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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-0

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-1

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-2

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-3

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-4

 The MPLS L2VPN provides Layer 2 VPN services based on an MPLS network. The
carriers can provide Layer 2 VPNs over different media, such as ATM, FR, Virtual
Local Area Network (VLAN), Ethernet, and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) on a single
MPLS network. Meanwhile, the MPLS network provides the traditional IP, MPLS
L3VPN, and TE services as well as Quality of Service (QoS) policies.
 To be simple, the MPLS L2VPN indicates that Layer 2 data is transmitted
transparently over the MPLS network. From the aspect of customers, the MPLS
network acts as a Layer 2 switched network through which Layer 2 connections can
be set up between nodes.
Classification of the MPLS L2VPN
 The MPLS L2VPN is divided into VPLS and VPWS.
 VPWS is a technology that bears Layer 2 services. VPWS emulates services such as
ATM, FR, Ethernet, low-speed TDM circuit, and SONET/SDH in a PSN. In the PSN
network, the VPWS adopts LDP and BGP as the signaling protocol, emulates Layer 2
services (for example, Layer 2 data packets) on such CE through tunnels as MPLS
LSPs, and GRE tunnels, and transparently transmits the Layer 2 data of the CE. This
proximate emulation may distort the TDM data. The VPWS is a point-to-point (P2P)
L2VPN technology. The VPWS has four modes: CCC, SVC, Martini and Kompella.
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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-5

 The VPLS is used to connect multiple Ethernet LAN segments through the PSN to
make them work as one LAN. The VPLS is also called transparent LAN service (TLS)
or Virtual Private Switched Network service (VPSNS). Different from the P2P service
of the common L2VPN, the VPLS enables the service provider to offer Ethernet-
based multipoint service to customers through the MPLS backbone network.

Introduction to the Martini Mode

 The Martini mode uses double labels. The inner label adopts LDP extensions as the
signaling protocol for exchange. This mode complies with the draft-martini-l2circuit-
mpls. In the Martini draft, LDP is extended by adding an FEC type (VC FEC) for
exchanging VC labels. In addition, if the two PEs that exchange VC labels are not
directly connected, a remote LDP session must be created on which the VC FEC and
the VC label are transmitted. The PE assigns a VC label to each connection between
CEs. The L2VPN information that carries the VC is forwarded to the peer PE of the
remote session through the LSP set up through LDP. In this manner, a VC LSP is set
up on the ordinary LSP.
 In Martini mode, the VC type and the VC ID are used to identify a VC between two
 VC type: indicates the encapsulation type of the VC, such as ATM, VLAN, and PPP.
 VC ID: identifies a VC. The VC ID of each VC of the same type must be unique on the
entire PE.
 The PEs that are connected to two CEs exchange VC labels through LDP, and bind
the corresponding CE according to the VC ID. A VC is set up for two CEs to transmit
Layer 2 data on the following the conditions:
 The physical status of the AC interface becomes Up.
 The tunnel between the two PEs is successfully established.
 The label exchange and binding are complete.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-7

 Discover the topology: set the SNMP parameters consistent with that of the device
on U2000 and discover the network topology on U2000
 Set the communication parameters of U2000: set the Telnet/STelnet parameters
consistent with that of the device so that U2000 can get the information from the
 Synchronize the device data on U2000: upload the information and configuration of
the device to U2000
 Configure interfaces: configure interfaces used in the service deployment
 Configure IGP: configure IGP so that devices are reachable
 Configure MPLS LSP: configure MPLS LDP, MPLS LDP Remote Peer
 Configure Martini VLL: configure Martini VLL service
 Only configure the Martini VLL is displayed in this course.

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iManager U2000 Full-Mesh BGP MPLS VPN P-9

For the example, we have the topology as above. Two CE routers, one P router and
two PE routers.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-10

 View the configuration topology setup in the U2000 physical view.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-11

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iManager U2000 IP NE Management P-12

1. Right Click the device, choose NE Explorer.. -> Interface Management (left hand
side) -> Interface Information -> Click Query (right hand side)
2. Choose the interface -> configure (right bottom)
3. Configure Ethernet Interface -> General -> Description
4. Click add button to add the new address

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iManager U2000 IP NE Management P-13

 Click the IPv4 Address tab and set MTU (byte), IPv4 Address, and IPv4 Address
Note: If the interface layer is Layer 2, no interface IP address can be set.
 Click OK. The modified interface information is displayed in the query result area.

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iManager U2000 IP NE Management P-15

 The configurations of route management must have been synchronized to the

 Select an NE in the Main Topology, right-click, and choose NE Explorer from the
shortcut menu.
 Choose Route Management > OSPF Route > OSPF Process from the service tree.
 Click Create and set related parameters.

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iManager U2000 IP NE Management P-16

 Click the General tab and set Process ID, Description, Router ID, VPN Name, Stub
Router and On-startup Interval.

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iManager U2000 IP NE Management P-17

 Click the Area tab. Then, click Create and set Area No., Area Description, Area Type,
Area Default Cost, MPLS TE Feature, Non-Convergent, Route Distribution, and
Virtual Link.

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iManager U2000 MPLS LSP Deployment P-19

 Choose MPLS Management > MPLS Configuration > Global MPLS Configuration from
the service tree.
 Click Synchronize.
 On the General tab page, set MPLS, MPLS L2VPN, and MPLS OAM parameters as
 After the settings, click Apply.
 The configurations are applied to the NE.

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iManager U2000 MPLS LSP Deployment P-20

 This topic describes how to configure MPLS LDP on an interface, that is, how to
enable LDP on an interface, configure the related parameters for LDP sessions, and
configure the label distribution mode.

