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Q.1 In which of the following processes no force is needed -
[1] for uniform acceleration motion [2] for uniform motion
[3] for linear motion [4] to keep the momentum constant
Q.2 Which of the following relations is wrong -

d2r m( v u)
dr dv
[1] F = m [2] F = m 2
[3] F = m [4] F =
dt dt dt t

Q.3 A passenger in a uniformly moving train throws a ball upwards. The ball will return -
[1] in the passengers in hand [2] by the side of the passenger
[3] in front of the passenger in direction of motion
[4] Behind the passenger in the direction opposite to the motion of train
Q.4 A force of 10 N is applied to a mass of 10gm for 10 seconds. The change of momentum in mkg/sec units will be-
[1] 10 [2] 100 [3] 1000 [4] 0.01
Q.5 A ball moving with a velocity 20 m/sec has a mass of 50 gm. If collides against a wall normally and is rebounded
normally with the same speed. If the time of impact of the ball and the wall is 40 mili seconds, the average
force exerted on the wall in dynes is -
[1] zero [2] 1.25 107 [3] 2.5 107 [4] 5 106
Q.6 In a circus a horse rider takes a vertically jump on a moving horse, and falls back on the horse because-
[1] the inertia of motion is present [2] the length of the circus horse is large
[3] the motion is in circular path [4] in reality the rider does not jump
Q.7 A boy holds a hydrogen filled balloon with a string. He is sitting in a train moving with uniform velocity on
a straight track. The string is vertical. On applying brakes the balloon will -
[1] be thrown forward [2] be thrown backward [3] remain vertical [4] fall downwards
Q.8 Which of the following statements is false -
[1] the mass of two bodies will be same if they exhibit same inertia
[2] the weight of a body at the centre of the earth is zero
[3] if a ball is thrown vertically upwards by a man sitting in a uniformly moving car, then the ball will fall behind the man
[4] the mass of a body remains constant at all places.
Q.9 The correct statement in the following is -
[1] a body can have acceleration even if its velocity is zero
[2] if the velocity of the body be zero, it will necessarily have acceleration
[3] if the speed of a body is constant its acceleration also will be constant
[4] a body moving with a variable speed has zero acceleration
Q.10 A passengers body leans forward on suddenly stopping a moving train, because -
[1] the upper part of the train remains in motion for some time
[2] due to the inertia of motion the upper part of the passenger remains in motion for some time
[3] due to dozing in the moving train [4] none of the above
Q.11 A force of 5kg wt. acts on a body for 10 seconds. If the velocity varies at 5 m/sec due to force, the mass
of the body is -
[1] 5 kg [2] 9.8 kg [3] 98 kg [4] 980 kg
Q.12 A block of mass M is pulled with a rope on a frictionless surface. If a force P is applied at the free end of
the rope, the force exerted by the rope on the block will be (mass of rope is m) -

[1] [2] [3] [4]
(M + m) (M + m) Mm M(M + m)

Q.13 A force of 150 N acts on a mass of 25 kg for 5 seconds. The magnitude of acceleration in the mass
will be -
[1] 6 m/sec2 [2] 4 m/sec2 [3] 10 m/sec2 [4] 9 m/sec2
Q.14 A train is moving with uniform acceleration in horizontal direction. A traveller sitting in it throws a ball upwards.
The ball will fall -
[1] in the travelers hand [2] by the side of the traveller
[3] in front of the traveller in direction of motion [4] behind the traveller, opposite to the direction of motion
Q.15 When a body is stationary, then -
[1] no force acts on it [2] the applied force is not a contact force
[3] applied forces are equal and opposite [4] the body is in vacuum
Q.16 What will be the angle between two forces of equal magnitude, if the magnitude of resultant force is equal
to any one of the two -
[1] 0 [2] 60 [3] 90 [4] 120
Q.17 A cork and a metal bob are tied at the two ends of string and the system is put inside a beaker full of water.
The string remains vertical as shown in figure. If now the beaker is moved towards the right with an acceleration
, then with respect to bob the cork will -


[1] remains in previous position with string vertical [2] be thrown forward, string being inclined to the right
[3] be thrown backward, string being inclined to the left [4] will come on the surface due to breaking of the string
Q.18 In a U-tube the liquid levels are equal in the state of equilibrium. If the U-tube is taken to the right with an
accelerated motion, the liquid level -


[1] will be higher in arm A than in arm B [2] will bel lower in arm A than in arm B
[3] will remain equal in both the arm [4] A gap will be created between the liquid in two arms
Q.19 A beaker filled with liquid is placed in the pan of a spring balance. If you dip your finger in it, the reading
of the balance will be -

[1] increased [2] unchanged [3] decreased

[4] may increase or decrease according to the nature of liquid

Q.20 A body of mass m is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity v,. It reaches to a height h and returns after
t seconds. Then, the total change in its momentum is -
[1] zero [2] mv [3] mgt [4] mght
Q.21 A body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces on it. For this it is necessary that the three forces
[1] are in or should be in a straight line
[2] should pass through the same point and do not lie in the same plane
[3] should pass through the same point and lie in the same plane
[4] should be mutually perpendicular to each other and pass through a common point
Q.22 Which statement is wrong in connection with Newtons second law of motion -
[1] It indicates the measure of force
[2] It indicates a relation between force and rate of change of velocity
[3] It indicates a relation between force and momentum
[4] It can furnish the value of inertia
Q.23 Newtons third law of motion gives -
[1] definition of force [2] magnitude of force
[3] explanation of the creation of force [4] none of these
Q.24 Newtons second law relates the following quantities -
[1] Momentum and acceleration [2] Variation in momentum and velocity
[3] Variation in momentum and external force [4] Rate of change of force and momentum
Q.25 A parrot is sitting on the floor of a closed glass cage which is in a boys hand. If the parrot starts flying with
a constant speed, the boy will feel the weight of the cage as -
[1] unchanged [2] reduced [3] increased [4] Nothing can be said
Q.26 A ball is suspended by a string from the ceiling of a motorcar. If the car is turning to the right, then the ball
will -
[1] continue remain to vertically suspended [2] be thrown to the right
[3] will be thrown to the left [4] be thrown backwards
Q.27 Under the action of external forces a particle can remain stationary when -
[1] a constant force is applied to the particle [2] a variable force is applied on the particle
[3] at least three forces be applied on the particle [4] The vector sum of the applied force is zero
Q.28 A boy sitting on the top most berth in the compartment of a train which is just going to stop on a railway
station, drops an apple aiming at the open hand of his brother sitting just below him at a distance of about
2 metre. The apple will fall -
[1] precisely on his brothers hands
[2] slightly away from the hand of his brother in the direction of the trains motion
[3] slightly away from the hand of his brother in a direction opposite to the direction of train
[4] none of these
Q.29 Wrong relation is -

