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Jose objected stating he is a regular customer of the

Grand Union Supermarket Et Al., V. Jose J. Espino, Jr., Et Al., He gave P5 to pay for the P3.85 cost of the file but Ms.
Fandino said the P5 was his fine which will be rewarded to
the guard. People were staring at them. He took the file
(1979) and paid the file at the nearest checkout counter with P50
and got out as fast as they could. His first impulse was to go
Lessons Applicable: Public humiliation (Torts and Damages) back to the supermarket that night to throw rocks at its glass
Laws Applicable: Articles 19 and 21 in relation to Article 2219 of windows. But reason prevailed over passion and he thought
the Civil Code, Art. 26,Art. 2214, New Civil Code that justice should take its due course.
He filed against Grand Union Supermarket et al. founded
on Article 21 in relation to Article 2219 of the New Civil Code
FACTS: and prays for moral damages, exemplary damages, attorney
s fees and 'expenses of litigation, costs of the suit and the
Jose J. Espino. Jr., a civil engineer and an executive of return of the P5 fine
Procter and Gamble Philippines, Inc, together with his wife CFI: dismissed
and two daughters went to shop at South Supermarket in CA: reversed and granted damages of P75,000 by way of
Makati moral damages, P25,000 as exemplary damages, and
Finding a cylindrical "rat tail" file which he needed for his P5,000 as attorney's fee
hobby, he picked it up and held it fearing it might get lost ISSUE: W/N Grand Union Supermarket should be liable for public
because of its tiny size humiliation founded on Article 21 in relation to Article 2219 of the
While shopping, they saw the maid of Jose's aunt so as he New Civil Code
talked, he placed the rat tail in his breast pocket partly
At the check-out counter, he paid for their purchases worth HELD: YES. Grand Union Supermarket ordered to pay, jointly and
P77 but forgot to pay the file severally moral damages P5,000 and P2,000 as and for
As he was exiting the supermarket, he was approached by attorney's fees; and to return the P5 fine
Guard Ebreo regarding the file in his pocket. He quickly
apologized saying "I'm Sorry" and he turned towards the Jose did not intend to steal the file and that is act of picking
cashier to pay. But, he was stopped and instead was up the file from the open shelf was not criminal nor done
brought to the rear of the supermarket when he was asked with malice or criminal intent for on the contrary, he took the
to fill out an Incident Report labeling him as "Shoplifter" item with the intention of buying and paying for it
His wife joined him since he was taking so long and they personal circumstances:
were brought to the first checkout counter where Ms. Nelia graduate Mechanical Engineer from U.P.
Santos-Fandino's desk was. She made a remark:"Ano, Class 1950, employed as an executive of Proctor & Gamble
nakaw na naman ito". Jose told Ms. Fandino that he was Phils., Inc., a corporate manager incharge of motoring and
going to pay for the file because he needed it but she warehousing therein; honorably discharged from the
replied "That is all they say, the people whom we cause not Philippine Army in 1946; a Philippine government
paying for the goods say... They all intended to pay for the pensionado of the United States for six months; member of
things that are found to them."
the Philippine veterans Legion; author of articles published G.R. No. 151866; September 9,
in the Manila Sunday Times and Philippines Free Press; 2004; Tinga, J.
