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METOAUKA Le) Anal 7 MHOCTpaHHbIM Npaxtukym K Oa30BOMy Kypcy EL weeping Sa - Kad seempuae E. H. Cosososa Npaktnkym k 6GasoBomy Kypcy MeTogAuKn oGy4eHna WHOCTPaHHbiIM A3bIKAaM Wetne nocbue da ayn0e Mocxna ACT + Acrpens « 2008 ax 260 & coy Seen EB IpaSK « Ssonowy yey weroaNG of reNEs wAocTpa- un tn ye cove son E. Conononn ML AAC Aopen, 3008 “ipa. ISBN $78-5-17043857-§ (000 atwarnene ACT ISBN 975-3271 189542 (000 samen Acer) cyan act SOON Senet teas Pe oy sere apne sia ce ae yaw saat aur wsdane Cosonos Excia Hokonseria NPAKTHKY™M K BASOBOMY KYPCY METOAHKH OBYYEHHA HHOCTPAHHBIM S3BIKAM ‘YeeSoe noeoSue an wy308 Osupecocet asco spaynane (N93 row 2955098 tg cs Sci ee eh en (200 -itusrenco ACTe Teton Mecano. Man, 9, Spon 2.96 ISBN 978-5.17.049997-8 000 staan ACT) ISBN 978-5-271-1899822voc0 tauren ae) {8000s Ace 64 BBEAEHVE Kony mpeauarnaven denna npacmarye ‘ant ppeacgne meron aero nayo-weroswckoro oe ese avoir ype evo peaaaeakie MHOC vox pany toro mr Kae ero, Rpm Meh enaaonerson 2am rpooexchis eunpenae NpARTNCCRIE A feaoyanew jugpeimera, rete on apne yr ‘rene neperoavoroaknexaroriecysKalpon Yeu osennemes neoStodunnemts papacy downs Mamepuasos B vcronuee wows Hponcrener srawereanioe nepeoeuic rene fr were eBenin menerewe Nepepuntore obpasonyn HN oer B Poceut aarbiue Teena beat parpucoree HORAK rovtenui pi epee mpofeeonestao eA sepa tan sant pave Gesosux KOMTETEN, Heo son eeaaniery 00 OStacta s agexaReMO ANTAN ‘oma aawiseeecro, nocrom maMeloateroc CoapeMe oro ‘ipa: More eps Eppa connceo onpesenak, to & HE3) ‘an oserenuitornoeeTencteayUe: [TrteoensW couartaie OMe 2 Koueenin, Ricioaiteen aipait 8 NOMIAYITIPKON OEE, ‘pmsainaze npewarsoesrs socuinoneno KeevopoGi, paenpoet- [nein eins nero enocoGcrrsOhe vk MoM Dann Tx wrooRnocra Ts ¢ BRAK APSE )AsTYp, AON Deana 5 Koumerewun, onpeaeanoue nase Yun w meen ‘usunet mae 8 pace n ert mW 0 aKOR een, ‘ro eM ro Hh ke ofsunte,rpontwaaswtn or eSuecra. Koh "Passion peste a wre wu, Coma 2 Coton Suse wp Ms Honey una ita 3M bac, Se os pn cee Soe tescoccopshmme Fc nH fe 3 {xe rpynine O6uIeK OTHOEHTER RARIEHME NECKONEAHNI SRIRAM, p= fut bee anapaersnaie sre {UKovnerentm, ena ¢ sateen mop ‘ih, ehoeaioets xptvecroro cnvacie pac pOrpuNRENOH NO {ataaas CMH n Hireprer ibormaun pout 5" Konnerexuny, pease enoobocrs cea yarn ne st rng apperoovero aa, How oa Hoa ‘Grenute, 10 Mpenosamne 1KOE 8 oupeNeNN yeaoNnE pnospereerieunortess bane Se! Ovo HenoepecrBeN- NO nanan na Goptpovtie h Kosagtinarvtnh, n HOPI "inva ncousoxyauyptoh Mery eM nOHOTORY ‘Banwoaeicrano nouns PEAMMiI Hpoonen Conpereore osinnsryporo wie. ‘Ganano Hae TERAEMLUM 9 CRETEME NpenoRGOANN 9 ERO scucree pense miderpantsoukon® eMC Opa tovseanoren tau non rpc ene OOvonnmel ose tr ore. Orpouoe maser kovmese Te punporsis Ope: onan! uezow nepaer tpauce oO, weromsyennse Teno fi, noropue noworur Kets kipaxtepponch reas ehn than ocheeo eoctomresat Hr fab Tetpenta RO ei enya oSpaonaitn Yeuuere crenehnsavoroxn yawn, em Otepexb, Ape senzerHoaue Tetomnta opr 1 nposeicnno xoxo ‘ax