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Vocabulary Assignment

Lecturer: Romel Noverino

Name : Ni Luh Ayu Sri Laksmi

NPM : 17614905

Class : 1SA10
Title of Novel : The Lost Symbol

Author : Dan Brown

Genre : Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Summary : Prologue Chapter 10

The secret is how to die. Since the beginning the secret is always been how to die.

Robert Langdon jolted up from his leather seat inside the private jet after daydreamed about his
late Father. He was on his way to Washington D.C. as he was invited by his long time mentor
Peter Salomon to give a lecture for the ceremony.

That afternoon, Langdon was still in his home when he received a voice message from
Salomons assistant. After hearing the message, Langdon hurriedly go to his study room to
return the call. The assistant then explained that Peter need his help to fill in for the ceremony as
the current speaker has fallen ill and confirmed that he was unable to come. At first Langdon
seems surprised but after the assistant told him that he was the first person who cross Peter
Salomons mind, he accept the offer and ask when the ceremony start. To his surprise, the
ceremony starts tonight and the assistant already sent a private jet to pick Langdon from his
current position.

Arriving at Washington D.C. Airport, Robert was greeted by Pam from the passenger service.
The blonde woman takes him to where his car is. As expected from the famous Peter Salomon,
he prepared an exclusive limousine for Robert. The black suited driver greets Robert and opened
the door for him. His next destination now would be National Statuary Hall where the private
Gala held. Unfortunately due to homeland security, the driver only manages to get Langdon in
the first street rather than in front of the capital building since no vehicles can get near the
landmark. Checking on his watch, Langdon opened the door and bit small thanks for the driver
before rushed straight to the Capitol Building.

Inside the Capitol Building, Langdon only manage to admire the perfect scenery of the huge
Capitol Visitor Center before continued on his way. Realize that he doesnt have any time left
before the ceremony start, Langdon running through the hallway passing The House Connecting
corridor. He spotted the entrance to the National Statuary and head straight to it. Before entering,
Langdon manage to tidy himself, with a smile plastered on his face he walk inside the entrance to
greet the audience. But as soon as he walked inside the entrance, his stopped with a frown on his
face. Theres no one inside the Entrance. No audience. No party. Everything inside the entrance
is empty.
Langdon thought maybe he got the wrong place and soon called Peter assistant number. Langdon
ask about the lecturer with his current position inside the Statuary. To his surprises, the speaker
on the line answered the hes not Peter assistant and implied Langdon was careless enough to be
tricked. Langdon stood there dumbfounded hearing the speaker words that Peter Salomon wasnt
the one who send him here in Washington D.C. Langdon then asked wheres Peter right now but
the speaker didnt replied. The anonymous speaker said that he was the one who invited Langdon
here because he wants him to open the ancient portal. The first time hearing this, Landon refuse
to do it since he didnt know such thing called ancient portal. Which then, the speaker added that
if somehow Langdon refuse his offer, he guarantee that the death will soon come for Peter
Salomon. Frantically, Langdon shouted at the speaker about what he already done to his mentor.
He only hears a chuckle on the other side of line. The speaker only said that he had Peter
Salomon completely at his mercy. Also, Peter Salomon himself who said that only one man can
solve the puzzle to opened the ancient portal. That man was Robert Langdon himself. Before
hung up, the speaker left a message that the first clue will come to him soon enough.

Robert Langdon who now stood rigid trying to process the whole conversation before inside the
empty Statuary Hall suddenly startled by the loud sound that coming from the other room across.
Somebody screamed.

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