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Unit 1
Background Section


Graphic Organizer3

Unit Standards.4

Essential Focus Questions...4

Key Concepts..4

Assessment Tasks4

Intellectual Processes..4

Resources and Materials Needed (List)..5

Overview of Sessions- Teaching and Learning Points..5

Lesson Plans6

This unit is for the grade 8 students to establish their writing about personal narrative themselves
in their new writing community. They are warmly welcomed to participate in this writing
workshop with their knowledge, skills and energy to write. They can express out their feelings of
writing in this workshop.

Concept 1: ask the writers how they think about writing is, how it is important in their
life, what are the advantages of writing and how they can write the writing about personal
narrative. This concept will demonstrate the need for writers and they will learn what
personal narrative is and identify the connection of the beginning, middle and end of the
story. The goals for the writers are to be able to identify about personal narrative and
write it.

Concept 2: asks the writers the importance of personal narrative and identify to write the
personal narrative an intro, bodies and conclusion. They will demonstrate their writing
from the features of personal narrative according to their own topic. They would gain the
fact of writing personal narrative and express out their feelings through the writing.

Good Fun things that

memory you had with
that happen your
to you friends/family

By determining By
Trip or special
Personal place that you
Narrative went with your

By realizing
By identifying

Activity that Anything that

you have done happen to you
in your school in your life
Unit Standard
Text Types and Purposes:

Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events,
include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide some sense of closure.
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events,
include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event
order, and provide a sense of closure.
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Essential Focus Questions

1. What is personal narrative?
2. What is a planning or pre-writing?
3. What is an intro?
4. What is a closing?

Key Concepts
Comprehension strategies

Retelling strategies

Story elements

Assessment Tasks
Pre/Post tasks

Intellectual Processes
Identify the writing process
Resources and Materials Needed
Paper files
Makers pens
Color pencils
Flee charts
Personal narrative books
Pencils cans

Overview Sessions
The writers will be able to identify the process of writing personal narrative.

Session 1: The learners will be able to brainstorm about person narrative.

Session 2: The learners will be able to organize the topics that they are planning to write.

Session 3: The learners will be able to find out the event in the story.

Session 4: The learners will be able to plan for the topic

The writers will be able to organize and write about personal narrative.

Session 5: The learners will be able to write an introduction of the story.

Session 6: The learners will be able to analyze and write the body of the story using transition
words (First and then).

Session 7: The learners will be able to analyze and write the body of the story using transition
words (Next and finally).

Session 8: The learners will be able to write a closing of the story.

The writers will be able to check and edit their writing.

Session 9: The learners will be able to illustrate the cover picture of the story.

Session 10: The learners will be able to realize how to revise the story.

Session 11: The learners will be able to continue the revising the story.
Session 12: The learners will be able to edit the story.

Session 13: The learners will be able to check back their whole story.

Lesson Plans
Lesson 1
Objective: The learners will be able to brainstorm about person narrative.
Connection: Hello, everyone. Do you know what personal narrative is? Have you
written about personal narrative or have you read about it? If you have
written or read about it, please give me some example.
Teaching: So today we are going to start learning about personal narrative. (I will
write down on the white board). Personal narrative is a true story of
something that happened to you and a real experience.
Remember: you have to remember the fact or details about your topic
that you are going to write.
Active engagement: Brainstorming of personal narrative
Brainstorming is thinking of ideas and topics you could write about

Good memory
that happen to
Anything that
happen to you in
your life

Persona Fun thing that

l you had with
Narrativ your
Activity that e friends/family
you have
done in your
Trip or special place
that you visited or
went with your family

Practice: Now you have to think of the event or topic that you remember the most
and you also have to know it details.
Say: if you need help, please raise up your hand.
Assessment: What is personal narrative?
Share: Today you have to tell us what you are brainstorming and thinking to
write about (in class).
Materials needed: Maker pens, pens and papers
Lesson 2
Objective : The learners will be able to organize the topics that they are planning to
Connection: Good evening students. Nice to see you again. Before we go to a new
step of the lesson, we will review something we have learned yesterday.
Review: what is personal narrative?
Who want to tell us what it is?
Teaching: Today we are ready to learn a new step of personal narrative. So do you
know who we are writing about? Is it about our friends or family?
Personal narrative is we are writing about ourselves.
Ask: so what pronounce do we have to us do you know? Can you guess?
Personal narrative is something belongs to us so we are going to write
about ourselves. That why you have to use I, me, my, mine, myself.
Especially, I that represents you. We are not going to use other
pronounce to write about personal narrative.
Active engagement: Now you have to look at my example and think about your own topics. I
will write down a chart on the board.
I visited my grandma I played a basketball I went to the big store
with my friends with my parents
My birthday party My new cat I celebrated Karen
New Year

