Votrax SC-01 Speech Synthesizer Data Sheet

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Vohax 1394 Rankin Troy, MI, 48083 SC-01 speech syntHESIzeR DATA SHEET Votrax” CMOS Phoneme Speech Synthesizer GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SC.01 Speech Synthesizer is a completely self-contained solid state device, This single chip phonetically synthesizes continuous speech, of unlimited vocabulary, from low data rate inputs. Figure 1 Speech is synthesized by combining phonemes (the building blocks of speech) in the appropriate sequence. The SC-O1 Speech Synthesizer contains 64 different phonemes which are accessed by a Gbit code, It is the proper sequential combination of these phoneme codes that creates continuous speech, The SC.01 Speech Synthesizer is costeffective, consumes minimal power and enables in-house product development without vendor dependency. Signals from the SC-01 are applied to an audio output device to amplify and distribute the synthesized speech. See Figure 2. Figure 1. Votrax® SC-01 Speech Synthesizer FEATURES Single CMOS chip 70 bits per second 22 pin package 9 ma, current drain * Wide voltage supply range * Latched 5V. compatible inputs en * Digital pitch level inputs * Automatic inflection * On-chip master clock circuit * Optional external master clock * Variety of voice effects * Sound effects wr tae a * Customer product security = i v ‘The design of the equipment specified herein is proprietary. Rights for the reproduction and distribution of the data contained herein are granted except for the manufacture and reproduction of the subject equipment. + Figure 2. SC-01 Flow Diagram Votrax® reserves the right to alter its product line at any time, or change specifications or design without notice and without CMOS technology, which offers high input impedance and low power drain ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION The SC-01 Speech Synthesizer is a program-compatibie with existing Votrax® phoneme synthesizers. It requires 70 bits of data per second for continuous speech production. The 6:bit phoneme codes are 5 volt logic compatible and are latched for tions. A phoneme-constiuction algorithin any ie chi Titers, within th >, create the synthesized audio outout a hm 2 e010 — example word demonstrate the phoneme use, 1.€., sound to be pronounced, Table 2 subdivides the 64 phoneme symbols into seven categories. Each category represents a different production feature. The first six categories ate characterized by voiced, fricative (expired voice), and natal sounds. The seventh category is characterized by phonemes with no sound output PHONEME PROGRAMMING Manual Operations: Votrax® maintains a library os phonetically programmed words, Reference to this library anc programming manuals will aid in word synthesis. Automatic Operations: Votrax® can supply a micro-computer system for automatic conversion of English text into phoneme sequences, This system is particularly useful for in-house vocabulary development and product security. Contact Votrax® for further information, ar" + NC = Me Conner = _L. " _ 3 Ste Sey Otero hae Fie) nex e 7 1-9 phen! ate Pe a 17-24 Coe Table 1. Phoneme Chart aan 32 OM aa" Phoneme Phoneme _.¢ Duration Example Phoneme Phoneme Duration Example Code symbot (ms) Word Code Symbol (ms) Word 00 Bus Yo 59 jacket 20 A Y 185 aay o EH2 VO ot enlist 2 ay Vo 65 day 02 EMT V 121 hea 2 yi Yard 03 pas NS 47 nosound 23 uns Vo 47 mission os oT Ss 47 butter 24 AH OY 250 mop 05 A von 25 PFS 103 ast 06 ar VY 103 26 o Vv 185 cold a7 zH VE 90 2 ' v 185, 08 AH2 Vo 28 uv 185 09 BV 55 20 Y ov 103 oa Rov 80 20 Tors On a8 nov aa 28 Rov oc uo ow 103. 