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Why do religions have to exist? Does God really exist? Or maybe our religions are just an epic story . Stories
that proves that there is no God , that God is just a creation of humans ability to think and imagine. How can we better
understand a religion? If when it comes to a religion THERE ARE QUESTIONS THAT MAY NEVER BE ANSWERED

Do you believe that those answers should not be questioned and those questions on your mind should not be

Religions passed by many generations. Religions that has been separated because of different aspects and beliefs.
The religion of JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY and ISLAM. Lets find out what those religions are.

JUDAISM was founded by Abram (First Patriarch, born c. 1800 B.C.) at the place of Canaan, Canaan is the biblical name
for the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, approximately the equivalent of what today comprises
the state of Israel and the Palestinian territories.Lie in the bronze age polytheistic ancient Semitic religions, specifically
Canaanite religion , a syncretization with elements of Babylonian religion and on the worship of Yahweh reflected in the
early prophetic books of the Hebrew bible . During the Iron Age, the Israelites religion became distinct from other
Canaanite religions due to the unique monolatristic (proto- monotheistic) worship of Yahweh.
During the Babylonian captivity on 6th and 5th centuries BCE ( Iron age II), certain circles within the exiled
Judahites in Babylon redefined pre-existing ideas about monotheism, election, divine law and Covenant into a strict
monotheistic theology which came to dominate the former Judah in the following centuries.

From the 5th century BCE until 70 CE, Israelites religion developed into the various theological schools of
Second Temple Judaism, besides Hellenistic Judaism in the diaspora. Second Temple Judaism was significantly
influenced by Zoroastrianism. The text of the Hebrew Bible was redacted into its extant form in this period and possibly
also canonized as well.

Rabbinic Judaism developed during Late Antiquity, during the 3 rd to 6th centuries CE; the Masoretic Text of the
Hebrew Bible and the Talmud were compiled in this period. The oldest manuscript of the Masoretic tradition come from
the 10th and 11th centuries CE; in the form of the Aleppo Codex of the later portions of the 10 th century CE and the
Leningrad Codex dated to 1008-1009 CE. Due largely to censoring and the burning of manuscripts in Medieval Europe
the oldest existing manuscripts of various rabbinical works are quite late. The oldest surviving complete manuscript
copy of the Babylonian Talmud is dated to 1342 CE.

Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century C.E. It is founded on the life, teachings, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow him are called "Christians." Christianity has many different
branches and forms with accompanying variety in beliefs and practices. The three major branches of Christianity are
Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism, with numerous subcategories within each of these
branches. Until the latter part of the 20th century, most adherents of Christianity were in the West, though it has spread
to every continent and is now the largest religion in the world. Traditional Christian beliefs include the belief in the one
and only true God, who is one being and exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the belief that Jesus is the divine
and human Messiah sent to the save the world. Christianity is also noted for its emphasis on faith in Christ as the
primary component of religion. The sacred text of Christianity is the Bible, including both the Hebrew scriptures (also
known as the Old Testament) and the New Testament. Central to Christian practice is the gathering at churches for
worship, fellowship, and study, and engagement with the world through evangelism and social action.

Judaism is a religious tradition with origins dating back nearly four thousand years, rooted in the ancient near
eastern region of Canaan (which is now Israel and Palestinian territories). Originating as the beliefs and practices of
the people known as "Israel," classical, or rabbinic, Judaism did not emerge until the 1st century C.E. Judaism traces
its heritage to the covenant God made with Abraham and his lineage that God would make them a sacred people and
give them a holy land. The primary figures of Israelite culture include the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the
prophet Moses, who received God's law at Mt. Sinai. Judaism is a tradition grounded in the religious, ethical, and social
laws as they are articulated in the Torah the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. Jews refer to the Bible as the
Tanakh, an acronym for the texts of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Other sacred texts include the Talmud and
Midrash, the rabbinic, legal, and narrative interpretations of the Torah. The contemporary branches of Judaism differ in
their interpretations and applications of these texts. The four main movements within Judaism today are Orthodox,
Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, respectively ranging from traditional to liberal to religiously progressive
in their application of Torah. While diverse in their views, Jews continue to be unified on the basis of their common
connection to a set of sacred narratives expressing their relationship with God as a holy people. Judaism tends to

1 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
emphasize practice over belief. Jewish worship is centered in synagogues, which completely replaced the Second
Temple after its destruction in 70 C.E. Jewish religious leaders are called rabbis, who oversee the many rituals and
ceremonies essential to Jewish religious practice.