[1] F = ma [2] a = dv / dt [3] F = dp / dt [4]
F = mv
Q.30 A retarding force to stop a train has a specific magnitude. If the speed of the train is doubled, how far will
this retarding force stop the train at -
[1] equal distance [2] 4 times the earlier distance
[3] 8 times the earlier distance [4] a twice the earlier distance

Q.31 1 gm weight is equal to -

[1] 980 dynes [2] 98 dyne [3] 9.8 dyne [4] 0.98 dyne

Q.32 Newtons third law of motion implies that action and reaction are equal and opposite and -

[1] act on the same object

[2] act on two different objects under mutual inter actions

[3] act on two different objects, not inter acting mutually

[4] act only on different objects when they collide

Q.33 A vessel filled with water is moved to the right with a constant acceleration. Which of the following diagrams
represent the form of liquid surface -

[1] a [2] a [3] a [4] a

Q.34 As shown in the figure, the level of liquid in arms A and B are same when U-tube is at rest. If the U-tube
is moved to the right with a constant horizontal velocity, the liquid level will -


[1] remain unchanged [2] will be higher in arm A than B

[3] will be higher in arm B than A [4] higher both in arm A and B than before
Q.35 A beaker is half filled with water. It is allowed to slip on an inclined plane at an angle with the horizontal.
The water surface will be -

(a) (b) (c)

[1] according to the figure (a) if the beaker moves with a constant acceleration

[2] according to figure (b) if the beaker moves with a constant acceleration

[3] according to figure (c) if the beaker moves with a constant acceleration

[4] according to figure (b) if the beaker moves with a constant velocity

Q.36 A simple pendulum is suspended vertically from the ceiling of a car. If the car is moving with an acceleration
of 0.49 m/sec2, the string of the simple pendulum will make an angle with the vertical whose magnitude
will be -

[1] 0 [2] tan1 (0.05) [3] tan1 (1/ 2 ) [4] tan1 ( 3 )


Q.37 A railway carriage is moving on a horizontal track with an acceleration a. A passenger sitting in the carriage
drops a stone. The acceleration of the stone relative to rail track will be -
[1] a [2] g [3] (a2 + g2)1/2 [4] zero
Q.38 A machine gun fires bullets of 50 gm at the speed of 1000 m/sec. If an average force of 200 N is exerted
on the gunner, the maximum number of bullets fired per minute is -
[1] 240 [2] 120 [3] 60 [4] 30
Q.39 How much force is exerted on a gunner by the machine gun when the gunner fires a machine gun, and 500
bullets per minute are fired. The mass of bullet is 10 gm and it moves at 400 m/s so as to avoid recoil -
[1] 100/3N [2] 200N [3] 2000N [4] 1000N
Q.40 As shown in figure two forces are acting on a body. If its mass is 5kg, the value of acceleration generated is -


[1] 2 m/sec2 [2] 3 m/sec2 [3] 1 m/sec2 [4] 4 m/sec2
Q.41 The Newtons laws of motion are valid in -
[1] inertial frames [2] non-inertial frames [3] rotating frames [4] accelerated frames
Q.42 The incorrect statement about Newtons second law of motion is -
[1] it provides a measure of inertia [2] it provides a measure of force
[3] it relates force and acceleration [4] it relates force & momentum
Q.43 A man getting down a running bus, falls forward because -
[1] due to inertia of rest, road is left behind and man reaches forward
[2] due to inertia of motion upper part of body continues to be in motion in forward direction while feet come
to rest as soon as they touch the road
[3] he leans forward as a meter of habit
[4] of the combined effect of all the three factors stated in (1), (2) and (3)
Q.44 You are on a frictionless horizontal plane. How can you get off if no horizontal force is exerted by pushing
against the surface -
[1] by jumping [2] by spitting or sneezing
[3] by rolling your body on the surface [4] by running on the plane
Q.45 Swimming is possible owing to be -
[1] First law of motion [2] Second law of motion [3] Third law of motion [4] Newtons law of gravitation
Q.46 A heavy block of mass m is supported by a string C from the ceiling as shown in the figure. Another string
D is attached to its bottom. If D is given a sudden jerk, then -


[1] string C will break [2] string D will break

[3] Both C and D will break [4] None of the string will break
Q.47 A force of 10 N is acting on a body of 20 kg mass for 10 sec. change in its momentum will be -
[1] 5 kg/sec [2] 100 kg/sec [3] 200 kg/sec [4] 2000 kg/sec
Q.48 A car running at 30 km/hr stops after travelling 8m distance on applying brakes. If same type of car is running
at 60 km/hr it stops after travelling how much distance on applying brakes -
[1] 8 metres [2] 16 metres [3] 24 metres [4] 32 metres
Q.49 A body floats in liquid contained in beaker. If the whole system (shown in fig.) falls under gravity then the
up-thrust on the body is -

[1] 2mg [2] zero [3] mg [4] less than mg

Q.50 Two masses 10 kg and 20 kg are connected with a massless spring as shown in the figure. A force of 200 N is
acting on the mass 20 kg. When the acceleration of 10 kg mass is 12m/s2, the acceleration of 20 kg mass is -
10kg 20kg

[1] 12 m/sec2 [2] 4 m/sec2 [3] 10 m/sec2 [4] zero

Q.51 A lift is descending with an acccleeration a. A person standing in it drops a book. The acceleration of the
book relative to floor of the lift will be (take acceleration due to gravity = g)
[1] g [2] a [3] g a [4] g + a
Q.52 Ratio of weight of a man in a stationary lift & weight of a man in a lift moving down-ward with an acceleration
a is 3 : 2 then acceleration of lift is -
[1] g/3 [2] g/2 [3] g [4] 2g
Q.53 Three block are connected as shown in fig., on a horizontal frictionless table and pulled to the right with a
force T3 = 60 N. If m1 = 10 kg. m2 = 20 kg. m3 = 30 kg. the tension T2 is -

T1 T2 T3
m1 m2

[1] 10 N [2] 20 N [3] 30 N [4] 60 N

Q.54 In the following figure, two blocks on m1 = 2kg and m2 = 1kg are in contact with a frictionless table. A horizontal
force F = 3N is applied to mass m1, the contact force between m1 and m2 will be -

[1] 1N [2] 2N [3] 3N [4] zero

Q.55 A block of mass m1 = 2kg on a smooth inclined plane at angle 30 is connected to a second block of mass
m2 = 3kg by a cord passing over a frictionless pulley as shown in figure. The acceleration of each block is
(assume g = 10 m/sec2) -

g m2
m1 3kg
[1] 2 m/sec2 [2] 4 m/sec2 [3] 6 m/sec2 [4] 8 m/sec2
Q.56 Two blocks are connected by a cord passing over a small frictionless pulley and resting on frictionless planes
as shown in the figure. The acceleration of the blocks is -

kg 50
0 kg

37 53
2 2
[1] 0.33 m/s [2] 0.66 m/s [3] 1 m/s2 [4] 1.32 m/s2
Q.57 A block D of weight 300 kg is hanged with strings A & B as shown in fig. W is wall and R is rigid support.
Tension in string A is -