member of the Knights of Columbus, Council No. 3713; son FACTS:
of the late Jose Maria Espino, retired Minister, Department Respondent Valmonte is a wedding coordinator. Michel
of Foreign Affairs at the Philippine Embassy Washington le del Rosario a n d J o n S i e r r a e n g a g e d h e r s e
Jose was falsely accused of shoplifting is evident rvices for their church wedding. On that
Fine branding him as a thief which was not right nor day,Valm onte went to the Manila Hotel to
justified where the bride and her family wereb i l l
the mode and manner in which he was subjected, shouting e t e d . W h e n s h e a r r i v e d a t t h e S u
at him, imposing upon him a fine, threatening to call the i t e , s e v e r a l p e r s o n s w e r e a l r e a d
police and in the presence and hearing of many people at y there including the petitioner Soledad
the Supermarket which brought and caused him humiliation C a r p i o , a n a u n t o f t h e b r i d e w h o w a s prepar
and embarrassment, sufficiently rendered the petitioners ing to dress up for the occasion. After reporting to the bride,
liable for damages under Articles 19 and 21 in relation to Valmonte went out of the suite carrying the
Article 2219 of the Civil Code itemsn e e d e d f o r t h e w e d d i n g r i t e s a n d t h e
It is against morals, good customs and public policy to g i f t s f r o m t h e p r i n c i p a l s p o n s o r s . S h e proc
humiliate, embarrass and degrade the dignity of a person eeded to the Maynila Restaurant where the reception was to be
Everyone must respect the dignity, personality, held. She went back to the suite after, and found several people
privacy and peace of mind of his neighbors and other staring at her when
persons (Article 26, Civil Code) shee n t e r e d . . I t w a s a t t h i s j u n c t u r e t h a t p e t i t i o
His forgetfullness led to his embarassment and humiliation n e r a l l e g e d l y u t t e r e d t h e f o l l o w i n g words to
thereby causing him mental anguish, wounded feelings and Valmonte:
serious anxiety. His act of omission contributed to the Ikaw lang ang lumabas ng kwarto, nasaan ang dala
occurrence of his injury or loss and such contributory mong bag? Saan ka pumunta? Ikaw lang and lumabas ng
negligence is a factor which may reduce the damages that kwarto, ikaw ang kumuha.
private respondent may recover (Art. 2214, New Civil Code). Petitioner then ordered one of the ladies to search Valmontes
Moreover, that many people were present and they saw and bag.
heard the ensuing interrogation and altercation appears to
be simply a matter of coincidence in a supermarket which is It turned out that after Valmonte left the room to attend
a public place and the crowd of onlookers, hearers or to her duties, petitioner discovered that the pieces of jewelry
bystanders was not deliberately sought or called by which she placed inside the comfort room in apaper bag were
management to witness private respondent's predicament. lost.A f e w d a y s a f t e r t h e i n c i d e n t , p e t i t i o n
Grand Union Supermarket acted in good faith in trying to e r r e c e i v e d a l e t t e r f r o m V a l m o n t e demandi
protect and recover their property, a right which the law ng a formal letter of apolog y which she wanted to be
accords to them. - eliminate the grant of exemplary circulated to thenewl ywed s relatives and guests to
damages redeem her smeared reputation as a result
of petitioners imputations against her. Petitioner did not respond
CARPIO v. VALMONTE to the letter. Thus,on 20February 1997, Valmonte filed a suit for
damages against petitioner.
W/N respondent Valmonte is entitled to damages examinations arising from the UEs negligence. He prayed for an
RULING: award of moral damages, unrealized income, attorneys fees and
Valmonte is entitled to damages. In the case at bar, cost of suit.
petitioner s verbal reproach against respondent was certainly ISSUE: Whether or not an educational institution be held liable for
uncalled for considering that by her ownaccount nobody knew damages for misleading a student into believing that the latter
that she brought such kind and amount of jewelry inside thepaper had satisfied all the requirements for graduation when such is not
bag. True, petitioner had the right o ascertain the identity of the the case.
malefactor,but to malign respondent without an iota of proof that HELD: Yes. The Supreme Court held that UE is liable for
she was the one who damages. It is the contractual obligation of the school to timely
actuallys t o l e t h e j e w e l r y i s a n a c t w inform and furnish sufficient notice and information to each and
h i c h , b y a n y s t a n d a r d o r p r i n c i p l every student as to where he or she had already complied with
e o f l a w i s impermissible. Petitione the entire requirement for the conferment of a degree or whether
r had willfully caused injury to resp they should be included among those who will graduate. The
o n d e n t i n a manner which is contrary to morals and good school cannot be said to have acted in good faith. Absence of
customs. She did not act with justiceand good faith for good faith must be sufficiently established for a successful
apparentl y, she had no other purpose in mind but to prosecution by the aggrieved party in suit for abuse of right under
prejudice r e s p o n d e n t . C e r t a i n l y , p e t i t i o n e r t r a n s Article 19 of the Civil Code.
