Sitagendas2016 2017

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School Improvement Team Meeting

February 27th, 2017

W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

2 - 2017-18
3 - Environment
4 - S.I.P.
5 - Brainstorm


B -Review of Check goals and La Vignette 5 What goals have we reached and which still need to be
prior meeting accomplishments addressed?
50/30, C.O.T. members found

1 - POWER Assessing La Vignette 10 How is the 50/30 Working? Any other issues that need
to be addressed? Have we found a simpler add/drop

Lunch is better.
Hard to figure out who is going where
during the lack of bells.
10 minutes extra in tutorial is great.
Need to assess the efficiency of
POWER in its current function.
10 day add/drop from teacher when
student is progressing well.

2017-2018 Changing our La Vignette 15 Three main ideas to discuss: Moving from grade levels
school structure to mastery levels, moving towards project-based
curriculum, and/or remaining the same. What have we
found out from our teams? Restructure the way in which
grade levels are to content areas?

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Need to check the legitimacy of
EOGs/NCFE in how it would work
with the mastery over grade levels.
Physical structure of school may need
to be renamed.
Grouping just AIG?
Statistical Lexile level concern.
Creating a greater focus on literacy
through merging social studies with
ELA - Expert 21 works well for this.
Providing longer times to ELA and
Math in 6th grade. Half and half SS
and Science.
Scores would be split between
teachers that teach the subject.
8th grade math + Math 1
Rotating schedule by Quarters
Athletes leaving during block 5
should be placed into mandatory
studies of that block for POWER.
3 person team should be in high
Becoming a school that no child
leaves unable to read.
Look-up schools as examples for
changing our school framework

School Ensuring that we La Vignette 10 What can we do to improve the environment of our
Environment are creating a school to influence all parties to return the next day
warm home for looking forward to coming here?

S.I.P. Implementing La Vignette 10 Marking new action in our S.I.P., understanding our
and improving goals and steps, and having a document that is easy to
our plan understand for stakeholders.

2017 Brainstorm Suggestions for La Vignette 8 Any suggestions to what we would like to see changed
improvement at Pattillo to make it the best place for all stakeholders.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
E - Closing and Planning La Vignette 2 Data and incorporating BM-II
Next Meeting: POWER
Core Values

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
January 30th, 2017
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

2 - 2017-18
3 - S.I.P.
4 - C.O.T.
5 - Brainstorm


B -Review of Check goals and La Vignette 5 What goals have we reached and which still need to be
prior meeting accomplishments addressed?

1 - POWER New Ideas and Simpson 15 Proposed change from 40/40 to 50/30 to address
Creating Teams extended lunch and to provide more flexibility.

Form needs to be completed
Students need to be placed
Tutorial - 50 min.
A and B? A or B?
30 Min lunch
No tutorials on Friday
STEP and Intramurals conflict
Could be potentially chaotic
Teachers need to respond to clubs
wanting to be provided.
A lot of students leaving assigned
areas for POWER in order to
Friday as official make-up day
No matter what, lunches need to be

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Team leads to report on Wednesday
before lunch

2017-2018 Changing our La Vignette 15 Three main ideas to discuss: Moving from grade levels
school structure to mastery levels, moving towards project-based
curriculum, and/or remaining the same.

We need to see exactly what these

changes could look like. We need to
dedicate an entire meeting to this.
Behavior also needs to be considered
for this change.

S.I.P. Implementing La Vignette 10 Marking new action in our S.I.P., understanding our
and improving goals and steps, and having a document that is easy to
our plan understand for stakeholders.

To be checked out next meeting

Community Clarification La Vignette 5 What do we want this to look like? How are we going to
Outreach Team set this up and make it most efficient? PTO went well
for our first meeting. Only had 2 families attend, but
good ideas came out of the meeting. Next meeting will
be on W 02/08 @ 5 PM

Needs to be communicated through


2017 Brainstorm Suggestions for La Vignette 8 Any suggestions to what we would like to see changed
improvement at Pattillo to make it the best place for all stakeholders.

E - Closing and Planning La Vignette 2 Data and incorporating BM-II

Next Meeting: POWER
Community Outreach Team
Core Values

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
12th of December, 2016
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

1 - Core Values
3 - Community Outreach
4 - Data
5 - S.I.P.