euro, rx w oresro. PapaGorn er coscomahi Hom Sopuaros, sponses opuapoxiine weodconmnn M AOcsTONe tin tation eawoxownpom ciosvaninawanteren ee OaNof Hep ‘oll pebopnponuntscowpewerno sxc penne see), Eon oro sroou yore worm pears noetanteie nepeh N saan, Heosnourno eopuspousts He tpocro cooTeesray Ou Ha beech yer, no. Heodabine mpageccHouaauNNS xaNesTe Omar noxasuzct, ro as, eManxpeasene api I He rarioosina He eabue cri Asie cna, uctpo 00 ‘t Hane omakonounes e ooubtt Nerotann W Texan PE toxapatin HA, xopouo cian eswen no sop ceppewetol me= Toone npecamesnna WS, eryseiru-npaconares a eose Sree nacryo HrwapHpyor ane MNO w mponce Cot "Tgp as, ay epi uh ee np 2 Tec papuspeatine soeteoun sites cance ati 6 psa it fhe beanie orate sto pee amc a, a pun petptenner Mote co oat Mie Esl exe paw Ces estan Sensis cs 4 ot mpenousaesucnl estes, Hpoesoaa Henporotanoe ‘enon, aaxe ec annie Nexen He weer exDCpaoreH HM c ou pon yrtvoa, ober axeasanuo nena Noack cn ‘pau npotese neanpakroe We Hpeonna& UsHo, PRO pase npeataraemee wipoko venesoounes pees Hak Mh Spmet spopeccoramnore paonens, cawoouesn Hope naman ousrcn ontire myer MpEHOSNMMN pax A ean w st npazmay (Gretemaa,npedvacacsnue dt wx poaoanen eae acer epee Cpescre ot nocreci 1, Oscenowrs _anwacro | + Henonsonve — peieccnn Kak Sweeuh mene enous |" epeteraa orn you at erepimea iypen e hoon | paar rvbeceronamaors "nase | « Coenmente onura waren HA € ‘or ircmnonaeen aeeoct | pone ero pena rear + Tesonste seat 2, Oscenowrs poem | + HoBurowocts Area 3 ‘rcnene soon aw cy | "aia sonon slomoxvosn mua nocenos Sn» pasion pea poco talSaurmac ww nptecteeaocTot- ‘ent eenarepvn pada + Hcnantonine a oon Geren nano tai soveyneh 3. Oteznes weatxoarnat |» OfeyxachHe wonpaoN no eNE eran Ypons apo | © Kowmenrapone aais SAK 9 {eccrommot™” pes |" Banvro po= ‘become tonpocut na | « Peterngoeme pnw KOM pevow aun, “nous | "Heatoo MK. Fesonys mposecenoa= potnsxone ‘say, sane apa Cpeazeea wx avert eri KH YT Ne ~Comnaieme npopecsonns «+ Kownermponsite wari pa ‘ommsbhah meeparype Ha Pome “4 Oteenowrs nomena ‘poe vapor St poe © yeeron pes ‘ot cyan aoe Cipmypa mpage, ope + Conair amouayansoro on ‘arunycuns Hite Teopreh ero noe ‘ost me ‘+ Henensoxaie pes: spoon euexc 5. Yevaine _macnaeomne anpaaseoces Hype + Henensowane euaeomnncc_ pe ‘umn ypovoe yume m eyabh- s Menamsoramie. arena sa & hororowns eraeion x ‘Auman yoxon yea v wou {inoeranesma cocci Rit toe }pursenron you, Hissin roca pa ans npoosccnovurol pe «Sopranos eonptcia we er. 7. fesrorona wave + Oiepxacnne mpisepon wonposoH + Obeyntene ceramics itn Cmpyomgpa npazmua pact noeTpeH He vO porate Gasosoro Kypea Mer: ng i eoomecen ¢ Terrors ecu Eanicrberoe nec ‘ene nro Tipsy eyeabansN yavepvaanpomaneTen oreyreaan eracabworo pane, foebenro aay YPOKS HO xpunoro maka. Dro ofuttasice Tex WTO B KaagOM HD PESTON Tiny crank e yteriten Gabon. weToaweck Hate pw opus acevo fouka mua pesenon emer, cere newman sans a sant coorerereyoUA HweOYPOROS, ‘Kea enmeeecki GOK Hucey eae IPPTIDY H CCTOAT 6 panes: ‘Avan eoScracynor oni waysenna woeraHWore