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The sole intention behind the consideration of this Project is to generate and manage a

simple database for question. This project is developed considering QUIZ information

keeping context of the customer in mind. Here, data is stored in a binary file by

QUESTION and this database is basically used as MASTER file.

The quiz game is designed to increase learning of players by playing a multiple choice

quiz contest on various topics which is interactive, user friendly and fun to play. The

user can add and modify questions according to his own wish.

This 'QUIZ GAME' Project is designed for a question in which user can generate and
manage a simple database for questions. The question number is automatically generated
by the software and is stored in a binary file by the name 'QUESTION'. This data base is
basically used as a MASTER file to be used as a look-up table for information like Quiz
Option, SubMenu, either Computer/Mathematics/Science or General and the
Return.There is a sub menu in the application which conatins various topics like science,
mathematics, computers etc user can play a quiz on any of these topics and he gets a 10
for every correct answer and zero for every wrong answer and in the end his total score a
is calculated.

1. The main objective of the Quiz application is to overcome all the drawbacks of the old
Quiz Game.

2. The application has been designed keeping user interaction and friendliness the top
priority. According to application a user can play an interactive quiz without the need of
having a book and searching for various topics.He simply needs to open the application
and test, enhance his abilities.


1. The game designed is interactive and user friendly.

2. Simple and easy to play

3. Easy to modify

4. There is a score card and a percentage calculator.



C++ (pronounced "see plus plus") is a statically typed, free-form, multi-

paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an
intermediate-level language, as it comprises both high-level and low-level language
features. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs, C++ was
originally named C with Classes, adding object oriented features, such as classes, and
other enhancements to the C programming language The language was renamed C++ in
1983,as a pun involving the increment operator

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages and is implemented on a wide
variety of hardware and operating system platforms. As an efficient compiler to native
code, its application domains include systems software, application software, device
drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and
entertainment software such as video games. Several groups provide both free and
proprietaryC++ compiler software,includingthe GNUProject, LLVM, Microsoft Intel an
dEmbarcadero Technologies. C++ has greatly influenced many other popular
programming languages, most notably C# and Java.

C++ is also used for hardware design, where the design is initially described in C++, then
analyzed, architecturally constrained, and scheduled to create a register-transfer
level hardware description language via high-level synthesis.

The language began as enhancements to C, first adding classes,then virtual

functions, operator overloading, multiple inheritance, templates and exception handling
among other features. After years of development, the C++ programming language
standard was ratified in 1998 as ISO/IEC 14882:1998. The standard was amended by the
2003 technical corrigendum, ISO/IEC 14882:2003. The current standard extending C++
with new features was ratified and published by ISO in September 2011 as ISO/IEC


Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish and British trained computer scientist, began his work on "C
with Classes" in 1979.The idea of creating a new language originated from Stroustrup's
experience in programming for his Ph.D. thesis. Stroustrup found that Simula had
features that were very helpful for large software development, but the language was too
slow for practical use, while BCPL was fast but too low-level to be suitable for large
software development. When Stroustrup started working in AT&T Bell Labs, he had the
problem of analyzing the UNIX kernel with respect to distributed computing.
Remembering his Ph.D. experience, Stroustrup set out to enhance the C language
with Simula-like features. C was chosen because it was general-purpose, fast, portable
and widely used. Besides C and Simula, some other languages that inspired him
were ALGOL 68, Ada, CLU and ML. At first, the class, derived class, strong
typing, inlining, and default argument features were added to C via Stroustrup's "C with
Classes" to C compiler, Cpre.

In 1983, the name of the language was changed from C with Classes to C++ (++ being
the increment operator in C). New features were added includingvirtual functions,
function name and operator overloading, references, constants, user-controlled free-store
memory control, improved type checking, and BCPL style single-line comments with two
forward slashes (//), as well as the development of a proper compiler for C++, Cfront. In
1985, the first edition of The C++ Programming Language was released, providing an
important reference to the language, as there was not yet an official standard.The first
commercial implementation of C++ was released in October of the same year.Release 2.0
of C++ came in 1989 and the updated second edition of The C++ Programming
Languagewas released in 1991 New features included multiple inheritance, abstract
classes, static member functions, const member functions, and protected members. In
1990, The Annotated C++ Reference Manual was published. This work became the basis
for the future standard. Late feature additions
included templates, exceptions, namespaces, new casts, and a Boolean type.