W 90
D 300kgf
[1] zero [2] 150 kg [3] 300 kg [4] 400 kg
Q.58 Two masses are suspended vertically on a pulley their acceleration is -


m1 m2 m 2 m1 m1 + m 2
[1] m g [2] m g [3] m + m g [4] m m g
2 1 1 2 2 1

Q.59 Two bodies of 5kg and 4kg are tied to a string as shown in fig. If the table and pulley both are smooth, acceleration
of 5kg body will be equal to -

[1] g [2] g/4 [3] 4g/9 [4] 5g/9
Q.60 A body of mass 2kg has an initial velocity of 3 m/s along OE and it is subjected to a foce of 4 newtons
in a direction perpendicular to OE. The distance of body from O after 4 seconds will be -
[1] 12 metres [2] 20 metres [3] 8 metres [4] 48 metres
Q.61 Two blocks of mass m1 & m2 connected with a light spring, placed on a frictionless table. They are left after
pulling, ratio of acceleration produced in them -

m1 m2 m1 m 2 4m1m 2
[1] m [2] m [3] m + m [4]
2 1 1 2 (m1 + m 2 )2

Q.62 A rope of length L is pulled by a constant force F. What is the tension in the rope at a distance x from the
end where the force is applied -
Fx FL FL F(L x )
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Lx Lx x x
Q.63 Two blocks at mass m & 2m are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. First force F is applied on block of mass
2m secondly same force F is applied on block of mass m. Ratio of forces between blocks in above two conditions.-

[1] 1 : 1 [2] 1 : 2 [3] 1 : 3 [4] 1 : 4

Q.64 A weight W is tied to two strings passing over the frictionless pulleys A and B as shown in the figure. If weights
P and Q move downwards with speed V, the weight W at any instant rises with the speed -

[1] V cos [2] 2V cos [3] V/cos [4] 2V/cos

Q.65 Two forces (8i + 10j) N and ( 4i + 8 j ) N are acting on a body of mass 6kg then acceleration produced in the
body in m/s2 will be -
[1] (3 i + 2j ) [2] 12i + 18j (i + j )
[3] [4] 2i + 3j
Q.66 A block of mass M placed on a smooth horizontal surface is pulled by a constant force F acting at an angle
with the horizontal. The acceleration produced in the block is a. Then -

[1] If a g/tan, the acceleration is along the horizontal direction

[2] If a g/tan, the normal reaction is N = M (g a tan)
[3] The acceleration a will not be parallel to the applied force F. [4] all of the force
Q.67 Two bodies of mass 6kg and 4 kg are kept on a smooth plane tied with a string of mass 2kg. If a constant
force of 60 N is applied on the body of 6 kg then tension in string at point A, B & C respectively will be -
4kg 2kg 6kg

[1] 30N, 25N, 20N [2] 25N, 30N, 20N [3] 20N, 30N, 25N [4] 30N, 20N, 25N
Q.68 A car at 1000 kg is moving with velocity of 18 km/hr. If a retarding (brake) force of 1000 N is applied on it
then distance travelled by it after applying brake will be -
[1] 1 m [2] 162 m [3] 12.5 m [4] 144 m
Q.69 A circket ball of mass 250 gm collides to a bat with velocity of 24 m/s. Now its velocity becomes 28 m/s
in opposite direction. What will be the force acting on ball if contact time between bat and ball is 1/100 sec.-
[1] 1300 N, towards the final position of ball [2] 130 N, towards the final position of ball
[3] 13 N, towards the initial position of ball [4] 1.3 N, towards the initial position of ball
Q.70 A body of 2kg moving in x direction with velocity of 2 m/sec. If a force of 5N is applied on it in y direction
for 1 sec then final velocity of the particle will be -

[1] 2 2 m / s [2] 2 m/s [3] 1/ 2 m / s [4] 1/ 2 2 m / s


Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 4 3
Qus. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 4 2 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 4 2 4 2
Qus. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3
Qus. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 2 2 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 4 3 3 4 2
Qus. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Ans. 2 4 2 3 4 4 1 3 1 1

Q.1 Two objects A and B each of mass m are connected by a light inextensible string. They are restricted to
move on a frictionless ring of radius R in a vertical plane (as shown in fig). The objects are released from
rest at the position shown. Then, the tension in the cord just after release is -


[1] zero [2] mg [3]

2 mg [4] mg/ 2
Q.2 In figure if system is in equilibrium then what is the maximum value of W so that minimum static frictional
force for 100 kg body is 450 N -

[1] 0.5 sec [2] 1.0 sec [3] 3 / 2 sec [4] 2 sec
Q.3 In the arrangement shown in figure m1 = 8kg, m2 = 2kg and spring constant K = 1600 N/m. All surfaces are
smooth then -

[1] Tension in string, T = 17.2N [2] Tension in string, T = 15.68 N
[3] Extension in spring is 9.8 mm [4] Extension in spring is 12 mm
Q.4 A metallic sphere is suspended on stationary wall with the help of a spring. Forces as shown in the fig. are
acting on the sphere. Which statement/statements in following is true -

(a) N + T + W = 0 (b) T2 = N2 + W2 (c) T = N + W (d) N = W tan
[1] a, b, c [2] b, c, d [3] a, b, d [4] a, b, c, d
Q.5 A chain has five rings. The mass of each ring is 0.1 kg. This chain is pulled upwards by a force F producing
an acceleration of 2.50 m/s2 in the chain. Then the force of action (reaction) on the joint of second and third
ring from the top is -
[1] 0.25 N [2] 1.23 N [3] 3.69 N [4] 6.15 N
Q.6 A body of 8 kg mass is suspended with another body of 12 kg. This system is pulled upward with acceleration
of 2.2 m/s2 with the help of string then tension T1 will be -

[1] 260 N [2] 240 N [3] 220 N [4] 200 N
Q.7 Two blocks of mass 8 kg and 5kg are connected with a heavy rope of 3kg. According to figure a force of
180 N is applied upwards. Tension in rope at point P will be -


[1] 60 N [2] 90 N [3] 120 N [4] 150 N

Q.8 A block of mass 2 kg is placed on a frictionless surface. On the block a water jet is normally incident a shown.
The rate of water flow in the jet is 1kg/s and the speed of water jet is 5m/s. What is the initial acceleration
of the block in m/s2 -
water Block

Frictionless surface
[1] 2.5 [2] 5 [3] 0.4 [4] 0
Q.9 A ball moving with velocity v collides with a wall moving with velocity u towards ball & they collide elastically
for t sec, mean elastic force on ball will be -
2m( v + u) 2m( v + 2u) m(2v + u) 2u + v
[1] [2] [3] [4]
t t t t
Q.10 A machine-gun of mass M fires n bullets per second. The mass of each bullet is m and speed is v. Force
acting on the machine-gum is -
mn mv vn
[1] [2] mnv [3] [4]
v n m
Q.11 For a motion in a straight line the force-time graph is shown in the figure. The parts of the curve are circular.
The momentum gained in the time interval t = 0 to t = 8s, in N-s will be -

