose among his sponsors (earning offensesor wrongdoings by means of a Kanly duel or for-
certain disfavorwith one of them) or find a way of fulfill- mal treachery. The character has been notified of the
ing both of his obligations without seriously offending either vendetta and may seek Kanly negotiations, or defend
party. himselfduring a Kanly duel or war of assassins. But until
Dual Allegiance is mandatory for all Adepts who serve the matter is settled, the character must watch for assas-
the Sisterhood in addition to their current household. sins in every shadow, seeing his enemy's face behind
every naked blade. The player and Narrator must work low "human ," distinguished from most of his animal
out the details of the Vendetta , determining who seeks kind .
the character's demise and the reasons why before From time to time, the character may ca ll upon the
assigning a exact point value to the disadvantage. Sisterhood to seek advice, request small favors , or pro-
vide some morse l of information. If doing so does not
interfere with the ir plans , the Sisterhood will usua lly pro-
Prayers of the Righteous Advantages vide some assistance to the character, thou gh when it
comes to information, the Sisterhood prefers cryptic les-
Contraband (1-3) son s to simple answers.
The character possesses something forbidden to mem-
bers of his household, vocation or caste. Examples
include speci fic narcotics, poisons , assassination devices ,
Moralizing Creed (1)
personal weapons (such as lasguns or flip-darts) and for- The character holds a personal creed she finds bot h
bidden technologies (such as shield dissemblers, bionic moralizing and invigorating. The exact nature of the
implants, etc.). If caught with contraband on his person , creed is up to the player-perhaps the character finds
the character will suffer certain punishment, ranging from strength in her religious faith or philosophical convic-
harsh reprimand to imprisonment or exile depending on tions , or maybe it is her family identi ty or vocational rep-
the gravity of the possession offense. utation that calls her to heroism. Regardless of its idiom,
the creed permits the character to spend up to 5 Karama
on an y permitted action, or spend up to 3 Karama on
Hand of God (3) actions normall y barred from Karama expenditure.
The character is 'blessed by God .' She regenerates However, to use Karama during restricted actions , the
Karama twice as fast as other cha racters . This generally Na rrator mu st sa nction the expe nditure, agreeing tha t the
results in a character who is 'luckier,' although man y nature of the Test figures into the cha racter's self-identity
cultures hold that such characters a re favored by the pertai ning to her Moralizing Creed.
Noble Title (1-2, Nobles)
Heir (1-3, Nobles only) As a member of the aristocracy, the cha racter enjoys a
The character's blood relationship to the Hous e ruler noble title indicating his titular duties as administrator of
qualifies him as a potential heir to the House holdings one or more of the House holdings-Steward of Shrike,
and titles. Whether a son , demi-brothcr, nephew or Mast er of Pergammos, Chevalier of Fraust and so on .
cousin , the character may one da y inherit the House for- Typically the charac ter's title also conta ins the suffix
tunes, becom ing the titular head of the House. See the "absentia" (such as Governor-absentia), indicating the
accompanying chart to determine the cha racter 's stand- charact er governs in name on ly, having tem porarily dele-
ing as heir. gated the day-to-day governance to a trusted admi nistra-
tor or family official. This enables the cha racter to retain
his authority and rightful claim , while serving his House's
more immediate concerns, such as tho se requiring him to
venture forth in the ir name. Regardless of his actual title,
Heir Status the charac ter gains + 1 Renown (Justice) resu lting from
Point Cost Standing pop ular recognition of his Noble Title.
1 Heir(one of several possible candidates)
2 Heir Presumptive (leading candidate)
Prized Bloodline (2-3)
3 Heir Designate (named Heir)
The character's genea logy figures into the Sisterhood 's
va unted Mating Index , and the characte r's blood line
earns him special consideration among her rank and file.
Viewed as a potential con tributor to their breeding pro-
gram, the Sisterhood makes a reasonable effort to protect
Human (1-2) the character from harm , alert ing him to dange r or pro-
Someth ing a bout the charac ter drew the attention of viding sanctuary and assista nce as the situation permits .
the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood wh o sent a Reverend On the darker side, the Siste rhood aims to breed the
Mother to test the character with the Gom Iabbar, the cha racter with one of their own , and will eventually
high-handed enemy. Hav ing survived the painful, yet attempt to pair the character with a spouse or mate in
illuminating ordeal , the character enjoys limited respect spite of the cha racter's wishes or personal comm itments.
among the Bene Gesserit who now con sider him a fel- The more a character depends on the Sisterhood for

Chapter IV: Characteristics
Unspent Karama vanishes once
his actions diverge from his
Terrible Purpose.

Unrealized Potential (3)

As part of his genetic make-up,
the character enjoys latent ability
relating to one of his key attrib-
utes. At any time during play,
the character may "awaken" to
his Unrealized Potential, naming
the related attribute and gaining
the ability to develop all related
skills to level 6, or any inherent
specialization to level 7, through
the expenditure of Experience or
Development Points.

assistance, the more severe will be the repercussions
should the character prove unwilling to participate in
Byzantine Corruption (+1)
their secretive program. Byzantine Corruption predisposes the character to
demonstrate one or more of the moral infirm ities associ-
ated with the Orange Catholic Bible's seven venal sins-
Spice Diet (3) pride, lust, hate, avarice, wrath, envy or sloth. Byzantine
The character enjoys physical longevity and minor Corruption prompts characters to emphasize personal
resistance to ailments as a result of an expensive spice ambition over moral pursuits, justifying their private
diet. Lightly laced into his daily meals, the spice-drug gains at the expense of others. When tempted by any
melange confers geriatric benefits including + I situation providing for the character's immediate gratifi-
Constitution edge (if the not already +2), +I Sight edge cation, the character suffers the loss of I die during
(if the character possesses Prescience at rank I or more) related Skill or Attribute Tests. Any dramatic failure may
and a 25% longer expected life span. In spite of these result in a gain of + I Renown (Prayer) for any unfavor-
miraculous advantages, the character's diet avoids heavy able reputation related to the Test in question (Narrator's
dosages of melange, protecting the character from spice discretion).
addiction (unless the character opts to take that disad-
vantage in addition to Spice Diet).
Dark Secret (+1-3)
The character guards a dark secret, something about
Terrible Purpose (2-4) his House, family or himself so terrible that its discovery
Terrible Purpose instills the characterwith the over- would prove ruinous. The character shoulders his burden
whelming suspicion that his future is governed by fate. alone, risking life and limb to keep this knowledge from
Though unaware of the role destiny has allotted him, the falling into the wrong hands . The player and Narrator
character senses something of his doom and feels trapped should cooperate in detailing the secret, deciding who
by the loom of fate . More terrifying than the loss of free- the character protects and what would become of them
dom, the character suspects his "purpose" contradicts his should his secret be revealed. The Narrator must also
moral convictions, personal allegiance or sense of "right- determine if anyone else knows of the secret, considering
ness," goading him to betray himself, lovedones or House. the repercussions to the character should the secret be
The player and Narrator must cooperate in determin- wrested from him.
ing the nature of the Terrible Purpose, but the Narrator Guidelines for determining the value of a secret are
should conceal his ultimate rationale for determining the provided in the accompanying table. If a character's Dark
final point cost. When taking any action that furthers the Secret is revealed, he may earn a large number of nega-
determined Purpose, the Narrator should award the tive Renown Points (depending on the nature of the
Character "free" Karama to spend during related Tests. secret).
Genetic Eunuch (+4)
The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood ha s determined th e
Dark Secret Costs character possesses a genet ic defect limiting his po ten-
Value Secret tial development. Upon ac quisition , the player must
+1 Embarrassing (Character's parents are of name one of his attributes as the source of his genetic
Low Birth) flaw. When developing the attribute or its edges , each
+2 Career Ruining (Character violated the level costs twice the normal number of development
Forms of Kanl y) points, and neither of its related edges may be raised
+3 Life-threatening (Character has committed above + 1. Moreover, when developing skills linked to
Treason against his House) the flawed attribute, the character may never increa se
a skill level beyond the current level of the attribute,
though skill specializations may be developed one
level higher.
Considering the character a Genetic Eunuch, the Bene
Code of Conduct (+1-3)
Gesserit Sisterhood treats the character as "unsal -
The character holds a particular religious, philosophi- vagable " with regard to their breeding program. For this
cal, vocational or ideological pledge dear to his heart , reason , characters possessing the Genetic Eunuch trait
staking his personal honor and self-identity in the strict may not select the Prized Bloodline trait or a Bene
adh erence to its guiding tenets . The code itself imposes Gesserit Ally or Patron .
certain moral. ethical or social restrictions on the charac-
ters' conduct, such as routine observance of daily rituals ,
complete abstinence from a certain type of behavior or a
Rogue (+2)
compelling duty to fulfill a sworn oath. The player and The character has renounced all former allegiance
Narrator sho uld work together to detail the specifics, and now wanders the Imperium as a mercenary for hire.
though you can find examples throughout this game. See Having grown accustomed to self-reliance, the character
the accompanying chart for suggestions. works poorly with others and must expend one Karama
per additional participant to cooperate in Combined
Tests. In addition, the character's unorthodox independ-
ence makes others extremely suspicious of his motives,
and the character rarely finds himse lf entrusted with an
Sample Codes of Conduct great measure of responsibility-which is exactly how he
wants it.
Value Creed
1 Observance of daily ritual (ex, Praying to
the east at sunrise and sunset)
SuperstitiOUS (+1)
2 Abstinence from particular activity(vio-' The character adheres to superstitious ritual. enter-
lence, narcotics, certain foods, sex) taining folklore, wives ta les a nd supernatural beliefs
2 Behavior Restriction (never lie, never with grave respect. His superstitious nature confounds
break a promise) superiors and vexes peers who do their best to indulge
3 Oath-bound (always avenge an affront to the character's oft-seeming strange, eccentric behavior.
your lord, fami ly etc. Never be taken Though the character intellectually knows that super-
alive) stitions are largely cultural fictions , he 'd rather be safe
than sorry-and with these things, well, you never can

Chapter V: Rules
o-f e
a e
Now that you know about the Imperium, the Great Interlude - The best way to think of an interlude
and Minor Houses, and various characters who serve is as the "time in between": time between scenes,
them, all that's left is to learn how to play the game. This between chapters, or between stories. Whenever your
chapter presents the all of the rules needed to begin role- characters aren't actively doing something, it's consid-
playing in the epic universe of D ~E-from the way ered an interlude. Much of a character's personal
time passes during a narrative epl &Ie to tHe manner in growth and vocational development occur during this
which combat is resolved. Player lfamiliat With Last "time between"-especially during the narrative inter-
Unicorn Games' Icon System" wiU already Rnow many ludes occurring between chronicles. Most House devel-
of the following rules; but Narrators ana players should opment also occurs during Narrative Interludes, from
read this chapter anyway, since it intnxhaces ma'tly adap- the acqu isition of Assets to the launching of family ven-
tations to handle situations- such as ''11ie tl figli ing and tures. See "Chapter 8" for more information about
poison use-that are unique to tFif":Qla'N:Bmilieu. Interlude time, Character experience and House devel-

. Actions during a chapter-from piloting a 'thopter to

n.,egotiating a CHOAt\1 agreement---occur within a certain If the heart of a DUNE RPG game is the story, its
framework. In the DUNE RPG, this framework is represent- lifeblood consists of limitless options. Almost everything
ed by the measurement of time. The DUNE RPG uses five your character does-firing a lasgun, pilotinga 'thopter, or
abstract divisions to illustrate the passage of game time. scanning the terrain for enemies-can be described in
Round - A round is the smallest time increment terms of various actions or reactions you opt to perform .
used in the DIJNE RPG. Rounds last five seconds and Whenever precise timingbecomes a consideration during
represent the time it takes to complete an extended a chapter, the Narrator normally asks players to declare
action (such as scaling a 10 foot wall or reloading a specific actions for their characters. For more information
spent lasgun) or to perform series of rapid maneuvers about actions and reactions, see Options, page 120.
(such as feinting, attacking, parryingand riposting). When facing a situation where the outcome of an
Scene - Similar to scenes in novels or film , a action is uncertain, a player must roll a Test to determine
scene in the DUNE RPG blends elements of roleplay- whether his character succeeds. Tests can be based on
ingand action. Scenes are the smallest episodic incre- attributes alone, but more frequently they involve a skill
ments used in the game, and are usually confined to a (a Skill Test). Whenever possible, the Narrator should
single setting or location. Action scenes often last only use Skill Tests to resolve character options.
a few rounds, while narrative scenes (such as travel- Typically, a Test requires the character to roll a num-
ling across a long stretch of barren desert) can consume ber of dice equal to a particular attribute, and add the
several hours or even days of narrative time. highest die result to his skill level. The player compares
Chapter As in a novel , chapters often entail a that total-the Test Result-to a Difficulty Number set by
.. collection of scenes. In the DUNE RPG, each chapter the Narrator. If the Test Result equals or exceeds the
describes a sequence of events important to the even- Difficulty, the Test succeeds. If the Test Result is less
. tual resolution of a chronicle. Chapters often entail than the Difficulty, the attempt fails. See the "Test
. some sort of closure, often concluding one or more Difficulty" chart (next page) for more details.
subplots or minorplot lines. A complete chapter can
~. usually be played out in a single game session.
Chronicle - A group of interconnected chap- Difficulty
". ters forms a chronicle. Chronicles often feature Certain tasks are inherently more difficult than others,
recurring characters, places and events, as well as a and in the DUNE RPG this is reflected by a task's
pervasive, theme or topic linking sequential chapters Difficulty. The "Test Difficulty" chart explores the various
together into a larger story arc. Difficulty Numbers and what they mean.
Chapter V: Rules of the Game
What Does Difficulty Mean?
The Narrator chooses a Difficu lty Number whenever a
Test Difficulty character attempts an action that is not opposed by
Difficulty Number Description another character (such as scaling a dangerous cliffface).
2 Automatic action-noTest required. For tests that are opposed by another character (see
3, 4,5 Routine "Opposed Tests," page 11 6), pick a number from within
6, 7,8 Moderate the ranges given, using the category descriptions as a
9, 10, 11 Challenging guideline. For example, a Routine Test will have a 3, 4 or
12,13,1 4 Difficult 5 Difficulty, while a Moderate action will have a 6, 7 or 8
15+ Nearly Impossible Difficulty. After you get a feel for the game, assigning
Difficulty will become second nature. Generally, the min-
imum Difficulty Number is always 2, regardless of the
modifiers applied.
The possible Difficulty Numbers are organized into Remember that a one point difference in Difficulty
categories, such as Routine or Challenging, which offera can make a big difference in outcome. Because the actu-
general description the Narrator can use when explaining al Difficulty numbers are somewhat flexible within each
the Difficulty of an action to the players. The Difficulty category, the Narrator should know the skill and attribute
Numbers in each category provide a range, so the levels of his players, and assign Difficulty accordingly.
Narrator has some flexibility in determining the exact Use the following guidelines when assigning Difficulty:
Difficulty Number of a task falling into each category. For Routine - These are easy tasks. Even inexperienced
example, a Challenging task could have a Difficulty characters perform these successfully most of the time.
Number of 9, 10 or 11. The mean Difficulty Number for Examples include commanding a servant to perform an
each category is indicated in boldface. errand or operatingthe ComNet under normal conditions.
Certain situations modify the Difficulty of a charac- Moderate - These tasks require some skill to com-
ter's actions. Such modifiers are expressed in one of two plete successfully. An average character faces a decent
ways. Normally, a Difficulty modifier appears as a simple chance of failure. Examples include translating a manu-
positive or negative adjustment, raising or lowering the script written in an ancient language, pilotinga 'thopter
actual Difficulty Number accordingly (a +1 modifier at night, or bribing an official to show special favor.
increases a Difficulty 3 action to a Difficulty 4 attempt; a Chall enging - These are complicated tasks often
-2 modifier changes a Difficulty 7 action to a Difficulty 5 requiring considerable skill and a bit of luck. Average char-
action). Sometimes, modifiers affect an entire Difficulty acters only succeed at these tasks occasionally. Examples
category. Raising the Difficulty by one category would include shadowing a subject through a crowded plaza or
cause a Routine action to become a Moderate action (the negotiating a contract with the Spacing Guild.
Narrator should still set the exact Difficulty Number). Diffic ult - These tasks are very hard. Average char-
acters rarely succeed at them, and even skilled
professionals stand a good chance of fail-
ure. Examples include repairinga shield
generator without the proper tools or con-
cealing a lasgun beneath a uniform.
Nearly Impossible - Need we say
more? Even legendary characters need a bit
of luck to succeed at Nearly Impossible
tasks. Examples include besting a Cheops
master during the sector finals, or success-
fully lyingto the Emperor's Truthsayer,

What Should ITell the Player?

As Narrator, you don't have to reveal
the Difficulty of a Test to the player. In fact,
keeping Difficulty a secret can heighten the
tension during key scenes in an adventure.
Describing tasks as "Routine", "Moderate",
"Challenging" and so on can give a player a
rough idea of the task's Difficulty without
telling him a specific number. For less critl-
cal scenes, of course, it is perfectly acceptable to tell the achieved a Dramatic Success (see next page). The
player the exact Difficulty Number assigned. Narrator tells him that his effort was successful ,
and that he discovers another voice in the back
ground of the message, a gruff voice speaking in
Test Results harsh , commanding tones.
Determine the Ap propriate Skill If a character only rolls one die for a Test, that die is
To obtain a Test Result, first you need to determine automatically the Drama Die. If it rolls a 6, the character
which skill governs the action being attempted. For may re-roll it once, and once only, adding both results to
example, if Haldran, a Tseida Swordmaster, attempts to his Tested skill level.
evade a hunter-seeker, she would use her Dodge skill. If
Periman Gruys, a diligent Mentat, tries to decode an
encapsulated distrans message, an Equipment
(Communications) Test is probably in order.
Each skill in the game is linked to a particular attrib- Aut om8tic Su ccess
ute (for example, Dodge is linked to Coordination, while It's fun to roll a lot of dice; buttoomuch dierolling can
Equipment is linked to Intellect). The attribute is impor- detract from the story. To minimize needlessTests, the Icon
tant, since it tells you how many dice to roll. System uses an optional Automatic Success rule. Automatic
successes are simple: If a character's skill level (plus an
applicable edge) equals or exceeds theTest Difficulty (after
Making A Test
all modifiers are applied), the character automatically suc-
To make a Test, roll a number of six-sided dice equal to ceeds. For example, an Adept with Bene Gesserit Way
the governing attribute. One of the dice should be a differ- (Minutia) 2 (3) would automatically succeed atMinutia Tests
ent size or color from the others (this is the Drama Die). If having a Difficulty of 3.
the Drama Die rolls a 6 or a I, the character has probably The Narrator should limit Automatic Successes to non-
achieved an especially remarkable success or failure. critical situations. If the action occurs in themiddle of a
If the Drama Die rolls any other number, it works just tense or dramatic situation-the House'sCommand Center
like a normal die. The player picks the highest die of all is under attack-the player should probably make aTest.
the dice (Drama Die included) and adds that number to Fear of failure goes a long way toward creating dramatic
the character's skill. This total Test Result is then com- tension. Use good judgment when exercis ingthe
pared to the Difficulty Number. Automatic Success rule; if your players enjoy rolling dice,
byall means let them do so.
Th e Drama Die
As described above, if the Drama Die rolls a 6 or a I,
the result may be more spectacular than normal. If the
Drama Die rolls a 6, the character adds both the Drama
Die and the next highest die to his skill when determin- Success and Dramatic Success
ing his Test Result. Usually this indicates a great success, If the total Test Result equals the Difficulty Number,
especially if the optional "Degree of Success" system is the character has achieved a marginal success-he's suc-
being used (see chart). ceeded, but just barely, and some minor complication
If the player rolls a 1 on the Drama Die, the character may arise. A marginal success depends on the situation
may grievously fail. If all other dice also roll 1's, then a and the individual Test, but in some cases it could lead
Dramatic Failure defi nitely occurs. to additional Tests in subsequent rounds. For example, a
character attempting to leap a wide chasm scores a mar-
Mentat Perimon Gruys attempts to decode a dis ginal success on his Athletics (Jumping) Test. The
trans message received from the command post at Narrator rules that he makes the jump, but rather than
Century VI. Since the message was recorded and landing on his feet, he barely manages to grab the edge
dispatched in haste , the Narrator determines its of the far side with his hands. The following round finds
poor quality sets the Difficulty at Moderate (7). our hero hanging from the ledge leaving his feet dangling
Perimon's Equipment (Communications) sk ill is 3 in space. It's probably time for another Test...
(4) and his Intellect is also 4. Periman's player If the total exceeds the Difficulty Number, the charac-
rolls 4 attribute dice, getting a 3, 4, 6 and a 6 on ter has succeeded. Whenever a player rolls a 1 or 6 on
his Drama Die. Since Perimon got a 6 on his his Drama Die, the "Degree of Success" system (see
Drama Die, he can add not only that 6, but also accompanyingchart) can be used to determine just how
the next highest die (the other 6) to his skill. That well the character succeeded. If the character exceeds
gives him a final result of 16. Since 16 is 6 or more the Difficulty Number by 6 or more, this always indicates
greater than the Difficulty Number of 6, he has a Dramatic Success.

Chapter V: Rules of the Game

Degree of Success
During Tests, the amount by which a Test Result exceeds the Difficulty Number indicates the overall "Degreeof Success." The
higher theTest Result, thebetter thecharacter performs. Exceeding the Difficulty by 1 indicates complete success, but exceeding it by
4 or 5 represents exceptional feats of accompl ishment. Any Test Result exceeding the Difficulty Number (or Opposing Test Result) by
6 or more indicates a Dramatic Success.regardless of the result of the Drama Die. Similarly, any Test Result emerging from a 1 or 6
on thedrama die, can also lead to dramatic effects. See "Dramatic Success" and "Dramatic Failures" below.
Although "Degrees of Success" do not quantify and categorize every possible Test Resu lt, the Narrator can interpret them to
gauge thecharacter's relative success or failure, aiding her in describing the outcome to the players. Most players enjoy hearinghow
well their characters have performed, soplay it up! Refer to the following guidelines for interpreting Degrees of Success and
Dramatic Effects during play.

Dramatic Success
6 on the Drama Die, and yourTest Result indicates a success-Dramatic Success. The character has succeeded at thetask
beyond expectations.
Example. Perimon Gruys suspects a member of a Harkonnen diplomatic entourage is a spy. He gatheres hisfacts and makes a
Computation (straight line) Test, Difficulty 7. HisTest Result equals 11 , and his Drama Die rolled a 6. The Narrator rules thathis
Dramatic Success reveals thatthe Harkonnen diplomat is, in fact, a spy. Buthe's leaking confidential diplomatic information to
another House! Interesting information indeed!
1 on the Drama Die, and your Test Result indicates a success-Pyrrhic Victory. The character succeeds at thetask, but at some
cost to himself or hiscause.
Example. Swordmaster Kadiz and hisskilled opponent have both suffered extensive wounds during a duel. Kadiz delivers the
killing blow to hisopponent, with aTest Result of 7, having rolled a 1 on his Drama die. So the Narrator rules thathisPyrrhic Victory
means Kadiz has exhausted hisendurance. His knees buckle beneath him in hismoment of victory, leaving him slumped over his
slain opponent.
Test Result exceeds Test Difficulty by 6 or more-DramaticSuccess (or Spactular Success if Drama Die scores a 6)
Example. Warmaster Ravastine uses his Stealth skill to sneak past a sleeping Harkonnen guard. The Narrator declares this a Routine
task (Difficulty 4). Ravastine possesses Stealth 4 and Coordination 3. Herollsthree diceobtaininga result of 6.This is added to hisskill
of 4, which gives him a resu lt of 10(6 more than heneeded to succeed).The Narrator rules that, because hehas succeeded by such a
widemargin, hehas made absolutely no noise and security hasn't the faintest clueto hispresence.

Dramatic Failures
6 on the Drama Die, and your Test Result indicates a failure-Acceptable Loss. The character fails hisattempt, but yetaccom-
plishes somethingmakingtheattempt worthwh ile.
Example. Warmaster Ravastine leads a siege against a rival House Minor. Ravastine rolls 8 against a Difficulty 9, indicatinga fail-
ure. But his Drama Die reveals a 6, meaninghisfailure results in anAcceptable Loss. The Narrator rules that his troops are repelled,
but capture a prisoner in the process. Ravastine begins to formulate ways to exploit thisunexpected boon.
1 on the Drama Die, and theTest Result indicates a failure-Dramatic Failure. The character not only fails at histask, but he's
also manages to worsen matters.
Example. Ravastine delivers his prisoner to Suk Physician Ros Idaz. Idaz administers a powerful narcotic to sedate theprisoner
and make him receptive to interrogation. He makes a Pharmacy (Narcotics) Test and fails. To add insult to injury, hisDrama Die
rolled a 1 sothe Narrator rules hisincorrect dosage has killed theprisoner! Ravastine isfurious!
Test Result falls short of Iest Difficultyby 6 or more-Dramatic Failure (or Spectacular Failure if Drama Die also rolls a 1)
Example. Mentat Adin Bosque attempts to send a coded message to Ravastine. He possesses Chakobsa 4 and Intellect 4. The
Narrator declares that coding themessage sothe Harkonnens won't beable to decipher it is a Difficult(12) action. Bosque rollsfour
dicebut hishighest roll is merely a 2. Added to hisChakobsa of 4, the Test Result is a 6. Since this is 6 less than thetarget number,
the Narrator rules that Bosque'smessage is intercepted and decrypted by the Harkonnens! Disaster!
Failure and Dramatic Failure Intellect governs Observation Tests. After reading
If the total rolled is less than the Difficulty Number, the Observation skill description, the Narrator
the character fails. If his Test Result falls short of the allows the player to add Periman's Perception edge
Difficulty Number by 6 or more, he experiences a to the forthcoming Test, reasoning that this affects
Dramatic Failure (see chart). Dramatic Failures tend to Perimon's ability to focus on the background voice.
complicate matters, and should always relate directlyto Since his Perception is +1, he may roll one extra die
the task being attempted. They may embarrass the char- during the Observation Test. Rolling a success,
acter, expose him to injury or harm, put him in a situa- Periman's discovers that the harsh voice is speak-
tion where he is in grave danger, require further Tests, ing in the guttural battle-tongue betraying the
and so forth, at the Narrator's discretion. presence of Imperial Sardaukar.

Improving Your Roll
The expenditure of Karama provides another method
Edges for increasing Test Results. A character's Karama often
Edges can modify Skill Tests. Positive edges allowplay- comes in handy when a Testgenerates a low total. If fail-
ers to roll additional dice when making a Test, while nega- ure in a particular task can lead to catastrophic results-
tive edges force you to subtract dice from your roll. You the failure of the overall mission or the death of the char-
can roll one additional die, or subtract one die, for each acter, for example-the playercan elect to spend up to 3
point in a relevantedge. For example, a +2 edge would Karama Points to improve the Test Result. Each Karama
allowa player to roll two additional dice during a Test, Point increases the final Test Result by 1. The character
while a -1 edge would remove one die from his Test does not have to decide to add Karama Points before he
attempt. Usingthe guidelines presented in the skill makes his roll; he can add them after he rolls the dice and
descriptions, the Narrator decides whether an edge applies determines that, without Karama Points, he wouldfail the
to a particularTest. While the Narrator should let players Test. A charactercannot spend more than 3 Karama Points
use their edgeswheneverpossible, he should also remem- during a single Test or over the course of an entire round.
ber that, unlike attributes, edges don't always apply.
Having discovered Imperial battle language in the
background of his message, Perimon attempts to
translate the words using his cursory knowledge of
that tongue. He makes a Secret Language (Imperial
Substituting Attributes Battle) Test, which the Narrator sets at Challenging
Characters in the DU iE universe tend to train in skills (10) Difficulty, since the message is somewhat dis-
well-matched to theirinnate attributes-aSwordmaster, for torted. Perimon's Intellect is 4 and his Secret
instance, isn't likely to perform Intellect-based skills as well Language (Imperial Battle) skill is 1(2) , but his
as he doesArmed Combat or Stealth, which are linked to best roll is a 2. All told, Periman's result is an 8,
his high Coordination attribute. So occasionallythe falling 2 short of success. Hoping that the content
Narrator may rule that under specia l circumstances certain might provide the missing due to what befell his
skills may be combined with attributes other than those list- compatriots at Century VI, Perimon's player decides
ed under theskill descriptions. For example, although the to spend 2 Karama Points, adding +2 to his roll
Repair skill normally corresponds to Intellect, in the midst and raising the total to 1O-a success!
of a heated firefight the Narrator mightallow a character to
use hisCoordination in conjunction with hisRepair I ~~.;=-=;j====::r--
(Weaponry) skill to try to fix a weapon malfunction.
Combining different attributes with the same skill can
make for some dramatic game effects, but it can also lead to
Recuperating Karama Points
abuse. Exercise good judgment when substitutingattributes Less-experienced cha racters commonly rely on Karama
and edges, makingsuretheplayers justify any variation expenditures to succeed at difficultactions. Doing so can
through good rolep laying. Remember, theNarrator ultimate- quickly deplete their Karama Pools during tense moments or
ly decides which attribute contributes to any Skill Test important scenes, leavingthem to struggle through the
(regardless of what therules or players suggest). remainder of thechapter until their Karama Pool replen ishes
at the end of thegaming session. For this reason, the
Narrator may wish to permit therecuperation of Karama
during an episode. The following guidelines suggest three
Returning to our previous examples, Perimon's alternatives forreplenishing Karama Pool during play:
player decides that he want to learn more about the Dramatically Appropriate Actions- If a character
background voice, and replays the message to listen spends Karama to accomplish dramatically appropriate
for details. The Narrator knows that Periman's feats, the Narrator can elect to reward him by replen ishing

Chapter V: Rules of the Carne
his Karama Pool at theend ofthescene. For example, a by a skill. The Narrator shou ld encourage players to use
Suk Doctor who spends Karama Points at a critical Skill Tests to resolve actions whenever possible .
moment to treat an injured ambassador or calm a hysteri-
calwitness can recuperate Karama Points for furthering the Opposed Tests
plot byhis actions. More impressive or difficult tasks When one character acts in direct opposition to anoth-
deserve greater Karama recovery. Use thefollowi ng as er character, both characters make appropriate Skill (or
guidelines for recovering Karama Points: Attribute) Tests. This is referred to as an Opposed Test.
The character who gets the higher Test Result is the vic-
Karama Point Reward tor. If the two results tie, the character who rolled higher
1 point Stopping an enemy from performing an on his Drama Die is the victor. If the Drama Die rolls are
undesired action (firing a stunner, for also tied, the character that initiated the Test wins.
example) The difference between two characters' Test Results
2 Points Stopping an enemy from performing a during an Opposed Test determines how much better the
series of undesired actions (such as victor performed. If the Dramatic Success rules are being
preventing an enemy from fleeing the used, a character whose Test Result exceeds his oppo-
area and rendezvousing with a smug- nent 's by six or more achieves a Dramatic Success. Note
gler fri gate) that the Dramatic Failure rules don 't usually apply dur-
3-4 points Thwarting an enemy's master plan ing an Opposed Test. If one character achieves a
Dramatic Success , his opponent doesn't also suffer a
Effective Roleplaying- The Narrator should reward Dramatic Failure.
the player foracting in a manner consistentwith thechar-
acter'spersonality and motivations by allowing him to
recover Karama Points more quickly. Such rewards shou ld
be awarded only iftheplayer spends Karama Pointson
appropriateTests. Forexample, anAdeptwho depletes her
Opposed Test Modifiers
Karama whiletra nsmitting a message to theSisterhood Situation Modifier
should recuperate Karama for roleplaying her part. As a Small Advantage (sun in
general rule, this type ofaward should roughly equal to the opponent's eyes) +1 toTest Result
number of Karama Points spent duri ng thedefiningTest. Moderate Advantage(opponent
Heroic Sacrifice - If thecharacter suffers severe has very bad footing) +2 toTest Result
injury or personal loss in order to further the Entourage's Significant Advantage (opponent
mission, heshould receive a substantial Karama award. In has suffered significant relevant
such cases, the character could recover anywhere from4-6 inj ury) +3 toTest Result
Karama Points, depending on theseverity of the character's Dominating Advantage (opponent is
sacrifice, and may even be awarded extra Karama Points as blinded and badly injured) +4 toTest Result
experience (see Rewards, page 174). But only in therarest Small Disadvantage (a loud noise
of instances should characters recuperate more Karama momentarily distracts character) -1 toTest Result
than they've spent during a singlescene. Moderate Disadvantage (character is
in poor position to face his opponent;
significantly below opponent,
on fluctuating terrain, etc.) -2 toTest Result
Significant Disadvantage (character is
Special Types ofTests caught completely off guard; opponent
Attribute Tests ischeating, possesses important
The DUNE RPG is a game where skill is paramount, but information which character does
occasionally a character will be called on to make a Test not, etc.) -3 to Test Result
based on his natural ability alone. In such cases (called Dominating Disadvantage (character
Attribute Tests), simply roll the attribute dice normally to has suffered majorinjury) -4 toTest Result
obtain the Test Result. The highest die still gives you the
Test Result, and Drama Die rules still apply. However, since
you're not using a skill, you don't get to add a skill level to
the roll. If the Narrator rules that an edge affects the Test, Opposed Tests, while common , are not always appro-
add or subtract the edge modifier to the Test Result. During priate. Whether to allow one is up to the Narrator.
Attribute Tests only, edges directly modify the Test Result, Examples of Opposed Tests include:
instead of increasing the number of dice as usual. While residing at Century VI, Haldran dices with
Although there may be occasional situations where her host in a few rounds of Smuggler's bones. Luck was-
Attribute Tests are appropriate, most actions are covered n't on her side during the last round, so she decides to
use his Gaming skill to improve her chances of winning. Ravastine's first three rolls are successes-B. II and
Unfortu nately the base commander doesn't want to lose B. However, his fourth roll, a 6, indicates failure
face before his troops, so he uses his own Gaming skill to and a brief setback. Unfortunately, after 20 min-
oppose Haldran. utes he has run out of time. The Narrator rules that
Warmaster Ravastine needs to infiltrate a store- because of this failure, Ravastine cannot succeed at
house to find out what wares are being stockpiled within. his task before the Harkonnens return.
He attempts to do so using his Stealth skill, but will be
opposed by the guards with their Observation skills. Alternately, the Narrator could decide that each sub-
A Tseidan diplomat attempts to convince Perimon system represents a step in the process, and break up the
Gruys to confide what he has discovered. He pits his Extended Test that way. While trying to quickly fix all the
Persuasion skill against Gruys's Intellect. systems at once might be a Nearly Impossible task, the
Sometimes a particular situation or environment will Narrator rules that taken individually each repair
affectan Opposed Test. If one character is in an advanta- becomes a Challenging (9) Test. Ravastine will have to
geous (or disadvantageous) situation, the Narrator can make each Test separately and in succession, with each
give the player additional (or fewer) dice to roll while attempt taking one Turn.
making his Test. Note that these modifiers do not reflect Remember that Extended Tests do not normally give
superior skill; rather, they represent outside factors or you a concrete time requirement (although your charac-
unusual circumstances. ter may be working against the clock-for example, the
Narrator might tell that security personnel will interrupt
Exte nded Tests you in 10 minutes unless you can prevent them. Your
Most normal actions resolve themselves quickly, in a Turn length tells you how long an attempt is taking; the
matter of seconds. You obtain your Test Result and either faster you reach your cumulative Test Result, the quicker
succeed or fail. Does your stunner shot hit the you complete the task. Obviously, a Dramatic Success or
Harkonnen spy? Do you spot the hidden entrance to the two can accelerate an Extended Test considerably.
smuggler cove? One Test attempt and it's over.
Extended Tests cover actions that consist of several dis- House Ventures
tinct parts, or actions of extended duration. They often last House Ventures represent special Skill Tests used dur-
for several rounds, and sometimes they may last several ing Narrative Interludes to determine the outcome of
scenes or longer. Extended Tests are composed of Turns; House-launched initiatives. Ventures range in purpose
before a character begins an Extended Test, the Narrator from petitioning your Great House lord for a family favor
sets a Turn length (anything from a minute to a day or to leading a raid against a rival's storage silos. Regardless
more, depending on the action beingattempted). The play- of their nature, all Ventures are conducted like Opposed
er rolls once each Turn, adding his Test Results together or Extended Skill Tests, with the exception that the corre-
until he has accumulated a total, cumulative Test Result sponding House attribute (instead of the character attrib-
set by the Narrator. Once the player equals or exceeds this ute) determines the number of dice to be rolled during
cumulative number, his character succeeds at the task. the Test. To the highest roll , the Leading character adds
Normal or Dramatic Failures may set the
character back a Turn or force him to begin
the task again (at the Narrator's discretion).
Extended Tests can serve another pur-
pose, as well. The Narrator may wish to
break difficult, involved tasks down into
more manageable pieces. A character must
successfully complete each "piece" of the
larger task in order to succeed at the whole.

Ravastine's ornithopter is forced down

while fleeing the Harkonnens. Having
taken considerable damage, it requires
repairs to six distinct systems in order to
fly. TheNarrator decides this should be an
Extended Test, with each Turn representing
five minutesof elapsed time. The Narrator
sets the Difficulty Number at B, and deter-
minesRavastine must achieve a total of 40
on his cumulative rolls to complete the
repairs before his pursuers return.

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
his skill level just like a normal Test, also add ing any Combined Tests
modifiers resulting from assigned resources and supple- When several characters work together to accom-
menta l Assets committed to the venture. See "Chapter 8: plish a task (such as an Extended Test or House
Interlude Ventures," page 179 for more information. Venture), the Narrator may allow them to make a
Combined Test. In a Combined Test, eac h participant
must make a Test us ing the same skill or attribute . The
Untrained Skill Use best Test Resu lt is used as a ba se, and each additional
Some skills can be used, albeit poorly, without formal successful Test adds 1 to that result (Dramatic
training; and are designated by the notation "0+." Those Successes add 2). Failures do not add to the total ; how-
skills in the "Chapter 4" (page 78) marked by "1+" cannot ever, if one of the characters gets a Dramatic Failure,
be used untrained. In other words, if you don't have at least eithe r a setback occurs (possibl y resulting in a subtrac-
1 level in the skill, you cannot attempt to use it during Tests. tion from the total roll) or the group must start again
When a character attempts to use a skill untrained, from the beginning.
he makes an Attribute Test based on the attribute that
governs the skill. For example , if you want to use Warmaster Ravastine is leading a covert raid
Persuasion untrained, you would make a Charisma Test. with four other players in his Entourage. They
If you needed to fire a maula pistol , and you never have found a palm lock barring their progress
learned the Ranged Weapons skill, you could still fire the and they must deactivate it, a task the Narrator
weapon untrained by making a Coordination Test. decides will take 10 minutes. Each character is
Drama Die rules still apply to untrained Skill Tests. using Security skill. The Narrator rules that foil-
ing the palm lock is a Moderate (7) task, The
Perimon Gruys, an aging Mentat, knows little of characters roll, getting results of 11 , 9 , 8, 6 , and
the art of swordplay. Unfortunately, an arrogant 5. This gives them a Combined Test total of 13
noble calls him out, and the only weapon available (l1+1+I-the two failures do not subtract from
to him is a dueling sword. Mentat Gruys does his this total) . Since this is 6 more than the
best to defend himself with the sword, hoping to Difficulty, they have achieved a Dramatic
draw first blood and end the bout. His Coordination Success! The Narrator rules that this Dramatic
is 2. Therefore he may roll two dice when trying to Success means they bypass the lock in six min-
auack his challenger with the sword. utes. Record Time!

If the last character's roll had resulted in a

Test Modifiers Dramatic Failure, the Narrator might have ruled,
Preparat ion for example that he accidentally set off an alarm,
The Narrator may give a character a + 1 die or +1 Test calling security troops. Now the group must start
Result bonus to his Test attempt if he takes additional again, finishing the job quickly, or the raid will
time to prepare an action . Normally, such preparation have to be abandoned.
requires one full round (it cannot be' rushed). Of course,
not all actions will benefit from additional preparation Additional Attempts
(for example , some actions, such as making extensive If a character fails an action attempt, he may usually
repairs to a damaged shield generator, already take so try again. Each additional attempt adds + 1 to the
much time that preparation doesn't really affect them). Difficulty of the Test. For example , a character attempts
Use common sense or refer to the individual skill to scale a perimeter fence without being caught by a rov-
descriptions for guidance. ing spotlight , an action that has a Difficulty of Moderate
Conversely, tasks that normally take a long time to (6). He knows he can make the climb, but needs to do so
perform (such as painting or making some types of quickly to avoid the light that passes every 20 seconds.
repairs) are harder to do if the character is rushed. The Losing his grip on the first attempt, he drops low, waiting
Narrator should increase the Difficulty of the task to to try again once the beam has passed. Timing his
reflect the fact that the character does not have sufficient attempt he tries again , this time with a Difficulty of 7. If
time to do the job properly-the greater the rush, the he still can't make the climb, he could try yet again (at
greater the increase in the Difficulty. For example , it Difficulty 8). And so on ...
would normally take Perimon Gruys 15 minutes to
decode and translate a distrans message . Unfortunately,
Other Modifiers
he must perform the task in 10 minutes, before the
guards discover his presence in the communications cen- There are countless factors that could modify any
ter. The Narrator rules that while this would normally be Test. The "Test Modifiers" chart presents a few examples;
a Moderate (7) Test, the rushed nature of the job increas- Narrators can use these as guidelines for determining
es the Difficulty to Challenging (9). modifiers in other situations.
the character's planet, or if they share Patrons or Allies.
See "Renown Test Modifiers" for more information.
If the Renown Test Result exceeds the Test Difficulty
Test Modifiers (see "Renown Difficulty" chart), the character successful-
Situation Modifier ly identifies the subject, or recalls something about her
Lack of proper tools or personal history. If the Renown Test results in a Dramatic
equipment +1 Difficulty (or more) Success, the character not only recognizes the subject for
Using particularly good or her primary reputation , but also recalls some important
high-quality equipment -1 Difficulty (or more) details relevant to the situation at hand. Dramatic
Using"off hand" +1 Difficulty Successes may yield more vital information, or confer
Acting while injured +1 to +4 Difficulty additional reputations associated with the subject's other
Visual Interference (for Observation and similar skills) Renown aspects. Renown Test failures indicate the char-
Light smoke, dim light +1 Difficulty acter has either failed to identify the subject , or cannot
Heavy smoke, moonlight +2 Difficulty recall anything substantive about him or her. Dramatic
Thick darkness +3 Difficulty Failures may result in false identification-confusing the
subject with another known person or misattributing
=- M ..... s=.a '
another's reputation to the subject-possibly lead ing to
public humiliation or personal insult.
Renown Tests
When people meet, their individual renown makes it
possible for them to recognize one another, or to recall
one or more details pertaining to each other's personal
Renown Tests
biography-their avowed allegiance, family affiliation,
professional accomplishments, historical background or Test Difficulty
personal idiosyncrasies. To determine whether a Difficulty Description
stranger's reputation precedes them in such a manner, a 3-5 Routine: your House compound
Renown Test is in order. The overall degree of success 6-8 Moderate: your House fiefdom
then indicates the general usefulness or comprehensive- 9-11 Challenging: your Homeworld
ness of the reputation known to the other individual. 12-14 Difficult:an Imperial Homeworld, an Ally
Renown typically comes into playas a result of social Homeworld
engagements. During personal encounters, people may 15+ Nearly Impossible: an Out-freyn
search their memories for information about the other Homeworld, anenemy Homeworld
individuals to gain the upper hand, make them feel more
comfortable in the person 's presence or provide some Renown Test Mod ifiers
insight into the person's behavioral predilections. This is Situation Modifier to Test Result
where Renown aspects factor in. For example, if your Common Ground (aspects shared by viewer & subject)
character were granted audience with a powerful lord, Caste -l-X (Caste-Z)
the circumstances of the meeting might spark him to Vocation +1
recall something about the lord's reputation for Justice. Homeworld +2
Similarly, if an NPC were facing your Swordmaster in a House Minor +3
personal duel , the situation might cause him to recall PreviousAcquaintance +x (subject's Charisma)
something about your character's reputation for Valor. Subject'sTotal Renown
Whether you recall the lord is qu ick to anger or the NPC 1-5 +0
has heard that your Swordmaster often leads with a feint, 6-10 +1
the Renown aspect suggests the type of information 11-15 +2
gleaned in addition to serving as the primary element in 1~0 B
the Renown Test. Differences between viewer and subject
Whenever the Narrator deems it appropriate, he may Caste -x ( 5 - subject'sCaste)
call for a player to make a Renown Test to learn some- Vocation -0
thing about the subject NPC (or vice versa). To make a Homeworld -2
Renown Test, the player rolls a number of dice equal to
the relevant Renown aspect (or the highest aspect in Attempting to gather information about an illicit
cases where general identification is being tested) and slaving operation , Paimon Gruys enters a semuta
adds the subject's House Renown. The Narrator might den located in a far corner of his homeworld
opt to modify the Difficulty if, for example, the stranger Caladan. Inside, Gruys espies a beautiful dancer,
has a high World Knowledge or Culture skill related to

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
writhing to the tones of a wailingrebec, her face eral order in which the characters act. Each character
devoid of expression-a telling sign of semuta addic- possesses Initiative equal to their Coordination +
tion. Yet something about the girl's noblegrace Reaction attribute and gains an equal number of Option
sparks Gruys's keen intellect. Knowing the girl is the Points to spend each round. Record your character's
daughterof the famous Dikladius family, the Initiative on your character sheet and mark her Option
Narratorconsiders her highest Renown Aspect to be Point total on the accompanying track.
Prayer (once an acolyte of the Bene Gesserit) 3, with
a House Renown of 4. Paimon's playerrolls 3 dice,
getting a 2, 4 and 5, to which he adds the House
Renown of 4 for a total of 9. Since the girl shares During the round, each character must declare what
Paimon's Caste (3) and homeworld, the Narrator options they intend to perform, whether making an
bestows an additional +3 modifier to the result, rais- attack, moving behind cover, or stooping to pick up a
ing the total to 12 . Checking this result against the weapon. The "Combat Option" chart (see 122-125) pres-
Difficulty chart, the Narratorsees that Paimon suc- ents a range of options available to characters, describing
ceeds in identifying the girl, recalling rumors of the their effects and Option Point costs within.
Sisterhood arranging her marriage to a certain Each option is defined as either an Action or Reaction
Moritani noblemen-strange that she should turn up and falls into one of three categories; General Options,
here--(Jr perhaps not so strangeafter all Close Combat Options and Ranged Combat Options.
When selecting which actions/reactions to perform, play-
ers should consider the number of Option Points avail-
able to their characters, and choose accordingly (see
"Forms of Combat," page 127 for more about Combat
Action &- Combat Options). Though players may never declare actions cost-
ing more points than their characters currently possess;
The threat of violence--especially military warfare and they may declare any reactions, regardless of cost
personal combat-is an undeniable facet of Imperial life. (though negative Test modifiers result when performing
Though the tenets of the Great Convention exist to limit reactions for which the character cannot pay the full
conflict amongrival Houses, its governing rules primarily cost). See "Option Costs" hereafter for more information.
restrict mass conflict, attempting to safeguard the civilian Varying in cost, each action and reaction yields a par-
populace and innocent bystanders from the worstof the ticular result upon completion. Most combat actions
residual aftermath. Unfortunately, when the Guild Peace inflict a certain amount of damage on a target, while oth-
and Articles of Kanly fail to interdict, personal antagonism ers confer offensive advantages (usually expressed as
can precipitate lethalviolence, erupting in an impassioned modifiers for subsequent actions). Occasionally, actions
heartbeat or endingin a flashing knife stroke. Those who may initiate additional Testsaffecting subsequent options
violate the Great Convention or engage in its sanctioned performed during the round. Similarly, reactions com-
forms of Kanly, do so at their mortal peril-combat in the monly eliminate damage or confer defensive advantages
DUNE RPG can define the particulars of a character's obit- (expressedas modifiers) during the round. Refer to the
uary as easilyas it can recount their tales of valor. Combat Option chart for further information about the
effects of actions and reactions.
Round Sequence Opt io n C osts
Combat is normally fought in five-second intervals Regardless of their effects, action and reactions each
called rounds. Rounds measure time during scenes involv- cost a numberof option points listed in parentheses.
ingdramatic or cinematic elements-a fight, a chase or a Numbers preceded by the letter"A" correspond to actions,
dangerous situation such as a bomb countdown or cave- while numberspreceded by "R" signify reactions. In addi-
in. As a rule of thumb, use rounds whenever it is critical to tion to its listed cost, each subsequent action and reaction
knowwho acts first or last in a particularsituation. increase in cost by +1 point per additional type. For exam-
Each round is divided into tVI'O parts: Initiative and ple if the first action in a round costs 1 point (AI), then
Options. Initiative determines who acts first duringa conducting a second action (AI) costs one additional point
round, and establishes their range of available options. (Al+l=A2). A third action (AI) would cost an additional 2
Options describe the opportunities available to characters, points (Al+2=A3) since it is the second, subsequent action
representing a variety of potentialactions and reactions. performed during the round, but a second reaction (Rl)
would only cost one additional point (Rl +1=R2) since it is
the first, subsequent reaction in the round.
Initiative determines the number of Options a charac- Haldran MacDara, a Tseidan Swordmaster, attacks
ter may exercise during a round and establishes the gen- (AI), parries (Rl) and then conductsan attack sin-
ister (AI) . Because the attack. sinister is considered following through with them, but each character must pos-
a subsequent action, its cost increases from I to 2. sess sufficient option points in order to make the declara-
Were Haldran to later attempt an additional attack. tion in the first place. As part of their declaration, each
(AI), the action would cost her 3 points (l t 2 for player should name the intended target of the action if
the second, subsequent action); however were required (forexample, in declaring an attack the player
Haldran to follow-up with a parry (RI) instead , the should also name the intended target).
action would only cost 2 points
(Rltl=R2 , for her first, subse-
quent reaction).

When declaring an action, charac-

ters must spend a number of option
points equal to the cost in order to
resolve the action. However, in the case
of declaring reactions, characters may
resolve the option even if they can't
pay the full amount. In such
instances, the character suffers a neg-
ative Test modifier equal to the number
of option points he cannot pay. For exam-
ple, a character with 1 remaining option
point declares a second parry (R1)
duringthe round. Since his second
reaction costs an additional 1 point,
the total cost for the option is 2. indi-
cating that the character suffers a -1
Test modifier as a result of only being
able to spend 1 option point to perform the 2
point reaction.

Haldran MacDara uses I of her 5 Option Points to Initial Adions C,- Reactions
conduct an attack. (AI) against Vieo D'aout, leav- Following the order of initiative, the Narrator handles
ing her with 4 Option Points remaining . She then each declaration in turn, allowing the target of each
spends I action point to Parry (RI) Vim 's attack., declared action the opportunity to declare a reaction.
and decides to follow up with a slow attack. (A2). Players need not possess the full amount of Option
Since the slow attack. represents Haldran's second Points to declare a reaction, but they must pay whatever
offensive action, it costs not 2, but 3 Option Points, portion of the reaction cost they can once the Narrator
leaving her with no points remaining. has resolved action and any declared reaction.
Unfortunately, Vim's brother Diotellevi a
last minute attack. at Haldran, so she attempts to Haldran 's player declares a slow attack. on the
parry (RI). Because this parry is considered her NPC Vieo D'aout. The Narrator determines Vieo
second reaction, it costs Haldran I additional point reacts by Dodging Haldran 's attack.. Knowing
(total cost of 2) , meaning that she suffers a -2 Test Dodge reactions must be tested prior to resolving
penalty since she had 0 Option Points remaining attack.s, the Narrator rolls Vim 's Dodge Test and
when attempting the parry. scores a 9. This serves as Haldran 's Difficulty
Number when resolving Haldran 's forthcoming
attack.. The Narrator then ask.s Haldran 's player
Combat Rounds to mak.e her slow attack. Test. Haldran rolls a 7,
Consisting of 5 second intervals, combat rounds give finding her blow easily turned by Vieo's blade.
each character the opportunity to perform a number of Action and reaction resolved, both players now
actions and reactions. Starting with the character having deduct the Option Points they spent from their
highest initiative, each player declares one action for their current totals .
character, proceeding in order from the highest to lowest
initiative scores. Characters tied for initiative may declare When handling actions declared by players tied for
their actions at the same time since the Narrator will initiative, it is the Narrator's task to decide whether the
determine the fi nal order in which declared actions are actions should be resolved simultaneously or subse-
resolved. Declaring actions does not commit characters to quently. Unless the tied participants have declared
(continued on page 125)
Chapter V: Rules of the Ca rne

Combat Option Descriptions

General Options (Type & Cost)
Characters may perform any of thefollowing General Options during Close or Ranged Combat.
Aim/Il rne (Al) - A tactical delay to precisely aimor timeanattack for improved accuracy.The character gains +1 to his next
"to-Hit" Test (assuming thecharacter performs no other options-aside from Aimflime--before the"to-Hit" Test). All Aimflime
actions bear cumulative effects. NoTest required.
Dive For Cover (R2) - Enables a character to move up to 5 meters to reach physical cover. The character makes anAthletics Test
against Difficulty 7, adding +1 to the Difficultyfor each meter thecharacter wishes to move. Failure means the character has only
managed to leap 1d3 meters and Dramatic Failure results in thecharacter falling prone (and suffering prone penalties). A successful
Dive for Cover reaction gives thecharacter the full benefit of the physical cover, but the character must Regain Footing (see Rega in
Footingoption)to rise from theground.
Dodge (R2) - Increase the Difficulty of a declared attack. Dodge Tests must bemade prior to the"to-Hit" Test. If the Dodge
Result is higher than theattacker's base Difficulty, theattacker must roll higherthan the Dodge Result to attack successful ly. If a
Dodge is declared in reaction to a Disarm action, add +2 to theDodge Test Result.
Drop & Roll (A2/R2) - RequiringanAthletics Test at Difficu lty 4, characters performing this reaction move 1 meter free of penal-
ties, suffering +1 penalty peradditional meter of attempted movement. Successful Drop and Roll options confer thedefensive bene-
fits of Dodge reactions, also reducing thecost of Draw/Recover Weapon options by 1 Option Point. Successful Drop and Roll options
do not require characters to Regain Footing, though failed attempts usually do.
Drop Prone (A1/Rl) - A form of Dodge, Dropping Prone enables a character to avoid anattack by dropping to theground, end-
ing up in theprone position. To return to hisfeet, thecharacter must perform a Regain Footing option. NoTest required.
Draw/Recover Weapon (Al/Rl) - Enables a character to draw a sheathed or holstered weapon or to recover a weapon laying at
their feet. To Recover weapons lying more than 1 meter away, characters must first move to within a meter of theweapon. 0 Test
Hand Switch (AO/RO) - Declared as anaction or reaction, a hand switch shifts a weapon or object from onehand to theother in
anattempt to foil Disarm actions or to gain surprise during theoffensive. Following a Hand Switch, thecharacter'sfirst "to-Hit" Test
gains a +2 modifier (though theOff-hand penalty may offset this bonus).
Performing a Hand Switchrequires the character to make a routine Coordination + Dexterity Test. A Failureresults in losing the
attack bonus, while Dramatic Failures indicate theweapon falls to the ground. When declared as a reaction against a Disarm action,
theattacker suffers anadditional+2 Difficulty modifier to hisDisarmTest. Duringany Hand Switch action, theopponent may make
anopposed Observation Test. Successful Tests result in theattacker's bonus being reduced to +1 whilea Dramatic Success alleviates
thebonus altogether.
Regain Footing (Al/Rl) - Regain Footing enables a character to rise from a sittingor prone position. Normally Regain Footing
actions do not requ ireTests, thoughextremesituations such may warrant a Coordination Test against Routine Difficulty (3) plus any
relevant modifiers.

Close Co mbat Options (Type & Cost)

Characters may perform thefollowingoptions duringArmed and Unarmed Close combat. The appropriate skill is determined by
weapons selection-Melee Arms warrant Armed Combat Tests, body appendages (handfoof)and makesh ift weapons (bottles, chairs,
etc.) require Unarmed Combat (martial trainingor brawling) Tests.
Armed Attack (Al) - The basic action required to inflict damage with a weapon. Unless thetarget reacts by Blocking or Parrying,
attacks are resolved as unopposed Armed Combat Testshaving Difficulty equal to theweapon'sAccuracy Rating. Attacks made
against shielded opponents suffer additional Difficulty modifiers according to theshield setting (see "Combat: Difficulty Modifiers,
Shields"). In order to perform anArmed Attack with a Flip-dart, a character must first successfully Bind hisopponent.
Attack Sinister (A1/Rl) - An off-hand attack, an Attack Sinister must be declared as anaction, but may becounted as either an
action or a reaction for determining itscost, potentially reducing subsequent option penalties. All Attacks Sinister incur theoff-hand
penalty forTest resolution. In all other respects, conduct Attacks Sinister as Armed Attacks.
Bind (Al) - The actof locking arms or wrestling with anopponent to prevent further attacks or gain some advantage in combat
(see Press option). A Bind option requires anOpposed Armed/Unarmed Combat Test. If successful, thecharacter and hisopponent
becomelocked together and may not perform additional actions until freed. Either thecharacter or hisopponent may attempt to
break free by performinga subsequent Press action during theround. In order to perform anArmed Attack with a Flip-dart, a charac-
ter must successfully Bind hisopponent.
Block (Rl) - A crude form of Parry, characters can absorb theforce of an incoming attack by Blocking with hisown weapon. To
resolve a Block, conduct anArmed Combat/Unarmed Combat Test. If successful, roll Weapon Damage as an attack but deduct the
full amount from theattacking Weapon Damage. Some weapons confer Block/Parry modifiers increasing thecharacter's Test Result.
Unarmed defenders may Block Armed Attacks only if they possess the Martial Training specialization.
Charge (A3) - Combining anArmed Attack with movement option, a Charge delivers an especially forceful blow inflicting an
additional 1d6 of damage. Requiring normal Armed Combat Tests, successful Charges also cause thedefender to make an Opposed
Coordination (Strength)Test to maintain theirfooting. Failed Tests result in thedefender being knocked prone, while Dramatic Failures
may result in the loss of 1d3 additional Option Points.
Though characters may Charges shielded opponents, theaction confers no additional damage. Charging shielded opponents
incurs thenormal Difficulty modifiers for attacks made against shielded opponents.
Disarm (A2) - Disarm enables a character to disable hisopponent's weapon, usually knocking it from hisgrasp. Disarm actions
require Opposed Armed/Unarmed Combat Tests. If theattacker's Test Result is higher, the Disarm succeeds in forcing theopponent's
weapon from his hand, landing 1d3 meters from hiscurrent location. When attempting Unarmed Disarm actions against Armed
opponents, theattacker suffers a +3 Difficulty Modifier. In such instances, Spectacular Failures indicate theattacker injures himself in
the attempt, incurring 1/2 (roundingup)damage from thedefender's weapon.
Foot Attack (Al) - Performing a Foot Attack enables an unarmed combatant to inflict damage by delivering a forceful kick. A Foot
Attack requires Unarmed Combat (any special ization) Tests against Difficulty 7, inflicting 1d6+3 (+Strength edge) Stun Damage to the
Hand Attack (Al) - Consistingof punches, jabs and chops, Hand Attacks enable unarmed combatants to inflict damage with
bare hands. Hand Attacks require Unarmed Combat (any specialization) Tests against Difficulty6. HandAttacks inflict 1d6(+Strength
edge) Stun Damage to theopponent.
Press (A1) - Characters who find themselves locked with theiropponent's as a result of a Bind action may Press to break their
hold and gain a brief, situational advantage over theiropponent. Press actions initiate an Opposed Armed!Unarmed Combat (+
Strength edge) Test between thebound opponents. The winner of theTest breaks free, momentarily throwing hisopponent off-bal-
ance. Asa resu lt, the opponent's nextoption costs 1 additional Option Point and he suffers a +1 Difficulty modifier to any Test
requi red by theaction.
Tackle (A3) - Similar to a Charge, aTackle combines a Bind options with movement. Tackles require thecharacter makes an
Armed/Unarmed Combat Test against Difficulty9. If successful, thecharacter moves up to 5 meters, knocks hisopponent to the
ground and Binds him (see Bind option). If theTackle results in failure, the character moves as if he had performed a Divefor Cover
action, landing prone near hisopponent. Dramatic Failures may result in the loss of 1d3 Option Points, or thesame amount of Stun

Dueling Options (Type & Cost)

In order to perform any of thefollowing Duel ingoptions, a character must possess Armed Combat (dueling arms) skill and the
Duelingtrait. In addition, Dueling options require the use of a sword, slip-tip or kindjal.
Feint (AO) - Declared as Armed Attacks, Feints aim to deceive theopponent intospending reactions to Block or Parry thefalse
attack. Feints count as actionsand may incur subsequent action penalties. No Test required.
Counter-feint (RO) - Enables a defending character to determine whether an aggressive action isan Attack or Feint before com-
mitting to more costly defensive reactions. If theopponent's action proves to be a real attack, theCounter-feint permits the defender
to immediately declare another reaction. This "additional" reaction costs twicethenormal number of Option Points, but is NOTalso
considered an subsequent reaction. In other words, theCounter-feint and additional reaction both count as a single option for the
purposes of determining subsequent option costs.
Parry (Rl) - Meeting theattacker's weapon with hisown,a Parry reaction enables a character to completely foil an incoming
attack. A Parry initiates an Opposed Armed Combat Test between attacker and defender (to determine thesuccess of theArmed
Attack action). If theattack result is higher (and overcomes theestablished Difficulty for theattack) then theattack is successful, oth-
erwise theattack fails and inflicts no damage.
Parry Sinister (A1/ Rl) - An off-hand Parry, the Parry Sinister must be declared as a reaction, but may becounted as either an
action or reaction for thepurposes of determining itsOption Point cost, potentially reducing subsequent option penalties. Like the
Parry reaction (seeParry), a Parry Sinister initiates an Opposed Test to determine theoutcome of theArmed Attack. Parry Sinister reac-
tions incurtheordinary -1 off-hand penalty during Test resolution.
Riposte (Rl) - A counterattack following a successful counter-feint or Parry. Considered a reaction, a riposte may only be
declared upon performing a successful Counter-feintor Parry. When following a counter-feint, a Riposte is nottreated as a subse-
quent reaction (see Counter-feint), but when following a Parry, theriposte does count as a true, subsequent reaction (incurring the
normal Option Point penalty). In all other respects, a Riposte is resolved as anArmed Attack.


Chapter V: Rules of the Game
(continued )

Shield-Fighting Options (Type &- Cost)

All Shield-Fighting options require a character to possesstheArmed Combat skilland theShield-Fighting trait. Shield-Fighting
Attacks require the character to employ a blade weapon such as a kindjal, knife slip-tip or sword, while all other options require the
character to employ anactivated Personal Shield.
Shield Defense (ROl - Shield Defense enables a shielded character to counter any slow attack (see Slow Attack and Slow Attack
Sinister) by moving with a blinding burst of speed-effectively negating theslowness of theincoming attack. As a result, theSlow
Attack suffers thenormal Difficulty penalties incurred against shielded opponents as if it were a normal Armed Attack. Shield Defense
requires a successful Armed Combat Test to negate theeffects of a Slow Attack.
Slow Attack (A2) - The standard action used to attack shielded opponents. When conducting a slow attack, ignore the normal
Difficulty modifiers conferred by the shield. Carefully timed and precisely slowed to penetrate a personal shield, a slow attack
requires theuse of a blade weapon, since the slowness of theattack (lowered force) negates all damage from bluntweapons. In all
other respects, Slow Attacks are resolved as Armed Attack actions.
Slow Attack, sinister (A2/R2) - Anoff-hand Slow Attack, Slow Attacks Sinister must bedeclared as actions, but may becounted
as actions or reactions for determining cost, potentially reducing subsequent option costs. Slow Attacks Sinister also incur the off-
hand penalty during Test resolution. In all other respects, Slow Attacks Sinister are resolved as Armed Attack actions.

Martial Combat Options (Type &- Cost)

The following options require characters to possess theUnarmed Combat (martial training) skill (specialization).
Body Throw (A2) - Following a successful Bind action, a Body Throw enables theacting character to break free of thelock,
throwing hisopponent to theground prone. A Body Throw requires a successful Unarmed Combat roll against Difficulty 9. If suc-
cessful, thedefendingcharacter lands prone at thecharacter's feet, and suffers 1d3 Stun damage.
Driving Kick (A1) - More powerful than thestandard Foot Attack, theDriving Kick enables thecharacter to deliver anespecially
forceful kick, inflicting 2d6+1 (+Strength edge) Damage to theopponent. Driving Kicks require Unarmed Combat (martial training)
Tests against Difficulty 8, and inflict normal (non-Stun) damage.
Manual Disarm (A2) - Manual Disarm enables an unarmed character tosafely wrest a weapon from his opponent's grasp. Manual Disarms
are conducted like normal Disarm actions except the attacker does not suffer the normal +3 Difficulty penalty. A Dramatic or Spectacular suc-
cess indicates the attacker has notonly relieved the opponent of his weapon, buthas also taken the weapon into his possession.
Power Strike (All - More powerful than thestandard Hand Attack, thePower Strike enables a character to deliver anespecially
forceful punch or chop, inflicting ld6+3 (+Strength edge) Damage to theopponent. Power Strikes initiate Unarmed Combat (martial
training) Tests against Difficulty 7, and inflict normal (non-Stun)damage.

Weirding Combat Options (Type &- Cost)

The following options require characters to possess Unarmed Combat (martial training) skill and the Weirding Combat trait.
Blinding Attack (A-variable) - Relying on accelerated reflexes honed through Prana-Bindu conditioning, theAdept may turn any
Unarmed attack (Hand Attack, Foot Attack, Driving Kick or Power Strike) intoa Blinding Attack. Blinding Attacks permit the Adept to
spend any number of additional Option Points to perform theUnarmed Attack, increasing her Damage by anequal amount (i.e.
spending 2 additional Option Points confers +2 damage). In all other respects, a Blinding Attack is resolved according to theguide-
lines set forth for thechosen action.
Blurring Motion(Rl) - Blurring Motion permits an unarmed Adept to Dodge attacks with incredible swiftness and grace. Unlike
normal Dodge reactions, Blurring Motion initiates and Opposed Test between attacker and defender, pitting the Attacker's Test Result
against the Adept's Dodge Test Result. If theAdept's Dodge result proves higher, she completely avoids the incoming attack.
Deft Precision (A-variable) - Relying on her refined agility and grace, theAdept performs any Close Combat action with Deft
Precision. Deft Precision enables theadept to spend any number of additional Option Points to perform theaction, increasing her
Test Result by anequal amount (i.e. spending 3 additional Option Points confers +3 Test Result). In all other respects, a actions per-
formed with Deft Precision must beresolved according to theguidelines set forth for the chosen action.

Ranged Combat Options (Type &- Cost)

Characters may perform thefollowing options during Ranged combat in addition to any of theGeneral Combat Options.
Reload/Recharge (Al/Rl) - Declared as either an action or reaction, this option permits acharacter to load a new clipof ammunition into
their maula pistol or stunner, ortoreplace a stunner pneumatic canister or lasgun power pack. Under all butthe most stressful ofcircumstances,
ReloadingiRecharging a weapon requires no Test (thougha Ranged Combat Test or Repair (Weaponry)Test may be appropriate in dire situations.
Ranged Attack (A1) - The Ranged Attack action permits a character to shoot a gun or throw a knife, aiming to hit and damage an
opponent. Ranged Attacks require a Ranged Combat Test against a Difficulty determined by thephysical range of thetarget and the
Weapon's Accuracy Ratings for thedetermined Range. Ranged Attacks cannot be Blocked or Parried, though characters may increase
theshooter's Difficulty by Dodging (see Dodge).
Special Ranged Combat Options (Type & Cost)
The following options may only beperformed by characters using certain ranged weapons.
Autofire (A2 or A3) - Characters calibratingtheir lasguns to LasingArc (A2) or Full-Burn (A3) mode may perform Autofire
options, disgorging a short or prolonged burst to cover a greater area or inflict massivedamage (see Lasgun, page 228). Similar to a
Ranged Attacks, Autofire req uires a Ranged Combat Testagainst Difficulty established by range.
Calibration (AO) - Characters perform Calibration actions to change thepower mode on a slow-pellet stunner or lasgun prior to
Cover Fire (AO/RO) - Characters equipped with lasguns may calibrate their weapons to Lasing Arcor Full-Burn mode to laydown
Cover Fire. Cover Fire enables characters to quickly disburse a short burn of covering fire, buying time for them to run for cover,
advance their position, enter a waiting 'thopter and soon.Though notprimarily intended to hit specific targets, Cover Fi re requires a
Ranged Combat Test to determine if any enemies are hit by thehasty, expansive cover fire. Add +3 to theDifficulty established by
ra nge for all Cover Fire actions.

(continued from page 12l)

opposed actions (or unopposed actions that interfere But in cases where one or both of the actions permit
with each othe r), the Narrator may usuall y consider the reactions, the drama increases from deciding both actions
actions to occur simultaneously while resolving the occur simultaneously mean ing that reactions are no
actions in whatever order seems most appropriate. longer possible. Upon making such a determ ination, the
However, when two actions seem to interfere with one Narrator may then either resolve both actions simultane-
another (as opposed actions always do) , the Narrator ously or handle them one at a time, reminding players
may permit one of the players to voluntarily defer their that the end results will occur at the same instan t.
action, gaining the chance to change their declaration
pending the outcome of the non-deferred actio n atte mpt. In an initiative face off between Haldran and
Diotellevi, both characters have opted to attack one
Haldran and Myrlo, two player characters , are tied another and neither wishes to defer to give their
for initiative. Both characters have dedared they're rival the advantage. The Narrator decides that
reaching for Diotellevi's poisoned slip-tip that since attack actions normally permit reactions,
Haldran knocked to the floor. The Narrator asks if both characters initiate their offensives at the same
either player wants to defer, and since Myrlo is cur- time, allowing neither one of them the opportunity
rently without a weapon, Haldran defers to allow to declare a reaction. Choosing to resolve the play-
Myrlo first chance. Because Myrlo succeeds in his er's Test before her NPC's, Haldran rolls, succeeds
attempt, Haldran changes her dedared action free in hitting, and inflicts 14 points of damage (enough
of cost (since she voluntarily deferred) and decides to incapacitate Diotellevi). But because the attacks
to attack Diotellevi before the assassin can draw occur simultaneously, the Narrator still rolls for
forth a new blade. Diotellevi using his uninjured status for the roll.
Diotellevi also succeeds in hitting, inflicting 5
If neither player defers, the Narrator must determine points of damage upon Haldran. Putting both
whether resolving the actions simultaneously in an results into effect simultaneously, the final outcome
Opposed Test or resolving them independently is more leaves Diotellevi lying unconscious on the floor and
appropriate to the situation at hand. In case s where the Haldran nursin g an injured sword arm.
declared actions do not permit reactions, conducting a
simultaneous Opposed Test makes the action more dra- Subsequent Acti ons and Reacti on s
matic and keeps the pace more lively. After resolving the first round of initial actions (and
any attempted reactions) , the Na rrator begins the process
Suppose it were Myrlo and Diotellevi who are tied anew permitting only the char acters with remaining
for initiative. Both declare they're grabbing for the Option Points to declare further actions . The Narra tor
fallen slip-tip and neither wants to defer their repeats this process until all participan ts either exhaust
action. Since reaching does not permit reactions, their Option Points or decide to take no further action.
the Narrator decides to create an Opposed Test, pit- Upon complet ion, the Narrator declares the curren t com-
ting the two contestants against one another in a bat round ende d.
Coordination + Reaction Test. Both characters make
their rolls and the Narrator compares the results-
Myrlo manages a 4, while Diotellevi scores a 6-50
Subsequent Combat Rounds
Diotellevi snatches up the slip-tip before Myrlo can Assuming one or more combatants survive the first
gain custody of it. round , the Narrator announces the commencement of a

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
new round, signaling each participant to replenish their prised before combat begins (or in between rounds), the
Option Point pool. Following the procedure just Narrator may decide to call for an opposed Initiative Test
described, the Narrator directs each combat round until by all combat participants. Each characterrolls a single
there remain no participants willing (or able) to pursue drama die, adding the result to their current Initiative
further aggression. (Dramatic Successes and Failures apply). Then the Narrator
Beginning in the second round of combat, characters relies on the Test results to establish the orderof initiative
may spend any Option Points remaining from the preced- from highest to lowest, handling ties in the usual manner.
ing round to increase their initiative by a like amount Alternately, when a character becomes surprised dur-
(but doing so never increases their option point total for ing a round, the Narrator may opt to give other charac-
the round). ters one "unopposed" action each; actions to which the
surprised character cannot react. In such
instances, the surprised character may do
nothing until their next declared option,
performing neither actions nor reactions
until it is their turn to act.
Surprise frequently results from ambush-
es or unexpected circumstances arising
during combat (such as being disarmed or
I knocked to the ground), though it can
, result from almost any startlingevent (sud-
, den explosions, blindinglight, gravity fail-
ure, etc.). Whether or not surprise results is
usually up to the Narrator. Under appropri-
ate circumstances, she may allowa charac-
ter to make an Opposed Test, pittinghis
Observation roll (or other appropriate skill)
against the attacker's Stealth (or other
appropriate skill) in an effort to anticipate
the cause of the event and avoid the ill
effects of being surprised.