g r e s s e d t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f A r t i c l e 1 9 i n relation to
Article 21 for which she should be held accountable JOSE CORDERO, et al. vs. ALICIA B. BUIGASCO, et al. 17
CAR 2s 517
University of the East vs Romeo Jader CA, G.R. No. 34130-R, April 17, 1972
Named defendants in this action for damages, instituted by
In 1987, Romeo Jader was a graduating law student at the Joselito
University of the East. He failed to take the regular examination in
Practice Court 1 for which he was given an incomplete grade
(INC). He enrolled for the second semester as a fourth year Gomez and the spouses Jose Cordero and Eusebia B. Cordero,
student, and filed an application for the removal of the incomplete now appellees, pursuant to the first and second paragraphs of
grade which was approved by the Dean. Article 26 of the new Civil Code, are Alicia Buigasco, author of the
In the meantime, the faculty members and the Dean met to article Malagim Na Wakas Ng Isang Pagibig, the Liwayway
deliberate who among the fourth year students should be allowed Publications, Incorporated, which owns the Aliwan Magazine in
to graduate. Jaders name appeared on the tentative list, he also which that article appeared, and Hilario Coronel, editor of the
attended the investiture ceremonies and later he gave blowout Aliwan Magazine. After trial, the Court below rendered judgment
celebrations. He thereafter prepared himself for the bar for the plaintiffs and against the defendants, condemning the said
examination and took review classes. However, he was not able Alicia Buigasco, the Liwayway Publications, Incorporated and the
to take the 1988 bar examinations because his academic heirs of Hilario Coronel who died during the pendency of the
requirements were not complete because it appears that his INC case, namely, Leticia Manikis, Hernando, Luis and Hector, all
rating was not removed. surnamed Coronel, to pay plaintiff-appellees the amount of Ten
Consequently, he sued UE for damages alleging that he suffered Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) as moral damages, Two Thousand
moral shock, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, and Pesos (P2,000.00) in concept of attorneys fees, and the costs of
sleepless nights, when he was not able to take the 1988 bar the suit.
From this judgment, the defendants appealed, and in their brief and veil of solitude, loneliness and mourning shall cover my
as- sailed the correctness of the award of the sums aforestated heart.
as damages and the propriety of applying Article 26 of the new I didnt know that meeting Anida would end in pure and sweet
Civil Code to the case at bar. story of love. I met her at the university where she was studying. I
Malagim Na Wakas Ng Isang Isang Pagibig the story in went there because I happen to need something from a friend
question, contains the details of the private and personal affairs of who was also taking up medicine. My friend and I were
plaintiff-appellee Joselito Gomez and Anida Cordero, whose real conversing when she passed by. I admired her the first time I saw
names were used. It was written just after the publication of the her. She was in her white uniform and was carrying some books.
news reports on the death of Anida Cordero, on March 20, 1961, When my friend saw her, they smiled at each other and they
in a motor vehicle mishap in front of the Brown Derby at Quezon chatted.
City, where she and her boyfriend, Joselito Gomez, were then Pit, this is my classmate, Anida Cordero, my friend turned to
going for a snack. me.
Because it spawned the present lawsuit, and in view of its basic And he is Joselito Gomez, Pit for short. Bert introduced me to
rel- evance and pertinence to an intelligent and judicious her.
consideration of this appeal, we think it best before proceeding to You didnt tell me you have such beautiful classmates. I told
take up the issues, which to us appear to be the object of debate Bert.
to reproduce in full the English translation of the short story in Thats to surprise you. We really have many beautiful ladies
question, which translation has been presented as Exhibit C, to here.
wit: So thats why youre so contented staying around. I teased Bert.
LOVES TRAGIC END We laughed and Anida laughed, too.