Sm. Komsparinnt aonpoci 1 Yenotie oop ‘Raum ns pare ipodecctoHA0-peveDbN YER, ‘Aas steoyporos. Tpaimecnre 35 nes npaeccronarseo, waGnnsena - ccnone npeanaraex aman ype ex weronk90- none pune ypomietpeencth, Bate RoTepUN ipouexoaNT 4 onpenenenne paannsMin napaNerpos TO HAH HHO yHEBHO SEY= 4+ akan aelcranm yorrean m yueennKa 1 Snnszeteie apaicepa myavociel axano vosmoxan mea ‘+ avn onus m sypcra yenrenn w ywemieKa 8 cnoavelieN cory “+ buizereune cymiecrsennisn Ht sTopocreneHiiX aKTOpOD, WAIAIO~ {tue ne pote aio ex + noek annepsrie pee enoxacin { featponai nose eBoy 1 mvieente verona axana/eanoanaaes, B octiose npjecenionamnof Nanenn noneseiit YuHTEAR exter cro manmeyanne-xonarnmnan exe pobceHHaAEHON ABATED focn Sra exeus npeacramer COGN oprahipouatioe ae 0 TO ‘Sto ene sa cre eee eae um ocnontuo ve eos ou Zeller No prObpETeMN Stain nw nenor4sousio wot ua WHOM enya. En mtienayane Oni comTaiae cconpeNEHE WUEHREN xavecrnesmoro oOpasounn (0 He npocTo cbse), HaNpaRnTOTO {xopee mu npouee asin noaaesrenkRorpeGoeTeh H coe toctelsuanocre, ser pepeomant be HaGops sy¥enH aKros texan yeaoeitin aan, To MepeXON X NOETPOEHNO KON 1 inert elt tenn, Sse act. Pasgen pene a wore eT renee Bab ye a oI PRicant compen ig EM opt any ee "oinenon betaine” “MO Maerua storey *e27Eum pun 2b Ananus Sodemennore omure aysena HocTpaE NOT oun, we * Sc oe ee cavtomommetraa cepa of ‘pet, apm ‘rama ro Ton elo 2 unocmpannwn #5. 2 ta st ara cep fpr ong “ena eps cp voce UCI teiprang "Yared sows eaa Es Puroem wae Gra poem MenTAtNOS xsRpeeane pen FMAM h00 4 ex0es nacre wwocapan Beaman peg eon crac I ; i f z z SONI to serena ou nto vero oe, é crpeieaa STA merominn Hg, mest nto acme renege tinea ens ne 4 Kameropuy memoduK odyuenug UHOocmpaHHein ABb1Kam TEMA 1. UENM M COMEPKAHME OBYYEHHS WHOCTPAHHBIM SSBIKAM ZiAnanna cobcreenmoro onsra wayvenia nnocrpantore aabiKa Seam 1. Korn wu sepa naan wayarsnioeTpanih sk, wt ‘erR0 ocomasa,e KaKOH exo a ao Reaaete® Een a, oman (ura ra ese? Saaaime 2. Hinoerpounait moun ammeron obnstensn yes peaweTom Bo vaorx yay sanenen. Tlonpodylite wren ebopsonipontscrewpuay wee vcd Spe erp, Ei es bepemen cone, a ratnrpecn ager ywepeneToR, 12 aqane: mpm men neteectaro ype Sapanne 3. Ceres 10 onpedetenen wow ayers HA x0 ioron Sarr omy codepcananuaenuesnc wemoden puro ‘ayeoner UB a coapenenvow arate? Cpanee enon one Kayueind HS uase wn dunyabrere m bcnyite coo ore Sasa 4. Kesre muocrpannice sou Ginn Hanonee nonyaept it a occ» peannnnie wera? Yew oo obuncinerey? Ryo Fos tn ore sauna, rae ofpvann? Ks, Ke i aK FOTOBAT potent te XIX pan, XIII-XIV pexax XV-XVI sens, Xvil aes, XVM pee, XIX te, ae XX ee, xpeae XX rea, some XX — tae XX Bea? 0 on Same 5, Ha nporrxcnit 70 er evuscraosenti CosereKoro Comoe gre x oi Maca aun ar eB ‘se nepwoasr a repoul tat SHURHTaRHes paz es Oye ts. Meo ni wat osuacvevie panne axtonse Kee 0). ‘win Ht eoaereko vane, oewomusance wa napacTepe PRB Sexaynapanieh nour erpanw pean norpeGnecreH O6uEST” eb Tor sow who nepuaa? TIpoxcnaentupyhre puaeueny xe "AG v bu + are yi pow 0 meer, Yo spate ac + Yaenatoes