0 - Review of Cover Prior La 5 Checklist -

Past Meeting Items and Vignette
(11/28) Actions C4qgcx_4xXCUz1Q083TUxgA/edit

1 - Core Values Analyze La 10 Comparing to checklist, how have we started showing emphasis on
Progress Vignette our Core Values? What steps would we like to discuss for next

Contest for visual representation of core values.
Core value focused on for a set period of time.
Tying in community/guardians
Signatures for core values and core student of the Alexander for
week. Grade-Level teams choose a student for photos,
each week? Grade-Levels/
Starting 2nd Week of January EC to choose
NIX return to box

2 - POWER Focusing on La 10 How do we create a survey that can add and drop students
Efficiency Vignette depending on requirements?

Playing with Google Forms in order to create

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Use EVAAS data and Benchmark II data
-Check Attendance during POWER
Changing POWER depending on predictions?
Giving choice and tutorial for four days, Friday
having no tutorials.
Students choose to go to lunch and/or
Make-ups and tutoring must be held the entire

3 - Community Creating goals La 10 Specificity for our new team.

Outreach and tasks Vignette

4 - Data Discussing La 10 Utilizing data to our advantage. Creating I.E. groups, student led
what actions Vignette groups, understanding what foundations have to be built before
could benefit moving forward.
Action: Incorporated with POWER

5 - S.I.P. Implementing La 10 Marking new action in our S.I.P., understanding our goals and
and improving Vignette steps, and having a document that is easy to understand for
our plan stockholders.


E - Closing and Planning the La 5

items for next next step Vignette

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
November 28th, 2016
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

#1 Revisit Core Values and Actions
#2 POWER - Q2
#3 Benchmark Data and Growth
#4 Community Outreach
#5 SIP and Ideas


0 - Follow up #1 Discuss All 5

action items

1 - Core Values Discuss and All 10 Discussed actions from last meeting not started. Need to revisit and
start start making progress on showing our core values. Shared Values
implementin PowerPoint
Print the shared values PowerPoint. Lampron
Give to Service Club to hang around the school Simmons
Using Core Values to Recognize All
Having students and staff fill out Alexander on
pre-made forms forms
Placing Core Values on Letterhead Lampron
Utilizing 8th Grade Chill Passes 8th Grade
Reminding staff of core values La Vignette

2 - POWER Q1 recap All 15 I.E. based tutorials will be implemented. What will make this
and process easier in the future? Keep tabs on progress through the first
brainstorm few weeks. What do we need?

Students need to pick an A and B for each day.
Different drop-down
Capping certain groups.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Finding a more efficient way (drop/add system).
Creating groups first based upon tutorials
Consider having tutorials opposite clubs (A and
Have students choose during lunch; spread out
over a week need to find coverage.
Need to clarify options for how to choose.

3 - Benchmark Where we Simpson 15

Data and Growth are 5L2_LA7Ragy71lisb5VuqaJEO9JjOyk/edit?usp=sharing
compared to
where we Action:
were Putting up the growth/proficiency from
Pre-Assessment to Benchmark for students to see.
Having math students show work?
Teachers to look at individual students and
separate into proficiency. All assessed
Focusing tutorials on concepts groups

4 - Community Creating a All 10

Outreach team and
acting Action:
Reaching out to our communities to provide
support/systems for the parents/guardians to
apply at home.
Deciding upon the vision for Community Lampron,
Outreach Team. Simmons, La
Always having parents/guardians leaving from
invited events with useful tools.
Inviting parents/guardians to come in and work
with students.
Plan and host activities for

5 - SIP and Ideas Updating All 5

the S.I.P.
and Action: To be discussed 12/16
brainstormin Need PTO Team
g goals for

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
September 26th
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

#1 SIT Chair
#2 Create 2 goals for instructional gains to focus on SIP.
#3 Discuss where admin should focus their time to improve working conditions.
#4 Create goal for community outreach plan.
#5 Understand and articulate PowerSchedule to others.


#1 Follow up #1 Discuss action #1 Lampron 5 Admin created new walkthrough tool; meeting weekly
items Admin coaching content teachers; AIG with math
Buzz Math is $5 per student
Implemented POWER schedule with students

#2 Core Values #2 Discuss and #2 ALL 10 How do we want to draw attention to our values?
decide Shared Values PowerPoint

#3 POWER #3 Brainstorm #3 ALL 25 What is working?