Though few combats last more than several rounds,
Rules Variants the Narrator may want to institute the effects of fatigue,
adding realism to the story and ensuring combat resolu-
Optional Initiative System
tion does not dominate the majority of the playingtime.
Narrators who prefer a slightly less detailed initiative To factor the effects of fatigue into the game, the Narrator
system should determine initiative by side, rather than directs each participant to make a Fatigue Test at the
by character. To use this system, the Narrator divides all beginning of each round, before replenishing their option
participants into 1'.'10 sides-e-characters and their ally point pools.
NPCs versus the antagonist NPCs-and compares the Fatigue Testsare simple Attribute Tests (Physique +
highest Initiative scores of each group. Beginning with Constitution) having a Difficulty Number equal to the
the side having the highest initiative, all members of their number of consecutive rounds in which the character has
group declare their actions in order of initiative (highest acted without rest. If a character succeeds in the Test, he
to lowest). Once all members perform their declared feels no ill effects from fatigue and receives the same
actions, the members of the other side declare their number of Option Points he possessed in the previous
actions, enabling the other side to react. Ties can be round. If a character fails the Test, he succumbs to
resolved by making an opposed initiative Test (see fatigue receiving one fewer Option Point than received in
Surprise hereafter) or by Narrator discretion as described the previous round. Characters who begin a round with 0
under the normal system. Option Points are considered exhausted, and may only
perform reactions during all forthcoming rounds until
they have reduced their fatigue through rest.
A charactercan be surprised-startled into immobility Rest and Recuperatio n
by sudden, unexpected occurrences-which the Narrator The most assured way to recuperate Option Points lost
can handle in one of twoways. When characters are sur- from fatigue is to withdraw from the combat and rest.
Resting characters continue to make their Fatigue Tests ----.;'~:~-:-:-::l.....~~::rl- _ .
alongwith their active fellows; however, their Test
Difficulty decreases by one (instead of increasing) foreach Movement Options and
consecutive round they've taken to rest. Forresting charac-
ters, failed Fatigue Tests bear no ill consequence (no fur- Terrain Modifiers
ther Option Points are lost), while successful Tests result in Non-Combat Movement
the recuperation of one additional Option Point. When Type of Movement Distance Difficulty
characterswish to resume activity, they declare their rest Crawl 1m No roll
ended and begin the new round by taking the number of Walk 2m No roll
movement actions needed to return to the combat area, Run 3m Routine (5)
where they may rejoin their surviving companions. Sprint 4m Moderate (7)
At the Narrator's option, characters may reserve some Swim 1m Routine (4)
of their Option Points, thereby "saving their energy" and Jump 2mH, 1mV Moderate (6)
reducing their rate of fatigue. By conserving Option Points, Climb 1mV Moderate (7)
characters add +1 to their Fatigue Test Result per Option
Point left unused. Option Points reserved for Fatigue Tests Options performed in combat suffer +2 Difficulty.
still increase Initiative in subsequent rounds. All Movement Options are one point(A1)actions.
During non-Combat situations, multiply the Distance by 5
to determinehow fara character travels when moving for
a complete round (approximately 5 seconds).
Sometimes you'll want to know preciselyhow fast and
far the characters can move during a round. Characters Combat Movement
normally move 10 meters per round at a brisk walk. They Option (Cost) Difficulty Effect
can move quickly (or more slowly) using other types of Dodge (R2) DodgeTest becomes
movement (see the accompanyingtable). If a character Difficulty Number to hit
wishes to move more quickly when using a particular Drop Prone (A1/R1) A form of Dodge
form of movement, a successful Athletics Skill Test (or Regain feet (Al/R1) 3
Physique Test) will allow the character to move an addi- Dive for cover (R2) 7 A form of Dodge allowing
tional number of meters per round equal to his Athletics character to move 5mat
skill level (or Physique). no penalty; every meter
In combat situations, characters generallywant to beyond 5m subtracts 1
perform movement maneuvers unique to combat. from Dodge Result.
Dropping prone, for instance, has little use outside of Drop and roll (A2/R2) 4 A form of Dodge allowing
combat. At the same time, characters may wish to per- character to move 1m at
form normal, non-combat movement during combat. A no penalty; everymeter
character may, for instance, run to reach or flee the com- beyond 1m subtracts 1
bat area. The Movement Options table describes all from Dodge Result.
movement options in terms of non-combat and combat Terraln Moddl ers
options, with rates of movement and action costs where Terrain Type Modifier
appropriate. Refer also to the Athletics skill, pages 79-80, Swampy +3
for more information about non-combat movement. Mountainous/Steep +2
Under normal circumstances (and even in most com- Wet/Slick/Icy +2
bat situations), characters do not have to make Skill Tests Water (2' or higher) +2
to move successfully. However, in particularly stressful or Obstacles, many/large +2
dramatic situations movement works like any other Obstacles, few/small +1
action-a misstep at the wrongtime can be costly indeed. Sandy +1
The Narrator assigns the terrain, obstacle or maneuver a Rocky +1
Difficulty Number (usually based on those listed in the Extremely flator even -1
Movement Options Table, as modified by terrain type and Paved -2
other circumstances), which the character must overcome
to negotiate the terrain successfully. Characters who make
involved or elaborate movement maneuvers should use
their Athletics skill or Physique attribute for Tests. If the
Forms of Combat
character fails , the Narrator should reduce the character's
movement (typically by 1m for every point by which he The DUNE RPG presents two primary forms of com-
missed the roll), state that he tripped and fell down, or bat: Close and Ranged combat. Close combat refers to
describe some other appropriate setback. any variety hand-to-hand fighting such as ritual dueling

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
or backstreet brawling. Rangedcombat entails any fire- entirely or struck with force insufficient to cause any
fight or shoot out conducted at distances greater than appreciable damage.
arm's reach. Aside from simply describing the distance Unless the target reacts to a declared attack option
between combatants, the forms primarily establish the (attemptingto Dodge, Parry and so on), To-Hit Testsare
various Options available to combat participants. See conducted as simple Skill Tests against the target's Armed
"Combat Options Summary," page 130 and "Combat Combat, Unarmed Combat or Ranged Combat skill.The
Options Descriptions" pages 122-125 . only difference among Testsarises from how the Test
Difficulty is determined.
Close Combat
Close combat enables characters to attempta variety of Difficu lty Numbers in Close Combat
elementary, offensive and defensive options, such as Armed In Close combat situations, the base Difficulty for
Attack, Charge or Disarm, in addition to a numberof spe- "to-Hit" Tests equals the Accuracy Rating of the attack
cialized tactics available onlyto characters possessing cer- weapon (see the "Weapons" chart for more information).
tain skills, talents or weaponry. Among these, Dueling, If the target declares a Dodge option, then the to-hit
Shield Fighting, Martial Combat and Weirding Combat dis- Difficulty becomes the Dodge Test Result or the weapon
tinguish the various options available. In addition, all char- Accuracy Rating, whichever is greater. Reaction edges
acters engaged in close combat may perform any of the normally modify Dodge Tests, while Dexterityedges
General Combat Options described on both chart. apply to most Close (Armed and Unarmed) Skill Tests.
For defensive reactions other than Dodge, follow the
Ranged Combat procedure described under the appropriate option head-
Ranged combat similarly allows for both elementary ing (see "Combat Option Descriptions" for more infor-
and specialized options, though the selection proves mation).
much narrower than for close combat. In addition to
these Options, all characters engaged in ranged combat Difficu lty Numbers in Ranged Combat
may perform any of the General Combat Options also During ranged combat, the "to-Hit" Difficulty is based
available to melee combatants. on the shooter's distance from the target. This "range"-
Movement enables characters to close with enemies measured in meters-is divided into four Accuracy cate-
or retreat to cover, changing the range and form of com- gories, each carrying its own Difficulty Number: Point
bat among participants. Though Movement Options are Blank (6), Short Range (7), Medium Range (9), Long
broken down into Non-Combat and Combat Movement Range (11). The actual distance (in meters) for each
for descriptive purposes, all Movement Options are con- range categoryvaries by weapon, so the Narrator needs
sidered General Combat Options, and are available to all to know not only the physical distance between shooter
combatants. See the Movement Options chart, page 127, and target, but also the weapon being used, before
for more information. assigningan Difficulty Number to RangedAttackTests.
To determine which range to use, consult the weapon's
Range listing. For example, a character armed with a
Combat Tests maula pistol has a Range of 5/10/20/40. This means any
With the possible exception of movement, most targets up to 5 meters away are considered to be at Point
Combat Options require players to make various Blank range; targets from 5.1-10 meters away are at Short
Attribute or Skill Tests to determine the outcome of their Range; targets 10.1-20 meters away are at Medium Range;
attempts. While the "Combat Options Descriptions" and targets from 20.1-40 meters away are at Long Range.
chart (pages 122-125) establishes the specific procedures To hit targets beyond the weapon's listed Long Range,
for testing individual options, most combat-relatedTests increase the Difficulty by +1 for everyX meters, where X
follow the guidelines for conducting standard Skill Tests equals the number of meters listed for Short Range.
(or Opposed Skill Tests) set forth earlier in this chapter.
Warmaster Ravastine attempts to shoot an oppo-
nent standing at a distance of 45 meters. Checking
"To- Hit " T est s
the Accuracy of the Maula Pistol (5/1 0120140) the
The "To-Hit" Test- used for determiningthe outcome Narrator finds that 45 meters exceeds the pistol's
of a declared attack-is by far the most common variety Long Range (40m) by 5 meters. Thus the Narrator
of combat-relatedTest. Attack options such as Armed assigns Ravastine's Ranged Attack Test a Difficulty
Attack, Hand Attack, Foot Attack and RangedAttack all of 12 (11 for Long Range, +1 for each additional 10
rely on "to-Hit" Tests for determining whether or not the meter (Short Range) increment beyond the Long
attack succeeds in hitting its intended target. Successful Range distance) .
"to-Hit" Tests indicate that the weapon or projectile has
made sufficient contact to infl ict damage on the target; As in close combat, if the target attempts to Dodge in
failed Tests indicate that the blow has either missed reaction to a ranged attack option, the "to-Hit" Difficulty
equals the DodgeTest Result or the Accuracy number for desiring more detailed called shot modifiers can use those
the established range (whichever is greater). listed in the optional hit location chart (see page 132).
Cover - Characters protected by cover are harder to
----.JL=:r~=;;~~...y;;::L I hit during combat. Cover can be physical barriers
between the character and an attacker (such as shields,
walls, rocks and so on) or factors that affect visibility
We2pon Statistics (smoke, rain, darkness or other such visual impediments).
Name Accuracy Damage Maneuvers Physical cover makes a character harder to hit. If the
Gom )abbar 6 1+poison (Type IV) General* cover protects one quarter of the character's body
Flip-Dart 9 1+poison General* increase the Difficulty to hit him by + 1; if it protects one
Kindjal 7 3+2d6 Dueling half of his body add +2; if it protects three quarters of his
Knife 7 1+2d6 Dueling body add +4. If cover protects the character's entire body,
Slip-Tip 7 2+2d6 Dueling the attacker cannot hit him; the cover must be destroyed
Sword 8 5+2d6 Dueling before the character can be successfully attacked. The
Hunter Seeker 7' 1+1d6/2d6* Ranged accompanyingtable provides guidellnes for the strengths
Lasgun 5/25/75/225** 5+5d6* Ranged (expressed in terms of armor-see "Resisting Damage:
Maula Pistol 5/10120/40'* 1d6+poison Ranged Armor," page 134) of various materials. Narrators should
Needlegun 1/3/5/10'* 1d3+poison Ranged use their judgment when determining how much cover (if
Slow Pellet Stunner *1'1*1' *' 1d6+poison Ranged any) a given attack destroys; some forms of cover require
Throwing Knife 3/5/1 OilS" 2+1 d6 Ranged multiple shots before the target behind it can be hit.
' Special, see entry in Chapter 8, Technology of theImperium
"Accuracy is 6/7/9/11 depending on therange category, L:~~~~=n::i:~:r-
defined by distance in meters (m)

Cover Armor
Resolvil18 "To - Hit" Tests Thinwooddoor 6
To-Hit Tests are resolved like ordinary Skill Tests.To Wood door 8
attack, the character makes a Skill Test using the appro- Thin, unarmored metal door 10
priate weapon skill such as Armed Combat, Unarmed Reinforced metal door; large rocks 14
Combat or RangedWeapon, modified by his Dexterity Armored bulkhead 20
edge. If the Test Result equals or exceeds the assigned Heavily armored security door 24
Difficulty Number, the attack succeeds in hitting the
declared target. Only after a target is hit successfully may
Weapon Damage be determined and applied.
Visual cover makes a character harder to hit because
Warmaster Ravastine fires at his target with his he is harder to see, thus increasing the Difficulty Number
maula pistol at extended Long range (Difficulty of attacks against him. As a rough guideline, light smoke
12). His Coordination is 4, Dexterity +1, and or dim light increases the Difficulty by +1; smoke or
Ranged Combat (Maula Pistol) 3(4). He rolls five moonlight by +2; and thick smoke or near-total darkness
dice (four for Coordination, +1 for his Dexterity by +3. These penalties also apply to any roll to perceive
edge) to make his Ranged Combat Skill Test. things visually, including most Observation rolls.
Fortunately, his Drama Die rolls a 6, so he adds it Off Hand - Characters are either right-handed or
and the next highest die (3) to his skill (specializa- left-handed (player'S choice). Unless they have the
tion) level, for a total of 13 (6+3+4). He hits! Bimanual Training trait-indicating they are equally profi-
cient with either hand- any attacks (or other Skill Tests)
Combat Variables made usingthe character's "off hand" are at +1 Difficulty.
Prone or Immobilized - Characters who lie
There are other factors that can affect combat situa- prone are usually easier to hit (-1 Difficulty), particularly
tions. These variables can increase or decrease the in Close combat. Lying prone actually makes a character
Difficulty of various Tests during a battle. harder to hit in Ranged combat (+ 1 Difficulty).
Called Shots - It is possible to aim at a specific Characters who are immobilized (bound or unconscious)
target area (such as the arm, leg, hand, head, and so are similarly, much easier to hit (-4 Difficu lty).
forth). This increases the Difficulty of the attack. Size - The Narrator should take into account the
As a general guideline, for targets greater than 10 cen- size of objects in combat when determining Difficulty
timeters in size, add +2 to the Difficulty. For targets small- Numbers to hit a target. It is easier to hit objects much
er than 10 centimeters, add +4 to the Difficulty. Narrators larger than one's self (for example, shooting at a watch-

Chapter V: Rules of the Game

Combat Option Summary

General Combat Options (Anned, Unarmed or Ranged Combat)
Characters may perform any of the following options duringClose or Ranged Combat.
General OptionlCost Skill Test Difficulty
Aim/Time (AI) none' nla
Dive for Cover (R2) AthleticsOumpingl 7
Dodge (R2) Dodge (Sidestep or Evade) nla
Dropand Roll (A2/R2) Athletics (Acrobatics) 4
Drop Prone (AlIRI) none' nla
Draw/Recover Weapon (AI /RI ) none' nla
Hand-Switch (AO/RO ) none' nla
Regain Footing(AI /RI) none' nla

C lose Co mbat Options (Armed or Unarmed Co mbat)

Characters may perform thefollowingoptionsduringArmed and/or Unarmed Close combat. The appropriate skill is determined
by weapons selection-Melee Arms warrant Armed CombatTests, body appendages (hand/foot) require Unarmed Combat Tests.
Makeshift weapons such as bottles, chairs, chai ns, pipes, etc. require Unarmed Combat(Brawling)Tests.
OptionlCost SkillTest Difficul ~ Damage
Armed Attack (AI ) Armed Combat variable variable2
Attack, sinister (AI /RI ) Armed Combat variable2 variable 2
Bind (AI) Opposed Armed or Unarmed Combat n/a nla
Block (RI) Armed or Unarmed Combat variable2 nla
Charge (A3) Armed Combat variable2 variable2+I d6
Disarm (A2) OpposedArmed or Unarmed Combat variable2 nla
Foot Attack (AI 1 Unarmed Combat 7 3+I d6(+StrengthJ
Hand Attack (AI ) Unarmed Combat 6 I d6(+Strength)
Press (AI ) Opposed Armed or Unarmed Combat nl a nla
Tackle (A3) Unarmed Combat 9 n/a

Dueling Options- Armed Combat (Dueling Arms) & Dueling Trait Reqolred
OptionlCost SkillTest Difficulty Damage
Feint (AD) none nla nla
Counter-feint (RO) none nla nla
Parry (RI) OpposedArmed Combat nla n/a
Parry, sinister (AI/RI I) Opposed Armed Combat nla nla
Riposte (RI) Armed Combat variable2 variable2

Shield Fighting Opt ions-Armed Co mbat (any) & Shield Fight ing Trait Required
OptionlCost SkillTest Difficulty
Shield Defense (RO) Armed Combat(+Reaction) 7 I1la
Slow Attack (A2) Armed Combat variable2 variable-
Slow Attack, sinister (A2/R2J Armed Combat variable2 variable2

Martial Combat O ptions-Unarmed Combat (MartialTraining) Req uired

OptionlCost Skill Test Difficulty
Body Throw (Al) Unarmed Combat (Martial Training) 9 I d3
Driving Kick (AI 1 Unarmed Combat (Martial Training) 8 I +2d6(+Strength)
Manual Disarm (Al) Opposed Unarmed Combat (Martial Training) variable2 nla
Power Strike(A1) Unarmed Combat(Martial Trai ning) 7 3+I d6(+Strength)
Weird ing Combat Option -s-Unarmed Combat & We irding Combat Trait Requ ired
Option/Cost Skill Test Difficul~ Damage
Blinding Attack (A- variable) Unarmed Combat (any) variable variable 2
Blurring Defense (R1) Opposed Dodge n/a n/a
DeftPrecision (A- variable) n/a variable2 variable2

Ranged Combat (Projectile or Energy Weaponsspecializations)

Option/Cost Skill Test Difficulty Damage
Reload/Recharge (A1/R1) none 1 n/a n/a
Ranged Attack (A1) Ranged Combat (any) variable3 variable 3

Special Ranged Combat Options

Option/Cost Skill Test Difficultr Damage
Autofire (A2 or A3) Ranged Combat variable variable 3
Ca libration (AO) nonel n/a n/a
Cover Fire (AO/RO) Ranged Combat variable3 variable3

1 NoTest required during normal, combat situations. Extreme environmental or situational conditions may require an appropriate
Skill Test or Coordination Test at theNarrator's discretion.
2 Difficulty equals theAccuracy Ratingof thespecific melee arm used for the Test. Damage varies by specific melee arm type.
3 Difficulty is determined by thephysical range of thetarget and the Range ratingof theranged arm used for the Test. Damage
varies by specific ranged arm type and use. See Ranged Combat Difficulty chart and RangedWeapons, page 128,

,. .,.

tower), but harder to hit smaller (shooting at a com-eye). a variable amount of damage (requiringyou to make a
As a rough guideline, for every doubling of a target's size die roll). Dramatic Successes typically add 1-2 extra
in comparison to its attacker, subtract 1 from the damage dice, and Karama Points may not be spent to
Difficulty to hit it. For every halving of a target's size in increase the damage roll. The Drama Die does not apply
comparison to its attacker, add 1 to the Difficulty to hit it. during Damage rolls.
Targeting Systems - Some ranged weapons may
be fi tted with supplemental targeting systems. These
weapons have a Targeting rating (such as 1 or 3). When
Unarmed Attacks: Braw ling &- Marti al Arts
using such a weapon, the character makes a normal "to- Brawling attacks typically inflict a number of points of
Hit" Test, but the Difficulty Number for the Test decreas- Stun damage equal to the attacking character's Physique
es by a number equal to the weapon's Targeting rating. + Strength.
But remember, the minimum Difficulty Number for'any Martial or Weirding Combat attacks usually inflict a
Test remains 2. specific amount of damage, modified by the character's
Strength (see "Combat Options Descriptions" chart).
Karama in Combat Stun damage results from most Brawling and Martial
Karama can be spent at any time during a Combat attacks (see "Stun Damage," page 135). Only Weirding
round. But Karama Points may not be used to improve Combat attacks routinely inflict lethal damage.
Initiative Tests or damage rolls.
Ar med Attacks: Ranged and Melee
Damage and Healing Each weapon causes a variable amount of damage
determined by its damage code (see the "Weapons"
Infl icting Da mage chart). For example, a lasgun set on Pulse Fire inflicts
If an attack succeeds, the target of the attack may be 5+5d6 damage, meaning a base of 5 points plus the total
injured or even killed. The amount of Damage inflicted rolled on five dice. In contrast, a kindjal thrust inflicts a
by the attack indicates its level of severity. Obviously, a base of 3 points plus the damage rolled on two dice.
rolling kick that does 6 points of damage is far less
severe than a lasgun blast that does 26 points. Some
forms of attack cause a set amount of damage (normally
based on your Physique and any Strength edge you pos- Whether absorbed by ingestion or infused directly
sess). Other forms, most notably ranged weapons, deliver into the bloodstream, all poisons fall within one of five

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
Poison Types. Type I poisons are weak or slow acting Type I - Type I poisons slowly attack the charac-
poisons, while Type IV poisons may prove lethal in the ter's immune system. A character suffers no ill effects
space of several heartbeats. Depending on the Type of from Type I poisons for a number of hours equal to his
poison administered, damage manifests in varying Physique + Constitution. Each hour after that, the char-
degrees over a period of time (see Poison Types here- acter sustains 1 point of damage until Stunned. after
after). Except for Type V poisons, all may prove lethal which he takes Id6 damage per hour until the poison
over prolonged durations, unless medical remedies suc- either is neutralized or the character dies.
ceed in neutralizing the poison. Except for those hermeti- Type I poisons covera range of systemic toxins, usual-
cally sealed in some receptacle , all poisons will alert an ly consumed in food or drink. Severe bacteriological infec-
active 'snooper' to their presence, givingtheir potential tions or chemical contaminants (such as those contained
victims some measure of advance warning. in bacteriological or chemical weapons) may also be treat-
ed as Type I poisons. The Great Convention bans the use
Excessive Dosage of Type I poisons in weapons of mass deployment.
If administered in excessive dosage, simply multiply Type II - Type II poisons attack the immune sys-
the Poison damage by the number of doses administered. tem more aggressively. A character suffers no ill effects
Or at the Narrator's discretion determine damage normal- from Type II poisons for a number of minutes equal to
ly, increase the rate of damage in proportion with the his (Physique + Constitution) times ten. Each quarter
dosage received. For example, if 2 doses of a type one hour after that, the character sustains 1 point of damage
poison were administered (l damage point per hour), until Stunned, after which he takes Id6 damage per hour
either double the damage at the normal rate (2 damage until the poison either is treated or the character dies.
points per hour), or reduce the interval of time between Type II poisons represent a variety of natural and man-
instances of damage (l damage point each half hour). made toxins, typically administered in food. drink or

t- ==r
Optional Rule: Hit Locations
For added realism, Narrators may elect to use this rule, which determines where a successful shot or attack strikes a target. Roll
two dice to determine thebasic "hit location" and consult thefollowing chart:

Roll location Modifier Effect

2 Head +5 xl damage
3 Upper Arm/Shoulder (Left) +3 Must make Moderate (7) Coordination roll to holdon to any helditems,
including weapons
4 Upper Arm/Shoulder (Right) +3 Must make Moderate (7) Coordination roll to holdon to anyheld items,
including weapons
5 Lower Arm/Hand (Left) +4 Must make Challenging (9) Coordination roll to holdon to any held
items, including weapons
6 Lower Arm/Hand (Right) +4 Must make Challenging (9) Coordination roll to holdon to any helditems,
including weapons
7 Chest (Left or Right Side) +2 xl.S damage
8 Abdomen/Stomach +3 xl.S damage,Reduce all movement to half normal
9 Upper LegfThigh (Left) +2 Reduce all movement to halfnormal
10 Upper LegfThigh (Right) +2 Reduce all movement to halfnormal
11 Lower LegIFoot (Left) +4 Reduce all movement to one-quarter normal
12 Lower LeglFoot (Right) +4 Reduce all movement to one-quarter normal

In addition, after acharacter has determined which location hehit, hecan elect to "slide" the result to another hit location based on
howproficient heis withthe mode of attack. Hecan "slide" the attack one step upor down for each point hehas in the skill heused to
maketheattack. For example, Aiden Bosque, with a Ranged Combat (Stunner) 2(3) skill, can elect to "slide" a hit three locations in either
direction on the scale when hehits a target witha stunner dart. Herolls a hit location of 4. As a result, hecan slide the hit location upto
3 locations in either direction - anywhere from 2-7. Since hedoes notwant to strike the target character in the shoulder (location 4', he
instead elects to "slide" the hit to the target'schest (location 7).
vaporous gas. Toxic chemical and noxious fumes may also fering injury. Any damage exceeding the subject's
be treated as Type II poisons. The GreatConvention bans Resistance inflicts damage and injury (see "Injury Effects"
the use of Type II against all except family members desig- and "Healing," pages 134-136, for more information).
nated as legal targets in sanctioned Wars of Assassins.
Type III - Type III poisons are the strongest of the
ingestive poisons. Characters begin to feel the effects
Other Forms of Damage
from Type III poisons immediately, sustaining 1 point of The Imperium contains many dangers, and outright
damage per minute until Stunned, after which he takes combat is often the least of a character's problems.
Id6 damage per minute until either the poison is neutral- Poison, fire , falling from dangerous heights-each of
ized or the character dies. these dangers can easily injure even the most resilient
Type III poisons include a variety of specialty poi- characters. For circumstances not described here,
sons, often administered in food, drink or vaporous gas. Narrators should use these rules as guidelines to create
However, it is not uncommon for more potent variants to an appropriate rule for the situation.
be absorbed into the bloodstream via a contact powder Asphyxiation - The lack of oxygen caused by
or gel, or infused directly by means of hypodermic drowning or smoke inhalation can prove lethal when sus-
syringe or sharp implement such as a dart or blade, The tained for periods of time. A character can hold his
Great Convention bans Type III poisons for use against breath to avoid asphvxiating for five rounds per point of
any but noblemen and members of their entourage Physique + Constitution she possesses. For every round
named in Wars of Assassins. after that, the character sustains 1 point of damage until
Type IV - Type IV poisons are potent, contact poi- Stunned, after which he takes 1d6 damage per round
sons absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Upon expo- until dead. Resistance affords no protection against dam-
sure to Type IV poisons, characters suffer immediate aged caused by asphyxiation.
damage, sustaining Id6 points of damage upon contact Extreme Environment (Heat, Cold ) -
and each round thereafter until either the poison is treat- Characters submitted to extreme environmental tempera-
ed or the character dies. tures may die from prolonged exposure. A character can
Type IV poisons are preferred for envenomed withstand excessive heat or cold for one hour per point
weapons such as maula darts and slip tips, and are most of Physique + Constitution she possesses. For every hour
often employed by professional assassins and dueling after that, the character sustains 1 point of damage until
nobles. Consequently a variety of Type IV poisons exist, Stunned, after which he takes Id6 damage per hour until
ranging in potency from the standard Id6 variant to more dead. Character Resistance affords no protection against
concentrated varieties that multiply the damage by a fac- damaged caused by extreme environmental conditions.
tor of 2 to 5. The Great Convention forbids the use of Falling - Each 3m of distance fallen causes 1+ Id6
Type IV poisons except in officially sanctioned Kanly damage. Thus, a 30m fall does 10+IOd6 damage. This
Duels and formalized Wars of Assassins. assumes a local gravity roughly equal to Earth's; for envi-
Type V - Type V poisons are highly specialized nerve ronments that involve different gravity, multiply the dam-
toxins developed to disable specific bodily
systems, such as the neural-motor system,
speech center, respiratory system, optic
centers and so on. Because lethal variants
are classified as Type I through IV poisons,
Type V poisons are all considered, non-
lethal varieties. Typical variants include
those that induce unconsciousness, local-
ized paralysis, perceptual debilitation
(such as temporary blindness, deafness, or
muteness) or nervous impairment (sensory
numbing, reflexive slowing, muscular
weakness etc.). The GreatConvention
unequivocally tolerates the employment of
Type V poisons.

Taking Damage
A character can withstand an amount
of damage equal to his Resistance
(Physique + Constitution + applicable
protection) from each attack without suf-

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
age done by the difference between local gravity and armor) from each attack without suffering injury. A char-
Earth gravity. For example, if local gravity is half of acter can spend Karama Points to increase his
Earth's, halve the damage; it is twice as strong as Earth Resistance for one round (or one scene, at the Narrator's
gravity, double the damage. option), at the rate of one Karama Point per point of
Fire - Contact with a roughly torch-sized flame Resistance. Any damage exceeding a character's
causes 3+1d6 damage per round of contact; flammable Resistance inflicts some amount of damage and injury.
articles, such as clothing or hair, may catch on fire and Characters can wear personal shields or body armor
do further damage to the character. For larger fi res, add to protect themselves from damage-Noblemen and
+1d6 damage for every doubling of the size of the fi re. If Swordmasters often activate personal shields to deflect
a character suffers complete immolation (being trapped fast moving projectiles or unexpected knife-thrusts, while
in a burning building), he takes 3+lOd6 damage. Sardaukar troopers often wear heavy battle-suits, offering
Chemical fires or other unusual blazes burn hotter than moderate protection against all forms of attack.
normal flame , causing double damage. Defensive shields and body armor grants protection
Radiation - While large doses of radiation can kill against various forms of damage (see "Technology:
a character in seconds, many types of radiation are more Defensive Armor"), adding to the character's Resistance
insidious. Characters exposed to damaging radiation take for purposes of withstanding damage.
Id6 per round for the duration of their exposure. After
direct exposure ends, they continue to take 2 points of A Sardaukar Levenbrecl: (Constitution +1) wears
damage per day (from radiation sickness) until they are traditional battle dress conferring +2 protection
treated. For more or less severe types of radiation or against physical attacks and +1 protection against
exposure, add or subtract damage dice, or lengthen or energy attacks. When attacked by a knife, sword or
shorten the time interval in which damage occurs. Under kick , the warrior can resist 3 points of damage (his
most circumstances, character Resistance affords no pro- Constitution edge plus the full protection of the
tection against radiation damage. armor). When struck by an lasgun, he resists only
2 points of damage.
Resisting Damage: Defensive
Armor rarely covers the wearer's entire body; if you
Shields/ Body Armor are using the optional "Hit Locations" rule, a targeted
A character can resist damage equal to his Resistance part of the body may not be protected by armor. For this
(equals to his Constitution, augmented by protective reason, players should specify on their character sheet
which areas of their character's bodies are protected by

Body Protection Effects of Injuries

Type of Protection Test Modifier1 Armor When a character becomes injured, he weakens and
Battle-dress none 6 (Melee), his ability to act becomes impaired. Minor injuries bear
5 (Projectile), little effect, but as the character's injuries worsen, he
3 (Iasguns) becomes less able to function effectively.
Body Shield2 A character's injury status and resulting degree of
Setting 1 +1 o impairment is determined by seven Wound Levels. The
Setting 2 +2 o accompanying "Wound Level" chart lists each of these
Setting 3 +3 1 levelsand their corresponding effects. All characters are
Setting 4 +4 1 normally considered to be Healthy until they suffer dam-
Setting 5 +5 2 age or injury.
Plasmail Arming Coat none 3 (Melee), Your character can take an amount of damage (from
1 (Projectile), one or more attacks) equal to his Physique-Constitution
o(Iasguns) before dropping to the next level. For example, an unin-
PoweredArmor none 10 (Melee), jured Atreides Swordmaster having Physique 2 and
8 (Projectile), Constitution +1 could take 3 points of damage before
5 (lasguns) being Stunned. It would require an additional 3 points of
damage before his status dropped to Injured. All points
1 Increases the Difficulty of Armedor Ranged Attack Tests. in a given Wound Level must be crossed offbefore your
2 SeeChapter 12, PersonalShield Generator, page 232 for character drops down to the next level. If the
complete information. Swordmaster had only taken 2 points of damage, instead
of 3, he would remain Healthy until he sufferedan addi-
lr- ..,...................=&...~----- tional point of damage.
Wound Levels Table
Wound Level Effect
Healthy The character suffers no impairment (this is hisnormal, uninjured state).
Stunned The character suffers a +1 Difficulty to all Tests (or -1 to Opposed Test Results) until healed. This penalty is in addi-
tion to whatever other penalties already apply.
Injured The character hasbeen thrown to theground and is in such pain that further actions this round are impossible.
Until he receives first aid or medical attention, he suffers a +1 Difficulty to all Tests (or -1 to Opposed Test
Results) until healed. Thi s pena lty is in addition to whatever otherpenalties already apply.
Wounded The character has been thrown to theground and is in such pain that further actions this round are impossible.
Until he receives firstaid or medical attention, he suffers a +2 Difficulty to all Tests (or -2 to Opposed Test
Results) until healed. Thi s penalty is in addition to whatever otherpenalties already apply.
Incapacitated The character has been thrown to theground and rendered unconsciousfor 2d6 minutes. Once awake, thecharac-
ter cannot move or perform actions until firstaid or medical attention has been received.
Near Death Thecharacter issoseverely wounded that without immediate medical attention, death is inevitable. If a Near Death
result is achieved, thecharacter falls prone and unconscious and will die after his Physique + Constitution in
minutes. A successful Routine (4) FirstAid Test will stabilize thecharacter, though medical attention-in an infir-
mary, for example-is required. If thecharacter does not receive the required medical attention, a new First Aid
Test must be made every hour, or the characterwill fall unconscious and die.
Killed The characterdies.

The effects listed on the Wound Level Table are cumu- beyond the Incapacitated Wound Level, a character
lative. Returning to the example above , an uninjured remains unconscious for an additional five minutes.
Swordmaster takes three points of damage , reducing him Again, the Narrator can modify the length of time
to Stunned. He suffers a + 1 Difficulty penalty to all Tests. depending on a character's traits.
Later on , he is injured again , this time taking him to Ordinarily it's not possible to permanently injure or
Injured; he now suffers a +2 Difficulty penalty to all Tests. kill a character with Stun damage. However, at the
Narrator's option, if a character continues to attack an
unconscious foe with Stun damage attacks, he will begin
Stun Damage to do normal damage, eventually killing him if he contin-
Some weapons-slow-pellet stunners, for example- ues to attack Vigorouslyenough.
can be armed with certain chemical narcotics to inflict When normal and stun attacks are delivered together,
non-lethal "stun" damage. For such projectiles, roll dam- the Stun damage is considered as normal damage for
age normally. A Stunned result indicates that the charac- purposes of calculating Wound Levels. For example, sup-
ter is rendered unconscious. pose a Harkonnen soldier shoots Warmaster Ravastine
The length of time the character remains unconscious with a slow-pellet stunner, injuring him. If a seco nd
depends on the weapon and its ammunition-refer to the Harkonnen shoots Ravastine with a mau la pistol, further
individual weapon descriptions for more details-but wounds will reduce him to Wounded, Incapacitated ,
about fifteen to twenty minutes is typical. For each dam- Near Death and Killed-the second Harkonn en does not
age point beyond the Stunned Wound Level, a character have to "start over" at Stunned just because his mau la
remains unconscious for an additiona l five minutes. The pistol darts inflict a different "type" of dam age tha n the
Narrator may wish to modify this according to a charac- first Harkonnen's stunner.
ter's traits. For example a character having the Immunity When characters regain consciousness after being
(narcotics) trait might enjoy some resistance to the slow- stunned by a narcot ic (such as a slow-pellet stunner)
pellet drug, so the Narrator might rule they remain they are cons idered Health y. No residual da mage
unconscious for only half as long. remains (unless they were further attacked when they
Similarly, punches and other unarmed attacks usuall y were unconscious). If a character was rendere d uncon-
cause Stun damage. When the damage from an unarmed scious by unarmed combat damage (in a barro om brawl,
attack reaches the Incapacitated level, the injured char- for example) , he regains consciousness at the lowest
acter is rendered unconscious. For each damage point level of his Stunned Wound Level. For exam ple, a char-

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
acter that regains consciousness after a brawl has one healing roll; a Wounded character, for Id6 days; an
point remaining in his Stunned Wound Level. If he takes Incapacitated character, Id3 weeks; a Near Death char-
one more point of damage, he will become Injured. It acter, Id3 months. Of course, the Narrator might rule
doesn't matter what a character's Resistance is-when that special or unusual circumstances allow a character
characters regain consciousness after being physically to make Physique Tests more quickly.
knocked out, they have one point remaining in their
Stunned Wound Level. Medical Attention
Characters can also recover from their injuries by
Healing receiving medical care-either first aid, or the more
Characters heal injuries in a number of ways: natural advanced medical attention available in a healing ward
healing, receiving first aid or receiving advanced medical or infirmary. Depending on the nature of the injury, this
treatment. may be accomplished quickly (a round or two), but may
require much more time (equlvalent to the recuperation
periods described under Natural Healing).
Natural Healing
The First Aid skill and standard medical kits can be
Characters that do not receive medical attention can used to stabilize or heal wounds in the field. Such field
heal naturally, though recovery is slow, painful and often medicine requires the character to have at least a rudi-
incomplete. The character must rest for a certain amount mentary knowledge of first aid or medicine, however. See
of time, and can then attempt to make a Physique Test "Chapter 12: Technology" for more information on med-
(modified by the Constitution edge). Compare the Test ical gear.
Result to the Natural HealingTable for the results. Advanced medical care requires more than just a
Any character attempting to heal naturally is essen- medkit or coagulant shot-it involves the continued
tially bedridden-attempts at exercise or work add + 1 attention of physicians and attendants in a healing ward
Difficulty to his Physique Tests during recovery. or infirmary. Physicians must know an appropriate
MedicalArts skill and have proper facilities to administer
this kind of care.
In general, use the following as benchmark
Difficulties for using medical kits and stay-shots to heal
Natural Healing Table wounds. Reduce the Difficulty by 2 if the character is
Physique Roll Healing Result receiving advanced medical care.
1-2 Character'shealth worsens; treat as injuryof one
level worse than injurysuffered (for example,
as a Wounded injury if character was
Injured). Th is result does not apply to charac-
ters whoare only Stunned.
Medical Attention
3-6 No effect; character sti ll suffers from injuryat the Degree of Injury Difficulty to Diagnose/Heal
same level. Stunned Routine (4)
7-9 Partial recovery; character still suffers from injury, Injured Moderate (7)
but at one level better (for example, a Wounded Challenging (10)
Wounded character would become merely Incapacitated Difficult(13)
Injured, and a Stunned character would be Near Death Nearly Impossible (15)
back at full health).
10-12 Partial to full recovery; character still suffers from
injury, but at two levels better (for example,
an Incapacitated character would become If the First Aid or Medical Arts roll is successful, the
merely Injured; aWounded character would character recovers one Wound level (reduce the charac-
becompletely recovered). ter's damage by a number of points equal to his resist-
13+ Full recovery. Character regains all Wound Levels ance.) If the Test results in a Dramatic Success, the char-
and returns to a Healthy state. acter recovers two full wound levels (reducing damage by
an amount equal to twice his Physique-Constttution.
Once a character has received successful FirstAid, he
can no longer benefit from additional First Aid attempts;
A Stunned character must rest for Id6 minutes before the character must heal naturally or be treated with
attempting a healing roll (or, at the Narrator's option, is advanced Medical care. Characters may only benefit
automatically healed at the end of that time). An Injured from one Medical Treatment success per day of narrative,
character must rest for Id3 days before attempting a game time.
wound level. That mean s the Saboteur suffers 4 wound
Example of Combat levels! (17-1 = 16/4=4)! Saboteur #1 now lies
Incapacitat ed on the floor-effectively eliminated from
Warmaster Ravastine (Physique 4, Constitution +1, combat for the remain der of the struggle.
Strength +1, Coordination 3) has bee n alerted to a secu- Having finished with Kadiz a nd Sab oteur # 1, the
rity breach in his family's Command Center. Ravast ine Narrator proceeds to Adin Bosque , who has the next
leads two oth er characters-Swordmaster Kadiz highest initia tive. Bosque spends his first action aim ing
(Physique 3, Constitution + 1, Coordina tion 4, Dexte rity (Al ) his stun ner at Saboteur #3. Aiming costs one Option
+1, Reaction +1) and Mentat Adin Bosque (Physique 2, Point, increasing the likelihood that his subsequent
Coordination 3, Reaction +1, Intellec t 4, Perception +l)- atta ck will hit. No reactions affect Aiming, so Saboteur
to the Cente r. Ravastine carries a kindjal, Kadiz bears a #3 doesn 't react , cons erving all of his Option Points for
sword and Bosque draws a slow-pellet stunner in prep a- his first actio n. Not requiring a ny Tests to resolve this
ration for combat. exchange, the Na rrato r reminds Bosque to mark off his
They surprise three saboteurs (each Physique 3, spent Option Point a nd moves on to Ravastine.
Strength + 1, Constitution + 1, Coo rdination 2) in the act Ravastine declares an Armed Attack (AI) against
of planting an explosive. Two of the Saboteurs bear Saboteur #2, a nd the Sab oteur reacts with an Armed
sheathed kindjals, while Saboteur #3 carries a maula Block (Rl ), costing one Option Point. Ravastine suspects
pistol. he may not do as well as Kadiz, but makes his "to-Hit"
The Narrator determines initiative before the combat roll with hop eful anticipation . His Coordinat ion is 3 and
begins. Swordmaster Kadiz acts first, since his his Armed Combat skill is a 2. He rolls three dice, adds 2
Coordination + Reaction yield an initiative score of 5. to the highest result and gets a Test Resu lt of 8. He has
Mentat Bosque follows with initiative 4, followed by rolled his weapon's Accuracy exactly! His opponent,
Ravastine (initiative 3) and the three saboteurs (initiat ive attem pts an Armed Block using his kindjal. He too makes
2). Their initiative scores also determine the number of an Armed Combat Test with a resu lt of 7, including the
Option Points each character may spend each round. +1 bonus a kindjal confers-a success! Still, Ravast ine
In order of initiative , the Narrator asks the players to rolls his sword's damage and gets a 14; that's almost as
declare their character's actions in turn . Kadiz Charges good as Kadiz. But since Saboteur #2 successfull y
(A3) Saboteur # 1 spending three of his five Option Blocked, he gets to roll his kindjal damage (3+2d6) to see
Points . In reaction, the Narrator declares Saboteur # 1 how much of Ravastine's force he ca n divert. Rolling 10
Dodges (R2), using up both of his Opt ion Points. points, Sabote ur #2 still suffers 4 points of damage as
Since the two combatants have declared their initial Ravastine's thrust forces pa st the kindja l. With his resist-
actions and reactions, the Narrator resolves the anc e absorbing 1 point, Saboteur #2 still suffers 3 points
exchange. Knowing that the Sabo teur 's Dodge reaction of dam age- l point shy of being Stunned! Fortunately
affects the success of Kadiz's Charge , the Narrator needs for him, Saboteu r #2 remains relatively unharmed.
to resolve the Dodge Test first. Saboteur # 1 has Next in order of initiative, the two remaining Sabo teurs
Coordination 2 and Dodge 1, so he rolls 2 dice and adds declare their initial actions. Since they share the same
1 to the highest result. His Test Result is 6 (5+1)-lower Initiative rank, they act simultaneous ly, doing their best to
than the Accuracy Rating of Kadiz's sword (8)-so the coordinate their attack. Saboteur #1 lies incapacitated on
Dodge bears no consequence on the Difficulty Number the floor, so he can do nothin g. Were he conscious, he'd
(8) of Kadiz's Charge. still be out of luck since he spent all of his Option Points
To resolve his charge , Kadiz tests his Armed Combat attempting to Dodge Kadiz's dead ly charge.
(dueling arm) skill. His Coordinat ion is 4 and his skill The Narr ator first con side rs Saboteur #2 who Attacks
rating is 4, so he rolls 4 dice and adds 4 to the highest (AI ) Ravastine. Ravas tine has two Option Points left, so
roll. His highest die result is 5, so his total equals 9 (5 + he reacts with a Dueling option-Parrying (Rl)-leaving
4). This exceeds his sword's Accuracy Rating (8) so he him one remaining Option Point. Since Parry reactions
hits Saboteur # 1. Swords normally inflict 5+20 6 dam age , establish Opposed Tests, the Narrator requires both char-
but since Kadiz is charging he inflicts an additiona l 106 acters to make their Armed Combat Tests simultaneously.
of damage. Making his damage roll he inflicts 5 points + Saboteur #2 scores a 5 while Ravast ine rolls a seven ,
the three dice (5+6+2) for a total of 17 points! The suc - including his Sword's +2 BlocklParry modifier. Ravastine
cessful Charge also forces the Saboteur to make a wins the Opposed Test, parrying the saboteur's kindjal
Coordination Test to retain his position. He fails the Test, thrust with relative ease.
getting knocked back 2 mete rs falling pron e on the floor. Because successful Parry options enable their performer
This would normall y be bad enough, bu t the damage to follow-up with an immediate Riposte (Rl), Ravastin e
must still be applied to dete rmine his injuries. All the presses his adva ntage by doing just that. Ripostes are con-
Saboteurs ha ve Resistance of 1 (Physique of 3, sidered reactions , meaning this is Ravastine's first subse-
Constitution + l) . So the first 1 point of dam age gets quent reaction (raising the option cost by 1). Considering
absorbed, and every 4 points thereafter inflicts one the Riposte costs a total of 2 Option Points (Rl +1),

Chapter V: Rules of the Game
Ravastine suffers a -1 Difficulty modifier duringthe Riposte points of damage on Saboteur #2 (13 points after resist-
since he can only pay 1 point of the 2 point cost. Were ance), who already suffers 3 points toward being
Ripostes considered actions, Ravastine would be unable to Stunned. Adding to the previous damage, the Narrator
perform the maneuverbecause characters must pay the full determines that Saboteur #2 falls to the floor
cost in order to declare an action. Fortunately forhim, this Incapacitated, just like his fellow conspirator.
is not true of reactions. Last to act, Saboteur #3 faces histhree opponents with inde-
Saboteur#2 reacts to the Riposte by Parrying (Rl+1 for cision. With histwo comrades both suffering severe injuries,
his first, subsequent reaction). Though he has no Option Saboteur #3 reluctantly lowers hismaula pistol, surrendering to
Points remaining, he may still perform the subsequent reac- the player characters. Ravastine runs to the communinet trans-
tion at a -2 Difficulty (since he cannot pay the 2 point cost). mitter, summoning Doctor Idaz, to theCenter hoping to preserve
Rolling the dice Ravastine scores a 6 on his Drama the fallen saboteurs for questioning. Kadiz retrieves Saboteur #3's
Die, adding the next highest die (4) and his skill (2) for a pistol and stands guard awaiting Ravastine's further orders.
subtotal of 12 prior to the -1 modifier incurred from his Bosque, on theother hand, is suspicious ofwhy their rivals
lack of sufficient Option Points. The Saboteur rolls a 7, would send three obviously incompetent men on such an
reduced to a 5 by his Option Point penalty. Since important job. The Narrator asks him to make a Projection
Ravastine's 11 is six points higher than the saboteur's 5, (approximation analysis) Test. He succeeds and deduces that
Ravastine scores a Dramatic Success with his riposte, these men were merely a diversion. Sohe is only mildly sur-
adding +ld6 to his damage roll! Rolling damage and prised when five rival soldiers, ledbyan experienced
adding his bonus die, Ravastine inflicts another 14 Swordmaster, burst into the room. Now the fight begins for true!


I. Initiative: Who Acts First
Each player adds hisCoordination + Reaction to calculate hisInitiative. Players declare actions in order of Initiative, from highest
to lowest scores. The Narrator resolves ties based on thedeclared actions and immediate circumstances. Tied characters may act
simultaneously or subsequently depending on what the Narrator decides; but either player may defer to the other to gain the ability
to change theirdeclared action free of cost.

II. Rounds & Combat Options: What Characters Can Do

A. Rounds: Combat takes place in rounds, lasting 5 seconds each. Characters may perform a number of Combat Options (actions
or reactions) each round. Each action and reaction costs a number of Option Points; and each character may spend a number of
Option Points equal to his Initiative each round.
B.Initial Options: In order of Initiative (highest to lowest) each character declares one action.
Actions- Each character declares oneAction from the listof possible Actions. Whatoptions are available to characters depend
on theirindividual skills, traits, Weaponry and unspent Option Points.
Reactions - In response to being targeted by anAction, a character may declare a Reaction. Reactions also cost Option Points.
C. Subsequent Options: Characters may perform additional actions and reactions each round, although each subsequent Action
and Reaction costs +1 Option Point. So thefirst subsequent action costs +1 point, and thesecond costs +2 points and soon.
Reaction costs escalate in thesame manner; but actions and reactions are counted separately. In other words, thefirstreaction fol-
lowingany number of actions does not incurtheadditional option cost, only thefirst, subsequent reaction does.
Characters may not declare actions costing more Option Points (with or without additional costs) than they currently possess; but
may declare reactions-s-even if they possess insufficient Option Points to pay thecost. In such cases, the Difficulty for the reaction
Test increases by +1 for every OptionPoint left unpaid.
D. Movement: Characters can move upto 10m perround in a brisk walk; moving faster may require anAthletics or Physique
Test, with modifiers applied for any unusual terrain.
Movement Options- Characters may perform Movement options-suchas Dropping Prone, Divingfor Cover and soon-during
combat. Most Movement options count as actions, costing a number of Option Points depending on specific motion being attempted.

III. Close Combat Hand-to-Hand Combat

There are twobasic forms of Close Combat: Armed Combat and Unarmed Combat. Each corresponds to theskill sharing itsname.
A. Armed Combat covers theuse of swords, kindjals, garrotes, etc. Characters possessing Armed Combat skill may perform a
number of Close Combat options, in addition to any of theoptions described as General Combat options. Characters may also
attempt these more general options Unskilled.
Dueling Combat Options - Only characters possessing the Dueling trait, Armed Combat (dueling arms) ski ll and appropriate
weapon (kindjal, sword, and/orslip-tip) may perform these special options.
Shield Fighting Options - Only characters possessing theShield Fighting traitand Armed Combat skill (any specialization) may
perform these special actions. Sh ield Fighting reactions require an activated body shield in addi tion to the necessary trait and skill.
B. Unarmed Combat covers all forms of attack and defense made without hand-held weapons. Characters possessing Unarmed
Combat ski ll may perform an number of Close Combat options, in addition to anyof theoptions described as General Combat
options. Characters may also attempt these more general options Unskilled.
MartialTraining Options - Only characters possessing the Unarmed Combat (martial training) skill and specialization may per-
form these specia I options.
Weirding Combat Options - Only characters possessing theWeirding Combat traitand Unarmed Combat (weirding)skill and
specialization may perform these special options.
C. Difficulty Numbers: Difficulty numbers in Close Combat "to- Hit" Tests are determined by theoption or weapon being used.
For example, an Unarmed Hand Attack carries a base Difficulty of 6, while anArmedAttack with a Kindjal carries a base Difficulty
equal to the Kindjal's Accuracy Rating (7).

IV. RA nged Combat: Projectile Combat

A. Ranged combat covers the use of projectile weapons such as throwing knives, stunners and lasguns. Characters possessing the
Ranged Combatskill and a ranged weapon may perform any Ranged Combat options in addition to any of the General Combat
options. Characters may also attempt these more general options Unskilled.
Special Ranged Options - Only characters possessing Ranged Combat skill and an appropriate ranged weapon may attempt these
more specialized options.
B. Difficulty Numbers: Each Ranged Weapon revea ls a series of distances (in meters) corresponding to four standard Range cate-
gories: Point Blank, Short Range, Med ium Range and Long Range. Once the range to thetarget has been determined for the weapon
being fired, the standard DifficultyNumber-PB (6), SR(7), MR(9) and LR (11)--e an bedetermined. For example, a target standing
at 25m from theshooter would beat Long Range (11)for a Maula Pistol but beat ShortRange (6) for a Lasgun.

V. Hitting t he TArget: "to-H it" Test s

To hit histarget, theacting character must makeeither anArmed Combat, Ranged Combat or Unarmed Combat Test depending
on thetype of attack levied. All of these Tests may beattempted without formal training (level 0). Dramatic successes typically yield
one or two additional dice of damage.
Avoiding Attacks: Characters may perform reactions such as Dodge, Block or Parry to divert attacks or negate inflicted damage.
Dodge rolls increase the attack Difficulty Number of any attack if the Dodge Test Result proves higher than theweapon'sAccuracy
Rating. Blocks reduce the damage done by Close Combat attacks, and Parries initiate Opposed Ski ll Teststo divert attacks altogether.
Only Dodge reactions may be used to avoid damage from Ranged Attacks.

VI. DAmAge: Inflicti ng Wo unds

Normal Damage - Weapons and Unarmed attacks inflict a specific range of damage as determined by the weapon or action.
Already accounted for during "to-Hit" Tests, the Drama Die does count during Damage rolls, except at the Narrator's discretion.
Stun Damage - Unarmed attacks and stunners usually inflict Stun damage. Once stunned, characters sufferingadditional Stun
damage reta in the StunnedWound Level but rema in unconsciousness for longer periods of time. At the Narrator's discretion, exces-
sive stun damage may lead to further Woundsor even death .
Resistance - Each character adds hisConstitution and Armor protection to determine his Resistance. Resistance determines the
amount of damage a character can 'absorb' from each attack before suffering injuries. Once injured, Physique+Constitution deter-
mines theamount of damage a character can sustain before droppingto the next Wound Level. Resistance can be enhanced by
armor, or increased temporarily by spending Karama Points.
Wounds - Every timea character sustains an amount of damage equal to hisPhysique-Constitution, hesuffers an additional
Wound Level. There are 7 Wound levels ranging from Healthy to Killed. Ascharacters suffer additional Wound Levels they incur
Injury penalties, making it more difficult, or impossible, to engage in further activity.

VII I. HeAling
Characters may heal naturally, or with medical help. Full recovery requiresthe character to make Physique Tests (modified by
Constitution) to improve hisWound Level. Natural Healing isslow and uncertain; Medical Healing proves faster and more reliable.


., : 0'
Chapter VI: A Voice
from the
Outer World
It should come as no surprise that the Narrat0 plays op your own style for narrating DUNE RPG adventures, a
the most tasking role in the game. Much as an ali or style of storytelling that with any success, will prove as
labors to conceive and communicate a narrative fietien, distinctive and compelling as that of its author. Bon voy-
the Narrator must create the initial story line and con- age! You're about to fold-space to DUNE, entering the
tributing elements-detailing the setting, describing the randest sel-f universe ever created. What awaits you
characters and plotting the events that prompt dramati if~ M ur players there is only yours to tell.
conflict and interesting stories. It's primarily the
Narrator's responsibility to entertain her audience,
involving every player in the story to determine its out-
come. Byassuming the roles of the lead protagonists-
The Narrator's Role
the main cha acters who drive the story and focus the The Narrator's main objective is to ensure the players
action a.ers assist the Narrator in her role. But it's enjoy themselves during the game. The Narrator does not
the Narratf uuty to start things off-presenting the ini- compete against the other players, scheming to defeat
tial situation and conflict that stimulate the players' them by thwartingtheir characters. Instead, she cooper-
, -in erest and inspire them to action. ates with them, presenting all of the story elements with
'Once begun, the Narrator's role shiftsfrom controlling the sole purpose of entertaining them. Roleplaying is not
~ . uthor to guiding oracle, working from her pre-scripted about winning and losing; it is an end in itself. The indi-
outline to keep the story line moving and narration engag- vidual members of House Atreides collaborate to succeed
ing. Knowing what hidden motives and unforeseen obsta- in their household endeavors. That's how every player,
des drive the story "off-stage," the Narrator monitors the Narrator included, should approach the game.
character's actions interpreting their consequences to the The Narrator not only presents the setting, plays the
developing story. Whether the characters manage to inter- supporting characters and guides the plot, but also fos-
cept an encrypted message or capture a fleeing spy, how ters a sense of family among the players. In the course of
they attempt to infiltrate a rival compound or avert an storytelling, the Narrator necessarily presents the charac-
assassination-such unpredictable decisions change the ters with many obstacles, from natural disasters and
way the story unfolds. In judging the results of such social revolutions to vindictive tyrants and lurking assas-
. actions and adjusting her preliminary outline, the sins. But these challenges exist to heighten the narrative
~ Narratorguides the story toward its eventual conclu- drama, not to serve as Narrator's minions in some con-
'. sion, integrating past, presentand future to form a test of wits or will between the Narrator and players.
'- seamless sequenceof narrative events. In this regard As Narrator you'll find that judging the challenge of
the Narrator acts as the Voice from the Outer the player opposition emerges as one of the most difficult
Worlds-the prophet who translates her vision of assessments to make. Making all obstacles too easy or
future possibility into presentreality, narrating count- simple proves just as destructive as making each chal-
less adventures forthe player'S enjoyment. lenge impossibly difficult. Not only do such extremes
If you're new to roleplaying, or unfamiliarwith arrest story development; they also lead to unrealistic
DUNE, please read these next two chapters carefully. stories, jarring players from the fantasy of the roleplaying
No advice substitutes for experience, but these chap- experience. Ultimately, the players form a team who
.~, ters guide you through the process of narration, pro- work together to achieve some objective or resolve some
viding techniques to overcome common pitfalls and crisis.The Narrator encourages "team mentality" by cre-
: mistakes. Experienced gamemasters and players of ating obstacles and dilemmas that provide ample chal-
other roleplaying games may find much of this con- lenge, yet present plenty of opportunity for character
~ tent familiar, but you should review these two chap- achievement and story advancement.
ters anyway. Emulating the DUNE milieu differs To entertain the players and keep them coming back
.. from telling stories set in other fictional universes, for more, the Narrator must always consider the dramatic
and the following chapters present many techniques needs of the story. In preparing the adventure, describing
for capturing the mood and flavor of DUNE. In the occurrences, responding to the players' actions and
choosing what works best for you, you'll soon devel- interpreting their consequences, the Narrator performs a
Chapter VI: A Voice from the Outer World
divine balancing act, combiningall of the dramatic ele- any places where dice rolling or player decisions may
ments and narrative requirements into a single, harmonic slow the pacing or pull the story off-course . Diverging
composition. The most difficult of roles, at least at first, from the main story line is not necessarily a bad thing,
the potential rewards are perhaps greater than for the but knowing the material in advance enables you to
Narrator than any other player. She enjoys the satisfac- swiftly redirect them toward major plot developments.
tion of seeing her dramatic vision come to life, inspiring Knowing the material also enables you to customize
her players to imaginative action and orchestrating the published scenarios, adapting their background and pos-
events that make for uniquely compelling stories. sible outcomes to further the ongoing story you've been
developing with your players. Aside from the
random "side adventure," try to integrate
most chapters into your own chronicle.
For example, if the House Mentat always
delineates your characters' objectives, and
a published adventure positions the House
regent as the mission coordinator, adapt
the scenario to suit your own style. If your
chronicle has established a Corrino
House Minor as your major rival and
the scenario puts another family in the
role adversary, feel free to substitute
your traditional enemy. Just make sure
you don't alter some key element of the
scenario that disrupts the internal logic
of the adventure; if the adversary's alle-
giance explains the reason or methodolo-
'5'1 drivingthe events. don't make substi-
tutions unless they can explained with-
out unreasonably complicating the
adventure or destroying its larger implica-
Read the scenario and try to see it from your players'
Preparation: Setting the Scene perspective-read it with an eye toward their styles of
Before setting out to narrate a story, the Narrator play. If none of your players portray experienced diplo-
should prepare thoroughly. Narrative preparation does mats, for example, make sure the scene Involving tricky
not involve lots of meaninglesswork, although it might negotiations has a "back door" so they can solve it some
seem like it if you're new to roleplaying. Preparing a nar- other way. You don't have to memorize an adventure
rative adequately proves Vitally important for ensuring word for word, of course, but you need to know the plot,
everyone enjoys himself. Experienced or talented the climax, and any key scenes along the way, so that a
Narrators may be able to "wing it" from time to time, cre- quick glance at the text (or your notes) should be enough
ating intriguing DUNE RPG narratives on the fly. But no to get you going.
matter how gifteda storyteller may be, every story bene- If you've outlined the adventure yourself, make copi-
fits from advance preparation-whether it involves out- ous notes about its setting, characters and events (see
lining events, developing character motivations or imag- "Chapter 7," for complete details about writing your
ining settings in vivid detail. Keep in mind that any own DUNE chapters). This way, you won't forget that
advance work reduces the amount of work done during great scene description or narrative clue after the first
the narrative-from detailing character statistics to decid- hour of play. Make notes not only of the plot, but also
ing how a situation will unfold if approached from a cer- of the names of the people and places the characters
tain angle. Though the players will never know the will encounter. Players get more enjoyment out of the
amount of time you spend in preparation, they'll surely story if they encounter "Commander Aramsham in the
appreciate how your advance planning streamlines the deep desert of Arrakis, about twenty clicks south of
story, allowing complex interactions to transpire with few Sietch Tabr" rather than meeting "a Sardaukar com-
interruptions or game time delays. mander in the desert." Seemingly trivial details go a
long way toward enhancing any story; and they only
become problematic when your notes fail to alert you
Know the Material
that your current descriptions contradict your earlier
Make sure you understand the story line thoroughly. clues, misleading the players and spelling catastrophe
using a published adventure, study it well and note for the adventure.
their cha racters see, hear, and know about the situation
Scripts and Props as Preparation an d events un folding before them. Make sure you men-
Script the key scene s on pa per; alt hough your players tion everything that is both important for the story and
won't do exact ly what you th ink they will, you should obvious to the cha racters. Remember: playe rs, unlike
have some idea what their react ion will be to things like their more experienced characters, see the world you
a saboteur intrusion or an imperiou s Guild Navigator. describe from the eyes of a wonder-struck newborn. If
Imagining the ir likely responses, you can plan before- you fail to remind them ab ou t Imperial law, or neglect to
hand how the situation might unfold , sav ing you time mention that Hou se Ha rkonn en has a long history of
and confus ion during the encounter. Depending on the treachery, chances are they'll miss important clues that
complexity of the episode , you might even want to the ir characters wou ld not. Part of your job is to remind
"script " a number of scenes in advance, as well as a pos- them of thin gs thei r characters alrea dy know, doing it in
sible "chaser" scene to herd the characters back to the such a way that doesn't give away the entire story.
main plot line. Fight scenes make great chasers, proving For example, let's say the scene occurs in a fogwood
easy to script and integrate into the story. An attacking haven on the planet Ecaz , a scu lptor 'S retreat susp ected
force should be powerful enough to drive the Entourage as the final refuge of a retired Moritani assassi n. Start
in the direction you want them to go. Alternately, the with the obviou s. What can the cha racters see? The
attack itself can point the players in the proper direction , haven community rests in a high mountain vale, its
giving them clues such as Chakobsa shouts, Harkonnen crumbling perimeter wall bounded by towering fogwood
weapons or motley smuggler un iforms, providing a vari- trees. The small, community dom iciles look tired with
ety of hints to get them back on track. age , with powder y snow moss en velop ing their fou nda-
You can also present visual clues a nd scenes with tions in a hoa ry shroud. Other impres sion s might include
representative props or illustrations. Visuals establish the env ironmen tal conditions of surroundi ng area , the
mood, conferring a wealth of information with a glance of low-lying mist suggesting a nearby lake. Are there impor-
the eye. Whether you use miniature figures, illustrations tan t sounds (like the gentle cooin g of harbinger doves) ,
(such as trading cards or simple sketches) , maps, or an y- or simply an eerie stillness? If so, mentio n them as well.
thing else , have it ready and know how you're going to Some things will be obvious to the characters' other
use it. Don 't slow the game down by flipping through a sen ses: The ta ll fogwood trees and gua rdian mountains
big stack of ca rds looking for "the right picture of Duke obscure the setting sun, plunging the cloister into deep
Leto." Set aside the Leto card in advance, keeping it with shadow. The air feels cold and still, with only the
your notes unt il you spring it on your players. Finally, advancing mist suggesting an y atmospheric disturba nce.
though it sounds obvious, make sure to have plenty of Bene Gesserit Adepts or charac ters trai ned in particular
paper, writing instruments, and dice for everyone. fields (like a Planetologist or Mentat ) might detect some-
Nothing ruins a spontaneous knife-fight more than the thing else: the downcast shadows resembl e hu man
Swordmaster's player searching for dice . forms, environme ntal conditions see m inappropriate for
even ing mist , or the mistiness resu lts from a n aberrant
Storytelling: Narn:lting an loca l conditi on or phenomena.
Into this basic background, stir in the important ele-
Adventure ments of the scene, the ones that drive the plot. In our
Once you 've prepared the adventure, it's time to per- sculptor'S retreat, the vital facts note this is in fact the
form the most important of the Na rrator 's tasks-telling res iding pla ce of a retired Moritan i master assassi n. He
the tale . Setting up the object ives , describing the situa- fled Imperial persecution choo sing this site for its geo-
tion and presenting the obstacles comprise the narrative graph ic seclusion a nd for the fact that its few, itinerant
part of the game , without which ther e can be no sto ry- deni zens are all fogwood sculptors-hermits known for
telling and, consequently, no roleplaying. You' ll find the ir a rtistic preoc cupation a nd gua rded mien. Such facts
guidelines for designing adventures in "Chapter 7" a nd may elude physica l description, but the Narrator might
Pathways to Infin ity: The DUNE RPG Narrator's Guide; give suggestive hin ts, mentioning tha t the deca ying
the rest if this chapter focuses on na rrating the written a bodes show little signs of upkeep, their few windows
scene. Having read (or written ) a chapter or chronicle, most overgrown with krimskell vines and flaking snow
the Narrator must translate that information from the moss .
written outline to verbal desc ription , maki ng the details The actions of the supporting characters can also set
both engagin g and challenging to promp t the players into a tone for a scene, or give clues to players who observe
action. them . When a herm it infrequently emerges from his
housing, does his deep introspection subside to reveal
any interest in the foreign entourage of characters? Do
Describing the Scene: Setting the Stage any of the commune elde rs hes itantly approach the char-
The first and most obv ious way to communicate the acters asking what is the ir business there? If so, do they
story is to sta rt telling it. Describ e for the players what add ress the obv ious leade r, or do they reveal complete

Chapter VI: A Voice from the Outer World
ignorance of the Imperial customs of add ress? Such "straight-backed and proud" or does he appear humb le
details can imply a great deal about the inner psychology "his back bowing with age?" Does the discovered lasgun
of the haven's denizens, conferring a wealth of subtle appear "carefully maintained" or "blemished from neg-
clues to the characters. lect?" Your verbal nuances can convey vastly different
When describing a scene , choose your words well; meaning to your players , so choose your words with
use colorful phrases to flavor your description above and delibera te care making the most of your narrative
beyond the cha racters' first impressions . For example, a descriptions . For more detailed techni ques for developing
Narra tor interested in emphasizing the haven's mysteri- and describing peop le and places , see pages 158 and
ous perils might describe the scene this way: 161.

Emerging from the mountain pass, you glimpse a

ramshackle community nestled within a perimeter
of towering fogwood trees. Situated in a shallow
vale, daylight expires to plunge the haven into deep Desc ribing the Scene
shadow. A lingering mist skirts the trees on the far oDescribeanything that is obvious to thecharacters
perimeter, revealing a deathly stillness in the air. What do they see?
As the last of the dying light glints over the snow- What do they hear?
crested ridge, you get the fleeting impression that Whatother immediate impressions
the village exists beyond time, as if an entire life- do they get?
time here could escape the universe in the blink of oMake sureto include pointers to thevital facts in each
an eye. Startling you from your reverie, the sun- scene
beam winks from view, to steep the village perime- -Choose words that will convey your intended mood
ter into looming darkness . No longer do the tree oMake sure your voice and body language keep theplay-
line shadows stretch out like an anxious war party. er's interest.
Retreating in the dimness they now bear the sem- oTake care notto reveal hidden plot elementstoo early
blance of mourners, silently bowing their final
respects to a dear and honored companion.

But a Narrator more interested in the convent ional Your tone of voice and manner of delivery can con-
dangers of the scene might describe it this way: vey just as much information as your choice of words-
a rapid monotone con veys a sense of tedious filler
You approach a placid community nested in a while lively, emotional description signals the scene's
dense fogwood grove. Guarded all around by snow- importance. A conspiratorial whisper sets the players in
crested mountains, the haven's only avenue for an investigative frame of mind , while a commanding
escape lies in the direction of the narrow pass that pronouncement prepares them for official confronta-
disgorged you here. Looming fogwood trees crowd- tion . Leaning back in your chair and fiddling with your
ing the village perimeter support a high canopy of pencil indicates your boredom. Leaning forward to
foliage, its shadowy underbelly making a suitable make eye contact and gesturing with your hands
refuge for an entire cohort of assassins. Lingering reveals your excitement. Whatever your intentions,
mist cloaks the fogwood boles, dense enough at exploit your voice and manner to capture players'
ground level to hide a lone marksman. Upon your attention. Then stoke their imaginations with sound-
arrival, the soft cooing of harbinger doves abruptly effects or intrigue them with description-whatever it
abates , alerting any natives of the approach of takes to keep them hooked.
intruders. Discerning no watchtowers or military
structures of any kind , your Warmaster seems
troubled by natural defensibility of the place. Were
Underst and ing t he Sce ne
this not a peaceful hermit's retreat, it's physical Every scene exists for a dram atic purpose-to raise
environment would make it the ideal place for a the players to an emotional state-and for a narrativ e
deadly ambush . purpose-to advance the plot or story line. Each scene
must grab the players' attention long eno ugh to deliver
Notice how both descript ions present a vivid and those two payloads. Present some question or dilemma
informative account of the site, leaving plenty of clues for they need to solve in the first couple of minutes: What
players to observe . But each description sets a specific happened to the ecological testing site? Are these indige-
mood and tone. Not every word you speak needs to nous berries poisonous? What does the Harkonnen jailer
establish mood, but before describing any important intend to do with that whip? How do players find the
scene , person or object, cons ider what sublim inal mes- reclusive assassin? How do they discover who watches
age you want to send to the players. Is the aging hermit beyond the hidden comeye? Know what question the
scene asks , and know when it's been
The answer to this question should
lead the playe rs further into the plot;
often the answer leads to more ques-
tions. The testing site was abandoned
beca use of a radiation leak- is lethal
rad iation still present? The berries
secrete a poisonous oil- how can we
harvest them ? See also page 164 for
notes on scene composition. Give the
players a reason to pay attention in
every scene. If you run a lot of scenes
tha t on ly seem like filler, the players
won't pay atte ntion during the climax,
and everybody will feel cheated when
the adventure abrupt ly ends. If the
Na rrator doesn't care about the scene
or know what's going on, neither will
the players.

Understanding the Supporting C8St Entourage NPCs and prom inent household retai ners.
A similar cauti on applies to the supporting charac- But it is equally important to characterize foreign
ters-every other character besides the player characters. ambassadors, rival assassins or recurring spokesmen
It's the Narra tor's tas k to bring sup porting characters to from the Spacing Guild with the sa me degree of realism.
life. That's why sup porting characters are also called Let your NPC's change or be unp redictable on occasion;
NPC's, stand ing "Non-Player Characters." Though let your resident Truthsayer suffer from laryngitis, or
anonymous faces may lurk in the crowd just as unknown reveal a passion for music in your Master of Assassins.
troopers stand guard over the spacing fields, every char - Use the stereotypical characteristics of the variou s
acter the players interact with shou ld seem unique and Houses only as guidelines , not as immutable rules.
believable. If you prepare the narrative ahead of time, Harkonnen nobles all show contempt for underlings,
important characters should at least have names; but a but one nob le may show his contempt by spitting on his
little extra preparation can furnish one- line descript ions servant while another revea ls it by completely ignoring
or motives. his slavemaster's presence.
Consider some examples from DUNE: "W here. Thufir
Hawat goes, death and deceit follow, " and "Halleck was
a continua l amazement-a head full of songs , quotations
Keep Everything Moving
and flowery ph rases ... and the heart of an assassin when Of course, while juggling these tasks, don 't let the
it came to dealing with Harkonnens." Or for less impor- game bog down . In rolep laying, making a timely deci-
tant cha racters : "A plump , happy-faced Reverend Mother sion that proves adequate is better than making a per-
had been the lecture r, her jolly voice contrasting weirdly fect decision too late. Maintain high drama tic tension
with the subject matter." Once assigned, bring those fea- by keeping the plot moving and the characters involved.
tures out in play. As you do more and more narrat ion, Always have those questions looming-the players
you should be able to sketch NPC's in a couple of min- should always be wondering "what next?" just as the
utes of roleplaying. Use descr iptive words , characteristic Narrator introduces the following scene. Each scene
actions , turns of phrase , and sensible, consistent reac- needs to present its dilemma and move on . The follow-
tions to the players . ing sce ne should answer that question and pose a new
Once the players have a solid ho ld on these one- one , driving the plot ever forward .
dimensional figures , add new details every time the y The solutions to the accumulated quest ions and
reappear. Always add dep ths , nuances and idiosyn- dilemmas shou ld lead to the ultimate objective estab-
crasies to these people- remember tha t eve ry NPC lished for the story. In myste rious or suspenseful chap-
holds emot ions and interests of his or her own . Just a s ters , the plot itself poses the quest ions. Wh y does the
we discovered new facets of Paul , Gurney or Stilgar Emperor support the Harkonnens? Whe n will final attack
every few chapters of DUNE, let your players discover be launched? In more action-oriented chapters, the
new sides of their acquaintances' personalities each dilemma presents simple wonder-"Vermilion Hells!
time they meet. This proves especially true for How we going to escape this alive?" If you keep the play-

Chapter VI: A Voice from the Outer World
ers asking questions, you're certain to maintain their being to entertain through interaction, not to gratify by
interest and involvement. winning. In short, the rules exist to serve the interest of
The player characters will assist you in asking ques- the story and player interaction. They have their time and
tions of their own. Encourage the players to let their place in the story, assisting the Narrator in being reason-
characters react to these situations from their individual able and fair, while permitting random chance to con-
perspectives in addition to reacting as Swordrnasters and tribute drama and tension to the developing story. But in
Mentats. Don't let the game slow down too much as the the interest of good storytelling, the game rules and dice
players consider the questions or mull over their options. rolls should always remain subservient to the Narrator's
You can always prompt them to action with an advanc- better judgement. Sometimes the spirit of the game simply
ing battalion, a sudden explosion or similar crisis means bending the rules. With that in mind, here's a few
demanding immediate action. times when loosening the rules is a good idea.
Many chapters in DUNE present many different ques-
tions and crises at once. Your stories should feel the same
Player Innovation
way. In an ideal chapter the players' questions and the
characters' answers feed everyone's enjoyment; the Roleplaying games foster creative thinking, so never
Narrator may be as surprised as anyone when the meek penalize your players for innovating clever solutions.
Suk physician takes it upon herselfto jump in the path of When a player attempts to tackle a problem in an uncon-
the deadly hunter-seeker rushing toward the House heir. ventional manner, judge their approach on its own merit,
To that end, the Narrator should always provide perhaps even fudging the rules a bit to "reward" them for
several different solutions to any dilemma , or several thinking outside the box. Never force players into your
paths to the best solution. Even if you have to narrate own way of thinking, even if their solutions jump ahead
scenes out of sequence, quickly script an unforeseen of you in the story leading to an early conclusion. For
encounter or introduce a sudden time element to has- instance, suppose you've planted a traitor within the
ten the action, use your entire, narrative arsenal to House Entourage and have carefully created a series of
reach the climax before the excitement is gone. Your scenes to betray his presence and reveal his identity. By
goal as Narrator should be to involve every player acting on your clues and innovating a clever solution, it
(and all player characters) in the narrative action , may be reasonable for players to rout the traitor before
engaging your group with as much drama , excitement you had anticipated, bringing one subplot of the story to
and character development as you can muster. an abrupt conclusion. In such cases, allow their actions
to dictate the final story. Don't try to force the story you
prefer by requiring them to make unnecessary Tests or
Judging: Using the Mechanics face additional obstacles.
Everygame has rules, and the DUNE RPG is no Experienced Narrators know the long-term benefit of
exception. But unlike chess or board games, roleplaying rewarding player innovation. It encourages them to con-
games foster cooperation over competition-their goal tribute their own ideas to the developing story instead of
always following your lead. Discouraging
cleverness induces players to act as you
expect them to, placing more of the dra-
matic challenge on your shoulders as you
strive to create future episodes.
Remember, the purpose of roleplaying is
to share in the creation of stories, not to
reenact predetermined narratives. By
encouraging innovation you inspire each
of your players to share in your cre-
ative burden, leavening your own
workload. More importantly, the play-
ers' flashes of creative insanity serve
as your reward, giving you the rare
experience of watching a story you
thought predictable, unfold in new and
surprising ways.

Reckless Conduct
On the other hand , don't allow rules or
lucky dice rolls to save the charac-
ters from reckless or foolish actions. If they blatantly defy
the laws of the Great Convention, no amount of luck
should entirely mitigate the ruinous consequences Assuming competence and avoiding irrelevance rein-
expected of such behavior. The characters must pay for force the act of pacing. No matter how smooth the transi-
their player's recklessness, and in this case , their spon - tion, how well everyone knows the rules , or how terse
soring House should pay with them . The Imperial powers the Narration, rolling dice inhibits the pacing of the nar-
that be do not reward criminal negligence or reckless rative. At times, it's important to hustle the players along.
conduct: Permitting "rules lawyering" or lucky dice rolls Whether you're trying to build suspense or convey the
to save characters when their actions run to the contrary racing speed of a 'thopter chase-pacing enables you to
does precisely that. So it's the Narrator's job to curb reck- heighten the drama. When the demands of pacing don't
lessness with appropriate , narrative consequences-the permit time for Tests, just narrate the scene as it occurs
intention being to promote more reasonable conduct in and take a breath after the climax. Then take a moment
the future . to make an "adjustment" Test or two, affecting the
predicament moving forward, and maybe even adding to
the dramatic tension .
Assumed Competence
For example , suppose in their search for the fogwood
Even the youngest and most inexperienced of player haven , the characters have inadvertently led pursuers to
characters are assumed to possess adequate competence the assassin's hideout. Not long after their arrival the
for the roles their House has assigned them . Provided players hear the ominous buzz of approaching battle
they possess the appropriate skill at level of 1 or more , 'thopters, descending over the mountain tops. The
the average character can service his weapon, issue a hunters begin dissecting the forest, mounted lasguns
diplomatic greeting or pilot an ornithopter revealing fair blazing their vengeance from above . Convincing their
capability and perhaps even a bit of finesse . Under nor- contact to lead them to sanctuary is the key Test in this
mal, routine situations the Narrator need not require scene . Though Tests for hearing their approach and flee-
Skill Tests for such mundane activities . Skill levels exist ing through the forest would challenge the playe rs and
to guide you in your assessment of character compe- bear important consequences, the Narrator ignores them
tence , and unless you feel that an attempted action for the benefit of pacing .
stretches his ability or the conditions challenge her suc- At all costs , don 't slow down the pace to roll for every
cess, you should probably avoid dice rolls in favor of little scuffle and skirmish. Ask the lead cha racter for her
providing a dramatic summary of the result. As a general orders , and then narrate the rest, keeping the action
guideline , whenever a character's skill or attribute level moving and the tens ion high.
exceeds the Test Difficulty you can rule the attempt an Here's how it might be handled: "Distracted by a dis-
automatic success and get on with the story. Never tant throbbing, your contact looks skyward in search of
require Tests at the expense of pacing unless you believe the sou rce. By the time you see the approaching
the character faces a reasonable chance of failure. 'thopters assume attack formation, the roar of their
engines sounds their immediac y. The assassin's eyes dart
toward the forest, then back to you. Any commands?"
Negligible Consequence
The lead player hesitates a moment too long and the ten-
For similar reasons, avoid requiring Tests for irrele- sion begins to wane . The Narrator resumes, "Mounted
vant actions or those of negligible consequence. Even lasguns on the circling 'thopters begin to dissect the for-
when a character attempts something that stretches est canopy, raining fire on the village beneath." Prompted
their ability, you need not require a Test if their success into action , the leader requests , "Master Izaos, can you
or failure will bear little effect on the narrative. Instead, lead us to safety?"
simply rule that the attempt succeeds or fails, providing The Narrator responds, '''Gladl y m'Lord. We'd best
results that further the story. For example, if a characte r make haste. Follow me closely and keep your heads low.'
insists on interrogating a witness who can't provide the Master Izaos takes to his feet, plunging into the shade of
information they 're seeking, don 't permit an the forest. As you hasten to follow, a wave of scorching
Interrogation Test just to satisfy the player's curiosity. heat blasts all around, announcing the destruction of the
Instead, describe the result suggesting "that after an forest behind you." Notice that to maintain the dramatic
intensive session the witness still proves unable to pro- pacing , the Narrator ignored the Persuasion Test he had
vide the information you need." If the player persists in planned for the scene . Since the action was faltering, the
his inquest, you might proceed by saying, "after several Narrator judged the Test negligible (since Master Izaos
more hours of adamant denial , the witness collapses clearly wanted to flee, anywa y).
exhausted. " By refusing the player a Test, he should But upon leading them to sanctuary in a nearb y cave,
quickly get the hint that he 's wasting his time . And in the Narrator decides an "adjustment" Test is in order, ini-
doing so you also save "playing time" to devote to rele- tiating a dialogue between Izaos and their leader.
vant pursuits. Depending on the player 's roleplaying and Test Result,

Chapter VI: A Voice from the Outer World
Master Izaos will either lead them through the ing the involvement or attention each player receives and
labyrinthine tunnels or abandon them to make his own monitoring every player's enthusiasm toward the game.
escape. Clearly, the Narrator has made the wiser choice. But for the most part the Narrator should usually do all
of this surreptitiously, keeping her observations to herself
to avoid unsettling the players. Most players don't want
someone lording over them, telling them how to improve
All of these concepts form the principle of drama: The their roleplaying or how to avoid ruining someone else's
story must prevail. Don't call for Tests that could ruin the fun. If you must say something to a disruptive player,
pacing or derail the story. Dice rolling introduces a ran- take him aside to chat; be calm, fair, and open-minded in
dom element. Only require Testswhen you desire uncer- your discussion. But in the final analysis, it's the
tain results. Narrator's job to make the game work for everyone. If a
Returning to our example we find the Narrator disruptive player refuses to cooperate, your best recourse
describing the character's flight to safety. "Rushing may be to simply not invite him next time the play group
through the misty forest depths, random fire lunges down convenes.
from above, burning through the high canopy to strike to
the left, then to the right of you. Ducking dew-laden
boughs and hurdling ancient rotting stumps, your flight
Study Player Reactions
brings you to a dark cave, barely more than a crack in Guiding players is a matter of paying attention to how
the mountainside. Within, Izaos awaits, panting heavily they react to situations in the game, adjusting your style
in the vapid darkness. Speaking in gasps, Izaos huffs, 'In of narration accordingly. Not all players are created
the morning...they're sure to bring trackers... but don't equal. Part of the fun of roleplaying games emerges from
worry...we'll be long departed by then." the collaboration of different people with different talents
Notice that to maintain the tension, the Narrator and ideas working together to tackle overwhelming
ignored Athletics and Dodge Testthat would have siowed obstacles and invent imaginative stories. Some players
the action. Had such Tests been used and the characters excel at reasoning through intellectual puzzles but freeze
succeeded, the tension may have been enhanced, but the up when action scenes go ballistic. Others delight in hard
climax would remain largely unaffected. But had they negotiation or political intrigue but don't care about let-
failed, the situation would have resulted in anti-climax; ting the story move forward. Still othersprefer combat and
though they succeeded in their objective (finding and lots of dice rolling but find themselves out of their depths
enlisting Master Izaos), one or more of the characters may during mystery adventures or suspense thrillers. Catering to
have been captured or killed, and the ignorant dice would such a diverse group of players can be challenging indeed!
have robbed them of their dramatic reward. Remember, Similarin topic, some gaming groups seem content
always try to identify the major climax of each scene or telling stories of a particular genre or theme-everyone in
chapter; during such times, only requireTests that build the Entourage prefers action-adventure, political thrillers
the tension or contribute to the dramatic climax. or espionage stories. As long as everyone continues to
Conversely, establishing scenes-especially those at enjoy himself, stories engenderinga certain genre can
the beginningof a chapter or chronicle-often benefit occupy a group for months or years. On the other hand,
from a lot of dice rolling, allowing random chance to if your group tires of the de facto genre, you should vary
instill a sense of progress and setbacks as they test the your topic or theme on occasion, challenging your play-
depths of the intrigue awaiting them. Here, rolling dice ers and rousing them from their rut. If you notice a ten-
actually helps the drama build; each successfulTest adds dency for military solutions, pit them against the Bene
to the entire picture just as every failed one raises the Gesserit in a political intrigue. Or if the players dominate
stakes and heightens the suspense. Like everything else mystery adventures, run an action-adventure to chal-
in narrating, setting the scene's dramatic tone is a bal- lenge their decision-making skills. Whenever you notice
ancing act. Familiarize yourselfwith your players' style to their enthusiasm wane, it may be time for a change in
determine when to call forTests. And rely on your judg- theme or shift in genre.
ment to decide when to fade out to the next scene or
pick up the pace with an action sequence.
Treat Players Equally
The key to player cooperation lies in keeping them
Truthsaying: Reading the Players focused on the game rather than on interpersonal issues
The Narrator's final role involves reading her players. around the table. This is best accomplished by running
She has to observe the players before, during and after the most enthralling and exciting game possible. The play-
each chapter, making sure that everyone is participating ers want to "escape" into the DUNE Universe; the
and having fun. This can require providing advice to Narrator should always work to let that happen. Don't
individual players, making sure nobody infects the play favorites . If your group includesyour best friend and
mperial age with ancient Terran preconceptions, balanc- someoneyou only see on game nights, treat them equally.
Don't favor anyone player with more time
in the limelight, a better reaction from
NPC's or similarrewards for external rea-
sons-treat each player (and their charac-
ter) as they deserve based on the meritof
their roleplaying. Rewarding players
based on their contribution to the game
encourages better roleplaying and
improves the experience for everyone.
Treating players equally requires more
than equable awards of character
Experience, Karama, Renown and so on
(see "Chapter8"). Every playershould feel
as though his character contributes to the
game and helps to tell the story. Everyone
should have a roughly equal share of the
spotlight. Make sure every chapter has an
opportunity for each character to shine.
Make sure their overriding objective can
only be resolved with teamwork. Ideally,
each chapter should depend on a different
character to save the day or contribute to the success dur-
ing the climax. Give the Suks an important nobleman to Watch your players interact; are they really excited or
save, entrust the Mentat with a critical projection or chal- just rolling dice to humor you or pass the time? Keep an
lenge the Adept uncover the religious significance of a vital eye out for players growing bored with your stories, with
phrase or symbol. Don't let the House Noble get all the their characters or with the game itself. Remain enthusi-
attention and glory. Even if Swordmaster faces no rival to astic and focused yourself; nothing tires players faster
duel, he can still make a difference to the story line, using than a jaded Narrator. Let players change characters if
other skills or simply providing a key suggestion. they wish. Each character represents a personal expres-
No player can shine all the time, but the Narrator sion and affected role-forcing someone to playa part
should notice if all a character does is fire his stunner or he's unhappy with will only contribute to their eventual
pilot the family 'thopter, Naturally shy players should be departure. Varyyour episodes: If you've done a lot of
encouraged to take center stage (unless they really are "strange new planet" stories, set some adventures within
happier acting in the shadows). Put their character in the House Keep or home province. If lately all your sto-
charge of a specific operation, suggest they lead a ven- ries have been high-tension action stories, try a more
ture critical to the House welfare, or have an important philosophical or diplomatic chapter. Any change of pace
NPC select them as their contact. DUNE relies on'many is a welcome departure from the routine. Never allow
characters to weave the tale; even the Kwisatz Haderach your players or yourself to remain in a narrative rut.
doesn't possess all the talents necessary for exploring the In summary, the Narrator should pay as much atten-
myriadworlds of the vast Imperium. tion to the players as the players give to the Narrator.
Your role doesn't end with sitting at the end of the table
and awarding Experience points. If you treat your players
Keep Everyone Interested
right, keeping them mindful of one other in addition to
Finally, it's up to the Narrator to make sure everyone the developing story line, you'll find that, like an oracular
enjoys himself. Don't ask, "is everyone having fun?" Steersman, there's no place you can't take them.