an KaKOM-aN60 sTane oOyveriun HAL sMowiTenMioe Inne cen yanponave/Aponsnenan sero pe? neu ce 1 ane cbysion were wer Finan fete ‘iar pe soa + Sra yew casa oe ‘in name no aan ‘coma teat — oan pews Bari. Sanat powooh aereauoen reset ‘ncaa pes aap & tans obj tyro testo pow ace ora ‘imaoraw pcesa eo eotepun ‘Som on tata jee aye Sonn coor etic © gee = ‘ue aancnu cpa ee ia cp man ane pane eine ‘So ody manera oenoea ‘cteston uerooy' era pew neuer Sony pote ant Ou nea, npn comment canoer Sear 0 Mpodasoene “a Bosninioseine _Komuranare sen T3980 toctnovo fomaan'e eyeing FOL er ‘Sespaute persis ‘eran pete sunset ueabe ecvomsne {pene yeti ee Bean peter W epescrun ose ‘Soran ‘ssyeime Hae epeseroy weap one 90x er. — a | tun meses eanorY spa EP Incronmero apowsint”| ht BB Copnonol Sagaume 6. B copoeosue-mezcerrue ron npoutoro cronenia (B471984) suet sou Xora OOHaTENHGTe YeGvoro ava uson. Tone Grareuap yous Tae aLIOUO Eyes, wal. BWleponw HB. Paxton ero yaanoeaconpaie ak oorayemnp yaebyo en. oemonPe wt MepeNMeseH nae toe apytetr i nuepuTe vo kT, Kovopue NowOra Hai Neue orton jtoctpastun suk sax OBEN KOM [Reeany 8 vo epee Apsyermupyie a0 sop © yeroa 80. ‘ennoere To weroprscexDh cau {nut mnctpannoro nua yexopnt noeny pow pexaOLE| {Sint inoetpannoro fra nowexer neupacramues Toxonexo todasue oouzrues © out Wy apyey erp ¥ceO8 9 pane + Bes annie HB obuiee no npbun spySextnn Hoe Byer 2 + Hoywerie wvoerpannoro sacs nowoseer wasoseait sue packs sav 0 aervciiex panto eas na Hy TPO PASO Counaverineenor pours, + Hoyeime mocrpatitro suka Wapyro eynerypst noworaer ayy tne nore uc asec asker OMEN nerowCTea pation nyrypa + Hoyvenne imoerpannoro ssuxa yee orpouioe oSprosmenioe| suave, rocker eavot 3 cro yak anseten ya "a gyi, Te cnocoers aware eaeaeiit@ DOT ‘eautypinapoas, roaepnuer Ha 20s socrpannos uke. + Han sncepmna an yack aon Mota, ae rocobanat epeacraa + Higxan moerpnin sas, ansen yarn sausarensno wear eGpautan pane wa cpeacron erumeTiteexOR Dupenitens i __ . _ ‘Sauamte 7, Foexytie sexo o cospewenvion omnes weet 3 ‘Sonepasina odyucnun Hin tnoze va oaraxowttece eweToaNGccRO Lanrepaypot no saison sonpecy Denese noesesIbo KOIONKY “Game sane 5 @kowrponsnue nonpocs! wa youoonne Teopun 1. Kae onpeaeaeren xoumoxe uenl o5yevha ycepannun wate fn a oreveersemnt apyCeason weroaiea 2 Soo svar me6ulcenpatelionae HONDA KoNMyHHNaTNNH 3. Kaute yom xosayinxarnBNon KONMETEHNL MoxNO ees Frail ys mac aurea santo AOn}eMOGM AK BIDE uo paces ion ee 044? 4 Benne aogyweist porphin orpaxevo nownane use “cacpicn ofc wnocrpn Saka 9 conpeNEHHOM POC ‘sexo kone? 5, Masao wonronenroaexsaausaees coacpranne yeni HAP ‘Monent a mts rooopms © coaepiait ober oTae 2¢- ext ou anu ponent aexTeasnoct? Tpabeae p> Nepur {6 Katie xounowenma couepaanien oye onpezeanoen yoer- Son porpatno tepoarient waa eee 1. Cyuermror:mkonrovetarconepxalia obo, ReTOpt On pedcoren yey? Kak ov SFY HOMERIC HONE? > Sananun wa psaurse npogecenonansno-pevestix yucnnit Same 1. Pautenrece va pymne no 4S venowee. Kaxaal {yn weiner coe cy Ws npimeaeix Exe WT. 3aTeM pa- Gorare anv