Any questions?
Practice: You are going to make a chart in your notebook and then write down
topics that you think you remember with details.
Assessment: What is personal narrative?
Who is the main character?
Who are you going to write about?
Share: Now I will call out some of you randomly and you have to tell us what
your topics are.
Materials needed: Pens, papers and rulers

Lesson 3
Objective: The learners will be able to find out the event in the story.
Connection: Hello, nice to see you all. How are you going with your classes?
Review do you remember what we did last class?
What is personal narrative?
Teaching: Now I will read you a story and tell me what it is about.
Note: listen what pronounce does it use? I, me, my, mine, myself
After reading, what is this book about? What does the character talk
about what she is doing and what happened to her?
Active engagement: Do you remember the topics that you wrote yesterday? Form those six
topics now you have to choose only one to write about and you
remember the most details.
Practice: Look at your need to from yesterday (six topics) and choose the one that
you are going to write about (circle one)
Ask: do you know before about that topic what you have to do?
Say: those who finished come and choose a book read with youre a
Share: Now five students will tell us the topic that you choose to write.
Materials needed: Books, pens, papers

Lesson 4
Objective: The learners will be able to plan for the topic.
Connection: Everyone, how are you? Do you enjoy your writing class? Do you still
remember what we did yesterday? Look into your note book and read
silently the topic that you have circled to write about.
Teaching: Today we are going to plan what we are going to write.
Ask: do you know what is planning or pre-writing?
You know Plan right?
Planning is something you pre-write or plan before you write a story. It is
a plan for your writing and you have to think about what will go on each
page when you write.
Active engagement: We will plan or pre-write the topic that we would like to write.
The topic is MY NEW CAT

First, Then, Next, Finally,

Mom told Went to Choose Get the

me I could the store the cat food and
have a cat toys
Say: Each of you will start to plan your topic as a draft.
Ask: Do you know what draft is?
- Draft is the very first version of the story.
Remember: You have to remember the details of your story and you have
to use transition words (time order).
- First, Then, Next, After, Last, Finally.
- Choose the best words and use them in your story.
Practice: Now you will start to plan your topic as a draft. Use the transition words
and write a short descript under each box.
Assessment: - What is personal narrative?
- What is planning or pre-writing?
- What is draft?
Share: (Volunteer) three students will read out the draft that they have written.
Materials needed: Maker pen, pens, papers, flee chart

Lesson 5
Objective: The learners will be able to write an introduction of the story.
Connection: Hello, everyone. How are you all? Do you any questions before we go to
next step of lesson? What did we do yesterday? Do you still remember?
Today we are going to write an introduction of the story.
Teaching: So before we write we will identify what is an introduction.
Ask: Have you introduced yourself to some people? Do you know what
introduction is? What do we write in an introduction?
- Introduction I s the first few sentences that are opening or leading
the story.
- In personal narrative writing introduction can start with
something to hook the readers.
(Hook excited and interest for the readers to read and when they
1. Sound

2. Talking

3. Question ?
4. Setting (when and where)

1. Sound (Onomatopoeia)
BOOM! I heard a loud crash in my house.
: The readers will wonder and interest to read what that crash was
all about.
2. Talking (Dialogue)
Go away, I told my brother.
: Find out what your brother was doing.
3. Question
Have you ever been to a water park?
: Personal connection to your story/relate
4. Setting (where and when)
One dark, stormy night last weekend, I was home alone.
: What happened?
Active engagement: Say: now I will write an intro for the story. I will start my story with the
- Have you ever felt so happy, you could cry? Thats how I felt
last summer when my mom told me I could get a cat. I had
wanted a cat for so long. I couldnt believe I was finally going to
get one!
(That hooked the readers to think what you feel so happy until you could
Practice: Now you are going to choose something to hook the readers and start
your story.
Assessment: - What is an introduction and how we write it?
- How can we write to hook the readers?
Share: Pick up the students nave and ask them to share it to the class.
Materials needed: Pens, papers

Lesson 6
Objective: The learners will be able to analyze and write the body of the story using
transition words (First and then).
Connection: Hello, students. Good evening. How are you all? Do you remember what
we learn yesterday? What do we put to hook the readers in introduction?
Today we will go to a new step.
Teaching: Do you know why we use transition words in our story writing?
- Transition words help the story to be more organized, go step by
step and details.
- Transition words
- Frist, Next, Then, Last, Finally
- Chose the words that suit words to write your story
Active engagement: Now we are going to write it together. But you have to look back in your
notebook what you plan to write.