Ch8pter VII
I s
Now that we know how to narrate a DUNE RPG story, attempting to define what elements make DUNE the sci-
the next question, naturally, is what to narrate. What ence fiction classic that it is.
story are yow telling? Who is it about? What kind of
structure should a DUNE RPO chapter have? As in jour-
nalism, an exciting narraHv alMresses this subject from
The Mystery of Life: Epic Drama
multiple angleo: WAO, what, wJie e, when, why and how. According to DUNE, ".. .the mystery of life isn't a
This chaRter t d~l e s stOl;y:tellihg from the standpoint problem to solve but a reality to experience." And the
of creating narratives the DUNE way. Of course, all sto- reality of DUNE is that it's epic in scope. Set in a vast
ries, no matter what their origin or nature, share some Imperium comprised of myriad worlds, the novel DUNE
elements in,(;ommon: Setting, characters, theme and plot recounts an epic struggle between two fe uding Great
are univer- al components 0 all dramatic media-novels, Houses. The drama intense, the stakes couldn't be high-
plays, camic books, TVshows, moviesand roleplaying er-control of Arrakis (the planet Dune) and the survival
games. If you're new to roleplaying, this chapter explains of the warring bloodlines. Though few DUNE RPG narra-
how to exploit these elements to create your own DUNE tives will exceed such dimensions, epic scope and com-
'RPG chapters and chronicles. Even if you're fam iliar pelling stakes should lie at the heart of any good story.
with the novel DUNE and the roleplayi ng game genre, There exist several ways to raise your stories to epic
we recommendyou peruse this chapter. Trying to force proportion. Starting with the concept of the Entourage,
' the wrong kinds of stories into the DUNE universe can all player characters serve a noble House Minor. Larger
prove more disastrous to your game than trying to navi- than the characters themselves, the House finds itself at
gate fold-space without a prescient Steersman to guide constant odds with the cosmos, eternally struggling to
you. rise to greatness while avoiding extinction. Seen from this
perspective, any threat to the House makes for epic
drama; and within the Imperium, Houses Minor face
Pillars of the Universe: such perils on a regular basis.
A second consideration, size matters. Everything in
The DUNE Equ8tion the Imperium is big-really big. From titanic Guild
Heighliners tucking hundreds of House frigates into their
Part of deciding what stories to tell involves berths to the gargantuan sandworms patrolling the sands
determining what kind fit the DUNE milieu. A com- of Arrakis, the institutions, spacecraft, edifices and blo-
edy of errors, for example, may be entertaining in forms all assume monumental dimension. By making
its own right, but its genre doesn't complement the your players ever aware of the sheer, physical magnitude
nature of DUNE. Even common science fiction of their surroundings, your stories are guaranteed to
genres like postmodern "cyberpunk," epic "sci-fan- approach the epic.
tasy," or bureaucratic "dystopias" prove only margin- Most importantly, there's no such thing as an "epic"
ally compatible with DUNE. So what makes one anecdote. Narrating an epic takes time. Though individ-
story suitable DUNE RPG material, and what makes ual chapters may pass SWiftly, an epic builds over many
others not quite belong? chapters. The novel DUNE consists of three "books,"
Most DUNE tales share a number of elements, comprised of many chapters each. In the DUNE RPG we
"pillars", if you will, upon which the entire universe call this type of nested structure a "chronicle." Though
is founded. Like physical laws, these pillars consist many roleplayinggames can be played as a series of
of abstract ideas and immutable conventions- short, unrelated adventures or "one shots," the DUNE
invisibly binding the cosmos together. Though you RPG benefits from longer, continuing stories. while not
can write stories that defy these conventions, you every adventure or chapter must advance the greater
risk creating narratives that somehow fall short, story, recurring characters, themes and objectives can
confusing and frustrating your players, perhaps help tie them to the "bigger picture." Easier than it
without them ever realizing why. The following sec- sounds, the rest of this section reveals additional consid-
tions examine each of these pillars one at a time, erations to instill your stories with epic drama.
Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe

Human Conditioning Preservation and Evolution:

Shortly after the destruction of the "thinking Clashing Ideals
machines" during the Butlerian Jihad, sophisticated train- A lofty subject fitting an epic tale, the clash between
ing schools emerged to train human minds and bodies, preservation and evolution pervades the DUNE universe.
developing human potential to overcome the civiliza- Imperial government and ancient institutions preserve a
tion's long dependency on machines. Imperial institu- longhistory of political tradition and bureaucratic stagna-
tions-such as the politically-inspired BG Sisterhood and tion. Observing the ancient forms of the Great
the profit-driven Spacing Guild-succeeded in condition- Convention, the Great Houses of the Landsraad, Bene
ing human beings to outperform their machine counter- Gesserit Sisterhood, and powerful Spacing Guild, all
parts. Numerous privately sponsored programs, including remain virtually unchanged even after ten thousand years.
Mentat training schools, Swordmasteracademies and But over the same period, human development-char-
Suk medical programs-developed multilaterally, flour- acterized by the Sisterhood's breeding program and
ishing on numerous worlds. As a result, human condi- Guild's navigational schools-has evolved at an alarming
tioning reached a new peak of performance, ultimately rate. The geriatric spice-drug melange extends the lives of
delivering mankind from its servile, technological the rich and powerful to unprecedented years. Forced
bondage. spice evolution mutates Guild Navigators as a conse-
Applying this to your stories, player characters should quence of their prescient development. And the
reveal skill and accomplishment far exceedingour con- Sisterhood's breeding program strives to produce their
temporary notions of excellence. A fully trained Mentat, Kwisatz Haderach-a super-being standing as the culmi-
for example, should have no problem accessing his mem- nation of human development.
ories and making numerous computations with the speed This schismatic conflict between preserving tradition
and reliability of a super-computer. A Swordmaster can and race evolution afflicts Imperial civilization at a root
lead military operations with the competence of a level. So pervasive the conflict, no DUNE story would be
brigadier-general while demonstrating the adept training complete without manifesting some symptom of the
of a master martial artist when performing on the dueling affliction, whether exploring the rise and fall of noble
floor. By elevating human conditioning over technological Houses, the advancement of technology despite religious
reliance, your stories inevitably move closer to the proscriptionsor the justification of means to attain a
DUNE idiom. Play up your character's talents and YOU'll desired end. By immersing players in these chaotic
make them heroic in stature, capable of overcoming the waters, the Narrator conveys a mood and mentality con-
most Herculean of struggles. ducive to heroic action-a fertile setting for breeding the
monumental struggles required of epic adventure.

Karama & ljaz: Miracle and

-: Prophecy
Pervasive in its ramifications, the enigma
of prescience-the ability to predict future
events-questions the role of destiny in
human affairs. If the future can be foreseen
with absolute clarity, what does that suggest
about free will and destiny? In the act of
prophecy, does the Oracle perceive the
chains of immutable fate? Or does he
presage only the most probable of futures,
given his sensitivity to political tides
social currents? And in the final analysis,
who is the master-the prophet or fate?
Central to the DUNE milieu, such heady
questions immediately conferthe sense of
epic dimension to any DUNE RPG story.
For example, by asking himself"Is his-
tory doomed to repeat itself," the narrator
might base a chapter or chronicle on some
historical catastrophe of his own inven-
tion. Juxtaposing the past and the pres-
ent, the Narrator confronts the players with a developing theme. If DUNE teaches Narrators anything, its that
crisis-one closely mirroring the historic disaster. As the themes improve the quality of entertainment, imbuing the
story unfolds, the Narrator reveals historic details at narrative with significance and meaning.
seemingly random moments, using such data to foreshad-
ow encroaching disaster. Without ever asking it, the
Narrator implicitly questions whether the characters are Preservation of Key Bloodlines
doomed to repeat their predecessor's mistakes, building Common to many stories, the theme of survival is no
the dramatic tension to a volatile climax. In such a man- stranger to DUNE. Survival of the species, survival of the
ner the Narrator compares the player's dilemma to an individual, survival of some ideal or institution the hero
epochal event, raising the stakes for the players' enjoy- holds dear-DUNE embraces all of these aspects, char-
ment. Though they need never be conscious of the meta- acterizing them most dramatically as "Preservation of
physical issues; exploring the nature of Karama and Ijaz Key Bloodlines." For better or worse, Imperial civilization
confers dramatic importance to even the simplest of tales. does not treat all people equal. The rigid social hierarchy,
or faufreluches, sets nobles and their kinsmen at the top
of the pyramid, consideringtheir survival of primary
PI8ns within PI8ns importance. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood further distin-
Feints within feints, plans within plans, plots within guishes among the nobility, having established certain
plots-no action, intention or event ever truly is what it tests for separating "human" from "animal" stock.
appears to be on the surface. Presenting an array of fac- Having maintained an exhaustive Mating Index over the
tions embracing duplicitous agendas and motives, DUNE millennia, the Bene Gesserit have secretly conducted a
stresses the complexity of human affairs. Just when you master breeding program, identifying key, noble blood-
think you knowwhy something's happening or what it's all lines and selectively interbreeding them in search of their
about, that's when you need to look closer. The simplest messianic Kwisatz Haderach.
form of deception lies in presenting half-truths, making The Preservation of Key Bloodlines proves the easiest
your opponent believe he already knows the answer. Dig theme to incorporate into a DUNE RPG narrative. Since
deeper; approach from new angles: Question the truth! player characters generallywork in the employ of a noble
The structure of DUNE embraces complex ambiguities Houses Minor, any threat to their House supports this
to raise the narrative stakes and heighten dramatic ten- broad theme. Narrators can explore this theme through
sion. In other settings, superficial dilemmas and direct an endless variety of permutations. From family vendet-
solutions present short, simple narratives-questions pre- tas to personal rivalries, from natural disasters to social
sented, answers given, problem solved-end of story. But revolutions, from enemies beyond to traitors within-vir-
not so in DUNE. Though each chapter of a DUNE RPG tually anything that jeopardizes the House survival makes
story should confer a sense of closure, the answers for exciting and topical stories.
obtained or the solutions achieved should ultimately
prove temporary or incomplete. By introducing plans
within plans, the Narrator can sustain a chosen plot or Science of Tradrtlon
theme nearly indefinitely-exploring further refinements Imperial civilization persists as a cultural amalgam of
or additional ramifications in succeeding chapters, using ancient traditions and hallowed conventions, ranging
the series of adventures to reveal depth in the narrative from the faufreluches caste system to the Articles of
like peelinglayers from an onion. Kanly. As a prominent theme, the Science of Tradition
refers to the ubiquitous consequences forged by such
institutions, includingthe impact they leave on society in
Prevailing Themes: general. From the Butlerian proscriptions against unlaw-
ful technology to the Missionaria Protectiva's exploitation
Topics in DUNE of religion, the Science of Tradition explores the variety
of ways governments and other power groups manipulate
While the "pillars" identify the pervasive elements traditions to further their own self-interests.
essential to the DUNE milieu, derivative stories should Based on the rigid feudal hierarchy enforced by the
apply such axioms to focus on one or two of DUNE's cen- faufreluches, Imperial civilization resembles a house of
tral themes. If the pillars describe what the universe is like, cards: pull one from the bottom and the whole establish-
themes address what DUNE storiesare about. You can ment may topple. For this reason, the Science of
narrate entire chronicles without directly referencing any of Tradition presents ample opportunity for narrative drama.
these themes, but one or more of them will probably For players whose eyes twinkle at the mention of rebel-
underlie every story you tell. Not every chapter requires an lion, the Narrator might choose to pit them against tyran-
overriding theme, of course. Some only exist to instill some nical oppressors, treating social injustice as the prevailing
action, introduce a new contact or explore a random occur- dilemma. Alternately, the Narrator could champion some
rence. But the thrust of your chronicle should follow a tradition, challenging the players to foil a rebellion, bring-

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
ing the anarchists to justice before a Sysselraad tribunal.
So comprehensive in scope, the Science of Tradition rep-
resents such limitless potential that virtually any story Taming of Worlds
line can benefit from its incorporation as a theme. Seen from a certain perspective, the ''Taming of
Worlds" emerges as an important theme in DUNE.
Though Imperial planetologists lead expeditions to sur-
Moral Incertitude vey newly discoveredworlds, this theme refers more
In the Imperium of DUNE, simplistic labels such specifically to the establishment of new government and
"good" and "evil" have largely been discarded as moral assimilation of cultures occurring during any planetary
ambiguity inundates civilization like a sweeping malaise. "change of fief. " Though governed by the forms of the
This is not to say, of course, that Imperial civilization is Great Convention, a change of fief represents a great
amoral or lacks conviction. Every Great House and each time of upheaval for the succeeding House. In addition
House Minor possess an ethos that defines their morali- to establishing the governmental regime , the governing
ty. Some households exploit the faufrel uches, oppressing House must learn "the language of the planet", adapting
the weak with a tyrannical fist. Others exploit their noble to its physical conditions, harnessing its native populace
birthright to nurture the meek, treating them with kind- and discovering its natural resources. Though much
ness that human beings deserve. Other powergroups, preparation occurs before their arrival, new regimes
such as the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, use their own stan- sometimes toil for years before coming to grips with their
dards to measure humanity, resulting in distinctive new planetary charge.
brands of moral conviction. To exploit this theme, Narrators need not initiate a
chronicle detailing a monumental change of fief. Within
their planetary jurisdictions, the Great Houses
constantly issue "change of fees", appoint-
ing Houses Minor to assume control of one
or more planetary regions or provinces.
Though familiar with their homeworld
conditions, Houses Minor experience
similar hardship establishing order
over new fees-they've got to calm the
populace, learn the local industries,
route any dissidents and so on. The
dominance of planets can even apply
to territories held by a House for
countless generations. Political rivalries,
natural disasters, labor strikes and
regional surveys afford numerous
opportunities for exploration adventures
and domestic intrigues. Learning a
planet's language (in all of its dialects)
proves an opportune theme for introducing
new cultures and exploring new territo-

Like Science of Tradition, the theme of "Moral Messianic Prophecy

Incertitude" broadly concerns the impact of social cus- Related to Karama and Ijaz, the theme of "Messianic
toms on human affairs. But rather than dealing with the Prophecy" deals principally with religious institutions
traditions directly, this theme explores the personal con- and superstitious beliefs, especially with regard to their
flicts resulting from moral dilemmas. For Narrators inter- effe cts on political government and social behavior.
ested in exploring this theme, careful attention must be Though guided by a largely agnostic rulingclass,
paid to the choice players made when choosing their Imperialcivilization sees secular religion flourish among
House. Certain narrative situations might strongly offend the lower classes of the faufreluches . Recognized as the
one House's morality, while others might be accepted as "sanctioned" religion by most of the Great Houses,
a matter of course. For example, an Atreides character Orange Catholicism enjoys the widest devotion. Yet the
might be outraged by witnessing a nobleman poison a so-called ancient teachings survive in scattered pockets
slave, while a Harkonnen character might find the pun- throughout the Imperium, includingthe Buddislamic
ishment too lenient or merciful. Variants typical to Lankiveil and Sikun, the
Navachristianity of Chusuk, the Talmudic Zabur of
Salusa Secundus and so forth.
More esoteric perhaps, the infectious superstitions
The Supporting Cast
sewn by the Missionaria Protectiva, missionary arm of Now that we've examined the pillars that support the
the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, pervade many of the more milieu and the themes that drive the stories, it's time to
primitive cultures throughout the Imperium . Planting a consider the cast of characters who make the stories hap-
variety of messianic prophecies and superstitious ritu- pen . Most great dramas tell stories about people-ficti-
als, the Missionaria engineers religious rituals and
superstitious beliefs to "soften-up" the most hostile of , p:::;~--r=?- I
the out-freyn peoples, attempting to create social "bolt-
holes " where a fugitive Reverend Mother can find safety Sample Applic8tions
by assuming the mantle of holy mother or maternal
For players who enjoy considering the implications of
of Theme
religious faith as component of the social contract, The following samples explore some of thestory
Narrators can insinuate religious overtones into nearly themes presented in the DUNE novels. You can use them
any adventure. Faith and morality inspire adherents to as starting concepts for generating yourownoriginal sto-
act in certain ways , stimulating pacifistic defiance , fanati- ries and chapters.
cal violence, hostile xenophobia , sagacious enlighten-
ment and so on . In effect, since stories are about people, Preservation of Key Bloodlines
the introduction of exotic religious variants can make for A House launches a warof assassins against a rival.
fascinating discovery, especially when the players discov- A native people revolt in an attempt to overthrow their
er one of their own somehow fits a prophecy of a holy governing House.
man, prophet, martyr or messiah . A word of caution A secret cabal plots to abduct the heir-designate of a
though , some players may not feel comfortable exploring House.
religious themes. Before implementing a Messianic
Prophecy or religious crusade as a predominate theme, Moral Incertitude
Narrators should make certain that doing so won't offend ByHouse decree, a primitivepeople is to be relocated
any of her players. Usually, the Narrator's familiarity with to a suburban ghetto.
his friends proves sufficient, but in cases where the A politically motivated arrest leads to the condemnation
Narrator remains uncertain , it never hurts to discuss the of an unpopular demogogue.
broad nature of religious themes beforehand, just to An influential labor union strikes because of inhumane
make sure. working conditions.

Science of Tradition
Applying Themes to Stories . A House is charged with violating the proscriptions of
When devising a story line for your own DUNE RPG the Butlerian Jihad.
narratives, try to determine which theme(s) your plot A House illegally defies the Great Convention to oust a
embraces or create a plot based on a particular theme rival.
that interests you. By strengthening the aspects of your A powerful merchant-family challenges thefaufreluches
story that promote these themes, you make your story fit before the local Sysselraad.
the DUNE universe, giving your players a sense of "na r-
rative rightness ." Doing so goes a long way toward keep- Taming of Worlds
ing the players involved and interested in the narrative 's Unearthed ruins reveal anancient, unknown culture.
progress , especially when trying to main tain player inter- The native subjects of a wild region resist annexation by
est over a prolonged chronicle. thegoverning House Minor.
Applying themes to your stories doesn't require them A mysterious plague besets thefirst wave of retainers
to be thrust in the players' face every scene, of course. during a change of fief.
Your primary responsibility should be to entertain
everybody, so you should never focus on theme to the Messianic Prophecy
extent your narratives grow pedantic or overly intellec - A wild prophet rises among the native people inciting a
tual. But on a deeper level, your stories should resonate holywar.
with the players' notion of DUNE and the fundamenta l The imprisonment of a popular zealot induces public
truths on which your game world operates. By building rioting.
a consistent universe, with theme even more than poli- The discovery of ancient tomes foretell of an apocalyptic
tics, culture or technology, you also create more engag- struggle.
ing narratives.

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
tious characters dramatized for our entertainment. sion (whether accurate or misleading) about the individ-
Among the entire cast of characters, the protagonists are ual's personality. Strong names like Vladimir or Korba sug-
the heroes, the main characters we cheer for at the end gest tough inner strength or steadfast determination; softer
of the tale. In the DUNE RPG, the player characters names like Wellington or Irulan speak of clement
always take the roles of the protagonists. Everyone else, demeanors or meek personalities. The cliche "its all in a
from the lowliest maula to the Emperorhimselfcompris- name" says it all: give your NPC's interesting names, but
es the supporting cast-Non-Player Characters (or make sure they're names the character can live up to.
"NPC's") portrayed by the Narrator to populate the uni-
verse and bring her stories to life. Just as DUNE has its
own protagonists (Paul Atreides, his family and friends)
Goals and Motives
and supporting characters (Baron Harkonnen, the To establish your character's goals and motives, try to
Shadout Mapes, Atreides soldiers, and so on), so your see the Imperium from his point of view. What are his
adventures must have their own supporting casts. personal objectives or innermost fears? From his point of
view, your character is the central character in the most
important story ever told-his own life story. Why has he
Characterization involvedherself in this story, and what does he hope to
It's the Narrator's responsibility to portray each mem- accomplish? What does he think is going on? When it
ber of the supporting cast with some degree of individuali- comes time to roleplay the NPC during the chapter, YOU'll
ty and flair. Whether created for numerous, repeat appear- see the story from his perspective, acting on impulses
ances, more sporadic recurrence or a single debut, sup- closely linked to his goals and motives. Your character
portingcharacters all interact to make the universe lively may want to help the player characters, rallying behind
and real. If the supporting characters seem dull or mun- their moral agenda. He might seek to do them harm, not
dane, even the most exotic of settings or action-packed from any personal hatred, but because he's been ordered
plots may fail to make up for their failings . Stories concern to do so and fears some punishment should he fail in his
people; and boring people make for humdrum tales. mission. Whatever his reasoning, make your characters
act in accordance with their short-term motives and long-
term goals. Doing so not only keeps their actions consis-
Role tent, but it also represents the character as a realistic
Before setting out to create any supporting character, individual, with personal convictions that define the
you need to assess their role in the story. A character role parameters of their behavior.
describes not only what they do-their occupation and
narrative function-but also includes their relative impor-
tance to the story and "time in the spotlight." Forexample,
if your plot calls for a Moritani assassin, then you already
know something about their vocation and purpose in your Sample N PC Personalities
narrative. Butyou should also considerthe character's Ski lledand pompous Swordmaster
importance. Will the assassin make a single appearance, Respected and feared CHOAM delegate
kill another NPC, then conveniently vanish having served Secretive and ambitious Guild representative
its purpose? Or will the assassin become a recurring char- Popular and ruthless Noble
acter, someone the players must capture, interrogate and Loyal and subtle Mentat
present before a judiciary board of inquest? Knowing what Resentful and stubborn Suk physician
feats and knowledge are required of the character is essen- These twelve descriptors can be switched around to
tial to understanding the character's role (sinceYOU'll need make vastly different characters. Consider thedifference
to assign necessary skills, knowledge and so forth as you between a 'loyal and subtle' Mentat and a resentful and
proceedwith their creation. See next page, "Supporting ambitious one.
Roles" for more about NPC roles.

The first step in creatingany character involves giving
that NPC a name. Names imply a great deal about the Along similar lines, you should determine the charac-
character, giving you a first impression of their identity as ter's general attitude and demeanor. Is she treacherous or
an individual rather than a generic type. Names often sug- loyal, rebellious or cooperative, sarcastic or sincere?
gest cultural heritage, such as "Shaddam IV" or "Stilgar." Knowing her personality affects how you roleplay her
Andwhen combinedwith an epithet such as "Padishah when it's her time to make an appearance. Select a cou-
Emperor" or "Naib of SietchTabr" tell you something ple of good, general adjectives to describe her personality
bout what the person does. Names also give an impres- and outward demeanor. It's important to use more than
one term. "Ambitious" is fine, but "ambitious and cor- lover or mutual enemy? Often you'll introduce an NPC
rupt", "ambitious and patriotic", and "ambitious and because of some connection to a player character, per-
bureaucratic" create vastly different parameters to haps a relative, frie nd or mentor. You should always
describe her behavior. Each adjective you add multiplies detail such relationships beforehand, considering the
the depth of your NPC's personality; it's worth the time implications of such a connection. For example, if you
you spend to come up with a second descriptor. introduce a supporting character as the close frie nd or
Remember, a single good sentence can serve as the back- confidant of a player character, be prepared to provide a
bone of an interesting NPC. lot of information to the character who knows the NPC
well: What are her likes and dislikes? Does she have any
family? Where did they meet? And so on.
Now that you've done some work on your NPC's psy-
chological composition, consider his physical appear-
ance. What does he look like? When the players ask Based on the role you've chosen for a supporting char-
about a supporting character, that will be foremost acter, you'll need to determine what attributes, skills and
among their immediate questions. A character's physiog- traits he possesses. You don't need to fill out an entire
nomy, just like their name, suggests a great deal about character sheet for him right away. The only numerical
the heritage, affiliation or personality. Play this up, characteristics he needs initially are those pertaining to the
describing the character's appearance in such a manner story. Havingassigned a character the role of saboteur, for
to reinforce some other aspect of his psychology or back- example, you might detail only his Intellect attribute and
ground. For example, your ambitious and corrupt mer- Sabotage skill. If, on the other hand, his role requires other
chant mightaffect lavish apparel or adorn herself with talents of him, then you'll have to assign those as well. As
gaudy trinkets. Similarly, you could add antique reading a general rule, characteristics are the one character aspect
spectacles to a thin and withdrawn Suk, to suggest his you can skimp on. Just rolling the dice and letting the dra-
preoccupation with studious learning. Incorporating matic necessity of the plot dictate the outcome often serves
stereotypes is a sure-fire way to convey a lot of informa- narrative purposes just as well as relyingon arbitrary num-
tion about your character without the players having to bers you assigned priorto launching the tale.
actually get to know them. And by perverting a stereo-
type you can deliberately mislead your players, setting
them up for surprising revelations later in the story. Supporting Roles
The supporting cast consists of everyone but the play-
er characters, from simple folk such as the pundi rice
farmers of Caladan to powerful individuals such as Edric,
Impo rtant NPC Background a Third Stage Navigator and representative of the
Spacing Guild. Assuming the roles of such diverse per-
Questions . sonae, the Narrator should be prepared to roleplayany
individual who the players encounter during the course
What was the most important event in this NPC's life? of a story. Creating supporting characters in advance
Doesthe PC harbor any secret motives? often proves sufficient, but you'll still need to improvise
How does the NPC feel about the player's House? About once the action begins. In the best chapters, the Narrator
theirsponsoring Great House? spends as much time roleplaying as any other player. As
Has theNPC metany of theplayer characters?If so, you develop their characters, certain NPC's may even
what was that meeting like? begin to take on lives of their own. They may enlist with
Does theNPC have any predominant fears or biases? the Entourage for a period of time, or make frequent
Does the NPC suffer a reputation of which the player's appearances as you expand their roles in future stories.
may be aware? In essence, the time you spend roleplaying a character
defines his place and function among the supporting
cast, so we'll begin by examining various supporting
Le8ding Roles
Finally, it never hurts to come up with a bit of back-
ground for a supporting character. Does he have some "Lead" characters play pivotal roles in the story. They
reason to hate the Harkonnens? Maybe he served time in represent the chiefopponents or main assistants of the
a Harkonnen slave pit or witnessed a Harkonnen trooper player characters. Frequently, leading characters exist to
kill one of his siblings. Does the character have a former further the plot: Their actions presentthe main challenge or
affiliation with someone important-perhaps a former dilemma , reveal a vital clue or provide the key to resolu-

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
tion. In general, if the plot line would not work without the characters also fall into this category. These characters
supporting character's involvement, he's assuming a leading may eventually assume leading roles, simply by taking
role. In creating lead characters, the Narrator shouldgo the on new dimensions as their appearances become more
extra distance. Leading characters must seem real to the frequent. In general, no minor character should remain
players, their plight, personality or motives must evoke static indefinitely; always add some new detail or demon-
player emotions, making them sufficiently sympathetic or strate some change of behavior. In real life, people
hostile to prompt the players to action. Describe leading change between your encounters, their personal lives
characters in detail, making sure the details not only sup- continue even though you're not necessarily thinking
port their role in the plot but also serve their actual charac- about them, and their own experiences make them seem
terization. different when next you meet them. If you treat minor
For example, antagonists never consider themselves characters on these terms, you'll add a level of depth and
to be the villains. From their perspective they're the realism certain to capture your players' attention.
heroes of their own life stories. When you're developing
the motivation for your vengeful Baron or treacherous
Anonymous Roles
House Suk you need to go beyond "wants to seek
revenge, or wants to destroy his Duke." Askyourself "Anonymous" characters exist just to fill in the
"why?" To punish House Atreides for the crimes of their scenery. They stand guard at the landing field, die in ter-
ancestors? To redeem a loved one for crimes enacted rorist explosions, trail at the back of the diplomatic
against them? In his mind, what constructive goal is your entourage, or bicker as part of the crowd in the Arrakeen
villain trying to accomplish? Foryour antagonists to bazaar. At most, anonymous roles require only general-
seem like more than single-minded automata, they need ized personalities or visible attitudes: An Atreides securi-
sufficient reason and motivation behind their actions. ty squad marches with calm efficiency, an Arrakeen
crowd seems noisy and chaotic, patrons of a semuta den
lounge about lethargically. Of course, it never hurts to
Minor Roles
prepare a list of names, just for flavor. When a spice har-
"Minor" characters play secondary roles in the story, vester is destroyed by a sandworm, the event seems more
playing the parts of House retainers, the equivalent of dramatic if the harvester dispatch announces, "we lost
Duncan Idaho, Gurney Halleck or the Shadout Mapes. Tivor, Egusku and Vandala," rather than "we lost three
They also assume the roles of "lesser antagonists" miners." When describing groups of anonymous charac-
appearing regularly but failing to drive the plot them- ters, it helps to prepare a "sample member, " outlined in
selves. In DUNE, the Baron Harkonnen is a leading greater detail. That way, if the players confront someone
character, but his ally EmperorShaddam performs as a or ask them a question, the NPC can suddenly become
minor character through much of the story. Finally, the more than just a face in the crowd.
main assistants, sidekicks, and henchmen of the lead
The Out-freyn and
In addition to relative importance
, or time spent "in center stage", some
, " other considerations apply specifical-
.-ly to DUNE RPG supporting charac-
~.", ters. In a universe comprised of myr-
iad worlds, it's vital to foster cultural
identity in your supporting cast. Just
, ' '. as the players share aspects of their
" ....House ethos and homeworld culture,
\' " so do all other characters demon-
*' strate social affiliations and cultural
When describing the denizens of
another Imperial homeworld or out-
, " freyn culture, take care to include
small details revealing their differ-
ences. Though all Imperial citizens
speak a variation of Galach, you
might for example, care to mention
how a character speaks with a Moritani
dialect-slow and precise in choice of words , yet some-
what slurring and slothful in manner of speech.
Alternately, you could emphasize physical appearance,
Creating the Setting
touching on racial features or style of clothing to foster a A proper setting paints the backdrop behind the sup-
sense of discovery and wonder. porting cast of characters. It provides context for their
But keep in mind that the game is the thing: Don't slow behavior, giving their actions, mannerisms and speech
the pacing to a tiresome crawl as you meticulously explain timely significance. For example, imagine a bit of dialogue:
the subtle nuances of Fremen water discipline. Make your "I sense a great storm approaching." Consider its mood
descriptions serve your purpose and don't take it upon and meaning when uttered by a desert Fremen gazing
yourself to explain everything at once. To evoke sensa- toward a horizon growing dark with storm clouds. Contrast
tions of strangeness or sympathy you can confer mood that image to the same phrase being uttered in a field com-
and information over the course of many scenes and mand post, just before a momentous battle. Clearly, the
chapters-building on what came before by the addition setting gives the utterance contextual meaning, conveying
of choice words or phrases, mixing description with dia- literal or figurative meaning depending on the setting.
logue to vary your approach. But however you approach The setting in your narratives can include time as
it, never forget that it's their cultural identities that make well as place. Over time landscapes change, flavoring
characters who they are, differentiating the peoples of actions and events accordingly. A pale season, a festive
Caladan from those on Giedi Prime, or the Fremen of the holiday, a gloomy hour or a delicate moment-time can
Arrakeen desert from the folk of the graben and pan. bestow a place with shades of meaning, flavoring the
events and actions in subtle or dramatic ways. Setting a
battle in the crimson dawn, or describing a murder on a
Common Origins
moonlit terrace, the time of an event or scene can greatly
Though the worlds of the Imperium present a diverse alter narrative mood or flavor.
array of socio-cultural differences, Narrators should keep When choosing the setting for each scene of your
in mind the ubiquitous institutions unifying the narratives, consider its impact on both plot and drama.
Imperium as a homogenous civilization. Consider first, Does the plot of an event logically require a certain set-
that all Imperial homeworlds share membership in the ting? If so , does the time of the engagement alter its
Landsraad and are bound by the Great Convention. dramatic presentation? Once you've chosen your set-
Imperial colonization ensured that the assimilated home- ting, make sure you provide sufficient description to
worlds adopted a common law, language and govern- make your setting serve its purpose. If you've chosen a
mental bureaucracy. Similar in influence, the forced gloomy drawing room for the discovery of a tragic sui-
migrations of the Zensunni spread certain religious cide, make sure to play up the pale and lifeless lighting
beliefs and cultural forms across the Imperium, seeding or tearful blur of rain coursing down the window panes.
many planets with root heritage that evolved independ- Usually, a few, choice adjectives will do the trick, keep-
ently during the millennia to follow. The efforts of the ing your descriptions from becoming melodramatic or
Missionaria Protectiva bear lasting consequences, as tiresome from minutia.
does the "universal" revolution of the Butlerian Jihad. During the course of your narratives, you'll present
By incorporating the concept of common origins numerous scenes in a variety of colorful settings; but
into your descriptions, you add a level of subtle com- before you can explore your many options, you'll need
plexity and nuance to your developing stories. to determine the predominant setting for your chapter
Revealing cultural differences between the Fremen of or chronicle. In the DUNE RPG, all settings fall within
Arrakis and the natives of Salusa Secundus becomes one of two main categories, though experienced
far more interesting when you also explore similarities Narrators may find it possible to merge both categories
suggestive of a common origin (the Zensunni into a single , expansive adventure.
Wanderers?). By exploiting such comparisons, you can
provide vital clues to more perceptive players who will
delight in discovering such facts "on their own."
Homeworld Adventures
Uncovering a common root that enables them to pre- At least initially, most narratives take place on the
dict or exploit an out-freyn subculture (based on players ' native homeworld, frequently occurring within
knowledge about the related culture) , players may their House fiefdom or family compound. As members of
make great strides in a narrative, being entertained not their House Entourage , fledgling characters must prove
only by their character's actions but also by their own their abilities at home before being sent abroad. Over
cleverness. Anything you can do to foster such discov- time, the family compound, outlying fiefdom and even
ery invariable heightens your players' enjoyment; and their homeworld capital city should become intimately
exploiting common origins reveals one terrific way to familiar to the players . These homeworld settings repre-
tie your universe together, perhaps even through the sent their base of operations, the places where they serve
use of a common theme. their House, pursue private interests and recuperate from

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
their labors. For this reason, Homeworld settings make they travel there?" is a question you must carefully con-
perfect locations for stories about character develop- sider and reasonably explain. As a general rule, Houses
ments and House evolution-routing out enemy spies, Minor do not possess the kind of wealth and power
quelling social rebellions, entertaining visiting dignitaries required to sponsor frequent off-world missions. While
or waging personal vendettas. Nearly any plot imaginable it's feasible that the patron Great House recruits the
could occur somewhere upon the players' homeworld, characters to accompany an off-world delegation, this
making their involvement immediately plausible and logi- rationale proves weak when stretched too far or
cally appropriate. employed too often. Though other powerful organizations
could sponsor the characters' journey, you'll need
to supply sufficient reason if your players
are to find their involvement credible in the
fi rst place.
Lastly, abuse of off-world adventures
runs the risk of becoming mundane or
leading to "runaway" narratives.
Characters who spend most of their narra-
tive time hopping from planet to planet con-
tribute little to the development of their
.......- sponsoring Houses (or if their actions do
affect the House, they're never home to
see the impact). For these many reasons,
Narrators must exercise discretion when
employing off-world adventures. By keep-
ing the action at home, you foster House
advancement and personal growth-
development consistentwith the DUNE
way of storytelling. Foryour player char-
acters to become epic heroes, the conse-
quence of their actions need to go beyond
themselves, impacting upon the success
or failures of the entire HouseMinorand
sponsoring Great House. Forthis to happen, the majority of
Off-world Adventures action should occurat home. And after adventuring off-
Off-world narratives-set on alien homeworlds replete world, greetthe players' homecoming with an elaborate fan-
with wondrous vistas, exotic cultures and unknown dan- fare or sobering gloom, reflecting the consequences of their
gers-are, without a doubt, profoundly alluring and recent exploits away from home.
deeply satisfying, especially when used sparinglyto
break up the normal routine of homeworld adventures.
DUNE itself, represents the greatest of off-world adven-
tures, considering that Paul Atreides had never traveled
Creating the Story
from his native homeworld before movingto the planet The final, and most important element of any DUNE
Arrakis and becomingembroiled in its perilous geograph- RPG narrative proves to be the story itself. "What hap-
ical and political landscape. pens next?" is a question answered only by the sequence
But for Narrators, off-world adventures present their of events comprising your plot line. Following a fairly con-
own, special challenges, some of which can prove lethal sistent structure and methodology, many Narrators find
to your game if handled without due caution. First and buildingstories easier than creatingcomponent settings
foremost , off-world stories require a great deal of narra- and characters. Nevertheless. the scenes you plan and
tive preparation. Whereas Narrators become intimately plot line you create determines the overall success of your
familiar with their homeworld settings, off-world adven- narrative mission. Accordingly, you should plot each story
tures require you to portray an entirely new world in with careful consideration, ensuring your plot line seems
vivid and realistic detail. You must know the world's plausible and your narrative proves entertaining.
ecology, geography, culture and government as if you Every story needs a theme. Pick one from the theme
were native-born. This requires advance preparation and section keeping in mind that your theme doesn't have to
enthusiastic improvisation-infinitely challenging but be immediately obvious to the players. Knowing the
equally rewarding. story's thematic undercurrent helps you maintain focus
In addition, narratives set off-world require additional through the rest of the process. When choosing your
easoning behind player character involvement. "Why do theme, consider the central confli ct of your story. Does the
conflict involve overt violence or open aggression, or is character to overcome spiritual or metaphysical pitfalls,
something more subtle in order? Perhaps your conflict such as those engendered bythenotions offate, destiny or
concerns a moral dilemma or a race against time to pre- ill-fortune. Paul's ongoing attempt to thwart his 'terrible
vent some approaching disaster. Your conflict need not purpose' isa good example ofMan against Destiny; his
restate your theme, but it should complement it. A moral prescient vision giving him glimpses ofmany possible
dilemma could reinforce a Moral Incertitude theme, just futures, he strives desperately to circumnavigate theworst
as a family vendetta could support a Preservation of Key ofthe horrors lying in his seemingly predestined future.
Bloodlines theme. But the reverse combinations could also Man against Destiny represents thechoice conflict for tales
be true, making for an interesting narrative in which your ofMessianic Prophecy, Science ofTradition, orTaming of
players face a moral dilemma that may ultimately decide Worlds.
the survival of their House or homeworld. Now there's the Man against Himself - The most personal and intro-
makings of a riveting DUNE narrative to be sure! spective ofconflicts, Man against Himself presents a char-
acter with a grave moral or ethical dilemma. In DUNE, Dr.
Yueh's moral dichotomy exemplifies this form ofconflict,
characterized asa personal struggle between loyalty for his
Duke (and House) and hisburning desire for revenge. Man
Types of Conflict against Himself makes for any good subplot, but suits tales
Most narratives can bedescribed in terms ofthecon- ofMoral Incertitude and Messianic Prophecy particularly
flict-the antagonism arising between thecentral charac- well.
ter(s) and theobstacles or challenges hindering their
immediate or protracted goals. Whether manifesting as
Man against Man, Man against Nature, or Man against
Himself, conflict drives theplot anddirects theaction of
every good story, falling within oneofthefive predomi- Story Concept
nate forms described hereafter. Once you've decided on a theme and conflict, its time
Man against Man - This type ofconflict pits two or to flesh our your bas ic concept. Asking yourself any of
more individuals directly against oneanother in some sort the golden questions "who," "what," "where," "when"
ofphysical, intellectual, emotional, moral, orspiritual con- and "why" drives you toward natural answers , rounding
test. Man against man conflict permeates DUNE, from the out your story concept. For example , let's assume we've
personal rivalry between Duke Leta Atreides and Baron decided to tell a story about the preservation of the noble
Harkonnen to theduel between Paul Muad' Dib and Feyd- bloodline , choos ing a moral dilemma as our central con-
Rautha. Man against Man conflict iswell suited to propel flict. This decision leads to a number of immediate ques-
any DUNE story, especially those employing Preservation tions: What type of moral dilemma threa tens the House's
of Key Bloodlines as a central theme. survival? How does the crisis manifest itself, and from
Man against Society - This form puts oneor more where does the threa t originate? By responding to such
individuals in direct opposition with theforms and cus- questions, the Narra tor inevitably realizes his basic story
toms ofhuman society. When the Emperor orders Duke' concept.
Leta to take possession oftheplanet Arrakis, heensnares
Duke Leta in a struggle against society-manifested in the
BorrOWing and Cliche
Imperial mandate and thelaws surrounding an Imperial
change offief. Any fight against thecustoms ofthefaufre- Whenever a concep tual dilemma leaves you con-
luches, laws oftheGreat Convention, or religious pro- founded, don 't be afraid to borrow ideas from stories you
scriptions oftheButlerian Jihad falls under thecategory of know. The DUNE novels provide a good source of ideas,
Man against Society. Man against Society emerges as the but feel free to borrow from Shakespeare, Homer or the
ideal conflict todrive DUNE RPG stories hinging on Bible. It really doesn 't matter where your initial ideas
Science ofTradition orTaming ofWorlds themes. come from, but literary classics provide a wealth of uni-
Man against Nature - Usually embodying a fight for versal conflicts and eternal themes . After all, classic sto-
survival, Man against Nature puts a character inopposition ries are considered "classics" for a reason-it would be
with some natural phenomenon. From fighting to steer a difficult to debase your narrati ve by borrowing from liter-
'thopter safely through a violent sandstorm to out-racing ary masterpiece s.
an approaching sandworm orsimply surviving thebrutal On the same note, don 't worry too much about
desert heat-these sorts ofconflicts arecommon to the cliches , either. Though your starting concept may seem
DUNE milieu. Man against Nature fits any variety of just like any other worn out story from your local library,
DUNE story, especially those having themes such as your players will find it new and exciting once you've
Preservation of Key Bloodlines orTaming ofWorlds. adapted it to your setting, cha racters and events. So
Man against Destiny - Derived from themore tradi- don 't worry about familiarity and predictabili ty just yet: A
tional Man against God conflict, this form challenges a certain amount of familiarity stimulates creatiVity-being

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
comfortable with the underlying story, your familiarity scene? How does it advance the plot or illustrate the
will enable you to devise new twists and turns without theme? What characters need to be there for the scene to
compromising your grasp on the central issues. In the accomplish its purpose? What event or conclusion sig-
fi nal analysis, your concept's just a starting point. By the nals the end of the scene? With those questions
time you've fi nished adding details, your players won't answered, you're ready to commit that scene to your
notice your original inspiration. Choose something that developing story line.
moves you to get things going. There's a lot more to do
before to bring your story to life.

Scene Scripting: Narrative Purpose Scene Purposes

Every narrative represents a series of scenes. As in the Some example purposes that a scene might serve.
novels, a scene from your game occurs in a certain loca- Introduce an important Supporting Character (NPC)
tion, portraying one or more characters taking particular Identify the main antagonist or opponent
actions to reveal something vital for story resolution. In Set up an important character conflict
effect, each scene must tell your players something they Establish an atmosphere; crisis, tension, friendship, awe
didn't know before, initiating a conflict, introducing a Plant a cluerequired to move forward in theplot
clue or resolving a challenge to drive the story ever Provide meaning to a clueplanted earlier
onward. When creating a scene, ask yourself, "What is Set-up background information
its purpose in my story?" If it's meant to promote conflict Allow theplayers to confronttheiropponents
between the characters and a Sardaukar contingent, Resolve a major/minor conflictand/or plot line.
make sure the players feel threatened by the Sardaukar
Toward this end, don't allow yourself to be distracted
by player interaction. Though you shouldn't prevent
Climactic Scenes
interactions endangeringyour plot, you should take steps
to encourage character actions furthering your story. For Every chapter contains at least one scene vital to the
example, if you've created a scene to introduce players to story's climax. Narrators do well to script these scenes
a helpful contact, don't portray the character as antago- with two or more "openings" for the players, giving them
nistic unless doing so furthers your plot. Otherwise the adequate opportunity to enter the scene from divergent
characters might abandon the character, finding his arro- angles. Equally important, climactic scenes must point
gance intolerable, and never discover the clue the con- the characters toward a certain resolution; otherwise the
tact was meant to confer. scene may result in anti-climax. For example, if your
For similar reasons, conclude each scene once it's characters must reach the fogwood haven to encounter
accomplished its purpose. The longer you allowcharacters their assassin contact and confront their Sardaukar pur-
to linger, the greater the chance for them to diverge on a suers, make sure two or more of your previous scenes
tangent. By keeping things moving, you can conclude a point them in that direction. You could insinuate the first
scene dramatically, without the playersever noticing that opening into the mission briefing, suggesting that the
they're being propelled ever forward. For example, once assassin must be hiding "somewhere remote," beyond
your scene has divulged Sardaukar pursuers on the char- the questing glances of hidden informants. Later, in the
acters' trail, end the scene with lasguns blazing, literally capital of Ecaz, you might introduce your players to a
forcing them to flee into the next scene. Protracting a gregarious artist, who recounts his stay at the fogwood
scene prolongs the adventure, and most scenes exist to preserve. Promptingthem with the dialogue "...located in
advance, not subvert, the plot. Some scenes may serve to a remote mountain valley... a person could get lost up
build theme through character dialogue. Others may serve there, and stay lost for a long, long time," the artist pro-
as dramatic foreshadowing or narrative segues to cultivate vides a second opening. His words mimic the first open-
mood. But these are the exceptions rather than the rule: ing with similar phrasing, and reinforce the driving logic
use scenes to advance the plot, and monitor their duration by suggesting the haven would make a perfect sanctuary
to maintain your pacing. for their elusive contact.
If every scene serves its purpose, your players will
soon come to realize each scene presents them with spe-
cific opportunities. Soon, they'll approach each scene
T he Three-A ct Model
digging for clues, engaging your NPC's, looking for infor- Virtually every drama follows something called the
mation or jumping into action when the opportunity aris- Three-Act Model. This makes an admirable model for
es, unconsciously keeping pace with your story's innate your DUNE RPG narratives, as well. In the first act, you
timing. So do your best to make every scene important. set up the conflict to come and get the characters ready
sk yourself: What is the narrative purpose of this to begin the main story. In the second act, the characters
determine the nature of their opposition, gather resources find Master Izaos, a fugitive assassin fled to Ecaz.
or information, and struggle against their antagonists. In Perhaps their House Mentat approximates his location,
the third act, the characters triumph (usually) and the or the final scene from the previous chapter gave them a
results of the conflict become apparent. lead. The first plot turn reveals that another faction also
hunts the notorious assassin. That turn might involve
Act One: Introduction intercepting a message, crossing paths with his pursuers
in a nearby city or receiving a distrans from a local con-
Called the premise, or "hook", the first scene draws tact. From a generic "mystery story", the first plot turn
the characters into the main story line. This can be as changes our narrative into an action story and introduces
simple as an introductory scene leading the characters to the firstglimpse of the enemy, a Sardaukar death squad.
discover saboteurs within the household compound, or it
can involve a tense mission briefing and fold-space jour-
Act Two: Confrorrtation
ney to a strategic CHOAt\1 summit. The hook can act as
a "teaser", giving a little taste of the conflict to come, or it In the second act, the characters confronttheir opposi-
can present an immediate threat-the compound may be tion. In storiesabout crises of conscience, they confront
invaded unless the characters repair the shield generator their own attitudes towardtheir moral incertitude. In sus-
in time. Often the introduction starts your story in media pense stories, they realize the full nature of their enigma
res, Latin for "in the middle of things." Don't waste time and glimpse one or more possible solutions. In adventure
describing what the characters are doing before the first stories, they meet their enemies face to face or encounter
important eventoccurs, start the narrative "in progress" their physical challenges head on. Ideally, the players
with the characters assembled before a plaintive Guild ret- spend the first half of Act Two discovering the nature or
inue. Better yet, start the action with the sound of aerial scope of their chiefopposition and the second half of the
bombardment, leaving players to realize their House shields act choosing an appropriate response and preparing to
are down! carry it out.
In theory, the introduction should establish the con- Between those two halves falls the narrative "mid-
flict to come and give the players an identifiable lead to point"-the point at which the nature of the story
pursue. Bythe end of Act One, the characters should changes direction. At the midpoint, the hunted becomes
find themselves entrenched in the story line, knowing the the hunter, the confounding mystery becomes methodic
nature of their immediate challenge. They've accepted pursuit, the baiting of the trap becomes the tightening of
their dilemma and must now confront its dimensions. the noose. Sometimes the midpoint scene presents a dra-
The scene establishing the major confrontation is called matic revelation; in the fogwood sanctuary, the players
the "first plot turn." This scene, usually happening at the discover they're not the only ones searching for the assas-
end of Act One, turns the plot around and provides direc- sin. But his other hunters prove bent on his destruction,
tion and momentum for the confrontation approaching in and maybe the characters along with him! Alternately, the
ActTwo. midpoint scene can result in some temporary setback or
minor defeat (such as the character's being driven to flee
t:tsz;lW( ~'fii'~_
. !=:rl- - by the aerial assault)-leaving them with bruises or
wounded egos, but arming them with the knowledge to
Act One Introductions rise to their feet and face their challenge with renewed
determination. Functioning in this manner, the midpoint
Na rrative introductions might include thefollowing: serves a psychological role as well as a purely narrative
An arena combat during a fete purpose. It needn't occur exactlyhalfway through the nar-
An arriving Guild transport brings important guests rative (though the drama increases by near proximity) ,
An envoy, bearing important news, falls victimto treach- but rather when the characters abandon caution and
ery reaction to assume a more aggressive or active demeanor.
The low rumble of explosions signal theonset of inva- The second act also resolves any red herrings or false
sion or sabotage leads the characters have been pursuing. By the end of
A monumental resolution divides theSysselraad, fore- Act Two, the characters should be ready to face, and
shadowing a shift of political alliances hopefully overcome, their chief opposition or major
An infamous person, presumed dead, is reported alive obstacle. Planning for this can be the difficult task in
The players are summoned by theirGreat House liege to preparingyour script, since you can never be sure how
perform an important mission your players will react to your scripted leads and hidden
clues. Be sure to connect your introductory scene to your
scripted climax through a number of scenes, clues and
alternate leads. Once your players take your lead, you
For example, let's return to our fogwood haven on the can eliminate redundant clues on the fly, turning the
planet Ecaz. The introduction explains the necessity to story direction over to your players. In a sense, the nar-

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
almost seem inevitable: The rivals must
cross blades , the assailant must be
unmasked, the hunted must confront his
pursuers, and so on .
In our example , the second plot turn may
come when the Entourage discovers that their
assassin contact played an important role in
the Glnaz-Moritan i war of assassins. Now
the player charac ters find themselves con-
fronted with a moral imperative-to reveal
the Emperor's part in the legendary affair.
The second plot turn puts everything
together-the Emperor does not want his
role known, hence the Sardaukar pursuers.
They want the assassin, and anyone who
knows his secret , conveniently dead. This is
the make-or-break point-what do your
characters do now?

Act Three: The Resolution

The third act presents the chapter cli-
rative midpoint also represents the point at which control max and narrative denouement. Here , the final clues
of the narrative shifts from Narrator to players , placing fall into place, growing hostilities result in battle, the
the ultimate outcome wholly (or so it seems) in the play- hidden traitor emerges at last or the House agenda
ers' hands. From the midpo int forward, the Narrator comes to fruition . Surprise endings should be revealed
guides the story from a backseat position, giving subtle during the climax, when the players' attention and
direction as needed to make sure the players reach the excitement reach their peak. Intimating the surprise
finish line. too early creates a distraction , revealing it too late
proves anticlimactic. Whereas the Narrator leads the
story up to the midpoint, and players direct things to
their natural climax, the climax itself should establish
the direction for the remainder of the narrative, allow-
Act Two ing the story to wind down to its logical conclusion.
Narrative mid-points might include thefollowing: It's usually a good idea to begin writing a story by
The players find evidence of danger in a place of writing the climax. If you know how you want the story
assumed safety. to peak, you can generally create scenes and dramatic
Political alliances shift unexpectedly, dueto a rival's openings leading the players toward that dramatic turn-
interference ing point. But after the climax, it is the character
The House shield generators fail for no apparent reason. actions and culmination of events that should sensibly
Sabotage! lead to the ultimate conclusion. Using this approach,
A House declares formal vendetta, forcing thecharacters you might try scripting the climax in some amount of
to prepare for violence. detail , hinting toward the most probable resolution.
The main antagonists abduct a player character, averting Your notes might read something like this: "Having dis-
theirapparent victory. covered the Emperor's role in the Ginaz-Moritani war
Upon arresting thevillain, the players discover a dire of assassins, they must elude or defeat their Sardaukar
plot to be already in motion. pursuers, bringing Master Iosaz to testify before the
Uncovering a traitor, theplayers must discover who she Landsraad tribunal. "
worked for. Without having any idea of how the story should cli-
max and point to resolution, keeping the story on track
might prove difficult given the tendency of players to pur-
sue unexpected avenues or take some wrong turns.
At the end of Act Two comes the "second plot turn." Though scripting the conclusion fosters pointless deter-
Although there may be any number of twists or plot turns minism , failing to address the story's climax can result in
between the introduction and the climax , the second plot hours of aimless narration . If you successfully lead play-
turn presents the key scene propelling the story toward ers to your pre-scripted climax, you don 't have to worry
its climax. After the second plot turn, the climax should about the final conclusion. Let the story take you there ,
even if its doesn't result in the ending you imagined. By
monitoring the story's progress and allowing it to reach its
natural conclusion, its final outcome will surprise both you
and your players.
Three Act Model Summary
1;; ~~~-:?-~,.--_ _ Act O ne: Introduction & Conflict
Introduction - establishes story premise and foreshad-
ows main conflict
Act Three Resolutions Anexample from DUNE - The Baron and Piter reveal
Resolutions may include thefollowing: the trap they'vesetfor the Atreides onthe planet Arrakis.
The players lead a razzia or all-out assault againsta rival First PlotTurn - revea lsthe main conflict, and moves
holding, lasguns blazing. thestory into the next act.
The players search for an antidote to save an important Harkonnen forces rout theAtreides onArrakis, driving
dignitary. Paul, Jessica andthe few remaining Atreides survivors 10
Uncovering the key to the natives' cultureallowsthe seek refuge among thenative desert peoples.
players to escape
A climactic duel ensues between a player and a rival. Act Tw o : Conf ro ntatio n & Tu rning Point
Investigation and adaptation - Characters investigate
An Adept (or other character with dual allegiance) must
and confront their major opposition
decide between honor (or love) and duty.
Isolated in the desert, Paul and Jessica enlist with the
The players must subvert a violation of theGreat
Fremen tribe at Sietch Tabr. They try to rally support among
Convention for which they will made to appear
the Fremen 10 combat the Harkonnens and restore Paul to
responsi ble.
the Atreides dukedom.
After long debate and political intrigue. a vote in the
Midpoint - Majorturningpoint in which thehunted
Syssleraad determines the player'ssuccess or failu re.
become the hunter
Paul completes the Fremen initiation ritual, riding his
first sandworm to become eligible as a Fremen "leader of
men."Paul returns to convene a Fremen "gathering" a trib-
After the climax, your final scenes should tie off any almeeting to unite the Fremen against their Harkonnen
remaining loose ends bringing the chapter to a close. enemies.
Occasionally, you may want to create an "open" ending, Confrontation - Armed with information gathered earli-
dangling one or more story threads before your players, er, thecharacters act, taking charge of theirsituation.
using them to segue into your next narrative. Creating Confronting his terrible purpose, Paul endeavors to
an open ending can be as simple as including some become the Mahdi-the Fretnen messiah who wil/lead
enigmatic parting dialogue. Consider the following the Fremen tribes to paradise.
spoke by Lady Margot Fenring in DUNE: "... Do not Second PlotTurn - scenethatmoves thecharacters and
count a human dead until you've seen his body. And plot toward theclimax.
even then you can make a mistake." Clearly, her advice Paul partakes of the Water of Life, cementinghis role
suggests that she and her Count have not seen the last as the Fremen messiah andassuming the mantle of tribal
of young Paul Atreides (to whom she refers). By provid- leadership.
ing such open endings in your own stories, your resolu-
tion can provide closure for the main plot of the chapter Act T hree: Climax & Resolution
while providing a solid lead-in for the next chapter to Climax - the major confrontation reaches itszenith
follow. This technique proves especially useful for link- Leading the Fremen legions, Paul prepares the final
ing several, related chapters together. forming a solid assault on the Imperial and Harkonnen forcesatArrakeen.
connection between the multiple episodes of an ongoing Denouement- final revelations
chronicle. Having crushed their enemies, Paul bids for the
Imperial throne, revealing his mastery over thespice and
the Imperial economy.
Subplots Epilogue- either provides closure or sets of thenext
Once you've become familiar with the three-act adventure
model, you may want to explore the possibility of includ- Paul assumes his place as Emperor, hinting about his
ing additional subplots into your narrative. A subplot plans for a newera of rule.
resembles a mini-story nested within a larger narrative.
Typically, subplots introduce an additional conflict or
challenge that somehow ties into the main story line.
Consider DUNE for example, if the main plot line
describes the Atreides-Harkonnen vendetta, then the

Chapter VII: Pillars of the Universe
whole Kwisatz Haderach theme introduces at least one address the issues underlying the surface events of the
major subplot. To prove himself to be the Kwisatz narrative, while those chronicles lacking a united theme
Haderach, Paul must survive the Water of Life (the con- emphasize the sequence itself, recounting the action and
flict). The fact that Paul survives and assumes the mantle events in a lively, dramatic manner.
of the Fremen messiah provides the turning point,
enabling him to lead the Fremen hordes to victory over
House Harkonnen and signifying a victory for House EpisodiC Chronicles
Atreides. By overcoming the chief conflict introduced by Episodic Chronicles are those consisting of multiple
the subplot, Paul acquired the talent and vision to tri- chapters, each telling their own individual story. The
umph in the major plot line as well. chapters may be connected by shared settings and char-
Ideally, every subplot serves to advance the main plot acters, but do not reveal a central theme or overarching
or theme of the larger narrative, though they don't neces- story line. Each chapter tells its own story, and each
sarily relate to one another (especially if multiple sub- leads into the next; but as a whole, the episodic chroni-
plots are being introduced). Ordinarily, a single chapter cle recounts a series of adventures and nothing more.
should contain no more than one or two subplots, The history of a Great House closely resembles an
though in the context of a multi-chapter chronicle, the episodic chronicle. Each generation tells its own story,
plot line of each chapter can be seen as a subplot, pro- operating like a chapter in a grand, episodic chronicle.
vided all of the chapters advance an ongoingstory line When linked together, the chapters recollect the greater
(see "Epic Chronicles," next page). And during the course House history, giving an accurate and interest account of
of a narrative, the characters themselves may introduce the family history.
subplots by pursuing personal agendas within the con- Episodic chronicles benefit from their lack of central-
text of the primary story line. When reflecting the greater ized theme and story line. Being almost impossible to over-
conflict or theme, such initiatives should prove welcome script, episodic chronicles appeal to players who objectto
to Narrators who can use them to reinforce any of his protracted campaigns that must be playedout in their
own plot elements. Eventually, you might even choose to entirety. After all, since each chapter presents its own, self-
narrate entire chapters during which the Entourage's pur- contained story, there's no loss of drama if the Entourage
suits provide the main plot line, while your subplots suddenly changes its membership or adopts a different
merely serve to drive the story forward and keep the agenda in an episodic chronicle. Butwithouta unified
action dramatic. theme or underlying story line, the Narratormust make
sure to create logical seguesand interesting events to hold
L C-~~;e;;L~~-- the players' attention over multiple chapters. Focusing on
character growth and House evolution (see "Chapter 8")
provides the easiest method for threading chapters together
Sample Subplots to form a good episodic chronicle for DUNE.
A character with dual allegiance has his loyalties tested
A ReverendMother arrives to observe one of thecharac-
Book Story Arcs
Oneof thecharacters has theopportunity to single- A book describes a group of chapters that build upon
handedly acquire a CHOAM Contract one another to create a multi-part story, called a "story
Several aides and NPCs fall ill. Coincidence or poison? arc." Story arcs can function in a variety of ways. They
One of the characters learns somethingmysterious about can explore a particular theme through numerous situa-
hispast tions, survey a culture or setting through a series of expe-
ditions, recount the pursuit of a House agenda over the
'" ............. course of several months, or describe an ongoing vendet-
ta between the Entourage and adversary. Adversarial
story arcs particularly suit the DUNE RPG, given the
Creating A Chronicle strong emphasis on vendetta in the original novel. By the
end of the final chapter, the intractable adversary should
The individual chapters of your game all add up to seem as realistic and as multidimensional as any player
form one or more DUNE RPG chronicles, also called character (maybe even appearing somewhat sympathet-
"campaigns" in other roleplaying games. As a whole, a ic). So be sure to reveal that personality to the players.
chronicle might follow a Singular theme, or it could Much of the enjoyment players derive from the adversari-
actively explore all of the traditional DUNE themes, al arc involves getting to know the idiosyncrasies of their
tacklingthem chapter by chapter, or in smaller chapter rival , ideally realizing his weaknesses and turning them
groupings (referred to as books). Regardless of their com- against him.
position or theme, a chronicle always answers the ques- Though you'll need to linkat least two chapters together
ion, "So then what happened?" Theme-based chronicles to form a story arc, storyarcs can span any numberof
chapters. But not all of the chapters in a storyarc need to together, they do not deal with scenes or intra-chapter
occuras a continuous sequence. An unrelated chapter conflicts-that type of Interweaving concerns plot and
inserted in the middle can help relaxsome of the tension or subplot. not to be confused with story and story arcs.
simply provide a welcome diversion. Forexample, in the Agiven story arc can unfold overyears of game time, if
novel DUNE, Feyd-Rautha's lOath arena combat interrupts the Narrator remains patient and the players stay interest-
the multi-chapter storyarc concerning Paul's existence ed. Forexample, the Kwisatz Haderach story arc of the
among the Fremen. Though the scene does tie into the DUNE series spanned some twelve to fifteen years follow-
major plot of the novel, its action and politics provide a ing the history of Paul Atreides. Andarguably, that arc con-
welcome diversion from the religious overtones occurring in tinued for thousands of years more, following the exploits of
the Fremen subplot. his son Leto II in God Emperor of DUNE.

Epic Chronicles
If an episodic chronicle resembles the seemingly ran-
Sample Story Arcs dom history of a Great House, then an epic chronicle
The players' House embarks on a warof assassins with a more closely resembles the intricate story told by the
rival House novel DUNE. Epic chronicles feature an interconnecting
The player's House wages a campaign to rid their fief- plot or overriding theme that links nearly every compo-
dom of foreign spies. nent chapter and every component book to tell a story of
The natives of theplayers' homeworld guard a secret heroic dimension. Such campaigns can prove difficult to
culture the players must infiltrate plan and challenging to narrate over protracted periods
The Swordmaster's School courts one of theplayers, hop- of time. Often, a major story arc serves as the function of
ingshe'll teach at the school. an epic within a largercampaign framework, although
Previously allied families begin to behave strangely this can diminish the impact of the underlying theme or
when dealing with the players. story. Nonetheless, if the Narrator and players cooper-
The characters' Great House patron begins grooming their ate-exploring the richness of a theme or weaving an
House Minor for advancement to Great House status epic story arc-the end rewards can prove deeply satisfy-
ing. Examining one or more related themes from a variety
of narrative perspectives creates more realistic characters
and emphasizes the epic nature of DUNE storytelling.
Elements of a story arc can begin as a casual mention Don't let their scope intimidate you or your players; epic
in one scene of a chapter, then develop into an entire chronicles are worth every ounce of effort.
subplot two chapters later. Similarly, an interrupting In the endgame, creating and telling stories following
chapter could introduce an entirely new story arc, one the DUNE RPG guidelines resembles the same type of
that forms the primary plot line of a parallel book. enterprise as writing a novel or similar, dramatic master-
Narrators can alternate two different story arcs, leapfrog- piece. Like navigating through fold-space, you need a
ging between them from chapter to chapter. In fact, the destination in mind, a safe course plotted, an awareness
Feyd-Rautha chapter does exactly that: it introduces a of common pitfalls and a willingness to improvise when
new story arc set on the planet Giedi Prime. It contrasts unforeseen obstacles stand in your path. You should
the actions of Paul's messianic story, set on the far away understand the capabilities of your vehicle, be it your
planet of Arrakis. As DUNE reveals, story arcs can be story or your Heighliner. Put your trust in your vision;
introduced at almost any time. They might begin as an and if all else fails, consult the game manual. The guide-
apparently unrelated chapter, or spawn from events lines presented here enable you to travel without moving,
occurring mid-chapter in an existing story arc. But it's folding space from one world to the next in the blink of
important to recognize that story arcs link whole chapters an eye.

Ch8pter VIII: A
Shortening o
Now that you know how t
craft engaging chapters an
you're probably wonderi Experience Points
en Thou 've ElJi Though in life it is difficult to trace human develop-
down a 10 ment through intangible experience, doing so in the
tie your ch DUNE RPG proves fai rly Simple and straightforward.
your Hous During the narrative interlude, following each chronicle,
part in tha the Narrator awards Experience Points to each of the
In "Chap er 5," players. Experience Points translate the amorphous les-
interlude- the time el sons learned during a chronicle into measurable experi-
chapters or chronicles. UNE RPG, narrative ence players use to develop their characters. By spending
interludes present opportunitIes for the Narrator and Experience Points to raise their character's attributes,
players to take stock of recent events. Reflecting on their skills or traits, players reveal how recent events have
Re nee and encounters during the recent adventure, influenced their characters' lives or development. By
rrator and players should consider the impact enhancing their innate characteristics, players adapt their
ate events have made upon their characters and characters over time, simulating the personal develop-
v., House. ment resulting directly from their characters' exploits.
. " '. As previously noted, one of the major themes of the
DUNE milieu concerns the evolution of societies and
AW8rdins Experience Points
individuals. How do civilizations evolve as a result of
historic developments? How do individuals adapt to The Narrator awards Experience Points at the con-
environmental changes? These are questions the clusion of each chapter (or, in the case of narratives
Narrator and players should ask themselves at the con- spanning many chapters , at the end of the entire
clusion of each chronicle-questions this chapter chronicle). Granting a number of points to each player,
strives to answer. the Narrator awards Experience based on her evalua-
tion of three basic factors: what the characters accom-
plished; how well they accomplished it; and how con-
Character Evolution vlnclngly the players portrayed their characters in the
Dramatic events-whether precipitating fortu- As Narrator, you should first consider whether the
itous outcomes or inglorious defeats-lead to a characters accomplished their goals during the narrative.
wealth of experience from which humankind draws Did they succeed at their commissionedventures? If so,
to evolve as individuals and societies. Dramatic they deserve Experience Points; but the number depends
storytelling embraces this philosophy. revealing the upon how well they performed. If, for example. they
most heroic characters to be those who adapt to their resolved the primary crisis or foiled the major antagonist,
environments, arming themselves with the collective but in the process caused other problems of suffered sig-
experience needed to overcome future obstacles and nificant setbacks, their performance may warrant few. if
crises affronting them. any, Experience Points. Conversely, if the characters
So do all DUNE RPG characters evolve from excelled in their objectives, succeeding at one or more
experience. As dynamic individuals they adapt their Ventures and perhaps achieving one or more unexpected
ideas and behavior in response to life's lessons. In boons during the scenario, they deserve extra Experience
surviving such ordeals they acquire a trove of per- Points for doing so well.
_ sonal experience-learning new skills, finding new Failure to accomplish goals in a narrative does not
r1 passions or abandoning hopeless ideals. To repre- always justifycomplete denial of Experience Points.
sent such learning, the DUNE RPG reinforces the Characters (and players) often learn as much from failure
concept of character Experience through the rneas- as they do from success, and by surviving each crisis or
urable accumulation of Experience Points. ordeal, characters usually take something from the
Chapter VIII: Narrative Interludes
event- knowledge that will help them overcome similar
challenges in the future.
When evaluating failure , consider the reasons for
their missteps. If they made foolish decisions or engaged
Experience Point Awards
in nonsensical actions-having failed to follow obvious Points Circumstance
leads, obey their lieges' warnings, act in accordance with 2 Characters accomplished theprimary goal of the
character-then their actions probably don't warrant chapter/chronicle (award to each surviving char-
Experience awards. But if they performed admirably, acter)
making sound decisions and taking appropriate actions, +1 A character successfu Ily performed oneor more
yet still failed (perhaps because of some unfortunate dice narrative Ventures (award perVenture on an indi-
rolls or inevitable circumstances), then they deserve vidual basis)
some award signifying how they learned from their fail- -1 Characters accomplished thegoal(s) of the narra-
ures. Remember, never withhold Experience Points as a tive, but caused additional problems or suffered
means of punishing players. If their miserable perform- major setbacks (award to each surviving charac-
ance warrants a reprimand from their Houses, then issue ter)
such rebuffs during the narrative debriefing, letting play- +1 Characters accomplished thegoal(s) of the narra-
ers realize the magnitude of their failures from their char- tivein anexemplary and clever fashion (award to
acters' perspectives. each surviving character)
Depending on your story preferences, good roleplay- +1-2 Characters failed to accomplish theprimary goals
ing may prove equally important as accomplishing goals. of thenarrative, but succeeded in telling a dra-
The DUNE milieu is fraught with tragedy-characters matic taleto add to theirHouse chronicle (award
perish, bloodlines falter and Houses decline. When to each surviving character)
recounted in a gripping fashion, tragic dramas prove just +0 A character was roleplayed adequately (award on
as entertaining as heroic epics: it's much a matter of taste individual basis)
and preference. So roleplaying provides another justifica- +1-2 Characters were roleplayed well (award on indi-
tion for awarding Experience Points. After all, the differ- vidual basis)
ence between a divine tragedy and comedy of errors -1-2 Characters were roleplayed poorly (award on
depends almost entirely on the quality of narration rather individual basis)
than the tally of failures or missteps. +1-2 Characters did something of extraordinary service
When evaluating a player's roleplaying performance, to theirHouse, or suffered great personal sacri-
consider how well they acted "in character." Did they act fice to further the legend of theirEntourage
in accordance with their vocational role and House (award on an individual or group basis)
ethos? Did they convey a sense of character, revealing +1 Characters triumphed in theface of overwhelm-
behavioral mannerisms or character idiosyncrasies? Were ing adversity (award to each surviving character)
their actions appropriate given the character's knowledge,
or did the character act on real world knowledge that
only its player would enjoy? As you can see, good role-
playing does not require players to eat, breath and speak Also note, a zero point award represents the minimum
entirely in character-it only requires the players to inter- experience a character can suffer from his exploits, even if
act with the narrative setting in a convincing manner. the character incurs enough penalties to reach negative
When players demonstrate good roleplaying, they numbers. Characters cannot lose prior experience simply
deserve extra experience for their effort. When they radi- because they do not learn anything from the events of a
cally violate the character's credibility, their performance narrative. But if their disgraceful performance warrants
may warrant reduced experience awards. See the negative impact, characters may suffer narrative punish-
"Experience Point Awards" chart for point assignments ments issued by their governing household.
and additional guidelines.
As a general rule, Experience rewards should be
Spending Experience Points
allotted in small increments-typically just a few points
per chapter. Characters should normally earn from 2 to Though point awards quantify the character's experi-
5 Experience Points per chapter ; greater awards being ence, how a player chooses to spend them explains the
reserved for extraordinary performance by a character circumstances of the character's development. Spending
or player. Limiting the number of Experience Points Experience Points to enhance characteristics or increase
that characters receive leads to steady, incremental Karama , players needn't explain each and every point
character development. This enables the Narrator to expenditure. In other words, they needn't trace which
track character performance and pace character devel- attributes, skills and advantages they use duringthe
opment to match the pacing of his envisioned chroni- course of a narrative to rationalize their character'sdevel-
les. opment in specific areas. But spending Experience to raise
oft-used characteristics goes a longway
towardexplaining why the character
develops in the way she does.
Nevertheless, this simple rationale
does not always make for the most dra-
matic character evolution. Sometimes
playerswill want to develop new skills or
traits to enable their characters to diverge
from their expected development track-
perhaps abandoning violence to become
a noted arbitrator, or dispensing with rea-
sonable behavior to affect encroaching
madness. Though the Narrator remains
the ultimate judge over character develop-
ment, the creation of compelling characters
often requires wide latitude with regard to
Experience Point expenditures. As a gener-
al rule, Narrators should permit characters
to acquire new skills and traits providing
the player can offer a reasonable explana-
tion for such development.
In addition to spending Experience Points to develop
new or existingcharacteristics, the Narrator may also
permit characters to devote Experience to the reduction
Experience Point of disadvantageous traits, such as a Physical
Impairment, Adversary, and so on. Following the previ-
Development ous guidelines, the Narrator must evaluate the player'S
Characteristic EP Cost reasoning for such reductions; determiningwhether the
Buyinga newskill (level 1) 4 character can receive medical remedies or whether the
Improvinga known ski ll... rival has forgotten his grudge. In cases where recent
to level 2 2 events support such developments, the Narrator should
to level 3 3 assist the player in justifying the reduction of the intend-
to level 4 4 ed trait. For example, if the recent narrative introduces a
to level 5 5 character to bionic implants from IX, then spending
to level 6 6 Experience Points to reduce partial blindness could be
Buying a newspecialization (at a level explained by virtue of forbidden technology. Similarly, if
equal to theexistingskil l) Skill Level the characters' rival either perished or forgave the char-
Improving an existingspecialization... acter during the course of the narrative, then reducing or
to level 2 1 eliminatingthe disadvantage would represent an appro-
to level 3 2 priate use of acquired Experience Points.
to level 4 2 In such cases, the Narrator may decide to award "lim-
to level 5 3 ited" Experience Points (in addition to or in place of
to level 6 3 Experience, Karama, or Renown) for the specific purpose
to level 7 4 of lowering a disadvantage or acquiring an advantage. For
Improving attributes... example, if a character assisted a Reverend Mother dur-
to level 2 3 ing the course of an adventure, the Narrator might award
to level 3 4 1 Experience Point limited to the purchase of the Ally
to level 4 5 advantage, naming the Reverend Mother as the particular
to level 5 6 ally. When awarding limitedexperience, the final decision
to level 6 7 of whether to accept the experience should remain with
Improving edges 4 perpoint the player; if the player doesn't want to reduce a disad-
Buying a newadvantage 4 x value vantage or acquire a new advantage with limited experi-
Improving anexisting advantage 4 per point ence, the award simplygoes away-not everyone takes
Reducing or eliminating a disadvantage 4 x perpoint full advantage of every opportunity in life.
Karama Point 5 When developing characteristics, the Experience
Point costs differs significantly from the Development
Point costs paid during character creation. The accompa-

Chapter VIII: Narrative Interludes
Successfully completinga diplomatic
mission which mayaffect the course
of Imperial politics for decades to come 3-5
Renown Awards Successfully negotiating aneconomic
Incident Renown Award conflict of minor importance
Saving the life of an important NPC during Successfully negotiating aneconomic
a secret diplomatic mission conflict of major importance 1-2
Saving thelife of an important NPC during Successfully negotiating aneconomic
a public diplomatic mission 1-2 conflict which may have a profound
Saving thelife of an important NPC during effect on CHOAM company 3-5
a highly-publicized or well-known
diplomatic mission 2-3
NPC who is saved is extremely important
(e.g. a Noble from a Great House, nying Experience Point Cost Table lists the costs for
a Guild Navigator, a Reverend Mother, etc...) +1 -2 experience-based character improvements: Characters
Uncovering a Sleeper Agent 1 may not voluntaril y reduce characteristics or assume dis-
Uncovering a Sleeper Agent about to advan tageous traits to gain Experience Points as they
strike (e.g. operating a hunter-seeker) 1-2 could Development Points.
Uncovering a Sleeper Agent in anextremely All costs for improving skills, attributes and edges are
dangerous position (e.g.,preparing t cumulative-improving a skill from level 3 to levelS
assassinate a visiting Noble from a costs a total of 9 (4 for rank 4,5 for rank 5); going from
Gre~~~~ 2~ Dexterity -2 to Dexterity 0 costs 8 Experience Points (4
Displaying skillor valor in a duel 1 points for each point of improvement) . The Narrator
Displaying skill or valor in a Razzia 1-2 must approve all Experience Point expenditures. Renown
Displaying skill or valor in anAssault 2-3 cannot be purchased with experience .
Displaying skill or valor in a battle that
changes thepolitical structure of the
Imperium (e.g. The Arrakis Affair) 3-5
Successfully completing a minor In addit ion to or in lieu of awarding a number of
diplomatic mission Experience Points , Narrators may confer additional
Successfully completing an important Karama Points. Each character begins play with at least
diplomatic mission 1-2 3 Karama . When used during narratives, they regenerate
Successfully completing anextremely at the end of the chapter (occasionally in mid-narrative
important diplomatic mission 2-3 as a reward for especially hero ic or daring actions) ; see
pages 115 for details on recovering Karama
Characters can buy additional
Karama with Experience Points. In some
cases the Narrator may wish to give
them out as a reward for good game
play. But this should be rare ; Karama
Points are extraordinarily useful, and
only the most heroic characters should
possess a great many of them . If a
character beha ves in a particularly
noble , hero ic or a ltruistic manner, an
award of an extra Karama point might
be appropriate .
Narrators should be wary of letting
characters accrue too man y Karama
points, regardless of how they get them.
Karama enables a character to raise his
Tests Results directly, often meaning the
difference between success and failure.
A character who accumulates too
much Karama will rarely fail at an y-
thing, making for lackluster drama. Though withholding t~~,
Karama awards and restricting Experience Point expendi-
tures prove the easiest way to limit Karama, it is also
appropriate for Narrators to judge that Karama spent on Commendations
"uncharacteristic" behavior or trivial actions never Commendation Renown Award
replenishes. Remember, in the DUNE RPG, Karma repre- Bade of the Lion 2 Valor
sents miraculous fortune, a gift from the spirit world or a Cluster of the Hawk 2 Valor
touch from the hand of God. Lieutenant 2 Learning
Knight 2 Justice
Order of theSword 3 Valor
Renown Peer of the Realm 3 Learning
Characters earn Renown through their actions, and Captain 3 Justice
Narrators should award Renown Points accordingly. Ambassador 3 Prayer
Generally, if an accomplishment could conceivably get a House Champion 4 Valor
character noticed, she earns Renown. Saving an heir House Spokesman 4 Learning
from assassination, for example, would garner a charac- Commander 4 Prayer
ter Renown . Typical Renown awards range between 1
and 2 points, divided among a several of Renown
aspects; but exploits generating planet-wide attention
could conceivably earn 3 to 5 points, perhaps devoted to
a single aspect.
The circumstances surrounding the character's action Promotion and Rank
determines the Renown aspect receiving the increase. If Though characters begin play as important members of
the action directly relates to a character skill or trait, then their House Entourage, the household command structure
the reward probably deserves assignment to the corre- offers substantial opportunityfor internal promotion. As
sponding aspect (see pages 70- 71 for more information). characters acquire greaterexperience, masterful skill and
For example, if a character achieves a dramatic success heightenedrenown , they become increasingly qualified to
while performing a Statecraft Venture, then awarding one advance within their vocational hierarchy, furthering their
point to increase the character's Justice aspect is appro- career path within one of the household agencies. See the
priate. Under more ambiguous circumstances, the "Household Positions" chart for more information.
Narrator should use her better judgment. Keep in mind,
that multiple point awards often warrant distribution t p;::::;~ i
among numerous Renown aspects; if a character were to
earn 3 points of Renown for quelling a public riot Recognition of
through diplomacy and a show of force, distributing the
reward among Valor and Justice (and maybe even Qualifications
Prayer) is entirely justified. To simulate thetimerequired for eligible characters to
come to the attention of their superiors (orpromotions
review board), the Narrator can make a Challenging (10)
Suggested Renown Guidelines Renown Test for thecharacter'scommanding officer.
The accompanying table (left page) provides some Renown Tests are appropriate after a significant increase in
rough guldelines for Renown awards. Of course, almost character Renown or after thecharacter scores a dramatic
any momentous action performed in dire situations could success on any Venture. Butcharacters should not be pro-
garner Renown for a character, so this list should not be moted using this method unless theypossess theminimum
considered exhaustive. requirements (skills and renown) or have otherwise ful-
filled the narrator'sstandards for promotion.

