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What the doctor

should have
Many parents report huge benefits when they
put their child with autism on a special diet,
but there are still reports of the medical
establishment not being in sympathy with
their approach. Darren Devine reports
One of the pioneers of the and those of the parents who back
gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF) his approach, drugs remain the
diet for treating autism says that dominant treatment for autism.
vulnerable families trying the The retired pharmacy lecturer,
approach continue to face hostility who was director of Sunderlands
from sceptical medics. The diet Autism Research Unit, says that in
excludes the proteins gluten (found the past parents have been
most often in wheat, barley and threatened with having their
rye) and casein (found most often children removed by social services
in milk and dairy products). for trying the diet.
Former Sunderland University He believes that attitudes
academic Paul Shattock says among medics are getting slightly
parents can still encounter better, but the reluctance to
reluctance from dietitians and support parents who want to try
medics, who refuse to support the diet remains.
anything not backed by the
National Institute for Health and They wouldnt touch it
Clinical Excellence (NICE). He says: Dietitians, on the whole,
Shattock, who has worked on were employed by the state in
Dietitians, on the
the GFCF diet for around 35 years, the National Health Service and whole, were
maintains that despite his efforts they were ultra-orthodox in what
they suggested and what they
employed by the state
could recommend. and they were ultra-
Im not blaming them for it,
because they have their own
orthodox in what they
occupations to guard and look after suggested and what
and they have been very strict. If the
NICE guidelines didnt recommend
they could recommend
it, they wouldnt touch it.
Warwickshire-based dietitian
Zoe Connor wrote in her blog in
August of how she had considered
referrals to social workers over the
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
(GAPS) diet.
Zoe Connor: considered referrals to Connor, who works privately
social workers over the GAPS diet and in the NHS, said she

38 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 2 4 2 0 1 6 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 2 4 2 0 1 6 39
in association with

What the dietitians official UK association thinks of the GFCF diet

All children with autism the child has gastrointestinal certain individuals. More and more restricted and

The National require individual

assessment, says Emma
symptoms. From the research
available no clear evidence can
research is needed.
Jordan adds: We often
imbalanced diets, accompanied
by expensive and often
Event for Autism Jordan from the British Dietetic
Association Autism Subgroup.
be drawn to support the use of
gluten/casein-free diets for the
see children who have
already commenced on a
excessive supplements.
Dietitians are ideally
The dietitians in the treatment of autism. gluten/casein-free diet, with placed to help parents navigate
Autism Subgroup do support However, there is a great parents reporting marked safely through the trial and
a trial of a gluten and casein- deal of anecdotal evidence improvements since starting error aspect of diet therapy
free diet, although it would both in the literature and the diet. Left unsupported, in ASD, along with checking

London Birmingham Manchester

not be something we would dietetic practice that a gluten/ these parents are at risk of and advising on the nutritional
normally recommend unless casein-free diet may help putting their child on more adequacy of the diet.

16-17 June 2017 ExCeL 23-24 June 2017 NEC 30 June -1 July 2017 EventCity these products are also excluded. week of (going on) the gluten and
Connor said many families are casein-free diet. She has been
now trying the GFCF diet and its sleeping through the night ever
potential value is recognised by since, except if she has an
dietitians. She insisted any occasional biscuit or something
reluctance by dietitians to help with gluten shell still wake up
families who wanted to try it was at 3am.
more likely to stem from funding Within a few months we noticed
issues in the NHS than scepticism a major improvement in autistic
about its value. symptoms. The school said she
Connor said: In the dietitian was doing so well that they moved
HEAR THE UKS DISCOVER 100s LISTEN TO community I dont feel that theres her out of the special unit to a
any hostility to using dietary mainstream class.
LEADING AUTISM OF PRODUCTS & ADULTS ON THE approaches other than the more Porter says her daughter, who
PROFESSIONALS SERVICES AUTISM SPECTRUM extreme ones. And gluten-free and
milk-free is something that, believe
also suffers from dyspraxia, is now
doing well in a mainstream school
me as an allergy dietitian, we see without support. Her physical
Enthusiastic considered the referrals when a hundreds and thousands of kids health has improved dramatically,
supporters of childs growth had faltered or she on for lots of different reasons and but she continues to have
the GFCF diet: had had concerns about risks its not something that is problems understanding
the Porters, of deficiencies. relationships and with anxiety.
including Lilia The dietitian said she would also
and mum Irina have a legal duty to refer families She started Medics not informed
with children on gluten and casein- Porter thinks that medics are not
free diets if she felt a child was in
sleeping through well informed about the GFCF diet
danger and the family were the night within a week and tend to treat complaints like
refusing to engage. ear infections in isolation with
LEARN NEW But she insisted the GAPS diet
of (going on) the gluten antibiotics. Instead, she thinks they
STRATEGIES & ACCESS ONE TO ONE INTERACT WITH is very much more restrictive than and casein-free diet should look at the condition as a
the gluten and casein-free diet. whole-body disorder and
APPROACHES SPECIALIST ADVICE SENSORY FEATURES Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride examine the role of diet.
helped develop the GAPS diet. On particularly out of our scope of Last September, a study at the
her website she says she supporting at all. The GAPS diet is University of Rochester Medical
graduated as a doctor in Russia, a completely different matter. Center (URMC) found that
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Best-seller: but now works in the UK as a Mum Irina Porter says the GFCF eliminating gluten and casein from
the Gut and nutritionist. The medic, who has a diet had a dramatic impact on her the diets of children with autism
Psychology child with learning disabilities, has eight-year-old daughter Lilia, who had no effect on their behaviour,
Syndrome book penned a book titled Gut And has Asperger syndrome. sleep or bowel patterns.
by Dr Natasha Psychology Syndrome Natural Porter, from London, says Lilia But Shattock insists the children
Campbell- Treatment for Autism, ADHD, suffered between two and three were not on the diet long enough
McBride Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression life-threatening asthma attacks a for researchers to see a difference.
and Schizophrenia. year, regularly came down with ear Those taking part had gluten and
Help to connect the autism community by inviting others living and working with the condition. The distributors of her book in infections and had severe casein removed from their daily
Discount available for group bookings of ten or more. the US, International Nutrition, say problems sleeping before she went intake for four to six weeks before it
gluten is not allowed on the GAPS on the diet aged four. She was also was reintroduced, while Mr
diet, but some products containing uncommunicative. Shattock maintains that a period of
casein are. However, if someone Porter says: She started at least three months is necessary
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shows an intolerance for casein sleeping through the night within a to see a difference. Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 2 4 2 0 1 6 41

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