sonar, codons exeayoue noesesotrett- voor asi 1) On ysnstition waet wna, octane cays Ges onape a ‘Senct unpyor ostomia opwasno,Henaxesyy KARNEELE 2) Vutec, eyuionine wary, epanaaor armen, am eH Tryin nhaetensoccraonir MOAN eRST/erO OcHOBID 3) Chyna romp, cera wen rpynae nposepsir romocr. ‘erpmasioen oer Hexen omy 4) Onpescnine, nicuosino aye Laan, RTE WD psn owurmunt organ opens Wt, soornoetes MEX cob, Hive soorererm i peckonaciin Buvepe nance my erp Ra Noenpou2oeaeHHH Wo onesie mpraypganoere, 5) 8 ©) Busepie nanSonee emapne/atempesmtur/mpydnodacmascaste/ ‘prone oumpasapyenae Hitman, Hen laa, Oboe seni # neo 1 Liven aS 1) Tlepeneate son aytnnoxnit Tenet (pare exer) Ya py ‘a aac eower, a sare, We ranaeB eRe, cpu a toe me, Kosrpaanpyte pyr apyra no wexonnony 242 Tenem 6 Ocican tessa eben wiccrponany anny 8 sate nenomes 1) Sopsupormne x paswirte xouynnearinol yeTypt OM rn Ghopuspoitie passe muKoNO, pete coe {SaMTypHOn novereviute,HeosaOuINON H AbererOMaH his OG ain» npeaeass topororar wt poananyrerohoporeaor Spor ‘a, odpeene pan xexayabrypnor outa va Wy pases ‘Souryps yrwon'n mnenon pox a HRs yen o “Eiuore a neopuskaniore oOuen : ‘Coamorsastyoioe mmm yen Crry¥enve peor sata amor eyzuype vaca run any ape ape Baobrrie yuan enocoBHocTennpeacTaReChOO crpeny {cyto a AON hvontmore NemianTypNore obethe) 3) Ormaxowatone yuna, co sTpaSrW couse ‘ao wont painter no wepe pola or ax. Hoh ene ofycin HO nce apo so nape {fami aocrnarscobeachnae aun pape HA 49) Sopsuposane y wnannno seernn K Ayn Reeypa sapaaan,roronioeTr x aesovony corpyalecry m sonnet it, eomecrouy resent abuesaoeenccan hpotaes 5) Puairne cauoodpaonarsnoro noreans MOTOaeat 19 ti apyax eee mame sooctpco coment orossksoro nonnkyneyporo se 6) Pasurne nnmennexyetet it topic cnocovoceh Juaunen Bpauesce concn saueo8 Kony (Komen 12-rerel cons 0 woe rPonsa K/BB. Ca ‘vies, EH Cexowona M3. buoneoa wap. Mt Hoe tte oe wn, 200, Ne 6) 2 Toxem 26.2 Honan Ou rcp 0 on CNN € pas ‘44H goeniranies, 2 hopmyaponss esi HW aetaKsAA, rp Datoue,noemteavee eGueoSpssonoTestue ent Pou) ‘ep row Yn ce ne eV ra ry —__.. 8 npouecee ocyueerarewutrsasHoR ues (Dopapon KOM SanvavoN xowreTeni, nabeas ues ocaere, No eT, AMC ‘om Bortepmaa,noTow,wro sa apytue e yumeny nese we enpociun ‘ity novo ae fox te nonepWeTeh wn ses-To Oba NTE, ec ero eaaeaae nen aocrunre Bo-wropte,¥ yume Garis oc Honan enpocirs c-cocraieash nocotl noeN, NpeDoagem ye nent nh vie BEER epeaeT A x AOSTIEREH Koraa ss rooopin, wo odwacw (aeck Hsance wuesei E,W. Tlacona, — EC), ws nenoto wee may sober He ‘au Gopatponaive Habsop. O6yaeu teu)? Alun, exeaonareh- to, exom, rpanoarie, enocotaw pupaxcre sac 7m. KOT Si Soro aa Wet, det cpaaien komo loqens teh rps leu. Aten, sak aK, onpeaeaze H Toe el epeseran. OF ‘a eonepeaineosyteti, erotes, teats H Apersuon, Necoe Steer eeu, so isserensofpanoesotes Oreags Tesem 19-4 nh mine speach ena erent in ant fo lem the at baling os ‘tending thei owl and experiences tess om ea on evn themes and by singe some hots meses ed [nto met th isan eects the sates soa ive ably deelped tough ha