2 ev 185 a NON 80 20 wv 80 of Bove n 2E ae Vv. 185 oF vove on 2 agi Vo 103 10 cH ge n 30 AW2 v0 " SH e121 31 v2 von 12 2 ve on 32 UHI Vv 103 13 AW! vo 146 3 UH vo 185 14 NG ON 121 34 oz v 80 15 AHT Vo 146 35 or v, 121 16 oor V—103 36 w Y 59 u 00 VY (185 37 ur V9 18 Lov 103 38 THy VF 80 19 kK FS 80 39 wor on 1A yove 47 3A fR Ov 146 18 HOS n 38 fH V 185 1c G vs n 3c ev 121 10 Foe 103 30 AW VV 260 ie dD vs 55 3E Pal VS 185 1 se 90 3F stop WS 47 must precede :CH/ to produce CH sound. 'D/ must precede /J! to produce J sound. Table 2. Phoneme Categories According to Production Features v Wa War We EOS Voiced Friest. Stop Stop Nasal Sound © EH AE UH O01 Zz 8 T s ” Pad Er EH AET UHI oR ZH o oT sH N PAI Y EH2 AH UH2 ER J 6 K cH NG STOP Yr EHS AHT UH3 ok v P TH 1 A aAH2 OU THV F AL AW Oru H 2 AZ AW 02 UT : 13 AY aw2 00 W SIGNAL DESCRIPTION (See Figures 4 and 5) Phoneme 6:Bit Selection Code (PO-PS): Data input is to six pins. Latching is controlled by the strabe (STB) signal Strobe (STB): Latching occurs on rising edge of strobe signal Inflection Level Setting(I1, 12), Instantanvously sets piten level of voiced phonemes, Acknowledge/Request (A/R): Acknowledges recerpt of phoneme data (signal goes from high to low one master clock cycle following active edge of STB signal). Also indicates timing out of old phoneme concurrent with request for new phoneme data {signal goes from law to nigh) nore Hf external phoneme timing 1s desired, phoneme requests can be ignored. However, best speech 1s realized with internal timing Master Clock Resistor Capacitor (MCRC): This input determines the internal master clock frequency. Select A-C values for 720 kHz to achieve standard phoneme wring. Connect this input to MCX when using internal clock; ground when using external clock J pet NOTE Varying clock frequency varies voice and $0: nd effects, As clock frequency decreases, aio frequency decreases and phoneme timing lengthens. Figures 6 and 7 sllustrate manual aad DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) voice variation schematics, respectively. Master Clock External (MCX): Allows control by an vx clock signal nore G.2. Ground MERC during MCX operation Audio Output {AO}: Supplies analog signal 10 audio outout device Audio Feedback (AF): Used with Class A or Class 8 transistor audio ampiifiers for added stability Class 8 (CBI: Current source for Class B transetor audio amplifier Table 3. Timing Specifications CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL MIN) TYP) MAX UNIT Input Setup Time (P; to STB) Ts 450 Ns Input Hold Time (P, to STB) ® Ns Rise Time of STB Edge (.8V to 4V) 100 NS AIR Width (A/R Connected to STB) * 1 13 2 B STB Width Tow 200 Ns STB Low* Ts. NS Propagation Delay (STB toA R alter TARW Toan 500 NS AIR Rise Time (Capacitive load = 38pt) Tran 190 NS [AIR Fall Time (Capacitive load = 38pt) Tee 100 Ns Time from A/R Request to STB Servicel Tans . 500 us Time of Phoneme Duration * Tow a7 197 250 Ms + Dependent on Master Clock frequency 720kHe * Swobe must remain low (72x Master Clock Period helare rising edge Votrax® reserves the right to alter sts product line at any tume, oF change specifications or design without notice and without obligation Copyright Votrax® 1980 Figure 4. Timing Diagram it it ij a hepa 2 dt | | + Copyright Vorrax® 1980 ”» onc seo n ea L__ Figure 7. Variable Voice by DAC Current Injectior TYPICAL APPLICATIONS General: The SC-01 Speech Synthesizer is easily designed into systems ranging in complexity from ROM/counters to microprocessor controllers. ‘Single Message System: See Figure 8, When the counter is re leased (START is TRUE), the message is clocked out of the ROM by the A/R signal, The system must be stopped when DONE is TRUE. Note: When using A/R tied to STB, connect 2.01 u' capacitor to TPS to insure power up reset of SC-01 NOTE Data at address @ must be a pause phoneme code. Multiple Message, Fixed Block Size: See Figure 9. Message address block is loaded into the