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1. This assignment contains only ONE (1) question that is set in both Malay and English. / Tugasan ini
mengandungi SATU (1) soalan sahaja yang disediakan dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris.

2. Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris.

3. Learners are to submit assignment only in MS-WORD format unless specified otherwise. Please refrain
from converting text/phrases into picture format such as .gif / .jpeg / print screen / etc. / Anda dikehendaki
menyerahkan tugasan dalam format MS-WORD melainkan dinyatakan sebaliknya. Anda tidak dibenarkan
untuk menukar teks/frasa tugasan tersebut kepada format grafik seperti .jpeg / .gif / print screen / dan
lain-lain format berkaitan.

4. Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the myINSPIRE for
preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times
New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing. / Muat turunkan templat tugasan versi bahasa yang berkenaan
daripada myINSPIRE untuk penyediaan dan penyerahan tugasan anda. Tugasan anda hendaklah ditaip
dengan menggunakan saiz fon 12 Times New Roman dan langkau baris 1.5.

5. Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding references. Do not copy the
assignment question and instructions to your answer. Only assignment answer developed within the
approximate word limit will be assessed. The number of words should be shown at the end of your
assignment. / Tugasan anda hendaklah mengandungi 2500 hingga 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk
rujukan. Bilangan perkataan hendaklah ditunjukkan di hujung tugasan anda. Jangan menyalin soalan
dan arahan tugasan dalam jawapan anda. Pemeriksa tidak akan membaca jawapan tugasan yang
melebihi had patah perkataan yang dibenarkan. Jumlah perkataan hendaklah dinyatakan di penghujung
tugasan anda.

6. You must submit your assignment ONLINE via the myINSPIRE. Refer to the portal for instructions on
the procedures to submit your assignment online. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted
assignment and proof of the submission for personal reference. / Anda dikehendaki menghantar tugasan
SECARA ONLINE melalui myINSPIRE. Sila rujuk kepada portal untuk arahan mengenai prosedur
penghantaran tugasan secara online. Anda dinasihatkan menyimpan salinan tugasan yang dihantar dan
bukti penghantaran untuk rujukan sendiri.

7. You can submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. / Anda hanya boleh menghantar tugasan
SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail.

8. Your assignment must be submitted between 6th -19 March 2017. Submission after 19th March 2017
will NOT be accepted. / Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antara 6hb -19hb Mac 2017. Serahan
selepas 19 Mac 2017 TIDAK akan diterima.
9. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another persons assignment. You
should also not plagiarise another persons work as your own. / Tugasan hendaklah disiapkan secara
individu. Anda dilarang meniru tugasan orang lain. Anda juga dilarang sama sekali memplagiat kerja
orang lain sebagai kerja sendiri.

10. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment as specified in the
Registrars Office circular 6/2012 (Refer to Registrars Announcement in myVLE). / Sila ambil maklum
tentang PENALTI yang akan dikenakan ke atas penghantaran lewat tugasan seperti yang tertera di
pekeliling pejabat Pendaftar 6/2012 (Rujuk Registrars Announcement di myVLE).

11. Please ensure that you keep the RECEIPT issued upon submisson of your assignment as proof of
submission. Your assignment is considered as NOT submitted if you fail to produce the submission receipt
in any dispute arises concerning assignment submission. / Anda perlu memastikan RESIT yang
dikeluarkan bagi penghantaran tugasan disimpan sebagai bukti penghantaran. Kegagalan
mengemukakan resit dalam sebarang isu yang timbul berkaitan penghantaran tugasan akan
mengakibatkan tugasan dianggap TIDAK dihantar.


This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based
on the Rubrics attached. /Tugasan ini menyumbang sehingga 50% daripada jumlah markah
kursus berkenaan dan akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada Rubrik yang dilampirkan.

You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination
commences. /Anda akan diberikan maklum balas tentang tugasan ini sebelum Peperiksaan
Akhir Semester bermula.


Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism
is detected, marks would be deducted as follows: / Amaran: Tugasan yang diserahkan, secara
automatik, akan disemak untuk menentukan kadar pertindihan. Jika plagiarisme dikesan,
markah akan dipotong seperti berikut:

% Similarities Group % Marks Deduction

(Kumpulan Pertindihan) (Potongan Markah)
1 0 30 0
2 30.01 50 5
3 50.01 70 10
4 70.01 100 100

Assignments found to have similarities under any of the categories above; will not be entitled to
apply for appeal. For learners who fall into the 70.01-100 similarities group, the access for online
appeal for assignment remarking of the subject will be disabled from the appeal options. /
Tugasan yang dikenal pasti mempunyai pertindihan tugasan bagi mana-mana kumpulan
pertindihan di atas tidak dibenarkan untuk rayuan. Bagi pelajar dalam kategori pertindihan
tugasan kumpulan 70.01-100, akses online rayuan semakan semula tugasan bagi subjek
berkaitan dilupuskan dari pilihan rayuan.

You are required to:

(a) Refer to at least three related books or article journals and discuss the concept and
the importance of observation in assessing young children.

(b) Choose FOUR children between four to five years old, and observe their
development based on the developmental checklist attached. Write your report and
suggest activities to enhance their development.