 The MPLS data of the NE must be synchronized to the U2000.
 MPLS must be enabled on the NE.
 LDP must be enabled on the NE.
 By default, regular re-advertisement of labels in DU mode is enabled on the NE.
 All the interfaces must share the same label distribution mode when multiple links
exist among neighbors.
 Modifying the label distribution mode leads to the reestablishment of LDP sessions.
 Right-click an NE on the Main Topology and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut
 Choose MPLS Management > MPLS Configuration > MPLS Interface from the service
 Right-click on the MPLS
Confidential Interface
Information oftab page and
Huawei. Nochoose Enable
Spreading MPLS from the
shortcut menu.
iManager U2000 MPLS LSP Deployment P-21

 Right-click an NE on the Main Topology and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut
 Choose MPLS Management > MPLS Configuration > MPLS Interface from the service
 Right-click on the MPLS Interface tab page and choose Enable MPLS from the
shortcut menu.
 In the dialog box that is displayed, select interfaces to be enabled with MPLS

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iManager U2000 MPLS LSP Deployment P-22

 Click Configure.

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iManager U2000 MPLS LSP Deployment P-23

 On the LDP tab page, set the related parameters as required. click Apply.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-24

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-25

1. Right Click on the NE, choose NE Explorer.. -> MPLS Management ( right hand
2. Choose MPLS Management > MPLS Configuration > Global MPLS Configuration
3. MPLS L2VPN -> (tick) Enable MPLS L2VPN -> Apply
4. Repeat for PEs node

For Martini VLL configuration, it requires MPLS L2VPN and manually create a remote
peering. To create this, go in the MPLS management and do the configuration as
above. This configuration need to be done for PEs node.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-26

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-27

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-28

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-29

1. Choose Service -> PWE3 Service -> Create PWE3 Service
2. Insert the Service Name and Description then choose the source and sink port

 Set the basic attribute parameters.
 Select a service template. By selecting the Service Template check box, you can
create a service quickly and conveniently. Here, only the general procedure for
creating a service is described.
 Set Service Type to ETH.
 Service Name
 Service ID can be assigned automatically.
 Set Protection Type. The Protection Type of routers supported as follow:
 If Protection Type is set to Protection-free, you need to set Source and Sink.
 If Protection Type is set to PW redundancy, you need to set Source FRR or
Sink FRR.
 Source FRR: Working Sink, Protection Sink, and FRR Source.
 Sink FRR: Working Source, Protection Source, and FRR Sink.
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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-30

 If Protection Type is set to Dual-homing protection for CEs of symmetric

access, you need to set Working Source, Working Sink, Protection Source,
and Protection Sink.
 If Protection Type is set to PW Backup protection, you need to set Source and
 Set Description, Customer, Remarks.
 Select the source and sink NEs of the service.
 The methods of configuring the source and sink NEs are the same. Therefore, the
following describes only the method of configuring the source NE.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-31

Configure the Source and Sink port.

1. Select Node
2. Select Interface
3. Insert Interface ID
4. Insert Port VLAN ID
5. Add node

Remarks : Repeat on the other PE node

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-33

 Add CE and CE interface.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-34

 Select CE.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-35

 CE are selected for NPE.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-36

1. Choose Deploy and Enable
2. Click Apply
3. Operation succeeded means Martini VLL already been configured

 After click OK, U2000 will try to configure the Martini VLL to the particular NE.
 Once the message show the Operation Succeeded means the service is configured,
and Browse Trail to check the service status

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-37

 Viewing the Topology of a PWE3 Service

 This topic describes how to view the topology of a PWE3 service. The service
topology is used to display the topology of the PWE3 service. By viewing the
topology view, you can know the overall topology and service running status in real

 Choose Service > PWE3 Service > Manage PWE3 Service from the main menu.
 In the Set Filter Criteria dialog box, set the filter criteria. Then, click Filter. The
services meeting the filter criteria are displayed in the query result area.
 Select a PWE3 service of which the topology is to be viewed from the service list.
 View the topology of the PWE3 service.
 In the service topology, you can view the information about the source and sink PEs
and the information about the interface connected to the CE.
 View the alarm information about the PWE3 service. If the interfaces and PWs
corresponding to the PEs in the service topology are faulty, the interfaces and PWs
are displayed in red.
 You can perform the following operations in the service topology.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-38

 In the service topology, right-click a PE and do as follows:

 Choose NE Management from the shortcut menu to open the NE
management interface.
 Choose View Real-Time Performance from the shortcut menu to open the
real-time performance interface.
 Choose SSH from the shortcut menu to open the SSH configuration interface.
 Choose Telnet from the shortcut menu to open the Telnet terminal interface.
 In the service topology, select an interface and right-click it. You can perform the
following operations: Choose View RTP from the shortcut menu to check the real-
time performance of the interface.
 In the service topology, right-click a PW between two PEs and do as follows:
 Choose Fast Diagnose from the shortcut menu to check the connectivity of
the PW.
 Choose View RTP from the shortcut menu to check the real-time performance
of the PW.
 Choose View Tunnel from the shortcut menu to check the tunnel of the PW.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-39

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-40

Managing a PWE3 Service

 This topic describes how to manage a PWE3 service.

 Data synchronization must be complete on the related equipment.
 The service to be deployed must exist.

 Choose Service > PWE3 Service > Manage PWE3 Service from the main menu.
 Click Filter Criteria to set the query conditions.
 Right-click a PWE3 service and choose Test and Check from the shortcut menu.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-41

 Select the testing checking methods and click Run.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-42

 View the testing result by clicking the Result Tabs.

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iManager U2000 Martini VLL Deployment P-44

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