As told by Joselito Gomez to Alicia Buigasco Shall we talk here? Lets go to the canteen. Bert suggested.
When shared with your beloved, love is sweet and heavenly. But Lets go Anida.
when one of you is gone, love turns bitter, colorless and lifeless. And Anida obliged. We teased each other even more in the
Nor would you ever care to utter loves endearing words again. canteen. I dont know my own feelings then. I was very, very
Rather you would wish to go where she has gone. happy. It seemed I was on the clouds.
This was what I felt when my beloved Anida was taken away I would often glance at her but would look elsewhere when she
from me. My sweetheart was killed recently in an accident. would look at me.
Her death pierced my heart. It continued to bleed. I wonder when I didnt realize that Bert was watching me as I stared at Anida.
it would heal. He was noting my every glance. Really, at that moment I was
Her death left me in pain. The two of us formed that love, we captivated by Anida.
dreamt, we hoped, we waited. And when our dream was fast When the bell rang for the next period, Anida quickly picked up
becoming a reality, death snatched her from me. Why should this her books and bade us good-bye.
happen to us? I still cant find the answer. All I know is that I long I still have a class, Bert, Pit. I shall go now. Thanks ha? And she
for Anida. left.
I wouldnt want to remember our happy days together. It only My eyes followed her as she walked away.
aggravates the pain in my heart. But now that shes gone, nothing You seem to have fallen for her, Bert said. Your eyes seemed
is left me but her memory. I cannot part with her memory. Her glued to her face.
body was already taken away from me but her memory will Not really. I lied. I merely was admiring her.
remain with me fresh at all times. Her memory lingers with me; Dont you try to cover up. It was too obvious. Bert laughed. I
laughed, too.
I was very happy on my way home. I was whistling when I And we met a lot of times, Ive lost count. And the time came
reached our house. when I could no longer keep my love to myself, I told her I loved
You look happy. My mother told me. What have you eaten? her.
Nothing, I laughed. Is it bad to be happy once in a while? You might get sick, she teased me.
Youre really satisfied. Thats why Im wondering. My mother I will really get sick if you wont love me. I stared at her.
teased further. Anida smiled. I held her hand and saw happiness on her face.
Youll know why later. And I quickly went to my room upstairs. You love me too, dont you? I said pressing her hand in mine.
That night I didnt sleep much. I could see Anidas face every- She smiled and nodded her head. My heart overflowed with joy. I
where. Her image seemed glued to my eyelids. Her kind face, her wanted to shout to the whole world my beautiful fate that day.
nose, eyes, lips slowly passed before my sight. She was in my We got engaged without the knowledge of her parents. We kept
thoughts until I finally slept. our secret to ourselves. From that time one I would fetch Anida
The next day, I was full of energy when I reported for work. from her school. We were always very happy. Our hearts had no
In the afternoon after my office hours, I wanted to go to UST. My room for sadness.
heart whispered that I should see Anida. I longed to see and talk Once I took her to the bus line.
with her. But I vascillated. I felt somewhat shy. But my heart won I shall take you home now. I told her. I would like to see your
after all. I could not control myself anymore and I found my feet place and meet your folks.
negotiating the spacious UST grounds. Anida looked sad.
The classes were over when I arrived at the College of Medicine. No, she forbade. Dont go to our house. My father will get mad.
I craned my neck searching for her among the students leaving I told you he told me not to fall in love while Im still studying. I
the building. Then, I saw Anida with her classmates. She left them shall introduce you to them when I am through with my studies.
when she saw me. And when will that be? It might take you three years more to
Did you see Bert? She asked. finish your course.
Not yet, I answered feeling the loud thump thump of my heart. Nevermind. Times run very fast these days. You merely blink
I didnt see him today. Anida said looking at the door of the your eyes and its night already. And in a while, the mornings
building. Maybe hes absent. here again.
Lets go then. I smiled at what she said.
Where? She looked at me. Dont you worry. I shall finish eventually. You be patient.