Schedule What needs to change?
LUNCH: Proposal to make video for etiquette
Lunch Numbers

#4 Data #4 Discuss results #4 ALL 10 What do we see?

from Pretest

#5 Community #5 Review and #5 ALL 10 Need to make team: 1 person interested thus far
Outreach Team Update Plan

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
#2 Notes: Core Values
Post core values around the school
During Harambee use the core values as the recognitions
Focus on one core value per week on announcements

#3 Notes: Power Schedule

Whats working:
Duty free time
Kids coming to make up test, notes, etc.
Responsibility of tutorials
Teachers can use for immediate reinforcement to complete work.

What needs to change:

Tutorials: too many in certain tutorials; need caps
Clubs: need caps
Not seeing all students
Need to see low performing students more frequently
Science concern: 6/8 may be able to interchange; 7th grade may need to be along
Grade levels to be together
Need to keep students for full minutes of block if they are making up time, etc.
How to balance lunches
If club has 1 - 15 kids; what happens with the club? Can we combine?
Need clear definitions on clubs
If we had teachers that had to do every other week; how to offer?
Teachers to take attendance
There are many choices but not the same day.
How they are selected

Split clubs across days
Discussions of tutorials:
Provide students with opportunities to attend; if they do not attend; they must be mandates.
2 tutorials per adult
Teams will decide which students do not need tutorials:
A/B students
Teachers need to have tutorial list complete by October 10th.
Kids will select October 17th
Elective teachers to not have tutorials: consult with life coach lassiter

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
15 minutes of Channel One News (9 - 11 minutes)
Move tables to go to restroom; hallway monitor will supervise
Sit down; table by table get called up table at a time.
Quietest table may go first
Announcement club to create items to be watched; make the news during MakerSpace

#4 Data Notes

#5 Notes: Community Outreach Plan

Dance for parent participation
Football Tailgate for Homecoming
Tailgate for Senior Night
Buy grill from community outreach money.
Create Community Outreach Committee.

Committing to next step includes:

Follow up with Blount to see when SGA will begin.
Ask Muse about library
October 10: Staff to decide clubs, which is locked, etc.
Which other clubs are locked
Students choose 5; guaranteed 3

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
August 19, 2016
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
10:00-12:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)

#1 SIT Chair
#2 Create 2 goals for instructional gains to focus on SIP.
#3 Discuss where admin should focus their time to improve working conditions.
#4 Create goal for community outreach plan.
#5 Understand and articulate PowerSchedule to others.


#1 Appointing #1 Discussion/ #1 Lampron 5 Pass out ballots. Admin will not vote.
SIT Chair Ballots

#2 Discussing #2 Share EOG/ #2 ALL 20 Project Data Spreadsheet from Reading/Math/8

2015-2016 NCFE Data Science
Data What do we see?
Where should we focus to build our plan? 2 goals

#3 Discuss
#3 Review results from #3 ALL 20 Project Data Spreadsheet to see TWC survey.
TWC Survey TWC What do we see?
Review areas of greatest deficit. Plan for admin?

#4 Review and
Update Plan #4 ALL 20 Project Community Outreach Plan
#4 Community Record authentic feedback and propose changes.
Outreach Plan Who will plan community outreach events? Need to
plan around growth assemblies.

#5 Finalize
Power #5 ALL 45 Review PowerSchedule.
#5 Power Schedule Be able to explain to colleagues.
Schedule Review Power schedule: do we have enough
Review coverage?

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
#2 Notes: Discussing data
Math: skills in math
Reading: increase ability for child for reading stamina; student directed
Reading: Title 1: Expert 21; BOY, MOY, EOY assessments for lexile assessments
Instructional routines to be capitalized upon will be shared across the board
Cross curriculum: ELA/SS; Math/Science to be collaborative
ALL: Moby Max for all content areas; whiteboard resources

Ensuring foundations

#3 Notes: TWC Survey

District PD requirements may not be aligned with school goals.
Content planning will increase specific PD.
Immediate need of questions being answered that day whats best way to access admin?
If door is closed...etc...text
Lesson plan template change
Veteran teachers to assist with navigating
Walkthrough templates
Classroom management issues need follow up like instructional

#4 Notes: Community Outreach Plan

Dance for parent participation
Football Tailgate for Homecoming
Tailgate for Senior Night