As the C++ language evolved, the standard library evolved with it. The first addition to
the C++ standard library was the stream I/O library which provided facilities to replace
the traditional C functions such as printf and scanf. Later, among the most significant
additions to the standard library, was a large amount of the Standard Template Library.

It is possible to write object oriented or procedural code in the same program in C++.
This has caused some concern that some C++ programmers are still writing procedural
code, but are under the impression that it is object oriented, simply because they are using
C++. Often it is an amalgamation of the two. This usually causes most problems when
the code is revisited or the task is taken over by another coder.

C++ continues to be used and is one of the preferred programming languages to develop
professional applications.

Following hardware specifications and software are required to run this project:


Following hardware specifications and software are required to run this project:

This Application is Developed in C++ Technology.

1) Operating System: Windows XP Service Pack 1

2) TurboC3 compiler.


Processor : Pentium IV or more

Speed : 2.0 GHZ or more

Memory : 64 MB RAM or more

Hard Disk Drive : 5 MB or more


4.3.1 TURBO C++

Turbo C++ is a C++ compiler and integrated development environment and computer
language originally from Borland. Most recently it was distributed by Embarcadero
Technologies, which acquired all of Borland's compiler tools with the purchase of
its CodeGear division in 2008. The original Turbo C++ product line was put on hold after
1994, and was revived in 2006 as an introductory-level IDE, essentially a stripped-down
version of their flagship C++Builder. Turbo C++ 2006 was released on September 5,
2006 and was available in 'Explorer' and 'Professional' editions. The Explorer edition was
free to download and distribute while the Professional edition was a commercial product.
In October 2009 Embarcadero Technologies discontinued support of its 2006 C++
editions. As such, the Explorer edition is no longer available for download and the
Professional edition is no longer available for purchase from Embarcadero Technologies.
Turbo C++ is succeeded by C++Builder. The first release of Turbo C++ was made
available during the MS-DOS era on personal computers. Version 1.0, running on MS-
DOS, was released in May 1990. An OS/2 version was produced as well. Version 1.01
was released on February 28, 1991, running on MS-DOS. The latter was able to generate
both COM and EXE programs, and was shippedwithBorland's Turbo Assembler compiler
for Intel x86 processors. The initial version of the Turbo C++ compiler was based on a
front end developed by TauMetric (TauMetric was later acquired by Sun
Microsystems and their front end was incorporated in Sun C++ 4.0, which shipped in
1994).This compiler supported the AT&T 2.0 release of C++.

Turbo C++ 3.0 was released in 1991 (shipping on November 20), and came in amidst
expectations of the coming release of Turbo C++ for Microsoft Windows. Initially
released as an MS-DOS compiler, 3.0 supported C++ templates, Borland's inline
assembler, and generation of MS-DOS mode executables for both 8086 real-mode & 286-
protected (as well as the Intel 80186.) 3.0's implemented AT&T C++ 2.1, the most recent
at the time. The separate Turbo Assembler product was no longer included, but the inline-
assembler could stand in as a reduced functionality version.


Earlier QUIZ Game was conducted manually in which there used to be a Quiz Master
asking questions with a book which was neither flexible nor friendly.So an automated
Quiz Game is desinged to play quiz game in a more interactive and fun way which is
felxible and more reliable.


The Quiz Game was conducted manually. The Quiz Master had a book of questions
which contained qustions related to various topics.


In comparison to the present system the proposed system will be less time
consuming and is more efficient.
Quiz will be very easy as all in the new proposed system, the process of quiz
game is fully automated.
The proposed system is highly error and mistake proof as no information has to
be entered manually thus reducing the human prone errors.
Database of the player is stored in a record file.

The following data flow diagram describes the Implementation of the proposed system


The Quiz Game designed is very interactive,user friendly and easy to play.The game
allows the user to choose the topic of his interest and test his knowledge.The question
database can be easily modified like adding,deleting or changing the questions is very

Recommendations are more and more games like these should be desgined as it improves
the knowledge and at the same time test ur IQ level.Quiz games should be designed in a
more interactive and friendly way so that more people can play,enjoy and at the same
time improve,enhance and test their knowledge.

[1] LET US C++ by Yashwant Kanetkar




[5] The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroupstup

[6] Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu

[7] Effective C++ by Scott Meyers

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