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Electrical Activity of the Heart

a. Action Potentials in Cardiac Muscle
b. Conduction System of the Heart
-made up of specialized cardiac muscle cells.

SA node- produces action potentials

AV node and atrioventricular bundle- conduct action potentials(ventricles)
Ectopic belt- results from an action potential that originates in an area of the heart (other than
SA node)
c. Electrocardiogram
-record of electrical events within the heart
-used to detect abnormal heart rates / rhythms
-Normal: consists of a P wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave

Atrial contraction- occurs during PQ interval

VI. Cardiac Cycle

Atrial systole- contraction of the atria

Atrial diastole- relaxation of the atria
Ventricular systole- contraction of ventricles
Ventricular diastole- relaxation of the ventricles

VII. Heart Sounds

1st heart sounds- results from closure of the AV valves

2nd heart sounds- results from closure of the semilunar valves
Abnormal heart sounds (murmurs)- result from incompetent valves or stenosed valve

VIII. Regulation of Heart Function

a. Intrinsic Regulation- refers to regulation mechanisms containes within the heart
Preload- the increased stretch of the ventricular walls
Greater preload- causes the cardiac output to increase (Starlings law of the heart)
Afterload- pressure against which the ventricles must pump blood
b. Extrinsic Regulation- refers to nervous and chemical mechanisms
Sympathetic stimulation- increases stroke volume and heart rate
Parasympathetic stimulation- decreases heart rate
Baroreceptor reflex- detects changes in blood pressure
Influence heart functions: Emotions, alteration in body fluid levels of CO2, pH, ion concentration
and body temperature
IX. Effects of Aging on the Heart

Cardiac output has often decreased by one-third (age 70)

Hypertrophy can cause pulmonary edema
Decrease in the max. heart rate by 30%-60% leads to decreased cardiac output (age 85)
Aortic semilunar valve can become stenotic or incompetent
Coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure can develop

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