Assignment 3 - Solutions

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Beirut Arab University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

MCHE 511 Assignment #3 Chapters 5, 6


Problem 1: Second-order system model from experimental data

The unit-step response of a linear control system is shown below. Find the transfer
function of a second-order prototype system to model the system.

The transfer function of the system is expressed as:

. . = 2
+ 2 + 2
From the graph:
. . = 1
% = 100% = 25%
= 0.01sec.

As a result,
= 0.404
= 343.434 rad/s


. . =
2 + 277.5 + 117947

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

Problem 2: System specifications from pole-zero map
The pole-zero map of a second order
system is shown below.

Determine the following in the

following order:

a) the damping ratio,

b) the nature of the step response of
the system,
c) the natural frequency,
d) the frequency of oscillation in the
system step response,
e) the peak time,
f) the percent overshoot,
g) the settling time,
h) the standard form of the transfer

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

Problem 3: Performance evaluation of a 2nd order system
Consider the feedback control system represented by the block diagram in the figure
a) Find the closed-loop transfer function () = ()/()
b) Find the order of the equivalent system.
c) Determine the natural frequency and the damping ratio.
d) Conclude on the nature of the expected response.
e) Calculate the approximate 2% settling time , the approximate 10%-90% rise time
1 , and the final value of the unit-step response.
f) Repeat questions e) using Matlab. For this purpose, you will use commands step
and stepinfo of Matlab to simulate the unit-step response of the system. (The
Matlab code and outputs must be printed out and delivered with your copies).

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

>> num=10;
>> den=[1 55 10];
>> system=tf(num,den)

system =

s^2 + 55 s + 10

Continuous-time transfer function.

>> step(system)

>> stepinfo(system)

ans =

RiseTime: 12.0437
SettlingTime: 21.4632
SettlingMin: 0.9042
SettlingMax: 1.0000
Overshoot: 0
Undershoot: 0
Peak: 1.0000
PeakTime: 57.8097

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

Problem 4: Control system design to meet steady-state response requirements
The unity-feedback system shown below, where

( 2 + 3 + 30)
() =
( + 5)

is to have 1/6000 error between an input of 10 () and the output in the steady-
a) Find and to meet the specification.
b) What are , and ?

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

Problem 5: Design of a PD controller
A feedback control system is shown in Figure(a) with controller transfer function
() and plant transfer function:
() =
( + 1)
a) If a proportional-plus-derivative (PD) controller, () = + was used to
control the plant, find the values of and such that the velocity error constant
is 100 sec 1 and the damping ratio for the complex poles is 0.5.
b) An alternative construction of the proportional-plus-derivative (PD) control system
is shown in Figure (b). Design the controller to produce closed-loop poles at 1 =
5 and 2 = 10.

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine
Problem 6: Design of a PID controller
A control system consists of a type-0 plant with transfer function

() =
2 + 10 + 100

, and a PID controller with transfer function () = + + / as shown in

the figure below. The objective is to design the controller parameters so that the
following specifications are satisfied:

Ramp-error constant = 6000 sec-1,

100% rise time = 0.3 sec,
Percent overshoot . . = 2%

a) Find the open loop transfer function.

b) Show that the closed loop transfer is of the form:

c) Design the controller parameters.

d) Can the real third-order system be approximated as second-order? Justify your
e) Plot the unit-step response of the designed system. Show on the plot that the
specifications are met. The Matlab scripts and outputs must be printed out and
delivered with your copies.

MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

Thus, = 6000

The requirements for the transient response are:

% = 0.02, which is equivalent to a desired damping ratio =

= = 0.3, which means that = 8.22 rad/s and =

13.13 rad/s

This leads to the following results:

= = 3480

+ 2 10
= = 34.9

2 + 2
= 1 = 713.5

The updated closed loop transfer function becomes:

100(34.9 2 + 713.5 + 6000)

( ) =
( + 3480)( 2 + 20.48 + 172.4)

3490( 2 + 20.44 + 172)

( + 3480)( 2 + 20.48 + 172.4)

Notice that there is a pole-zero cancellation for the two complex poles.
Accordingly, the equivalent system is of first order, and the system
cannot be approximated as of second order.
( ) =
+ 3480
MCHE 511 Dr. Semaan Amine

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