counter, The message is then clocked out of the ROM by the A/R signal. Note ‘Message Block = 2" maximum. Multiple Message, Variable Block Size: See Figure 10, The microprocessor loads phonemes into 2 data bus. The A/R Nal generates an interrupt request for each new phoneme. CONNECTING THE AUDIO OUTPUT DEVICE Audio Output: The AO signal has a maximum: peak to peak volt age swing of .26 times Vp, depending upon the phoneme se lected, and the AO signal is D.C. biased Class A Amplifc See Figure 11. For a single transistor amplifier, the selection of R, C, or R, values depends upon the value of Vp and the desired audio level ” Vv i Figure 8. Single Message System Votrax® re obligation. ves the right to alter its product line at any time, or change specifications or design without notice and without coupcere Figure 9. Multiple Message, Fixed Block Size Class B Amplifier: See Figure 12. A current source (CB) is, required for this push-pull amolitier NOTE Minimum power is consumed when speech is inactive. When Vp = +12.0 volts and Ry = 4 ohms, the bias current drain is approximately 3.5 milliamps, Controlling Audio Output Power: See Figure 13. A resistor or potentiometer from the speaker to ground can be uted to control the audio output power. Figure 11. Class A Amplifier Figure 12. Class B Amplifier” aect -waire) >—— Figure 1 <—— }0. Multiple Message, Variable Block Size Figure 13. Controlling Audio Output Power “For Class 8 Amplifier: (BI x (Rs min.) = 81.6 x (Vp] where B is beta ur current gain of transistor. The AO line is protected by an internal series current limiting resistor of 90 ohms maximum. If more current 4s required of the SC-01, then the above formula CHARACTERISTIC MIN MAX UNIT Output Voltage (AH Phoneme} 18 x Vp 26 x Vp Vp-p Output Bias Current ** (.6V< CBe Vp) 38 73 ma ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTI 2 Ty = B to 70°C, Vp= 7 t0 14 Vg CHARACTERISTIC MIN tye Max utr Digital Input impedance 1 meg Ohm Input Capacitance (P), STB) 3 pf Input Capacitance (11, 12, MCX) 8 ef Digital input Logic “0” (except 11, 12, MCX) Vo 5 Vo +08 Voc Digital Input Logic “O” (MCX) Vo 10 Voc Digital Input Logic “A (11, 12) 2x vp Voc Digital input Logic “1” (except 11,12, MCX) Vo 140 vo+ 05 Voc Digital Input Logic “1” (11, 12) 8x Vp Voc al Input Logic "1" (MCX) 46 Voc Digital Ourput Logie Vg*6. Voc Digital Output Logic Vp-05 Voc Power Supply Current Vp = av on mA Vp-9v"* " 18 ma Vp= 14v"" 18 2 ma “Master Clock Frequency 720K He MCX Input Duty Cycle 60:40 40:60 % Master Clock Resistor Value (MCRC)*** 65k ‘Ohm Master Clock Capacitor Value (MCRC)* 300 bt “Variable **WIh CB, AF, AO connected for Class 8 audio amplitier (see APPLICATION NOTES) ***Frequency of Master Clock ~.1.25 / RC Note: TP1, TP2 must be left open for normal operation Votrax® reserves the right to alter its praduct line at any time, or change specitications or design without notice and without obiigation Copyright Votrax® 1980 Power Supply Voltage Vp 20 Yoe Power Dissipation at 25°C Pom 650 mw Derating Above 25°C 5 mW Operating Ambient Temperature 1 81070 c Storage Temperature Tere 55 t0 125 Input Voltage Yawn 05 to Vor05. Voc OC Current Max, Above Vprd. SV la 10 ma Lead Temperature soldering 10 see.) h 300 c * Operation above these limits could damage the device. NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS: 7v S Vp Mv,0°C < T, $ 70°C wt aE Figure 7. Variable Voice by DAC Curre: Injection o+Ve B30K6 [> avore oor Se Socamce 1 @ ohms LL MOTE! SV. suPeiv TO BE RAISED LAST ClOWEREL Before on AT Samu TIME AS Vp (i2V.). = FIGURE &. TYPICAL APPLICATION tomo, 2 oC ve [Co4sio f tS soak a See NOTE2 , TABLE 6 Feel 3 FIGURE 9, Low POWER, MULTIPLE MESSAGE, 6 BITE Block SIZE NOTE K » CIRCUIT USES A/R LINE AS BTROBE, R-C PROVIDES AN INI

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