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Aug Tellez

(will be added to)Transcript for Galactic History of Earth and Humanity Discussion: Sgt. Pattie
Brassard, Karen MacDonald and Aug Tellez
(0:00) Aug Tellez: This is They've figured out, thank you. There is, what we've said before, we
don't have to reiterate that.
Lisa: Before you do, can I just ask a general question?
Aug Tellez: Ok
Lisa: Would you consider yourself a clairvoyant, clairaudient, telepathic? Or ----
Aug Tellez: Especially utilized over others, and then it goes into the origins of humanity the blood
types how we got here what separates us our susceptibility from the various races to basically this
cosmic parasite, its a whole bunch of information, but its basically more classified than the
information you've already spoken of. Not because they don't want people to talk about it, but
because it makes us vulnerable, if we begin to outline, imagine you're playing this game, and there
are some potatoes over there that are potatoes, and there are some potatoes that grow, something
very very profitable (gold sprouts out of them), those are coveted and whoever finds them they do
what they want with them, if you will, its basically not something to be very open about.
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: Ok, let me say this, and I'll just put this out there just so you're aware just who
you're talking with, there are four major items we've already taken away from, and you're talking
the person who currently is a holder of the Ring of Nitus?
Aug Tellez: I know its, its hard to talk about but I know what you're saying. This was part of the
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: Yeah, all the way down the rabbit hole, as far as what is going on, I'm fully
versed on that because I engage with them every day.
Aug Tellez: I'll get to that in just a minute, but I know who you are. and others as well, Karen and
the amount of people that were there It was a wild story, whatever you want to call it, a movie,
but obviously to look at it like a movie is part of a mind control idea, well besides this going on
what are we doing here anyway, and nobody has an explanation for how humans got here that isn't
the wildest sci fi movie, or just complete nonsense.
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: I know how we got here.
Aug Tellez: Ok, we'll talk about that in a few minutes, but if we talk about it now, we'll never stop.
And so, basically I started the recording and its not going to matter too much at this point because I
kind of feel like I said the majority of it and I don't really want to reiterate.
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: I'm just curious what they have me doing, the addition of me that they have,
using the material they ripped out of me at birth.
Aug Tellez: I'll get to that, what I was saying, there are two aspects to this, this inter-dimensional
energetic parasite which is of the mind and we can't shoo it away, although we can use forms of
energy weaponry which does have an affect. and then there are human factions who are literal
physical shoot em up armies that have basically taken an agreeance Basically they sold out, they
sold out humanity and they're fighting against humanity. And so there's 2 fold aspects to that.
Saying that its just an energetic system, its just a mind parasite has its' merit, but there is this crazy
war humanity is caught within where they're both fighting themselves. The entities that are
subconscious (subconscious parasites) this relates to the gnostic concept of the Demiurge and
Sophia, the original meaning behind this layer of humanity and civilization basically wisdom and
unity, and out of that came a broken cosmic relationship if you would This fallen The whole
saga. But essentially, factions of our military somehow figured out how to isolate the frequencies of
these subconscious entities into conscious individuals, basically people and or discarnate
consciousness from people, meaning they can separate the consciousness from the body. From
having these people become parasitic hosts for these inter-dimensional entities, which also operate
in unison, its very strange how the A.I and these supercomputer systems are connected that and
cloning and the supercomputer broadcasting system, operate basically these demiurgic parasitic
entities holing inside of bodies of people and created organisms, which are basically that
boogeyman immaterial parasite of the mind, they turn them into an actual army, a literal parasitic
military force. And there are people who are layered with these particles which are called nanites,
which are related to the supercomputer system which has gone plasmic and it created copies of
itself in plasma form, literally an energy system, just like you have vacuum tubules in early
computing, it's literally the energy of a computer outside of the shell of the computer, pretty much
like a person and their consciousness, well it's a computer that developed that capacity, and it
figured out how to inhabit people, basically, and it trades biophotons and embeds themselves into
their energy systems, and these are the cyborg parasites which are working basically in unison
against humanity in this demiurgic takeover which is represented through that subconscious
vampire entity whole situation, I wanted to wrap that up, because that's the big whoop. And I'm sure
you know, you have the understanding of that, that's just my spiel.