#5 Notes: PowerSchedule
3 in lunchroom (with custodians)
1 L hall for enhancement and media (chairs for work)
Admin to rotate
No bathroom use for tutorial or clubs.
Pilot for flexible grouping 2+ tutorials
Note: students may be assigned tutorials

Committing to next step includes:

1. Goals for SIT.
a. Increase each cohort percentage by 10 points in reading and math
2. Check price for Buzz Math.
3. Admin be open to the challenge.
4. Reevaluate walkthrough template.
5. Classroom management follow up to include.
6. Buy grill from community outreach money.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
7. Create Community Outreach Committee.
8. Pull SB schedule.
9. Discuss duty stations with Custodians.
10. Check to see when EC students are eating.
11. Plan tutorials in Content PLC
12. Create video for students to see teachers explaining their club.
13. Create Google Doc for teachers to sign up for clubs.
14. Create GoogleDoc for students to sign up for clubs.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
April 20, 2016
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:15 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (2)

#1 Power Schedule update
#2 Creating additional areas to consider


#1 Review #1 Share #1 5 Parent Involvement Plan

action items updates from Lampron School Wide Notebooking system
last meeting Leader in Me/ Mentoring Program?

#2 Matrix #2 Review #2 ALL 20 See Review of Matrix.

schedule --concrete decisions are marked in regular font.
ideas --remaining action items in bold, highlighted yellow.
--see shared matrix for additional questions/comments.

#3 Matrix #3 Discuss #3
the ALL 20 MakerSpace visit update
possibilities Create guiding questions to consider for matrix.

Review of Matrix:
Logistics committee to walk building and figure out where we are blind spots
1: Create schedules for Early dismissal: split class/ lab that talk about PE
2: Options for Power A see shared GoogleDoc.
2: Options for Power B see shared GoogleDoc.
3: Lunches with Ruth McDowell permission to use; submitted grants
Cleaning spaces (leadership opportunity?)
4: Define useable spaces
Get upstairs = pass w lunch tray or pass from teacher.
5: Telephones in rooms/ new radios talking with technology
6: Bathroom use (when can they use? Monitored? custodians?)
7: Where are the children? students to choose A/B from GoogleForm.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Parent information will be added to student handbook
8: Count available staff. see shared Google Doc
see shared
9: Need to start off assigned how to introduce at the beginning of the year.

Question: how to choose electives? Lampron will schedule
Hand schedule. --->
Daily electives electives will be done quarterly for 66 minutes; double PE given to > BMI?

Staff meeting think tank will be having Dr. Overstreet facilitate shared values

#1 Committing to next step includes:

Keep the same clubs with the same teachers and coteachers and assign duty/club days.
Discuss with custodial staff;
Assign duties to staff/duties/tutorials about cleaning
Green team (reduce the amount of trash for recycling)
Trash bins in specific areas; big barrel of trash cans to collect items; student leadership.
Define Useable Spaces
Option 1 LUNCH
Media Center (before or after eating)
Option 2
Media Center
Classrooms, Clubs, tutorials, etc.
Use bathroom during lunch with a duty monitor near
Check for amount of students using, etc.
Student Handbook
1. Parents to notify school prior to a child being absent.
2. Parents to commit to attending two face to face conferences during the academic year.
3. If your phone number or address changes, please notify the school immediately.
Student Notebook/ Material Outline
Ask Central Office about creating a student store.
Create weekly assignments for lesson planning during the first 2 weeks of school.

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
Meeting Feedback
Plus (+) Delta (-)

Next Meeting Agenda: Monday, September 21st on Monday due to early release
Review meeting norms
Update progress on SIP goals
Update feedback on new schedule
Begin to look at Community Needs Assessment questions
Develop parent survey

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes (5)


#1 Review #1 ALL #1 Lampron 5

action items

#1 Notes: Core Values

Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction
School Improvement Team Meeting
Month Day, 20XX
W. A. Pattillo Middle School
4:00 - 5:00 PLC Room

Agreed upon SIT Ground Rules:

Start on time -- No side conversations -- One at a time -- Everyones opinion matters (all voice) -- Safe space

Main Desired Outcomes ()


Community; Relationships; Safe Schools; Continuous Improvement; Rigorous Curriculum and Instruction

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