Home. Why arent you going home? And her words sustained me. And though I felt some failure
I am. And together we walked the road leading towards the because I couldnt take her home that day, I consoled myself that
gate. time will come when I shall meet her parents too.
Before we went home, I invited her for a snack at the restaurant After a year, Anida told me that she will be sent to Baguio with
opposite the campus. And she obliged. We talked about a lot of some of her classmates. They shall be trained in a hospital there.
things, including our own lives. Then we shall not see each other for a long time. I told Anida. I
I learned that she was the eldest of three children. Two girls and shall be lonely.
a boy. Her brother was married and was living with his in-laws. Maybe we wont stay there long. After we have observed there,
Her father was from Cavite and her mother was from Cabuyao. we shall be back.
She was her fathers favorite because shes the eldest. She was Even then. That will take long.
given everything she wanted but her father forbade her to fall in Maybe it would be better if I go to Baguio too, could I?
love while she was studying. After our snack I took her to the bus Her eyes sparkled.
line. I couldnt take her home because she didnt want me to. Thats up to you. But lets keep this a secret.
And I followed Anida to Baguio without anyone getting wind of it. Anida lying on the middle of the street. Anida! I cried. And I ran
We didnt stay long in Baguio and that at a few days of stay, we towards her. I carried her towards the side of the street, but she is
returned back to Manila. I could feel then that the love in our already dead. I took hold of her pulse but it is no longer beating.
hearts became more stronger, and that, the tie between us Anida is no longer breathing. Anida! Oh Anida! I cried and wept
became more real and pure as ever. Like what Anida said to me, unashamedly without noticing at the time that there were already
it didnt take long and I learned that Anida finally finished her many people around us. All that I know only is the lifeless body of
studies. I said to myself then, that at last our dreams will my dear sweetheart.
eventually be fulfilled, and the period of waiting will finally be After the lapse of a few minutes, policemen arrived and they
compensated. questioned me. I dont know what to answer at the time. I was
Anida was very happy then. It will be very soon that our dreams very confused then. After a while, I thought of the parents of
will be reduced to reality, she said. Im so happy also Anida, I Anida. They must know what happened, I said to myself. And so I
answered her. I have been waiting for a day to meet your parents called them over the phone. Your daughter met an accident, I
personally, I added. said. The corpse was brought to the morgue, I was always beside
It was on the 24th of March when Anida received her diploma. I her. I dont want to leave her alone.
was present and had witnessed her during her graduation on that The following day, the body of Anida was brought to their house.
day, which she considered as very significant in her life. I I was not able to evade them anymore because I knew then that
attended her graduation, though I keep on hiding from her her parents read already in the morning papers what happened
parents whom I know were also there. Though, I was very eager and my relation to Anida. So that on the afternoon of that day, I
then to meet her parents personally, I just kept silent about it personally went to the house of Anida. That was my first time to
because I would like her to be the one to introduce me to them. reach their place. Right after I reached their place, I kissed the
Five days after her graduation, Anida and I met again, I went to hands of her parents. I cant utter any word, neither her parents.
the University to fetch her. I never thought nor conceived that it I went to her lifeless body. I looked at her and when my eyes saw
was on that day that our love affair would come to an end. Anida her face, I began to cry again unashamedly.
was preparing her things when I arrived at the University. Wait for It was on the 2nd of April (the day when our Lord Jesus Christ
a few minutes and this will be finished, she said smiling. Where came to life again), about 4:00 oclock in the afternoon when
are we going? She asked. We will just take a snack at the Brown Anida was brought to her grave in Cabuyao, Laguna. When her
Derby. I answered. You look tired and you need something cold body was about to be dropped at her grave, I requested that her
to drink, I continued. Yes, just a few more minutes, she said. cadaver be opened again for the last time. After it was opened, I
After she finished all her papers, we left the University together. touched her face, I looked at her face for the last time, I stared at
We boarded a bus bound to Brown Derby. She was very happy her in order that her face will be enshrined forever in my mind.
then, and she kept on telling me many things while we were Its really bitter that such fate happened to us. Right at that very
inside the bus. moment, I would like to die also in order to follow her.