Islam is a monotheistic religious tradition that developed in the Middle East in the 7th century C.E. Islam, which
literally means "surrender" or "submission," was founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as an
expression of surrender to the will of Allah, the creator and sustainer of the world. The Quran, the sacred text of Islam,
contains the teachings of the Prophet that were revealed to him from Allah. Essential to Islam is the belief that Allah is
the one and true God with no partner or equal. Islam has several branches and much variety within those branches.
The two divisions within the tradition are the Sunni and Shi'a, each of which claims different means of maintaining
religious authority. One of the unifying characteristics of Islam is the Five Pillars, the fundamental practices of Islam.
These five practices include a ritual profession of faith, ritual prayer, the zakat (charity), fasting, and the hajj (a
pilgrimage to Mecca). Many Muslims are characterized by their commitment to praying to Allah five times a day. One of
the defining characteristics of Islam is the primacy of sacred places including Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. Muslims
gather at mosques to worship Allah, pray, and study scripture. There is not a sharp distinction between the religious
and secular aspects of life in Islam; all aspects of a Muslim's life are to be oriented to serving Allah. Islam expanded
almost immediately beyond its birthplace in the Arabian peninsula, and now has significant influence in Africa,
throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

MORALITY IN ISLAM addresses every aspect of a Muslims life, from greetings to international relation. It is universal in
its scope and in its applicability .A Muslim is expected to not only be virtuous, but to also enjoin virtue. He or she must
not only refrain from evil and vice, but must also actively engage in asking people to eschew them, in other words they
must not only be morally healthy but must also contribute to the moral health of society as a whole. One of the most
important aspects of a Muslim's life is to have high moral standards. Since the beginning of Islam, Prophet

Muhammad was mainly concerned with teaching and disciplining Muslims to have the best manners and personal
characteristics. His personal life and behaviour were reflective of his teachings, which were revealed to him by Allah. In
the Noble Quran, Allah describes Prophet Muhammad saying (what means): And indeed, you are of a great moral
character. (Quran, 68:4).Morality in Islam is a comprehensive term that serves to include
the concept of righteousness, good character, and the body of moral qualities and virtues prescribed in Islamic
religious texts. The underlying idea of Islamic morality is that of love: love for God and love for God's creatures. The
idea is that mankind will acquire and follow the body of moral qualities in order to seek God's pleasure and to treat the
fellow human beings in the best possible manner.[1][2]
Teaching on morality and moral conduct constitute a basic principle of Islam, and the moral themes form a
large part of it. The Quran and the Hadith the central religious texts of Islam serve as the primary source for it.
Both the Quran and the hadith often speak in emphatic manners to instruct the Muslims to adopt a morally
good character. Showing kindness to people, and charity to the poor and the helpless are the most highlighted and
most insisted virtues in the Quran.[4] In particular, helping people especially in their needs, forgiving others' offenses,
respecting parents and elders, fulfilling promises, being kind to people and to animals, being patient in adversaries,
maintaining justice, being honest in nature, controlling anger come as major virtues in Islamic concept of morality.


Their belief in the God who created all things and in Jesus who taught as even better how to live. They believe we are
created in Gods image and that we, and all creation, are basically good yet we recognize our own tendencies toward
evil, especially in an axis of our desire . The Ten Commandments are part of the code known to the early Israelites that
helped them to live better lives in relationship with God. They believe Jesus, as God become human God among us
has most truly shown us how to live, their moral life is based on trying to live and treat others as Jesus did. The basis
of all Catholic Christian morality is our belief in the God who created all things and in Jesus who taught us even better
how to live. We believe we are created in Gods image and that we, and all creation, are basically good. Yet
we recognize our own tendencies toward evil, especially in an excess of our desires. The Ten Commandments are part
of the code known to the early Israelites that helped them to live better lives in relationship with Yahweh. We believe in
the same values, with certain changes because of our knowledge of Jesus Christ.