2 4 6 8

[1] 2p N-S [2] 0 N-S [3] 4p N-S [4] 6p N-S

Q.12 An empty plastic box of mass m was found in water moving upward with acceleration g/6. How much sand
should be filled in box so that it may accelerate downward at the rate of g/6 -
[1] 2m/3 [2] 2m/5 [3] m/5 [4] 6m/7
Q.13 Force are acting on a body according to fig. If body is moving horizontally at a constant speed of 5 m/s then
value of P and S respectively will be -
300N M P

[1] 0N, 0N [2] 300 N, 200 N [3] 300 N, 1000 N [4] 2000 N, 300 N
Q.14 ABCD is a rectangle, forces 9N, 8N and 3N are along DC, CB and BA and their directions are shown in fig
then resultant force will be -

[1] 8N [2] 5N [3] 20N [4] 10N
Q.15 A body of 20 kg is moving with velocity 3m/s collides with a wall & returns back with same velocity impulse
on the body will be -
[1] 60 N-S [2] 120 N-S [3] 30 N-S [4] 180 N-S
Q.16 Three forces P = 10 N, Q = 10 N and R = unknown, are acting on a body which is in equilibrium. Consider
following three statements -
(i) Magnitude of R can not be 10 N (ii) R can not be perpendicular to P & Q
(iii) R can not be in the plane at P & Q then
[1] i & ii are correct [2] i, ii & iii are correct [3] ii is correct [4] none of these
Q.17 A body of mass 5kg is suspended by string making angle 60 & 30 with horizontal then -
T2 T1
60 5kg 30

(a) T1 = 25N (b) T2 = 25 N (c) T1 = 25 3N (d) T2 = 25 3N

[1] a, b [2] a, d [3] c, d [4] b, c
Q.18 A & B are two particles of mass m each, are kept stationary as shown in fig. by applying a horizontal force
F = mg on B then -


B F=mg

(a) tan = 2 tan (b) 2T1 = 5T2 (c) T1 2 = T2 5 (d) none of these
[1] a, b [2] b, c [3] c, d [4] a, c
Q.19 A dynamometer D, is connected with to bodies of mass M = 6 kg and m = 4kg. If two forces F = 20 N &
F = 10 are applied on masses according to figure then reading of the dynamometer will be -
M m
F=20N F=10N
[1] 10 N [2] 20 N [3] 6 N [4] 14 N
Q.20 Mass of string used in system of pulleys shown in fig. a & b is negligeable. Mass m moves upward by suspending
a mass 2m at other end of string in fig. a & by applying a downward force of 2mg at free end of string -in
fig. Then which statement is true -

m 2m m

(a) (b)
[1] Acceleration in condition b is three times of acceleration in position A
[2] Acceleration is g in condition a & 2g in b.
[3] Acceleration is same in both conditions. [4] none of these
Q.21 In fig. speed of each particle after 4 sec. -

a A
11g B


[1] 0.872 m/s [2] 8.72 m/s [3] 0.218 m/s [4] 2.18 m/s
Q.22 Three bodies of mass m are suspended by a string passing through a pulley as shown in fig. Then tension
in strings connected with A & B and B & C will be -

T1 T1

2 2 2 4 4 2 3 3
[1] mg, mg [2] mg, mg [3] mg, mg [4] mg, mg
3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4
Q.23 A metallic block of 2kg is placed on a smooth plane & a flow of water is released at the rate of 1kg/s &
with velocity 5 m/s on it. Then initial acceleration of the block will -

2kg a

[1] 2.5 m/s2 [2] 5 m/s2 [3] 0.4 m/s2 [4] 0

Q.24 A bullet of 5 gm is moving with the speed of 100 m/s and penetrates a wooden block upto 6 cm. Then average
force applied on the block by bullet -
[1] 417 N [2] 8333 N [3] 83.3 N [4] zero
Q.25 A particle is moving in x-y plane under the influence of force F. At any time t value of its linear momentum
P is Px = 2 cost, Py = 2sint. Angle between P and F at any time t will be -
[1] 0 [2] 30 [3] 90 [4] 180
Q.26 Linear momentum of P of a body performing are dimensional motion is changing according to P = at3 + bt
where a and b are positive constants then net force acting on the body is proportional to -
[1] t2 [2] a constant [3] t [4] 1/t
Q.27 M is a block kept on a smooth horizontal table and connected with an unstretched spring S from a stationary vertical
right wall W. A bullet is fired horizontally on block M & it penetrates in block M and finally block comes to rest -
[1] In this system linear momentum & kinetic energy of spring bullet system are not conserved
[2] Linear momentum & kinetic energy of this spring bullet system are conserved
[3] Linear momentum & kinetic energy of bullet are divided into heat energy in this spring bullet system
[4] Linear momentum of bullet is transferred to earth through the wall, while kinetic energy is stored in the
form of heat energy in this spring bullet system.
Q.28 Two monkey A & B are of masses M and m respectively (M > m). They are holding a rope which is passing
through a stationary smooth pulley.They moves on rope such that upward acceleration of B becomes double
of downward acceleration of A then tension in the rope will be -

4Mmg 3Mmg 3Mmg 3Mmg

[1] [2] [3] [4]
2M + m (M + 2m) 2(M + m) (M + m)
Q.29 Block B is moving towards right with constant velocity v0. Velocity of block A with respect to block B is-
(Assume all pulleys and strings are ideal)

A B v0

[1] v0/2 left [2] v0/2 right [3] 3/2v0 right [4] 3/2v0 left
Q.30 If masses are released from the position shown in fig. then speed of mass m1 just before to collide on floor will be

m2 d

[1] [2m1gd/(m1+m2)]1/2 [2] [2(m1+m2)gd/(m1+m2)]1/2 [3] [2(m1m2)gd/m1]1/2 [4] none of these

Q.31 The followings figure represents a painter in a swing by the side of building. When the painter pulls the string
then the force applied on the surface is 450 N, whereas the weight of painter is 1000 N. If the weight of the
swing is 250 N then the acceleration produced in the swing will be -

[1] 4 m/s2 [2] 2 m/s2 [3] 5 m/s2 [4] 6 m/s2

Q.32 The fig. shown masses A and B on a smooth planes of inclination and respectively. Light inextensible
strings attached to these masses pass along the lines of greatest slope, over smooth pulleys and are connected
to a 4 kg mass C hanging freely. The strings both make an angle of 60 with the upward vertical. If the system
rests in equilibrium then ,

60 60
8kg g
[1] = 30 [2] = 45 [3] = 60 [4] = 53
Q.33 A frictionless pulley of negligible weight is suspended from a spring balance as shown in fig. Masses of 1kg
and 5 kg are tied to the ends of string which passes over the pulley. The masses move due to gravity. The
reading of the balance will be -