CHILDS NAME : -------------------------------------------------

DATE OF BIRTH : --------------------------------------------------
PARENT OR GUARDIAN : --------------------------------------------------
DATE OBSERVED : --------------------------------------------------

Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
---------------------------- Hops, somersaults
Swings, climbs ----------------------------
May be able to skip ----------------------------

Copies triangle and other geometric patterns ----------------------------
Draws person with body
---------------------------- Prints some letters
---------------------------- Dresses and undresses without assistance

Recalls parts of a story ----------------------------
Speaks sentences of more than 5 words ----------------------------
Uses future tense -----------------------------
Tells longer stories -----------------------------
Says name -----------------------------
Can count 10 or more objects ----------------------------
Correctly names at least 4 colors ----------------------------
Works in small groups for 5-10 minutes ----------------------------
Better understands the concept of time ----------------------------
Knows about things used every day in the home -----------------------------
(money, food, etc.)

Uses fork, spoon independently -----------------------------
Can chew with lips closed -----------------------------
Goes to the bathroom independently, with reminders -----------------------------
Undresses independently, may be able to unbutton -----------------------------
and unzip

Wants to please -----------------------------
Prefers to be with friends -----------------------------
More likely to agree to rules -----------------------------
Likes to sing, dance, and act -----------------------------
Shows more independence -----------------------------


(Developmental Checklists Birth to Five

Adapted by the Mid-State Early Childhood Direction Center from: The American Academy of
Pediatrics: Caring for Your Baby and Young Child Birth to Age 5: The Complete and
Authoritative .Retrieved from http:// WWW. ecdc.syr.edu/wp-

[Total: 50 marks]

Anda dikehendaki untuk:

(a) Merujuk kepada sekurang-kurangnya TIGA buah buku atau artikel jurnal dan
bincang mengenai konsep dan kepentingan pemerhatian dalam penilaian kanak-

(b) Pilih EMPAT orang kanak-kanak yang berumur di antara empat hingga lima tahun,
dan buat pemerhatian terhadap perkembangan kanak-kanak ini berdasarkan senarai
semak perkembangan yang dilampirkan. Tulis laporan pemerhatian dan cadangkan
aktiviti-aktiviti yang boleh meningkatkan perkembangan mereka.


NAMA KANAK-KANAK : -------------------------------------------------

TARIKH LAHIR : --------------------------------------------------
IBU BAPA/PENJAGA : --------------------------------------------------
TARIKH PEMERHATIAN : --------------------------------------------------

Berdiri dengan 1 kaki untuk 10 saat atau lebih ----------------------------
Hops, somersaults ----------------------------
Buaian, memanjat ----------------------------
Mungkin boleh melangkau ----------------------------

Menyalin segitiga dan corak geometri lain ----------------------------
Melukis orang dengan badan ----------------------------
Mencetak beberapa huruf ----------------------------
Memakai pakaian tanpa bantuan ----------------------------

Dapat mengingati sebahagian cerita ----------------------------
Bercakap lebih 5 ayat ----------------------------
Uses future tense -----------------------------
Menceritakan cerita panjang -----------------------------
Memberitahu nama -----------------------------
Dapat mengira 10 atau lebih objek ----------------------------
Menamakan dengan betul 4 warna ----------------------------
Bekerja dalam kumpulan kecil untuk 5-10 minit ----------------------------
Memahami konsep masa dengan lebih baik ----------------------------
Mengetahui perkara dirumah setiap hari -----------------------------
(duit, makanan, dan lain-lain.)

Menggunakan sudu dan garfu sendiri ----------------------------
Boleh mengunyah dengan bibir ditutup -----------------------------
Pergi ke bilik air sendiri, dengan peringatan -----------------------------
Boleh membuka pakaian sendiri, mungkin boleh -----------------------------
butangkan dan zip

Mahu menggembirakan -----------------------------
Lebih suka berkawan -----------------------------
Lebih cenderung mengikut peraturan -----------------------------
Suka menyanyi, menari dan lain-lain -----------------------------
Menunjukkan lebih berdikari -----------------------------

[Jumlah: 50 markah]
Assignment Rubrics

Low Fair Above average Excellent
Item Max
Criteria Weight
0 1 2 3 4 Marks
Introduction 1.5 There is no The introduction is The introduction is The introduction is The introduction is 6
introduction to very general. Does not interesting, there is a brief interesting, discusses interesting, discusses
the paper. mention the concept discussion on the concept the concept and the the concept and the
and the importance of and the importance of importance of importance of
observation in observation in assessing observation in observation in
assessing young young children. assessing young assessing young
children. children. children. The candidate
The discussion on the overviews the result of
topic is clear. observation.
The discussion on the
topic is very clear.

Content 7.5 There is no Discussion on the The candidate discusses The candidate discusses The candidate discusses 30
discussion on concept and the the concept and the the concept and the the concept and the
the concept importance of importance of observation importance of importance of
and the observation in in assessing young observation in observation in
importance of assessing young children based on assessing young assessing young
observation in children is very vague. related books/ journals children based on children based on
assessing The candidate does article. related books/ journals related books/ journals
young not mention on the article. article.
children. result of observation. There is no report on There is report on There is report on
observation Observation. observation based on
the developmental
checklist attached.
Discussion on this topic
is very comprehensive
and the report on
observation was written
Low Fair Above average Excellent
Item Max
Criteria Weight
0 1 2 3 4 Marks
Supportive 3.5 Candidate did Candidate referred to Candidate referred to less Candidate discusses the Candidate discusses the 14
information not refer to any less than two related than three books / journals topic clearly based on topic in detail based on
related books/ journals article. article and discussed the three related more than three related
(Literature books/article and discussed the finding briefly. book/related article books/ journals article.
review) journals finding vaguely journals.


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