We were already crossing the road opposite the place where we Because of the sudden and tragic death of Anida, my heart, life
will take the snack when suddenly a truck appeared towards our and love were burried with her. To me she is incomparable
direc- tion. I took hold of Anida very tightly and helped her cross irreplace- able.
the street. There is hardly any doubt, therefore, that appellees have made
But, Ive noticed that as if she cant move her feet, as if she cant out a case within the compass of Article 26, paragraphs 1 and 2
walk. She became confused and moved backward. I cant of the new Civil Code, which provides that:
remember anymore what happened next after that. I just found The rationale for Article 26, supra, has been stated by the Code
myself already on the other side of the street, and that I saw Com-
mission in its Report, thus personal rights on an individual as against other individuals. They
The sacredness of human personality is a concomitant of every rather have been construed as limitations on government action
plan for human amelioration. The touchstone of every system of alone.
laws, of the culture and civilization of every country, is how it At the risk of prolixity, let it be said again that there is here a
dignifies man. If in legislation, inadequate regard is observed for tortious intrusion upon appellees domestic circle which can
human life and safety; if laws do not sufficiently forestall human hardly be gainsaid. For the love affair between appellee Joselito
suffering or do not try effectively to curb those factors or Gomez and the late Anida Cord- ero; how that affair was
influences that wound the noblest sentiments; if the statutes conceived, born, nurtured and ended; the attitude of Anidas
insufficiently protect persons from being unjustly humiliated; in parents, Jose Cordero and Eusebia B. Cordero, towards it; and
short, if human personality is not properly exalted then the laws how the parents tried to control and steer their daughter away
are indeed defective. (1 Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, from such an affair, are matters which are strictly and essentially
1968 Edition, p. 89). private and purely personal to the parties concerned over which
Quite manifestly, the law in question was enacted in view of the the public obviously can claim
rec- ognized inadequacy or insufficiency of the existing laws on no legitimate interest whatsoever. That these matters were given
libel and other related pieces of legislation purposely to exalt, undue and unwarranted publicity by the appellants without the
enhance and protect the hu- man personality from uncalled for consent or authorization of the persons involved in a manner
intrusions or humiliation. That being so, the said article is which openly revealed the identities of the latter, either thru the
decidedly broader in meaning and application than the laws on use of their real names, their pictures, or their description which
defamation. As Senator Arturo N. Tolentino has accurately could have left no room for doubt as to the identity of the subject
pointed out, the article is perhaps one of the most fruitful sources being described, have all been competently established by
of litigation under the present Code. It has practically incorporated appellees evidence and not disproved by appellants. In this
into the Civil Code a large portion of the system of torts of regard, the authorities are almost one in holding that
American law, and has gone even farther by creating a statutory The unwarranted publication of a persons name, or the unau-
sanction for acts which many American courts have refused to thorized use or publication of his photograph or other likeness,
consider as grounds for action. He submits the view that the consti- tutes the most common means of invasion of the right of
enumeration contained in the four numbered paragraphs of this privacy. The sale of photographs of the plaintiff, the unwarranted
article is merely illustrative and does not limit the scope of the publication of the plaintiffs picture in a newspaper, the
article. The principal rule is expressed in general terms in the first unauthorized exhibition of an x-ray picture showing a part of the
sentence; and the cases men- tioned in the numbered plaintiffs body or of pictures show- ing the performance of an
paragraphs are merely instances falling within the terms of the operation upon the plaintiff or the effects of disease upon the
general rule, considering that the article denounces similar plaintiffs appearance, or the publication of the name and picture
acts. (I Tolentino, Civil Code of the Philippines, 1968 Edition, p. of a woman in bed in a hospital, in connection with a story
88). concerning her unusual ailment, has been held to violate the right
There is a mild criticism in 70 U.S.L. Rev. 435, 447, of the rea- of privacy. (41 Am. Jur., S. 21, p. 940).