Commendations and Awards

Commendations, awards, badges and similar acco-
lades often accompany multi-point Renown awards. The Earning a promotion should require more than simply
accompanying table provtdes a sample list of Imperial spending Experience Points to raise departmental skills
and House commendations, along with their suggested and achieving sufficient Renown. Instead, the Narrator
point awards. Narrators should feel at liberty to create should consider the required skill and Renown levels as
their own commendations for the various Great and minimum requirements for advancement, evaluating
Minor Houses they create, assigning Renown awards and each character's roleplaying performance to determine
aspects as they see fit. their final qualifications. Because characters have

Chapter VIII: Narrative Interludes
already undergone similar evaluation to earn Renown, Departmental Transfers
the Narrator should not be too critical when determining
their eligibility for promotions. Instead, the Narrator Changing career paths rarely enters the minds of most
should trust his gut feelings in awarding or denying pro- household retainers. Having undergone years of voca-
motions. tional conditioning and having been raised under the
If the Narrator doubts a character's eligibility, but feels strictly regimented faufreluches, transferring departments
the promotion serves the interest of the House or ongo- or agencies represents a major career deviation.
ing narrative, he may wish to "interview" the character, Nonetheless, by virtue of character request or House
assuming the role of a commanding officer and question- decree, characters occasionallydo furlough to another
ing the character about his prior service and personal division of House operations. The following guidelines
ambitions. In roleplaying promotion interviews, the detail such transfers.
Narrator can better appreciate the character's accom- The basic qualifications for transferring departments
plishments and goals, coming by a final decision much prove similar, if not identical, to gaining a promotion in
more easily. In addition to quelling doubt, narrative inter- rank. Characters must possess the departmental core
views can also make for interesting drama as the charac- skills at the minimum levels and also possess sufficient
ter presents himself before the superior officer or promo- Renown in the appropriate categories. Assuming the
tions review board. character meets these conditions, the Narrator must eval-
uate the character's performance and consider the narra-
tive reasons behind the transfer. If deemed to serve its
Departmental Skills interests, the House sanctions a departmental transfer,
The Narrator enjoys a bit of latitude when determin- assigning the character to the new department.
ing a character's "departmental skills." Core skills (such When examining character qualifications, the
the various types of Administration, Espionage, Military Narrator compares the character's skills and Renown to
and so on) are always required. But depending on a those required for all ranks in the new department. Once
character's current assignment or mission, Survival could the Narrator determines the highest rank for which the
be more important than Politics, or Customs more impor- character is qualified, he assigns the character a proba-
tant than Law. tionary rank of one grade lower. For example if a Captain
Narrators should note that all of the promotion require- of the Guard (Security rank 3) were also qualified to
ments are subject to interpretation and adjustment. No two serve as a Captain-Major (Military rank 3), his would
Houses employ the exact same standardsor expect precisely gain the rank Captain (Military rank 2) for a probation-
the same achievements of their retainers. Theguidellnes ary period. The character suffers the reduction in rank for
exist for Narrators who prefer a numerical method for evalu- a period of time sufficient to evaluate the character's suit-
atingcharacter eligibility to a purely intuitive approach. abilityfor the department. Assuming the character serves
his new department adequately, the Narrator
should elevate him to his proper station
at the next opportunity, perhaps during
the mission debriefing following the cur-
rent adventure.

Even more extraordinary than

transferring departments, House fur-
loughs indicate one of two things for
player characters-the character has
- - e,

.." performed so disgracefully that his

House discharges him from service, or
the character has served so admirably
that another House seeks to acquire
his bond of allegiance. When dishon-
orably discharged, characters become
rogues and acquire that disadvanta-
geous trait (see "Traits," page 110). No
longer a member of the household , the
character must either find a way to
redeem himself, or the Narrator will
Household Positions by R8nk
Household Administration (Adepts. Master Household Military (Master Stratcgb-ts, Nobles,
Strategists. Mentats, Nobles) Swordmasters)
Core Skills: Administration (economic), Law, l'v\ercantilism, Core Skills: Adrninistration (military), Armament, Armed
Observation (surveillance), Persuasion Combat, Military Operations, World Knowledge
o Aide Valor (0), Learning (OJ, Justice o Corporal Valor (1), Learning (0), justice
(1), Prayer (1) (1), Prayer (0)
Attache Valor (0), Learning (1), justice Captain Valor (2), Learning (0), justice
(1), Prayer (2) (1), Prayer (1)
2 Confidante Valor (1), Learning (1 l, justice 2 Captain-Major Valor (2), Learning (1), Justice
(2), Prayer (2) (2), Prayer (1)
3 Administrator Valor (1 ), Learning (2), Justice 3 Colonel Valor (3), Learning (1), justice
(2), Prayer (3) (2), Prayer (1)
4 Custodian Valor (2), Learning (3), Justice 4 Commander Valor (4), Learning (2), justice
(3), Prayer (4) (3), Prayer (2)
5 House Steward Valor (3), Learning (3), Justice 5 Warmaster Valor (5), Learning (3), justice
(4), Prayer (5) (4), Prayer (3)

Household Govemance (House Nobles) Household Represerrtat jves (Adepts, Master

CoreSkills: Administration (political), Command, Stmtegists, Mentats, Nobles)
Diplomacy, Law, Statecraft Core Skills: Administration (political), Diplomacy, Politics,
o House Scion Valor (1), Learning (0), justice Propaganda, Subteriuge
(1),Prayer (0) o House Envoy Valor (0), Learning (1),justice
House Representative Valor (1), Learning (1), justice (1), Prayer (0)
(2), Prayer (0) House Liaison Valor (0), Learning (1),Justice
2 House Spokesman Valor (1), Learning (2), justice (2), Prayer (1)
(2), Prayer (1) 2 Sysselraad Delegate Valor (1), Learning (2), justice
3 Heir Apparent Valor (2), Learning (2), justice (2), Prayer (1)
(3), Prayer (1) 3 Sysselraad Emissary Valor (1), Learning (2), justice
4 Heir, Presumptive Valor (3), Learning (3), Justice (3), Prayer (2)
(4), Prayer (2) 4 House Ambassador Valor (2), Learning (3), justice
5 Heir Designate Valor (4), Learning (3), justice (4), Prayer (3)
(5), Prayer (3) 5 Sysselraad Spokesman Valor (3), Learning (4), Justice
(5), Prayer (3)

Household Int ellig e nce (Assllssins, Master Household Security (Assassins, Master
Strategists. Mentats) Strategists, Swordmasters)
Core Skills: Administration (intelligence), Espionage, Core Skills: Administration (security), Equipment (systems),
Infiltration, Interrogation, Underworld Espionage, Observation, Security
o Sleeper Agent Valor (0), Learning (1), justice o Corporal Valor (1), Learning (0), justice
(1), Prayer (0) (1), Prayer(0)
Director ofIntelligence Valor (1), Learning (2), justice Guard Corporal Valor (2), Learning (1), justice
(1), Prayer (0) (1), Prayer (0)
2 Minister of Information Valor (1), Learning (2), justice 2 Captain Valor (2), Learning (1),justice
(1), Prayer (1) (2), Prayer(1)
3 Master of Propaganda Valor (2), Learning (3), justice 3 Captain of the Guard Valor (3), Learning (1), Justice
(2), Prayer (1) (2), Prayer(2)
4 Spymaster Valor (3), Learning (4),justice 4 Commander of the Guard Valor (4), Learning (2), justice
(3), Prayer (2) (3), Prayer(3)
5 Master of Assassins Valor (3), Learning (5), justice 5 Security Commander Valor (5), Learning (3), Justice
(4), Prayer (3) (4), Prayer(3)

Chapter VIII: Narrative Interludes
obscurity to eminence . During the narra-
tive interlude, House advancement
encourages the Narrator and play-
ers evaluate recent events and
determine their impact on the char -
acter's House. How will recent victo-
ries influence the household agen-
da , or how will setbacks impact
their general welfare? Similar to the
process of translating character
experience into personal develop-
ment , House advancement tracks
household development through
acquired Assets and successful Ventures.
Represented by a simple system of
Asset awards and point expendi-
tures , House Administration
involves a loose, narrative process
whereby Houses can initiate impor-
tant Ventures resulting in immedi-
ate progress or advancement during
forthcoming narratives .
have to determine a way to work him into future narra-
tives. Sometimes disavowed characters are best retired,
becoming NPCs . Alternately, the character can join
another Entourage or play solo adventures until such a What are Narrative
time as he can rejoin his fellow comrades.
Similarly, characters freed from the bonds of alle- Ventures?
giance create similar difficulties for the Narrator. Narrative Ventures (also called House Ventures) refer to
Though the characters enter the employ of their specific Skill Tests performed by charactersto accomplish
House Minor or patron Great House , they no longer specific objectives established for the narrative, Typically,
share the other character's allegiance , and may prove characters attempt Narrative Ventures at opportune
difficult to fit into every narrative concerning the other moments in thestory, as defined by particular scenes or
player's House. moments during play. For example, during a climactic
Such issues are not insurmountable, and the meeting of the local Sysselraad, thescene presents the
Narrator should use her own best judgment when con- opportunity to pursue the political objective assigned to
sidering whether to enact House furloughs. Though the Entourage by theirHouse, Attempting to sway theother
gaining a furlough to a prominent House Minor or Houses Minor, the Noblecharacter rises and delivers an
even to the patron House represents something of a evocative speech, initiating a Statecraft Venture Test to
major promotion, the Narrator may opt to delay the move the majority of noble families to support hisHouse's
furlough until such a time as the other player charac- petition, Clearly, such a Venture is appropriate during a
ters are qualified to move on . session of the local Sysselraad; but it would notbeappro-
As parting advice, the Narrator should consult the priate in the middle of a pitched military battle,
group if the current narratives prove too restrictive for Though Narrator's may create scenes with specific
furloughed characters. If the group favors the furlough, Venture opportunities in mind, departures from the scripted
the Narrator should discuss its implications to the cur- story line may present new opportunities to achieve mis-
rent story or chronicle and allow the players to decide sion objectives or require Narrator'sto loosen their criteria
how they want to proceed . Then the Narrator can work for determining whether aVenture is appropriate, When
out the details and reconvene the group when she's moderating a story, it isthe Narrator'sdutyto assess the
ready to account for the character furlough. timing of aVenture attempt, and decide whether the Test
qualifies as aVenture capable of resolving a primary objec-
tive or whetherthe action is better suited to an ordinary
House Adv8ncement Skill Test.

Just as characters mature so do Houses progress over

time, gaining power and prestige as they move from
increase their Asset reserves . Like cha racte r Experience
Points, Asset awards may be spent to develop cha racter -
Narrative Debriefing istics or initiate Interlude Ventures as described hereafter.
In evaluating House advancement the Narrator See the acco mpanyi ng chart for general guidelines when
sho uld begin with a short debriefing of recent events and ass igning Asset awards.
House standing. By discussing the outcome of the recent
narrative , the players and Narrator can evaluate how far
the House has progressed in achieving its short-term
objectives and ongoing agenda. Is the House adversary
still thwarting their attempts to establish a spy network in
Asset AW8rds
the capital city? Has the majordomo of their patron
House refused to hear their petition yet again? Now that A w ard D escriptio n
they've uncovered the House responsible for planting the 3-5 Venture fulfilled the major objective of
traitor in its midst , what does their House intend to do the narrative
about it? Such questio ns readily eme rge during the narra- 1-2 Venture fulfilleda minor objective of
tive debriefing, setting the stage for the players to deter - the narrative
mine their next course of action. Whether they inten d to +1 Venture resulted in a Spectacular
fortify the House's characteristics or decide to implement Success.
new stratagems in the form of Narrative and Interlude
Ventures , household administration presents the narra-
tive opportunity to immediately pursue some or all of
their resu lting schemes.
H ouse D evelopment
Household Administr8tion Once the Narrator has awarded Assets to the House ,
Household admi nistration descr ibes the ongoing the Entourage may spend Assets to develop House charac-
proces s whereby Houses attend to their agendas and teristics, increasing House attributes and edges to enhance
holdings, revealing how well their plans are proceeding their ability to succeed at future Ventures. While raising
or how prosperous their House has become. Though characte ristics fortifies the House's standing, Interlude
Houses routinely adm inistrate their affairs-implement- Ventures may result in important story developments such
ing sundry operations and programs to improve their sit- as rallying support for important legislation or assassinat-
ua tion-the development occurring during this phase ing a key member of a rival House retinue.
represents extensive House development achieved
thro ugh expenditure of House Assets or implementation
of a series of missions for the purpose of fulfilling key t p;:!QSf-<)=Cj~!'F=-==j~::r---
House Development
H ouse Accom p lishments
When evaluating recent events , the Narrator H ou se C haracterist ic EP Cost
reviews how well the characters succeeded in fulfilling
the stated objectives for the recent narrative . How Improving Attributes...
many of their Narrative Ventures succeeded? Which of to level 2 4
tho se achieved primary objectives; and which , if any, to level 3 5
acc omplished secondary or incidental objectives? Did to level 4 5
the characters perform any Ventures to abate unantici- to level 5 7
pated complication s or unforeseen threats to their Improving Edges 5 perpoint improved
House? Assuming the characters succeeded in accom - Acquiringa new House resource variable"
plishing a t least so me of their Ho use objectives, th e Upgrad ing an existing Resource variable"
Ho use stands to advance through an increase in its House Renown 10
Asset reserves. Acquiring a newcharacter for Entourage 10

" denotes Narrator discretion.

H o use Assets
If characters have successfully performed Narrati ve
Ventures, they earn their Houses a number of points to

Chapter VIII: Narrative Interludes
Entourage may reevaluate their proposed Venture, modi-
Interlude Ventures
fying its parameters, proceeding as outlined or postpon-
Proceeding from the Narrative debriefing, players may ing for another time.
initiate a number of Interlude Ventures to achieve imme-
diate results or to set into motion certain events infl uenc- t c:;;;;iO=O~
ing the next chapter in their House chronicle.
Confronting an opponent in the regional Sysselraad, con- What are Interlude
ducting a security sweep to rid the House of deep cover
agents or launching a war of assassins against a rival Ventures?
House represent but a few of the Ventures a House While most House Ventures occur during thecourse of
Entourage might initiate during the Narrative Interlude. play, Narrative Interludes enable the player Entourage to
Which ones the players devise, what they hope to gain launch certain programs and operations in between narra-
and how they orchestrate their efforts depend largely on tives, encouraging them to exert control over thedestiny of
the their interpretation of recent events and their desires theirHouse. While it isthe Narrator'sdutyto interpret how
regarding the ongoing agenda of their parent House. thesuccess or failure of aVenture ultimately affects the
ongoing chronicle, player-initiated Interlude Ventures foster
Initinting Ventures thecreative spiritessential to interactive story telling.
After the Narrator has awarded Assets during the Interlude Ventures (also called House Ventures) repre-
Narrative debriefing, the player Entourage may elect to sent critical operations or missions Houses launch to pro-
launch one or more Interlude Ventures subject to the mote theiragendas or respond to specific threats. Interlude
Narrator's approval. To do so, the Entourage must dis- Ventures generally represent proactive undertakings, such
cuss the nature of their initiatives, outlining the general as petitioning boons from patron Great Houses, raiding
plan, method of execution and final objective of the compounds of rival families, or commencing a program to
Venture. At this point, the Narrator evaluates their pro- train elite House units. ButHouses also relyon Ventures to
posed Venture, and determines what character skill best oppose rival efforts or launch defensive measures, match-
summarizes the Venture as the player's have described it. ingespionage with counter-intelligence or pitting espi-
Like any Skill Test, the Narrator may permit skill substi- onage with House security. Regardless of the ultimate
tutions by raising the Difficulty of the Venture Test. In objective, such Ventures all relyon character skills and
addition, the Narrator must set the total Asset Cost for House Assets to produce results affecting the ongoing
the Venture, based on what the Entourage hopes to chronicle.
achieve. On average, most Ventures should cost between
1 and 3 points per participatingcharacter, depending on
their mission parameters and potential outcome. More
extravagant or momentous Ventures should cost more in Once the Entourage has decided to proceed, initiating
terms of Assets invested. Once established, the a Venture is a simple matter. From their House Asset
reserves, the Entourage must spend a num-
ber of points equal to the cost of the
Venture. Now they need only decide which
character or characters will lead the opera-
tion, each of them being required to possess
the designated skill. Once done, the
Narrator can determine whether to con-
duct the Venture as an individual or
Combined Skill Test, also deciding
whether the Venture can be opposed by
another House or group.
For example, during the Narrative
debriefing the Entourage decides to con-
duct a security sweep of their House com-
pound, seekingadditional informants who
may be tied to the traitor they uncovered
during the previous narrative. They decide
to launch an extensive program consisting
of clearance checks, personal interroga-
tions, and physical searches, hoping to
remove any remaining dissidents, spying
devices and instances of sabotage. The Narrator
evaluates their operation and determines that it falls under viduals, the commitment of significant resources, or the
the Security skilland requires the investment of 2 points coordination of two or more House agencies-the Test
of Assets per participating character. Difficulty could reach 75 or higher. Once the Difficulty has
Proceeding as planned, the Entourage selectsits been established, the Narrator should conduct the Testas
Security Commander and Swordmaster to lead the other outlined in "Chapter 5" (see page 117), devoting special
House personnel, indicating to the Narrator that the attention to guidelines presented for Combined, Opposed
Venture must be conductedas a Combined Skill Test (see and Extended Tests. Though Interlude Ventures usually
"Chapter 5," page 118). Because the Narratorknows that count as Extended Tests, the Narrator should rarely, if
the Entourage routed the directing agent in the recent nar- ever, break the Venture into sequential Tests. Instead, the
rative, he determines that the Venture will go unopposed, Narrator should inform the Entourage that the operation
with the remaining dissidents beingtoo disorganized to they've outlined constitutes several, related Ventures,
orchestrate any sort of counter-initiative. establishing the required skilland Asset cost for each
component Venture.
Venture Tests
Once the Entourage has selecteda Venture, designated Interpreting the Results
one or more leaders, and paid its cost with House Assets, Upon concluding the Venture Testls), the Narrator
the Narrator determineswhether any other Houses initiate should summarize the entire affair, giving a narrative syn-
counter-measures-similar Ventures used to oppose the opsis that includes the planning, execution and observ-
House's initiative. If so, then the Narrator must conduct able consequences of their House initiative. Though suc-
the Venture as an Opposed Venture Test; if not, she must cessful Interlude Ventures do not garner Asset awards as
establish Test Difficulty based on factors similarto those successful Narrative Ventures do, the Narrator should give
criteria used in determining its Asset cost. While most the players some idea of what they've gained for their
Narrative Ventures represent simple Combined or House as a result of their labors. Though the entire conse-
Opposed Skill Tests, the majority of Interlude Ventures quences of their actions may not be immediately appar-
should be conducted as ExtendedSkill Tests, also observ- ent, the Narrator should incorporate the outcome to wrap
ing the Combined Testguidelines if two or more characters up the narrative debriefing. In doing so the Narrator not
join in leading the Venture. Typically, the Difficulty of only gives them a glimpse into next week's story line, but
Extended Venture Testsshould fall between 25 and 50. he also leaves them with the satisfaction of knowing their
But for particularly elaborate or momentous operations- participation has impacted the ongoing chronicle and left
especially those requiring the participation of many indi- an indelible mark on the historyof their House.

Chapter IX: Chusuk,
the" USIC

Of the many planets adorni
many jewels in the Imperial
gleams with a splendor
Varota, the musician-
Varot.a Profile
oasis for patrons of t Noble Tilles: Siridar-Earls of Chusuk
those who mistake i HOuses Minor: House Adici, House Deseo. House
soon learn the erro Levrache, House Mandervold, House Nambure
archs of House House Holdings: Chusuk (Siridar Earldom)
and holdings,
accomplish Vat:( ta House Minor-Ho use Deseo
This ch The first of Houses Minor to rise under House Varota,
for use i House Deseo traces its spear lineage back to Francesco
planet Varota himself winning perpetual favoritism among the
_ of t Varotan Earls. Many important positions in the Varotan
., V administration are filled by Deseo people, esteemed for
theirskill and loyalty. House Deseo staunchly support its
patron in Sysselraad dealings, and its many victories reveal
itsconsiderable political influence.

House Pro file

Name: Deseo
Ancestry: Varota
Homeworld: Chusuk
Title: 5 (Baronet)
Fiefdom: 5 (Subfief)
Assets: 7
House Attributes (House Favorite archetype)
Status: 3
Favor +1
Wealth: 2
Influence: 3
House Varota Popularity -1
Notable for its relatively short history, House
Varota arrested the Sirldar-Earldom of Chusuk from
House Mandervold in the ninth millennium.
Founded by Francesco Varota, the first of the leg-
H ou se Legacy
endary Varotan 'masters,' House Varota rose from
its humble originsas a family of instrument makers But a falling out between them sent Francesco pack-
to House Minor status under the favor of Padishah ing, visiting the courts of many great lords as a wander-
EmperorAlmerach III. At the age of sixteen, ing musician. Suspected by only the Emperor's closest
Francesco joined His Majesty's entourage, enter- advisors, Almerach and his protege had, in fact, staged
taining Almerach and retinue with his musical their disagreement as a public sham. This gave the
genius and congenial wit. Over the years, Francesco Emperor's rivals cause to shelter Francesco and take him
befriended the Emperor, enjoying his confidence as into their confidence, trading valuable House secrets for
trusted companion and occasional advisor. a handsome bouquet of sweet-smelling lies. After serving
Chapter IX: Chusuk, the "Music Planet"
some twenty odd years as an Imperial spy, Francesco Passedfrom generation to generation as a family heir-
returned to His Majesty's deathbed where Almerach loom, the Manifesto laid the groundwork for wresting the
bestowed upon him the title of Baronet with holdings on siridar-earldom from the heirs of Immuloc Mandervold.
his native homeworld, beginning the legacy of House Stage by stage, the Varotan successors implemented
Varota serving under the banner of the Great House of Philippe's plan-diverging and improvising with a jazzy flair
Mandervold. that did credit to their name. In seven generations the
Laboring under the stewardship of his new title and Manifesto had grown from a single tome into an encyclope-
holdings, Francesco proved an able lord. He relied on his dic collection, recording political secrets, financ ial accruals
acquaintanceship with many Great Lords to cultivate pow- and philosophical doctrines representing the compiled wis-
erful allies in the Landsraad assembly. Though his lowly dom of the Varotan patriarchs. In the eighteenth volume,
estate excluded him from Imperial dealings, Francesco Philippe IV wrote "fi nlto!" proudly exclaiming the fall of the
curriedthe favor of several Great Houses to support his Mandervold and investiture of Varota. No longer would the
trade initiatives on the planet Chusuk. Similarly, his pow- sobriquet "musician-king" represent a noble ideal-from
erful benefactors won him resounding influence in the that moment forward it carried the authority of the
regional Sysselraad, causing much envy and pandering Siridar-Earl, governor of Chusuk and head of the Varota.
among his fellow Houses Minor. In the thirty-some years
of Francesco's reign, he deftly leveraged his Landsraad
House Ethos
and CHOAM connections to broaden his holdings and
political clout. In the fifteen hundred years since claiming the earldom,
House Varota has translated its Manifesto
into a working agenda. Still embracing
realpolitik as their governing ethos, House
Varota conducts its affairs through conserva-
tive overtures. Their domestic policies, for
example, balance progressive initiatives with
steady assurance, fostering economic
growth through generous incentives and
equitable taxation. Foreign relations show
similar pragmatism, bartering Varotan
alliance for political influence, building
strong and lasting relations with many of its
Landsraad peers. Much of this policy can
be attributed to Angustin Varota, governing
Earl of the Varotan regime.
Although House Varota still enjoys the
support of the Padishah Emperors, current
relations seem in decline-most probably
resulting from House Varota's qulck rise to
power. Observing this trend has given Earl
Angustin pause, realizing the danger of
appearing a menace. More than one Great
House has fallen through Imperial treachery,
Such was the legacy inherited by the Varotan heir historically the result of moving too boldly. A student of
Philippe I, eldest son of Francesco Varota. Following in history and all matters politic, the Earl is no fool ; political
the tradition of the Varotan master-artisans, Philippe I retreat means surviving the axe to fight another day.
inherited the same roguish nature that had endeared his Committing such thoughts to the Varotan Manifesto,
father to so many Houses. He bore the same charming Earl Angustin advocates domestic development over
worldliness and casual insouciance, playingat politics political machination as the "future of the Varotan peo-
like a childhood game. Like a great virtuoso, Philippe ples." Encouraging diplomatic reserve over political
conducted House Varota with something like mad aggression, the current Earl is believed to have recanted
genius, orchestrating political intrigues while rallying many of his ancestors' ways. While the monarchs have
popular support with such finesse that surely the gods ever supported the arts, Angustin's liberal donations con-
must have favored him. In truth, it was Philippe I who tinue to surprise many of the Varotan Houses Minor. But
secretly contrived the Varotan Manifesto-a others realize the wisdom of his strategy, pointing out
Machiavellian masterwork plotting House Varota's ascen- that happy people make for prosperous subjects, and the
dancy-posthumously earning him recognition as the people of Chusuk seem to have never been more docile.
irst "musician-king." More importantly, planetary industry booms, reaching a
crescendo under Angustin's progressive 'open-market' House Relatjons
economy. Not only do the Chusuk mercantile Houses
grow richer by the day, but the entire populace benefits House Atreides - Noble rulers are the Atreides,
from ever-increasing avenues of trade. what with their lofty ideals. But where will their wings
Much like Philippe I's original Manifesto, Earl carry them when the predator approaches?
Angustin's agenda appears holistic in its approach. As House Corrino - Does the courageous lion, king of
House coffers swell from new economic initiatives, House all beasts, flinch at the stirrings of the humble field
Varota continually invests in domestic improvement. The mouse? The Emperor should languish in his absolute
colossal Spaceport of Mondriagne serving as a primary power, trusting his subjects to provide for his needs.
example, all of Chusuk thrives with development-from House Harkonnen - The proverbial bull in the
the lavish renovations of the Navachristian Cathedral to china shop, House Harkonnen should take care to har-
the liberal expenditures in the Varotan civil militia. At this ness its ambition. Even the powerful of lords can possess
time in history, House Varota and the planet Chusuk fragile egos.
appear in their hey-day; enjoying strident domesticgrowth House Moritani - The Moritani's actions remind us
while spending conservatively on the political front. of our own shadow dramas; though veiled behind a cur-
tain their movements tell the story.
House Tseida - Their machine dependency deprives
House Entourage
them of greatness. What mass-produced instrument can
Leading a retinue of accomplished vassals, Earl Angustin rival the dulcet perfection of a hand-crafted original?
Varota rapidly approaches the age of retirement. Gladly House Wallach - The learned House von Wallach
would the Earl-a person of many artistic passionsand per- shares in our heritage of ignoble ancestry. Though to
sonal interests-abdicate to his daughter Corina should the voice it be sacrilege; nobility, like divinity, sometimes
orderof faufreluches permit her ascendancy to his throne. masquerades as the common man.
As matters stand though, the Earl dutifully awaits the com-
ingof age of his grandson Analdo, supporting Corina and -~~~
- " ~~~~r--'
her son as would a surrogate father. Corina's husband
Dubrahm, a Navachristian Archdeacon , succumbed to the
trauma of an uncertain heart. Though sharing her prayers,
Varot.a Allegiance Template
Memphis Dion proved unable to reconstitute him in spite of
her skill as an accomplished Navachristian Suk. Attributes
Corina's mother and wife of Angustine, Lady Luchessa Physique: 2
Lavrache-Varota watched the proceedings with skepticism. Coordination:2
Unlike her daughter and pious physician, Lady Luchessa Dexterity +1
politely shirks the accepted faith of her subjects. Though Intellect: 2
she failed from the Bene Gesserit at the age of eleven, the Perception +1
Missionaria Protectiva had done its work by completely Charisma: 2
disillusioning her of any religious leanings. More to her
thinking, logic and learning pave the road to enlighten- Skills
ment; and it is perhaps by her influence that the Earl sup- Culture (Varota) 1(1)
ports Chusuk arts so lavishly. History (Varota) 1(1)
In addition to Analdo, Corina, Luchessa and Theology (Navachristianity) 1(1)
Memphis, two others bear enormous influence on the World Knowledge (Chusuk) 1(1)
Earl of Varota-Sevrenty Tomash and Aeneus
Miracola. Master of Assassins and director of spies, House Related Skills (choose two of thefollowing)
Sevrenty Tomash leads all of the Earl's covert opera- Diplomacy (negotiation) 1(1)
tions-from the recruitment of informants to the Espionage (any) 1(1)
orchestration of House propaganda. Nearly 100 years Economics (Chusuk) 1(1 )
of age, Sevrenty remains as sharp as a tulwar amusing Mercantilism (House economics) 1(1)
his lordship with cajoling remarks. Youngest of the ret- Performance (any) 1(1)
inue, Aeneus Miracola serves the Earl as resident
Swordmaster, oft-times emulat ing the Chusuk whirling- Typical Advantages/Disadvantages
dance with slash ing arms of steel. Aeneus faithfully Choose one-Ally 1, Enhanced Sense (any) 1, Metabolic
commands the Earl's personal guard , still penitent for Clock 1
failing to discover Dubrahm in time to call a physician.
Sharing Luchessa's skepticism, Aeneus believes
courage and fealty, not faith or sheer prayer, stands
between man and his inevitable doom.

Chapter IX: Chusuk, the "Music Planet"
House Deseo
Houses Minor According to popular folk-legends , House Deseo traces
Like siblings qua rreling in their parents' absence, the its favor to its original progenitor- an illegitimate son of
Houses Minor require the constant vigil of House Varota. House Varota's namesake, Corvin Varota- who served his
Perhaps because the recent ascendancy of House Varota father as spymaster. Corvin cha nged his surname to Deseo
lingers on their minds , the Varotan Houses Minor show (meaning, roughly, "He Who Serves In Shadow") when
less humility and more ambition than might be expected offered the province of Dalmoran to rule over as Lord-
of Houses Minor. Though never made public , the Warden . Thanks to its stellar service to the Varota , the
Varotan Manifesto seems to have infected the families head of House Deseo was later elevated to Lord-Governor
with near treasonous rivalry, ending in formidable politi- of the subfief of Untarvold-encompass ing Dalmoran and
cal and economic in-fighting even while they cooperate several other provinces-some 600 years ago.
under the unifying banner of House Varota. The Circus The current Lord-Governor is Eldon Deseo , a direct
Congregata, as the planetary Sysselraad is known , serves descendant of Corvin Deseo who sha res his reputation
as the main forum for their bickering and one-upman- for intelligence and craft. Whil e named as Heir-
ship, even though its traditional forms remain sancro- Designate , Eldon served for a time in the Varota espi-
sanct among them . onage corps , where he showed his genius by innovating
In addition to partaking in the 'Great Game' of polit- several new methodologies.
ical and economic rivalry, the Houses Minor share sim-
ilar cultural heritage and social circumstances which
House Levrache
truly unite them as the heirs of Chusuk. Indeed, the
majori ty of Houses Minor share like ancestry-a form House Levrache, birth family of Lady Luchessa ,
of clan heritage finding its origin in either a particular emerges as a forerunner among those Houses seeking
cottage industry or artisan guild (such as House House Varota's political favor. Climbing to its position
Varota 's origin as a confraternity of musical craftsmen). through political alliance (cemented by the marriage of
While ancient rivalries among the industries remain Lady Luchessa to Earl Angustin ), House Levrache pan-
evident in House politics, their similar heritage often ders the great Earl in his every decision , supporting
provides the common ground needed to resolve their Sysselraad initiatives and sovereign commands with
differences and reach mutual resolutions in the Circus humble obeisance and sycophantic zeal.
Crongrata. Whether contributing more to their rivalry The head of House Levrache, Governor Utrech
or more to their unity, economic necessity also Levrache rules Tohr-Tomahr, a mid-sized territory in
demands that each of the House retain mercantile Southern Tarelica responsible for the majority of timber-
headquarters in the city of Arubel, epicenter of Chusuk ing supporting many Varotan industries. He hopes to
commerce and home of the fabulous spaceport of expand his holdings through an increase of grants, while
Mondriagne. observing all sanctions against over-deforestation.
Although middle-aged, he has yet to produce a suitable
heir, endangering his line by failing to favor even his
House Adici
nephews with the grace reserved for the Heir-
The Compts (a term Varotans favor for "Count ") of Presumptive.
House Adici have ruled the free city of Corsubel for
countless generations. Though loyal to House Varota, the
House Mandervold
Adici compts hunger for something more than control of a
single city (albeit one of the largest and busiest cities on Retaining its baronetcy in the province of
Chusuk) . They aspire to rule over greater territory, per- Mondriagne , House Mandervold still begrudges the
haps one day even rising to the Earldom of Chusuk. To Varota for 50 generations of political decline. For this
date, the worst of their scheming has failed; so trying a reason House Mandervold plots and connives to under-
new tactic, they now laud House Varota's economic pro- mine House Varota's authority and power, hoping to
grams, supporting the most popular of their commercial usurp the Earldom and regain their rightful inheritance
initiatives and financial endeavors. as rulers of Chusuk. And only by pretending reluctant
The current head of House Adici is Compt-absentia obedience have they managed to survive this long.
Lorenzo Adici who governs his fiefdom from the Adici The aging Baronet , Atric va-Mandervold, is consumed
mercantile headquarters in the distant city of Arubel. by his obsession to avenge the family name , poised like a
Administrating a lucrative import/export bus iness special - dagger to strike at his enemy's bosom . His bound-concu-
izing in antiquities, the Compt exploits his business deal- bine and confidante, Lady Valanda (demi-sister to House
ings to forge alliances among many other Houses, includ- Varota's Lady Luchessa) plots with Atric to assassinate
ing even some of the Great Houses who send buyers to his heir, conspiring to put their son, Galrand the Fierce
is warehouses. on the throne of Chusuk.
House Nambure
The Lord-governors of House
Nambure control the border province of
Theodra on Northern Tarelica. The
scions of Nambure stand broad-shoul-
dered and hale, towering over the aver-
age men of Chusuk. They make superb
warriors. their levies forming the greater
part of the Varota militia. In combat they
fight with blade and shield exhibiting the
style developedby Telleron Crael, a leg-
endary Swordmaster serving Philippe IV.
Descended from the ancient armorers'
guild, House Nambure's hallmark 'tulwar'
swords find wide use on Chusuk.
Cousin of the former Lord-governor
Hermon Nambure, Iasonne va-
Nambure rules as Lord-regent in name
of Herman's son, the na-Lord Phillip.
Only twelve years of age, Phillip shows
none of the signs of his father's affl iction
and promises to carry on the Nambure tradi-
tion upon assuming the governorship at majority age. Mandervold gained recognition as a Great House in the
fourth millennium, some centuries after the cessation of
Forneus I's religious crusade. By the time of its inaugura-
The Planet Chusuk tion, the denizens of Chusuk had gradually drifted from
their pious origins, their artistic talents now devoted
Fourth of eight planets orbiting the star Theta Shalish, more to the celebration of culture and trade than to the
Chusuk received its first Imperial colonists millennia ago, religious reformation and spiritual freedom shared by
during the religious pogroms sanctioned by then their mutual ancestors.
Padishah Emperor Forneus I. In time, three predominant cultural forces-com-
merce, arts and religion-coalesced to forge the lasting
identity of Chusuk society and culture. For several mil-
History lennia, House Mandervold ruled the people of Chusuk
Fleeing persecution for their 'heretical' convictions, with unobtrusive benevolence, imposing few oppressive
the Navachristian reformists settled on Chusuk where mandates except the faufreluches caste system and the
they hoped their pacifistic sect could flourish beyond the collection of tithes. For the duration of the Mandevold
reach of the Emperor's inquisitors. Led by Immanuloc dynasty, Chusuk was known as a planet of peace and
Mandervold, a charismatic preacher and ardent devotee, harmony.
the colonists quickly scattered about the planet. Within More influential than even Immanuloc Mandevold,
several years time they established a network of com- Francesco Varota-a scion of the legendary clan of
munes hoping that if one were discovered and routed, Varotan artisans-earned Imperial recognition first as a
the others might yet survive the wrath of the inquisitors. musical prodigy, and later as an Imperial spy. A native of
Fortunately for the disciples of Mandervold, the inquisi- Chusuk, Francesco Varota showed an early talent for
tion never reached Chusuk; having been abandoned music, playing the baliset by age four and writing his fi rst
when Forneus was declared mad and deposed by his major compositions by age eight. Having performed for
successor. Emperor Almerach III during an Imperial peregrination
Celebrating their faith through all manners of artistic bringing His Majesty to Chusuk, Francesco captured the
expression, the Navachristian colonists established the Emperor's ear, earning his patronage and becoming a
musical tradition that earned Chusuk its sobriquet as the permanent addition to his Imperial entourage at the age
"Music Planet" millennia after the religious origins had of sixteen.
long since declined. As the populace of Chusuk grew For nearly a decade, Francesco served under His
from communal tribes to tribal nations, the influence of Majesty as court composer and traveling companion.
Imperial civilization eventually molded the nations into During those years, he mastered several other instru-
Imperial Houses. Adopting "Mandervold" for its name, in ments and composed many popular songs, carrying the
honor of its courageous founder, the House of Varotan name far and wide in his itinerant service. But

Chapter IX: Chusuk, the "Music Planet"
Francesco's talents extended beyond music and friend-
sh ip. His keen insight and charm , accompanied by a tal-
ent for subtle dissembling, made him popular among the
courts of many Great Houses. Seeing his popularity and Approximately the size and mass of old Earth ,
ready acceptance, Almerach recognized that Francesco Chusuk features arctic regions at each of its poles sepa-
held the confiden ce of many a Great Lord; and it was not rated by four contin ental landm asses : Northern Tarelica,
long thereafter that Almerach devised a better role for his Southern Tarelica, Narula, and Marelda. Northern and
loyal servant-that of an Imperial spy. Southern Terelica occupy nearly a fourth of the globe ,
Staging a falling out between himself and Francesco, bounded to the east and west by Merelda and Narula
Almerach sent him packing before an a ssembly of respectivel y. Bridging the waters between North Tarelica
nob les attending an Imperial ball. According to plan , and Merelda lies the Lorentine Archipelago, a large body
Fra ncesco fled Kaitain calling on the favor of the of islands, numbering into the thousands.
Emperor's supporters-finding none to befriend him for North Terelica is mostly tempe rate in climate , tho ugh
fear of the Emperor's wrath . Such behavior anticipated, its landsmass spans a variety of climatological zones
Francesco moved on to the Emperor's detractors, find- ranging from subtropical to subarctic. Three mountain
ing himself welcom e-if no t as a slight to the Emperor, ranges divide the continent, separated by rolling plains
then for the purpose of obtaining intelligence about the and verdant forests. Several large rivers collect the runoff
Emperor's activities. For many yea rs, Francesco moved from the mountains, including the Isharon river. As the
from House to Hou se , collecti ng intelligence while landing site of the original colonists, North Terelica
spi nn ing many false rumors about the Emperor's reveals the most hea vy settlement and industrialization
administration . of the four continents. The Varotan capital Veldenac rests
After twen ty some yea rs of itinerant wandering, toward the eastern coast of the continent, while other
Francesco earned His Majesty 's "forgiveness", being major cities such as Coramshar and Boharbel spread the
ca lled to Almerach's side as he lay wilting on his populace evenly throughout the land.
deathbed. Smiling to his friend upon whispering his part- Generally warmer than its northern neighbor, South
ing words , Almerach bequeathed the title of Baronet with Tarelica proves more inhospitable to human settlement.
a fiefdom on Chusuk to honor his friend for his many Ancient mountains defend much of its coastline with
years of loyal service. Returning to Chusuk, Francesco steep cliff-sides , presenting few natural lagoons or suit-
spent his remaining years shaping clan Varota into a able harbors. The interior rises to even loftier heights as
respectable House Minor, cashi ng in on the fine reputa- the Pilgrim's Trail mountains wade southerly thro ugh
tion and political acumen he had developed in service to dense forest and jungle. Protected from over-exploitation
the Emperor. by Varotan law, these primeval forests define the largest
Finally surrendering his title to the Varotan successor, remaining ecological preserves on the planet.
Francesco retired into quiet repose , returning to his The smallest of the four continents, Narula straddles
musical heritage that had brought him so much joy. the planet's equator in the western hemisphere.
Though retired from service , he remained an innovator Appreciated for its paradisiacal climate , beautiful bea ch-
of great geni us and skill; for it was in his final years that es and plush, jungle-covered mountains, Na rula once
he perfected clan Varota 's ha llma rk secrets , crafting suffered rampant population growth threatening to suffo-
some of the finest musical instru ments to bear the cate the beautiful landscape. Thanks to Varotan reloca-
Varotan mark . His secret met hods were lost generations tion incentives and ecological education efforts, Narula
after House Varota made its bid for Great House sta tus ; now supports a small , native population confining
and all attempts at recovery have failed to prod uce any tourism and vacationing to provinces surrounding
instrument matching the splendor of those made by Ihacaretta, the largest resort on the planet Chusuk. After
Francesco Varota and the master craftsman of the next many genera tions , the interior of Narula has returned to
few generations. its former splen dor, allowing its native plantation owners
Over hun dreds of years, House Varota expa nded on to conduct their trade in harmony with the natural eco-
Francesco's good fortune, methodically rising tha nks to system .
shrewd political man ipulation and the favor of the Stretching far to the north and south of its equatorial
Imperial House. Eventually its rulers determi ned to bid divide , Mare lda dominates nearly a third of Chusuk's
for the Earldom , replaci ng House Ma ndervold as gover- eastern he misphere. The largest of the four continents by
nors of Chusuk. Generations later, following a formal far, Marelda is dominated by vast lowland glades and
War of Assassi ns, they had accomplished their objec- coastal , salt-water marsh . The denizens of Mare lda gravi-
tive-House Varota claimed Great House status after tate toward the highlands, building their cities and ind us-
House Mandervold abdicated the Earldom in recognition tries in the drier climes of its interior. Located on the cen-
of the Varota n fait accompli. In the thousand years since, tral plateau , more than two thousand kilometers from the
House Varota has capably ruled Chus uk, maste rful in nearest sho reline , the trade megalopolis of Arubel
eir resolve yet benevolent in the ir intent. sprawls amid the unbroken horizon. The industrial cities
of Tarvuta and Forgal also reside in Marelda, the former wish to emphasize the "Chusuk style of dress" or the
lying near the western foothills of the Peregrine moun- peculiar way they pronounce certain words. But to truly
tains while the latter squats near the Gulf of Purtoi, tak- describe Chusuk civilization with some degree of 'cultur-
ing advantage of its decidedly marine environment. al consistency' Narrators should consider the impact of
religion and art-the two predominant sociological fac-
tors-on Chusuk civilization.
Chusuk supports Varotan industry with an enormous
wealth of natural resources-from its rare and sonorous
woods to the long-fibered cotton grown on the sea-isles Perhaps most highlyregarded for its musical exports,
of Dorentine. Enjoying the best of materials to work with, Chusuk's most profound cultural 'product' consists of its
Varotan craftsmen and industrialists have perfected their native religion-Navachristianity. Derided by critics as
trade over many millennia to produce goods and services the "Billion-Jesus Church" or "Church of the Infinite
of such quality that they are sought throughout the Messiah," Navachristianity represents an outgrowth of
Imperium. The Varotan merchant Houses were quick to the original Christian doctrines feeding Orange
capitalize on the high demand their products enjoyed Catholicism as well as many other Christian offshoots.
within the CHOAJ\1 community. With each of its Houses The prime tenet of Navachristianity asserts that God
Minor rising from one cottage industry or another, the did not appoint one messiah, but many, to provide for the
Varotan economy benefits tremendously from the busi- salvation of humankind-a doctrine most other Christian
ness savvy of its ruling families. Proficient in one enter- sects find apocryphal if not heretical. According to the
prise, the Varotan Merchant Houses have little difficulty Navachristian theology, God, in His infinite wisdom, did
applying their knowledge to other arenas; and perhaps not entrust the salvation of all mankind to a single messi-
for this reason alone, the Varotan economy thrives as its ah speakingto a single age. Instead, the Navachristians
governing House gains influencewith the Imperial believe, God sends a messianic prophet to every planet in
CHOAJ\1 Corporation. everyage, redeeming His people through contemporary
education and spiritualgrace.
Navachristians differ from other Christian sects in
The Varo'tan Trade F8ire
their interpretation of the nature of the Messiah. Some
Unsatisfied with the conventional forum provided by sects claim the prophets are spirituallyenlightened
its CHOAJvl holdings, House Varota launched an ambi- humans-individuals all voicing the 'Word of God'.
tious initiative to promote its House exports. The eventual Others believe the Messiah is an eternal spirit, reincar-
result-the Varotan Trade Faire-began millennia ago as a nated in human form to deliver God's will and render
regional arts and crafts festival to which all of the Houses judgement on humankind. While Navachristians allow
Minor, and even lesser cottage entrepreneurs, were invited for both of these possibilities, they believe they can iden-
to attend and exhibit their wares. Investing greatersums tify the single prophet who visited any given horneworld.,
year after year, House Varota cultivated the small festival naming the one who qualifies as the Navachristian
into an important domestic event, at first drawing only a Messiah (though interestingly, their Messiah has not yet
few off-world tourists and intrepid noble Houses. Since arrived to lead the natives of Chusuk). Navachristian
those days, the Varotan Trade Faire has grown into a believers are comfortedby the miraculous similarities
majorCHOAM affair, attracting mercantile delegations among these prophetic leaders (most are men, some are
from hundreds of Great Houses to Arubel to attend the women) and see the 'messianic identity pattern' as con-
fort-night exhibition. Their investment paying offnearly a firmation of their faith.
thousand-fold, House Varota generates billions of solaris The Biblios Navachristios, holybook of the
in the form of business arrangements and tourist expendi- Navachristian faith , originated several millennia before the
ture each year, making the Varotan Trade Faire one of the Jihad, scripted by the religion's founder and chief prophet
most profitable, though by no means the largest, of (ironically named Flinders Temple). It incorporates much
CHOAM's House-sponsored trade exhibitions. material from the "New Testament" of the ancient Christian
Bible, but expands the tales of the messiah to include all
vestiges of the savior creating a richly symbolic work, filled
Society And Culture with hundreds of colorful allegories and parables.
To an off-worlder, the society and culture of the planet Navachristianitycelebrates many holidays and festi-
Chusuk appear both exotic and familiar. Upholding the vals (though not nearly as many as Orange Catholicism).
faufreluches , society shows noble and servant behaving The major holidays include the Feast of the Messiahs
in a manner much the same as that found on any other (occurring during the winter solstice); the Miracle of the
horneworld of the Imperium. Yet subtle differences per- Resurrections (spring equinox); the Days of Absolution (a
vade nearly every aspect of its society and culture. three-day mid-summer festival during which
Narrators wishing to play up the cultural differences may Navachristians confess their sins and seek forgiveness) ;

Chapter IX: Chusuk, the "Music Planet"
and the Transubstantiation Ritual (observed on the praise their soothing sounds for providing hours of relax-
autumnal equinox). ation and invigoration.
Although Chusuk is the home of the Sacred
Navachristian Church (as the organization is called),
pockets of Navachristian devotees can be found through- Intriguing Locations
out the Imperium. Most major cities have at least one Though Chusuk presents off-worlders with many
Navachristian church; recognized by four ornate towers tourist attractions and places of beauty, the following
each mounting an avatar of the Messiah. locations mention but a few. Narrators should feel to
expand these descriptions, or invent entirely new places
as they see fit, making Chusuk and intriguing setting for
The Arts their tales of adventure.
Chusuk rightly deserves its sobriquet "the Music Spaceport of Mondriagne - Located on the out-
Planet." Haven for the arts, artisans, and liberal educa- skirts of Arubel, the Spaceport of Mondriagne is one of
tion, Chusuk enjoys particular recognition as home of the the so-called "Hundred Wonders of the Imperium."
Varotan master craftsmen, a family of Chusuk artisans Approaching the size of a small city itself, the spaceport
specializing in the creation of extraordinarily fine musical features a hub of towering administrative headquarters
instruments. Originally embraced as a method for cele- surrounded by landing fields spiked with escalated land-
brating Navachristian belief, music and singing remain an ing pads reaching as high as 30 stories from of the
exalted form of pious devotion and individual expression. ground. It is considered the most beautifully decorated
Although one can find performers in nearly every spaceport in the Imperium. Whereas most Guild facilities
urban square, the majority of practitioners congregate in maintain a cold, utilitarian aesthetic, the Chusuks have
one of two main centers for the arts. Regarded as a pres- decorated Mondriagne's breathtaking architecture with
tigious academy of higher learning, the Varotan Arts story-high murals, corridor-length frescoes, cascading
Institute emerges as the Imperium's most richly endowed fountains and magnificent tapestries. Toursof its artistic
university for the arts, located in the capital of Veldenac marvels, including those decorating the receiving lobbies
and lavishly supported by House Varota. Virtually all of of the central administrative headquarters can last up to
the most venerated Imperial sculptors, painters, and four days.
actors studied or taught at the Institute during a portion The Holy City of Coramshar - Located in North
of their careers. Admission to the school is strictly limited Tarelica on the River Isharon (which local legend holds
to 25,000 students per annum , resulting in fierce compe- to be inhabited by benevolent water-spirits known as
tition to pass its gates (at least one War of Assassins ivristi), Coramshar is the sacred city of the Navachristian
between Houses Minor can be traced to the rivalry creat- religion. The first and greatest of the Navachristian
ed by the institute's limited admission policies). churches, the Hagia Christora dominates the city's center.
The other primary facility is the Imperial Academy of Shaped roughly like a "T," the church enjoys a wide rep-
Music , which limits its curriculum to the study of music, utation for being the largest freestanding cathedral in the
the playing of instruments, trainingof voices, nuances of Imperium (but in fact, it falls some 35000 cubic meters
composition and history of music. The Academy receives shy of the Orange Catholic's Malta Parada located on
financial support from both House Varota and House Wallach VII). Both inside and out, the Hagia Christora
Corrino. In addition to teaching the musical forms , the flaunts ornate decor, ranging from towering stained-glass
Academy sponsors a special apprenticeshipwith the windows to stone-carved gargoyles and tableaus. Around
Varotan Craftsmen Guild, offering a limited number of its perimeter, a dozen magnificent towers reach to the
apprenticeships teaching candidates in the ancient heavens, sporting statues of the Messiah atop their pol-
Chusuk art of instrument making. Though none of its ished bronze domes. The altar, located near the intersec-
graduates have matched the accomplishments of the great tion of the two bars of the T, is carved from a single block
Varotan masters, many fine instruments are produced of Hagal porphyry; and the church's massive organ and
everyyear; fetch ing tens of thousands of solaris during the series of chimes instruments were all fashioned and
perennial auctions. donated by the great Varotan masters.
In addition to traditional art forms , the Chusuks have Snow Springs - Although Chusuk shows minimal
developed several of their own forms of art. The most volcanic and tectonic activity, searing magma still burns
popular is the so-called Chusuk "water sculpture." Water deep within the planet. Ironically, one of the few places
sculptures consist of bowls, basins, or troughs having the magma nears the surface appears toward the planet's
small pumps to circulate water, creating delicate, yet dis- sub-arctic region . There, a group of small lava pools and
tinctive, patterns on their surfaces. Stone, wood, small an extensive network of natural mineral hot springs keep
sculptures, and other objects are placed within the shal- one valley warm and snow-free throughout the year.
low basin to direct the flow of the water and alter the vis- Known as the Snow Springs, this verdant oasis provides
ible pattern. Occasionally including small fountain heads the home of the Snow Springs Inn, a luxury resort catering
o shower or dribble water into the trough, many owners to clients from about the Imperium. Wealthy nobles travel
from many planets abroad to relax in the soothing(and prophecies to aid them in seeking the chosen Messiah.
supposedly therapeutic) baths; or, if they are daring Should they prove successful, they are to report his or her
enough, enjoy skiing and other snow sports on the pow- identity to their Bene Gesserit contact in the city of
dery slopes of the surrounding mountains. Combining the Jhacaretta. Then they must await further orders... .
best of a ski lodge and spa, the SnowSprings Inn is a pop- Stalking the Wild Zeve c - A petulant noble in
ular, if expensive, tourist attraction. the characters' House wants to stock his ecological pre-
Ruins of Lor - The ruins of Lor present the greatest serve with some of the rarest and most extraordinary
enigma of the planet Chusuk. Scattered throughout the creatures of the Imperium. He has set his mind to includ-
Lorentine Archipelago, the mysterious ruins of an ancient ing a Chusuk zevec, or "cloud-cat," a large, carnivorous
civilization serve as an ominous reminder that the predator indigenous to the mountains of Northern
Navachristian pilgrims were not the first to inhabit Tarelica. Its mottled blue and white pelt make the feline
Chusuk. Members of an Imperial planetological survey an oddity. It is protected against poaching by Varotan
team first discovered the crumbling ruins atop several law; and its large size and tremendous claws will make it
islands in the archipelago, but largely dismissed them as difficult to capture. The noblemen commissions the
too few to warrant protracted investigation. But since entourage to track and capture a young specimen, deliv-
those times the Lorentine Ecological Development compa- ering it to his preserve unharmed.
ny (LEDC), silently owned and operated by several power- Precursors of Chusuk - A distant kinsman of the
ful Varotan Merchant Houses, discovered the island ruins players' House sends word of an amazing discoverywith-
to be the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Sunken beneath the in the sunken ruins of Lor. The relative has convinced
shallow waves, the remains of what was most certainly a members of the Lorentine Ecological Development
vast cultural center lay hidden among sandy dunes and Company to solicit the House for its assistance, asking
flowing beds of kelp. Exerting their considerable influence, that they send a particular 'expert' (maybe one of the
the LEDC Houses fought to acquire exclusive develop- player characters) to lead a survey team into the
ment rights for the entire archipelago-a victory many Archipelago. The Houses owning LEDC would, of course,
Houses jokingly dismissedas the '''Lead Sea' debacle," provide travel arrangements and any equipment the team
assumingthat ecological development in the Lorentine requests-and they would richly reward the House for its
Archipelago would sink its member Houses with financial cooperation. For Narrators who prefer a more perilous
ruin. narrative, the distant kinsman could represent a rival fac-
tion (such as House Mandervolde) who wishes to spy on
their operations, offering an economic or political incen-
Narratrve Concepts tive for the House's assistance.
Holiday Excursion - Followlng a particularly rig-
The following concepts present but a few starter ideas orous mission on Chusuk, the player's House offers them
forcreating one or more narratives set on the planet a brief respite before returning to their homeworld. Their
Chusuk. The Narrator should feel at liberty to use any of liege suggests they vacation at the resort at Snow
the ideas 'as-is' or to adapt them to suit her individual taste Springs-all expenses paid. Perhaps ten days in the hot
or style of play. For a complete adventure set during the springs or some time ice-climbing the glacier is just what
Varotan Trade Fair, see "Chapter 10: Instrument of Kanly." they need to reinvigorate them. Their excursion could
Chusuk Messiah - The Navachristian Assembly lead to any number of stories. Perhaps one character
has received plausible reports of prophetic events on the engages in a romantic encounter. Maybe another earns a
planet Chusuk, heralding the comingof their chosen rival in the downhill skiingcompetition. Or perhaps the
Messiah. At the suggestion of their Bene Gesserit contact, entourage stumbles upon smugglers, or maybe even a
the House has ordered the Entourage to voyage to murder attempt. Narrators can adapt the Holiday
Chusuk, gathering what information it can regarding these Excursion to present any sort short narrative or series of
holy miracles. While investigating these events, they are 'quasi-adventures.' Depending on their recent adven-
to learn as much as they can about the Navachristian tures, the characters might enjoy a change of pace.

Chapter X: lrtstmnrierr


ofKa Iy
Nearly three generations ago. the tragic demise of Lord
Anton sent shock waves through the players' House.
Titular ruler of his household and second cousin to the
Great House liege, Lord Anton was found murdered near Narrat ive Timeline
the Arts Academy after honoringa noble assembly with a
short recital performed on his prize baliset. The baliset Act One - O pe ratic Overtures
missing, many presumed Lord Anton the victim of a bru- Day (time) Scene
tal robbery-a rich reward for a daring act of knavery. 1 (morning) First Baliset
2 (morning) Silent Movement
4 (afternoon) Aria at Mondriagne
Background Act Two - Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark
Though all evidence indicated theft as the obvious Day (time) Scene
motive, Anton's House and family could not ignore the fact 5 (evening) Opening Recital
~ that D'murjzin heirs had vowed to reclaim the baliset and 5 (night) Midnight Tango
, ettle the scorewith their long-standing enemies. 6 (evening) A False Chord
Incensed by Lord Anton's death and the stinkof
D'murjzin involvement, the players' House launcheda Act Three - Eupho nious Swan Song
', lfamr.aign of inquiries, hoping to recover the balisetand Day (time) Scene
'bring Anton's murderer to justice. Butlacking sufficient 6 (night) Dissonant Vibes
evidence to bring a Bill of Particulars before the 6 (night) Improvisational Jazz
Landsraad Council, the House resorted to informal meas- 7 (afternoon) Tonal Harmony
ures, renewing its aggression toward House D'murjzin and
its heirs. Their own hatred never sated, House D'murjzin
retaliated in kind; and for the past 5 generations the two
Houses have embraced a secret vendetta, falling just
short of a formalized war of assassins.
Now, House Adici-a House Minorand descen-
dant of the ancient Varotan Masters-claims to have
unearthed Lord Anton's baliset, holding it in trust The Instrument of Kanly presents the first of a two-
from an anonymous source. Having filed the proper chapter story arc introducing your players to the DUNE
deeds and paperwork, CHOAM custom sanctions universe. Aiming to bring the milieu to life, the narra-
House Adici as legal agents of trade, permitting them tive blends history, intrigue and action into a brief
to sell the baliset at private auction. Knowing some- glimpse of the fascinating universe awaiting you and
thing of the baliset's history, House Adici invites the your players.
survivors of Lord Anton's House to participate in its The story begins in the capital city of the players'
authentication and saie, perhaps also bidding for its homeworld. Inside the House keep, the players' liege
.. acquisition among other noble families. At long last delivers their mission briefing, reminding them not to
the family heirloom has risen from obscurity, renew- let their family resentments interfere with their mission.
ingancestral hatreds and emerging as the symbol of The players are ordered to the planet Chusuk, accom-
ultimate victory. Now, the final opus of their ancient panying a House economic delegation attend ing the
vendetta recommences on neutral ground-the plan- Varotan Trade Falre. While the delegates woo House
_ et Chusuk, Varotan homeworld and origin of the Varota, the players are to assist one of its influential
Instrument of Kanly. Houses Minor, trading favor for favor to garner domes-
If you're a player interested in experiencing tic support for the economic alliance being negotiated
Instrument of Kanly fi rst-hand, read no further! The between the two Great Houses.
following information is for Narrators only.
Chapter X: Instrument of Kanly
L c=s=r~r-~v;::::l.=~- Chusuk, the Heighliner disgorges their House Frigate,
which enters the atmosphere to land in the spacing field
outside of Arubel , the mercantile epicenter of Chusuk.
Roleplaying Hints Arriving safely, the Entourage is greeted by Sator Pell,
Roleplaying relies on player interaction to permit infi- henchmen for Compt Lorenzo Adici. He escorts them by
nitevariations and innumerable conclusions to any given groundcar to the Adici compound, where he arranges
story line. It isthepurpose of published narratives to pro- their quarters and presents their itinerary. Among sundry
vide thebasic information Narrators require to direct the tours and informal site seeing, the players must make
plot from start to finish, introducing novel developments time to attend an informal reception hosted by Compt
and exciting interludes along theway. When using pub- Lorenzo. At that time they can make arrangements to
lished adventures, Narrators should flesh out scene authenticate the instrument and discuss House affairs.
descriptions and character dialogue as desired, perhaps During the reception, armed thieves ransack the
even adding interim scenes or supporting characters to suit museum level of the Adici corporate headquarters.
herindividual sense of drama. Alerted in progress, Compt Lorenzo, Sator Pell and the
For example, when an adventure states the players' characters dash to the museum attempting to thwart the
frigate launches into space, theparticulars of thetake-off- intruders. Orchestrated by agents of House D'rnurjzln,
the loud roar of engine ignition, the rattling quaking of the assault is planned to appear a failure, giving Karos
atmospheric friction and thegut-wrenching sensation of the opportunity to set the Entourage and House Adici at
inertial G-force-fall on the Narrator to recount for the odds through deceit and treachery. Having succeeding in
players. Similarly, when the narrative determines a sup- switching the instruments, House D'rnurjzln orders Karos
porting character conveys a specific bit of information to to authenticate the fake, hiding their theft of the original
the players, theNarrator must decide whether theactwar- instrument and setting the stage for ruinous conse-
rants active dialogue or merely a simple explanation or quences when House Adici attempts to sell it at auction.
announcement. In the climactic scene, buyers assemble at the presti-
Obviously not every moment of every scene needs to gious, "invitation only" Adici auction. Presiding over the
be actively roleplayed. This iswhere the Narrator's judge- affair, Compt Lorenzo makes a grand showing of present-
ment prevails. As Narrator and players become more famil- ing Karos as the House representative who will authenti-
iar with DUNE RPC narration, a shorthand form of com- cate the instrument before the assembled buyers.
municating develops, a balance of "in-character" roleplay- Performing a brief examination, Desmond declares the
ing and "out-of-character" discussion that best suits the baliset a fake, setting the Entourage and House Adici at
interests of everyone involved. immediate odds. Having been greatly embarrassed,
Compt Lorenzo suspends the auction taking the
Entourage into a private chamber to read them the riot
act for their apparent treachery.
At the Adici's request, the Entourage must make a The players, yet unaware of Karos' treason, must now
courtesy call, authenticating the baliset and makinga determine what has happened, who is lying, and how to
favorable impression as diplomatic emissaries for their repairtheir damaged relationship with House Adici. Not
House. At their discretion, the Entourage may bid on the only is their mission in jeopardy, but they've also grievously
instrument at its auction, attempting to recoverthe heir- insulted one of the most powerful Varotan Houses Minor!
loom for their House. Accomplishing these three tasks Primary Goal: Establish favorable relations with
spells success for the mission. House Adici (Statecraft/Diplomacy Venture)
To aid them in their mission, their patron assigns Secondary Goal: Authenticate the instrument
Desmond Karos as their guide and aide. Karos serves the (Equipment & Performance (baliset) Test)
House at the Academy of Arts, where he perfunctorily Tertiary Goal: Acquire the instrument at auction
manages the musical archives. An accomplished musi- (Mercantilism!Bargaining Test)
cian and professorof antiquities, this old and trusted ser-
vant can authenticate the instrument, assisted by an
Ixian device of "questionable legality." But unknown to
any but House D'murjzin and its secret operatives, Karos
Act One: Operatic
intends to switch his own baliset with the original,
declare the real instrument a fake and defect to the plan-
et Omrezhij with the departing D'murjzin delegation. The story begins with a special strategy meeting
With traitor in tow the players journey on a Guild between the players and their House patriarch. He
Heighliner to the planet Chusuk. This leads the players explains that the Varotan Trade Faire begins soon. The
to their first encounter with a Guild representative who information presented in "Chapter 9" can be used to
introduces them to the customs of Guild Securityand describe House Varota, the planet Chusuk or the annual
eighlinerberthing procedures. After folding-space to Trade Faire. Their Patron mentions the Trade Fair,
emphasizing its importance for the private
negotiations that take place around the
event. See sidebar, "VarotanTrade Faire."
Their Sponsor hopes the players will be
able to convince Compt Lorenzo Adici to
support the proposed initiative to forge a
lasting trade agreement between the two
Great Houses. He points out that House
Adici bears great influence over the other
Houses Minorof the Varotan Sysselraad-
if their support can be won, House Varota
will likely agree to the partnership.
Explaining why the players' House has
been chosen for this mission, their sponsor
informs them that the Adici family believes
it has gained custody of Lord Anton's
baliset. According to CHOAM antiquities
customs, House Adici intends to auction
the baliset during the week of the Faire
acting as the "agent of sale" for the anony-
mous owner of the instrument. Having a sterling
reputation for representing only the finest of antiquities,
House Adici has requested the House Entourage's assis-
tance in verifying their authentication efforts and present-
ing its unique provenance.
Cautioning the Entourage about becoming "emotion- The Varotan Trade Faire
ally involved" their patron still encourages them to bid The Varotan Trade Faire originated millennia ago as a
for the instrument. He recognizes the symbolic signifi- domestic craft festival, celebrated by the native denizens of
cance of its recovery, seeing it as a victory over House the planetChusuk. Since that time it hasgrown into a vital
D'murjzin, and offers to reimburse a portion of the cost if economic trade initiative, attracting swarms of economic
the Entourage proves successful in their larger mission. delegations from numerous Great Houses throughout the
And to help in their agenda, their patron appoints Imperium. Lasting buta fortnight, theVarotan Trade Fair
Desmond Karos, a trusted servant and musical archivist presents theopportunity to forge important trade agree-
to help the players authenticate the instrument for the ments with attending Housesof theCHOAM commun ity-
assembled buyers. especial ly with House Varota and itsHouses Minor who
Concluding the briefing, their Patron reminds the sponsor thefair to flaunt their remarkable materials and
Entourage that the trade initiative with House Varota native exports.
represents an important alliance. Though not assigned to Hosting the event once per annum, HouseVarota
the vanguard delegations, the character's mission bears encourages attending Houses to enjoy theamenities of its
directly on the overriding House agenda. So the players' homeworld Chusuk, a beautiful planet likened to a gleam-
mustn't let their family pride interfere with their diplo- ingdiadem of sapphire and jade. Because theVarotans
matic objectives. remain oneof CHOAM's greatest mercantile Houses, the
Guild denies transport of military vessels to Chusuk for the
duration of the event, assisting House Varota in itsefforts
Scene One: First Baliset to foster a peaceful environment for conducting negotia-
Day 1 (morning) - House Compound: Strategy tions-which by their nature, induce aggressiveposturing
Chambers and violentpassion.

Master Desmond Kara s

After briefing the players, their patron introduces them
to Desmond Karos. Karos, though old, shows energy and He may mention his advancing age, suggesting he may
enthusiasm for the approaching journey. He mentions his not enjoy another occasion to visit this delightful planet.
work has taken him to Chusuk several times in the past, This is an Opportunity for an Adept to make a
and he looks forward to visiting the beautiful planet 'one Challenging BG Way Skill Test revealing there's more to
last time'. If asked why he puts it this way, he smiles and Karos' remorse than he's admitting (perhaps he suffers a
tells the players that he will soon be retiringfrom service. physical ailment or fears retirement from service).

Chapter X: Instrument of Kanly
If indulged, and recognizes that he's long since passed thepoint of no
Karos describes return.
the Trade Faire Karos should be roleplayed, notas a desperate man
for the players. franticly worrying that histreachery may bediscovered,
His familiarity butas a confident, exuberant man, looking forward to
with Chusuk serving out his "final mission" on thelovely homeworld of
and its customs Chusuk. Though adversity in themission may cause him to
prove informa- lapse into remorseful indecision, Karos' ardent determina-
tive, though his tion and fatalistic conviction drives him to complete this
ramblings stray final actin accordance with hisbargain. After all, the way
to include men- Karos sees it, he's gottherest of hislife to serve his
tion of "the fas- penance, nursing hisguilt with the beautiful melodies of
;.' cinating woman Lord Anton's baliset.
he met on his last Attributes Physique: 2
visit..." or the "the Coordination: 2 (Dexterity: +1)
funny thing about Varotan merchants." The narrator Intellect: 3
should play up his amiable and wistful nature, so that Charisma: 2
when the player's learn of his treason they experience a Skills Performance (baliset) 3(4)
true sense of betrayal. Culture(Chusuk)2(3)
Concealment (stash) 2(3)
L c::::su Sf ~.,..~;;;;:.::i.===!=::::r-- Equipment (devices) 1(3)
Traits Enhanced Sense (Hearing)
Dual Allegiance (House D'murjzinl
Desmond Karas Equipment kindjal, baliset, Ixian Authenticator, 2 shi-
Desmond Karos has served the players' patron House gawire reels containing master recordings
for over three generations. Thoughan honorable man, (one of LordAnton's baliset. one of
Karos' passion for music and antiquities brought him to Karos'sown)
covet Lord Anton'sbaliset-the original sin leading him
down thepath of betrayal.
As a young musician of some promise, Desmond fell
in lovewith Lord Anton's baliset the moment he first
A Forbidden Device
heard its sweet, yet sultry, tones. Having played with
Lord Anton on several occasions as theArts Academy, Describing how he will authenticate the baliset, Karos
Desmond'sgrowing obsession with the artifact deluded reveals an Ixian device he will be using, and gives them
him into conspiring against Lord Anton-a treacherous a brief lesson in its operation. The forbidden device
plot culminating in Lord Anton's murder andthe delivery exhibits the traits standard of Ixian manufacture-its
of the balisetinto D'murjzin hands. . miniature controls elegantly simple in use and function.
Upon discovering hisown betrayal, Desmond became Because it employs an internal microcomputer to com-
a D'murjzin creature for true. For withholding hispartici- pare harmonic deviation, the device violates the proscrip-
pation in the crime, sleeper agents blackma iled Karos into tions of the Butlerian Jihad and is considered illegal on
becoming an informant for House D'murjzin-aiding many homeworlds. Karos acknowledges this fact but
them in theirongoingvendetta with the player'sHouse. explains that absolute authentication requires the employ-
While they coerced him with the threat of discovery, they ment of such devices.
also allured him with thepromise that oneday he could To demonstrate, Karos attaches the device to his own
defect to Omrezhij (the D'murjzin homeworld) and retire baliset. He plays a short, exquisite tune, then removes the
in a comfortable estate along with a minor title. But as his device from the instrument showing its read-out to the
greatest reward, Count D'murjzin promised to bequeath group. Its display reveals a variation of 1.982, indicating
thebaliset to Karos in his retirement, a final gift for a life (Karos confides) that his instrument is an "inferior replica."
of covert service. Had this been the authentic instrument, the panel would
Nowafter these many years of dual allegiance, Karos display no more than 0.002 variation, even were the instru-
plans to perform hisfinal actof serviceto House ment improperly tuned. An academian at heart, Karos adds
D'murjzin, playing a major role in the defeat of their rivals. that the internal recording contains Lord Anton's final per-
After hedefrauds hissponsor and House Adici, heintends formance, and has been preserved as a matter of historic
to defect on theD'murjzin frigate and return to Omrezhij record. He seems genuinely eager for the chance to verify
to claim hispension. Though remorsefu l for having to the Varotan instrument, mentioning that not only is the
betray theHouse that has been good to him for all these instrument in question very old, but it's also a genuine
years, Karos remains obsessed with thelegendary ballset work of one of the latter-day Varotan Masters.
Scene Summary
Ventures : None
Facts: Karos' instrument displays 1.982 when tested
T he Ixian Authenticato r
against the authentic master reel. Karos refers to his The Ixian Authenticator enables itsuser to verify tonal
instrument as an 'inferior replica'. harmonics by measuring theharmonics of a 'test' sample
Motivations: Karos wishes he could retire to Chusuk. against a pre-recorded 'master' sample-with a harmonic
Opportunities: An Adept may make a Challenging deviation of 0.000 indicating a positive match . The device
BG Way Test to discover Karos is hiding anxieties about incorporates three primary components-a small micro-
his age or retirement. Any player may also make a phone for feeding harmonic data into its microprocessor, a
Difficult Interrogation or Persuasion Test to discover the 'master' recording stored on a shigawire reel for compar-
name of the woman (Rugi Pallos) Karos met on Chusuk. ing thetest data, and a small displayfor revealing the
numerical deviation between the test data and the pre-
recorded tones. Bycomparingtheregistered harmonics
Scene Two: Silent Movement against a master recording, thedevice can authenticate
Day 2 (morning) - House Frigate voice patterns, tonal signatures or any similar variety of
tonal or harmonic data.
Smaller than a coined solari, thedevice weighs
Board ing t he House Frigate
approximately five grams and can beeasily hidden in the
Having been given a day to prepare, the Entourage palm of the hand until attached to thebody of theinstru-
finds itself boarding a diplomatic frigate bearing the mark- ment (Concealment Test Difficulty: Routine). Though rela-
ingsof their patron House. Appointed to make a statement tively simple to use for those familiar with itscontrols, the
of wealth, the frigate's opulent interior reveals lavish fur- device proves difficultto operate for those unversed in for-
nishings and spacious staterooms. Though the entire[our- bidden technology (Equipment (forbidden technology)
ney shouldn't take more than a day or two, the players are Test, Difficulty: Challenging). Similarly, Repairing the
sure to arrive completely refreshed. deviceor changing itsmaster reels proves Very Difficu lt
The luxury of the frigate reminds players that they are for those unfamiliar with itsdesign and function.
being treated as House representatives sent on an impor-
tant mission. It reveals the magnitude of wealth pos-
sessed by a Great House, giving them a taste of what
true power can buy, Many Houses use their frigates as the slightest emotion. The spokesman explains that their
mobile embassies while traveling abroad and each agents are examining the cargo, comparing it to the mani-
Frigate has quarters for sleeping, eating, and entertaining. fest submitted in advance. He asks the leader if he'd like
Taken to their rooms, a steward explains that the to declare any last minute changes, consulting a slim, gray
Frigate will blast-off in approximately one hour, once the filmbook presented by one of his aides. Prompting a
last of the cargo has been secured. Karos entertains the response, the spokesman states that articlesviolating the
Entourage with some tunes from his baliset. Launching GuildTransportation Act must be reported-including any
on schedule, the Entourage suffers about 10 minutes cargoes violating the Great Convention or the Butlerian
shaking tremors and heavy G-force before the frigate proscriptions.
reaches the silent calm of space. Shortly thereafter, the If the players deny they have any such item (as they've
attending steward announces the arrival of the Guild been instructed to do) the Guildsman regards Karos and his
Heighliner and the commencement of their boarding pro- diplomatic pouch, hesitates, and then cryptically remarks
cedures. "your future is safe with us." He uses a dull, metal stylus to
mark the slick black surface of the filmbook's inner screen
before returning his attention to the Entourage.
Aboard the Guild Heighliner
If the players foolishly admit possession of the
From their viewports, the players glimpse the titanic device, the Guildsman waves his hand , motioning for
bulk of the Guild Heighliner. It is a massive vessel, capa- the character to put the device away. Such things are
ble of berthing hundreds of frigates in its hold. But Guild beneath their concern. This, or a flat denial, ends the
Security ensures complete safety-rival frigates could representative's interest in the matter. The players
share the same hold and never dare to attack one anoth- should suspect that the spokesman was interested in the
er. The characters feel a short jolt upon berthing, but device. But in fact, Karos' presence triggered the
nothing else the entire trip. spokesman's prescience, giving him a brief glimpse of
Shortly after docking, three Guild representatives enter trouble and violence surrounding this man. But foresee-
the stateroom. Silent and aloof, they confront the leader of ing this would not affect the journey, he dismisses the
the Entourage to explain procedures. Only their matter-that which does not affect the safety of the
spokesman voices their business, and none of them reveal Heighllner, and as a result, is of no concern to the Guild.

Ch apt er X: Instrument of Kanly
Before leaving, the Guild Representative pauses to security guards and 2 diplomatic aides. Pell stiffly intro-
mention that the Heighliner will fold-space to Omrezhij duces himselfto the character possessing the highest
(homeworld of House D'murjzin) to take on some cargo apparent caste, welcoming the party to Chusuk on behalf
before proceeding to Chusuk. of House Varota and the Adici family.
Informing them the auction begins in 3 days, he
invites them to enjoy his beautiful homeworld suggesting
Scene Summary
they visit the wondrous museums and marvelous shops
Ventures : None in the city of Arubel. House Varota offers guides to the
Facts : The Heighliner stops next at the player's rival's Entourage. Finally, Pell invites the players to the opening
homeworld. banquet, hosted by the Compt Adici in three days time.
Opportunitie s : An Adept may make a Challenging He informs the players that their transportation has been
BG Way Test to determine the Guildsman was concerned arranged; their driver will pick them up and transport
with Karos rather than the instrument. them to the Adici headquarters at 15:00 standard time.
Pell then goes on to greet the next house arriving on the
Scene Three: Ari2 at landing pad; the player's rivals.

M o nd ri2g ne --::1.
Day 4 (mid-afternoon) - The Spaceport of
Sater Pell
Sater Pell, age 45, is not a musician, artist or creative
L8nding Field at Volyons person of any sort. Instead, he is a man of unquestioning
The players arrive on Chusuk and disembark at the devotion, a loyal henchman who's been serving in Compt
Spaceport of Mondriagne, a marvel of Imperial engineer- Lorenzo'ssecurity detail for more than 20 years. Pell tends
ing and architecture. Upon exiting the frigate, landing to think in straight lines, never permittinghimself to be
field personnel rush forward to begin unloading its cargo. sidetracked by persona l aims or trivial distractions. Not
As they supervise the offloading of their equipment, the endowed with a Mentat's intellect, Pell nevertheless has
Entourage may notice (Observation Test (visual): Routine developed a reputation for keen perception and subtle
Difficulty) a nearby frigate bearing House D'murjzin's craft, directing counter-intelligence and security measures
official insignia. with a masterful hand.
During the hours consumed by offloading, the charac- These attributes combineto make Pell one of themost
ters gain a true appreciation of the scope and efficiency respected Security Commanders to be found among the
of the Varotan spaceport. Approximating the size of a Varotan Houses Minor. Cornpt Adici prides himself with
small city, the spaceport and surrounding landing pads this knowledge and treats Pell with a degree of affection
span as far as the eye can sec. Landing pads rise numer- and trust usually reserved for family kin or fellow noble-
ous stories above ground level, external suspensor lifts men, thereby honoring Pell above all others in his retinue.
rising a falling like pile drivers. The narrator should take In return, Pell serves his liege with absoluteloyalty and
this opportunity to expand on the information presented honor, protectingthe Adici name and ethos as if they were
in "Chapter 9," emphasizing the details of the world-its hisown flesh and bone. This, and thefact that his patron
climate, geography and native customs. provides every luxury that a fighting man could want, con-
tributes to Pell's steadfast allegiance and absoluteimmuni-
ty to bribery, seduction or false propaganda aga inst House
Sator PelI Adici or his patron lord.
Shortly Compt Lorenzo has watched Pell growfrom a rash,
before the energetic youth into a cagey, powerful man. Lorenzo
unloading loves Pelilike a son and trusts him implicitly even though
has ended, Pell occasionallyoffendsthe Compt's guests with his
Sator Pell, brusque, suspiciousmanner. To others, Pell seems preoc-
""' Security cupied with trying to work out whatcrime you may have
Commander committed or arecurrently contemplating, but this is only
of House Adici an impression. Pell is not a nobleman and treats nobles
arrives by with the respect theydeserve, even if a little heavy-hand-
'. groundcar ed with his intimidating demeanor and suspicious affec-
and tations.
with a small Attributes Physique: 3
retinue of 2 Constitution +1
Coordination: 4 recital serves to entertain the respected clients of House
Intellect: 2 Adici, most of them being art collectors and prospective
Perceptiont 1 clients here for this week's antiquities auctions.
Charisma: 2 Gatherings such as this have been occurring in noble
Willpower t 1 Houses throughout Arubel , every night for the past week.
Skills Armed Combat (dueling arms) 3(4) But this represents the characters' first opportunity to
Dodge (evade)2(3) advance the main objective of their mission by interacting
Ranged Combat (stunner) 3(4) with Compt Lorenzo of House Adici.
Unarmed Combat(martial training) 2(3) When the characters arrive, some fifty guests occupy
Security (House)3(4) the medium-sizedballroom, beautifully appointed for the
Equipment(systems) 1(2) occasion. In the middle of the high-ceilinged room, several
Observation (surveillance) 2(3) ice sculptures of beautiful objects d'art call their attention
Traits Whipcord Reilexes to the tables of hors d'oeuvres. Liveried servants walk
Dueling about with trays of tasty morsels or bubbling aperitifs,
Shield Fighting while the guests cluster randomly, conversing sociably in
Olympian Physique small, informal groupings. In the corner, a string quintet
Commendation (3) plays dulcet tunes, enhancing the room with a soft under-
Equipment stunner, kindjal, sword, ComNet transmitter, current that compliments the sparkling crystal and soft,
and personal shield yellow light beaming from floating suspensorglobes.
Before the arrival of Compt Lorenzo and his
-----~---.........r -"-'"'"'-...-.--
'"' - - -- entourage, the players enjoy some time to meet the other
guests and make contacts with important noble Houses.
Desmond Karos knows some of those in attendance, and
Scene Summary
offers to make introductions on the players' behalf.
Ventures: None Apparently, Karos is generally respected and well liked-
Facts: The player's rivals are participating in the Faire. his association makes for easy networking among the
attending Houses Minor. Since this represents the play-
ers' first opportunity to make contacts during play, the
Act Two: Orchestra l Narrator might want to name some of the guests and per-
mit Charm and Influence Tests to enable the characters
Maneuvers in the Da rk to initiate relationshipswith some of them. If the players
show particular interest in any of these NPCs, the
After arriving on Chusuk, the players have a few days Narrator should note them for possible inclusion in
to enjoy themselves and look around. Though nothing future narratives (as an opportunity to build "continuity"
spectacular occurs, describe some of the art and perform- among his stories).
ances the players have the opportunity to see, as
well as the festiva l atmosphere of the entire
area. Since a great deal of money changes
hands during the Trade Faire, it's in House
Varota's best interests to ensure everyone
has a good time.

