Two Day Vocabulary Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Corinne Koval Grade Level: Kindergarten

Two- Day Vocabulary Lesson Plan

I. Content and Standards:
CC.1.2.K.F With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown
words in a text.
CC.1.2.K.J Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being
read to, and responding to texts.
CC.1.2.K.L Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
PA.CC.SL.K.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about
kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

II. Prerequisites:
Students should be able to recite spoken words.
Students should be able to count syllables in words.

III. Instructional Objectives:

Students will acquire three new vocabulary words to be used in spoken language.
Students will construct a meaningful explanation for each vocabulary word.

IV. Instructional Procedures:

Lesson Plan Day 1
Before: (5 minutes)
Introduce story, author/illustrator, brief explanation of a folktale, brief
explanation of significance of this picture book.
Students will be introduced to three Tier II vocabulary words Burrowed,
Commotion, and Scattered taken from the book The Mitten by Jan Brett.
Each word will be introduced with a brief explanation of their meaning that
makes sense to the students.
Students will be shown the written form of the word along with a
corresponding illustration. Students will be asked to verbally repeat the word for
pronunciation. Teacher and students will clap out the syllables for each Tier II
Students will be given a purpose for listening to the story and how the
vocabulary is used in context.
Teacher will read aloud pages 1-21 using a think aloud strategy to enhance the
meaning of two of the three identified Tier II vocabulary words burrowed and
commotion. On page 7 A mole, tired from tunneling along, discovered the
mitten and burrowed inside. Oh I think that this word is important oh I thinks
it means that he crawled into the mitten because he was probably cold too. Thats
what moles do they burrow.
On page 13, As soon as the hedgehog disappeared into the mitten, a big owl,
attracted by the commotion, swooped down. Reread the sentence oh they are
all trying to get into the mitten, I think that they were making a lot of noise a
commotion yeah that makes sense.
Teacher and students will briefly discuss the essential story elements. Lets
quickly talk about the story. First what happened, discuss characters & what is
the problem.
Review two of the identified Tier II words from the first part of the story using
the Mitten Song (to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell and have students act
out the Tier II vocabulary words.
Students will be shown the written form of the word along with a
corresponding illustration fostering the discussion of word meaning and to
confirm how these words were used in the story.
Lesson Plan Day 2
Teacher and students will review the Tier II vocabulary words from Day 1 and
their meanings by using a pocket chart to display the words with their
corresponding illustration.
Students will be introduced to the last Tier II word scattered.
The word will be introduced with a brief explanation of its meaning that makes
sense to the students.
Students will be shown the written form of the word along with a
corresponding illustration.
Students will be asked to verbally repeat the word for pronunciation.
Teacher and students will clap out the syllables for the last Tier II word.
Students will review story and be given a purpose for listening to the story for
how the last vocabulary word is used in context.
Teacher will read aloud pages 22-29 using a think aloud strategy to enhance the
meaning of the last identified Tier II vocabulary word. On page 24 The force of
the sneeze shot the mitten up into the sky and scattered the animals in all
Teacher and students will have a brief discussion of the story What was
Baba thinking? Lets talk about our last word and how it was used in the story.
Students will participate in an Example/Non-Example activity by correctly
identifying corresponding pictures to the Tier II vocabulary words.
Teacher will repeat song from yesterday and students will act out again using
all three Tier II words by adding the last stanza to Mitten Song.
Teacher will have students complete a worksheet by having them circle the
correct pictures that define the Tier II words for meaning and comprehension.

V. Materials and Equipment:

Book The Mitten by Jan Brett
Mitten Song lyrics
Pocket chart
Illustrations/Pictures for Tier II vocabulary words, example/non-example activity, and

VI. Assessment and Evaluation

Formative Thumbs Up/Down for Example/Non-Example Activity
Summative Tier II vocabulary worksheet

VII. Differentiation:
No IEP or gifted students.
On level students (4) can independently complete worksheet.
Below level students (8) can complete worksheet with verbal prompting from teacher.
ESL Level 3 (1) can complete worksheet with verbal prompting from teacher.
ESL Level 1 (5) can listen to an audio version of the book prior to completing
worksheet with verbal prompts from teacher.

VIII. Technology:
Internet YouTube reading of The Mitten as read by Jan Brett

IX. Self-Assessment:
Was the student able to pronounce and clap out the syllables in the Tier II vocabulary
Was the student able to construct meaning to the Tier II vocabulary words as used in
context from book?
How did I manage my time? Did the lesson last longer or earlier than anticipated?
How did I handle classroom disruptions such as student behavior?
Were the materials used functional and is there anything else that can be added in the

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