[1] more than 6 kg [2] 6 kg
[3] less than 3 kg [4] less than 6kg and more than 3kg
Q.34 A body of weight W1 is suspended by a chain of weight W2 from ceiling of a room. With how much force
ceiling pulls the chain -
[1] W1 [2] W2 [3] W1 + W2 [4] W1 + W2/2
Q.35 When a horse pulls a cart then the force with which horse moves forward is applied by -
[1] cart on horse [2] earth on horse [3] earth on cart [4] horse on earth
Q.36 Two bodies A and B are thrown upwards simultaneously with same speed. Mass of A is more than that of
B. If same constant resistive force is applied on both bodies by air then -
[1] Both bodies will reach up to same height [2] A will reach up to move height than B
[3] B will reach upto more height than A
[4] Any one of above three may be possible, it depends on initial speed of both bodies
Q.37 Two identical particles P and Q are at rest suspended by an inextensible string which passes through a smooth
pulley and this system is on a perfect elastic table. A downwards velocity V is given to particle P . Just after
collision of P at surface -
[1] P & Q both are at rest [2] P moves upwards & Q moves downward at same speed
[3] Q moves upwards & P remains at rest [4] P & Q move upwards at same sped
Q.38 Arrangement shown in fig. assuming friction between block & table is negligible. If F is pulling force and m1
& m2 are known masses then tension in string will be -
[1] m1F/(m1 + m2) [2] 2m1F/(m1 + m2) [3] 2m1F/(4m1 + m2) [4] none of these
Q.39 A ball of mass 200 gm moving with velocity of 20 m/s a player catches it. If time taken to catch the ball
is 0.5 sec then force applied on players hands will be -
[1] 8N [2] 4N [3] 2N [4] 0N
Q.40 A body is suspended by a string connected on ceiling of a lift. When lift accelerates then tension in string
found to be doubled then acceleration will be -
[1] 4.9 m/s2 [2] 9.8 m/s2 [3] 19.6 m/s2 [4] 2.45 m/s2
Q.41 A balloon of mass m is moving upwards with acceleration a. How much mass has to be removed from it to
double its acceleration (Air thrust is same) -
ma m ma 2ma
[1] a + g [2] a + g [3] 2a + g [4] a + g
Q.42 A 60 kg mass is kept on a lift moving downwards. At first lift is moving with acceleration of 3 m/s2 & then
at constant speed & then moving with a retardation of 3 m/s2, In every condition reaction force on body respectively
will be -
[1] 408N, 580N, 768N [2] 408N, 768N, 588N [3] 408N, 588N, 768N [4] 768, 408N, 588N
Q.43 A person is standing on a floor of lift, releases a coin. Coin reaches on floor in time t1 if lift is stationary.
and coin reaches on floor in time t2 if lift is moving with uniform velocity -
[1] t1 = t2 [2] t1 < t2 [3] t1 > t2
[4] t1 < t2 or t1 > t2 depends on lift on moving downwards or upwards
Q.44 A smooth wedge is kept in a chamber. Chamber is suspended close to earth surface. A block B is kept on
top of wedge. It takes time T to slip over length of wedge. If block is kept on top of wedge & suddenly string
breaks then at this time block -
[1] will take more time than T to slip over wedge [2] will take less than T to slip over wedge
[3] will remain on top of wedge [4] will fall away from wedge
Q.45 A particle is seen from reference frame s1 & s2. Reference frame s2 is moving with acceleration a with respect
to reference frame s1. Assuming F1 & F2 are pseudo force on particle, while we see s1 & s2 respectively. Which
of following is not possible -
[1] F1 = 0, F 0 [2] F1 0, F2 0 [3] F1 0, F2 = 0 [4] F1 = 0, F = 0
Q.46 Two bodies m = 1kg & m = 2kg touching each other are kept on a table. A horizontal force F (= 3N) is applied
on m then contact force between bodies will be -
[1] 2N [2] 1N [3] 4N [4] 5N
Q.47 If a force produces an acceleration of 5 m/s2 in a body and produces an acceleration of 15 m/s2 in another
body if both bodies are kept in contact then acceleration of system will be it force is same -
[1] 7080 N [2] 5880 N [3] 4680 N [4] zero N
Q.48 A person says that he measured acceleration of a particle non-zero, while any force is not acting on particle
then -
[1] he is telling false [2] speed of his clock may be slow
[3] His metre scale may be longer than standard scale [4] It may be non-inertial frame of reference
Q.49 When a particle is seen from a frame of reference s1 it was found stationary while it was found moving when
seen by another frame of reference s2. Choose possible option -
[1] Both frame of reference are inertial [2] Both frame of reference are non inertial
[3] s1 is inertial & s2 is non inertial [4] s1 is non inertial & s2 is inertial
Q.50 A block of is kept on metal piece of inclined at angle . Whole system is accelerated horizontally such that
block will not slip on metal piece -
[1] mg [2] mg/cos [3] mg cos [4] mg tan
Q.51 Two bodies A & B of mass mA & mB are connected by a string as shown in fig. If they are accelerated upwards
then ratio of tension T1 : T2 -
A mA
A mB
m A + mB m A mB
[1] (mA + mB)/mB [2] (mA + mB)/mA [3] m m [4] m + m
Q.52 If downward acceleration is given to the system then ratio in string T1 : T2 is -
A mA
A mB

m A + mB
[1] (mA + mB)/mB [2] (mA + mB)/mA [3] m m [4] none of these
Q.53 If tension in string connected to a lift is equal to weight of lift then lift is moving -
[1] upwards with increasing speed [2] downwards with increasing speed
[3] upwards with uniform speed [4] downward with uniform speed
Q.54 A lift is moving upwards with acceleration 3.675 m/s2 then weight at a person will be -
[1] up to 37.5 % less [2] up to 37.5% more [3] up to 17.5 % more [4] remain same
Q.55 When same force is applied on n different bodies then accelerations produced in them are respectively

1 1 1 1
1, , , ,...... (all in m/s2). If all these bodies are joined together & same force is applied then acceleration
2 3 4 n
will be -

n 2 n2 n 2 (n + 1)
[1] [2] [3] [4]
2 n[n + 1] 2 2
Q.56 On a rod of length L & mass m how much tension will be at a distance y from F1 when two dissimilar forces
F1 & F2 (F2 < F1) are applied on the rod -
F2 T T F1

y y M F F y y M F1 + F2
[1] F11 + F2 [2] y+ 1 2 [3] F11 + + F2 [4] y
Q.57 A 50 kg mass is on an inclined plane at one end of a massless string passing through a smooth pulley of
inclined plane and at other end of the string a 40 kg mass is suspended as shown in fig. distance travelled
by 50 kg mass in 4 sec. will be (angle of inclination of plane is 30) -

[1] 13.04 m [2] 1.63 m [3] 1.304 m [4] 16.3 m

Q.58 Two bodies of mass 30 kg & 20 kg are attached to ends of a string passing through a smooth pulley, tension
in string will be -