Scene One: Opening

Day 5 (evening) - Reception hall of the
Adici Enterprises corporate headquarters,
located in the trade district of Arubel

The Adici Reception

Having spent two days touring the city
and enjoying the local offerings, the players
attend a lavish yet informal soiree, held in
honor of visiting Houses. Though many
Great Houses have sent delegations to
Arubel to attend the Faire, this party and

Chapter X: Instrument af Kanly
In thecourse ofdoing business, Rugi occasionally traf-
Rugi Pallas fics illegal goods, fraternizing with thieves, smugglers and
One such supporting character is Rugi Pallos, a stun- fences as her needs require. Without the aegis ofa noble
ningly beautiful woman who catches a character's eye House to protect her, Rugi has learned to bevery careful.
and appe ars to wink at him. If the character shows the She wears a mask ofsuave, soft-spoken confidence,
slightest interest , Karos volunteers her ident ity-Rugi charming her way through most social difficulties. The fact
Pallos, an inde- that she ispossessed ofstunning beauty aids her in this,
pendent antiqui- but beneath her facade ofpoise and grace, Rugi maintains
ties dealer and a practiced arsenal ofespionage techniques and martial
"suspected art training.
smuggler. He At theoutset ofthe narrative, Rugi works according to
adds this las t a secret agreement with House D'murjzin. Acting as their
bit with appar- broker, Rugi delivered Anton's baliset to House Adici,
ent disdain , refusing to name the instrument's current owners. As
remarking that guest of House Adici, Rugi remains to "witness theauc-
he doesn 't tion ofthe baliset" but her contract with House
know why the D'murjzin ends once their agents have recovered the
honorable baliset during theauction. Once done, Rugi attends the
Varotan 's toler- auction only outofcuriosity, and ofcourse, as a sign of
ate "her kind." gratitude for thecourteous invitation House Adici has
Grimacing as if extended her.
he suddenly So by theend ofAct II, Rugi concludes her contract
finds his drink bit- with House D'murjzin and once again begins to act like a
terer than before, Karos surrenders his glass to a pass ing free agent. This means that she's actively pursuing her own
servant and excuses himself from the discussion. A BG business agenda, which may lead her into a temporary
Way Test (Challenging) suggests Karos is hiding some- alliance with House Adici or the player characters. Though
thing about Pallos, either a prior conflict or perhaps and the conditions arepresented in thetext ofthe relevant
unrequited attraction. scenes, the Narrator should consider Rugi's private agen-
If the player with Karos approaches Rugi at this time, das when characterizing her actions, keeping in mind that
she greets them with smug amusement, but quickly warms her business pursuits depend onfavorable relationships
up to show her benevolence. She engages the player in live- with all noble houses.
ly discourse, showing apparent interest in his identity and
purpose for attending the event. If the player manages to AttributesPhysique: 2
turn the tables, she readily describes herself as an art afi- Coordination: 2
cionado and antiquities specialist, traveling about the Dexterity: +1
Imperium to negotiate art acquisitions for noble patrons Intellect: 3
who are too busy to attend themselves'. She disdains igno- Perception +1
rance and banality with regard to art and antiquities, and Charisma: 3
chastens any players who demonstrate a lack of proper Willpower: +1
appreciation. She might say something pedantic, like "one Skills Concealment (stash) 2(3)
does not buy artwork like a pyon shopping for portyguls; Infiltration (escape) 2(3 )
rather, great artwork must be acquired selectively, chosen Culture (Imperial) 2 (3)
for its particular merit or history and secured by negotiating History (art & antiquities) 4(5)
a respectful, yet reasonable price." Underworld (black markets) 3(4)
Artistry (forgery) 3(4)
Equipment (forbidden tech) 2(3)
Traits Alertness, Enhanced Sense (vision)
Equipment knife, maula pistol, attache & various
Rugi Pallas research holostats, personal effects, Guild
As a member ofthe lower castes, Rugi Pallos operates on transport voucher
the fringes ofnoble society. She belongs to no House and
has built her prosperous business enterprise by traveling from
one homeworld toanother, trading in any variety ofheir-
looms and personal artifacts. She specializes in objects d'art,
Compt Lorenzo Adici
and has established a reputation for lending her expert
knowledge ofantiquities toany House willing to pay her As soon as the players have sufficiently exhausted the
prohibitively high consulting fees. social opportunities presented by the growing influx of
guests, the stringed quintet abruptly halts as a liveried her-
ald enters the hall to formally announce the arrival of
Compt Lorenzo and his retinue. Commander Pell accompa-
nies his lord, alongwith additional family members. As the Compt Lorenzo Adici
procession enters the hall, the quintet resumes with a live- Compt Lorenzo Adici, age 77, stands as the most
ly melody-the traditional anthem of House Adici (Culture prominent statesmen of theVarotan Sysselraad. He pre-
(Varota) Test: Moderate Difficulty). Upon his arrival, sides over House Adici and has leveraged itsposition as
Compt Lorenzo forma lly proceeds to the front of the room, one of the great Mercantile Houses of Chusuk to arbitrate
waiting for the rest of his procession to gather around him. numerous CHOAM disputes and Kanly negotiations.
Servants circulate among the guests and entourage hand- Regarded as a master diplomat and a great proponent for
ing out drinks. The last of his procession arriving just as peace, Compt Lorenzo cultivates his reputation by remain-
the anthem ends, ing impartial whiletaking pains to understand inter-party
Compt Lorenzo conflicts from all perspectives.
greets the assem- During thecourse of the narrative, the players may fear
bly, by engaging that theirHouse intrigues may upset him, causing them to
them in a toast, lose favor for embroiling House Adici in theirlong-stand-
"...(Narrator's ad ingvendetta. On thecontrary; as the spokesman of the
lib). Business Varotan clans Lorenzo sees infighting such as this on an
makes progress. 'ali-too-frequent' basis. So provided the players can ulti-
Fortune passes mately convince him they are pawns in a greater, ongoing
everywhere!" vendetta, hewill readily forgivetheEntourage for any
Once more, the minor loss of face suffered by House Adici on their behalf.
quintet resumes Nonetheless, in his age Compt Adici growstired of petty
is melody, as conflict and shows little tolerance for wanton destruction or
Compt Lorenzo foolish bloodshed. He doesn't suffer foolsgladly and won 't
and entourage hesitate to take matters into hisown handsshould the char-
disperse, moving actersseem incompetent or untrustworthy in their attempt to
to greet their set matters aright. As a general rule, the Compt prefers hon-
assembled guests. est, straightforward dealings and will treat the Entourage
Lorenzo shakes the hand of the Entourage's leader more leniently if theydemonstrate sincerity andgood inten-
and mentions his joy at being able to return the instru- tions.
ment to circulation. He demonstrates his knowledge of
musical instruments by saying something to the effect Attributes Physique: 2
"it's a pity to see such a fine instrument collecting dust Constitution +1
like some forgotten relic. A great instrument should be Coordination: 2
played-lest it lose its tonal harmony for want of due Intellect: 3
appreciation." A Routine BG Way Test reveals this 'state- Logic +1
ment disturbs Karos into momentary reverie. Snapping Charisma: 4
out of it, Karos graciously responds, "my sentiments Presence +1
exactly, m'Lord," followed by a terse bow. His social Prescience: 0
duties calling him toward his other guests, Lorenzo Skills ArmedCombat (duelingarms) 2(3)
quickly concludes his business with the players, inform- Command (subordinates) 2(3)
ing them that he'd like them to authenticate the instru- Dodge (sidestep) 1 (2 )
ment during the auction, before the assembled buyers. Diplomacy (negotiation)4(5)
He seems confident that his own experts have accurately Observation (details) 1(2)
verified its provenance and authenticity, but desires the Politics (Imperium, Varotan) 3(4,5)
players' participation as a show of good faith. Statecraft 4
For the remainder of the scene, the players may make Traits Highborn
one last attempt to engage other guests in conversationor Shield Fighting
approach Compt Lorenzo to further their primary agenda. Plasteel Will
While roleplaying the final encounter, the Narrator should oble Iitle 3
require any "nonparticipating" characters to make a Test Physical Impairment(Limp)
(Observation (surveillance); Moderate). Any success Equipment House uniform, personal affects, sword, per-
reveals that the character notices Karos and Pallos hold- sonal shield
ing a private conversation near the entrance to the hall.
Karos seems on edge, his eyes darting about the room as
they speak.

Chapter X: Instrument of Kanly
fact, a museum showroom with objectsd'art carefully dis-
Scene Summary
played here and there for purchasers to examine prior to
Pallos' earlier wink was a signal to Karos-one the auction. Pell's men follow his lead, each drawing a slow-
player accidentally intercepted and hopefully misinter- pelletstunner as Pell heads down the dimly lit corridor.
preted. Pallos is Karos' contact with the House Lorenzo escorts the characters, hastening them to keep
D'murjzln. As predetermined, they are meetingto arrange pace behind Pell and his men.
the timing of the House D'murjzln's agenda. During their Losing Pell as he turns a corner, the players hear a
conversation, Karos relays the characters' itinerary, con- shout of surprise, followed by the sound of stunner fire and
firming that the instrument won't be tested until the auc- the electrostatic clash of shields. Turning the corner the
tion. Acting on this information, Pallos swiftly departs to players discover Pell and his surviving men engaging five
contact her employers, giving them the go-ahead to com- rushing figures, three of Pell's men and two of their
mence the robbery on schedule. assailants having fallen during the initial confrontation.
Ventures: The players may initiate a The fracas takes place within a circular cul-de-sac, featur-
Statecraft/Diplomacy venture to make a favorable ing a recessed curio cabinet with a dismantled plas casing.
impression on Compt Lorenzo. This venture must occur A baliset lies on the floor beneath, set next to the plas-cas-
by player initiative, afte r Lorenzo has already imparted ing and assorted hand tools.
the details of the auction. A success will give the player This represents the characters' first opportunity to
+ 1 die when makingany subsequent influence Tests dur- prove themselves in combat. Though three of Pell's men
ing the narrative. fell during the ambush, Pell and two remaining guards
Facts : Pallos is an expert in antiquities and an accom- prove superior in combat, should none of the characters
plished smuggler. She is the agent who sold the baliset to choose to engage. Nonetheless, the remaining thieves
the Adici family and she has preserved the anonymity of offer sufficient threat to test the characters' abilities
House D'murjzin as the sellers of the instrument. Karos and should they enter the fray. Considering the dim lighting
Pallosknow each other. Karos and Pallos converse privately, and closeness of combat, characters should realize ranged
and Pallos leaves afterward. weapon fire could injure Pell or his men (+2 Difficulty
Motivations : Pallos is motivated by money, working modifier to Ranged Weapon Tests).
for whoever pays her. Not particularly courageous, the thieves attempt to
Opportunitie s: The player being winked at may flee if they become outnumbered 2:1. But if captured
make a Difficult Observation Test to notice Pallos is they prove unwilling to talk. To gather any useful infor-
winking at Karos. An Adept may make a Moderate BG mation, the thieves must be incarcerated and thorough-
Way Test to realize that Karos knows Pallos by more ly interrogated. Disdainful of torture, Pell turns to it as
than reputation alone. a last resort, finding himself too late- the thieves die
within five hours of a Type III poison unknowingly
administered to them by their D'murjzln employer. If
Scene Two: Midnight Tango interrogated by a player character, the thieves may
Day 5 (late evening) - The Exhibit Hall of the Adici reveal that House D'murjzin is their employer or that
Enterprises corporate headquarters ' they were hired to steal the baliset (Very Difficult
Interrogation (torture) Test). Because Pell leaves the
A Call to Arms interrogation area if the player employs torture, the
character will have to relay this information to Pell,
Interrupting the reception, Commander Pell hastily who mayor may not believe them (considering their
navigates the crowds to whisper into Compt Lorenzo's methods).
ear. Lorenzo quickly scans the room, moving into action
as soon as locates the leader of the Entourage. Without
disrupting the other guests, Lorenzo approaches the char-
acters addressing them with quiet urgency: "Something
happening, gather your party and come with me." D'murjzin Operatives
Following him from the hall, Lorenzo and the players Dressed in a black leotard, theagents of House
rendezvous with Pell and five security guards who lead D'murjzin represent a small cadre of specialists trained in
the way toward the waitingsuspensor lift, door ajar at the thearts of infiltration and acquisitions. They have been
end of the long hallway. psychologically and physically conditioned to resist torture
The lift carriesthe group to the 35th floor, which Pell and interrogation, and while competent in combat, have
hastily describes as the "Exhibit floor" of the towering been ordered not to kill Compt Adici or the player charac-
Adici Enterprises headquarters. The liftdisgorges the ters. Instead they have been instructed to switch the
group into a labyrinth of lO-foot wallsdwarfed by the 50 balisets in preparation for Karas' false authentication, and
foot ceiling overhead. The winding corridor of walls form- ordered to flee at theearliest opportunity once theirmis-
. g numerous alcoves and viewing areas, the maze is in sion has been accomplished.
Attributes All attributes: 2. Facts: The Instrument matched the recording (a false
Skills Armed Combat (melee arms) 1(2) recording, of Karo's instrument).
Dodge (sidestep) 2 Motivations: The rivals wish to swap the instrument
Concealment (camouflage) 2(3) to hide its theft.
Ranged Combat (maula pistol) 1(2) Opportunities : A successful BG Way Test
Stealth (prowling)2(3) (Difficulty: 12) reveals that Karos is both relieved the
Subterfuge (interrogation) 4(5) instrument is there, and apprehensive about it.
Traits Hypno-ligation (resist questioning)
Equipment kindjal, maula pistol & 1 clip extra ammo
Scene Three: A False Chord
----~"""""---"- ..c = ... Day 6 (evening) - PrivateAuction Chamber in the
Adici Enterprises headquarters
An Moderate Observation (search) Test reveals a thin The auction occurs in the "Negotiations" wing of the
krimskell rope, dangling from the looming darkness Adici Enterprises headquarters. The auction room resem-
above. After the combat, Lorenzo or Pell uses a small bles a small theatre, replete with rows of chairs, a low
hand light to illuminate the darkness, tracing the rope to stage, an auctioneer's podium and displaytable for the
an open air duct, some fifty feet overhead. Clearly this is merchandise. A liveried usher escorts the Entourage to
where the thieves entered (and exited?), inspiring their reserved seats, located in the far right of the front row.
Lorenzo or Pell to use their communinet transmitter to Asthey enter, the characters discern many of the people
order the buildingsecured, paying special attention to they met or observed at the evening reception. Compt
the ventilation facilities on level 35. Lorenzo and entourage sit front row, center, allowing a little
excitement to show through his normal mask of reserve.
Unscheduled Inspection Rugi Pallos may be discerned sitting near the back, study-
inga printed sell sheet and avoiding eye contactwith the
Fearing the instrument has been damaged or tam- other buyers. Two representatives wearing the livery of
pered with, Lorenzo asks Karos to inspect it. Karos first House D'murjzin sit opposite the players, wearinga look of
gives it a thorough visual examination, relieving Lorenzo smugconfidence on their predatory faces.
when he declares it undamaged. Then he discreetly
employs his Ixian device, strumming two briefchords on
An Attack Sinister
the baliset. Returning the instrument to Lorenzo, Karos
declares the instrument authentic, showingthe charac- A few moments after the players arrive, the auction
ters the readout (0.000) while Lorenzo and Pell discuss begins. Several minor items come up for bid, their lots
removing the baliset to a more secure location. beingcalled by sequential number. As the auction contin-
Lorenzo and Pelliead the players to a security vault ues, more people-participants or spectators-enter the
located in the opposite wing. While Pell secures the room, gathering towardthe back to gawk and mutter in
device within a pentashield enclosure Lorenzo explains hushed, excited tones. The Narrator should keep the pac-
that he would like the characters to still attend the auc- ing of the preliminary auction swift and clean, mentioning
tion, doing a second authentication "as a formality for the influx of onlookers to help build the tension. If the
our guests." His spirits improved, he congratulates the players wonder at the attention this auction is getting,
players on their valor and heroism, arranging for any of Karos reminds them that the sale of the baliset represents
their wounded to be treated by his attendant physician. a something of a duel in the ongoing vendetta between
Things seem to be looking up for the player's chances of their House and House D'murjzin. Few can resist the
accomplishing their primarygoal. spectacle of conflict, and this contest may prove just as
lively as any dueling bout.
The momentfor auctioning the instrument finally
Scene Summary
arrives. Master Pell emerges from offstage, cradling the
Bythe time Pell and his men arrive in the museum, baliset so that the viewers can behold its magnificence . In
the thieves have succeeded in exchanging Karos' baliset the brightyellow suspensor lighting, its lacquer gleams
for the original. One thief has already departed with the with a golden luster. The auctioneer delivers a short
original instrument, leaving the remaining thieves to speech detailing the provenance of the baliset. He men-
cover their tracks; and if caught, make it appear they tions its date and origin of manufacture , briefly recounting
were just about to make their getawaywith the replace- its historyof ownership endingwith the current "anony-
ment. Pell and his men interrupt them at this stage, mis- mous" sellers. As the auctioneer speaks, Pell parades the
taking the replica for the original accordingto plan. instrument across the stage, up the center aisle and back,
Ventures: Increase favor with Lorenzo. Any success returning just as the auctioneer finishes his pitch.
yielding +1 additional die to further influenceTests made Standingat his side, Pell nods to Karos as the auctioneer
during the narrative (StatecraftlDiplomacy). makes an introduction.

Chapter X: Instrument of Kanly
Karos approaches, bows before the assembled nobility ing their dilemma. If the players tell Karos to proceed
and begins his examination. Turning it over in his hands, with this type of action, he briefs the auctioneer on the
angling it this way and that to catch the light he makes a situation, and the auctioneer announces that the baliset,
fine show for the prospective buyers. Completing his ancient as it is, requires further inspection to be conduct-
visual inspection, he hazards a worried look toward the ed in private chambers while the auction continues. This
Entourage, alerting them that something is amiss. He excuse arouses some angry complaints among the audi-
then resumes his inspection, playing a series of melodic ence, but the auctioneer appeases them with assurances
chords and secretly monitoring the forbidden device that the matter will be resolved shortly. At this point, Pell
which he's clipped to the neck of the instrument. escorts Karos through a door off-stage, nodding for the
Karos finally surrenders the instrument into Pell's characters to follow. If they observe Compt Lorenzo as
care, excusing himself with a hushed apology. Leaving they leave, they see him rise and approach Rugi Pallos
the stage he approaches the character leading the who now watches the proceedings with interest.
Entourage, as surprised murmurs run among the crowd. Vent ures: None
Both Pell and the auctioneer follow Karoswith their eyes, Facts: Karos is upset that Pallos is at the auction.
frowning at this unexpected turn of events. Lorenzo also The instrument does not match the reel in the device.
leans forward in his seat, watching Karos' exchange with Motivati ons: Pallos is there to make sure things
Entouragewith wary displeasure. Addressing the proceed properly.
Entourage Karos discreetly declares the instrument a Opportuni ties: A successful BG Way (Difficulty: 9)
fraud, claiming that it's clearly an "inferior replica" that Test reveals that Karos is upset that Pallos is there. An
must have been switched with the original. equally difficult Truthtrance Test reveals Karos is telling
the truth when he says the instrumentis a replica.
Scene Summary
This is the climax of the adventure. What the players
do here could conceivably end the entire story. If the play-
Act Three: SW8n Sons
ers demand to see the device and use it themselves, Karos
objects, citing the proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad in
support of his argument that Pel! could prosecute them all This is the concluding act of the adventure. Ideally, the
for "smuggling" this illicit device on-planet. If the players players uncover the traitor, learning the truth about the
have the opportunity to see clearly the readout of the switching of instruments and House D'murjzin's hand in
device (1.982) , they may realize this instrument is Karos', the matter. The opportunity must exist for the players to
meaning he must be a traitor (as is explained later). If really botch the entire mission , permanently damaging
everything's gone as scripted, the players shouldn't suspect their relationship with House Adici. Their victory means lit-
Karos yet. They're certainly in a bind, but many suspects tle if there is no chance for them to fail.
fill the room-House D'murjzin, Rugi Pallos, Master Pell The rest of this scenario presumes the players actively
and even Compt Lorenzo himself, could be the potential use their resources to determine what's going on, but the
perpetrator of their deception. In any event, the ball is now conclusion is plotted based on the assumption that the
in the player'S court. Once Karos has said his bit, the players wait until the best possible moment to act. If they
Entourage must decide what to do. Butwith everyone in have been exceptionally resourceful, things may come to
the entire room staringat them, the clock is ticking.... an abrupt conclusion.
It should be clear to the players that their relationship
with House Varota, and mission objective, is now in jeop-
ardy. This should heavily influence their decision possibly Scene One: Dissonant Vibes
leadingthem to declare the instrumentauthentic with the Day 6 (night) - Backstage of the Auction Chamber
intent of buying it themselves or of passing it offon House Sator Pellleads the players backstage, through a door-
D'murjzin. Either course may lead to disaster, since House way into a formal conference room . He carries the baliset,
D'murjzin has anticipated such behavior. If the action pro- and musters four security personnel who guard the vari-
ceeds, House D'murjzin will outbid the players at any ous exits from the backstage area. Stiffly formal , Pell asks
cost, then publicly declare it a fake-condemning House the characters to be seated while they wait for Compt
Adici as frauds and implicating the Entourage as co-con- Lorenzo to join them. Moments later, Compt Lorenzo and
spirators. The Narrator can ad lib the resulting chaos, Rugi Pallos enter the room . Rugi takes a seat opposite the
choosing whether House D'murjzin presents the original players and Lorenzo stands at the head of the conference
instrument to verify their claim or whether they employ table looking expectantlytoward Karos and the Entourage
one or more 'private' authorities such as Rugi Pallos (who spokesman. If the players remain silent, Lorenzo prompts
is present to support their claim). them, "I believeyou have some explaining to do."
The rest of the narrative presumes the Entourage Throughout the following exchange, Lorenzo remains
, lays it straight' consulting Compt Lorenzo and confess- intractable in his demand to know the truth. He now
seems suspicious of anything the players say, unless they her sheaf of hand-written notes and holostat images, she
offeran immediate explanation. Though suspicious, inspects the balisetperforming a thorough examination.
Lorenzo does not severelyantagonize the players unless Afterward, she looks at Karos then to Lorenzo, confirming
they level accusations at him or his servants. Sator Pell that the baliset is in truth, a poor imitation-one that an
watches from the other end of the table, and his security expert such as Karos couldn't fail to observe. She is pre-
personnel remain alert. pared to support this statementwith observable differences
The players' first question probably concerns whether between the photographs and instrument.
the instrument has been moved or handled since their This is the critical moment. Karos didn't anticipate
previous inspection. According to their best knowledge, Lorenzo inviting Pallos to this meeting. Her proclamation
the instrument Karos inspected in the museum was the puts him on the spot, making him fear that House
original but this one is not. But both Lorenzo and Pell D'murjzin intends to betray him now that they possess the
adamantly deny the possibility of any "switch" once the original baliset. In actuality, House D'rnurjzin has left the
baliset had been secured within the pentashield enclo- matter to Rugi's discretion-she's the chiefoperative in
sure and surrounding vault. If players believe them, then their deception. Butwhen Karos attempted to implicate
they may begin to suspect Karos of some sort of perfidy. Pallos, she resolved to end their professional rivalry by
Lorenzo's primary concern questions the true throwing him to the dogs. Only by firmly establishing
authenticity of the instrument. He has brought Rugi Karos as a fraud can she make absolutely sure the
Pallos to render her opinion, refraining from identifying Entourage can't recover from this fiasco by declaring Karos
her as the agent of sale to House Adici. As long as the mistaken. Having reached her decision , Rugi addresses
players remain proactive-asking questions, explaining Lorenzo's quizzical stare by reasoning that if Karos verified
what they know or forming hypothesis-Lorenzo per- the instrument before but now claimsit's a fake, clearly
mits them to direct the proceedings. But if the players Karos-and his employers-must be behind all this.
reach an impasse, Lorenzo takes charge by asking Rugi Pallos steadfastly denies any knowledge of why Karos
to inspect the instrument (saying only "she's an accred- woulddo this, because she doesn't want to appear suspect.
ited authority and renowned expert in such matters"). Buther damning implication throws Karos into a panic,
An Observation Test: Challenging reveals Karos is dis- and in retaliation, he accuses Pallos of making slanderous
traught by these events. A BG Way Test: Difficult accusations aimed at undermining his professional credi-
reveals Karos seems more upset by Pallos' presence and bility. Putting the final nail in his (and perhaps the play-
the need for a 'second opinion' than by the difficult sit- ers') coffin, Rugi suggests that perhaps the museum raid
uation before the Entourage. had been successful, enabling Karos and Entourage to
orchestrate the theft of the instrument while shifting blame
to House Adici. After all, if this is not the original instru-
An Expert Opinion
ment, then someone's got to have it. Enraged by such
Once the characters have exhausted speculation, audacious hypocrisy (and fearing for his skin), Karos
Lorenzo announces his intent to have Pallos examine the attempts to turn the tables on Pallos by remindingevery-
instrument. Karos is clearly agitated by her presence and one of her reputation as a smuggler and dealer of "ques-
indirectly accuses the smuggler of hav- .
ing something to do with this. He does-
n't directly confront her, but claims he
'wouldn't be surprised if she were some-
how involved'. Pallos ignores this state-
ment, maintainingher role of neutral
observer, but requests a few minutes to
"retrieve her documented notes" before
performing the inspection. Lorenzo
offhandedly concedes, returninghis
attention to the Entourage as Pallos
exits the room.
Pallos uses this opportunity to con-
tact her former employer, instructing their
agents to plant the real instrument in
Karos' quarters. Theyaccomplish this
easilyin the time it takes to sort matters
through. While Pallos is absent, Lorenzo -:
gives the Entourage one last opportunity
to provide an explanation, but Rugi inter-
rupts by entering the room. Consulting

Chapter X: Instrument of Kanly
tionable" integrity. Provided the characters fail to inter- agitates Karos who, for the first time, begins to suspect
vene, this contest between Pallos and Karos inevitably the extent to which he's being used. Pell's men find noth-
leads Lorenzo to resolve that everyone's personal quarters ing unusual within, though Karos suggests they take a
should be searched "to put the accusations to rest." second look. He does this to bide time, formulating an
excuse should the item turn up in his room.
Scene Summary
An Incriminating Disc overy
Though it is within his right to inspect any of their
quarters given the situation, Karos and the Entourage Of course once Pell and his men get to his room, a
could lawfully claim diplomatic privilege under the codes thorough search reveals the original instrument stowed
of the Great Convention, escalating this situation inside his traveling locker. But the investigation also
between two Houses Minor to a conflict between two uncovers a miniature shigawire reel, a seemingly innocent,
Great Houses. If the players act upon this option, or fail if enigmatic object, that Pell brings to the attention of
to provide any suggestions, Karos (who believes the everyone present. Looking to the Entourage for an expla-
instrument to be in Rugi's possession as planned) nation, Lorenzo clearly suspects them of orchestrating this
prompts the Entourage to agree to a search, provided a entire scenario, stealing the balisetwhile making House
search of Pallos' quarters reveal nothing suspicious. Adici look incompetent in the process. At this point, any
Surprising Karos, Rugi readily agrees and Lorenzo calls other nobleman would probably order them into immedi-
Pell to immediate action. ate custody for questioning, but as their patron advised
By this point the players should realize that some- them, Compt Lorenzo is a reasonable man. He'll permit
thing is up, and may offer some other solution. The them one last opportunity to defend themselves.
Narrator should allow other proposed solutions based on This represents the final dark before the dawn-a time of
the following assumed course of events. momentous decision making for the players. They can either
Ventures: None rely on Karos to explain the shigawire reel to them, or they
Facts: Karos expects the baliset to be in Pallos' room. can examine it themselves, attempting to unravel its mystery.
Motivations : Pallos wishes to ensure Karos and the
Entourage can't claim they mistakenly identified the Reels within Reels
baliset during the first inspection. All of her actions
attempt to convince Lorenzo that the Entourage deliber- The reel itself bears a tiny stamp, establishing its manu-
ately misled him. facturer as a D'murjzin shigawire foundry. Aside from this,
Karoswants to shift attention away from himselfand the reel reveals nothing unless inserted into the forbidden
is willing to let Rugi be the scapegoat if it gets him off the Ixian device. If the players confess the device to Lorenzo,
hook. Considering that he intends to defect to House he states that he knows nothingabout such things and
D'murjzin, Karos must attempt to make the Entourage looks to Rugi for some assistance. Familiar with its design,
seem guilty of deceiving Lorenzo, and may not directly she activates the device and manipulates its controls to
implicate House D'murjzin who would then, undoubted- read the contents of the current reel-finding it to contain
ly, turn against him. a recording of the original instrument, dating back some
Knowing that Pallos is the agent who brought the ISO standard years. Swapping reels to read the one of
baliset to House Adici (but not knowing House D'murjzln D'rnurjzln manufacture, she discovers the date to be very
is the anonymous seller) Lorenzo sincerelydoubts Pallos' recent-a little overone month standard time.
involvement in any foul play. He may even defend her If this isn't enough to reveal Karos as the traitor, a
integrity, disclosing to the Entourage that she represents final comparison of recordings to instruments tells the
the sellers of the instrument, obtaining her commission whole story. With the original recording inserted, the
only if the instrument is sold. device measures 1.982 variation when testing the fake
Opportunities: A routine Truthtrance Testwill reveal baliset (reminding players of Karos' original demonstra-
Lorenzo and Pell are convincedthe instrumentcould not tion of the device against his own instrument). When test-
have been switched while in the vault. A BG way Test ing the original with the same recording, the device shows
(Difficulty: 7) reveals Karos is desperately anxious. the proper 0.000 variation, revealing it as the instrument
from which the recording was made. Similarly, with the
D'murjzin reel inserted, the device measures a 0.000 vari-
Scene Two: Improvisational Jazz ation when testing the imitation (revealing Karos' own
Day6 (night) - Pallos' quarters, then Karos' quarters. baliset to be the source of the recording). Clearly, when
Presuming the player's allow it, Sator Pell and his Karos had tested the 'fake' baliset within the museum, he
men go off, players and Rugi Pell in tow, to examine had inserted his own recording, yielding a 0.000 varia-
everyone's rooms. The players troop off to Pallos' quar- tion. But when testing it again at the time of the auction,
ters fi rst. Flinging the door wide open, she invites Pell he had replaced the reel containing the original recording,
nd his men to search the place. They find nothing. This yielding a false match to identify the fake forwhat it was.
Final Analysis session. The final sale price reaches 480,000 solaris
before they finally win the bid. But if the Entourage par-
If they trust Karos at this point, they are doomed to ticipates in the biddingwar, the Narrator should conduct
failure as Karos feigns ignorance of both the instrument the sale as an Opposed, Extended Bargaining or
and the reel. He maintains complete innocence and Mercantilism Test, awarding the baliset to whichever
places full blame on Rugi Pallos using whichever argu- group scores a highest Test Result over the course of five
ments seem most plausible. But the preponderance of evi- successive Tests. In a biddingcontest between the
dence weighs against the Entourage, and Karos cannot Entourage and House D'murjzin, the final selling price
sufficiently defend them from Lorenzo's wrath. reaches 620,000 solaris (under the Entourage's 750,000
On the other hand, if the players reveal the Ixian solari allowance if they are succeed) or 800,000+ solaris
device to Compt Lorenzo, their honest approach and sur- (over their allowance if they fail) . The Narrator should
prising revelation capture his interest, buying them liven up the contest by interspersing dice rollswith auc-
another opportunity to set things aright. Provided they tioneer jargon, elevating the excitement with rapid price
interpret the results to declare Karos a traitor, Compt callingand quick dice rolling. Dramatic Successes and
Lorenzo overlooks the device's questionable legality and Failuresshould modify the final selling price accordingly,
entertains their explanation with an open mind. allowing the players to acquire the instrument for signifi-
If the playersdo declare Karas a traitor, he confirms cantly less than their allowanceor barely less, depending
their pronouncement by attempting to flee. Knowing the on how the Narrator cares to interpret the final result.
Entourage will arrest him, his only remaining hope lies in Ventures: Mercantilism (or Bargaining) Venture to
reaching House D'murjzln and pleadingdiplomatic sanc- acquire the instrument for the Entourage's House.
tuary. If he bolts, Pell's men, bar his egress, placing him Facts: The Entourage has been given an allowance of
under House arrest. 750,000 solaris to acquire the instrument for their House.
House D'murjzin is willing to exceed the players'
allowance to acquire the instrument for themselves
Scene Summary
(since they're actually buying it from themselves, less
Ventures: Alliance. If the players denounce Karos as House Adici's commission)
a traitor, a successful Statecraft or Diplomacy Venture Opportunities: A BG Way (Challenging: 9) or
allows them to achieve their primary mission objective. Observation (Very Difficult: 12)Test reveals that proxies
Facts : Karos was a traitor. look to the liveried agents of House D'murjzln for a sig-
Motivations: Karoswants to escape to the rival's nal once the bid reaches half a million solaris.
embassy. Having fulfilled her contract to House
D'rnurjzin upon switching the baliset, Rugi feels no ran-
cor toward the Entourage and now seeks personal gain.
Opportunities: A successful BG Way Test reveals
Narrative Interlude
Karos is honestly surprised that the baliset isn't in Pallos' The auction over, the players have either thwarted
room. If offered sufficient reward, Pallos may betray Karos' treachery and won the support of Lorenzo Adici or
House D'murjzin as the anonymous owners of the . fallen into disgracewith the Adici family and House
baliset. Barring the success of the House Venture, a Varota. In addition, they may either return with their
Persuasion Test will convince Lorenzo that the Entourage family heirloom or see it claimed by their ancient rivals.
is not responsible for Karos' deception. Depending on the outcome here, the next adventure-
included in Pathways to Infinity: the DUNE Narrator's
GUide-explores the ongoing rivalry between the player'S
Scene Three: Tonal Harmony House and House D'murjzin. If the players have been
Day 7 (afternoon)- Adici Auction Chamber successful in their agenda, the next adventure promises
With the original baliset returned to House Adici's the reprisal of House D'murjzin, If they've failed on
custody, Lorenzo reconvenes the auction on the following Chusuk, it offers a final chance to even the score!
day. Private announcements having been issued the pre-
vious night, the morning finds access to the auction room Character Rewards
strictly limited to the invited buyers.
Assuming Rugi conceals House D'murjzln as the Though this adventure represents but a segment of an
anonymous owners, the sale of the baliset finds the agents ordinary DUNE RPG chapter, the Narrator should reward
of House D'murjzin actively bidding to acquire the instru- players for their characters' performance nonetheless. After
ment. If she revealed the instrument's owners, House all, this is the beginning of their House chronicle in the
D'murjzin uses a proxy to bid forthem during the auction. universe of DUNE! See "Experience Point Awards" chart
If the Entourage refrains from bidding, House (page 172) for some basic guidelines, and reduce them
D'murjzin (or its proxy) prevails after a protracted bidding somewhat to reflect the relative brevity of the narrative.

-----~_-,.:::~~~I~t::=====i-~C::S1,.. =oJ
Chapter XI: The
Culture of
The Imperium grew from the as hes of the Butlerian
The First Law
lets that ignited it, leaving the
that such carnage and The body of the Guild Peace begins with the state-
tened the fabric of civiliza- ment "The forms must be obeyed .... " As a result , the
t that emerged, three phrase 'the forms have been obeyed' ha s entered the
preserving order for common vernacular as being synonymous for 'a ll is right
and proper:
The First Law extends to forbid the use of House
atomics against hum an targets . This is an almost self-
policed law. Not only would the Guild ostracize any
House us ing atomics against its fellows, but the other
ba kei:l by his dreaded Great Houses would also turn against the aggressor and
r troopers had prevailed as the crush them with their combined forces. For this reason,
th univers e, having subjugated thou- the proscription agains t atomic warfare stands as the
eworIas lthrougll the exercise of milita ry chief rule of the Great Convention.
p0li~iI;:a1 coercion . The Federated Houses
ndsraad formed the second great power,
ling the power of the Imperial House only in
Violation c:r Consequences
F eoml)ined military and political strength. Apart Beginning with a formal Bill of Particulars filed by a
from the se , the Spacing Guild arose as the third Great House representative, the process of investigating a
major power, holding an absolute monopoly over all violation of the Guild Peace entails a serious affair.
interstellar travel and commerce. The threat of with- Unde rtaken by the High Council of the Landsraad, the
holding its vital services implicit , the Spacing Guild inquiry find ings usually result in political sanctions,
guaranteed its own preservation and dominance depending on the severity of the infraction. Ultimately
over the planet-bound Houses, thereby becom ing the High Council can impose its most severe penalty-
an inevita ble partner in the governance of the the disenfranchisement of the Great House . When this
entire economy, civilization and future of the occur s the condem ned House may foolishly attempt to
Imperium. refute the Council's findings or turn renegade, leaving its
Upon first convening, the Lands raad High holdings and titles behi nd to seek refuge on Tupile, the
Council invited the Spacing Guild and House Guild's "sanctuary planet" for fugitive House s.
Corrino to mutually establish a set of laws gov- Though rarely invoked, the ancient "Trial by
erning House war fare. As a resu lt, the Great Forfeiture" represents the ultimate appeal for Land raad
Convention was born. Composed of the Guild justice. Conven ing a specia l council of judges and allow-
Peace and the Articles of Kanly, the Great ing for greater legal maneuvering, the voluntary Trial by
Convention reflects the social order imposed by Forfeiture stakes the entire ty of a House's holdings
3 the faufreluches, and the reality of the Guild 's against the verdict of the cou ncil. If found guilty, the
absolute monopoly on space travel. It has accused looses everything, and falls to the mercy of the
rema ined the law of the Imper ium for nearl y Landsraad tribun al. If found innoc ent of the cha rges, the
eleven thou sa nd years. court restores all pledged holdings and titles , redeemi ng
the accu sed immediately upon acquittal.
The Guild Peace
The Guild Peace refrains from prohibiting
The Articles of Kanly
war fare outright. Instead, it delineates the While the Guild Peace provides strict regulations to curb
ac cepta ble forms of conflict, precluding an y- House warfare, the Articles of Kan ly introduce several alter-
thin g endangering the basis of Imperial civiliza- nate rites for resolving disputes without subjecting entire
tion . populations to the ravages of full-scale war.
Chapter XI: The Culture of the Imperium
invoke the rite of first refusal. If the accus-
er refuses the fi rst choice, he must accept
the second.
Election of Seconds - Each partici-
pant may elect a "second" to stand in for
them. If no second is available, the duel
may be indefinitely postponed until one
becomes available.
Setting - Finally, the duelists must
agree to a specific time and place where
the duel will take place. This can be any-
where that is equally accessible to both
parties and offers no advantage to one or
the other.
Once sanctioned, the duel conjoins at
the appointed time and place, proceeding
according to the terms of agreement. The
official witness has the authority to stop
the duel at any time, should one of the
participants breach the terms or violate the
Articles of Kanly (l.e., using illegal poisons or
receiving outside assistance).
Dictum Familia and the Rites of Kanly
The Dictum Familia protects members of the aristocra- W:1r of Ass:1ssins
cy from all varieties of deadly assault not sanctioned by The most deadly rite is the war of assassins. When
the Rites of Kanly. As a result, only members of the negotiations fail and duels provide insufficient vindication,
nobility may initiate a Rite of Kanly. the angry and desperate Houses turn to wars of assassins.
When a nobleman requests a vendetta or feud be offi - Once again, the Emperor appoints a Judge of the Change
cially recognized, the Emperor reviews his submitted to ensure the Articles of Kanly remain in force.
claims. With the Emperor's consent, vendetta ensues. Wars of assassins purport to achieve the death of a
Each Vendetta is unique and has its own terms. The rival nobleman, perhaps extending to even his entire
Rites of Kanly dictate how the feuding houses may retali- family or House. Conductinga formal war of assassins
ate against each other. proves so complex. its terms so Byzantine, that weeks
may pass during the initial negotiation of terms. Many of
Kanly Negotiation the Articles of Kanly exist to regulatewars of assassins.
Kanly negotiations begin either when a House wishes Once begun, such conflicts usually consume all of a
to redefine the terms of an existing vendetta, when one House's resources. Only the largest of Great Houses,
House accuses another of violating a form of kanly or such as House Atreides, can enter into a war of assas-
when a House yields to its opponent, and wishes to dis- sin's without devoting their entire staff to resolving the
cuss terms of surrender. During such instances. the matter. The rite ends when the Judge of the Change
Emperorappoints a Judge of the Change to arbitrate the agrees that one side has either surrendered, has been
negotiations. properly reduced in station or holdings, or has expired
accordingto the legal forms.
Formal Dueling
Provided the participants have satisfiedthe forms of
Violations and Consequences
kanly, a formal duel can occur at nearly any time or
place. The duelists must follow the following steps in Violating the Articles of Kanly bears severe conse-
order to assure that all is done in accordance with the quence. The Judge of the Change brings the charge
strict rules of kanly. before the Landsraad High Council to begin a forma l
First, one of the duelists makes a formal challenge. A inquiry. After reviewing the charges the Council may then
neutral nobleman must witness this calling out. All par- exact punishment on the offending noble or his entire
ties then agree to terms. Terms have four distinct aspects. House. depending on the nature of the infraction. Crimes
Outcome - Dueling to first blood, the fi rst to yield, committedduring kanly negotiations or formal duels usu-
or death; as long as both parties agree, any of these out- ally result in sanctions against a single nobleman. These
come may be declared. penalties can range from monetary fines to the loss of fief
Selection of Arms - The challenged has the right or title or even lead to exile and death. Crimes committed
to name the weapons used, although the challenger may during a war of assassins may be leveled against a single
offender or against the entire House, again depending on moted a small number of Houses Minor, while the
the exact offense. When leveled against a House the Landsraad Council has infrequently stripped a House of
punishments run similar to those enacted when a House its titles and holdings. Rarer still, a few Houses voluntari-
violates the laws of the Guild Peace. ly disband now and again, as the ruling family abdicates
its holdings and titles by "turning renegade." Even so,
the regis familia boasts more than a thousand Great
Order of the Faufreluches Houses and at least ten times that number of Houses
Minor. With only a few Houses being exiled or going
All Imperial denizens fall within the social hierarchy renegade each century, the number of Houses whose sta-
known as the fa ufreluches. Unlike a social ladder which tus has changed since the Battle of Corrin falls on the
implies the ability to move upward through the rungs of order of one to two percent.
status, the faufreluches embodies a rigid caste system,
ensuring no mobility between castes. The dream of ele- The Second Order: Na-Familia
vating one's status breeds chaos and disorder in feudal The na-familia represents a special caste reserved for
societies, endangering the traditional order and basis of members of the noble retinue who prove instrumental to
power. The faufrel uches exists to ensure the traditional Housegovernance or household administration. A Lord of a
order endures. Great House or House Minormay, in effect, adopt an out-
sider into the ranks of the family entourage by proclamation
A Place for Every Man, and of Honorarium Familia. The honored individual becomes a
vassal to the sponsoring lord, a member of his personal or
Every Man in his Place family entourage and an enfranchised citizen of the na-
Not merely a definition of the Imperial social castes, familia caste. In return for this honor, the new member
the faufreluches also establishes the legal rights enjoyed declares her allegiance to both the Lord of the House and
by the members of each caste. The ability to own proper- the family as a whole. Protected under the Great
ty, the selection of partners for marriage, the right to Convention and the Articles of Kanly, members of the na-
defend one's person or honor-such rights fall under the familia may also rise to hold various offices within the
mandates of the faufreluches, subject to its interpretation Imperial government.
and enforcement upon a given homeworld. In freer social
hierarchies, caste divisions and inherent rights derive The Third Order: Bondsmen
from a person's vocation, wealth or merit; but in the The bondsmen comprise the majority of those who
faufreluches, blood lineage and family status determine a live in service to a House. Bound to the House for a peri-
person's worth, defining what vocations, property and od of time-usually between ten and thirty years-the
privileges they can ultimately aspire to enjoy. bondsman falls subject to the dictates of House law and
While each caste enjoys similar rights and privileges, custom; and fails to benefit from any of the legal protec-
members within a caste may possess varying degrees of tions granted to the nobility and their entourage under
status. Bondsmen and vassals often shift positions in the the Articles of Kanly. As servants of the lord of the House
service of their House, just as noble offspring compete to bondsmen enjoy a comfortable quality of life. At the end
be named heir-designate or vie for favor with their patron of their bond, the House might extend the terms of the
liege. Among the higher echelons of Great and Minor contract or provide a pension, stipend or minor land
Houses, the faufreluches provide for limited mobility grant as defined by the original terms of the bond.
between the castes enabling lords of the Houses Minor to
rise to Great House status. But at the bottom of the The Fourth Order: Pyons
social pyramid, the maula, pyon and bondsman see no Most Imperial denizens falls into the pyon, or 'serf,'
possibility of rising above their inherited caste. caste. Bound to the land upon which they live, pyons are
considered the property and responsibilityof the House
holding said lands in fief. The only Imperial stricture
The Five Levels of Caste applying to pyons requires that they remain a part of the
The faufreluches recognizes five distinct levels of fief: pyons may not own land and cannot stray from their
social caste. From highest to lowest they include the regis homelands as they please. They remain bound to the vil-
fa mlia, na-familia, bondsmen, pyon and maula. lage, city district, or plot of farm land on which they work;
and are, in legal terms, considered part of that land.
The First Order: Regis Familia
Composed of the Emperor and the Nobles of the The Fifth Order: Maula
Imperium, the regis familia remains the smallest and At the bottom of the faufreluches cringe the maula,
most powerful caste. The majority of nobles trace their the slaves and outcasts of Imperial society. They enjoy
lineage to the Battle of Corrin, when their progenitors no rights, privileges or protections under Imperial law,
earned their original stations. Emperors have since pro- often being disregarded by House law as well. Less val-

Chapter XI: The Culture of the Imperium
ued than pyons, the maula fall at the mercy of their The Great Schoo ls
patron lord, who may delegate their servitude to a slave Outside of the strict hierarchy of the feudal order sit
master, labor foreman or House Minor to work hard several key groups wielding Significant influence over
labor for no greater compensation than crude lodging Imperial affairs. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and the
and basic sustenance. While pyons find some protection Spacing Guild exist under special entitlements allowing
under the laws prohibiting the destruction of land and them to operate effectively outside of the dictates of the
property, maula enjoy only the latter safeguards, meaning faufreluches with both groups enjoying de facto status as
very little considering the general disregard or outright members of a na-familia caste. Another special excep-
malice their noble masters bear for them. tions exists: the so-called out-freyn autarkies forming the
Maulas find employment performing the basest of core worlds of the Bene Tleilax. The Bene Tleilax owes its
manual labors. Someworkgrueling hours toiling away in relative autonomy to a special quasi-charter upheld by
kitchens, mines or fields. Others serve more horrific func- the Emperor. As a result, the out-freyn residents of
tions such as performing as contestants in gladiatorial Tleilaxu core-worlds do not fall under the normal dictates
combats, or playing the role of quarry in degrading of the faufreluches .
human fox hunts. Most maulas hail originally from the Unlike agents of the Spacing Guild and Bene Gesserit
pyon caste, earning their demotion for committing some Sisterhood, Tleilaxu dignitaries must tread carefully lest
crime or giving offense to a noble lord. But as one possi- they arouse the wrath of the powerful Houses. They do
ble recourse of most House laws, bondsmen, and even not truly fit into Imperial society, though they are polite-
the na-familia , can sufferdemotions to the maula caste ly accorded the relative status of the na-familia. Though
for serious crimes or infractions. out-freyn rulers and diplomats receive excellent treat-
ment when interacting with the noble Houses, their
'honorary status' begs an air of disdain from the noble
The Feudal Order of Command families , whose slights they must accept according to the
To truly understand Imperial societyone must recog- social forms of Imperial custom. To defy Imperial law or
nize the relationships within each caste, as well as rela- spurn the customs of the faufreluches warrant imprison-
tionships among them. Everything from where one sits at ment, exile or even death for members of the out-freyn
dinner to who commands armies during crisis results from worlds.
the traditional faufreluches. Wealth, power and authority
flow down through the Imperial hierarchy as follows:
The Emperor divides the various Imperial fiefdoms
(usually entire planets) among the Great Houses. Dukes,
Commerce & Educ8tion
Counts, and Barons rule the Great Houses, gaining their Two Imperial institutions empower the middle
titles from the type of fiefdom (Duchies, Earldoms and castes, giving a select few of them the opportunity to
Baronies) they rule. Great noblemen remain subservient rise above their inherited stations. The first is the
to the Emperor, but enjoy the status of Imperial peers. CHOAM Company, a mega-corporation governing inter-
Should something befall the Emperor and his legal suc- planetary commerce and enterprise. Through entrepre-
cessors, one of the Great Houses could bid for the throne. neurial spirit and diligence, a CHOAM magnate may
The Great Houses command the allegiance of scores aspire to buy holdings and titles, earning a place for his
of attending Houses Minor. Since these Houses share the family among the lowest of the Imperial aristocracy.
blood and heritage of their Great House lords, they wield The second avenue resides with the mental training
significant power in the name of their patron House. The schools producing humans of superior education and
Houses Minor control only a fraction of the resources of conditioning. As companions and advisors to the nobil-
the Great Houses, and their immediate kin receive the ity, such graduates may be elevated in station after
privileges accorded to all members of the regis familia . many years of loyal service. The most successful of
While members of a household entourage (na-familla) do these schools include the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and
not possess a fiefdom or chartered wealth through the Spacing Guild; but other schools such as the
CHOAM, they bear the responsibility for making sure Imperial College, the Ginaz Swordmaster academy and
that millions of bondsmen, pyons and maulas serve the the Mentat training schools offer similar potential for
interests of their governing House. greatness.
Bondsmen traditionally serve as regional or departmen- While the CHOAM Company, the Bene Gesserit
tal overseers, insuring the pyons pay due tribute and act Sisterhood and the Spacing Guild rival the power of any
within the strictures of House law. The pyons are responsi- Great House, enlistment within their ranks doesn't
ble only for their plot of land or vocational quota, set by require noble birth or inheritance. Instead, these institu-
their immediate superiors. Infrequently pyons might even tions recruit candidates expressing a diversity of talents
be granted limited charge over a group of maula (such as and interests, giving members of the middle castes some
field hands) insuring the slaves produce whateverservice hope of rising above the inherited stations of their ances-
their direct superiors and noble masters require of them. tral forebears.
directorships, themselves. The Emperor dispenses three
types of directorships among the landed nobility-irrevo-
The CHOAM Company cable directorships, passed down from generation to gen-
CHOAtv l-an acronym for Combine Honnete Ober eration; terminal directorships, ending with the death of
Advancer Mercantiles- is the 'universal development their individual holder; and transient directorships, pass-
corporation' controlled by the Emperor and Great ing with fluctuations in House CHOAtV1 shares.
Houses of the Imperium. The Spacing Guild and Bene
Gesserit Sisterhood share in CHOAtV1 profits, but as The Emporium
silent partners they do not enjoy representation through The Emporium presents the face of CHOAtV1 to the
voting stock or proxy shares. Instead, they rely on their Imperial community, comprising a vast market exchange
political and economic infl uence to manipulate the vot- wherein CHOAM delegates and representatives trade
ing members directly. everything from industrial stocks to commodities shares.
The business of CHOAtV1 is to organize all Imperial Consisting of a palatial structure housing as many
industry under a single administration controlled by the exchange halls as there are markets, no planetary export
Emperor and Great Houses of the Landsraad . Much like escapes the purview of the CHOAtV1 Emporium. The
the faufreluches, the internal hierarchy of CHOAM cur- Emporium represents a level of market unification almost
tails the movement of wealth, enforcingthe regimental unheard of in history. In the Assets exchange, a mercan-
caste system by keeping wealth with the empowered tile family fro m Chusuk might have their CHOAM repre-
nobility. While the entrepreneurial bondsman caste may sentative liquidate their entire familial holdings, reinvest-
aspire to acquiring family holdings or titles through ing it all in miniaturization technologies with the entire
amassed personal fortunes, the structure of CHOAtV1 transaction taking less time than the journey to their new
ensures that ambitious persons must fi rst enter into the home on Richese. All Houses and vast, fi nancial con-
ranks of nobility before acquiring the holdings. charters glomerates watch the Emporium like hawks, waiting for
and directorships that lead to significant wealth. the minutest of shifts before swooping in to make a
The CHOAM Company accomplishes this task by killing.
employing a tripartite structure and regi-
mented system of commercial blocs, coalitions
and combines comprised of various industri-
al magnates all dealing in the same base
industry or trade. While the feudal lords may
govern their domestic economies in any
fashion they choose, CHOA..V1 regulates all
interstellar industry and commerce, holding
the reins over every universally-traded prod-
uct-from the spice-drug melange or indus-
trial suspensors to whale fur, plasteel, arma-
ment and food crops.

CHOAM-A Tripartrte Enterprise

The CHOAM Corporation possesses three
bureaucratic divisions. The Board of Directors
oversees all economic appointments and fiscal
affairs. The Emporium monitors the Imperial
market exchange. And the Regulatory
Commission , is the enforcement agency responsible
for policing CHOAM affairs and ensuring accuracy in
all fisca l matters. The Regulatory Commission
The third branch of CHOA..V1, the Regulatory
Th e Board of Direct o rs Comm ission is the policingagency that monitors the
The Padishah Emperor sits at the head of the CHOAtV1 other two divisions. Permanent sub-committees such as
Board of Directors, presiding as its indispensable chair- the Committee on Interstellar Traffic and Trade (CITI)
man. The remaining 150 seats in the CHOA..V1 Board are launch many investigations into violations of CHOAtV1
filled by appointed directors from among the Great contracts or illegal proxy representation. Others are
Houses of the Imperium. Though the Spacing Guild and undertaken by special sub-committees created to investi-
Bene Gesserit Sisterhood possess great political influence gate and report on particular markets, activities, partner-
over the individual board members, they hold no seats, or ships and so on.

Chapter XI: The Culture of the Imperium
with the landed nobility. The Emperor and CHOAM
T he Building Blocs ofC HOA M Board of Directors retain control of certain key charters ,
Within the Imperium, all commercial enterprises fall such as the Spice Mining Operations of Arrakis, which
under the purview of CHOAM blocs. A powerful assemblage they assign at their discretion.
of commercial directors, a CHOAtVl bloc administrates the
business of an entire interplanetary market or trade (such as Contracts
plasteel manufacturing) , orchestrating its component indus- Controlling Holdings and Charters grants the author-
tries (mining, refining, smelting, etc.), regulating its com- ity to arrange CHOAM contracts, forging working agree-
modities (price-fixing, qualitycontrol, trafficking, etc.) and ments with Houses Minor. industrial guilds or private
representing its products within the Emporium. CHOAtVl entrepreneurs to furnish goods and services within a
blocs represent the interests of all of its Imperial partners given industry or market. Occasiona lly contracts forge
and shareholders, from the Houses governing the home- bonds between industrial parties holding commercial
worlds of industry, to the Houses holdingcharters for vari- charters in two different, yet compatible industries,
ous stages of industrial development, to the entrepreneurs, enabling them to share materials or labor.
guilds and unions maintaining contracts to produce or dis-
tribute the various commercial commodities. D irectorships
Because a CHOAM bloc represents a diverse group of Bloc directorships represent the ultimate authority
affiliates scattered over numerous worlds, each maintains its over all business operations occurring under the purview
own internal organization. At the top of the pyramid, direc- of a specific aspect of industry. A bloc overseeing the
torships pass among noble Houseswho control the legal plasteel industry. for example, might consist of numerous
entitlements (holdings and charters) upon which the entire directorships. one monitoring the mining of stravidium in
industry is based. Unlike CHOAM directorships appointed all bloc holdings, another supervising smelting opera-
by the Emperor, Bloc directorsh ips shift according to per- tions throughout numerous worlds, another overseeing
formance and market share. Those whose holdings or char- transport and distribution of raw plasteel materials, and
ters generate larger portions of the Bloc's combined profit so on. While directorships grant their controllers the
may gain new directorships as a result of increased voting authority to disseminate charters and inter-industrial
shares, while those responsible for profit losses may forfeit contracts, their real value lies in the ability to dip into the
directorsh ips as they lose shares in the Bloc. bloc's mutual coffers, deriving personal compensation
While the organization of CHOAM blocs appear as dif- and profit for serving in the capacity as an appointed
ferent as the particular industries they represent, all of director.
them employ standard 'building blocks' according to the
guidelines established by CHOAM. The most important of
these elements include Holdings, Charters, Contracts and The Great Schools
Directorships, all of which determine the flow of profits In the aftermath of the Butlerian Jihad, the proscrip-
and doorways to powerdriving the machinery of CHOAM. tions against the machines led humans to develop their
own minds and bodies to replace the technological
H oldings capabilities civilization had lost. To accomplish this,
Holdings represent physical territories, be they entire training schools emerged to explore the limits of human
planetary fiefs . regional subfiefs, or particular city dis- potential, developing rigorous programs and training
tricts. Appointed by the Emperor and passed down facilities to enable mankind to reach its peak of mental
through the liege-vassal hierarchy, holdings entitle their and physical performance.
governing lords to claim the majority of economic entitle- While many of these schools failed. two such institu-
ments to whatever goods or services are produced within tions succeeded in their earliest programs, and grew to
their boundaries. become the greatest of the Imperial training schools.
Governing a holding allows its ruler to distribute com- The Spacing Guild, which emphasized mathematics to
mercial charters to Houses Minor and businesses working produce minds capable of comprehending the abstrac-
within the holding jurisdiction. For example, the siridar tions of fold-space, is fully detailed in "Chapter 13: The
governor of a planet may grant charters to mine gems, Spacing Industry." Its rival school, the Bene Gesserit
harvest whale fur. refine fossil fuels, build plasteel facto- Sisterhood. emphasized human eugenics and political
ries and so forth. According to CHOAt\ 1 customs, govern- awareness to perfect humanity's ability to govern itself,
ing a holding presents the keys to acquiring one or more avoiding wars and similar catastrophes that jeopardize
directorships, with planetary governors typically holding human existence. Other schools such as the Imperial
many directorships in several different industrial blocs. College, Mentat Training School and Ginaz
Swordmaster Academy follow in the footsteps of these
Ch arters two Great Schools, having survived almost as many mil-
While the governors of holdings commonly dole out lennia of promulgation.
commercial charters, not all such entitlements originate
The Panoplia Propheticus
The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood Almost as venerable as the Sisterhood's Mating Index,
The Sisterhood traces it diversified origins to pre- the Panopua Propheticus demonstrates another great
Butlerian times, and now stands as one of the most infl u- accumulation of knowledge, focusing on the gamut of
ential of all Imperial institutions. Its active membership infectious superstitions that move primitive societies to
comprised entirely of women, the Bene Gesserit behave in certain predictable, and manipulable ways.
Sisterhood remains a highly secretive order. Fewoutside Employing Shari-A , the section of the panoplia propheti-
of the organization's many "chapter schools" fathom its cus establishing a standard, archetypal form of supersti-
motives or agenda, while only those near the top of its tious ritual, the arm of the Sisterhood known internally
institutional hierarchy fully comprehend the unifying pur- as the Missiol1aria Proiectiva , impregnates primitive soci-
pose underlying its esoteric designs and long range proj- eties with ritual forms that any student of the DarAI-
ects. But the cryptic mission of the Sisterhood reveals Hikman can easily identify and exploit.
consistent logic and ambitious purpose, as demonstrated After sowing the seeds of superstition and ritual, the
by its three chief, ongoing projects. Missionaria withdraws allowing the Dark Things to grow,
blossoming into a powerful belief system that any Sister
The M8tin,'5 Index can exploit to find safetyamong its populace. Knowledge
Dating back more than ten thousand years, the Bene of the Canto and Respondu, a litany of sorts employing ritu-
Gesserit Sisterhood's long-term breeding project culmi- al questions and answers, enables a Sisterto assume the
nates in a master record called the Mating Index. Filling mantle of a religious or spiritual leader. Invariably, the
several cavernous vaults, this comprehensive archive seeded rituals of the Shari-A implant a messianic prophecy
traces the genealogical bloodlines of all the Great Houses in each native belief system, preparing its culture for the
of the Imperium. While the Sisterhood consults the comingof the Kwisatz Haderach who will one day lead
secret Index (and the "Kwisatz Mother" responsible for them to salvation. Such prophecies typicallyidentify the
the sisters who analyze and maintain it) to assist the messiah as a boy of Bene Gesserit parentage or tutelage,
Imperial nobility in choosing 'genetically suitable' breed- intertwining the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood with their spiritu-
ing partners, the purpose of the Mating Index goes far al redeemer and buyingthe Sisterhood a special position of
beyond arranging marriages and furnishing concubines authority or leadership within their primitive society.
to the aristocracy.
Now into its 90th generation, the Bene Gesserit breed- lmperial Service
ing program aims to create the Kwisatz Haderach , a male Having a purpose similar to that of the Panoplia
Bene Gesserit whose prescient powers will enable him to Propheticus, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhoodactively maintains
bridge space and time. The name meaning "Shortening of a third program of Imperial Service. Aiming to inextricably
the Way" the Kwisatz Haderach promises to be tie their organization into Imperial culture, the Sisterhood
humankind's salvation, a messianic figure who can quest provides many invaluable services to Great Houses of the
forward with the sight of a Guild Navigatorwhile seeking Imperium. Foremost, through their extensive Mating Index,
backward with the collective memory of a Reverend the Sisterhood helps in the arranging of marriages and selec-
Mother. Only by selectively breeding the best of human tion of concubines to provide Great noblemen with heirs of
traits (over thousands of years and nearly as many superiorgenetic stock. Bene Gesserit concubines provide
bloodlines) does the Sisterhood believe it will achieve excellent companionship and astute political confidences,
such an individual. But 'He who can be many places at making them ideally suited for the life of court.
once" will lead the Sisterhood and the rest of humanity For female offspring, the Bene Gesserit also serves as
down the path of righteousness, saving mankind from its an avenue for education, training fe male members of the
own extinction. aristocracy in language, culture and history as well as pol-
The accomplishment of the Kwisatz Haderach and itics and keen observation. Nearly all daughters of the
human preservation being their primary, if clandestine, Great Houses enlist with the Sisterhoodto acquire their
goal; the Sisterhood trains cadres of breeding mistress- education, making them desirable wives and perfect can-
es, Bene Gesserit adepts skilled in the various arts of didates for marriages of state. Many House wars have
seduction and procreation. Typically assigned to seduce been averted through political alliance between one noble-
select noblemen and 'procure their seed' for the man's son and another's Bene Gesserit trained daughter.
Sisterhood's breeding project, such women represent the In addition to these services, the Bene Gesserit also
best of "human stock" and are often sold as concubines commissions Truthsayers-Bene Gesserit Reverend
to Great House lords wishing superior offspring for their Motherswho are capable of detecting falsehood- to serve
heirs. But since all Adepts remain loyal to the the Great Houses and the Imperial court. Considered the
Sisterhood, they produce male or female progeny ultimate judges of testimony, BG Truthsayers rely on their
according to the Sisterhood's commands, furthering the powers of prescience and various "awareness-s pectrum"
secret breeding program in accordance with the Bene narcotics to know truth or falsehood with near absolute
Gesserit design. certainty. Proven in their ability, Truthsayers attend

Ch apter XI : The Culture of the Imperium
Imperial inquests, Landsraad tribunals and Great House superiorskill and steadfast loyalty. Undergoing a program
investigations with fair regularity. Though their services of rigorous mental conditioning, called "Imperial
prove expensive, their talents remain unparalleled. Conditioning," Suk graduates prove incapable of doing
physical harm to other human beings. Suk graduates wear
Ranksofthe Sisterhood a diamond tattoo on their forehead certifying their ulti-
Unlike the Spacing Guild and lesser, training schools, mate conditioning against taking human life. So revered
the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood uses its exhaustive informa- and influential is the Imperial College, that even the
tion network to actively recruit its members. Though the Emperor must pay in advance for any services rendered.
wealthier noble Houses can 'buy' admission for any
'undesirable' female offspring, their noble bloodline Merrtat Schools
almost guarantees their daughter's acceptance into the The Mentat Schools train human minds to store and
ranks of the Sisterhood. process great accumulations of data, superceding the capa-
In addition to those whom the Bene Gesserit recruits, bilities of the pre-Butlerian thinking machines. Capableof
the Sisterhood maintains a regular influx of children 'born astounding feats of logic, computation and memory recall,
to the school.' Such females result from pairings between Mentat graduates factor human equations into their vari-
the Sisterhood's breeders and the males they seduce. In ous projections and computations, serving their employers
most cases, the breeding mistresses return to the Sisterhood as supreme strategists, analysts and advisors.
afterconception, bearing their children in secrecy. Such off-
spring may neverknow their original parentage, though the Swordmaster Academies
Kwisatz Mother ensures properrecords are added to the Most Imperial Swordmaster academies mirror the pro-
Sisterhood's Mating Index. In time, Bene Gesserit offspring grams established by the legendary Ginaz School. Training
often become breeders for the Sisterhood, siring children of their students in the various arts of war, Swordmaster
their own and further commingling bloodlines to promote graduates proveconsummate fighters, supreme military
the agenda of the Kwisatz breeding project. commanders and adroit battle tacticians.

Assassin Guilds
Following in the esoteric ways of the ancient
Bhotani and coveted Assassin's Handbook,
. .: '. many guilds and fraternities specialize in the
training of accomplished assassins. Educating
their membership in the forms of weapons, poi-
sons and other lethal devices permitted under
the Great Convention, assassin guilds train
' . --~::accomplish ed professionals to serve the nobill-
:;~, ty by orchestratingtheir wars of assassins.

St rategy Schools
In addition to the four traditional schools,
many Houses and institutions sponsor strategy
schools, responsible for training administrators,
advisors, diplomats, economists and the like.
While strategy schools resemble typical universi-
ties and colleges of higher learning, they empha-
size House policy and procedure, giving their
graduates a broad education in Imperial politics, law,
history, culture, and economics in addition to specialized
Lesser Schools ofthe Imperium
fields of study for their strategic deployment. Master
After the success of the Sisterhood and Guild, other men- strategists such as Spymasters, Warmasters, CHOAM
tal and physical training schools developed. Noneof them Advisors, and Master Diplomats all hail from strategy
being as influential as the two Great Schools, each provides schools emphasizing diverse programs of higher learning.
graduates of specific accomplishments, providing an assort-
ment of disciplined retainers who serve the Imperial aristoc-
racy as competent members of theirstaffand entourage. Social Customs
Suk Medical Schools While social conventions and cultural institutions differ
Suk medical schools, known collectively as branches of from world to world, the Great Houses of the Landsraad
the "Imperial College," train physiciansand medics of existas an Imperial community, sharing many social cus-
toms that unite their homeworld populations under a com- fewer rights than a legal spouse, concubines still hold
mon notion of "Imperial civilization." positions of esteem and authority in nearly all the
Houses. Husbands and wives together free ly accept the
presence of concubines. But only bound concubines,
Family those who have been legally pledged to their mate-may
At the heart of the faufreluches, the Imperial concept of produce legitimate heirs capable of inheriting family titles
family prevails throughout the myriad homeworlds. and holdings.
Beginning with a man and woman united under the institu-
tion of marriage, the idea of family includes the offspring of
such unions and extends to trace bloodlines through both
paternal and maternal genealogies. No specific rules guide the choice of family heirs,
though among the Great Houses, the Emperor must offi-
cially sanction the named successor before his investiture
as head of the House. Female offspring may not inherit
While any man and woman can pair to procreate, the Imperial titles or holdings, though if they marry a suit-
social institution of marriage exists to establish the social able lord, he may inherit her family's fortu nes if they lack
obligations and legal conventions pertaining to such a direct male heir. When a family possesses several male
unions, including things such as family inheritance, caste offspring, the title heir apparen t traditionally refers to the
membership and political alliances. Imperial marriages eldest son who is assumed to be the inheritor until the
occur in three primary forms, describing the purpose and reigning lord makes an actual proclamation. The title
nature of the matrimonial tradition. heir-presumptive factors in the lord's personal favor,
Arranged Marriages occur when the parents choose meaning very much the same thing as heir-apparent.
the spouse for their son or daughter, entering into a legal- When a lord actually names his chosen successor, the
ly binding agreement with another consenting family. young lordling may put the prefix "na-" before his fami-
Usually in an arranged marriage, the parents of the bride ly's title (such as "ria-Duke" or "ria-Baron") indicating his
offersome sort of material dowry to the family of her nomination as the heir-designate.
betrothed, often including lands, properties, titles or
monies. While arranged marriages occasionally unite two
children of differing castes, most such unions do not. For Languages of the Imperium
members of all castes, arranged marriages constitute the Thousands of years under the Imperial rule have uni-
Imperial norm. fied humanity under a single lingua franca-a hybrid
Although rare among the nobility, some couples marry Ingle-slavic variant known as Galach . Languages unique
of their own choosing; such unions are considered free to particular planets or subcultures are the exception
marriages. Free marriages are reserved for families who rather than the rule. Commoners rarely, if ever, speak
either possess enough wealth to ignore financial alliances tongues other than Galach; although many of the pyon
or value the antiquated tradition of romance over politi- and maula caste cannot read or write it. The learning of
cal and/or social climbing. Free marriages usually occur multiple languages (especially reading and writing) is the
in the upper echelons of the median castes and occasion- province of the nobility and educated professionals.
ally among the House nobility. Despite their rarity, free
marriages and the notion of romantic love remain the
subject of countless poems and romantic ballads.
Specialized Languages
For the major Houses of the Landsraad and certainly Many professions have developed their own language.
the Imperial family, nearly all marriages signify political Some are merely dialects of Galach while others are entire
partnership. From early age most children of noble birth languages with their own alphabet, pictograms or signals.
grow to accept the political necessities of choosing an Battle Language - Nearly every Great House pos-
appropriate mate. Marriages of state often consolidate the sesses some sort of secret battle language used for secure
holdings of two allied Houses or terminate a feud between communication between officers and corpsmen.
two rival families. Instead of seeing marriage as romantic Combining gestures, code words and key phrases, battle
affairs, nobles prefer takingconcubines and consorts for languages possess sufficient vocabulary to communicate
such purposes , thereby remaining eligible to marry for general information but not enough subtlety to describe
political gains. emotional states or cognitive processes.
Chakobsa - The language Chakobsa refers to any
number of secret languages modified by the need for secre-
Concubines cy. Originally derived from the primitive hunting language of
The Imperium not only condones, but also encour- the Bhotani assassins, Chakobsa collects together a number
ages the institution of concubinage. Concubines are not of different ancientdialects (including the Bhotani Jib) to
legitimate spouses, but rather, Simply mates. Enjoying form a sort of assassin's cant. About 60% of the Chakobsa

Chapter XI: The Culture of the Imperium
language can be written using its strange glyphs and ancient after another and the Great Houses were scattering
pictograms, but the language lacks the symbology neededto among thousands of homeworlds, humankind found
record the numerous clicks, twitters and whirs used to itselfdispersed over distances never before imagined.
inflect its words with a variety of subtle nuances. Orange Catholicism replaced the fear of isolation with a
Mirabhasa - Mirabhasa exists purely as a diplo- sense of spiritual unity.
matic language, used only by the most erudite of the The O.c. Bible contains a dualistic theological
nobility, the Bene Gesserit and high-ranking members of approach. Images of a benevolent God contrast with a
the Guild. Similar to Chakobsa, Mirabhasa expresses malevolent Devil. This dichotomy engenders a "black and
countless variations of honed phalange consonants and white" conception of the universe in which everything can
joined vowels, permitting myriad subtle nuances of emo- be discussed in terms of 'good' and 'evil.' Considering the
tion or intent. complexities of Imperial civilization, it is not surprising that
separatist groups abandoned Orange Catholicism in favor
of agnosticism or other religions and philosophies reflecting
Ancient Languages the shades of gray which truly characterize the moral incer-
Other than Chakobsa and its original dialect, the titude of Imperial life.
Bhotani Jib, very few ancient languages survive in the
modern Imperium. Although Reverend Mothers as part of
their initiation gain access to past life memories, they
The Zensunni Wanderers
refrain from using ancient tongues except in dire cases Zensunni is one of the older religions in the Imperium,
where secrecy between two Reverend Mothers requires it. predating even the Orange Catholic Church. A Zensunni
Instead Adepts learn the dialects and idioms of Galach representative, Bomoko, sat upon the first C.E.T. and
and Chakobsa locking them into the thought-patterns of helped to author the original Orange Catholic Bible. As
the Imperial cultures which with they care to interact. the universe decried the o.c. Bible as a work of
sophistry, Bomoko was one of the fourteen representa-
tives who steadfastly maintained the validity of the O.c.
Religion Bible. As time passed, Bomoko changed his opinion and
recanted the O.c. Bible by calling it 'an act of folly.'
Orange Catholicism and the C.ET. Zensunni combines the mysticism of ancient Terran
After several generations of the chaotic and bloody Zen Buddhism with the intense spiritual bonding of Islam
Butlerian Jihad, representatives from each of the major and Sufi mysticism. Zensunni demanded its adherents to
religious factions convened to create a new, universal constantly seek the truth-no matter the sacrifice or futili -
religion for the new Imperial age. Twenty-one representa- ty of the endeavor. The Butlerian Jihad also fueled the
tives gathered together into what was called the popularity of Zensunni belief. As mankind declared com-
Commission of Ecumenical Translators (C.E.T.). Their stat- puters and science heresies, the Zensunni faith offered
ed purpose was formulated within the first few days: 'We the perfect alternative: spiritual self-contemplation.
are here to remove a primary weapon from the hands of Unfortunately, the peaceful Zensunni devotees were
disputant religions.' That weapon: the claim to posses- persecuted under Imperial decree early in the first millen-
sion of the one and only revelation. They labored for nium after the Guild. Driven from their original home-
generations in secret, while the public watched and wait- world of Poritrin, the Zensunni refugees fled into space,
ed for some result. During these long years, nine repre- wandering from planet to planet, always one step ahead
sentatives died and were replaced. of their Imperial persecutors. Because of their constant
Finally, the Commission opened its doors and present- state of itinerant exile, the Zensunni were renamed the
ed to the breathless Imperium their issue-the Orange Zensunni Wanderers .
Catholic Bible (and several commentaries of it). The O.c.
Bible incorporated material from the sacred texts of all
extant religions-the Quran, the Old and New Testaments, The Arts
the Vedas, and many others. The O.c. Bible stripped away The arts permeate Imperial culture, with the adopted
all of the old symbols of religious importance, such as the forms on various homeworlds defining the ethos and
cross, and replaced them with new concepts. The popu- preferences of the ruling Houses. In addition to making
lace of the Imperium greeted the freshly printed O.c. Bible for a contented populace, art and entertainment provide
with reluctant apprehension. Riots devastated several another avenue for Houses to inundate their subjects
planets, and accordingto official estimates, eighty million with House propaganda. Houses, such as the Varota of
died in the resulting conflagrations. Chusuk encourage a great variety of artistic endeavors,
Though rather shocking at first, the O.C. Bible satis- while others prove less tolerant of such creative freedom
fied the most important need of mankind at the time- and artistic expression. While many Houses patronize
that of a unifying religion and moral doctrine. While select artists by employing them in their court, some
colonies were being established on one far-flung world Imperial families have even founded colleges and insti-
tutions solely to devoted to various forms of artistic pur- attended by the family and entourage, lavish political
suit. banquets sponsored by Great Houses often invite numer-
Although the residences of the nobility swell with ous representatives of Houses Minor, labor unions,
paintings, drawings and sculptures, the fine arts are a regional guilds and so on. Traditionally, the host of the
rather provincial affair throughout most of the Imperium. banquet commences the affair with a toast, briefly enter-
The majority of artworks remain on their planets of ori- taining his guests with a song, poem or eloquent speech.
gin, not being so highlyvalued as to warrant export to Balls range from small engagements to ostentatious
other Imperial homeworlds. Art styles similarly remain affairs, customarily including music and dancing.
unique to each planet; they do not readily translate into Masquerade balls remain a popular form , as do quiet
other cultural preferences. Only select artists, such as the recitals held within the family compound.
Varotan masters, have attained anything resembling uni-
versal celebrity or appeal. Of those that have, most have
had their works displayed in the Halls of the Landsraad,
CHOAM Emporium, or Emperor's Palace on Kaitain. The most popular form of intellectual competition is
Every planet of the Imperium boasts a large collection cheeps, three dimensional pyramidchess. The deceptive-
of itinerant performers who travel from region to region in ly simple board belies a complex web of strategies needed
search of an audience. The most common performer is to master the game. A few Houses actively encourage pro-
the troubadour-part singer, part musician and part poet, fessionalleagues of cheops players and broadcast the
a philosopher and comedian. Descended from the Master matches by ComNetor radiograph. So popular and com-
Jongleurs, graduates of an ancient school of storytelling petitive has the game become, that some Houses have
founded on the planet Jongleur, modern troubadours even forgone ritual dueling to settle their disputes through
tend to haunt taverns, marketplaces and other public matches between House-sponsored cheops masters.
places. For those sufficiently talented-like their secretive Athletic competitions appear in countless varieties
Jongleur precursors-Great House sponsorship and pub- throughout the Imperium. From the corridasof Caladan
lic celebrity promise rewarding employment for itinerant where matadors pluck ribbons from the horns of charging
troubadours and accomplished performers. Salusan bulls to the arenas of Giedi Prime where arena
A few groups of performers have attained Imperial slaves and slave gladiators engage in a variety of blood
celebrity. The Face Dancers of Tleilax, for instance, are sports, Imperial audiences enjoy the spectacle of physical
highly regarded for their ability to mimic famous person- sports and athletic competitions.
ages. Foraying into avantgarde material and satirical dra-
mas, Face Dancer troupes remain Imperial favorites.
In addition to the more traditional forms of recreation,
Entertainment debauchery is a favorite pastime among the upper classes.
Even in matters of recreation and entertainment, pop- While the nobility truly excels in debaucherous exploits, the
ular forms vary between noble and pyon. Commoners middle classesenjoy theirvices as well.
view recreation as a break to the endless drudgeryof Often considered the soldier's favorite pastime,
work, while the nobility sees it as yet another opportuni- wenching resembles a time-honored tradition, finding
ty for political maneuvering. outlets in brothels, pleasure houses, harems and slave
quarters. On most Imperial horneworlds, some form of
prostitution slips past the moral majority finding a legal
Social Engagements
venue in one form or another.
Houses sponsor fetes and festivals to celebrate cultural Drinking and narcotics remain an ever-popular respite
holidays. Anything from the founding date of the House to to a day of hard labor. Various alcoholic beverages such
the birthday of the heir-designate may initiate a fete, grant- as wine and spice beer flow freely in taverns and halls
ing the subjects of the House reprieve from their daily rou- throughout the Imperium. Recreational narcotics such as
tine. Fetes may last for the duration of a single eveningor semuta-a hallucinogenic drug triggered by atonal
continue for several days, depending on the occasion. music-also prove common.
Major festivals, such as the Festival of Ramadhan on Gambling occurs in every conceivable form through-
Arrakis, inspire religious observances such as fasting or out the Imperium. People wager on everything from
prayer. More lively affairs may feature gladiatorial bouts, cheops tournaments to gladiatorial bouts. Games of
mile longparades, spectacular displays of pyrotechnics chance proliferate in courtly gaming parlors, rowdy sol-
and the like. diers' barracks and local gambling halls. Card games
For the nobility, banquets provide a social occasion to such as hangman's hand or royal bluff remain ever popu-
reaffirm alliances or forge new political partnerships. lar, while dice games such as smuggler's bones also
While many banquets honoring retainers may only be attract a wide base of players.

