Essential Question

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S home front
during World War II
Essential Question: How did WWII transform the American home front?

1.The U.S Government intervenes

: gave the president

power to expand the govt & limit liberties
The govt imposed rations, sold war bonds,
drafted soldiers

War Production


2. The Draft
- The U.S needs a substantial amount of men
recruited into the army, so a draft was put
into place.
- 6 million men volunteered & 10 million men
were drafted
16, 1940 and put into practice on October 29
-Every male from ages registered and divided by district, the number of
the district was placed in a capsule, the capsules collected in a fishbowl and stirred, and
capsules selected. (HistoryNet)
-The draft led to a lot of "wartime
.But, in 1941, the
draft wasn't needed anymore because thousands
of men enlisted
3. What are some possible pro's and cons of the draft???

4. Women on the Homefront:

With husbands, fathers, and brothers
went oversea's to fight in the War, many
job opportunities arose.
Because of this, more

like helping
build the planes their loved ones would use, or working in munition factories.

5. Rosie the Riveter

During WWII, to boost and encourage women to join the workforce,
was created.
Rosie the Riveter is a fictional character, but represents
works in shipyards and munition factories doing everything
she can to help the boys over seas win.
But, , these changed women who were
finally making good money were expected to step aside and give men back their

6. Think.Pair.Share
If women hadn't help contribute to the war, would the allies & U.S have still won?

7. African America's on the Home front & at War?

During WWII, both played a huge role on the home

front & in the war!
Because White men were off to war overseas, a lot of jobs opened up. Along with
women, African American's filled the spots!
They would also work in shipyards, airplanes, and ammunition factories.
Did face some racial discrimination, and were only allowed to serve in segregated
units under the command of white soldiers.

8. Final Thoughts

Would you explain why either government intervention, the draft, women, or African
Americans actions on the U.S home front is necessary or beneficial for the U.S during WWII?

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