20kg 30kg
37 53
[1] 40.70 N [2] 122.3 N [3] 1.22 N [4] 4.07 N
Q.59 In figure shown acceleration of particle at any time will be -


[1] (1/2) g [2] g [3] (1/3) g [4] (1/4)g

Q.60 A fire man carries a person of 40 kg to the top of a building with the help of a string. If string can bear a
weight of 100 kg then what will be the acceleration of fire man if his mass is 80 kg -
[1] 8.17 m/s2 [2] 9.8 m/s2 [3] 1.63 m/s2 [4] 17.97 m/s2
Q.61 A body of mass 0.2 kg falls on heap of sand from a height of 5 m. It penetrates into sand up to 5 cm. How
much force is applied on the body by sand -
[1] 1.96 N [2] 19.6 N [3] 0.196 N [4] 0.0196 N
Q.62 Change in a force acting on a body shown in figure. AB, BC & CD are straight line segments. Total impulse
on the body between = 4 s to t = 16 s will be (in N-S)

Force F (N)
Time (s)

[1] 5 104 N-S [2] 5 103 N-S [3] 5 105 N-S [4] 5 102 N-S
Q.63 The incorrect statement about Newtons second law of motion is -
[1] it provides a measure of inertia [2] it provides a measure of force
[3] it relates force and acceleration [4] it relates momentum and force
Q.64 Ratio of interial mass to gravitational mass is -
[1] 1 : 2 [2] 1 : 1 [3] 2 : 1 [4] no fixed number
Q.65 A man is at rest in the middle of a pond a perfectly smooth ice. He can get himself to the shore by making
use of Newtons -
[1] first law [2] second law [3] third law [4] all the laws
Q.66 As shown in the figure two masses is 15 kg each are suspended through two strings tied to a spring balance
after passing over frictionless pulleys. The reading of the balance will be -

15kg 15kg

[1] zero [2] 15 kg [3] 30 kg [4] 7.5 kg

Q.67 Two masses are suspended vertically what will be their acceleration -


m1 m2 m 2 m1 m1 + m 2
[1] m g [2] m g [3] m + m g [4] m m g
2 1 1 2 2 1

Q.68 Three identical bodies A, B and C each of mass 2kg are tied to a string passing over a smooth pulley as
shown in the figure. The tension in the string connecting B to C will be -


[1] 13N [2] 0.13 N [3] 3.3 N [4] zero
Q.69 Body A is placed on frictionless wedge making an angle with the horizontal. The horizontal acceleration
towards left to be imparted to the wedge for the body A to freely fall vertically, is -

[1] g sin [2] g cos [3] g tan [4] g cot
Q.70 Two blocks of masses 2.9 kg & 1.9 kg are suspended from a rigid support S by two inextensible wires each
of length one metre, see fig. The upper wire has negligible mass & the lower wire has a uniform mass of
0.2 km/m. The whole system of blocks, wires an support have and upward acceleration is 0.2 m/sec2. Find
the tension at the midpoint of the lower wire -


[1] 20 N [2] 30 N [3] 40 N [4] 50 N

Q.71 Two bodies of mass M1 & M2 are connected by a light string. As shown in fig string is passing through a
pulley on a smooth inclined plane making an angle 30 with horizontal. One body m2 is on inclined plane &
another m1 is suspended vertically. It was found that M1 pulls the M2 up to full length of inclined plane in half
time that of in which vertically suspended M2 pulls upward M1. Determine M1/M2 (assuming pulley is smooth)-


2 3 4 7
[1] [2] [3] [4]
3 2 7 4
Q.72 As shown in fig. a 5kg mass slips over a plane inclined 30 with horizontal what will be its acceleration when
it moves upwards & other mass is 10 kg. Pulleys & mass are frictionless (g = 10 m/sec2 ) -
30 10g
[1] .33 m/sec2 [2] 3.3 m/sec2 [3] 33 m/sec2 [4] none of these
Q.73 A triangular block of mass M with angle 30, 60, 90 rests with its 30 90 side on a horizontal smooth
fixed table. A cubical block of mass m rests on the 60 30 side of the triangular block. What horizontal
acceleration a must M have relative to the stationary table so that m remains stationary with respect to the
triangular block? [M = 9kg, m = 1kg] -


90 30
2 2
[1] 2.8 m/s [2] 5.6 m/s [3] 8.4 m/s2 [4] zero
Q.74 An object kept on a smooth inclined plane of 1 in l can be kept stationary relative to the incline by giving
a horizontal acceleration of ...... to the inclined plane -

g g 1
[1] [2] [3] g l 2 1 [4]
l2 1 1 l2 g 1 l2
Q.75 Calculate the acceleration of the mass 12 kg shown in the set up of fig. Also calculate the tension in the string
connecting the 12 kg mass. The string the weightless and inextensible, the pulleys are weightless and frictionless

4k P2


g 56g 2g 60g 10 5 9 5
[1] , N [2] , N [3] g , 56g N [4] 14 , 56g N
10 5 7 7
Q.76 A balloon of constant size & mass m is moving downwards with a constant acceleration f (f < g). A mass
m is dropped from it (now its acceleration becomes f upwards.) If air resistance is negligible then value of
m will be -

M Mf 2Mf M(g + a)
[1] g + f f [2] 2(g + f ) [3] g + f ) [4] g

Q.77 In fig a uniform rod of 3kg & length 30 cm is shown. String shown in figure are being pulled with constant
forces of 20 N & 30 N. What will be the acceleration of rod -

20N 32N
2 2
[1] 2 m/s [2] 3m/s [3] 4 m/s2 [4] 6 m/s2
Q.78 What will be tension in rod at a distance 10 cm of A -
[1] 18 N [2] 20 N [3] 24 N [4] 36 N
Q.79 A force F is applied on free end of a string such mass of 18 kg remain stationary value of F will be -

[1] 180 N [2] 90 N [3] 60 N [4] 30 N


Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 4 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 2
Qus. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 3 2 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 2
Qus. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. 2 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 3 3 1 3 4
Qus. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 3
Qus. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Ans. 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 2
Qus. 76 77 78 79
Ans. 3 3 3 2

Q.1 A mass M of 100 kg is suspended with use of strings A, B and C as shown in fig. where W is vertical wall
and R is rigid horizontal rod. The tension in string B is - [BHU-1994]
90 T T

M = 100g

[1] 100 gN [2] 0 [3] 100 2 gN [4] gN
Q.2 The mass of a body measured by a physical balance in a lift at rest if found to be m. If the lift is going up
with an acceleration a, its mass will be measured as - [MP PET -1994]

a a
[1] m 1 g [2] m 1 + g [3] m [4] zero

Q.3 The revolver recoils after a bullet is fired because - [RPMT-1994]