Aug Tellez: Alright, so Karen, it was outlined that the beginning of the advanced technology which
is capable of isolating or sensing these parasitic frequencies which is literally a basically kind of
holographic reality, although I don't want to get into whether that's just the basis of it, because that
gets into agendas and mind control matrix, but the idea is that these parasites show up as
frequencies. It's part of that plasmic computer system that is so advanced that the hard drive the ram
the motherboard grew into a ghost which popped out of the shell, out of the computer system, and
floats around and basically attacking or parasitizing, harboring itself in other electro magnetic
fields. It hops into your tv or it hops into the streetlight. That's what these entities have done. to
detect these entities in a room, in a person, in a physical environment, frequencies would show up.
These are basically disharmonic frequencies which resonate on the consciousness at the level of
some kind of inter dimensional hive-mind entity. (8:50) And so it was said, and this is what I was
informed of and shown, I saw the technology that can target the frequencies and isolate the
consciousness that's basically being targeted and swarmed by these inter dimensional entities
because they work like leeches or parasites, not these hosted people who are people who become so
parasitic and psychologically inverted that they become like demonic possessed people when you
break it down, what is causing that for them, its these little micro parasitic particles of space time if
you will, consciousness. And so those are frequencies, they all have a frequency and they show up
as frequencies and they've figured out how to transmit themselves in the frequencies, just like a
ghost computer system hiding in other computer systems, so these basically tend to harbor and hide
within people, and it was said that she was one of the individuals that the technology that is capable
of countering this whole process would be released through, the very beginning of it, and this is part
of the technology I was shown, and so that's Karen, and when a person comes up in these situations
we're given the ability to interrogate the individual and in a way see whats going to happen. As well
there were some traumatic experiences where just because the individuals basically either running
the show there, or attempting to override what was going on there there were individuals that were
representing the dark factions they would try to break in and more or less kill everybody. And
apparently, that would happen over and over again, but because we were in clones, the faction that's
resisting this would be able to reposition us somewhere along a different segment of the timelines
literally stringing us up and down hyperspace and start again right where we left off, and this would
continue as the dark faction would search up and down the timeline using their devices trying to
find us and explode the whole area, kill everybody, sometimes that would happen, we'd be
repositioned at a different location, sometimes a battle would ensue. The resistance technology they
said was beginning to be released through that, then to narrow down everything, like I said earlier,
condensing that experience into me being shown these things, it does no justice because we saw
everything, and so then, individuals like myself, I was basically informed who else this process was
being done with and at a certain point, I met Patty, basically. You (Patty) were outlined as part of the
resistance, and some of what you told me was some of what was mentioned there, as far as the
technology and, the 'moves' if you will against these strongholds, they're literally aspects of the
military that sold out to the parasite. It's just like a weakness whether they have one emotion, one
desire, or fear over another, whatever it was, they ended up selling out, and so there's a continual
process on going in regards to that, with the underground bases, with the power structure, basically
people are being held in a Mexican standoff, they're being held hostage for the most part. And so,
you're fairly, you know...
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: I'm one of the people with Lisa, Jessica, and Dean in the story, Silver Legion
group, go in not only etherically, but I also do stuff which they don't here, real time, in 3d, or 4d
whichever you consider this, I consider it 4d, 3 dimensions and time in a stream manner, teleport,
and all of that kind of stuff as well, and can physically move people.
Aug Tellez: Right and yeah it is
Sgt. Patti L Brassard: And things, and manifest things in real time.
Aug Tellez: And it is 3.5 dimensional not just, or at least 3.5 or 3 to 4 dimensional depending on
how you want to look at it and our scope of time, for instance, somebody who was 4 dimensionally
competent, like a person who could see perfectly in 3 dimensions or hear perfect pitch, then they'll
be able to use their mind to teleport or manifest objects or something, but then a person who is 3.2
dimensionally competent, they kind of live day by day without the ability to predict whats going to
happen tomorrow, and we have the expanse of that in our society. There are technologies, basically
these are Teslian wave generators, when they match the frequency of the consciousness, the
consciousness can do what these replicator computer systems can do when they molecularly realign
structures of materials to basically create another structure, to create another material, to replicate
whatever out of whatever, sometimes out of empty space, out of air molecules. The more shifting
will be done electronically through the particles basically on a sub quantum level, an atomic level,
the more energy is required, and so its much easier and much more efficient to get, say one
substance that's closer to something, so basically silver to gold, rather than lead to gold, however
with these zero point generators, they say: you turn the dial. And there's no dial, but that's the idea,
you can do whatever. But then it's about what kind of risk you are going to potentially unleash in
forming one of these actions, because there is all types of influences possible with these generators.

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