Ethics and morality play a central role in Judaism. According to the Torah, the main Jewish holy text, Jews made a
covenant with God that establishes them as Gods chosen people. God requires Jews to uphold this covenant by
adhering to the moral guidelines such as the Ten Commandments found in the Torah. The Ten Commandments.Though
2 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
the Torah contains around 613 commandments, or mitzvot, the Ten Commandments frame the overall ethical outlook
Jews must adhere to. The commandments prohibit murder, adultery, and theft among others. These moral
prescriptions impact not only Judaism, but Christianity and Islam, the other two Abrahamic traditions. In fact, much of
the Ten Commandments mirror similar tenets in faiths such as Hinduism and Buddhism as well.
An Eye For An Eye
Exodus, one of the five books that comprise the Torah, allows for retribution. It states, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for
a tooth" (Exodus 21:24). However, according to religious scholar, Huston Smith, this mandate does not encourage
vengeance, rather, it mitigates it. An eye for an eye disallows Jews from seeking more than equal recompense for harm
or loss. The Torah recognizes that individuals require justice when wronged, but disallows any action beyond what is
considered fair. The Talmud specifies monetary compensation for wrongs, not physical retribution.
The Golden Rule
The golden rule in Judaism explicitly states, "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk.
Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:18). Scholars such as Jacob Neusner consider the golden
rule to fully express the meaning and intent of the Torah. This ethical notion in Judaism springs from the belief that all
humans are descendents of Adam, made in God's own image. It emphasizes reciprocity and fairness toward one
another and establishes compassion as a governing principle for Jews.
Halakhah is religious law in Judaism. It provides normative rules for everyday living such as eating, praying,
dressing, observing the Sabbath and conducting funeral rites. Halakhah draws from various Jewish sources including
the Torah, custom and the Talmud -- the collection of rabbinical teachings in Judaism -- to establish its guidelines.
Some Jews strictly observe Halakhah while others do not find it as necessary a part of their faith. The essence of
halakhah is the mitzvot, the 613 commandments God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
Religion, why did they have to exist? The answer is, without them there will never be all of this. Since then humans are
searching for unity and peace and for us,

Peace is central to all three faiths. This is reflected historically in their use of similar greetings meaning peace be
upon you: shalom aleichem in Judaism, pax vobiscum in Christianity, and salaam alaikum in Islam. Often, however,
the greeting of peace has been meant primarily for members of ones own faith community.

Christianity teaches that the universe was created through love by an intelligent power, namely the God of the
Bible. Creation was purposeful, not arbitrary, and therefore the universe is not morally neutral, but fundamentally good.
In this purposeful creation, everything and everyone is intrinsically valuable. God's design or purpose for creation
reflects God's intention that all creatures enjoy perfect love and justice. God works in human history to fulfill that
purpose. God created human beings in the divine image, enabling humans to have some understanding of God and of
God's vast and complex design. The purpose of life is to love and serve God in order to help bring about God's
glorious plan for creation.

Reason is a unique gift bestowed by God on humans and enables them to reflect on their own nature and
conscience, and from that derive knowledge of God's will for creation. But a complete understanding is beyond human
reach. To fulfill the goal of wholeness in an existence perfected by both justice and love, something more is needed.
Humans are not expected to accomplish the divine plan alone. The fulfillment of God's purpose depends on God's
grace. For Christians, grace is God's freely-given favor and love.

Reason is a good gift, sometimes misused for selfish, willful, or prideful purposes. The substitution of selfish
ambition for God's will is a condition that Christians call sin, meaning separation or alienation from God.

The Christian concept of sin originates in the story of Adam and Eve found in chapters 2-3 of the Book of
Genesis, a story that has central importance for Christians. The story relates the creation by God of the first humans, a
man and woman. God placed them in a beautiful garden called Eden, which provided for all their physical needs, as
well as companionship with each other and fellowship with God. For these first humans, God had but one rule. In the
garden stood "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," whose fruit Adam and Eve should not eat. When Adam and
Eve later broke the rule and ate the fruit, God banished them from the garden, condemning them and their descendants
to a life of hard work, pain, disease, and eventual death, and submitting the earth itself to "bondage." Christians call
this humanity's "fall" from innocence.

