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Name: Nurmuhaizah binti Muhammad

Matric no: B14KM0066
Lecture: Prof. Ir. Dr. Wan Khairuddin bin Wan Ali

Question 3: Discuss clearly the step and procedure to become engineer with practicing

The instituttion of engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and the Board of Engineers,

Malaysia (BEM) will implement new training requirement for all graduates engineers.
The Board of Engineer, Malaysia and The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia has
decided to implement revised training requirement for graduate engineers who desire
to become professional engineers. This is in view of the fact that engineering students
follow varied routes in their pursuit for an engineering degree. The requirements
include, beside extended training period, compulsory courses to be undertaken,
participation in Professional Development Programmes (PDP) and involvement in
continuing engineering education programmes. With these measures, it is hoped that
we will improve the quality of our Professional Engineers who will be able to serve

The training requirements will be effective for graduates from accredited

univerisity programmes registered after the last date. The detailed requirements are
the practical experience that a registered Graduate Engineer is required to obtain
under Section 10 (I)(b) of the Act in order to be entitled to apply for registration as a
Professional Engineer shall be carried out in a manner satisfactory to the Board for a
period of not less than three years which is will covers the general thinking which
should link the conceptual analytical abilities developed during the degree course with
its wide application in industry and give sound base for professional development, for
a period of not less than two years of which up to twelve months of relevant,
accredited recognised industrial training during the undergraduate course may be
Secondly, it wills cover the professional career development training, which
will provide exposure to skills awareness, management, responsibility, teamwork,
logical approach and many more for a period of not less than two years. Lastly, it
wills cover completion of not less than 30 units of professional development, which
includes attendance at talks, seminars, meetings and community services.

Hence, there are guide or procedure as compact and short possible to be

professional enginner having and IR status in Malaysia. Firstly, register with Board of
Engineer Malaysia (BEM). Registration with the Board of Engineers upon graduation
is compulsory under the Engineers Act 1967 for all practising engineers. Furthermore,
It may need a professional engineer to stamp and sign your application form, degree
certificate, results transcript. It will take you few weeks to get BEM membership
number. Example of BEM membership number is like this: 49818A. This
membership number is imperative and will be required when you apply as a graduate
member with IEM.

After get BEM membership number, graduated member must apply under the.
After submit completed form, wait for few weeks for the comfirmation or feedback.
Moreover, registeration cost about RM180 if you are under 30 years old (consisting of
RM80 for entrance fee and RM100 for first year IEM fee) or RM235 if you are above
30 years old (consisting of RM80 for entrance fee and RM155 for first year IEM fee).

After your IEM graduate membership is approved, and presumably you work
as an engineer (practicing, academic/research), you can start seeking for a mentor.
You can ask IEM head quarters located in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia for the list of
mentors available in your engineering discipline or field. If you are a chemical
engineer (example), you need to have a chemical engineer mentor. If you are a civil
engineer, you need to have a civil engineer mentor. Similarly, for other types of
engineering disciplines. After you have identified and contacted your mentor, you
need to fill up a form to IEM to inform that that person is your mentor. Then you can
start meeting / discussing / contacting your mentor.
Your mentor will be the person who will check and guide you to be a matured
professional engineer. You need to prepare monthly report and quarterly report and
submit them to your mentor. At the end of each year, you then need to submit the 1
year report to Heardquaters of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). A special
committee will evaluate and check your report. The entire mentoring process will take
3 years. Supposedly, by this time (that 3 years duration), you are already trained to be
a professional engineer, capable to prepare good level of proposal and report etc. This
can be observed from the quality and maturity of the report that you prepared.

The overall training process is conducted by IEM and your mentor is a

member of IEM as well. Within this 3 years, it is advisable that you undergo all the
three mandatory courses that is required by BEM which are Safety and Health at
Work, Engineering Management Practice and Code of Ethics and Regulation.
Traditionally, the trainings are offered by IEM Training Center (IEMTC) located in
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. IEMTC will provide a form that looked like this. However, if
you are in other states in Malaysia, you can refer to the regional IEM office.
Sometimes the regional IEM office conducts those mandatory courses. As in Johor
Bahru, besides IEM Southern Branch (IEMSB), UTM under the Centre For Academic
Leadership & Professional Development (CALPD), UTMLead also conduct in-house
BEM Mandatory Courses for UTM Staff.

After 3 years, your mentor will hopefully say that you are ready to sit for the
Professional Interview (PI) and the special committee that checks and evaluate your
report annually will also recommend you for the PI. The Profesional Interview are
conducted regularly throughout the country for members aspiring to attain Profesional
Engineer status.