malement a serge ‘nfl, elt, worhvhl and eta tas the cel cae Sen of which prods scion an incrsm tn sehen sewcmamisig nie tac spas he dept and acura er the purposes of etciveconmmuniee Fae, eh nde ming an Src me a ‘Thisaproch i eetd seinen inthe ren mb fy ane ‘aks wiih a anand amend cori of mean ek ihe athe eae sh eae wd inthe agen ew ie inspiration fom publstions uch athe inten esd ee estos he Coun of Erp. Sa an estat he ‘These hve Sen sumaried by mm Ek nek Ste hs aby (0 lint competes. “koowledge of vocal ‘of certain structural rules through whi ey os preand a ine ‘meaningful utterances"; eae ars Be (© sowie compeece, Le the silty ge, ity 10 ae a intr ane ‘moat wat shen coe em ‘cine he cole of gage) et FUTON — de (0 dace compen ie iyo pce ad sche cle (6) sue compte eh any “owe vero ae a ig enn come res n the i Knowl a So (6) soorulural competence, Lea conain are of faiaty withthe ‘ocioeutral content in which the langue swe (sca competence Le. the deste ud si-confidence Wo nt with fathers aswell ws “empathy an the aby to hae soci stations (Fs cchone xe Communication inthe Modem Lanatage Clie room. ~ Counel oF Europe, 1996) Texem 285 “Asa general objective Threshold Level 1990 doesnot specify ea- ter forthe ness of those who wil ave to we the freien Inge pt ‘eully for pofsional puposs. Yet, in using Egli for poesonal ‘purposes, no les than fr any other purpose, pele wl veto be able {ask questions and wo provide information, toe opinions, evs re rece, anid 0 exrest ther, to refer to pas, present and fate eens express easns ty and conditions unde which something may come to gts and to undersand ethers dings. As, they wil have 10 be f= ‘ilar nth cern social conventions and common astmpionslaeent in manners of expresion inthe English language, and they will eed 0 be aware of hom cultural difeences maybe rected in communtatve behaviour. And then, of course, they wl also need experience in coping ten the Ineviable occurence of stations, whlch oxerax the sie ‘Sesodlo-cutual resourses element of communicative aby — nd many more — ae included in Theshold Level 1990 Coley, ‘ey consitote th genera asc abi note view, hs aby seq byall hose who wish couse English witha cenain measure of confidence ‘a range of normal” communication stubons, Len sitions for ihc is ever posble to pede eal what one wl need oe ale {orsy orto write and what one wl be equ to undead, “hresld Level 1980 hh Jere of fern Mealy. How his ‘exbiliy ft be exploued, depends 4 huge extent on the eduetional context n which the earng ofthe foreign langage aks place aed the fects tha his eens mesnt to produc. Forte earning of foreign language i an educational experinge which may benef the lemme fever ifrege mays (Ha oonone wireprano® Ge Ss Han van Toorenburg “Curiealim Development nd Methodology of Ergish as a Forel Language” a pece-cursandxo cepa Moscow, 192) Sanam 2. Cocranie eoccapi 1a S10 Tepwnvon,neoScay, a ur soma, a odcyagennm npogeccnotanux sonpocon, exnat us cogpenenuan Howat eset W caxepaain ooyoNin HL Sua 3. Ontakowbrecs © npnepniun