[1] The man drawn it backwards out of fear
[2] The trigger of the revolver moves backwards
[3] The forward motion of the bullet imparts to the revolver an equal and opposite reaction
[4] The question is irrelevant
Q.4 An elevator weighing 6000 kg is pulled upwards by a cable with an acceleration of 5 ms1 . Taking to be 10
ms2. Then the tension in the cable is - [Manipal MEE-1995]
[1] 6000 N [2] 9000 N [3] 60000 N [4] 90000 N
Q.5 A man is carrying a block of a certain substance (of density 1000 kgm3) weighing 1 kg in his left hand and
a bucket filled with water and weghing 10 kg in his right hand. He drops the block into the bucket. How much
load does he cary in his right hand now - [Manipal MEE-1995]
[1] 9 kg [2] 10 kg [3] 11 kg [4] 12 kg
Q.6 A boy having a mass equal to 40 kilograms is standing in an elevator. The force felt by the feet of the boy
will be greatest when the elevator (g = 9.8 metre/sec2)- [MP PMT-1995]
[1] Stands still
[2] Moves downwards at a constant velocity of 4 metre/sec.
[3] Accelerates downward with an acceleration equal to 4 metres/sec2
[4] Acelerates upward with an acceleration equal to 4 metres/sec2
Q.7 A vehcile of 100 kg is moving with a velocity of 5 m/sec. To stop it in 1/10 sec. The required force in opposite
direction is - [MP PET-1995]
[1] 5000 Newton [2] 500 Newton [3] 50 Newton [4] 1000 Newton
Q.8 A person sitting in an open car moving at constant velocity throws a ball vertically up into air. The ball
falls. - [EAMCET (MED)-1995]
[1] outside the car [2] In the car ahead of the person
[3] In the car to the side of the person [4] Exactly in the hand which threw it up
Q.9 n bullets per sec. each of mass m moving with velocity v strike normally on a wall. The collision is elastic
then force on wall is - [RPMT-1995]
[1] zero [2] mnv [3] 2 mnv [4] 4 mnv
Q.10 A cold soft drink is kept on the balance. When the cap is open, then the weight - [AFMC-1996]
[1] increases [2] decreases
[3] first increases then decreases [4] remains same
Q.11 A man is standing at a spring platform. Reading of spring balance is 60 kg wt. If man jumps outside platform,
then reading of spring balance- [AFMC-1996]
[1] First increases then decreases to zero [2] decreases
[3] increases [4] remains same
Q.12 The weight of 1kg sugar will be maximum at - [RPET-1996]
[1] Sea level [2] Equator [3] Poles [4] equal every where
Q.13 When a horse pulls the tonga, the tonga moves forward due to - [RPET-1996]
[1] Force exerted by horse in forward diretion
[2] Reaction of the tonga
[3] Reaction of the hindimbs of the horse on the gound
[4] None of the above
Q.14 The engine of a car produces acceleration 4m/s2 in the car. If this car pulls another car of same mass. What
will be the acceleration produced - [RPET-1996]
[1] 1 m/s2 [2] 1.5 m/s2 [3] 2 m/s2 [4] 4 m/s2
Q.15 A light string passes over a frictionless pulley. To one of its ends a mass of 6 kg is attached and to its other
end a mass of 10 kg is attached. The tension in the string will be - [RPET-1996]
[1] 50 N
[2] 75 N
[3] 100 N
[4] 150 N 6kg

Q.16 A force vector applied on a mass is represented as F = 6i 8j + 10k and accelerates with 1 m/s2 . What
will be the mass of the body - [CPMT-1996]

[1] 10 2 kg [2] 2 10 kg [3] 10 kg [4] 20 kg

Q.17 A rope of length L is pulled by a constant force F. What is the tension in the rope at a distance x from the
end where the force is applied.- [MP PET-1997]

FL F(L x ) FL Fx
[1] [2] [3] [4]
x L Lx Lx

Q.18 A block of mass 2kg is joined to a body of mass 1kg. Block is placed on a horizontal table and the string
moves over a pulley, which is at the edge of the table. Mass of 1kg is suspended by the string . If table is
frictionless then acceleration of block and tension in string are respectively - [RPET-1997]

[1] 4.38 m/s2, 6.54 N [2] 4.38 m/s2, 9.86 N [3] 3.27 m/s2, 6.54 N [4] 3.27 m/s2, 9.86 N
Q.19 A force of 6N acts on a body at rest of mass 1kg . During this time, the body attains a velocity of 30 m/s.
The time for which the force acts on the body is - [CPMT-1997]
[1] 10 sec. [2] 8 sec. [3] 7 sec. [4] 5 sec.
Q.20 A bullet is fired from a gun. The force on the bullet is given by F = 600 2 105 t, where F is in N and t
in sec. The force on bullet becomes zero as soon as it leaves barrel. What is average impulse imparted to
bullet- [CPMT-1998]
[1] 9 Ns [2] zero [3] 0.9 Ns [4] 1.8 Ns
Q.21 A man of mass 60 kg record his wt. on a weighing machine placed inside a lift. The ratio of wts. of man recorded
when lift is ascending up with a uniform speed of 2 m/s to when it is descending down with a uniform speed
of 4 m/s will be - [AIIMS-1998]
[1] 0.5 [2] 1 [3] 2 [4] none
Q.22 Three blocks of masses m1, m2 and m3 are connected by massless strings as shown on a frictionless table.
They are pulled with a force T3 = 40 N. If m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 6 kg and m3 = 4kg, the tension T2 will be -
T1 T2 T3
m1 m2 m3

[1] 20 N [2] 40 N [3] 10 N [4] 32 N[MP PMT/PET-1998]

Q.23 A force of 50 dyne is acted on a body of mass 5 g which is at rest for an interval of 3 sec., then impulse
is - [AFMC-1998]
[1] 0.15 1013 Ns [2] 0.98 103 Ns [3] 1.5 103 Ns [4] 2.5 103 Ns
Q.24 Swimming is possible on account of - [AFMC-1998]
[1] First law of motion [2] Second law of motion [3] Third law of motion [4] Newtons law of graviation
Q.25 The value of force constant between the applied elastic force F & displacement will be - [RPMT-1998]

1 Y
[1] 3 [2]
1 3 30
[3] [4] O x
2 2
Q.26 If a ladder is not in equillibrium against a smooth vertical wall, then it can be made in equillibrium by -
[1] increasing the angle of inclination [2] decreasing the angle of inclination
[3] increasing the legngh of the ladder [4] decreasing the length of the ladder
Q.27 A bird is sitting in a large closed cage which is placed on a spring balance. It records a weight of 25 N. The
bird (mass = 0.5 kg) flies upward in the cage with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. The spring balance will now reacord
a weight of - [MP PMT-1999]
[1] 24 N [2] 25 N [3] 26 N [4] 27 N
Q.28 A truck of mass 500 kg moving with constant speed 10 m/s. If sand is dropped into the truck at the constant
rate 10 kg/minute, the force required to maintain the motion with constant velocity is - [RPET-1999]