soning of the courts in basing the right of privacy on the The right to privacy covers all intrusion upon the plaintiffs
declaration of rights with respect to the pursuit of happiness. And solitude, publicity given to his name or likeness or to private
in 13 Southern Cal. L. Rev. 81, 88, it is stated, with reference to informa- tion about him and the commercial appropriation of his
this and the other constitutional peg the right to liberty under personality. A publication of a mans picture, therefore, without the
the due process clause, mentioned in the Pavesich Case: consent, even though the same does not constitute libel, violates
Neither clause ordinarily has been interpreted as conferring his privacy. With more reason is a mans privacy violated by the
publication of his pic- ture without his consent for commercial made other photographs from the negatives and procured a
purposes. The right, however, is subject to a privilege to publish copyright thereon, it was held that the parents of the children
matters of news value, and public interest to waiver as when a could recover damages against the photographer on account of
person runs for public office. (Caguioa, Civil Code, Vol. I, 1959 their humiliation and wounded feeling and sensibilities resulting
ed., pp. 40-42, citing Prosses on Torts, 1050, 1059). from the exhibition of the photographs to others. x x x
Clearly, therefore, there would be an actionable violation of the Dr. Rico S.Jacutin vs. People of the Philippines
right of privacy if (1) publicity is given to any private or purely G.R. No. 140604. March 6, 2002
personal information about a person, (2) without the latters
consent, (3) regardless of whether or not such publicity Facts: Juliet Q. Yee, then a 22-year old fresh graduate of nursing,
constitutes a criminal offense, like libel or defamation, the averred that on 28 November 1995 her father accompanied her to
circumstance that the publication was made with the intent of gain the office of petitioner at the City Health Office to seek
or for commercial and business purposes invariably serves to employment. Juliets father and petitioner were childhood friends.
aggravate the violation of the right. Juliet was informed by the doctor that the City Health Office had
It is chiefly for this reason that appellants reliance on the defense just then filled up the vacant positions for nurses but that he
that the story in question is non-defamatory in character, must would still see if he might be able to help her.
prove unavail- ing. Quite categorically, Article 26, in excluding the
element of a questioned publication being of a defamatory The following day, 29 November 1995, Juliet and her father
character, as a requisite to the recovery of damages, provides returned to the City Health Office, and they were informed by
that the acts enumerated therein, which, as already pointed out petitioner that a medical group from Texas, U.S.A., was coming to
elsewhere, are merely illustrative, not restrictive, of so many other town in December to look into putting up a clinic in Lapasan,
tortious wrongs contemplated by the article although they may Cagayan de Oro, where she might be considered. On 01
not constitute a criminal offense, shall produce a cause of action December 1995, around nine oclock in the morning, she and her
for damages, prevention and other relief. Stated differently, the father went back to the office of petitioner. The latter informed her
question of whether or that there was a vacancy in a family planning project for the city
not the publication complained of is defamatory in character, is and that, if she were interested, he could interview her for the job.
relevant only in a prosecution for the crime of libel, but not so in a Petitioner then started putting up to her a number of questions.
civil action for violation of the right of privacy. Similar principles When asked at one point whether or not she already had a
are held in American Law and jurisprudence. (Cf.: 41 Am. Jr., p. boyfriend, she said no. Petitioner suggested that perhaps if her
953 and the cases cited therein; 77 C.J.S. pp. 414, 415, citing father were not around, she could afford to be honest in her
several cases; 138 ALR pp. 47-48). answers to the doctor. The father, taking the cue, decided to
Finally, while it is true that the right of privacy is a purely personal leave. Petitioner then inquired whether she was still a virgin,
right which cannot, as a general rule, be asserted by anyone explaining to her his theory on the various aspects of virginity. He
other than by him whose privacy is invaded (See 138 ALR, pp. hypothetically asked whether she would tell her family or friends
50-52 and the cases therein cited), it is equally true that cases if a male friend happened to intimately touch her. Petitioner later
abound where courts have allowed recovery of damages for the offered her the job where she would be the subject of a
unauthorized use of the name or picture of a deceased person for research program. She was requested to be back after lunch.