3 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
Some Christians believe that these events actually took place, while others understand this story to be
symbolic of the human condition. But all Christians tend to view the story as essentially meaningful for all of
humanitythat God is in a personal relationship with humans who must decide how to respond to God. They can obey
God's will, working together with God to take care of each other and creation, or they can follow their own desires,
rebelling against God's will and design.

The story illustrates the Christian belief in the inevitability and universality of sin. Throughout their lives,
people will pursue their personal interests instead of seeking to serve God and follow God's will. Some believe in the
doctrine of original sin, following Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in North Africa, who theorized that the rebellion of the
first human parents is physically passed on to all human beings from one generation to the next. Others believe that
sin originates with Satan, who first tempted Eve and now preys on humankind, seeking souls to devour. Many
contemporary Christians seek ways of understanding sin separately from the story of Adam and Eve, believing that we
must take responsibility for our tendency to sin and the harm it does to our loving fellowship with both God and each
Christianity teaches that everyone is equally prone to sin and so it focuses not only on human behavior, but
also on human nature. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote that "there is no difference, for all have sinned and come
short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:22-23). Even though there can be a considerable scale of wrongdoing in sinful
human activity, a person's sin does not make him or her less valued by God; everyone is equally a candidate
for redemption.


The theological framework for linking human beings with God and each other is the covenant. Whereas Jews
have a particular covenant with God as the children of Israel, the rest of humanity is perceived to have a universal
covenant associated with the children of Noah. According to classical rabbinic Judaism, this notion of covenant first
binds Jews to God because of the assumption that human beings represent the pinnacle of creation and are indebted
to their creator.

The rabbis attributed a dual nature to human beings and placed them between earthly and heavenly creatures
in the hierarchy of being. They are unlike heavenly creatures whose bodies and souls are both divine, and they are also
unlike earthly creatures whose bodies and souls come from the earth. Instead, human beings are the only creatures
whose souls are from heaven and whose bodies are from earth. Subsequently, if Jews obey God's commandments,
then they act as heavenly creatures, and if not, they act like the creatures below them.

Since human beings were created with free will, God gives them the choice of pursuing "life and prosperity" or
"death and adversity," ultimately enjoining them to choose life (Deut. 30:15, 19). Moreover, God entices Israel to
observe the commandments, because they will lead to the following three results: they will become godly; God will
raise them up above all the nations as God's "Am Segulah," treasured or Chosen people; and they will fulfill God's
"holy mission" of being an "or lagoyim," a light unto the nations. Yet holiness is not an inherent status, but fully
conditional upon observance of the commandments. Jews are actually required by God to become holy through
observance of the commandments, especially by emulating God who "upholds the cause of the fatherless and the
widow, and befriends the stranger, providing him with food and clothing" (Deut. 10:19). For the rabbis, the ultimate
purpose of human existence was to praise God as the creator of the universe and to engage in imitatio dei, imitating
However, while the rabbinic Jew was entirely theocentric, Jews in the modern period became much more self-assertive
about their role in the covenant based on western Enlightenment notions of self-consciousness and autonomy, at
times even supplanting God with human supremacy. Ironically, following the Holocaustconsidered by many
theologians to be the diabolical culmination of human self-assertiveness in history with HitlerJews and Christians,
because of their historical sibling rivalry over who is God's favorite child, have both been called to assume greater
responsibility in preserving their own related covenants and facilitating the work of redemption.


Islam is a monotheistic religion like Judaism and Christianity, and like those religions, it teaches that God
created the whole universe and everything in it. God is the master designer who put order and purpose in his creation,
and he rules over it with compassion and mercy. Everything in creation depends upon God, the Sustainer, for its
existence. The purpose of all creation, including humans, is to love and serve God.

The very name of the religion, Islam, means submission or obedience to God, and the Muslim is one who
submits or surrenders to God and recognizes Muhammad as God's prophet. All created things fulfill their assigned
purpose by serving God. Plants and animals, rocks and minerals, rain and wind, stars and planets all naturally fulfill

4 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
the purpose for which they were designed. By doing so, they worship and serve God. Everything in nature, by acting
according to its design, serves God's will. In a sense, the whole universe is Muslim because it surrenders to the divine

Islam teaches that God created humans from clay and breathed the spirit of life into them. He separated them
from the rest of creation by giving them three divine gifts: intelligence to distinguish the true from the false, a will that
can freely choose between them, and the power of speech to worship. Because of these gifts, people are the noblest of
God's creatures, superior to the rest of nature. However, people are not perfect. Although not sinful by nature, humans
are vulnerable to temptation. Because they are rebellious and proud, they often forget that they are dependent on God.