5 5 7 3
[1] N [2] N [3] N [4] N
3 4 5 2
Q.29 The mass of a lift is 500 kg. What will be the tension in its cable when it is going up with an acceleration
of 2.0 m/s2- [MP PMT -2001]
[1] 5000 N [2] 5600 N [3] 5900 N [4] 6200 N
Q.30 A uniform thick rope of length 5 m is kept on frictionless surface and a force of 5N is applied to one of its
end. Find tension in the rope at 1m from this end - [RPET-2000]
[1] 1N [2] 3N [3] 4N [4] 5N
Q.31 Two masses of 5kg and 10 kg are connected to a pulley as shown. What will be the acceleration if the pulley
is set free ? (g = acceleratin due to gravity)- [CPMT-2000]
[1] g
[2] g/2
[3] g/3
[4] g/4
Q.32 A man slips on a frictionless inclined plane leaving a bag from the same height to the ground. If the velocities
of the man and bag are vM & vB respectively on reaching the ground, lthen - [CPMT-2000]
[1] vB > vM [2] vB < vM [3] vB = vM [4] vB & vM cont be related
Q.33 The pulleys and strings shown in fig. are smooth and of negligible mass. For the system to remain in equailibrium,
the angle should be - [IIT screening-2001]
[1] 0
[2] 30
[3] 45
[4] 60
Q.34 A string of negligbile mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports a block of mass M as shown
in figure. The force on the pulley by the clamp is given by - [IIT sereening-2001]

[1] 2 Mg

[2] 2 mg

2 2
[3] (M + m) + m g

[4] (M + m) + M g
2 2

Q.35 A golf ball of mass 0.05 kg placed on a tee, is struck by a golf club. The speed of the golf ball as it leaves
the tee is 100 m/s, the time of contact between them is 0.02 s. If the force decreases to zero linearly with
time, then the force at the beginning of the contact is - [CBSE-2001]

[1] 500 N [2] 250 N [3] 200 N [4] 100 N

Q.36 A cricketer catches a ball of mass 150 gm in 0.1 sec moving with speed 20 m/s, then he experiences
force of - [CBSE Med-2001]

[1] 300 N [2] 30 N [3] 3 N [4] 0.3 N

Q.37 250 N force is required to raise 75 kg mass from a pulley. If rope is pulled 12m, the load is lifted to 3m, the
effeciency of pulley system will be - [CBSE Med-2001]

[1] 25% [2] 33.3% [3] 75% [4] 90%

Q.38 A 1kg particle strickes a wall with velocity 1 m/s at an angle of 30 with the normal to the wall and reflects
at the same angle. If it remain in contact with wall for 0.1 s, then the force is - [UP CPMT-2001]

[1] 0 [2] 10 3 N [3] 30 3 N [4] 40 3 N


Q.39 A light string passing over a smooth light pulley connects two block of masses m1 and m2 (vertically). If the
acceleration of the system is (g/8), then the ratio of masses is - [AIEEE-2002]

[1] 8 : 1 [2] 9 : 7 [3] 4 : 3 [4] 5 : 3

Q.40 A force 10 N acts on a body of mass 20 kg for 10 s. Change in its momentum is - [MP PMT-2002]

[1] 5 kg m/s [2] 100 kg m/s [3] 200 kg m/s [4] 1000 kg m/s

Q.41 A force F = 6t 2 i + 4tj , is acting on a particle of mass 3kg then what will be velocity of particle at t = 3 sec.
if at t = 0, particle is at rest - [CPMT-2002]

[1] 18i + 6j [2] 18 i + 12j [3] 12i + 6j [4] None

Q.42 If a 5kg mass is suspeneded by a spring balance in a lift which is acceleration downwards at 10 m/s2. The
reading of the balance (g = 10 m/s2) - [RPET-2003]

[1] more than 5 kg weight [2] is less than 5 kg weight

[3] is equal to 5 kg weight [4] zero

Q.43 A monkey of mass 20 kg is holding a vertical rope. The rope will not break when a mass of 25 kg is suspeneded
from it but will break if the mass exceeds 25 kg. What is the maximum acceleration with which the monkey
can climb up along the rope (g = 10 m/s2) - [CPMT-2003]

[1] 2.5 m/s2 [2] 5 m/s2 [3] 10 m/s2 [4] 25 m/s2

Q.44 A man weighs 80 kg. He stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving upwards with a uniform acceleration
of 5m/s2. What would be the reading on the scale (g = 10 m/s2) - [CPMT-2003]

[1] 1200 N [2] zero [3] 400 N [4] 100 N

Q.45 A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m. If a force P is applied
at the free end of the rope, the force exerted by the rope on the block is - [AIEEE-2003]

PM Pm Pm
[1] P [2] [3] [4]
M+m M+m Mm

Q.46 A machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity 1200 ms1. The man holding it can exert a maximum
force of 144N on the gun. How many bullets can he fire per second at the most - [AIEEE-2004]

[1] Three [2] Four [3] Two [4] One

Q.47 Two masses m1 = 5kg and m2 = 4.8 kg tied to a string are hanging over a light frictionless pulley. What is
the acceleration of the masses when left free to move - (g = 9/8 ms2) [AIEEE-2004]

[1] 4.8 m/s2 [2] 9.8 m/s2

[3] 5 m/s 2
[4] 0.2 m/s 2 m2

Q.48 A smooth block is released at rest on a 45 incline and then slides a distance d. The time taken to slide
is n times as much to slide on rough incline than on a smooth incline. The coefficient of friction is -

1 1 1 1
[1] s = 1 [2] s = 1 [3] k = 1 [4] k = 1
n2 n2 n2 n2

Q.49 The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination is perfectly smooth while the lower half is rough. A body
starting from rest at the top will again come to rest at the bottom if the coefficient of friction for the lower half
is given by - [AIEEE-2005]

[1] 2 tan [2] tan [3] 2 sin [4] 2 cos

Q.50 A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = kx with k = 15N/m. What will be its initial acceleration
if it is released from a point 20 cm away from the origin - [AIEEE-2005]

[1] 5 m/s2 [2] 10 m/s2 [3] 3 m/s2 [4] 15 m/s2

Q.51 A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of inclination . The incline is given an acceleration
a to keep the block stationary. Then a is equal to - [AIEEE-2005]

[1] g [2] g tan [3] g/tan [4] g coses

Q.52 A ball of mass 0.2 kg is thrown vertically upwards by applying a force by hand. If the hand moves
0.2 m while applying the force and the ball goes upto 2m height further, find the magnitude of the force. Consider
g = 10m/s2 - [AIEEE-2006]

[1] 16N [2] 20N [3] 22N [4] 4N

Q.53 A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k. The
blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then
a constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m.

mF (M + m) F mF MF
[1] [2] [3] (m + M) [4] (m + M) [AIEEE-2007]
M m


Que . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A ns . 1 3 3 4 3 4 1 4 3 3 1 3 3 3 2
Que . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
A ns . 1 2 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 3
Que . 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
A ns . 3 3 3 4 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 2
Que . 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
A ns . 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 3

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