At the same time, it is best for you to prepare your Training and Experience
Report (T&E), and Project Technical Report. The Training and Experience report does
basically a report of yourself comprise all of your training and experience since you
graduated your bachelor degree. Hence, it is wise to keep a systematic record of all
your works, tasks, responsibilities, job scopes etc from all your work, positions from
various companies (if you have worked in more than one company). In addition, you
must make it a point to maintain good and healthy relationship with your previous
employer, just in case you need to refer back to them for certain things or verification
your certificate and etc.

The Project Technical report should be a specific project that you have
performed previously that comprised of all engineering elements. This includes but
not limited to the problem itself, engineering design, calculation, project management,
safety-health-environment, costing etc. Having a real engineering design solution will
be far better than a conceptual design. The IEM committee will see whether you are
eligible for the Professional Interview or not (Check list on list of documents to be
prepared are shown in the application form). Your name will be published in the
magazine Jurutera, to advertise that you plan to sit for the Professional Interview. If
anybody feels that you are not eligible for the interview, they should let IEM knows
about it. Normally, everything will be fine if you are an ethical engineer. Then you are
required to fill up IEM PI(II) form. IEM committee will assess the form and assign a
Principal Interviewer to handle your interview. There will be a second interview as
well. However, normally the Principal Interviewer or IEM secretariat will liaise with
you on the interview. By this time also you need to get yourself familiar with the
engineering codes of ethics. As an addition Professional Interview fee cost is about
RM150 for graduate member, RM200 for non-graduate member.

If everything is fine, the Principal Interviewer or IEM secretariat will contact

you to decide the date and venue for the interview. They will also request for the T&E
Report and Project Technical Report. It is imperative that you prepare very good
reports for them to evaluate during the Professional Interview.

During the interview, both panels will interview you. The interview process
will be in a relaxed atmosphere and they will attempt to check all requirements from
you. After the interview, you need to sit for the essay questions. There are all together
two essay questions that you need to do. The first one is related to you Project
Technical Report and the second one is related to the engineering code of ethics.
Duration of the essay question is 3 hours. After you complete everything, wait for the
The result could take about one until two months to be officially announced.
You can also call or email the IEM secretariat in charge to know the result. After the
IEM committee monthly meeting, if you passed, a certificate acknowledging that you
are upgraded as an IEM Corporate Member will be produced and delivered to you.
This is a massive result and the ticket for you attaining the IR status is almost there.

Now, you should prepare all the paper works required by BEM to upgrade
yourself as a Professional Engineer. You need to fill (PERMOHONAN UNTUK
following application that shall be accompanied with a processing fee of RM50.00
and a registration fee of RM300 to Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. In addition, you also
need to enclose the certificate of training, copy of Boards letter on passing of the
Professional Assessment Examination (Professional Interview) or copy of MIEM
certificate, copy of degree certificate, copy of registration letter as Graduate Engineer
with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, photocopy of birth certificate / identity card, a
passport size photo-please write your name and registration number, last but not least
evidence of compliance to Regulation 22(1)(b) i.e. certificate of attendance only for
Graduate Engineer registered after 1/1/2005 must be include.

Submit all of them to BEM and wait. If everything is fine, it will normally
take about 2-3 weeks until your certificate of IR endorsement is couriered to you.
However, if there is some problem or incomplete documentation (normally the
Certificate of Training), then you will need to complete whatever necessary, then
resubmit to BEM.

It is important to note that all photostated documents submitted together with

this application must be certified-true-copy by a registered Professional Engineer. All
certificates of training must be on the letterhead of the department/company addressed
to the Registrar of the Board of Engineers Malaysia and the originals should be
submitted to the Board. The certificate should state the period of practical training,
post held and summary of the work you have undergone. The registered Professional
Engineer/Professional Engineers under whom you have obtained your training must
certify the certificate of the training.
For those involve in teaching profession, he/she must undergo at least one year
of industrial training under the supervision of a Professional Engineer in the same
branch or engineering as that practiced by the Graduate Engineer.The name of the
Professional Engineer signing the certificate of training must be clearly stated
together with his Professional Engineer registration number and the branch of
engineering he is qualified has to be indicated beside his name. The Professional
Engineers certifying the applicant's prescribed training must be of the same discipline
as that of the applicant. If you have worked in more than one department/company in
the 3 years, you need to submit two or more certificates. All the certificates of training
submitted must be certified by the respective registered Professional Engineer under
whom you have undergone your training.

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