First, Then, Next, Finally,

Mom told Went to Choose Get the
me I could the store the cat food and
have a cat toys

First, my mom came to my room to talk to me. She told me since I

have gotten good grades at school, I could get a cat! I was so excited; I
jumped up in the air!
- I dont put something thats not important.
- Eg. Im wearing my clothes when my mom came.
Then we got in the car to drive to the store, I couldnt wait! I smiled
the whole way there! When we pulled up, I saw that the store had a lot of
cats that needed to be adopted.
Practice: Now you are going to write your story that youve planned. Be careful
dont put something doesnt belong or important in your writing.
Assessment: - What is personal narrative?
- What are transition words you can use in your story?
Materials needed:
Lesson 7
Objective: The learners will be able to analyze and write the body of the story using
transition words (Next and Finally).
Connection: Hello, students. Good evening. How are you all? Do you remember what
we learn yesterday? What do we put to hook the readers in introduction?
Today we will go to a new step.
Teaching: Do you know why we use transition words in our story writing?
- Transition words help the story to be more organized, go step by
step and details.
- Transition words
- Frist, Next, Then, Last, Finally
- Chose the words that suit words to write your story
Active engagement: Now we are going to write it together. But you have to look back in your
notebook what you plan to write.

First, Then, Next, Finally,

Mom told Went to Choose Get the
me I could the store the cat food and
have a cat toys

Next, when we got to the store, I looked at all of the cats. They
were all so cute. All of the sudden, one came up and licked my foot! He
was white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he was the cat for me.
Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was wagging
his tail and sticking his tongue out. On our way home, we stopped to get
him some toys and food.
Practice: Now you are going to write your story that youve planned. Be careful
dont put something doesnt belong or important in your writing.
Assessment: - What is personal narrative?
- What are transition words you can use in your story?
Share: Now you will share with your partner.
Materials needed: Pens and papers

Lesson 8
Objective: The learners will be able to write a closing of the story.
Connection: Hello, students. How are you all? Do you remember what we did
Today we will write a closing for the story.
Teaching: Do you know what a conclusion is? We already wrote an introduction
and bodies, so now we will write a closing.
A closing is an end or conclusion of the story and ways to end your story.
Remind the readers of your main idea
Rephrase your opening feelings
Say it in a new way
Active engagement: Lets write a closing for the story.
- I couldnt believe I had a cat of my own! I was so happy! Now
Ive had my cat for 3 months, and he is a really great pet. I think
he is the best cat in the world.
Practice: So now you will write a closing for your own story.
Remind Dont forget to remind, rephrase and say it a new way.
Assessment: - What is a closing?
- What do we do in a closing?
Share: 4 students will read out loud to the class.
Materials needed: Pens, papers
Lesson 9
Objective: The learners will be able to illustrate the cover picture of the story.
Connection: Hi everyone. Nice to see you all again. We all have finished our story, so
this evening youre going draw and paint a picture of our cover story.
Teaching: Now you will draw a cover picture for your story.
A cover is the very first page of your story. So when you draw your cover
picture, you have to put the main things you want to the readers to see
and read it.
Active engagement: My story is about a cat, so I want my readers to see and hook by the
picture and read it. That why I need to draw it nicely. You draw your
picture nicely too. Write down the title, your name and your grade. Then
paint the color of your picture.


Practice: Now you will draw your own cover picture and paint the color. Dont
forget to write the title, your name and your grade.
Assessment: - What is personal narrative?
- What is an illustration?
Share: After you draw you will come up and explain about your drawing.
Materials needed: Papers, pencils, color pencils

Lesson 10
Objective: The learners will be able to realize how to revise the story.
Connection: Hello students. How is your day today? Did you like drawing yesterday?
What did you learn?
Today we are going to revise our own story.
Teaching: Do you know what revising is?
- Revising is when we make sure our writing make senses and we
make our writing sound better.
- There are three ways to revise your story.

- Add words

- Remove words

- Change words
Active engagement: Now we will look back to your story and see what we need to revise.
Today we will revise only intro, first and then three paragraphs and
tomorrow you will continue to revise.
Have you ever felt so happy, you could cry? Thats how I felt
last summer when my mom told me I could get a cat. I had wanted a cat
for so long. I couldnt believe I was finally going to get one!

First, my sweet (adding more word) mom came to my room to

talk to me. She told me since I have gotten good grades at school, I could
get a cat! I was so excited; I jumped supper high (adding the words) up in
the air!

Then we got in the car to drive to the store, I couldnt wait! I

smiled the whole way there! When we pulled up, I saw that the store had
a lot of cats that needed to be adopted.
Practice: You will look back to your own story and see what you need to revise.
Assessment: - What is revising?
- What are 3 ways to revise the story?
Share: After you revise by yourself now you will give to your friend and your
friend will read it. (Exchange)
Materials needed: Pens, papers
Lesson 11
Objective: The learners will be able to continue the revising the story.
Connection: Students, how are you? Nice to see you all again. Do you remember what
you did?
Today you will also continue to revise your story.
- Add words

- Remove words

- Change words
Teaching: Now in your revising you can also add words like
- Add adjectives
- Add adverbs
- Add details
In your story if you need to add words to make your story more valuable.
Active engagement: I will add more words to my story to make it more beautiful and

Next, when we got to the store, I looked at all of the cats. They
were all so cute. All of the sudden, one came up and licked my foot! He
was white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he was the cat for me.

Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was wagging
his tail and sticking his tongue out. On our way home, we stopped to get
him some toys and food.

I couldnt believe I had a cat of my own! I was so happy! Now

Ive had my cat for 3 months, and he is a really great pet. I think he is the
best cat in the world.
Practice: Now you will look into your notebook to add more words (adjectives,
adverbs and details).
Assessment: - Why you add more words?
Share: You will talk with your partner about what you did.
Materials needed: Pens, papers

Lesson 12
Objective: The learners will be able to edit the story.
Connection: Good evening everyone. You already did revising your story, so today
you are going to edit your story. (Spelling check).
Teaching: There are many ways that you can edit your story. Do you know what
editing is?
- Editing is when we make our stories look better by finding our
mistakes and make sure other people can read and understand our
- Editing your story
- Editing spelling
Sight words
Word parts
Stretch sounds
- Editing punctuation

Editing capitalization
- The word I
- First word
- Names
Active engagement: Today we are going to do editing spelling.

- Have you ever felt so happy, you could cry? Thats how I felt
last summer when my mom told mee me I could get a cat. I had
wanted a cat for so long. I couldnt believe I was finally going to
get one!
- First, my moom mom came to my room to talk to me. She told
me since I have gotten good grades at school, I could get a cat! I
was so excited; I jumped up in the air!
- Then we got in the car to drive to the store, I couldnt wait! I
smiled the hole whole way there! When we pulled up, I saw that
the store had a lot of cats that needed to be adopted.
- Next, when we got to the store, I looked at all of the cats. They
were all so cute. All of the sudden, one came up and licked my
foot! He was wite white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he
was the cat for me.
- Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was
wagging his tail and sticking his tonue tongue out. On our way
home, we stopped to get him some toys and food.
- I couldnt believe I had a cat of my own! I was so happy! Now
Ive had my cat for 3 months, and he is a really great pet. I think
he is the best cat in the world.
This is an example for spelling check.
Practice: So now you will find a partner and will start to work on spelling check
and the words that wrong please correct them. You will exchange your
book with your friends book. You will correct it for each other.
Assessment: What is editing?
What do we edit in our story?
Share: After checking and correcting spelling, both of you will talk about what
was wrong with the spelling and give suggestions if you want.
Materials needed: Pens, papers

Lesson 13
Objective: The learners will be able to check back their whole story.
Connection: Hello, everyone. Today is our last day to finish everything. So do you
remember what we did and what we learned?
Today we will check back everything we have done so far. I hope you
would enjoy and remember it.
Teaching: Review the whole lesson
What is personal narrative?
What is a planning or pre-writing?
What is a draft?
What is an introduction?
How do we write it?
What are transitions words that we can use in writing personal
What is revising?
What are three ways to revise the story?
So we will review or go back (spiral review) the entire lesson. We will
talk about it.
Active engagement: Now you will copy your whole story into new papers and stick
with your cover picture.
Have you ever felt so happy, you could cry? Thats how I felt
last summer when my mom told me I could get a cat. I had wanted a cat
for so long. I couldnt believe I was finally going to get one!

First, my sweet mom came to my room to talk to me. She told me

since I have gotten good grades at school, I could get a cat! I was so
excited; I jumped supper high up in the air!

Then we got in the car to drive to the store, I couldnt wait! I

smiled the whole way there! When we pulled up, I saw that the store had
a lot of cats that needed to be adopted.

Next, when we got to the store, I looked at all of the cats. They
were all so cute. All of the sudden, one came up and licked my foot! He
was white and fluffy and so adorable. I decided he was the cat for me.

Finally, we put him in the car to take him home. He was wagging
his tail and sticking his tongue out. On our way home, we stopped to get
him some toys and food.

I couldnt believe I had a cat of my own! I was so happy! Now

Ive had my cat for 3 months, and he is a really great pet. I think he is the
best cat in the world.

Practice: Now you will copy what you wrote the whole story into new papers and
stick it with your cover picture.
Assessment: What is personal narrative?
What is a planning or pre-writing?
So we will review the lessons together in the class?
Share: Now everyone will be quiet and 3 volunteer students will come up and
read out the story to the class.
Materials needed: Papers, pens and stipple

Resources List:


First, Then, Next, Finally,

Graphic Organizer
Resources section

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