The Quran stresses the mercy and compassion of God, and the words "merciful" (rahmah) and
"compassionate" (rahim) come from the same root, rahma, which carries the meaning of forgiveness, and abundant
mercy that sustains, protects, and rewards. Because He is the sustainer and protector, God has created a well-
regulated and ordered universe in which night regularly follows day so that creatures may rest, and the sun and moon
follow predictable patterns, creating seasons so that humans may cultivate plants for food. God also provided animals
to assist humans in fulfilling their needs for warmth and food. Those who remember this fulfill their purpose by
worshiping and serving Him as stewards of His creation.
They all believe in Paradise but they have different ideas about the counterpart of the paradise and it is the HELL,

FOR CHRISTIANITY,Hell is a place of everlasting punishment for the unrighteous (Matthew 25:46). There is no
crossover between Heaven and Hell.

FOR ISLAM, hell is a place of torment and fire (Quran 25:65, 104:6-7). In Islam, Hell is known as Jahannam. Jahannam
has several levels and a person may not necessarily spend eternity there.

FOR JUDAISM, Traditionally, there is the concept of Gehinnom or Gehenna - those who die in sin may suffer temporary
punishment, but certain sins merit eternal punishment.
However, Judaism's ideas of the afterlife have varied widely among different groups and in different time periods. For
the most part, Judaism does not emphasize the afterlife.


The roles of women in Christianity can vary considerably today as they have varied historically since the third
century New Testament church. This is especially true in marriage and in formal ministry positions within certain
Christian denominations, churches, and parachurch organizations.
Many leadership roles in the organized church have been restricted to males. In the Roman
Catholic and Orthodox churches, only men may serve as priests or deacons; only males serve in senior leadership
positions such as pope, patriarch, and bishop. Women may serve as abbesses. Most mainstream
Protestant denominations are beginning to relax their longstanding constraints on ordaining women to be ministers,
though some large groups, most notably the Southern Baptist Convention, are tightening their constraints in reaction.
Most all Charismatic and Pentecostal churches were pioneers in this matter and have embraced the ordination of
women since their founding.
Christian traditions that officially recognize saints as persons of exceptional holiness of life do list women in
that group. Most prominent is Mary, mother of Jesus who is highly revered throughout Christianity, particularly in
Roman Catholicism where she is considered the "Mother of God".
Both the apostles Paul and Peter held women in high regard and worthy of prominent positions in the church,
though they were careful not to encourage anyone to disregard for the New Testament household codes, also known
as New Testament Domestic Codes or Haustafelen. They were efforts by the apostles Paul and Peter to encourage the
brand-new first Century Christians how to obey the Patria Potestas (lit., "Rule of the Fathers) of Greco-Roman law. The
New Testament written record of their efforts in this regard are found in Colossians 3:18-4:1, Ephesians 5:22-6:9, 1
Peter 2:13-3:7, Titus 2:1-10 and 1 Timothy 2:1ff., 3:1, 3:8, 5:17, and 6:1Christianity emerged from Judaism and in
the Greco-Roman culture, patriarchal societies that placed men in positions of authority in marriage, society and
government. The New Testament only records males being named among the 12 original apostles of Jesus Christ.
Women were the first to discover the Resurrection of Christ.
Since clerical (clergy) ordination and the notion of priesthood post-dates the New Testament, its 27 books
contain no specifications for such ordination or distinction. Subsequently, the early church within Catholicism
developed a monastic tradition which included the institution of the convent through which women, developed

5 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
religious orders of sisters and nuns, an important ministry of women which has continued to the present day in the
establishment of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and monastic settlements.

