Chapter 2litrecture Review

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This is not the foremost project that was performed for the well maintenance of the
attendance system in any school, college, university or any other institute. Before us, many
individuals and groups had been working on it. We would be unable to precede our project
without the study and reports of previously developed similar type of Management System.
We studied and analysed various number of similar types of project.
When we visited Advanced English Boarding High School (A.E.B.H.S) at Handigaun,
Kathmandu, we found out that all the records related to students roll number, batch code,
subject and other details along with their attendance report are first stored by the respective
class teacher and then stored in the same register manually. Hence, updating the attendance
information was a really difficult and thus a challenging task. They were more prone to
manual errors and moreover there was no proper security of paperwork.
According to the case study made by Turban Milean Wetherbe from their book information
technology for management, he stated that the term information system is a collection of
component that collect, processes, stores, analyses and disseminate information for a specific
purpose, like any other system. An information system includes inputs (data, instruments and
output records, calculation).
So, attendance management system facilitates the attendance information of a particular
student in a particular class. The information is sorted by the operation which will be
provided by the lecture for a particular class. This system will also help in evaluating
eligibility criteria of a student to sit for an examination.

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