Chapter XII: The
Technology of

the technology of the doned his technocratic heritage, to throw off his yoke
judge the effects of par- and speak out against the thinking machines. As a high
irst part of the chap- official within the machine bureaucracy Butler had
history of technolo- access to volumes of strictly confidential files, a verita-
the Butlerian Jihad and ble archive of reports and studies describing what
its wake. The second amounted to nothing less than 'humanity's enslavement
contains numerous to its machine culture' (as Butler decried in his public
of equipment-every- outburst). Considering his position, Butler had dealt
nd poisoned slip-tips to quite a blow to the machine establishment; and in a few
ird-winged ornithopters . short months he had attracted qu ite a number of out-
raged supporters.
But the governing technocrats of Neitzevine frowned
upon Butler's rabble-rousing. Upon discovering that he
had aroused the populace from its apathetic slumber, the
- Imperial science reveals a conventional morality and government issued a warrant for Butler's arrest , confident
." ~ tearful trepidation extending back some 10,000 years to that their technological superiority could quell any dissi-
.: ,;' . the Butlerian Jihad. The pre-Butlerian era found an dence arising from Butler's captivity. Yet things escalated
. Imperium full of wondrous science and technological quickly during the ensuing weeks . Butler retreated into
', mastery, from the 'thinking machines' that navigated hiding, forcing the state to launch a vigorous inquest,
and propelled interste llar starcraft to the artificial intel- searching popular establishments, raiding peop le's homes
ligence governing administrative computer networks and conducting interrogations-in effect, adopting harsh
and military defense grids. During those earlier times , police tactics that won Butler an even more devout fol-
humanity grew stagnant living a lethargic existence as lowing among the public .
computers and robots toiled to provide for their Eventually, Butler was captured, tried , then execut-
leisure ly, and decadent, lifestyles. In time their ed before a puppet jury of technocratic peers. The first
dependency subjected the Imperial populace to other of the public riots being squashed with excessive bru-
men controlling greater machines, ensnaring them tality and force, the state egregiously failed in its ambi-
in a nightmare of tyrannical servility as they abased tion to paint Butler as a traitor, instead making him a
themselves before the almighty thinking mach ines . martyr for the popular, anti -technocratic movement.
The Great Revolt changed all that, waging a Led by surviving members of his own family, the
bloody jihad on thousands of worlds throughout Butlerian movement began to attract ardent support.
the Imperial core. Not so much an organized cru- Butler's last statement, 'The truth is insuppressible; the
sade as a popular revolution , the Butlerian Jihad force of it cannot be ignored' infused his advoca tes
purged the Imperium of all artificial intelligence and with wild fanaticism. His wo rds became the ir ra llying
cybernetic automata, liberating humanity from its cry, echoed through months of violent revolution that
long enslavement to the pantheon of technocratic shook the planet Neitzevine to its technological foun -
despots. Since the Jihad, Imperial civilization has dation.
Vigilantly monitored its technological advancement, With the subsequent fall of the Neitzevine technocra-
using the 'Butlerian proscriptions' as a moral cate- cy the Jihad began in earnest. News of Emmanuel Butler
chism to establish a scientific tradition elevating and 'his' anti-technological crusade spread throughout
human achievement over machine technologies. the Imperium , igniting a wave of social revolution that
became known as the 'Butlerian Jihad' (or 'Great Revolt,'
in man y historical records). The ensuing conflagrat ion
The but.lerlan )ih8d swept the entire Imperial core with its clean sing fire,
In ancient times , Emmanuel Butler, a long- sputtering out nearly a century later at the fringes of the
standing advocate of artificial intelligence, aban- Known Universe.
Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
Utilizing such technologies for military defense, political
espionage or House propaganda, the Houses of the
The Aftermath Landsraad remain somewhat loathe to initiate a techno-
The Jihad played itselfout by 108 B.G., having swept logical witch-hunt which would sooner or later implicate
all but a few 'out-freyn' worldson the Imperial fringe. most of its membership. So instead of levying strict pun-
Several planets, including Ix, Tleilax and Richese, ishments, the Houses Great Houses maintain a laissez-
escaped the worst of its aftermath due largely to their faire policy toward technological exploitation- so long as
location, cultural ethos, and economic dependency on they act discreetly, Houses may avoid political scrutiny
machine technologies. But on worlds in the Imperial core, by publicly demonstrating they uphold the edicts of the
the effects of the Jihad were profound. Everywhere, the Butlerian proscriptions.
thinking machines had been destroyed; artificial intelli-
gence and computer science, as it had been known,
ceased to exist. And in the remaining cloud of moral pro-
scription, no one dared resurrect such technologies (save
perhaps on Ix and Tleilax where much scientific learning
Butlerian Proscriptions
was preserved). The technological capability and knowl- Whilepervasive in nature, theButlerian proscriptions
edge purged during the Jihad prove incalculable, much against certain types of "forbidden" technology are legally
historical information having been lost with the machines. ambiguous. Some Houses try to take advantage of these
Though their personal lifestyles sufferedgreatly during ambiguities, but must do sovery carefully, to avoid draw-
the technological 'dark age' that followed, most of the ingtheattention of the Imperial authorities.
Imperial populace felt politically liberated, if not spiritu- Narrators who want to incorporate thelingering after-
ally redeemed by the absence of machine dependency. math of theButlerian proscriptions can use thefollowing
Never again to be enslaved by technology emergedas traits as guidelines. Any technological apparatus featuring
the prevailing moral sentiment. So deep did this convic- one or more of these traits probably qualifies as forbidden
tion run that it became ingrained in the dogma of Orange technology.
Catholicism and similar moral and philosophical doc- "Thou shalt not make a machine in thelikeness of a
trines; "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of human mind." Any technology demonstrating artificial
a human mind," bespeaks the Orange Catholic Bible, intelligence or sophisticated computer processing violates
echoing the primary stricture of the Butlerian Jihad. And theprime commandment of theButlerian proscriptions.
in the ten thousand years since, the Jihad's moral pro- "Thou shalt notmake a machine to counterfeit the
scriptions have remained sacrosanct, forever altering the human body." Technologies such as fully-automated robot-
course and outcome of Imperial science and technologi- ics, bionic prosthetics dangerously skirt thesecond con-
cal advancement. vention of theJihad.
Numerous agencies uphold and enforce the residual "Thou shalt not make any machine capable of self-
proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad. Religious teachings propagation or regeneration." Sophisticated machinery for
and philosophical schools (such as Orange Catholicism repairing other machines and power sources capable of
and the Zensunni faith) condemn technological hedo- regenerating themselves ad infinitum defile the third fun-
nism, encouraging disciples to fill the void with spiritual damental of theButlerian commandments.
devotions or moral contemplation. Governments similar- Though the Imperium sanctions no computers or bion-
ly curb rampant technology, employing various punitive ics, relatively complex servok mechanisms and simple
consequences to discourage possession and distribution automated devices generally meet with acceptance.
of 'forbidden' technologies. But more effective than Primitive degrees of mechanical automation or quasi-com-
either, the great educational institutions, championed by puterized assistance touch some Imperial technology.
the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and Spacing Guild, dis-
suade technological reliance by proposing human accom-
plishment-elevating the development of human capabil-
ities as the ultimate design for human civilization.
While the Great Convention and prevailing House Adaptive Science
laws permit legal enforcement-from the confiscation of In the wake of the Jihad, the Imperium trembled in the
forbidden technologies to personal imprisonment (or void of technology. In a hundred short years, billions had
CHOAJ'vl sanctions to Landsraad reprimands, for offend- died in the mass hysteria of revolution. The Butlerian
ing governments)- the Imperial aristocracy continues to Jihad had rent the Imperium asunder, splintering it into
support the secret technologies of Richese , Ix and thousands of isolated worlds having no means of commu-
Tleilax, in spite of the Butlerian proscriptions. nicatingtheir loss (or their need for help). Only the rally-
Discounted mainly as a 'secret vice', possession and ing cry of the Jihad-"thou shalt not make a machine in
employment of forb idden devices remains largely unen- the likeness of a human mind"-gave the people solace,
forceable among the rulingclass of noble Houses. catechizing that they had not sacrificed in vain.
Coming to grips with their hard-won freedom, the girdles-projects a Holtzman Effect completely envelop-
divided peoples of the Imperium struggled to rebuild ing the user's body. Visible only as a shimmering distor-
their former civilization, searching for ways to adapt to tion, the repelling fi eld deflects all fast-moving objects,
the loss of their thinking machines. Leading what shielding the wearer from flying projectiles and swift
remained of the scientific community, great innovators blade attacks.
such as Tio Holtzman forged the new order of technologi-
cal advancement, focusing on equipment that supple-
mented-rather than replaced-the human talent and
Crystal-Metalloids and Metal Alloys
conscious judgment the Jihad had made so dear. Ever in search of better materials for manufacturing
Coined "adaptive science" by the Bene Gesserit and construction, Imperial metallurgists stumbled upon
Sisterhood, this renaissance of scientific development techniques fo r developing new crystal-metalloids and
saw the resurrection of many archaic technologies, improved metal alloys. Materials such as plasteel, fan-
adapted by modern thinkers to integrate human opera- metal and metaglass all demonstrate the amalgamation of
tors. Radio-controlled devices requiring human control crystalline structures or plastic polymers into traditional
and oversight replaced auto-guideddevices; servok metals. The resulting 'new-age' materials exceed the
mechanisms requiring human activation, maintenance, potential of earlier metals and metal alloys, contributing
and programming substituted for computer automata; to the development of most modern technology.
and filmbooks replaced artificial implants, requiring indi- Invented in the year 189 by Ladros Dubruk, a native
viduals to actively participate in their own education. of Dho Vhar, plasteel combines stravidium fibers with
Clearly, adaptive science reinstated humankind's mastery molten steel, creating the metal alloy that replaced steel
over the machines-requiring strict interaction and as the default material for constructing buildingsand
supervision to guarantee humankind would never again heavy machinery. Following in Dubruk's footsteps ,
become enslaved to machines of their own creation. Madge Rivurn developed duraluminum, the first of the
fanmetal alloys by bonding jasmium crystals to tempered
aluminum. The resulting metal, strong as steel but lighter
The Fundamentals of Technology than aluminum, became Widely employed for lightweight
Combining innovative genius with moral imperative 'fanning' structures such as the folding wings of the aeri-
and spiritual proscription, most modern Imperial technol- al ornithopter or the telescoping vacuum of the Arrakis
ogy traces its origins to one of several fundamental scien- spice harvester. Of unknown origin, Metaglass consists of
tific developments. The following sections examine the sheets of jasmium quartz, tempered by high-temperature
most important innovations advanced during technologi- gas infusion. Its tensile strength can withstand an incred-
cal renaissance following the aftermath of the Butlerian ible 450,000 kilograms per square centimeter of pressure,
Jihad. and can be manufactured to selectively filter certain
types of radiation. Starship portals, atrium ceilings and
The Holtzman Effect holding tanks represent but a few of the most common
uses for metaglass.
Discovered by famed scientist and inventor
Tio Holtzman, the Holtzman Effect describes
an electrostatic force capable of producing
strong anti-gravitational fields. A Holtzman
field, generated by means of a device called
a Holtzman coil ("H-coil" for short), con-
verts a relatively small amount of energy
into a powerful repelling field-eapable of
counteracting the force of gravity, momen-
tum and inertia. Practical applications have
borne out the theories, but have yet to find
the boundaries of what the Holtzman Effect
can realistically achieve.
Examples of Holtzman technology litter \
the Imperium- from suspensor technologies
countering the pull of gravity to the great
Holtzman drives enabling Guild Heighliners
to travel via fold-space.
The personal shield generator-a favorite
application among Nobles, duelists and mili-
tary personnel who wear them on belts and

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
On the darker side of human affairs, highly specialized
Radio Control and Guidance
poisons and recreation al narcotic s clutte r the foreign
Without computers to control automated machines , quarters and black markets of most urban centers, intro-
radio control and remote guidance became a viable alter- duc tng a veritable pharmacopoeia of poisons and drugs
native . Improving upon signal strength and transmission (most of which remain legal for consumption on most
quality, advanced radio technology proves difficult to jam Imperia l homeworld s).
or distort beyond reception. Extreme environmental con-
ditions-such as the coriolis storms of Arrakis or electro-
magnetic pu lse from atomics-can disrupt radio communi-
cations networks ("CommuniNets" or "ComNets"), but few
Conventiona l
other phenomena can completely obstruct the advanced
Aside from the ComNet s employed for planetary com- Though every homeworld reveals its own technologi-
munication, radio technology enjoys popu larity for cal innovations and advancements, certa in technologies
remote control and guidance. The most sinister example have become commonplace throughout the Imperium.
of a radio-guidance being evidenced by the hunter-seeker The following entries divide such 'conventional equip-
(a vicious assassination weapon) , the Imperium finds ment ' into five descr iptive categor ies-c-Personal
man y other uses for radio control. Man y suspensor lifts Armament (weaponry and defen ses ), Personal Gear,
utilize some form of radio control , as do the automated Installations, Vehicles and Forbidden Technology. For a
"fighter dumm ies" used by swordsmen to hone their summary of the information provided here , see the mas-
skills on the pract ice floor. Of course, such devices prove ter chart "Imperia l Equipment: ' page 240.
only as effective as the hand that manipulates their
Personal Armament
Strangely, Imperial armament shows few technologi-
Servok Mechanisms and Motorization
cal innovations with regard to personal weaponry and
Whereas remote controls replaced artificial intelli- defenses. The advent of Holtzman shields nullified the
gence , servok mechanisms subsumed the role of robotic effectiveness of most projectile weapons and hand-held
automata in the post-Butlerian epoch . Consisting of crushing arms, leaving Imperial combatants to resort to
"clock-set" automated mechanism, servoks employ archaic blade weapons and slow-pellet stunners to slip
spring-timers, gravity metrics , hydraulic counters and past the protective shields. Even the destructive power
radio control to act ivate and deactivate simplistic , motor- of the lasgun proves ineffective against Holtzman
ized devices . Articulate mach inery such as fighter dum- shields, since the intersection of lasbeam and hot shield
mies, palm locks and irrigation sprinklers all employ ser- produce a pseudo-atomic reaction likely to kill the
vok technology, advancing the science of automation to shooter and bystanders in addition to the intended tar-
astounding levels of soph istication without the benefit of get. As a result, Impe rial armament reveals little techno-
computer-assistance. . logical improve ment over the more ancient forms, yield -
Perhaps the best example of radio-co ntrolled servok ing a relatively small selection of conventional arms and
mechanization can be seen in the au tomated fighter armor.
dummies used in martial training exercises. Controlled The following entr ies desc ribe the personal armament
by the instructor via radio technology, servok motoriza- common throughout the Imperium. Each entry includes
tion enables the unit to gyrate , project darts, swing the following technological specifications : Size; Mass;
blades and so on , maneuvering a great man y articu late Accuracy; BlocklParry (the weapon's bonus to Block and
pieces with sufficient coordination and precision to chal - Parry attempts); Damage ; and Mode. Mode lists the
lenge a practicing Swordmaster. broad categories of combat options that can be per-
formed with the weapon in question , including Close
Combat (Armed and Unarmed combat options-includ-
Pharmac eut ic als
ing Dueling, Shield Fighting, Martial and Weirding) and
The Butlerian Jihad goaded science toward the devel- Ranged Combat.
opment of hum an pote ntial , exploring biochemistry an d
pharmacy as possible aven ues for improving mental fac-
Melee Weapons
ulty and physical performance. Drugs and narcotics such
as sapho, melange, and rachag proved successful in stim- The following weapons are used in close, hand-to-
ulating certain higher brain functions , while medicines hand combat. Most blade weap ons and needles can be
such as blood coagulants, tissue regenerators, metabolic envenomed or drugged for enhanced deadliness or spe-
anti-venom and ant ibiotics accelerate the healing cial effects; (see page 129 for a disc ussion of types of poi-
rocess , fighting infection and countering intoxication. son and their effects).
Gom lnbbar Knife
An esoteric weapon "Knife" refers to any short, light blade constructed of
reserved for Reverend tempered metal or sharpened material such as plastic or
Mothers of the Bene bone. Knives possess short, simple grips with either
Gesserit Sisterhood, small, simple handguards, or no guard whatsoever.
the Gom Iabbar, or Curved or straight, their blades possess at least one keen
"high-handed enemy," resembles a thimble-like edge and a sharpened point for stabbing. Knives endure
finger crown fitted with a sharp, envenomed nee- for their concealable nature and overall utility, being pre-
dle. Its barb contains a highly toxic (Type IV) poison of ferred by assassins, Mentats and Adepts as well as civil-
secret composition, bringing instant, yet painless death to ians and common criminals.
those who feel its prick. Constructed of silver, gold or simi- Size: 20 - 30 em (overall length)
lar precious metal, the GomIabbar is venerated as a sym- Mass: .2 - .4 kg
bol of Bene Gesserit rank, and rarely finds use beyond the Accuracy: 7
confines of the Sisterhood's private cloisters. Block/Parry: +0
Size: 3 - 4 em Damage: 1 + 2d6
Mass: Negligible Mode: Close Combat/any option
Accuracy: 6
BlocklParry: N/A ShiSDwire Garrote
Damage: 0 + poison (Type IV) This simple, age-old assassination weapon has been
Mode: Close Combat/Armed Attack option only improved by substituting shigawire in place of rope, cord
or wire. Strong and sharp, shigawire strands easilysever
Flip-dart skin and bone, delivering fatal wounds to the victim's
A flip-dart relies upon a small needle-like barb to deliv- throat and neck. Garrote attacks require a Hit Location:
er a potent drug or poison upon penetrating of the skin of Head to renderdamage, with the appropriate Test and
the intended victim. Flip-darts are so named for the protec- Damage modifiers being applied (see page 132). Upon
tive 'flip cover' used to concealthe needle and protectits scoring a successful 'hit', a garrote inflicts its full damage
user from inadvertent harm. Concealed within ornamented everyround until the victim dies or the attacker's griphas
finger rings, fighting girdles, wrist bracersor weapon been broken (with a successful Press maneuver, forexam-
sheaths, flip-darts provedifficult to discern with the naked ple). Unless the intended target is Surprised, attempts to
eye and impossible to detect with a poison snooper (so Dodge garrote attacks, gain a +4 modifier to their Test
longas the coverremains hermetically sealed). Requiring result. Similarly, neck protection such as a heavy collar
close proximity and subtle manipulation, the flip-dart is may reduce the damage inflicted.
preferred by Nobles and Adepts who routinely enter into Size: 6 ern (handles), 15 - 20 ern (wire)
close proximity with potential assailants. Mass: Negligible
Size: .5 ern Accuracy: 10
Mass: Negligible BlocklParry: N/A
Accuracy: 9 Damage: 5 (Head shot from behind required)
Block/Parry: N/A Mode: Close Combat/Armed Attack option only
Damage: 1 (plus poison)
Mode: Close Combat/Armed Attack option only Slip-tip
(requires prior Bind action) A specialized form of fighting knife designed for off-
hand use, a slip-tip earns its name forthe comparative
KindjDI ease with which its slender blade slips through shields and
A kindjal is a double-bladed short sword (or longknife) bodily ribs. Its blade reveals a long, double-edge gently
constructed of any metal such as plasteel. The traditional tapering to a sharp point; and its hilt incorporates a delib-
form reveals a gracefully curved, double-edged blade termi- erate cross-guard for catching and diverting incoming
nating in a sharp point. Handguards consisting of short weapons. Considered primarily a companion blade to a
quillons or a simple disc-like ring enable blocking and par- kindjal or sword held in the dominant hand, slip-tips tradi-
rying. Kindjals are the standard blade formilitary person- tionally present drugged or envenomed blades, especially
nel, but also remain a favorite amongdueling noblemen when used against shielded opponents. When used
and Swordmasters. by Nobles or Swordmasters during ritual duels,
Size: 20 - 30 ern (blade length) envenomed slip-tips must be born in
Mass: .5 - .7 kg a white-gloved hand (indicating
Accuracy: 7 poison) while the primary blade
BlocklParry: +1 rests in the black-gloved hand
Damage: 3 + 2d6 indicating purity. See next
Mode: Close Combat, Dueling & Shield Fighting page for Slip-tip statistics.

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
Size: 15 - 25 em (blade length) Accuracy: 6/7/9111
Mass: .3 - .5 kg Ammunition: 1 round
Accuracy: 7 Damage: Id3 + poison
BlockJParry: +2 Mode: Ranged CombatlRanged Attack option
Damage: 2 + 2d6
Mode: Close Combat, Dueling & Shield Fighting/any Las8un
option Lasguns are high-energy beam projectors fashioned
into a heavy pistol or mini-carbine design. Their weighty,
Sword power cells are secreted into their grips and stocks, mak-
The sword remains ing the weapon entirely portable, if somewhat cumber-
a noble weapon bearing a some. Lasguns emit a visible beam of powerful energy.
long, curved or straight- Unequaled in its destructive power, the lasgun is
edged blade. Invariably sword reserved almost exclusively for elite military personnel
blades terminate in an acute point, and guardsmen. Because their beams initiate
instrumental to thrusting attacks. pseudo-atomic reactions when intersecting with hot
Constructed of resilient metal, such as shields (see sidebar), Houses issue lasguns to only their
forged titanium or cold-cast plasteel, sword most disciplined troops. Under extraordinary circum-
blades feature either a double or single edge. stances, a trusted vassal or retainer (such as a
Their blades protrude from elaborate cross-guards or Swordmasteror Warmaster) may be outfitted with a las-
basket hilts designed to deflect opposing blades. All in gun for missions of utmost importance; but rarely do
all, the dueling sword prevails as the most elegant of the Houses issue lasguns to any individual on a permanent
archaic weapons, quick in balance and precise of or ongoing basis.
motion. Considered a regal weapon for noble personages,
swords carry caste-restriction on most Imperial home-
worlds, legally born by Nobles, Swordmasters or House
Warmasters who possess sufficient training and status to
bear the regal weapon.
Size: 75-125 ern (blade length) Lasgun-Shield Intersection
Mass: 1.2 - 1.6 kg When a las-beam intersects an active shield, a pseu-
Accuracy: 8 do-atomic reaction ensues. Ranging from minor events
Defense Modifier: +2 obliterating both shooter and target with engulfing flame to
Damage: 5 + 2d6 major nuclear events devastating everything within a several
Mode: Close Combat, Dueling & Shield Fighting/any kilometer radius, lasgun shield intersections always result in
option catastrophic consequences. In addition, thepseudo-atomic
blast to be mistaken for a true atomic attack, resulting in
political fallout as provided for by the Great Convention
(see Great Convention, page 211 ). Narrators may roll on the
following table to determine the impact of any lasgun-
Needle Gun shield explosion.
Needle guns are small projectile weapons, resembling
wristwatches in size and form. Too small to contain more Roll 2d6 Effect
than a single, envenomed dart, these devices are pre- 2 Minor: The reaction feeds back through the las-
ferred for defensive purposes, being easy to conceal and gun beam, causing anexplosion which destroys
uncumbersome to wear. Typically hidden beneath long the lasgun and kills theoperator and anyone with
baggy sleeves, the user needs only point his arm toward 1 meter of him.
his target and lift his hand from the missile trajectory to 3-7 Lesser Atomic Explosion: A thermonuclear explo-
trigger the reflexive firing mechanism and discharge the sion with an initial blast radius of approximately
weapon. Often worn in pairs, needle guns are preferred 1 km
by non-military personnel such as Nobles, Mentats, 8-12 Greater Atomic Explosion: A thermonuclear
diplomats and spies. Militarypersonnel and hired assas- explosion with an initial blast radius of approxi-
sins occasionally employ them on specific occasions, but mately 2-12 km
prefer maula pistols or stunners for their longer range
and greater capaciry for storing ammunition.
Size: 3-5 ern (barrel)
Mass: negligible Though the potency of their beams remains constant,
Settings: N/A lasguns feature three optional fi ring settings-Pulse Fire,
Range: 1 /3/5/ 10 meters Lasing Arc and Full Burn-affecting power consumption.
operational usage and physical damage resulting from requires an key code (or similar passport, such as a fin-
the blast. gerprint), depending on the locking system employed.
Pulse Fire - The standard operational setting, On Full Burn mode, a lasgun can sweep a full , 45
pulse fire emits a single burst ofenergy observed as a degree firing arc (the equivalent of 3 Lasing Arcs) in a
short bar streaking from the muzzle. Each time the trig- single round; but beginningwith the second arc, the
gering mechanism is depressed, the resultant pulse con- shooter must roll a Moderate (7) Ranged Combat (las-
sumes a single charge of power. The Pulse Fire setting gun) Test to avoid a weapon malfunction. Each subse-
requires one RangedAttack action (and corresponding quent arc requires another Test, increasing the Difficulty
Skill Test) per burst discharged. Roll damage for each by +2. Difficulty modifiers are cumulative, and continue
Pulse that successfully hits its target. to accrue if the Full Burn is maintained through subse-
Though the triggering mechanism and power supply quent rounds. The first failed Test indicates the weapon
allow for semi-automatic fire , discharging more than 3 has malfunctioned from overheating, and depending on
pulses in a single round increases the Difficulty of the the severity of the failure , may result in irreparable dam-
RangedCombat Test by +1 for each subsequent pulse. At age to the weapon.
the Narrator's discretion, an additional Ranged Combat When attempting to
(Lasgun) Test may be required if more than 3 pulses are hit numerous targets dur-
discharged during a single round, with a failedTest indi- ing Full Burn, the Narrator
cating the barrel's overheating activates the mechanical resolves the operation as a
failsafe, preventing any further attacks until the weapon series of Lasing Arcs (Auto-fire
is recalibrated (requiring a Calibrationoption). or Cover Fire actions, as described
Lasing Arc - This setting causes the projector under the 'Lasing Arc' above. When
mechanism to emit a short-duration burn-seen as a determiningthe damage for Full Burn
long streak of blazing fire-each time the trigger is fire, roll the damage for the entire burn
deployed. Consuming5 charges per burn from the and divide it equally among the number of
power cell, this setting permits an Autofire or Covering targets fired upon (rounding down). Then
fire maneuver, fanning the beam over a short firing arc apply that portion of damage to each tar-
to hit one or more targets. At the shooter's option, las- get successfully hit.
ing arcs may also be concentrated on a single point, Size: 45 - 90 cm (stock)
releasingthe full burst on a single target. Each Lasing Mass: 2 - 5 kg
Arc maneuver may cover an arc radius of approxi- Settings: 1 - 3
mately 15 degrees, generally targeting one person at Range: 5 /25/75/225 meters
point-blank, 2 persons at short range, 3 persons at medi- Accuracy: 6/7/9/11
um range, and as many as 5 persons at long range. Ammunition: 100 charges in power cell
When attempting to hit numerous targets with a sin- Mode: Ranged CombatlRanged Attack (Pulse Fire set-
gle arc, the user must roll a RangedCombat (Lasgun) ting), Autofire and Covering Fire (for Lasing Arc and Full
Test to hit each target, though the maneuver itselfcounts Burn settings), and Calibration options.
as a single combat action (for purpose of calculating it
Option Point cost). To allocate damage, roll the Lasing Mode Damage Power Consumption
Arc damage and divide it equally (rounding down) by the Pulse Fire 5 + 5d6 1 per pulse
number of targets fired upon. Then apply that portion of Lasing Arc 15 + lOd6 5 per arc
damage to any target successfully hit by the attack. Full Burn 45 + 15d6 15 per round
When a lasgun is set in Lasing Arc mode, its internal
servok mechanism accounts for barrel overheating and Maula Pistol
regulates the timingbetween bursts to allow for adequate A maula pistol is a simple, spring-mechanized hand-
heat dissipation. As a result, the user may only perform gun known for its clunky design and low-maintenance
one Lasing Arc (Auto-fire or Cover Fire action) per round. construction. Fabricated from lightweight plasteel or simi-
Full Burn - Full Burn is a fully manual setting lar plasmeld alloys, the maula pistol employs a high-ten-
over-riding the servok fail-safe and permitting the gun to sion spring and articulate cocking mechanism to load its
emit a continuous beam for as long as the trigger remains small dart or pellet projectiles into the firing chamber and
deployed. Like a series of Lasing Arcs, Full Burn mode propel them up to a range of 40 meters. The sliding trig-
allows the user to fan fire over a larger firing arc (or to ger cock draws a round of ammunition from the maga-
concentrate fire upon a single point) until either the bar- zine clip while rewinding the propulsion coil simultane-
rel overheats or the power cell dies. Because Full Burn ously, allowing the pistol to be readied in a fl uid, pulling
usage requires extreme skill and caution, many Houses motion. Once the magazine has been emptied, a simple
fit their lasguns with special restraining devices prevent- lever ejects the spent clip from the butt of the pistol,
ing unauthorized deployment. Removing the mechanism allowing the user to quickly reinsert a fresh one.

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
Because of its rienced user can easily adjust the weapon to fire at maxi-
compact size, mum efficiency for penetrating an active shield, regardless
cheap construc- of its active setting or linear distance from the shooter.
tion and general reliability,
the maula pistol is favored ! c::sz;~r-~---;:i~=r--
by military and civilian users
(hence its derogatory name-
"maula" meaning "slave"). Stunner Settings
Though its small projectiles inflict rela- Gas Range Notes
tively minor damage of their own, they are lML 1/3/5/10 Able to penetrate shield setting 5 or
designed to contain small doses of poison lower
or narcotics-versatile enough to kill a target 2ML 3/5/10/20 Able to penetrate shield selling 4 or
with a SWift-acting poison or knock him unconscious lower
with a strong anaesthetic. Unfortunately, the velocity of a 3ML 5/10/20/40 Able to penetrate shield selling 3 or
maula dart is too rapid to penetrate a defensive shield lower
(makingthe weapon useless against shielded targets). 4ML 7/15/30/60 Able to penetrate shield selling2 or
Size: 15 - 20 ern (barrel) lower
Mass: .5 - 1 kg 5ML 10/20/40/80 Able to penetrate shield selling 1
Settings: NIA 6ML 15/30/60/120 Maximum range, will not penetrate
Range: 5 110/20/40 meters an active shield
Accuracy: 6/7/9/11
Ammunition: 10 rounds per clip
Damage: 1d6 + poison
Mode: Ranged Combat/Ranged Attack option Like maula pistols, stunnersfeature magazines to store
their ammunition, which also carries a poison or soporific
drug. Stunners typically store 15 projectiles in their maga-
zines, and their pneumatic canisters contain 120ML of
compressed gas. Replacing eitherthe magazine or cartridge
Envenomed Projectiles requires one Reload action , while preparing the firing cham-
The projectiles fired by maula pistols and slow-pellet ber and discharging the weapon require both Calibration
stunners don't inflict much damage on their targets-it's and Ranged Attack actions.
thepoison they carry that causes theinjury. But the dart Size: 15 - 20 ern (barrel)
must penetrate the victim's skin to deliver itspayload into Mass: 1 - 2 kg
thebloodstream. If thevictim does not take any damage Settings: 1 - 6 ML (gas released to firing chamber)
from theinitial damage caused by theprojectile (as a Accuracy: 6/7/9111
result of protective shields or armor), then thepoison does Ammunition: 15 rounds per clip, 120ML per cartridge
notaffect thetarget. . Damage: 1d6 + poison
Mode: Ranged Combat/Ranged Attack and Calibration

Throwing Knife
Stunner A throwing knife is a specializedweapon designed
Designed to and balanced for throwing accuracy. Constructed of
breach an active heavier plasteel or steel alloys, throwing knives have
shield, stunners straight, double-edgedblades terminating in a sharp
employ pneumatic com- point. Though throwing knives can be used in hand to
pression to launch "slow- hand combat, they lack cross-guards and handles well-
pellets" at relatively low suited for defensive options (makingthem less effective
velocities. By partially depressing as melee weapons (+ 1 Difficulty to Blocking Tests).
the triggering mechanism, the user leaks an Similarly, Normal knives- those not designed and bal-
amount (between 1 and 6 metric liters (ML)) of anced for throwing-can be thrown, but at a penalty of
compressed gas from the pneumatic cartridge into +2 to the Accuracy Ratings listed below.
the weapon's firing chamber, pressurizing the gun for Any thrown knives are generally ineffective against
discharge. When the stunner is fired, the triggering mecha- shielded opponents; any attempt to hit and damage a
nism releases the compressed gas from the firing chamber shielded target carries a base Difficulty of 15 (Nearly
to propel the projectile at a velocity and distance commen- Impossible) in addition to the standard defensive modi-
urate with the chamber pressure. With practice, an expe- fiers conferred by the active shield (see page 232).
Size: 10 - 20 cm (total length) smash its nose into a hard surface , immerse it completely
Mass: . 1 to .3 kg in water (or similar fluid) or to arrest its controller.
Settings: N/A The hunter-seeker possesses a maximum velocity of
Range: 3/5/10/15 25 meters per second,
Accuracy: 6/7/9/11 Size: 1 cm (sliver), 20xlOx5 ern (console)
Ammunition: N/A Mass : Negligible (sliver), 1 kg (console)
Damage: 2 + 1d6 Settings: N/A
Modes: Ranged Combat/Ranged Attack option only Range: 50 m maximum range (no range modifiers)
Accuracy: 7 (10 after a failed Observation Test)
Hunter-Seeker Ammunition: 1 hour of use in cruise mode
A deadly assassination device , the hunter-seeker con- Damage: 1+ld6 on impact (armor applies), 2d6 per
sists of a nearby control console emitting a short-wave round thereafter (no defense from armor applies)
radio signal to control and direct a razor-sharp sliver of Mode : Ranged Combat: Ranged Attack (Assassination
metal toward its intended victim. The metal sliver (devices) Skill Test)
employs suspensor technology to levitate and maneuver
freely, turning left or right and rising upward or down-
Defensive Arm8ment
ward as directed by the operator at the console.
To facilitate the operation of a hunter-seeker, a minia-
ture optical receptor rests in the nose of the projectile. Its Battledress
"eye" transmits images back to the console, enabling the 'Battledress' covers a wide variety of military uniforms
operator to view his quarry from an ideal vantage (elimi- affording bodily protection during combat (as opposed to
nating the visual impairments caused by physical dis- dress uniforms designed for social occasions).
tance or line-of-site). However, the distortion caused by Resembling traditional military uniforms , Battledress
the suspensor field makes the image blurry, requiring the relies on special fabrics resistant to knife thrusts and pro-
controller to make a Moderate (7) Observation Test in jectile darts. Pliant and comfortable, 'plas-fiber' fabrics
order to see the target clearly enough to make a success- feel like natural fabrics but prove much superior for
ful attack. When the hunter-seeker impacts its target, it defensive garments. The material allows persp iration to
cuts into the victim and then slices its way up nerve evaporate from within, but resist water from without.
paths and arteries, through muscles and bone until it Similarly, the durable plas-flbers resist stretching, tearing
reaches a vital organ (typically the heart). A hunter-seek- and cutting , offering basic protection against stabbing,
er can be deflected by sufficiently strong armor or a slashing and piercing weapons. Battle-dress uniforms
shield ; though if aware of the shield, the user can breach range from jackets and pants construction of fine plas-
it by slowing the hunter-seeker's velocity. fiber mesh to hea vy plasfiber coats and jumpsuits. The
Operating a Hunter-Seeker requires an Assassination accompanying table indicates the amount of protection
(devices) Skill Test against the Difficulty established by provided by typical battledress.
the 'seeker's Accuracy rating (usually 7). Provided the
hunter-seeker penetrates the victim's shield and/or'armor, t ~~~---;=;i~::r---
it bites into its target and automatically continues to do
2d6 damage per round. Though no Test roll is required,
the operator must continue to control the device in order
Battledress Protection
to inflict additional damage. Type Physical/Energy Protection
All members of the nobility learn about hunter-seekers Plasmesh Uniiorm 1/0
at an early age, when they are taught to recognize the Heavy Plasmesh Uniiorm 2 /1
most common forms of assassination. As part of their Plasiiber Coat 2 /2
education, they learn what few precautionary measures Plasfiber Jumpsuit 2 /2
can be taken against this lethal device. The best defense Heavy Plasfiber Uniform 3/3
against a hunter-seeker is immobility, especially if the
ambient lighting is dim or extraordinarily bright. The
seeker's blurred vision presents it's chief weakness-it
being easier to detect motion in substandard lighting Powered Armor
than it is to discern a motionless figure in a cluttered Certain Great Houses issue a form of heavy field
environment. During extreme circumstances, the sliver armo r to their military elite and lasgun troop ers. The
may be grasped; but the slippery suspensor field makes armor itself is supported by suspensors facilitating ease
such attempts dangerous (this requires an Opposed of movement and powered by an internal generat or (the
Coordination + Dexterity Test against the hunter-seeker, suit's power cell can operate for approximately 50 hours
considered to possesses a Coordination + Dexterity of 7). of cont inuous use). The suit itself shows rigid const ruc-
If caught, the only ways to disarm the weapon are to tion (except for gauntlets, boots , and joints fashione d

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
from heavy plasfiber). The suit is sealed to protect the ering only half of the user's body, either right or left
wearer from bio-chemical weapons and low-level radia- depending on the projector unit pre-sets. A Difficult (9)
tion. Tight fitting in spite of its great bulk, power armor Repair (Armament) Test enables a technician to adjust
requires the wearer to don nothing more than a skin-tight demi-shield presets from left to right or even top to bot-
leotard or thermal undergarment beneath the heavy plas- tom, in addition to replacing the power cell or recharging
fiber lining. the unit. Regardless of its presets, a demi-shield possess-
A full suit of powered armor includes a w mhelm. es but one setting (setting 2); and their power cell holds
Comhelms are large helmets made of solid plasteel and 90 charges. Used primarily for arena combat, demi-
fitted with a metaglass faceplate. Comhelms are shields prove less expensive than their more sophisticat-
equipped with their own internal communications speak- ed counterparts.
ers, a cooling unit, and a limited air supply
in case the wearer is attacked with gases
or must operate in an oxy-
gen-less environment
(such as the void of space,
heavy smoke, or underwa- Shield Defensive Settings
ter). Setting Power Consumption Difficulty Protection
Powered armor is 1 10 per hour +1 C
extremely expensive. The 2 30 per hour +2 C
cost of maintaining its gen- 3 1 per minute +3 +1
erator and power cell pro- 4 3 perminute +4 +1
hibit all but the wealthiest of 5 1 per round (1 2 per minute) +5 +2
Great Houses (such as
Corrino and Harkonnen)
from issuing units to low
ranking soldiers. But even
or the wealthy ones, powered armor sees use only
among the commanders and trooper elite who don the
Personal Gear
armor for performing the most dire of special House Though the following equipment reveals subtle varia-
missions. Power Armor falls under the same restrictive tions depending on its planet of manufacture, each of the
category as lasguns. following items can be found throughout the Imperium.
Size: variable (fitted to wearer) Regardless of their differing size and mass, the following
Mass: 40 kg items can all be carried on a persons body (except where
Power Cell: 50 hours of continual use, refresh at noted).
2/hour when deactivated
Protection: 5 (against all forms of attack) Bgliset
Perhaps the most popular of musical instruments, the
Per son al Shield Generator nine-stringed baliset descends from the zithra. It is
The most prevalent of personal defenses, the personal favored by wandering troubadours who strum out their
shield generator projects a Holtzman field barrier around poetic ballads using its specialized 'multlpick'. Balisets
the wearer, deflecting fast-moving projectiles and physi- display a range of sizes and shapes, from large ones as
cal blows. A small shield generator fastened to a waist tall as a man to shorter varieties less than meter in over-
belt emits the defensive field , encapsulating the wearer in all length. The best balisets were those made during the
a tingling, shimmering envelope. A small energy cell pow- 9th millennia by the Varotan masters of the plan-
ers the shield projector, and its power output can be et Chusuk.
increased by five discreet settings, with the higher set- Size: .5 - 1.75 m
tings consuming more power to affordgreater protec- Mass: I - 3 kg
Size: 10 ern square, 3 cm depth Com muninet Transc eiver
Mass: .1 to .3 kg A Communinet transceiver is a com-
Settings: 1-5 munications device using advanced
Power Cell: 180 charges, refresh at 30/hour (when radio technology to access a planetary
deactivated) network (the 'Comrnunlnet' or
Mode: Shield Fighting 'ComNet') for sending and receiving
The demi-shieId reveals one popular variant of the distant transmissions. Most units
personal shield generator. Resembling an ordinary shield tune into a House or industry-
belt and projectorunit, demi-shields emanate a field cov- hosted network, but users can
tune the ComNet transceiver to any local frequency. begins to relax, return ing to its normal shape. Each
Because ComNet transmissions are so easily intercepted, minute reduces the Difficulty number by 1, with circula -
network transmissions must be encrypted via a secret lan- tion being restored at Difficulty 9.
guage in order to prevent unauthorized access to the Size: Varying lengths and diameters are available
band transmissions. Mass : Depends on size
Size: 9x3x1.5 em
Mass : .125 kg Medkit
An important component of any field pack , a medkit
Filmbook contains a variety of items for performing first aid.
Replacing the more archaic books Including sundry pharmaceuticals and instruments for
filled with ridulan crystal pages (1 administering them , medkits also pack bandages and
micron thick) and static turning device, compresses, scalpels and shot injectors and a small pha r-
contemporary filmbooks emerge as the macopoeia of standard medicines and drugs (stimulants,
basic tool for storing informa- antibiotics, anti-coagulants, tranquilizers and so on) .
tion in a portable form. Surgical medkits , the likes toted by Suks and physi-
~ Resembling the 'book cians, tend to contain more sophisticated equipment and
.~.. computers' of the pre- specialized medicines. While any character having First
Butlerian era, filmbooks Aid skill can use a standard medkit without fear of caus-
consist of a small screen ing additional harm, the instruments and medicinals
and playback mechanism included in a surgical kit require the expertise of a prac-
used for reviewing the con- ticing physician (Medical Art skill).
tents of whatever shigawire Size: 15xI5x6 cm
reel happens to be inserted. The playback device enables Mass: 1.5 kg
the user to skip about the reel, forward or backward to
review moving pictures accompanied by written annota- Minimic ftlm
tions and a voice recording. The average spool contains Smaller than one micron in diameter, minimic film
encyclopedic storage capacity, storing the equivalent of resembles shigawire in its capacity for data storage .
300 hours worth of moving pictures and voice imprints. Because of its convenient size, spies prefer minimic film
Size: 18x26x3 cm for recording intelligence and counterespionage data ,
Mass:.3 kg using miniature devices to record and play back the
Power Cell: 300 unit-hours continuous use (auto- desired information.
recharges at 3 units per hour in sleep mode) Size: Negligible (but requires a carrying case about 1
cubic cm minimum)
Krimskcll Rope Mass : Negligible
Krimskell , a natural fiber derived from the hufuf
vine of Ecaz, enjoys a wide variety of uses due to its Oil-Lens Binoculars
characteristic strength and elasticity. Also called"claw Binoculars in the Imperium use lenses made not of
fiber" or "strangler vine" krimskell demonstrates an glass , but of hufuf oil held in place by a static field. Oil
'ela stic memory,' clawing increasingly tighter as greater lenses can be adjusted one micron at a time, making
force is applied to change its original shape. Captives them extraordinarily acute. Oil-lens binoculars also
held by krimskell bonds unanimously report that their enable a much wider range of magnificat ion. Typically,
bonds grow tighter the more they strain against them. standard issue binoculars range from I .5x to 200x mag-
For this extraordinary quality, krimskell fiber is favored nification, giving their users the ability to see up to 200
for crafting a variety of ropes and cords-from the rig- times further (or 200 times as much detail) as they nor-
ging of sea craft to the ropes used for mountaineering mally could with the naked eye.
and knot work. Size: 1OxI8x4 em
When bound with krimskell bonds, characters who Mass : .25 kg
try to break free risk the possibility of worsening their
predicament. To break free of krimskell bonds, a charac- Paracompass
ter must perform a successful Attribute (Physique + This term describes any compass using local magnetic
Strength) Test against Difficulty 7. Each failure increases anomalies to determ ine direction . Used in conjunc tion
the difficulty of the subsequent attempt by +1 Difficulty with appropriate charts or accurate World Knowledge,
(cumulative). If successive attempts increase the paracompasses find routine employment on planets
Difficulty to 10 or more, the character begins to suffer 1 where the magnetic field proves highly unstable or sub -
point of Stun damage per minute as a result of the ject to interference and mask ing.
krimskell beginning to cut off circulation. Provided the Size: 3x3x I em
character rests for 10 minutes or more , the krimskell Mass : Negligible

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
Poison Snooper purpose. But regardless of design, all imprinters serve the
These omnipresent devices detect the presence of poi- same basic purpose-recording images and sounds on shi-
son in food or drink. Concealed in cha ndeliers, center- gawire reels, for subsequent playback in either a filmbook,
pieces and so on , snoopers guard the banquet tables of solido projector, or similar display.
nearly every great hall in the Imperium. Portable, ha nd- Standard Imprinters contain both microphone and
held units find use in personal quarters or when users lens for capturing audio and video bytes. Their instru-
travel ab road, but they have a much short er range and mentation may reveal any number of advanced features,
their use proves difficult to conceal. improving upon the bas ic record mode essen tial to thei r
Using a snooper requires a simple Equipme nt (device purpose. More advan ced imprinters may contain 3-D,
or instru mentation) Test. Difficulty is determined by the infrared or nightlight functions for capturing images
Poison Type (the Difficulty number equals the Type num- unde r different conditions. Such devices may also con-
ber, l.e. Type III poisons havi ng a Difficulty of 3), tain a small displa y in add ition to a viewfinder, enabling
although on ly a Dramatic Success will reveal the exac t the user to take advantage of an internal playback fea-
identity of the poison dete cted. While most snooper Tests ture (instead of putt ing the shigawire reels into another
can be deemed autom atically successful, trace quantities device for review).
of poison , environmental factors and equ ipment tamper- Minimic Recorders present the same range of features
ing may all significan tly increase the Routine Test and diversity as Standard Imprinters, except they imprint
Difficulty. minimic film (shigawire only one micron wide) and reveal
Size: 7 cm long (ha nd-held), 9 em long and 3 ern much smaller casings for use during espionage or intelli-
diamete r (standard ) gence operations. While superior minimic recorders can
Mass: .125 kg (ha nd-held), 3 kg (standard) capture the full range of sound or imagery available to shi-
gawire imprinters, inferior models prove incapable or such
Shield Dissembler quality. Highly advanced models may even exhibit a flip-up
Similar to shield generators, Dissemblers radiate display or earplug adapter for reviewing information stored
Holtzman fields at preset, destructiv e frequencies . Wh en on its internal reel.
encountering an active shield, the dissembler field Solido Recorders represent the most technologically
negates the defensive barrier, granting the wearer passage advanced of all shigawire imprinters . Invariably possess-
through powerful shields, such as those emanating from ing 3- D lens technologies and 360-degree image render-
prudence doors and House Shield porta l areas. Only the ing mechanism, solido recorders are capable of recording
best dissemblers can modu late the five frequencies much more information on stan dard reels, superimposing
required to bypass a pentashield pru-door. images and scrambling signals to create the advanced
To coun teract any shield, the dissem bler needs to be holo-images created when the recording is replayed on a
programmed, calibrating the device to emit the appropri- solido projector.
ate preset , destructive frequencies. Intelligence agents Size: variable (depending on model and design)
relying on dissemblers must either discover the proper Mass: variable (depending on model and design)
frequencies through espionage, or acquire a pre-calibrat-
ed dissemble r through similar means. Operating a prop- Solido Projector
erly calibrated Shield Dissembler represents a Routine Solido projectors exhibit some of the
(3) Equipment (devices) Test. Without the proper presets, most advanced technology in the Imperium,
base Difficulty skyrockets to Difficult (14) for dissembling approaching the strictures of the Butlerian
monoshields (see "Prudence Door," page 236) adding +1 Jihad . They use 360-degree reference signals
Difficulty for each add itiona l, interlaced shield frequency imprinted on a shigawire reel to project three-
(l.e. +4 Difficulty for a pentashield). dimensional, holo-images. Though soli-
Narrator's should note that Dissemblers operate on do technology does not allow for real-
different bandwidths than personal shields, making them istic illusions (the images appear
ineffective against body shield technologies. Similarly, transparent), it does enable precise
dissemblers prove too weak to nullify a House shield , modeling of three-dimensional
except portal openings which shou ld be treated as structures allowing for accurate rep-
duoshields (see "Prudence Door" and "House Shield resentation of bu ildings, tunnels,
Generator" for more information). planet topography and the like.
Size: 12x3x3 ern Mentats employ special 3-D reels to transmit volumes
Mass : 1.75 kg of data with the speed of a single glance. By successfully
studying solido images while in Mentat Trance a Mentat
Shisawire Imprinter can process and retain information 1000 times faster than
Shigawire imprinters come in several basic models, reading a filmbook.
each revealing any number of features and refinements Size: Varies; approximately 30 x 30 x 60cm average .
epending on their origin of manufacture and intended Mass : Varies; minimum is approximately 1 kg.
Sonar Probe Suspensor l\e1t
Sonar probes are used to scan large surfaces in search Suspensor belts generate powerful, anti-gravitational
of hidden cavities, buried items or concea led objects. Holtzman waves to lighten the burden of extreme obesity
Bouncing ultrasonic pulses at various depths within the or encumbrance . Resembling a shield belt in appearance,
surface, a sonar probe displays an 'ultrasound' image on suspensor belts (also made into harnesses) support 50 kg
its visual display. The image reveals structural and mate- per unit of power output , enabling persons to levitate by
rial anomalies within the surface , alerting the user to the increasing the power output (and consumption) of the gen-
presence of hidden vacuoles or heterogeneous materials erator. Though a suspensor belt will lift a person or item off
and objects concealed within the surface of study. of the ground, it possesses no propulsion device to move
Sonar probes have a limited range of about 10 meters its load horizontally.
in depth-objects hidden deeper than that cannot be The power cell on an average suspensor belt stores
detected. When using a sonar probe to sweep an area, the lOa charges . The device consumes a variable number of
character must perform an Equipment (devices) Test charges every ten minutes. So if the user increased the
against Difficulty assigned by the Narrator. Generally, if an power output from one to five units , the device would
item or cavity falls within the range of the probe, detecting support 250 kg of mass , consuming 5 units of power
a man-sized object should be of Routine Difficulty, with every 10 minutes (30 units per standard hour) , lasting
Difficulty increasing to detect smaller items. some 4 hours before exhausting the power cell.
Size: 1 meter long Size: Size of belt varies; suspensor unit is approxi-
Mass: 2.75 kg mately 15x5x3 cm
Mass : 1.3 kg
Surgical Cutteray (las-sca lpel) Power Cell: lOa units (regenerates 5 units per hour)
Employing the same basic technology used in las-
guns, cutterays emit powerfullasbeams albeit much more
refined and limited in range (no more than 1m).
Cutteray projectors range from the size of a scalpel (sur- Unlike personal equipment, which may be toted
gical cutterays) to heavy, vehicle-mounted units powerful about, installations represent large-scale techno logies,
enough to carve tunnels through solid rock. built into buildings , spacecraft, caverns and so on. Too
Size: 6 em long large or impractical to carry on your person , Heavy
Mass: Negligible equipment is typically transported by vehicles to the
Settings: N/A location where it is meant to be installed.
Range: I m
Accuracy: 9 Cone of Silence
Ammunition : lOa charges in power cell Another Holtzman device, a cone of silence emits a
Damage: I + Id6 (per round, full burn) dampening field to disrupt the transmission of voices,
Mode: Close Combat/Armed Attack or Armed Attack engines or other sounds. As a result, sounds produced
Sinister only within the conical field remain shielded within, allowing
two or more people to converse without fear of being
Suspe nsor G lobe overheard. Since the speakers are still vulnerable to lip
Also called "glowglobes" or "suspensor lamps ," sus- reading, most cones of silence are built into alcoves or
pensor globes employ external Holtzman devices to float grottos where their users can speak in complete privacy
at pre-set heights and shed illumination from within. The by facing a wall.
brightness of their lighting may be adjusted from a dim
yellow to brilliant white, and their position may be simi- House Shield Generator
larly adjusted by remote control. Comprised of a mass ive generator and numerous
Personal glowglobes feature a 'leash' that may be directional relays, House Shield Generators project
hooked to a person's clothing or un iform. When the per- defensive shield barriers large enough to envelop a large
son walks, the leash detains the glowglobe, making it fol- structure, such as a palace, hangar storage silo or com-
low the person wherever they lead. Personal glowglobes munications facility. So powerful are these shields that
light a spherical area approximately 5 meters in diameter no projectile or explosion can breach the defensive barri-
at maximum brilliance . Their internal power cells provide er, although lasgun beam intersections still wreak nuclear
for approximately 1000 hours of illumination at maxi- havoc. The relays used for true House Shields (those pro-
mum intensity. tecting the entire House compound) can be adjusted to
Size: Varies; about IS em in diameter on average , open 'portals' in the shield , permitting vehicles or per-
topped by a small suspensor field generator. sons to enter or leave without compromis ing the integrity
Mass: Varies; about 1.25 kg on average of the rest of the shield.
Power Cell: lOa charges (approx . 1000 hours at maxi- Characters who need to attack a shielded building
mum brilliance) must find some way to drop the shield. A shield dissem-

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium
bier may permit an individual to pass through a portal ultra-efficient electrical engines and
zone, but it does not generate force sufficient to nullify run on wheels or suspensors. Some
the full power of the perimeter barrier. A better strategy even employ both forms of con-
involves infiltrating the power facility and sabotaging the veyance, switching from wheels
generators or power source, dropping the shield until to suspensors when they
power can be restored. attain a certain velocity or
need to cross uneven ter-
Pruden ce D oor rain. See the Vehicles
Prudence doors exploit shield technology to secure a chart for more informa-
portalwith one or more protective shield barriers. The tion about the various
force fields protectinga pru-doorare much stronger than types of groundcars
those of personal shields, since they are generated by larg- found throughout the
er Holtzman projectors drawing from a strong, constant Imperium.
powersource. Pre-calibrated shield dissemblers may be
provided to authorizedpersonnel, granting them access O rnithopter
without compromising security codes. An ornithopter (called "thopter" for short) is an aerial
Pru-door shields reveal three basic configurations. transport featuring articulated wings that beat and move
Monoshields provide the minimum protection (roughly like those of a bird. Jets and/or suspensors assist during
equal to setting 5 of a personal shield projector) and are takeoffand landing, but the regular beating of its wings
typically used to protect windows and doors from projec- keeps the vehicle aloft once airborne. Though a 'thopter
tile fire and rushing vehicles. Duoshields are similar to can takeoffand land vertically, runway takeoffs attain
monoshields, but also bar access to slow moving vehicles maximum airborne velocity much more quickly, During
and even chargingtroops. Adding additional shields, the such maneuvers, the pilots stabilize the wings in a the
pentashield (a five-layer shield) represents the pinnacle fully open "gliding" position and hit the jets to accelerate
of pru-door technology. Using five interlaced shields, the craft to air-speed velocity. Runway landings see the
pentashields prove impossible to defeat with any attack craft touch down by gliding then reverse flap to slow the
short of an atomic explosion. Without the assistance of a 'thopter to a halt. Otherwise the craft takes off and
sophisticated dissembler, the only other way to defeat a lands like a bird, using vertical jet and/or sus-
pentashield is to cut power from its generator. pensors to alleviate the stress gravity
places on the vehicle's delicate wings.
Palm Lock Light in overall frame and struc-
A palm lock employs primitive sensory technology ture, Ornithopters exhibit plasteel
and a servok-automated bolt to key a lock to a specific frames with fan-metal wings
palm print (or prints). The user presses his hand against and servok rotors. See
the sensory mechanism, and once identified, the lock the "Planetary
opens automatically. Palm locks are reputed to be impos- Vehicles" chart, page
sible to bypass, though a character with Prana-Bindu 238, for more infor-
Conditioning may make a Coordination (+ Dexterity) mation about the vari-
Attribute Test against Difficulty 7 to fool the sensor and ous types of
defeat the lock. ornithopters found
Size: Varies depending on item to be locked; mini- throughout the
mum is 20xI4x3 em Imperium.
Mass: Varies; minimum is 1.2 kg
Vehicular Pursuit &- C ombat
Planetary Vehicles During vehicle action sequences, Narrators should use
In addition to star-faring vessels (see "Chapter 13:The the following guidelines to handle pursuit and combat.
Spacing Industry"), planetary vehicles remain a popular
form of transport among Nobles and their entourages. Pursuit
While most folk (anyone Caste 3 or below) usually trav- When characters operate vehicles to either chase or
els on foot, the privileged members of Imperial society evade another vehicle the Narrator should break the
may choose either groundcars or ornithopters to trans- scene into action Rounds (see "Chapter 5," pages III
port themselves on-planet. and 120). Assigning the fleeing craft the initiative, the
driver or pilot may attempt various maneuvers as
G ro undcar Actions. To keep pace with their target, pursuers need to
Groundcars assume a variety of forms, from small perform the exact same maneuvers as Reactions. All
ivilian speeders to armored military tanks. They use vehicular actions and reactions cost 2 Option points.
If the fleeing operator fails a Test, he loses the initia- I c:::<~'P"~c;L~==lI--
tive as his vehicle skids or slips, and the Narrator must
determine whether his vehicle crashes depending on the
attempted action and severity of failure . If the pursuer Vehicular Operations
succeeds at their Test, they manage to keep up with their
target, and may gain ground if they capture the initiative. Gro undc ar Mane uve rs (O pt ions)
If they fail their Test, they may lose ground or crash Action/Reaction Difficulty
depending the Narrator's interpretation of their degree of Turn 4
failure . High-speed Turn 6
Comparing the success and failures of each vehicle Heavy acceleration 4
and switching initiative when one party succeeds and the Hard deceleration 5
other fails , the Narrator can determine the overall suc- Tail spin 6
cess of the fugitives relative to their pursuers. If the party Swervingat speed 7
with initiative succeeds while the other party fails , the Bump/Push other Vehicle 6-8
first gains ground on their opposition (either increasing Ramp Jump/Landing 9+
or decreasing the distance between the two vehicles Emergency stop/turn 6-8
depending on their actual objective). Similarly, when the (based on ground speed and terrain surface)
party with initiative fails (but the other party succeeds)
initiative reverses, enabling the new controller to perform Modifiers
Actions to gain ground on their opposition. Unpaved Roads +1 Difficulty
Rough/Slick Surface +2 Difficulty
Combat Treacherous surface +4 Difficulty
When resolving combat during pursuit scenes, the
Narrator should permit vehicular weapon fire as addi- Difficulties are forTransport (Driving)Tests. NoTest is
tional actions during the round. Since each lasgun necessary for routine maneuvers (considered to beany
requires a separate 'gunner' (Ranged Combat (lasgun) maneuver of Difficulty 5 or less) performed in non-stress-
Test), firing vehicular weapons does not usually detract ful conditions.
from the number of option points the operator possesses
for steering the craft. Conduct all Ranged Attacks as O rnit hopter Maneuvers (Options)
usual, interpreting differences in speed, maneuvers and Action/Reaction Difficulty
so on as Difficulty modifiers during "to-Hit" Tests. When Bank 4
a character scores a hit on a vehicle, you may use the Hard Bank 6
Hit location chart to interpret the result should your Climb 4
players desire to simply disable a craft instead of destroy- Hard Climb 6
ing it entirely. For example, the Head could be consid- D~ 5
ered the cockpit, the Torso as the propulsion engine, the Hard Dive 7
Abdomen as the wheels/wings and so on. . Bank and Dive/Climb 6
If a vehicle suffers serious damage or crashes, the Bank and Hard Dive/Climb 9
Narrator must decide how the passengers are affected. Emergency Landing 6-12
Usually, the vehicle protects passengers until its structure (based on flight speed and landingsurface)
has sufferedserious damage (about 75% of total struc-
ture); then it may crash. Crashes may be interpreted as Modifiers
Falling Damage (considering the vehicle's altitude or Light Turbulence +1 Difficulty
ground speed to be the distance-in meters-fallen) Medium Turbulence +2 Difficulty
rolling damage for all passengers and allowing the vehi- Heavy Turbu lence +4 Difficulty
cle to "absorb" a portion of the damage equal to its
remaining structure. Any damage remaining should be Difficulties areforTransport (Piloting) Tests. NoTest is
divided among the passengers and distributed more or necessary for routine maneuvers (considered to be any
less equally among them. If weapon fire or crashing maneuver of Difficulty 5 or less) performed in non-stress-
inflicts damage equal to its structure in a single round, ful conditions.
the Narrator may consider all passengers to be killed
(perhaps allowing player characters to expend Karama
during a Physique Test to suffervarious injuries instead).
See the "Vehicular Operations" chart for more informa-
tion about the types of maneuvers operators can perform
during vehicular combat and action sequences.

Chapter XII : The Technology of the Imperium
~~ r- =l

Planetary Vehicles
Type Size Passengers Structure Pts. Speed Range
Passenger 2-3 m 1-4 125 200 1250
Transport 3-5 m 3-10 200 175 1000
Carrier 6-25 m 12-40 300 150 1000
Speeder 2m 1 75 250 1500
Lt. Armored 3-6 m 1-5 250 125 1250
Md. Armoredl 7-18 m 8-20 350 100 1000
Hvy. Armored 2 19-22 m 20-25 500+ 75 1000

O rnit hopters
Type Size Passengers Structure Pts. Speed Range
Small 3-6 m 1-5 125 250 2500
Medium 5-10 m 3-10 175 330 3300
Large 8-15 m 10-25 250 350 3500
Very Large 16+ m 15+ 350 300 3000
Small Military3 4-8 m 2-6 150 320 3200
Medium Military4 6-20 m 12-25 225 350 3500
Large MiIitary5 20+ m 30+ 350 300 3000

Passengers indicatesthe maximum number of passengers in addition to thedriveror pilot(s).Smali 'thopters require only one
pilot, medium 'thopters need a pilot and co-pilot, with larger 'thopters staffing one to two pilots plus an additional navigator and/or
Structure Points represents how much damage a vehicle can withstand before being destroyed. Once a vehicle has taken 75% of
its Structural Points in damage, it can no longer move or fly; when all Structural Points are gone, the vehicle has been destroyed. In
addition to Structure, civilian vehicles possess 2 points of armor against all forms of attack, while military craft usually have 4-6
points of armor (in thecase of 'thopters), or 5 or more (in thecase of groundcars).
Speed reflects the vehicle's maximum sustained velocity or airspeed (in km/hour). Vehicles can move as much as 15,{) faster for
as long as one hour, but thedriver or pilot must make a Challenging (9)Transport (Driving or Piloting) Test every 10 minutes or the
vehicle sustains 1d6 damage (+2 for 'thopters) every 10 minutes until speed is reduced.
Range indicates theaveragedistance thevehicle can travel before depleting its power cell. On average, a groundcar can travel 6
times its maximum speed in kmbefore depleting its power cell. If a 'thopter runs outof fuel while airborne, it may glide for quite a
distance depending on itsairborne speed and altitude. Narrators must use their own discretion for determining howfar a 'thopter can
glidebefore needing to land based on speed, altitude, wind factor, gravity and so on. On average, a 'thopter can travel 10 times its
maximum speed in km before depleting itspower cell.

1 Medium Armored groundcars may support one heavy lasgun on a 360 degree turret.
2 Heavy Armored groundcars may support one or two heavy lasguns set on 360degree turrets.
3 Small Military 'thopters can mount a single 360 degree lasgun turret and a small shield generator.
4 Medium Military 'thopters can mount two 360 degree lasgun turret and shield generator.
5 Large Military 'thopters can mount two 360 degree lasgun turrets and two 180degree turrets (fore and aft) in addition to a
shield generator.
vehicular transport and, perhaps, even the forbidden
technologies from out-freyn worlds.
As members of their House Entourage, player charac-
V ehi c ular L::lsguns ters suffer no want for the most advanced of Imperial
Vehicles mount heavier lasguns than those used by technology; but as servants to their household they
ground troops and military personnel. Though vehicular remain subject to the whim of their families for acquiring
lasguns each possess an independent power cell (200 it. While all player characters begin with the standard
charges), theyalso tie into thevehicle'spower source to equipment listed in "Chapter 3: Character Creation,"
draw additional charges at the cost of depleting the vehi- Narrators may furnish additional equipment for particu-
cle'spower supply. To calculate lar missions, or enable characters to request provisions
according to a mission 'allowance'. In such cases, the
Size: 100- 180cm (barrel) Narrator may permit the Entourage to make a list of pro-
Mass: 5 - 10 kg visions for their mission, then award all, some or none of
Settings: 1 - 3 them depending on her sense of the mission require-
Range: 15/60/240/920 ments or based on their success at a Persuasion Test (or
Accuracy: 6/7/9/11 similar die roll). Alternately, Narrators may wish to
Ammunition : 200 cha rges in power cell declare a solari "allowance" in advance, permitting the
Modes: Pulse Fire, Lasing Arc, Full Burn Entourage to purchase items from the Equipment List
provided on page 240.
Mode Damage Power Consumption The "Equipment List" (see next page) provides basic
Pu lse Fire 6 + 7d6 2 perpulse information about equipment availability on the average
LasingArc 18 + 12d6 8 perarc Imperial homeworld. The chart refers to the following
Fu ll Burn 50 + 18d6 20 per round terms:
Description names the item in question. If several
types of item are grouped under the same description (for
example, the different types of battledress), they are
named under descriptive subheadings.
Caste deter mines who can use the item legally, by
Forbidden Technology caste. Caste restrictions indicate the minimum numerical
Though few Houses or governments dabble in tech- level of caste required to legally possess the item. The let-
nologies defying the Butlerian proscriptions, several ter designation "I" means the equipment is generally
"machine cultures"-such as those of Richese, IXand considered illegal for anyone to possess, especially in the
Tleilax-have perfected morally ambiguous technologies case of forbidden technologies.
many regard as taboo. For this reason, such equipment Every homeworld enforces slightly different laws, so
falls into the category of "forbidden technology" remain- caste restrictions may vary from world to world. For
ing something of an anomaly within Imperial society. example, a dissembler may be legal for Nobles on Giedi
Narrators interested in forbidden technologies should Prime, but be totally unlawful on Wallach VIII. Similarly,
watch for future supplements such as the Bene Tleilax a Noble may possess a lasgun on Grumman, while any
Companion. In the meantime, Narrators should feel at of the Noble's retainers could legally bear the weapon for
liberty to create their own forbidden technologies as him on a world such as Caladan. Narrators should regu-
needed to flavor their individual narratives. late Caste restrictions at their own discretion; after all,
the Narrator's the one who must determine whether caste
violations are enforced, and if so, what sorts of punish-
Equipment Availability ments they carry (again, depending on homeworld cus-
tom and law).
Because of the Imperium embraces the faufreluches Cost indicates the average price of the item (in
hierarchy of privilege, the availability of equipment varies solaris) on the open market. Cost covers an average
greatlyaccording to caste and vocation. Since the range.
Butlerian Jihad, much of the Imperial populace makes do Black Market Cost sets the price range (in solaris)
with rustic technologies-archaic weapons, simple tools, for the item within the average black market. Black mar-
animal-drawn carts and the like. Increasingwith status, ket value varies even more widely than legal cost, due to
professionals and aristocrats enjoy broader ranges of varying laws, corruption, supply and demand and similar
technological comforts, including advanced weaponry, economic factors.

Chapter XII: The Technology of the Imperium

- r: - I

Equipment Availability Table

Item User Standard Cost Black Market Cost
Melee Weapons
Gom labbar N/A Bene Gesserit only
Flip-dart 3 30-75 60-150
Kindjal 3 50-125 75-200
Knife 1 25-75 50-150
Shigawire Garrote I N/A 10-35
Slip-tip 4 75-150 150-250
Sword 4 175-1000 250-1500

Ranged Weapons
Lasgun 4 3500-7000 5000-20,000
Lasgun (extra power cell) 4 250-500 350-750
Maula Pistol 1 100-350 250-500
Maula Pistol (extra clip) 1 10-25 15-30
Maula Pistol (ammo, 100rounds) 1 50-75 75-200
Needle-gun 3 450-600 500-750
Needle-gun (ammo, 25 darts) 1 25-50 50-125
Stunner 3 350-750 500-1250
Stunner (extra gas cartridge) 3 25-50 40-75
Stunner (extra magazine) 3 15-30 25-50
Stunner (ammo, 100rounds) 3 50-75 75-200
Throwing Knife 2 50-100 75-150
Hunter-Seeker (control unit) 150G-4000 3500-7500
Hunter-Seeker (slivers, 10) 100-250 200-500

Defensive Equipment
Plasmesh Uniform 2 20G-450 N/A
Heavy Plasmesh Uniform 2 300-600 N/A
Plasfiber Coat 3 225-450 250-500
Plasfiber Jumpsuit 3 375-650 400-700
Heavy Plasfiber Uniform 3 400-850 500-1000
Powered Armor 3 5000-15,000 8,000-20,000
Personal Shield Generator 4 1000-3500 2500-5000
Demi-Shield 3' 750-2000 1500-4500

Personal Gear
Baliset 1 350-1 ,000 N/A
Communinet Transceiver 2 100-750 250-1000
Filmbookl 50-150 N/A
Surgical Cutteray 2 25G-450 300-500
Krimskell Fiber (100m coil) 0 150-300 20G-400
Medkit(incl. Las-Scalpel) 2 400-750 500-925
Minimic Film Reel 3 25-50 N/A
Oil-Lens Binoculars 1 150-500 200-750
Paracompass 1 50-500 N/A
Hand-Held Snooper 3 125G-4,500 2500-7000
Item User Standard Cost Black Markel Cost
Personal Gear (continued)
Shield Dissembler 3 750-2,000 1500-5000
Shigawire Imprinter
Standard Imprinter 2 275-1200 300-1500
Minimic Recorder 3 500-1750 600-2000
Sol ida Recorder 3 750-2500 1000-3500
Solido Projector 2 850-1,500 1000-2750
Sonar Probe 2 250-825 500-1 ,500
Suspensor Torchl Glowglobe 0 40-200 N/A
Suspensor Belt 0 175-350 200-400

Cone Of Silence 1500-4000 N/A
House Shield Generator 10,000-150,000 N/A
Palm-Lock 150-750 N/A
Poison Snooper Installation 2000-10,000 N/A
Prudence Door 5000-35,000 N/A

Small 2 30,000-50,000 45,000-150,000
Medium 3 60,000-100,000 75,000-225,000
Large 3 90,000-200,000 150,000-350,000
Very Large 4 200,000-450,000 450,000-1 ,200,000
Small Military 4 75,000-200,000 300,000-650,000
Medium Military 4 300,000-1 ,000,000 550,000-2,000,000
Large Military 4 750,000-3,000,000 1,500,000-6,000,000
Small2 5,000-12,500 5,500-15,000
Medium 2 10,000-30,000 12,500-25,000
Large 2 25,000-75,000 30,000-100,000
Speeder 3 15,000-90,000 25,000-120,000
Small Military 4 55,000-100,000 100,000-500,000
Medium Military 4 200,000-1 ,000,000 800,000-2,500,000
Large Military 4 500,000-2,000,000 1,500,000-4,250,000

Chapter XIII: The
In try
Aside from the Imperial House, the Spacing Guild In spite of their stalwart enthusiasm, the fl oundering
remains the single most influential organization in scientists made little progress until the Zensunni migra-
Imperial politics, and rightly so. While it lacks direct polit- tions brought news of melange-an awareness-spectrum
ical representation within the Landsraad, the Guild main- narcotic, so named for the diversity of its chemical prop-
tains a private monopoly over interplanetary space travel erties-discovered on the planet Arrakis. Shortly there-
and intergalactic banking, giving it absolute control over after, the Guild pioneers acquired samples of the fabled
Imperial commerce and communication. This stranglehold 'spice drug' and began to experiment with its mind-alter-
over the Imperial economy and CHOAM Company makes ing effects and other mysterious properties. In but half a
the Guild the envy of other powerful organizations, such century, Guild physicists discovereda secret aspect of
as the Bene Gesserit and Bene Tleilax, exalting it as the the drug that would come to shake the universe. Massive
third leg of the political tripod-Emperor, Landsraad, doses of the spice melange enabled endowed Navigators
GUild-supporting Imperial civilization and government. to quest forward in time, envisioning lines of movement
to carry a spacecraft safely through foldspace without the
myriad calculations and micro-adjustments pre-Butlerian
~fo u n d a
io n of the nav-computers were capable of performing. This ground-
breaking revelation stunned the Guild community, bring-
~pacin8 Guild ing not only the solution to their "human equation" but
also the knowledge that they alone possessed a secret of
In the wake of the Jihad, a renegade corps of scientific immeasurableworth.
sionaries and spacing veterans banded together to form Guided by this monumental revelation, the Guild
the secret community that came to call itselfthe Spacing swiftly adapted its training programs to exploit melange
Guild. Confounded by the abrupt return to sublight trav- in the training of competent, foldspace Navigators.
el, these romantic entrepreneurs realized that only by Gaining their first glimpse of the future to be, non-Guild
working together could they discover a way to successful- spacing personnel flocked to enlist with the foundling
ly navigate foldspace without the assistance of artificial Guild, as news of their Navigators' abilities spread
intelligence. Determined to find a solution through a throughout the Imperium. After less than a century of
. 'human equation," the founders of the Spacing Guild bold pursuits and secret failings the Guild proudly made
shared a common dream-training the human mind its discovery public. Accompanied by many demonstra-
to such perfection that skilled navigators could safely tions, the Guild announced it had succeeded in produc-
- navigate foldspace , reuniting the fragmented ing highly-trained human NaVigators- individuals capa-
Imperium while maintaining human independence ble of safely guidingvessels through foldspace without
from the tyranny of the thinking machines. the assistance of thinking machines. Though at this time
Embarking on their dream, the Guild founders-led they did furnish the scientific community with a basic
by Aurelius Venport-established various mental train- explanation of their adapted Holtzman engines and asso-
ing programs emphasizing mathematics, chaos theory ciated technological breakthroughs, the Spacing Guild
. and logical abstraction in numerous attempts to expand carefully guarded the secret properties of melange, con-
the human mind. Realizing some success, these early cealing its role in the navigational process. In effect, what
. ~ programs succeeded in enabling a "Navigator" to move the Guild announced was its stranglehold over interstel-
a test shuttle in and out of foldspace warp, but the lar space travel-a monopoly remaining unbroken to the
innumerable variables resulting from the ever changing present day.
position of celestial bodies prevented early Navigators Since its foundation, the Spacing Guild has grown
)rom plotting reliable courses to their target destina- into a universal power, expanding its operations to incor-
-tions. During the first couple of decades, many of these porate the entire spacing industry. From its secret home-
'1Jioneering test flights ended in disastrous failure, caus- world of Junction, the Guild governs all interstellarcom-
ing numerous setbacks as the training programs were merce and banking. It controls numerous secret "nexus
reevaluated and modified with the hope of meeting worlds," sites of banking conglomerates, vast construc-
with greater success. tion yards, refit facilities and refueling stations for its fleet
Chapter XIII: The Spacing Industry
of spacefaring Heighliners. Without a doubt, the formal trance, their emerging prescience enables them to "see" a
establishment of the Spacing Guild represented perhaps varietyof courses leading through the void of foldspace,
the most important of turning points in Imperial history. navigating the dangers or hazards that lie on alternate
The commencement of its operations were of such courses by selecting the one "safe" course that will carry
moment that the Landsraad unanimously voted to reset the vessel through without mishap.
the Imperial calendar to year zero, honoring the founda- In spite of their melange-inspired prescient ability to
tion of the Spacing Guild and its contribution to human foresee foldspace perils and choose the safest course,
civilization. From that date forward, all years prior to the Guild Navigators remain fallible making foldspace travel a
formal commencement of the Guild became known as hazardous occupation. Though the Guild promotes the
"annum B.G." (years Before Guild). illusion that foldspace travel is nearly fail-safe, navigation-
al mishaps have been known to occur proving catastroph-
ic to vessel and crew. Rare cases of Heighliners emerging
Spacecraft from foldspace too close to escape the gravitywells of
Imperial spacecraft all fall into one of several general suns or planets, navigational errors marooning vessels
categories-Interplanetary vessels and Guild Heighliners. inside the void and simple miscalculation carrying crew
The first, and broadest, category includes all varieties of and cargo far from its anticipated destination blacken the
spacecraft incapable of foldspace travel, including early history of folds pace navigation. Yet navigational
Lighters (and shuttles), Frigates and Cruisers. All inter- mishaps remain exceptionally rare; and where statistical
planetary vessels employ powerful sublight drives improbability fails to alleviate fearfulness, Guild propagan-
enabling them to blast off from a planet and establish an da and lack of alternatives compel modern travelersto
orbit around a planet or planetoid, such as a moon or overcome their apprehensions about foldspace travel.
asteroid. Although larger interplanetary vessels such as
frigates and cruisers possess the physical capacity for
traveling between planets within a given solar system,
Guild NaVigators and Steersmen
the Guild monopoly forbids such "freelance" operations, Foldspace travel would not be possible without the
confining all non-Guild vessels to low orbits within the existence of highly trained Guild Navigators- human pilots
"sovereign space" of a planet or planetoid's gravity sink. who undergo rigorous mental training combined with
The second type of spacecraft, which the Guild forced spice evolution to become steersman of the Guild's
reserves for commercial uses, represents the titanic ves- titanic foldspacevessels. Devouring huge quantities of
sels known as Guild Heighliners. Heighliners reveal such melange duringthe course of their training, Navigators
size and dimension that they are capable of carrying not enjoy the fullest of the geriatric benefits of spice consump-
only conventional cargo, but also of tucking hundreds of tion- life spans multiplied many times beyond the con-
frigates , safelywithin their cavernous berths. Owned and ventional human norm. Yet their ravenous usage bears
operated solely by the Guild, Heighliners travel estab- inescapable consequences-increasing dependency in the
lished spacing routes, folding space from one homeworld form of lethal addiction and genetic mutation making them
to the next to carry passengers and cargoes to and from no longer recognizable as 'human' in origin.
the farthest reaches of the Imperium: It is both of these factors that compel Guild
Navigators to live out their solitary lives in large, isolat-
ing tanks. Born on suspensors, the massive Navigator
Foldspace tanks contain black plas-shielding around all sides, pro-
tecting the Navigator from casual observance and delib-
Foldspace travel involves moving a spacecraft from ori- erate violence. Inside, the tank is filled with a super-satu-
gin point A to destination point Bwithout traveling a linear rated spice gas, enabling the Navigator to swim about
path through three dimensional (3-D) space. Instead, the freely, consuming life-sustaining doses of melange with
vessel enters a higher order dimension at point A and each and every breath.
returns to conventional space at point B"traveling without
moving" between the two points in remarkably little time. It
was from the early theories regarding the potential to effec- Guild Heighliners
tively "fold space" so that two points (A and B) overlapped The Guild's flagship vessels are known as Heighliners-
or became much closer to one another, that foldspace enormous ships, several kilometers in breadth, built to
earned its popular name. carry passengerfrigates, megatons of cargo and thousands
Sincethe pre-Butlerian era, only the Spacing Guildhas of passengers safely through foldspace. Because they
managed to create vessels and Navigators capable of fold- never enter planetary atmospheres and travel only inter-
space travel. Relying on their advanced mathematical mittently through 3- D space, Heighliners don't possess
training and highly developed intelligence, Guild the same structural fortitude required of sublightcruisers
Navigators use the spice-drugmelange to enter a deep, and atmospheric craft. They are constructed in orbital
trance-like state of higherawareness. In this drug-induced facilities around Junction and other Guild-operated
worlds, and aren't designed to withstand the rigors of lies with the governing Houses, not the Guild-so the
atmospheric pressure or planetary gravity. Guild refrains from meddling in its client's affairs even
Heighliners evidence enormous cargo capacity, their when their cargo manifests clearly contain goods of illicit
manifest limited only by the volume and mass (not nature or passengers of ill repute. So long as the Guild
weight) of the cargo berth. Within a single hold a doesn't perceive any threat to its security or other clients,
Heighliner can transport all of the frigates , dump-boxes, it does not concern itselfwith its client's hidden agendas
and personnel belonging to a Great House; and each or cargo manifests: Business makes progress-and the
Heighliner contains multiple cargo holds within its great Guild makes non-interference and client privacy a top
bulk. Because of its immense size and orbital confine- priority in its business agenda.
ment, it is impractical for Heighliners to carry unitary
cargo-instead, they carry a number of frigates, shuttles,
Guild Security
transports, and other spacecraft already laden with goods
and personnel. In actuality, a Heighliner acts as a 'moth- Manyof the terms and conditions set forth in the
er ship' transporting hundreds, or even thousands, of Guild's transport contract relate to the issue of 'Guild
smaller vessels within the voluminous holding bays of its Security'-a comprehensive policy aimed at safeguarding
province-sized berth. the Guild's proprietary secrets in addition to protecting the
Preparing to take the Heighliner into foldspace, the safetyand privacy of its clientsand their cargoes. All par-
Navigator enters a 'navigational trance' of mathematical ties who wish to transport ships or goods in one of the
abstraction and prescient meditation, deep within his Guild's Heighliners must follow its rigid security provisions.
central navigational chamber. From this location, the In the interest of security, the Guild requires all clients
Navigator controls the ship's Holtzman engines and to furnish cargo manifests prior to embarkingon a Guild
power reactors, propelling it into and out of the void of Heighliner. Such documents inventory all goods and
foldspace. Only the environmental controls and support materials loaded aboard client vessels, providing accu-
systems function independent of the Navigator during rate data about the quantity, content, volume, mass and
the journey, leavingthe question as to whether the ship nature of the cargo. Similarly, the Guild requires clients
actually 'moves' within foldspace a mystery to all but the to furnish special manifests for crew and passengers
Guild. Passengers aboard internallydocked frigates expe- boarded on its vessels, listingtheir names, franchise
rience no sensation of movement; and the view ports of numbers and homeworlds for the purpose of security
their vessels reveal little aside from the tightly-packed checks, medical clearance to travel through folds pace
interior of the 'liner's holding bay. and so on. Prior to embarkation, the Guild occasionally
spot-checks client vessels ensuring their manifests reflect
their actual cargoes, ostensibly providing for the safety of
Guild Transport Policies the Heighliner crew and passengers. Suffering this incon-
Although the Guild maintains an exclusive monopoly venience, few object to the random spot-checks because
over all space travel, it takes precautions to maintain the Guild guarantees the absolute confidentiality of all
strict political neutrality with regard to the service it client manifests.
extends to its prospective clients. Above all else, the To deter clients from submitting false reports, the
Spacing Guild remains a business operation: without Guild reserves the right to refuse transport of any cargo
client Houses to purchase its services, it would fall into or personnel not listed on its client's manifest. In addi-
bankruptcy like any other commercial enterprise. tion, the shipping charter asserts the Guild's right to seize
and/or dispose of any items qualifying as 'hazardous'
materials, strictly forbidden in the transport agreement.
Shipping Privileges
Though the Guild does not object to transporting cargoes
To promote fairness and goodwill (while maintaining its deemed illegal on many homeworlds, it insists that its
neutrality), the Guildextends shipping privileges to every clients declare all cargo on their shipping manifest-fail-
House or economic agency able to afford its services. ure to do so typically results in denial of transport or
Though numerous termsand clausescomplicate the legal seizure of property, depending on the severityof the
document, the Guild's Shipping Contract maintains an infraction.
active policy of non-interference with regard to its clients' Guild security procedures also confine passengers and
cargo, destination and confidentiality. Aside from setting goods to their original vessels once docked within the
exorbitant rates for the transport of military personnel and Heighliner cargo holds. Explaining that shifts in mass
equipment (see "Military Transport" for more information), affectthe Heighliner during foldspace travel, the Guild
the contract asserts the Guildwill not deny or restrict trans- actively enforces this procedure with monitoring devices
port of any cargo on the basis of its client's political affilia- and armed security personnel. In truth, the Guild main-
tion, planetary origin, final destination or type of cargo. tains this policy to restrict access to the inner workings of
According to the Great Convention, the burden of reg- the Guild vessel, ensuring that no spies or saboteurs gain
ulating and enforcing planetary import/export customs entrance to delicate instrumentation or proprietary

Chapter XIII: The Spacing Industry
training, even they may succumb to lavish
bribes or innocent mistakes. But such over-
Sights prove rare: Only fools or the truly des-
perate stand in defiance of the Guild.

