Consumer Behavior March 16 2017

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Caveat a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations

3 Qualities for Caveat Sample

1. Limited sample
2. Not necessarily representative of the total market
3. Most useful in identifying issues and making hypothesis

- Through connections and referrals
- Ideally dapat dalawa lang magkakakilala lifestyle of one person
- Diads and triads are done for more intense discussion
Diads two people
Triads 3 people

Qualitative Research as Valuable Resource? You can watch and interact.

Interplay of Quals and Quans? Yes, there is.

Role of Qualitative Research

1. Identify
2. Refine
3. Confirm (if nalugi: do problem detection studies qualitative: exploratory)

Should the information be quantified? Ideally, yes.

How do I know if the Qualitative Research is effective?

1. If the insights, you got is good.
2. If you got a good moderator
3. If results were consistent

Concept Tests always starts with qualitative research

Idea Generation do qualitative

FGD vs. IDI (In-depth Individual Interviews)

FGDs are:
1. Time efficient
2. Cost efficient

ITS Applications
Disaster Check qualitative (make them use the product, etc.)

Limitations of FGDs
1. Idea treated as findings
2. More vocal member mask input of quieter members (Vocal people: avoid eye
to eye contact; I want to hear the others; tell her she has an emergency call,
bring her bag)
3. Limited time per respondent (air time the time that a respondent speaks)
4. Setting forces consumer attention (everything is magnified in an FGD)
5. Selective perception by clients (meron na silang gustong pakinggan)
6. Difficult to discuss sensitive subject matter especially in a group who are
strangers (ex. Religion, sex, STDs, body odor, bad breath, challenges in life)
group who are relatively familiar with each other

Luscher Color Test

Guidelines in Conducting FGDs

1. Decide on reporter or interpreter
2. Have a plan and a guide
3. Brief observers before sessions
4. Control the backroom
5. Post-mortems hard to avoid but can be potentially dangerous
6. Tapes preferred to transcripts

Group Composition
1. Homogeneous: pare-parehong age, gender, usage (cannot mix lower and
upper income: upper income are difficult to manager in Quals because they
feel like they own the world; it is not advisable to mix genders)
2. Typical number of groups: 4

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