Drama Bing

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KETUA : Adryan Samuel Hutagalung

SEKRETARIS : Nanda Dhea Islamay

ANGGOTA : - Noviandi Rusdy
- Vivin Adri Yanti


The Enchanted Fish

There once was a Fisherman who lived with his wife and his daughter in a
small hut close by the seaside. Their life was very poor.

Wife : Husband, I hate with our life.

Daughter : Yes, Dad. I want a better life.
Fisherman : Alright. I will fish in the sea and catch many fish.
Wife : Dont come back before you bring many fish and much money.

Then, he went to fishing.

Fisherman : (fishing) WOW ! There are many fish. I hope, I catch many fish.
Oouuu.. I think, Im very lucky today. (Fishing again. The wave
is sparkling).What is that? Uu .. Wow! This is a very big fish. The
price of this fish must expensive.
Fish : Pray, Let me live! Dont sell me, fisherman. Dont kill me!
Fisherman : Wow! You can talk? (Throw the fish in the boat).
Fish : Pray, Im not a real fish. Im an enchanted fish. Put me in the
water again and let me go! Have mercy o kind fisherman.
Fisherman : I cant believe it! Go back.
Fish : Thank you Fisherman. I wont forget your kindness. If you need
any help, dont hesitate to ask me for help. (The fish swims away)

The astonished fisherman went to home and told to his wife and his

Fisherman : My wife! I bring many fish.

Wife : Good..Good! I hope you keep bring many fish, just like today.
Fisherman : Also, you wont believe this, but I met an enchanted fish that can
speak with me.
Wife : Did you catch it? Did you ask something?
Fisherman : No, I didnt. What should I ask for?
Daughter : Dad, our life is very wretchedly here. In this dirty hut. We are so
miserable. You should ask for a nice cozy cottage!
Wife : Now, go back to the sea and ask the fish a snug little cottage.

The fisherman went to the sea with his boat.

Fisherman : O enchanted beautiful fish! My wife and my daughter want not

what I want. And they wont give up till they have their own will
so come forth and help me!
Fish : Dont worry, O fisherman. I remember your kindness to me. What
are their will? How can I help your wife and your daughter?
Fisherman : Ah. They say that when I had caught you, I ought to have asked
you for something before I let you go. They want a snug little
Fish : Of course, I will fulfill your wish. Go home. They are already in the

The fisherman went home. In the new cottage, his wife and his daughter
were very happy.

Daughter : Mom, I love our cottage. Very nice!

Wife : Yes, this is a beautiful cottage.

One day, the daughter wakened his Dad to ask something.

Daughter : Dad, there is not enough room for us. Go back to the fish and tell
him to make me a Princess.
Wife : And I must be an Emperor.
Daughter : Thats a good idea mom. Dad, you must go back now.
Fisherman : I dont want go back again. We ought be happy with what the fish
had given to us and not be greedy.
Wife : Oh ok... My daughter and i will go to the sea.

And his wife and his daughter went to the middle of the sea by her
Husbands boat.

Wife : O enchanted fish. Where are you? Please come. Im the

fishermans wife and this is my daughter, help me!
Fish : I promised to repay the fishermans kindness, not yours. And I
already gave a beautiful cottage for him and your family. What
would you want now?
Wife : I want to be an Emperor.
Daughter : And I want to be a Princess.
Fish : I can only give you what you want, if the kind fisherman agreed.

The fisherman came to his wife by his friends boat.

Fisherman : Hey, My wife! Dont be greedy. Enchanted fish, please dont fill
their want!
Daughter : (catch the fish). Dad, I will kill the enchanted fish if you forbid us.
Fisherman : Dont my daughter!
Fish : Please, put me in the water. Dont kill me. Fisherman, please, you
should agree with their wishes, or else Ill be killed!
Fisherman : Very well. O enchanted fish, please make my wife an emperor,
and my daughter a princess.
Fish : Go home. Your cottage already changed be a castle. And your
crown in there.
Daughter : Mom, lets go to home. (The fishermans wife and fishermans
daughter go home)
Fish : Fisherman, tell to your wife and your daughter to not be greedy.
Fisherman : Ok, fish.
So the fisherman, his wife and his daughter went home and saw the
beautiful castle there was a great crown.

Wife : Im very happy. Im an Emperor. (Wear the crown)

Daughter : Yes dad. I love our castle, and i love my crown.

In the night, the wife couldnt to sleep.

Daughter : Mom, why dont you sleep? What are you thinking?
Wife : I cannot to sleep now. I'm thinking about what should I ask next
to the enchanted fish?
Daughter : Oh..

The morning broke and the sun rose.

Wife : Ha? This is morning? I know I cant prevent the sun from rising. I
must be the Lord of The Sun and The moon. (go to his Fisherman)
My Husband! Please get up! I must be the Lord of the Sun and the
Fisherman : Dont be greedy my wife. Couldnt you be happy with being an
Wife : You must go to the sea again! Go! Go!

So the fisherman come back to the sea.

Fisherman : O enchanted fish! My wife want not what I want. And she wont
give up till she has her own will. So come forth and help me!
Fish : What does she want now? Isn't she grateful with all i have given?
Fisherman : I'm sorry. Im truly ashamed of my wifes greedy but I cant do
anything. She wants to be the Lord of the sun and the moon.

Then, the shore a dreadful storm a rose. The sky became black with
stormy clouds.

Fish : Your wife and your daughter are very greedy. Go home.. to your
small hut.

And the fishermans family live in the small hut again.

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