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God as King (Sovereign) (1 Timothy 1:17)

19 March 2017
Pastor Art Brammer, Tay Street Baptist Church

Gods right to rule mankind is because He is our Creator.

I. God is the King of this world.

A. He has power over the kings of the earth (Prov 21:1).
Illustration: Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:34-35).
Kings are placed by God (Rom 13) & serves Gods purposes.
B. He has power over the elements of the earth.
Illustration: King Canute (English ruler, 1028 AD). His
command was to show the limits of his authority. Contrast: Ps
In the Bible we read of God using the elements of nature in
unusual ways or at just the right time to accomplish His will.
C. He has power over what goes on in the hearts and lives of man.
Illustration: Israel (Ps 106:15) and Paul (Acts 16:25).
Like the potter and the clay (Jer 18:1-10) God made you as He
wanted and can do with you as He wants.

II. God is the forever King of this world (to the King, eternal).
God has established a spiritual kingdom that will last forever.
As for the kingdoms of this world, Daniel 2 and the book of
Revelation describe how things will turn out.

III. Man lives as a rebel in this world.

A. Sin is rebellion against Gods laws.
God is longsuffering...allowing the one who has done wrong
the opportunity to repent.
B. Man was made with the freedom to choose.
C. We can choose to live in obedience.
Illustration: Paul (1 Tim 1:12-16).

God is sovereign.

There is no one above Him who controls Him; no one beneath Him who
can truly (lastingly) resist Him.

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