The role of women in Judaism is determined by the Hebrew Bible, the Oral Law (the corpus of rabbinic
literature), by custom, and by non-religious cultural factors. Although the Hebrew Bible and rabbinic literature mention
various female role models, religious law treats women differently in various circumstances.
Gender has a bearing on familial lines: in traditional Judaism, Jewishness is passed down through the mother,
although the father's name is used to describe sons and daughters in the Torah, e.g., "Dinah, daughter of Jacob"
Relatively few women are mentioned in the Bible by name and role, suggesting that they were rarely in the
forefront of public life. There are a number of exceptions to this rule, including the Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel,
and Leah, Miriam the prophetess, Deborah the Judge, Huldah the prophetess, Abigail who
married David, Rahab and Esther. In the Biblical account these women did not meet with opposition for the relatively
public presence they had.
According to Jewish tradition, a covenant was formed between the Israelites and the God of Abraham at Mount
Sinai. The Torah relates that both Israelite men and Israelite women were present at Sinai, however, the covenant was
worded in such a way that it bound men to act upon its requirements and to ensure that the members of their
household (wives, children, and slaves) met these requirements as well. In this sense, the covenant bound women as
well, though indirectly.
Marriage and family law in biblical times favored men over women. For example, a husband could divorce a
wife if he chose to, but a wife could not divorce a husband without his consent. The practice of levirate
marriage applied to widows of childless deceased husbands, not to widowers of childless deceased wives; though if
either he or she didn't consent to the marriage, a different ceremony called chalitza is done instead, which basically
involves the widow removing her brother-in-law's shoe, spitting on it, and proclaiming, "This is what happens to
someone who will not build his brother's house!" Levirate marriage is not performed in our times. Laws concerning the
loss of female virginity have no male equivalent. These and other gender differences found in the Torah suggest that
women were subordinate to men during biblical times, however, they also suggest that biblical society viewed
continuity, property, and family unity as paramount. However, men had specific obligations they were required to
perform for their wives. These included the provision of clothing, food, and sexual relations to their wives.

The experiences of Muslim women vary widely between and within different societies. At the same time, their
adherence to Islam is a shared factor that affects their lives to a varying degree and gives them a common identity that
may serve to bridge the wide cultural, social, and economic differences between them.
Among the influences which have played an important role in defining the social, spiritual and cosmological
status of women in the course of Islamic history are Islam's sacred text, the Qu'ran; the Hadths, which are traditions
relating to the deeds and aphorisms of Islam's Prophet Muhammad; ijm', which is a consensus, expressed or tacit, on
a question of law; qiys, the principle by which the laws of the Qu'ran and the Sunnah or Prophetic custom are applied
to situations not explicitly covered by these two sources of legislation; and fatwas, non-binding published opinions or
decisions regarding religious doctrine or points of law. Additional influences include pre-Islamic cultural traditions;
secular laws, which are fully accepted in Islam so long as they do not directly contradict Islamic precepts; religious
authorities, including government-controlled agencies such as the Indonesian Ulema Council and Turkey's Diyanet;
and spiritual teachers, which are particularly prominent in Islamic mysticism or Sufism. Many of the latter including
perhaps most famously, Ibn al-'Arab have themselves produced texts that have elucidated the metaphysical
symbolism of the feminine principle in Islam.
There is considerable variation as to how the above sources are interpreted by Orthodox Muslims, both Sunni and
Shia approximately 90% of the world's Muslim population and ideological fundamentalists, most notably those
subscribing to Wahhabism or Salafism, who comprise roughly 9% of the total. In particular, Wahhabis and Salafists
tend to reject mysticism and theology outright; this has profound implications for the way that women are perceived
within these ideological sects. Conversely, within Islamic Orthodoxy, both the established theological schools and
Sufism are at least somewhat influential.accordingly, women are accorded a greater social and cosmological role.


Some may say that religion really separates us from being united or being as one. All of us have our own rights
to choose what we want either to do bad or good. Religion sets us to have different aspects of life, different way of
living , different views about life and different ways how to worship GOD .But as we all know, all those three religions
are monotheistic religions means that they are worshipping ONE GOD .For us, they have one GOD that has been
interpreted in different names. They are all interconnected to each other because Christianity and Islam commence in

6 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam
the religion of Judaism. Even though those three religions have many differences, they are still interconnected into one
purpose and it is to bring Unity and Peace to every one . That is the reason why religions have to exist, to bring unity in
a peaceful way and achieve peace by being unified as one. And we believe that God do really exist because without him
there will never be all of this.

7 | Christianity,Judaism,and Islam

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