sonDocehi kssNenaAnOH ux Cheron ne Tee I oapobe eracrs a Hk, NanayKee Ned ‘oxen hotanut. Oueuee over Tospiut,bonyner epre ‘ius ouch acunenaonnor orsera (ew Tpxaxcate 9) =e 2 | Soe ‘ru udu, Oboe os Segue ares ‘ro Eee erp in —— Se" ees, Keo ee eee Sh Sovran ‘Stings ot xouterene, pctnkon road Span ne + Koro ata a 2 oocgsanast 5) Steers, 4} cooranmarmctiecer 3} souogainean Sentosa (emersccean, ace ‘ear soa Petes unc Set depot BP cs unansrypnse, cows cis (en pec Sir router)” MOSM. + Kownerenuiat ales ‘onpeae- 2 Moxamastppyive roma town enomnnacene pe Faun een wach cope i apuvepe paseo Beran en wae on Setter" at + Team occmua, ‘ett Rese ew * ere * Rtonrenian oa go = fret ecoomererme pox acd semen ata ‘nat atin mpage aso) Perenro/couekyaunpue here an io ‘Same. Paagsnuses a Fpyons no 3°5 sexonex w npoeworpTe oat vonepesicscnic ine naacoypoxon eypea Relton on Learning ad Techn Orpen ea yoo poe phe ath + wweior eT seunoaye Hanpantewoen; opsupyer onpeatieniateRowyacaruanie yeu 8 yerHOR ‘eoenvot pe 1+ Stocaferser nova yenusores eouroKyTypNAN o » 4 manager of easioom ats 3 etator of eroings = 3 eoparicpunt in the learning proces = S esotter = E atvatorimulator = inavieran expen, = bn encourage 4 provider of feedback on learner’ attmpts at communication; = 2 Compton spaate of the age ange, = 4 pod iene, = Mabserer/monitor = aTeearher, = & pater person Desc 07 “This view ofthe clascoom makes many demands onthe teacher. He or she needs tobe avate ofthe principe and Key concepts, which under- He tis aproath soa to ensure coherence in sor het Nore. Te com- ‘munlcathe teacher sfves continuous to Fea and improve. This = ‘ies opennes: ad Meaty, a wilingress to Kee informed, to atiend ‘mocksiops, to listen to collages, to share experiences (not only inthe Satroom but abo by visting each ates clsoom) and mead to take some rik. The communicave teacher paem dees tn clase thing do nec always work out as panned auicues (one's own aswell as those of callagus) change very Sho) abd isitaonal consalnis may se cen problems. Perhaps a key role for leachers so coramuniate ti sn suppor eachother No one hea monopoly of knowledge Ook Pxtene and ang ad shang” is as inpertan among colleges 2 Song eames "Thee i one futher unaeidable implication, which must be emp sx, vious though es. An approoch based on he bel tha eran 2languoge ig ahleved by using to communicate moans hat nels the teacher mast be sling and abe to commana wel he target Lae bange Where a teacher fel nscare inte tre lingua, he oF she ‘Mt be Relped 1 develop the condence to use the lngiage i less, £9 {ake ts jst as te lamer expt fo do (ato ‘leat hs of het tun eon), le resolving to aval whatever opportunites preset therttis to improve hs or her proficiency inthe Ign Tose 0 Agpropite elasroorn materials can contribute greatly to the quality of earning experenee, Some eeria which may be hep whe choos “ng moter re diseased In various sens this document. Aecoed- Ing ony few iroduciory question are ted below: ren es

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