Transport Procedures
The Guild transport contract requires its
clients to follow its transport procedures,
carefully obeying its mandates of security
protocol. Deviation from the prescribed
procedures constitutes breach of contract
and may result in the Guild's refusal to
board the client's vessels or the confisca-
tion of cargo depending on the exact
nature of the violation. Transport proce-
dures include vessel preparation, Heighliner
embarkation, on-board conduct and final
Preparing A Vessel - According to
the Guild's transport contract, clients bear
secrets. Violation of confinement carries strict penalties, responsibility for preparing their vessels for space, secur-
resulting in the temporary suspension or permanent revo- ingcargo against zero-gravity, attending to their passen-
cation of client shipping privileges-since the Guild gers' health and comfort and making sure their vessels are
maintains its monopoly largely through trade secrets, it in good, working order. Foraverage vessels such as
tolerates no conduct infringing on its privacy. lighters and frigates , preparation routinely takes between 6
While most organizations would have difficulty enforc- and 18 hours from start to finish , though passengers may
ing such draconian restrictions, the Guild's monopoly lends be boarded in the final hours of preparation.
it an almighty club with which to enforce compliance. The In instances where a client books passage aboard a
Guildreserves the right to alter the terms of shipmentor to Guild-operated transport, the client is only responsible
revoke the shipping privileges of any clientviolating the for packing its cargo and transporting it to the Guild
terms and conditions of its transportcontract. First offens- facilities at its homeworld spaceport. From there, Guild
es, if not serious, usually warrant little more than a strong personnel will convey the cargo onto one of their freight
rebuff, usuallyoccurring in the form of a written citation shuttles. Similarly, passengers need only arrive at the
and additional fee. Repeated offenses, or seriousfirst Guild terminal, presenting their credentials and luggage.
offenses, may result in the suspension or revocation of Guild agents convey passengers to the awaiting person-
shipping privileges, perhaps even leading to a freeze on nel transports shortly before the craft is ready for lift-off.
their credit line or banking assets for truly egregious viola- Embarkation Procedures - The Guild enforces
tions. Any action resulting in the loss of Guild shipping careful embarkation procedures to reduce the amount of
privileges spells disaster for a Great House or CHOAM time spent boarding and loading a Heighliner in space.
power. Losing the ability to trade with other members of Considering the size of Guild Heighliners, the entire
the Imperial CHOAM community woulddoom a House or process still takes between two and twenty hours,
organization-reducing their economic viability to the depending on the number of vessels boarding the
rough equivalent of a House Minoror single-planet indus- Heighliner at a given rendezvous.
try. Considering the dangers, few Guildclientsdare to vio- Before embarkingon a Heighliner, the client's vessels
late any of the provisions of their Shipping Contract, espe- must abandon orbit to journey to the designated ren-
cially those terms and conditions expressly covered under dezvous point, near the outer perimeter of the planet's
the GuildSecurity clauses. gravity well. There all vessels must patiently queue,
But that's not to say violations never occur. Some awaitingclearance to enter the cargo bay. Once cleared,
Houses prove as neurotic about their privacy as the Guild, the frigate carefully pilots into the holding bay, observing
going to great lengthsto hide sensitive cargoes from the the various procedures of docking protocol.
Guild's prying eyes. Hiding materials in mislabeled con- When conducted, random spot-checks occurbefore
tainers, stowing small items in secret 'smuggling' compart- docking with the Heighliner. In such instances, the Guild
ments and bribing Guild officials to turn the other way- sends one or more inspection teams to the queued vessel or
these represent a few of the smuggling activities Guild vessels via smallGuild shuttles. After docking with a vessel,
inspectors watch forwhen spot-checking client vessels. the Guild inspection team reviews the client's cargo mani-
lthough the Guild's security inspectors reveal the best of fest and performs visual safety checks as desired. After an
inspection team departs on their shuttle, the frigate is clear
to enter Heighliner observing Guild docking protocol.
From the time a vessel enters the queue outside the
Heighliner to the time it gains clearance and docks within Milit2ry Transport
the holding bay, embarkation proceedings typically con- As part of the Guild Peace, an element of theuniversal
sume between one to five hours, depending on the total truce known as theGreat Convention (see Chapter 11 ),
number of vessels boarding the Heighliner. Much of the theGuild charges proh ibitiveratesto transport military
time involves waiting for clearance, progressing through the hardware and personnel. From battle frigatesto armed
queue and waiting inside for the last of the vessels to dock. troops, lasgunsto atomics(virtually any equipment or per-
Passengers travelingaboard GUild-operated vessels sonnel havinga decidedly martial natureor function),
find embarkation to proceed much more swiftly. Knowing such cargoes fall under the "Hazard Rates" clause of the
in advance how many vessels shall be boarded and Guild's Shipping Contract which aims to inhibit warfare
approximately how long it will take, Guild transports wait and military conflict within the Imperium. Establ ished
until the last minute to liftoff, proceedingdirectly to ren- some ten millennia ago, theGreat Convention supports
dezvous with the Heighliner. Arriving there after the last theGuild in this lega lism, making inter-planetary warfa re
of the client vessels has docked, Guild transports pilot an expensiveventurefor those intendingmartial conquest.
directly into the Heighliner and dock inside commercial Of cou rse, if the Guild wished to indirectly support a mili-
frigates operated by House Wayku without undue delay. tary venture (or prevent it), it could do so by waiving its
So embarkation on a Guild transport typically requires hazard fees or prohibiting the transport outright. But to
between two and five hours (depending mostly on the maintain its neutra lity the Guild maintains activepolicyof
size of the planet and surrounding gravity well) from lift- non-interference, preferring to profit by military engage-
off to docking. ments, rather than using its monopoly to meddle in
On Boa rd - Once aboard, a client may reach its Imperial politicsor theaffairs of itsclients.
destination in a matterof hours or days depending on the
numberof 'waypoints' or interim stops the Heighliner
makes on route to the destination. Of course, privately
chartered flights and express route service carries the client
directly to its destination, meaning the entire journey many different Houses, the second regulation not only
aboard the Heighliner passes in a matter of a few hours. supports the first (in that clients would be unwilling to
In reality, foldspace journeys seldom last more than a lower shields without some assurance for their safety)
few hours in transit-the rest of the time is spent waiting but also prevents accidental fire from starting wars
while the Guild conducts numerous operations and safety among the Houses onboard.
checks in preparation for the jump. But most Guild clients
tend to hire passage on Heighliners traveling standard !~I
routes, meaning that the vessel makes one or more routine
stops at scheduled planets along the way. At each such
waypoint the Heighliner embarks and disembarks cargo
Heighliner Adventures
vessels, meaning that each waypoint stop may delay the Routine by nature, Heighliner journeys rarely warrant
journeyby another three to thirty hours (see "Transport little morethan briefmention during thecourse of narra-
Routes" for more information). As a result, estimated trav- tiveroleplaying. But consideringthe amount of time char-
el times between two high-traffic homeworlds in the acters spend confined to their vessels, interstellar journeys
Imperial core C'coreworlds") usually takes but one or two provide ample opportunity for interesting sh ipboard adven-
days time. Traveling from a low-traffic, 'backwater' planet tures, adding some drama to the routine of space travel, or
to an out-freyn worldon the Imperial fringe, however, can using the time to introduce interesting clues or portents
take upwards of ten standard days travel time. relating to the events to follow. Aside from considering
While on board, the Guild actively enforces two pri- whether or not theGuild discovers smuggled contraband
mary regulations with regard to client conduct. The in the characters' possession,shipboard adventures present
first-a strict prohibition against activating a vessel's a unique setting for some interesting stories-so longas
defensive shields-exists as a safety measure during trav- the arrator uses them sparingly.
el. Allegedly, activating a Holtzman field within a Guild For example, suppose that thecharacters are piloting
Heighliner disrupts the Navigator's concentration, forcing or commanding a transport frigate for their House. Their
a vessel to plummet out of foldspace. The second prohi- patron may have neglected listingforbidden technologies
bition-one upheld and enforced by the Great or military personnel because the House cannot afford the
Convention-prohibits vessels from fi ring upon one exorbitant Hazard Rates and doesn't want theGuild to be
another, or engaging in any conduct which could be con- aware of itsresources. This could lead to violation of their
strued as an act of war while boarded within a Guild Shipping Contract-an actthecharacters wou ld be hard-
Heighliner. Since Heighliners often carry the vessels of pressed to avert. Similarly, suppose a stowaway or hidden

Chapter XIII : The Spacing Industry
agent started trouble once theplayers' vessel was docked the number of vessels offloading at the destination. Lastto
withinthe Heighliner. The resulting scenario could erupt dock, Guild transports are usually first to disembark speed-
into a major debacle as theplayers attempt to route the ilydeparting the mother ship in less than an hour.
enemy and avoid a significantbreach of their shipping Safely disembarked, the client's vessels prepare to
rights. Other alternatives include espionage forays into make their journey planet-bound, following the landing
neighboringfrigates within the cargo hold, skyjacking protocols established by the Spaceport Authority of the
adventures or frame-ups placing thecharacters in immedi- particular planet of destination. Landing the vessel and
ate conflict with terrorists and/or Guildagents. Though unloading its entire cargoalso require less time than
serious violations of theShipping Contract would evoke preparation, usually lasting fewer than five or six hours
thelasting wrath of theSpacing Guild, seeminglyinsignifi- from orbit to planet-bound departure. Passengers aboard
cant events can escalate into important, dramatic events Guild-operated transports find disembarkation and land-
considering thenatureof Guild security and theconse- ing slightly faster, requiring some two to five hours in total.
quences for violatingGuild tra nsport procedures.
Transport Routes
The Guild actively maintains various types of trade
Disembarkation - Departing a Heighliner resem- routes among the homeworlds and outlying planets of the
bles embarkation in reverse order. The Heighliner estab- Imperium. Depending on the number of stops made along
lishes a stationary position in the outer perimeter of a a given route, trade routes carry Primary, Secondary,
planet'sgravity well, and the boarded ships await a clear- Tertiary and Quaternary designations, indicating the rela-
ance to depart. Since disembarkation never requires spot- tive time required to travel from beginning to end, stop-
check inspections, the whole process moves apace, typical- ping at each destination along the way. It is important to
ly lasting no more than three or four hours depending on note that wealthy, high-traffic worlds enjoy the benefit of

Average Travel Times

The following chart may be used to determine theaverage travel timebetween various planets usingPrimary, Secondary or
Tertiary travel routes. Three numbers are listed for each route in a P/SIT format, indicatingthenumber of stops made between the
planet of origin and planet of destination. On average, travelers can expect to spend one day (plus an additional one day per way-
point) in transit, althoughtimespent at each waypoint may range between 3 and 36 hours depending on the number of vessels
embarking and disembarking theHeighliner. Primary routes listing"-" means that theHeighl iner makes no stops between theplanet
of origin and destination.
For example, to travel from Wallach VII to Arrakis on a Secondary route requires stopping at 5 different waypoints along theway,
meaning the average journey lasts six days (one day, plus one perwaypoint). Though not listed on this chart, Quaternary routes gen-
erally stop at nofewer than 15 waypoints, possibly stopping at as many as 60 to 70 for journeys originating and ending on far-flung,
out-freyn worlds. The notation "n/a" indicates that no such route exists between theplanets.

Arrakis Caladan Chusuk Giedi Prime Grumman Kaitain Sikun Wallach V!!
Arrakis N/A 2/4/6 2/4/7 1/3/8 2/8/1 3 1/2/6 1/4/9 1/5/9
Caladan 2/4/6 N/A -/4/14 -/7/14 2/5/8 1/4/7 -/3/11 2/3/8
Chusuk 2/4/7 -/4/14 N/A 2/6/13 -/4/9 1/3/8 2/4/9 2/6/11
Ecaz 2/6/12 2/3/12 -/2/8 1/3/11 - /7/14 1/5/12 2/8/1 4 2/5/12
Gamont 2/6/1 4 -/3/11 -/7/14 -/5/1 4 2/4/12 1/3110 1/4/8 -/3/6
Giedi Prime 1/3/8 -/7/14 2/6/13 N/A 2/5/11 1/2/7 2/6/1 4 2/5/13
Grumman 2/8/13 2/5/8 -/4/9 2/5/11 N/A 1/4/9 -/6110 - /4/12
Hagal 2/7/15 2/8/1 0 2/6/14 2/6/12 -/7/12 1/3110 1/4/9 2/6/14
Ix 1/4/8 2/6/13 2/5/1 0 1/4/9 2/5/15 1/2/6 -/2/8 2/5/11
Kaitain 1/2/6 1/4/7 1/3/8 1/2/7 1/4/9 N/A 1/3/8 1/2/7
Sikun 1/4/9 -/3/11 2/4/9 2/6/14 -/6110 1/3/8 N/A 1/4/9
Tleilax 1/4110 2/5/12 2/7/13 1/3/11 1/3/11 1/2/6 2/5/11 1/3/11
Wallach VII 1/5/9 2/3/8 2/6/11 2/5/1 3 -/4/12 1/2/7 1/4/9 N/A

........ .. j; ....
being included in multiple Guild routes.
Travelers residing on such worlds enjoy mul-
tiple service options enabling them to reduce
their travel costs depending on the number
of stops they're willing to suffer before reach-
ing their final destination. Poor 'backwater'
planets, on the other hand, may only be
included on Tertiary or Quaternary routes,
enjoying infrequent visitation by Guild
Heighliners and suffering significant trans-
port delays as a result.
Primary routes-also called 'express
lines' connect two wealthy, high-traffic plan-
ets, with no stops in between. The
Heighliner running the route maintains a
strict itinerary, arriving in orbit and depart-
ing on a rigid schedule. Provided a client can
make the established window, express trans-
port reduces the time to travel between plan-
ets to two or fewer days. Considering that all
horneworlds are also servicedby Secondary
and Tertiary travel routes, the Guild maintains a
premium on express route service, never discounting era! weeks before a Heighliner arrives to pick him up.
express rates even if last minute cancellations make room After that, the journey takes 12 to 24 days. on average, to
for additional cargo. In such cases, the Guild is willing to complete service from the first to last destination on
sacrifice the revenue lost from empty cargo space in order route. Typically, clients located on 'backwater home-
to maintain demand for its express line service. worlds' use Quaternary service as a last resort, intending
Secondary routes service well-populated, highly to 'jump routes' at a high-traffic world where they can
industrialized planets. Including up to six planets in the arrange a more direct route to their ultimate destination.
designated route, secondary service results in slower des-
tination time as the Heighliner stops and takes on cargo
at each planet on route. Because average transport time
ranges between two and eight days, transport rates vary
Interplanetary Travel
depending on the number of stops made between desti- Though Heighliners convey passengers and cargo
nations. Note that the Guild always charges Primary across the span of the Imperium, folding space to cross
route fees for direct links, meaning all Secondary routes vast distances in short intervals of time, the majority of
consist of two or more Primary routes, depending on the Imperial spacecraft assume the form of interplanetary,
total number of planets in the circuit. Return passage via sublight vessels. Though the vast distance between
the same secondary route, however, carries the lower most horneworld systems in the mid to outer reaches of
rate, since the Heighliner will travel to every other planet the Imperium prohibit sublight space travel, commercial
along the circuit before reaching to the original home- enterprises such as the asteroid-mining operations of
world of departure. House Fazeel or the planetary defense systems of
Tertiary routes resemble Secondary routes with the House governments rely heavily on sublight vessels and
exception that they connect seven or more planets in the interplanetary travel.
route, and/or encompass one or more low-traffic planets
within their circuit. Low-traffic planets are usually far
away from established trade lanes, have relatively small Interplanetary Vessels
populations, or present some other factor restricting the Unlike the foldspace operations of the Guild. inter-
frequency of service they receive from the Guild. Average planetary travel and sublight vessels remain within the
travel time for a Tertiary route ranges between five and fi nancial capabilities of most CHOAM syndicates, smug-
fifteen days, but the physical distance traveled tends to gling operations and even the poorest of Houses Minor.
be much greater. While Great Houses and CHOAM magnates traditionally
Quaternary routes link multiple low-traffic worlds and build and maintain fleets of interplanetary vessels, it is in
one or two high-traffic worlds in a standard service ring. the interest of most organizationsto own at least one
Quaternary service is irregular-scheduled only if the spacing frigate or personnel transport to save the expense
Guild receives sufficient requests for service from the of chartering passage aboard Guild-operated transports
route's worlds. As a result, clients may have to wait sev- when embarking on Heighliner voyages.

Chapter XIII: The Spacing Industry
Interplanetary vessels serve many important func- planetary bases and orbiting spacestationsor cruisers.
tions. As previously mentioned, they provide the means Similar to Guild Shuttles in general design, House shuttles
by which clients rendezvouswith Guild Heighliners and tend to be much more lavish and comfortably equipped-
transport personnel and cargo aboard them. In addition, the wealthier the House, the more opulent the craft. But
commercial vessels perform nearly limitless operational unlike Guild-operated vessels, House shuttles are usually
roles, from mass transport of planetary cargo or inter- commanded by human pilots.
planetary shipments to conveying passengers and/or sup-
plies to satellite mining colonies or testing station House Lighter
research facilities. Lastly, military spacecraft provide the Size: 40x12x14 meters (length x width x height)
core of a planet's off-world defense network, as well as Mass: 2520 metric tons
serving as mobile fortresses and command posts, capable Cargo Capacity: 201 dekasteres
of being grounded on-planet in times of emergency. Personnel Capacity: 5/20
It should be noted, however, that interplanetary craft Description: Larger than most passenger shuttles,
remain subject to the Guild's monopoly over space travel. House lighters generally carry important delegations and
Though House frigates and non-Guild commercial ves- valuable cargoes on an off planet. While still a form of
sels may orbit within the sovereign space surrounding a shuttlecraft, lighters generally feature larger hulls and
planet without permission from the Guild, the ability to more adaptable interiors, occasionally featuring a single
travel between planets remains the sole purview of the stateroom or conferencing chamber. Lighter craft may
Spacing Guild. even be equipped with light structural armor and basic
The following sections detail some of the interplanetary armament in addition to the standard Holtzman shields
spacing vessels to be found within the Imperium. They are used to protect most smaller shuttlecraft.
divided into three primary classes-lighters, frigates and
cruisers-for ease of reference. Each vessel description
includes the craft's approximate size, mass, cargo capacity,
and passenger capacity (the total number of crew and pas- Of the many varieties of spacecraft found in the
sengers, respectively). Imperium, the frigate represents the most conventional
class of interplanetary vessel. A 'frigate' denotes the
Lighters largest class of ship capable of launching and landing
on-planet-anything from armed troop transports to
The smallest class of interplanetary vessel, lighters are cargo frigates to House diplomatic vessels.
small shuttlecraft used to convey passengers or freight
from planetary bases or orbiting stations to awaiting Cargo Transport
frigates, cruisers or Heighliners. Size: 475x155x165 meters and larger
Mass: 1,045,000 metric tons and heavier
Guild Shuttle Cargo Capacity: 595,000 dekasteres or more
Size: 15x5x5 meters (length x width x height) Personnel Capacity: 5-12/20 or more
Mass: 140 metric tons Description: This broad class of frigate includes any
Cargo Capacity: 85 steres (cubic meters) interplanetaryship intended primarily for transporting
Personnel Capacity: 2/12 goods or materials. Cargo transports range from small
Description: The Spacing Guild builds and maintains merchant vessels requiring but a few crewmen to enor-
these small, white bullet-shaped craft to ferry passen- mous cargo liners capable of hauling the entire belong-
gers to and from Wayku commercial vessels berthed ings of a House Minor, including small atmospheric vehi-
inside of the massive Guild Heighliners. Guild shuttles cles such as diplomatic ornithopters and groundcars.
offer little in the way of creature comforts, sporting no
offensive weapons and only a shield for defense. Guild Personnel Transpo rts
shuttles are flown by "robo-pllots", automated naviga- Size: 375x125x115 meters and larger
tional systems functioning according to a limited set of Mass: 780,000 metric tons and heavier
pre-programmed flight instructions and reactive parame- Cargo Capacity: 141,500 dekasteres or more
ters. Personnel Capacity: 15-25/2500 or more
Description: Another broad class of frigates, person-
House Shuttle nel transports carry limited amounts of cargo to pre-
Size: 20x6x7 meters (length x width x height) serve space for the comfortof their passengers. These
Mass: 315 metric tons craft vary from huge, lavishly-appointed passenger lin-
Cargo Capacity: 195 steres (cubic meters) ers, to converted cargo transports used for carrying poor
Personnel Capacity: 3/20 pilgrims and refugees to religious sites or political sanc-
Description: Houses also employ theirown shuttlecraft tuaries. Of the many types of frigates, personnel trans-
to convey passengers and small freight cargoes between ports show the widest diversity of interior appointments.
Cruisers Orbital Stations
Cruisers represent the class of spacecraft too large An orbital station includes any space facility inca-
and massive to escape the pull of planetary gravity. pable of moving under its own power. Examples include
Unlike frigates, which are constructed on ground-based orbital defense platforms, construction facilities , naviga-
spacing yards, cruisers are built and maintained at orbit- tion beacons, communication relay stations, satellite
ing space stations, circling high above their parent home- maintenance facilities, and the like. Typically stations
worlds. Equipped with heavier armor and more powerful orbit a planet, but some float near asteroid belts or other
drives, Cruisers represent the ultimate achievement in celestial phenomena to mine gases or collect scientific
interplanetary spacecraft, serving primarily as military data. Stations range in size from small rigs barely suffi-
warships and commercial transports. cient to house three persons to the colossal 'waystations'
The following sections describe several types of cruis- employed by the Guild to anchor a Heighliner for materi-
ers to be found orbiting homeworlds or patrolling indus- al overhauls or mechanical refurbishment. Size, mass
trial regions (such as asteroid belts) of planetary systems. and personnel/cargo capacities vary significantly among
Each description details the size, mass, cargo capacity the different types of orbital stations.
and personnel capacity of the vessel, noting its arma-
ment or structural details that distinguish the craft from
other vessels of the cruiser class. Voyage Complications
Interplanetarytravel generally involves fewer prepara-
Monitor tions and procedural delays than interstellarvoyages
Size: 1275x280x280 meters aboard Guild Heighliners. But House governments
Mass: 9,125,000 metric tons and heavier enforce planetary customs restricting the import/export
Cargo Capacity: 3,500,000 dekasteres or more and immigration/emigration of goods and personnel much
Personnel Capacity: 150/25,000 or more in the same manner as the Guild enforces its security pro-
Description: Equipped with strong shields and four visions. Of course customs vary from world to world, as
heavy lasgun arrays, a monitor is a heavily armed and the ethos of governing Houses and planetary Spacing
armored warship employedby most Great Houses. A Authority differs. In addition to customs, the ground
monitor can separate into ten frigate class warships crews and spaceport protocols throughout the Imperium
(leaving the orbiting hull largely defenseless until reat- vary significantly. Unless one has traveled to a particular
tachment) to descend on a planet and enter its atmos- planet before, you can never be sure what sort of obsta-
phere. Each frigate possesses its own armor, shield and cles lie ahead.
lasgun array. While sublightvessels are not subject to the dangers
of foldspace, interplanetary travel-planetary lift-off,
Crusher establishing orbit and atmospheric landings- engender
Size: Varies their own brand of difficulties. The following sections
Mass: Varies touch on some of the more common phenomena and
Cargo Capacity: Varies events that can complicate an interplanetary voyage.
Personnel Capacity: Varies Navigational Hazards - Meteoroids, nebula,
Description: "Crusher" is the designation given to a gravity warps, and even other vessels represent a few of
military spacecraft composedof numerous component the navigational hazards plaguinginterstellar voyages.
vessels that lock together for purposes of falling on plane- Though most spacing crews are competent to handle the
tary forces, literally crushingtheir defenses. Theirsize and most routine of difficulties, navigational miscalculations
other characteristics depend on the number of vessels and can result in travel delays, damagingcollisions or even
their joining configuration; for an average crusher, use the the loss of vessel and crew.
Monitor description given above. Delaying Factors - With something as complicat-
ed as space travel, there are many ways to suffera delay.
Galleon Anything from missing crewmembers, to mechanical fail-
Size: 725x235x250 meters and larger ure, to customs and/or security issues can delay a space-
Mass: 1,565,000 metric tons and heavier craft before or during a voyage.
Cargo Capacity: 895,000 dekasteres or more Spacing Authority - By far the mostcommon form
Personnel Capacity: 9-25/50 or more of complications involve run-ins with the Spacing Authority.
Description: The designation "galleon" applies to any These may lead to detainment of vessels, arrests of crew
warship or tanker primarily devoted to orbital patrolling and/or passengers and even confiscation of cargo for viola-
or intrasystem cruising. They tend to be well-armored tions of the planetary law, customs and spacing protocol.
and shielded, and reasonably armed when fitted for mili- Smuggling, unlawful immigration and similar legal infrac-
tary use. Their accommodations range from spartan to tionswarrantvarying fines and penalties enforced by the
luxurious depending on their intended purpose. planetary Spacing Authority. Failure to submit to the

Chapter XIII: The Sp8cinglndustry
transport and Heighliner. Most common-
ly employed, Guild offices and land-
ing facilities reside at the major
spaceport of every Great House
homeworld. On backwater planets
and out-freyn worlds, where the
Guild maintains no spacingfacilities,
passengers may charter the services
_ of a Guild transport through the local
-~:' Guild Bank. For special arrange-
ments, such as chartering a
Heighliner for massive shipments,
characters must meet with a Guild
agent to negotiate the terms and price of
the scheduled itinerary.
The cost of booking individual
passage aboard a Guild transport
varies according to the available
routes and the total travel time.
While Primary service between high
~., : ;~~'~
traffic homeworlds costs more than
,.jIJ' . Tertiary service between the same worlds,
enforcement division can result in the permanent seizure of voyaging to distant fringe worlds via the Guild's sole
vessels or long-term imprisonment of its crew. Quaternary route may prove more expensive that express
Guild Regulation - Though passengers rarely service between two coreworlds.
suffer as a result of the Spacing Guild's monopoly, To calculate the cost of travel , the Guild employs a
Houses and other commercial organizations must adhere basic pricing formula adjusted by passenger accommoda-
to Guild regulations regarding all interplanetary travel. tions, stateroom availability, seasonal and/or festival rates
Ranging from official registration of interplanetary vessels and so forth (see "Guild Transport Rates" for more infor-
to the paying of tithes, tariffs and various excise fees- mation). Typically, the cost of travel ranges from 5000
Houses pay dearly for the right to operate interplanetary solaris to 75,000 solaris depending on the variouscost fac-
vessels outside of the sovereign space surrounding their tors pertaining to the journey.
Many Houses-such as those governing but a single ~~-::k"'1 --
planet in a system, or operating only planet-based indus-
try and commerce-find the hassle and expense of Guild
regulation hardly worth the benefits of maintaining inter- House W8yku
planetary shipping privileges. But Houses engaged in Invariably, characters traveling via Guild-operated
deep space industries- such as asteroid mining, gas min- transports spend some amount of timedocked within a
ing and the like-deal with Guild regulation as a matter Wayku frigate. Once a proud House of theImperium,
of routine, finding the benefits or profits to far outweigh House Wayku was banished from ever again setting foot
the costs. on an Imperial homeworld. But for some unknown reason,
the Spacing Guild has given the House sanctuary aboard
numerous Heighliners, where they earn their keep by
Arnlnging Transportation transporting Guild-operated shuttles and lighters withinthe
holds of House Frigates and by servicing these vessels as
Traveling between homeworlds involves a greatdeal of required for routine flight. For more information about
planning and financial expense. While the characters' House Wayku and the Spacing Guild, watch for theforth-
House usually arranges transportation forthem, sometimes coming supplement The Spacing Guild Companion.
characters must rely on their own resources to get them
where they need to go. The following sections offer some
guidelines to handle such situations.
lrrterplanetary Tmvel
Inberstellar Travel Characters enjoy more numerous options when travel-
The Spacing Guild maintains severaloutlets through ing within a planetary system. Assuming their House
which characters can buy passage on a GUild-operated cannot make a frigate available for their use, characters
may be able to arrange transport with a commercial flight
service. Most services fly defined routes between specific
destinations, such as two inhabited planets in the same
system, or from a homeworld to a nearby colony station. Guild Transport Rates
Transport fares vary as the market fl uctuates, with com- To determine the price ofbooking passage from one
petition, seasonal travel, high-traffic destinations and so homeworld toanother, the Guild employs the following
forth affecting the total price. But as a general gauge, formula:
most in-system flights range between 500 and 5000 (Base Price x Route Premium)x (1+Special Premiums)
solaris. Of course, luxury passage is often available at Route Options
greatly increased rates.
In addition to commercial travel services, characters Transport Rates
may find private corporations, wealthy noblemen or indus- Base Price: 5,000 solaris
trialists or even smuggler operations willing to sell them Route Premium: Primary (7.5), Secondary (5), Tertiary (2.5)
passage aboard outbound vessels. But unlike commercial and Quaternary (1)
passage, such options prove unpredictably sporadic, inor- Special Premiums:
dinately pricey and extraordinarily hazardous. Hazard Rates (2)
Nonetheless, booking passage through unconventional High season/Festival rates (1)
third parties may be the only option available, especially if Regular Season (0)
the characters hope to elude the enforcement arm of the Low Season rates (-.25)
planetary SpacingAuthority. Additional Cargo: (.25 per metric ton)
As a last resort, characters may entertain the notion of Deluxe Stateroom/Private Suite (1)
stowing away on an outbound vessel. While the cheap- Private Stateroom (.5)
ness of this option attracts many an adventurous wayfarer, Shared Stateroom (.25)
hiding aboard space vessels presents a variety of dangers, Common room (0)
from the legal repercussions of discovery to the lethal mis- Route Options (: Routes Available): 1, 2, 3 or 4.
fortune of hiding in an unheated or unoxygenated storage
hold. Even under the best of circumstances, stowing away Example. The cost ofbooking passage in a private state-
affords uncomfortable accommodations and relatively room from Caladan toArrakis during the festival of
sleepless nights, making a longvoyage seem of endlessly Ramadhan, using a Tertiary route is 510,416.The same
and unbearably long. journey in a shared stateroom during the regular sea-
son would cost 55,208.
Cost = [(5,000 Base Price) x2.5Tertiary Route) x(1 +
The Voyage 1 high season + .5 private stateroom)] / 3 Route Options =
On interstellar flights , the quality and comfort of pas- 10,416 solaris.
senger accommodations depend largely on the type and
size of vessel. Heighliners provide no rooms to private
passengersaboard the mother ship; instead, passengers
must book passage aboard a Guild transport or other pri- Military troopers and technical personnel typically
vately-owned interplanetaryvessel, ultimately paying for berth in large, utilitarian common rooms, offering little
the quality of accommodations they receive. For passen- more than a stiff bunk and small footlocker for personal
gers traveling on small shuttlecraft-such as the robo- affects.
piloted Guild shuttles-their comfort depends more on the In addition to the personal chambers, interplanetary
quality of the frigate berthingthe shuttlecraft. Especially vessels furnish dining rooms, drinking lounges, game
true for long journeysconsisting of numerous stops, pas- rooms and so forth, depending on the size and function of
sengers may spend a great deal of time aboard the host the vessel in question. As a general rule, all passengers
vessel. Mass-transit vessels often offe r passengers the must confine themselves to their personal quarters or
comfort of staterooms, dining rooms, entertainment par- common areas: Even important House agents do not find
lors, gambling dens and so on to help them while away themselvesvery welcome in the command bridge, engi-
the hours or days. neering rooms or cargo holds.

Chapter XIV:
Planeto logy
This chapter explores severa l of tile more prominent examp le, the third moon of the second planet orbiting
plane ts of the Imperium . It starts!Witlll a review of the Sirius would be Sirius H-C.
Imperial Planetological Survey-am utline of data used
to summarize planets in the DIi1NE RPG. This data gives
Narrators a shorthand way of organizing and accessing
basic information about a plan et. The remainder of the
chapter is devoted to in-dept h examinations of several
Imperial N o mencl at u re
planets. The homeworlds of the six Great Houses profiled Asideiromthe iormal planet tD, inhabited planets also
in "Chapter 2" receive primary atte ntion , followed by carry common names Ioften derived irom the Imperial
brief inspections of several other notable planets, includ- naming system). Planets such as Giedi Prime, Salusa
ing Arrakis-the plane t known as DUNE. Secundus and Wallach VII all demonstrate remnants of the
numbering system used by the earliest expeditions of the
Imperial Planetological Survey. Giedi Prime, for example, is

'2 , . / ': ,
The lmperia] the sole planet to orbit the star Ophiuchi B (36), with
Wallach VII being the seventh planet to orbit Laoujin.
.PI8net o logic81Survey Salusa Secundus, the thirdplanet of Gamma Waiping
reveals a scientific anomaly, itscommon name erroneously
. The Imperial Planetolog ical Survey (IPS), an expedi- suggesting it to be the second planet to orbit itscentra l star.
tionary and administrative bureau headquartered on
Kaitaln, maintains data on every planet in Imperial -----~~-"t

space . In order to provide information about each planet

in a convenient, standardized format, the IPS developed Orbital Period - The orbital period tells how long
its Survey form , a template of sorts for organizing plane- it takes the planet to make one revolution around its
tary data. The survey organizes plane tary data into three sun , express ed in terms of the Imperi al 365.25 day
categories of interest: Planetological Data, Demographic "standard year." For example, a planet having a .75 SY
Data and Planetary Description. orbital period shows a local year of ap proximately 274
"sta nda rd days."
Revolution Period - The revolution period
Planetologica] Data expresses how long it takes the planet to rotate about its
Information in the first section of the survey own axis, expressed in relation to the Imperial 24 hour-
describes basic planetological data, both astronomi- long "Standard Day." For example, a plan et having a rev-
cal and geological. olution period of 1.25 SD has a local day lasting approxi-
mately 30 "standard hours."
Satellites - Satellites identify any moons, rings or
other celestial phenomena orbiting the planet.
This subsection identifies the planet's location in Additionally, this subsection delineates any other celestia l
its local system and Imperial star cha rts. It includes phenomena characteristic to the system (other planets,
the following data : comet clusters , dust nebulae, asteroid belts , and the like).
Planet ID - Taken from the Imperial astro- Gravity/Atmosphere - This category describes the
nomic registers, planets are identified by the star planet's gravity and atmosphere. Gravity refers to the grav-
they orbit. The ir numerical ass ignation indicates itational pull, in relation to the standard gravity of ancient
, their orbital position around thei r sun. For example , Terra OG). For example , a planet having a gravity of .95G
Chusuk's Imperial ID is Theta Shalish IV (or IV would demonstrate a slightly weaker gravity than Terra.
Theta Sha lish)-the fourth planet orbiting the star Atmosphere covers both atmospheric pressure and chemi-
Theta Shalish. Planetary moons are further identified cal composition-again referencing the ancien t Terran
by a letter designation (A, B, C, and so on) indicating standard- atmosphere lA, and composition of oxygen-
its orbital position relative to its parent plane t. For nitrogen. For example , a planet having 1.3A would
Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
demonstrate atmospheric pressure about a third higher
than that of Terra. Nearly all inhabited worlds possess the
standard oxygen-nitrogen atmospheric composition.
Imperial Classification
Homeworld - a siridar(planetary)fief governed in its
Geological Data
entirety by a single, resident Great House, and its support-
Geological data provides a summary of the planet's ing Houses Minor. Homeworlds are also termed "birth-
physical characteristics. Temperature, climate and topog- worlds."
raphy all fall under this subsection of the IPS profile. Imperial, Core - theplanet resides within thecentral
Average Temperature - This calculation repre- coreof Imperial space. Such planets are also called "core
sents the average world temperature, expressed in worlds."
degrees Kelvin (K). Note: To convert degrees Kelvin to Imperial, Fringe - theplanet falls on or near the
degrees Celsius, subtract 273.16 degrees from the Kelvin Imperial frontier. Such planets are alsoknown as "fringe
temperature. For example, in standard atmospheric pres- worlds" or, more disparagingly, as "backwater worlds."
sure water freezes at 273.16 K (0 degrees Celsius); and at Out-freyn ('immediately foreign') - theplanet, while
373.16 K (100 degrees Celsius) it boils. As an average, being located within or beyond Imperial space, exists out-
planetary temperature is subject to seasonal variations side of Imperial control and government. Out-freyn worlds
and geographic fluctuations (caused by global warming, are sometimes called "autarkic worlds," sonamed fortheir
volcanic activity and so on). autocratic governments.
Climatological Zones - This subcategory Quasi-Fief - theplanet is governed in majority by a
describes the range of variation shown among the plan- Great House of thelandsraad, but may be rescinded by
et's climaticzones. "Terran Standard" indicates the plan- the Emperor at hissole discretion. Typically, theEmperor
et features the broad range of climates-arctic to tropi- appoints an Imperial Observer to reside on-planet and
cal- evidenced by ancient Terra. report on itsgovernor's admi nistration.
Atmospheric Conditions - Atypical weather or Siridar Fief - theplanet is governed, in itsentirety, by
atmospheric patterns, such as frequent tornadoes or hur- a lone Great House of the landsraad. Siridar fiefs pass
ricanes fall under this subsection. from generation to generation as an inheritable holding,
Topography - Topography describes the general reverting to the Emperor only if the governing House col-
surface characteristics of the planet-water coverage, lapses (due to a lack of heir) or surrenders its title upon
number of continents, prominent terrain such as moun- being banished, going renegade or soon. A siridar (mean-
tain ranges, plains, watersheds, rainforests and so on. ing"planetary") fief may also called a "fief complete."

Demographic Data
The second broad grouping on the survey relates the Populace - Populace summarizes a wealth of data
demographic information about a planet's native popu- about the planet's native denizens. Population records
lace-its government, political classification, major urban the population statistics from the most recent Imperial
centers, predominant religions and so on. census. Native Peoples and Cultures lists the major cul-
tures existing on- planet. For example, on Arrakis the cul-
tures are "Arrakeen" (the Imperial citizenry) and
Planetary Government
"Fremen" (indigenous natives living outside the ordered
This category introduces basic information about a ranks of Imperial faufreluches). Lastly, Religions lists the
planet's government, ruling agency, cities and citizenry. predominant religious faiths observed by the populace,
Planet Class - This describes the planet's demo- such as the Navachristianity of Chusuk or the Tawrah
graphic classification according to the feudal system of and Talmudic Zabur of Salusa Secundus.
the Imperial Registry. See the chart Imperial Chief Industries - This subcategory describes the
Classification for more information. major commercial endeavors supporting the planetary
Governing House/Title - Derivedfrom its class, economy. It covers two subheadings: Natural Resources,
this subcategory identifies the Great House currently indicating the naturally-occurring materials (such as lum-
responsible for governing the planet and the political title ber, minerals, fish, and the like) exploited for manufac-
conferred to the House leader by virtue of Imperial turing and/or distribution; and Trade/Services, listingthe
faufreluches. Caladan, for example, would be classified primary goods and services exported off-planet.
by the IPS as: "House Atreides/Siridar-Duke."
Urban Centers - This category identifies the
major cities and population centers found on the planet. Planetary Description
Subclasses include Seat of Government, Centerof Trade, The last section of the IPS form represents an addenda
and OtherUrban Centers. of observations, notes, comments and updates summariz-
ing anythingof Imperial interest that does not fall within landscape wet and green. In winter months, heavy snow-
the context of the conventional headings. Commentary fall smothers only its ancient mountains and cold, north-
might include information about the planet's turbulent ern interior, leavingfog and rain to settle over the milder,
political history; its importance in the grand scheme of coastal climes. In summer season, occasional hurricanes
current events; its strategic importance within Guild spac- ravage Caladan's long, jaggedshorelines, driving waves
ing routes. Similarly, Featuresof Interest may touch on its to crash against its seaside cliffs. But during the longer
geographic or architectural marvels; special notes about its planting and harvest seasons, most of Caladan enjoys
peopleor cultures; its flora and fauna; or any other fact months of clement weather visited by warm, autumnal
deemed of interest to the managing archivists of the IPS. sunshine or gentle, springtime rains.
The topography of Caladan reveals three large conti-
nents in addition to some ten thousand smaller islands
Other Publications scattered throughout its primordial waters. The conti-
Those who desire more detailed information about a nents each possess long, glorious coastlines character-
given planet or system can obtain complete reports by filing ized by sandy beaches, high-walled cliffs or marshy tidal
their request with the Imperial Planetological Survey. The plains. While most of its coastal provinces enjoy at least
IPS maintains its reputation for scientific accuracy and one good harbor, inland territories profit from crystal-
painstaking detail by routinely updating its findings in a clear lakes and wide, slow-moving rivers. High mountain
variety of annual publications and archived anthologies. ranges break the crust of the Western Continent, while
Butlike all Imperial documents, IPS records reveal their great stretches of plains and plentiful tracts of woodland
share of obvious omissions, mysterious deletions and bla- cover much of the continents' interiors. Though some of
tant fabrications-indicating the willingness of Great its lands feature desolate wildernessor barren scrubland,
Houses and other Imperial powers to bribe corrupt IPS offi- none possess anything resembling the dune-crested
cials for the purpose of achieving some unknown agenda. deserts found on other Imperial worlds.
Most of Caladan's populace resides on the Western
Continent, dominating nearly forty percent of the plan-
Imperial Homeworlds et's landmass. Cala City, seat of the Atreides govern-
ment and site of Castle Caladan, resides on its eastern
The Imperium unites tens of thousands of inhabited coast near the seaside lowlands, home to most of
planets underneath the Emperor's banner. Of these, only Caladan's pundi rice farmers. From the interior towers
a thousand or so comprise Imperial Homeworlds. The of Castle Caladan, a viewer can look out over the
Imperial Dictionary, defines a "homeworld" as "a siridar ancient city to see distant Mount Syubi, rising some
(planetary) fief governed in its entirety by a single, resi- 2300 meters above the surrounding farmland. Directly
dent Great House, and its supporting Houses Minor." For opposite, onlookers enjoy a breathtaking vantage of the
example, Caladan-a Siridar-Duchy ruled by House middle sea, foaming some 300 meters below the precipi-
Atreides---qualifies as an Imperial homeworld, just as tous seaward bluff. Off to the west, an impressive bay
Giedi Prime is the homeworld of their arch-rivals, House shelters the local fishing vessels and military sea-craft.
Harkonnen. Every homeworld also sustains a
number of Houses Minor who govern region-
al sub-fiefs under the aegis of the governing
Great House.
The following pagesexplore several
Imperial horneworlds, covering the home-
worlds governed by the six Great Houses pre-
sented in "Chapter 2" in the greatest detail. .r

Fora more complete listing of Imperial home-

worlds, see "Chapter 2," page 25.

For 26 generations House Atreides has
ruled over the Siridar-Duchy of Caladan.
Something of a pastoral homeworld,
Caladan boasts rich, fertile lands and
boundless, emerald seas. With almost 80%
of its surface covered by oceans, seas and
lakes, Caladan experiences high seasonal
precipitation and humidity, keeping its

Chapter XIV: lmperial Planetology
!irii:lll~1'ii~--=;i-~~- To the north, some 10 kilometers distant, the Atreides
spacing fields rest on the fused rock flats of the north-
eastern peninsula (with the Salusan Bull training facili-
IPS: C818d8n ties lying another some 200 kilometers northward).
Smallerthan the Western Continent, the Southern
Planetological Data Continent occupies some 30 percent of Caladan's land-
Astronomical Data mass. Girdling its central mountains with a perimeter of
Planet ID: III Delta Pavonis stretchinggrasslands and interspersed forests, the
Orbital Period: 1.05 SY Southern Continent is known primarily for the wine
Revolution Period: 1.02 SD regions of the north and its Paradan melon farms to the
Satellites: Caladan has one moon. There are seven south. Not to be overlooked, the main Atreides spaceport
otherplanets in its system, alongwith one aster- also resides on the Southern Continent, situated to the
oid belt (between IV andV) and a plethora of north-westof the continent within a region known as the
cometary clouds. Comets and meteoroids fre- Atreides Landing.
quently streak the nighttimeskyof Caladan. Even smaller in area, Caladan's Eastern continent is
Gravity/Atmosphere: 1.0G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen, largely unpopulated, being primarily known as the home
1.0 A of the Sisters of Isolation. Between its three primary
Geological Data landmasses Caladan finds numerous islands dotting its
Average Temperature: 2950 K great middle sea. Among these, a stretch of islands
Climatological Zones: Terran-Standard (arctic to tropi- known as "Serena's Necklace" serves as the home of the
cal) Atreides wingboat factories. To the south-east, the Sea-
Atmospheric Conditions: Hurricanes are frequent in creature processingstations rise from the seas, far south
regions within 250 of the equator during autumn of the feared Elecran Islands sitting to the west of the
and late spring; whiletornadoes remain a rarity. distant Eastern Continent.
Sub-freezing weather and blizzards prove infre- With so much of the planet's surface covered by
quent. Rain falls frequently, with an average accu- water, marine industries serve as the cornerstone of
mulation of 300cm (more in many regions) per Caladan's meagereconomy. Chiefof its exports, the long-
annum. grained pundi rice grows in the cultured rice paddies
Topography: Caladan has three continentsand over found throughout the low, coastal wetlands of all three
ten thousand islands 1 km square or larger. continental landmasses. Also widely cultivated, the
Tecton'ic activity is minimal. Water covers round, gourd-like paradan melons float in tangled beds
approximately 80% of the planet's surface. of leather-leafed kelp, supported by rafts built to facilitate
growth and harvesting. In addition to these, wickerwood
Demographlc Data fishing coracles ply Caladan's vast oceans, carrying fish-
Planetary Government ermen far and wide in their trade. Perhaps more exotic,
PlanetClass: Siridar-Duchy though less viable for export, the beautiful coral gem
Governing HousefTitle: House Atrefdes/Duke market supplements numerous industries based on the
Urban Centers miningof coral from Caladan's many natural and com-
Seat of Government: Cala City(site of Castle Caladan) mercial reefs.
Center ofTrade: Luzhara
Other Urban Centers: Phoenicea, Dorace,
Marathon, Hekigopolous, Spiridonia, lonisteos
Giedi Prime
Populace Once a world of primeval forests , majestic mountains
Population: 6.1 billion and abundant seas, Giedi Prime now appears a squalid
NativePeoples and Cultures: Caladanian 88%, planet, disfigured by generations of rapacious exploitation
Hekigasari 7%, Other5% and greedy industrialism. Squeezing their homeworld of its
Rel igions: Orange Catholicism 52%, Muadh Quran natural treasures, the Harkonnen regime has ruined the
Islam 28%, Zen Hekiganshu 7%, PavonisVariant beauty of this once noble planet, reaping its forests for
Hinduism 4%, Other 9% timber, grinding its mountains for minerals and harvesting
Chief Industries its waters to virtual extinction. Now smoking factories and
Natura l Resources: Mariculture(especially fishing, toiling slave-driven industries dominate its landscape,
pundi riceand paradan melons) enveloping the planet in a brown, despotic haze.
Major Services andTrade Items: Agricultural prod- Oceans and seas cover roughly half its surface with
ucts, marine products, manufactured goods water, making Giedi Prime a somewhat arid planet sus-
ceptible to colder climesand vast stretches of tundra.
Mass deforestation, surface mining and industrial seepage
further desiccate the land, subjecting it to heavy erosion
from windstorms and cloudbursts. In truth, little of the wages before returning once again to their oppressive
planet's surface remains suitable for agriculture, tasking labors for another Harkonnen fortnight.
the agricultural workcamps to provide for its populace. Truly a hateful House full of loathing for its subjects
As a result, the Harkonnen industries on Giedi Prime and disregard for its natural world, the Harkonnen regime
primarily center on mining and drilling. From the slave dotes lavishly on its own nobility and spares no expense to
pit quarries on the Obsidian Plain to the metals process- entertain off-world dignitaries. The capital of Harko City-
ing plants bordering the Harkonnen Sea, mineral-based somewhat granderand more hospitable than the typical
industry provides the Harkonnen economy much of the urban sprawl-welcomes Imperial envoys and House dele-
wealth it requires to import food and other resources gations with an affected air of gaiety. Surrounding the
needed to make life on the planet bearable, if not pleas- Harkonnen blue-walled palace, the better quarters show
ant. But Harkonnen industries continue to contaminate the splash of paint and freshly unfettered banners whenev-
the ground, with acid rain and oily precipitates showing er important visitors arrive. Imperial guests find housing
how the House profits at the planet's expense. within the palace compound much more ostentatious, its
Populating this miserable world live billions of inhabi- baroque architecture and ornate furnishings telling much
tants, all similarly warped under the brutal yoke of the about the Harkonnen's taste for wealth. Even the bad
Harkonnen regime. Sprawling urban megalopolises- areas of Harko City do not present much danger to the
such as Harko Cityand Barony-house most of its nobility, considering the Saarvek (secret police) heavily
inhabitants, with the remaining populace dwelling in patrol the streets of Harko City, quickly trundling its pris-
squalid suburbs and ramshackle communities scattered oners away to Barony, their secret headquartersand gulag
over Giedi Prime's continental landmasses. Some 25% of from which none have ever escaped.
Giedi Prime inhabitants sufferthe stigma of
the maula ("slave") caste, living in forced
labor camps and slave communities sur-
rounding the agricultural and industrial
compounds dotting the outlying regions.
Considering the filth and over-crowding
typical of Harkonnen cities, living in the
country-sidewould seem a pleasanter
existence, until someone reminds them
that in the Giedi Prime 'wilds' there's no
one to hear you scream.
Harkonnen cities prove similarly
oppressive, confining the lower-caste
populace in decrepit row-housing and
scabrous factory barracks. Like their
rural peers, urban laborers toil long
hours under intolerable conditions,
catching a lash of the whip for working
too sloppily or falling behind quota.
Relying on outdated machinery in all but
the most modern of industries, both free
laborers and maulas look forward to the
occasional holiday to free them of their labors. The rare In contrast, the industrial core of Korvark exemplifies
meridian to meridian fetes are the favored reprieves, lib- the worst to be found in the Harkonnen urban centers.
erating the workers to take to the streets, sharing in the For miles around the city proper, factories and other
celebration of the nobility during any number of tradi- industrial facilities litter the landscape, with seemingly lit-
tional jubilees. tle thought to urban planning. Each of them belches toxic
During such galas, workers partake of sundry pas- smoke and fumes , disgorges foul wastewater or spent fuel ,
times-some more noble than others. While the and otherwise defiles the surrounding countryside. While
Buddislamic minority takes to their mosques, the majori- its mercantile Houses and privileged social castes enjoy
ty of people stream into the plazas and markets, enjoying the protection of filter-glass and environmentally sealed
their rare freedom to wander unrestrained. They visit eth- housing, outside the pyon and maula populations remain
nic bazaars, local semuta dens or the countless deviant subject to toxic carcinogens, leading to cancerous rot and
parlors catering to gamblers, revelers and the like. While more grotesque forms of physical mutation. While the
the triangular arenas of the Harkonnen cities never fail to Saarvek also hold sway in Korvark, it is the fear of the
please, many other avenues exist for the populace to manhunt-a barbaric noble tradition-that keeps the
spend its pent-up frustration and exhaust its meager slave and pyon castes safely in check.

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
IPS: Giedi Prime Horneworld to House Moritani, Grumman retains its
stark, natural beauty in spite of nearly fifteen thousand
Planetologtcal Data years of human habitation. Whereas its dearth of open
Astronomical Data water contributes to its general aridity, its weakgravitation
Planet 10 : Ophiuchi B I and thin atmosphere keep the planet cool worldwide, even
Orbital Period: 1.38 SY at its subtropical equatorial belt. Large polar caps and
Revolution Period: 1.03 SO expansive glacier-strewn bedrock flats dominate
Satellites: Giedi Prime isthesole planet to orbit Grumman's twin continental poles, while the rest its vast
Ophiuchi B. It possesses no moons, but does pass continental landmasses still bear the physical imprint of
near two asteroid belts ringing the large pale sun. great scarringglaciers dating back to its prehistoric ice age.
Gravity/Atmosphere: 1.09 G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen With approximately 15 percent of its landmass covered
with high concentrations of greenhouse gases, 1.08 A in ice and snow and another 20-30 percent of its sub-arc-
Geological Data tic tundra subjectedto permafrost, much of Grumman's
Average Temperature: 2900 K surface proves unsuitable for agriculture. Where the tun-
Climatological Zones: Terran-Standard (arctic to tropi- dra plains break, deep taiga forests spot the northern and
cal, though both arctic and tropical zones prove southern-most reaches of its five latitudinal continents,
narrow compared to other worlds). revealing the lowland watersheds resting at the base of its
Atmospheric Conditions: Itslow percentage of water towering ranges. While these five middling continents-
cover makes hurricanes uncommon on Giedi Gharavalda, Tirmeish, Khubantra, Mierewsut and
Prime. Small tornadoes and dust devils occasional- Domengha-sprawl between the polar masses to span the
ly scavenge itswastelands, primarily during the entire globe, leaving Grumman's nine small oceans and
summer seasons. Over the past several millennia, land-locked seas to steal only some 48 percent of the
average rainfall has increased to 153 cm per planet surface. With many of its continents connected, or
annum due to theaccumulation of pollutants in separated by narrow straits of water, the primitive land-
theatmosphere. scape of Grumman reveals remarkably little diversity.
Topography: Giedi Prime features few continents- In the northern hemisphere, the continent of Tirmiesh
each of them covering large portions of the globe. stretches from the polar subcontinent of Pruscht to some
Its terrain demonstrates many low, mountain ridges 15 degrees north of the equator. It serves as a fair exam-
and vast, wasteland steppes; with high plateaus ple of Grumman's stark wilderness and foreboding ter-
and arid savannas also being common. rain. Its northern climes descending from subarctic tun-
dra, gorse-brush and dwarf pines cover its flat, barren
DemoSmphic Data wastes. Breaking the crust, two glorious mountain ranges
Planetary Government divide the continent with their ambling, longitudinal trek.
Planet Class: Siridar-Barony Some thirty degrees south of the northern pole, the tun-
Governing HouselTitle: House Harkonnen/Baron dra gives way to vast, swaying grasslands and pockets of
Urban Centers coniferous taiga, interspersing the highland ridges at the
Seat of Government: Harko City foot of the mountains.
Center ofTrade: Korvark A perpetual breeze keeps the straw-pampas blades in
Other Urban Centers: Barony, Oestros, Malicar, constant motion, gleaming golden yellow beneath
Tormburg, Solisnev, Oelbrosk, Uritael Grumman's steel-blue skies. Here the primordial
Populace mastodon-one of Grumman's two prehistoric life
Population: 5.56 billion forms-roves the grassy plateaus and lowland cold-fens
Native Peoples and Cultures: Giedian 96%, Other 4% in sparse, thundering herds. In the majestic high-country,
Religions: Orange Cathol icism 43%, Buddislamic wooly rams and black-tailed goats clatter the uneven
Variants 24%, Zensunni 4%, Other 12%, No slopes, hunted by the solitary saber-toothed tiger left over
declared religion 17% from an earlier age. Few settlements reach this far north,
ChiefIndustries leaving the wild terrain inhabited by humans except for
Natural Resources: Mining(minerals, fossil fuels) the sporadic tribal villages and remote strip-mining facili-
MajorServices and Trade Items: Manufactured items ties. And with the exception of infrequent safaris, few
(esp. drugs, weapons, vehicles), slave labor, clan- bother to trek into the northern-most latitudes leaving
destine financing nature to exist as it has for countless millennia.
Toward the middle latitudes of Tirmiesh, human set-
tlements grow much more frequent, finding the land of
the temperate zones much better suited for agriculture.
The first of Tirmieshe's few urban metropolises resides in
the province of Ogmaresh, just east of the Ghozan range.
The city of Fal-dansken, northern terminus of industry in
Tirmiesh, houses some 3 million people, most of them
IPS: Grumman
miners, agronomists and manufacturing specialists. Some
16 percent of its populace hailing from off-world, the Planetologlcal Data
majority of folk bear the Grumman look, descending from Astronomical Data
its native populace of Bhotani descent. Planet 10: Niushe II
Half-way across the globe, on the continent of Orbital Period: .76SY
Khubantra, the capital of Bhotara sprawls on the Bho- Revolution Period: .81 SO
khem plateau. Situated firmly in the mid-temperate belt, Satellites: Grumman supports two small moons,
Bhotara spills for kilometers from its central, governmen- Astrikos and Porikos. Five other planets, including
tal hub, hosting a populace of some 15 million people. Gamont, occupy the Niushe system.
Spanning hundreds of kilometers in any direction, agri- Gravity/Atmosphere: .95 G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen,
cultural plots, wind-harnessinggenerators and manufac- .94 A
turing industries reach in every direction, swallowing the Geological Data
large, modern spaceport of Bhotara with relative ease. Average Temperature: 279 K
Near the center of Bhotara, the extensive government Climatological Zones: Expansive arctic, subarctic, and
compound of the Moritani regime dominates the city, temperate zones; small subtropical belt at the
employing some 20 percent of the city's population in equator.
one capacity or another. Atmospheric Conditions: The atmosphere on
Situated to the far north, the free city of Irbassa repos- Grumman isthin compared to theTerran standard;
es in the foothills of Ginazetta. located on the fringes of resulting in hotdays andcool nights across its
the expansive Irbassan Steppes. A small, ancient city range ofclimatological zones. The daily variance
Irbassa serves as the home of the Laurentii House Minor. in temperature causes most ofthe planet to be
Until recently the location of the famous Monastery of steeped in perpetual winds. Tornadoes andwind-
Dur, the converted structure now serves a secret training storms cutacross much of Grumman's plateaus
ground for Moritani assassins reviving the ancient and plains.
Bhotani ways. While the surrounding wilderness pre- Topography: Grumman has one large andtwo small
serve retains the protection of House Moritani, its continents; approximately two-thirds oftheplan-
Laurentii keepers have developed a small portion of the et'ssurface iscovered with water. Tectonic activity
rugged highlands to commence an expensive breeding isfrequent.
program, hoping to replenish the declining population of
saber-toothed tigers, indigenous to the region. Demographic Data
Planetary Government
Planet Class: Siridar-Earldom
Kaitain Governing House/litle: House Moritani/Count
Seat of the Imperialgovernment since the destruction Urban Centers
of Salusa Secundus, Kaitain is, by any intelligent estima- Seat ofGovernment: Bhotara
tion, the most important planet in the known universe. Center ofTrade: Bhotara
Governed by the Imperial House and its dynasty of Other Urban Centers: Fal-Oansken, Velherel,
Padishah Emperors, Kaitain supports a burgeoning popu- Moerchessa, Plomari, Tevrolla, Belmore, Folleccia,
lace and bustling economy, thriving off of the bureaucrat- Populace
ic table scraps filtering from the Imperial coffers. Home Population: 3.3 billion
of the Imperial Palace and city-sized government com- I alive Peoples andCultures: Grumman 96%, Other 4%

plex, Kaitain also hosts the Landsraad Council, the Religions: Orange Catholicism 74%, Navachristianity
CHOAJV1 Corporation and Imperial headquarters of the 12%, Zensunni 4%, Other 10%
Guild Bank. With such powerful entities concentrated on Chief Industries
one planet, Kaitain rightly deserves its claim to the Natural Resources: Mineral deposits, hardwoods, agri-
Golden Lion Throne. culture, textiles
A naturally majestic planet, it is no wonder the Major Services andTrade Items: Raw ore, manufac-
Padishah Emperors chose to adopt Kaitain for their tured goods, assassins
homeworld after the ruin of Salusa Secundus. Its lofty
mountain ranges soar skyward raising snow-capped
peaks to glint in the golden sun. Its magnificent vistas of
plain and forest astound the eye; and even its lonely
deserts exhibit a certain serene beauty to behold.

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
Through the year, satellite weather control keeps the day-
light hours warm and balmy, postponing rainfall to the
later evening, or early morning hours. And when night
IPS: Kait.ain falls to cloak the daylight wonders, the planet's circling
rings come into full view, illuminating the heavens with a
Planetologtcal Data brilliant cascade of sparkling gold, white and blue.
Astronomical Data Originally, Kaitain belonged to House Carnethlan, a
Planet ID: Beta Indri III Great House of the Landsraad League defeatedduring the
Orbital Period: .98 SY epochal Battle of Corrin. Even then, Kaitain enjoyed its
Revolution Period: 1.0SD reputation for beauty that attracted the conqueror's eye.
Satellites: Kaitain has six moons and features a large After achieving their victory over the Landsraad league, the
and beautiful series of orbiting rings. There are newly dubbed 'House Corrino' quickly enacted its Imperial
eight other planets in its system. right to claim ownership of Kaitain, establishing it as their
Gravity/Atmosphere: 1.0G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen, planet of residence and official seat of government.
l.0 1A Though the universe had never seen such brutal con-
Geological Data querors as the Corrino Sardaukar, the Padishah Emperor's
Average Temperature: 295 0 K had a mind to save Kaitain from the normal spoilage
Climatological Zones: Terran-Standard (arctic to tropi- resulting from conquest. Employing the best scientific
cal) minds, Emperor Sarda I founded the Imperial Academy of
Atmospheric Conditions: Planetary weather control Planetology in the capital city of Corrinth, creatingwhat
satell ites tame theatmospheric conditions on would eventuallybe subsumed and renamed by the gov-
Kaitain, strictly controlling temperature, precipita- ernment as the Imperial Planetological Surveycommis-
tion and pressure. Icydebris from the planet's low- sion. Appointing its most accomplished ecologist as
orbiting rings sometimes collides with the upper "Imperial Planeto!ogist" Sarda established the first scien-
atmosphere to produce spectacular pyrotechnic tific advisory position to concern itself entirely with eco-
displays. logical study and planetary preservation. As a result of fol-
Topography: Kaitain reveals fivecontinents; 73% of its lowing his counselor's advice, Sarda initiated a policy of
surface being covered with water. Majortectonic 'ecological adherence' that has kept Kaitain pristine in
events remain uncommon, but several dormant spite of needs of its ever-growing populous.
volcanoes dot theplanet's surface. City planning and urban development foremost
among the threats to Kaitain's beauty, the Emperor
Demographlc Data Hassik III decreed all construction and development to
Planetary Government be carefully monitored by a subcommittee of civil admin-
Planet Class: Imperial Seat istrators headed by his Imperial Planetologist. As a
Govern ingHouse/Title: House Corri no/Ernperor result, the capital city of Corrinth, boasting a population
Urban Centers of 12 million inhabitants, shows such insightful planning
Seat of Government: Corrinth that its ever-expanding Imperial compound still falls well
Center of Trade: Turalius within the 25 hectare garden campus allotted for its use
Other Urban Centers: Carafil, Ernberon, and growth. Surrounding this, Corrinth fans outward in
Wellingstone, Savona, Merrico, Swaris,Viretoria all directions, its broad straight boulevards stretching for
Populace miles like spokes from a central hub. Along these grand
Population: 8.2 billion boulevards and crossing circuit avenues, every building,
Native Peoples and Cu ltures: Kaitainese 87%, Sunari monument and edifice displays artistic or architectural
6%, Other 7% merit. Even the homes of the outlying middle-classsub-
Religions: Orange Cathol icism 82%, Zensunni 6%, urbs rival those of wealthy patricians on other worlds;
Navachristianity 4%, Hindu Variants 3%, Other and the concept of poverty-while not foreign to
5% Kaitain-does not rear its head in the city of Corrinth.
Chief Industries Resting at the very center of this opulent megalopolis,
Natural Resources: Copious natural resources, includ- the Imperial Palace crowns the architectural splendor of
ing ores and minerals, lumber, mariculture and Corrinth. Housing the Golden Lion Throne in the
agriculture. Padishah's Palace and the Landsraad Hall in the
MajorServices and Trade Items: Governmental servic- Imperial Quarter, the entire government compound con-
es, manufactured goods. veys such airs of wealth and power, that to walk along
the Imperial Promenade one can't help but entertain
delusions of grandeur. For its magnificent splendor, both
the city of Corrinth and the Imperial Palace top the IPS
100 Wonders of the Imperium .
Kaitain possesses six continents in addi-
tion to a fairly typical complement of islands
and arctic regions. The largest continent is
Siarullah, spanning nearly one third of the
world's northern hemisphere. It includes
Corrinth, Turalius and severalother major
cities. Its climate ranges from temperate to
tropical-its winters being short and mild.
Approximately 35% of Kaitain's populace
lives on Siarullah, but thanks to Corrino
demographic management programs, over-
crowding does not occur in any single locale,
alleviating any strain from the local ecology.
The next largest continent, Carifa remains
sparsely inhabited in spite of its size fora
numberof ecological reasons. Foremost, the
great Kalohar deserts occupies the entire
northern reach of Carifa's vast tracts. Although
some plant and animal life manages to sur-
vive along the Kalohar fringes, the deeper
parts of the baked desert prove completely
devoid of life. Separating the Kalohar from the southern height. The tallest mountain on Sikun, Mt. Denaruva
climes, a great barrier range divides the continent with fre- (7,337 meters) , lies at the heart of the continental divide.
quent tectonic activity subjecting the hills to ground-shak- Spanning more than 9200 km in girth, Telmarra compris-
ing tremors and avalanches of shale and flint. In the south- es the largest of Sikun's five continents.
ern-most regions, a few smallcitiesthrive as private resorts From the central city of Amiroc, Tseidan 'thopters
and exotic citiesof trade, but few conventional industries skim the southern forests of Telmarra to reach any num-
fi nd reason to inhabit the continent of Carifa. ber of sizeable, commercial urban centers. Among these,
The other continents of Kaitain include Porlara, Belshevar and Belgevylle sit on opposing sides of the
Amos, Temmhur, and Onarica. Onarica is noted for sev- Lazzarn, the great inland sea. Enjoying somethingof a
eral enormous ruins dating from the earliest days of the friendly economic rivalry, both cities support harbors on
Carnethian period; and archaeologists from all over the opposing shores of the Lazzarn, employing slow-moving
Imperium come from Kaitain to study them. Amros barges and faster, hydrofoil 'skimmercraft' to ferry pas-
includes the Sardaukar war college which is absolutely sengers and freight between them. It is on the Lazzarn's
off-limits to all non-Corrino personnel. The other conti- central islands that visitors can view the meticulously
nents, while beautiful (and even, in places, idyllic), pres- cultivated groves of the golden willow-a glorious gold-
ent relatively few features of interest to off-worlders, en-blossomed tree unique to Sikun-adopted by House
Tseida as a companion symbol to the House phoenix,
representing tolerance and perseverance of spirit.
Sikun The Tseidans' main spaceport and leading venue for
Governed by House Tseida, Sikun is a breathta king trade, the enormous city of Colquine straddles the plan-
planet-its vast, coniferous forests and snaking river et's equator on in the low-lying continent of Ulquahar. In
canyons making it a beautiful Sight to behold. Sikun fact, the main street of Colquine, Triumph Way, runs
possess an atmosphere and gravity like Old Earth's, directly along the equator, terminating in the grand cam-
allowing its great redwood to grow to astonishing pus of Sunnivas-the famous legal academy devoted
heights. Seas and oceans-including the enormous entirely to the study Butlerian strictures. Shops, restau-
Lazzarn freshwater sea-cover the majority of the plan- rants, and other commercial venues line Colquine's
et's surface, sustaining the populace with innumerable broad avenues; while manufacturing plants and assem-
delicacies including the lace-kelp used as a staple gar- bly facilities remain outside the city proper.
nish and the kyree starfish, served on only the most Three continents-Naluria, Zimbrola, and Nargese-
lavish occasions. But Sikun also profits from abundant comprise the remaining landmass. Naluria, situated
rainfall and fertile soil, making agriculture and timber- some 1200 kilometers southwest of Telmarra, presents a
ing viable industries as well. steep, foreboding cliff-line to vessels approaching from
The main continent, Telmerra, seats the Tseidan capi- the east. Known for its mountainous terrain and rich
tal of Amiroc. Situated far north of the planet's equator, mineral deposits, most of House Tseida's mining opera-
the landmass of Telmerra possesses five distinct moun- tions occur in its interior. Zimbrola, located some 6200
tain ranges, several having peaks topping 6,000 meters in km west of Naluria, shares a similar rockiness near its

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
northern reaches to the various nut and fruit-bearing
trees of the middle and southern latitudes. Rare woods
are also cultivated on Nargese, including mahogany and
IPS: Sikun crystal-teak, a translucent strain native to Sikun.
Planetological Data Though abundant in natural resources, the real wealth
Astronomical Data of Sikun emerges from its long-standing tradition of legal
Planet 10: IV Eridani A advocacy and House representation in Landsraad and
Orbital Period: 1.36SY CHOAM affairs. Growing from a practice of simple
Revolution Period: 1.22SO arrangements between governing Houses, the legal pro-
Satellites: Sikun has three moons (Folgard, Unari, fession (and Sikun's economy) profited immensely once
Mosaidel), and is thefourth of ten planets in the House Tseida surrendered control of Sikun's various spe-
Chouline system-situated within a sector-span- cialty schools to its Houses Minor who could represent
ning gas nebula. two rival Houses without suffering the ethical conflicts of
Gravity/Atmosphere: 1.1 GlStandard oxygen-nitrogen, interests that had stunted early practice and growth.
1.2 A From that day forth, House Tseida embarked on its
Geological Data path to becoming perhaps the greatest suppliers of legal
Average Temperature: 2890 K representation in the Imperial core. Growing from simple
Climatological Zones:Terran-Standard (arctictotropical) consultation in matters of Landsraad litigation, the
Atmospheric Conditions: Sikun shows high annual rain- Tseidan industry aspired to cover the gamut of legalistic
fall, thunderstorms and monsoons being seasonal affairs. Defense of Houses in Landsraad ordeals, repre-
occurrences. Weather control satellites ameliorate sentation of CHOAM blocs in mercantile acquisitions
theworst ofstorms, preventing typhoons and hurri- and diplomatic arbitration in Kanlydisputes-these rep-
canes from wreaking serious destruction. resented but a few of the various services the earliest
Topography: Sikun contains five continents; 77% ofits Tseidan legal schools provided, Inner-schools and spe-
surface iscovered with water. Most oftheconti- cialty colleges later developed to handle public relations,
nents contain several large mountain ranges; the intelligence gathering, and even legal warfare for the
planetary landmasses show remarkable differences growing list of Houses seeking the services of the Tseidan
inaltitude. schools.
But having learned its lesson during the Butlerian
Demographic Data Jihad, House Tseida remained watchful of its burgeoning
Planetary Government reputation. Instead of promoting its name openly for all to
Planet Class: Siridar Marquisate see, the Tseidans carefully withdrew from the public
Governing HouselTitle: House Tseida/Marquis arena, cultivating their exotic mystique by adopting a
Urban Centers facade of disinterest. The Tseidan rulers knew from the
Seat ofGovernment: Amiroc Great Revolt how easily a subjugated populace could turn
Center ofTrade: Colquine on its providers, and they had no desire to see the Great
Other Urban Centers: Belshamar, Shirikawa, Elsarrain, Houses of the Landsraad spurn their services. Instead
Belgevylle, Embrion, Felithor they diminished their political presence in the Landsraad,
Populace preferring to exercise their power through proxy votes and
Population: 4.3 billion silent negotiations (perhaps modeling their modus operan-
ative Peoples andCultures: Sikun 100% di after the SpacingGuild and Bene GesseritSisterhood).
Religions: Agnosticism/Atheism 39%, Orange
Catholicism 36%,Other 25%
Chief Industries
Wallach VII
atural Resources: Hard andsoft timbers, rare medi- The history of Wallach VII begins during the final days
cines, some minerals, mariculture of the Imperial 'Age of Exploration,' when the intrepid
Major Services andTrade Items: Legal services. explorerBertram Wallach first surveyed the Laoujin sys-
scholastics/educational and luxury items tem. Something of an unimaginative egotist, Wallach pro-
ceeded to name all 17 of Laoujin's planets 'Wallach' after
himself, numberingthem I-XVII accordingto the nomen-
clature favored by the IPS. Of the seventeen planets, only
southern peninsula, where several local fishing industries Wallach VII and Wallach IXproved capable of supporting
operate amidst its long fjords. Southeast of the Ulquahar, human life; and within a few short, centuries
the continent Nargese shames the forests of Telmarra. Navachristian emigres came to colonize the Laoujin plan-
Unlike the coniferous redwoods and hardy deciduous ets. Unlike their Chusuku brethren, the settlers of Wallach
trees of northern Telmarra, Nargese forests show a range VII fared poorly in their early colonization attempt. A
flora from the subtropical olive trees of the warmer, series of storms paralyzed their encampment during their
first longwinter causing the loss of nearly half their num-
ber over a period of two long months.
It wasn't until the following year, when the first of the
supply ships touched down with much needed reinforce- IPS: Wallach VII
ments and provisions that the colonial effort began in Planetological Data
earnest. Butwithin a generation, the first rudimentary Astronomical Data
city-named Tonnerburg, after its founder Geoffrey Planet ID: Laouj in VII
Tonner-gained its first mention in the IPS reports, having Orbital Period: 1.60 SY
fulfilled the requirement of constructing an operable spac- Revolution Period: 1.0SD
ing facility. Centuries later, dozens of cities populated four Satellites: Wallach VII has a single moon, Chorelstag. It
of the six continents of Wallach VII , finding settlements is the seventh of 17 planets orbiting the blue-white
on Imbrla, Matriana, Hammerstein, and Lurachia. star Laoujin .
Existing as little more than a footnote in the volumi- Gravity/Atmosphere: 1.06 G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen,
nous IPS Imperial Registry, Wallach VII avoided Imperial .1.03A
colonization until late in the first millennia post-Guild. Geological Data
When the Sardaukar legions arrived, they besieged the Average Temperature: 287" K
planet forcing a quick surrender, and assigned House Climatological Zones: Terran-Standard (arctic to tropi-
Tonnerburg the Siridar-Barony to rule in the name of cal)
Emperor Faramor III. Atmospheric Conditions: The atmospheric conditions on
House Tonnerburg stood until revolution struck in the Wallach VII, once somewhat erratic, have been stabi-
late fifth millennium, when Emperor Marasuet VII sent lized over the course of millennia withthe aid of
Burseg General Maximillian Banarc to crush the rebel- weather control satellites and related technology.
lion. Realizing a quick victoryover the rioting population, Average annual rainfall isapproximately 111 cm;
Banarcwas first appointed governing Caid, then later heavy storms including hurricanes and tornadoes
Siridar-Baron, to replace the loss of Tonnerburg. Upon his occurmainly during the growing season.
appointment, Banarc adopted the name Wallach for his Topography: The terrain on Wallach VII isgenerally
House. and began constructinga modern city which he flat; it is dominated by plains, savannas, and wood-
dedicated Marasuet City in honor of his reigning Emperor. lands, with relatively few mountain ranges, none of
The first of Wallach VII's Imperial settlements, great height. It claims fourcontinents (including
Marasuet Cityrose on the plains of Imbria, where the flat, oneprominent subcontinent).Water covers 70% of
featureless terrain facilitated the construction of a vast itssurface.
military spacing field. r\ longstanding general, Banarcheld
to the military axiom that sound, planetary defense Demographic Data
required swift troop mobility, and the spacing fields and Planetary Government
adjacent 'thopter hangars provided the basis of his defen- Planet Class: Siridar-Barony
sive strategy. Banarc's successors followed his lead; and Governing House!litle: House Wallach/Baron
within five generations the continent of Imbria saw the Urban Centers
rise of six military bases positioned strategically around Seat of Government: Banarc City
the continent, causing additional cities to emerge in sup- Center of Trade: Banarc City
port of the military populations. Other Urban Centers: Marasuet City, Roinell,
In the eighth millennium, House Wallach abandoned Tonnerburg, Carluys, Ulvandri, Ottovaast
Marasuet City to move its seat to a more defensible loca- Populace
tion on the foreboding shores of Lurachia. Surviving as Population: 7.5 billion
the capital of Wallach VII, Banarc City surrounds a pre- Native Peoples and Cultures: Wallachean, 76%, Bene
cipitous mount, from the top of which Banarc Keep stares Gesserit 17%, Other 7%
at the turbulent waters of Burseg's Bay. Also called the Religions: Orange Catholicism 64%, Navachristianity
"Rookery" for the great black ravens kept in its family 12%, Tawrah and Talmudic Zabur 8%, Other 16%
compound, Banarc Keep serves as the primary residence Chief Industries
and governmental offices of House Wallach, flying House atural Resources: Miningof variousores, lumber,
banners above all sixteen of it ashen plascrete towers. furs, mariculture, agriculture
Resembling the northern continents of Imbria and MajorServices and Trade Items: Lumber, agricultural
Lurachia, the southern land of Matriana has lowland flats products, manufactured goods
and wooded ridges defining its rocky shoreline. Toward the
interior rolling plainsgive way to higher ground, culminating
in weary mountains worn by countless millennia. Matrianna
also owns its share of barrenwastesand greener savannas,
broken up by sparse timberlands and shining lakes.