advertising or trade purposes. Thus, where a photographer was
employed to make a photograph of the corpses of twin children, Before proceeding to petitioners office that afternoon, Juliet
who had been born partially joined together, and to make twelve dropped by at the nearby church to seek divine guidance as she
copies of the picture and no more, but contrary to the agreement, felt so confused. When she got to the office, petitioner made
several telephone calls to some hospitals to inquire whether there Republic Act No. 7877, particularly Sections 3 and 7 thereof, and
was any available opening for her. Not finding any, petitioner penalizing him with imprisonment of six (6) months and to pay a
again offered her a job in the family planning research fine of Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) Pesos, with subsidiary
undertaking. She expressed hesitation if a physical examination imprisonment in case of insolvency, is AFFIRMED.
would include hugging her but petitioner assured her that he
was only kidding about it. Petitioner then invited her to go Rationale: Section 3 of Republic Act 7877 provides:
bowling. Petitioner told her to meet him at Borja Street so that
people would not see them on board the same car together. SEC. 3. Work, Education or Training-related Sexual Harassment
Soon, at the designated place, a white car driven by petitioner Defined. Work, education or training-related sexual harassment
stopped. She got in. Petitioner held her pulse and told her not to is committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor,
be scared. After dropping by at his house to put on his bowling agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor, coach,
attire, petitioner got back to the car. trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence or
moral ascendancy over another in a work or training or education
While driving, petitioner casually asked her if she already took her environment, demands, requests or otherwise requires any
bath, and she said she was so in a hurry that she did not find time sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand,
for it. Petitioner then inquired whether she had varicose veins, request or requirement for submission is accepted by the object
and she said no. Petitioner told her to raise her foot and lower of said Act.
her pants so that he might confirm it. She felt assured that it was
all part of the research. Petitioner still pushed her pants down to (a) In a work-related or employment environment, sexual
her knees and held her thigh. He put his hands inside her panty harassment is committed when:
until he reached her pubic hair. Surprised, she exclaimed hala
ka! and instinctively pulled her pants up. Petitioner then touched (1) The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the
her abdomen with his right hand saying words of endearment and employment, re-employment or continued employment of said
letting the back of his palm touch her forehead. He told her to individual, or in granting said individual favorable compensation,
raise her shirt to check whether she had nodes or lumps. She terms, conditions, promotions, or privileges; or the refusal to grant
hesitated for a while but, eventually, raised it up to her navel. the sexual favor results in limiting, segregating or classifying the
Petitioner then fondled her breast. Shocked at what petitioner did, employee which in any way would discriminate, deprive or
she lowered her shirt and embraced her bag to cover herself, diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect
telling him angrily that she was through with the research. He said employee.
begged her not to tell anybody about what had just happened.
Before she alighted from the car, petitioner urged her to While the City Mayor had the exclusive prerogative in appointing
reconsider her decision to quit. He then handed over to her city personnel, it should stand to reason, nevertheless, that a
P300.00 for her expenses. recommendation from petitioner in the appointment of personnel
in the municipal health office could carry good weight. Indeed,
Issue: Whether or not petitioner is guilty of the crime of sexual petitioner himself would appear to have conveyed, by his words
harassment as defined and punished under R.A. 7877. and actions, an impression that he could facilitate Juliets
employment. Indeed, petitioner would not have been able to take
Held:The questioned decision of the Sandiganbayan in Criminal undue liberalities on the person of Juliet had it not been for his
Case No. 23799, finding Dr. Rico Jacutin y Salcedo GUILTY of high position in the City Health Office of Cagayan de Oro City.
the crime of Sexual Harassment defined and punished under The findings of the Sandiganbayan were bolstered by the
testimony of Vivian Yu, petitioners secretary between 1979 to
1994, of Iryn Lago Salcedo, Public Health Nurse II, and of Farah
Dongallo y Alkuino, a city health nurse, all of whom were said to
have likewise been victims of perverse behavior by petitioner.

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