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology

Held in quasi-fief by House Harkonnen
for nearly 80 years, the planet Arrakis
(known to the native Fremen as
"DUNE") is a hot, desert world covered
by oceans of barren sand and seas of
rippling dunes. In the northern latitudes,
a great barrier ridge called the Shield
Wall divides the desert into segregated
"ergs," where routine harvesting opera-
tions mine the spice melange from its
rich, surface beds. The False Wall trails
toward the median latitudes, breaking
off into thousands of sparse, rock out-
croppingsjutting upward from the sandy
depths. And in the vast southern deserts
where the great sandworms (some of
which reach more than 400 meters in
length) rule the deserts of DUNE.
Duringdaylight hours, the hot sun Canopus scorches
Other Imperial Fiefs Arrakis with great ferocity, burning yellow-white in the
silver skies. In the cooling night, the twin moons of
The following worlds comprise a variety of additional Arrakis crest the horizon with synchronous regularity, the
Imperial fiefdoms-some of them homeworlds, others reddish "First Moon" followed by the smaller, second
being quasi-fiefs or demi-fiefs ruled by one or more of the moon-one the natives call "Muad'Dib'{the kangaroo
Great Houses of the Landsraad. While homeworld fiefs mouse). Throughout the year, Coriolis winds create fre-
lodge their ruling House and central government, some quent storms that sweep the deserts of Arrakis. The great-
fiefs are ruled by appointed agents of non-resident Great est of sandstorms, called Coriolis storms, whip the planet
Houses who govern the fiefdoms "in absentia." Appointed surface with merciless fervor, driving sand and dust at
regents invariably assume the titles of "regent" or "gover- speeds over 800 kilometers per hour, threatening to rend
nor" while the Great House ruler retains the official, land- flesh to bone and polish bone to sliversin a matter of
ed title (such as Duke or Count) tacking"- absentia" onto minutes. But in spite of its violent winds and radical tem-
the appellation to indicate their physical absence from perature changes, never a single drop of rain falls on the
the planet of rule. For example, had Duke Leto retained planet Arrakis; and not so much as a pond or rivulet
governorship of Caladan when House Atreides moved to graces the planet's intolerably arid surface. And to make
Arrakis in the novel DUNE, he might have appointed a matters worse, the Spacing Guild refuses to deploy
trusted official as the "siridar-governor" of Caladan while weather control satellites in the planet's upper strato-
adding "absentia" to his new title, making him "Duke sphere, insisting that DUNE's anomalous magnetic field
Leto of Arrakis, Duke-absentia of Caladan." and high reaching clouds of dust make such efforts pro-
Regardless of their titles, planetary governors rule hibitively expensive, if not entirely futile .
their ward under the aegis of their patron House, and the Its environmental conditions being so extreme, DUNE
high-ranking nobleman must answer to the Emperor restricts human settlement to its northern latitudes. Few
should the governorprove incompetent or otherwise unfit settlements venture further than 30 degrees south of the
to administrate the fiefdom . For this reason, Great northern polar cap, finding shelter beyond the great
Houses tend to keep a close watch over their appointed Shield Wall, a mountain range so named for the protec-
governors, often maintainingsecret networks of inform- tion it givesagainst the terrible sandstorms and mon-
ants and "sleepers" (agents hidden within the governor's strous sandworms plaguingthe southern climes of
administration). And while necessity demands that gover- Arrakis' deep desert. Considered by many to be totally
nors be trusted with routine administration, few Great uninhabitable, the rare wasteland maps of DUNE mark
Houses permit their governors to raise independent the equatorial regions and southern deserts as "forbid-
armies or take autonomous military initiatives. Instead, den" or "the forbidden zone" though the cryptic furtive-
most Great Houses garrison House troops on the planet, ness of the local denizens suggests there might be other
appointing military commanders who technically serve causes for such uninvitingappellations.
under the governor's command, but ultimately answer to In fact, much about DUNE's southern latitudes
the House ruler. remains a mystery to Imperial scientists. Though the
Emperor's ecological testing stations litter the northern
latitudes and survey 'thopter flights occasionally delve
into the equatorial regions, few reconnaissance missions
have returned to reveal the secrets of Dune's southern-
IPS: Arrakis
most regions. Limited by their range and susceptibility to
sandstorms, 'thopters prove unable to circumnavigate the Planetologtcal Data
planet, and the lack of low-orbiting satellites prevents Astronomical Data
spying from above. Only high-orbiting frigates can scan Planet ID: Canopus III
its southern reaches, but from such a high vantage little Orbital Period: 1.06SY
about the planet's surface (aside from the fact that it's Revolution Period: 1.03 SD
covered by desert) can be discerned. Satellites: Arrakis has two moons. It isthethird of
Among those settlements populating the northern seven planets orbiting thestar Canopus. Its solar
climesof Dune, only Carthag and Arrakeen approximate system is remarkably clean, with no asteroid belts,
true 'cities' accordingto the size and population stan- significant comets, or other stellar matter.
dards used by the Imperial Planetological Surveyana- Gravity/Atmosphere: .9 G/Standard oxygen-nitrogen,
lysts. Arrakeen, the traditional seat of Imperial govern- .9 A
ment, appears little more than a dusty little garrison town Geological Data
by most Imperial standards, covering approximately 20 Average Temperature: 2980 K
square miles and housing only some 2 million residents. Climatological Zones: Arrakis isa desert world.
In contrast, the newer megalopolis of Carthag, covers Although there are small polar icecaps and some
some 50 square miles and houses some 6 million resi- temperature variation, theentireworld isdesert.
dents, the majority of the Imperial populace found on Atmospheric Conditions: Frequent sandstorms, includ-
Dune. Small cities such as Arsunt and Tsimpo house ing fierce Coriolis storms driving sand fastenough
upwards of several hundred thousand people, but the to wreck vehicles and strip flesh from bone. Zero
Imperial census places the remainder of the Arrakeen annual precipitation with no variation.
populace in or around the pyon villages dotting the local Topography: Except for itsextraordinarily small polar
graban and pan surrounding Hagga and Imperial Basins. caps, theterrain of Arrakis' consists of sand, large
Aside from these, scattered bands of Fremen (some- rock outcroppings and tidal dust basins. In the
times called "will'o-the-sand people") inhabit the desert deep desert, dunes occasionally rise to over a
fringes. Skirting Imperial scrutiny and avoiding an accu- thousand meters from crest to trough, givingthe
rate census, the Fremen seem relatively few in number. land a distinct quasi-topography, Quasi-mountain-
Embracing a strange religion and ancient hunting tongue, ous rock outcroppings and ridges sit in the north-
the Fremen appear descended from the original Zensunni ern hemisphere, such as the Sh ieldWall and False
Wanderers, who stopped on Arrakis briefly during their WallSouth.
planetary migrations. Aside from their seemingly primi-
tive nomadic nature, few of Dune's native citizens seem Demographic Data
willing to discuss the Fremen, often dismissing them as Planetary Government
reclusive, nomadic or hostile, depending on the local Planet Class: Quasi-Fief
experience. Many believe the Fremen to associate with Governing Housel1itle: House Harkonnen/Siridar
the Smugglers of Dune, those romantic businessmen who Governor
operate from their hidden desert bases. Urban Centers
Constructed some forty years ago under the Seat of Government: Carthag
Harkonnen regime, the city of Carthag proves a bustling Center ofTrade: Carthag
metropolis, capital of Arrakis and center of Arrakeen Other Urban Centers: Arrakeen, Arsunt, Tsirnpo
industry and trade. A cheap and brassy place, Carthag Populace
reflects the ostentatious tastes of its governing House Population: 17 million
with guilded domes and metaglass skyscrapers rising Native Peoples And Cultures: Harkon nen 8%,
above the dust-strewn streets where the populace grovels Arrakeen 59%, Temporary out-worlders33%, and
for dirty water, rung from the hand towels and laving Frernen (numbers unknown).
basins of the wealthy Harkonnen aristocrats. Nestled in Religions: Orange Catholicism 28%, Zensunni 8%,
a alcove of the Shield Wall, Carthag enjoys close proxim- Other 66%
ity to the spicing sands of the Imperial Basin. For this Chief Industries
reason, the Spice Miner's Guild holds its headquarters in Natural Resources: The spice melange
Carthag,with most of its harvesting pads and silo fields MajorServices and Trade Items: Spice
resting about the city's perimeter.
The city of Arrakeen appears largely unchanged after
millennia, being largely neglected by the Harkonnen

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
richece who prefer the modern, if gaudy, comforts of ing technologies) rise among the most wealthy of Dune's
Carthag. Arrakeen houses the Palace of Arrakeen, now richece and Houses Minor. In every settlement, water
home to Count Fenring the Imperial Observer on Arrakis. peddlers roam the streets selling literjons of bottled
Not twenty clicks distant to the east, the Arrakeen land- water, crying their hallmark-"soo soo sook"-to alert
ing facility sprawls upon the Broken Land, servicing the populace that there's water to be had for exorbitant
planet-bound frigates and outgoing shuttles as the pri- sums. Daily hundreds of folk die for want of water, mak-
mary spacing field on Dune. Like Carthag, Arrakeen ing water theft the most common of crimes among the
enjoys the natural protection of the expansive Shield desperate and destitute populace of Arrakis.
Wall, though its greater distance from the Imperial Basin But even more valuable than water, the spice-drug
makes it the home of those 'expeditionary' spice hunters melange (commonly called "spice") emerges as Dune's
who probe the Open Bled over the Shield Wall instead of chief commodity and planetary export. Unique to Arrakis
the safer sands located within the Imperial Basin. and impossible to duplicate, the relative scarcityof spice
Between Carthag and Arrakeen, the native denizens makes it the most precious commodity in universe and
populate the intervening desert, dwelling in numerous chief among the industries of Dune's profit-driven rulers.
villages and smaller such settlements. Comprising the Rivaling the Water Sellers' Union in both power and
pyon work force of Dune, the folk of thegraben and pan wealth, the Spice Mining Guild of Arrakis controls all
dwell in Simple dwellings featuring door seals as their legal spicing operations, from the administration of har-
most sophisticated advancement. Since water remains at vesting pads and maintenance of mining equipment to
a premium across the face of the planet, door seals con- the industrial refineries and enormous silo fields .
serve moisture in addition to keeping the domiciles cool Something of a guerrilla process, spice mining
and dust-free. Like the larger cities, Arrakeen villages involves harvesting as much spice as is possible before
employ windtraps and dew precipitators to condense the inevitable sandworm comes to destroy the sand-
most of their water from the scant traces of moisture born crawler (the mobile harvesting factory) and crew. Aerial
in the air. Supplementing such devices, early morning spotters (desert-rigged ornithopters) seek out new spice
finds native dew collectors sweeping their scythe-like beds and radio their fi ndings to the harvesting pad (the
reapers over the low-lying vegetation to harvest what base of operations), which then deploys a Winged car-
moisture they can before the midmorning sun evaporates ryall to deposit its twin crawlers on or near the dark, aro-
their dew crop and brings their daily toil to an end. matic spice patch. The mobile , bug-like sandcrawlers
Not to be underestimated, the scarcityof water proves propel themselves on broad, heavy tracks, scooping up
the Single-most limiting fa ctor for life on Arrakis. From its the spice-pregnant sand through a large frontal combine.
human inhabitants to flora and fauna, all organisms must Meanwhile the four airborne spotters watch for
adapt and compete for Dune's inadequate water supply. approaching wormsign (the surface current of sand crest-
While indigenous life-forms show marked genetic mutation, ing from the underlying passage of the worm) , signaling
humans reveal technological innovation and social adapta- the carryall to reclaim the harvesters just before the
tion to cope with their eternal want for life-sustaining water. worm emerges to defend its native territory.
Innovations such as door seals and stillsuits-full
body suits processing the body's moisture between lay-
ers, gathering desalinated sweat and purified waste water Ecaz
in various 'catchpockets' from which the wearer may If ever there were a paradisiacal Eden, it might have
sip-conserve the worst excesses of water depletion. resembled the planet Ecaz. Homeworld of House Vidal
Similarly, advances such as windtraps and smaller, dew (long-time rivals of House Moritani of Grumman), the
collectors harvest the wind of its moisture, cooling the planet Ecaz (IVAlpha Centauri B) appears a rich and
hot Arrakis winds to condense its scant moisture into fertile world- covered with forests, jungles and grass-
underground catchbasins and insulated cisterns. But it is lands. Among its abundant diversity of flora and fauna,
the polar glacier mining conducted by the Water Seller's Ecaz nurtures the indigenous fogwood-a coniferous soft-
Union that provides the majority of water to the thirsty wood responsive to human thought-for which the plan-
Arrakeen populace. et is often called the "Sculptor's Paradise."
In addition to technological innovation, water scarcity House Vidal lords over the planet Ecaz, prospering
causes many interesting social adaptations among the from its wealth of botanical treasures. In addition to its
populace of Dune. From the strict conservation meas- exotic fogwood, Ecaz produces numerous indigenous
ures, such as water rationing and recycling, to the bizarre plants, herbs and extracts not found anywhere else in the
cultural affectations such as wearing water-encapsulated Imperial core. Narcotics such as sapho, elacca , semuta and
jewelry or using watercounters for local currency, most of verite all add to the native pharmacopoeia, in addition to a
Dune's strange social form s result directly from the ever- variety of poisons treasured by assassins throughout the
constant reminder that water equals life. So precious is Imperium. Portyguls, banana-fruit, avocado and the like
water on Arrakis, that the Water Seller's Union (and also emerge from the orchard-plantations of Ecaz's agron-
those magnates who control water-producing or conserv- omists, while industrial by-products such as krimskell
('claw fiber' produced by its hufuf vine) maintain perennial tral, blue-white sun. Somewhat smaller than most
demand on the CHOAM commodities markets. Imperial homeworlds, Ix resembles a cold, austere planet
In addition to its botanical industries, the economy of traced with towering snow-capped mountain ranges and
Ecaz profits annually from thousands of out-world immi- vast stretches of icy tundra. Intermittently, deep alpine
grants. From the migrations of artists who populate the forests and boulder-strewn plains break up the landscape,
numerous fogwood hermitages to the droves of scientists fill ing hidden valleys or crowning mountain plateaus in
and researchers who probe its vast wilderness preserves, the desultory way that is unique to the marvel of nature.
House Vidal profits equally from all, collecting various Though the frigid winds and sleet rain routinely sweep the
fees, tithes and tariffs from all off-world seekers. With its planet's surface, the moderate amounts of snow, rain and
ancient capital of O'ranjabee offering numerous academ- hail never seem to deplete the skies of the seemly eternal
ic splendors-such as the popular Botanical Gardens of cover of clouds.
Ecaz, the hallowed O'ranjabee Assassins Guild and the More remarkable than the pristine state of Ix's natural
fabulous Cheopsium-Ecaz allures pilgrims, students beauty, the surface of Ix confounds first time travelers
and wayfarers from the Imperium abound , keeping the with a complete absence of human civilization. Ruled by
city livelyand the merchant industries well-endowed. House Vernius from its underworld capital, the cav-
ernous cities of Ix all lie deep within the crust of the
planet's interior. From the surface, transparent lift tubes
Hagal employ suspensor technology to convey visitors kilome-
Hagal, the second of ten planets orbiting the yellow ters below ground to the marvelous grotto-world realms.
star Theta Shaowei, serves as the homeworld of House There, visitors experience the true, technological splen-
O'Garee, one of the Great Houses of the Landsraad. It is dor of Ix, fi nding the cavernous city a veritable 'fairy-
about 16,000 kilometers in diameter, has three moons world' of scientific wonders.
and six continents, and enjoys universal renown for its In the Ixian 'over-city', towering braces and graceful
rich mineral deposits and veins of precious gemstones. support beams rise upon diamond lattice columns extend-
The greatest of its natural resources are its gemstone ing from the impenetrable depths below. High-resolution
mines-because of them, most Houses still call Hagal the screens coverthe rock ceilings, reflecting projections emit-
"Jewel Planet." The greatest of its gem beds was mined out ted from surface recorders used to track the external weath-
millennia ago, in the time of Shaddam I. But minor veins er and confer the impression of an open sky. From the ceil-
of precious stone remain to be mined; and recently a ing hang magnificent geometric buildings, plunging like
heretofore undiscovered mother lode was discovered in crystal stalactites from the vaulted ceiling above. The Grand
the north of the continent Calowaan. In addition to its dia- Palais-seat of the Ixian government and home to House
monds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and less coveted gem- Vernius-emerges as the most grandiose of these, exhibiting
stones, Hagal produces the rare and priceless apafire, an numerous aerial bridges and transparent conveyance tubes
opaline gemstone glittering with a hundred different hues. to transport pedestrians, groundcars and electric, suspen-
The Imperial crown and scepter are both encrusted with sor-railed locomotives. Outside of the hanging buildings,
opafiregems; and the scarcity of opafire deposits makes tear-shaped aircraft silently flit from landing to landing,
this Hagalan gemstone "the crowning jewel" of the'Jewel while personal hang-gliders also benefit from the convec-
Planet. Hagalean quartz, the radiant blue-green mineral tion drafts fueled by the warmer industrial 'underciry.'
from which the Golden Lion Throne is carved, also con- Reached by aerial transport or the standard suspensor
tributes to the proud legend of this once rich planet. lift tubes, the ground-level domain stands in stark con-
House O'Garee rules the planet from its capital city of trast to the lofty heights of the overcity inhabited by the
Hagalon, located on the equatorial continent of Mur- aristocratic families and privileged administrator class.
Aldauphine. Situated near the ancient opafire mines in Here, the white and silver uniformed masses of the labor-
the province of Central Aldauphine, Hagalon rises proud- ing classes work in the clean, utilitarian industrial plants
ly above the dense canopy of jungle wood crowding its while living in the tunnel-like warrens even further below
vast perimeter. House O'Garee maintains its spacing ground. Known as "suboids," the labor class of Ix works
fields on the nearby island of Ospri-a large, flat rock in relative harmony with their educated Ixian masters.
devoid of life excepting the regal, cymerkroon gull that Paid decent wages and treated fairly by the Ixian regime,
fishes in great numbers off of its rocky shores. Though the suboids-who are bred for the rigors of manual
Ospri flaunts no maritime harbors, travelers can reach labor-live simple, productive lives, finding little reason
Ospri by ornithopter or groundcar, driving across the 10 to question their existence or contemplate their chosen
kilometer-long, Espanscrille suspensor bridge. lot. Were it not for Tleilaxu propaganda issued through
face dancer sleeper agents, it is highly unlikely the docile
suboids would have ever rebelled as they did-temporar-
Ix ily ousting House Vernius from power in the most violent
Ix-so called for being the ninth planet in the revolt in the entire history of Ix. For more information
Alkaurops system-orbits at a great distance from its cen- about the suboid revolution, see House Atreides by Brian

Chapter XIV: Imperial Planetology
Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, published by Bantam across the planet whipping relentlessdust devils and
Publishing, furious tornadoes into terrible fits of rage.
In spite of its inhospitable environment, Salusa some-
how manages to support life. Scattered amidst its deso-
Richese late highlands or brimming its precipitouscanyons,
Once known for its scientific innovations-particularly native flora and fauna eke out a tolerable existence creat-
in the realm of miniaturization technologies-the planet ing a viable, if extraordinary, ecosystem. From the thorny
Richese has fallen on hard times since its technological sage to the ferocious Salusan bulls to the solitary preda-
decline. It's governing House, unassumingly named sim- tory laza tigers, Salusa reveals a fair degree of bio-diver-
ply House Richese, sufferedgreat fiscal losses when their sity; not including the forlorn human inhabitants who
stewardship of Arrakis passed to House Harkonnen. For reluctantly suffer their planetary home.
years House Richese attempted to consolidate their Documented as the second stopping-ground of the leg-
remaining wealth and political power through a series of endary Zensunni Wanderers , Salusa also supports an
marital alliances with other Great Houses. One such indigenous populace believed to be the descendants of
alliance united the Lady Helena with Duke Paulus these early, interstellar migrants. But the Emperor discour-
Atreides, father of Duke Leto Atreides and tragic victim of ages further speculation, zealously guarding the secrets of
a Harkonnen-spun plot. But considering their decreasing his prison world. In actuality, it is a barbaric place-and
ability to compete with Ix in the technologies market and what goes on there is best not imagined by civilized men.
their irrevocable loss of their Arrakeen stewardship, these Unknown to any but the Emperor and his family,
alliances represent but the smallest of conciliatory gains. Salusa Secundus now finds gooduse as the secrethome
Though House Richese yet remains among the Houses and training grounds of the Imperial Sardaukar legions, the
Major, it may be a longwhile before Richese finds the awe-inspiring terror-troops culled from the toughest of the
wherewithal to return to its former state of glory. planet'sinhabitants. Salusa's harsh environment and
despotic regime condition its survivors to make fora
tremendous fighting force. Responsible for their recruitment
Salusa Secundus and training, Burseg-General Gotwald Corrin-Ashcraft (a
One does not speak casually of Salusa Secundus-the distant cousin of Emperor Shaddam IV) commands the
historical birthworld of House Corrino and former seat of fiefdom of Salusa Secundus as Imperial caid, planetary
the Imperial regime. Havingbecome a "hell-world" since governor and acting warden. Even amongthe Sardaukarhe
its atomic disaster, Salusa Secundus remains under enjoys a reputation for maintaining cruel. despotic disci-
House Corrino's rule, held in siridar-fief by the Emperor pline and fostering ritualistic elitism amonghis trainees.
himself and reservedas "punishment planet" for those
who defy the Imperial will. Unconfirmed reports suggest
Salusa's harsh physicalenvironment contributes to a
Wallach IX
60% mortality rate among newly-sentenced prisoners, tal- Established thousands ofyearsago, the Bene Gesserit
lying a frightful death-toll among the prison populace. Mother School resides on the planetWallach IX. In the
In the aftermath of an atomic disaster and centuriesof spaceof decades, the Sisterhood quickly developed the
the ensuing nuclear winter, Salusa Secundus has become planet to include expansive orchards and province-sized
well-suited for a life of hellish punishment. The third plan- agricultural plantations. It was the Sisterhood's wealth that
et to orbit Gamma Waiping, Salusa was once a verdant first brought the Guild's weather control satellites to Wallach
world-home of House Corrino and the Imperial seat. But IX, making their planetary holding into a self-sufficient
in desperate attempt to rid the universe of the Imperial quasi-fief As Bene Gesserit coin flooded the planet's econo-
House, a rival House (whose name has been expunged my, the Sisterhood extended its influence over the native
from Imperial records) laid waste to the planet with illegal populace, earning the name "Chapter House," among some
atomics, driving House Corrino to adopt Kaitain as its new of its denizens. For more information about Wallach IX and
seat of government and Imperial homeworld. the Bene Gesserit Mother school, watch for the upcoming
Since that time, Salusa Secundus has suffered from Bene Gesserit Companion from Last Unicorn Games.
an impossibly hostile environment. Its thin atmosphere
allows heat to spiral during daylight hours, reachingtem-
peratures in excess of 321 degrees Kelvin. But with
approaching nightfall, temperatures plummet as the solar
Out-freyn Aut8rkies
heat escapes the atmosphere, plunging the land into Not all planets inhabited by humans fall within the
freezing darkness. Water covers only 20-some percent of domain of the Imperium, even if they contribute to its
Salusa's surface; and to drink of its few remaining lakes civilization. In truth, two very influential planets-
means to be poisoned with contaminants left over from Tleilax, and Tupile-do not answer to the Padishah
its terrible devastation. And, resulting from its arid cli- Emperor, enjoying autonomous rule over their own plan-
mate and thermal extremes, torrentialwinds sweep etary domains. Considered both out-freyn ("that which is
'immediately foreign") and autarkical (self-governing) Though the Guild adamantly refuses to permit the
these worlds remain somewhat exotic and strange. Imperial Planetological Survey to send expeditions to
Tupile, Guild agents have furnished the IPS with general
information, perhaps to allure renegade Houses or
Tleilax maybe to assuage Imperialapprehensions. From their
Situated in the Thalim system, Tleilax remains effec- reports, Tupile sounds an edenic paradise-evoking
tively beyond the Imperium, isolatingits civilization from images of Old Earth before the dawn of civilization.
the 'Imperial rot of the powindah.' By Tleilaxu decree, no Differing only in its binary star and triple, celestial
off-worlders may set foot on Tleilax, except for select moons, Tupile promises an idyllic retreat, if Guild
groups of special inviteeswho come for the express pur- accounts are to be believed.
pose of purchasing Tleilaxu wares. For this reason, the Supporting evidence of their claims, the Guild trades a
IPS contains little information about Tleilax and its other, number of products allegedly hailing from Tupile.
subject worlds. While it is known that a council of sorts Foremost among them, the corepsidon bush-a tough,
governs the Bene Tleilax civilization, few understand fibrous plant whose leaves distill a particularly dark and
how its council is chosen or how it enforces its rule. indelible ink-is valued by Imperial illuminators and car-
Similarly, Tleilaxu agents have spoken of a social hierar- tographers who preferthe ink for their master works.
chy resembling the faufreluches , but such vacuous Imperial manufacturers and clothiersalso treasure the
claims give little evidence to make an educated compari- Tupali schlag, an animal once hunted almost to extinction
son. More telling than the reports of the IPS or Imperial for its thin, yet durable hide. And the exotic sondagi- a
out-worlders who have visited the Tleilaxu coreworlds- beautiful fern -tulip-is covetedby florists , lovers and din-
the Tleilaxu products hint a great deal about their cultur- ner hosts wishing to impresswith a grandiose statement
al mores and scientific advancement. of lavish affection or personal wealth.
Revealed by its exports, Tleilaxu scientists and
researches excel as masters of forbidden technologies.
Face dancers and gholas evidence profoundaccom-
plishments in human eugenics, rivaling (or even sur-
passing) similar programs conducted by the Bene
Gesserit Sisterhood. Tleilaxu face dancers entertain
courts throughout the Imperium, distorting their vis-
ages and bodies in life-like parodiesof well-known per-
sonages, and divulging a level of tissue specialization
and muscularcontrol superioreven to the Sisterhood's
prana-bindu conditioning. Gholas-genetic copies
grown from the cells of cadavers-repulse most
Imperial citizenseven as they astound them, present-
ing the possibility of immortality of the flesh, if not of
the conscious mind or guiding spirit. Numerous bionic
and cybernetic devices-such as the silver-orbed
Tleilaxu eyes or strangely enigmatic cibus hoods- fur-
ther indicateextraordinary mastery of forbidden
knowledge and technological Wizardry, inspiring Imperial
detractors to speak of their creatorsas the "dirtyTleilaxu."
Because so little is known about Tupile, the posslbiliry
remains that it is a Guild-perpetrated myth. The Guild
Tupile could shelter renegade Houses on converted Heighliners
Swathed in a shroud of mystery, Tupile exists as some- (such as it does for House Wayku), or import schlag and
thingof a popular myth-existing as a "sanctuary planet" sondagi from another out-freyn world. Or the reality of
for renegade Houses and offering a place of refuge from Tupile could extend to several planets, scattered through-
any number of Imperial hunters. Protected by the Great out multiple systems or orbiting a shared star. But of one
Convention and enforced by the Guild's absolute refusal thing the Houses of the Imperium can be certain: To vio-
to disclose its location, Tupile remains a secret 'bolt- late the Guild Peace by searching for Tupile-either
hole'-a private recluse for conducting their research, questing in starships or coercing agents of the Guild-
training their Navigators, constructing their Heighliners risks losing the Guild's invaluable shipping privileges.
and sheltering expatrlot noblemen and their families.

Chapter XV:
The following chapter presents an assembly of
Supporting Characters for Narrators to usc when creating
DUNE RPG chronicles. By no means exhaustive. the Customizing Supporting
assortment covers the gamut of character types. includ-
ing a sampling of Legendary Personages, Prominent Characters
Characters and Narrative Extras. Legendary Personages The followingsections provide sample supporting
represent a few of the movers and the shakers gracing characters for usc in your DUNE RPG chronicles. The
the courts of the Imperial Great Hous es. They include legendary Personage profiles consist of brief descriptions
influential moguls such as the Padishah Emperor covering personality andgeneral abilities. Narrators who
Shaddam IV or the Lady Jessica , bound-concubine of choose to allow player characters to interact directly with
Duke Leto Atreides. Prominent Characters introduce a these personages may wish to assign characteristics with
range of character types , from aloof Guild numerical values.
Representatives to Sardaukar commanders, who play The lesser character types include recommended char-
") .. , - L~ad or Minor roles to propel the main plot line. acteristics, including Attributes, Skills, and Traits. Narrators
Narrative Extras complete the 'ran k-and-file: of Minor mav customize anyof these at their discretion, adding
and Anonymous character roles, presenting crowd-fill- Skills, increasing numerical levels, naming thecharacter,
ing 'extras' such as lowly House servants or sen suous providing physical descriptions andsoon. For more infor-
houris of the Imperial harem. mation about creating Supporting Characters (NPCs) for
your narratives, see "Chapter 7: Pillars of the Universe,"
pages 159-161.
Legend2ry Personages
The novel DUN E recounts the fabul ous exploits of ---~-----""""--/~~-~-----

man y great nobles an d their heroic (or villainous)

companions. Legenda ry perso nages such as the
Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV, the twisted Mentat
Piter de Vries and famous Ginaz swordsmas ter
Shaddarn IV (Corrina Noble)
Duncan Idaho are but a few exam ples. While your "...but what else is one to expect of barbarians
DUNE RPG narratives tell the tales of your own whose dearest dream is to live outside the ordered
lead ing characte rs, you may wish to introduce security of the faufreluches?"
one or more legendary personages from DUNE, - Emperor Shaddam IV; DUNE p.78
allowing your players to interact with their
favorit e characters during special "guest appear- Eighty-first of his line , the Padishah Emperor
ances" . If your characters serve an Atreides Ho use Shaddam IV leads the Corrino dynasty through politi-
Mino r, for example, it might be fun for them to cal adroitness and milita ry prowess. During the first
~ emba rk on an espionage mission led by Duncan 16 years of his reign , he doubled the ranks of
Idaho, or report to Duke Leto himself to receive a Sardaukar Bursegs (commander generals) , and wears
. : ~ House comm end ation for a job well do ne. a Burseg's helmet as a symbolic remi nder of the ulti-
In add ition to the cha racters from DUNE, the ma te so urce of his power. A fierce proponent of the
following section describes several original person- faufreluc hes, Shaddam IV is a stern, uncompromising
ages gracing the courts of other noble Houses aristocrat. magnanimous at times and cunning when
. (such as House Wallach or Moritani) . Because necessary, but predisposed to commanding with a n
~ DUNE tou ches on these Houses and their leaders imperious air.
.,- marginally, it's largely up to the Narrator to deter-
mine what sort of personalities they have and how
Count Hasimir Fenring (Corrina Noble)
they beh ave. For more information a bout the origi-
nal person ages presented here , see "Chapter 2: "The Emperor wishes me to report on whether
House Descriptions," pages 30- 4 1. you've chosen a worthy successor. There's nothing
Chapter XV: Imperial Personages
like the arena to expose the true person from
beneath the mask, ehl "
Lady jessica (At reides Adept)
- Count Penring, DUNE p.320 "I am Bene Gesserit: 1 exist only to serve.'
- Lady Jessica, DUNE p. 23
The friend and
confidant of The bound-concubine of Duke Leto Atreides and
Emperor Shaddam mother of the ducal heir, Lady Jessica is divided in her
IV, Count Hasimir loyalty between the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood and House
Fenring serves His Atreides. Deemed one of the most promising students
Majesty as an the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam had ever
Imperial Observer taught, Jessica failed her Bene Gesserit proctors by
and de facto Spice falling in love with her appointed liege. Allowing emo-
Czar. During his tion to give Leto the
years in the son and heir he
Emperor's service, wanted, Jessica
Fenring has earned '.' openly defied the
quite a reputation for Sisterhood's order
his knife work, rival- to conceive only
ing the ability of legendary Swordmasters such as daughters by the
Duncan Idaho of the Ginaz school. His wife, the Lady Atreides Duke. By
Margot Fenring accompanies her husband on many of givingbirth to Paul,
his Imperialerrands and involves him in some of her the Atreides heir-
Bene Gesserit schemes. But as a failed Kwisatz Haderach designate, Jessica
and genetic eunuch the Sisterhood sadly dismisses has ruined the
Fenring from their vaunted breeding program. Sisterhood's ambi-
tion to wed an
Atreides daughter to a Harkonnen heir and thus end the
Duke Let o Atreides (Atreides Noble) ancient feud between the warring Houses. Moreover, she
"Think ofthe Landsraad Houses that look to me for has meddled in the Sisterhood's breeding program, spoil-
a certain amount ofleadership-their unofficial ing their plans to attempt to cross Atreides and
spokesman. Think how they'd react if 1 were Harkonnen stock in search of their Kwisatz Haderach,
responsible for a serious reduction in their income. "the male superbeing who can be many places at once."
After all, one's own profits come first. The Great
Convention be damned! "
Baro n Vladimir H arkon nen
- Duke Leto Atreides , DUNE p.43
(Harkonnen Noble)
Known as 'Leto "The Duke must know when 1 encompass his doom.
the Just' among his ...And the other Great Houses must learn ofit. The
peers in the knowledge will give them pause."
Landsraad, Leto has - Baron Vladimir Harkonnen , DUNE p. I 6
gathered an
entourage of retain- Equipped with a suspensor belt to support his exces-
ers, unsurpassed in ~ sive corpulence, the megalomaniacal Baron Harkonnen
their skill and loyal- harbors an insatiable appetite for power-and for
ty. As his father revenge. Begrudging
before him, Duke House Atreides for
Leto inspires the the banishment of
kind of fanatical his ancestor so
love and devotion many millennia ago,
that merits total loy- the Baron seeks vin-
alty. And it is his reputation for morality and righteousness dication by means
that has earned him a position of leadership among many of Kanly-a deadly
Landsraad Houses. Those who seek justice and political game of vendetta
redress flock to Leto's camp for protection against the ended only by the
Emperor and his supporters; for it is Widely known that death of Duke Leto
Duke Leto Atreides-a man of sincerity and true bravu- Atreides and his
ra-never turns his back on an ally in need. only heir Paul.
as planned, House Moritani should be ready to fulfill its
Prter De Vries (Harkonnen Merrtat)
part when the ambitious young nobleman takes his oath
"Ah-hah! But you see Baron, I know as a Mentat of investiture and assumes the mantle of command.
when you will send the executioner. You will hold
back just so long as I am useful. To move sooner
Verdun Dei (Moritani Assassin)
would be wasteful and I'm yet of much use."
- Piter de Vries, DUNE p. J 6 'Fret not over my frail condition, Master Tycho. I'll
feed my appetite with the blood of your enemies and
Possessed of the then spare a moment to savor your chefs chukka
mind of a Mentat but under glass-if m'Lord permits. '
the voice of a killer, - Verdun Dei, Conversations with Tycho I
Piter de Vries is per-
haps the most cun- Former Grandmaster of the Indrin School of Assassins,
ning of the 'twisted' Verdun Dei recently enlisted with the na-Count Tycho and
Mentats ever turned his circle of advisors to hatch their schemes of reviving the
out by the Bene ancient Bhotani tradition. Having chosen the ancient
Tleilax training Monastery of Dur-Iong abandoned in its decrepitude-as
schools. He cautious- the ideal site for their
ly serves the Baron secret training programs,
Harkonnen, who Verdun Dei has toiled
indulges Piter's sadis- over the recent months
tic penchant and to put the compound
expensive spice addiction. But Baron Harkonnen remains into fit working order.
wary of his killerMentat, expecting that one day Piter With the exterior retain-
could turn upon him like a rabid dog toward its master. ing its ramshackle
appearance, the interior
of the primary buildings
Tycho di Moritani (Moritani Noble)
have been entirely refur-
'The defeat of the Gina: was my father's magnum bished, fitted with vari-
opus, the return of the Bhotani assassins shall be ous state of the art tech- '.'
mine. But do not think me over eager to assume my nologies-from the fully '
father's station; while he yet lives I remain safe automated Ixian fighters acquired on the black market, to
from censure should the nature of my Pratemus- the miniature comeyes and solido projectors purchased
Eleai project bemme known in the Landsraad. from Richese, Now nearing completion, Dei prepares his
Though the Moritani name inspires hatred among staffof instructors, versingthem in the Fraternus Electi-a
many, few would willingly mndemn the ailing, old multi-volume training manual and philosophic manifesto
man." . compiling all of the accumulated data regarding the
- na-Count Tycho di Moritani, Private Journals ancient order of Bhotani assassins.

Ruling as Count in
Lady Cstriona Tseida (Tsekla N oble)
all but name, the na-
Count Tycho di 'W hile the Great
Moritani presses to Houses of the
complete his secret Landsraad rely on
projects before his House Tseida for our
father's demise. tradition of legal
Already he plans to expertise , we must
resurrect the ancient never forget the lesson
Bhotani traditions, implicit in the Great
reviving the esoteric Revolt. When the con-
ways of the notorious suming masses reali:e
mercenary assassins. the price of dependen-
In addition, the young cy, they may rail
heir has launched a against their providers
broad campaign to recreate the image of House Moritani, with violent intensity, creating a ripple-ffect that
placing Mentat Delbreth Umbrico and Chancellor Paimon may rock the entire universe'
Pradisek in charge of propaganda. Should everything go - Lady Catriona, from Tseidan Conference 30124

Chapter XV: Imperial Personages
Catriona Tseida, Daughter Regent of Sikun, governs her waters. Gagging smoke and oily fog drifted across
homeworld in trust for her nephew Iorgu who will assume the murky waves, blanketing the bobbing corpses
his rightful place upon reaching the majority age of 18. In like a burning shroud in helL.'
the meantime Catriona rules conservatively, hoping to - Baron von Wallach , The Conquest of Pergammos
strengthen Tseidan relations with the other Houses of the
Landsraad community. Nearing middle age, Catriona Having served six tours of duty among the Imperial
remains a vision of beauty, persuading as much through Sardaukar, Baron Wolfram demonstrates familiarity with
her allure as with her wisdom and keen perspicacity. many homeworlds of the Imperium. Though now
advanced into the age of retirement, the Baron still main-
tains his body and mind through daily exercise on the
Moebius Ah earn (Tse ida Ethics
training floor and in his personal library.
'It was the blind ambition of technologists who
Lechter Adile (Wallach Suk)
engineered the Jihad. Emmanuel Butler said it best
when he predicted 'rampant advancement without 'The mystery of life presents a multitude of ques-
aim or purpose will make us slaves of our own cre- tions that we're even now just beginning to address.
ation'. We of Sikun must be mindful of the Behind any reasonable answer our science provides,
long-term effects our policies bear on the Imperium , we discover an even greater conundrum .'
lest we inadvertently undermine the moral tradi- - Lechter Adile, Suk Dissertation
tions upon which the Great Convention is based.'
- Moebius Ahearn, from Strategy Conclave 951302 New to his post as
resident Suk and
Risen from the ranks of the Sunnivas Butlerian intelli- house physician for the
gentsia, Moebius stunned his academic peers when he House of Wallach,
abandoned his chair in the Sunnivas Academyto enlist Adile's reputation pre-
with the decidedly cedes him. As the for-
agnostic Tseidan mer Director of
regime . His keen mind Genetics at the Suk
rapidly propelling him Academy on Poritrln
through the House Adile held a singularly
induction regimen, enviable position.
Moebius emerged as Eight of the last ten
one of the fi nest House academy Deans earned ..
Advocates, largely promotions from the GR department; and it was presumed
responsible for the by all that Adile would follow in his predecessor's foot-
reassessment of the steps. ButAdile proved unable to navigate the political
House position regarding.\ undercurrents, beaching him on the shores of mediocrity.
technological advocacy. . When Olifer Mangrove discovered his plight, he implored
his old friend to enlist with the Baron-a man of similar
mind and political refrain .
Baron Wolfram von Wallach (Wallach Noble)
'... and from the deepest midnight jungle we
emerged to catch our first glimpse of the long
Prominent Characters
shores of Pergammos. Though it was the pitch of Prominent Characters play roles instrumental to the
night, we beheld the story line, often driving the plot from the seat of a
scene in the fiery Leading role. When portrayingMinor roles. these charac-
gloom cast above ters usually serve directly beneath a Leading character,
the burning tide. carryingout his orders or supporting her agenda.
Not far offshore one Narrators should presume they possess average (2) ranks
of our frigates had in all character attributes, having edges and skill special-
crash-landed, rising ization as noted for each. In addition, Narrators should
from the waves with . customize Prominent Characters to suit the particular
its hull split asun- demands of their role. For example, if an Ambassador
der like a hulking also happens to be a political revolutionary, the Narrator
leviathan, spewing should equip them with skills such as Propaganda and
its searing lifeblood Racketeering in preparation for any special Tests that
into steaming may be required of them during the narrative.
CHOAM Delegate Imperial Planetologist
Houses employ CHOA.VI delegates as economic emis- Chief among the scientists who study a planet,
saries, financ ial ambassadors who negotiate contracts, Imperial Planetologists serve the Imperium as minor
arrange fiscal partnerships, acquire new charters and so advisors- appointed by the Emperor to report on plane-
forth . CHOA.VI delegatesspecialize in the working protocol tary matters. Monitoring resource exploitation and taking
of the CHOA.VI company. increasing their effectiveness as the Imperial census first among their duties, the Imperial
they develop new contacts, make political allies and earn planetologist files annual reports, earning them some
themselves a reputation for leading profitable initiatives. measure of political clout.

Attributes Intellect 3 (Logic +1), Charisma 3 Attri butes Intellect 3 (Perception + I, Logic + I)
(Willpower + I) Skills Administration 3, Culture 2, History 2,
Skills Administration (economic) 2(3). Language 3, Science 5, Survival 4, World
Diplomacy (negotiation) 2(3), Economics Knowledge (planetology) 2(4)
4, Law (CHOA.VI) 2(3), Mercantilism 3, Traits Patron
Persuasion 2, Politics 2 Other Characteristics
Traits n/a Caste 3, Resistance 2
Other Characreristlcs
Caste 3, Resistance 2
Judge of the Change
Concubine Appointed by the Padishah Emperor and Landsraad
High Council. the Judge of the Change arranges and
Where political necessities prohibit forma l marriage, supervises Kanly negotiations, changes of domestic fief-
nobles consort with legal concubines. Concubines rear doms and wars of assassins between noble households.
children, coordinate House affairs and provide trustworthy Though of temporary appointment, the Judge of the
companionship for their designated mate. While any con- Change must demonstrate certain qualifications to the
cubine may bear children, only 'bound-concubines' can appointing committee in order to be deemed worthy of
produce legal heirs. the official duties and invested authority.

Attributes Intellect 2 (Logic + I), Charisma 3 Attributes Intellect 3 (Perception + I), Charisma 3
(Presence +1) (Willpower + 1)
Skills Administration 2, Charm 4, Culture 3, Skills Administration 3, Culture 2, Diplomacy
History 2, Observation I, Persuasion 2, 4, History 3, Law 5, Observation 2,
Subterfuge 2 Politics 3
Traits none Traits Ally, Information Network
Other Characterlstics Other Charactertstics
Caste 4, Resistance 2 Caste 3 (4 as Judge), Resistance 2

Guild Spokesman Landsraad Emissary

Powerful spokesmen for the Spacing Guild, Guild Landsraad emissaries serve the dual functions of
Navigators serve as the mouthpiece for the entire organi- House spokesman and legal advocate, speaking before the
zation-to defy its representative is to defy the Guild. Landsraad, petitioning the Emperor, suing for justice or
Reserved for First of Second Stage Navigators with pre- defending House actions. The non-inheriting progeny of
scient ability, the role of Guild Spokesman carries enor- noble Houses often assume the duties of Landsraad emis-
mous responsibility and political power. For such rea- sary or House ambassador, representing their Houses in a
sons, Guild Spokesmen appear haughty and insubordi- manner commensurate with their noble birthright.
nate, behaving as equals of the Imperial nobility.
Attri butes Intellect 3 (Logic + I), Charisma 3
Attributes Intellect 3 (Perception +2), Prescience 2 (Presence +2)
Skills Administration 2, Diplomacy 4, Skills Administration 3, Charm 2, Culture 3,
Economics 3, Law 2, Mercantilism 3, Diplomacy 4, History 3, Language 2,
Physics 1, Politics 3, Propaganda 2, Persuasion 3, Politics 4, Propaganda 2,
Racketeering 4 Statecraft 2, Subterfuge 3
Traits Latent Prescience, Patron (3) Traits Highborn
Other Characterlstics Othe r Characteristics
Caste 4, Resistance 2 Caste 4, Resistance 2

Chapter XV: Imperial Personages
Attributes Coordination 4 (Reaction + 1), Intellect 3
Sardaukar Commander (Perception +2), Charisma 3 (Presence
Culled from the ranks of the military elite, Sardaukar +1), Prescience 3
Commanders exhibit brilliant leadership, adamant Skills Athletics I, BGWay 5, Dodge 2,
courage and fanatical loyalty to the Padishah Emperor Observation 4, Politics 5, Persuasion 3,
and Golden Lion Throne. Ruthless and driven, these Ritualism 4, Subterfuge 4, Truthtrance 3,
'officers of the corps' tend to reveal egotistical, and even Voice 5, Unarmed Combat 2
megalomaniacal, personalities-a characteristic of the Traits Immunity (poisons), Prana-Bindu
Sardaukar mystique. Conditioning, Weirding Combat
Other Characteristics
Attributes Physique 3 (Strength + 1, Constitution Caste 3 or 4, Resistance 2
+2), Charisma 3 (Willpower +1)
Skills Armament 3, Armed Combat (melee
arms) 3(4), Athletics 2, Dodge 2,
Equipment 2, Military Operations 3, Harkening back to the brotherhood of prophets, the
Ranged Combat (any) 2(3), Transport 2, Umma wander the Imperium preaching and prophesying
Unarmed Combat 3 for the superstitious masses. They employ their awak-
Traits Heroism, Resilience ened prescience to perform as oracles and spiritual coun-
Other Characteristics selors for those with coin, being considered little more
Caste 3, Resistance 4 than wild charlatans by most 'civilized' peoples.

Attributes Intellect 3 (Perception + 1), Charisma 3

Sleeper Agent (Presence + 1), Prescience 1 (Sight + 1)
Often called 'moles,' Sleeper Agents infiltrate rival Skills Culture 3, Dodge 1, First Aid 2,
organizations where they 'lie dormant' within, spying on Observation 3, Politics 2, Persuasion 3,
the internal operations and relaying secret reports to their Subterfuge 2, Theology 3
outside contacts. Often serving as routine functionaries Trai ts Latent Prescience 3
within the operations they infest, Sleeper Agents also act Othe r Characteristics
as the 'point men' for further intelligence operations, Caste 1 to 3, Resistance 2
coordinating espionage, stealing secret documents,
acquiring forged documentation or sabotaging opera-
Narrative Extras
These are the characters who populate the back-
Attributes Coordination 3 (Reaction + 1), Intellect 3 ground of your story. In the normal course of events
(Perception + I) none of them would figure prominently, and few of them
Skills Concealment 2, Culture I, Espionage 2, would even have the occasion to speak to the player
Impersonation 2, Infiltration 3, Language characters. But each serves a role, often behind the
I, Security (systems) 2(3), Stealth 2, scenes. And each could provide an interesting interlude
Subterfuge 3, Survival (urban) 2(3), should the characters take the opportunity to speak with
Underground Operations 3 them.
Trai ts Information Network 3
Other Characterist ics
Caste 2 or 3, Resistance 2
Specializing in a variety of illicit services or unlawful
wares, criminals conspire and congregate in the political
Truthsayer underworld. Thieves, killers, arsonists, extortionists, forg-
With a rare talent even among their Bene Gesserit sis- ers, kidnappers and smugglers name but a few of the
ters, Truthsayers employ dangerous spectrum awareness criminals populating the Imperium.
narcotics to enhance their trained powers of observation,
watching for the petit betrayals that indicate whether a Attributes Reaction + I , Perception + 1
person speaks truthfully. The Bene Gesserit hires its Skill s ArmedCombat I, Bargain 2,
Truthsayers out to powerful organizations such as the Concealment 3, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 3,
Landsraad or CHOAM or to wealthy Great Houses who Racketeering (any) 1(3), Underworld
have regular need for such services. Knowledge (any.any) 2 (3,4)
Traits none
Other Characteristics
Caste 0 (or any), Resistance 2
Persuasive leaders who appea l to popular
sentiment, Demago gues include a variety of
rabblerousers, from unorthodox religious
fanatics to labor union representatives-vir-
tually anyone who leads a mob again st the

Attribute s Presence + 1, Willpower + 1

Skills Charm 1, Persuasion 3,
Propaganda 2, Subterfuge 2
Traits Information Network
Other Characteristics
Caste 1 to 3, Resistance 2

Guards comprise the ranks of House secu -
rity, serving a variety of posts and stat ions .
Perso nal gua rds escort and protect House
membe rs. Security Guards defend the household com- Other Characteristics
pound and key installations ; and watchmen patrol the Caste 2, Resistan ce 2
city streets enforcing the law and maintaining civil order.
Attributes Strength + 1, Perception + 1
Skills Armed Combat 3, Law 2, Observation Speclalizing in a variety of inquiry techn iques, inter-
(surveillance) 2(3), Ranged Combat 2, rogators serve House intelligence by questioning sub-
Security 3, Unarmed Combat 2 jects. Methods vary from hars h questioning to ad minis-
Traits Alertness tered truth agents to physical torture-all with the pur-
Other Characteristics pose of finding the proper lever to induce the subject to
Caste 2, Resistance 2 surre ndering the req uired information.

Attributes Perception +1, Willpower +2

House Servant
Skills Biology (anat omy) 1(2), Equipment 2,
Charged with any number of menial tasks Hous e ser- Interrogation 4, Observation 2,
vants include a variety of retainers , including chefs , sta- Persuasi on 3, Propaga nda 2, Psycho logy
ble boys , groundskeepers and chauffeurs . 3, Subo rnatio n 2, Sub terfuge 2
Traits none
Attributes non e Other Characteristics
Skills Administration 1, Charm 1, Culture 1, Caste 2, Resistance 2
Equipment 1, Security 1, Stealth 1
Traits none
M erch8nt
Other Characteristics
Caste 1, Resistance: 2 The merchant's trade may involve a number of venues
from peddling to hostelry, retail to slave-auction , and
smuggling to inn keeping . For those working under the
House Trooper
auspices of a CHOAtVl con tract of Household license ,
House Troopers serve in the military 'ra nk and file; legal ac umen and business savvy separate the franchised
participating in off-world invasions or defending their from the dise nfranchised.
homeworld as the situation requires.
Attributes Presence + 1
Attributes none Skills Bargaining 3, Economics 2, Mercantilism
Skill s Armed Combat (melee arms) 1(2), 3, Persuasion 2
Ranged Comba t (any) 1(2), Survival Traits none
(wilderness) 1, Unarme d Comb at 1 Othe r Characteristics
Trai ts non e Caste 2 or 3, Resistance 2

Chapt er XV: Imperial Personages
slave gladiators rank among the most prized of a House's
Saboteur retainers.
Saboteurs infiltrate organizations to steal information, Attrib utes Strength +1, Constitution +1, Dexterity
destroy physical property and wreak social disorder. +1
Whether relying on explosive demolitions, electronic Skills ArmedCombat 3, Athletics 3, Dodge 3,
countermeasures or mechanical intervention, Saboteurs Survival 2, Unarmed Combat 2
use all their resources to wreck operations and throw sys- Traits Shield Fighting, Bimanual Conditioning
tems into chaos. Other Charac teristics
Caste 0, Resistance 3
Attributes Dexterity + 1, Logic + 1
Skills Equipment 4, Infiltration 2, Physics (engi-
neering) 2(3), Repair 2, Sabotage (any)
3(4), Stealth 3, Underworld Knowledge 2 Charged with keeping slaves and prisoners in line,
Traits none Slavemasters perform as brutal taskmasters, often relying
Other Characterist ics whips and canes to goad their wards to physical exertion.
Caste 1 to 3, Resistance 2
Attribu tes Strength +2, Reaction +1
Skill s Administration (security) 1(3), Armed
Sardaukar Trooper Combat (any) 1(2), Dodge 3,
Trained primarily on the 'hell-world' Salusa Interrogation 2, Ranged Combat (maula
Secundus, the Sardaukar show a degree of brutal fanati- pistol) 2(3), Unarmed Combat 1
cism making them the most feared soldiers in the Traits Alertness
Imperium. So zealous is their conditioning and loyalty, Other Characteris tics
members of the Imperial Sardaukar vow to never be cap- Caste 1, Resistance 2
tured in battle, fighting to the death or even taking their
own lives before surrendering to an enemy or falling into Troubadour
enemy hands.
Trained in the art of music and storytelling,
Attributes Strength +1, Constitution +2 Troubadours-such as the Master Storytellers of House
Skills Armament 2, Armed Combat (Melee Jongleur-wander from world to world entertaining noble
Arms) 2(3), Ranged Combat (any) 2(3), courts or performing for the masses. Often having reputa-
Survival (wilderness) 4(5), Unarmed tions for being gossips, rakes or spies, Troubadours also
Combat 2 practice at arms in case their side pursuits land them in
Traits Heroism trouble.
Other Characteristics
Caste 3, Resistance 4 Attributes Strength +1, Perception +1, Presence +2
Skills Armed Combat (melee arms) 2, Artistry 2,
Athletics 2, Charm 3, Performance
Slave Gladiator (music) 2(4), Subterfuge 1, World
Surviving a process of natural selection, Gladiators Knowledge (any, any) 2(3,4)
train to perfection through hundreds of victories in the Traits Renegade
fighting arenas making sport for the public masses. Other Characteristics
Technically members of the maula caste, experienced Caste 2 to 4, Resistance 2
Index Allegiance 6 1-63 Geography 188-189
Allegiance Templates 62 History 187-188
Background History 63-70 Intriguing Loca tions 190-191
Adept 46-47, 53, 64 Packages 65-66 .67-69 Narrative Concept s 191
Advantage 7. See also Traits. Point-ba sed Developme nt 66 Society And Culture 189-190
Allegiance 7, 61-63 Stages of 65 Art s 190-191
Allegiance Template 7, 62 Early Life 66 Religion 189-190
Archetypes House Service 66-70 Combat 120-131
Character 52 Personal Calling 70 Combat Round s 121-125
Adept 53 Caste 70 Subsequent Combat Rounds 125-126
Assassin 54 Conditioning 63 Combat Tests 128-13 1
Mentat 56 Conditioning Overlays 64-65 Combat Variables 129-131
Noble 57 Creation 49-71 Damage 131-133
Strategist 55 Advanced Creation 66 Effects of Injuries 134-136
Suk 59 Archetypes 52 Inflicting Damage 131- 133
Swordmaster 58 Cha racteristics 60-61 Resisting Damage : 134
House Minor 44, 45 Attributes 60. See also Attribute Taking Damage 133-134
Arrakis 266-268. See also IPS:Homeworld. See Skills 60. See also Skill Wound Levels 135
also Homewo rld Edges 60. See also Edge Example of Comba t 137-138
History of 16-17 Traits 6 1 Fatigue 126-127
Assassin 46-47, 54, 64 Notation 6 1 Forms of Comba t 127-128
Assassin Guilds 218 Creation Process 52-60 Initiative 120, 126
Assassin's Handbook 218 Finishing Touches 70 Movement 127
Assets 42-43, 46-4 7,179 Initial Concept 49-52 Options 120-121
Awards 179 QUick-Reference 72-73 Close Combat Optio ns 122-123
Atreides. House 25 Un iversal Development 70 Due ling Optio ns 123
Allegiance Template 62 Developme nt Point Cost 66 Gene ra l Options 122
Description 31 Evolution 171-178 Initial Actions & Reaction s 121-125
History of 19-20 Commendations 175 Mart ial Combat Option s 124
Profile 30 Experience 171-174 Option Costs 120-121
Attribute 7 Karama 174-175 Option Summary 130-131
Attribute Level 8 Promotion 175-178 Ranged Combat Options 124
Attribute Test 7 Renow n 175 Shield-Fighting Opt ions 124
Cha racte r Attributes 60 Karama 71 Specia l Ranged Options 125
Charisma 60, 75 Non- House Characters 5 1 Subsequent Actions and Reactions 125
Coordin atio n 60, 75 Personal Equipment 71 Weirding Comba t Options 124
Intellect 60. 75 Renown 70-71 Quick Reference 138-139
Physique 60, 75 Restrictions 52 Round Sequence 120- I26
Prescience 60 , 75 Starting Equipment 71 Surprise 126
Edge 8 Character Creation Commendations. See Cha racter Evolution
House Attributes 43 Allegiance Template Commerce & Education 2 14-218
Influence 43 Conditioning Overlay CHOAM Company, the 215-216
Security 43 Development Point s 8 Conditioning 63
Status 43 Characteristics 75-109 Advanced Conditioning 70
Wealth 43 Attributes 7, 75-76. See also Attribute Cond itioning Overlay 8
Edges 75-76. See a lso Edge Cond itioning Overlays 64-65
B Skills 9, 76-77, 77-97
Speciali zation 77
Corrino, House 25
Allegiance Template 62
Background History 63-70 Tra its 7, 8, 97-10 9 Description 33
Packages 65-66, 67-69 Advantages 98 History of 19
Stages of Background 65 Disadv antages 98 Profile 32
Early Life 66 Charters 27 Credits 2
House Service 66-70 CHOAM 22-23, 2 15-216 Cruiser. See Spacecraft:lnterplanetary
Personal Calling 70
Bene Gesse rit Sisterhood 17-18
Imperial Service 217-2 18
A Tripa rtite Enterprise 215
Board of Directors 215
Emporiu m, the 215
Mating Index 2 17 d6 8
Regulatory Commission 215
Rank s of the Sisterhood 2 18 Damage 131-136
Building Blocs 216
Butlerian jihad 13-15, 223 Effects of Injuries 134-136
Cont racts 216
Aftermath ]4- 15 Inflicting Damage 131-133
Directorships 216
Butlerlan Proscriptions 224 Resisting Damage 134
Holdin gs 216
Proscriptions 13-]4 Stun Damage 135-136
Membership 26
Wound Levels 135
c Chron icle II I. See also Time
Creation 168-169
Epic Chronicles 169
Developme nt Points 8
Difficulty 8, 111-113. See also Test
Caladan 25, 257-258. See also IPS: Homeworld Difficulty Numbe rs 112
Profiles . See also Homeworld Episodic Chronicles 168-169
Difficulty of Comba t Tests 128
Caste 70. See faufreluches Chusuk 25, 187-191
Meani ng 112-1 13
Chapter II I. See a lso Time Economy 189
Directorships 27
Character Trade Faire 189

Disadvantage 8. See also Traits. Kanly Negotia tion 2 12 Tleilax 271
Drama Die 8, 113-120. See also Test Rites of Kanly 212 Tupile 271
Dramatic Failure 8 Violations and Consequences 212-2 13 House . See also Great House . See also House
Dramatic Success 8 War of Assassins 212 Minor
Dune. See Arrakis. Guild Peace 211 Allegiance 6 1-63
First Law 2" Creation 4344
E Violation & Consequences 211 Great House 8
Great House 8 House Minor 8
Ecaz 268-269
Great Houses 19-22 House Service 46-47. 66-70
Edge 8, 60
Charac teristics 26-29 House Affairs 46
Charisma 76
Entourage 28 Household Security 47
Coordination 75-76
Ethos 27-28 Intelligence Operations 47
Intellect 76
Holdings 27 Mercan tile Enterprises 46-47
Physique 75 Houses Minor 28-29 Military Operations 47
Prescience 76 Legacy 26-27 Player Houses 6 1
Entertai nment 221 House Advancemen t 178-181
Noble Title 27
Competitions 221 House Development, chart 179
Relations 28
Deba uchery 221 Household Administration 179-181
Descriptions 29-42
Social Engagements 221 House Accomplish ments 179
House Atreides 1920 , 31
Entourage 6
House Corrino 19, 33 House Assets 179
Entou rage, House 28, 46-47
House Harkonnen 20, 35 House Development 179
Equ ipment 71, 226-239 House Moritani 20, 37 Interlude Ventures 180-181
Availability 239
House Tseida 20-21, 39 Narrative Debriefing 179
Cha racter, Starting 71 House Wallach 20, 41 Household. See House
Equipment List 240241 Listing of 25 Houses Minor 29-46
Installatio ns 235-236
Role of 25-26 Allegiance
Personal Armament 226-232
Great Revolt. See Butlerian Jihad Atreides 30
Defensive Armament 231-232
Great Schools 216-219 Corrino 32
Melee Weapons 226-228
History of 21 Harkonnen 34
Ranged Weapons 228-231 Foundation of 17-19 Moritan i 36
Personal Gear 232-235 Bene Gesserit Sisterhood 17-18,21 72 18. Tseida 38
Skill 94-95
See also Bene Gesserit Wallach 40
Vehicles 236-239 Sisterhood Archetypes 44, 45
Experience Points 171-174 Attributes 43, 44-47
Caste designation 214
Awards 171-172
Lesser Schools of the Imperium 2 18 Influence 43
Awa rds chart 172
Assassin Guilds 218 Security 43
Expenditures 172-175 Mentat Schoo ls 218 Status 43
Expenditur es , chart 173
Strategy Schools 218 Wealth 43
F Suk medical schoo ls 218
Swordmaste r Academies 218
Charac teristics 29-43
Ancestry 29-42, 44
Failure. See Test:Result Spacing Guild 18. See also Spacing Guild Assets 42-43. 46-47
Family 219-220 Grumman 25, 260-261. See also Homeworld . Holdings 42, 44
Concub inage 219 See also IPS:Homeworld Legacy 29
Marriage 219 Guild. See Spaci ng Guild . See also Assassin Renown 42, 44
Progeny 219 Creation 43-46
Faufreluches 28 H
Faufreluches , Order of 213-214
Hagal 25, 269
Feuda l Order of Command 214 Harkonn en, House 25 Icon System 6, "1 -139
The Great Schools 214 Allegiance Template 62 Action & Combat 120-13 1
Five Levels of Cas te 213-214 Description 35 Da mage and Healing 131-136
The First Order: Regis Familia 213
History of 20 Tests "1-120
The Third Order: Bonds men 213 Time I I I
Profile 34
The Fourth Order: Pyons 213 Healing 131, 136 Imperial Personages . See also Supporting
The Fifth Order: Maula 213-214 Characters
Medical Attention 136
The Second Order: Na-Fa milia 213
Natural Healing 136 Legendary Personages 273-2 76
Fee, House Minor 42 Holdings 27, 42, 44. 216 Baron Vladimir Harko nne n 274
Fiefdom 42. See Homeworld. See also Fee Baron Wolfram von Wallach 276
Homeworld 256
Foldspa ce 244-249. See also Space Travel Cou nt Hasimir Fenring 273-274
Imperial Fiefs 266-270
Adventures 247 Duke Leto Atreldes 274
Arrakis 266-268
Average Travel Times 248 Ecaz 268-269 Emperor Shaddarn IV 273
Heighliners 244-245 Lady Catriona Tseida 275-276
Navigators 244 Ix 269-270 Lady Jessica 274
Frigate. See Spacec raft:lnterplanetary Lechter Adile 276
Richese 270
G Salusa Secundus 270
Wallach IX 270
Moebius Ahearn 276
Piter De Vries 275
Game Rules 111-139. See also Icon System Imperial Homeworlds 257-265 Tvcho di Moritani 275
Giedi Prime 25. 258-260. See also IPS: Caladan 257-258 Verdun Dei 275
Homeworld. See also Chusuk 187-191 Narrative Extras 278-280
Homeworld Giedi Prime 258-260 Prominent Characters 276-278
Glossary of Terms 7-9 Grumman 260-261 Imperium 211-221
Grea t Convention 22, 26, 211-213 Kaitain 261-263 Arts 220-221
Articles of Kan ly 211-213 Sikun 263-264 Caste 213-2 14
Dictum Familia 212 Wallach VII 264266 Commerce 23, 214-218
Formal Dueling 212 Out-freyn Autarkies 270-271 Culture 27-28
Education 214-218 Prayer Skills 93-9 7
Enterta inment 22 1
Family 2 19
)-K-L Prayer Traits:Advantages 107-108
Prayer Traits:Disadvantages 108-109
History of 13-23 longleur 25 Promotion 175-178
Great Revolt 13-15 Justice. See Renown :Aspect s Departmental Transfers 176
Butler ian Proscriptions 13-14 Justice Skills 89-93 Household Furloughs 176- 178
Imperial Da rk Age 14-15 justice Traits :Advantages 104- 105 Household Posit ions 177
Imper ial Golden Age 18-21 justice Traits:Disad vantages 105-10 7 Qualifications 175
Con solidation and Expansion 19- Kaitain 25. 26 1-263. See also Homeworld, See
22 also IPS: Homeworld Q-R
Impe rial Renaissance 16-18 Karama 8, 71, 115-1 16, 174-1 75
Quasi-Fief 256
Discovery of the Spice 16-17 Karama Points 8
Religion 220
Foundation of the Great Schools Recuperating Karama 115-1 16
Orange Catholicism 220
17-19 Start ing Karama 71
Zensunni 220
Reunification: Visions of Empire 15-16 Using during play 115-116
Renown 9, 175
Battle of Corrin 15-16 Landsraad 22
Awards chart 174
Instit utions of 22-23 Houses of 25-4 7
Character 70- 71
CHOA,'.1 Compa ny 22-23 Membership 25-26
Renown Aspects 71
Great Conve nt ion 22 Language 2 19-220
justice 7 1
Landsraa d Council 22 Ancient Languages 220
Learning 71
La nguage 219-220 Galach 219
Prayer 71
Law 2 11-213 Specialized Languag es 219-220
Valor 71
Religion 220 Battle Language 219
House 42 , 44
Social Custo ms 218-22 1 Chakobsa 2 19-220
Renown Tests 119-120
Spacecraft 244 Mira bhasa 220
Resistance 9
Techn ology 223-239 Learning . See Renown :Aspects
Richese 25 , 270
Initiative 8 Learning Skills 83-89
Roleplaying 5-6
Instr ument of Kanly 192 Learning Traits: Disadvantages 103-104
Round 9, I ll, 120- 126. See also Time
Act One : Operatic Overtures 194-199 Learning Traits:Advantages 10 I- I03
Rules 6, 111- 139. See also Icon System
Scene Two: Silent Movement 19 7-198 Level 8
Scene One : First Baliset 195-19 7
Scene Three: Aria at Mondriagne 198-
Ligh ter. See Spacecraft:lnterplaneta ry
Act Two: Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark
M-N-O Salusa Secundus 270
Scene Il l, 146- 147. See a lso Time
199-204 Melange 16-17 , 100, 101, 108
Na rrative Pu rpose 164
Scene Three : A False Chord 203-204 Mentat 46-4 7, 56 , 64
Setting, Creation 16 1-162
Scene Two: Midnight Tango 202-203 Mentat Schools 17, 19, 2 18
Horneworld Advent ure s 16 1-162
Scene One : Opening Recital 199-202 Moritani , House
Off-world Adventures 162- 163
Act Three : Swan Song Repercussion 204 Allegiance Template 62 Sikun 25 , 263 -264. See also Homeworld, See
Scene One: Dissonant Vibes 204-2 05 Description 37
also IPS: Homeworld
Scene Two: Improvisational Jazz 206 History of 20
Siridar Fief 256
Scene Three : Tona l Harmony 20 7 Profile 36 Sisterh ood . See Bene Gesse rit Siste rhood
Background 193 Narrative 8
Skill 9
Ixian Authenti cator 19 7 Narrative Ventures 178
Cha racter Skills 60
Narrative Interlude 20 7 Narrator 6
Descriptions 77-97
Character Rewards 207 judg ing 148-150 justice Skills 89-93
Roleplaying Hints 194 Narrator's Role 143-151
Learning Skills 83 -89
Supporti ng Cast Preparation 144-145
Prayer Skills 93-97
Compt Lorenzo Adici 200-201 Storytelling 145- 148 Valor Skills 77-83
D' murjzin Operatives 202 Noble 46-4 7, 57, 64
Master Skill List 78-79
Desmond Karos 195-196 Option 9. See CombatOpt ions
Skill Level 8
Rugi Pallos 200 Orange Catholicism 19, 220
Skill Test 9
Sator Pell 198 Butlerian Jihad 220 . See also Butlerian
Specializati on 9, 60
Synopsis 193-194 Jihad .
Untra ined Skill Use 118
Varotan Trade Faire 195 C.E.T 19,220 Social Cus toms 218-22 1
Interlude Ill. See also Time O.c. Bible 13, 220
Arts 220-221
Inte rlude Ventures 180-181 Orbital Station. See Spacecraft.Interplanetary
Entertai nmen t 221
IPS 255- 25 7. See Homeworld Out-fre yn 256
Family 219
Cornmentary/Fcatures of Inte rest 256-257
Demographic Data 256
p Language 2 19-220
Religion 220
Planetary Government 256 Pacing 149- 150 Space Travel
Homeworld Profiles Perso nag es . See Imperia l Personages Artangi ng Transportation 252-253
Arrak is 26 7 Pillars of the Universe 153-155 Interplanetary Travel 252-253
Caladan 258 Hu ma n Cond itioning 154 Inte rstellar Travel 252
Giedi Prime 260 Karama & Ijaz 154-155 Transport Rates 253
Gru mman 26 1 Mystery of Life 153 Foldspace 244 -249
Kaita in 262 Pla ns with in Pla ns 155 Interplaneta ry Travel 249-252
Sikun 264 Preservation and Evolution 154 Voyage Complications 251 -252
Wallach VII 265 Pla net. See also Home world . See a lso IPS Voyage 253
Other Pub lica tion s 25 7 Clas sificatio n 256 Spa cecra ft 244
Planetologica l Data 255- 256 Impe rial Planetological Surve y 255-257 Guild Heighli ne rs 244-245
Astronomical Data 255- 256 Nomenclature 255 Interp lan etary Vessels 249-251
Geological Data 256 Players 5-6 Cruisers 251
Ix 25 , 269-2 70 House Entourage 6 Frigates 250
Prayer. See Renown :Aspects Lighters 250

Orbital Stations 251 Proscriptions against 224 Valor Traits:Disadvantages 101
Spacing Guild 17-19,243-244 Test 9, 111-120 Varota , Hous e 25 , 183-187
Foldspace 244-245 Combat. See Combat Allegiance Template 185
Foundation of 243-244 06 8 Entourage 185
Heighliners 244-245 Determining Skill 113 Ethos 184-185
Adventures 247 Difficulty 8, 111-113 Homeworld 187-191
House Wayku 252 Drama Die 113-115 Houses Minor 186-189
Navigators 244 Dramatic Failures 8, 114 House Adici 186
Spacecraft 244 . See also Spacecraft Dramatic Successes 8, 114 House Deseo 186
Transport Policies 245-249 Making A Test 113-115 House Levrache 186
Guild Security 245-246 Improving Your Roll 115-116 House Mandcrvold 186
Military Transport 247 Substituting Attributes 115 House Nambure 187-189
Shipping Privileges 245 Using Karama 115-116 Legacy 183-185
Transport Procedures 246-248 Resuit 9, 113-120 Relation s 185
Transport Routes 248-249 Automatic Success 113 Varota Profile 183
Transport Rates 253 Degree of Success 114 Ventures, House 178
Spacing Industry. See Spacing Guild Failure 115 Interlude Ventures 180-181
Specialization 9, 60 Success 113 Initiation 180-181
Spice. See Melange. Skill Test 9 Interpreting Results 181
Story Arcs. See Episodic Chronicle Test Modifier 9 Venture Tests 181
Story, Creation 162-168 Test Modifiers 118 Narrative Ventures 178
Concept 163-164 Additional Attempts 118
Conflict 163 Combined Tests 7, 118 W-X-y-Z
Scene Scripting 164 Other Modifiers 118-119
Wallach IX 270
SUbplots 167-168 Preparation 118
Wallach VII 25 , 264-265. See also IPS:
Three-Act Model 164-167 Types of Tests 116-120
Homeworld . See also
Confrontation 165-166 Attribute Tests 7, 116
Introduction 165 Extended Tests 8, 117 Homeworld
Wallach, House 25
Resolution 166-168 House Ventures 117-118
Allegiance Template 62
Strategist 55, 64 Opposed Tests 8-9, 116-117
Success. See Test:Result Renown Tests 119-120 Description 41
Suk 46-47, 59, 65 To-Hit Tests 128-129 History of 20
Suk Medical Schools 218 Untrained Skill Use 118 Profile 40
Warmaster 46-47
Supporting Cast 147, 157-161 Themes 155-157
Wayku, House 25, 252
Characterization 158-159 Applying Themes 157
Messianic Prophecy 156-157 Weapon Stats 129
Appearance 159
Wound Level 9
Background 159 Moral Incertitude 156
Zensunni 220-221
Characteristics 159 Preservation of Key Bloodlines 155
Goals and Motives 158 Science of Tradition 155-156 Zensunni Wanderers 220
Name 158 Taming of Worlds 156
Personality 158-159 Time III
Role 158
Supporting Roles 159-160
Chapter III
Chronicle III
Anonymous Roles 160-161 Interlude III Eric Anderson 162
Leading Roles 159-160 Round 9 Doug Beekman 14,47, 184, 187
Minor Roles 160 Scene III John Bridges 225
Supporting Characters 273-280 Titles Doug Chaffee 266
Customization 273 Great Houses 27 Thomas Gianni 20
Legendary Personages 273-276 Houses Minor 42 Anthony Hightower 4, 12,24,30,32,34,36,
Narrative Extras 278-280 Tleilax 271 38,40,48,53,54,55,56,57,
Prominent Characters 276-278 Traits 61, 97-109 58,59,74 ,88,96. 103, 110,
Swordmaster 46-47 , 58, 64 Advantages 7, 61 , 98 142, 147, 148, 152, 160, 166,
Swordmaster Academies 17, 19, 218 Justice Advantages 104-105 170, 173, 176, 182, 192, 195,
Sysse lraad 18,29, 42, 46 Learning Advantages 101-103 196,198,199,200,201,205 ,
Sysselraad Spokesman 46-47 Prayer Advantages 107-108 210 ,222,242,254,272 ,274,
Valor Advantages 99-10 1 275,276,279
T Descriptions 99-109
Disadvantages 8, 61, 98
Matt Innis 10-11, 117, 180,212,263
Doug Keith 215 , 257 , 259
Table of Contents 3 Mark Maxwc1l83 , 140-141, 151,246,252
Justice Disadvantages 105-107
Technology 223-239 Learning Disadvantages 103-104 Val Mayerik 6, 86, 126, 133
Adaptive Science 224-225 Prayer Disadvantages 108-109 Studio Parente 112, 121, 156,218,249
Availability 239 Valor Disadvantages 101 Zak Plucinski 29, 65, 144, 154
Conventional Equipment 226-239 Alan Pollack 178
Master Trait List 98
Equipment List 240-241 Tseida , House 25 Waltcr Velez 80 , 174,227,228,229,230,232,
Forbidden Technology 239 233,234,236,271
Allegiance Template 62
Fundamentals of 225-226 Matt Wilson 77
Description 39
Holtzman Effect 225 Mark Zug cover, 8, 17,26,63 , 73, 94, 99, 108,
History of 20-21
Materials 225 Profile 38 208-209
Pharmaceuticals 226 Tupile 271
Radio Control and Guidance 226
Servok Mechanisms and Motorization
History of 223-226 Valor. See Renown:Aspccts
Aftermath 224 Valor Skills 77-83
Butlerian Jihad 223 Valor Traits:Advantages 99-10 1
~ame Physique _ Intellect _
Strength _ Logic
Allegiance Constitution _ Perception _
House Minor _
Homeworld _ Coordination _ Charisma _
Conditioning . _ Dexterity _ Presence _
Early.Life _ Reaction _ Willpower. _
House Service _ Prescience_ _
Personal.Calllng.L _ Sight _
Caste _ Vision _

The Valor ofthe Brave The Learning ofthe Wise The) ustice ofthe Great The Prayers ofthe Righteous
Armament CI) v... _ Computanon.Il) _ Adminlstration.fl).; _ Artistry (I) - - - - -

Armed.Combat.ff') _ Culture.Il) _ Command.ich)., _ BG Way_CI) _

Assassination CC) v _ Economics.CI) Dlplomacy.K'h) .v _ Bargalning.K'h) _

Athletics CP) _. _ History CI) Espionage .Ilj v.c., _ Charm.Kh)

Dodge CC) _ _. _ _ Interrogation CCh) _ Equlpment .Il) _

Concealment.u.) _ Law CI) Leadershtp.Khj., _ First Aid .CI) _

Impersonation CCh) _ Medical Arts_CI) _ Mercantlllsrn.Il) .v _ Gaming.(I) _

Infiltration CI) v. _ Mentat.Trance.Il) _ Propaganda.Il) y _ Observation (I)- - - - -

Military.Operations CI) c - - Pharmacy. (I) Psychologytl) _ Persuaslon.Il). _

Performance CC) _ Politlcs.Il) Racketeenng .rl)., _ Prescience CPr) _

Ranged Combat.tC) _ Projection.(I) _ Securlry.Il), _ Prophesy.H'r) _

Stealth CC) Sclences.Il) _ StatecraftIljv _ Repalr.Il) _

Survival.Ill) _ _ Subomation.Il) _ Rltualtsm.Il) .. _

TransportCC) _ Underworld CI) _ Subterfuge.Il) _ Sabotage.Iljv _

Unarmed Cornbat.K') _ World Knowledge.Il) _ Voice CC) _ Truthtrance.Il) _

Valor Traits Learning Traits Justice Traits Prayers Traits

Valor Reputations Learning Reputations Justice Reputations Prayers Reputations

Initiati~eIota~ Karama.Tot;a] Unspent Experience
Option Points Karama Points Valor Leamlng.L, 0.0_0_000.0_0.0_0_0_0
Spent_ O.o_O_O O OOO Spent_O.o_ODDDOD...O Iustice_ _ Prayer_ _ 0 0 0 0 _0 _0 0 _0 .0.0..0..0

Weapons Equipment
Weapon Range Accuracy Blk/Par Dama ge Mode

-----. - -- - - - - - - - - - -;
Resistance Injuries
Armor TYpe - - - - - Healthy 00.0.0_00.0.0
Stunned 0.0.00_0_00_0
Wounded 00.0.0_0_000
Physical Protection _ Incapacitated---O_O O.o_O O_O.D.
Energy.Protection _ Near-Death 00_00000.0
Dead ---- ---


- --- - ------------

--- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- ------------- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Information on se en Great HOI
Houses Minor, along with rule
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